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Internal assessment resource Social Studies 1.

2A v2 for Achievement Standard 91040

Internal Assessment Resource
Social Studies Level 1
!his resource su%%orts assessment a&ainst'
Achievement Standard 91040
"onduct a social in(uir)
Resource title: Social Networking
4 credits
!his resource'
"larifies the re(uirements of the standard
Su%%orts &ood assessment %ractice
Should *e su*+ected to the school,s usual assessment (ualit) assurance
Should *e modified to ma-e the conte.t relevant to students in their school
environment and ensure that su*mitted evidence is authentic
/ate version %u*lished *)
0inistr) of Education
1ovem*er 2012 2ersion 2
!o su%%ort internal assessment from 2013
4ualit) assurance status !hese materials have *een (ualit) assured *) 154A.
154A A%%roved num*er A6A6116201269104060164272
Authenticit) of evidence !eachers must mana&e authenticit) for an) assessment
from a %u*lic source8 *ecause students ma) have
access to the assessment schedule or student e.em%lar
$sin& this assessment resource 9ithout modification
ma) mean that students, 9or- is not authentic. !he
teacher ma) need to chan&e fi&ures8 measurements or
data sources or set a different conte.t or to%ic to *e
investi&ated or a different te.t to read or %erform.
!his resource is co%)ri&ht : "ro9n 2012 Pa&e 1 of ;
Internal assessment resource Social Studies 1.2A v2 for Achievement Standard 91040
Internal Assessment Resource
Achievement Standard Social Studies 91040: "onduct a social
Resource reference: Social Studies 1.2A v2
Resource title: Social 1et9or-in&
redits: 4
!eacher guidelines
!he follo9in& &uidelines are su%%lied to ena*le teachers to carr) out valid and
consistent assessment usin& this internal assessment resource.
!eachers need to *e ver) familiar 9ith the outcome *ein& assessed *) Achievement
Standard Social Studies 91040. !he achievement criteria and the e.%lanator) notes
contain information8 definitions8 and re(uirements that are crucial 9hen inter%retin&
the standard and assessin& students a&ainst it.
In this assessment activit)8 students conduct a social in(uir) into online social
net9or-in&. !his involves identif)in& a focus of in(uir)8 collectin& information <from
*oth %rimar) and secondar) sources=8 e.%lainin& different %oints of vie98 and
identif)in& social actions related to social net9or-in&.
Students ma) 9or- in &rou%s to &ather information from %rimar) and secondar)
sources *ut all other com%onents of the tas- must *e com%leted individuall).
Students 9ill need 3>4 9ee-s of in6 and out6of6class time to com%lete this activit).
Resource re$uirements
Access to the Internet and to relevant %rimar) sources of information.
Additional information
!his resource is co%)ri&ht : "ro9n 2012 Pa&e 2 of ;
Internal assessment resource Social Studies 1.2A v2 for Achievement Standard 91040
Internal Assessment Resource
Achievement Standard Social Studies 91040: "onduct a social
Resource reference: Social Studies 1.2A v2
Resource title: Social 1et9or-in&
redits: 4
Achievement Achievement with %erit Achievement with
"onduct a social in(uir). "onduct an in6de%th social
"onduct a com%rehensive
social in(uir).
Student instructions
!his assessment activit) re(uires )ou to conduct a social in(uir) into either online
social networking. ?ou 9ill identif) a focus for )our in(uir)8 collect information <from
*oth %rimar) and secondar) sources=8 e.%lain different %oints of vie98 and identif)
social actions related to online social net9or-in&.
!he thorou&hness of )our re%ort and the de%th 9ith 9hich )ou %resent contrastin&
%oints of vie9 <related to the focus of )our in(uir)= 9ill determine the overall &rade.
?ou ma) 9or- 9ith others to &ather information from %rimar) and secondar) sources
*ut all other com%onents of the tas- must *e com%leted individuall).
?ou have until 9ee- 9 of term 28 2014 in6 and out6of6class time in 9hich to com%lete
this activit).
