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J. Vincent Davis, Psy.D.
Associate Dean of Health and Wellnes

The Things Most Parents
Overlook (*):
Talking About Money Management

Talking About Sex

Talking About Drinking
Heres The Deal
Move in Day typically signals the beginning of the
most autonomy a student will have encountered in their
young adult life.
Exploration is a developmental stage to be
The Big Question:
What is RIGHT for me???
3 Common Reasons Students Drink
1) Mood Enhancement letting loose, having MORE fun
Related to frequent and heavy drinking for men
2) Stress Reduction to get rid of tension, feel more relaxed,
not be so anxious
3) Social Interactions it helps you fit in-its what others are
doing (a desire for people connection not primarily to drink
itself), to enjoy being around others

What Potential Impact
Does Alcohol Play???
Consequences of Alcohol Abuse
National Sample Random Sample of College Age Individuals:
Arrested for DUI - 1.2%
In trouble with police, damaged property 18.9%
Arguing or fighting 31%
Performed poorly on test/project 21%
Missed class 28%
Memory loss 35%
62.5 % of students who meet criteria for addiction failed
in their first year of college.
The amount of alcohol consumed is the third greatest
predictor of GPA behind SAT scores and class rank.
Alcohol use related to 40% of incidents of lowered
academic performance.
25% of college drop outs are related to alcohol.

Research indicates that drinking to intoxication can affect cognitive
performance for up to 3 days.

Drinking to intoxication inhibits REM sleep, the most restful stage of
sleep, which results in a shorter attention span problems

Heavy alcohol use also impairs memory by inhibiting the transfer and
consolidation of information into long-term memory.

Alcohol misuse impairs your ability to concentrate up to 72hrs
following intoxication, resulting in poor abstract thinking (imagine
how this impacts your productivity in studio based courses).

The Role of Academic Affairs in College Student Alcohol Prevention
Helen Stubbs, Vice President of Higher Education, Everfi

How Long is a Hangover Really?
Lets Crunch Numbers.
We already know that a segment of the student
population will drink, either legally or illegally
How many drinks can a person consume before they
become impaired?
Is this a matter where we can treat men and women

Indicators of a Binge
Frequently drinks to get drunk
Try to solve problems by drinking

Experience personality changes become loud, angry, suicidal or
violent, OR, silent, remote or reclusive
Drinks when they should not (e.g., during class time)
Cause other problems fights, injuries, property damage
Keep drinking despite negative consequences missing class,
mental fog in class/poor learning, late on assignments, lower
grades, fights with friends, depressed mood
Signs of Alcohol Poisoning
Cold and clammy, bluish skin color
Slow or difficult breathing
Signs That A Student Needs Urgent
Taking the substance in larger amounts or for longer than the
you meant to
Wanting to cut down or stop using the substance but not
managing to
Spending a lot of time getting, using, or recovering from use of
the substance
Cravings and urges to use the substance
Not managing to do what you should at work, home or school,
because of substance use

Signs That A Student Needs Urgent
Continuing to use, even when it causes problems in relationships
Giving up important social, occupational or recreational activities
because of substance use
Using substances again and again, even when it puts you in danger
Continuing to use, even when the you know you have a physical or
psychological problem that could have been caused or made worse by
the substance
Needing more of the substance to get the desired effect (tolerance)
Development of withdrawal symptoms, which can be relieved by
taking more of the substance.

Campus Referral Resources
The Student Health Center 410-225-4118
Walk-In Hour first hour of clinics opening
The Student Counseling Center 410-225-2357

Walk In Hour 03:00pm to 04:00pm / Mon Fri
The Office of Student Affairs 410-225-2422
Stephanie Baker Student Development Specialist
J. Vincent Davis Associate Dean of Health & Wellness
Guidelines to Safer Alcohol
1. Know your limit. Safe estimate is 1 per hour, no more than 4 total
for the entire night.
2. Eat food while you drink. It is particularly good to eat high protein
foods such as cheese and peanuts, which help to slow the absorption of
alcohol into the circulatory system.
3. Sip your drink. If you gulp a drink for the effect, you are losing a
pleasure of drinking, namely tasting and smelling the various flavors. This
is particularly true for wine.
4. Accept a drink only when you really want one. At a party if someone
is trying to force another drink on you, ask for ice or drink a
non-alcoholic beverage. 40% of students report peer pressure to drink
or use drugs.
5. Cultivate taste. Choose quality rather than quantity. Learn the
names of fine wines, whiskeys, and beers. Learn what beverage goes with
what foods.

Guidelines to Safer Alcohol
6. Skip a drink now and then. When at a party, have a
nonalcoholic drink between the alcoholic one to keep your blood
alcohol concentration down. Goal=1 per hr, no more than 4
7. Beware of unfamiliar drinks. Such drinks as zombies and other
fruit and rum drinks can be deceiving, as the alcohol is not always
detectable, and it is difficult to space them out.
8. Make sure that drinking improves social relationships rather
than impairs them. Serve alcohol as an adjunct to an activity
rather than as the primary focus. Have a German night party rather
than just getting together to drink beer.
9. Appoint a designated driver/ESCORT. Have someone available
who will not be drinking and will drive/escort all tipsy or
hammered home.

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