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P/Bag 56 Zaka, Rodesia, Africa
Forwarding Agent: Robert L. Mize Route 4, Admiral Drive
Concord, Tennessee
Vol. 3 January 1967
SinAins Called^^hm^eld
Cyril Simkins and family will be moving to Ghana. The decision
has been madel After much searching and prayer by the Simkins and
supporting churches and individuals it is clear that the Macedonian
call of the people of Ghana can not go unheeded. The Lord willing,
the move will be made in February.
The decision was not easy. God's will is our most cherished de
sire. Churches and individuals in America were contacted to pray
and offer their advice in this matter. One of the deciding factors
in this decision was the answer received from this appeal. Not one
letter requested that the Simkins remain in Rhodesia. Most stated
r-^that the decision should be made by the Simkins. Some recommended
highly the move to Ghana. The consensus
' The move to Ghana will not be easy, but it will"be accomplished,
the Lord willing and leading. Cyril and his family are even now
busy closing out their work and personal affairs in Rhodesia in
preparation for the move. The readers of the AFRICAN EVANGELIST
will be kept informed of all plans and their realization.
Will You Help The Work In Ghana?
We who arein theStates and
have a part in the work of Cyril
Simkins are thrilled beyond
words over his decision to enter
Ghana. We would like to tell
you the whole wonderful beauti
ful story of how God's Word has
found entrance into the hearts
of these people. We would like'
to read to you excerpts of their
letters appealing for missionary
leadership that will help them
to know and obey God's will. We
would like to tell you of the
work already done by Jerry Gib
son, of the plans to raise up
native ministry trained and edu
cated via God's Holy Bible, and
of the vision of the Ghana
If you are interested in our
services and offer to talk with
you personally about these great
happenings in Ghana, please
write one of the following:
Robert Mize, Rt. 4 Admiral Dr.
Caj.cerd, Teaaes.s-ee 3Z72Q
Robert Pate, sd Cedardale Dr.
Qulncy, Illinois 62301
Ronald Simkins, P.O. Box
Witt, Illinois 62094
John Dorney, Camp Point, 111.
We have a real challenge in
the Lord's Work in Ghana. Jerry
Gibson informs us that the
"field is white unto harvest". ,
The people are tremendously ad-
vanced compared to others of
"IfOt the v tJjjBW--
-iiiaui^r.ea&hers. Recently these
people even paid some of the
travel expense of Dick Hostetter
when he visited Ghana in con
sideration of moving there. The
point is the people of Ghana are
laboring to help themselves in
respect to their faith.
We are calling on you to help
provide the means whereby the
Simkins and others can fulfill
their part in this great restor
ation movement in Ghana. The
primary purpose in this work is
to make God's truth as in His
Word available to these people,
to preach sound doctrine as be
fitting people committed to the
c.aiis_e_p_f_ New Testament, faith,
and to train an educated minis
try to give full proof of its
work in the Lord.
is a _3ible._College is
Mashoko Bible College Graduates Nine
Bible College Banquet
The annual banquet of Mashoko
Bible College was held in the
mission dining hall. Charles
Bell was the speaker for the
evening. The student body chose
one of the graduates. Tangai Ma
shoko. to give the student re
sponse. A number of awards and
books were presented to the
_ (graduating students. The purpose
//in giving these books was to pro-
iyvicw^tne gracjuate with certain
M^ols for his own study. Having
/taught the graduate how to use
/ the Bible and concordance, the
school now^ a Bible with
concordance. "f^'oTHer books
wer'e for similar purposes.
During the banquet our third
year student recited the Great
Commission in Greek. Both of
the New Testament Greek students
had made excellent progress. In
one year they had gone through
the Greek grammar book up to the
perfect tense (near the end of
the book). Both were doing pass
ing work in vocabulary and in
translating the Greek participle
(a crucial matter for reading
the Greek New Testament).
Our primly aim is the -maJdjig
'^ofprea.cliej^.t- However, we want
"to take the more capable ones
into advanced study so that the
African Church may be provided
with an African leadership.
During an impressive cere
mony Sunday afternoon. November
27, nine students received cer
tificates and diplomas. Eicjht
of the graduates received two
year certificates in religious
education. They are qualified
to minister to the churches.
One received his third year
diploma and spoke at the gradu
ation service. Mr. Ricliard
Smith. Missionary from Gwelo.
was our g^raduation speaker.
