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In this project Encryption is the conversion of data into a form, called a
cipher text that cannot be easily understood by unauthorized people. Decryption is the
process of converting encrypted data back into its original form, so it can be understood.
The use of encryptiondecryption is as old as the art of communication. In !artime, a
cipher, often incorrectly called a "code," can be employed to keep the enemy from obtaining
the contents of transmissions. #Technically, a code is a means of representing a signal !ithout
the intent of keeping it secret$ examples are %orse code and &'(II.) 'imple ciphers include
the substitution of letters for numbers, the rotation of letters in the alphabet, and the
"scrambling" of voice signals by inverting the sideband fre*uencies. %ore complex ciphers
!ork according to sophisticated computer a algorithm that rearranges the data bits in digital
In order to easily recover the contents of an encrypted signal, the correct decryption
key is re*uired. The key is an algorithm that "undoes" the !ork of the encryption algorithm.
&lternatively, a computer can be used in an attempt to "break" the cipher. The more complex
the encryption algorithm, the more difficult it becomes to eavesdrop on the communications
!ithout access to the key.
Encryptiondecryption is especially important in !ireless communications. This is
because !ireless circuits are easier to "tap" than their hard+!ired counterparts. ,evertheless,
encryptiondecryption is a good idea !hen carrying out any kind of sensitive transaction,
such as a credit+card purchase online, or the discussion of a company secret bet!een different
departments in the organization. The stronger the cipher - that is, the harder it is for
unauthorized people to break it - the better, in general. .o!ever, as the strength of
encryptiondecryption increases, so does the cost.
In recent years, a controversy has arisen over so+called strong encryption. This refers
to ciphers that are essentially unbreakable !ithout the decryption keys. 0hile most
companies and their customers vie! it as a means of keeping secrets and minimizing fraud,
some government1s vie! strong encryption as a potential vehicle by !hich terrorists might
evade authorities.
Decryption keys !ould be stored in a supposedly secure place, used only by
authorities, and used only if backed up by a court order. 2pponents of this scheme argue that
criminals could hack into the key+escro! database and illegally obtain, steal, or alter the
1.1 Objection of the project:
In 2rder to be able to define our system architecture, !e must first dearly
state !hat our objective that !ill deriver system behavior at the same one of our
objective is to create an experience, !hich is not only uni*ue to the #user) client, but
also makes him feel that he has loyal attachment to the system and approaches us
!henever heshe needs.
To achieve better results and success by implement computerized process
instead of manual process.
1.2 o!"#e$ %n! their De$cription
1. A!&in
The #o'in &o!"#e con$i$t$ of "$ern%&e %n! p%$$(or!.Thi$ proce$$ i$ for
%"theni$%tion.The "$ern%&e %n! p%$$(or! i$ c"rrect it i$ #in) into
ne*tp%'e.Thi$ proce$$ i$ !one in #o'in.
2. S+&&etric ,e+
AES A#'orith&
RC- A#'orith&
Trip#e DES A#'orith&
.. P"b#ic ,e+
RSA A#'orith&
S+&&etric ,e+
AES /A!0%nce! Encr+ption St%n!%r!)
In cryptography, the &dvanced Encryption 'tandard #&E') is a symmetric+key
encryption standard adopted by the 4.'. government. The standard comprises three block
ciphers, &E'+/35, &E'+/63 and &E'+378, adopted from a larger collection originally
published as 9ijndael. Each of these ciphers has a /35+bit block size, !ith key sizes of /35,
/63 and 378 bits, respectively.
&E' !as announced by ,ational Institute of 'tandards and Technology #,I'T) as 4.'.
:I;' ;4< /6= #:I;' /6=) on ,ovember 38, 3>>/ after a 7+year standardization process in
!hich fifteen competing designs !ere presented and evaluated before 9ijndael !as selected
as the most suitable #see &dvanced Encryption 'tandard process for more details). It became
effective as a :ederal government standard on %ay 38, 3>>3 after approval by the 'ecretary
of (ommerce.
The 9ijndael cipher !as developed by t!o <elgian cryptographers, ?oan Daemen
and @incent 9ijmen, and submitted by them to the &E' selection process.ABC 9ijndael #Dutch
pronunciationD A r inda lCA7C) is a !ordplay based upon the names of the t!o inventors.
RC- Encr+ption A#'orith&
The security of data has become a recurrent topic in computer science. I think all
soft!are developers in their careers have to study that topic. I al!ays keep informed about
that, and I apply various kinds of algorithms into the several applications customers ask me to
9(B is a stream cipher symmetric key algorithm. It !as developed in /65= by 9onald
9ivest and kept as a trade secret by 9'& Data 'ecurity. 2n 'eptember 6, /66B, the 9(B
9(B uses a variable length key from / to 378 bytes to initialize a 378+byte state table.
The state table is used for subse*uent generation of pseudo+random bytes and then to
generate a pseudo+random stream !hich is F29+end !ith the plaintext to give the cipher
text. Each element in the state table is s!apped at least once.
The 9(B key is often limited to B> bits, because of export restrictions but it is
sometimes used as a /35 bit key. It has the capability of using keys bet!een / and 3>B5 bits.
9(B is used in many commercial soft!are packages such as Gotus ,otes and 2racle 'ecure
'HG. It is also part of the (ellular 'pecification.
The 9(B algorithm !orks in t!o phasesD
/. Iey 'etup
3. (iphering.
,e+ $et"p
Iey setup is the first and most difficult phase of this algorithm. During a ,+bit key
setup #, being your key length), the encryption key is used to generate an encrypting variable
using t!o arrays, state and key, and ,+number of mixing operations.
In the attached project you can see ho! I do it in the EncryptionIey set property
2nce the encrypting variable is produced from the key setup, it enters the ciphering phase,
!here it is F29+ed !ith the plain text message to create an encrypted message. If the bits are
the same, the result is >. 2nce the receiver gets the encrypted message, he decrypts it by
F29+ing the encrypted message !ith the same encrypting variable.In the attached project
you can see ho! I do it in the 9(BEngine classD
EncryptD encript method
DecryptD decript method
I !ant to remark that the cripted message comes decrypted using the algorithm used in the
encryption phase.
Trip#e DES:
Triple DE' is simply another mode of DE' operation. It takes three 8B+bit keys, for
an overall key length of /63 bits. In ;rivate Encryptor, you simply type in the entire /63+bit
#3B character) . The Triple DE' DGG then breaks the user provided key into three subkeys,
padding the keys if necessary so they are each 8B bits long. The procedure for encryption is
exactly the same as regular DE', but it is repeated three times key.
(onse*uently, Triple DE' runs three times slo!er than standard DE', but is much
more secure if used properly. The procedure for decrypting something is the same as the
procedure for encryption, except it is executed in reverse. Gike DE', data is encrypted and
decrypted in 8B+bit chunks. 4nfortunately, there are some !eak keys that one should be
a!are ofD if all three keys, the first and second keys, or the second and third keys are the
same, then the encryption procedure is essentially the same as standard DE'.. ,ote that
although the input key for DE' is 8B bits long, the actual key used by DE' is only 78 bits in
length. These parity bits are ignored, so only the seven most significant bits of each byte are
used, resulting in a key length of 78 bits. This means that the effective key strength for Triple
DE' is actually /85 bits because each of the three keys contains 5 parity bits that are not used
during the encryption process.
P"b#ic ,e+
RSA A#'orith&
The 9'& algorithm is named after 9on 9ivest, &di 'hamir and Gen &dleman, !ho
invented it in /6== A9I@E=5C. The basic techni*ue !as first discovered in /6=E by (lifford
(ocks A(2(I=EC of (E'J #part of the <ritish J(.H) but this !as a secret until /66=. The
patent taken out by 9'& Gabs has expired.
The 9'& algorithm can be used for both public key encryption and digital signatures.
Its security is based on the difficulty of factoring large integers.
Iey Jeneration &lgorithm
/. Jenerate t!o large random primes, p and *, of approximately e*ual size such that their
product n K p* is of the re*uired bit length, e.g. />3B bits. A'ee note /C.*
3. (ompute n K p* and #L) phi K #p+/)#*+/).
E. (hoose an integer e, / M e M phi, such that gcd #e, phi) K /. A'ee note 3C.
B. (ompute the secret exponent d, / M d M phi, such that Ed N / #mod phi). A'ee note EC.
7. The public key is #n, e) and the private key is #n, d). Ieep all the values d, p, * and phi
n is kno!n as the modulus.
e is kno!n as the public exponent or encryption exponent or just the exponent.
d is kno!n as the secret exponent or decryption exponent.
'ender & does the follo!ingD+
2btains the recipient <Os public key #n, e).
9epresents the plaintext message as a positive integer m Asee note BC.
(omputes the ciphertext c K me mod n.
'ends the ciphertext c to <.
9ecipient < does the follo!ingD+
4ses his private key #n, d) to compute m K cd mod n.
Extracts the plaintext from the message representative m.
Si'n%t"re 0erific%tion
9ecipient < does the follo!ingD+
4ses sender &Os public key #n, e) to compute integer v K se mod n.
Extracts the message digest from this integer.
Independently computes the message digest of the information that has been signed.
If both message digests are identical, the signature is valid.

