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Walden University

DBA Doctoral Study Rubric

May 2012
The purpose of the rubric is to guide DBA students and DBA Doctoral Study supervisory committees as they wor together to
develop high !uality proposals and Doctoral Study research" The committee will use the rubric to provide on#going and fle$ible
evaluation and re#evaluation of the proposal and DBA Doctoral Study drafts as they are developed" The %niversity &esearch
&eviewer '%&&( who approves the proposal)DBA Doctoral Study on behalf of the %niversity* will also use this rubric to communicate
feedbac and any re!uired revisions"
In the writing process, use the rubric as a suggested outline for the DBA Doctoral Study and as a basis for feedbac on early drafts"
Before the Proposal ral !onference or DBA Doctoral Study ral !onference, each member of the committee should complete
the rubric 'Section 1#2 for the proposal* Sections 1#+ for the DBA Doctoral Study( and submit it to the committee chairperson" These
rubrics 'not necessarily with a consensus achieved( will then be shared with the %&& who will also complete a rubric" The %&&
forwards his or her rubric to the ,ffice of Student &esearch Support 'with a copy to the chair(* along with a summary letter* for
distribution to the student and committee members* using the dba"docstudy-waldenu"edu address"
After the Proposal ral !onference or DBA Doctoral Study ral !onference, and once the student has completed any
re!uested revisions to the manuscript* the committee will review it and mae any needed modifications to the ratings in the
consensus rubric" A consensus rubric should then be submitted by the chair to dba"docstudy-waldenu"edu"
About consensus" .or the final copy of the proposal or DBA Doctoral Study* there #ust be unani#ous agree#ent by the DBA
Doctoral Study supervisory committee before the student proceeds to the ne$t step in the process"
Using the evaluation colu#n $%et&'ot #et( and Reviewer co##ent area" A space for comments is provided for each section
and sub#section component" This space can be used to provide specific guidance for revision* and it should also be used to praise
strong wor or noteworthy improvements" More e$tensive notes can be submitted as a separate attachment or as a mared#up copy
of the manuscript"
/ote0 Students must use 123 peer reviewed sources published within 2#years from the date the anticipated graduation date" ,ther
than data collected from the study site* students should not use maga4ines* trade publications* summary te$tboos* websites* and
May 2012 1
Student and !o##ittee Infor#ation
Chair: Complete the shaded fields in this section before submitting the rubric. Be sure to include the
names of all members of the committee.
Date" 'clic here and type today5s date0 (
Student)s 'a#e"
$*ast, +irst(" ,, 'clic here and type student5s name (
Student ID 'for office use only( ,,
!o##ittee %e#bers) 'a#es"
Second !o##ittee %e#ber
University Research Reviewer
Student to provide total nu#ber of references used that are - or less years old"
Student to provide total nu#ber of peer reviewed references in study $#ay verify using Urlich("
Student to provide percentage of peer reviewed references"
.ach #e#ber of the co##ittee should co#plete the following evaluation/
Stage of the Rubric" 'clic here to select which period this rubric represents(
.valuation of State of the DBA Doctoral Study or Proposal"
/o changes re!uired* advance to ne$t step# rubric re!uirements have been met
6hanges re!uired for resubmission# rubric re!uirements not met
'a#e of #e#ber and role of individual providing this evaluation"
May 2012 2
Proposal and DBA Doctoral Study Reviewer !o##ents
6omplete either the !ualitative or !uantitative elements for Section 2#B* depending on which is most appropriate" .or
proposal rubrics* complete Section 1 and Section 2#A" .or DBA Doctoral Study rubrics* complete all Section and sub#
section elements"
Section 0
+oundation of the Study
$+R PRPSA* 1 DBA D!2RA* S2UD3 D!U%.'2S(
4uality Indicators
%et&'ot #et
Bac5ground ###7rovides an overview of the conte$t or bacground of the problem" DBA Doctoral Studies are focused on
applied business research" This sets the stage for the study" NA
