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... through Bertha Dudde

Jesus descended into the abyss
after His crucifixion ....
When I i!ed on earth "y constant thought #as to sa!e $eo$e
fro% descending into ut%ost dar&ness so that they #oud be
unabe to enter the !estibue of he' (#hich e!en denied their
entrance to the !estibue of he)' on account of #hich I
continuousy $rocai%ed the teaching of o!e to %a&e it easier for
the% to beie!e in "y act of *a!ation' and thereby the #or& of
rede%$tion #as aready achie!ed in these hu%an beings.
+et $eo$e #ere sti too occu$ied #ith the earthy #ord' ony a
fe# beie!ed in ife after death and they #ere rece$ti!e for "y
teaching of o!e' and they recognised "e "ysef #ith ease since I
#as aso abe to instruct the% and they acce$ted e!erything as
truth. ,hus a arge $ro$ortion of those #ho ex$erienced "e
"ysef #ere abe to enter "y &ingdo% in a -redee%ed. state'
yet far %ore re/ected "y teaching' they re%ained heartess and
had to endure their fate in the beyond .... 0fter "y crucifixion I
aso descended into this &ingdo% and #as abe to reease a
those #ho stayed in the !estibue of he .... a the $eo$e #ho
had ead a God1$easing ife but for #ho% the &ingdo% of ight
#as sti oc&ed because they #ere sti burdened by the origina
sin' since "y act of *a!ation had yet to be acco%$ished ....
I a$$roached the% as the -hu%an being Jesus. for they' too'
shoud not be co%$eed to beie!e' I /oined the% in "y figure of
suffering #hich %ade %any as& the 2uestion3 If +ou are the
"essiah Who #as $ro%ised to us' #hy did +our $o#er not
$re!ent this .... #hy did +ou ha!e to suffer this a$$aing death
on the cross4 For they had been #aiting for "e' for the One Who
#as $ro%ised to the% as *a!iour. ,hey' too' had to foo# "e
entirey of their o#n free #i' and it #as not difficut to con!ince
the% that I #as this $ro%ised "essiah ....
,hen' ho#e!er' foo#ed "y descent into he .... into the region
#here I also #anted to bring sa!ation fro% the origina sin ....
,here I #as ess successfu in con!incing the sous' $recisey
because I a$$eared in the sa%e figure and #as !isibe to the%
as the -beaten Jesus. to Who% they denied a $o#er and thus
they did not #ant to ac&no#edge Hi% either. 5e!ertheess'
anyone #ho #anted to #as ao#ed to foo# "e and I reeased
hi% fro% his bondage.
0nd ti%e and again I descend into the abyss to ignite a s%a
ight for e!eryone' so that they %o%entariy #i re%e%ber the
One Who once ca%e to the% and graduay essen their
resistance' so that they' #ho $re!iousy had been stubborn and
ony had #ords of hatred and scorn for Hi%' #i aso et
the%se!es be redee%ed by His o!e.
+et "y o!e #i not hod anything against the%' "y o!e is
constanty concerned that e!eryone shoud be rescued' that no1
one #i return again into the bondage of the one #ho had o#ned
the% for so ong' and that "y act of *a!ation for these' too' has
not been %ade in !ain. But I cannot $re!ent it if their resistance
to "e is so strong that a endea!ours on "y $art are in !ain' for
I #i ne!er force anyone to ac&no#edge "e' I #i ony offer
e!eryone the best $ossibe o$$ortunities to find their #ay out
into the ight.
0nd thus you hu%ans render "e a great ser!ice by $raying for
these sous' for there #i a#ays be a fe# #ho #i et go' #ho
#i be touched by the $o#er of $rayer and then can be guided
into the ight.
0nd in sincere gratitude these sous #i do the sa%e and entice
other sous out of the abyss .... since they &no# each other and
they understand and try to dis$erse the ob/ections #hich sti
do%inate the%. Once it is $ossibe that they at east ta&e notice
of "y greatest act of %ercy then they #i aso refect on it and
try to %a&e contact #ith "e .... 0nd then the forgi!eness of their
i%%ense sin is ensured' then the gate into the &ingdo% of ight
#i be o$ened for the% and a ong state of tor%ent #i ha!e
+et those #ho are un#iing #i be sub/ect to a ne# banish%ent
at the end' for one day they #i ha!e to regain their sef1
a#areness as a hu%an being and decide once %ore .... 0nd thus
the $rocess across earth can indeed ha$$en %ore than once' and
sooner or ater e!en these beings. #i sha surey turn to "e as
#e' one day the hour of sa!ation #i aso co%e for the% ....
6ubished by friends of ne# re!eations of God 7 Infor%ation'
do#noad of a transated re!eations' the%e1boo&ets at3


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