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Data Types, Operators

and Expressions in C++
The kind of data that variables may hold in a programming language is called the data types. The
ability to divide data into different types in C++ enables you to work with complex objects. There
are two reasons for distinguishing between data types. These are:
(a) The compiler may use the proper internal representation for each data type.
(b) The programmer designing the programs may use proper operators for each type of data.
The C++ language offers a set of data types. They can be broadly classified into the following
(a) User-defined type
(b) Built-in type
(c) Derived type
Figure 3.1 shows the hierarchy of C++ data types. The user defined data type enables a pro-
grammer to invent his/her own data type and define what values it can take on. This can help make
listings more readable, in the case of a complicated program or when more than one programmer
works on it. Thus this data type can help a programmer reduce programming errors.
Derived data types are built from the basic integer and floating-point data types. The array data
type is one example of derived data type. An array can hold several values of the same type under
one variable name.
In this chapter we shall confine our study to built-in data types.
3.1.1 Built-in Data Types
The three built-in data types available in C++ are:
(a) Integral type
(b) Floating type
(c) Void
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24 Programming in C++ Part I
Figure 3.1
Hierarchy of
C++ data types
Inte g ra l Typ e
This can be further classified into:
(i) int
(ii) char
int. Int is the basic integer data type. It is treated as an integer in that it cannot hold fractional val-
char. This is a data type which can hold both the character data or the integer data. For example,
after making the declaration:
char c;
you can make either of the following assignments:
c = A;
c = 65
In both cases, the decimal value 65 is loaded into the variable c.
Floa ting Typ e
This can be further classified into:
(iii) float
(iv) double
C++ Data Types
Built-in Type User-defined Type Derived Type
Integral Floating void
int char float double
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Part I Data Types, Operators and Expressions in C++ 25
float. Integers are not adequate for representing very large numbers and fractions. For this you
need floating-point types of data representation. The simplest method is to place a decimal point in
the number as shown below:
In order to declare a variable capable of holding one of these values you use the float or double
double. The word double stands for double precision. It is capable of representing a real number
ranging from 1.7 to 1.710
which gives twice as much precision as represented by a float.
The precision refers to the number of decimal places that can be represented.
Void Typ e
The void data type has two important purposes. The first is to indicate that a function does not
return a value and the other is to declare a generic pointer. For instance, you may see a function
definition such as
void func(a,b)
int a,b;
This indicates that the function does not return any useful value. Likewise, on the calling side, you
would declare func() as
extern void func();
This informs the compiler that any attempt to use the returned value from func() is a mistake and
should be flagged as an error. For example, you could invoke func() as follows:
But you cannot assign the returned value to a variable.
3.1.2 Declarations
Every variable must be declared before it is used. A declaration provides the compiler with infor-
mation about how many bytes should be allocated and how those bytes should be interpreted. To
declare j as an integer, you would write:
int j;
As a shorthand, you can declare variables that have the same type in a single declaration by
separating the variable names with commas. You could declare j and k with
int j,k;
which is the same as
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26 Programming in C++ Part I
int j;
int k;
It is usually a good idea to group declarations of the same type together for an easy reference. For
int j,k;
float x,y,z;
The word int and float are reserved words that specify the integer data type and real data type.
There are nine reserved words for data types in C++ as given below:
int double short signed
float void long unsigned
The first five char, int, float, double, and void are built-in data types. The others long,
short, signed, and unsigned are qualifiers or modifiers that modify a built-in data type, with the
exception of void in some way. You can think of the built in data types as nouns and the qualifiers
as adjectives. Typical range and size of these data types are given in Table 3.1.
Variable names can be single-character names in certain circumstances, particularly in short
example programs and test programs. To make them a bit more meaningful, there is a convention.
The names i, j, k, m and t are generally used for integer counters and temporary variables; x, y and
z are used for floating-point temporary variables; and c is used for character variables.
3.1.3 Declaring Different Types of Integers
In Turbo C++, a short int is two bytes and a long int is four bytes. To declare j as a short int and k
as a long int, you would write:
short int j;
long int k;
If you need to store integer values less than 32,768 or greater than 32,767, you should use
long int. If you need to store integer values in the range 32767 and 32767, then you can use short
Unsig ne d Inte g e rs
There are a number of cases where a variable will have to hold only non-negative values. For
instance, variables that are used to count things are often restricted to non-negative numbers. The
C++ language allows you to declare that a variable is non-negative only (or unsigned), thereby
doubling its positive range. Thus a signed short int has a range from 32,767 to 32,767, whereas
an unsigned short int has a range from 0 to 65,535.
To declare an integer variable as being non negative only, use the unsigned qualifier, as given
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Part I Data Types, Operators and Expressions in C++ 27
unsigned int k;
unsigned short m;
unsigned long n;
C ha ra c te rs a nd Inte g e rs
C++ makes a distinction between numeric and
character data. The number "5" is a number while the letter "A" is a character.
The data type char can be used to hold either characters or numbers. For instance, after making
the declaration
char c;
you can make either of the following assignments;
c = A;
c = 65;
Note that character constants are enclosed in single quotes. The quotes tell the compiler to get
the numeric code (ASCII code value) of the character.
Table 3.1 Typical range and size of basic data types
Type Range Bytes Repre-
From To
char 128 127 1 charac-
/short ters
unsigned char 0 255 1 charac-
int 32,768 32,767 2 whole
unsigned int 0 65,535 2 whole
long 2,147,438,648 2,147,438,647 4 whole
unsigned long 0 4,294,967,295 4 whole
float 3.4 3.410
4 frac-
double 1.7 1.710
8 frac-
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28 Programming in C++ Part I
long double 3.4 3.410
10 frac-
In the following example, the variable a gets the value 5, whereas the variable b gets the value
53 since that is the ASCII code value for the character "5".
char a, b;
a = 5;
b = 53;
Exa mp le 1
The program shown in Figure 3.2 asks you to input a character from the keyboard and then dis-
plays the ASCII code value of the character. The goto statement at the end of the program enables
you to input the next character from the keyboard.
In the ASCII character set, character codes are ordered alphabetically. For example, ASCII
code value of an upper case A, is 65, B is 66,... Z is 90. ASCII code value of lower case letters
i.e. a starts at 97 and runs through 122.
In a program, the name assigned to a data field that can assume any of a given set of values is
defined as the variable. However, constant is a value, written into a program instruction, that does
not change during the execution of the program. Each one of these terms are further discussed in
the following sections.
3.2.1 Variables
The statement
j = 5+10;
means "add the values 5 and 10 and assign the result to a variable called j." We know that "5" and
"10" are integer values. "+" and "=" are operators. ";" determines the end of the statement and j is
a variable whose value can be changed. To make sense out of the expression, the computer must
be told at some point as to what each symbol means. This is one of the functions of the compiler
used to translate the program into a machine language code.
