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$ar-eting o. A Touri,t De,tination: Uttar Prade,/
I ereby "ertify tat te #ro#osal for te #ro!e"t entitled $$ar-eting o. A
Touri,t De,tination: Uttar Prade,/% by &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
as been #re#ared after due "onsultation 'it me( Te #ro#osal as my
a##ro)al and as* to my +no'ledge* te #otential of de)elo#ing into a
"om#reensi)e Pro!e"t 'or+( I also agree to su#er)ise te abo)e,mentioned
Pro!e"t till its "om#letion(
-Signature of Su#er)isor.
0ttar Prades* one of te most fas"inating states of te Indian 0nion(
1eter one is on a s#iritual 2uest* or in sear" of ad)enture* or !ust on a
"uriosity tri#* 0ttar Prades as someting to offer to e)eryone(
It is di)isible into tree distin"t regions geogra#i"ally3 te Himalayan region
on te nort* te )ast 4angeti" #lain at te "entre* and te 5indya Range
and #lateau on te sout( 0ttar Prades is 'atered by te migty ri)ers of
nortern India , 4anga* 6amuna* Ramganga* 4omati and 4agara( Almost
all te im#ortant to'ns and trading "entres of te state* are "lustered around
tese ri)ers( Te "onfluen"e of te 4anga and 6amuna* te t'o most sa"red
ri)ers of India* at Allaabad* as been a )ital #ilgrimage site troug te
0ttar Prades offers an endless array of attra"tions* to te tourist by 'ay of
monuments* ealt resorts* mountain #ea+s* a 'ealt of an"ient tem#les and
)iaras* ri" flora and fauna* fas"inating ri)ers and "a#ti)ating )alleys( Agra*
Ayodya* Sarnat* 5aranasi* Lu"+no'* 7atura and Prayag "ombine religious
and ar"ite"tural mar)els3 Nainital* 7ussorie* Rani+et and Almora are ill
resorts of rare "arm3 Corbett and Dud'a National Par+s ead a long list of
'ildlife reser)es and san"tuaries3 6amnotri* 4angotri* 8edarnat* 9adrinat*
Hem+und and te Pindari 4la"ier* enfolded 'tin te Himalayan ranges* offer
a "ombination of ad)enture* #ilgrim "entres and natural beauty(
Pla2e, o. Intere,t:Agra is te one of te #rominent destinations of te 1orld
Tourism ma# 'it tree eritage monuments , Te Ta! 7aal* Red Fort :
Fate#ur Si+ri( It is more !ust a da"adent "ity of gra)eyards and stones* but it
is a )ibrant "entre of Culture* Art and Religious #ilos#ies tat a)e enri"ed
man+ind and sa#ed uman tougt o)er "enturies(
Te "ity of Allaabad is among te largest "ities of uttar Prades and situated
at te "onfluen"e of tree ri)ers, 4ana* 6amuna and te in)isible Saras'ati(
Te meeting #oint is +no'n as Tri)eni and is es#e"ially sa"red to Hindus( It is
a "ity of mi;ed "ulture of Hindu* 7uslims* <ains and Cristians(
Ayodya/ Te an"ient "ity of Ayodya* a""ording to te Ramayana* 'as
founded by 7anu* te la',gi)er of te Hindus( For "enturies it 'as te "a#ital
of te de"endants of te Surya 5ans of 'i" Lord Rama 'as te most
"elebrated +ing(
Histori"ally* <a!mau on te eastern outs+irts of #resent day 8an#ur is
regarded as one of te most ar"ai" to'nsi#s of 8an#ur distri"t(
7atura 'idely +no'n as birt #la"e of lord 8risna is lo"ated on te 'estern
ban+ of ri)er 6amuna at latitude =>degree ?@ 7inute N and >>Degree and ?@
7inuet E( It is @?A 8m sout,east of Deli and AB 8m nort 'est of Agra in te
State of 0ttar Prades( For about CDDD 6ear it 'as te ub of "ulture and
5aranasi* or 9anaras* -also +no'n as 8asi. is one of te oldest li)ing "ities in
te 'orld( 5aranasiFs Prominen"e in Hindu mytology is )irtually unri)alled(
7ar+ T'ain* te Englis autor* 'as entralled by te legend and san"tity of
9anaras* on"e 'rote/ G9anaras is older tan istory* older tan tradition* older
e)en tan legend and loo+s t'i"e as old as all of tem #ut togeterG(
0(P( as te largest number of Tourist destinations tat are religious* "ultural*
istori"al and full of natural beauty( Te Tourism De)elo#ment Poli"y as
been framed in 0ttar Prades under 'i" Tourist "ir"uits are being
de)elo#ed in te follo'ing manner/ ,
1. 9uddist Cir"uit
2. 9undel+and Cir"uit
3. 9ra! -Agra,7atura. Cir"uit
4. A'ad Cir"uit
5. 5indya Cir"uit
6. 1ater Cruise Cir"uit
7. <ain Srines Cir"uit
8. Si+ Pant Cir"uit
9. E"o,Tourism Cir"uit
To study te )arious Tourist "ir"uits and #la"es of interest in 0ttar Prades(
To study te Role of te De#artment of Tourism to #romote #la"es of
istori"al im#ortan"e and religious and "ultural traditions of te state so as
to attra"t tourists(
To study te )arious "ultural so's in 0ttar Prades on o""asion of
different fairs festi)als and seminars 'it a )ie' to attra"ting more and
more tourists(
To study some of te #a"+age tours organiEed by 0(P( Tourism
Data Sour2e,
7y #ro!e"t mainly "om#rises of se"ondary data sour"es li+e leading dailies*
Times of India* Hindustan Times and boo+s on Tourism et"( 9esides tese I
'ill ta+e referen"es from different magaEines li+e India Today* Outloo+* Te
1ee+ et"( Different 'ebsites 'ill "onstitute te most im#ortant sour"e of data(
Primary Data 'ill be gatered by inter)ie'ing te offi"ials of 7inistry of
Tourism and State Tourism De#artment and )arious Tour O#erators(
Re,ear2/ A44roa2/
Te resear" 'ill aim to first list do'n te Pla"es of Interest* Tour #a"+ages in
0ttar Prades and )arious Cultural so's and tan 'ill try to study te tem
in detail(

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