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Coca-Cola is a carbonated soft drink sold in stores, restaurants and

vending machines internationally. The Coca-Cola Company claims that the
beverage is sold in more than 200 countries. It is produced by The Coca-Cola
Company in Atlanta, eorgia, and is often referred to simply as Coke or !in
"uropean and American countries# as cola, pop, or in some parts of the $.%.,
soda. &riginally intended as a patent medicine 'hen it 'as invented in the
late ()th century by *ohn +emberton, Coca-Cola 'as bought out by
businessman As a riggs Candler, 'hose marketing tactics led Coke to its
dominance of the 'orld soft-drink market throughout the 20th century.
The company produces concentrate, 'hich is then sold to licensed
Coca-Cola bottlers throughout the 'orld. The Coca-Cola Company has, on
occasion, introduced other cola drinks under the Coke brand name. The most
common of these is ,iet Coke, 'ith others including Ca-eine-.ree Coca-Cola,
,iet Coke Ca-eine-.ree, Coca-Cola Cherry, Coca-Cola /ero, Coca-Cola
0anilla, and special editions 'ith lemon, lime or co-ee.
Brand building strategy -:
1rand development strategy of Coca Cola has been far reaching and
has managed to remain in the limelight ever since it became a favorite 'ith
the non alcoholic drinkers.
It has been noticed that brand loyalty is an important factor in maintaining
the number one position.
.ounded in the year (223, the Coca Cola company en4oys the status of
being one of the biggest non alcoholic beverage companies of the
'orld. It has a distribution system, 'hich makes it uni5ue from the rest
of the non alcoholic beverage manufacturers. &ver the years, Coca
Cola has passed several tests of brand enhancement and the company
makes it a point that the products under the banner Coca Cola
continue to invade the minds of the consumers.
The brand development strategy of Coca Cola comprised redesigning
of its brand development policies and techni5ues to keep up 'ith the
changing mindset of its consumers. "arlier, this brand believed in the
A-ord ability
7o'ever, this brand development strategy of Coca Cola 'as re 'orked
to stress on the follo'ing instead6
+rice value
8+ervasive penetration8.
The essence of brand building of the company lies in the fact that it 'ants its
consumers accessibility to be 8'ithin an arm9s reach of desire8. In an attempt
to build its brand identity, as many as 20 brand attributes are tested every
month involving as many as :000 customers. The brand development
strategy of Coca Cola is e-ective as it has been able to construct, manage
As 'ell as maintain its brand image.
Another reason 'hy this brand has gained unanimous acceptance all around
the globe is due to the fact that it has been able to connect very 'ell 'ith its
consumers. This implies brand loyalty. 1rand loyalty has been instrumental in
keeping up the brand image of Coca Cola. It believes in shelling out the best
so that the consumers are retained by default. A part of the brand building
techni5ue is also to enhance 8purchase fre5uency8. The company has also
invested in various advertisement campaigns often engaging the services of
celebrities around the globe. In addition to the consumers, there is another
category of consumers, 'ho increase the consumer base and they constitute
the collectors of the brand. The collectors usually indulge in collecting old as
'ell as upcoming logos of Coca Cola, bottles and literary matter.
;ith regard to the brand development of Coca Cola /ero, the company came
out 'ith an advertisement, 'hich 'as 5uite di-erent from the conventional
ones. In this regard, !no calorie beverage#, it has shelled out three types of
Coca Cola Classic
,iet Coke
Coca Cola /ero.
There are fe' e<perts 'ho believe that 'hen Coca Cola had the tag line of
8The =eal Thing8, it 'as really that but 'ith the invention of various
categories of coke, the 8real thing8 changes to 8many things8, and the
original >avor is usually lost. 7ence, the brand building strategies
should be such that it does not confuse people and is able to retain
consumers despite the fact that several ne' non alcoholic beverage
?rms are on the anvil.
