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Syllabus for OSC 323 Operations Management

Summer Quarter 2009

Prereq.: BUS 221 (Business Statistics), and admission to the major or permission of instructor.
For Business Administration majors, S! "21 is stron#$% recommended.
Professor: Ozden Bayazit, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Operations/Supply Chain
Offi%e: !"#$%
P&one: &#'$(&" )'*& e+t: !*'&
#a': &#'$(&" )&,,
E(mail: -ayazito.c/
Offi%e )ours* Only -y appointent
+ebsite* http://///.c/ pass,or-: suertie
1ntroduction to the production/operations anageent function. 2uantitati3e and
4ualitati3e ethods and odels to support decision a5ing in production, operations,
logistics, and other functional areas.
By the end of the course, the student should -e a-le to:
1dentify and descri-e the eleents of the production/operations anageent
6P/OM7 function in -oth anufacturing and ser3ice organizations and sho/ ho/
P/OM interacts /ith other functions of the fir.
1dentify the factors of production and sho/ ho/ they are integrated into
producti3e systes.
1dentify, descri-e, and apply appropriate odels and ethods for the anageent
of the production/operations function, including -oth 4ualitati3e and 4uantitati3e
techni4ues for analysis, decision a5ing, and control.
1dentify current issues and pro-les 6such as glo-al production, operations
strategy, autoation, the en3ironent, di3ersity, etc.7 /hich affect the producti3e
segent of the fir, and suggest /ays in /hich such issues and pro-les ay -e
8ecognize /hen it is appropriate to apply 3arious analytic odels for production
systes and syste eleents. 9hese are the decision a5ing odels of
production and operations anageent.
:ra;e/s5i, 8itzan, < Malhotra, Operations Management* Pro%esses an- 1alue
C&ains2 Prentice$=all, ,th >dition, 2007.
>+as /ill -e /eighted as noted -elo/ and /ill -e gi3en as listed in the course schedule.
>+as generally ay consist of fill$in$-lan5 4uestions, ultiple choice, pro-les, cases,
short ans/er, and/or essay 4uestions.
>+as 6),? each7 '&? @inal grade allocation
1n$class 4uizzes 6)? each7 )"? A!? $ A 6&."7/ A"? $ A$ 6!.*7
=oe/or5 Assignents )'? ,*? $ BB 6!.!7/ ,!? $ B 6!."7/ ,"? $ B$ 6#.*7
Class pro;ect )*? **? $ CB 6#.!7/ *!? $ C 6#."7/ *"? $ C$ 6).*7
Participation B Attendance &? (*? $ DB 6).!7/ (!? $ D 6)."7/ ("? $ D$ 6".*7/ ("? $ @ 6"."7
Students are e+pected to ta5e the e+a on the scheduled date. 1f a student is una-le to -e
present in class /hen an e+a is scheduled -ecause of an eergency situation, it is the
studentCs responsi-ility to contact the instructor in ad3ance. Other/ise no a5eup tests.
Stu-ent Responsibilities
9he student is responsi-le for all assigned readings and internalizing all the aterial
presented in class, /hich ay or ay not originate fro the te+t-oo5. 9he student is
responsi-le for the aterial co3ered in the lectures, assigned te+t-oo5 readings, and case
studies e+ained in class.
Parti%ipation an- tten-an%e
Students /ho do not attend lectures cannot get participation points 6and attendance credit
as appropriate7 during that class period. All re4uests for e+cused a-sence ust -e in
ad3ance. 9he instructor ay deduct up to #' percent fro the attendance and
participation portion of a grade for each incident. 9here /ill -e also strong correlation
-et/een the pro-les done in class and the pro-les used on the assignents and
9he student is responsi-le for su-itting the indi3idual/group assignents /hen
scheduled -y the instructor. 9here /ill -e in$class and off$class assignents. A-sence
fro class does not e+cuse the student fro any in$class 4uizzes or any assignents
ade during the class period. A student /ho isses the class should chec5 /ith the
instructor and/or class /e-site to deterine if an assignent /as ade during the class
/as issed. All hoe/or5 assignents ust -e typed and the student/group nae,