In the following statement:
j = 5+10;
The symbols "5" and "10" are constants because they have the same value no matter where they
appear in a program. The symbol j, on the other hand, is the name of a variable that is able to rep-
resent different values.
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Part I Data Types, Operators and Expressions in C++ 29
// The following C++ program prints//
// the numeric code value of a character //
#include <iostream.h>
main (void)
char ch;
int number1;
cout << "Enter a character:";
cin >> ch;
number1 = ch;
cout << "Its numeric code value is: ";
cout << number1 << endl;
goto qwrt;
Figure 3.2 Program to print ASCII code value of the inputted character
Na me s
You can name variables, constants, etc. in C++. The names may contain letters, numbers and the
underscore character _, but must start with a letter or underscore. However, names beginning with
an underscore are reserved for internal system variables.
The names given in C++ language are case sensitive, which means that it differentiates
between lower case and upper case letters. So the names:
are all different. The advantage of case sensitivity is that you have more names to choose from.
The names cannot be the same as one of the reserved keywords. So you should avoid using
names that are used as keywords. Table 3.2 gives some of the valid and invalid names.
Exp re ssions
An expression is any combination of operators, numbers and names that denotes the computation
of a value. The following are some of the examples of expressions:
5 A constant
j A variable
5+j A constant plus a variable
5*j+6 A constant times a variable plus a constant
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30 Programming in C++ Part I
Table 3.2 Valid and invalid variable names
Valid variable names Invalid variable names
j 5j name may not begin with a
_system_name $name name may not contain a $ sign
UpPer_and_Lower_cAse int Int is a reserved keyword
bad%#*n name may not contain any
special character except an
The building blocks of expressions include variables, constants etc. The building blocks by
themselves are expressions, but they can also be combined by operators to form more complex
expressions. For example, the following are some of the most basic operators:
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Remainder
Floa ting - p oint Va ria b le s
To declare a variable capable of holding fractional or real values, you use the keyword float or
double . For example:
float pi;
double pi_squared;
pi = 3.141;
pi_squared = pi * pi;
The word double stands for double-precision. It is capable of representing a value which is
about twice as much precision as that of a float. The precision refers to the number of decimal
places that can be represented.
M ixing Typ e s
The C++ language allows you to mix arithmetic types in expressions with few restrictions. For
example, you can write:
num = 3 * 2.1;
Even though the expression on the right-hand side of the assignment is a mixture of two types, an
int and a double precision. Also, the data type of num could be any numerical data type, such as
int, float etc.
To make sense out of an expression with mixed types, C++ performs conversions automati-
cally. These implicit conversions make the programmers job easy. For example, the expression:
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Part I Data Types, Operators and Expressions in C++ 31
3.0 + 1/2
does not evaluate to 3.5 as you might expect. Instead, it evaluates to 3.0.
Implicit conversions or automatic conversions occur under the following circumstances:
(a) In assignment statements, the value on the right side of the assignment is converted to the
data type of the variable on the left side. These are called assignment conversions.
(b) In an arithmetic expression, objects are converted to conform to the conversion rules of
the operator.
Exa mp le 2
Suppose j is declared as an int type of variable, then in the following statement:
j = 2.6;
The compiler converts j to an int, giving it an integral value of 2. Note that the compiler truncates
the fractional part rather than rounding it to the closest
To understand the conversion of arithmetic expressions mentioned in sub-para (b) above of
implicit conversion, we first need to describe briefly how the compiler processes expressions.
The rules for implicit conversions in expressions can be summarized as follows.
(i) If a pair of operands contains a long double, the other value is converted to long double.
(ii) Otherwise, if one of the operands is a double, the other is converted to double.
(iii) Otherwise, if one of the operands is a float, the other is converted to a float.
(iv) Otherwise, if one of the operands is an unsigned long int, the other is converted to
unsigned long int.
(v) Otherwise, if one of the operands is a long int, then the other is converted to long int.
(vi) Otherwise, if one of the operands is an unsigned int, then the other is converted to
unsigned int.
M ixing Inte g e rs with Floa ting - p oint Va lue s
In C++ language, you can mix integers and floating-point values in an expression, to assign a
floating-point value to an integer variable, or assign an integer value to a floating-point variable.
The simplest case is assignment of an integer to a floating-point variable. In such a case, the inte-
ger value is understood to be converted to a floating-point type. If the floating-point type is capa-
ble of representing the integer, there is no change in value.
Suppose f is a double precision variable then the assignment:
f = 10
is executed as if it had been written as follows:
f = 10.0
Similar action is taken in the case of mixing integer and floating-point values in an expres-
sions. The compiler converts all integers into the largest floating-point type present.
Suppose j is an Int and f is a float, the expression:
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32 Programming in C++ Part I
f + j
would cause j to be quietly converted to a float.
In the expression:
f + j + 2.5
both f and j would be converted to doubles because f is of double precision type.
Exa mp le 3
The expression
3/4 + 2.5
contains three operators: , /, and +. The operand to is 3; there are two operands to /, 3 and 4;
and there are two operands to +, 3/4 and 2.5.
The value of 3/4 is .75. To this 2.5 is added. Thus the result will be 1.75.
The minus operator is said to be a unary operator because it takes just one operand,
whereas the division and addition operators are binary operators.
3.2.2 Constants
Ba c ksla sh C ha ra c te r C onsta nts
The backslash (\) alters the meaning of the character that follows it. Thus the character a when
typed after the backslash, i.e. \a will mean to produce an audible or visual alert signal.
Table 3.3 Backslash character strings
Backslash character Meaning
\a (alert) Produces an audible or visible alert signal
\b (backspace) Moves the cursor back one space
\f (form feed) Moves the cursor to the next page
\n (new line) Prints a new line
\r (carriage return) Prints a carriage return
\t (horizontal tab) Prints a horizontal tab
\v (vertical tab) Prints a vertical tab
Table 3.3 gives the list of backslash character strings and the action they produce.
Inte g e r C onsta nts
We have understood a few integer constants such as 5, 10 and 2 etc. We can also write octal and
hexadecimal constants. An octal constant is written by preceding the octal value with the digit
zero. A hexadecimal constant is written by preceding the value with a zero and an x or X. Table
3.4 lists of the integer constants.
Table 3.4 Integer constants
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Part I Data Types, Operators and Expressions in C++ 33
Decimal Octal Hexadecimal
3 003 0x3
8 010 0x8
15 017 0xf
16 020 0x10
21 025 0x15
87 0127 0x57
An octal constant cannot contain the digit 8 or 9 since they are not part of the octal number set.
