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TM 55-2350-224-14

(M113A2, M113A3, M106A2, M125A2, M548A1,
M577A2, M667, M730A2, M741A1, M901A1, M981,
M1015A1, M1059, M1064, AND M1068)
H E A D Q U A R T E R S , D E P A R T M E N T O F T H E A R M Y
01 FEBRUARY 1993
No. TM 55-2350-224-14
*TM 55-2350-224-14
WAS H I N G TON , DC, 1 February 1993
M113 Family of Vehicles
Paragraph Page
Secti on I .
I I .
I I I .
Secti on I .
I I .
Secti on I .
I I .
Secti on I .
I I .
Secti on I .
I I .
Purpose and scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rel ated Publ i cati ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
User Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Defi ni ti ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Warni ngs, Cauti ons, and Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Techni cal Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reduced Confi gurati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sel f-Del i very . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pri me Mover Sel ecti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preparati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Loadi ng and Ti edown Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rai l car Sel ecti on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preparati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Loadi ng Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preparati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Loadi ng Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Li fti ng Operati ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dangerous Materi al s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
USAF Cargo Ai rcraft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
US Army Ai rcraft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ci vi l Reserve Ai r Fl eet (CRAB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preparati on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Conversi on Tabl es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Methods of I denti fi cati on for I nch-Si ze Chai n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Requi rements for Converti ng the M981, M901, M901A1 (I TV) Launcher from Standard to Transport
Confi gurati on and Back to Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Detai l ed Procedures for securi ng the M577/A1/A2 Rear Ramp Door.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
*This manual supersedes TM 55-2350-224-14, dated 1 April 1980.
TM 55-2350-224-14
Section I. GENERAL
1-1. Purpose and Scope
Thi s manual i s for tr anspor tati on offi cer s and
other personnel responsi bl e for safe transport of
the M113 Fami l y of Vehi cl es (FOV). I t provi des
transportabi l i ty gui dance for safe shi ppi ng and
recei vi ng of the M113 FOV. I t i ncl udes si gni fi cant
techni cal and physi cal characteri sti cs of the vehi -
cl es as wel l as safety requi rements for worl dwi de
movement by vari ous modes of transportati on.
Where appropri ate, thi s manual provi des metri c
equi val ents i n parentheses next to US customary
uni ts of measure.
1-2. Related Publications
Addi ti onal i nformati on on transport procedures
can be found i n the fol l owi ng:
MTMCTEA Pamphl et 55-19, Tiedown Hand-
book for Rail Movements.
MTMCTEA Pamphl et 55-20, Tiedown Hand-
book for Highway Movements.
MTMCTEA Pamphl et 561, Surface Transporta-
tion, Marine Terminal Lifting Guidance.
MTMCTEA Pamphl et 70-1, Transportability for
Better Strategic Mobility.
FM 10-567/TO 13C7-16-171, Airdrop of Sup
plies and Equipment Rigging Tracked Person-
nel Cargo Carriers.
FM 55-65, Strategic Deployment by Surface
TM 38-250/AFR 71-4, Preparation of Hazardous
Materials for Military Air Shipment.
USAREUR Reg 55-8, Loading and Securing
Military Wheeled and Tracked Vehicles on Euro-
pean Railcars.
AR 55-162, Permits for Oversize, Overweight, or
Other Special Military Movements on Public
Highways in the United States.
AR 55-228, Transportation by Water of Explo-
sives and Hazardous Cargo.
1-3. User Comments
Send comments and recommendati ons for i mprov-
i ng thi s manual on a DA For m 2028 (Recom-
Section Il.
1-6. General
To ensure safe operati on and movement, operators
shoul d fol l ow the precauti ons and safety consi der-
ati ons gi ven bel ow. Speci fi c safety i nstructi ons are
mended Changes to DA Publ i cati ons and Bl ank
Forms) or a marked copy of a page or pages of the
manual to Di rector, MTMC Transportati on Engi -
neeri ng Agency, ATTN: MTTE-TR, 720 Thi mbl e
Shoal s Bl vd, Sui te 130, Newpor t News, VA
1-4. Definitions
The fol l owi ng defi ni ti ons are used throughout thi s
man u al :
a. Breaking Strength (BS). The stress at whi ch a
part (wi re rope) actual l y fai l s.
b. CONUS. Conti nental Uni ted States.
c. Curb Weight (CW). Total wei ght of operabl e
carri er, i ncl udi ng fuel , al l system fl ui ds, and on-
vehi cl e basi c i ssue i tems (BI I ). CW does not i n-
cl ude crew wei ght.
d. FI STV. Fi re Support Team Vehi cl e.
e. Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW). CW pl us maxi -
mum payl oad.
f. Total Load Restraint (TLR). The TLR gi ven
for hi ghway, r ai l , and mar i ne modes i ncl udes
al l owances for shi ppi ng di recti ons and typi cal ti e-
down angl es. For exampl e, the hi ghway TLR i s 1.5
ti mes GVW: 1.5 x 20,000 pounds = 30,000 pounds.
g. TOW. Tube-Launched, Opti cal l y Tr ack ed,
Wi re-Gui ded Mi ssi l e.
1-5. Warnings, Cautions, and Notes
Throughout thi s manual the fol l owi ng speci al mes-
sages emphasi ze i mportant or cri ti cal i nformati on:
I nstructi ons that must be fol l owed to pre-
vent seri ous i njury to, or death of, person-
nel .
I nstructi ons that must be fol l owed to pre-
vent damage to, or destructi on of, equi p-
An operati ng procedure
cei ve speci al attenti on.
gi ven throughout the
ti ons, and notes.
a. When the ramp
car r i er s (except the
that shoul d re-
manual as warni ngs, cau-
door l atch on any of the
M113A3, M548, M548A1,
TM 55-2350-224-14
M667, M730A2, M901, M901A1, M981, M1015A1,
and M1064) i s not functi oni ng properl y, use the
procedure gi ven i n appendi x E.
b. Check each carri er to ensure al l l oose i tems
are appropri atel y secured per i nstructi ons i n the
respecti ve operators manual s.
c. Al l carri ers must be dri ven onl y by qual i fi ed
dri vers.
d. When a carri er i s bei ng dri ven, the dri vers
hatch cover must be secured i n the ful l y open or
ful l y cl osed posi ti on.
e. I f a track i s thrown whi l e the carri er i s i n
operati on, do not appl y brakes unl ess absol utel y
necessar y. I nstead, l et the car r i er coast to a
f. Do not mount or di smount a carri er when i t i s
i n moti on.
g. The dri ver must bri ng the carri er to a com-
pl ete stop before enteri ng or l eavi ng a bui l di ng.
h. Anyti me carri ers are operated i n reverse, or
wi thi n 20 feet of a bui l di ng or other carri er, a
ground gui de must di rect dri ver movement.
i. Do not operate the engi ne i n an encl osed area
wi thout adequate venti l ati on.
j. Hi gh vol tage i n the M19 peri scope can cause
seri ous i njury. Al ways connect the power cabl e to
the peri scope before turni ng the master power
swi tch and the i nfrared (I R) power swi tch to ON.
Never di sconnect the power cabl e from the peri -
scope unti l the i mage on the screen di sappears
compl etel y.
1-7. General
a. The M113 FOV ar e ful l y tr ack ed, sel f-
propel l ed carri ers, and are ei ther thi ck ski nned
(armored) or thi n ski nned (unarmored). The ar-
mored vari ants are deri ved from the M113A2 or
M113A3, and the unarmored are deri ved from the
M548. The M667 gui ded mi ssi l e carri er i s a speci al
excepti on. I t i s thi n ski nned, but i s not based on
the M548.
b. Al l of the vari ants are powered by a di esel
engi ne and are supported by a torsi on-bar suspen-
si on. Vari ous product i mprovements on some vari -
ants have resul ted i n transmi ssi on, suspensi on,
armor, and power upgrades. The carri ers vary i n
hei ght and wei ght, but unl ess otherwi se noted,
are consi dered the same for transportabi l i ty pur-
c. The fol l owi ng paragraphs contai n the speci fi c
admi ni str ati ve and techni cal data that affect
transportabi l i ty for each of the i ndi vi dual carri ers.
Each subsecti on contai ns a vehi cl e pi cture and the
rel ati ng transportabi l i ty characteri sti cs and data
necessary for safe movement. For transportabi l i ty
purposes, the pi ctures of the newest versi ons (Al ,
A2, and A3) are representati ve of the ol der ver-
si ons.
1-7-1. M106, M106A1, and M106A2 (fi gs
1-1 and 1-2). Thi s carri er i s desi gned to trans-
port the 107-mm (4.2-i nch) M30 mortar and crew.
The M30 i s mounted on a turntabl e i n the person-
nel compartment and i s fi red to the rear wi th the
mor tar hatch open. The mor tar may be di s-
mounted and fi red from the ground by usi ng the
M24A1 mortar mount that
The M106 was converted
was then converted to the
1- 2
i s stored on the carri er.
to the M106A1, whi ch
M106A2. The M106A2
i s capabl e of Low Al ti tude Parachute Extracti on
System (LAPES) operati ons.
1-7-1. M106, M106A1, and M106A2 (fi gs
1-1 and 1-2). Thi s carri er i s desi gned to trans-
port the 107-mm (4.2-i nch) M30 mortar and crew.
The M30 i s mounted on a turntabl e i n the person-
nel compartment and i s fi red to the rear wi th the
mor tar hatch open. The mor tar may be di s-
mounted and fi red from the ground by usi ng the
M24A1 mortar mount that i s stored on the carri er.
The M106 was converted to the M106A1, whi ch
was then converted to the M106A2. The M106A2
i s capabl e of Low Al ti tude Parachute Extracti on
System (LAPES) operati ons.
