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-≤Ú-´’¢√®Ωç 27 -†-´ç-•®Ω’ 2006 Ñ-Ø√-úø’ £j«-ü¿®√-¶«-ü˛ 2

Suhrid: Where were you yesterday? Try as Suhrid: You are fortunate there. Most often
I might, I couldn't get you. what we select and what we sug-
(E†oç-û√ -†’-´¤y áéπ\-úø’Ø√o´¤? áçûª gest do not go well with the bride-
v°æߪ’-Aoç-*Ø√ FûÓ ´÷ö«x-úø-™‰-éπ groom and his people.
-§Ú-ߪ÷†’.) (-Å-™«Èíj-ûË -O’®Ω’ -Å-ü¿%-≠d-´æ ç-ûª’-™‰. -î√-™«
Srikanth: I went shopping with mom and dad Ææç-ü¿®√s¥-™x -´’-† -áç°œéπ, -´’-† Ææ÷-îª-†-©÷
the whole of yesterday. You know -´®Ω’-úÕéÀ, -Å-ûª-úÕ -ûª®Ω°æ¤ -¢√-∞¡xèπÿ -†-îªa-´¤.)
my sister is getting married. That Srikanth: Going by his talk the other day I got
kept us busy the whole day. the impression that he was quite
(Å´÷t, Ø√†oûÓ éπ-LÆœ E†oçû√ shop- modern in his out look. He is not insis-
a) Going by what he says, he is not inter-
ping î˨». ´÷ îÁ™„x©’ °∞¡xE ûÁ©’Ææ’ tent on silly formalities of traditional ´’†ç daily conversation (Real Life situations ested in the game =
éπü∆. -Ç °æ-E-ûÓ -E-†oç-û√ -´÷èπ◊ BJéπ marriages, his people aren't either. ™) go ûÓ ´îËa expressions îª÷Ææ’hØ√oç éπü∆.
™‰èπ◊çú≈ -§Ú®·çC.) ´’J-éÌEo É°æ¤púø’ îª÷ü∆lç. -Å-ûª-úø’ îÁÊ°p-ü∆Eo•öÀd îª÷ÊÆh, -Å-ûª-úÕéÀ Ñ
(¢Á·†o Åûª†’ ´÷ö«-xúÕ† B®Ω’•öÀd îª÷ÊÆh game ™ ÇÆæ-éÀh-™‰ü¿’.
Suhrid: When exactly is the marriage? Look at the following expressions from the
Åûª†’ -Ç-üµ¿’-Eéπ ü¿%éπpü∑¿ç Ö†o-¢√-úø’í¬ ÅE°œç- b) Going by the land prices in Hyderabad it
correct conversation at the beginning of the lesson.
(°Rx í¬ á°æ¤púø’?) î√úø’. ≤ƒçv°æ-ü∆-®·éπ N¢√-£æ…© *†o *†o will be impossible for us to buy sites
Srikanth: Three weeks from now to a day. 1) I went shopping. go expression.
there =
™«ç-Ø√© N≠æߪ’ç °ü¿l °æöÀdç°æ¤†o¢√úø’ ÉC ûÓ ´îËa
Shopping, hunting, searching
(Correct í¬ -É¢√-LdéÀ ´‚úø’-¢√®√-™x.) é¬ü¿’. ¢√∞¡x-¢√∞¡Ÿx èπÿú≈ é¬ü¿’.) ™«çöÀ £j«ü¿-®√-¶«ü˛™ Ææn™«© üµ¿®Ω©’ îª÷Ææ’hçõ‰/
expressions English
Formalities = ™«ç-Ø√©’.
To a day = É¢√-LdéÀ (´îËa- ¢√-®Ωç/- ´îËa ØÁ©,
™ Ææ®Ωy-≤ƒ-üµ∆-®Ωùç. üµ¿®Ω-©†’ •öÀd, Åéπ\úø Ææn™«©’ é̆ôç -´’-†èπ◊
a) On all the days we
etc) Suhrid: That's the trouble with Indian Å≤ƒ-üµ¿uç.
were in Delhi we c) Going by his appearance, he appears to
Suhrid: So how did your shopping go off marriages what goes by the name
went sight seeing = be good =
yesterday? of formalities often harrasses the
bride's people.
