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‘It Means the World to Us’

Commercial in Confidence is a Limited Liability Company

MD Karl Sinclaire-Anderson

0151 330 3643 December 11th 2009 Contents

1.0 Executive Summary

1.1 In Essence

2.0 The Marketplace

2.1 Not Such a Green World

2.2 The Future of Green Living

2.3 The Competition

2.4 The Proposition -

2.5 Will an Online Magazine Work?

2.6 Ongoing Income for the Magazine; Product Sales, Services & Advertisers

2.7 GM Reader’s

2.8 Delivery to the reader

2.9 Creating loyalty to the website

3.0 Production of

3.1 The Core Team

3.2 Staffing & Liverpool

3.3 Editorial Content & writers

3.5 Operational Production

4.0 Marketing & PR


5.0 The Business

5.1 Legal Business Description

5.2 Ownership

5.3 Business Risk & Opportunity

5.4 Payment Terms

6.0 Capital Requirements

6.1 Corporate Strategy: Success

6.2 Key Business Objectives

6.3 Funding Now and in the Future

1.1 Executive Summary – In Essence (GM) intends to be the leading authority online magazine website on green,
ethical, and sustainability issues in the UK. Devoted to enriching peoples’ lives and caring about the
world we live in, the aim is about minimizing the devastating impact we have as individuals,
communities or nations on the world around us. GM will be entertaining, accessible, a unique blend of
ideas, and 38 pages long, with a host of features; such as a video wall, a dating service, radio and
more, it will be funded by a combination of product sales, services and advertising revenues.

Launching on May 29th 2010, each month GM’s community of experts and concerned individuals will
share with our community their ideas, views, experiences, advice and knowledge that will make for a
more meaningful, enriched, recycled, reused beautiful day. GM stories, features, products for sale,
advertisers, will be distinctive, passionate, innovative and of a consistently high editorial standard,
seeking constantly to deliver to readers simple and effective strategies for making a difference in their

It Means the World to Us

2.0 The Marketplace

2.1 Not Such a Green World

If the world’s inhabitants continue to consume the planet’s natural resources at the
current rate, it is thought that we need 5.3 planet Earths to maintain this lifestyle.

Living Planet
Report 2006

Mankind has become a giant consumer wanting more and more. We love the new and out with the
old. Cheap credit, the latest model, a cheap flight here, a new car there, and when we’ve done with
it. It’s all thrown away and buried in far away landfill sites, where it might seep toxic chemicals that
take a hundred years to breakdown. What happens when we have no more places to fill? Where will
it go, what is the impact on the Earth? And with developing countries moving out of the darkness of
poverty (India) or one level communism (China) into 1st world status in the next fifty years, will there
be enough resources to support us all?

We also show a profligate sense of disregard to animals with who we share this planet. Humans have
a capacity to decimate the homelands of others, wherever we occupy on Earth, species of animals
have tended to disappear with alarming rapidity. A theory exists, that extinction levels of animals
caused by man were running at two species per week in 1979. By the early 1990’s these figures had
escalated to 600 per week. Humans it would appear are inherently bad news for others on the planet.

Every day we make decisions, but don’t give much thought to the impact on where something came
from or where it will go. Some of our
actions are so damaging, they are
terrifying in their consequences. We
are using resources at an increasing
rate, with more fuel, water used, land
toiled and buildings going up and all
the while we produce more CO2 gases,
pumping it into the heavens.

The result of all this, is that we are

changing the delicate balance of our
atmosphere and increasing the carbon
content around the earth. Carbon
molecules don’t break down so readily,
hence the sunrays when they bounce
off the earth’s surface, having warmed
the Earth, are trapped in a veil around
the planet reheating the surface –
causing global climate problems.

With the increase in temperature the

polar ice caps are melting, which pour
millions of tons of extra fresh water
into the oceans, raising water and
temperature levels. With coast lines
shrinking, weather systems changing,
animals and fauna are becoming
extinct through the loss of their natural
habitat at a rate that is unprecedented
before in history.

Over farming, over-mining, we are

pushing our world to the brink. Nature
has seen changes that would take it,
1,500,000 years to perform. Mankind
has done it in less than 60.
We need to change the way we live or we could be the harbinger of our own destruction.

