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- It's compulsory to fasten your seatbelt when landing

and taking off.
You must fasten your seatbelt (Modal erbs!
"#.- I'd like to be on a deserted island right now.
I wish I were on a deserted island right now ($ishes!
".- %hey are going to rebuild the %own &all.
%he %own &all is going to be rebuilt ('ctia (asia!
).- $e*ll go to the beach unless it rains
$e*ll go to the beach if it doesn*t rain (+nless If!
,.- -I can*t beliee what you are saying./ (aul told me
(aul told me he couldn*t beliee what I was saying
(Indirect 0peech - statements!
1.- 2enice is a wonderful place. $e spent our last holiday
there (we add a relatie particle. and commas!
2enice. where we spent our last holiday. is a wonderful
place (we omit there ! (3elatie clause!
4.- It isn't necessary for her to phone me back
0he doesn*t hae to phone me back (Modal erbs!
5.- %he match was cancelled because it was raining.
%he match was cancelled due to the rain (3eason clauses!
6.- 0he isn't passing her e7ams because she isn't studying
hard enough.
If she studied harder she would pass her e7ams
(8onditional sentences 9 type )!
:.- ;<id you en=oy the party>; she asked.
0he asked me if I had en=oyed the party (Indirect speech 9
Identifica el punto graatical que la frase est poniendo
a prueba (por ejemplo: pasiva, modal, estilo indirecto, etc.)
!eali"a la tran#foraci$n necesaria requerida por dicho
punto gramatical (por ejemplo: si es activa, pasar a pasiva;
si es una frase en estilo directo pasar a estilo indirecto,
A#eg%rate &ue tu fra#e tiene el i#o #ignificado que
la original
A#eg%rate ta'i(n &ue tiene #entido
!epa#a, por ltimo, la gra)tica, la ortograf*a y la
puntuacin, para locali!ar posibles errores.


a. "he last time # sa$ her $as in %&'(
# haven)t seen her since %&'(
b. *e last came here at the end of +une
*e hasn)t come here since the end of +une
c. "he last time # sa$ her $as seven years ago.
# haven)t seen her for seven years.
d. *e last came here si, months ago
*e hasn)t come here for si, months
P!E-E! /OIN2 O! WO4L/ P!E-E! TO
a. # li-e eating in restaurants sometimes, but # prefer coo-ing my o$n meals.
# prefer coo-ing my o$n meals to eating in restaurants
b. # prefer not to ans$er that question.
#)d rather not ans$er that question.
c. /o you prefer having a large car to buying a small one0
1ould you rather have a large car than buy a small one0
8, 2E!4N/ 7 IT,,,IN-INITI6E
a. 2emembering grammatical rules is sometimes difficult.
#t is sometimes difficult to remember grammatical rules.
b. #t is dangerous to $al- on rail$ay lines.
1al-ing on rail$ay lines is dangerous.
3amos a estudiar en este apartado como reali!ar el tipo de
ejercicios denominado: !EPH!ASIN2. 4a e,presin en s5
significa: decir o escribir algo usando diferentes palabras o
estructuras pero manteniendo bsicamente el mismo significado.
6ste tipo de ejercicios son muy comunes en todo tipo de
e,menes, como por ejemplo los de selectividad, pero no slo
en ellos. 7, adems, contribuyen a que mejore mucho tu
capacidad de e,presin oral y escrita. 4o primero de todo 8
es conveniente que sigas estas recomendaciones:
Tipo# de rep9ra#ing
a, -ir#t t;pe
"o pass your driving test you $ill have to practise quite a lot
#f you practise quite a lot, you $ill pass your driving test
#t)s time $e started pac-ing if $e $ant to ta-e the %9.:9 train.
#f $e want to take the 10.30 train, we should start packing.
', Second t;pe
# haven;t much time so # read very little.
#f # had more time # $ould read more.
"hey don;t clean the $indo$s so the rooms loo- rather dar-.
#f they cleaned the $indo$s, the rooms $ouldn)t loo- so dar-.
c, T9ird t;pe
<he didn;t -no$ you $ere in hospital, so she didn;t visit you.
#f she had -no$n you $ere in hospital, she $ould have visited you.
# didn;t see the signal, so # didn;t stop.
#f # had seen the signal, # $ould have stopped.
4nle## < if not
=nless you -ic- the ball very hard, it $on)t reach the goal.
#f you don)t -ic- the ball very hard, it $on)t reach the goal.
#f you don)t dress properly, you $on)t go to the party $ith me.
=nless you dress properly, you $on)t go to the party $ith me.
a, I >i#9 5 pa#t #iple (regret about the present)
#t)s a pity they live so far.
# $ish they didn)t live so far.
', I >i#9 5 pa#t perfect (regret about the past)
#t)s a pity they left the party so early. #t $as rather boring after$ards.
