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Interaction of Radiation with

Perry Sprawls, Ph.D.
Table of Contents

Photon Interactions
Coherent Scatter
Pair Production
Electron Interactions
Electron Range
Linear Energy Transfer
Positron Interactions
Linear Attenuation Coefficient
!ass Attenuation Coefficient
Photoelectric Rates
"ependence on Photon Energy
!aterial Atomic Num#er
Compton Rates
"irection of Scatter
Energy of Scattered Radiation

%&ray photons are created #y the interaction of energetic electrons
'ith matter at the atomic le(el) Photons *+&ray and gamma, end their
li(es #y transferring their energy to electrons contained in matter) %&
ray interactions are important in diagnostic e+aminations for many
reasons) -or e+ample. the selecti(e interaction of +&ray photons 'ith
the structure of the human #ody produces the image/ the interaction
of photons 'ith the receptor con(erts an +&ray or gamma image into
one that can #e (ie'ed or recorded) This chapter considers the #asic
interactions #et'een +&ray and gamma photons and matter)


Photon Interactions
Recall that photons are indi(idual units of energy) As an +&ray #eam or
gamma radiation passes through an o#0ect. three possi#le fates a'ait each
photon. as sho'n in the figure #elo'1
2) It can penetrate the section of matter 'ithout interacting)
3) It can interact 'ith the matter and #e completely a#sor#ed #y depositing
its energy)
4) It can interact and #e scattered or deflected from its original direction and
deposit part of its energy)
Photons "nterin( the )*an +ody &ill "ither Penetrate, +e !bsorbed,
or Prod)ce Scattered Radiation
There are t'o 5inds of interactions through 'hich photons deposit their
energy/ #oth are 'ith electrons) In one type of interaction the photon loses
all its energy/ in the other. it loses a portion of its energy. and the remaining
energy is scattered) These t'o interactions are sho'n #elo')
The Two +asic Interactions +etween Photons and "lectrons

Photoelectric CO#T"#TS
In the photoelectric *photon&electron, interaction. as sho'n a#o(e.
a photon transfers all its energy to an electron located in one of the
atomic shells) The electron is e0ected from the atom #y this energy
and #egins to pass through the surrounding matter) The electron
rapidly loses its energy and mo(es only a relati(ely short distance
from its original location) The photon6s energy is. therefore.
deposited in the matter close to the site of the photoelectric
interaction) The energy transfer is a t'o&step process) The
photoelectric interaction in 'hich the photon transfers its energy to
the electron is the first step) The depositing of the energy in the
surrounding matter #y the electron is the second step)
Photoelectric interactions usually occur 'ith electrons that are
firmly #ound to the atom. that is. those 'ith a relati(ely high #inding
energy) Photoelectric interactions are most pro#a#le 'hen the
electron #inding energy is only slightly less than the energy of the
photon) If the #inding energy is more than the energy of the photon.
a photoelectric interaction cannot occur) This interaction is possi#le
only 'hen the photon has sufficient energy to o(ercome the #inding
energy and remo(e the electron from the atom)
The photon6s energy is di(ided into t'o parts #y the interaction) A
portion of the energy is used to o(ercome the electron6s #inding
energy and to remo(e it from the atom) The remaining energy is
transferred to the electron as 5inetic energy and is deposited near the
interaction site) Since the interaction creates a (acancy in one of the
electron shells. typically the 7 or L. an electron mo(es do'n to fill
in) The drop in energy of the filling electron often produces a
characteristic +&ray photon) The energy of the characteristic radiation
depends on the #inding energy of the electrons in(ol(ed)
Characteristic radiation initiated #y an incoming photon is referred
to as fluorescent radiation) -luorescence. in general. is a process in
'hich some of the energy of a photon is used to create a second
photon of less energy) This process sometimes con(erts +&rays into
light photons) 8hether the fluorescent radiation is in the form of
light or +&rays depends on the #inding energy le(els in the a#sor#ing

