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Expect Great Things from God: William Carey, A Pioneer Missionary

Daniel Y. Lee (

Key Verse: Matthew 28:19
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
Dear Lord please help !e to learn "ro! the li"e o" your ser#ant Missionary $illia! %arey as &
prepare this report' &n (esus) na!e a!en.
! A "o#ng $hoema%er &epents
$illia! %arey was *orn in 1+,1 to a poor "a!ily in -aulerspury .ortha!ptonshire /n0land.
1is "ather /d!und was a wea#er *ut when $illia! was "i#e years old he *e2a!e the
s2hool!aster o" a parish s2hool. Youn0 $illy li3ed to read and
de#oured !ost o" the *oo3s in the s2hool espe2ially those on plants
and ani!als. 1e was also interested in the Latin lan0ua0e and
!e!ori4ed a #o2a*ulary *oo3 all *y hi!sel". 1e had a 3een aptitude
in !athe!ati2s as well.
5s a youn0 *oy $illia! was not parti2ularly reli0ious. 1e wasn)t
!u2h interested in the 6i*le e72ept "or the ad#enture stories o" (oseph
and Da#id in the 8ld 9esta!ent. $hen he was thirteen years old he
and his "riend snea3ed out o" the town to attend a re#i#al !eetin0 o"
(ohn $esley. 9here he dis2o#ered that there were !any /n0lish
people who did not "ollow the traditions o" the %hur2h o" /n0land.
9hey were 2alled the 6aptists :ua3ers %on0re0ationalists and
Methodists. (ohn $esley was se#enty years old then and he had *een prea2hin0 the 0ospel
e#eryday "or the past ;< years to thousands o" people at a ti!e in ea2h !eetin0. $illia! =ui23ly
"i0ured that $esley rea2hed out to tens o" !illions o" people throu0h his prea2hin0 and was
a!a4ed that >od 2ould use ?ust one !an to do su2h a 0reat wor3. $illia! had planned to *e a
0ardener "or li#in0 when he 0rew up *ut now he was wonderin0 i" >od had a 0reater purpose in
his li"e.
&n the su!!er when $illia! was "ourteen he de#eloped a se#ere s3in 2ondition that was related
to an e72essi#e e7posure to the sun. 9he rea2tion was so serious that he had to 0i#e up his drea!
o" *e2o!in0 a 0ardener. 1is "ather "ound a shoe!a3er in the near*y town o" -iddin0ton who
2ould train hi! as an apprenti2e. Little did he 3now that this was >od)s preparation to !a3e hi!
a !an o" >od *e2ause the shop owner %lar3e .i2hols and the other apprenti2e (ohn $arr
would ha#e a *i0 i!pa2t on his li"e.
8ne day Mr. .i2hols sent hi! to .ortha!pton to *uy supplies "or the shop. $illia! too3 the
opportunity to *uy a "ew thin0s "or hi!sel". 6ut on the way *a23 he dis2o#ered that a!on0 his
2han0e was a 2ounter"eit shillin0. &t was a 0reat deal o" !oney to the poor apprenti2e. 1ow 2ould
>od let this happen to hi!@ 9hen he "ound a way out. 1e 2ould si!ply swit2h the 2oin with the
one in Mr. .i2hols) 2han0e. 9he shop owner 2ould *ear the loss !u2h *etter than he 2ould he
reasoned. Ao he de2ided to swit2h the 2oins. 6ut the shop owner "ound out a*out the *ad 2oin
and *e0an to =uestion hi!. $illia! was not a s!ooth liar. 1e was a2tin0 so stran0e out o" 0uilt
that .i2hols already 3new what $illia! had done. 9he "i"teenByearBold *oy was so asha!ed.
1ow 2ould he tell his "ather a*out this de2eption@ $hat would his !other say@ 5nd he would *e
surely "ired *y Mr. .i2hols. 6ut the shop owner did not "ire hi!. 1e "or0a#e hi! and ne#er
!entioned the in2ident a0ain. Cp until that ti!e $illia! thou0ht that he was a pretty 0ood
%hristian *e2ause he attended the 2hur2h re0ularly. 6ut this e#ent pro#ed that he was a sinner. 1e
reali4ed that he needed to *e 2han0ed.