The proble# state#ent
a" 8oo 'with peer reviewed citation(
b" Anchor 'with peer reviewed citation(
c" 9eneral business proble#
d" Specific business problem to be studied
7roblem statement should be 100 : 200 words" 6hec with %lrich5s 7eriodical Directory http0))library"waldenu"edu);21"htm
to ensure citations are peer reviewed" &emember 123 of citations must be within 2 years from anticipated graduation
The purpose state#ent of the study clearly describes the intent of the research" The 7urpose statement is a mini story
and should not e$ceed 220 words and contains the following si$ elements0
a" &esearch method is identified as !ualitative* !uantitative* or mi$ed methods
b" &esearch design is clearly stated
c" <f !uan or mi$ed method0 &esearch variables briefly identified0 independent* dependent 'e$perimental study(
or a correlation 'relationships* comparison(
d" Specific population group of proposed study is identified = >ustified
e" 9eographic location of study is identified
f" 8ow study might contribute to social change and)or impact a business practice
May 2012 3
Section 0
+oundation of the Study
$+R PRPSA* 1 DBA D!2RA* S2UD3 D!U%.'2S(
4uality Indicators
%et&'ot #et
'ature of the Study 'method)design( ## 7rovides a brief discussion on the research method and design# cite one source
'this will be discussed in greater detail in section 2(" State why one method '!ualitative* !uantitative* or mi$ed
methods( was selected and why other methods would not wor" State why one design 'within the method( was
selected and why it was selected over other designs" Remember synthesis is important
A" Research 4uestion # defines why study is being conducted in a !uestion format 'about 10#12 words(" This is not the
interview !uestions* but the overarching !uestion on what will be researched for the study"
B" 6ypotheses '7uantitative&#i8ed #ethod only( are formatted in the scientific format of
6" ?ist each interview or survey 7uestion" @ach interview)survey !uestion must contribute nowledge to the research
!uestion" Avoid !uestions with yes)no answers"
2heoretical or !onceptual +ra#ewor5 is identified ## <n !uantitative studies* the theoretical base is the appropriate term
and in !ualitative studies the conceptual framewor shows which ideas from the literature ground and complement
the business research being conducted" <dentify)describe the management theory* author of theory* date of theory*
and how the theory is applicable and fits to the study"
perational definitions of technical terms* >argon* or special word uses are provided" Terms are listed in alphabetical
order in italics" 6itations of definitions must be provided from peer reviewed articles)government websites" NA
Assu#ptions, *i#itations, and Deli#itations provide descriptions of0
a" .acts assumed to be true but not actually verified 'assu#ptions(*
b" 7otential weanesses of the study 'li#itations(*
c" The bounds of the study 'deli#itations("
The Significance of the Study is described in terms of
a" Ahy is this study of value to business)social impact*
May 2012 4
Section 0
+oundation of the Study
$+R PRPSA* 1 DBA D!2RA* S2UD3 D!U%.'2S(
4uality Indicators
%et&'ot #et
b" 8ow this study will contribute to effective practice of business*
c" 8ow the results might contribute to positive social change and 'improvement of business practice("
2his area is i#portant in deter#ining Doc Study of the 3ear Award,9ustify well
Review of the Professional and Acade#ic *iterature
.ollowing elements re!uired0
a" +aculty confir#0 The literature review should incorporate a minimum of :; < peer reviewed references with 123
being published within the last + : 2 years of anticipated graduation" /ote* 6hec with %lrich5s 7eriodical Directory
'http0))library"waldenu"edu);21"htm( if !uestionable to ascertain if the sources are peer reviewed" +ew, if any
b" The literature review is well organi4ed '6reswell suggests by chronological order or by ma>or theme(" <ntroduce the
purpose of the study and the research !uestion" <nclude hypotheses if a !uantitative)mi$ed method study( in the
opening narrative"
c" <ntroduction should include a su##ary of various sources)content of the literature 'websites* boos* >ournals* etc(
