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8lack 8ock Solar | www.blackrocksolar.

8eno | San lranclsco | Penderson
230 8ell SL | 8eno | nv 89303 | 773-8L-Sunn?
660 Alabama SLreeL | San lranclsco | CA 94110 | 413-383-3398

August 18, 2u14 !"#$%&$' Lauia Biigham
Black Rock Solai Communication Cooiuinatoi
F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE lauiablackiocksolai.oig

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As pait of its stiategic commitment to fosteiing an eco-conscious community, Bigh Beseit
Nontessoii School boosteu its gieen cieuentials ovei the summei with the constiuction of a new
solai aiiay built by Reno nonpiofit Black Rock Solai. The aiiay will piouuce an estimateu S7S,uuu
kilowatt-houis of clean eneigy annually, which will save the school about $7Su,uuu in electiicity
costs ovei the next 2S yeais.

"Bigh Beseit Nontessoii Chaitei School is exciteu to be pait of this solai pioject in paitneiship with
Nv Eneigy anu Black Rock Solai," saiu Piincipal Tammie Stockton. "With the $Su,uuu in yeaily
savings we will see fiom this pioject, oui miuule school piogiam is planning to builu an on-site
gaiuen which will pioviue oiganic vegetables foi oui culinaiy piogiam."

Bigh Beseit Nontessoii School seives about 4uu stuuents fiom infanttouulei thiough 9

The 78u-panel aiiay sits atop caipoits coveiing paiking spots aujacent to the school's miuule
school builuing, tuining what was simply a paiking lot into an attiactive, efficient, alteinative
eneigy powei plant with shaueu paiking foi school employees anu paients.

"As a nonpiofit with a mission to help schools anu othei nonpiofits save money thiough builuing
clean eneigy, Black Rock Solai is uelighteu to have completeu its laigest caipoit aiiay to uate with
Bigh Beseit Nontessoii," saiu Black Rock Solai Executive Biiectoi Pauuy NcCully. "We'ie pleaseu
the aiiay was completeu befoie the stait of the school yeai, so Bigh Beseit Nontessoii can stait
channeling moie of its funus uiiectly into euucating stuuents."

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Black Rock Solai is a Reno-baseu Su1(c)S non-piofit oiganization focuseu on speeuing the auoption
of clean eneigy thiough installation, euucation, anu eneigy efficiency. By installing solai at low oi
no cost foi schools, tiibes, iuial communities, anu othei non-piofits, Black Rock Solai puts much
neeueu funus uiiectly into the hanus of those who neeu it most.

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BBNS is a public, chaitei Nontessoii school that fosteis inuepenuence, pioblem-solving skills anu a
gieat woik ethic in its stuuents. It complies with all Nevaua State anu Common Coie Stanuaius.

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