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The theory of reasoned action (TRA), developed by Martin Fishbein, derived from

previous research that started out as the theory of attitude, which led to the study of
attitude and behavior. The components of TRA are three general constructs- 1)
behavioral intention, 2) attitude, and 3) subjective norm.

Attitude consists of beliefs about the consequences of performing the behavior multiplied
by his or her valuation of these consequences. Subjective norm is seen as a
combination of perceived expectations from relevant individuals or groups along with
intentions to comply with these expectations.

In this instance it will enable us to understand innovative teenager’s attitudinal habits

and beliefs through our own research and simple calculations. Our questionnaire and
findings are presented below with an analysis and discussion.

Subjective Beliefs –

If I play games I will escape from reality:

Strongly Agree __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Strongly Disagree

(+3) (+2) (+1) (0) (-1) (-2) (-3)

I believe escaping from reality is a positive thing to do:

Strongly Agree __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Strongly Disagree

(+3) (+2) (+1) (0) (-1) (-2) (-3)

I play video games to resolve boredom and time:

Strongly Agree __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Strongly Disagree

(+3) (+2) (+1) (0) (-1) (-2) (-3)
I play video games for social purposes:

Strongly Agree __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Strongly Disagree

(+3) (+2) (+1) (0) (-1) (-2) (-3)

I believe playing video games is a productive way of spending my time:

Strongly Agree __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Strongly Disagree

(+3) (+2) (+1) (0) (-1) (-2) (-3)

I believe playing video games benefits me educationally:

Strongly Agree __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Strongly Disagree

(+3) (+2) (+1) (0) (-1) (-2) (-3)

Normative Beliefs –

I have the same games console as my friends:

Strongly Agree __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Strongly Disagree

(+3) (+2) (+1) (0) (-1) (-2) (-3)

I play the same video games as my friends:

Strongly Agree __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Strongly Disagree

(+3) (+2) (+1) (0) (-1) (-2) (-3)

How much do you like to play the same games as your friends:

Strongly Agree __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Strongly Disagree

(+3) (+2) (+1) (0) (-1) (-2) (-3)
I am heavily influenced by my friends actions:

Strongly Agree __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Strongly Disagree

(+3) (+2) (+1) (0) (-1) (-2) (-3)

I like to play games that my dad’s interested in:

Strongly Agree __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Strongly Disagree

(+3) (+2) (+1) (0) (-1) (-2) (-3)

I like to do what my dad does:

Strongly Agree __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Strongly Disagree

(+3) (+2) (+1) (0) (-1) (-2) (-3)

Calculating a consumers attitude towards playing video games –

Salient Beliefs Belief Strength (bi) Evaluation Score (ei) Product (b,e)

Escaping from reality +2 +1 +2

Resolves boredom +1 +1 +1`
Fun +3 +2 +6
Socialising +1 +2 +2
Educational -2 +1 -2

Overall attitude = +9
Salient Beliefs Belief Strength (bi) Evaluation Score (ei) Product (b,e)

Escaping from reality +1 -2 -2

Resolves boredom +2 +3 +6
Fun +2 +1 +2
Socialising -1 +1 -1
Educational -1 +1 -1

Overall attitude = +4

Salient Beliefs Belief Strength (bi) Evaluation Score (ei) Product (b,e)

Escaping from reality +1 +2 +2

Resolves boredom +2 +1 +2
Fun +3 +2 +6
Socialising -2 +2 -2
Educational -1 +3 -6

Overall attitude = -2

Salient Beliefs Belief Strength (bi) Evaluation Score (ei) Product (b,e)

Escaping from reality +2 +2 +4

Resolves boredom +1 +4 +4
Fun +3 +1 +3
Socialising -3 +1 -3
Educational -2 +4 -8

Overall attitude = 0
Salient Beliefs Belief Strength (bi) Evaluation Score (ei) Product (b,e)

Escaping from reality +2 +4 +8

Resolves boredom +3 +1 +6
Fun +1 +1 +1
Socialising -4 +1 -4
Educational -4 +3 -12

Overall attitude = -1

Salient Beliefs Belief Strength (bi) Evaluation Score (ei) Product (b,e)

Escaping from reality +3 +1 +3

Resolves boredom +4 +2 +8
Fun +3 +2 +6
Socialising +2 +2 +4
Educational -4 +1 -4

Overall attitude = +17

Salient Beliefs Belief Strength (bi) Evaluation Score (ei) Product (b,e)

Escaping from reality +1 +2 +2

Resolves boredom +3 +2 +6
Fun +3 -1 -3
Socialising +2 -3 -6
Educational -2 +1 -2

Overall attitude = -3
Salient Beliefs Belief Strength (bi) Evaluation Score (ei) Product (b,e)

Escaping from reality -2 +2 -4

Resolves boredom +3 +2 +6
Fun +4 +1 +4
Socialising -1 +3 -3
Educational -1 +1 -1

Overall attitude = +2

Salient Beliefs Belief Strength (bi) Evaluation Score (ei) Product (b,e)

Escaping from reality +1 +1 +1

Resolves boredom +2 +2 +4
Fun +1 +2 +2
Socialising -1 +3 -3
Educational -1 +3 -3

Overall attitude = +1

Salient Beliefs Belief Strength (bi) Evaluation Score (ei) Product (b,e)

Escaping from reality +1 -3 -3

Resolves boredom +3 +3 +9
Fun +3 +3 +9
Socialising -3 +1 -3
Educational -4 +3 -12

Overall attitude = 0
Salient Beliefs Belief Strength (bi) Evaluation Score (ei) Product (b,e)

Escaping from reality +3 +2 +6

Resolves boredom +2 +2 +4
Fun +3 +1 +3
Socialising +4 +2 +8
Educational -1 +3 -3

Overall attitude = +18

Salient Beliefs Belief Strength (bi) Evaluation Score (ei) Product (b,e)

Escaping from reality +3 +2 +6

Resolves boredom +1 +1 +1
Fun +3 +1 +3
Socialising -3 +2 -6
Educational -1 +2 -2

Overall attitude = +2

SN Average = 3.91

Subjective norms look at the influence of people in one’s social environment on his/her
behavioral intentions. The beliefs of people, weighted by the importance one attributes to
each of their opinions, will influence one’s behavioral intention. Consequently our
findings illustrate that innovative teenagers comply with the behavioural habits because
of the positive overall SN average and are heavily influenced by their social
environment. Generally speaking their friends and family members will manipulate
teenagers buying habits regarding the console and games they purchase, as well as
how often they play their console and one’s subconscious salient beliefs.

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