Co*pton CO#T"#TS
A Compton interaction is one in 'hich only a portion of the
energy is a#sor#ed and a photon is produced 'ith reduced energy)
This photon lea(es the site of the interaction in a direction different
from that of the original photon. as sho'n in the pre(ious figure)
9ecause of the change in photon direction. this type of interaction is
classified as a scattering process) In effect. a portion of the incident
radiation :#ounces off6 or is scattered #y the material) This is
significant in some situations #ecause the material 'ithin the
primary +&ray #eam #ecomes a secondary radiation source) The most
significant o#0ect producing scattered radiation in an +&ray procedure
is the patient6s #ody) The portion of the patient6s #ody that is 'ithin
the primary +&ray #eam #ecomes the actual source of scattered
radiation) This has t'o undesira#le conse;uences) The scattered
radiation that continues in the for'ard ) direction and reaches the
image receptor decreases the ;uality *contrast, of the image/ the
radiation that is scattered from the patient is the predominant source
of radiation e+posure to the personnel conducting the e+amination)

Coherent Scatter CO#T"#TS
There are actually t'o types of interactions that produce scattered
radiation) One type. referred to #y a (ariety of names. including
coherent. Thompson. Rayleigh. classical. and elastic. is a pure
scattering interaction and deposits no energy in the material)
Although this type of interaction is possi#le at lo' photon energies.
it is generally not significant in most diagnostic procedures)

Pair Prod)ction CO#T"#TS
Pair production is a photon&matter interaction that is not
encountered in diagnostic procedures #ecause it can occur only 'ith
photons 'ith energies in e+cess of 2)<3 !e$) In a pair&production
interaction. the photon interacts 'ith the nucleus in such a manner
that its energy is con(erted into matter) The interaction produces a
pair of particles. an electron and a positi(ely charged positron) These
t'o particles ha(e the same mass. each e;ui(alent to a rest mass
energy of <)=2 !e$)

"lectron Interactions
The interaction and transfer of energy from photons to tissue has t'o
phases) The first is the :one&shot: interaction #et'een the photon and an
electron in 'hich all or a significant part of the photon energy is transferred/
the second is the transfer of energy from the energi>ed electron as it mo(es
through the tissue) This occurs as a series of interactions. each of 'hich
transfers a relati(ely small amount of energy)
Se(eral types of radioacti(e transitions produce electron radiation
including #eta radiation. internal con(ersion *IC, electrons. and Auger
electrons) These radiation electrons interact 'ith matter *tissue, in a manner
similar to that of electrons produced #y photon interactions)
In photoelectric interactions. the energy of the electron is e;ual to the
energy of the incident photon less the #inding energy of the electron 'ithin
the atom) In Compton interactions. the relationship of the electron energy to
that of the photon depends on the angle of scatter and the original photon
energy) The electrons set free #y these interactions ha(e 5inetic energies
ranging from relati(ely lo' (alues to (alues slightly #elo' the energy of the
incident photons)
As the electrons lea(e the interaction site. they immediately #egin to
transfer their energy to the surrounding material. as sho'n #elo') 9ecause
the electron carries an electrical charge. it can interact 'ith other electrons
'ithout touching them) As it passes through the material. the electron. in
effect. pushes the other electrons a'ay from its path) If the force on an
electron is sufficient to remo(e it from its atom. ioni>ation results) In some
cases. the atomic or molecular structures are raised to a higher energy le(el.
or e+cited state) Regardless of the type of interaction. the mo(ing electron
loses some of its energy) !ost of the ioni>ation produced #y +& and gamma
radiation is not a result of direct photon interactions. #ut rather of
interactions of the energetic electrons 'ith the material) -or e+ample. in air.
radiation must e+pend an a(erage energy of 44)? e$ per ioni>ation) Consider
a =<&5e$ +&ray photon undergoing a photoelectric interaction) The initial
interaction of the photon ioni>es one atom. #ut the resulting energetic
electron ioni>es appro+imately 2.=<< additional atoms)
Ioni,ation Prod)ced by a Radiation "lectron