Noel,.gibanda. third year grad-
uate>^ave the morning message
at ^he mission church on Sunday.
It (was such a thrilling message
on I regretted
that it was not taped and sent
to our churches in the states.
Social Hour
The entire student body of
Mashoko Bible College were guesis
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sim-
kins. This was the final one of
a number of such social gather
ings during the school year.
These have been designed to give
the students more ease in meet
ing Europeans and in handling
European things. We have notic
ed considerable improvement in
this .respect.
At our last get-together a
Christmas gift was given to each
student. The students learned
to play Chinese checkers and
scrabble, while we became ac
quainted with their odd way of
playing checkers.
Move To Ghana Fulfillment Of Original Plans
God works out our plaos ac
cording to His own way! Three
years ago Cyril Simkins tried
every conceivable way to go into
Ghana via resident permit and
work. His entrance was denied on
no particular grounds. He then
turned to Rhodesia as a field in
which to work. Many of us con
cerned and interested in the need
in Ghana continued to pray. Cyril
stated when he went to Rhodesia
that if God should will that he
go to Ghana, maybe He would open
the way from Rhodesia.
When Cyril wrote to me (as he
did to others) a few months ago
and asked for my thoughts on go
ing into Ghana now, I sent him
the following words:
"I have come to the conclusion
that God is opening a door for
you in Ghana. In the first is
sue of the African Evangelist we
staged that the change in plans
from GiranB ra Rhodesie was due to
the unavailability of a perma
nent resident visa. It was also
stated that by going into Rho
desia you might be able in the
future to secure a way and a
means of going into Ghana. I
feel those words were most pro
phetic. God has apparently
opened the way and intends for
you to go now. The final decis
ion has to be in your hands. I
appreciate you asking for our
prayers and advice. I also ap
preciate you turning to others
and asking for their opinions.
However, the final decision, God
gives to you. Whatever decision
you make, you will have my con
tinued, firm support, and I am
sure that of all others who now
support the Lord's work that you
are doing."
I praise God for what He has
accomplished already in Ghana
and for the direction that He is
givi^-4tis->work there. _
AFiacAN mmaisT
published bimonthly for the
Central iSfrica itliaidion
Churches of Christ
216 North 25th Street
Quincy, Illinois
Second Class Postage
Paid at
Quincy, Illinois
I'EO ^ y
Missions Service
Box 968
509 W. Jefferson St.
Joliet, Illinois 60434
Box 1914 Accra, Ghana, West Africa
Forwarding Agent: Robert L. Mize Route 4, Admiral Drive
Concord, Tennessee 37720
Vol. 3 May 1967 No.2
Attempted Coup In Ghana Fails
(Dateline April 17, 1967) Today there has been an attempted coup
in Ghana. At 4:30 A.M. the Reconnaisance Regiment attempted to take
over the government by force. The radio announced that the National
Liberation Council was dissolved. The news was broadcasted only five
minutes before Mary Ann left
for school. Upon hearing of
the trouble we cancelled all
school plans for the day for
her since it was necessary to
pass close by the Flagstaff
The battle raged all morn
ing at Flagstaff House, the
Army Headquarters here in
Accra. All the shops are
tightly closed downtown.
About ten o'clock the radio
announced that the attempted
coup was crushed. We still
have a government. Although
there has been no word from
Ankrah, Chairman of the Nat
ional Liberation Chairman, the
Vice Chairman announced that
the coup was defeated and that
the mutinous soldiers had been
overpowered and the officers
who had formed a military jun
ta had been arrested.
Through it all everyone
here at home was calm and
never unduly nervous. Don't
worry about us. God has taken
real good care of us. We are
grateful to Him. (C.C.S.)
Black Star Square was the site
of the national celebration on
February 24, the anniversary of
the overthrow of the Nkrumah
government. Nkrumah was pro-
communist. He was ousted from
power by force and the National
Liberation Council was set up.
The latter government has been
very considerate of the work of
the church in Ghana. The above
monument is called the Ghana Inde
pendent Arch.
Write to;
Robert Mize, R. 4, Admiral Drive,
Concord, Tennessee, 37720
No week goes by without new opportunities to do God's work coming
forth. Everywhere you turn there is an inquiry about the Word of
God. Many young men express a longing to be trained for the minis
try, One religious leader who
has ten thousand followers has
thirty-five preachers that he
wants to have trained by Brother
Simkins and other missionaries.
