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These Notes were spec!""y prep!re# by Pro$. Abe"!r#o T. Do%o&#o& $or the
e'c"(s)e (se o$ the 2**1 B!r c!&##!tes who !tte&#e# hs Pre-B!r Lect(res spo&sore# by
PRIMUS Management Unlimited Services, Inc. he"# !t the As!& Soc!" I&stt(te $ro%
A(+(st ,--. 2**1. Other re)ewees he h!s perso&!""y !(thor/e# %!y !"so (se these
B!sc pr&cp"es !re &c"(#e# !s we"" !s #octr&es e&(&c!te# & se"ecte# S(pre%e
0o(rt #ecso&s #(r&+ the pero# 1--1 (p to 2***. These Notes !re &te&#e# to !ssst the
B!r c!&##!te to reco""ect the prob!b"e !re!s where pote&t!" b!r 1(esto&s co("# be
#r!w&. These Notes !re &ot e'h!(st)e !s re+("!r b!r re)ew %!ter!"s o& Re%e#!" L!w
!&# !re &ot &te&#e# to rep"!ce the s!%e.
WARNING: These materials are protected by copyright. Unathori!ed sers,
inclding those "ho lent their copies #or $ero$ing, shall be pnished by the la" o#
%&RM& "old not pass the '&R or "old be nsccess#l and nhappy in li#e #or
stealing the athor(s intellectal property.
O&"y copes wth the %!&(!" s+&!t(re o$ Pro$. Do%o&#o&. or hs !(thor/e#
represe&t!t)e. o& ths p!+e !re co&s#ere# !s !(thor/e# copes. )olders o# athori!ed
copies are re*ested not to lend their copies #or $ero$ing. Revie"ees attending the
2002 &teneo 'ar Revie" are athori!ed to se these notes.
)+, T+ US- T)- PR-.,--% /+T-S
Ths wor2 #oes &ot (se the co&)e&to&!" %etho# o$ #sc(ss&+ the s(b3ect o& ! 4R("e
by R("e. Secto& by Secto&4 %etho#. I&ste!#. t (ses the proce#(r!" !ppro!ch. whch
tres to prese&t. !s $!r !s pr!ctc!b"e. the steps to be $o""owe# & the prosec(to& or
#e$e&se o$ !cto&s. The wor#s & bo"# !re the e'!ct wor#&+s o$ the R("es o$ 0o(rt. so
the re!#er #oes &ot h!)e to cross-re$er to the co#!" pro)so&s. Where the re!#er s
presse# $or t%e he sho("# re!# o&"y the %!& he!#&+s & bo"# "etters !&# browse the
There !re cert!& !&!"ytc!" processes th!t %(st be (&#ert!2e& & or#er to so")e $!ct
ce&tere# B!r 1(esto&s. The processes po&t the #recto& !s to how the B!r c!&##!te
sho("# !&!"y/e the B!r 1(esto&s !&# how he sho("# $or%("!te hs !&swer.
S'th E#to&. 0opyr+ht 2**1 by Abe"!r#o T. Do%o&#o&.
AB 5Eco6. BS0 5Acct+.6. LLB. MA 5Eco6. LLM. D0L 50!&#.6. Pr!ctc&+ L!wyer. 0PA !&# 0(sto%s Bro2er.
Pre-B!r Re)ewer & Merc!&t"e L!w. Re%e#!" L!w. T!'!to&. L!bor 7 Soc!" Le+s"!to&. !&# Le+!" Ethcs !&#
Pr!ctc!" E'ercses.
It s s(++este# th!t the re!#er sho("# %!ster the processes by !pp"y&+ the co&cepts
co&t!&e# & the Pre-Wee2 Notes..
There !re two +ro(ps o$ 1(esto&s th!t !re (s(!""y !s2e# & 0)" Proce#(re.
Pro)so&!" Re%e#es. Spec!" 0)" Acto&s. Spec!" Procee#&+s !&# 0r%&!"
Proce#(re. These two +ro(ps co("# be !&!"y/e# by !&swer&+ cert!& 1(esto&s.
1. &/&01TI2&0 3U-STI+/S 4+R S+05I/6 4&2T 2-/T-R-7
PR+'0-MS I/ 2I5I0 PR+2-7UR-, PR+5ISI+/&0 R-M-7I-S, SP-2I&0
2I5I0 &2TI+/S, SP-2I&0 PR+2--7I/6S &/7 2RIMI/&0 PR+2-7UR-.
8or the 8IRST 9RO:P. the $o""ow&+ 1(esto&s &ee# to be !&swere#;
!. Wh!t s the st!+e o$ the procee#&+s <
b. Wh!t #oes the e'!%&er w!&t <
16 Were pror proce#(res correct"y $o""owe# <
26 Wh!t s(ccee#&+ proce#(r!" steps sho("# be (&#ert!2e& <
The reso"(to& o$ the SE0OND 9RO:P re1(res respo&ses to the $o""ow&+;
!. =!s the procee#&+s bee& proper"y co%%e&ce# <
b. Are the p!rtes !&# p"e!#&+s correct <
c. Is there !& ss(e co&cer&&+ pre-tr!" procee#&+s <
#. Are there prob"e%s wth the tr!" or 3(#+%e&t <
e. Do post-tr!" ss(es e'st <
2. 4&2T 2-/T-R-7 PR+'0-MS I/ -5I7-/2- M&1 '- R-S+05-7 '1
&/S,-RI/6 T)- 4+00+,I/6 3U-STI+/S8
8!ct ce&tere# prob"e%s & E)#e&ce %!y be reso")e# by !&swer&+ the $o""ow&+
!. Wh!t s the p(rpose o$ the o$$er <
b. Is the e)#e&ce #escrbe# & the prob"e% re"e)!&t <
c. Is the e)#e&ce e'c"(#e# by !&y pro)so& o$ "!w or spec$c pro)so& o$
the R("es o$ 0o(rt <
#. I$ the e)#e&ce s e'c"(#e# by !&y pro)so& o$ "!w or spec$c pro)so&
o$ the R("es o$ 0o(rt #oes t $!"" (&#er !&y e'cepto& whch co("# res("t & ts
!#%sso& <
e. Is the we+ht o$ e)#e&ce re1(re# to pro)e ! $!ct %et <
Whe& re!#&+ the Pre-Wee2 Notes. the B!r c!&##!te sho("# co)er the te't. "oo2 !t
the he!#&+ & bo"# "etters !&# sho("# try to reco""ect the co&cepts. =e the& re%o)es the
co)er !&# chec2s $ hs reco""ecto& s !cc(r!te.