1 - 7 - 2 . M1 1 3 , M1 1 3 A1 , M1 1 3 A2 , a n d
M113A3 Armored Personnel Carrier (figs 1-3
and 1-4). Thi s i s a combat troop transporter that
pr ovi des pr otected tr anspor tati on for car go or
tr oops. Al most al l M113s and M113A1s have
been converted to M113A2s or M113A3s. The
M113, M113A1, M113A2, and M113A3 are capabl e
of LAPES operati ons and l ow vel oci ty ai r drop
1-7-3. M125A1 and M125A2 Armored Self-
Propelled 81-mm Mortar (figs 1-5 and 1-6).
Thi s carri er i s desi gned to transport the 81-mm
mortar and crew. The M125A2 i s a product i m-
provement of the M125A1.
1-7-4. M548 and M548A1 Cargo Carrier (figs
1-7 and 1-8). Thi s i s a ful l -tracked, unarmored,
forward area transport vehi cl e that provi des trans-
por tati on for ammuni ti on and gener al
The M548A1 i s a product i mprovement
of the
TM 55-2350-224-14
Figure 18. M548A1 Cargo Carrier. All dimensions are in inches.
1-7-5. M577, M577A1, and M577A2 Carrier
Command Post (figs 1-9 and 1-10). Thi s i s a
l i ghtwei ght carri er used as an operati onal staff
offi ce and command post. A tent extensi on at-
taches to the rear of the carri er and doubl es the
avai l abl e work area. The M577A2 i s a product
i mprovement of the M577A1.
1-7-6. M667 Missile Equipment Carrier (figs
1-11 and 1-12). Thi s i s a l i ghtwei ght, unar -
mored carri er used to transport weapons systems
such as Lance. The M667 i s capabl e of LAPES
operati ons and LVAD.
1-7-7. M730A2 Guided Missile Equipment
Carrier (figs 1-13 and 1-14). Th e M730A2
transports the M54A5 Chaparral Aeri al I ntercept
Gui ded Mi ssi l e Subsystem. The unarmored carri er
provi des nucl ear, bi ol ogi cal , and chemi cal warfare
protecti on for a crew of four.
1-7-8. M741A1 Vulcan Air Defense System
(figs 1-15 and 1-16). The M741A1 i s a product
i mproved versi on of the M741 Vul can Ai r Defense
System. I t transports the M163 Vul can ai r defense
1-7-9. M901 and M901A1 I mproved TOW
Vehicle (figs 1-17 and 1-18). The M901A1 i s a
TOW weapon stati on mounted on a modi fi ed
M113A2. The armored carri er provi des protecti on
for both the weapon and the crew. The l auncher
pl atfor m i s attached to an M27 coupol a. The
el evati ng mechani sm posi ti ons the l auncher pl at-
form i nto i ts stow, rel oad, and fi ri ng posi ti ons. The
M901A1 i s a product i mprovement program (PI P)
versi on of the M901.
1-7-10. M981 FISTV (refer to figs 1-17 and
1-1 8). The weapon stati on contai ns the Ground/
Vehi cl e Laser Locator Desi gnator, whi ch i s used
for target desi gnati on. The armored carri er pro-
vi des pr otecti on for both the weapon and the
cr ew. The tur r et i s desi gned to l ook l i ke the
1-7-11. M1015A1 Electronic Warfare (EW)
Shelter Carrier (figs 1-19 and 1-20). Thi s vehi -
cl e provi des a carri er for EW Systems.
1-7-12. Ml 059 Carrier, Smoke Generator
(figs 1-21 and 1-22). The ar mor ed car r i er pr o-
vi des protecti on for the smoke-generati ng equi p-
ment and crew. The M1059 can generate smoke
conti nuousl y for 1 hour. The XM1011, Large Area
Mobi l e Projected Smoke System (LAMPSS) Car-
r i er , wi l l par ti al l y r epl ace the M1059. Unl ess
otherwi se i nstructed, fol l ow the transport gui dance
for the M1059.
1-7-13. M1064 Carrier, 120-mm Mortar (figs
1-23 and 1-24). The M1064 i s a modi fi cati on of
the M106A2 carri er. I t has external fuel tanks and
i s modi fi ed i nternal l y to carry the 120-mm mortar.
TM 55-2350-224-14
Figure 116. M741A1 Vulcan Air Defense Vehicle. All dimensions are in inches.
TM 55-2350-224-14
Figure 120. M1015A1 Electronic Warfare Carrier. All dimensions are in inches.
TM 55-2350-224-14
Figure 126. M1068 SI CPS Tracked Command Post. All dimensions are in inches.


TM 55-2350-224-14
Section I. GENERAL
2-1. General
The M113 FOV are hi ghway transportabl e, usi ng
standar d Ar my semi tr ai l er s. The semi tr ai l er s
must be of adequate capaci ty. Al l of the vari ants
i n the M113 FOV requi re hi ghway permi ts for
oversi zed cargo. Permi t requi rements wi l l vary
dependi ng on l ocal regul ati ons and condi ti ons, but
i n general the shi pper must:
a. Submi t DD Form 1266 (Request for Speci al
Haul i ng Permi t) to the i nstal l ati on transportati on
offi cer (I TO) 2 weeks before the Pl anned move-
men t.
b. Be aware that travel may be restri cted to
dayl i ght hours on normal workdays.
c. Be prepared to use wi de-l oad si gns, amber
l i ghts, and escorts.
d. Determi ne i f bl anket permi ts are avai l abl e
for speci fi c pr i me mover s, such as a heavy-
equi pment transporter.
e. AR 55-162 gi ves addi ti onal gui dance on per-
mi ts i n CONUS. MTMCTEA Pamphl et 5520,
Tiedown Handbook for Highway Movements, pr o-
vi des addi ti onal i nformati on on tyi ng down mi l i -
tary equi pment. Copi es of thi s publ i cati on can be
obtai ned by contacti ng:
Di rector
Mi l i tary Traffi c Management Command
Transportati on Engi neeri ng Agency
720 Thi mbl e Shoal s Boul evard, Sui te 130
Newport News, VA 23606-2574
2-2. Self-Delivery
The FOV are consi dered sel f-del i verabl e onl y un-
der appropri ate tacti cal si tuati ons. The carri ers
tracks are equi pped wi th rubber pads. However,
movement over paved publ i c roads i s not made
wi thout speci fi c approval from State hi ghway offi -
ci al s, as outl i ned i n FM 5565.
2-3. Prime Mover Selection 2-4. Preparation
a. The M113 FOV can be tr anspor ted over
hi ghways by a vari ety of semi trai l ers. When se-
l ecti ng a transporter, consi der the proposed route
and l ocal avai l abi l i ty of wi de-l oad permi ts. Total
l oad restrai nt i s a mi ni mum of 1.5 ti mes the GVW
of the carri er.
b. Tabl e 2-1 i s a compari son of possi bl e mi l i tary
semi trai l ers for transporti ng the M113 FOV.
c. Tabl e 22 gi v es s peci fi c tr u ck tr actor -
semi trai l er-carri er combi nati ons that do not exceed
the capabi l i ti es of the truck tractors or semi trai l -
To prepare the M113 FOV carri ers for hi ghway
a Empty fuel tank to one-fourth of i ts capaci ty.
b. Remove al l trash and mud from the tracks.
c. Check for fl ui d l eaks, and repai r defects.
d. Secure the battery.
e. I nspect engi ne, brakes, and ti edowns, to en-
sure they are i n good mechani cal condi ti on.
f. Remove al l BI I from outsi de the carri er, and
restrai n them i nsi de the carri er.
er s.
Table 2-1. Evaluation of Semitrailers
Semi -trai l ers Load rati ng (tons) Comments
M1000 HET 70 Large. Can transport one or two carri ers.
M747 HET 60 Large. Can transport onl y one carri er.
M870 Low Bed 40 Can transport one carri er.
M872 Fl at Bed 34 Can transport one or two carri ers.
M172A1 Low Bed 25 Recommended, 115 i n. wi de.
M871 Fl at Bed 22.5 Second choi ce (semi trai l er i s 96 i n. wi de, 2-i n. overhang on each si de).
M127A2C Stake 12 Li mi ted useful ness. Deck hei ght i s 57 i n.
M345 Fl at Bed 1 0 Trai l er too smal l .
TM 55-2350-224-14
Table 2-2. Number of Carriers Allowed on Various Truck Tractor/ Semitrailer Combinations (a),(b)
M1070 M915A1 M915A1 M915A1 M916 M916 M920 M920
Nomencl ature M1OOO M871 M872A1(c) M127A2C(d) M870 M172A1 M870 M172A1
Carri er,
1 (e)
Carri er,
mortar, 107-mm
Carri er,
mortar, 81-mm
Carri er, cargo 1
Carri er,
command post
1 (e)
1 (e)
Carri er, gui ded
mi ssi l e equi pment
Carri er, weapon
stati on
Carri er, I TV
Carri er, FI STV
1 2 1 (e) 1 1
1 1 1 (e) 1 1 1
Carri er,
el ectroni c
warfare M1015A1
1 (e)
Carri er, smoke
Carri er,
mortar, 120-mm
Carri er,
command post
(a) Al l carri ers are i n the combat confi gurati on.
(b) Carri ers wi l l overhang on both si des of al l semi trai l ers except the M172A1 and the M1000.
(c) Each carri er must wei gh l ess than 27,000 pounds when transporti ng two carri ers on the M872A1.
(d) The 127A2C i s the l east preferred semi trai l er.
(e) Hei ght restri cti ons i n NATO countri es.
2-5. Loading and Tiedown Procedures
The rear ramp of the M577-seri es carri ers
rear ramp requi res speci al preparati on to
prevent i t from fal l i ng duri ng transport.