2.2 The Future of Green Living

Extract of research taken from the Mintel report 2008 on Ethical and Sustainable Living for the Future.

"Green" messages have swept the marketing world over the past two years, stoked by interest in
environmental issues, especially climate change, ‘greenism’ has surged in the wake of Hurricane
Katrina, soaring oil prices, and Al Gore's Oscar-winning film and Nobel Prize. Marketers have caught
on to the benefits that green messaging can bring to their brands. Thus the "green" marketplace is
destined to become one of the fastest growing, most dynamic sectors of the economy. The number of
people who say they almost always or regularly buy green products remains unchanged at 36%. This
comes after tripling from 12% in 2007.

It is expected that there will be many opportunities for growth in green markets over the next few
years. Whilst the recession has impacted on sales in 2009, it is forecasted there will be 19% growth
for green products overall through to 2013. Products such as green personal care, environmentally
friendly household cleaners are expected to perform especially well. Organic food, the most mature
segment, will experience slowing but steady growth over the next four years.

Research identifies four types of green consumer: Super Greens, True Greens, Light Greens and Never
Greens. There has been a threefold increase in the ranks of the Super Greens and True Greens, in
just 16 months this has driven growth in all sectors of the green marketplace. Also there has
developed a special role of 18 to 24 year olds, as well as college students in adoption of new green
product categories. Along with the increasing influence of such demographic factors: such as race
ethnicity, education and household income.

However, Britain’s enthusiasm for green and ethical living is being impacted by the recent financial
constraints with one in five consumers, not in a financial position to think about green or ethical
issues. Even before the recession, price premiums were a barrier to more widespread take-up of
green and ethical products, there is evidence of altered priorities in that 12% of adults stated that
they could no longer afford the price premiums for green or ethical products.

Nearly four in five adults (78%) say they would buy more organic food, if the products were less
expensive. 52% of shoppers who buy household cleaning products feel green cleaning products are
just too expensive. Today’s shopper is looking for value, value doesn’t have to mean just low prices,
but cost is definitely a factor. Companies who can provide these benefits, as well as appease
shoppers’ green sensibilities, will enjoy success despite the recession.

Some 97% of adults have adopted at least one of the greener behaviours indeed, in terms of low cost
greener actions such as using re-usable bags and switching to low energy light bulbs. Thus, energy
saving features in the home is up 6%. In addition, the UK has bought into the recycling mentality -
fewer than 10% of adults claim to be “confused” about what can and cannot be recycled. Green
activities such as recycling that cost nothing are widely supported and there is widespread support for
more action on reducing waste. Some 74% of shoppers believe Retailers should do more to reduce
the amount of packaging they use.

So the scene is set, people want to be green, but cost remains an impediment to ‘green’ growth but
also knowledge about how to do things green is just as important. For instance, 60% of UK
households own a tumble dryer, that equals some 14 million households are using electricity just to
dry their clothes, with a machine using on average 4kWh of energy to dry clothes, at one load per
week that is approximately one million tonnes of CO2 spent per year unnecessarily. An amount easy
to win back when one could just as easily hang them outside to dry.

Winter 2008

The great news is that things are starting to happen; governments, companies and the individual are
effecting change everywhere. There are stories every day, from a local eco-hero, or of a government
legislating change - all going towards saving the planet. From fair-trade products, ethical foodstuffs
new inventions, new processes of manufacture – everyone everywhere is making an effort to bring
about change.
2.3 The Competition

The ‘Living Planet Report of 2006’ put forward the notion - there has to be a reduction in the harmful
use of resources across the globe (by 66% in the UK and in the, US nearly 88% per person). Green
marketing is seen as part of the ‘solution’ to the environmental crisis. It’s an emotive subject that
connects with people’s feelings. In a recent report by The Financial Times (Dec 2nd, 2007) found that
all the major agencies were predicting a ‘wave of eco-marketing’. Marketers are looking towards the
internet in an attempt to target audiences with their brands, products and services.

Magazines are generally printed on paper, in part a sustainable resource. Paper magazines do have
some advantages, such as their tactile sense of ownership and historic branding. But the world is
awash with free, subscription or fee based magazines, ‘The Changing Times, Green Parent, Materials
Recycling Week, Sustainable Development, Materials Recycling Week, Environment Times, the
Environmentalist, Green, Green Futures, the Global Environment’ and many more, all earnest in
character, all looking to take the issue of climate change forward.