I$ he h!s t%e the B!r c!&##!te sho("# wrte #ow& the !&swers to the Re)ew
Prob"e%s to test hs !b"ty to reco""ect !&# wrte #ow& !&swers wth& the t%e
"%t!to&. E!ch 1(esto& sho("# be !&swere# & s' 5,6 %&(tes. The Re)ew Prob"e%s
!re the !(thor>s $orec!ste# 1(esto&s. It s to be &ote# th!t so%e o$ the Re)ew Prob"e%s
were cope# $ro% pre)o(s B!r ?(esto&s.
1. What is the object of remedial law ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The ob3ect o$ proce#(r!" "!w s &ot to c!(se (&#(e protr!cto&
o$ the "t+!to&. b(t
!. to $!c"t!te the !#3(#c!to& o$ co&$"ct&+ c"!%s !&#
b. to ser)e. r!ther th!& #e$e!t. the e&#s o$ 3(stce. 5S!&to To%!s :&)ersty =ospt!" ).
S(r"!. et !".. 9.R. No. 12-@1A. pro%. A(+(st 1@. 1--A re$err&+ to 0o&t&e&t!" Le!$ Tob!cco
BPh".C. I&c. ). I&ter%e#!te Appe""!te 0o(rt. 1D* S0RA 2,- ct&+ D%!y!cy!c ). 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s. -E S0RA 2,F6
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS;; Do &ot co&$(se the +e&er!" ob3ect o$ re%e#!" "!w wth
the ob3ect)e o$ the R("es o$ 0o(rt o# secring a 9st, speedy and ine$pensive disposition o#
every action and proceeding. 5Sec. ,. R("e 1. RO06
The ob3ect o$ re%e#!" "!w s ! +e&er!" st!te%e&t whch re$ers to the who"e spectr(% o$
!"" !re!s o$ re%e#!" "!w W=ILE the ob3ect)e o$ the R("es o$ 0o(rt spec$c!""y re$ers o&"y to
the R("es.
The #st&cto& %!y o&"y be ! %!tter o$ se%!&tcs bec!(se the e&# res("t o$ the ob3ect o$
re%e#!" "!w wth the ob3ect)e o$ the R("es o$ 0o(rt s the s!%e.
:::2. Define civil procedure.
!. The %etho# o$ co&#(ct&+ ! 3(#c!" procee#&+
b. to reso")e #sp(tes &)o")&+ pr)!te p!rtes
c. $or the p(rpose o$ e&$orc&+ r+hts or obt!&&+ re#ress $or the &)!so& o$ r+hts.
;. What is the function of courts ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The $(&cto& o$ co(rts s to #ec#e !ct(!" co&tro)erses.
!pp"y&+ the "!w. !&# &ot to +)e op&o&s (po& !bstr!ct proposto&s. 59(!r#(&o ). D!/. D,
Ph". D@26 They !pp"y or &terpret the "!ws. They #o &ot $or%("!te po"cy. whch s the
pro)&ce o$ the "e+s"!t)e !&# e'ec(t)e br!&ches o$ +o)er&%e&t. 5P!+p!"!& =!("ers. I&c. ).
=o&or!b"e Tr!3!&o. etc.. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EE21F. pro%. G("y 1F. 1---6
:::<. What are the measures which ensure the independence of the courts ?
!. The G(#c!ry sh!"" e&3oy $sc!" !(to&o%y.
b. Appo&t%e&s to the 3(#c!ry sh!"" be %!#e $ro% the &o%&ees o$ the G(#c!" !&# B!r
0o(&c". whch !ppo&t%e&ts #o &ot &ee# !&y 0o%%sso& o& Appo&t%e&t co&$r%!to&.
c. S!"!res o$ %e%bers o$ the 3(#c!ry sh!"" be $'e# by "!w !&# &ot to be #ecre!se#
#(r&+ ther co&t&(!&ce & o$$ce.
#. Me%bers o$ the 3(#c!ry sh!"" ho"# o$$ce #(r&+ +oo# beh!)or (&t" they re!ch the
!+e o$ @* ye!rs or beco%e &c!p!ct!te# to #sch!r+e the #(tes o$ ther o$$ce.
e. O&"y the S(pre%e 0o(rt sh!"" h!)e the power to #scp"&e 3(#+es o$ "ower co(rts. or
or#er ther #s%ss!".
$. Me%bers o$ the S(pre%e 0o(rt %!y be re%o)e# $ro% o$$ce o&"y (po& re!ch&+ the
!+e o$ @* ye!rs. &c!p!coty or thro(+h %pe!ch%e&t.