to convince readers of depth of in!uiry"
d" !o#pare and contrast different points of view and the relationship of the study to previous research and
findings 'sample si4e)geographical location variance* etc("
e" 6oncise summaries of the literature define the most important aspects of the theory for understanding* improved
business practice* and which will be e$amined or tested for !uantitative studies" The summaries substantiate the
rationale or theoretical framewor for the study that will provide the conte$t for understanding and e$plaining the
elements for improved business practice 'for !ualitative studies("
f" There is literature#based description of the research variables '!uantitative studies(* or potential themes and
perceptions to be e$plored '!ualitative studies("

Section 1 ends with a transition section that contains a summary of ey points of the study and an overview introducing
sections two and three are provided" NA
May 2012 5
Section =
2he Pro9ect
$+R PRPSA* 1 DBA D!2RA* S2UD3 D!U%.'2S(
4uality Indicators
(Click here
1" Purpose State#ent ## Begin Section 2 with a restate#ent of the business pro>ect purpose" Do not copy and paste
word for word from Section 1B instead* vary the language slightly to eep your reader engaged" NA
2" Role of the Researcher ## Describe the role of the researcher in the data collection process" Describe any
relationship the researcher may have had with the topic* participants* or area" NA
+" Participants 'if any( :
a/ Discuss strategies for gaining access to participants
b/ how to establish a woring relationship with participants*
c/ measures to be taen to assure that the ethical protection of participants is ade!uate"
d/ <nclude data retention plans to protect the rights of the participants are discussed"
'ote" <f participants are not used in the study* >ust note /)A and why.
a" 7opulation selected for the study"
b" Sampling method 'random* purposeful* snowball*C( 'define = include citation("
c" Defend sample si4e 'use citation(" 6onsider using a sample si4e calculator"
d" &eference the confidentiality)consent to participate form ' included in the table of contents* and appendices(
e/ Research %ethod ## <dentify and >ustify the use of a specific research method* indicate whether the research pro>ect
uses !uantitative* !ualitative* or mi$ed methods 'hybrid(* why it was selected* and why other methods were not
selected" @$pand on the discussion in Section 1"
7araphrase and cite from the perspectives of + different scholars on method selected for the study"
f/ Research Design ## <dentify and >ustify the use of a specific research design and why other designs were not selected"
This is an e$pansion on the discussion in Section 1"
7araphrase and cite + scholars on design selected to add strength)>ustification on your selection"
May 2012 6
Section =
2he Pro9ect
$+R PRPSA* 1 DBA D!2RA* S2UD3 D!U%.'2S(
4uality Indicators
(Click here
g/ Population and Sa#pling ## This section0
'a( Describes the population from which the sample will be drawn
$b( Describes and >ustifies the sampling method 'purposeful* random '!uantitative(* etc include citation(*
$c( Describes and >ustifies the sample si4e using citation*
$d( Describes the eligibility criteria for study participants*
$e( There is a >ustification for the number of participants 'in accordance with the !ualitative design)approach chosen(
which is balanced with depth of in!uiry" <f appropriate* the rationale for specific types of sub>ects)representation in
sampling is provided" DBA policy for phenomenological studies is a minimum of 20 participants"
$g( 6riteria for selecting participants and interview setting are specified and are appropriate to the study" &ich
descriptions encouraged"
/ote0 Duantitative researchers must >ustify sample si4e calculation
h/ .thical Research : Describe in a rich detail step by step process0
a" The consenting process 'and include form in appendi$ and list in the Table of 6ontents(*
b" Describe how you allow participants to withdraw from the study*
c" Describe incentives* if any* used"
d" Statement that data will be maintained in a safe place for - years to protect rights of participants*