"lectron Ran(e
The total distance an electron tra(els in a material #efore losing all its
energy is generally referred to as its range) The t'o factors that determine
the range are *2, the initial energy of the electrons and *3, the density of the
material) One important characteristic of electron interactions is that all
electrons of the same energy ha(e the same range in a specific material. as
illustrated immediately #elo') The general relationship #et'een electron
range and energy is sho'n in the second follo'ing figure) The cur(e sho'n
is the range for a material 'ith a density of 2 g@cm4) This is the density of
'ater and the appro+imate density of muscle tissue)
The Ran(e of "lectrons with the Sa*e Initial "ner(ies
Relationship of "lectron Ran(e to Initial "ner(y in a Material with a
Density of - (.c*
0Soft Tiss)e1
The electron range in other materials can #e determined #y di(iding the
range gi(en in the figure a#o(e #y the density of the material) Let us no'
apply this procedure to determine the range of 4<<&5e$ #eta particles in air)
*Air has a density of <)<<23A g@cm
), -rom the figure 'e see that a 4<<&5e$
electron has a range of <)BC mm in a material 'ith a density of 2 g@cm
8hen this (alue is di(ided #y the density of air. 'e find the range to #e =A
In general. the range of electron radiation in materials such as tissue is a
fraction of a millimeter) This means that essentially all electron radiation
energy is a#sor#ed in the #ody (ery close to the site containing the
radioacti(e material)

2inear "ner(y Transfer CO#T"#TS
The rate at 'hich an electron transfers energy to a material is
5no'n as the linear energy transfer *LET,. and is e+pressed in terms
of the amount of energy transferred per unit of distance tra(eled)
Typical units are 5iloelectron (olts per micrometer *5e$@um,) In a
gi(en material. such as tissue. the LET (alue depends on the 5inetic
energy *(elocity, of the electron) The LET is generally in(ersely
related to the electron (elocity) As a radiation electron loses energy.
its (elocity decreases. and the (alue of the LET increases until all its
energy is dissipated) LET (alues in soft tissue for se(eral electron
energies are gi(en #elo')
"lectron "ner(y 3s. 2inear "ner(y Transfer
Electron Energy
LET (keV / m)
2<<< <)3
2<< <)4
2< 3)3
2 23)<

The effecti(eness of a particular radiation in producing #iological
damage is often related to the LET of the radiation) The actual
relationship of the efficiency in producing damage to LET (alues
depends on the #iological effect considered) -or some effects. the
efficiency increases 'ith an increase in LET. for some it decreases.
and for others it increases up to a point and then decreases 'ith
additional increases in LET) -or a gi(en #iological effect. there is an
LET (alue that produces an optimum energy concentration 'ithin
the tissue) Radiation 'ith lo'er LET (alues does not produce an
ade;uate concentration of energy) Radiations 'ith higher LET (alues
tend to deposit more energy than is needed to produce the effect/ this
tends to 'aste energy and decrease efficiency)

Positron Interactions
Recall that a positron is the same si>e as an electron. #ut has a positi(e
charge) It is also different from the electron in that it is composed of 'hat is
referred to as antimatter) This leads to a type of interaction that is ;uite
different from the interactions among electrons)
The interaction #et'een a positron and matter is in t'o phases. as
illustrated #elo') These are ioni>ation and annihilation) As the energetic
positron passes through matter. it interacts 'ith the atomic electrons #y
electrical attraction) As the positron mo(es along. it pulls electrons out of the
atoms and produces ioni>ation) A small amount of energy is lost #y the
positron in each interaction) In general. this phase of the interaction is not
too unli5e the interaction of an energetic electron. #ut the positron pulls
electrons as it races #y and electrons push electrons a'ay&from the path)
Also. 'hen the positron has lost most of its 5inetic energy and is coming to
a stop. it comes into close contact 'ith an electron and enters into an
annihilation interaction)