Å®·ûË E†o O’ shopping ᙫ úµÕMx™ Ö†o ®ÓV--™x ÅûªE Çé¬-®√Eo•öÀd îª÷ÊÆh Åûª†’ ´’ç*-¢√-úø-ØË
ïJ-TçC?) ¢Ë’ç Åéπ\úÕ Nçûª-©†’ ÅE°œ-Ææ’h-Ø√oúø’.
îª÷-úø-ö«-EéÀ ¢Á∞«xç. 4) Not go well with.
Srikanth: Well, gold, clothes and other things
Sight seeing Åçõ‰ – Most often what we select and what we
cost us around Rs 3 lakh. Still there
are a lot more things to buy. -Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 245
äéπ v°æüË-¨¡°æ¤ Nçûª©÷,
N¨Ï-≥ƒ©’, -ü¿%-¨»u--©’. M. SURESAN
suggest do not go well with the bridegroom
and his people =
(•çí¬®Ωç, •ôd©÷ ÅEo éπLÆœ E†o
´‚úø’ ©éπ~-©-ߪ÷u®·. Éçé¬ éÌØ√Lq†N

Anything goes in Indian politics

î√-™«-ØË ÖØ√o®·.)
Suhrid: Did you buy things for the bride
groom too.
(°Rx-éÌ-úø’-èπ◊èπ◊ èπÿú≈ éÌØ√o®√?)
Srikanth: Not much. We'll have to buy them
too. That'll be this weekend.
(´’† °Rx-∞¡x™x ´*a† -*Íé\ -ÅC. b) Have a good rest in the morning and go -î√-™« Ææç-ü¿®√s¥-™x -´’-†ç áç°œéπîËÊÆD, ´’†ç
(Åçûª ™‰ü¿’. ÅN èπÿú≈ Éçé¬ éÌØ√L. ™«ç-Ø√©ØË Ê°®Ω’-ûÓ ïJÍí-´Fo °Rx shopping in the evening =
Ñ ¢√®√ç-ûªç™ Öçô’çC Ç é̆ôç) Ææ÷*ç-îËD, °Rx-éÌ-úø’èπ◊\, ¢√∞¡x ¢√∞¡xèπÿ ®Ω’*ç--îªü¿’.
èπÿûª’®Ω’¢Áj°æ¤ ¢√∞¡x-†’ É•sç-C™ §Òü¿’l-†çû√ Nv¨»çA BÆæ’èπ◊E, ≤ƒßª’çvûªç Not go well with = ®Ω’*ç-îª-ü¿’/ -†-îªaü¿’.
Suhrid: Is he very demanding? °-úø-û√®·.) shopping èπ◊ ¢Á∞¡xçúÕ. a) My being elected leader did not go well
(Åûª†’ Eéπ\-*aí¬ ÅúÕÍí ®Ωéπ-¢Ë’-Ø√?) Srikanth: It was a really tiring day for us c) Dushyanta met Shakuntala when he with him =
Demanding= ņ’-èπ◊-†oN 鬢√-©E °æô’d-•-ôdúøç. yesterday. For nearly two hours the went hunting =
Srikanth: No, fortunately. When I asked him power went off in the shop and -ü¿’-≠æuç-ûª’-úø’ ¢Ëôèπ◊ ¢ÁRx-†-°æ¤púø’ ¨¡èπ◊ç-ûª©†’ ؈’ leader í¬ áEo-éπ-´ôç Çߪ’-†èπ◊ ®Ω’*ç-îª-
that delayed things.
of the type of clothes and other éπ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊-Ø√oúø’. ™‰ü¿’.
b) Others using his bike doesn't go well
things we have to give him, he (E†o -¢Ë’ç -î√-™« Å©-Æœ-§Úߪ÷ç. È®çúø’ 2) Go/ Goes = àü¿-®·Ø√ °∂æ®Ω-¢√-™‰ü¿’.
í∫çô©§ƒô’ shop -™ current ™‰ü¿’. with him =
wasn't that particular. I understand a) Jagdish: Will this shirt be ok for the
that any thing goes with him. Åçü¿’-´©x Ç©-Ææu-¢Á’içC.) function? Éûª-®Ω’-©’ -Å-ûª-úÕ bike -¢√-úø-ôç -Å-ûª-úÕéÀ †îªaü¿’.