This chapter discusses about that time schedule for the project and it contains the various
phases of the project.
The 6%rio"$ Ph%$e$ of the Project:
1 Re7"ire&ent Specific%tion
18 D%+9$
Re7"ire&ent !oc"&ent
$pecific%tion 18 D%+9$
. De$i'n %n%#+$i$
28 D%+9$
- De$i'n Doc"&ent%tion
1: D%+9$
: De$i'n Re0ie(
28 D%+9$
; Co!in'
1: D%+9$
<8 D%+9$

In the existing system, the encrypted key is send !ith the document . If the key is send
!ith document, any user can vie! the encrypted document !ith that key. It means the
security provided for the encryption is not handled properly.
&nd also the Iey byte #encrypted key) generate !ith random byte. 0ithout the user
interaction the Iey byte is generated.
'ome of the dra!backs areD
/. Gack of security
3. Iey byte is generated !ithout user interaction
To overcome all the problems in the existing system, !e develop an PEncr+ption
3Sec"re Co&&"nic%tion U$in' P"b#ic ,e+ %n! $+&&etric )e+@ to ease the operation.
& system is re*uired !hich is being capable of elimination all the problems and
become useful to users and thus the ne! system is derived. .ere, 4ser can set the byte of key

/. 'ecurity is enhanced in !ell manner.
3. 4sers set the byte key manually.
'oft!are 9e*uirements 'pecification #'9') is the starting point of the soft!are
development activity. Gittle importance !as given to this phases in the e%r#+ days of soft!are
development. The emphasis !as first on coding and then shifted to design.
&s systems gre! more complex, it become evident that the goal of the entire system
cannot be easily comprehended. .ence need for the re*uirements analysis phase arose. ,o!,
for large soft!are systems, re*uirements analysis is perhaps the most difficult activity and
also the most error prone.
'ome of the difficulty is due to the scope of this phase. The soft!are project is
imitated by the client needs. In the beginning these needs are in the minds of various people
in the client organization. The re*uirement analyst has to identify the re*uirements by tacking
to these people and understanding their needs. In situations !here the soft!are is to
automated a currently manuals process, most of the needs can be understood by observing the
current practice.
The '9' is a means of translating the ideas in the minds of the clients #the output)
into formal document #the output of the re*uirements phase). Thus the output of the phase is
a set of formally specified re*uirements, !hich hopefully are complete and consistent, !hile
the input has none of these properties.
-.1 4"nction%# Re7"ire&ent$
-.2 Perfor&%nce Re7"ire&ent$
S+&&etric ,e+
P"b#ic ,e+
Trip#e DES
The project must the end user re*uirements. &ccuracy and fast must be imposed in the
The project is development as easy as possible for the sake of end user. The project
has to be developed !ith vie! of satisfying the future re*uirements and future enhancement.
The tool has been finally implemented satisfying the needs specified by the company.
&s per the performance is concerned this system said is performing This processing as !ell
as tine taken to generate !ell reports !here also even !hen large amount of data !as used.
-.. Interf%ce re7"ire&ent$
-...1 H%r!(%re Interf%ce
The stranded input device like keyboard and mouse are to get input. The output !ill
be generated and display in the monitor. The reports can also be exported to a 'HG+server
document are text file. The stranded printer in used to take outputs.
-...2 Soft(%re Interf%ce
The design part and interface id done the front end &';.,et and 'HG server as a
backend of the project.
-.- Oper%tion%# re7"ire&ent$
The database or databases that are being failed over to the stand by server cannot be
used for anything else. <ut databases on the standby server not being used for failover can
still be used normally.
0hen it comes time for actual failover, you much one of t!o things to make your
application !ork either rename the standby server the same name as the failed production
server#and the I; address),or re+point your user1s applications to ne! standby server in some
cases,neither of this option is practical.
-.: Re$o"rce Re7"ire&ent$
-.:.1 H%r!(%re Re7"ire&ent$
;92(E''29 D ;E,TI4% III 588 %.z
9&% D /35 %D 'D 9&%
%2,IT29 D /7Q (2G29
.&9D DI'I D 3> J<
:G2;;R D9I@E D /.BB %<
(D D9I@E D GJ 73F
IER<2&9D D 'T&,D&9D />3 IER'
%24'E D E <4TT2,'
-.:.2 Soft(%re Re7"ire&ent$
2;E9&TI,J 'R'TE% D 0indo!s F; ;rofessional
E,@I92,%E,T D @isual 'tudio .,ET 3>>5
.,ET :9&%E029I D @ersion E.7
G&,J4&JE D (S.,ET
0E< TE(.,2G2JR D &';.,ET
<&(IE,D D 'HG 'E9@E9 3>>7
-.; Sec"rit+ Re7"ire&ent$
0eb application are available via net!ork access, it is a difficult. If not possible, to
limit the population of the end+user !ho may access the applicationsT In order to product
sensitive connect and provide secure mode be implemented throughout the infrastructure
that the supports !eb application and !ithin the application itself.
0eb &pplication have become heavy integrated !ith critical corporate and database.
E+commerce application extracts and then store sensitive customer information.
-.B De$i'n Re7"ire&ent$
To create project, add base masters and masters to the project, assign
behaviors to the master, create and assign behavior sets, and then apply, test and validate
those behaviors. It also sho!s ho! to create and build a stencil to hold the shapes.
-.C ="%#it+ %n! Re#i%bi#it+ Re7"ire&ent$
& soft!are component that is developed for reuse !ould be correct and contain no
defects. In reality, formal verification is not carried out routinely, and defects can add to
occur..o!ever, !ith each reuse, defects are found eliminated, and a components *ualify
improve as a result. 2ver time the components virtually defect free.
'oft!are reliability is defined in statical term asQ the probability of faultier+free
operation of a computer program in a specified environment for specified tineQ. The soft!are
*uality and reliability, failure is nonconformance to soft!are re*uirements. :ailure can be
only anything or catastrophic. 2ne failure can be corrected !ithin seconds !hile another
re*uirements !eek even mouths to correct. (omplicating the issue even further, the
correction of the one failure may in fact result in the introduction of the errors that ultimately
result in other failure.
0eb (orrect link processing
&pplication 9eliability Error recovery
Huality Input validation and recovery
In this section discussed about data flo! diagram, Entity relationship diagram. These
things are represented as diagrams !ith proper notation.
:.1 D%t% 4#o( Di%'r%&
The data flo! diagram is one of the most improvement tools used by the system
analyst De%acro #/6=5) ,ad Jand 'arson #/6=6) popularized the use if the data flo!
diagram as modeling tools through their structured system analysis methodologies.
& data flo! diagram should be the first tool used by system analyst to model system
components. These components are the system processes$ the data used by this processes and
external entities that interact !ith the system and the information flo!s in the system.
There are four kinds of system components
:.1.1. Proce$$
;rocess sho! !hat system does. Each process has one or more data inputs and
produce one or more data output, (ircles in a data flo! diagram represent process. Each
process has uni*ue name and number. This name and number appear inside the circle that
represents the processes in a data flo! diagram.
This process is represented as circle
:.1.2. D%t% Store$:
:ile or data store is depositary of data. They contain data that is retained in
the system. ;rocesses can enter the data into a data store or retrieve data from the data store.
Each data store is represented by thin line in the data flo! diagram and each data store has a
uni*ue name.
The data store is represented in form of a line
:.1.. E*tern%# Entitie$:
External entities are outside the system but they either supply input data into
the system or use the system output, they are entities !hich the designer has no control.
'*uare or rectangle may represent external entities that supply data into a system or
sometimes called sources. External entities that use the system data are sometimes called
:.1.- D%t% 4#o($:
Dataflo! model the passage of data in the system and are represented lines joining
system components. &n arro! indicates the direction of the flo! and the line labeled by the
name of the data flo!.
S+&&etric ,e+
Trip#e DES
Encryption Decryption
'etting Encryption Decryption
'alt @alue .ash
Iey 'ize
Encryption Decryption
P"b#ic ,e+
Encryption Decryption Iey ;air
;ublic Iey ;rivate Iey
:.2 ER Di%'r%&
S+&&etric ,e+
P"b#ic ,e+
Trip#e DES
:.. U$e C%$e Di%'r%&
Enter Encrypt Text
'elect Encrypt Text
'etup a &lgorithm
Encrypt the Text
'elect a &lgorithm
@ie! Encrypt Text
'elect Decryption Text
'etup a &lgorithm
Decrypt the Text
'elect a &lgorithm
@ie! 2utput Text :ile
'elect the Iey :ile
;roblem &nalysisD
:ront+end &
<ack+endD 'HG 'erver
(ode behindD (
,et!orking DesignD
Internet Explorer 8.>
Testing Docume
(omplete (ertificate ;rogrammer Training
:.- Soft(%re 1ife C+c#e
Input design is the process of converting user+originated inputs to a computer+based
format. Input design is one of the most expensive phases of the operation of computerized
system and is often the major problem of a system.
In the project, the input design is made in various !indo! forms !ith
various methods. This project consist of Encryption is the conversion of data into a form,
called a cipher text, that cannot be easily understood by unauthorized people. Decryption is
the process of converting encrypted data back into its original form, so it can be understood.