9he "irst thin0 he did a"ter the in2ident was to *e0in to read the 6i*le !ore 2are"ully. (ohn $arr
the other apprenti2e ur0ed hi! to study the word o" >od. $illia! dis2o#ered that the A2riptures
had the answers to all his =uestions. Dor e7a!ple he learned why !any people were unhappy
with ?ust "ollowin0 the traditions o" the 5n0li2an %hur2h. Dor the "irst ti!e he reali4ed that a
%hristian should do !ore than attendin0 the 2hur2h on Aundays. $illia! *e0an to study the
>ree3 lan0ua0e to understand the .ew 9esta!ent in its ori0inal words. 1e *e0an to 0row
spiritually throu0h the word o" >od. 1e also de2ided to lea#e the %hur2h o" /n0land to an2hor
his "aith solely on the word o" >od e#en thou0h this would !ean a di""i2ult li"e in a so2iety
where all nonB5n0li2ans were dis2ri!inated a0ainst.
&n 1+81 $illia! !arried Dorothy -la23ett at a 6aptist 2hur2h in -iddin0ton. /arlier that year
$illia! Dorothy)s "ather and se#en others had esta*lished a 6aptist !inistry 2alled the
1a23leton Meetin0 1ouse. $illia! was only 2E years old. 1e and Dorothy were dirt poor *ut
the youn0 2ouple was #ery happy. 5nd yet this was not e7a2tly a !arria0e *y "aith. Aoon
$illia! would dis2o#er that his wi"e would *e2o!e a !a?or sour2e o" *urden in his !ission li"e
rather than a suita*le helper *e2ause she did not share his !ission #ision.
&n the winter o" 1+82 $illia! was stri23en with a "e#er that threatened his li"e. 9his illness
lasted se#eral !onths and he thou0ht he !i0ht die. 1e was poor si23 and 2old and losin0 his
hair "ro! the si23ness. 6ut >od restored his health thou0h not his hair. 1e re!ained *aldB
headed throu0hout his li"e.
'! Carey(s World Mission )ision
%arey *e0an to prea2h the 0ospel at the a0e o" 2E in the 1a23leton 2hur2h. 5s he studied the
6i*le earnestly >od *e0an to open his eyes to the world where !illions o" people still had not
heard the 0ood news o" (esus. 1e drew a hu0e world !ap on the wall o" his s!all 2otta0e
addin0 the na!es o" 2ountries and 2ities with populations and reli0ions. 1e also !ade a 0lo*e
out o" leather to re!ind hi!sel" o" the world !ission 2o!!and o" our Lord (esus. Dro! the
6i*le he learned how "er#ently the dis2iples o" (esus went out to prea2h the 0ospel in the "irst
2entury. $hy wasn)t there !u2h e""ort in /n0land in his ti!e to send !issionaries to other
2ountries@ $hy were they i0norin0 the 0reat 2o!!ission o" (esus@
6y 1+8, %arey was ser#in0 as the pastor o" a 6aptist 2hur2h in Moulton. 1is passion "or world
!ission was 0rowin0 steadily. 6y this ti!e he had !astered three !ore lan0ua0es: &talian
Dut2h and Dren2h. $hen a "ellow 6aptist !inister na!ed 5ndrew Duller "ound out his #ision "or
world !ission he told %arey that he should no lon0er !a3e shoes *ut de#ote hi!sel" to the
worthy 2ause. 6ut not e#eryone was supporti#e o" his #ision. %arey 3new that his own "ather
wouldn)t appro#e. 8ne day at a !eetin0 o" the .ortha!pton 6aptist 5sso2iation o" -astors
%arey su00ested that they dis2uss the 0reat 2o!!ission o" (esus. 1e was i!!ediately shot down
*y his own spiritual ad#isor Fe#. (ohn Fyland Ar. who told hi! GAit down youn0 !an. &" >od
wants to 2on#ert the heathen he will do it without 2onsultin0 with you or !e'H
%arey reali4ed
that !ost pastors did not share his #ision. 5nd who was he *ut a youn0 pastor@ 1e wasn)t e#en
ordained yet.