+. Me%bers o$ the 3(#c!ry sh!"" &ot be #es+&!te# to !&y !+e&cy per$or%&+ 1(!s-
3(#c!" or !#%&str!t)e $(&cto&s.
h. S(pre%e 0o(rt 3(rs#cto& sh!"" &ot be re#(ce# wtho(t ts co&se&t.
=. a! the "upreme #ourt suspend the application of the Rules of #ourt ? $%plain
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Hes. It s wth& the power o$ the 0o(rt to te%per r+# r("es
& $!)or o$ s(bst!&t!" 3(stce. Wh"e t s #esr!b"e th!t the R("es o$ 0o(rt be $!th$(""y !&# e)e&
%etc("o(s"y obser)e#. the 0o(rts sho("# &ot be so strct !bo(t proce#(r!" "!pses th!t #o &ot
re!""y %p!r the proper !#%&str!to& o$ 3(stce. I$ the r("es !re &te&#e# to e&s(re the or#er"y
co&#(ct o$ "t+!to&. t s bec!(se o$ the h+her ob3ect)e they see2 whch s the protecto& o$
s(bst!&t)e r+hts o$ the p!rtes. 5L!o ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. D@*1EI 0o ). 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. ,*,D@I !&# the Assoc!te# A&+"o-A%erc!& Tob!cco 0orpor!to& ).
0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. Nos. ,*-FA-F-. pro%. G!&(!ry 1@. 2***6
Whe& they !re r+# !&# strct & !pp"c!to&. res("t&+ & tech&c!"tes th!t te&# to
$r(str!te r!ther th!& pro%ote 3(stce. the S(pre%e 0o(rt s e%powere# to s(spe&# ts ow& r("es
5Peop"e o$ the Ph"pp&es ). 8"ores. et !".. 9.R. No. 1*,FA1. pro%. M!rch E. 1--@6. !&# e'cept !
p!rtc("!r c!se $ro% ther oper!to& whe&e)er the h+her &terests o$ 3(stce so re1(re. 58ortch.
etc.. et !".. ). 0oro&!. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E1DF@. pro%. Apr" 2D. 1--A6
!. -$amples "here the Spreme 2ort sspended the application o# the Rles o#
16 The 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s %!y e&tert!& ! seco&# %oto& $or reco&s#er!to& o$ ts
#ecso& !"tho(+h the $"&+ o$ s(ch %oto& )o"!tes ! prohbto& thereo$. 5L!o ). 0o(rt
o$ Appe!"s. . et !".. 9.R. No. D@*1EI 0o ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. ,*,D@I !&#
the Assoc!te# A&+"o-A%erc!& Tob!cco 0orpor!to& ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R.
Nos. ,*-FA-F-. pro%. G!&(!ry 1@. 2*** 6
26 The S(pre%e 0o(rt !""owe# the s(b%sso& o$ ! cert$e# tr(e copy o$ the
Spec!" Or#er +r!&t&+ e'ec(to& pe&#&+ !ppe!" !s s(bst!&t!" co%p"!&ce wth the
re1(re%e&t o$ Secto& 1. R("e ,F o$ the R("es o$ 0o(rt th!t the petto& Jbe !cco%p!&e#
by ! cert$e# tr(e copy o$ the 3(#+%e&t or or#er s(b3ect thereo$.K 5L!o ). 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. D@*1EI 0o ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. ,*,D@. !&# the
Assoc!te# A&+"o-A%erc!& Tob!cco 0orpor!to& ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. Nos.
,*-FA-F- pro%. G!&(!ry 1@. 2***6
E6 A petto& $or re)ew o$ ! 0S0 Reso"(to& (&#er R("e DF wth the 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s. !"tho(+h !& &!ppropr!te re%e#y or wro&+ %o#e o$ !ppe!" p(rs(!&t to 0rc("!r
No. 2--* w!s re&st!te#. The 0rc("!r sho("# be so &terprete# !&# !pp"e# !s to !tt!&.
&ot #e$e!t the ("t%!te p(rpose o$ the r("es o$ proce#(re to !che)e s(bst!&t!" 3(stce.
5Ro%ero ). 0)" Ser)ce 0o%%sso&. 2@, S0RA ,1*. & t(r& ct&+ A-O&e 8ee#s. I&c. ).
0o(rt o$ Appe!"s et. !".. 1** S0RA F-*6
D6 A #s%ss!" o$ ! petto& by the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s o& the +ro(&# th!t the
1(esto&e# or#ers s(b%tte# by the petto&er were (&s+&e# #(p"c!te copes. &ot c"e!r"y
"e+b"e #(p"c!te or+&!" cert$e# tr(e copy w!s re&st!te# by the S(pre%e 0o(rt.
5Reyes. Gr. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !". 9.R. No. 1E,D@A. M!rch 2@. 2***6
b. The Spreme 2ort does not al"ays sspend the Rles. The p!y%e&t o$ the
#oc2et !&# other "e+!" $ees wth& the prescrbe# pero# s both %!&#!tory !&# 3(rs#cto&!".
Secto& 1 5c6. R("e F* o$ the R("es o$ 0o(rt pro)#es; J8!"(re o$ the !ppe""!&t to p!y the #oc2et
!&# other $ees !s pro)#e# & Secto& D o$ R("e D1 s ! +ro(&# $or the #s%ss!" o$ the !ppe!".K
I&#ee#. t h!s bee& he"# th!t $!"(re o$ the !ppe""!&t to co&$or% wth the r("es o& !ppe!" re&#ers
the 3(#+%e&t $&!" !&# e'ec(tory. Ler"y. the r+ht to !ppe!" s ! st!t(tory r+ht !&# o&e who
see2s to !)!" o$ th!t r+ht %(st co%p"y wth the st!t(te or the r("e.