(Åü¿%-≠d-´æ -¨»ûª÷h ™‰ü¿’. ¢Ë’ç É¢√y-Lq† Suhrid: OK. So you haven't completed the (function shirt
èπ◊ Ñ ¶«´¤ç-ô’çü∆?) c) I avoided suggesting this to him,
shopping. When do you expect to Naresh: Don't worry what you wear. Any because it doesn't go well with him =
•ôd©’, Éûª®Ω ´Ææ’h-´¤©÷ à ®Ωéπ-¢Á’i-†N
complete it? thing goes. Åûª-EéÀ Ææ÷*ç-îªôç ´÷†’-èπ◊-Ø√o†’, Åûª-EéÀ
鬢√-©E ÅûªEo ÅúÕ-T-†-°æ¤púø’, Åûª-†çûª
(OK. Å®·ûË †’´¤y shopping ( àç ¢ËÆæ’èπ◊ç-ô’Ø√o´ØË N≠æߪ’ç í∫’-Jç-* Ææ÷ ®Ω’*ç-îª-ü¿E ûÁ©’Ææ’ é¬•öÀd.
°æöÀdç°æ¤™‰ü¿-Ø√oúø’. Ç N≠æ-ߪ’ç™ Åûª-E-Íé-
5) The power went off - ÉC go off èπ◊ past
ü¿®·Ø√ °∂æ®√y-™‰-ü¿E ņ’-éÌç-ô’-Ø√o†’.) °æ‹JhîËߪ’-™‰-ü¿†o´÷ô. á°æ¤púø’ Çü¿’-®√l-°æ-úøèπ◊. àü¿-®·Ø√ °∂æ®Ω-¢√-™‰ü¿’.)
°æ‹JhîËߪ÷-©-†’-èπ◊ç-ô’-Ø√o´¤?) b) Anything goes in Indian politics = tense éπü∆ – ÇT-§Ú-®·ç-ü¿E -Å®Ωnç/ (lights)
Particular = äéπ N≠æ-ߪ’ç™ °æöÀdç-°æ¤í¬
Srikanth: If things go well, I suppose it should ¶µ«®Ωûª ®√ï-éÃ-ߪ÷-©™ àü¿-®·Ø√ °∂æ®Ω-¢√-™‰ü¿’
Öçúøôç. be complete by the weekend.
Dad is particular that I do Engineering =
(Åçõ‰ àç îËÆœØ√ îÁ©’x-ûª’çC ÅØË Å®ΩnçûÓ). The lights went off when the doctor was
(ÅFo Ææ´uçí¬ ïJ-TûË Ñ ¢√®√ç-û√-E- Whatever he does goes= examining the patient =
؈’ Engineering îªü¿-¢√-©E Ø√†o °æô’d- éπ-™«x -Å-®·-§Ú-¢√L.)
Suhrid: All the best.
-Å-ûª-úËç îËÆœØ√ îÁ©’x-ûª’çC. ®ÓTE doctor °æK-éÀ~-Ææ’h†o°æ¤úø’ lights
ü¿-©í¬ ÖØ√oúø’. 3) Going by = ü∆E v°æé¬-®Ωç/ -ü∆Eo•öÀd îª÷ÊÆh. ÉC
Any thing goes = àüÁjØ√ ÆæJ-§Ú--ûª’çC. ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ conversation ™ î√-™« ûª®Ω-îª’í¬ N†-°æ-úø’-ûª’çC. ÇJ-§Ú-ߪ÷®·.

-v°æ-¨¡o: 1. enter, enter in, enter into © -¢√éπu -ï-¢√-•’: b) They entered his name in the list of criminals =
ØË®Ω-Ææ’h© ñ«G-û√™ ÅûªEo îË®√a®Ω’.
-v°æ-ßÁ÷í¬-© í∫’-Jç-* N´-Jç-îª-í∫-©®Ω’. 1. enter = v°æ¢Ë-Pç-îªôç. äéπ Ææn©ç-™éÀ v°æ¢Ë-Pç-îªôç = enter a place.
