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Power Gating Design Implementation With Tapless Cells

What You Need To Know

Kaijian Shi
Synopsys Professional Services
Dallas, USA

David Tester
Structured Custom
Cambridge, UK


65nm and beyond CMOS designs are commonly implemented with tapless library cells which do
not have built-in well taps. To maintain proper transistor back biasing and prevent latch-up,
special tap cells need to be inserted at intervals satisfying the tap rules. In power-gating designs,
the tap cell insertion becomes complicated due to not only co-existence of always-on and power-
gated domains but also different supply voltages applied to different domains. This paper
describes a domain-based tap insertion methodology and implementation techniques to ease the
complicity and minimize risks of incorrect tap insertions in power gating designs.

SNUG 2011 Power Gating Design Implementation With Tapless Cells

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 3
2. Tapless design and conventional tap insertion method......................................................... 3
3. Tap insertion requirements in power-gating designs ............................................................ 5
1. ALWAYS-ON TAP CELL ........................................................................................................ 5
2. ALWAYS-ON WELL TAP POWER CONNECTIONS .................................................................... 6
4. Challenges in tap insertions in power-gating designs ........................................................... 6
1. DOMAIN-BASED TAP TYPE SELECTION ................................................................................ 6
2. DOMAIN-BASED TAP POWER LOGIC CONNECTIONS .............................................................. 6
3. DOMAIN-BASED TAP POWER PHYSICAL CONNECTIONS ........................................................ 7
4. OFF-GRID TAP INSERTION AND POWER CONNECTIONS ......................................................... 8
5. Domain-based tap type selection method ............................................................................. 8
6. Domain-based tap cell logic PG connection method ............................................................ 9
7. Domain-based tap cell physical PG connection method..................................................... 10
8. Off-grid tap insertion and power connections .................................................................... 12
9. Results ................................................................................................................................. 13
10. Summary ............................................................................................................................. 14
11. References ........................................................................................................................... 15
12. Author biographies.............................................................................................................. 15

SNUG 2011 Power Gating Design Implementation With Tapless Cells
1. Introduction

65nm and beyond CMOS designs are commonly implemented with tapless library cells for low
cost in silicon area. The tapless cells do not have built-in taps that connect n-well and p-substrate
to the power and ground rails. To prevent latch-up and maintain proper transistor back biasing,
special tap cells are inserted in the layout at the required interval to connect n-wells to VDD and
p-substrate to VSS based on tap rules defined in the technology DRC file.

In a traditional single voltage domain design standard cells are all connected to VDD and VSS
rails that are always active when the chip is powered on. As the result, the tap insertion in
traditional design was relatively easy and could be done reliably by the ICC tap insertion flow.
However, the tap cell insertion becomes complicated in power-gating designs which often
contain both always-on and shutdown blocks where power can be turned off. For a power-gating
block, special taps (always-on taps) are required to prevent latch-up and maintain proper
transistor back biasing when power supplies to the standard cells in the block are turned off,
while Power-Management (PM) cells in the block are active. Also, the tap cells need to be
logically and physically connected to the correct power supplies to ensure power integrity. As
the result, a domain-based PM tap insertion flow becomes both necessary and critical in a tapless
power-gating design until such an automated flow is implemented in ICC in the future. This
paper describes the domain-based tap insertion method and implementation techniques which
have been integrated in our low-power design flow and have been used successfully in a number
of production low-power designs.

In the rest of the paper, the normal tap design and tap insertion method are outlined first. Then,
special requirements for tap insertion in power-gating designs are outlined. Design of always-on
taps and challenges in the PM tap insertion are explained. Next, the domain-based PM tap
insertion method is described in detail with supporting scripts and an example is provided to
demonstrate the method.