For the most part, they all have very small circulations of 30,000 (only one has 100,000 per month);
the rest can be bi-monthly. More often than not, they are given away as free magazines in health
food stores or petrol stations ( they come across as ‘hippy rags’. Some are
subscription based, but in the wake of so much free information off the net, this is a difficult market to
attack. There are also trade magazines designed for highly qualified professionals who are working at
the coal face of green issues. Costly, infrequent, poor production value or to technical for your
average reader - the issue of climate change becomes throw away or to hi-brow.

In this form, the offering for advertisers is weak. A short run magazine is both costly to print and
deliver in ‘paper’ form, which means they can only take the message so far, thus keeping the
advertiser marginalized. The cost per advert in ratio to readers is high. (To advertise in ‘Ecoyou
magazine’ a full page is £3,000). Thus, at these price levels to advertise on paper is not cheap.

There are some very well known websites that have a long history with climate change and
environmental issues ‘Friends of the Earth, ( Greenpeace and WWF’. However, these
are not easily accessible for the common man, maligned as charities working for the middle classes
and people with time on their hands. More often, the journalism berates people and tires them into
inadequacy. (

2.4 The Proposition -

The opportunity here is to connect with the green concerns of people and make a difference, by being
at the forefront of change and driver to its momentum. Delivering information in the fastest and most
cost effective way possible demands an online magazine, one that is devoted to enriching people lives
and sharing with them in a friendly informative manner on how to work ‘better’ with the world we live
in. When buying a product advertised on GM, consumers will have been brought closer to the
product, thereby understanding the relationship between its production, use and ethics.

As an online magazine, it will be cost effective and deliverable to a wide enough marketplace for green
businesses to make a return on their investment. There’s no need to bankrupt the very industry that
we are trying to promote. with its ability to access a mass audience though its
visual design, the speed and scalability of its production GM s armed with a powerful vision of its need
in the marketplace as a global mechanism for change; something to guide a reader to make the most
considered and informed decision as to how to lead an earth friendly lifestyle.

2.5 Will an Online Magazine Work?

The magazine industry is in turmoil and is seriously looking at the online magazine as the business
model for the future. There certainly is enough evidence to prove that the traditional business model
for a ‘paper based’ magazines is broken. Since the ruinous impact of 911 and the more recent
financial crisis, the market has seen a slew of companies go under as advertisers shy away this
historic method of purveying goods and services and to look to a more accountable business model.
Magazines and Newspapers have fully developed their media platforms to cope with the ethical and
technological velocity in the marketplace.
London’s Evening Standard has become a free paper since September 1st 2009. Since the introduction
of free papers into the Capital, Eg Metro, City AM, the Standard has reported a 20% fall in circulation

It is predicted that ‘paper’ will continue to lose out on ad spend, as advertisers move towards digital
outlets for the foreseeable future as the internet has just not stopped developing.

Ad funded or subscription based static content is slow, and there is a growing resistance to the idea of
purchasing day or weeks old information, when it can be found for free on the net. In an age of
instant messaging and RSS feeds, the media landscape is changing not just fundamentally but
completely. If news is life - then online news is the fastest way of delivering it to the reader, it travels
fast via the net and its capacity to ‘viral’ into the wider domain is unprecedented.

With this in mind GM’s look and feel was specifically designed for delivery, ease of use and visual
brand strength. Most if not all green magazines have an amateurish look, vague and often repetitive
information pathways about them. They often use the color green prodigiously about the site, or in
their logos. It is a style that marks them all out as the same. So we looked at what was in the
market that would give power to our news as well increase our perceived value to our customers. The
two best websites in the UK, is a meld of both the Guardian online and Time Out
magazine offering. These two online giants possess both tried and tested functionalities, whereby
people know how to navigate around these sites easily.

Time Out magazine ( is well known for its on-line magazine, its web interface is
stylish and robust internationally, it’s a clever design whereby it’s easy to add on information. The
Guardian newspaper ( is one of the most successful online newspaper websites in
the UK, having won best newspaper category 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2009 Webby awards, (the Oscars
of the internet world). Known for its excellence in web design, functionality and creativity, 12 million
people per month visit the site.