He is anxious for a Bible College
and has offered land upon which
to construct a college building.
Although this is a troubled
country, God has opened up the
land and the hearts of people to
receive His gospel of love, peace
and salvation.
Mr. Simkins writes. "I feel
like the Apostle Paul must have
felt when he said, 'A great and
effectual door is opened unto us
and there are many adversaries.'
There are hinderers and hin
drances. but the power of God is
felt by us. We know that he
directs all things toward the
counsel of His own will."
Truly it can be said that
Ghana offers the greatest oppor
tunity for the New Testament
Church that we have in the world
today. We in the States dare not
fail in meeting the challenge of
Ghana. We must now rise up and
make possible the tools and the
means by which tlie work can be
Would You Help?
The work in Ghana is start
ing from "scratch" as far a
needed equipment is concerned
Do you belong or know of
group within the local churc
that would be interested i
furnishing some of the missio
needs. A partial list is a
1. Tape Recorder
2. Air Conditioners
3. Polaroid Camera
'I. 16 MM Film Projector
5. Desks for Bible College
^^Come To Us''
Prempeh II is the chief of
all the Ashanti and is called
the Ashanti-hene. He is the
most powerful chieftain in all
Ghana. He invited Cyril Simkins
to "come to us". After their
conference he gave land in the
Kumasi area for a church and
future school.
This impressive man belongs
to a tribe that was never de
feated in tribal wars or by the
God's accomplishments in Ghana during the past two months fills
our hearts with joy. How grateful we are that the Lord works out
His own way to do His work at the hands of dedicated servants. It
was difficult to understand why Cyril and Mrs. Simkins were delayed
for two years before entering this country. Now we know that God
did the delaying for a purpose.
Two years spent elsewhere in
Africa paid off in lessons
learned and experience clocked.
Moreover, the work now being
done could not have materialized
under the pro-communist reign of
Nkrumah. And if Nkrumah had ac
cepted the Simkins into the
country two years ago, the pre
sent government (which overthrew
Nkrumah) would have not welcomed
In all the world there is no
field as rich for the Gospel of
Jesus Christ and His wonderful
church as land of Ghana. This
field is the most promising mis
sion field that we have. The
people are more advanced than
any ot^r A^rican nation. They
are anxious to learn the truth
in God's word.
At the present time 30 stu
dents are registered at the
Bible College at Accra, These
men on the most part are high
school graduates; all are study
ing to be preachers. If the
facilities were available there
could be an enrollment of 100 or
more without sacrificing the
quality of the student.
We need branch colleges in
key cities throughout Ghana.
The land has been made available
in one city by Ghana's second
most powerful chief. He has even
offered an entire campus as a
site for a preacher training
school. This offer includes the
buildings. It is easy to count
on at least 100 ministerial stu
dents in each of these cities.
We need the personnel to take
advantage of such offers. We
need men who will work for the
Lord in spite of the dirt and
disease and discomforts of a
country that sets right on the
Last month a group of people
desired fellowship with the Sim
kins and others. There were
over 5,000 of them. Mr. Simkins
and Mr. Hostetter and Mr. Gibson
made it crystal clear concerning
the teachings of the New Testa
ment Church. At the conclusion
their leaders set forth their
desire to bring the people into
the restoration movement. This
brings to 10,000 the number of
people brought into fellowship
with the restoration movement in
the past two months. There is
yet much for them to learn, but
the opportunity to teach them
has been given.
In addition to this a presid
ing bishop of an African church
lias expressed interest in send
ing some of his preachers to the
college for Bible work. Each
day brings new opportunities.

Eric Danquali spent four years in Nkrumah's prison witliout liaving
a single cliarge placed against liim. His uncle, J.B. Danquah died
in that prison. If he were living today in all probability he would
be the president of Ghana National Liberation Committee. Eric ar
ranged for us to come into contact with the Omanhene of the Akim-
Abuakwa State. This powerful chieftain invited us to come visit him
during the traditional council meeting at Kibi, This was the most
splendid gathering of cliiefs that I have ever witnessed. As we came
in our eyes were filled with the royal regalia of over 100 chiefs
sitting around the room. The Omanhene, Ofori-Atta II was sitting
upon his throne. He had been de-throned (removed from office) by
Nkrumah, but he was restored after the February 24 overthrow of
Nkrumah's regime. This great man wants to give us a site for a
preacher training school. (C.C.S.)