The Power of Brand Accessibility
If you 'ere another soft drink company, you might de?ne your competitive
frame of reference as the cola market or the soft drink market or even the
beverage market. 1ut Coke thinks of its business and its market share in
terms of @share of human li5uid consumption.A This makes 'ater a
competitor. In fact, a Coke e<ecutive has said that he 'onBt be satis?ed until
@there is a Coca-Cola faucet in every home.A Coca-ColaBs mantra is @'ithin
an armBs reach of desire.A
One Final Coca-Cola Fact
A recent Coca-Cola annual report reported that the second most recogniCed
e<pression in the 'orld after @okDA is @Coca-Cola.A
Brand Equity-:
@The brand assets !or liabilities# linked to a brands name and symbol that
add from a service.A
Brand equity is difficult to measure because much of it depends on consumers' perception
and opinions of a brand. When a product has high brand equity they are successful at
retaining their current customers by keeping them satisfied with the quality of products and
service. They are also successful at attracting new customers who have heard of the brand
through successful marketing or word of mouth.
Coca-Cola's brand equity is difficult to measure because they have etended their brand to
include numerous products. !n addition to the numerous of versions of Coca-Cola worldwide
that compete against other beverage brands" Coca-Cola competes with itself. #ationally
there are numerous versions $ brands that are a part of the Coca-Cola family. %ome of the
brands include Coca-Cola Classic" &asani Water" 'ull Throttle" 'anta" and %oy (roducts. !n
addition to competing against itself the Coca-Cola Company has saturated the market and
consumers who may dislike one product may actually en)oy a different Coca-Cola product.
*owever" the consumer may be unaware that the beverage is actually in the Coca-Cola
family. +s a result measuring brand equity may be difficult as consumers may be loyal and
repeat customers of a brand and not know its origin.
Coca Cola 'as taking its core product, Coke, and e<panding the product in ne' form
factors and ne' overseas markets. The brand promise stayed the same 'hether it
'as sold in a Coke store in Ee' Fork or a road side stand in Gongolia - refreshment,
good times, and pure Americana.
&espite the numerous brands and the difficulty in measuring brand equity it is evident that
Coca-Cola has high brand equity. They are a company who has been in business for many
years they have gained the business of consumers in the soda market as well as numerous
other beverage markets nationally and internationally. Their sales and growth show that
they are a successful company
Brand identity
the brand identity is the audio-visual 'face' of the brand - the cues that tell you that you are are in
the right place. The brand definition is the formal description of what the brand stands for within different
description categories - its personality, its values, its stories, its emotional benefits etc.. The brand
proposition is the 'deal' the brand is offering you at any given moment
the coca-cola comp.has long been recognised as an organisation 'ith signi?cant
brand e5uity 'ith over four four hundread brands available in virtually every nook
and crany of the 'orld .the >ag ship brand of coca cola has stood the rest of the
time over (20 years. Infact coca-cola alone is recogniCed as the most valuable in
the 'orld by the respected inter brand corportionvalued at above $% H 3I billion ,
the coca-cola brand !coke#has become e-ectively become a part of modern 'orld
culture.though its advertising campaign has changed over the years,coca-cola @T7"
="AJ TA%T"A has al'ays stood for aA="AJA C&JA ,=IEK 'ith authenticity . the
identity has been build by an decade 'ith consistent values and diferentiated
elements. Gany competitors have aim at cokes but the brand continues to
command a number one position globaly in ranking of brand e5uity. After all If u
stand for the real thing every competitor is an imitator. the Coca-Cola bottle design
differentiated the identity, the easier it is to protect from infringement.
*ust coca cols has remained to its time tested identity u have the e5uallly
relivant to you. This brand identity should re>ect your o'n uni5ue e5uity and care
essence this 'ill ensure your brand creativity and identity that is meaning ful and
sustainable in long term.
Brand iage-
@A uni5ue set of associations in the mind of customers concerning 'hat a
brand stands for and the implied promises the brand makes.A
There could be hardly any person around the 'orld that hasn9t heard the
name Coca Cola. "ver since it beginning as 'orld9s leading name in cold
drinks, Coca Cola has created a strong brand image irrespective of age, se<
and geographical locations. Gillions of people around the 'orld are
consuming cold drinks or soft drinks as part of their daily meal. Coca Cola,
ever since its inception has been the leader in soft drink market.