2.6 Ongoing Income for the Magazine; Product Sales, Services & Advertisers

2009 has seen some major industries rocked by poor sales, with a volatile marketplace and what with
GM new to the world the magazine cannot rely on just one revenue stream. So the directorship has
taken the precaution of developing not only a broad range of revenue streams to support the venture,
but ones that will add to its distinctiveness.

Online Advertising:

Whilst the market was hit hard in 2009 with the global downturn, ZenithOptimedia *1 has forecasted
that online advertising spend will surpass traditional magazine advertising in 2010. It is even
expected to overtake radio advertising for the first time, online advertising's share of the total global
Ad spend is expected to reach 15 percent in 2010. The Internet has a lot of room to grow.

The success of online advertising has come about because of its accountability. Web adverts can be
measured by using analytics - one can track the number of clicks and thus the number of sales that
result from it, thus making the medium so desirable. GM has collated a database of some 2500
companies who are in the green business arena, all of whom have advertised at some point using the
internet or a magazine. will feature 38 pages including the home page. The
number of pages available to advertise on is 38 - each page is designed to carry an advert banner on
the top, side right and bottom. A supplier (Signature Advertising) will handle the advertising sales for
GM - for raising the advertising revenue the company will charge 30% on all fees generated.

Advertising Rate Card

Normal pages Top banner £200 ea pm

Skyscraper £300 ea pm
2 x Bottom banner £125 ea pm

Enhanced price pages: Home, Celebrity, Building & Renovation, Love GM, Recruitment & Cooking

Top banner £300 ea pm

Skyscraper banner £425 ea pm
2 x bottom banner £225 ea pm

Repeat orders will receive a discount: 3 months = 10% discount - 6 months = 20% discount.
*1 ZenithOptimedia’s publications are known the world over, and over the last fifteen years’ their market research
intelligence has represented the gold standard in media market data)

Eco Mobile Phone Sales:

Key to GM strategy will be the sale of ‘Green’ mobile phones. Whether the market is up or down
market, mobiles phone sales continue to sell unabated, the reason for this is that they are contract
driven, the networks are very price competitive and the handsets eventually become ‘old in design’
after two years.

An advert for mobile phones will be placed about the website in key places. Readers will be able to
click onto the advert, and their information taken. The customer will need to be credit checked, on
passing. If they pass, the handset will be sent out and connected. The commission (to-date) for a
new contract in mobile phones is £325 for a two-year contract at £40 per month to the customer.
After the cost of the handset (typically between £125 - £150 and an eco gift, £25 - £50) leaving
approx £100 per handset. *2

Love GM:

Online dating is here to stay and is a very profitable business initiative, and is completely
complimentary to GM objectives. There are only a few green niche specific websites in the
marketplace, none of whom are attached to a magazine or indeed present anything like GM’s offering.

Online dating is the third largest attractor of internet users (after music & games), earning ten per
cent of the online audience in 2008. Reports suggest the industry will continue to grow with a
projected increase of 16% in revenue over the next 5 years.

Thus, the relationship will be three fold, revenue generating, it will draw consumers to the site
repeatedly to check on their status, it will entice consumers to look around the site, with revenues
paid per month. The average time spent with a dating website is 6 months before dropping out
(about 50% of them come back however), the core is 28 to 35 years of age and putting up your
photograph increases your chances to meet someone 15 fold. Typically 20% leave online dating
because they found “someone significant”.

The technical architecture to this will be provided by a white label company, they will provide all the
necessary payment system, questions, policing of the website. GM has only to supply the branded
interface for the site. GM will be provided with analytics, as well as billing manager to measure click
through rates as well as our revenue share. Customers will receive 24/7 support provided by the
company for us and all at no initial cost.

The advantages of online dating are:

• extended range of potential partners

• cheaper than inviting people for dinner
• avoid social awkwardness
• convenient 24/7 (most sites are used throughout the day and night but 12-
2 seems popular, 7- 9 subscription, Sunday most popular)
• intellectual connection over physical attraction
• on paid sites: policing


An E-Book (short for electronic book), is an e-text equivalent of a conventional printed book, they
are usually read on dedicated hardware devices known as e-Readers or e-book devices. Some
personal computers and cell phones can also be used, especially to read documents in pdf format.
The charges for an e-book download can range from £1.99 to £15.00. GM through a white-label
provider who will provide our website all fulfilment of both the e-book downloads and E-Book readers
will be performed on our behalf. GM will receive a fee for this

The company that will look to support us is the largest online e-bookstore with over a million titles at
discount prices, ranging from classic texts to the latest best sellers.
*2 The director has worked with mobile phones for 4 years and regularly handles the sale of 1200 consumer
handsets per month via online advertising.

