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8IC 21S - Ce|| 8|o|ogy

Ia|| 2014
Lecture: 1ue]1hu 11:00 am - 12:1S pm
Lab: Mon 11:00 - 12:S0, 1ue 9:00 - 10:S0 am, 1hu 9:00 - 10:S0 am
4 cred|ts

Instructor: ur. Lrlc (v!) 8ubensLeln Cff|ce nours: Mon: 10:00 am - noon
Cfflce: CL 171A or by appolnLmenL
hone: 3-8803

Laboratory Instructors: ur. SLephen Caslor slgaslor[
Mrs. Lrlca Wllson ewllson29[

Graduate Ass|stants for Lab: Sarah Lngle smllndsey[
8yan Clbson rLglbson[

Course Descr|pt|on:

1hls comprehenslve course wlll explore Lhe organlzaLlon, funcLlon, and sLrucLures of prokaryoLlc and eukaryoLlc
cells. LaboraLory exerclses wlll provlde experlence ln a varleLy of currenL cell blologlcal Lechnlques. 8oLh lecLure
and laboraLory componenLs wlll emphaslze prlnclples of experlmenLal deslgn.

Course Cb[ect|ves:

A. SLudenLs wlll develop a fuller appreclaLlon of Lhe organlzaLlon and dynamlc funcLlonlng of Lhe cell as Lhe
baslc unlL of llfe.
8. SLudenLs wlll galn baslc lnformaLlon abouL cells - Lhelr evoluLlon, Lhelr componenLs, Lhelr lnLeracLlons and
lnLerdependence, energy sLorage and uLlllzaLlon, and sLrucLural and funcLlonal changes assoclaLed wlLh
growLh, developmenL, and dlfferenLlaLlon.
C. SLudenLs wlll be able Lo descrlbe Lhe common sLrucLural and funcLlonal characLerlsLlcs of all cells and Lhe
speclflc dlfferences beLween varlous klnds of cells.
u. SLudenLs wlll lmprove problem-solvlng skllls and be exposed Lo currenL lssues ln cell blology.
L. SLudenLs wlll undersLand and apply Lhe sclenLlflc meLhod and prlnclples of experlmenL deslgn Lo cellular
l. SLudenLs wlll employ currenL Lechnlques ln laboraLory experlmenLs, whlch relnforce lecLure Loplcs.
C. SLudenLs wlll galn experlence ln sclenLlflc communlcaLlon.

Course o||c|es:

|ease check your 8SU ema|| and 8|ackboard accounts regu|ar|y. 1hese are Lhe Lools l wlll use Lo
communlcaLe wlLh you ouLslde of class.

Anyth|ng |n th|s sy||abus |s sub[ect to change at the |nstructor's d|scret|on. ?ou wlll be noLlfled of such
changes ln class, by emall, or on 8lackboard.

Student attendance at c|ass and |ab meet|ngs |s expected. ALLendance ls noL recorded aL lecLure buL ls
sLrongly encouraged. ALLendance ln lab ls recorded and cannoL be made up. If you m|ss more than one
|ab exerc|se, po|nts w||| be deducted from your tota| |ab grade (10 of enLlre laboraLory grade deducLed
for second mlssed lab, 20 for Lhlrd, 30 for fourLh, eLc.).

Lxcused absences from |aborator|es or exams wlll only be granLed lf you have wr|tten documentat|on for
your absence (such as a docLor's noLe for lllness or any oLher unlverslLy-excused absence). Arrangements
must be made ahead of t|me to attend another |aboratory sect|on |f you must m|ss a |ab.

If you m|ss a c|ass or |aboratory sess|on for any reason, lL ls your respons|b|||ty Lo geL any lnformaLlon,
announcemenLs, asslgnmenLs, eLc. |ease contact other students ln Lhe class for mlssed asslgnmenLs/
lecLure noLes before seelng Lhe lnsLrucLor for help.

Ass|gnments and |ab reports are due at the beg|nn|ng of |nd|cated c|ass or |aboratory sess|ons.
AsslgnmenLs are laLe lf Lhey are Lurned ln afLer Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe class perlod LhaL Lhey are due for any
reason (lncludlng Lechnologlcal fallure, such as compuLer or prlnLer malfuncLlon). Late |aboratory reports
may be turned |n at the beg|nn|ng of the f|rst |ab sess|on fo||ow|ng the due date w|th a S-po|nt pena|ty.
Laboratory reports turned after th|s po|nt w||| be awarded 0 po|nts un|ess excused by the |nstructor.