2. Tapless design and conventional tap insertion method

In conventional CMOS designs, the n-wells of PMOS transistors are connected to the VDD
supply and the p-substrate of NMOS transistors is connected to the VSS supply to implement the
necessary transistor back bias connectivity and prevent potential latch-up problems. Until sub-
65nm, such well connections were often implemented by well taps contained within logic cells in
standard cell libraries. This simplified the DRC aspect of design closure since well and substrate
connections were taken care of in the standard cells and hence transparent to front-end chip

In 65nm and beyond, the well and substrate taps in the standard cells become a considerable area
overhead. To reduce area and silicon cost, library vendors remove taps from the standard cells.
Consequently tapless standard cells are commonly used in sub-65nm production designs.

SNUG 2011 Power Gating Design Implementation With Tapless Cells
To maintain required transistor back bias and prevent latch-up, n-well in a standard cell is
extended at cell boundary to form continuing wells when the standard cells (including filler cells)
are abutted in the design. The wells are connected to VDD and VSS supplies by tap cells inserted
at interval based on the tap rule defined by the technology to get well bias and prevent latch-up.
The tap cell is a simple standard cell which has an n-well tap connected to VDD rail and a p-
substrate tap connected to VSS rail as shown in Fig. 1.

Figure 1 Typical Standard Cell Library Tap Cell

When integrated in the design, the tap cell VDD and VSS rails are aligned with the rails of the
design, as shown in Fig. 2, to connect VDD and VSS power supplies along the standard cell row.
Substrate and n-well connections are provided by taps within the tap cells. Tap insertion in
normal SOC design is not complicated since EDA tools usually provide a facility to insert the tap
cells and guarantee meeting tap rules defined in the technology DRC runset. In ICC, this is done
by the command add_tap_cell_array. Power connections of the taps are automatically provided
through the cell row VDD and VSS rails.

Figure 2 Standard Tap Cell Implementation Example

SNUG 2011 Power Gating Design Implementation With Tapless Cells

3. Tap insertion requirements in power-gating designs
Power-gating design has become popular in sub-65nm designs to combat the increasingly large
leakage power from arising from technology scaling as transistor oxide thickness has decreased.
In the power-gating design, a power domain (usually containing several functional blocks) can
be shut down while other domains within the device are active.

In the power-gated block, VDD rails are controlled by switch cells and these power rails will be
floating when the switch cells are turned off. In the conventional tap insertion method, the n-
well connectivity is obtained through the tap cell VDD rail connections as shown in Fig. 1. Since
the power gated VDD rail is floating, the bias voltage for the n-well is not controlled (since the
local VDD voltage will decrease over time) and will lead to back-bias problems such as leakage
and latch-up for the transistors in the power-gated domain. Consequently, the conventional tap
insertion method is no longer appropriate in the power-gating design. To maintain n-well bias in
the power-gated block, we need a different tap cell (always-on tap cell), always-on power
supplies to the taps and a modified tap methodology.
1. Always-on tap cell
Since the local VDD power supply are not available in shutdown mode for the power-gated
block, we need an always-on tap cell that has a global, dedicated always active VDD power
supply connected to the n-wells. This is done by creating always-on well tap pins that can be
connected to chip always-on VDD and VSS supplies. In the VDD gated power-gating design,
only n-well tap pin is needed. The p-substrate can still connected to VSS rail to maintain well
bias as the VSS rail remains connected in the shutdown mode for the power-gated block. An
example of such an always-on tap cell for VDD gated design is shown in Fig. 3. where the n-well
tap is no long connected to the VDD rail in the cell. It becomes a pin that connects to the chip
power supply.

