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8ebalanclng SLraLegy and

AusLralla's 8esponse:
8uslness As usual
LmerlLus rofessor Carlyle A. 1hayer
resenLauon Lo conference on
u.S. 8ebalanclng SLraLegy and Asla's 8esponses
lnsuLuLe of Luropean and Amerlcan SLudles, , Academla Slnlca
1alpel, 1alwan, AugusL 2-122, 2014
1. u.S.-AusLralla Alllance (AnZuS)
2. u.S.-AusLralla uefence Cooperauon under Lhe
8ebalanclng SLraLegy
3. Cbama AdmlnlsLrauon LngagemenL wlLh
SouLheasL Asla before rebalanclng sLraLegy
4. Cbama AdmlnlsLrauon LngagemenL wlLh
SouLheasL Asla under Lhe rebalanclng sLraLegy
3. Cbama AdmlnlsLrauon LngagemenL wlLh
8eglonal MululaLeral lnsuLuuons
6. Concluslon
CenLral ArgumenL
AusLralla gave lLs lmmedlaLe supporL Lo Lhe
Cbama AdmlnlsLrauon's sLraLegy of rebalanclng
because lL ls ln AusLralla's nauonal lnLeresL Lo
keep Lhe unlLed SLaLes engaged ln Lhe Asla-
aclc and because u.S. engagemenL conLrlbuLes
Lo AusLralla's securlLy.
1he u.S.-AusLralla alllance has evolved over slxLy
years. ln oLher words, Lhe u.S. sLraLegy of
rebalanclng represenLed 'buslness as usual' from
an AusLrallan perspecuve.
u.S.-AusLralla Alllance (AnZuS)
SecurlLy 1reaLy 8eLween AusLralla, new
Zealand and Lhe unlLed SLaLes of Amerlca
SepLember 1, 1931
Arucle lv
Armed auack ln aclc Area.acL Lo meeL Lhe
common danger
Arucle v
MeLropollLan or lsland LerrlLorles or armed forces,
publlc vessels or alrcra ln Lhe aclc
8eneLs of Lhe AnZuS Alllance
1. SecurlLy guaranLee LhaL Lhe u.S. would come Lo
AusLralla's ald ln Lhe evenL of a ma[or sLraLeglc LhreaL,
2. Lxcepuonal access Lo hlgh-level u.S. pollcy-makers on
pollucal, dlplomauc and mlllLary aalrs,
3. rlvlleged access Lo Lhe ndlngs, assessmenLs and
evaluauons of Lhe u.S. lnLelllgence agencles,
4. rlvlleged access Lo advanced sclence and
Lechnology, especlally ln defence-relaLed areas, and
3. Lconomlc beneLs of speclal access Lo Lhe Amerlcan
markeL .

A Clobal Alllance
AusLralla lnvokes AnZuS ln response Lo 9/11
auacks on Lhe unlLed SLaLes (14 SepL 2001)
AusLralla paruclpaLes ln u.S.-led Clobal War
on 1errorlsm
AfghanlsLan and lraq
defence of AusLralla Lo Lhe defence of AusLrallan
lnLeresLs and values
rlme MlnlsLer Clllard Addresses !olnL
Slmng of Lhe u.S. Congress
March 9, 2011 hoLo: !"# %&'(#& )*+(,(- .#+/0',
An ally for war and peace. .. An ally
for Lhe slxLy years pasL and AusLralla
ls an ally for all Lhe years Lo come.
u.S.-AusLralla uefence Cooperauon
under Lhe 8ebalanclng SLraLegy
resldenL Cbama addresses Lhe AusLrallan arllamenL, november 17, 2011
Lhe Asla aclc a Lop prlorlLy
new SLraLeglc uefense Culdance
whlle Lhe u.S.
mlllLary wlll conunue
Lo conLrlbuLe Lo
securlLy globally, 1#
1,00 *2 (#3#44,5&
+#6/0/(3# 5*1/+'
5"# 74,/89/3,:3
SLaLes MlnlsLerlal
november 20, 2013
AugusL 12, 2014
november 14, 2012
u.S.-AusLralla uefence Cooperauon
lorce osLure lnluauves
8oLauon of u.S. Marlnes
!olnL SLaLemenL of rlnclples (2012)
lnvolvemenL of oLher counLrles
lorce osLure AgreemenL (2014)
u.S. Marlne Alr Cround 1ask lorce of 2,300
Speclal lorces cooperauon (2014)
lncreased roLauon of u.S. Alr lorce ln norLhern
AusLralla and poLenual naval cooperauon
PMAS %;+0,(- ln WesLern AusLralla