! Positron Interaction That Prod)ces !nnihilation Radiation
The annihilation process occurs 'hen the antimatter positron com#ines
'ith the con(entional&matter electron) In this interaction. the masses of #oth
particles are completely con(erted into energy) The relationship #et'een the
amount of energy and mass is gi(en #y
"4 *c
The energy e;ui(alent of one electron or positron mass is =22 5e$) The
energy that results from the annihilation process is emitted from the
interaction site in the form of t'o photons. each 'ith an energy of =22 5e$)
The pair of photons lea(e the site in opposite directions) 8ith special
imaging e;uipment it is possi#le to capture #oth photons and to determine
the precise three&dimensional location of the interaction site) Since the range
of a positron. li5e that of an electron. is relati(ely short. the site of
interaction is al'ays (ery close to the location of the radioacti(e nuclei)


As a photon ma5es its 'ay through matter. there is no 'ay to predict
precisely either ho' far it 'ill tra(el #efore engaging in an interaction or the
type of interaction it 'ill engage in) In clinical applications 'e are generally
not concerned 'ith the fate of an indi(idual photon #ut rather 'ith the
collecti(e interaction of the large num#er of photons) In most instances 'e
are interested in the o(erall rate at 'hich photons interact as they ma5e their
'ay through a specific material)
Let us o#ser(e 'hat happens 'hen a group of photons encounters a slice
of material that is 2 unit thic5. as illustrated in the figure #elo') Some of the
photons interact 'ith the material. and some pass on through) The
interactions. either photoelectric or Compton. remo(e some of the photons
from the #eam in a process 5no'n as attenuation) Dnder specific conditions.
a certain percentage of the photons 'ill interact. or #e attenuated. in a 2&unit
thic5ness of material)
2inear !tten)ation Coefficient

2inear !tten)ation Coefficient CO#T"#TS
The linear attenuation coefficient *E, is the actual fraction of
photons interacting per 2&unit thic5ness of material) In our e+ample
the fraction that interacts in the 2&cm thic5ness is <)2. or 2<F. and
the (alue of the linear attenuation coefficient is <)2 per cm)
Linear attenuation coefficient (alues indicate the rate at 'hich
photons interact as they mo(e through material and are in(ersely
related to the a(erage distance photons tra(el #efore interacting) The
rate at 'hich photons interact *attenuation coefficient (alue, is
determined #y the energy of the indi(idual photons and the atomic
num#er and density of the material)

Mass !tten)ation Coefficient
In some situations it is more desira#le to e+press the attenuation rate in
terms of the mass of the material encountered #y the photons rather than in
terms of distance) The ;uantity that affects attenuation rate is not the total
mass of an o#0ect #ut rather the area mass) Area mass is the amount of
material #ehind a 2&unit surface area. as sho'n #elo') The area mass is the
product of material thic5ness and density1
!rea Mass 0(.c*
1 4 Thickness 0c*1 x Density 0(.c*
The mass attenuation coefficient is the rate of photon interactions per 2&
unit *g@cm
, area mass)
Mass !tten)ation Coefficient
The figure compares t'o pieces of material 'ith different thic5nesses and
densities #ut the same area mass) Since #oth attenuate the same fraction of
photons. the mass attenuation coefficient is the same for the t'o materials)
They do not ha(e the same linear attenuation coefficient (alues)
The relationship #et'een the mass and linear attenuation coefficients is
Mass !tten)ation Coefficient 06.1 4 2inear !tten)ation Coefficient
061 . Density 01.
Notice that the sym#ol for mass attenuation coefficient *E@, is deri(ed
from the sym#ols for the linear attenuation coefficient *E, and the sym#ol
for density *,) 8e must #e careful not to #e misled #y the relationship
stated in this manner) Confusion often arises as to the effect of material
density on attenuation coefficient (alues) !ass attenuation coefficient (alues
are actually normali>ed 'ith respect to material density. and therefore do not
change 'ith changes in density) !aterial density does ha(e a direct effect on
linear attenuation coefficient (alues)
The total attenuation rate depends on the indi(idual rates associated 'ith
photoelectric and Compton interactions) The respecti(e attenuation
coefficients are related as follo's1
4 6
7 6
Let us no' consider the factors that affect attenuation rates and the
competition #et'een photoelectric and Compton interactions) 9oth types of
interactions occur 'ith electrons 'ithin the material) The chance that a
photon 'ill interact as it tra(els a 2&unit distance depends on t'o factors)
One factor is the concentration. or density. of electrons in the material)
Increasing the concentration of electrons increases the chance of a photon
coming close enough to an electron to interact) In a pre(ious section
(Characteristics and Structure of Matter) 'e o#ser(ed that electron
concentration 'as determined #y the physical density of the material)
Therefore. density affects the pro#a#ility of #oth photoelectric and Compton
All electrons are not e;ually attracti(e to a photon) 8hat ma5es an
electron more or less attracti(e is its #inding energy) The t'o general rules
2) Photoelectric interactions occur most fre;uently 'hen the electron
#inding energy is slightly less than the photon energy)
3) Compton interactions occur most fre;uently 'ith electrons 'ith relati(ely
lo' #inding energies)
In the pre(ious section referred to a#o(e 'e o#ser(ed that the electrons
'ith #inding energies 'ithin the energy range of diagnostic +&ray photons
'ere the 7&shell electrons of the intermediate& and high&atomic&num#er
materials) Since an atom can ha(e. at the most. t'o electrons in the 7 shell.
the ma0ority of the electrons are located in the other shells and ha(e
relati(ely lo' #inding energies)