Figure 3 Always-On Tap Cell

SNUG 2011 Power Gating Design Implementation With Tapless Cells
2. Always-on well tap power connections
Having the always-on tap cells inserted within the shutdown blocks, the next task is to connect
their well tap pins to always-on power supplies. The power and ground rails that provide the
power supplies to standard cells in the power-gated domain can no longer be used for tap power
supply because they would be turned off in the shutdown mode. Consequently, an always-on tap
grid needs to be created to acomplish the required tap power connections. Moreover, the tap cells
are often inserted at irregular grid pattern in complex design to satisfy the tap rules. This results
in challenges in the always-on tap power connections to ensure that all the tap cells are
connected to the always-on power supplis. The details of the challenges are described in the
following sections.
4. Challenges in tap insertions in power-gating designs
The special tap insertion requirements for power-gated blocks and the co-existence of active and
powered-down blocks in a same design impose a number of challenges in the tapless power-
gating design. These challenges are outlined below.
1. Domain-based tap type selection
Normal taps (as shown in Fig 1) should be inserted in always-on power domains since tap
connections to n-well and substrate are implemented through the local VDD and VSS power rail
connections. For power-gated domains, always-on tap cells (as shown in Fig 2) must be used to
maintain n-well bias when the domain is in the shutdown mode and the local VDD net is not
connected to the global VDD net. Currently, P&R layout tools rely on the user to define and
implement such domain-based tap insertion. It is desirable to automate the tap selection based on
the domain types.
2. Domain-based tap power logic connections
In physical synthesis, tap power connections need to be defined in terms of logic connections
and physical connections. The physical connections are in the form of metal connections that
supply electric current to the devices while the logic connections are used to define power
connection information with device pins. Such information, imclunding VDD and VSS supply
names, voltage levels and association, is needed for domain-based physical synthesis and power
network generations. The power logic connections are defined by specifying device pin names
and connected power net names. In the always-on domains, the tap power pins are connected to
the domain power nets. In the power-gated domains, the VDD pin of the always-on tap cells is
connected to the domain switched VDD which is mapped to the power rails in the domain power
grid. The n-well tap pin (VDDC) of the tap cells must be connected to the always-on power net.
This multi-PG connection requirement imposes a challenge in ICC due to the power connection
limitation in add_tap_cell_array and the physical only cells power hookup in
derive_pg_connection as outlined below.

SNUG 2011 Power Gating Design Implementation With Tapless Cells
Case 1: Use connection_power_name option in add_tap_cell_array to define PG
connections (pre-2010.12)

add_tap_cell_array \
-master_cell_name $tap_cell \
-distance $tap_pitch \
-ignore_soft_blockage true \
-pattern every_other_row \
-voltage_area $va \
-tap_cell_identifier $pd \
-offset $offset \
-skip_fixed_cells false \
-fill_boundary_row false \
-fill_macro_blockage_row true \
-connect_power_name vdd

ICC hooks up both VDD and VDDC pins of the always-on taps to the global power supply net
VDD. This is due to command limitation that only one power connection option is available in
the command while the always-on tap needs two power connnections.

Case 2: Do not connect power in add_tap_cell_array and then use derive_pg_connection to
do logic connections

add_tap_cell_array (without -connect_power_name option)

In this case, the tap insertion did not hook up tap power pins as instructed. The hook up is done
by the following command derive_pg_connection. Unfortunately, derive_pg_connection
connects power pins of the physical only cells to domain primary power net which is the
switched vdd in the power-gated domain. Consequently, both VDD and VDDC pins of the
always-on taps are connected to switched supply vdd. This is incorrect.

The issue is getting worse in ICC2010.12 where add_tap_cell_array automatically connects all
power pins to domain primary power even if the always-on supply net VDD is defined in option
"-connect_power_name" due to a tool bug.

It is worth noting that the tap cells are physical cells which do not have signal pins nor a logical
function.Consequently, they are not compiled into standard cell libraries like other power-
management cells for physical synthesis.
3. Domain-based tap power physical connections
The always-on tap power physical connections are also challenge. Since always-on power grid
may not close to the always-on taps, the power routes from the always-on taps to the always-on
grid could result in considerable impact on signal routing. Good planning considering both the
tap insertions and tap power connections is needed to address the issue.