See appendi x E for i nstructi ons.
a. Pl ace the carri er i n the ti edown posi ti on on a
semi trai l er by usi ng a crane of adequate capaci ty
(15-ton mi ni mum), or dr i ve the car r i er onto a
semi trai l er i f a sui tabl e ramp i s avai l abl e.
b. Posi ti on the carri er on the semi trai l er, usi ng
the trai l ers cargo data pl ate as gui dance. I f no
cargo data pl ate i s present, posi ti on the carri er so
that i ts wei ght i s evenl y di str i buted over the
tractor and trai l er axl es.
c. Set the parki ng brakes.
Onl y the dri ver of the carri er i s al l owed
on the trai l er bed duri ng l oadi ng opera-
ti ons.
Do not l oad on si de or l ater al sl opes
exceedi ng 10 percent or wi th a tractor-to-
trai l er offset angl e greater than 50. Avoi d
l oadi ng on a severe downgrade, to prevent
the payl oad from rol l i ng forward on the
tr ai l er .
The M901A1 and M981 l auncher must be
i n the l ow stow posi ti on for transport. (See
app D or TM 92350259 or TM 9-2350-
266 seri es for l ow stow procedures.)
2 - 2
TM 55-2350-224-14
d. Put the tr ansmi ssi on i n neutr al . For the
M113A3 and M730A2, put the transmi ssi on i n the
steer l ock (SL) posi ti on.
e. On some semi trai l ers the carri ers wi l l have 1
to 2 i nches of overhang on both si des. Posi ti on the
carri er so that the overhang i s equal on both si des.
f. I nstal l chai n and l oad bi nders. Speci fi c si zes
and types of chai n and cabl e assembl i es are speci -
fi ed i n tabl e 2-3 and fi gures 2-1 and 2-2. Fi gures
2-3, 2-4, and 2-5 and tabl e 2-4 provi de detai l ed
i nstructi ons for restrai ni ng the carri ers agai nst
forces encountered at normal speeds and operati ng
condi ti ons. The transporter can use other chai n and
cabl e assembl i es of adequate strength and si ze.
The M1068 car r i er onl y r equi r es two
shackl e assembl i es. The rear ti edown pro-
vi si ons do not need shackl es.
Table 23. Bill of Materials for Transport by Semitrailer
I tem Quanti ty Descri pti on
Shackl e assembl y 4 Shackl e, NSN 4030-00-279-4475. Bol t, NSN 5305-01-006-2072. Washer (2),
NSN 5310-00-809-8541. Nut (2), NSN 5310-00-891-3428. (Part number
19207-12381884, MI L-S-24214, grade B, type I , cl ass 3 safety anchor shackl e
wi th a speci al bol t that has a 0.99 (+0.00, -0.06) i n. di ameter, wi th a mi ni mum
breaki ng l oad of 122,000 pounds and a mi ni mum proof l oad of 61,000 pounds).
Chain assembly, option 1a, for loading one carrier on the M870 and the M871
Chai n 4 NSN 4010-00-443-4845, 3/8 i n. x 14 1/2 ft, grade 70, 6,600-pound safe worki ng
l oad.
Load bi nders 4 NSN 3990-01-213-1746, 3/8 i n.-1/2 i n., type 4 l atchi ng, 9,200-pound safe worki ng
l oad.
Chain assembly, option lb, for loading one carrier on the M172A1 and the M127A2C
Chai n 6 NSN 4010-00803-8858, 3/8 i n. x 10 ft, grade 80, 8,250-pound safe worki ng l oad.
Load bi nders 6 NSN 3990-01-213-1746, 3/8 i n.-1/2 i n., type 4 l atchi ng, 9,200-pound safe worki ng
l oad.
Chain assembly option 2, for loading two carriers on the M872 series
Chai n 12 NSN 401000-8038858, 3/8 i n. x 10 ft, grade 80, 8,250-pound safe worki ng l oad.
Load bi nders 12 NSN 3990-01-213-1746, 3/8 i n.-1/2 i n., type 4 l atchi ng, 9,200-pound safe worki ng
l oad.
Chain assembly, option 3, for loading two carriers on the M1000 series
Chai n 4 1/2 i n. x 10 ft, hi gh strength al l oy steel chai ns, 12,500-pound safe worki ng l oad
(BI I wi th M1000).
4 NSN 4010-00-803-8858, 3/ 8 i n. x 10 ft, grade, 80, 8,250-pound safe worki ng l oad.
Load Bi nders 4 Adequate strength, 1/2 i n., l atchi ng (BI I wi th M1000)
4 NSN 3990-01-213-1746, 3/ 8 i n.-1/2 i n., type 4 l atchi ng, 9,200-pound safe worki ng
l oad.
When chain not available, option 4
Wi re Rope 80 ft NSN 4010-00272-8848, 1/2-i n. di ameter, 6 x 19 I WRC (i ndependent wi re rope
core) i mproved pl ow steel , regul ar l ay, tabl e X, Federal Speci fi cati on RR-W-410,
Wire Rope and Strand, nomi nal BS of 23,000 pounds.
Cabl e cl amps NSN 4030-00-243-4440 (1/2 i n.),
1/2 i n. 16 NSN 4030-00-243-4441 (5/8 i n.), type I , si ngl e-saddl ed, wi re-rope cl amp. (Crosby
5/8 i n. 8 heavy-duty or one that wi l l meet or exceed Federal Speci fi cati on FF-C-450.)
Torque capaci ty equal s 65 ft-l b (1/2. i n.) or 95 ft-l b (5/8-i n.).
Thi mbl es 8 NSN 4030-00-282-2512, 1/2 i n, type I I I , heavy spl i t oval constructi on (open pat-
tern), Federal Speci fi cati on FF-T-276.
Come-al ong or 1 Adequate strength cabl e tensi oni ng devi ce.
cabl e ti ghtener
b. Chai n i s general l y rated by proof test
a. Load bi nder s ar e gener al l y mar ked
l oad or about two ti mes the safe worki ng
wi th an ul ti mate breaki ng strength rat-
l oad. Appendi x C i ncl udes a tabl e ti tl ed
i ng. Dependi ng on manufacturer, break-
"Method of I denti fi cati on for I nch-Si ze
i ng strength i s about three ti mes the safe
Chai n."
worki ng l oad.
TM 55-2350-224-14
Figure 2-1. Detail of a chain tiedown pattern. (Table 2-3, chain assembly, option 1b)
TM 55-2350-224-14
Figure 2-2. Detail of a cable assembly for highway transport. (Table 2-3, option 4)
TM 55-2350-224-14
Figure 2-3a. Two M113 variants secured to an M872A2 semitrailer. Only applicable for the M113A1, M113A1, M106A1, M106A2,
M125A1, M125A2, M577A1, M577A2, M901A1, M1059, and the M1068. All dimensions are in inches. (Table 2-3, option 2)
TM 55-2350-224-14
One chain on each
front tiedown
Two chains on
each rear tiedown.
NOTE: All chains are attached to the cargo
tiedown rings (not to the outside
stake pockets).
FIGURE 2-3b. Two M113 variants secured to an M872A3. Only appli-
cable for the M113A1, M113A2, M106A1, M106A2,
M125A1, M125A2, M577A1, M577A2, M901A1, M1059,
and the M1068. All dimensions are in inches. (TABLE 2-3)
Figure 2-3b. Two M113 variants secured to an M872A3. Only applicable for the M113A1, M113A2, M106A1, M106A2, M125A1,
M125A2, M577A1, M577A2, M901A1, M1059, and the M1068. All dimensions are in inches. (Table 2-3)
2 - 7
TM 55-2350-224-14
Secure the back of the forward
carrier to the M1000 D-rings.
Secure the back of the rear carrier
to the M1000 Iift/tiedown points.
Secure the front of the forward carrier
to the M1000 lift/tiedown points.
Secure the front of the rear carrier
to the center tiedown points.
NOTE: Use four M1000 Bll 50,000 pound
capacity, l/2-inch chains to secure
the rear of each M113 carrier.
Figure 2-4. Two carriers secured to the M1000 semitrailer. Only applicable for the M113A1, M113A2, M106A1, M106A2, M125A1,
M125A2, M901A1 and the M1059. All dimensions are in inches. (Table 2-3, option 3)
2 - 8
TM 55-2350-224-14
Position carrier with the tracks
the semitrailer wheel wells.
Two chains on each rear tiedown
Figure 2-5. Tiedown of a carrier on the M172A1 semitrailer. (Table 2-3, option 1b)
Table 2-4. Tiedown Procedures for Securing a Typical Carrier on a Semitrailer
I tem Procedure
Chai ns/Load Bi nders Properl y rated chai ns and l oad bi nders are preferred for ti edown. I nstal l at i ndi cated l ocati ons, as
(4 to 8 requi red) shown i n fi gures 21, 23, 2-4, and 2-5.
Use the Following Procedure When Chains Are Not Available
Wi re Rope Loops Each ti edown i s made from one pi ece of l /2-i n. wi re rope. Cut l ength as requi red. (Need a maxi -
(4 or 6 requi red) mum of 20 ft per ti edown.) For a compl ete l oop between carri er ti edown provi si on and appropri ate
trai l er stake pocket. The angl e between the cabl es and trai l er deck (as vi ewed from the si de)
shoul d be as cl ose to 450 as possi bl e. The wi re rope ends must overl ap at l east 24 i n. Tensi on the
wi re rope by usi ng two cabl e gri ppers and a 3-ton chai n hoi st or come-al ong.