Green Finance

As of December 2007 the total invested in Socially Responsible Investment funds open to private
investors only reached £8.9 billion according to figures from the Ethical Investment Research Service.
Investment provides a potential bridge between an unsustainable present and a sustainable future –
placing finance squarely at the heart of solutions to human environmental impact.

The need for investment strategies which serve the planet is increasingly evident put simply; the
world’s capital markets fail to tell the ecological truth by masking the environmental and social
consequences of economic growth. With this in mind GM will provide its customers with the
opportunity to make ethical investments, creating creative and ethical opportunities that provide new
capital to projects that have distinct social and environmental objectives. There is substantial interest
in alternative energies, agricultural commodities, social and eco housing, trust fund investment are
gaining ground as people look at new ways to investment in the future.

Investment opportunities can be divided between those in the UK and those abroad. Whilst the UK
can offer significant tax breaks, foreign projects offer the benefit of better growth conditions and lower
overheads. GM has two distinct relationships with company’s that will service all enquires as to
financial investment, including mortgages for which the website will receive a fee.

Special Monthly Offers

Each month readers will be able to purchase one of GM’s special offers. A great web exclusive
discount offer, where you can pick up an Eco kettle or bamboo bicycle? An arrangement would be put
into place whereby GM would enter in association with a company to provide the marketing interface
for the offer. The company would handle the fulfilment/any issues concerning the sale for these
offers, similarly a percentage of the sale price would be given to GM.

Greenmagazeen Prepay Debit Card

After a period of time, (2nd year) GM will look to deliver this product to its readers. A branded GM
prepaid credit card account opened by depositing money into the account, much in the same way you
would make a deposit to open a checking or savings account.

Once you have money in your account, you're issued a prepaid credit card that can be used anywhere
as like a regular credit card. The best part of the prepaid credit card is that a customer can charge it
with money to their heart's content and the owner cannot get into debt. Once spent, they can't spend
any more until they have made another deposit. There are no bills or no interest charges, but there
are fee’s in setting it up for which GM would receive a percentage of this.

Sponsored Advertisements

Is editorial content that is provided by an Advertiser - Advertorials as they are sometimes called, are
an effective method of providing information in more detail about a product or service to our
readership. Our editorial team will look to assist company’s with marketing department to produce
copy. Sponsored features provide an advertiser with the opportunity to brand one of our features that
relate to their products and services. It is an effective way of getting customers to read and act
upon the material. For which GM will charge a fee dependant on the feature.
2.7 GM Reader’s

Because of the width of Greenmagazeen’s offering, GM has researched that there are four profiles of
potential readers, who would favor the site.

14 - 55 Know a little 25 - 40 Understand the Key Areas

would like to understand more have made significant
changes to their lifestyles

25 – 50 Professional working in Long Standing Devotees

the industry lifestyle of recycling and re-using

With each of the target readers moving in completely different circles, it could have been difficult to
locate our marketplace, however virtually everybody has an email address. These addresses are held
by database companies on purchasing this data from such companies GM will be able to accurately
audit, measure and refine its advertising sales. We will be able to look at what time, what day, where,
location, age group is best to send emails to as well as when our readers come to us or leave us.

2.8 Delivery to the Reader

GM’s potential readers can come to the site via our marketing and PR activities as well as our SEO
activity. However, not to rest on its laurels, is going to use the latest method of
delivery to drive readers to its website. One that subscribes to its green ethos, at the same time
helping to keep costs down and increase its chances of circulation around the UK.

To do this we will use Databanks, companies that hold huge numbers of opt-in email addresses * 3.
With these bought, an email link will be sent to these held addresses, whereby the reader will be able
to click on the link which will open up to the website. There are many advantages to this system of
delivery for GM.

• It subscribes to the company’s philosophy about not wasting resources.