2. A hacksaw is used to cut soft metal rods or 2. A hacksaw, the hacksaw - Ñ È®ç-úÕçöÀéÃ Ñ Ææçü¿-®Ωs¥ç™ Å®Ωnç™
She entered the room and found her friend there =
strips The hacksaw is used to cut soft
éÀ, ûËú≈ à癉ü¿’.
metal rods or strips éÀ -´’-üµ¿u ¶µ‰-ü¿-¢Ë’-N’-öÀ? Ç¢Á’ í∫C-™-EéÀ v°æ¢Ë-Pç*, ûª† friend †’ îª÷ÆœçC. (The hacksaw ņo-°æ¤púø’ ÅEo hacksaws ÅF, A hacksaw
3. VIII class social studies ™ -ã-îÓ-ô Ñ Nüµ¿çí¬
äéπ Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™éÀ / ä°æpç-ü¿ç-™EéÀ Cí∫ôç– enter into. ņo-°æ¤púø’, à hacksaw Å®·Ø√ ÅF Å®√n©’ ´≤ƒh®·.)
a) She entered into a conversation with her neighbour =
ÖçC. 3. Ñ ¢√é¬u-Eo -à -Å®Ωnç-™  -Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-Tç-î √®Ω-ØË-C -í∫-´’-Eç-îª-úøç -´·-êuç.
The educated class understood the British ûª† §Ò®Ω’-í¬-N-úøûÓ Ç¢Á’ Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù-™éÀ CTçC. ¢√∞¡Ÿx ≤ƒyûªçvûªuç (liberty), Ææ´÷-†ûªyç (equality), ≤˘v¶µ«-vûªç (≤Úü¿-
political institutions and came to know how the b) They entered into an argument with the shop keeper = ®Ω-¶µ«´ç– fraternity) ņ’¶µºN-Ææ’h-Ø√o-®ΩE Nü∆u-Cµ-èπ◊©’ í∫´’-Eç-î√-®ΩE
British people enjoyed liberty, equality and fraternity in their shop
¢√∞«x Åûª-EûÓ ¢√ü¿ç-™éÀ Cí¬®Ω’. ¶µ«´ç Å®·ûË text book ™ Ö†o enjoyed correct. Åç-õ‰ ¢√∞¡x-N
country . Ñ ¢√é¬u-Eo éÀçC Nüµ¿çí¬ (O’®Ω’ îÁ°œp† rules v°æ鬮Ωç) c) They entered into an agreement = ä°æpçü¿ç èπ◊ü¿’-®Ω’a-èπ◊-Ø√o®Ω’. Å-†’--¶µº-Nç-îªúøç O∞¡Ÿx ví∫£œ«ç-îªôç äéπ-°æ¤púË ïJí¬ßª’ØË Å®ΩnçûÓ Ñ
®√ߪ’-™‰´÷? Å®Ωn¢Ë’ correct.
enter Åçõ‰ ÉçéÓ Å®Ωnç Ê°®Ω’x, úø•’s ™«çöÀN list, registers/
The educated class understood the British political institutions
and came to know how the British had enjoyed liberty, equality accounts ™éÀ áéÀ\ç-îªôç. Å™«-é¬-èπ◊çú≈ ¢√∞¡xN á°æ¤púÓ Å†’-¶µº-Nç-*† ûª®√yûª O∞¡Ÿx ü∆EE ví∫£œ«ç-
and fraternity in their country. a) The clerk entered the amount in the accounts book = î√-®ΩE ¶µ«´ç Å®·ûË had enjoyed ¢√ú≈L. é¬E Ééπ\úø ÉC-é¬ü¿’
– -ߪ·.®Ω-N π◊-´÷®˝, -úÕ-î˝°æ-Lx. Ç ¢Á·û√hEo ™„éπ\© °æ¤Ææh-éπç-™-éÀ áéÀ\ç-î√úø’. ¶µ«´ç (Text book ™). 鬕öÀd text book correct.

Spoken English -§ƒ-ûª -¢√u≤ƒ-©éÓÆæç -éÀxé˙ -îË-ߪ’ç-úÕ.. URL:

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