6ut %arey did not 0i#e up. 1e 2ontinued to study the wor3s o" !issionaries in history. $hene#er
he read the 52ts o" the 5postles he was deeply tou2hed *y the !issionary li"e o" At. -aul. 1e was
!o#ed *y the Mora#ian !issionaries and also *y (ohn /liot (1,EIB9E) a -uritan !inister who
went to prea2h the 0ospel to 5!eri2an &ndians durin0 the 2olonial ti!es. Most o" all as he read
&saiah <I:2 it see!ed that the #oi2e o" >od spo3e to hi! personally: G/nlar0e the pla2e o" your
tent stret2h your tent 2urtains wide do not hold *a23J len0then your 2ords stren0then your
sta3es.H 1ow 2ould he pretend to do the wor3 o" >od i0norin0 this #oi2e o" >od@
%arey 2ontinued to 2o!pile data "or "orei0n 2ountries. $hen a youn0 dea2on o" his 2hur2h
na!ed 9ho!as -otts saw what he had 0athered he en2oura0ed %arey to pu*lish it as a pa!phlet.
%arey did not ha#e the !oney "or that and he was #ery *usy with ser#in0 his 2on0re0ation and
soon he was appointed to *e the pastor o" a 2hur2h in Lei2ester whi2h was a pretty *i0 town with
1+EEE people. 6ut "inally three years later in 1+92 his wor3 was pu*lished. 9he Gpa!phletH
turned out to *e an 8+Bpa0e *oo3 with a lon0 title: An En!iry into the "bligations of #hristians
to $se %eans for the #on&ersion of the Heathens, in 'hich the (eligio!s State of the )ifferent
*ations of the +orld, the S!ccess of Former $ndertakings, and the ,racticability of F!rther
$ndertakings, are #onsidered-
9he *oo3 starts out with =uotin0 At. -aul "ro! Fo!ans 1E:12B1<: GDor there is no di""eren2e
*etween (ew and >entileBBthe sa!e Lord is Lord o" all and ri2hly *lesses all who 2all on hi!
"or K/#eryone who 2alls on the na!e o" the Lord will *e sa#ed.) 1ow then 2an they 2all on the
one they ha#e not *elie#ed in@ 5nd how 2an they *elie#e in the one o" who! they ha#e not
heard@ 5nd how 2an they hear without so!eone prea2hin0 to the!@ 5nd how 2an they prea2h
unless they are sent@H
9hen %arey as3s a series o" =uestions a*out the 0reat 2o!!ission o" our Lord (esus. 9he "irst
se2tion is an en=uiry as to whether or not the 0reat 2o!!ission 0i#en *y (esus in Matthew 28:19
to his dis2iples is still *indin0 to 2onte!porary %hristians. 5nd %arey)s answer is that yes it is
*indin0 as lon0 as there are people in the world who ha#e not heard the 0ood news. Ai!ilarly
%arey raises and answers other =uestions 2on2ernin0 the 0reat 2o!!ission.
9he se2ond and the lon0est se2tion o" the *oo3 is de#oted to the history o" !issionary wor3 up to
his ti!e. 1e re#iews the wor3 o" >od des2ri*ed in the 52ts o" 5postles. 9hen he !o#es on to
!ore !odern !ission wor3.
$ell!an (199+) p. I8.
%arey was ordained a 6aptist !inister in Moulton in 1+8+.
9he third se2tion pro#ides !any ta*les with detailed in"or!ation a*out the si4e population and
reli0ion o" #arious 2ountries o" the world. %arey esti!ated that !ore than <<E !illion people in
his ti!e had not heard the 0ospel o" (esus. 9he "ourth se2tion o" the *oo3 dis2usses the pra2ti2al
aspe2ts o" !issionary wor3 su2h as how to o#er2o!e distan2e and lan0ua0e *arriers pro*le!s
with pro#isions and potential perse2utions. &n the last se2tion %arey outlines what his people
2ould do pra2ti2ally to o*ey the 2o!!and o" the Lord. 1e ur0es the! to pray. 5!on0 other
thin0s he also su00ests that his people should "or! !issionary so2ieties to plan and support
!issionary wor3. 1is world !ission #ision was !u2h !ore than an ideal. $e !ay say that he
thou0ht 0lo*ally *ut a2ted lo2ally to o*ey the world !ission 2o!!and o" (esus.