Floa ting - Point C onsta nts
Integers are inadequate for representing very large or very small numbers and fractions. For this,
you need floating-point types. There are two ways to write floating-point constants, the simplest
being to place a decimal point in the number. For example:
are all legal examples of floating-point constants. Table 3.5 lists some of the valid and invalid
floating point constants.
Table 3.5 Floating point constants
Valid floating Invalid floating Remarks
point constant point constant
3.141 35 No decimal point or exponent
0.3 3,500.45 Commas are illegal
3e2 4E The exponent sign must be followed
5E-2 by a number
3.7e12 4e3.6 The exponent value must be an inte-
String C onsta nts
A sequence of zero or more characters surrounded by double quotes is called a string constant.
This can also be defined as an array of character constant. For example, the string given below is
placed between two quotes and represents a string constant.
"This is a "
A blank string constant can be represented by " ". In this case, a blank space is placed between
two quotes.
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34 Programming in C++ Part I
Exa mp le 4
What would be the appropriate data types to store the following:
(a) Some ones height in metres
(b) An exclamation mark (!)
(c) The number of students in a university
The selected data types should be as follows:
(a) A float, because the height may contain a decimal fraction.
(b) A char, because it is an ASCII character.
(c) An int, or more appropriately, an unsigned int, because there will never be a negative
number of students.
When choosing the data type to represent something in a program, think about the likely data
range of the variable. For example, if a variable is to hold student examination marks out of 100,
then an int type will be more than sufficient. However if the variable is to hold, for example, the
population of India, then the integer type will be too small, and a long data int type will be
Unsigned variables are useful if we know in advance that there will never be a negative value
for that variable. For example, number of students in a class, then the value can never be less than
zero, so an unsigned variable may be used.
Any variable which is likely to contain decimal fractions will have to be at least a float, as will
a variable which is required to handle very large numbers. For programs dealing with astronomy
for example the long double data type would be necessary to deal with large numbers to meet the
accuracy requirements.
The char data type holds numbers, but is used to represent characters. A char can be assigned
either a numeric value or the character itself, surrounded by apostrophes. For example, using
ASCII code, the number 65 and the character A are equivalent values for a char data type, since
65 is the ASCII code for a capital A. Data such as A, or any other single character between
apostrophes, is known as character constant.
The category of keywords known as access modifiers tells the C++ compiler something special
about a memory locations contents. The two keywords const and volatile help to identify which
variables will never change (const) and those variables that can change unexpectedly (volatile).
3.4.1 The C onst Keyword
There are three reasons to declare a variable with the const keyword. The first is when a program-
mer wants the compiler to flag, as an illegal operation, any statement within the source code that
attempts to change the constants contents. In other words, the variable being declared as a
constant does not reference a memory cell whose contents are variable, but locked. For example, if
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Part I Data Types, Operators and Expressions in C++ 35
a program deals with the area and circumference of a circle, the constant value pi = 3.14159 would
be used frequently. In such a case, you can improve the readability of the program by giving the
constant a descriptive name.
There is another very good reason for using constants. By suing a descriptive name to refer-
ence a frequently used value, such a FEET_TO_INCHES, you avoid possible typographical value
errors. The following constant declaration:
const int FEET_TO_INCHES = 12;
allows you to write
length_in_inches = length_in_feet *
instead of a possible typographical value error such as:
length_in_inches = length_in_feet * 11
The above sentence though syntactically correct, is logically incorrect. So the program will run
and give a wrong result. Thus using FEET_TO_INCHES prevents this possibility. While numer-
ical typographical errors go undetected by the compiler, misspelled constants do not.
You can declare a C++ constant by writing const before the identifiers data type. For example,
const int height = 8;
const float normal_temp = 98.6;
Because a constant cannot be changed, it must be initialized when it is declared. The int con-
stant, height, is initialized to a value representing a normal wall height. The constant normal_temp
is of type float and has been initialized to represent the human bodys normal temperature.
Syntactically you use constants and variables the same way. However, the initial values
assigned to a constant cannot be changed. That is, the constants can not appear to the left of an
equal sign. Normally, the assignment operation assigns the value of the right-hand operand to the
storage location named by the left-hand operand. Therefore, the left-hand operand of an assign-
ment operation must be an expression that refers to a modifiable memory location. Expressions
that refer to memory locations are called lvalue expressions. Expressions referring to modifiable
locations are modifiable lvalues. One example of a modifiable lvalue expression is a variable
name declared without the const specifier.
An operator in a high level computer language specifies an operation to be performed that yields a
value. An operand is an entity on which an operator acts. You can think of operators as verbs and
of operands as the subject and object of those verbs. For example in the expression:
a + b
the sign + is an operator which specifies the operation of addition on the two operands a and b.
The operators can be classified as under:
(a) Unary operator Requires one operand
(b) Binary operator Requires two operands
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36 Programming in C++ Part I
(c) Ternary operator Requires three operands
Operators can be grouped as arithmetic operators, increment and decrement operators, unary
operators, relational operators, and conditional operators. Each of the group of operators is
described in the following sections.
Arithmetic operators are used for mathematical calculations. An arithmetic expression is made up
of constants, variables, a combination of both or a function call, connected by arithmetic operators.
The unary, binary and ternary arithmetic operators are as follows:
3.6.1 Unary Arithmetic Operator
The unary arithmetic operator needs only one operand. For example, b, +k use the unary opera-
tor, namely (negative) or + (positive).
3.6.2 Binary Arithmetic Operator
The binary arithmetic operator requires two operands.
For example, the following arithmetic operators need two operands.
(a) + (addition or plus)
(b) (subtraction or minus)
(c) * (multiplication)
(d) / (slash for division)
(e) % (modulus operator for remainder). This operator cannot be applied with floats or
double data type. Here x % y means remainder of x divided by y. Thus if x = 5 and y = 2
then x % y will be 1. This operator is applicable only if x and y both are of integer vari-
The following is an example showing other binary arithmetic operators:
m + v * v/2
3.6.3 Ternary Arithmetic Operator
Ternary arithmetic operator takes three operands. This is one of the special features of C++ lan-
guage. For example:
big = a > b ? a : b;
In the above assignment statement, if a > b then big is equal to a otherwise big is equal to b.
3.6.4 Hierarchy of Arithmetic Operators
The hierarchy or order of operation of arithmetic operators is as follows:
(a) * / % are evaluated from left to right
(b) + are evaluated from left to right
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Part I Data Types, Operators and Expressions in C++ 37
The expressions within the parenthesis are evaluated first following the hierarchy given in
subparas (a) and (b) above. In the event of nested parentheses (i.e. parentheses inside the paren-
theses), the C++ compiler groups the expression enclosed by the innermost parentheses first. For
example, the compiler will group and evaluate the expression:
1 + ((3 + 1)/(8 4) 5)
as shown in Figure 3.3.
