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Subject : English

Class/ Year : Year 4 / 4 Bestari

Date/ Day : 22/7/2014 (Tuesday)
Time : 60 minutes
Theme : World of Knowledge
Topic : The Insect Investigators
Focused skill : Reading
Content Standard : 2.2 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be
able to demonstrate understanding of variety of linear and
non-linear texts in the form of print and non-print
materials using a range of strategies to construct

Learning Standard : 2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences

(a) linear texts
(b) non-linear texts

Objectives : By the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
(a) Understand the text by pronouncing the words with correct
pronunciation, rhymes and stress.
(b) Can pronounce words such as eggs, larva, pupa, leaves,
caterpillar and butterfly.
Vocabulary : eggs, larva, pupa, leaves, caterpillar and butterfly.
Moral Values : Love Gods creation
Teaching Aids : (a) Mah-jong paper
(b) Picture card
Thinking Skills : Describing
Multiple Intelligences : Verbal linguistic, interpersonal and intrapersonal

Stage/Time Content Activities Resources
Set Induction
(5 minutes)
Eliciting pupils responses
by showing pictures
(teachers question) :
a) What can you see
in the picture?

1. Teacher shows the

2. Teacher asks oral
questions pertaining
to the picture shown.

3. Pupils answer the
questions verbally.

Picture cards
(15 minutes)
Modelling the correct
stress, rhythm and
intonation to pupils

1. Teacher pastes the
mah-jong paper about
a life cycle of butterfly.

2. Teacher explains and
demonstrates the
correct pronunciation
of the words such as
pupa, butterfly and

Mah-jong paper
(20 minutes)
Group activity

1. Teachers will divide
the pupils in four

2. Teacher will distribute
mah-jong paper that
had paste in front of
the class.

3. Each group will get
one section of mah-
jong paper and they
need to practice in the
group to pronounce
the words in the mah-
jong paper correctly

Mah-jong paper
(15 minutes)
Turn taking

1. The groups will take
turn to read the text in
the mah-jong paper
loudly and correctly
pronouncing the
words in the text.

2. Teacher will correct
the group if they had
wrong pronunciation,

rhyme and stress
during the activity.

(5 minutes)
Concluding the lesson and
instilling the moral values
1. Teacher tells the
pupils the moral value
that is we should love
gods creation.

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