Cabl e Cl amps Space cl amps 3 i n. apart. Use 1/2-i n. cabl e cl amps, and torque nuts al ternatel y to a mi ni mum of 65
Thi mbl es Use thi mbl es to protect cabl e at sharp bends. Attach to cabl e wi th 5/8-i n. cabl e cl amp.
cabl e l oop br eaki ng str ength of 36,800
One-hal f-i nch cabl e cl amp nuts must be
pounds. To get the correct torque, appl y
torqued to at l east 65 ft-l b, to devel op ful l
torque al ternatel y to both nuts.
TM 55-2350-224-14
Section I. GENERAL
3-1. General ATTN: MTTE-TR
The M113 FOV, when at a maxi mum wi dth of
720 Thi mbl e Shoal s Boul evard, Sui te 130
105.8 i nches, are transportabl e on most fl atcars
Newport News, VA 23606-2574
wi thout restri cti on and secti onal i zati on or major
di sassembl y. The rai l car may have a wood or steel
Use r ai l car and gr ound gui des dur i ng
deck and standard or cushi oned-draft coupl ers. I t
l oadi ng.
must have sui tabl e ti edown poi nts, such as stake
pockets or chai n-ti edown anchor channel s. MTMC-
TEA Pamphl et 55-19, Tiedown Handbook for Rail
Do not al l ow carri er to exceed 3 mi l es per
Movements, provi des addi ti onal i nformati on on ty-
hour (mph) (wal ki ng speed) duri ng l oadi ng
i ng down mi l i tary equi pment on rai l cars. Copi es of
or unl oadi ng operati ons.
thi s publ i cati on can be obtai ned by contacti ng:
Di r ector
Mi l i tary Traffi c Management Command Onl y qual i fi ed equi pment
Transportati on Engi neeri ng Agency tors shoul d move a carri er.
3-2. Railcar Selection
dr i ver s/oper a-
A vari ety of rai l cars can transport the M113 FOV. Tabl e 3-1 gi ves an eval uati on of rai l cars readi l y
avai l abl e i n the U.S.
Table 31. Evaluation of Railcars
Rai l cars Features Comments
DODX, 140-ton 68 ft l ong, 10.5 ft wi de, steel deck, cushi oned-draft gear*, l /2-i n. Not recommended. De-
chai n-ti edown. si gned and i ntended for
heavi er tracked vehi cl es.
DODX, 100-ton Wood deck, 54 ft l ong, 10.5 ft wi de, standard-draft gear**, no chai n-ti edown. Sui tabl e, chai ns requi red,
but not suppl i ed wi th
rai l car.
HTTX Wood deck, 60 ft l ong, 10.2 ft wi de, 73 tons, cushi oned-draft gear, l /2-i n. Sui tabl e.
chai n-ti edown.
OTTX Wood deck, 60 ft l ong, 10.5 ft wi de, 72 tons, cushi oned-draft gear, 3/8-i n. Sui tabl e.
chai n-ti edown.
I TTX Steel deck, 89 ft l ong, 8.5 ft wi de, 70 tons, cushi oned-draft gear, 3/8-i n. chai n Sui tabl e.
ti edown.
TTDX Steel deck, 89 ft l ong, 8.5 ft wi de, 74 tons, cushi oned-draft gear, l /2-i n. chai n Sui tabl e.
ti edown.
MTTX Wood deck, 60 ft l ong, 10.5 ft wi de, 74 tons, cushi oned-draft gear. Sui tabl e, l /2-i n. chai ns
and bl ocki ng requi red.
General -purpose fl atcar Wood-deck, standard-draft gear* *. Sui tabl e, l /2-i n. chai ns
and bl ocki ng requi red.
*Coupl ers are hydraul i cal l y cushi oned.
**Coupl ers have sti ff mechani cal snubbers onl y.
3-3. Preparation d. Secure the battery.
3-3-1. Preparati ons for Rai l Movement:
e. Make sure the engi ne, brakes, and ti edowns
are i n good mechani cal condi ti on.
a. Empty fuel tank to one-quarter ful l .
f. Remove al l BI I from outsi de the carri er, and
b. Remove tr ash and mud fr om the car r i er s
restrai n them i nsi de the carri er.
g. Secure al l equi pment i nsi de the carri er, to
c. Check for fl ui d l eaks, and repai r any defects. prevent damage.
3- 1
TM 55-2350-224-14
3-3-2. Speci fi c Carri er I nstructi ons:
a. M548A1 Cargo Carrier. Remove cargo body
canvas and bows, and restrai n them i nsi de the
cargo compartment.
b. M106/ 106A1 Mortar Carriers. Remove base-
pl ate and bri dge assembl y from the outsi de stow-
age posi ti ons, and restrai n them i nsi de the carri er.
c. M113A3 and M730A2 Carriers. Put the trans-
mi ssi on i n the SL posi ti on.
d. M1068 Carri er. Requi res onl y two shackl e
assembl i es. The rear ti edown provi si ons do not
need shackl es.
3-4. Loading Procedures
a. Materials. The shi pper must suppl y materi al s
for shi ppi ng and ti edown on the r ai l car when
chai n-ti edown cars are unavai l abl e. Tabl e 32 l i sts
the necessary materi al s. I t gi ves four di fferent
opti ons for ti edown materi al s.
The rear ramp of the M577-seri es carri ers
requi res speci al preparati on to prevent i t
from fal l i ng duri ng transport. See appen-
di x E for i nstructi ons.
The M730A2 gui ded mi ssi l e equi pment
carri er has three ti edowns on the rear.
Therefore, i t needs two more cabl es and/or
chai ns than speci fi ed i n tabl e 3-2.
For use i n rai l transport, l oad bi nders
must be marked wi th the safe worki ng
l oad.
Table 3-2. Bill of Materials for Transport by Railcar
I tem Quanti ty Descri pti on
Shackl e assembl y 4 Shackl e, NSN 4030-00-279-4475. Bol t, NSN 5305-01-006-2072. washer (2),
NSN 5310-00-809-8541. Nut (2), NSN 5310-00-891-3428. (See Hi ghway
secti on, tabl e 23, for more detai l s.)
Chain assembly, option 1 (fig 3-1), for carriers weighing 25,000 to 30,000 pounds
Chai n 8 NSN 4010-00-443-4845, 3/8 i n. x 14 1/2 ft, grade 70, 6,600-pound safe worki ng
l oa d .
Load bi nders 8 NSN 399001-213-1746, 3/8 i n.-1/2 i n., type 4 l atchi ng, 9,200-pound safe work-
i ng l oad.
Chain assembly, option 2 (fig 3-1), for carriers weighing 15,000 to 25,000 pounds
Chai n 8 NSN 4010-00-803-8858, 3/8 i n. x 10 ft, grade 80, 8,250-pound safe worki ng
l oad.
Load bi nders 4 NSN 3990-01-213-1746, 3/8 i n.-1/2 i n., type 4 l atchi ng, 9,200-pound safe work-
i ng l oad.
When Chain Not Available
Wi re rope 64f t
Cabl e cl amps
5/8 i n. 24
Thi mbl es 8
Come-al ong or cabl e 1
ti ghtener
Wi re rope 128 ft
Cabl e cl amps,
1/2 i n.
5/8 i n.
Thi mbl es
Opti on 3, for carri ers wei ghi ng 15,000 to 25,000 pounds
NSN 4010-00-763-9361, 5/8-i n. di ameter, 6 x 19 I WRC i mproved pl ow steel ,
regul ar l ay, tabl e X, Federal Speci fi cati on RR-W-410, nomi nal BS of 35,800
NSN 4030-00-243-4441, 5/8 i n., type I , si ngl e-saddl ed, wi re rope cl amp (Crosby
heavy-duty or one that wi l l meet or exceed Federal Speci fi cati on FF-C450),
cl ass 1. Torque capaci ty equal s 95 ft-1b.
NSN 4030-00431-6058, 5/8-i n., type I I I , heavy spl i t oval constructi on (open
pattern), Federal Speci fi cati on FF-T-276.
Adequate strength cabl e tensi oni ng devi ce.
Opti on 4, for carri ers wei ghi ng 25,000 to 30,000 pounds
NSN 4010-00-272-8848, 1/2-i n. di ameter, 6 x 19 I WRC, i mproved pl ow steel ,
regul ar l ay, tabl e X, Federal Speci fi cati on RR-W-410, nomi nal BS of 23,000
NSN 4030-00-243-4440 (1/2 i n.),
NSN 4030-00-243-4441 (5/8 i n.),
type I , si ngl e-saddl ed, wi re-rope cl amp (Crosby heavyduty or one that wi l l
meet or exceed Federal Speci fi cati on FFC-45). Torque nuts to 65 ft-1b for 1/2
i n. or 95 ft-l b for 5/8 i n.
NSN 4030-00-282-2512, 1/2-i n., type I I I , heavy spl i t oval constructi on (open
pattern); Federal Speci fi cati on FF-T-276.
TM 55-2350-224-14
Table 32. Continued
I tem Quanti ty Descri pti on
Come-al ong or 1 Adequate strength cabl e tensi oni ng devi ce.
cabl e ti ghtener
Bl ocki ng Materi al s
Lumber (nomi nal si zes)
Dougl as fi r, or comparabl e
2- x 4-i n. 40 l i near ft Speci fi cati on MM-L-75.
2- x 6-i n. 12 l i near ft
2- x 8-i n. 12 l i near ft
2- x 12-i n. 12 l i near ft
strai ght grai n, free from materi al defects, Federal
Nai l s
Common, steel , fl athead; bri ght or cement-coated, type I I , styl e 10, Federal
12d 120 Speci fi cati on FF-N-105.
30d 80
40d 10
Option 1: 1 chain,
1 loadbinder
Figure 31. Detail of rail chain tiedown patterns.
b. Loading. Pl ace the carri ers i n the ti edown
posi ti on on the rai l car, usi ng a crane of adequate
capaci ty (see para 45 for l i fti ng gui dance), or
dri ve the carri ers onto the rai l car i f a sui tabl e
ramp i s avai l abl e. Posi ti on the carri er so that
suffi ci ent r ai l car ti edown poi nts ar e avai l abl e.