The b!re &)oc!to& o$ Jthe &terest o$ s(bst!&t!" 3(stceK s &ot ! %!+c w!&# th!t w""
!(to%!tc!""y co%pe" the S(pre%e 0o(rt to s(spe&# proce#(r!" r("es. JProce#(r!" r("es !re &ot
to be be"tt"e# or #s%sse# s%p"y bec!(se ther &o&-obser)!&ce %!y h!)e res("te# & pre3(#ce
to ! p!rtyMs s(bst!&t)e r+hts. L2e !"" r("es. they !re re1(re# to be $o""owe# e'cept o&"y $or the
%ost pers(!s)e o$ re!so&s whe& they %!y be re"!'e# to re"e)e ! "t+!&t o$ !& &3(stce &ot
co%%e&s(r!te wth the #e+ree o$ hs tho(+ht"ess&ess & &ot co%p"y&+ wth the proce#(re
R("es o$ proce#(re. espec!""y those prescrb&+ the t%e wth& whch cert!& !cts %(st
be #o&e. Jh!)e o$te& bee& he"# !s !bso"(te"y &#spe&s!b"e to the pre)e&to& o$ &ee#"ess #e"!ys
!&# to the or#er"y !&# spee#y #sch!r+e o$ b(s&ess. ' ' ' The re!so& $or r("es o$ ths &!t(re s
bec!(se the #sp!tch o$ b(s&ess by co(rts wo("# be %possb"e. !&# &to"er!b"e #e"!ys wo("#
res("t. wtho(t r("es +o)er&&+ pr!ctce. ' ' ' S(ch r("es !re ! &ecess!ry &c#e&t to the proper.
e$$ce&t !&# or#er"y #sch!r+e o$ 3(#c!" $(&cto&s.K T R("es %!y be re"!'e# o&"y &
Je'cepto&!""y %ertoro(s c!ses.K 5L!/!ro et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E@@,1.
Apr" ,. 2***6
c. Reason #or allo"ing sspension o# the rles. The r("es o& proce#(re !re %ere"y
too"s #es+&e# to $!c"t!te the !tt!&%e&t o$ 3(stce.
Strct !#here&ce to proce#(r!" r("es s &ot the e&#-!"" !&# be-!"" o$ "t+!to&. !"tho(+h
strct !#here&ce to proce#(r!" r("es %(st !t !"" t%es be obser)e#. A#3ect)e "!w s &ot to be
t!2e& "+ht"y. $or wtho(t t. the e&$orce%e&t o$ s(bst!&t)e "!ws %!y &ot re%!& !ss(re#.
Ne)erthe"ess. tech&c!" r("es o$ proce#(re !re &ot e&#s & the%se")es. b(t pr%!r"y #e)se# !&#
#es+&e# to he"p & the proper !&# e'pe#e&t !#%&str!to& o$ 3(stce. I& !ppropr!te c!ses
there$ore. the r("es %!y h!)e to be so co&str(e# "ber!""y & or#er to %eet !&# !#)!&ce the c!(se
o$ s(bst!&t!" 3(stce. 5L!o ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. D@*1EI 0o ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s.
et !".. 9.R. No. ,*,D@. !&# the Assoc!te# A&+"o-A%erc!& Tob!cco 0orpor!to& ). 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. Nos. ,*-FA-F- pro%. G!&(!ry 1@. 2***6
#. 2ases "here the Rles o# Procedre do not apply. The R("es o$ 0)" Proce#(re
+e&er!""y #o &ot !pp"y to "!&# re+str!to& c!#!str!" !&# e"ecto& co#es. &!t(r!"/!to& !&#
%p"e%e&t&+ proce#(res e'cept by !&!"o+y or & ! s(pp"etory ch!r!cter !&# whe&e)er
pr!ctc!b"e !&# co&)e&e&t. E"ecto& co&tests !re s(b3ect to the 0o%e"ec R("es o$ proce#(re.
5B!rros! ). =o&. A%p+ Gr.. etc.. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EA21A. pro%. M!rch 1@. 2***6
16 The s(pp"etory !pp"c!to& o$ the &o&-$or(% shopp&+ re1(re%e&ts (&#er the
R("es o$ 0)" Proce#(re to e"ecto& c!ses #oes &ot !(to%!tc!""y w!rr!&t the #s%ss!"
o$ the c!se wth pre3(#ce. Re!so&; Strct !pp"c!to& o$ the &o&-$or(% shopp&+ r("e
wo("# &ot wor2 to the best &terest o$ the p!rtes !&# the e"ector!te.
A& e"ecto& co&test. (&"2e !& or#&!ry c)" !cto&. s c"othe# wth p(b"c &terest.