Social6net9or-in& 9e*sites %rovide a virtual communit) that %eo%le use to @han& outA
in or to increase their circle of friends.
0em*ers create an online @%rofileA 9ith information8 %ictures8 and an)thin& else the)
choose to %ost. Peo%le communicate *) %ostin& their thou&hts in status u%dates and
*) instant messa&in& and email. !he sites let %eo%le find and invite other %eo%le into
their %ersonal net9or-.
"onduct a social in(uir) into online social net9or-in& follo9in& the ste%s outlined
Inquiry focus and research
"hoose O1E of the follo9in& as a focus for )our in(uir)'
#o9 have culturesBsocieties ada%ted and chan&ed as a result of social
Dhat im%act has online social net9or-in& had on culturesBsocietiesC
!his resource is co%)ri&ht : "ro9n 2012 Pa&e 3 of ;
Internal assessment resource Social Studies 1.2A v2 for Achievement Standard 91040
"reate !DO o%en6ended research (uestions relevant to )our chosen focus and
chec- their suita*ilit) 9ith )our teacher.
Gather information that can *e used to ans9er )our research (uestions. $se a ran&e
of sources <at least three=. As %art of )our research'
outline the ethical a%%roaches )ou 9ill use 9hen collectin& and %resentin& )our
desi&n a surve) or create intervie9 (uestions and use them to &ather %rimar)
&ather information from at least one other %rimar) source
&ather information from at least one secondar) source.
?our research should reflect different vie9%oints. ?ou 9ill also need to find
information a*out social actions related to online social net9or-in&.
ecord the details of each source in a reference list.
Write a report
Process and %resent )our information. ?ou can choose ho9 *est to do this8 for 9ritten %ara&ra%hs8 ta*les8 &ra%hs8 dia&rams8 andBor %hoto&ra%hs. !hese
9ill need to *e anal)sed and form %art of )our conclusions.
Drite a re%ort that e.%lains )our %rocess and conclusions. !hrou&hout )our re%ort8
refer to information )ou have &athered and8 9here meanin&ful8 to conce%ts that relate
to )our in(uir). elevant conce%ts could include' societ)8 chan&e8 %ers%ectives8
Include su%%ortin& evidence such as names8 dates8 %laces8 statistics8 or (uotations.
In )our re%ort'
9rite a res%onse to )our research (uestions. Include a summar) of )our findin&s
and an) conclusions )ou have dra9n
identif)8 descri*e in detail8 and contrast at least !#EE %oints of vie9 a*out
social net9or-in& sites
descri*e in detail t9o social actions related to online net9or-in&. For'
> identif) *eneficial social actions that have resulted from the use of social
net9or-in& sites
> identif) social actions that have *een ta-en <or could *e ta-en= to inform
%eo%le a*out ho9 to use social net9or-in& a%%ro%riatel) or safel).
#and in )our 9ritten re%ort8 alon& 9ith a reference list sho9in& the sources )ou have
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Internal assessment resource Social Studies 1.2A v2 for Achievement Standard 91040
Assessment schedule: Social Studies 91040 Social Networking
&vidence#'udgements for Achievement &vidence#'udgements for Achievement with
&vidence#'udgements for Achievement with
!he student has chosen a focus for their social
in(uir) and has develo%ed at least t9o research
(uestions from it. For'
Focus: What have been the consequences of
social networking on cultures/societies?
Research questions: How do people use social
networking sites? What experiences have people
had using social networking sites? How has the
use of social networking sites impacted on
peoples lives? How have the consequences of
social networking sites been different in different
!he student has &athered information from %rimar)
and secondar) sources <for surve)s8
(uestionnaires8 *oo-s8 Internet research= usin& an
acce%ta*le ethical frame9or-. !he information
relates to the focus of in(uir). Evidence of
&athered information can include the student,s
o9n summar) of &athered information. For'
! found that there are different wa"s in which
people use social networking sites# $ome people
sta" in touch with friends this wa"% while other
people like to reconnect with old friends the" had
lost touch with#
!he student %rovides information a*out at least
t9o valid %oints of vie9 that relate to the focus of
in(uir). For'
$ome people do not think that social networking
sites have much benefit# &he" think that people
waste too much time sitting in front of a
!he student has chosen a focus for their in6de%th
social in(uir) and has develo%ed at least t9o
research (uestions from it. For'
Focus: What have been the consequences of
social networking on cultures/societies?