The need is urgent for $20,000.00 to be used for the necessary
equipment, supplies and buildings for the Bible College. I know of
no other way to raise this money except by appealing to you who read
with interest of the work in Ghana. Any church tfiat is interested
in adding the Ghana Bible College project to its missionary giving
need only to write to Robert Mize. Concord, Tennessee. John Dorney,
Camp Point, Illinois, or to Robert Pate, 215 N. 25th, Quincy. Illi
nois, and all questions will be immediately answered. Speaking en
gagements will be accepted. Right now, I call upon our readers to
increase their missionary giving through their local church and de
signate it for the GHANA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE, % Robert Mize, Route 4,
Admiral Drive, Concord, Tennessee. 37720. (R.L.P.)
published bimonthly for the
Central Africa itlission
Churches of Christ
216 North 26th Street
Quincy, Illinois
Second Class Postage
Paid at
Quincy, Illinois
1.1133ions Sorvice
Box 968
509 iV. J^fforson 3t.
Joli2t. IlUnoia 60434
Box 1914 Accra, Ghana, West Africa
Forwarding Agent: Robert L. MIze Route 4, Admiral Drive
Concord, Tennessee 37720
Julv 1967 No. .3
Bible College Fund Needed Now!
The great single need for the
work in Ghana is a fund whereby
Ghana Christian College can be
gin a building program. The
regular funds for Mr. and Mrs.
Simkins are in constant and im
mediate use due to the tremen
dous opportunities as well as
the uncommonly high cost of liv
ing in Ghana. The high rental
used by the college necessitates
immediate action.
The need for expansion is al
so a prime factor in raising the
necessary funds to build a col
lege building. Every indication
is that the work of training
African evangelists can expand
as fast as facilities can be
provided. At present the col
lege is restricted In that we
can only accommodate a little
under twenty students. Any
others must live elsewhere in
the city.
It is our conviction that we
need to locate in an area of the
city where we can expand as the
opportunities continue to de
velop. We need a dormitory and
a building to house the class
rooms. We need an area where
the students can eat and take
care of their personal needs.
Our present building is attrac
tive and serves us well but it
We hope that you can see from
all our reports that the train
ing of preachers is of first im
portance in Ghana. Opportuni
ties are everywhere. Just this
morning before I left the house
for the college, a bishop of a
religious group came to the
house to invite me to come and
visit his church. He is in
terested in the services of our
young men. Here is another
great opportunity to preach
sound doctrine. The big ques
tion is."Who can we put in?" The
Bible College is the answer.
does not give us the room that
we need.
Ghana's Cost Of Living Fund Raisers Meet
Tlje other day I was sitting in
the office of a bank manager and
clianced to comment on the high
cost of living. His answer was,
"highest in the world." I do not
know if this was intended as a
factual statement or not. Per
haps it. was just a reaction, but
it certainly expressed my feel-
i ngs.
In order to understand this we
need to think back over what has
happened in Ghana during recent
years. It has only been a year
since many Americans looked upon
Ghana as a partly communist
state. Communism always ruins a
country. Under the former commu
nist administration the economy
of Ghana was ruined.
The present government is do
ing all that it can to stablize
the economy, but country was in
debt and all the money was gone
when it came to power. Nkrumah
put seventeen million dollars in
Swiss banks while he was in
power. He stole the money from
his government. I asked about
this and the reply was, "That was
only one of the banks he had
money in". Last week we read in
one of the local papers where the
government was investigating the
disappearance of social security
funds. Workers had put in lb
cedis into social security but
they were never actually covered.
Nkrumah collected the money for
We have no way of checking out
such information, but we do know
that the country is in a finan
cial bind. We have to pay $1.40
to get one Cedi, yet other
governments refuse the Cedi in
payment of debts. Consequently
we have to pay two or three Cedis
for articles that should only
cost, us one.
If you send anything to Ghana,
remember that customs costs are
100% of tlie value of the article.