2utput design generally refers to the results and information that are generated by
the system for many end+users$ output is the main reason for developing the system and the
basis on !hich they evaluate the usefulness of the application. In any system, the output
design determines the input to be given to the application.
The 2D<( #2pen Database (onnectivity) interface is a pure .,ET to execute
'Hl statement. The 2D<( provides a set classes and interfaces that can be used by
developers to !rite database applications. <asic 2D<( interactions in its simplest
form, can be broken do!n into four stepsD
/. 2pen a connection to the database.
3. Execute a 'HG statement
E. ;rocess the result
B. (lose the connection to the database
;.-.1 Nor&%#iD%tion:
,ormalization is the process of strutting relational database schema such that most
ambiguity is removed. The stage of normalization are referred to as forms and progress from
the least restrictive#first normal form)through the most restrictive#:ifth normal form),
generally , most database designers do not attempt to implement anything higher then normal
form of <oyce code ,ormal :orm.
;.-.1.14IRST NORA1 4OR D
& relation is said to be in :irst normal form #I,:) if and each attributed of the relation
is atomic. %ore simply, to be I,:, each column must contain only a single value and each
no! contain in the same column.
;.-.1.2 SECOND NORA1 4OR:
In the 'econd normal :orm, a relation must first fulfill the re*uirement to be in first
,ormal :orm. &dditional, each donkey attribute in the relation must be functionality
dependent upon the primary key.
;.-.1.. THIRD NORA1 4OR:
& table is said to be in third normal form and every non key attribute is functionality
dependent only on the primary key. This normalization process is applied to this system and
the normalized tables are given in the above section.
A!&in 1o'in T%b#e
;.-.2 D%t%b%$e De$i'n:
The database design is a must for any application developed especially more
for the data store projects. 'ince the chatting method involves storing the message in
the table and produced to the sender and receiver, proper handling of the table is a
In the project, login table is designed to be uni*ue in accepting the username
and the length of the username and pass!ord should be greater than zero
The complete listing of the tables and their fields are provided in the annexure
under the title UTable 'tructure1.
(S is one of the families of languages %icrosoft has designed to be part of its .,ET
frame!ork. This paper gives a comprehensive introduction to (S, but before !e start it is
necessary to outline some of the .,ET concepts that !ill underpin the discussion in this
(S is part of the .,ET (ommon Ganguage Infrastructure #(GI). The (GI is a
frame!ork that enables the multiple .,ET languages to talk to each other, and is specifically
designed for strongly type1s languages.
The (GI is comprised of the (ommon Intermediate Ganguage #(IG) - a common
machine independent language into !hich all .,ET applications are PcompiledQ, the
(ommon Type 'ystem #(T') - a set of types that can be used interchangeably bet!een
the .,ET languages and the @irtual Execution 'ystem #@E') - !hich just+in+time compiles
the (IG into native assembly code. The complete set of rules that enable all .,ET language to
talk to each other is called the (ommon Ganguage 'ystem #(G').
& compiled (S program also contains a block of metadata #data about the program
itself) called a manifest. This metadata allo!s reflection and effectively eliminates the need
for the registry.
The .,ET :rame!ork is a ne! computing platform that simplifies application
development in the highly distributed environment of the Internet.
/. To provide a consistent object+oriented programming environment !hether object codes is
stored and executed locally on Internet+distributed, or executed remotely.
3. To provide a code+execution environment to minimizes soft!are deployment and
guarantees safe execution of code.
E. Eliminates the performance problems.
There are different types of application, such as 0indo!s+based applications and 0eb+based
applications. To make communication on distributed environment to ensure that code be
accessed by the .,ET :rame!ork can integrate !ith any other code.
The common language runtime is the foundation of the .,ET :rame!ork. It manages
code at execution time, providing important services such as memory management, thread
management, and remoting and also ensures more security and robustness. The concept of
code management is a fundamental principle of the runtime. (ode that targets the runtime is
kno!n as managed code, !hile code that does not target the runtime is kno!n as unmanaged
It is a comprehensive, object+oriented collection of reusable types used to
develop applications ranging from traditional command+line or graphical user interface #J4I)
applications to applications based on the latest innovations provided by &';.,ET, such as
0eb :orms and F%G 0eb services.
The .,ET :rame!ork can be hosted by unmanaged components that load the
common language runtime into their processes and initiate the execution of managed code,
thereby creating a soft!are environment that can exploit both managed and unmanaged
features. The .,ET :rame!ork not only provides several runtime hosts, but also supports the
development of third+party runtime hosts.
Internet Explorer is an example of an unmanaged application that hosts the
runtime #in the form of a %I%E type extension). 4sing Internet Explorer to host the runtime
to enables embeds managed components or 0indo!s :orms controls in .T%G documents.
The common language runtime manages memory$ thread execution, code
execution, code safety verification, compilation, and other system services these are all run
on (G9.
The runtime enforces code access security. The security features of the
runtime thus enable legitimate Internet+deployed soft!are to be exceptionally feature rich.
0ith regards to security, managed components are a!arded varying degrees of trust,
depending on a number of factors that include their origin to perform file+access operations,
registry+access operations, or other sensitive functions.
The runtime also enforces code robustness by implementing a strict type+
and code+verification infrastructure called the common type system #(T'). The (T' ensures
that all managed code is self+describing. The managed environment of the runtime eliminates
many common soft!are issues.
The runtime also accelerates developer productivity. :or example,
programmers can !rite applications in their development language of choice, yet take full
advantage of the runtime, the class library, and components !ritten in other languages by
other developers.
The runtime is designed to enhance performance. &lthough the common
language runtime provides many standard runtime services, managed code is never
interpreted. & feature called just+in+time #?IT) compiling enables all managed code to run in
the native machine language of the system on !hich it is executing. :inally, the runtime can
be hosted by high+performance, server+side applications, such as %icrosoftV 'HG 'erverW
and Internet Information 'ervices #II').
&';.,ET is the next version of &ctive 'erver ;ages #&';)$ it is a unified 0eb
development platform that provides the services necessary for developers to build enterprise+
class 0eb applications. 0hile &';.,ET is largely syntax compatible, it also provides a ne!
programming model and infrastructure for more secure, scalable, and stable applications.
&';.,ET is a compiled, ,ET+based environment, !e can author applications in any
.,ET compatible language, including @isual <asic .,ET, (S, and ?'cript .,ET. &dditionally,
the entire .,ET :rame!ork is available to any &';.,ET application. Developers can easily
access the benefits of these technologies, !hich include the managed common language
runtime environment #(G9), type safety, inheritance, and so on.