# $ish they hadn)t left the party so early.
c, I >i#9 5 >ould 5 infiniti?e (complain)
1hy do you al$ays drop your cigarette ash on the carpet0
# $ish you $ouldn)t drop your cigarette ash on the carpet.
a, /irect O'Aect acti?e B Su'Aect pa##i?e
"hey are going to open a ne$ hotel ne,t year.
> ne$ hotel is going to be opened ne,t year.
"he manager has changed the date of the meeting.
"he date of the meeting has been changed by the manager
', Indirect O'Aect acti?e B Su'Aect pa##i?e
1e have told him not to be late again.
*e has been told not to be late again
#)ll send you the parcel tomorro$ morning.
7ou $ill be sent the parcel tomorro$ morning
c, Iper#onal pa##i?e
#t is reported that the plane crashed into a mountain.
"he plane is reported to have crashed into a mountain
?ur rivals are believed to be $or-ing on the project in secret
#t)s believed that our rivals are $or-ing on the project in secret
#t is e,pected that the government $ill lose the election.
"he government is e,pected to lose the election
d, Ha?e #oet9ing done
"he shoema-er is mending my shoes.
# am having my shoes mended
#;m going to the garage. "hey;ll repair my car.
#;m going to the garage to have my car repaired
a, Du#t E 9a?e to 7 o'ligation
#t $ill be obligatory for them to get up early $hen they do the military service.
"hey $ill have to get up early $hen they do 8
', Du#tnFt 7 not allo>ed E 'e for'idden
# don;t $ant anyone to -no$. 7ou are forbidden to tell anyone $hat # said.
7ou mustn)t tell anyone $hat # said
c, S9ould 7 9ad 'etter (ad?ice)
@7ou)d better have a rest and go on holidayA, the doctor advised him.
@7ou should have a rest and go on holidayA 8
#t $as a mista-e to drin- so much alcohol.
7ou shouldn)t have drun- so much alcohol
d, NeednFtE /onFt 9a?e to 7 not nece##ar;
1e have enough food at home. #t is not necessary that $e go shopping.
1e needn)t B don)t have to go shopping
#t $as not necessary for them to attend the lecture yesterday
"hey didn)t have to attend the lecture yesterday
#t is a lovely day and you have brought your coat. #t $asn)t necessary.
7ou needn)t have brought your coat.
e, Da; G Dig9t 7 Per9ap#1 a;'e1 itF# Au#t po##i'le
Cerhaps # $ill go to the cinema.
# may go to the cinema
Cerhaps +ohn -ne$ about the trip, but #;m not sure.
+ohn might have -no$n about the trip.
#t;s possible that they move to >ustralia.
"hey may move to >ustralia.
f, .ould 7 T9ere i# a po##i'ilit;
#t;s quite possible that they $ent a$ay last $ee-end.
"hey could have gone a$ay last $ee-end.
"here is a possibility that they go a$ay this $ee-end.
"hey could go a$ay this $ee-end
g, Du#t 7 I a #ure (affirati?e)
#;m sure *elen -no$s about the accident. <he loo-s very unhappy.
*elen must -no$ about the accident. <he loo-s very unhappy.
#;m sure something is happening tonight. 4oo- at those preparations.
<omething must be happening tonight. 4oo- at those preparations.
# thin- Dary $as probably at home because the $indo$s $ere open.
Dary must have been at home because the $indo$s $ere open.
9, .anFt 7 It i# ipo##i'le1 I a #ure (negati?e)
#;m sure he didn;t loc- the door. *e never does.
*e can;t have loc-ed the door.
#t is impossible that <ally $ins the match; Daria is a much better player.
<ally can)t $in the match; Daria 8
a, Order#
;/on;t $orry about anything, Dr *ill,; said the doctor.
"he doctor as-ed Dr *ill not to $orry about anything.
@?pen your suitcases, pleaseA said the Eustoms ?fficer.
"he Eustoms ?fficer ordered us to open our suitcases.
', Stateent#
F#f # press my ear against the $all, # can hear $hat the people in the ne,t flat are
saying,F he said.
*e said if he pressed his ear against the $all, he could hear $hat 8 $ere
@# $on)t help you,A he said.
*e refused to help me
@#)ll pay you at the end of the monthA, he said.
*e promised to pay me at the end of the month
c, Iue#tion#
@*ave you had your vaccinations0A the nurse as-ed me.
"he nurse $anted to -no$ if # had had my vaccinations.
@1hat are $e going to have for lunch0A he as-ed his mother.
*e as-ed his mother $hat they $ere going to have for lunch.
*e bro-e a cup. #t $as made of Gohemian glass.
*e bro-e a cup $hich $as made of Gohemian glass.
+ane has been sac-ed. 7ou met her last <unday.
+ane, $ho you met last <unday, has been sac-ed.