The p(rpose o$ !& e"ecto& protest s to !scert!& whether the c!&##!te proc"!%e# by the
bo!r# o$ c!&)!ssers s the "!w$(" choce o$ the peop"e. A& e"ecto& co&test &)o")es &ot
o&"y the !#3(#c!to& o$ pr)!te !&# pec(&!ry o&terests o$ r)!" c!&##!tes b(t p!r!%o(&t
to ther c"!%s s the #eep p(b"c co&cer& &)o")e# !&# the &ee# o$ #spe""&+ the
(&cert!&ty o)er the re!" choce o$ the e"ector!te. 5Ib#.6
26 The !ppe""!te co(rt co("# co&s#er #oc(%e&ts !tt!che# to the st!teMs bre$ & !&
!ppe!"e# &!t(r!"/!to& c!se. e)e& $ &ot prese&te# !&# o$$ere# !s e)#e&ce & the tr!"
co(rt !s re1(re# (&#er Sec. ED. R("e 1E2. The re!so& $or the r("e prohbt&+ the
!#%sso& o$ e)#e&ce &ot $or%!""y o$$ere# s to !$$or# the opposte p!rty the ch!&ce to
ob3ect to ther !#%sb"ty. There s &o #e&!" o$ #(e process bec!(se ob3ecto&s to the
!(the&tcty o$ the #oc(%e&ts co("# h!)e bee& %!#e & the bre$s $"e# wth the !ppe""!te
co(rt. 50h! ). Rep(b"c. et !".. 9.R. No. 12@2D*. pro%. M!rch 2@. 2***6
>. What is the e%tent of judicial power ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; It &c"(#es the #(ty o$ the co(rts o$ 3(stce to sett"e !ct(!"
co&tro)erses &)o")&+ r+hts whch !re "e+!""y #e%!&#!b"e !&# e&$orce!b"e. 5Artc"e LIII.
Secto& 1. 1-A@ Ph"pp&e 0o&stt(to&6
:::@. What is a &uasi'judicial function?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; A power th!t rests & 3(#+%e&t or #screto&. so th!t t s o$
3(#c!" &!t(re or ch!r!cter. b(t #oes &ot &)o")e the e'ercse o$ $(&cto&s o$ ! 3(#+e. or s
co&$erre# (po& !& o$$cer other th!& ! 3(#c!" o$$cer. 5S!&#o)!" ). 0o%%sso& o& E"ecto&s. et
!".. 9.R. No. 1EEAD2. pro%. G!&(!ry 2,. 2***6
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; A 1(!s-3(#c!" trb(&!" c!&&ot +&ore the re1(re%e&ts o$
proce#(r!" #(e process & reso")&+ petto&s. 5Ib#.6
0)" proce#(re s b!sc!""y ! step by step !ct)ty whch ! st(#e&t sho("# %!ster & or#er to
+r!sp the who"e pct(re. !s we"" the )!ro(s &terre"!te# s(b3ects.
Ths s so. bec!(se cert!& proce#(res occ(r $ro% t%e to t%e wh"e the !cto& or s(t s
be&+ he!r#. 8or e'!%p"e. #$$ere&t 2&#s o$ %oto&s %!y be $"e#. 8(rther%ore. cert!& !cts
co("# be #o&e o&"y wth& cert!& re+"e%e&t!ry pero#s whch $ &ot co%p"e# wth %!y res("t to
#e&!" by the co(rt o$ pr!yers $or re"e$.
It s $or these re!so&s the Notes !)o# (s&+ the co&)e&to&!" %etho# o$ #sc(ss&+ the
s(b3ect %!tter o& ! 4R("e by R("e. Secto& by Secto&4 %etho#. I&ste!# t (ses the proce#(r!"
!ppro!ch. whch tres to prese&t. !s $!r !s pr!ctc!b"e. the steps to be $o""owe# & the prosec(to&
or #e$e&se o$ c!(ses o$ !cto&s.
The $o""ow&+ o(t"&e %!y be re$erre# to !s the 48"ow o$ 0)" Proce#(re.4 th!t sho("# be
%!stere# by the st(#e&t & or#er to h!)e ! thoro(+h +r!sp o$ the &terre"!to&shps !%o&+ the
co&cepts #sc(sse#.
'-4+R- 4I0I/6 T)- SUIT
A. I& 9e&er!"; The crter! $or &)o2&+ 3(#c!" process
1. Acto&s & +e&er!"
!. Is there ! c!(se o$ !cto& <
0 b. Does the r+ht o$ !cto& s(bsst < Do the $o""ow&+ e'st <
16 Estoppe"
26 L!ches
E6 Prescrpto&
D6 8or(% shopp&+
F6 Res 3(#c!t!
2. Are there !)!"!b"e !#e1(!te re"e$s !&# re%e#es<
!. Is there ! &ee# $or pro)so&!" re%e#es <
B. Who !re the p!rtes to ! s(t <
16 P!rtes & +e&er!"
26 0rter! $or &)o2&+ 3(#c!" process
!. Thresho"# re1(re%e&ts
16 Le+!" c!p!cty
26 Re!" p!rty & &terest
E6 Locus standi
E6 Go&#er o$ p!rtes
!. K&#s o$ p!rtes
b. Go&#er o$ &t!" p!rtes
16 0o%p("sory 3o&#er
26 Per%ss)e 3o&#er
c. I%p"e!#er
16 Thr#-$o(rth. etc. p!rty
#. Spec!" 3o&#er #e)ces
16 0"!ss s(t
26 I&ter)e&to&
E6 I&terp"e!#er
0. Deter%&e !pp"c!to& o$ #octr&e o$ preco&#to&s. pror resort. !"ter&!t)e %o#es o$
#sp(te reso"(to&.
1. 0o%pro%se
2. Katarunggang Pambarangay
E. E'h!(sto& o$ !#%&str!t)e re%e#es
D. Arbtr!to& !&# !"ter&!t)e %o#es o$ #sp(te reso"(to&
D. Se"ecto& o$ co(rt
1. D$$ere&t 2&#s o$ c)" !cto&s
!. Or#&!ry !&# spec!"
b. In rem. in personam. quasi-in rem
c. Re!". perso&!"