Carri ers must face i n the same di recti on, wi th a
mi ni mum space of 10 i nches between them and 6
i nches between the brake wheel and the front of
Option 2: 2 chains,
1 loadbinder
(Table 3-2, chain assembly, option 1 and 2)
the carri er. Do not set handbrakes on the carri ers.
Pl ace gearshi ft l evers i n neutral . Total l oad re-
strai nt (para 14) i s three ti mes the carri er GVW
per AAR, Secti on 1, General Rules Governing the
Loading of Commodities On Open Top Cars.
c. Tiedowns and Blocking. Fi gures 32, 33, and
34 and tabl e 33 provi de i nstructi ons for restrai n-
i ng the car r i er s agai nst for ces encounter ed i n
normal rai l operati ons.
TM 55-2350-224-14
Carriers weighing 15,000 to 25,000 pounds.
Use four 5/8-inch cables (two in front two in rear).
Carriers weighing 25,000 to 30,000 pounds.
Use eight 1/2-inch cables (four in front, four in rear).
Do not cross cables.
Use two 1/2-inch
at each tiedown.
Figure 32. Blocking and tiedown of carriers on railcar.
TM 55-2350-224-14
Blocking for Front of Carrier
Blocking for Rear of Carrier
Nail the two inside pieces with three 12-D nails through each opposite side. Nail the outside pieces to inside places
with four 12-D nails on each side. Place each block against the correct track and toe-tail the heel of the block with
two 30-D nails. Toe nail each side of the block with two 40-D nails.
Center the 2" x 6" x 14" lumber crosswise against heel of front and rear chocks and nail to car floor with four 20-D nails.
Nail top piece to bottom piece in a like manner. Locate one 2" x 4" x 24" Iumber on each side of the front and rear
chocks and nail to car floor with four 20-D nails.
Place longitudinally against the outside of each track and nail to car floor with 20-D nails spaced approximately
8 inches. Nail top piece to lower piece in like manner.
Figure 3-3. Railcar blocking details. All dimenions are in inches.
TM 55-2350-224-14
Figure 3-4. Detail of a cable assembly for rail transport. (Table 3-2 and table 3-3)
Table 3-3. Tiedown Procedures for Securing Carriers on Flatcars (fig 3-1)
I tem Procedure
Chai n ti edowns I nstal l at i ndi cated l ocati ons. The number of chai ns used wi l l depend on chai n si ze/strength. Use
ei ght chai ns, NSN 4010008038858, two for each l oad bi nder, or ei ght chai ns, NSN
4010-00-443-4845, one for each l oad bi nder.
When chai n-ti edown-equi pped rai l cars are not avai l abl e, wi re rope and wood bl ocki ng must be
Wi re rope l oops Each ti edown i s made from one pi ece of wi re rope. Four 5/8-i n. ropes are requi red for carri ers
wei ghi ng 15,000 to 25,000 pounds, one at each ti edown. Ei ght 1/2-i n. ropes are requi red for carri ers
wei ghi ng 25,000 to 30,000 pounds, two at each ti edown, usi ng a same-si de ti edown pattern.
Length as requi red (12 to 16 feet). Form a compl ete l oop between carri er ti edown provi si on and
rai l car stake pocket. The angl e between the cabl es and rai l car deck (as vi ewed from the si de)
shoul d be as cl ose to 45 as possi bl e. The wi re rope ends must overl ap at l east 24 i nches. Tensi on
the wi re rope by usi ng two cabl e gri ppers and a (3-ton) come-al ong or cabl e ti ghtener.
Cabl e cl amps For 1/2-i n. wi re rope, space 1/2-i n. cabl e cl amps 3 i n. apart. Al ternatel y torque nuts a mi ni mum of
65 ft-l b. For 5/8-i n. wi re rope, space 5/8-i n. cabl e cl amps 3 3/4 i n. apart. Al ternatel y torque nuts to a
mi ni mum of 95 ft-l b.
Thi mbl es Use thi mbl es to protect cabl e at sharp bends. Attach to cabl e wi th cabl e cl amps (5/8-i n. cl amps on
1/2-i n. thi mbl es and 5/8-i n. cl amps on 5/8-i n. thi mbl es).
Bl ocki ng Posi ti on and nai l bl ocki ng to rai l car as shown i n fi gure 3-2.
To dev el op fu l l cabl e l oop wor k i n g
s tr en gth , cabl e cl amp n u ts mu s t be
torqued to at l east: 65 ft-l b on 1/2-i n. cl amp
nuts. 95 ft-l b on 5/8-i n. cl amp nuts.
To ensure proper torque, appl y torque i n
stages to both nuts al ternatel y.
TM 55-2350-224-14
Use a stagger ed nai l i ng patter n when
l umber or l ami nated l umber i s nai l ed to
the fl oor of a r ai l car . Adjust the nai l
pattern so that a nai l goi ng through a
pi ece of l umber on the top of the stack i s
not dr i ven i nto or agai nst a nai l i n a
l ower pi ece of l umber.
TM 55-2350-224-14
Section I. GENERAL
4-1. General
The M113 FOV are mari ne transportabl e aboard
most general purpose or rol l -on/rol l -off (RORO)
shi ps. The shi ps must have sui tabl e ti edown
poi nts, such as D ri ngs or chai n l ashi ng anchors.
MTMCTEA Pamphl et 56-1, Marine Terminal Lift-
ing Guidance, provi des addi ti onal i nformati on on
l i fTi ng mi l i tary equi pment. Copi es of thi s publ i ca-
ti on can be obtai ned by contacti ng:
Di rector
Mi l i tary Traffi c Management Command
Transportati on Engi neeri ng Agency
720 Thi mbl e Shoal s Boul evard, Sui te 130
Newport News, VA 23606-2574
Wear ear protecti on (pl ugs)
when worki ng i n RORO shi p
at al l ti mes
hol ds.
Check the enti re vehi cl e to ensure that al l
l oose i tems are properl y secured.
Do not al l ow car r i er to exceed 3 mph
4-3. Preparation
Fi l l or empty fuel tank to one-quarter ful l
RORO operati ons.
The rear ramp of the M577-seri es carri ers
requi res speci al preparati on to prevent i t
from fal l i ng duri ng transport. See appen-
di x E for i nstructi ons.
Because of l i mi ted cargo-hol d venti l ati on,
most general cargo shi ps wi l l requi re that
(wal ki ng speed) duri ng l oadi ng or unl oad-
i ng operati ons.
Have fi re exti ngui shers readi l y avai l abl e
duri ng shi p l oadi ng and unl oadi ng opera-
ti ons.
4-2. Safety
Besi des the general safety notes i n paragraph 1-6
and the Cauti ons, Warni ngs, and Notes i n
thi s secti on, the fol l owi ng safety consi derati ons
and precauti ons appl y for mari ne transport:
a. The acti vi ty offeri ng the vehi cl es for trans-
por t wi l l noti fy the car r i er i f ammuni ti on or
expl osi ves are transported wi th the i tem. Compl i -
ance wi th AR 55228, paragraph 27, i s manda-
b. When the exter nal MOGAS cans on the
M1059 have fuel or fumes i n them, drai n and
purge the tank to one-quarter ful l .
c. Ammuni ti on and vehi cl es wi l l be handl ed and
stowed accordi ng to the Code of Federal Regul a-
ti ons, Ti tl e 49, Transportati on, subparts 176.76
and 176.905. The same regul ati ons are al so con-
tai ned i n Water Car r i er Tar i ff No. 32 or the
current i ssue of thi s tari ff.
d. I nspect vessel equi pment and gear befor e
usi ng i t.
the fuel tank be no more than one-quarter
ful l .
4-4. Loading Procedures
a. Materials. When a chai n-l ashi ng-equi pped
shi p i s unavai l abl e, the shi pper must suppl y mate-
ri al s for ti edown. Total l oad restrai nt (para 1-4) i s
equal to 1.2 ti mes the wei ght of the vehi cl e. Tabl e
41 i s a l i sti ng of materi al s requi red for mari ne
The M1068 car r i er onl y r equi r es two
shackl e assembl i es. The rear ti edown pro-
vi si ons do not need shackl es.
4- 1
TM 55-2350-224-14
Table 4-1. Bill of Materials for Transport by Ship
I tem Quanti ty Descri pti on
Shackl e Assembl y 4 Shackl e, NSN 4030-00-279-4475. Bol t, NSN 5305-01-006-2072. Washer (2),
NSN 5310-00-809-8541. Nut (2), NSN 5310-00-891-3428, (See Hi ghway
secti on, tabl e 2-3, for more detai l s.)
Chain lashing assembly, option 1
Chai n 8 NSN 4010-00-803-8858, 3/8 i n. x 10 ft, grade 80, 8,250-pound safe worki ng
l oad.
Load Bi nders 8 NSN 3990-01-213-1746, type 4 l atchi ng, 9,200-pound safe worki ng l oad.
When chai n lashing not available, option 2
wi r e Rope
Cabl e cl amps (cl i ps)
1/2 i n.
5/8 i n.
Thi mbl es
1/2 i n.
Chai n hoi st or
come-al ong
About 60 ft NSN 4010-00-272-8848, 1/2-i n,, i mpoved pl ow steel , 6 x 19 I WRC or
wi re-strand core, nomi nal BS of 23,000 pounds; Federal Speci fi cati on
Type I , si ngl e-saddl e wi re-rope, NSN 4030-00-243-4440 (1/2-i n.), NSN
16 4030-00-243-4441, (5/8-i n.) (Crosby heavy-duty or meet or exceed Federal Spec-
8 i fi cati on FF-C-450 requi rements).