Figure 3.3
Evaluation of
an expression
enclosed by
3.6.5 Integral Division and Remainder
When both operands of the division operator (/) are integers, the result is an integer. If operands
are positive and the division is imprecise, the fractional part is truncated. For example:
5/2 evaluates to 2
7/2 evaluates to 3
1/3 evaluates to 0
If either operand is negative, the compiler is free to round the result either up or down. For
-5/2 evaluates to 2 or 3
7/-2 evaluates to -3 or -4
1/3 evaluates to 0 or -1
Hence you should avoid division and remainder operations with negative numbers since the
results can vary from one compiler to another. If the sign of the remainder is important to your
programs operation, you should use the runtime library div() function, which computes the quo-
tient and the remainder of its two arguments.
1 + ( ( 3 + 1 ) / ( 8
4 )
5 )
+ 1 ( 4 / (
4 ) ) 5
+ 1 ( 4 / 4
5 )
+ 1 ( 1
5 )
+ 1 4
The innermost parentheses
are evaluated first. The
expressions ( 3 + 1 ) and
( 8 4 ) are at the same
depth, so they can be
evaluated in either order.
Division has a higher
precedence than subtraction.
Final result.
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38 Programming in C++ Part I
Exa mp le 5
Given the following declarations:
int m = 3, n = 4;
float x = 2.5, y = 1.0;
Evaluate the values for the following expressions:
(a) m + n + x+ y
(b) m + x * n + y
(c) x / y + m / n
(d) x - y * m + y / n
(e) x / 0
(a) The expression (m + n + x + y) is equal to 3 + 4 + 2.5 + 1.0 = 10.5
(b) The expression (m + x * n + y) is equivalent to
((m + (x * n) + y)) because the hierarchy of * is higher than that of +. Substituting the
values of the variables, we get:
((3 + (2.5 * 4) + 1.0)) = 14.0
(c) The expression (x / y + m / n) is equivalent to
((x / y) + (m / n)). Thus substituting the values of x, y, m and n, we get:
(2.5 / 1.0) + (3 / 4) = 2.5
Note that the value of 3 / 4 is calculated to be 0. Because the division of two integer val-
ues 3 / 4 does not give any integer quotient. Hence it is taken to be zero.
(d) The expression (x - y * m + y / n) is equivalent to (x - (y * m)) + (y / n). Thus substituting
the values of x, y, m and n, we get:
(2.5 - (1.0 * 3) + (1.0 / 4) i.e. 2.5 - 3.0 + .25, i.e. 0.25.
(e) x / 0 is undefined. Any number divided by zero is infinite and hence the value is not
3.6.6 Remainder Operator (%)
Unlike the other arithmetic operators, which accept both integer and floating point operands, the
remainder operator (sometimes called the modulus operator) accepts only integer operands. The
resulting value is the remainder of the first operand divided by the second operands. For example,
the expression:
9 % 5
has a value of 4 because 5 goes into 9 once with a remainder of 4. The expression:
10 % 5
has a value of zero because 5 goes into 10 two times with no remainder.
If either operand is negative the remainder can be negative or positive, depending on the
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Part I Data Types, Operators and Expressions in C++ 39
In some problems, a situation may arise to increase or decrease a variable by 1 continuously for
some time. C++ provides special operators ++ and -- to do this. The increment and decrement
operators are unary. The operand must be a scalar value. It is illegal to increment or decrement
constant or a floating point data type.
The incrementing and decrementing can be of two types. These are:
(a) First increment or decrement the value of the variable and then take this new value for
processing (prefix)
(b) First take the value of the variable for processing and then only increment or decrement
the variable. (postfix).
Table 3.6 summarizes the postfix and prefix operators.
Table 3.6 Postfix and prefix operators
Operator Symbol Form Operation
Postfix increment ++ a++ Get the value of a, then increment a
Postfix decrement -- a-- Get the value of a, then decrement a
Prefix increment ++ ++a Increment a, then get the value of a
Prefix decrement -- --a Decrement a, then get the value of a
The postfix increment and decrement operators fetch the current value of the variable and store
a copy of it in a temporary location. The C++ compiler then increments or decrements the vari-
able. The temporary copy, which has the variables value before it was modified, is used in the
expression. This statement will be more clear by running the programs given Example 6.
Exa mp le 6
Type the program in Figure 3.4(a) and run it.
The program gives the value of integer variables j and k in the two different situations.
In the first cout statement, the current values of j and k are printed. This value is 5 for both the
variables. The next cout statement prints the postfix incremental value for the variable j which is
the original value of the variable j increased by 1. Thus the printed value for j is 6. However in the
case of k, the postfix decremental value is printed. This means that the original value of k is
decreased by one and therefore, the printed value is 4.
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40 Programming in C++ Part I
// ***************************************** //
// Following C++ program prints the//
// postfix incremental and decremental //
// values of the variable j and k respectively//
// ***************************************** //
#include <iostream.h>
main (void)
int j = 5;
int k = 5;
cout << "print the values of variable j and k" << endl;
cout << "without postfix increment or decrement" << endl;
cout << "j=" << j++ << endl;
cout << "k=" << k-- << endl;
cout << "print the value of j after postfix increment" <<
cout << j << endl;
cout << "print the value of k after postfix decrement" <<
cout << k << endl;
The result seen on the screen for the above program will be:
print the values of variable j and k
without postfix increment or decrement
print the value of j after postfix increment
print the value of k after postfix decrement
Figure 3.4(a) Illustration of postfix incremental and decremental
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Part I Data Types, Operators and Expressions in C++ 41
// ***************************************** //
// Following C++ program prints the prefix //
// incremental and decremental values of //
// the variable j and k respectively//
// ***************************************** //
#include <iostream.h>
main (void)
int j = 5;
int k = 5;
cout << "print the values of variable j and k" << endl;
cout << "j = " << j << endl;
cout <<" k = " << k << endl;
cout << "print the prefix incremental value of j:" << endl;
cout << "j=" << ++j << endl;
cout << "print the prefix decremental value of k:" << endl;
cout << "k=" << --k << endl;
Figure 3.4(b) Illustration of prefix incremental and decremental
The program in Figure 3.4(b) is designed to demonstrate the prefix incremental and decre-
mental values of integer variables j and k.
On running the program shown in Figure 3.4(b) the result seen on the screen would be:
print the values of variable j and k
print the prefix incremental value of j:
j = 6
print the prefix decremental value of k
k = 4
You would thus notice that prefix increment and decrement operators modify their operands
before they fetch the values.
Exa mp le 7
The two programs shown in Figure 3.5(a) and 3.5(b) give the product of two variables a and b in
the postfix and prefix increment situations respectively.