SNUG 2011 Power Gating Design Implementation With Tapless Cells
4. Off-grid tap insertion and power connections
Off-grid taps are often inserted in designs containing macros in order to satisfy the n-well and
substrate tap spacing rules in the DRC deck. In the example shown in Fig. 4 containing RAM
macros those taps inserted in the RAM channel and right side of the RAM block boundary are at
a half of the tap pitch to properly connect to the n-well tap and substrate tap connectivity of the
standard cells in the regions. The off-grid taps do not have an always-on power supply, because
they are not covered by the always-on tap grid which is commonly built alinged with taps at the
tap pitch. Consequently, we need facilities to detect the off-grid taps and provide always-on
power routes to connect their power pins correctly. Currently, ICC does not provide such

Figure 4 Off Grid Tap Cells and Power Connections

5. Domain-based tap type selection method
A tcl script was written to implement a method to select correct type of tap cells for every power
domain based on the domain type. Due to customer flow proprietary constraints, the method is
outlined by the pseudo-code below. The

proc select_tap {domain} {
if { [sizeof_collection [get_power_switch of $domain]] > 0 } {
if 9 track standard_cell domain {
return 9 track always-on tap cell
} else {
return 11 track always-on tap cell
} else { # non-pm domain
if 9 track standard_cell domain {

SNUG 2011 Power Gating Design Implementation With Tapless Cells
return 9 track normal tap cell
} else {
return 11 track normal tap cell

foreach domain $domain-list {
set tap_cell [select_tap $domain]
insert_tap_cells $tap_cell $domain

6. Domain-based tap cell logic PG connection method
The logic PG connections of normal taps in non-shutdown domains can be done correctly by
derive_pg_connection. However, the logic PG connections of always-on taps in power gated
domains are problematic due to the co-existence of switched and always-on VDD pins, as
described in section 4. Two methods have been developed to solve the problems.

In the first method, we do not specify any logic connection option in add_tap_cell_array.
Consequently, all tap cell power and ground pins remain unconnected after the tap insertion.
Then, we perform a multiple pass derive_pg_connection to resolve the issue described above in
derive_pg_connection and complete the tap cell logic PG connections. The first pass connects
the tap always-on VDD pins (VDDC) to the always-on supply net (vdd). The second pass
connects taps switched VDD pins (VDD) to the domain switched-vdd net. The remaining PG
pins are connected by the final derive_pg_connection. For the taps cells that have back bias
pins (VNW, VPW), the pins are connected to vdd and vss supply nets respectively.

proc always_on_tap_pg_connect {domain} {
add_tap_cell_array -voltage_area $domain.voltage_area \
more options
(without -connect_power_name option)
derive_pg_connection -cells $always_on_tap_cells \
-power_net vdd -power_pin VDDC \
-ground_net vss -ground_pin VSS
derive_pg_connection -cells $always_on_tap_cells \
-power_net vdd -power_pin VNW \
-ground_net vss -ground_pin VPW
derive_pg_connection -cells $always_on_tap_cells \
-power_net $domain.switched_vdd -power_pin VDD
derive_pg_connection -cells $always_on_tap_cells
foreach domain $domain-list {
if it is a shutdown domain {
always_on_tap_pg_connect $domain

SNUG 2011 Power Gating Design Implementation With Tapless Cells
In the second method, we define tap power connection by the -connect_power_name vdd option
in add_tap_cell_array to get logic PG connections in the tap insertion. To resolve the issue that
both always-on and switched VDD pins are connected to the switched-vdd net due to the
command limitation that only one power connection is allowed, we disconnect the always-on pin
connections and reconnect them to the always-on power supply.

proc always_on_tap_pg_connect {domain} {
add_tap_cell_array -voltage_area $domain.voltage_area \
-connect_power_name $domain.switched_vdd \
more options
disconnect_net $domain.switched_vdd $always_on_tap_VDDC_pins
derive_pg_connection -cells $always_on_tap_cells \
-power_net vdd -power_pin VDDC

The first method decouples the logic PG connection from tap insertion. The issue of logic PG
connection due to the derive_pg_connection limitation is resolved by the multi-pass
workaround. However, this method does not work in ICC 2010.12 release where
add_tap_cell_array will perform logic connection regardless if the connect_power_name
option is defined or not. Unfortunately, the connections are incorrect as both VDD and VDDC
pins are connected to switched-vdd. The second method still works in ICC 2010.12 release, as it
will reconnect the incorrectly connected pin.