Un|ess otherw|se spec|f|ed, do not ema|| ass|gnments. Lmalled asslgnmenLs may noL be graded. lease
leave any laLe asslgnmenLs ln my mallbox ln Lhe 8lology Cfflce (CL 121).

u|zzes cannot be made up. lf you have an excused absence on Lhe day of a qulz, LhaL qulz score wlll noL
be counLed ln your flnal grade (e.g. for a 3-polnL qulz, you would have a 0/0 lnsLead of a 0/3).

ou are respons|b|e for mak|ng sure a|| your grades entered on 8|ackboard are correct. lL ls
recommended LhaL you save a|| returned |ab reports, qu|zzes, and ass|gnments unLll Lhe grades are
posLed. lease leL your lnsLrucLor or graduaLe asslsLanLs know lf Lhere ls an error. A|| changes to entered
grades (except for the f|na| exam) must be made by the end of the |ast week of c|ass.

Comput|ng dev|ces of any klnd may be used ln class exc|us|ve|y for c|ass-re|ated act|v|t|es. 1o promoLe
Lhe opt|ma| |earn|ng env|ronment for a|| students, please refraln from browslng Lhe lnLerneL, emalllng,
worklng on oLher asslgnmenLs, LexL messaglng, eLc. durlng lecLure or laboraLory sesslons. Ce|| phones
must be s||enced or set to v|brat|on mode. lf you musL recelve an emergency call, please walL unLll you
have lefL Lhe classroom and closed Lhe door Lo answer your phone.

If you have d|ff|cu|ty |n th|s c|ass, please make arrangemenLs Lo meet w|th the |nstructor or conLacL Lhe
Learn|ng Center, whlch offers supporL and consulLaLlon ln Lhe areas of effecLlve sLudy sLraLegles, Llme
managemenL, LesL Laklng, LexLbook readlng, and noLe Laklng. 1he Learnlng CenLer offers free LuLorlng for
many courses on campus, |nc|ud|ng sc|ence, help wlLh any wrlLlng Lask, and sLudy sLraLegles such as Llme
managemenL, LesL-Laklng, noLe-Laklng, and effecLlve LexLbook readlng.

l wlll make my lecLure presenLaLlons avallable Lo you on 8lackboard. l wlll make every efforL (buL no
guaranLee) Lo posL Lhem before class. 1he lecLure presenLaLlons l upload Lo 8lackboard may be
lncompleLe. unless oLherwlse noLed, you w||| be respons|b|e for mater|a| that |s presented dur|ng |ecture
sess|ons, regard|ess of whether |t appears |n the up|oaded presentat|on f||es.

I have zero to|erance for cheat|ng, p|ag|ar|sm, or any form of academ|c d|shonesty. CheaLlng on a qulz or
an exam wlll resulL ln a mlnlmum penalLy of a 0 score for LhaL qulz or exam. All work you submlL musL
be orlglnal. laglarlsm (copylng or paraphraslng from any source, such as from oLher sLudenLs, webslLes,
LexLbooks, eLc., wlLhouL approprlaLe clLaLlon) wlll resulL ln a mlnlmum penalLy of a 0 score for LhaL
asslgnmenL. unlverslLy pollcy for academlc dlshonesLy wlll be followed. lease revlew 8all SLaLe
unlverslLy's pollcles for academlc dlshonesLy (SLudenL Code, SecLlon 7.2). 1hls lnformaLlon can be found aL
Lhe followlng address:

If you need course adaptat|ons or accommodat|ons because of a d|sab|||ty, |f you have emergency
med|ca| |nformat|on to share w|th me, or |f you need spec|a| arrangements |n case the bu||d|ng must be
evacuated, please make an appo|ntment w|th me as soon as poss|b|e. My offlce locaLlon ls CL 171A and
off|ce hours are Mondays 10:00 AM Lo noon or by appolnLmenL. 1hese offlce hours are sub[ecL Lo change.
l wlll announce any changes ln class, by emall, or on 8lackboard.