After executing the above program in Figure 3.5(a), you will get the following output.
print the value of the product of a and b
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42 Programming in C++ Part I
print the value of the product after postfix
incremental value of a and b:
In the program shown in Figure 3.5(b), the product of the variables a and b is calculated using
prefix incremental values. The output of the program will be as follows:
print the value of the product of a and b
print the value of the product with prefix
incremental value of a and b:
// *************************************** //
// Following C++ program prints the product//
// of variables a and b //
// without and with postfix incremental //
// *************************************** //
#include <iostream.h>main (void)
int z;
int a = 5;
int b = 5;
cout << "print the value of the product of a and b" << endl;
z = (a++) * (b++);
cout << z << endl;
cout << "print the value of the product after postfix" <<
cout << " incremental value of a and b:" << endl;
z = (a) * (b);
cout << z << endl;
Figure 3.5(a) Program to print product of two variables with postfix incremental values
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Part I Data Types, Operators and Expressions in C++ 43
// *************************************** //
// Following C++ program prints the //
// product of variables a and b without //
// and with prefix incremental values //
// *************************************** //
#include <iostream.h>
main (void)
int z;
int a = 5;
int b = 5;
cout << "print the value of the product of a and b" << endl;
z = a*b;
cout << z << endl;
cout << "print the value of the product with prefix" << endl;
cout << " incremental value of a and b:" << endl;
z = (++a) * (++b);
cout << z << endl;
Figure 3.5(b) Program to print product of two variables with prefix incremental values
The plus and minus operators are called unary operators because they take only one operand. The
operand can be any integer or floating-point value. The type of the result is the type of the operand
after integral
The minus operator returns the negation of its argument. If m equals 5, m equals 5. On the
other hand, if m equals 5 then m equals 5.
Do not confuse the unary minus operator with the binary subtraction operator. Even though
they use the same minus ( ) symbol. However, they are different operators. For example:
j = 3 - -x
is interpreted as
j = (3 - (-x));
The first dash is a subtraction operator; the second is a unary minus sign. Note that the space
between the two dashes prevents them from being interpreted as a decrement operator(--).
Table 3.7 summarizes the unary plus and minus operators.
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44 Programming in C++ Part I
Table 3.7 Unary plus and minus operators
Operator Symbol Form Operation
unary minus a negation of a
unary plus + +b
Relational operators are used to test the relation between two values. All C++ relational operators
are binary operators and hence require two operands.
A relational expression is made up of two arithmetic expressions connected by a relational
operator. It returns zero when the relation is false and a nonzero when it is true. The relational
operators are summarized in Table 3.8.
Table 3.8 Relational operators
Operator Symbol Form Result
greater than > a > b 1 if a is greater than b; else 0
less than < a < b 1 if a is less than b; else 0
greater than or equal to >= a >=b 1 if a is greater than or equal to b; else 0
less than or equal to <= a <= b 1 if a is less than or equal to b; else 0
equal to == a == b 1 if a is equal to b; else 0
not equal to != a != b 1 if a is not equal to b; else 0
All the relational operators have lower precedence than the arithmetic operators. For example, the
a + b * c < d / f
is evaluated as if it had been written as follows:
( a + (b * c )) < (d / f)
Exa mp le 8
Given the following declarations:
int j = 0, m = 1, n = 1;
float x = 2.5, y = 0.0
Evaluate the following expressions:
(a) j > m
(b) m / n < x
(c) j <= m >= n
(d) j <= x == m
(e) -x + j == y > n >= m
(f) x += (y >= n)
(g) ++j == m != y * 2
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Part I Data Types, Operators and Expressions in C++ 45
(a) j > m is not true because the value of j = 0 and value of m = 1. Hence the result is 0 (zero).
(b) The expression m / n < x is equivalent to
(m / n) < x because the hierarchy of / is higher than that of <. Substituting the values of the
variables, we get the result to be 1 (true).
(c) The expression j <= m >= n is equivalent to
((j <= m) >= n). Substituting the values of the variables we get the result to be 1 (true).
(d) The expression j <= x == m is equivalent to
((j <= x) == m). Substituting the values of the variables, we get the result to be 1 (true).
(e) The expression -x +j == y > n >= m is equivalent to ((-x) +j ) == ((y > n) >= m). Substi-
tuting the values of the variables we get the result to be 0 (false).
(f) The expression x += (y >= n) is equivalent to
x = (x + (y >= n). Substituting the values of the variables we get the result to be 3.5.
(g) The expression ++j == m != y * 2 is equivalent to ((++j) == m) != (y * 2). Substituting the
values of the variables we get the result to be true (1). The term (++j == m) is evaluated to
be 1 because the value of ++j is 1, and the value of m =1. Therefore, (++j == m) is true or
the value of the term is 1. The value of the term (y * 2) is zero because 0 * 2 is zero.
Hence the resultant expression amounts to (1 != 0) and this is true. Thus the value of the
expression is 1.
A logical operator combines the results of one or more expressions and the resultant expression is
called the logical expression. After testing the conditions, they return logical status (true or false)
as net result.
The logical operators are unary or binary operators. The operands may be constants, variables
or expressions. Table 3.9 summarizes logical operators.
Table 3.9 Logical operators
Operator Symbol Form Result
logical AND && a && b 1 if a and b are nonzero; else 0
logical OR || a || b 1 if a or b is nonzero; else 0
logical negation ! !a 1 if a is zero; else 0
In algebra, the expression
x < y < z
is true if y is greater than x and less than z. But this expression has a different meaning in C++
since it is evaluated as
(x < y) < z
The subexpression (x < y) is evaluated first and results in either 0 or 1. So in C++, the expres-
sion is true if x is less than y and z is greater than 1, or if x is not less than y and z is greater than
zero. To obtain the algebraic meaning, you must rewrite the expression using relational operators.
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46 Programming in C++ Part I
The logical AND operator (&&) and the logical OR operator (||) evaluate the truth or falseness
of pairs of expressions. The AND operator returns TRUE only if both expressions are TRUE. The
OR operator returns TRUE if either expression is TRUE. To test whether y is greater than x and
less than z, you would write
(x < y) && (y < z)
3.10.1 Hierarchy of Logical Operators
The logical NOT (!) operator has a higher precedence than the others. The AND operator (&&)
has higher precedence than the OR operator (||). Both the logical AND and OR operators have
lower precedence than the relational and arithmetic operators.
3.10.2 Boolean Table for Logical Operator NOT
The logical negation operator (!) takes only one operand. If the operand is TRUE, the result is
FALSE; if the operand is FALSE, the result is TRUE. This is shown in Table 3.10.