NSN 4030-00-282-2512, type I I I , heavy spl i t oval constructi on (open pattern),
8 Federal Speci fi cati on FF-T-276.
1 Adequate strength cabl e tensi oni ng devi ce.
b. Loading. Pl ace the carri er i n the posi ti on For the M113A and M730A2, put the transmi ssi on
i ndi cated by the stow pl an so suffi ci ent ti edown i n SL posi ti on.
poi nts are avai l abl e. Set the parki ng brakes and
c. Tiedowns. Tabl e 4-2 provi des i nstructi ons for
pl ace the transmi ssi on i n neutral . Di sconnect the restrai ni ng the carri ers agai nst forces encountered
battery once the carri er i s posi ti oned aboard shi p. i n normal mari ne operati ons.
Table 42. Tiedown Procedures for Securing a Carrier in the Hold of a General Cargo Ship
I tem Procedure
Chai n ti edowns I nstal l at i ndi cated l ocati ons. The number of chai ns used wi l l depend on chai n si zdstrength. Use
ei ght chai ns, NSN 4010-00-803-8858, two for each l oad bi nder. Cross two cabl es on the front and
rear of the carri er.
wi r e r ope l oops Each ti edown i s made from one pi ece of 1/2-i n. wi re rope. Length as requi red. Form a compl ete l mp
(4 requi red) between carri er and shi p ti edown provi si ons, The angl e between the cabl es and deck (as vi ewed
horn the si de) shoul d be as cl ose to 45 as possi bl e. Cross cabl es on the fkont and rear of the car-
ri er. The wi re rope ends must overl ap at l east 24 i nches. Tensi on the wi re rope by usi ng two cabl e
gri ppers and a 3-ton chai n hoi st or come-al ong.
Cabl e cl amps Space cl amps 3 3/4 i n. apart as shown. Use 1/2-i n. cabl e cl amps and al ternatel y torque nuts to a mi n-
i mum of 65 ft-l b.
Thi mbl es Use thi mbl es to protect cabl e at sharp bends. Attach to cabl e wi th %-i n. cabl e cl amp and torque
cabl e cl amps to a mi ni mum of 95 ft-l b.
The methods descri bed i n thi s chapter for
l i fti ng and securi ng vehi cl es are recom-
mended pr ocedur es. Other methods of
handl i ng and stowage may be used, pro-
vi ded they ensure safe del i very wi thout
To dev el op fu l l cabl e l oop wor k i n g
4-5. Lifting Operations
Shi pl oadi ng wi l l often requi re l i fti ng the carri ers
i nto posi ti on aboard shi p. Shi psi de and shoresi de
cranes are usual l y rated i n l ong tons (LTON),
2,240 pounds, and/or metri c tons (t), 1000 ki l o-
gr ams. To l i ft a car r i er , a cr ane and sl i ng-set
capaci ty of at l east 13 t (12.8 LTON or 28,660
pounds) i s needed.
strength, 1/2-i n. cabl e cl amp nuts must be
Crane l i fti ng operati ons
torqued to at l east 65 ft-l b. To ensure
dangerous. Do not stand
proper torque, appl y torque i n stages to
both nuts al ternatel y.
l oads.
are i nherentl y
under overhead
TM 55-2350-224-14
Most M113 l i fti ng provi si ons are near the top
surfaces of the carri ers, one provi si on on each
corner. Fi gures 41 and 42 show typi cal l i fti ng
confi gurati ons of di fferent M113s.
Figure 41. Crane lifting of M113A2 carrier.
Figure 42. Crane lifting of M548, 548A1, M1015, M1015A1 carriers.
TM 55-2350-224-14
Section I. GENERAL
5-1. General
The carri ers are ai r transportabl e aboard C-130,
C141, and C-5 ai rcraft. The shi ppi ng uni t must
ensure that the carri ers are properl y prepared for
ai r transport before reachi ng the marshal i ng area.
The shi ppi ng uni t wi l l assi st the ai rcraft l oad-
master/crew i n l oadi ng and tyi ng down the carri -
ers. The l oadmaster-prepared l oad pl an for the
actual ai rcraft mi ssi on wi l l have determi ned l oad-
i ng l i mi tati ons, ti edown patterns, and troop seat-
i ng avai l abi l i ty.
Onl y the M106A1, M113, M113A1, and
M667 are capabl e of LAPES operati ons.
Onl y the M113, M113A1, and M667 are
capabl e of LVAD.
5-2. Safety
Besi des the general safety notes i n paragraph 1-6
and the Cauti on, Warni ngs, and Notes i n
5-4. USAF Cargo Airc raft
The carri ers are certi fi ed for ai rl i ft aboard C-130,
C-141, and C-5 ai rcraft. Total l oad restrai nt i s
thr ee ti mes the car r i er wei ght i n the for war d
di recti on (rel ati ve to the ai rcraft) and 1 1/2 ti mes i ts
wei ght i n the aft and l ateral di recti ons. Verti cal
l oad restrai nt i s equal to two ti mes the carri er
wei ght.
thi s secti on, the fol l owi ng safety consi derati ons
and precauti ons appl y for ai r transport:
a. Personnel must wear ear protecti on (pl ugs) at
al l ti mes whi l e worki ng on the fl i ghtl i ne.
b. Fi re exti ngui shers must be readi l y avai l abl e
duri ng ai rcraft l oadi ng and unl oadi ng operati ons.
c. The vehi cl e maxi mum speed wi thi n 25 feet of
any ai rcraft i s 5 mph. On l oadi ng ramps or i nsi de
the ai rcraft, the vehi cl e shoul d not exceed 3 mph.
d. Personnel must not refuel or otherwi se ser-
vi ce the carri ers wi thi n 50 feet of an ai rcraft.
e. The fuel tanks of the fl amethrower weapon
system mounted i n the M132 and M132A1 must
be empti ed and purged as i ndi cated i n paragraph
5-3. Dangerous Materials
Shi ppers must provi de wri tten noti fi cati on before
shi ppi ng dangerous or hazardous materi al s aboard
mi l i tar y or DOD contr act ai r cr aft. Detai l s ar e
covered i n TM 38250/AFR 714, Preparation of
Hazardous Materials for Military Air Shipment,
and CFR 49.
The carri ers are ai r transportabl e aboard C-17
ai rcraft. When the C17 i s operati onal , the USAF
wi l l certi fy the carri ers for ai r transport aboard
the ai rcraft.
For prel i mi nary pl anni ng purposes onl y, tabl e 5-1
gi ves maxi mum payl oad di mensi ons and wei ght
characteri sti cs. I n addi ti on, wal ki ng and ti edown
space must al so be al l owed for.
Table 51. Aircraft Cargo Dimensional and Maximum Weight Limits
Ai rcraft Hei ght (i n.) Wi dth (i n.) Length (i n.) Wei ght (l b)
C-130 102 107 480 44,800
C-141 103 111 1,090 68,600
C-5 156 216 1,454 291,000
C-17 142 204 812 172,200
5-5. U.S. Army Aircraft
The carri ers exceed si ze and wei ght l i mi tati ons for
transport by U.S. Army fi xed-wi ng ai rcraft, The
carri er al so exceed si ze l i mi tati ons for i nternal
transport and wei ght l i mi tati ons for external l i ft
by U.S. Army rotary-wi ng ai rcraft.
5-6. Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF)
The carri er exceeds the hei ght and/or wi dth char-
acteri sti cs of al l ai rcraft i n the CRAF.
5-7. Preparation
571. General Preparati ons:
a. Empty fuel tank to three-quarters ful l .
b. Secure al l l oose i tems i nsi de the carri er.
c. Remove al l trash and mud from the carri ers
d. Check for fl ui d l eaks and repai r defects.
TM 55-2350-224-14
e. Secure the battery.
f. I nspect engi ne, brakes, and ti edowns, to en-
sure they are i n good mechani cal condi ti on.
g. Mark shi ppi ng wei ght and center of bal ance
l ocati on on both si des of the carri er.
5-7-2. Specific Carrier Preparations for Airlift:
a. M106, M106A1, and M106A2. Secur e
base pl ate for the 107-mm mor tar i nsi de
carri er.
b. M548 and M548A1. Secur e the bows
canvas i nsi de the carri er.
c. M577, M577A1, and M577A2. Remov e
antenna extensi ons and guar ds to r educe
car r i er to i ts l owest confi gur ati on. Rear r amp
requi res speci al preparati on to prevent i t from
fal l i ng duri ng transport. See appendi x E for i n-
structi ons.
d. M901, M901A1, and M981. Redu ce th e
hei ght of the carri er for transport on the C-130
and C141 ai rcraft by removi ng the armored si ght
cover fr om the top of the TOW l auncher or
targeti ng head. The wi de fi el d of vi ew (WFOV)
si ght must al so be removed (by a qual i fi ed fi re-
control techni ci an). Appendi x D contai ns detai l ed
procedures for converti ng from the hi gh stow to
the l ow stow posi ti on.
e. M1068. Remove the antenna extensi ons and
guards, auxi l i ary power uni t, and tent l i ght set
mounts to reduce the carri er to i ts l owest confi gu-
rati on.
5-7-3. Loading Instructions
a. Metal parts of the carri er tracks must not
make contact wi th the ai rcraft l oadi ng ramp or
cargo compartment fl oor. Prol onged operati on of
vehi cl es causes the r ubber tr ack pads to chi p,
crack, and wear, thus el i mi nati ng the rubber pad
protecti on and al l owi ng the steel track shoes to
i mpact the surface. Therefore, the use of shori ng i s
al ways requi red when l oadi ng and offl oadi ng the
carri ers. Use 2- by 12-i nch l umber to provi de two
rows of shori ng 24 i nches wi de and spaced to
match the carri er tracks. The l oaded hei ght of the
carri ers may be reduced sl i ghtl y by use of 3/4i nch
or 1/2-i nch pl ywood shori ng i nstead of 2- by 12-i nch
l umber. Lay the shori ng from the ground end of
the ai rcraft ramp extensi on i nto the cargo com-
par tment, so that when the car r i er i s i n the
ti edown posi ti on, the tracks are on the shori ng.