• GM will be delivered at a much lower cost per unit than a newspaper. 250,000
emails can be sent out and can cost as little .002p per unit. 20,000 paper magazines
can cost around .60p each to produce and deliver.
• The medium can be designed to be viral and forwarded onto our reader’s friends
• We can prescribe our customers by age, address, salary, job education etc.
• Some database companies hold up to 20 million e-mail address’s
• New e-mail addresses are added each month, whilst old ones are deleted by these
• GM can check (using analytics) to see if the email has been opened, what time it
was opened, as well as what time.

Using this method of web-link delivery, on average one can expect a click though rate of between 5
and 10%. With 250,000 emails sent out per month this would equate to between 12,500 and 25,000
unique visitors looking at the home page of the site. At the end of the first 12 months, potentially up
to 300,000 readers will have clicked through to the site.
*3 Opt in is where an individual has agreed to release their email address for delivery of information that they may
be interested in.

2.9 Creating Loyalty to the Website

The problem with practically all green websites is that they provide many services, look to entertain or
create any form of ‘stickiness’. There offering is often to narrow, acting as just directories,
( or they suffer from poor visual design (, Thus, by offering a wealth of services presented in an easy to use and read
manner, GM will look to develop a community. With information constantly undated, PR and
marketing channels working together, GM’s efforts will focus on keeping people switched on and

Their will be a free subscribe section for readers to sign up, GM will also create a page on Wikipedia,
Facebook & Twitter and other social networks, so that readers will be able to bookmark our site in
their favorites

Also key to GM success, is the relationships set up with some of the top brands in their various areas
of expertise, to help us achieve that stickiness. Readers will be able a variety of applications on our
website through our branded interface. From games, to dating, a radio, TV or swapping, GM has
chosen all the favorite things people like to do with the internet all in an effort to make if different
from the rest and to make it fun and create stickiness.

Green Games is the world's largest website dedicated to playing online games and
will be providing us with games like Sudoku, Polar rescue and more. They can
be played anywhere, anytime and they already have a community of 27 million
game players. games are extremely popular because they are fun,
free, and easy to use.

Green TV GM has been allowed to use the best of the best images and videos for show on our
channel. Green TV is a broadband TV channel for environmental films bringing
together work from a range of environmental organisations and independent

Radio Readers will be able to listen to the best in green news by clicking on our radio button.
Passion for the Planet: Man doesn’t live by locally sourced, ethically produced,
organic bread alone, we still need the rock & roll

Swap Shop Swapz is the biggest, most established and original direct swap website where you can
swap anything with anyone. The service is also free for customers to use. It
will act as a primary driver for establishing a sharing/swapping culture. The
service has been running eight years and has had 20,000 users in that time.
3.0 Production of

3.1 The Core Team

The team has a huge amount of diverse experience and brings a lot of energy to the company. This
resource will be used to its fullest in delivering the magazine, effectively and within budget. All the
necessary people and services are in place, ready for the venture to start.

Karl Sinclaire-Anderson (MD)

Will look after the marketing, admin and distribution of the magazine, having worked previously in
television production he first worked on science fact/fiction programmes for Channel 4 and BBC2. He
then moved into children’s programming specializing in raising production capital for programming at
home and abroad. He has produced, sold and distributed television programmes as well as high-end
television technologies around the globe for use within TV production, creating new business
opportunities for the companies that created the hard/software. In 2002, Karl graduated with an MBA
from Middlesex University.

Karl’s role in the company will be to look after the:

Distribution of the website

Develop new business opportunities and relationships
Handle the marketing
Liaise with PR
General administrative and production co-ordination duties

Lorraine Mullaney Editor

Has worked in the publishing industry for 19 years, she has edited a wide range of publications from
business to business magazines to consumer niche titles for leading companies such as Future
Publishing and HarperCollins. She is currently a freelance editor and writer, and has been a supporter
of Green Issues for many years.