Table 3.10 Boolean Table for logical operator NOT
Operator Operand Result
! false (0) 1
! true (nonzero) 0
3.10.3 Boolean Table for Logical Operator AND
Logical AND (&&) operator takes two operands. If both the operands are TRUE (non zero), the
result is TRUE (non zero) otherwise FALSE (zero). This is shown in Table 3.11.
Table 3.11 Boolean Table for logical operator AND (&&)
Oprand1 Operator Operand2 Result
false (0) && false (0) 0
true (nonzero) && false (0) 0
false (0) && true (nonzero) 0
true (nonzero) && true (nonzero) 1(nonzero)
3.10.4 Boolean Table for Logical Operator OR
Logical OR operator (||) takes two operands. If both the operands are FALSE (zero) the result is
FALSE (zero) otherwise TRUE (nonzero). This is shown in Table 3.12.
The operands to the logical operators may be integers or floating point objects. The expression
1 && -5
results in 1 because both operands are nonzero. The same is true of the expression:
0.5 && -5
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Part I Data Types, Operators and Expressions in C++ 47
Table 3.12 Boolean Table for logical operator OR (||)
Oprand1 Operator Operand2 Result
false (0) || false (0) 0
true (nonzero) || true (nonzero) 1 (nonzero)
false (0) || true (nonzero) 1 (nonzero)
true (nonzero) || true (nonzero) 1 (nonzero)
Exa mp le 9
Given the following declarations:
int j = 0, m = 1, n = -1;
float x = 2.5, y = 0.0
Evaluate the following expressions:
(a) j && m
(b) j < m && n <m
(c) m + n || !j
(d) x * 5 && 5 || m / n
(e) j <= 10 && x >= 1 && m
(f) !x || !n || m + n
(g) x * y < j + m || n
(h) (x > y) + !j || n++
(i) (j || m) + (x || ++n)
(a) j && m is not true because the value of j = 0 and the value of m = 1. Hence the result is 0
(b) The expression j < m && n < m is equivalent to
(j < m) && (n < m) because the hierarchy of relational operators is higher than that of
logical operators. Substituting the values of the variables we get the result to be 1 (true).
(c) The expression m + n || !j is equivalent to (m + n) || (!j). Substituting the values of the
variables we get the result to be 1 (true).
(d) The expression x * 5 && 5 || m / n is equivalent to ((x * 5) && 5) || (m / n). Substituting
the values of the variables, we get the result to be 1 (true).
(e) The expression j <= 10 && x >= 1 && m is equivalent to ((j <= 10) && (x >= 1) && m.
Substituting the values of the variables, we get the result to be 1 (true).
(f) The expression !x || !n || m + n is equivalent to ((!x) || (!n) || (m + n). Substituting the val-
ues of the variables we get the result to be false (0).
(g) The expression x * y < j + m || n is equivalent to ((x * y) < (j + m)) || n. Substituting the
values of the variables, we get the result to be true (1).
(h) The expression (x > y) + !j || n++ is equivalent to ((x > y) + (!j) || (n++). Substituting the
values of the variables, we get the result to be true (1). Note here that n++ represents the
postfix increment value of n.
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48 Programming in C++ Part I
(i) The expression (j || m) + (x || ++n) is equivalent to (j || m) + (x || (++n)). Substituting the
values of the variables, we get the result to be 2. Note here that ++n represents the prefix
increment value of n.
The conditional operator ? : takes three operands. The value of an expression using the conditional
operator is the value of either its second or third operand, depending on the value of the first oper-
and. This evaluation could be pseudo-coded as
if c
result value is r1
result is r2
For example the statement:
z = ((x < y) ? x : y);
if (x < Y)
z = x
z = y;
In the above statement, the first operand is the test condition. The second and third operands
represent the final value of the expression. Only one of them is selected, depending on the value of
the first operand. Table 3.13 summarizes the conditional operator.
Table 3.13 Conditional operator
Operator Symbol Form Result
conditional ? : a ? b : c if a is nonzero result is b; otherwise result
is c.
All operators have two important properties called precedence and associativity. Both properties
affect how operands are attached to operators. Operators with higher precedence have their oper-
ands bound, or grouped, to them before operators of lower precedence, regardless of the order in
which they appear. For example, the multiplication operator has higher precedence than the
addition operator, so the two expressions.
2 + 3 * 4
3 * 4 + 2
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Part I Data Types, Operators and Expressions in C++ 49
both evaluate to 14 the operand 3 is grouped with the multiplication operator rather than the
addition operator because the multiplication operator has a higher precedence. If there were no
precedence rules, and the compiler grouped operands with operators in a left-to-right order, then
the first expression:
2 + 3 * 4
would evaluate to 20 which is not correct.
In the case where operators have the same precedence, associativity (sometimes called bind-
ing) is used to determine the order in which operands are grouped with operators. Grouping occurs
in either a right-to-left or left-to-right order, depending on the operator.
Right-to-left associativity means that the compiler starts on the right of the expression and
works towards left. Left-to-right associativity means that the compiler starts on the left of the
expression and works towards right. For example, the plus and minus operators have the same
precedence and are both left-to-right associative. For example, in the expression:
a + b - c;
The expression is evaluated as:
add a to b, then subtract c
The assignment operator, on the other hand, is right-associative. For example in the expression:
a = b = c;
The expression is evaluated as:
assign c to b, then assign b to a
Table 3.14 gives a summary of the precedence for various operators including their associativity.
Table 3.14 Precedence for different operators and their associativity
Class of Operators in Associativity Precedence
Operator that class
unary - + Highest
multipli * / % Left-to-Right ^
cative |
additive + - Left-to-Right |
shift << >> Left-to-Right |
relational < <= > >= Left-to-Right |
equality == != Left-to-Right |
logical AND && Left-to-Right |
logical OR || Left-to-Right |
conditional ? : Right-to-Left |
assignment = += -= *= Right-to-Left |
comma , Left-to-Right Lowest
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50 Programming in C++ Part I
An expression consists of one or more operands and zero or more operators linked together to
compute a value. For example:
a + 2
is a legal expression that results in the sum of a and 2. The variable a is also an expression as is the
constant 2, since they both represent value.