Shori ng i s provi ded by the transported uni t or by
the shi ppi ng acti vi ty.
b. Pl ace the transmi ssi on i n neutral and set the
parki ng brake, after the carri er has been posi -
ti oned aboard the ai rcraft.
c. Restrai nt factors (g l oads) for mi ni mum ac-
ceptabl e condi ti ons (speci fi ed for crew and passen-
ger safety i n the event of a control l ed emergency
l andi ng) are speci fi ed i n the appl i cabl e ai rcraft
Techni cal Or der s (TO 1C-5A-9, TO 1C-130A-9,
and TO 1C-141A9).
d. For the M113A3 and M730A2, put the trans-
mi ssi on i n SL posi ti on.
5 - 2
TM 55-2350-224-14
A-1. Common Metri c Abbrevi ati ons
m = meter
dm = deci meter
cm = centi meter
mm = mi l l i meter
A-2. Li near Measur e
1 mi = 1609.35 m
1 yd= 0.9144 m
1 ft = 0.3048 m
1 i n. = 0.0254 m
1 m = 10 dm = 100 cm = 1000 mm
A-3. Sur face Measur e
1 sq yd = 0.8361 sq m
1 sq ft = 0.0929 sq m
1 sq i n. = 0.00065 sq m
A-4. Cubi c Measur e
1 cu yd= 0.76455 cu m
1 cu ft= 0.02831 cu m
1 cu i n. = 0.000016 cu m
A-5. Wei gh t
1 Ton = 1 STON = 907.185 kg = 2,000 l b
1 LTON = 2,240 l b = 1.0605t = 1016.05 kg
1 kg = 2.2046 l b
1 l b = 0.45359 kg
kg = ki l ogram
km = ki l ometer
t = metri c ton
1 km = 0.6214 mi
1 m = 1.0936 yd
1 m = 3.2808 ft
1 m = 39.3700 i n.
1 s q m = 1.196 sq yd
1 sq m = 10.764 sq ft
1 sq m = 1,550 sq i n.
1 cu m = 1.31 cu yd
1 cu m = 35.30 cu ft
1 cu m = 61,023 cu i n.
1 t = 2,204.62 l b
1 t = 1000 kg = 1 Tonne
A-6. The fol l owi ng si mpl i fi ed conversi on factors are accurate to wi thi n 2 percent for qui ck computati ons:
a. I nches to centi metersMul ti pl y i n. by 10 and di vi de by 4.
b. Yards to metersMul ti pl y yd by 9 and di vi de by 10.
c. Mi l es to ki l ometersMul ti pl y mi by 8 and di vi de by 5.
d. Pounds to ki l ograms-Mul ti pl y l b by 5 and di vi de by 11.
A-7. The fol l owi ng conversi ons are provi ded for gui dance when procuri ng l umber, wi re rope, or wi re i n
areas that use the metri c system. Lumber si zes are rounded off to the nearest 1/2 cm.
a. Lumber.
2-i n x 4-i n x desi red l ength = 5-cm x 10-cm x desi red l ength
1-i n x 6-i n x desi red l ength = 2.5-cm x 15-cm x desi red l ength
6-i n x 8-i n x desi red l ength = 15-cm x 20-cm x desi red l ength
1-i n x 12-i n x desi red l ength = 2.5-cm x 30-cm x desi red l ength
(l ength normal l y expressed i n ft or m)
b. Wire Rope. Round off to next hi gher whol e mm of avai l abl e wi re rope si zes.
3/8-i n. di a = 9.5-mm di a
1/2-i n. di a = 12.7-mm di a
5/8-i n. di a = 15.8-mm di a
3/4-i n. di a = 19.0-mm di a
7/8-i n. di a = 22.2-mm di a
1-i n. di a = 25.4-mm di a
1 1/4-i n. di a = 31.7-mm di a
1 1/2-i n. di a = 38.1-mm di a
c. Wire. No. 8 gauge anneal ed (11/64-i n. di a) = 4.37-mm di a. Round off to the next hi gher whol e mm of
avai l abl e wi re rope si zes.
A- 1
TM 55-2350-224-14
B-1. Army Regulations (AR)
55-29 Mi l i tary Convoy Operati ons i n CONUS
55-80 Hi ghway s for Nati onal Defense
55-162 Permi ts for Oversi ze, Overwei ght, or Other Speci al Mi l i tary Movements on
Publ i c Hi ghways i n the Uni ted States
55-355 Defense Traffi c Management Regul ati on
70-44 DOD Engi neeri ng for Transportabi l i ty
70-47 Engi neeri ng for Transportabi l i ty
746-1 Packagi ng of Army Materi al for Shi pment and Storage
B-2. Field Manuals (FM)
5-34 Engi neer Fi el d Data
5-36 Route Reconnai ssance and Cl assi fi cati on
55-15 Transportati on Reference Data
55-17 Termi nal Operati ons Coordi nators Handbook
B-3. Supply Bulletins (SB)
700-20 Army Adopted/Other I tems Sel ected for Authori zati on/Li st of Reportabl e I tems
B-4. Technical Bulletins (TB)
55-46-1 Standard Characteri sti cs (Di mensi ons, Wei ght, and Cube) for Transportabi l i ty
of Mi l i tary Vehi cl es and Other Outsi de/Overwei ght Equi pment
B-5. Technical Manuals (TM)
38-236 (AFP 71-8) Preparati on of Frei ght for Ai r Shi pment
38-250 (AFR 71-4) Packagi ng and Materi al s Handl i ng Preparati on of Hazardous Materi al s for
Mi l i tary Ai r Shi pment
55-500 Mari ne Equi pment Characteri sti cs and Data
55-2200-001-12 Transportabi l i ty Gui dance: Appl i cati on of Bl ocki ng, Braci ng, and Ti edown
Materi al s for Rai l Transport
B-6. Air Force Manuals
TO I C-5A-9 Loadi ng I nstructi ons, USAF Seri es C-5 Ai rcraft
TO I C-130E-9 Loadi ng I nstructi ons, USAF Seri es C-130 Ai rcraft
TO I C-141B-9 Loadi ng I nstructi ons, USAF Seri es C-141 Ai rcraft
B-7. Other publications
a. Code of Federal Regul ati on, Ti tl e 49Transportati on Parts, 107179 and Ti tl e 46Shi ppi ng, Part
Avai l abl e from: Superi ntendent of Documents
US Government Pri nti ng Offi ces
Washi ngton, DC 20402
b. Associ ati on of Ameri can Rai l roads, Rules of Governing the Loading of Commodities on Open-Top
Cars and Trailers
Secti on No. l General Rul es
Secti on No. 6Rul es Governi ng the Loadi ng of Department of Defense Materi al on Open-Top Cars
c. TM 553930660-14
Avai l abl e from: Associ ati on of Ameri can Rai l roads
50F Street, NW
Washi ngton, DC 20001-1564
d. 4th Transportati on Command Pamphl et 55-2, Tiedown Guide of Rail Movement
Avai l abl e from: Commander
1st Transportati on Movement Control Agency
APO New York 09451-4000
TM 55-2350-224-14
Manufacturer Grade 30 Grade 43 Grade 70 Grade 80 Steel Alloy Special Alloy
Acco G3 G4 G7 A8A
Boltmaster-Taylor BTPC BT7 TAC TAC
or PC
Campbell C3JCP C4fCH C7 CA/C3 CA/C8
or P (+000)
Columbus McKinnon CM/PC CM/HT CM/SG7 CM/HA
or G30 or G43 or G70 or HA800
Crosby CG/PC/3 CG/C/4 CG/C/7 CG/A/8
Laclede 13 N4 or L4 N7 or L7 G8 or L8
Maclean Fogg -A-, P, PA or
Peerless PC PH P7 P8
Portec -A-, H,
HA800 or BE
Teledyne McKay 4MK/MKH MK7 MK8
Turner & Seymour T3 T4 T7
Note: (Taken from AAR 1989 update.)
TM 55-2350-224-14
Thi s appendi x i s extracted from the M901 (I TV) system speci fi cati on. Everywhere the M901 i s
ci ted, the i nformati on appl i es to the M901A1 and M981. I f an M901 vehi cl e i s al ready i n the
transport (or l ow stow) confi gurati on, fol l ow the procedure i n paragraph 6 to reduce the vehi cl e
hei ght for transport i n C-130 or C-141 ai rcraft. However, i f the M901 i s i n the standard
operati onal (or hi gh stow ) confi gur ati on, per for m al l the steps i n thi s appendi x thr ough
paragraph 7. See TM 9-2350-259 or TM 92350-266 seri es for reference.
To reduce the M901 vehi cl e overal l hei ght for transport, proceed as fol l ows: Pl ace l auncher i n erect
posi ti on. Bl eed system down i n accordance wi th paragraph 1. Remove stowage brackets i n accordance
wi th paragraph 2, and proceed through paragraph 8.
D-1. Hydraulic Pressure Bleed-Down Procedure:
a. Appl y power to turret i n the normal manner, to pl ace l auncher i n erect posi ti on at 1800 azi muth
(faci ng rear).
b. Set EMER PWR swi tch to UP POSI TI ON.
c. Move hand control l er up and down i n el evati on unti l l auncher ceases moti on.
d. Set TURRET POWER swi tch to OFF, and then set EMER PWR swi tch to OFF.
e. Ensure that ERECTI ON LOCKS are engaged. I f not, repeat steps a through d to ensure erecti on
l ocks remai n engaged.
f. Support front of l auncher, usi ng two C-cl amps (NSN 5120-00-203-6431) and two 2x4 l umber
braci ng, as shown i n fi gure D-1.