#. Loc!" !&# tr!&story
2. =er!rchy o$ co(rts
E. G(rs#cto&
D. Le&(e
F. S(%%!ry proce#(re
E. P"e!#&+s !&# %oto&s
1. P"e!#&+s & +e&er!"
!. 8or%!" Re1(re%e&ts
b. M!&&er o$ %!2&+ !""e+!to&s & p"e!#&+s
2. The co%p"!&t
!. Go&#er o$ c!(ses o$ !cto&
16 Per%ss)e
26 0o%p("sory
E. 8"&+ !&# ser)ce o$ p"e!#&+s !&# other p!pers
D. Moto&s & +e&er!"
!. 8"&+. ser)ce !&# he!r&+ o$ %oto&s
8. Deposto&s !&# #sco)eres
4I0I/6 +4 T)- &2TI+/.
A. 0o%%e&ce%e&t o$ the !cto&
B. Doc2et $ees
0. R!$$"e o$ c!ses
&4T-R 4I0I/6 +4 T)- SUIT
A. Obt!&&+ 3(rs#cto& o)er p!rtes
1. S(%%o&s & +e&er!"
2. Metho#s o$ ser)ce
B. Moto&s th!t %!y be $"e# by the p"!&t$$
1. To wth#r!w co%p"!&t or to #s%ss
2. To !%e&# or s(pp"e%e&t the co%p"!&t
&4T-R S-R5I2- +4 SUMM+/S 'UT '-4+R- &/S,-R
A. P"!&t$$Ms &otces. %oto&s !&# others
1. To wth#r!w co%p"!&t
2. To !%e&# or s(pp"e%e&t the co%p"!&t
E. To #ec"!re & #e$!("t
D Opposto& to #e$e&#!&t>s )!ro(s %oto&s
B. De$e&#!&tMs %oto&s !&# p"e!#&+s !$ter ser)ce o$ s(%%o&s b(t be$ore !&swer
1. Moto&s
!. 8or b"" o$ p!rtc("!rs
b. To e'p(&+e the co%p"!&t or porto&s thereo$
c. To #s%ss
#. 8or e'te&so& o$ t%e to $"e !&swer
e. L$t or#er o$ #e$!("t
2. P"e!#&+s
!. A&swer
b. 0o(&terc"!%
c. Thr#-P!rty co%p"!&
#. 0ross-c"!%
E. Others
!. Deposto&s !&# #sco)eres
b. Opposto&s to p"!&t$$>s )!ro(s %oto&s
&4T-R 7-4-/7&/T(S &/S,-R
A. P"!&t$$>s %oto&s !&# p"e!#&+s !$ter !&swer
1. Moto&s
!. To wth#r!w co%p"!&t
b. To !%e&# or s(pp"e%e&t the co%p"!&t
c. To e'p(&+e the !&swer or !&y p!rt
#. 8or 3(#+%e&t o& the p"e!#&+s
e. 8or s(%%!ry 3(#+%e&t
$. To set pre-tr!"
2. P"e!#&+s
!. Rep"y
b. A&swer to co(&terc"!%s
E. Others
!. Pre-tr!" bre$
b. Deposto&s !&# #sco)eres
B. De$e&#!&t>s %oto&s !&# p"e!#&+s !$ter !&swer
1. Moto&s
!. Opposto&s to p"!&t$$>s )!ro(s %oto&s
2. Others
!. Pre-tr!" bre$
b. Deposto& !&# #sco)eres
A. P"!&t$$>s %oto&s
1. To prese&t e)#e&ce ex-parte !&# re&#er 3(#+%e&t
B. De$e&#!&t>s %oto&
1. Moto& to #s%ss
0. 0o%%o& %oto&s
1. To postpo&e
2. 8or co&so"#!to& or se)er!&ce
E. 8or tr!" by co%%sso&er
E. E'p!&#&+ the scope o$ the s(t
1. Go&#er o$ c"!%s or c!(ses o$ !cto&
2. Go&#er o$ p!rtes
7-P+SITI+/S &/7 7IS2+5-RI-S
A. Deposto&s
B. I&terro+!tores to p!rtes
0. A#%sso& by !#)erse p!rty
D. Pro#(cto& or &specto& o$ th&+s or #oc(%e&ts
E. Physc!" !&# %e&t!" e'!%&!to& o$ perso&s
A. Tr!"
1. Or#er o$ tr!"
B. 0o%%o& %oto&s
1. To postpo&e
2. To !%e&# to co&$or% to e)#e&ce
&4T-R TRI&0, '-4+R- AU76M-/T
A. 0o%%o& %oto&
1. To s(b%t %e%or!&#(%
B .De$e&#!&tMs %oto&
2. 8or 3(#+%e&t o& #e%(rrer to e)#e&ce
&4T-R AU76M-/T.
A. 0o%%o& %oto&s
1. 8or reco&s#er!to&
2. 8or &ew tr!"