Lorraine’s role will be to look after all editorial matters

To research, write and develop stories

Liaise with the Direct News Agency
To gather all stories both local and international
To generate the competitions
To gather writers for the website, help them develop and edit their content
To interview the celebrity

Mark Sykes Sales (Signature Advertising)

Has worked in sales for most of his working life and has over 6 years experience in advertising sales
and marketing. He has worked for many titles within the consumer market with fantastic results
delivering an increase in advertising for a variety of titles, but also initiatives to develop additional
opportunities to generate more revenue for the client. His sales team includes an ex-sales employee
of a green magazine with several years’ industry knowledge of green issues. Signature Advertising
currently works with Trebor Media Design, Automotive Design Review, Architectural Technologist
Datafile magazine, Scribe Publishing, The really Useful Guide – Lancashire,

Mark will employ one fulltime member of staff for this project
The sales person will cold call or use the database to build relationships to
secure advertising
All invoicing will be done directly by GM to the advertiser.
3.2 Staffing & Liverpool

It is the Company’s ambition that within the first six months of trading, GM will be able take on
several members of staff. The first; an Admin Support executive – to liaise between GM, the
customer, and the external sales team, pulling all the key parts together this would be key role to the
project. Second: Would be two full-time mobile sales people to deal with the mobile customer.

In the second year, it is envisioned that GM will bring a certain amount of roles inside the company -
the headquarters for GM will be based in Liverpool.

Organisational Chart 1st Year


PR SEO Designer Editor Accounts

Direct News

Ad Sales *

*The Ad sales role will ‘come inside’ into GM, as necessary

Organisational Chart 2nd Year


Ad Sales Admin
PR & Marketing Designer Editor

Ad Sales Admin
Direct News


3.3 Editorial Content & Writers

By looking at all areas of green issues, this will be an excellent platform for advertisers to place their
products next to. The relationship between good editorial and sales cannot be hi-lighted enough.
Thus, the best writers will be sought to deliver the most cutting edge stories. The higher the profile of
the writer, the better for GM as this will help with our SEO.

Regular features will be provided by:

• Tommy Walsh (Building & Renovation) previously of BBC’s Ground Force

• Barny Haughton (Bordeaux Quay Restaurant) one of the UK’s top organic
• Rosemary Cresser (Gardening) writer for the Sunday times
• Kes the Dog Giving us a four legged view of the world from the
ground up
• Direct News 24/7 news agency news from all around the
• Recruitment Someone working on a project from around the world will give
us an insight as to what they are doing and how they got there.

3.5 Operational Production

• Twelve magazines will be made per year.

• The editor will provide a 6 month projection of ideas, with a different slant for each
month, the writers will follow this line (as will Direct News)
• A new celebrity interview will chosen for each edition.
• Information provided by Direct News will be delivered to GM once each day
• Emails to customers will be sent on the 3rd Sunday of the month.
• Signature Advertising will contact potential advertisers with what the theme of GM
will be for the months ahead. This will create a need for advertisers to take a space at a
given time and help with our ability to predict revenues.
• The team will be able to log into a server remotely and input or collect data where
ever they are in the UK.
4.0 Marketing & PR


GM will look to consolidate its brand around the UK using a ‘Rolling Thunder’ of media across the land.
(Fig 1) By focusing its complete efforts on one city at a time, the idea is not to stretch oneself to far
but to maximise its message, thus GM will be able to test the model of its marketing mix - to see
which gives the best return to its spend. With each city exposed to a blend of innovative and creative
marketing techniques, delivering the brand and information about this will look to
drive eyeballs to the site.

Street Marketing, radio interviews, local papers, along with using a PR company, they will be charged
with driving our name into the fiber of the UK. To do this GM will use both an online and off-line

Our aim will be to develop a brand position that is truly engaging, by identifying the characteristics of
the audience base will help to determine how to structure the brand architecture, brand messages and
design. Thus we will look to fulfil three fundamental brand objectives.

1. To drive frequency – encourage existing customers to buy more

2. To drive penetration – gain new customers
3. That we develop a detailed and accurate picture of the characteristics of our customers

Fig 1

Web Local
Banners Papers

Street Focussed
Adverts E-mails in
that city

Flyers Out

Online Strategy

Our strategy here is to place our web banner on several sites within the green and non-green arena.
By placing the GM banner on key websites that are guaranteed substantial visitor traffic visiting to
their sites, this will give GM a large amount of credibility and presence within the green arena; For
example, Green radio stations, Green Directories, Green festivals that perform through out the year.

• For example: is most popular gay website in the UK. It has
over 3.5 million registered users. With 1,100,000 of those in the UK, its website
receives 145 million UK based impressions per month. The community is one of the
highest earners per £ per person. Online banners start at £300 per month.

