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Dear ________________

Respected Colleagues,
It is requested that some segment of your precious free time is required for an
interview on the subject mentioned thesis. This is the mandatory requirement of my
Eecutive!".#.$ degree with speciali%ation of &R" from 'reston (niversity,
)ahore. This research is being carried out under the supervision of "ohtram *r.
"uhammad $amir &ashmi +'h*, 'ost *oc,, 'rofessor at 'unjab (niversity, )ahore.
This questionnaire has been designed to measure the degree of stress - troubles in
education field especially for the teachers of primary - secondary level of education
and its environment. It also calculate the s.ills those manage all these
stresses faced during respectable divine serving for the nation as a Teacher /the role
model for future generation0 as a part of private sector 1R2$3$I4$TI13 - it5s E36IR13"E3T especially in the society of gender discrimination. These
results will certainly bring out the enlighten guidelines for the female section of
teachers community. The conclusions of this thesis will also prove a source of
feedbac. for the teaching organi%ations to ta.e the concrete steps to improve the
decline condition of teachers directly and its impacts on the society - education
indirectly. $s a female Teacher your fair and epert feedbac. will ma.e this research
very successful one for all the community on this noble cause.
7indly, fill up the enclosed questionnaire and return the same for discussion.
I assure you that the response on the questionnaire will be .ept most confidential and will not
be used for any other purpose, ecept this research.
Than.s and Regards,
Your S!"#ere$%&
C$a Tea#'er o( Gra)e-*
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About the Teacher Well-Being Ready Reckoner
This questionnaire may be used by DAR-E-ARQAM school representatives or
safety representatives who are assisting DAR-E-ARQAM members
eperiencing stress! or who wish to survey members in their school to
ascertain the etent of wor"place stress being suffered# $t may elicit data
which could prompt a full stress ris" assessment% or it may simply serve as
Teacher Well-Being Ready Reckoner
a rough guide for individual members who wish to gauge the etent to
which they may be enduring stress-related symptoms#
&igher scores are suggestive of greater levels of well-being amongst
sub'ects of the questionnaire! whilst lower totals tend to indicate elevated
degrees of stress(poor mental health# )lease note that a score of *++ or
more does not necessarily indicate the absence of a problem# $t is
important to see" DAR-E-ARQAM advice wherever evidence of stress
emerges , the earlier it is tac"led! the easier it is to put right#
Instructions: For each of the following questions, enter the number
matching the description which most closely represents how you feel.
1 = Not at all 2 = Not much 3 = Sometimes = !ostly " = #ery
much so
*- Do you feel able to concentrate on what you are doing at school. *# /#
/- Do you feel that you are playing a useful part in school life. 0# 1#
0- Do you feel capable of ma"ing decisions at school. 2# 3#
1- Do you feel generally relaed in your school life. 4# 5#
2- Do you feel that most problems you encounter at school can be
6# *+#
3- Do you generally manage to "eep your sense of humour. **# */#
4- Do you feel happy at wor"! all things considered. *0# *1#
5- Are you sleeping well. *2# *3#
6- Are you eating well. *4# *5#
*+- Do you cope well with changes to your 'ob. *6# /+#
**- Do you usually "eep things in proportion. /*# //#
*/- Do you have a reasonable amount of energy. /0# /1#
*0- Do you feel in control of your 'ob. /2# /3#
*1- Do you feel you are coping well in the classroom. /4# /5#
*2- Do you receive appropriate support when you need it. /6# 0+#
*3- Do you get on well with your pupils. 0*# 0/#
*4- Do you get on well with your colleagues. 00# 01#
9?, Do you get on well with your principles(directors(managers. 02# 03#
*6- Do you feel free from the threat of bullying(harassment at
04# 05#
/+- Do you en'oy a reasonable degree of autonomy! unaffected by
ecessive monitoring regimes.
06# 1+#
/*- Do you manage to leave wor" 7on time8 fairly regularly. 1*# 1/#
//- Do you find your 'ob satisfying and fulfilling. 10# 11#
/0- Do you have a life outside wor". 12# 13#
/1- Do you intend to remain in teaching for the foreseeable future. 14# 15#
/2- Do you loo" forward to returning to school after a wee"end or
16# 2+#
9ow add up your score#
QUESTIONIRE PART- 2: The Teacher Stress Survey
$nstructions: Ran" the following statements from * to 2 :
*; <trongly disagree! / ; Disagree! 0 ; Ambivalent! 1 ; Agree! 2 ; <trongly Agree
DEMANDS * / 0 1 2
1 My physical wor"ing conditions are acceptable
! =ur rest facilities are shoddy and dispiriting
" My total wor"ing hours are acceptable
# There are too many after school meetings
$ >nreasonable deadlines and time pressures are
often imposed on me
% =fsted(Estyn inspections cause me ecessive pressure
& The balance between wor" and home life is about right
' The school values the time we put in at home
( $ am able to ta"e a proper brea" during the school day
1)?esson planning requirements are over-burdensome
*+NTR+, * / 0 1 2
11$ have opportunities to epress my ideas and points of
1!$ have to neglect some tas"s because $ have too
much to do#
1"There is too much classroom observation#
1#$ am encouraged to use my s"ills and initiative to do
my wor"#
S-..+RT * / 0 1 2
1$$ receive appropriate training
1%$ do not have enough support in dealing with
bureaucratic paperwor"
1&My managers are supportive
1'$ regularly receive positive feedbac" on my wor"
1(There are too few support staff in the school
!)The school benefits from effective leadership
RE,AT/+NS0/.S * / 0 1 2
!1$ have a good relationship with my line manager
!!$ get on well with colleagues
!"Management promotes positive behaviours at wor" to
avoid conflict and ensure fairness in the wor"place
!#<taff are afraid to complain in case they are 7pic"ed on8
!$$ regularly have to deal with disruptive pupils
!%$ have to deal with violent pupils
!&$ am concerned about violence from aggressive parents
R+,E * / 0 1 2
!'$8m clear about what is epected of me at wor"
!(My s"ills are well-used
")$ feel valued in my role
*0AN1E * / 0 1 2
"1$ find it difficult to cope with the pace of
organisational or curriculum change
"!$ find the introduction of new initiatives
""There is full staff consultation when any significant
change is proposed
"#@hanges are accompanied by appropriate
support and training! where necessary
)lease list any issues causing wor" related stress which are not addressed in the
questions above:
Than" you for ta"ing the time to complete this survey#

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