Figure D-1. M901 hydraulic pressure bleed-down
TM 55-2350-224-14
D-2. Removal of Stowage Brackets:
To get l auncher down to l owest l evel possi bl e, remove stowage brackets i n accordance wi th fi gure D2 and
paragraph 5.
Figure D-2. M901 vehicle conversion (transport) (Sheet 1 of 3)
D- 2
TM 55-2350-224-14
Figure D-2. M901 vehicle conversion (transport) (Sheet 2 of 3)
D- 3
TM 55-2350-224-14
Figure D-2. M901 vehicle conversion (transport) (Sheet 3 of 3)
D-3. Legend for Figure D-2:
1. Bol t (4)
2. Washer (4)
3. Lockwasher (4)
4. Launcher Stow Support
5. Bol t (2)
6. Washer (2)
7. Stow Posi ti on Shop
8. Bol t (2)
9. Washer (2)
10. Washer (2)
11. Nuts (2)
12. Bumper
D- 4
TM 55-2350-224-14
D- 4.
D- 5.
si de.
Shi m
Transport Pad
Bol t (6)
Washer (6)
Erecti on Arm Bumper Bracket
Bol t (7)
Washer (7)
WFOV Tel escope
I TA Cover
a .
b .
c .
Fi gure D2, M901 Vehi cl e Conversi on (Transport) (Sheet 1 of 3)
Fi gure D-2, M901 Vehi cl e Conversi on (Transport) (Sheet 2 of 3)
Fi gure D-2, M901 Vehi cl e Conversi on (Transport) (Sheet 3 of 3)
Bracket Removal Procedure
Remove 4 bol ts (l ), 4 washers (3), 4 l ockwashers (2) and l auncher stow support (4). Repeat for other
From rear of erecti on arm, remove bol ts (5), 2 washers (6),
other si de.
c. Remove 2 bol ts (8), 2 washers (9), 2 nuts (11), 2 washers (1),
other si de.
d. Appl y corrosi on preventi ve compound (MI L-C-16173, Grade
and stow posi ti on stop (7). Repeat for
bumper (12) and shi m (13). Repeat for
I ), to 2 bol ts (8).
e. I nstal l to transport pad (14) on l oadi ng hatch: shi m (13), bumper (12), 2 washers (9), and 2 bol ts (8).
Repeat for other si de.
f. Lower si de armor and remove 6 bol ts (15), 6 washers (16), and erecti on arm bumper bracket (17).
Repeat for other si de.
g. Retai n al l removed hardware, packed i n a sui tabl e fi berboard box, i denti fy, and securel y stow
wi thi n vehi cl e.
D-6. Removal of Image Transfer Assembly (ITA) Cover and Wide Field-of-View
(See fi g. D-2, sheet 3)
a. Remove 7 bol ts (18), 7 washers (19), and I TA cover (21).
b. Loosen spl i t ri ng retai ner from top of l arge ri ng, unscrew l arge ri ng on base
(WFOV) Telescope
of WFOV tel escope
(20), and remove tel escope. Cover tel escope openi ng wi th sheet pl asti c and tape. Wrap tel escope wi th l ens
paper and tape. Wrap l ens wi th Ki mpak cushi oni ng materi al and tape. Pl ace l ens i n fi berboard contai ner
and tape. Label contai ner as to contents and securel y stow wi thi n vehi cl e.
c. Retai n al l removed i tems wi th M901 vehi cl e.
D-7. Launcher Crane Down Procedure
To l ower l auncher proceed as fol l ows:
a. Appl y system power, remove 2 x 4 l umber braci ng and C-Cl amps, and then pl ace l auncher to 8.5
degrees as i ndi cated by el evati on poi nter.
b. Set MODE SELECT swi tch to STOW.
Do not touch ERECTI ON DRI VE swi tch. To do so woul d cause the l auncher to stow. Severe i njury
or death may resul t to personnel i n the l aunchers path.
c. Remove cap (1) from erecti on arm. (See fi g. D3)
d. I nstal l handbrank (2) and turn handcrank cl ockwi se to crank l auncher down to deck.
Al l personnel shoul d stand cl ear of handcrank. Handcrank may occasi onal l y jump abruptl y.
e. Remove handcrank, i nstal l cap, and turn off system power.
f. Reduce the hei ght of the radi o antenna by removi ng i t.
Wrap antenna i n cushi oni ng materi al
(Ki mpak) and pl ace antenna i n fi berboard contai ner. Store and secure contai ner wi thi n vehi cl e.
D- 5
TM 55-2350-224-14
D-8. Transport to Standard Confi gurati on Conversi on Procedure To pl ace the M901 vehi cl e i nto standard
confi gurati on from transport confi gurati on, refer to fi gure D-2, and proceed as fol l ows:
a. Set TURRET POWER swi tch to ON and MODE swi tch to ERECT. Use ERECTI ON DRI VE swi tch
to erect l auncher.
b. Bl eed down hydraul i c system pressure, and support l auncher i n accordance wi th paragraph 1.
c. I nstal l WFOV tel escope (20), I TV cover (21), 7 washers (19), and 7 bol ts (18). (See fi g. D-2). Adjust
WFOV tel escope (20) as fol l ows; Wi thout di sturbi ng the I TA di opter ri ng, sel ect the I TA WFOV channel
(3X posi ti on on the si ght sel ect swi tch) for a cl ear, sharp i mage of the WFOV ci rcul ar reti cl e. Lock-wi re i n
pl ace the focusi ng ri ngs for the WFOV tel escope, the opti cal si ght, and the ni ght-si ght channel objecti ve
l ens.
Be sure to put spl i t ri ng retai ners back i nto posi ti on.
d. Appl y corrosi on preventi ve compound (MI L-C-16173, Grade I ) to 6 bol ts (15).
e. I nstal l stow bracket (17), 6 washers (16), and 6 bol ts (15). Repeat for
other si de. (See fi g. D-2).
Torque bol ts (15) to 50-55 foot-pounds.
f. Remove 2 bol ts (8), 2 washers (9), bumper (12), and shi m (13) from l ow-stow cushi on base (14) on
cargo hatch. (See fi g. D2). Repeat for other bumper.
g. Appl y corrosi on preventi ve compound (MI L-C-16173, Grade 1) to 2 bol ts (5).
h. I nstal l shi m (13), bumper (12), 2 washers (9), 2 bol ts (8), 2 washers (10), and 2 nuts (11) to hi gh-stow
bracket (17). Repeat for other bumper.
i . Appl y corrosi on preventi ve compound (MI LC-16173, Grade I ) to 2 bol ts (5).
j. I nstal l stow posi ti on stop (7), 2 washers (6), and 2 bol ts (5) to rear of erecti on arm. Repeat for other
stow posi ti on stop. Torque bol ts (5) to 8 to 9 fret-pounds.
k. Appl y corrosi on preventi ve compound (ML-C-16173, Grade I ) to 4 bol ts (l ).
l . I nstal l l auncher support (4), 4 washers (3), 4 l ockwashers (2), and 4 bol ts (l ). Repeat for other
l auncher support. Torque bol ts (1) to 25-30 foot-pounds.
D- 6
TM 55-2350-224-14
Figure D-3. I nstallation of Handcrank
D- 7
TM 55-2350-224-14
E-1. Fol l ow these procedures unti l new rear ti edown provi si ons are i nstal l ed on the undersi de of the
carri er:
a. Before shi ppi ng M577s, put the canvas and pol es that are normal l y stored on the outsi de rear of
the carri er i nsi de the carri er.
b. Make sure the l atch mechani sm that hol ds the ramp cl osed i s ful l y engaged. Uni ts may have to use
a crow bar or some other tool to force the l atch down.
c. Ti ghten the l ock nut above the l atch.
d. Dri ve a wedge (wooden or scrap metal ) i nto the area above the l atch, to ensure the l atch stays
E-2. As an added safety precauti on duri ng ti edown and shi pment, MTMCTEA recommends uni ts fol l ow
the procedures gi ven i n steps 1 through 3 bel ow. Thi s requi res two, approxi matel y 160-i nch l ong, l /2-i nch
I RWC cabl es and si xteen 5/8-i nch cabl e cl amps (per vehi cl e). The word deck i n paragraphs 1-3 bel ow
refers to a rai l car, ai rpl ane, trai l er, or shi p deck.
a. Before securi ng the carri ers run a l /2-i nch I WRC cabl e (mi ni mum di ameter) horn the l eft rear
ti edown provi si on to the ri ght rear l i fti ng provi si on and another from the ri ght rear ti edown provi si on to
the l eft rear l i fti ng provi si on. Secure these two cabl es, l eavi ng sl ack i n the cabl es. They wi l l form an X
on the rear of the carri er. (Thi s wi l l keep the ramp horn fal l i ng on someone who i s connecti ng the chai ns
from the deck to the carri er.)
b. Connect the ti edown chai ns/cabl es from the deck to the ti edown provi si ons. (Do not l eave sl ack i n
the chai ns.)
c. Ti ghten the two cabl es on the carri er to remove the sl ack. Thi s al l ows the ti edown shackl es to hang
i n the correct ori entati on (an angl e l ess than 600 from the hori zontal ).
TM 55-2350-224-14
By Order of the Secretary of the Army:
Offi ci al :
General, United States Army
Chief of Staff
Administrative Assistant to the
Secretary of the Army
To be di stri buted i n accordance wi th DA Form 12-34-E, (bl ock 0149),
requi rements for TM 55-2350-224-14.
PIN: 044939-000
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