1rand image is the signi?cant factor a-ecting CokeBs sale. Coca-ColaBs
brand name is very 'ell kno'n all over the 'orld. +ackaging changes have
also a-ected sales and industry positioning, but in general, the public has
tended not to be a-ected by ne' products. Coca-ColaBs bottling system also
allo's the company to take advantage of in?nite gro'th opportunities
around the 'orld. This strategy gives Coke the opportunity to service a large
geographic, diverse, area.
Brand loyalty
1rand loyalty is a central construct to marketing. Keeping the consumer
satis?ed, and loyal enough to fre5uently purchase 4ust one brand, is more
diLcult in todayBs marketplace than ever before. 1ut today, ma4or brands are
e<periencing heightened brand loyalty due to the gro'ing popularity of the
brand as a collectible.
A recent Coca-Cola annual report reported that the second most recogniCed
e<pression in the 'orld after @okDA is @Coca-Cola.A
Brand !ersonality:-
1rand +ersonality identity is understood as the set of human characteristics
associated 'ith a brand. The brand image building strategy implies the
de?nition of a brand personality and a user personality.
7ave you ever thought about your personal brandD
1rand personalities that
(# Are 'ell-kno'n,
2# o-er something di-erent to the 'orld than they do in terms of products
and services
MCoca-ColaBsB brand personality re>ects the positioning of its brand. The
process of positioning a brand or product is a comple< managerial task and
must be done over time using all the elements of the marketing mi<.
+ositioning is in the mind of the consumer and can be described as ho' the
product is considered by that consumer. ;hen researching the positioning of
a product, consumers are often asked ho' they 'ould describe that product
if it 'ere a person. The purpose of this is to develop a character statement.
This can ensure that consumers have a clear vie' of the brand values that
make up the brand personality, 4ust like the values and beliefs that make up
a person. Gany people see MCoca-ColaB as a part of their daily life. This
similarity bet'een the brand and the consumer leads to a high degree of
loyalty and makes the purchasing decision easier
Brand Positioning:-
The location of a brand in relation to its competitors in some pre-de?ned
space. The space may be de?ned by criteria used by consumers, such as
8value for money8 or 8age of consumer8 etc.A
N main factors that go into de?ning a brand position.
"# Brand Attributes
;hat the brand delivers through features and bene?ts to consumers.
$# Consuer E%!ectations
;hat consumers e<pect to receive from the brand.
&# Co!etitor attributes
;hat the other brands in the market o-er through features and bene?ts to
'# Price
An easily 5uanti?able factor O Four prices vs. your competitorsB prices.
(# Consuer !erce!tions
The perceived 5uality and value of your brand in consumerBs minds !i.e.,
does your brand o-er the cheap solution, the good value for the money
solution, the high-end, high-price tag solution, etc.D#
The Coca-Cola Company produce a range of beverages suited to di-erent
ages, stages, lifestyles and occasions. This includes soft drinks, diet drinks,
4uices and 4uice drinks, 'aters, energy drinks, sports drinks and cordials.
As part of a healthy, varied and balanced diet and an active lifestyle, all
products can be en4oyed by the ma4ority of people.
It is committed to helping customers select the product that is best suited to
their needs through the provision of detailed product information supported
by general advice on healthy eating, drinking and lifestyles.
It understands that balancing energy intake 'ith energy output is key to a
healthy body 'eight. ;e therefore provide choice through range of lo' or
no-kilo4oule products that are ideally suited to the needs of people 'ho 'ish
to reduce energy intake through beverage selection.
%uch products are readily available at a similar cost to an e5uivalent higher
energy product.
As one of the largest producers and marketers of non-alcoholic beverages 'e
promote physical activity through our active lifestyles programme and
sponsorship of sport.
Through ne' product development 'e 'ill continue to release a range of
ne' types of drinks, including lo' or no kilo4oule products as 'e look at 'ays
in 'hich to cater to those people 'ho 'ish to reduce energy intake through
selection of lo'er energy beverages.