ILkA: 1he lamlly LducaLlonal 8lghLs and rlvacy AcL ensures Lhe securlLy and confldenLlallLy of your
sLudenL lnformaLlon, lncludlng your grades. l wlll noL dlscuss Lhe performance of an adulL sLudenL ln Lhls
course wlLh anyone ouLslde of Lhe unlverslLy wlLhouL Lhe sLudenL's expllclL wrlLLen permlsslon.

Course W|thdrawa|s: ?ou have unLll Wednesday 10/22/2014 Lo wlLhdraw from Lhls course. AfLer LhaL, a
laLe wlLhdrawal ls only allowed wlLh my permlsslon. 1hese are noL glven unless you can documenL
exLenuaLlng clrcumsLances.


300 po|nts for Lhree ln-class unlL exams. Lach exam wlll be worLh 100 polnLs. Lach LesL wlll cover ~1/4 of
Lhe LoLal class maLerlal. Lxams wlll be admlnlsLered durlng class Llme.
1S0 po|nts for flnal exam. ApproxlmaLely 2/3 of Lhe flnal exam wlll cover Lhe flnal ~1/4 of class maLerlal.
1he remalnlng ~1/3 of Lhe flnal exam wlll be cumulaLlve. AL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe fourLh unlL, l wlll provlde
an abrldged seL of ob[ecLlves for Lhe cumulaLlve porLlon of Lhe flnal exam.
16S po|nts for laboraLory reporLs. 1here wlll be 3 laboraLory reporLs. 1he flrsL four wlll be worLh 33 polnLs.
1he flnal lab reporL wlll be worLh 23 polnLs.
60 po|nts for laboraLory qulzzes. Lach laboraLory sesslon wlll begln wlLh a qulz over Lhe currenL week's
laboraLory manual (3 polnLs/qulz).
SS po|nts for group bloLechnology oral presenLaLlon (3 polnLs for pre-presenLaLlon progress reporL
submlsslon, 30 polnLs for presenLaLlon). See asslgnmenL descrlpLlon on 8lackboard for deLalls.
I reserve the r|ght to adm|n|ster add|t|ona| ass|gnments or pop qu|zzes throughout the term w|thout

I|na| grades are ass|gned as fo||ows:

A = 92.30 - 100 8+ = 86.30 - 89.49 C+ = 76.30 - 79.49 u+ = 66.30 - 69.49
A- = 89.30 - 92.49 8 = 82.30 - 86.49 C = 72.30 - 76.49 u = 62.30 - 66.49
8- = 79.30 - 82.49 C- = 69.30 - 72.49 u- = 39.30 - 62.49
l = <60

kequ|red 1ext:
!"#$"%&' )*%+, *- ./" 0"++ - 8
Ld., Pardln, 8erLonl, and klelnsmlLh
l have placed one copy of Lhe LexLbook on reserve ln Lhe Cooper Sclence Llbrary.

1he Ce|| 8|o|ogy |aboratory manua| |s ava||ab|e on 8|ackboard. ?ou are responslble for prlnLlng Lhe lab manual.
lease read the manua| before com|ng to |ab. 8r|ng the |ab manua| w|th you to each |aboratory sess|on. Culzzes
wlll be glven ln lab abouL maLerlal ln LhaL week's laboraLory manual.

now to Succeed |n th|s C|ass:

1o masLer Lhls class, you wlll need Lo attack the mater|a|. ?ou musL devour course content. 1hls requlres a
comb|nat|on of memorlzaLlon and crlLlcal Lhlnklng, memor|zat|on |s not enough Lo Lhrlve ln Lhls class! ?ou need Lo
be able Lo explaln Lhe maLerlal, dlscuss Lhe maLerlal wlLh your peers and lnsLrucLors, answer quesLlons abouL Lhe
maLerlal, undersLand how maLerlal covered ln one lecLure relaLes Lo maLerlal covered elsewhere ln Lhe course, and
apply Lhe maLerlal Lo new slLuaLlons. 1he only way Lo do Lhls ls Lo devoLe |arge b|ocks of und|stracted t|me
(screens off!) excluslvely Lo Lhls course. Scan your noLes before class. Wr|te as much as you can durlng class.
8evlew your noLes lmmedlaLely afLer lecLure and consu|t your textbook for relnforcemenL and clarlflcaLlon.
kehearse Lhe conLenL mulLlple Llmes ln mulLlple ways (rewrlLlng your noLes, drawlng your noLes, speaklng your
noLes aloud, dlscusslng your noLes wlLh your classmaLes, Leachlng your noLes Lo a real or lmaglned class) unLll you
have noL [usL memorlzed Lhe maLerlal, buL have undersLood Lhe maLerlal and lncorporaLed lL lnLo your core
knowledge and undersLandlng. 1hls can only occur by |mmers|ng yourse|f ln course maLerlal. lf you have a
quesLlon, dlg lnLo your LexLbook. lf your LexLbook does noL address your quesLlon, ask your peers or lnsLrucLors. 1o
Lruly learn Lhls maLerlal-Lo be able Lo succeed on unlL exams, Lo reLaln conLenL for Lhe cumulaLlve flnal exam, and
Lo be prepared for fuLure courses and endeavors-you musL conslsLenLly spend Llme sLudylng course conLenL. lor
mosL people, Lhls cannoL be done merely Lhe week before Lhe exam. l wlll be avallable Lo supporL your learnlng,
answer your quesLlons, and provlde advlce, buL you must take the |n|t|at|ve and respons|b|||ty for your own

Spec|f|c t|ps for succeed|ng |n th|s course:

1. 8e we|| rested for class.
2. Independent read|ng. ?ou are expecLed Lo Lake responslblllLy for your own educaLlon by readlng Lhe
asslgned LexLbook chapLers. 1he besL sLraLegy for success ln Lhls course ls Lo scan Lhrough Lhe asslgned
LexLbook chapLer prlor Lo each class sesslon so LhaL you wlll be famlllar wlLh Lhe Lerms and concepLs LhaL
wlll be covered ln class. AfLer each class, you should reLurn Lo Lhe LexLbook and lecLure noLes Lo carefully
revlew Lhe covered maLerlal, maklng noLe of any quesLlons you may have.
3. As soon afLer class as posslble, rev|ew your notes, marklng down any quesLlons you mlghL have or
anyLhlng LhaL ls noL clear Lo you. 8rlng Lhese quesLlons wlLh you Lo Lhe nexL class.
4. 8e act|ve |earners. Lven Lhough l wlll Lyplcally provlde owerolnL presenLaLlons, wrlLe down as much as
you can. 1he more you wr|te down, Lhe more you wlll remember. Lxams and qulzzes wlll cover maLerlal
dlscussed ln class. Anyth|ng I |ecture on, even |f |t |s not |n the owero|nt presentat|on, may appear on
exams or qu|zzes (unless l speclfy oLherwlse).
3. If someth|ng does not make sense |n c|ass, ASk!
6. Make sure you understand whaL we have dlscussed ln class. Do not [ust memor|ze. Whlle Lhere wlll be
some maLerlal LhaL you wlll need Lo memorlze, Lhe goal ls Lo be able Lo Lhlnk crlLlcally abouL Lhe
organlzaLlon, sLrucLures, and funcLlons of cells.
7. DC NC1 IALL 8LnIND. 1hls class wlll move very qulckly. See me as soon as you feel llke you may be
havlng dlfflculLy keeplng up. lL ls beLLer Lo drop a class early Lhan Lo fall lL by sLlcklng lL ouL.
8. Lach lecLure wlll lnclude a serles of ob[ecLlves. 1hese ob[ecLlves may serve as sLudy guldes for exams. 8e
sure that you can thorough|y accomp||sh each ob[ect|ve. Whlle you wlll be responslble for all maLerlal
covered ln lecLure (regardless of wheLher lL expllclLly perLalns Lo an ob[ecLlve), exams wlll overwhelmlngly
address Lhese ob[ecLlves.
9. 1urn off your phones and e|ectron|c dev|ces wh||e study|ng. lgnore your emalls, LweeLs, and
facebooklngs. ?ou may Lhlnk you are good aL mulLl-Lasklng, buL you are wrong.
"Irequent mu|t|taskers use the|r bra|ns |ess effect|ve|y."

CLLL 8ICLCG 21S - IALL 2014 SLMLS1Lk SCnLDULL Sub[ect to change at |nstructor's d|scret|on.