• ‘’ is a youth website for 18 – 28 year olds, this is a community that

thrives on web – Facebook and uses there mobile phone to the fullest. GM would be
looking to drive these users to the site to buy ethical mobile phones.

• ‘Don’t Stay In’ is the worlds biggest dance website. It attracts a significant
proportion of 24 – 35 year olds into dance music, this particular segment rely heavily on
their mobile phones, and are a significant demographic in this marketplace.

Offline Strategy

Will be the use of creative marketing techniques in the public arena, to drive viewers to read the
Principle ideas:

• Chinese Dragon Banner. There is no record in the Guinness book records for people
holding a banner. GM looks to build a banner 100 meters long with 10 people holding it up. Eg,
the banner would be walked up and down high streets in major cities around the UK on a
Saturday. The banner can be increased in size as it is taken around the country. The PR
Company will be able to inform the various local ‘rags’ that the banner is on its way. The
creation of the banner would be approximately £2500, with its use costing around £600 each
time. This banner would also be used at various festivals.

• Hot Air Balloon. The UK is home to some 200 festivals and events during the
summer/autumn months from the London marathon to the ‘V’ festival. GM will look to
hire/lease a hot air balloon with its logo emblazoned across the balloon and would use this kind
of publicity at events where there are 50,000 plus visitors. Glastonbury had some 175,000
People turn up at its 2009 event. The cost of this can range from £750 to £1000 per weekend.

5.0 The Business

5.1 Legal Business Description

Greenmagazeen Ltd is a legal entity and was registered June 1st 2008. The company is at the start-
up stage of business – presenting its philosophy and strategy to its potential advertisers.

5.2 Ownership

The Company is owned by 100% Karl Sinclaire-Anderson

5.3 Business Risk & Opportunity

Some of the major risks facing our magazine:

• Traditionalist view to magazines, ownership of the material, a sense of touch.

• Difficult to build up loyalty on a free magazine at an early stage
• Lo-barrier to entry for competitors to enter.

Covering those Risks

• GM will be the first in this form to deliver green news in such an informed and enlarged
• There is a gathering momentum in the use of E-mag’s websites, British Airways, Apple
Mac, Yamaha and Suzuki motorcycles all use an E-mag approach to keep in touch with their
• The use of internet advertising has grown exponentially over the last five years
• The use of sending out a volume of emails to bring potential readers in.
• A medley of PR, marketing, the use of video and radio, a celebrity profile as well as
established writers to build up GM’s community of readers.

5.4 Payment terms

Credit will be 28 days from the date of invoice. (Invoice will be given out on the day of a purchase
order). However, we will look to use a PDQ machine to take payments over the phone on the day of
sale for product sales etc, as well as for advertising.

6.0 Capital Requirements

6.1 Corporate Strategy: Success is about creating a community, a portal for like minded people to meet, share
views and ideas about green and ethical issues. Our community of experts, writers and everyday
citizens is committed to teaching, enriching, and inspiring our readers with their ideas, experiences,
advice and knowledge that will make for a more meaningful, recycled, beautiful day.

Our stories, features, products, advertisers, will be distinctive, passionate, innovative and of a
consistently high quality, we will seek to deliver to our readers our vision and insight in the best way
possible. And for all our work it will become a central place, a forum, the architecture and organizing
force that its readers will understand, a loudspeaker to all that is going on in the green world.

‘It Means The World To US’

6.2 Key Business Objectives

• To create adequate cash-flow for the first year of trading.

• For the business to break-even within twelve months.
• To take on 5 members of staff over the year.
• To have the GM brand in the media’s eye.
• To increase the email broadcast to 1,000,000 per month within the first 12 months
6.3 Funding Now and in the Future is looking for £70K in total investment in the first year to support the venture
from launch. The director has so far raised 10k through an overdraft arrangement with HSBC.

A variety of ideas/schemes can be added to the future of this product which will help to make it an
enduring success:

• To develop the potential of the product and to seek further funding from a large
news print business partner to start the process for the magazine to go global.
• To take the online format and create a magazine property for television.
• To support a green event/festival for the Summer 2011.
• Development of a Scholarship award
• To set up a branded recruitment office
• To develop the dating side to GM to its fullest potential

‘It Means the World to Us’

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