Photoelectric Rates
The pro#a#ility. and thus attenuation coefficient (alue. for photoelectric
interactions depends on ho' 'ell the photon energies and electron #inding
energies match. as sho'n #elo') This can #e considered from t'o
In a specific material 'ith a fi+ed #inding energy. a change in photon
energy alters the match and the chance for photoelectric interactions) On the
other hand. 'ith photons of a specific energy. the pro#a#ility of
photoelectric interactions is affected #y the atomic num#er of the material.
'hich changes the #inding energy)
The Relationship between Material !to*ic #)*ber and Photon "ner(y
That "nhances the Probability of Photoelectric Interactions

Dependence on Photon "ner(y
In a gi(en material. the pro#a#ility of photoelectric interactions occurring
is strongly dependent on the energy of the photon and its relationship to the
#inding energy of the electrons) The figure #elo' sho's the relationship
#et'een the attenuation coefficient for iodine *G H =4, and photon energy)
This graph sho's t'o significant features of the relationship) One is that the
coefficient (alue. or the pro#a#ility of photoelectric interactions. decreases
rapidly 'ith increased photon energy) It is generally said that the pro#a#ility
of photoelectric interactions is in(ersely proportional to the cu#e of the
photon energy *2@E
,) This general relationship can #e used to compare the
photoelectric attenuation coefficients at t'o different photon energies) The
significant point is that the pro#a#ility of photoelectric interactions
occurring in a gi(en material drops drastically as the photon energy is
Relationship between the Probability of Photoelectric Interactions and
Photon "ner(y
The other important feature of the attenuation coefficient&photon energy
relationship sho'n in the figure a#o(e is that it changes a#ruptly at one
particular energy1 the #inding energy of the shell electrons) The 7&electron
#inding energy is 44 5e$ for iodine) This feature of the attenuation
coefficient cur(e is generally designated as the 7. L. or ! edge) The reason
for the sudden change is apparent if it is recalled that photons must ha(e
energies e;ual to or slightly greater than the #inding energy of the electrons
'ith 'hich they interact) 8hen photons 'ith energies less than 44 5e$ pass
through iodine. they interact primarily 'ith the L&shell electrons) They do
not ha(e sufficient energy to e0ect electrons from the 7 shell. and the
pro#a#ility of interacting 'ith the ! and N shells is ;uite lo' #ecause of the
relati(ely large difference #et'een the electron&#inding and photon energies)
o'e(er. photons 'ith energies slightly greater than 44 5e$ can also
interact 'ith the 7 shell electrons) This means that there are no' more
electrons in the material that are a(aila#le for interactions) This produces a
sudden increase in the attenuation coefficient at the 7&shell energy) In the
case of iodine. the attenuation coefficient a#ruptly 0umps from a (alue of =)C
#elo' the 7 edge to a (alue of 4C. or increases #y a factor of more than C)
A similar change in the attenuation coefficient occurs at the L&shell
electron #inding energy) -or most elements. ho'e(er. this is #elo' 2< 5e$
and not 'ithin the useful portion of the +&ray spectrum)
Photoelectric interactions occur at the highest rate 'hen the energy of the
+&ray photon is 0ust a#o(e the #inding energy of the electrons)