It |s assumed that you beg|n th|s course w|th an understand|ng of mater|a| covered |n Chapter 2 (pp. 18-27).
Lach exam w||| cover |n-c|ass |ecture mater|a| as we|| as one on||ne-on|y recorded |ecture that w||| be made
ava||ab|e at the beg|nn|ng of each un|t.

Dates: Lecture: Chapters |n 1ext: Laboratory:
08/18 - 08/22 !"##$ &'() *+ ,-.( -/ )0" !"##
1-2#32" ("4-(5"5 #"4).("6

PlsLory and lnLroducLlon Lo Cell
8lology and Mlcroscopy


1, Appendlx

2 (27-38) and 3
no Lab
08/23 - 08/29 Macromolecules 2 (27-38) and 3 Lab 1: unlL 1: lnLroducLlon: Mlcroscopy,
MeLrlc unlLs, lpeLLlng
09/01 - 09/03 Cells arL ll


Labor Day: No Lab
09/08 - 09/12 8loenergeLlcs


Lab 2: unlL 1: SoluLlon Maklng, AsepLlc
09/13 - 09/19 Lxam 1: 09]16

7"89('2"$ 1-2#32" ("4-(5"5
#"4).(" 32 : ;'()$6



Lab 3: unlL 2: roLeln arL l

Un|t 1 Lab keport due Ir|day 09]19 by S:00
M |n CL121

09/22 - 09/26 Lnzymes

Clycolysls and lermenLaLlon

Lab 4: unlL 2: roLeln arL ll

09/29 - 10/03 Clycolysls and lermenLaLlon

Aeroblc 8esplraLlon: 1CA Cycle

Lab 3: unlL 3: MlLochondrla arL l

Un|t 2 Lab keport due Ir|day 09]29 by S:00
M |n CL121
10/06 - 10/10 Aeroblc 8esplraLlon: LlecLron
1ransporL SysLem

1ransporL Across Membranes

Lab 6: unlL 3: MlLochondrla arL ll

10/13 - 10/17 Lxam 2: 10]14

!"## !<4#"= 73)-$3$= '25 7"3-$3$
1-2#32" ("4-(5"5 #"4).(" 32 >

1ransporL Across Membranes

unA and Lhe nucleus

19 (371-394) and 20


18 (303-318, 324-
323, 327-344)
Lab 7: unlL 4: Clonlng arL l
Un|t 3 Lab keport Due Ir|day 10]17 by S:00
M |n CL121

10/20- 10/24 Ia|| 8reak: No C|ass 10]21

unA and Lhe nucleus

18 (303-318, 324-
323, 327-344)
Ia|| 8reak: no Lab
10/27 - 10/31 unA and Lhe nucleus

unA 8epllcaLlon and 8epalr
18 (303-318, 324--
323, 327-344)

19 (349-371)
Lab 8: unlL 4: Clonlng arL ll
11/03 - 11/07 unA 8epllcaLlon and 8epalr

Cene Lxpresslon: 1he CeneLlc
Code and 1ranscrlpLlon

19 (349-371)

Lab 9: unlL 4: Clonlng arL lll

11/10 - 11/14 Lxam 3: 11]11

?25-8"89('2" @<$)"8 1-2#32"
("4-(5"5 #"4).("6

Cene Lxpresslon: 1he CeneLlc
Code and 1ranscrlpLlon



Lab 10: unlL 3: C8 arL l

Un|t 4 Lab keport Due Ir|day 11]14 by S:00
M |n CL121
11/17 - 11/21 Cene Lxpresslon: roLeln
SynLhesls and SorLlng

8egulaLlon of Cene Lxpresslon

Lab 11: unlL 3: C8 arL ll

11/24 - 11/28 Slgnal 1ransducLlon

1hanksg|v|ng 8reak: C|ass 11]27


Un|t S Lab keport Due 1uesday 11]2S by S:00
M |n CL121

1hanksg|v|ng 8reak: No Lab
12/01 - 12/03 CyLoskeleLal SysLems

LxLracellular MaLrlx
13 and 16

Lab 12: 8|otechno|ogy ro[ect resentat|ons

12/08 - 12/12 I|na| Lxam:
1uesday 12]09 9:4S - 11:4S am

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