*! A +e, Missionary Arri-es in .ndia
%arey pressed on his 2a!pai0n to esta*lish a !issionary so2iety. 5t "irst no one see!ed to
respond. Many 2hur2h leaders not only i0nored his 2all *ut so!e o" the! denoun2ed it. /#en
%arey hi!sel" had a dou*t in his wea3 !o!ents. G$e are so poor. &t)s preposterous to *e
thin3in0 o" "orei0n !issions'H
6ut there were so!e leaders who supported hi! in2ludin0
5ndrew Duller and (ohn Fyland (r. 5t one !eetin0 o" the !inisters o" the .ortha!pton 6aptist
5sso2iation %arey a0ain deli#ered a "iery !essa0e *ased on &saiah <I:2 2on2ludin0 with the
now "a!ous phrases G6rothers e7pe2t 0reat thin0s "ro! >odJ atte!pt 0reat thin0s "or >od.H

Dinally a resolution was passed to e7plore the esta*lish!ent o" a !issionary so2iety "or "orei0n
$hen the news a*out a !issionary so2iety spread he re2ei#ed an en2oura0in0 letter "ro! a Dr.
(ohn 9ho!as o" London who was #olunteerin0 to *e the so2iety)s "irst !issionary to &ndia. &t
turned out that Dr. 9ho!as had already *een to &ndia "or e#an0elis! and he wanted to 0o *a23 as
soon as possi*le. 5nd at the "a2eBtoB"a2e !eetin0 with Dr. 9ho!as >od !o#ed %arey)s heart to
#olunteer to 0o with hi! as his assistant. %arey 3new that this was a de2ision that !any people
o*?e2ted. 1is "ather didn)t li3e it. 1is wi"e Dorothy de2lared that she would not 0o with hi!.
9hey had three little 2hildren a0es + I and ;. Dorothy was e7pe2tin0 another 2hild soon. 1ow
2ould he a*andon his "a!ily@ 6ut the words o" (esus "ro! Lu3e 1I:2, was rin0in0 in his ears: G&"
anyone 2o!es to !e and does not hate his "ather and !other his wi"e and 2hildren his *rothers
and sistersBByes e#en his own li"eBBhe 2annot *e !y dis2iple.H %arey 3new that he had to 0o at
any 2ost.
&n Mar2h 1+9; %arey and his oldest son Deli7 le"t ho!e to a22o!pany Dr. 9ho!as to their trip
to &ndia. 1is wi"e and other 2hildren were le"t *ehind in 1a23leton. 1e told his wi"e to trust >od
*ut his heart was hea#y. $hen they arri#ed in London they dis2o#ered that no li2enses to tra#el
to &ndia were issued "or %arey and 9ho!as. Ao!e /n0lish o""i2ials did not want to ?eopardi4e
their 2o!!er2ial interests in &ndia *y allowin0 !issionaries to 0o to the 2ountry and o""end the
nati#es. 9hey had to return ho!e to wait "or the ne7t ship. 5nd Dr. 9ho!as used the opportunity
to persuade %arey)s wi"e Dorothy to ?oin the! who relu2tantly a0reed. Ao in (une 1+9; they
were a*oard on a Danish ship (.ron ,rincessa %aria) sailin0 to &ndia.
$ell!an (199+) p. ,;.
9his !essa0e is ins2ri*ed on the le2tern in London)s $est!inster 5**ey as a tri*ute to %arey (6e23 (1992) p.
5"ter a di""i2ult "i#eB!onth lon0 sailin0 throu0h the stor!y seas they "inally landed near
%al2utta. 9he new !ission land did not e7a2tly wel2o!e the! with open ar!s. 9he "a!ily "irst
settled in the northern 6en0al area and li#ed there "or si7 years. 9he pla2e was #oid o" any 0reen
0rass *ut only !ud. 9here were all 3inds o" dan0erous ani!als that threatened their li#es
in2ludin0 ti0ers and 2o*ras. 9he nati#es were steeped in their own reli0ious traditions and the
2o!ple7 2aste syste!. 9hey loo3ed at the "orei0ners with suspi2ious eyes *e2ause !ost o" the
"orei0ners in &ndia were there to e7ploit the resour2es and the 2heap la*or "or2e o" the 2ountry.
9he /ast &ndia %o!pany o" /n0land "or e7a!ple was purely a !oney!a3in0 syste!. 9he
/n0lish o""i2ials would o"ten *lo23 or li!it %arey)s a2ti#ities "or e#an0elis!.