su-ission date, and title of the hoe/or5 su-;ect should -e included. Dhen a group
pro;ect is assigned, each group is re4uired to return one /ritten report to the instructor.
All late assignents /ithin one /ee5 of the due date /ill -e graded out of ' instead of
All hoe/or5 assignents grading is done -y )$)" scale as follo/ing:
)" >+cellent
A Eery good
, Food
* and -elo/ Poor/unsatisfactory
Class Pro3e%t
9he students are e+pected to for a group /ith !$& persons and then to coplete a class
pro;ect. 9he o-;ecti3e of this assignent is to ha3e your group visit a product or ser3ice
organization, analyze it fro an operations point of 3ie/, and report your results. Gou
/ill -e responsi-le for su-itting a '$, page /ritten analysis of your results 4/ue
ugust 52
67 Gou are also e+pected to a5e a short oral presentation 6)"$)' inutes7 of
your results 4Presentations* ugust 52
67 Frading for Class Pro;ect /ill -e -ased on the
follo/ing: Dritten analysis 6,"?7 and presentation 6#"?7.
Pro3e%t /etails
Eisit a product or ser3ice organization as a group. 1nter3ie/ /ith the operations and/or
production anager to copile inforation a-out the copanyHs operations strategy,
4uality control ethods, processes, in3entory planning ethods, forecasting techni4ues,
location decisions, layout forats, etc.
Gour report s&oul- in%lu-e t&e follo,ing:
$Copany -ac5ground 6/hen it started, ho/ any eployees it has, /hich industry it is
in, etc.7.
$Gour report should also address at least fi8e of the follo,ing issues 49ou mig&t %&oose
to %on%entrate on 3ust one topi% in greater -etail6:
o Operations strategy/copetiti3e -asis 6copanyHs copetiti3e priorities, ho/
copany do copete /ith its copetitors, /hat the copanyHs strengths and
/ea5nesses are o3er its copetitors, etc.7
o Products/ser3ices 6features, classification, design7
o Processes /hich create/deli3er the products/ser3ices 6classification, features,
o Capacity planning
o @acility %ocation 6/hat the factors affecting the copanyHs location decisions are ,
ho/ the copany plans its location for a ne/ facility, etc.7
o @acility %ayout
o 1n3entory planning/anageent
o Supply chain anageent 6ho/ the copany /or5s /ith its suppliers, /hether
they do ha3e an integrated supply chain anageent approach, etc.7
o 2uality anageent/control 6Dhether they do ipleent 92M philosophy, ho/
they do control and aintain 4uality /ithin the organization, /hich 4uality tools
they do use 6Pareto, chec5lists, cause$effect diagras, flo/charts, etc.7, /hether
they do ipleent Si+$siga philosophy, /hether they do use statistical control
charts 68 charts, I$-ar charts, etc.7
o Operations planning and control 6J19 ipleentation, etc.7
o @orecasting
Ser8i%es 8ailable for P&ysi%ally C&allenge- Stu-ents: 1f you are physically
challenged, please notify the instructor. 9he instructor and CDK /ill do their -est to
pro3ide such ser3ices.
CO: Poli%y on reta0e %ourses* Please note that only one reta5e of all Bus. Adin.
$entati8e Course Outline
/ate of $opi% 4s6
Chapter ): Operations as a Copetiti3e Deapon
1n$class 4uiz )
Chapter #: Operations Strategy
1n$class 4uiz #
Chapter &: Process Strategy
1n$class 4uiz !
"*/"(/"A E'am 5 4C&apters 52 22 ;6
Chapter ': Process Analysis
1n$class 4uiz &
Chapter (: Process Perforance and 2uality
Chapter (: Process Perforance and 2uality 6contCd7
1n$class 4uiz '
Chapter ,: Process %ayout
1n$class 4uiz (
Chapter A: %ean Systes
1n$class 4uiz *
E'am 2 4C&apters <2 =2 >2 96
Chapter )": Supply Chain Strategy
1n$class 4uiz ,
Chapter )): %ocation
1n$class 4uiz A
Chapter )#: 1n3entory Manageent
1n$class 4uiz )"
?roup Pro3e%t Stu-y $ime
?roup Pro3e%t Presentations
",/)*/"A E'am 3 4C&apters 502 552 526
Please note that this is a tentati3e outline and is su-;ect to changes during the 4uarter.

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