Left to Right - John Dorney, Hob
Pate, Bob Mize, and Ron Simkins
The four men above met a few
weeks ago to discuss the means
to challenge our people in the
States to raise $20,000.00 to
construct a building for Ghana
Christian College. The meeting
was held in the home of Robert
Mize. Concord, Tennessee. Bob
is Forwarding Agent for Cyril
John Dorney, Chairman of the
Ghana Christian College Building
Fund, is minister of the Christ
ian Church of Camp Point. Illi
nois. Robert Pate, minister for
eight years at Madison Park
Christian Church, Quincy, Illi
nois. lias accepted a call to the
First Christian Church, Dodge
City, Kansas, and will move
there next month. Ron Simkins
ministers to the church at Witt,
However, articles sent as gifts
to Ghana Christian College are
duty free.
The government is doing a su
perior job in solving the pro
blem. Occasionally we can now
buy some things less than what
we would pay in the States.
It should also be pointed out
that our mission work will not
require the building of secon
dary schools. This means that
the total investment of mission
funds in Ghana will be less than
in other countries per work done
and people contacted.
Candid Questions And Frank Answers On Ghana
Do we have a great, opportun
ity in Ghana?
The Answer is, "YESI!"
Is there a big New Testament
Church in Ghana?
The answer is "No, but there
is a movement toward the New
Testament Church."
Are many people listening to
Yes, many are listening to
what we have to say from- God's
Do these people understand
fully the teaching of Scripture?
No. that's why we are here.
Are they willing to learn?
Many of them are willing to
learn. This is more true than
in many places.
Are the missionaries making
any converts?
We definitely are, but we
let the African brethren do most
of the baptizing.
Are there any who understand
and preach New Testament doc
Yes, this is the aim of Ghana
Christian College. Some of our
students are strong in the faith.
Is Ghana Christian College
making a success of this?
The success is excellent. It
is almost phenomenal for the
school to show such fine results
in the first year,
Do we lave a church in Ghana?
Certainly there is a church
in Ghana. Nevertheless, it is
too early to know what we will
have in Ghana. Only the ground
work has been laid.
What about the thousands who
want to join the restoration
It is a great victory when we
can enter these movements, or
when they come to us. This gives
us the opportunity to preach the
What do you mean by a restor
ation movement?
A movement within the church
that is headed toward a New Test
ament Church.
Do you regard the restoration
movement as a New Testament
We have a new Testament Church
here, but most of the movement
lacks much. The idea of a restor
ation movement presupposes that
it is not a New Testament Churcli.
If it were it wouldn't need re
storing and we wouldn't need to
be here.
Is there false doctrine in
these churches?
Yes, this is always true when
a missionary is needed. The Gos
pel will separate the wheat from
the chaff.
Can you see any progress in
the churches?
We see great progress. Someof
tliem have offered to change any
thing that is not scriptural. It
is thrilling to be in a great
struggle for truth.
PndnR Ci tv. Kansas
Ghana Cliristian Colleje has a tearliiny staff of three professors,
Richard Hostetter, Gerald Gibson, and Cyril Simkins. These teachers
have Bible College Degrees and Master's Degrees from universities in
America. These are the three men who originally planned to go to
Ghana together. A replacement will be needed for Professor Gibson
as he will be returning to teach at Minnesota Bible College this
Ghana Christian College is located near the Technical Institute
on the north side of Accra. It began the second term of the 1966-67
year with an enrollment of 23 regular students and 3 special stu
dents. One of these had to leave because we had no way of furnishing
him his meals and he had no funds to purchase his own. The school
will grow as we have inquiries every week - but growth is dependent
on expanding our facilities.
An African serves as business manager. Almcst everything that
the school buys or has built has been done through him. Djan Addo
is an invaluable man to us in every way. The school also has an
African discipline committee.
The building is a two story structure. The classes meet in the
large room downstairs and in one of the smaller upstair rooms. The
library and an office is also located on the second floor with liv
ing quarters for Djan Addo. All the students are housed in rooms on
the ground floor.
When we arrived here there were bunks but no mattresses. Since
then we have furnished the building with mattresses for the bunks,
tables for desks, and built shelves for the books in the library.
We pay 70 pounds a month in rent for the building. This is the
equivalent to $200.00 in American money. These expenses are shared
equally by the three teachers. As you can see we need to build as
soon as possible.
published bimonthly for the
Crntral Sfrtin idisdion
Churches of Christ
2IS North 26th Street
Quincy, Illinois
Second Class Postage
Paid at
Quincy, Illinois
I.Iissions Gervica
Box 963
509 V/. Joffarcon St.
Joliot, Illinois 60434

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