There are four types of expressions:
(a) Constant expressions
(b) Integral expressions
(c) Float expressions
(d) Pointer expressions
3.13.1 Constant Expressions
This type of expression contains only constant values. For example, the following are all constant
5 + 6 * 13 / 3.0
3.13.2 Integral Expressions
These are expressions that, after all the automatic and explicit type conversions, produce a result
that has one of the integer types. If j and k are integers, the following are all integral expressions:
j * k
j / k + 3
k - a
3 + (int) 5.0
3.13.3 Float Expressions
These are the expressions that, after all the automatic and explicit type conversions, produce a
result that has one of the floating-point types. If x is a float or double, the following are floating-
point expressions:
x + 3
x / y * 5
3.0 - 2
3 + (float) 4
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Part I Data Types, Operators and Expressions in C++ 51
3.13.4 Pointer Expressions
These are expressions that evaluate to an address value. These include expressions containing
pointer variables, the "address of" operator (&), string literals, and array names. If p is a pointer
and j is an int, the following are pointer expressions:
p + 1
When the compiler encounters an expression, it divides it into sub-expressions, where each sub-
expression consists of one operator and one or more objects, called operands, that are bound to the
operator. For example, the expression
3 / 4 + 2.5
contains three operators: , /, and +. The operand to is 3; there are two operands to /, 3 and 4;
and there are two operands to +, 3 / 4 and 2.5.
The minus operator is said to be a unary operator because it takes just one operand, whereas
the division and addition operators are binary operators. Each operator has its own rules for oper-
and type agreement, but most binary operators require both operands to have the same type. If the
types differ, the compiler converts one of the operands to agree with the other one. To decide
which operand to convert, the compiler resorts to the hierarchy of data types shown in Figure 3.6
and converts the "lower" type to the "higher" type. For example
1 + 2.5
involves two types, an int and a double. Before evaluating it, the compiler converts the int into a
double because double is higher than int in the type hierarchy (see Figure 3.6). The conversion
from an int to a double does not usually affect the result in any way. It is as if the expression were
1.0 + 2.5
3.14.1 Rules for Automatic (Implicit) Conversions
The rules for implicit conversions in expressions can be summarized as follows.
(a) If a pair of operands contain a long double, the other value is converted to a long double.
(b) Otherwise, if one of the operands is a double, the other is converted to a double.
(c) Otherwise, if one of the operands is a float, the other is converted to a float.
(d) Otherwise, if one of the operands is an unsigned long int, the other is converted to an
unsigned long int.
(e) Otherwise, if one of the operands is a long int, then the other is converted to a long int.
(f) Otherwise, if one of the operands is an unsigned int, then the other is converted to an
unsigned int.
In general, most automatic conversions are invisible. They occur without any obvious effect.
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52 Programming in C++ Part I
Figure 3.6
Hierarchy of
3.14.2 Mixing Integers
There are four possible sizes of integers char, short, int, and long and they may be mixed
freely in an expression. The compiler converts chars and shorts to ints before evaluating an
expression. All smaller integer types are converted to int or unsigned int before an expression is
3.14.3 Mixing Floating-point Values
There are three types of floating-point values float, double, and long double (ANSI extension).
There is no difficulty in mixing them in an expression.
3.14.4 Mixing Integers with Floating-point Values
It is perfectly legal to mix integers and floating-point values in an expression, to assign a floating-
point value to an integer variable, or assign an integer value to a floating-point variable. The sim-
plest case is assignment of an integer to a floating-point variable. In this case, the integer value is
implicitly converted to a floating-point type. If the floating-point type is capable of representing
the integer, there is no change in value. If f is a double, the assignment
f = 10;
is executed as if it had been written:
f = 10.0;
long double
long int
long int
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Part I Data Types, Operators and Expressions in C++ 53
This conversion is invisible. There are cases, however, where a floating-point type is not
capable of exactly representing all integer values. Even though the range of floating-point values
is generally greater than the range of integer values, the precision may not be as good for large
numbers. In these instances, conversion of an integer to a floating-point value may result in a loss
of precision.
The most risky mixture of integer and floating-point values is the case where floating-point
value is assigned to an integer variable. An equally serious situation occurs when the floating-
point value cannot fit in an integer. For example, if j is an integer, the assignment statement:
j = 999999999.88888
would cause an overflow condition which may halt program execution.
As a general rule, it is a good idea to keep floating-point and integer values separate from one
another unless you have a good reason for mixing them.
The assign operator (=) causes the value of the right-hand operand to be written into the memory
location of the left-hand operand. In addition, an assignment expression itself has a value, which is
the same value that is assigned to the left-hand operand. The left-hand operand, sometimes called
an lvalue, must refer to a memory location.
The assign operator has right-to-left associativity, so the expression
a = b = c = d = 1;
is interpreted as
(a = (b = (c = (d = 1))));
First the value 1 is assigned to d, then d is assigned to c, then c is assigned to b, and finally b is
assigned to a. The value of the entire expression is 1. This is a convenient syntax for assigning the
same value to more than one variable. Note, however, that each assignment may cause quiet con-
versions, so
int j;
double f;
f = j = 3.5;
assigns the truncated value 3 to both f and j. On the other hand,
j = f = 3.5;
assigns 3.5 to f and 3 to j.
3.15.1 Arithmetic Assignment or Compound Operators
The C++ language supports five additional assignment operators that combine assignment with
each of the arithmetic operations. The operators are given in Table 3.15. The equivalences are
shown in Figure 3.7.
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54 Programming in C++ Part I
Figure 3.7
Table 3.15 Assignment Operators
Operator Symbol Form Operation
assign = a = b put the value of b into a
add-assign += a +=b put the value of a+b into a
subtract-assign -= a -=b put the value of a-b into a
multiply-assign *= a * = b put the value of a*b into a
divide-assign /= a /=b put the value of a/b into a
remainder-assign %= a %=b put the value of a%b into a
For example, the expression
j = j * 5;
can be written as
j *= 5;
One of the main reasons for using the arithmetic assignment operators is to avoid spelling
mistakes and make code more readable. For example, the expression
op_big_x_dimension = op_big_x_dimension * 2;
can be written as
op_big_x_dimension *= 2;
The second version is easier to read and to write and contains fewer opportunities for spelling
The assign operators have relatively low precedence. This leads to interesting consequences.
For example, the following two expressions are not the same:
j = j * 3 + 4;
j *= 3 + 4;
The addition operator has higher precedence than the assign operator, and the multiplication
operator has higher precedence than the addition operator, so the two expressions are interpreted
as follows:
a + b = a = a
b +
a =
a = a
a =
a = a
a = / b
a = a / b
a = % b
a = a % b
is the same as
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Part I Data Types, Operators and Expressions in C++ 55
Expression1 Expression2
j = j * 3 + 4 j *= 3 + 4
or or
j = ((j * 3) + 4) j *= (3 + 4)
j = (j * (3 + 4))
Exa mp le 10
Given the following declarations:
int m = 3, n = 4;
float x = 2.5, y = 1.0
Evaluate the following expressions:
(a) m += n + x y
(b) m /= x * n + y
(c) n %= y + m
(d) x += y = m
(a) The expression m += n + x - y is equivalent to
m = (m + ((n + x) - y)). Substituting the values of the variables, we get the answer as 8.
(b) The expression m /= x * n + y is equivalent to
m = (m / ((x * n) + y)). Substituting the values of the variables we get the result to be 0.