Many tra0edies stru23 the !issionary "a!ily not lon0 a"ter they arri#ed in the !ission land. 1is
se2ond son -eter died o" "e#er. 1e was only "i#e years old. %arey hi!sel" had another se#ere
*out with "e#er that threatened his li"e. 5*o#e all he had to su""er with his wi"e "or !any years
in &ndia. Ahe had 2o!e there relu2tantly. Ahe 2o!plained ?ust a*out e#erythin0 "ro! the
*e0innin0. 9hen she retreated "ro! reality and *e2a!e delusional. Ahe would a22use hi! "or
ha#in0 an a""air with other wo!en and "ollow hi! around.
%arey wrote in one o" his ?ournal entries: GL & a! in a stran0e land alone no %hristian "riend a
lar0e "a!ilyMand nothin0 to supply their wantsL & a! de?e2ted not "or !y own sa3e *ut !y
"a!ily)s... &n the e#enin0 poured out !y soul to >odJ *ut still !y *urden 2ontinued. 9he ne7t
day had a pleasant ti!e in prayer to >od in the !ornin0 *ut a"terwards the a*usi#e treat!ent &
re2ei#ed "ro! her who should *e an help to !e =uite o#er2a!e !y spiritsLH
Dorothy 0radually 0ot worse and e#entually *e2a!e a !ental patient until she died a"ter 1I years
in &ndia. $hat 2aused her !ental illness@ Ao!e people spe2ulate that her illness was 2aused *y
her loss o" two *a*y 0irls and -eter isolation "ro! her "a!ily in /n0land the di""i2ulties o"
!ission li"e or e#en !er2ury poisonin0.
&n any 2ase %arey had to su""er a 0reat deal *e2ause o"
his wi"e. 1e had to hold on to >od only and that wass what he did.
9he !ost un*eara*le a0ony %arey had to endure howe#er was the "a2t that his !inistry did not
ha#e a sin0le 2on#ert "or the "irst se#en years. &n addition the "inan2ial situation was serious.
9he 6aptist 5sso2iation *a23 ho!e supported hi! "inan2ially *ut the !oney ran out =ui23ly and
he had to support his "a!ily and the !ission *y !ana0in0 an indi0o plantation. 9hese "irst years
in the !ission land were indeed di""i2ult period in %ary)s li"e. 6ut he perse#ered *y "aith. 5nd
>od prepared a *etter en#iron!ent. Dinally %arey and his "a!ily !o#ed near %al2utta and
settled in a pla2e 2alled Aera!pore whi2h was 2ontrolled *y the Dut2h 0o#ern!ent. &t was there
%arey)s !ission wor3 would thri#e and !a3e a tre!endous i!pa2t on &ndia as well as other
!issionary wor3 o" the world.
/! The Word of Christ Ministry
%arey "ir!ly *elie#ed in the power and authority o" the word o" >od. 1e *elie#ed that "aith
2o!es "ro! hearin0 the word o" %hrist. Ao all throu0h the su""erin0s in the !ission land he
de#oted his heart to the translation o" the 6i*le into lo2al lan0ua0es. 1e 3new that "or the &ndians
6e23 (1992) p. 9<.
6e23 (1992). p. 118"".
to hear the 0ospel o" (esus he had to 0i#e the! the word o" >od in their own lan0ua0es. Ao he
dili0ently studied 6en0ali and other lan0ua0es "ro! the #ery *e0innin0 and translated the
A2riptures. 1e had to stru00le with this wor3 throu0h !any sleepless ni0hts. 8"ten he had to do
this with his wi"e s2rea!in0 in her roo! and the 2hildren "i0htin0 near*y. 8nly the word o" >od
sustained hi! throu0h the di""i2ult years.
Dinally a"ter !ore than se#en years o" hard wor3 the "irst 6en0ali .ew 9esta!ent was pu*lished
in De2e!*er 18EE. 5t a spe2ial than3s0i#in0 ser#i2e %arey deli#ered a !essa0e *ased on
%olossians ;:1, with the title GLet the word o" %hrist dwell in you ri2hly.H
$hat was !ore
re!ar3a*le was the presen2e o" the &ndian sheep at the ser#i2e. (ust a year earlier the "irst
2on#ert na!ed Krishna -al had *een *apti4ed *y %arey. Ae#eral others "ollowed and they were
there at the ser#i2e. %arey was deeply 0rate"ul to the Lord. 6ut it was only a *e0innin0.
