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Important Installation Information

In order to use the LightWave plug-ins that we have included with this release o
LightWave 4.0, you will need to configure them for your system. The
installation program cannot do this for you, so you will need to set them up
Once a plug-in has been added to LightWave, it will remain available in all
future LightWave sessions. Follow the steps below.
To install the HIIP plug-in (which allows for multiple file format support):
Enter Layout. Select the Options panel (from the top of the screen).Click on the

button labeled Add Plug-ins. Navigate to the HIIP directory (inside the main
NewTek directory). Select and load the file HIIPSaver.p. This automatically inst
the plug-in and modifies LightWave's config file so that the plug-in will be
available each time you run the program.
***HIIP provides animation support thru AVI files. However, Windows 3.1 users
must have Video for Windows installed for this feature to function. ***
When saving AVI files it is necessary to include the .AVI extension at the
end of the filename, otherwise no file will be saved. There are 3 AVI savers
included with Lightwave. NT-Avi.p is for use only with Windows NT and
provides some options for compression. HIIPsaver.p includes 2 AVI saving
utilities, HIIP-Avi32 and HIIP-Avi16. HIIP-Avi32 is for use with
Windows NT while HIIP-Avi16 is for use with Windows 3.1.
To install the Pennello plug-in (which allows for image processing effects):
Enter Layout. Select the Options panel (from the top of the screen).Click on the

button labeled Add Plug-ins. Navigate to the Plugins directory (inside the main
NewTek directory). Select and load LWPNLO.p. This automatically installs the
plug-in and modifies LightWave's config file so that the plug-in will be availab
each time you run the program.
To install Layout-specific plug-ins:
Enter Layout. Select the Options panel (from the top of the screen).Click on the

button labeled Add Plug-ins. Go to the Plug-ins directory, and enter the Layout
directory there. Select and load any files with a ".p" extension. You may need t
repeat this step several times, once for each plug-in that you find there.
To install Modeler-specific plug-ins:
Enter Modeler. Select the Objects panel (first button along the top of the
screen). Below it, drag your pointer over the "Custom" pop-up and select the
Add Plug-in option. Go to the Plug-ins directory, and enter the Modeler
directory there. Select and load any files with a ".p" extension. You may need t
repeat this step several times, once for each plug-in that you find there.
That's it. From now on, the plug-ins you have configured will be available
whenever you run LightWave and Modeler.
Note: If you wish to update or remove an existing plug-in, you will need to
remove its command line from the LightWave or Modeler config file. Use a text
editor to delete the line from the file so that it will not appear in your plug-
pop-up menus. Information about the name of the config file for each platform
can be found on page 313 (Appendix B) of the Reference Manual. You may also
wish to delete the actual plug-in executable from your hard disk. This is of
course optional, since you may wish to reinstall the plug-in at a later date.
Last-Minute Additions to LightWave
The following items were altered/added to LightWave 3D after the manuals
went to press. We have provided a page of "See the ReadMe file!" stickers to
accompany this text file. As you read through this file, you may want to place
them on the appropriate pages in the LightWave manuals to serve as a reminder
that a control or function has been added or updated.
Among the stickers you'll also find a set of Technical Support stickers as well.

We recommend that you place them inside the front covers of your manuals, or
on your computer as a handy reference for calling on our software support
services. (There are more stickers than you actually need, so you should have a
few extras.)
If you did not receive a sheet of "See the ReadMe file!" stickers for any reason
please contact Customer Service at 800-647-6111 or 913-228-8000.
Systems Guide and Installation Page 12
Referenced Appendix
The Systems Guide refers to an appendix that lists all of the files included wit
the LightWave content CD-ROM. This appendix does not appear in the printed
manual and is not included on the CD-ROM.
Systems Guide and Installation Page 14
Installing LightWave Software (on Windows NT and Amiga platforms)
The installation instructions state that you should run the LightWave installati
program from a floppy disk. This is no longer accurate. All of the files that yo
need for your version of LightWave can be found on the CD-ROM, incuding the
installation program. Insert the LightWave CD-ROM in your CD drive and run
the installer from there.
Win32 and Windows NT users run the program called "Setup.exe." Amiga
users run the program called "Install LightWave 4.0."
Reference Page 4
User Guide Page 12
Middle mouse button support for three-button mice (all platforms)
In Modeler, clicking the middle mouse button engages extended selection
(extended selection allows you to highlight items in addition to the currently-
selected ones). This is the equivalent of holding the Shift key while clicking w
the left mouse button. This makes extended selection a simple, one-handed
LightWave Layout already supports the three-button mouse. In Layout, use the
middle mouse button to select objects from the main screen (rather than the
pop-up menu button).