7. Domain-based tap cell physical PG connection method
Having resolved the issues in logic PG connections, we need to create the metal connections to
the tap cells for routing the power supplies. For a non-shutdown domain, this is not an issue, as
the PG pins of the normal taps are aligned with PG rails. The physical PG connections are done
through rail connections at tap insertion. For the shutdown domains, always-on taps p-substrate
tap connection is still connected via rail connection. However, the always-on power physical
connection to the taps VDDC pins requires custom power routes, because the VDDC pins are
not aligned to rails. Two methods are described below each has advantages and shortcomings.

The first method leverages ICC feature of net mode PG routing using preroute_standard_cells.

preroute_standard_cells -mode net -nets \
-port_filter_mode select -port_filter VDDC \
-cell_master_filter_mode select \
-cell_master_filter $always_on_tap_master_cell \
-h_width $tap_route_h_width \

In the method, the VDDC pins of the always-on taps are routed to the always-on vertical straps
close to the taps, as shown by the green horizontal routes in Fig. 5., by the net mode

SNUG 2011 Power Gating Design Implementation With Tapless Cells

Figure 5 always-on tap pg routing method 1

The default width of the route is the minimum metal width defined in the technology file. Since
taps consume little current, the minimum width should be fine to satisfy IR-drop and EM
constraints provided no other cells were connected to the routes. If needed, the route width can
be change by the h_width option in preroute_standard_cell.

The advantage of the method is that it is simple to implement. However, the net mode routes
result in noticeable routing resource usage due to metal routes of every tap pins to the vertical
always-on power straps, especially when the vertical straps are not close by. This shortcoming is
overcome by the second method.

In the second method, a custom always-on tap grid is built to leverage the always-on power
connection at switch cell VDDC pins that are available next to the tap cells. The objective of the
method is to minimize power routing impact on signal routing. Taps VDDC pins are via
connected to the lower layer vertical straps which connect at 6 rows internval to the switch cell
VDDC pins to get always-on VDD supply. The pseudo-code of the method is described below.

proc always_on_tap_pg_route {domain} {
create vertical lower layer straps within domain voltage area at
tap pitch and aligned with the tap array columns
foreach tap_array_column {
foreach switch cell close to the tap_array_column {
create a horizontal lower layer stub to connect the switch
always-on pin and vertical tap strap

SNUG 2011 Power Gating Design Implementation With Tapless Cells

The clip in Fig. 6 illustrates the custom always-on tap physical connections of the method.

Figure 6 always-on tap pg routing method 2

The advantage of the method is the low utilization of lower layer horizontal routing resources
which are valuable to signal routing. However, the method relies on the ability to leverage
existing always-on power routes at switch cells close-by. Therefore, it is not such a flexible
approach as the first method. Moreover, the tap pitch might have to be adjusted to make the taps
aligned with the switch horizontal pitch to ensure short stub connections between the taps and
the switches.

8. Off-grid tap insertion and power connections
The always-on tap physical PG connection methods described above take care of the taps
inserted in the regular tap grid. However, they do not handle well the off-grid taps such as those
inserted in the narrow channels between macros. This issue has been resolved by the developed
method that detects the off-grid always-on taps and creates additional custom physical
connections to those taps.

We detect the off-grid taps by checking the metal connections of taps VDDC pins, after tap grid
creation. Then, we sort the off-grid taps into column bins. For each column of the off-grid taps, a
vertical always-on power strap is added next to the column and the VDDC pins of the taps in the
column are connected to the strap by either the net mode preroute_standard_cell method or
the custom stub method described in the previous section. The method is outlined below.

SNUG 2011 Power Gating Design Implementation With Tapless Cells

proc detect_off_grid_always_on_taps {
foreach tap $always_on_taps {
if no metal strap at next layer over the VDDC pin of the tap {
append the tap to collection off_grid_always_on_taps
return $off_grid_always_on_taps

proc fix_off_grid_always_on_taps {
set off_grid_taps [detect_off_grid_always_on_taps]
set sorted_off_grid_taps [sort_collection $off_grid_taps
bbox_llx bbox_lly]
foreach tap_column in $sorted_off_grid_taps {
create vertical always-on strap next to the column
preroute_standard_cells -mode net -nets \
-port_filter_mode select -port_filter VDDC \
-cell_master_filter_mode select \
-cell_master_filter $always_on_tap_master_cell \
-h_width $tap_route_h_width \

9. Results
The methods described in the paper have been implemented in a UPF DC/ICC flow for
production low-power design. Three chips have been successfully taped out using the UPF flow.