9hrou0hout his !ission li"e in &ndia he de#oted hi!sel" to the wor3 o" translation and the 6i*le
was pu*lished in so!e IE di""erent lan0ua0es in2ludin0 Aans3rit 8riya 1indi Marathi
-un?a*i >u?arati Kash!iri and others. 5nd when he had the re#erent "ear o" the word o" >od
the Lord *lessed his !inistry and added !any !ore 2on#erts "ro! a!on0 the nati#es.
9he Aera!pore Mission 1ouse
0! Co1,or%ing $pirit ,ith 2ther Missionaries
$ell!an (199+) p. 1<9.
9he photo is "ro! %arey A. (192;).

%arey was a 0reat ser#ant o" >od. 1e was also a #ery a*le !an and did !any 0reat thin0s despite
the 2ountless o*sta2les he had to o#er2o!e. 6ut it was not a oneB!an show. 1e was a*le to do
the 0reat wor3 o" >od throu0h 2owor3in0 with other !issionaries. Dr. 9ho!as was his only
!ission 2owor3er durin0 the di""i2ult "irst years. 1e helped %arey in !any ways. 6ut 9ho!as
see!ed to la23 a 2lear dire2tion and #ision.
9he wor3 o" >od *e0an at a "ull speed in 1+99 when ei0ht new !issionaries arri#ed in &ndia
sent *y the 6aptist 5sso2iation in /n0land. 9o0ether with the! %arey esta*lished a !ission
2enter in Aera!pore lo2ated near %al2utta. &t was a *eauti"ul 2o!!on li"e. 5ll 1E adults and nine
2hildren li#ed in a *i0 house to0ether and shared one *i0 dinin0 roo!. 9hey ser#ed the !ission
to0ether a22ordin0 to their talents. Dor e7a!ple one youn0 !issionary was a printer *y trainin0
and he helped with the pu*lishin0 !inistry. 5nother was an edu2ator and ser#ed to edu2ate the
!issionaries) 2hildren. 1e also helped to esta*lish *oardin0 s2hools "or &ndian 2hildren whi2h
pro#ided in2o!e "or the !ission. %arey o" 2ourse was the 0lue that held the! to0ether.
pooled all their earnin0s and used "or their 2o!!on e7penses. 5ny surplus was used to e7pand
the !ission. 9heir Aera!pore !ission house was 2learly !odeled a"ter the *eauti"ul 2o!!on li"e
o" the "irstB2entury *elie#ers des2ri*ed in 52ts 2:I2BI+. >od *lessed their sa2ri"i2ial li"e o"
!ission and *lessed their !inistry a*undantly.
3! 4iscipleship Ministry
%hristian edu2ation was an essential part o" the Aera!pore !ission "ro! the *e0innin0. 9he
*oardin0 s2hools pro#ided %hristian edu2ation to !any 2hildren o" &ndian 2i#il ser#ants
!er2hants and others. 9ens o" thousands o" &ndian 2hildren were edu2ated throu0h the s2hools.
&n the Aera!pore !ission one !an Krishna -al a22epted %hrist as his personal Aa#ior and
*e2a!e an an2estor o" "aith "or the !inistry. 1e a*andoned his 2aste and was *apti4ed in the
na!e o" (esus. Krishna was threatened *y his nei0h*ors. 6ut he stood "ir!. 1e e#en led his
"a!ily and relati#es to the Lord.
$hen %arey)s wor3 on the translations o" the 6i*le was 3nown he was also in#ited to tea2h at
the Dort $illia! %olle0e in %al2utta whi2h was lo2ated 18 !iles "ro! the Aera!pore !ission
house. 1e was ;9 years old. 1is la*or to spread the word o" >od was rewarded e#en in hu!an
ter!s. 9his !an with a hu!*le ori0in was now a respe2ted pro"essor in 6en0ali Aans3rit and
Marathi. 6rown Cni#ersity in Fhode &sland re2o0ni4ed his s2holarship and 2on"erred on hi! an
honorary do2torate de0ree o" di#inity (18E+). 1e was 2alled Dr. $illia! %arey. 6ut he wasn)t
proud. 1e put all his salary to the Aera!pore !ission treasury. 1is pro"essor position was
another way to ha#e spiritual in"luen2e on "uture leaders.