&';.,ET has been designed to !ork seamlessly !ith 0R'I0RJ .T%G editors and
other programming tools, including %icrosoft @isual 'tudio .,ET. ,ot only does this make
0eb development easier, but it also provides all the benefits that these tools have to offer,
including a J4I that developers can use to drop server controls onto a 0eb page and fully
integrated debugging support.
Developers can choose from the follo!ing t!o features !hen creating an &';.,ET
application. 0eb :orms and 0eb services, or combine these in any !ay they see fit. Each is
supported by the same infrastructure that allo!s you to use authentication schemes$ cache
fre*uently used data, or customizes your applicationOs configuration, to name only a fe!
0eb :orms allo!s us to build po!erful forms+based 0eb pages. 0hen building these
pages, !e can use &';.,ET server controls to create common 4I elements, and program
them for common tasks. These controls allo! !e to rapidly build a 0eb :orm out of reusable
built+in or custom components, simplifying the code of a page.
&n F%G 0eb service provides the means to access server functionality remotely. 4sing
0eb services, businesses can expose programmatic interfaces to their data or business logic,
!hich in turn can be obtained and manipulated by client and server applications. F%G 0eb
services enable the exchange of data in client+server or server+server scenarios, using
standards like .TT; and F%G messaging to move data across fire!alls. F%G 0eb services
are not tied to a particular component technology or object+calling convention. &s a result,
programs !ritten in any language, using any component model, and running on any operating
system can access F%G 0eb services
Each of these models can take full advantage of all &';.,ET features, as !ell as
the po!er of the .,ET :rame!ork and .,ET :rame!ork common language runtime.
&ccessing databases from &';.,ET applications is an often+used
techni*ue for displaying data to 0eb site visitors. &';.,ET makes it easier than ever to
access databases for this purpose. It also allo!s us to manage the database from your code.
&';.,ET provides a simple model that enables 0eb developers to !rite logic that
runs at the application level. Developers can !rite this code in the global.aspx text file or in a
compiled class deployed as an assembly. This logic can include application+level events, but
developers can easily extend this model to suit the needs of their 0eb application.
&';.,ET provides easy+to+use application and session+state facilities that are
familiar to &'; developers and are readily compatible !ith all other .,ET :rame!ork &;Is.
&';.,ET offers the I.ttp.andler and I.ttp%odule interfaces. Implementing the
I.ttp.andler interface gives you a means of interacting !ith the lo!+level re*uest and
response services of the II' 0eb server and provides functionality much like I'&;I
extensions, but !ith a simpler programming model. Implementing the I.ttp%odule interface
allo!s you to include custom events that participate in every re*uest made to your
&';.,ET takes advantage of performance enhancements found in the .,ET
:rame!ork and common language runtime. &dditionally, it has been designed to offer
significant performance improvements over &'; and other 0eb development platforms. &ll
&';.,ET code is compiled, rather than interpreted, !hich allo!s early binding, strong
typing, and just+in+time #?IT) compilation to native code, to name only a fe! of its benefits.
&';.,ET is also easily factorable, meaning that developers can remove modules #a session
module, for instance) that are not relevant to the application they are developing.
&';.,ET provides extensive caching services #both built+in services and caching
&;Is). &';.,ET also ships !ith performance counters that developers and system
administrators can monitor to test ne! applications and gather metrics on existing
0riting custom debug statements to your 0eb page can help immensely in
troubleshooting your applicationOs code. .o!ever, it can cause embarrassment if it is not
removed. The problem is that removing the debug statements from your pages !hen your
application is ready to be ported to a production server can re*uire significant effort.
&';.,ET offers the Trace(ontext class, !hich allo!s us to !rite custom debug
statements to our pages as !e develop them. They appear only !hen you have enabled
tracing for a page or entire application. Enabling tracing also appends details about a re*uest
to the page, or, if you so specify, to a custom trace vie!er that is stored in the root directory
of your application.
The .,ET :rame!ork and &';.,ET provide default authorization and authentication
schemes for 0eb applications. 0e can easily remove, add to, or replace these schemes,
depending upon the needs of our application .
&';.,ET configuration settings are stored in F%G+based files, !hich are human
readable and !ritable. Each of our applications can have a distinct configuration file and !e
can extend the configuration scheme to suit our re*uirements.
The 2G&; 'ervices feature available in 'HG 'erver version =.> is no! called
'HG 'erver 3>>> &nalysis 'ervices. The term 2G&; 'ervices has been replaced !ith the
term &nalysis 'ervices. &nalysis 'ervices also includes a ne! data mining component. The
9epository component available in 'HG 'erver version =.> is no! called %icrosoft 'HG
'erver 3>>> %eta Data 'ervices. 9eferences to the component no! use the term %eta Data
'ervices. The term repository is used only in reference to the repository engine !ithin %eta
Data 'ervices
'HG+'E9@E9 database consist of six type of objects,
They are,
/. T&<GE
3. H4E9R
E. :29%
B. 9E;29T
7. %&(92
& database is a collection of data about a specific topic.
0e can !ork !ith a table in t!o types,
/. Design @ie!
3. Datasheet @ie!
De$i'n 6ie(
To build or modify the structure of a table !e !ork in the table design vie!. 0e can
specify !hat kind of data !ill be hold.
D%t%$heet 6ie(
To add, edit or analyses the data itself !e !ork in tables datasheet vie! mode.
& *uery is a *uestion that has to be asked the data. &ccess gathers data that ans!ers
the *uestion from one or more table. The data that make up the ans!er is either dynaset #if
you edit it) or a snapshot#it cannot be edited).Each time !e run *uery, !e get latest
information in the dynaset. &ccess either displays the dynaset or snapshot for us to vie! or
perform an action on it ,such as deleting or updating.
& form is used to vie! and edit information in the database record by record .& form
displays only the information !e !ant to see in the !ay !e !ant to see it. :orms use the
familiar controls such as textboxes and checkboxes. This makes vie!ing and entering data
6ie($ of 4or&:
0e can !ork !ith forms in several primarily there are t!o vie!s,
They are,
1. De$i'n 6ie(
2. 4or& 6ie(
De$i'n 6ie(
To build or modify the structure of a form, !e !ork in forms design vie!. 0e can
add control to the form that are bound to fields in a table or *uery, includes textboxes, option
buttons, graphs and pictures.
4or& 6ie(
The form vie! !hich display the !hole design of the form.
& report is used to vies and print information from the database. The report can
ground records into many levels and compute totals and average by checking values from
many records at once. &lso the report is attractive and distinctive because !e have control
over the size and appearance of it.
& macro is a set of actions. Each action in macros does something. 'uch as opening a form
or printing a report .0e !rite macros to automate the common tasks the !ork easy and save
the time
Step1: Enter correct "$ern%&e %n! p%$$(or!
Step 2: Enter the encr+pt te*t in notep%! 0ie(
Step .: Se#ect %n+ one $+&&etric )e+ or p"b#ic )e+ %#'orith&
Step-: Set"p the AES A#'orith& 6%#"e
Step:: S%0e %$ Pri0%te ,e+ for RSA A#'orith&
Step;: S%0e %$ P"b#ic ,e+ for RSA A#'orith&
StepB: Se#ect Encr+pt Te*t %n! Decr+pt %n+ one %#'orith&
StepC: Se#ect the $%0e fi#e %n! !ecr+pt it.
Step<: S"cce$$f"##+ C#o$e! the App#ic%tion