e" Agreement documents are listed in the 'a( te$t of the study* 'b( appendices and 'c( table of contents
&eminder0 /o names of individual organi4ations or individuals are used*
May 2012 7
Section =
2he Pro9ect
$+R PRPSA* 1 DBA D!2RA* S2UD3 D!U%.'2S(
4uality Indicators
(Click here
i/ Data !ollection : Instru#ents/ This section presents0
$a( Descriptions of instrument data collection tools to include the name of the instrument*
$b( The type of instrument* '2#point ?iert* etc(
$c( 6oncepts measured by the instrument*
$d( 8ow scores are calculated and their meaning*
$e( 7rocesses for assessment of reliability and validity of the instrument's(*
$f( 7rocesses needed for participants to complete instrument*
$g( Describe where raw data will be available 'appendices* tables* or by re!uest from the researcher("
$h( <nclude a detailed description of data that comprise each variable in the study"
$i( Discusses strategies used to address threats to validity* test#retest reliability* internal consistency* among others"
$9( Discuss any ad>ustments or revisions to the use of standardi4ed research instruments that were made"
$5( <dentify where in appendices the <nstrument 'or copy of permission to use instrument or purchase is located"
@nsure Table of 6ontents lists appendices"
9/ Data !ollection 2echni7ue" Describe the techni!ue used to collect data such as a online)paper survey* interview*
observation* site visit* video recording 'thin recipe card# step by step process and describe richly("
5/ Aill a pilot study be used conducted after <&B approvalE <f so* describe the process"
>" NA
" NA
l/ Data rgani>ation 2echni7ues" Describe the systems used for eeping trac of data* emerging understandings such
as research logs* reflective >ournals* and cataloging)labeling systems" &emind readers all raw data will be maintained
in a loced container for 2 years"
#/ Data Analysis :
a/ ?ist each interview !uestion" Data analysis logically and se!uentially addresses all research !uestions or
hypotheses* where appropriate* outcomes of hypothesis#testing procedures are clearly reported 'e"g"* findings
support or fail to support* and do not contain any evident statistical errors("
b/ Describe software to be used and how data will be analy4ed* such as using software tools lie /Fivo* S7SS*
@$cel" &ichly describe the value of this resource"
c/ Describe in detail any data coding used"
d/ .inally* overall* data analysis 'presentation* interpretation* e$planation( is consistent with the research !uestions
or hypotheses"
e/ Tie in how data relates to theoretical)conceptual framewor of the study"
May 2012
Section =
2he Pro9ect
$+R PRPSA* 1 DBA D!2RA* S2UD3 D!U%.'2S(
4uality Indicators
(Click here
Reliability and ?alidity : 6over the reliability of the instruments* processes* and the study
a" <nternal validity*
b" @$ternal validity
2ransition and Su##ary" Section 2 ends with a Transition Statement that contains a summary of ey points covered and
an overview of what will be covered in section +" NA
Proposal Stage" Before <&B approval* the paper should be written in future tense and after <&B approval* the paper
should be changed to past tense"
Writing Style : the paper should be written without slang* euphemisms* and anthropomorphisms"
+ollows APA :
edition in the te8t and in the reference list
Uses @-A peer reviewed sources published within the past -,years fro# the anticipated graduation date/
This ends the 7roposal section" See the 7rocess 6heclist located at the &esearch 6enter for ne$t
May 2012 !
Section B
$+R DBA D!2RA* S2UD3 D!U%.'2S(
4uality Indicators
(Click here
a" Begins with the purpose statement*
b" &eminds reader of research !uestions)hypothesis*
c" And a brief summary of the findings"
=/ Presentation of +indings0
a" ?ist each research !uestion and include conclusions*
b" .indings are addressed by the evidence collected*
c" &elates the findings to a larger body of literature on the topic*
d" Ties findings to the conceptual)theoretical framewor*
e" Ties findings or disputes findings to the e$isting literature on effective business practice"
B/ Application to Professional Practice ## There is a detailed discussion on the applicability of the findings with respect