Material !to*ic #)*ber CO#T"#TS
The pro#a#ility of photoelectric interactions occurring is also
dependent on the atomic num#er of the material) An e+planation for
the increase in photoelectric interactions 'ith atomic num#er is that
as atomic num#er is increased. the #inding energies mo(e closer to
the photon energy) The general relationship is that the pro#a#ility of
photoelectric interactions *attenuation coefficient (alue, is
proportional to G4) In general. the conditions that increase the
pro#a#ility of photoelectric interactions are lo' photon energies and
high&atomic&num#er materials)

Co*pton Rates CO#T"#TS
Compton interactions can occur 'ith the (ery loosely #ound
electrons) All electrons in lo'&atomic&num#er materials and the
ma0ority of electrons in high&atomic&num#er materials are in this
category) The characteristic of the material that affects the
pro#a#ility of Compton interactions is the num#er of a(aila#le
electrons) It 'as sho'n earlier that all materials. 'ith the e+ception
of hydrogen. ha(e appro+imately the same num#er of electrons per
gram of material) Since the concentration of electrons in a gi(en
(olume is proportional to the density of the materials. the pro#a#ility
of Compton interactions is proportional only to the physical density
and not to the atomic num#er. as in the case of photoelectric
interactions) The ma0or e+ception is in materials 'ith a significant
proportion of hydrogen) In these materials 'ith more electrons per
gram. the pro#a#ility of Compton interactions is enhanced)
Although the chances of Compton interactions decrease slightly
'ith photon energy. the change is not so rapid as for photoelectric
interactions. 'hich are in(ersely related to the cu#e of the photon

Direction of Scatter CO#T"#TS
It is possi#le for photons to scatter in any direction) The direction
in 'hich an indi(idual photon 'ill scatter is purely a matter of
chance) There is no 'ay in 'hich the angle of scatter for a specific
photon can #e predicted) o'e(er. there are certain directions that
are more pro#a#le and that 'ill occur 'ith a greater fre;uency than
others) The factor that can alter the o(erall scatter direction pattern is
the energy of the original photon) In diagnostic e+aminations. the
most significant scatter 'ill #e in the for'ard direction) This 'ould
#e an angle of scatter of only a fe' degrees) o'e(er. especially at
the lo'er end of the energy spectrum. there is a significant amount
of scatter in the re(erse direction. i)e). #ac5scatter) -or the diagnostic
photon energy range. the num#er of photons that scatter at right
angles to the primary #eam is in the range of one&third to one&half of
the num#er that scatter in the for'ard direction) Increasing primary
photon energy causes a general shift of scatter to the for'ard
direction) o'e(er. in diagnostic procedures. there is al'ays a
significant amount of #ac5& and side&scatter radiation)