B. Others
1. Notce o$ !ppe!"
2. Petto& $or re"e$ $ro% 3(#+%e&t
A. I& +e&er!"
1. Pre"%&!ry co&cepts
2. Mo#es !&# pero#s o$ !ppe!"s
B. Appe!"s $ro% 3(#+%e&ts or $&!" or#ers o$ %(&cp!" tr!" co(rts
1. I& +e&er!"
2. Proce#(re $or !ppe!"s o$ 3(#+%e&ts o$ %(&cp!" tr!" co(rts & e'ercse o$
or+&!" 3(rs#cto&
E. Proce#(re $or !ppe!"s o$ #ecso&s o$ %(&cp!" tr!" co(rts & e'ercse o$
#e"e+!te# 3(rs#cto&
0. Appe!"s $ro% #ecso&s o$ the Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rts
1. I& +e&er!"
2. Proce#(re $or or#&!ry !ppe!"s o$ #ecso&s o$ the Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt &
e'ercse o$ ts or+&!" 3(rs#cto& to the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s
D. Petto& $or re)ew $ro% #ecso&s o$ the Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt & the e'ercse
o$ ts !ppe""!te 3(rs#cto& to the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s
F. Petto& $or certor!r to the S(pre%e 0o(rt
D. Appe!"s $ro% #ecso&s o$ the 0o(rt o$ T!' Appe!"s !&# 1(!s-3(#c!" !+e&ces
1. I& +e&er!"
2. Petto& $or re)ew to the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s
E. Petto& $or certor!r to the S(pre%e 0o(rt
E. Appe!"s $ro% #ecso&s o$ the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s
1. I& +e&er!"
2. Appe!" by certor!r to the S(pre%e 0o(rt
-B-2UTI+/S &/7 S&TIS4&2TI+/ +4 AU76M-/TS
A. I& +e&er!"
1. 0o&cepts
2. K&#s o$ e'ec(to&
!. E'ec(to& !s ! %!tter o$ r+ht
b. Dscreto&!ry e'ec(to&
E. =ow e'ec(to& s e$$ecte#. & +e&er!"
D. Propertes e'e%pt $ro% e'ec(to&
B. Proce#(re $or e'ec(to&
1. I& c!se o$ #e!th o$ p!rty
2. 8or 3(#+%e&ts $or %o&ey
E. O$ 3(#+%e&t $or spec$c !ct
F. O$ spec!" 3(#+%e&ts
0. E'ec(to& s!"es
1. S!"es o& e'ec(to&
2. 0o&)ey!&ce o$ property so"# o& e'ec(to&
E. Re#e%pto& o$ property so"# o& e'ec(to&
D. Re%e#es o$ 3(#+%e&t cre#tor & !# o$ e'ec(to&
E. S!ts$!cto& o$ 3(#+%e&t
The pr%!ry crter! th!t %(st be co%p"e# wth be$ore $"&+ ! s(t s the e'ste&ce o$ !
c!(se o$ !cto& by the s(tor !+!&st the !#)erse p!rty. Wtho(t ! c!(se o$ !cto& the s(t %(st
$!" bec!(se the co%p"!&t wo("# be s(sceptb"e to the thresho"# #e$e&se o$ ! %oto& to #s%ss
or the "!c2 o$ c!(se o$ !cto& co("# be r!se# & the !&swer.
The two #e$e&ses !+!&st "!c2 o$ ! c!(se o$ !cto&. !re there$ore;
!. A %oto& to #s%ss. or
b. As !& !$$r%!t)e #e$e&se & !& !&swer.
I$ the "!c2 o$ c!(se o$ !cto& s !pp!re&t o& the $!ce o$ the co%p"!&t or other &t!tory
p"e!#&+. the& ! %oto& to #s%ss %!y be $"e# o& the +ro(&#. That the pleading asserting the
claim states no case o# action. 5Sec. 1 B+C. R("e 1,. RO06 O& the other h!&# $ the +ro(&# s
&ot r!se# & ! %oto& to #s%ss t may be pleaded as an a##irmative de#ense in the ans"er
and, in the discretion o# the cort, a preliminary hearing may be had thereon as i# a motion
to dismiss had been #iled. 51st p!r.. Sec. ,. R("e 1,. RO06
O$ co(rse. e)e& $ the "!c2 o$ c!(se o$ !cto& s &ot !pp!re&t o& the $!ce o$ the co%p"!&t
or &t!tory p"e!#&+. b(t the s!%e s p"e!#e# & !& !&swer the& $!"(re o& the p!rt o$
co%p"!&!&t 5the p"!&t$$6 to show the e'ste&ce o$ ! c!(se o$ !cto& #(r&+ the co(rse o$ the tr!"
wo("# ("t%!te"y "e!# to ! #s%ss!" o$ hs co%p"!&t.
::: C. What are the elements of a cause of action ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The e"e%e&ts o$ ! c!(se o$ !cto& !re;
!. A "e+!" right & $!)or o$ the p"!&t$$ by wh!te)er %e!&s !&# (&#er wh!te)er "!w t
!rses or t cre!tesI
b. A corre"!t)e ob"+!to& o& the p!rt o$ the &!%e# #e$e&#!&t to respect or &ot to )o"!te
ths r+htI
c. A& !ct or o%sso& o& the p!rt o$ s(ch #e$e&#!&t violative o$ the r+ht o$ the p"!&t$$
or co&stt(t&+ ! bre!ch o$ the ob"+!to& o$ the #e$e&#!&t to the p"!&t$$ 5Rep(b"c P"!&ters
B!&2. et !".. ). IA0. et !".. 1E1 S0RA ,E-6.
$or whch the "!tter %!y %!&t!& !& !cto& $or reco)ery o$ #!%!+es. 5Leber%!& Re!"ty
0orpor!to&. et !". ). Typ&+co. et !".. 9.R. No. 12,,D@. pro%. G("y 2-. 1--A6
!. Short de#inition o# case o# action. A c!(se o$ !cto& s the $!ct or co%b&!to& o$
$!cts whch !$$or#s ! p!rty ! r+ht to 3(#c!" &ter$ere&ce & hs beh!"$. It s the re!so& why the
"t+!to& h!s co%e !bo(t. 5Asset Pr)t/!to& Tr(st ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. A1*2D.
pro%. 8ebr(!ry E. 2***6
:::D. Distin(uish cause of action from ri(ht of action.
