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The Influence Vedic Philosophy Had On

Nikola Teslas Idea Of Free Energy

The Mind Unleashed
on 25 July, 2014 at 05:34

The Properties of Space: Science works best when in
harony with nature! "# we $ut these two to%ether, we can
disco&er %reat technolo%ies that can only coe about when
the consciousness o# the $lanet is ready to ebrace the!
'ne e(a$le is free energy, also known as zero-point
energy, which utili)es the substance that e(ists all around us
and con&erts it into usable ener%y! This would %i&e us a
liitless source o# ener%y, and would $ractically wi$e out all
$o&erty on the $lanet! *ore on this later in the article+
The $ro$erties o# s$ace ha&e been $ostulated by any, #ro
ancient ,edic $hiloso$hy, -astern Mystics, &arious ancient
ci&ili)ations throu%hout huan history all the way to
.escartes, -instein, /ewton and ore! 0uans are curious
bein%s, and our 1uest to disco&er what is will ne&er end!
And they alloed Apollonius to ask !uestions" and he
asked the# of hat they thought the cos#os as
co#posed" $ut they replied" Of elements. Are there
then four? he asked! Not four%& said 2archas, $ut fi'e(&
And ho can there $e a fifth%& said 3$ollonius%
alongside of ater and air and earth and fire)& There
Object 1
is the ether%&re$lied the other, hich e #ust regard as the stuff of hich gods are #ade" for
*ust as all #ortal creatures inhale the ire% so do i##ortal and di'ine natures inhale the
ether(& A# I%& said 3$$ollonius, 4to regard the uni'erse as a li'ing creature)& +es%& said the
other! 5 The 2i#e o# 3$ollonius o# Tyana, 6hilostratus, 2203. *source+
Science now knows that a aterial uni&erse as the #oundation o# what we $ercei&e to be our
$hysical aterial world isn7t 1uite the case! Today, $hysicists reco%ni)e that $hysical atos are
actually ade u$ o# &ortices o# ener%y that are constantly s$innin% and &ibratin%! 3t its sallest
obser&able le&el, atter is ener%y, and this ener%y that e(ists all around us can be ta$$ed into and
$ossibly used to %enerate $ower!
8uantu $hysics has le#t any scientists ba##led, a%ain, the disco&ery that our $hysical aterial
reality isn7t really $hysical at all can be 1uite con#usin%! Scientists be%an to e($lore the relationshi$
between ener%y and the structure o# atter at the turn o# the 19th century, this is a$$ro(iately the
tie when the idea o# a /ewtonian aterial uni&erse was dro$$ed #ro the heart o# scienti#ic
knowin%, and re$laced by the #act that atter is nothin% but an illusion, that e&erythin% in the
uni&erse is ade out o# ener%y!
If !uantu# #echanics hasnt profoundly shocked
you% you ha'ent understood it yet( E'erything e
call real is #ade of things that cannot $e regarded as
real(& , /iels :ohr, a .anish 6hysicist
3%ain, i# you obser&ed the co$osition o# an ato with
a icrosco$e, you would see a sall, in&isible tornado
like &orte(, with a nuber o# in#initely sall ener%y
&ortices called 1uarks and $hotons! These are what ake
u$ the structure o# the ato! 3s you #ocused in closer
and closer on the structure o# the ato, you would see nothin%, you would obser&e a $hysical &oid!
The ato has no $hysical structure, we ha&e no $hysical structure, $hysical thin%s really don7t ha&e
any $hysical structure! 3tos are ade out o# in&isible ener%y, not tan%ible atter!
-espite the unri'alled e#pirical success of !uantu# theory% the 'ery suggestion that it #ay
$e literally true as a description of nature is still greeted ith cynicis#% inco#prehension and
e'en anger(& *T! ;ol%er, 48uantu Shantu<= .isco&er 22:3>?43, 2001+
.et o'er it% and accept the inargua$le conclusion( The uni'erse is i##aterial,#ental and
spiritual(& , @!A! 0enry, 6ro#essor o# $hysics and 3stronoy at Johns 0o$kins Uni&ersity! *source+
Tesla and Ancient Vedic Philosophy and the Properties of /pace
Be7&e seen a &ery interestin% trend *es$ecially within the $ast decade+ o# odern?day science
catchin% u$ to an ancient understandin% about the true nature o# reality, its ake?u$, how it
#unctions and how we can work with it to brin% about chan%e on our $lanet! ;or anybody to label
the er%in% o# spirituality and science as $seudoscience eans they ha&e not $ro$erly
Object 3
in&esti%ated it! S$iritual conce$ts o# our ancient world are directly intertwined with odern?day
science, ore so 1uantu $hysics, and /ikola Tesla was well aware o# this!