"ner(y of Scattered Radiation CO#T"#TS
8hen a photon undergoes a Compton interaction. its energy is
di(ided #et'een the scattered secondary photon and the electron
'ith 'hich it interacts) The electron6s 5inetic energy is ;uic5ly
a#sor#ed #y the material along its path) In other 'ords. in a
Compton interaction. part of the original photon6s energy is a#sor#ed
and part is con(erted into scattered radiation)
The manner in 'hich the energy is di(ided #et'een scattered and
a#sor#ed radiation depends on t'o factors&the angle of scatter and
the energy of the original photon) The relationship #et'een the
energy of the scattered radiation and the angle of scatter is a little
comple+ and should #e considered in t'o steps) The photon
characteristic that is specifically related to a gi(en scatter angle is its
change in 'a(elength) It should #e recalled that a photon6s
'a(elength *, and energy *", are in(ersely related as gi(en #y1
" 4 -5.8 . .
Since photons lose energy in a Compton interaction. the
'a(elength al'ays increases) The relationship #et'een the change
in a photon6s 'a(elength. . and the angle of scatter is gi(en #y1
4 9.958 0- : cos 1.
-or e+ample. all photons scattered at an angle of A< degrees. 'here
the cosine has a (alue of <. 'ill undergo a 'a(elength change of
<)<3? I) Photons that scatter #ac5 at an angle of 2J< degrees 'here
the cosine has a (alue of &2 'ill undergo a 'a(elength change of
<)<?J I) This is the ma+imum 'a(elength change that can occur in a
scattering interaction)
It is important to recogni>e the difference #et'een a change in
'a(elength and a change in energy) Since higher energy photons
ha(e shorter 'a(elengths. a change of say <)<3? I represents a
larger energy change than it 'ould for a lo'er energy photon) All
photons scattered at an angle of A< degrees 'ill undergo a
'a(elength change of <)<3?4I The change in energy associated
'ith A<&degree scatter is not the same for all photons and depends on
their original energy) The change in energy can #e found as follo's)
-or a 22<&5e$ photon. the 'a(elength is <)223B I) A scatter angle
of A< degrees 'ill al'ays increase the 'a(elength #y <)<3?4)
Therefore. the 'a(elength of the scattered photon 'ill #e <)223B
plus <)<3?4 or <)24B<) The energy of a photon 'ith this 'a(elength
is A2 5e$) The 22< 5e$ photons 'ill lose 2A 5e$ or 2BF of their
energy in the scattering process) Lo'er energy photons lose a
smaller percentage of their energy)

As photons pass through matter. they can engage in either photoelectric or
Compton interactions 'ith the material electrons) The photoelectric
interaction captures all photon energy and deposits it 'ithin the material.
'hereas the Compton interaction remo(es only a portion of the energy. and
the remainder continues as scattered radiation) The com#ination of the t'o
types of interactions produces the o(erall attenuation of the +&ray #eam) 8e
no' consider the factors that determine 'hich of the t'o interactions is
most li5ely to occur in a gi(en situation)
The energy at 'hich interactions change from predominantly photoelectric
to Compton is a function of the atomic num#er of the material) The figure
#elo' sho's this crosso(er energy for se(eral different materials) At the
lo'er photon energies. photoelectric interactions are much more
predominant than Compton) O(er most of the energy range. the pro#a#ility
of #oth decreases 'ith increased energy) o'e(er. the decrease in
photoelectric interactions is much greater) This is #ecause the photoelectric
rate changes in proportion to 2@E4. 'hereas Compton interactions are much
less energy dependent) In soft tissue. the t'o lines cross at an energy of
a#out 4< 5e$) At this energy. #oth photoelectric and Compton interactions
occur in e;ual num#ers) 9elo' this energy. photoelectric interactions
predominate) A#o(e 4< 5e$. Compton interactions #ecome the significant
process of +&ray attenuation) As photon energy increases. t'o changes
occur1 The pro#a#ility of #oth types of interactions decreases. #ut the
decrease for Compton is less. and it #ecomes the predominant type of
Co*parison of Photoelectric and Co*pton Interaction Rates for
Different Materials and Photon "ner(ies
In higher&atomic&num#er materials. photoelectric interactions are more
pro#a#le. in general. and they predominate up to higher photon energy
le(els) The conditions that cause photoelectric interactions to predominate
o(er Compton are the same conditions that enhance photoelectric
interactions. that is. lo' photon energies and materials 'ith high atomic
The total attenuation coefficient (alue for materials in(ol(ed in +&ray and
gamma interactions can (ary tremendously if photoelectric interactions are
in(ol(ed) A minimum (alue of appro+imately <)2= cm
@g is esta#lished #y
Compton interactions) Photoelectric interactions can cause the total
attenuation to increase to (ery high (alues) -or e+ample. at 4< 5e$. lead *G
H J3, has a mass attenuation coefficient of 4< cm

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