u.S.-AusLralla uefence Cooperauon
MCu on Space Survelllance
C-8and 8adar, Space 1elescope, lnLernauonal
Code of ConducL for CuLer Space Acuvlues
Comblned Communlcauons CaLeway
uefence 1rade Cooperauon
8alllsuc Mlsslle uefence
Lxpanded Lxerclse 1ALlSMAn SA88L
uefence sclence and Lechnology, cyber
u.S.-AusLralla uefence Cooperauon
1rllaLeral uefence Cooperauon and uefence
Cooperauon lorum
u.S., AusLralla and !apan
8eglonal ulalogue mululaLeral mechanlsms
ASLAn 8eglonal lorum
ASLAn uefence MlnlsLers Meeung lus
Lxpanded ASLAn Marlume lorum
LasL Asla SummlL
Speclal role of lndonesla
u.S.-AusLralla uefence Cooperauon
!"#$%&'&()*+ -./01(. "2 304)')#1&#5
Lconomlc uevelopmenL and lnLegrauon
1rans-aclc arLnershlp
lree 1rade Area of Lhe Asla aclc
8llaLeral Lrade and lnvesLmenL leadlng Lo
deepened economlc lnLegrauon.
eople-Lo-people ues such as Lhe AusLrallan-
Amerlcan lulbrlghL Commlsslon.
lnnovauon cooperauon ln energy, sclence,
Lechnology and healLh.
Cbama AdmlnlsLrauon LngagemenL wlLh
SouLheasL Asla 8efore Lhe 8ebalanclng SLraLegy
Plgh level auenuon Lo SouLheasL Asla
Slgned 1reaLy of AmlLy and Cooperauon
Lower Mekong lnluauve launched
ermanenL Mlsslon & Ambassador Lo ASLAn
llrsL ASLAn-unlLed SLaLes Leaders' Meeung
Shangrl-La ulalogue/AuMM lus
nauonal lnLeresL" ln SouLh Chlna Sea
Cbama AdmlnlsLrauon LngagemenL wlLh
SouLheasL Asla under Lhe 8ebalanclng SLraLegy
1. SLrengLhenlng bllaLeral securlLy alllances,
2. ueepenlng worklng relauonshlps wlLh
emerglng powers, lncludlng wlLh Chlna,
3. Lngaglng wlLh reglonal mululaLeral
4. Lxpandlng Lrade and lnvesLmenL,
3. lorglng a broad-based mlllLary presence,
6. Advanclng democracy and human rlghLs'.
Cbama AdmlnlsLrauon LngagemenL
wlLh 8eglonal MululaLeral lnsuLuuons
ASLAn 8eglonal lorum
All meeung auended by SecreLary of SLaLe
ASLAn uefence MlnlsLers' Meeung lus
u.S. auended lnaugural meeung
Lnlarged ASLAn Marlume lorum
LasL Asla SummlL
resldenL Cbama auended 2011 and 2012
SLraLeglc uncerLalnLy
AnZuS alllance modernlsed and ralsed ln
CenLreplece roLauonal deploymenL of Marlnes
ConLrlbuuon Lo reglonal PA/u8
lnvolvemenL of lndonesla, Chlna
llnance ls an lssue for AusLralla
1rllaLeral defence cooperauon wlLh !apan
SupporL for Abe's collecuve self-defence pollcy
u.S. engagemenL ln Asla-aclc/SouLheasL Asla
conLrlbuLes dlrecLly Lo reglonal sLablllLy and
AusLralla's securlLy
SupporLs AusLralla's broad reglonal ob[ecuves
lnuence on u.S. pollcles of dlrecL lnLeresL Lo AusLralla
Coordlnauon ln reglon's mululaLeral securlLy
Lngages boLh Lhe u.S. and Chlna
Leverage for relauons wlLh lndonesla and Chlna
CapablllLy of AusLrallan uefence lorce ralsed

8eneLs for AusLrallan defence sclence and
Lechnology and nauonal defence lndusLry
uefence 1rade Cooperauon 1reaLy
8eneLs Lo u.S.
uemonsLraLes Lhe value of closer cooperauon
wlLh Lhe u.S. mlllLary
osslblllLy of AusLrallan dlplomacy conLrlbuung Lo
u.S.-Chlna relauons
SLraLeglc uncerLalnLy ln AusLralla
AblllLy of u.S. Lo nance lLs rebalance
8ebalanclng wlll provoke sLraLeglc rlvalry and
reglonal lnsLablllLy
SLraLeglc lnLenL behlnd Chlna's mlllLary
Chlna wlll become more powerful and
dlsplace Lhe unlLed SLaLes as hegemon
1he Chlna Cholce?
1he CovernmenL does noL belleve LhaL
AusLralla musL choose beLween lLs
longsLandlng Alllance wlLh Lhe unlLed SLaLes
and lLs expandlng relauonshlp wlLh Chlna, nor
do Lhe unlLed SLaLes and Chlna belleve LhaL
we musL make such a cholce.
uefence WhlLe aper 2013
u.S. 8ebalanclng SLraLegy and
AusLralla's 8esponse:
8uslness As usual
LmerlLus rofessor Carlyle A. 1hayer
Lmall: c.Lhayer[

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