&n 1819 the Aera!pore !ission wel2o!ed youn0 students to its own 2olle0e Aera!pore
%olle0e. 9he purpose o" the 2olle0e was to edu2ate &ndian students in su2h su*?e2t areas as
history astrono!y 0eo0raphy and di#inity all in their nati#e lan0ua0e. 9he !issionaries
&n parti2ular %arey wor3ed 2losely with (oshua Marsh!an and $illia! $ard. 9hey *e2a!e the "a!ous Aera!pore
9rio (6e23 (1992) p. 1<I).
en#isioned that "ro! a!on0 the students o" Aera!pore %olle0e !any "uture spiritual leaders
would *e esta*lished.
5! &especting 6ocal C#lt#re 7#t 4eno#ncing E-il Practices
Cnli3e so!e o" the /n0lish o""i2ials o" the /ast &ndia %o!pany %arey showed his respe2t "or the
&ndian people and their 2ulture as he ser#ed the! with the 0ospel o" (esus. Dor e7a!ple the si7th
arti2le o" the GAera!pore %o!pa2tH
(18E<) states G&t is a*solutely ne2essary that the nati#es
should ha#e an entire 2on"iden2e in us and "eel =uite at ho!e in our 2o!panyL $e ou0ht toL
on all o22asions treat the! as our e=uals.H
1owe#er he also !ade 0reat e""orts to help the! to
pur0e so!e o" the e#il pra2ti2es su2h as GsatiH the pra2ti2e o" *urnin0 a wo!an alon0 with her
dead hus*and a*andon!ent o" the old and the diseased people alon0 a ri#er and sa2ri"i2in0
*a*ies to the ri#er. 1e was aware that hundreds o" widows were *urned ali#e year a"ter year. 9his
*ro3e %arey)s heart. Dinally as a result o" his persistent e""ort sati was *anned in 1829.
8! A 9aithf#l 9ather
6esides -eter who died youn0 $illia! and Dorothy %arey had "our sons Deli7 $illia! (a*e4
and (onathan. Deli7 was ei0ht years old and Little $illy three when they !o#ed to &ndia and
(a*e4 was only an in"ant. &n "a2t this *a*y was *orn when Dorothy thou0ht that $illia! had
already le"t "or &ndia and she na!ed hi! (a*e4 whi2h !eans Gsorrow.H (onathan was *orn when
Dorothy was su""erin0 "ro! her !ental illness and %arey was stru00lin0 with his !ission li"e
a"ter arri#in0 in &ndia. 8ne thin0 %arey "elt sorry "or his 2hildren was that he 2ould not spend
!u2h ti!e with the! *e2ause o" his !issionB2entered li"e. 5nd 0i#en the 2ondition o" their
!other the *oys see!ed to 0row up with no dis2ipline or edu2ation. 6ut thin0s 2han0ed when
they !o#ed to Aera!pore. 1is !ission 2owor3ers helped his *oys with their edu2ation
dis2ipline and spiritual 0rowth. &n "a2t >od *lessed the! to 0row to *e se2ondB0eneration
!issionaries. Dor e7a!ple his son Deli7 was ordained *y %arey hi!sel" and ser#ed as a
!issionary to 6ur!a. $illy also prea2hed the word o" >od. %arey hi!sel" 2ould not ta3e 0ood
2are o" his sons *ut >od too3 2are o" the! throu0h his !ission 2owor3ers.
:! Carey(s 6egacy Contin#es
$illia! %arey died on (une 9 18;I a"ter ser#in0 the !ission in &ndia "or IE years. 1e was +;
years old. 1e had done a 0reat wor3 o" >od in &ndia. More than 1<EE 2on#erts were a2ti#e in
#arious !inistries. 9he word o" >od was pu*lished in !any lan0ua0es. 1e e#en esta*lished an
i!pressi#e *otani2al 0arden and a#iary and "ounded the horti2ultural so2iety in %al2utta. 1is li"e
was lon0 and his a2hie#e!ents i!pressi#e. 6ut he su""ered !any tra0edies as well. 5"ter
Dorothy)s death he re!arried to %harlotte who also died *e"ore hi!. 1is son Deli7 died at the
a0e o" ;+. Many o" his !ission 2owor3ers died o" #arious diseases. Dinally >od too3 %arey
ho!e. 6ut his spiritual le0a2y still li#es on. 9oday he is 2alled the "ather o" !odern !issions.