%in 4or&
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace EncryptionAlgorithms
static class rogram
!!! "summary#
!!! $he main entry point %or the application.
!!! "!summary#
static (oid )ain*+
Application./un*new Login*++;
AES Algorithm
using System;
using System.23;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.$e.t;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
namespace EncryptionAlgorithms
pu,lic class AESEngine

pu,lic static string Encrypt*string plain$e.t4
string passhrase4
string salt-alue4
string hashAlgorithm4
int password2terations4
string init-ector4
int 5eySi6e+

assword0eri(e7ytes password 8 new assword0eri(e7ytes*

!! 9se the password to generate pseudo:random ,ytes %or the
!! 5ey. Speci%y the si6e o% the 5ey in ,ytes *instead o% ,its+.
,yte&' 5ey7ytes 8 password.Get7ytes*5eySi6e ! ;+;
!! Create uninitiali6ed /i<ndael encryption o,<ect.
/i<ndael)anaged symmetric=ey 8 new /i<ndael)anaged*+;
!! 2t is reasona,le to set encryption mode to Cipher 7loc5
!! *C7C+. 9se de%ault options %or other symmetric 5ey
symmetric=ey.)ode 8 Cipher)ode.C7C;
!! Generate encryptor %rom the e.isting 5ey ,ytes and
!! (ector. =ey si6e will ,e de%ined ,ased on the num,er o% the
!! ,ytes.
2Crypto$rans%orm encryptor 8
!! 0e%ine memory stream which will ,e used to hold encrypted
)emoryStream memoryStream 8 new )emoryStream*+;
!! 0e%ine cryptographic stream *always use Write mode %or
CryptoStream cryptoStream 8 new

,yte&' cipher$e.t7ytes 8 memoryStream.$oArray*+;
!! Close ,oth streams.
!! Con(ert encrypted data into a ,ase>?:encoded string.
string cipher$e.t 8 Con(ert.$o7ase>?String*cipher$e.t7ytes+;
!! /eturn encrypted string.
return cipher$e.t;

pu,lic static string 0ecrypt*string cipher$e.t4
string passhrase4
string salt-alue4
string hashAlgorithm4
int password2terations4
string init-ector4
int 5eySi6e+

assword0eri(e7ytes password 8 new assword0eri(e7ytes*


2Crypto$rans%orm decryptor 8 symmetric=ey.Create0ecryptor*

!! 0e%ine memory stream which will ,e used to hold encrypted
)emoryStream memoryStream 8 new )emoryStream*cipher$e.t7ytes+;
!! 0e%ine cryptographic stream *always use /ead mode %or
CryptoStream cryptoStream 8 new CryptoStream*memoryStream4