(c) The expression n %= y + m is equivalent to n = (n % (y+m)). Substituting the values of
the variables we get the result to be 0.
(d) The expression x += y = m is equivalent to
x = (x+ (y = (y m))). Substituting the values of the variables, we get the result to be 0.5.
3.15.2 General Form
In C++, one use of the assignment statement is to store in a variable the result of a computation.
The assignment statement:
kms = kms_per_mile * miles;
assigns a value to the variable kms. In this case, kms is being assigned the result of multiplying (*
means multiply) the value of kms_per_mile by the value of miles. Valid information must be
stored in miles before the assignment statement is executed. The symbol = is the assignment
operator in C++ and should be read and understood as "becomes", or "gets" or "takes the value of"
instead of "equals" since it is not equivalent to the "equal sign" used in mathematics. In mathe-
matics, this symbol states a relationship between two values, but in C++ it represents an action to
be carried out by the computer.
For example, in C++, one can write the assignment statements of the form:
sum = sum + item;
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56 Programming in C++ Part I
where the variable sum is used on both sides of the assignment operator. This is not an alge-
braic equation (which is meaningless in algebra), but it is a common practice in programming.
Figure 3.8
Effect of
sum = sum +
The statement instructs the computer to add the current value of the variable sum to the value
of item, the result is saved temporarily and then stored back into sum. The previous value of sum is
destroyed in the process. However the value of sum is unchanged. The effect of the above assign-
ment statement is shown in Figure 3.8.
3.15.3 Variable Initialization
A simple definition of a variable specifies the type and identifier of a variable. It does not provide
an initial or first value. A variable without a first value is spoken of as un-initialized. An un-
initialized variable is not without a value. Its first value is to be undefined. This is because the
memory storage allocated for the variable is not swept clean. Whatever was stored there
previously remains. This value may vary from one execution of a program to another.
An initial or first value may be specified in the definition of a variable. A variable with a
declared first value is spoken of as an initialized variable. C++ supports two forms of variable ini-
tialization. The first form is an explicit syntax using an assignment operator. For example:
int ival = 1024;
In the above assignment, the initial value of the integer variable ival is 1024.
The other form of initialization is an implicit form in which the first or initial value is placed
within parentheses as shown below:
int ival(1024);
Some of the examples of initialized variables include the following:
Before assignment
After assignment
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Part I Data Types, Operators and Expressions in C++ 57
#include <math.h>
double price = 109.99, discount = 0.15;
double sale_price(price * discount);
int val = get_value();
unsigned abs_val = abs(val);
In the above program, abs(), a predefined function stored in the math library, returns the abso-
lute value of its argument; get_value() is a user-defined function that returns a random integer
value. A variable may also be initialized with an arbitrarily complex expression.
3.15.4 Type Compatibility
C++ is a strongly typed language. Both the argument list and the return type of every function call
are type checked during compilation. If there is a type mismatch between an actual type and a type
declared in the function prototype, an implicit conversion will be applied if possible. If an implicit
conversion is not possible or if the number of arguments is incorrect, a compiler run-time error is
issued. The function prototype provides the compiler with the type information necessary for it to
perform compiler-time type checking.
3.15.5 Type Cast Operator
In addition to automatic conversion, C++ also provides an explicit or distinct type conversion
operation called a cast. Suppose you are calculating the average marks using the formula
total_marks / num_students
where you have declared both the variables total_marks and num_students to be of the type int.
Then the division of the two integers will be an integer. But you are interested to know the frac-
tional part of the average also. In this case, you need to use explicit type conversion operator. Thus
placing the name of the desired type in the parentheses immediately before the value to be
converted causes the value to be changed to the desired data format before it is used in the com-
putation. For example, if you have declared the variable average to be of the type double, then
writing the assignment expression as:
average = (double)total_marks / (dou-
would cause the fractional part of the average to be preserved. This type of explicit conversion is
very important in situations where the fractional part is to be preserved.
When a cast operation is applied to a variable, the conversion carried out determines the value
of the expression, but the conversion does not change what is stored in the variable. For example,
if x is a type int variable whose value is 5, the following statements will first print 5.00 and then
print 5. The value of the expression
is 5.00, but the value stored in x is still the integer 5.
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58 Programming in C++ Part I
Statement Output
cout << (double)x << endl; 5.00
cout << x; 5
Time: 3 Hrs
Max Marks: 100
Answer the following questions.
1. Evaluate the following expressions as C++ would:
(a) 8 * 9 + 2
(b) 6 * 3/4
(c) 3 / 4 * 6
(d) 6.0 * 3 / 4
(e) 15 % 4
2. Write a program in C++ that asks you for your height in integer centimeter and then
converts your height to feet and inches.
3. Write down the declaration statements for the
(a) Upper, lower, and middle as integers.
(b) max, min as floating point numbers.
(c) eligible, ch as character type variables.
4. State the rules for the following:
(a) In naming an identifier in C++.
(b) For valid comment statements in C++.
5. Pick the incorrect floating point constants from the following list.
(a) 40,900.65
(b) 46 E+3
(c) 486.+6
(d) 1/2.2
(e) 465.
6. Pick the incorrect identifiers from the following list.
(a) constant
(b) variable
(c) double
(d) int result
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Part I Data Types, Operators and Expressions in C++ 59
7. Define the backslash character constants. Describe any three backslash character con-
8. Distinguish between the following:
(a) Built-in and derived data type
(b) Float and double data type
(c) Constant and variable
(d) Integer and character constant
9. Write short notes.
(a) Choosing data type in a C++ program.
(b) Types of integers and their declaration.
10. Write the logical statements for the following:
(a) basic_pay is more than 2200 for all employees whose category is T
(b) stock below 100 for all items whose item_no is 100 and in the shop A.
11. Explain the following type of operators each with one example and list the hierarchy of
(a) Arithmetic operators
(b) Logical operators
12. Explain the difference between prefix and postfix increment and how does it affect the
result of an expression.
13. What is the result after the execution of the following program segment.
a = 7;
b = ++a + 5;
c = b-- + 10;
14. Evaluate following expressions independent of each other. Assume that i, j, k are inte-
gers with values 3, 4 and 2 respectively.
(a) i++ - j--
(b) i-- % j++
(c) j++ / i--
(d) k++ * --i
(e) i - 1 % j + 1
15. Write C++ expressions corresponding to the following. Assume all quantities are of the
type integer.
(ax + b)
(ax b)
(2x + 3y)
(4a + 3)
+ 2z + 2)
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60 Programming in C++ Part I
16. What is the final value of x in the following program segment:
float x;
int i;
x= 2.5;
x = (x + 0.04)*10;
+ 10x
+ 8x
+ 4x + 2
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