to the professional practice of business" This ma>or sub#section provides academic argument in detail why and how
the findings are relevant to improved business practice"
'ote" 2his is an i#portant area for Doc Study of the 3ear Award
C/ I#plications for Social !hange/
The implications are e$pressed in terms of tangible improvements to individuals* communities* organi4ations*
institutions* cultures* or societies as it relates to social change)behaviors"
'ote" 2his is an i#portant area for Doc Study of the 3ear Award
-/ Reco##endations for Action
a" Should flow logically from the conclusions and contain steps to useful actionE
b" State who needs to pay attention to the results and
c" <ndicate how the results might be disseminated using the literature)conferences* training* etc"
:/ Reco##endations for +urther Study
?ist recommendations for further study as they relate to future studies related to improved practice in business" NA
May 2012 10
Section B
$+R DBA D!2RA* S2UD3 D!U%.'2S(
4uality Indicators
(Click here
D/ Reflections
<ncludes a reflection on the researcherGs e$perience with the research process in which the researcher discusses
possible personal biases or preconceived ideas and values* the possible effects of the researcher on the participants
or the situation* and her)his changes in thining because of the study"
@/ The wor closes with a strong concluding state#ent maing the Htae#home messageI clear to the reader"
May 2012 11
Abstract contains the following ele#ents"
$+R DBA D!2RA* S2UD3 D!U%.'2S(
4uality Indicators
%C&ick here
The format and content information of the Abstract is located in the &esearch 6enter0
Abstract Guidance for DBA Doctoral Studies: abs#rac# g(ide&i$es) abs#rac# *ri+er) abs#rac# *ri+er %,ide-'
Attention: .he abs#rac# is #he +-s# i+*-r#a$# *age i$ #he d-c(+e$# as i# is #he /i$d-/ i$#- #he 0(a&i#y -f a
d-c s#(dy. A$ abs#rac# ca$$-# e1ceed 1 *age. 2# is $-# i$de$#ed. 3ee fig(re 2.142.04 -f #he A5A) 6#h edi#i-$
+a$(a&. 6-( sh-(&d a&s- read rece$#&y a**r-,ed DBA D-c 3#(dy abs#rac#s #- e$s(re y-( ca$ *ass #he CA7
re,ie/ #he firs# &--k.
The following elements must be included in the abstract:
1. 2de$#ify #he +e#h-d AND desig$ (sed
2. 8is# #he *r-b&e+ 9e1*&-red9 %if 0(a&i#a#i,e' -r 9e1a+i$ed9 %if 0(a$ -r +i1ed' i$ -$e se$#e$ce
3. 2de$#ify h-/ #he c-$ce*#(a& -r #he-re#ica& fra+e /-rk c-$$ec#ed #- y-(r s#(dy %(se &-/er case &e##ers
f-r #he $a+e -f #he #he-ry'
4. "esearch 0(es#i-$ (sed
5. 3*ecific ide$#ifica#i-$ -f #he *ar#ici*a$#s
6. 2de$#ify h-/ #he da#a /as c-&&ec#ed %i.e. -$&i$e s(r,ey4i$#er,ie/) c-$#e$# a$a&ysis) e#c'
7. 2de$#ify #he s-f#/are #ha# /as (sed #- analyze #he da#a
. 2de$#ify res(&#s -r 2:3 #he+es #ha# +-r*hed fr-+ #he s#(dy
!. Address h-/ #he s#(dy might c-$#rib(#e #- s-cia& cha$ge a$d he&* b(si$ess e$,ir-$+e$#s
May 2012 12
Eeneral !o##ents
!o##ents on the following indicators of 7uality apply to the #anuscript as a whole/
(Click here
Writing Style and !o#position
The DBA Doctoral Study is written in scholarly language 'accurate* balanced* ob>ective* tentative(" The writing is clear*
precise* and avoids redundancy)errors" Statements are specific and topical sentences are established for paragraphs"
The flow of words is smooth and comprehensible" Bridges are established between ideas" .ew direct !uotes e$ist"
rgani>ation and +or#
The proposal)DBA Doctoral Study is in A7A* J
edition format
a" <s logically and comprehensively organi4ed* using subheadings where appropriate*
b" 8as a professional* scholarly appearance*
c" <s written with correct grammar* punctuation* and spelling*
d" <ncludes citations for the following0 !uotations* paraphrasing* facts* and references to research studies* and
e" <n#te$t citations are found in the reference list"
f" Appendices include documents to support data collection 'consent to participate* organi4ational permission* any raw
data)interview transcriptions* etc(
g" Table of contents have appropriate appendices annotated
h" Tables and .igures are appropriately in A7A* J
edition format
Appendices 1 2able of !ontents
a" 6onsenting form attached
b" ,rgani4ational permission
c" Sample of <nstrument
d" &ecordings of <nterviews)raw data
May 2012 13

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