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The Media Art & Design Society (hereafter referred to as MAD) is committed to
helping students gain access to the Media Industry through Student Training,
access to discounts and a pledge to helping the members contribute to each
other by providing a sociable platform for communal critique and advice. MAD
will work very closely with the Media Communications and Culture Department
(hereafter referred to as MCC) of Keele University to help provide opportunities
and further benefits to the society members.

MAD will have more than one type of membership, in recognition of students
varying circumstances. Studying Media at Keele University is not a requirement
to join.

To be a full MAD Society member, KUSU Membership is required. Full Members
have the right to vote, attend committee meetings and benefit from the offers
and opportunities given to the membership of MAD.

To be an Associate Member, the student must have served at least one full
semester as a KUSU member. Associate Members do not have the right to vote,
though they do have the right to benefit from all the MAD’s offers.

To be a Lifetime member, you must either have been a founding committee
member, or completed a year’s term of Presidency. Lifetime membership can be
awarded to any member of the society, but must first be discussed with the
committee and voted upon.


To be a member of MAD’s Executive Committee, the society must elect the
person to be allocated the role. The differing roles are listed below, with their job

The President is the general manager of the society, and must ensure that all
actions decided upon as a committee are to benefit the society as a whole. The
President acts as ‘Chair’ to all committee meetings unless they have made
provisions for an Acting Chair. Further duties include, liaising with MCC, settling
disputes democratically and ensuring the society is run in a democratic manner.
The President is legally responsible for the society.
The Treasurer is the financial advisor of the committee. The key role is to
maintain the society’s bank balance and ensure its financial safety. The treasurer
is also to seek and secure funds to help provide services and opportunities to
MAD members. The Treasurer is legally responsible for the society.

The Secretary is to minute each committee meeting. These minutes are to be
made available online to all committee members, and to be archived in a safe
way. The Secretary is legally responsible for the Society.

Advertisement & Design Co-ordinator

The Advertisement & Design Co-ordinator is to produce when necessary
promotional materials to be used online and on paper. The Advertisement &
Design Co-ordinator is also to aid the Editor in producing publications for MAD.
The Advertisement & Design Co-ordinator is to discuss ideas of long-term
imagery such as Logo’s, T-shirt Designs and other longstanding designs with the
committee before they are decided upon.

The Editor will be the primary source of publications and is responsible for
keeping a regular update being sent to the members. The Editor is to send
choice articles into the KUSU Newspaper/Newsletter with content decided upon
with the committee.

The Webmaster/Webmistress is to maintain online communications with the
members, and provide as many online services as possible, such as using key
social networking websites, providing online forums and websites. The
Webmaster is required to pass on all important information such as passwords,
usernames and web addresses to their successor.

MAD Executive Committee Elections will happen every third week of February.
Committee members intending to run for the Elections themselves are strictly
forbidden from being involved in the Election process.

Elections must be announced three weeks prior to the date of the elections. After
the initial announcement, the Executive Committee are required to do the

– Regularly advertise the Elections, and the final date of Nominations.

– The Constitutional definitions of each committee role are to be made
– No new members may sign up on the day of the elections.
– Ensure that only Full Members or Lifetime Members vote.
– Take record of those nominating themselves for the elections.
– Voting must take place at a Society gathering, using a Ballot Box.
– To ensure accurate and fair voting at minimum, two committee members
must count the votes.

Under the circumstances of a Committee member quitting their position before

completing a full term, a bi-election must be held. Bi-elections require only 1
week notice to the membership. However, the same rules apply as for the annual


Members may use the following content in only one URL.

250 words. 1 2minute video. 1 unedited photograph and 1 Poster design (A4).

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