!! Since at this point we don@t 5now what the si6e o% decrypted
!! will ,e4 allocate the ,u%%er long enough to hold cipherte.t;
!! plainte.t is ne(er longer than cipherte.t.
,yte&' plain$e.t7ytes 8 new ,yte&cipher$e.t7ytes.Length';
!! Start decrypting.
int decrypted7yteCount 8 cryptoStream./ead*plain$e.t7ytes4

!! Close ,oth streams.
!! Con(ert decrypted data into a string.
!! Let us assume that the original plainte.t string was 9$F;:
string plain$e.t 8 Encoding.9$F;.GetString*plain$e.t7ytes4
!! /eturn decrypted string.
return plain$e.t;
RC- A#'orith&
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.$e.t;
using System.$hreading;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace EncryptionAlgorithms
pu,lic class Encryption$hread
pri(ate ContainerControl containerControl 8 null;
pri(ate 0elegate %inishedrocess0elegate 8 null;
pri(ate 0elegate update$e.t0elegate 8 null;
pu,lic (oid Encrypt* o,<ect input3,<ect +
o,<ect&' input3,<ects 8 * o,<ect&' +input3,<ect;
containerControl 8 * Form + input3,<ects& A ';
%inishedrocess0elegate 8 * 0elegate +
input3,<ects& B ';
update$e.t0elegate 8 * 0elegate +input3,<ects& C ';
string encryptedString 8 EncryptString* * string +
input3,<ects& D '4 * int +input3,<ects& ? '4 * string +input3,<ects& E ' +;
containerControl.2n(o5e* update$e.t0elegate4 new
o,<ect&' { encryptedString 1 +;
containerControl.2n(o5e* %inishedrocess0elegate +;
pu,lic (oid 0ecrypt* o,<ect input3,<ect +
o,<ect&' input3,<ects 8 * o,<ect&' +input3,<ect;
containerControl 8 * Form +input3,<ects& A ';
%inishedrocess0elegate 8 * 0elegate +input3,<ects& B ';
update$e.t0elegate 8 * 0elegate +input3,<ects& C ';
string decryptedString 8 0ecryptString* * string +
input3,<ects& D '4 * int +input3,<ects& ? '4 * string +input3,<ects& E ' +;
containerControl.2n(o5e* update$e.t0elegate4 new
o,<ect&' { decryptedString 1 +;
containerControl.2n(o5e* %inishedrocess0elegate +;
pu,lic string EncryptString* string inputString4 int dw=eySi6e4
string .mlString +
!! $303F Add roper E.ception Gandlers
/SACryptoSer(icero(ider rsaCryptoSer(icero(ider 8 new
/SACryptoSer(icero(ider* dw=eySi6e +;
rsaCryptoSer(icero(ider.FromHmlString* .mlString +;
int 5eySi6e 8 dw=eySi6e ! ;;
,yte&' ,ytes 8 Encoding.9$FDC.Get7ytes* inputString +;
!! $he hash %unction in use ,y the .IE$
/SACryptoSer(icero(ider here is SGAB
!! int ma.Length 8 * 5eySi6e + : C : * C J
SGAB.Create*+.ComputeGash* raw7ytes +.Length +;
int ma.Length 8 5eySi6e : ?C;
int dataLength 8 ,ytes.Length;
int iterations 8 dataLength ! ma.Length;
String7uilder string7uilder 8 new String7uilder*+;
%or* int i 8 A; i "8 iterations; iKK +
,yte&' temp7ytes 8 new ,yte& * dataLength :
ma.Length J i # ma.Length + L ma.Length F dataLength : ma.Length J i ';
7u%%er.7loc5Copy* ,ytes4 ma.Length J i4 temp7ytes4
A4 temp7ytes.Length +;
,yte&' encrypted7ytes 8
rsaCryptoSer(icero(ider.Encrypt* temp7ytes4 true +;
!! 7e aware the /SACryptoSer(icero(ider re(erses
the order o% encrypted ,ytes a%ter encryption and ,e%ore decryption.
!! 2% you do not require compati,ility with
)icroso%t Cryptographic A2 *CA2+ and!or other (endors.
!! Comment out the ne.t line and the corresponding
one in the 0ecryptString %unction.
Array./e(erse* encrypted7ytes +;
!! Why con(ert to ,ase >?L
!! 7ecause it is the largest power:o%:two ,ase
printa,le using only ASC22 characters
Con(ert.$o7ase>?String* encrypted7ytes + +;
return string7uilder.$oString*+;
pu,lic string 0ecryptString* string inputString4 int dw=eySi6e4
string .mlString +
!! $303F Add roper E.ception Gandlers
/SACryptoSer(icero(ider rsaCryptoSer(icero(ider 8 new
/SACryptoSer(icero(ider* dw=eySi6e +;
rsaCryptoSer(icero(ider.FromHmlString* .mlString +;
int ,ase>?7loc5Si6e 8 * * dw=eySi6e ! ; + M D N8 A + L *
* * dw=eySi6e ! ; + ! D + J ? + K ? F * * dw=eySi6e ! ; + ! D + J ?;
int iterations 8 inputString.Length ! ,ase>?7loc5Si6e;
ArrayList arrayList 8 new ArrayList*+;
%or* int i 8 A; i " iterations; iKK +
,yte&' encrypted7ytes 8
Con(ert.From7ase>?String* inputString.Su,string* ,ase>?7loc5Si6e J i4
,ase>?7loc5Si6e + +;
Array./e(erse* encrypted7ytes +;
arrayList.Add/ange* rsaCryptoSer(icero(ider.0ecrypt* encrypted7ytes4
true + +;
return Encoding.9$FDC.GetString* arrayList.$oArray*
$ype.Get$ype* OSystem.7yteO + + as ,yte&' +;
Trib#e DES A#'orith&
using System;
using System.23;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.$e.t;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
namespace EncryptionAlgorithms
pu,lic class $riple0ESEngine
pu,lic string EncryptString*string )essage4 string assphrase+
,yte&' /esults;
System.$e.t.9$F;Encoding 9$F; 8 new System.$e.t.9$F;Encoding*+;
!! Step B. We hash the passphrase using )0E
!! We use the )0E hash generator as the result is a BC; ,it
,yte array
!! which is a (alid length %or the $riple0ES encoder we use
)0ECryptoSer(icero(ider Gashro(ider 8 new
,yte&' $0ES=ey 8
!! Step C. Create a new $riple0ESCryptoSer(icero(ider o,<ect
$riple0ESCryptoSer(icero(ider $0ESAlgorithm 8 new
!! Step D. Setup the encoder
$0ESAlgorithm.=ey 8 $0ES=ey;
$0ESAlgorithm.)ode 8 Cipher)ode.EC7;
$0ESAlgorithm.adding 8 adding)ode.=CSP;
!! Step ?. Con(ert the input string to a ,yte&'
,yte&' 0ata$oEncrypt 8 9$F;.Get7ytes*)essage+;
!! Step E. Attempt to encrypt the string
2Crypto$rans%orm Encryptor 8
/esults 8 Encryptor.$rans%ormFinal7loc5*0ata$oEncrypt4 A4
!! Clear the $riple0es and Gashpro(ider ser(ices o% any
sensiti(e in%ormation
!! Step >. /eturn the encrypted string as a ,ase>? encoded
return Con(ert.$o7ase>?String*/esults+;
pu,lic string 0ecryptString*string )essage4 string assphrase+
,yte&' /esults;
System.$e.t.9$F;Encoding 9$F; 8 new System.$e.t.9$F;Encoding*+;
!! Step B. We hash the passphrase using )0E
!! We use the )0E hash generator as the result is a BC; ,it
,yte array
!! which is a (alid length %or the $riple0ES encoder we use
)0ECryptoSer(icero(ider Gashro(ider 8 new
,yte&' $0ES=ey 8
!! Step C. Create a new $riple0ESCryptoSer(icero(ider o,<ect
$riple0ESCryptoSer(icero(ider $0ESAlgorithm 8 new
!! Step D. Setup the decoder
$0ESAlgorithm.=ey 8 $0ES=ey;
$0ESAlgorithm.)ode 8 Cipher)ode.EC7;