Research questions: How do people use social
networking sites? What experiences have people
had using social networking sites? How has the
use of social networking sites impacted on
peoples lives? How have the consequences of
social networking sites been different in different
!he student has &athered detailed information
from a ran&e <at least three= of %rimar) and
secondar) sources8 usin& an acce%ta*le ethical
frame9or-. !he information relates to the focus of
in(uir). For'
&here are a number of wa"s in which people use
social networking sites# !n our local communit"
teenagers use online social networking sites to
communicate with people who live close to them
and often people living on the other side of the
world# $ome teenagers believe that the" have a
larger support network of friends than if the" did
not use social networking sites# &here have also
been reported instances in some communities
where teenagers have been at risk while using
social networking sites' an example is of harassing
posts on Facebook walls# &his is an example of
c"ber bull"ing# !n some communities in other
societies the use of social networking sites has
resulted in the spread of propaganda# (n example
!he student has chosen a focus for their
com%rehensive social in(uir) and has develo%ed
at least t9o research (uestions from it. For'
Focus: What have been the consequences of
social networking on cultures/societies?
Research questions: How do people use social
networking sites? What experiences have people
had using social networking sites? How has the
use of social networking sites impacted on
peoples lives? How have the consequences of
social networking sites been different in different
!he student has &athered detailed information
from a ran&e <at least three= of %rimar) and
secondar) sources8 usin& an acce%ta*le ethical
frame9or-. !he information &athered relates to the
focus of in(uir). !his includes information relevant
to contrastin& %oints of vie9 that stren&then the
findin&s of the in(uir). For'
&here are a number of wa"s in which people use
social networking sites# !n our local communit"
teenagers use online social networking sites to
communicate with people who live close to them
and often people living on the other side of the
world# $ome teenagers believe that the" have a
larger support network of friends than if the" did
not use social networking sites# &here have also
been reported instances in some communities
where teenagers have been at risk while using
social networking sites' an example is of harassing
posts on Facebook walls# &his is an example of
!his resource is co%)ri&ht : "ro9n 2012 Pa&e E of ;
Internal assessment resource Social Studies 1.2A v2 for Achievement Standard 91040
computer and need to have more face)to)face
interaction with people#
$ome people think that it is a good thing to be
involved in social networking because the" can
easil" keep in touch with people that the" ma"
not see ver" often#
!he student %rovides information a*out at least
t9o social actions that relate to the focus of
in(uir). For'
*romoting beneficial social actions:
+rganising protests against products
,ncouraging people to support causes such as
animal rights#
!nforming people about the inappropriate use of
social networking sites:
$chools tr" to educate students about the
dangers of social networking
+rganisations give seminars to parents to let
them know about how to encourage their
children to be safe while using social
networking sites#
A list of references to sources is %rovided.