Dichael has been promoted. "his made him very happy.
Dichael has been promoted, $hich made him very happy.
<he doesn;t -no$ the man. 1e are tal-ing about him.
<he doesn;t -no$ the man $e are tal-ing about.
1e $ent to a restaurant. "hey serve e,cellent fish there.
1e $ent to a restaurant $here they serve e,cellent fish.
6li!abeth Heorge is an e,cellent $riter. *er novels are bestIsellers.
6li!abeth Heorge, $hose novels are bestIsellers, is an e,cellent $riter.
6li!abeth Heorge is an e,cellent $riter $hose novels are bestIsellers.
<he sent the letter to our old address, $hich $as careless of her.
#t $as careless of her to send the letter to our old address.
"hey arrived too late for the $edding, $hich $as a pity.
#t $as a pity they arrived too late for the $edding.
a, It i#7>a# L t9at L
*arry told the police
#t $as *arry $ho told the police
>n occult quality distinguishes man from animals.
#t is an occult quality that distinguishes man from animals
1hat distinguishes man from animals is an occult quality
', W9at L i# L
# need a beer
1hat # need is a beer.
Dy left leg hurts
1hat hurts is my left leg
++, .ODPA!ATI6ES 7
a, ore t9an B not #o L a#
> van costs more than a motorbi-e
> motorbi-e is not soBas e,pensive as a van.
Di-e isn)t so B as intelligent as +ane is.
+ane is more intelligent than Di-e
', ne?er L #uc9 a B #uperlati?e L e?er
#)ve never paid such a high price.
#t)s the highest price #)ve ever paid.
#)ve never been as-ed such a difficult question.
#t)s the most difficult questions # have ever been as-ed
#t)s the longest journey #)ve ever made.
#)ve never made such a long journey
+3, !EASON
a, Mecau#e B in ca#e
1atch the door carefully because he may try to escape.
1atch the door carefully in case he escapes
"a-e an umbrella $ith you because it may rain.
"a-e an umbrella $ith you in case it rains.
', Mecau#e 7 'ecau#e of1 due to,
Gecause of the $orld situation at present, $e do not thin- it advisable for the
company to proceed $ith this project.
1e do not thin- it advisable for the company to proceed $ith this project,
because the $orld situation at present is $orrying.
+8, .ONT!AST
E?en t9oug9
In #pite of 6 Eing
5 .lau#e B 5
>lthough he played brilliantly, he still lost the match.
#n spite of playing brilliantly, he still lost the match
1e $ent on playing, although it $as raining.
/espite the rain, $e $ent on playing
#n spite of the increase in production, $e have not made a profit.
>lthough $e have increased our production, $e have not made a profit
+:, !ES4LT
a, So 5 adAecti?e 7 t9at B too 5 adAecti?e 7 to infiniti?e
*e $as so surprised that he couldn)t reply.
*e $as too surprised to reply.
"he shelf $as too high for him to reach.
"he shelf $as so high that he couldn)t reach it.
', So 5 adAecti?e 7 t9at B #uc9 (a7an) (adAecti?e) 5 noun 7 t9at
"he journey $as so tiring that # fell asleep.
#t $as such a tiring journey that # fell asleep.
"he flo$ers are so beautiful that it is a shame to pic- them.
"hey are such beautiful flo$ers that it is a shame 8
#t $as such a long flight that $e had three meals on board.
"he flight $as so long that $e had three meals 8
+=, P4!POSE
a, one #u'Aect : to 5 infiniti?e
in order (not) to 5
infiniti?e #o a# (not) to 5
1e $ore $arm clothes. 1e didn)t $ant to get cold.
1e $ore $arm clothes so as not to get cold
# have to go to the ban-. # need some money
# have to go to the ban- to get some money
', t>o #u'Aect# 0 #o t9at 5 clau#e
#)ll give you my number. # $ant you to be able to phone me.
#)ll give you my number so that you can phone me
# spo-e very slo$ly. # $anted the man to understand $hat # said.
# spo-e very slo$ly so that the man could understand $hat # said
%. "hey are going to rebuild the "o$n *all.
"he "o$n *all ...
J. 1e;ll go to the beach unless it rains.
1e)ll go to the beach if ...
:. F# can;t believe $hat you;re saying,F Caul told me.
Caul told me that ...
K. 3enice is a $onderful place. 1e spent our last holiday there
L. #t isn;t necessary for her to phone me bac-.
<he ...
M. "he match $as cancelled because it $as raining.
"he match $as cancelled due to ...
'. <he isn;t passing her e,ams because she isn;t studying hard enough.
#f she ...
(. F/id you enjoy the party0F she as-ed.
<he as-ed me ...
&. #t;s compulsory to fasten your seatbelt $hen landing and ta-ing off.
7ou ...
%9. #;d li-e to be on a deserted island right no$.
# $ish ...

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