;! May God <less the People of .ndia=
9he GAera!pore %o!pa2tH is a do2u!ent whi2h 2ontain 11 prin2iples that the !issionaries in Aera!pore a0reed
to "ollow in their !ission wor3. &t was adopted at a 2owor3ers) !eetin0 on 82to*er + 18E<.
6e23 (1992) p. 2E1.
&n her re2ent letter to C6D dire2tors Missionary Aarah 6arry writes: G&t was a 0reat pri#ile0e to
attend the 5utu!n N6i*leO %on"eren2e o" the &ndia C6D in .ew Delhi "ro! Aepte!*er 19B22
2EE2L N5!on0 the 1E+ people who attended the 2on"eren2e wereO a total o" ,< sheep 1,
shepherds and 8 shepherdesses. ;I sheep were "ro! a 1indu *a230roundL Ahepherd 5*raha!
.ial is the "irst 2on#ert "ro! 1induis!. 1e is #ery ?oy"ul and #ery 2lear a*out his 2o!!it!ent to
(esus. 1e will "inish his -h.D. in a 2ouple o" years and wants to *e a "ull ti!e shepherd. 1e was
the 2on"eren2e 2oordinator and !ade the announ2e!ents and 0a#e prayer topi2s a"ter ea2h
!eetin0. 1e also deli#ered one !ain !essa0e and *rou0ht tears to our eyes *y his portrayal o"
the "ather o" the prodi0al son in the dra!a. 6e2ause o" his 2on#ersion !any other 1indus are
studyin0 the 6i*le and <2P o" the sheep at the 2on"eren2e were 1indus. 9his is an answer to
prayer "or Dr. Aa!uel Lee 0a#e the prayer topi2 to pray "or 1indus. (KMay &ndians eat 2ows
instead o" worshipin0 the!.))L 9hese youn0 %hristians are the hope o" &ndia. 9hey are *ri0ht
li0hts shinin0 in the dar3ness. 9hey need prayer.H
&t was !ore than 2EE years a0o when $illia! %arey "irst went to &ndia as a !issionary. 1is
i!pa2t was 0reat. 6ut &ndia still re!ains a 1indu nation. 9here are still !illions o" &ndians yet to
hear the 0ospel o" our Lord (esus. May >od *less our 2owor3ers in &ndia C6D to raise up !any
dis2iples o" (esus a!on0 2olle0e students. May >od *less us to o*ey the world !ission
2o!!and o" our Lord until (esus 2o!es a0ain in his 0lorious se2ond 2o!in0'
6arry Aarah. Cnpu*lished letter to the dire2tors o" the Cni#ersity 6i*le Dellowship. 82to*er +
6e23 (a!es F. )orothy #arey/ The Tragic and $ntold Story of %rs- +illiam #arey- >rand
Fapids Mi2hi0an: 6a3er 6oo3 1ouse 1992.
%arey A. -ear2e. +illiam #arey, )-)-, Fello' of the 0innaean Society- .ew Yor3: >eor0e 1.
Doran %o. 192;.
%arey $illia!. An En!iry into the "bligation of #hristians to $se %eans for the #on&ersion
of the Heathens- Lei2ester: 5nn &reland 1+92. 8nline #ersion a#aila*le at
www.w!!l 522essed 82to*er 2< 2EE2.
Dinnie Kellsye M. +illiam #arey/ 1y Trade a #obbler- &llustrations *y (ohn Dinnie. 6ro!ley
CK: A9L 6oo3s 198,.
A!ith >eor0e. The 0ife of +illiam #arey/ Shoemaker and %issionary- London: (.M. Dent R
%o. 188<.
6arry (2EE2) p. 1B2.
$ell!an Aa!. +illiam #arey/ Father of %odern %issions- Chri2hs#ille (81): 6ar*our
-u*lishin0 &n2. 199+.

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