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IN SEARCH OF GOD Hot Topics that may come up in your search for truth.

8/22/2014 rtc
(Note: This first page wi !e incu"e" in e#ery issue of this topica series$
I wish you well in your search for truth it can be life changing in so any incre!ible ways"
%ight up&front' ( impore you to try to grasp something important that wi hep you in your search...

)*o") is not a !eing who is !oun" !y our imits or perception. +y "efinition' He is infinite' or He is not the one true
*o". ,e humans are "efinitey )imite") in e#ery way... in e-istence' in .nowe"ge' an" imite" in our a!iity to
un"erstan". ,e were !orn into a finite wor"' we grew up an" were 100/ e"ucate" in this finite wor"... a wor"
imite" to 0 o!ser#a!e "imensions... right1
(f a !eing came into our mi"st who was from a pace where (for e-ampe$ 2 "imensions were the )norm)' an" he
starte" "escri!ing his wor" to us in his 2&"imensiona terminoogy' wou" it not seem o"" hearing him gi#ing
"etais a!out an e#ent that 3was i.e none other4' ony to fin" out it5s not happene" 6yet51 ,hat a!out him
a!out a ong' rea-ing #acation on a "istant panet !etween ! an" unch1
How a!out a human stepping into his wor" for a !rief time' an" comes !ac. "escri!ing a 3street of soi" go"' as
transparent as gass4. 7a"e of soi" go"' yet transparent1 Human finite terms' trying to "escri!e a pace where
*o" resi"es it 8ust "oesn5t wor.9 (the aposte :ohn' from %e#. 21:21$
;s !eings from our imite" perspecti#e' we cannot fuy comprehen" some things our infinite *o" says a!out
himsef... though we can apprehend it' !y "ue "iigence.
;s we enter into thoughts a!out *o" with this un"erstan"ing' it heps "ramaticay.
The point is this... as finite creatures< we can not e-pect to fuy un"erstan" the infinite *o".
,ith that in min"' if *o" tes us something a!out himsef that seems har" for us humans to un"erstan"' we are
not at i!erty to re&interpret what =cripture says... we 8ust nee" to oo. for #ai"ation from the things that ;%>
cear' an" aow *o"... to !e *o"... an" not rema.e Him )in our image)' so to spea.... for that is ceary i"oatry. In
scholarly ters# we inter$ret those things which see un%clear# by the things that are clear&
)*o")' !y "efinition' stan"s aone... the one T%?> )*o")' has no e@ua' no other can !e cae" )*o")' !y
"efinition... there are no )esser go"s)' ony i"os... if weAre to "isco#er )the one true *o") of =cripture.

How to correctly use Scri$ture 'Conte(t# conte(t# conte(t"'
;nyone can ma.e any!o"y seem to say anything they want' !y their wor"s out of conte-t. (f ( were to a cass an" ma"e this e-act statement: 'If I sai! the worl! is flat# I woul! be lying&'... someone cou"
ta.e part of that an" say )He sai" 3the worl! is flat49).
True' ( sai" those e-act wor"s' !ut NBT (N TH;T CBNT>DT. =ame goes for =cripture' an" more so9 (f we use
*o"As ,or" out of conte-t' we can create e#ery heresy that has !een create" that5s how it happens.
; te(t without a conte(t is a $rete(t...
noun: $rete(t< pura noun: $rete(ts
a reason gi#en in 8ustification of a course of action that is not the rea reason.
7erriam&,e!ster: 3; purpose or moti#e aege" or an appearance assume" in or"er to coa. the rea intention
or state of affairs4
,i.ipe"ia: ; $rete(t (a"8: $rete(tual$ is an e-cuse to "o something or say something that is not accurate.
Erete-ts may !e !ase" on a haf&truth or "e#eope" in the conte-t of a misea"ing fa!rication. )rete(ts ha*e been
use! to conceal the true $ur$ose or rationale behin! actions an! wor!s&
IN SEARCH OF GOD Hot Topics that may come up in your search for truth.