$0ESAlgorithm.adding 8 adding)ode.=CSP;
!! Step ?. Con(ert the input string to a ,yte&'
,yte&' 0ata$o0ecrypt 8 Con(ert.From7ase>?String*)essage+;
!! Step E. Attempt to decrypt the string
2Crypto$rans%orm 0ecryptor 8
/esults 8 0ecryptor.$rans%ormFinal7loc5*0ata$o0ecrypt4 A4
!! Clear the $riple0es and Gashpro(ider ser(ices o% any
sensiti(e in%ormation
!! Step >. /eturn the decrypted string in 9$F; %ormat
return 9$F;.GetString*/esults+;
RSA A#'orith&
using System;
using System.0rawing;
using System.Collections;
using System.Component)odel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Encryption
pu,lic class =eyairGeneratorFormF System.Windows.Forms.Form
pri(ate System.Windows.Forms.7utton generate=eys7utton;
pri(ate System.Windows.Forms.Iumeric9p0own numeric9p0own;
pri(ate System.Windows.Forms.icture7o. 5eyicture7o.;
pri(ate System.Component)odel.Container components 8 null;
pu,lic =eyairGeneratorForm*+
{ 2nitiali6eComponent*+; 1
protected o(erride (oid 0ispose* ,ool disposing +
i%* disposing +
i%* components N8 null +
{ components.0ispose*+; 1
,ase.0ispose* disposing +;
pri(ate (oid 2nitiali6eComponent*+
System.Component)odel.Component/esource)anager resources 8 new
this.generate=eys7utton 8 new System.Windows.Forms.7utton*+;
this.5eyicture7o. 8 new System.Windows.Forms.icture7o.*+;
this.numeric9p0own 8 new System.Windows.Forms.Iumeric9p0own*+;
!! generate=eys7utton
this.generate=eys7utton.7ac5Color 8
this.generate=eys7utton.Font 8 new
System.0rawing.Font*OGeorgiaO4 ;.CEF4 System.0rawing.FontStyle.7old4
System.0rawing.Graphics9nit.oint4 **,yte+*A+++;
this.generate=eys7utton.ForeColor 8 System.0rawing.Color.7lac5;
this.generate=eys7utton.Location 8 new
System.0rawing.oint*B;D4 BBQ+;
this.generate=eys7utton.Iame 8 Ogenerate=eys7uttonO;
this.generate=eys7utton.Si6e 8 new System.0rawing.Si6e*B?Q4
this.generate=eys7utton.$a,2nde. 8 A;
this.generate=eys7utton.$e.t 8 OGenerate =eysO;
this.generate=eys7utton.9se-isualStyle7ac5Color 8 %alse;
this.generate=eys7utton.Clic5 K8 new
!! 5eyicture7o.
this.5eyicture7o..7ac5Color 8 System.0rawing.Color.7lac5;
this.5eyicture7o..7orderStyle 8
this.5eyicture7o..2mage 8 **System.0rawing.2mage+
this.5eyicture7o..Location 8 new System.0rawing.oint*DB4 >B+;
this.5eyicture7o..Iame 8 O5eyicture7o.O;
this.5eyicture7o..Si6e 8 new System.0rawing.Si6e*>>4 PE+;
this.5eyicture7o..Si6e)ode 8
this.5eyicture7o..$a,2nde. 8 B;
this.5eyicture7o..$a,Stop 8 %alse;
!! numeric9p0own
this.numeric9p0own.7ac5Color 8 System.0rawing.Color.White;
this.numeric9p0own.Font 8 new System.0rawing.Font*OGeorgiaO4
BCF4 System.0rawing.FontStyle.7old4 System.0rawing.Graphics9nit.oint4
this.numeric9p0own.ForeColor 8 System.0rawing.Color.7lac5;
this.numeric9p0own.2ncrement 8 new decimal*new int&' {
this.numeric9p0own.Location 8 new System.0rawing.oint*B;D4
this.numeric9p0own.)a.imum 8 new decimal*new int&' {
this.numeric9p0own.)inimum 8 new decimal*new int&' {
this.numeric9p0own.Iame 8 Onumeric9p0ownO;
this.numeric9p0own./ead3nly 8 true;
this.numeric9p0own.Si6e 8 new System.0rawing.Si6e*B?Q4 C>+;
this.numeric9p0own.$a,2nde. 8 A;
this.numeric9p0own.$housandsSeparator 8 true;
this.numeric9p0own.9p0ownAlign 8
this.numeric9p0own.-alue 8 new decimal*new int&' {
!! =eyairGeneratorForm
this.AutoScale7aseSi6e 8 new System.0rawing.Si6e*;4 BQ+;
this.7ac5Color 8 System.0rawing.SystemColors.Acti(e7order;
this.ClientSi6e 8 new System.0rawing.Si6e*D>>4 CAE+;
this.Font 8 new System.0rawing.Font*OGeorgiaO4 BCF4
System.0rawing.FontStyle./egular4 System.0rawing.Graphics9nit.oint4
this.ForeColor 8 System.0rawing.Color.White;
this.Form7orderStyle 8
this.2con 8 **System.0rawing.2con+
this.)a.imi6e7o. 8 %alse;
this.)inimi6e7o. 8 %alse;
this.Iame 8 O=eyairGeneratorFormO;
this.Show2n$as5,ar 8 %alse;
this.Si6eGripStyle 8 System.Windows.Forms.Si6eGripStyle.Gide;
this.Startosition 8
this.$e.t 8 OGenerate =eysO;
this.Load K8 new
pri(ate (oid generate=eys7uttonRClic5* o,<ect sender4
System.E(entArgs e +
Con(ert.$o2ntDC* numeric9p0own.-alue + +;
this.0ialog/esult 8 0ialog/esult.3=;
this.0ispose* true +;
pri(ate (oid =eyairGeneratorFormRLoad* o,<ect sender4
E(entArgs e +
{ Encryption.)ainForm.Set7itStrength* BAC? +; 1
'ystem testing involves user training system testing and successful running of the
developed proposed system. The user tests the developed system and changes are made
according to their needs. The testing phase involves the testing of developed system using
various kinds of data.
&n elaborate testing of data is prepared and the system is tested using the test data.
0hile testing, errors are noted and the corrections are made. The corrections are also noted
for the future use. The users are trained to operate the developed system.
'ystem testing is the stage of implementation that is aimed at ensuring that the
system !orks accurately and efficiently before live operation commences. Testing is vital to
the success of the system. 'ystem testing makes logical assumption that if all the parts of the
system are correct, then the goal !ill be successfully achieved. & series of testing are done
for the proposed system before the system is ready for the user acceptance testing.
The follo!ing are the types of TestingD
/. 4nit Testing
3. Integration Testing
E. @alidation Testing
B. @erification testing
7. 4ser acceptance testing
The procedure level testing is made first. <y giving improper inputs, the errors
occurred are noted and eliminated. Then the !eb form level testing is made. :or example
storage of data to the table in the correct manner.
In the company as !ell as seeker registration form, the zero length username and
pass!ord are given and checked. &lso the duplicate username is given and checked. In the
job and *uestion entry, the button !ill send data to the server only if the client side
validations are made.
The dates are entered in !rong manner and checked. 0rong email+id and !eb site
49G #4niversal 9esource Gocator) is given and checked.
Testing is done for each module. &fter testing all the modules, the modules are
integrated and testing of the final system is done !ith the test data, specially designed to