To illustrate the methods, a small design was created which has an always-on domain at bottom-
left corner and a shutdown domain which takes the rest of the design and in rectilinear shape.
The domain-based tap insertion and PG grid generation methods were applied to the design
transparently as it has been integrated into the UPF flow and fully automated. The results are
shown in Fig. 7. In the always-on domain, normal taps were selected and inserted. Simple cell
rail connections completed the task of physical PG connections of the taps. In the shutdown
domain, the always-on taps were inserted at 60um pitch defined by the tap rule. A column of off-
grid taps were inserted at a half tap pitch in the middle of the domain to satisfy the tap
requirement in the standard cell region from right side of the always-on domain. The custom
always-on tap grid method was used in this case to leverage existing always-on grids on the
switch cells. The vertical straps were correctly created over the all taps including the off-grid
taps. The horizontal stubs were also inserted connecting the vertical straps to the switch always-
on power pins to get power supply to the taps.

SNUG 2011 Power Gating Design Implementation With Tapless Cells

Figure 7 An example of domain based tap insertion and PG connection

10. Summary

Most sub-65nm production SOC designs are implemented with tapless library cells for silicon
area efficiency. The tap cell insertion flow becomes complicated and risk-prone in power-gating
designs where always-on and shutdown blocks co-exist and different types of tap cells need to be
implemented in different domains accordingly. Furthermore, the logic and physical PG
connections of these tap cells becomes no longer straight forward and could result in chip failure
if not implemented correctly. This paper addresses these challenges in the tapless power-gating
design by a domain-based tap insertion method and implementation techniques including
domain-based tap type selection, always-on tap logic PG connection and PG grid generation, and
off-grid tap detection and fix. The method and implementation techniques have been integrated
into a UPF DC/ICC flow and have been used successfully in a number of production low-power

SNUG 2011 Power Gating Design Implementation With Tapless Cells
11. References
IC Compiler user manual.

12. Author biographies

Kaijian Shi is Principal Consultant in Synopsys Professional Services Group, specializing in
low-power design methodology and implementation. He has successfully completed more than
14 commercial low-power designs. Dr. Shi co-authored the book Low Power Methodology
Manual for System-on-Chip Design. He has published 53 papers in journals and international
conferences. He also gave a number of talks and tutorials on low-power design methodologies.
Dr. Shi holds a Ph.D. degree from University of Kent at Canterbury, UK since 1994. He was
Chairman of IEEE Dallas Section in 2006 and Chairman of IEEE Circuits and System Society
Dallas Chapter in 2004. He was workshop chair and then publicity chair of IEEE SoC
Conference 2008-2011, program committee members of IEEE ISVLSI (2006-2008) and
technical program track chair of DesignCon (2004-2008).

David Tester has 15+ years of complex SOC, PMIC and RFIC experience in various hands-on
semiconductor development and executive management positions with Air, Symbionics,
Conexant, LSI Logic and Dialog based both in the UK and US. He founded his first start-up Air
in 2006 and delivered the first LBS optimized GPS receiver to market in 2009, having raised
$10M of VC investment from Pond Ventures and built a world-class systems, silicon and
software team. His high volume, standard product, consumer IC background spans both digital
and analog silicon development ranging from system level through semi-custom digital to full-
custom analog and digital transistor level design. He has participated in the development of over
20 semiconductor products for the location, wireless voice, wireless data, digital TV and PC
graphics markets. He holds a degree in Engineering from the University of Hull, UK. He is a
Fellow of the IET, a Senior Member of the IEEE and holds fifteen granted system, silicon and
software patents.

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