8/22/2014 rtc
+he ,Hot +o$ic- this tie.
'+he /ible !oes not ention the +rinity'&
Not in word' !ut ceary "oes )in concept) when rea"ing a cear transation... one "one !y groups of
origina anguage schoars' not someone trying to pro#e his own human interpretation !ecause it
seeme" confusing to his human un"erstan"ing.
F=i"e note: The most accurate/itera >ngish anguage transation we ha#e to"ay is the N;=+. (tAs not an
3easy rea"ing) transation for the simpe/casua rea"er... !ut has .ept up"ate" with the most recenty
"isco#ere" G o"est #erifie" te-ts (manuscripts/scros H such as the Iea" =ea =cros$. )B"est te-ts)
means it was from a time coser to the origina e#ent' an" was 3passe"&"own4 fewer times. (t must aso
meet a high criteria of agreement with other pro#en te-ts... a )one so"ier) te-t (with no confirming
te-ts$ has the "anger of !eing someoneAs misun"erstan"ing an" re&interpretation' e#en in ancient "ays.J

Eease gi#e "ue "iigence to which +i!e you use... an" try to .eep from "oing your own )origina
anguage) interpretation... uness you ha#e "one many years of stu"y of the origina anguages it was
written in... thatAs an acci"ent waiting to happen' an" often resuts in errant theoogy' an" cutist

a0 -1as 2esus really Go!3- or 4as soe woul! say0 ,5ust a huan an in!welt by Go!6s
:ohn 1:1 & 'In the beginning was the 1or!# an! the 1or! was with Go!# an! the 1or! was Go!&'
(s *o" craKy' or what1 How can )The ,or") !e )with *o")' an" yet sti )!e *o")1... uness He was
referring to a secon" person of the true *o"hea"1

Fhey' oo. right after that in :ohn 1:2&0: 'He was in the beginning with Go!& All things cae into being
through Hi# an! a$art fro Hi nothing cae into being that has coe into being&'
The 3He4 mentione" was with *o" (LH,H$' so this is ceary a!out a 2
person' not LH,H

Titus 2:10 & '7oo8ing for the blesse! ho$e an! the a$$earing of the glory of our great Go! an! Sa*ior#
Christ 2esus&' Ceary' :esus (*o"' the =on$ is aso cae" )*o" an" =a#ior).
;fter the resurrection' :esus appeare" where the "iscipes were (e#en though the "oor was shut$' an"
ha" this con#ersation with Thomas
:ohn 20: 2M H ,+hen he 42esus0 sai! to +hoas# ,)lace your finger here an! see y han!s# an! $lace
your han! an! $ut it into y si!e& An! !o not be unbelie*ing# but belie*ing"- +hoas answere! an!
sai! to hi# ,9y 7or! an! y Go!"-
2esus !i! NO+ rebu8e +hoas for calling hi ,Go!-"
IN SEARCH OF GOD Hot Topics that may come up in your search for truth.

8/22/2014 rtc
b0 ,Go!# the S$irit- a8a ,+he S$irit of Go!-
,hen we spea. of )*o"' the =pirit)' we painy see Him spo.en a!out as a person:
>ph 4:00 % 'Do not grie*e the Holy S$irit of Go!&&&'
;cts 10:2 & '1hile they were inistering to the 7or! an! fasting# the Holy S$irit sai!# ,Set a$art for 9e
/arnabas an! Saul for the wor8 to which I ha*e calle! the&-
;cts 2:0 & '/ut )eter sai!# ,Ananias# why has Satan fille! your heart to lie to the Holy S$irit&&&'

Go! the Father 4:H1H0# Go! the Son 4:eshua# 2esus0# an! Go! the S$irit&
One Go!# three $ersons&
7atthew 28:1N H (:esus to the remaining ee#en "iscipes $
,Go therefore an! a8e !isci$les of all the nations# ba$ti;ing the in the nae of the Father an! the
Son an! the Holy S$irit# teaching the to obser*e all that I coan!e! you< an! lo# I a with you
always# e*en to the en! of the age&-
2esus was ceary of the three persons of the *o"hea".
There is NB human )parae) that can propery e@ua this reationship... *o" is not H?7;N... an" can
not !e "efine" !y human terms. :ust !ecause this confuses us' gi#es us no icense to re"efine *o" in our

;gain... ( wish you we in your search... 6the most important one you wi e#er un"erta.e' !ecause of its
eterna ramifications.
Oeep' *o" wi not misgui"e you (P you see. Him with an open' =(NC>%> heart' without
preconcei#e" i"eas an" notions.
(n other wor"s' "on5t go *o" to 3show you that (such G such$ is true4 as. Him to show you TH>
truth' no matter how much it may hurt' or "istur! your pre#ious notions or !eiefs.
;so pray that *o" wou" protect you from "emonic infuence or input whie you see. His truth.

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