sho! that the system !ill operate successfully in all its aspects conditions. Thus the system
testing is a confirmation that all is correct and an opportunity to sho! the user that the system
The final step involves @alidation testing, !hich determines !hether the soft!are function as
the user expected. The end+user rather than the system developer conduct this test most
soft!are developers as a process called P&lpha and <eta TestingQ to uncover that only the
end user seems able to find.
@erification is a fundamental concept in soft!are design. This is the bridge bet!een
customer re*uirements and an implementation that satisfies those re*uirements.
This is verifiable if it can be demonstrated that the testing !ill result in an implementation
that satisfies the customer re*uirements.
Inade*uate testing or non+testing leads to errors that may appear fe! months later.
This !ill create t!o problems
Time delay bet!een the cause and appearance of the problem.
The effect of the system errors on files and records !ithin the system.
4ser acceptance testing of a system is the key factor of the success of any system.
The system under study is tested for the user acceptance by constantly keeping in touch !ith
the prospective system users at any time of developing and making changes !henever
Implementation is the most crucial stage in achieving a successful system and
giving the user1s confidence that the ne! system is !orkable and effective. Implementation
of a modified application to replace an existing one. This type of conversation is relatively
easy to handle, provide there are no major changes in the system.
Each program is tested individually at the time of development using the data
and has verified that this program linked together in the !ay specified in the programs
specification, the computer system and its environment is tested to the satisfaction of the user.
The system that has been developed is accepted and proved to be satisfactory for the user.
&nd so the system is going to be implemented very soon. & simple operating procedure is
included so that the user can understand the different functions clearly and *uickly.
Initially as a first step the executable form of the application is to be created and
loaded in the common server machine !hich is accessible to all the user and the server is to
be connected to a net!ork. The final stage is to document the entire system !hich provides
components and the operating procedures of the system.
Every application has its o!n merits and demerits. The project has covered almost all the
re*uirements. :urther re*uirements and improvements can easily be done since the coding is
mainly structured or modular in nature. (hanging the existing modules or adding ne!
modules can append improvements. :urther enhancements can be made to the application, so
that the !eb site functions very attractive and useful manner than the present one.
0hen there is a clear goal in sight but no clear set of directions or means to attain
that goal, then it is called a problem. ;roblems can be broken do!n into four aspects$ goal,
givens, means of transforming conditions, and obstacles.
2o%# G the goal is the desired end state !hich the problem solving is being directed to!ard.
The hope is to reach that end state and be able to assess !hether or not you achieved !hat
you !anted.
2i0en$3 these are the objects, conditions, and constraints that accompany a problem, and can
be either explicit or implicit.
e%n$ of tr%n$for&in' con!ition$+ there should be a !ay of changing the initial state of the
problem. this is most usually a person1s kno!ledge or skill level. :or instance ,a computer
programmer presented !ith a problem !ould utilize his or her kno!ledge of programming
language to transform the state of the problem.
Ob$t%c#e$+ the problem should present a challenge. If there are no challenges involved and
the situation can be easily solved then it is not so a problem so much as a routines task.
Every problem has a prob#e& f%ce!, !hich is the !hole range of possible states and
operators. only some of these states and operators !ill bring the person closer to the goal
state. The problem starts at the initi%# $t%te and oper%tor$ are applied to change the state,
creating a series of intermediate states that should hopefully lead to the final goal state
Every application has its o!n merits and demerits. The project has covered
almost all the re*uirements. :urther re*uirements and improvements can easily be done since
the coding is mainly structured or modular in nature. (hanging the existing modules or
adding ne! modules can append improvements. :urther enhancements can be made to the
application, so that the !eb site functions very attractive and useful manner than the present
It is concluded that the application !orks !ell and satisfy the users. The
application is tested very !ell and errors are properly debugged. The site is simultaneously
accessed from more than one system. 'imultaneous login from more than one place is tested.
The application !orks according to the restrictions provided in their
respective system. :urther enhancements can be made to the application, so that the
application functions very attractive and useful manner than the present one. The speed of the
transactions become more enough no!.
'(9EE, '.2T'
%ain ;age

4i' 2 %in P%'e
Encryption (ontent
4i' . Encr+ption Content
9(B &lgorithm
4i' - RC- A#'orith&
&E' &lgorithm 'et up
&E' &lgorithm
4i' ; AES A#'orith&
Triple DE' &lgorithm
Fig7 Triple DES Algorithm
RSA Algorithm Key Pair Generation
4i'C RSA A#'orith& ,e+ P%ir 2ener%tion
;ublic Encryption Iey
4i'< P"b#ic Encr+ption ,e+
P"b#ic Decr+ption ,e+
4i'18 P"b#ic Decr+ption ,e+
9'& &lgorithm
4i'11 RSA A#'orith&
;rofessional &';.,ET %@( /.> #0rox ;rogrammer to ;rogrammer) 9ob (onery, 'cott
.anselman, ;hil .aack, 'cott Juthrie ;ublisherD 0rox
&';.,ET E.7 4nleashed 'tephen 0alther ;ublisherD 'ams
;rogramming &';.,ET E.7 ?esse Giberty, Dan %aharry, Dan .ur!itz ;ublisherD
2O9eilly %edia, Inc.

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