of this is the -orth .orean government who set up
a &witter account to keep people updated about
the /positive0 aspects of life in -orth .orea#
!he student %rovides detailed information <such as
e.%lanations and s%ecific a*out at least
t9o valid %oints of vie9 that relate to the focus of
in(uir). For'
&here are examples where people perceive that
social networking has resulted in benefits for
the wider communit"# ( 1niversit" of 2anterbur"
student organised a large group of volunteer
students to help out with cleaning up parts of
2hristchurch damaged or affected b" the
$eptember 3454 earthquake#
$ome people believe that there are too man"
issues with social networking that can lead to
problems# For example% it is eas" for people to
set up fake profiles and then befriend people
under false pretences#
!he student %rovides detailed information <s%ecific a*out at least t9o social actions that
relate to the focus of in(uir). For'
*romoting beneficial social actions:
!n !ran social networking sites were a wa" to
organise protests against the elections that
were being held in 3454# *eople were able to
organise protests using these sites because
other media is strictl" controlled there#
&here are groups set up on Facebook which
allow people to lobb" for change within their
countr"# &here is a $ign+n -6 group that
encourages people to 7oin to lobb" governments
to sign up to the treat" on climate change#
!nforming people about appropriate use of social
networking sites:
-etsafe is an organisation that has been set up
c"ber bull"ing# !n some communities in other
societies the use of social networking sites has
resulted in the spread of propaganda# (n example
of this is the -orth .orean government who set up
a &witter account to keep people updated about
the /positive0 aspects of life in -orth .orea#
!he student %rovides detailed information <such as
e.%lanations and s%ecific a*out at least
t9o valid and contrasting %oints of vie9 that
relate to the focus of in(uir). For'
&here are examples where people perceive that
social networking has resulted in benefits for the
wider communit"# ( 1niversit" of 2anterbur"
student organised a large group of volunteer
students to help clean up parts of 2hristchurch
damaged or affected b" the $eptember 3454
earthquake# &hese students were able to help
residents who were not able to clean up for
themselves% for example% b" clearing silt from
elderl" peoples drivewa"s# Facebook allowed this
group of students to be quickl" organised and to
help out where the" were most needed#
$ome people believe that there are too man"
issues with social networking that can lead to
problems and that these sites should be banned# !t
is eas" for people to set up fake profiles and then
befriend people under false pretences% for
example% the teenager in (ustralia in 3454 who
was lured b" a man who told her the" were going
to rescue in7ured animals and then he murdered
$ome people believe that social networking should
be strictl" controlled and that it is too eas" for
people to see other peoples information# For
example% unless teenagers activate the privac"
settings on Facebook the default settings allow
people to access private information such as birth
dates and photos# *eople believe that strict
!his resource is co%)ri&ht : "ro9n 2012 Pa&e 7 of ;
Internal assessment resource Social Studies 1.2A v2 for Achievement Standard 91040
to go around schools and educate students on
how to use social networking sites
appropriatel"# &he" have a website with
information people can access and the" provide
details about how to increase "our privac"
settings and what to do if "ou are a victim of
!n m" schools 8ear 9 !2& programme there is a
unit of work that encourages students to
discuss how the" use social networking sites
and then gives them strategies about how to
use the sites appropriatel"% for example% b"
making private information less accessible and
b" not becoming friends with people that the"
do not know#
A list of references to sources is %rovided.
privac" settings should be the default#
!he student %rovides detailed information <s%ecific a*out at least t9o social actions that
relate to the focus of in(uir). For'
*romoting beneficial social actions:
!n !ran social networking sites were a wa" to
organise protests against the elections that
were being held in 3454# *eople were able to
organise protests using these sites because
other media is strictl" controlled there#
&here are groups set up on Facebook which
allow people to lobb" for change within their
countr"# &here is a $ign+n -6 group that
encourages people to 7oin to lobb" governments
to sign up to the treat" on climate change#
!nforming people about appropriate use of social
networking sites:
-etsafe is an organisation that has been set up
to go around schools and educate students on
how to use social networking sites
appropriatel"# &he" have a website with
information people can access and the" provide
details about how to increase "our privac"
settings and what to do if "ou are a victim of
!n m" schools 8ear 9 !2& programme there is a
unit of work that encourages students to discuss
how the" use social networking sites and then
gives them strategies about how to use the sites
appropriatel"% for example% b" making private
information less accessible and b" not
becoming friends with people that the" do not
A list of references to sources is %rovided.
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Internal assessment resource Social Studies 1.2A v2 for Achievement Standard 91040
Final &rades 9ill *e decided usin& %rofessional +ud&ement *ased on a holistic e.amination of the evidence %rovided a&ainst the criteria in the
Achievement Standard.
!his resource is co%)ri&ht : "ro9n 2012 Pa&e ; of ;

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