Reference Page 184
User Guide Page 216
TrueType font support (Windows systems only)
Modeler now supports both PostScript Type 1 and TrueType fonts. The panel
for generating 3D text now features "Add Type-1" and "Add True-Type" buttons
in place of the "Load Font "button discussed in the manual.
Reference Page 290
User Guide Page 268
Screen Selection Options (Amiga only)
In Modeler, you can select among the different screen modes supported by
Modeler and your display via the Options panel.
To change screen modes, go to the Display panel and select Options to access
this new screen mode control. Click on the Change button and select a new
mode from the dialog box. Click OK, then click OK again to exit the Options
panel. Modeler will temporarily disappear, then return in the screen display
mode you selected (as long as it is compatible with your system).
Modeler can display each screen mode in one of two color schemesgrayscale
or grayscale with yellow highlighting. Click on the Color button to toggle
between these two modes. When you exit the panel, Modeler will reset itself to
its new color settings.
Reference Page 313
New Layout Configuration File Options
New configuration file options have been added to the Layout config file (which
is documented in Appendix B of the Reference Manual). The new lines are
specific to different platforms, so your config file may or may not display all
the additions shown here. The options that appear at the end of each line
(following the space) may be edited by you to fit your preferences.
FileTypeImages *.iff;*.tga
The list of image extensions instructs LightWave to show only the files of that
type in the Load Image or Save Image file dialog. You can edit the list of
extensions to display only the file types that you prefer to see. Note that each

file type is separated by a semi-colon.
Note: Non-Win32 and non-Windows NT systems do not use file types and will
ignore this line.

FileTypeAnimations *.*
The list of image extensions instructs LightWave to show only the files of that
type in the Save Animation file dialog. You can edit the list of extensions to
display only the file types that you prefer to see. Note that each file type is
separated by a semi-colon.

Note: Non-Win32 and non-Windows NT systems do not use file types and will
ignore this line.
OverwriteWarnings 2
When you go to save a file over an existing file with the same name, LightWave
will warn you that you are about to do so. However, depending on your level of
expertise with LightWave, you may not wish to have constant reminders of this,
particularly if you are saving an object or scene with desired changes. There ar
three levels of overwrite warnings you can choose among for the config file.
A value of 2 allows LightWave to warn you any time you save data to an existing
file name. This helps prevent you from saving over an existing file.
A value of 1 tells LightWave to supress its warning message if the current file
name is the same as the file name already saved (i.e., if you load a scene, add
light source, then save the scene again using the same name). Saving the current

version of a file (especially a scene or an object) is a common action and one
where repeated warning messages may be considered a nuisance.
A value of 0 supresses all overwrite warnings.
QuickMotionPathFrames 30
In Layout, when you move an object (or make a preview animation), its motion
path is shown extending both ahead-of and behind the current object. The value
set for QuickMotionPathFrames determines just how far ahead and behind an
object the motion path is calculated and displayed.
AnimationsDirectory Framestore
This line directs LightWave to save animations in a directory called Framestore
(located within the main NewTek directory). This is for Video Toaster (Amiga)
support, since the Toaster can play back HAM8 format animations in real time.
FramestoresDirectory Images
This line instructs LightWave which directory to use as its Framestore directory

(for the Save Framestores, Play Framestores, and Save Animation buttons). This
is primarily for non-Video Toaster (Amiga) users who wish to save animations in
another format and directory than Toaster owners might use.
FlyerClipsDirectory Clips
This line tells LightWave where to access Video Toaster Flyer clips.
Reference Page 347
User Guide Page 31
New Keyboard Shortcuts Added to Layout
The following keyboard shortcuts were added to the main Layout screen:
i Display inverse kinematics options panel for selected item
= Add child bone
F1 Display shortcuts for current panel (in addition to Help, Amiga version)

In addition, when the skeletal system of an object is selected, you can now pres
either the plus (+) key to add a bone to Layout, or the minus (-) key to remove
bone from Layout.
User Guide Page 395
Advanced Tutorial #5
This tutorial did not mention the names of the objects and scenes shown. The
objects shown for this tutorial (the flag and the pumpkin) are included in the
Objects/Tutorial directory. The scenes can be found in the Scenes/Tutorial
Pennello Page 12
"Troubleshooting: Pennello does not appear on my Image Effect Plug-in menu"
This troubleshooting tip refers to the LightWave config file for Win32 and
Windows NT users (lw.cfg). If you are an SGI user, your config file will be
named .lwrc.

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