All percepti$le #atter co#es fro# a pri#ary su$stance% or tenuity $eyond conception% filling
all space% the akasha or lu#iniferous ether% hich is acted upon $y the life gi'ing Prana
or creati'e force% calling into e0istence% in ne'er,ending cycles all things and pheno#ena(&?
/ikola Tesla, Man7s Createst 3chie&eent, 190> *1+*2+
3s you can see, Tesla was aware o# ancient conce$ts and the correlation it had with the science he
was workin% on ?usin% sanskrit worlds like akasha, and prana to describe the #orce and atter
that e(ists all around us! These words coe #ro the U$anishads *a collection o# ,edic te(ts+
The aakaash is not destructi$le% it is the pri#ordial a$solute su$stratu# that creates cos#ic
#atter and hence the properties of aakaash are not found in the #aterial properties that are
in a sense relati'e( The aakaash is the eternally e0istent% superfluid reality% for hich creation
and destruction are inapplica$le(& , *"dha thadhakshare $arae &yoan! 6arae &yoan+ 5
6araahasa Tewari, -n%ineer, 6hysicist and "n&entor! *source+
/ikola Tesla had correlations with Swai ,i&ekananda *1DE3?1902+, who was one o# the ost
#aous and in#luential s$iritual leaders o# the $hiloso$hies o# ,edanta *one o# the si( schools o#
0indu $hiloso$hy, the ter ori%inally re#erred to the u$anishads, a collection o# $hiloso$hical te(ts
in 0induis+ and Fo%a! 0e was the chie# disci$le o# @aakrishna 6araahasa and the #ounder o#
@aakrishna Math and @aakrishna Mission! 0e is a %iant #i%ure in the history o# the hindu re#or
,i&ekananda wrote a later to Tesla in the late 1D00Gs statin%:
41r( Tesla thinks he can de#onstrate #athe#atically that force and #atter are reduci$le to
potential energy( I a# to go and see hi# ne0t eek to get this ne #athe#atical
de#onstration( In that case the Vedantic cos#ology ill $e placed on the surest of
foundations( I a# orking a good deal no upon the cos#ology and eschatology of the
Vedanta( I clearly see their perfect union ith #odern science% and the elucidation of the one
ill $e folloed $y that of the other(& ? Swai ,i&ekananda *Ao$lete Borks, ,'2! ,, ;i#th
-dition, 134>, $! >>+! *1+
Tesla be%an usin% the Sanskrit words a#ter eetin% with Swai, and a#ter studyin% the -astern &iew
o# the true nature o# reality, about the echaniss that dri&e the aterial world! -&entually, it led
hi to the basis #or the wireless transission o# electrical $ower, what is known as the Tesla Aoil
Trans#orer! .urin% this year he #ade the folloing co##ents during a speech $efore the
A#erican Institute of Electrical Engineers! *Ci&en be#ore he #ailiari)ed hisel# with the the
,edic sincere o# the easter nations o# "ndia, Tibet, and /e$al!+
Ere #any generations pass% our #achinery ill $e dri'en $y a poer o$taina$le at any point
in the uni'erse( This idea is not no'el23e find it in the delightful #yth of Antheus% ho
deri'es poer fro# the earth" e find it a#ong su$tle speculations of one of your splendid
#athe#aticians2(Throughout space there is energy( Is this energy static% or kinetic) If static
our hopes are in 'ain" if kinetic 4 and this e kno it is% for certain 4 then it is a #ere
!uestion of ti#e hen #en ill succeed in attaching their #achinery to the 'ery heel ork
of nature(& , /ikola Tesla *source+
The ,edas are a %rou$ o# writin%s that consist o# hyns, $rayers, yths, historical accountin%,
science and the nature o# reality! They date back at least 5000 years, and are not so di##erent #ro
other ancient te(ts that di&e into the sae atters #ro all across the %lobe! The lan%ua%e used is
Sanskrit and its ori%ins are unknown!