Children and the role of our be)erages
Coca cola respect and support the primary role that parents play in decisions
a-ecting the lives of young children, including choices about diet and
lifestyle. 1everage choice, like food selection, is a role for parents and 'e
assist them in this through the provision of nutrition information and by
making available a 'ide range of products suitable for all ages, stages and
Coca-Cola9s longstanding global policy ensures 'e do not directly market our
products to children under the age of t'elve. &ur brands are not advertised
during children9s television times and 'e do not sho' children under (2 in
advertising or promotional materials drinking our products outside of the
presence of an adult. &ur sampling events are directed to people over the
age of (2.
In the small number of schools 'here 'e provide vending machines 'e 'ork
'ith the school to provide a range of beverages, and ensure that lo'er
energy products are priced attractively and the packaging is in a single serve
siCe. uidelines have been established to oversee the manner in 'hich 'e
'ork 'ith schools and their tuck shops.
It is company practice to sell diet drinks and sugar-free alternatives at a
similar price to regular carbonated soft drinks. =etailers o-ering 9specials9 are
encouraged to include both the regular and diet versions of our soft drinks.
Through ne' product development it aim to develop more products that
meet the uni5ue needs of children and 'ill 'ork 'ith nutrition e<perts as 'e
do this.
.or healthy active and gro'ing children, beverages higher in energy can be
en4oyed as part of a balanced and varied diet. 7o'ever, 'e also provide a
range of lo' or no-kilo4oule products also suitable for children.
*u!!orting s!ort and !hysical acti)ity
lobally, The Coca-Cola Company has a long history of supporting sport and
activity. have been a ma4or &lympic ames sponsor since ()22 and also
sponsor ma4or international sporting events. Coca-Cola has been an All 1lack
sponsor for the past decade and has also supported provincial netball and
At a grassroots level, Coca-Cola has formed a partnership 'ith the Eational
Association of &%CA= !&ut of %chool Care and =ecreation# to develop and
implement a national physical activity programme available to IN,000 young
Ee' /ealanders. In %outh Auckland, the et Goving programme is 'orking
to encourage children to participate in local sports and recreation courses.
The +ump 'ater brand is no' a ma4or sponsor of the 7eart .oundation9s
*ump =ope for 7eart programme that runs in schools across Ee' /ealand
and through the +o'erade sports drink brand, 'e support numerous sporting
events around the country.
All products of The Coca-Cola Company provide clear nutrition information in
compliance 'ith international regulations.
Coca-Cola is committed to strict environmental guidelines, and to ensuring
our packaging has as little impact as possible on the environment. To this
end, a recycling pro4ect 'as introduced in Ee' /ealand during 200( 'hich
ensures our +"T bottles contain an average of (0P recycled material.
Inforation Prograes
Coca colaBs consumer contact centre provides around the clock access to
information about the companies.
It is company practice to sell diet drinks and sugar-free soft drink alternatives
at a similar price to regular carbonated soft drinks. %imilarly, any
competitions or promotions of Coca-Cola can be entered by our consumers
'ho purchase diet Coke. Although at the discretion of retailers, special o-ers
and reduced prices on soft drinks are usually available for both the regular
and diet versions of our soft drinks
Brand e%tension :-
1rand e<tension or brand stretching is a marketing strategy in 'hich a ?rm
marketing a product 'ith a 'ell-developed image uses the same brand name
in a di-erent product category. &rganiCations use this strategy to increase
and leverage brand e5uity !de?nition6 the net 'orth and long-term
sustainability 4ust from the reno'ned name#
The progress and advancement in the ?eld of technology in the ?elds of soft
drink ra' material, production, manufacturing, information and
communication technology and logistics have great positive impacts on the
operations and sales of Coca-Cola. The availability of ne' soft drink
ingredients enables Coca-Cola to introduce ne' variety of its products to its
e<isting consumers, not forgetting to attract the ne' consumer groups. The
use of the latest information technology has made able the company to
attract the ne' generation of soft drink consumers 'ith the latest features of
song do'nloading. Also the e<istence of company 'ebsite has enabled the
'orld to be in touch 'ith the latest progress, promotions and o-ers of Coca-

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