4/a#i Vi'ekananda as hopeful that Tesla ould $e a$le to sho that hat e call #atter is
si#ply potential energy $ecause that ould reconcile the teachings of the Vedas ith #odern
science( The /a#i reali5ed that in that case% the Vedantic cos#ology 6ould7 $e placed on the
surest of foundations( Tesla understood the /anskrit ter#inology and philosophy and found
that it as a good #eans to descri$e the physical #echanis#s of the uni'erse as seen through
his eyes( It ould $ehoo'e those ho ould atte#pt to understand the science $ehind the
in'entions of Nikola Tesla to study /anskrit and Vedic philosophy(& , Toby Crot), 6resident,
Bireless -n%ineerin% *source+
3$$arently, Tesla was unable to show the identity o# ener%y and atter, this did not coe until
3lbert -instein $ublished his $a$er on relati&ity, which was known in the -ast #or the last 5000
4All the poers in the uni'erse are already ours( It is e ho ha'e put our hands $efore our
eyes and cry that it is dark(& , Swai ,i&ekananda
Tesla7s &ision o# the wireless transission o# electricity and #ree ener%y has been $ost$oned #or
alost one hundred years now! Bhich brin%s us to our ne(t to$ic!
3hat 3e 8no No 6Today7 A$out Free Energy
These concepts ha'e $een pro'en in hundreds of la$oratories throughout the orld and yet
they ha'e not really seen the light of day( If these technologies ere to $e set free orldide%
the change ould $e profound% it ould $e applica$le e'eryhere( These technologies are
a$solutely the #ost i#portant thing that ha'e happened in the history of the orld(& , :rian
'7leary, ;orer /3S3 3stronaut and 6rinceton 6hysics 6ro#essor! *source+
0ere is a &ideo o# world renowned 6hysicist 0arold -! 6utho##! 3n 3erican $hysicist who earned
his 6h!. #ro Stan#ord Uni&ersity! " a best #ailiar with his work throu%h the declassi#ication o#
the reote &iewin% $ro%ra conducted by the A"3 and /S3 in conHunction with Stan#ord
Uni&ersity! *source 1+ *source 2+ *source 3+! 0e is the director o# the "nstitute #or 3d&anced Studies
at 3ustin, and has ser&ed &arious %o&ernent a%encies throu%hout his years!
Object 4
These are not *ust fringe scientists ith science fiction ideas( They are #ainstrea# ideas
$eing pu$lished in #ainstrea# physics *ournals and $eing taken seriously $y #ainstrea#
#ilitary and NA/A type funders( I'e $een taken out on aircraft carriers $y the Na'y and
shon hat it is e ha'e to replace if e ha'e ne energy sources to pro'ide ne fuel
#ethods(& , .r! 0arold -! 6utho##
49ack in a$out :;<= a researcher at the Hughes >a$oratory $y the na#e of ?o$ert >(
Forard shoed that there as a particular effect% called the @asi#ir Effect% hich
de#onstrated that this energy could $e taped(& , .r! 0arold -! 6utho##
To see soe actual research, a research $a$er and a &isual deonstration o# soe achinery with
$lans #or the de&ice, click 0-@-
This is what Tesla was talkin% about when he said that an would attach their machinery to the
very wheel work of nature.
Its Ti#e For A @hange
'ur current ethods #or e(tractin% ener%y are destroyin% -arth! "t7s destroyin% the en&ironent, its
$eo$le and creates con#lict! Be are ra$idly a$$roachin% a tie *i# not already in that tie+ where we
need to i$leent systes to eliinate the use o# #ossil #uels! " ho$e that this article, and the ones
linked within it, show you that this is $ossible! "# you are #urther interested in this subHect, you can
check out Michael ;araday, :ruce .e6ala, 6araahasa Tewari and ore!
-ner%y source transitions do not ha$$en o&er ni%ht! "t took us 100 years to trans#er #ro wood to
coal, and another 100 years to o&e #ro coal to oil! :ut the ne(t ener%y transition ust ha$$en
1uicker than $re&ious ones, and it ust include #ree ener%y!
4No pessi#ist e'er disco'ered the secret of the stars or sailed an uncharted land% or opened a
ne dooray fro# the hu#an spirit(& , 0elen Ieller
4The day science $egins to study non,physical pheno#ena% it ill #ake #ore progress in one
decade than in all the pre'ious centuries of its e0istence(& , /ikola Tesla

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