!. 0!(se o$ !cto& co&ssts o$ ! r+ht be"o&+&+ to o&e perso& !&# ! wro&+$(" !ct by
!&other whch )o"!tes th!t r+ht W=ILE r+ht o$ !cto& s the r+ht to co%%e&ce !&# %!&t!&
!& !cto&I
b. 0!(se o$ !cto& s ! $or%!" st!te%e&t o$ the oper!t)e $!cts whch +)e rse to s(ch
re%e#!" r+ht W=ILE r+ht o$ !cto& s ! re%e#!" r+ht be"o&+&+ to so%e perso&I
c. 0!(se o$ !cto& s ! %!tter o$ r+ht !&# #epe&#s o& s(bst!&t)e "!w W=ILE r+ht o$
!cto& s ! %!tter o$ st!te%e&t !&# s +o)er&e# by the "!w o& proce#(re.
#. A c!(se o$ !cto& s &ot !$$ecte# by the r(&&&+ o$ the st!t(te o$ "%t!to&s. estoppe".
etc.. W=ILE ! r+ht o$ !cto& s so !$$ecte#.
10. )he owner of an estate fenced his propert!* as a result of which the tenants of the
apartment adjoinin( the propert! lost their passa(ewa!. )here was no ri(ht of wa! enjo!ed b!
the tenants. #onse&uentl!* the tenants left. #ould the apartment owner recover dama(es
from the estate owner ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; No. The %ere $!ct th!t the !p!rt%e&t ow&er s($$ere# "osses
#oes &ot +)e rse to ! r+ht to reco)er #!%!+es.
To w!rr!&t the reco)ery o$ #!%!+es there %(st be both ! r+ht o$ !cto& $or ! "e+!" wro&+
&$"cte# by the #e$e&#!&t !&# #!%!+e res("t&+ to the p"!&t$$ there$ro%. Wro&+ wtho(t
#!%!+e. or #!%!+e wtho(t wro&+. #oes &ot co&stt(te ! c!(se o$ !cto&. s&ce #!%!+es !re
%ere"y p!rt o$ the re%e#y $or the &3(ry c!(se# by ! bre!ch or ! wro&+.
I& or#er th!t ! p"!&t$$ %!y %!&t!& !& !cto& $or the &3(res o$ whch he co%p"!&s he
%(st est!b"sh th!t s(ch &3(res res("te# $ro% ! bre!ch o$ #(ty whch the #e$e&#!&t owe# to the
p"!&t$$. ! co&c(rre&ce o$ &3(ry to the p"!&t$$ !&# "e+!" respo&sb"ty by the perso& c!(s&+ t.
5Sps. 0(sto#o. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 2FE S0RA DAE6
::: !. In9ry, de#ined. The ""e+!" &)!so& o$ ! "e+!" r+ht .5BPI E'press 0!r#
0orpor!to& ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12*,E-. pro%. Septe%ber 2F. 1--A6
::: b. 7amage, de#ined. The "oss. h(rt or h!r% whch res("ts $ro% the &3(ry. #!%!+es
!re the reco%pe&se or co%pe&s!to& !w!r#e# $or the #!%!+e s($$ere#. .5BPI E'press 0!r#
0orpor!to& ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12*,E-. pro%. Septe%ber 2F. 1--A6
11. Att!. Ricardo was the holder of a complimentar! credit card issued b! +,I $%press
#ard #orporation with a credit limit of ,-*...... which was subse&uentl! increased to
,/*....... )he application for credit card privile(es stated that +,I could automaticall!
suspend a card whose billin( has not been paid for more than thirt! da!s. 0ftentimes he
e%ceeded the credit limit and +,I tolerated this as well as his pa!ment of his account b!
chec1s. In 0ctober* 2343 he was not able to pa! his account amountin( to ,4*345.46* but +,I
demanded from him a chec1 of ,2/*...... which would include his future bills* and was
threatenin( to suspend his credit card. Att!. Ricardo issued a December 2/* 2343 postdated
chec1 in the amount of ,2/*...... which was received b! an emplo!ee of +,I on November
7-* 2343.
0n November 74* 2343 +,I sent a letter to Att!. Ricardo b! ordinar! mail informin(
him of the temporar! suspension of his credit card privile(es and unless he settles his account
within / da!s from receipt of the letter* his membership will be permanentl! cancelled. )here
is no showin( that Att!. Ricardo received the letter before December 4* 2343.
#onfident that he had settled his account with the issuance of the postdated chec1*
Att!. Ricardo invited some (uests on December 4* 2343 and entertained them at #afe
Adriatico. When he presented his credit card for the bill amountin( to ,5-/.-7* said card was
dishonored. 0ne of the (uests* ar! $llen* paid the bill usin( a 8niban1ard.
8nder the circumstances* is Att!. Ricardo entitled to dama(es as a result of the social
humiliation and embarrassment he suffered ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; No. It w!s Atty. Rc!r#o>s $!"(re to sett"e hs ob"+!to&
whch c!(se# the s(spe&so& o$ hs cre#t c!r# !&# s(bse1(e&t #sho&or !t 0!$e A#r!tco. =e
c!& &ot &ow p!ss the b"!%e to BPI $or &ot &ot$y&+ h% o$ the s(spe&so& o$ hs c!r#. As show&
by the $!cts. the !pp"c!to& co&t!&e# the stp("!to& th!t BPI co("# !(to%!tc!""y s(spe&# ! c!r#
whose b""&+ h!s &ot bee& p!# $or %ore th!& thrty #!ys.
As ! %!tter o$ $!ct. !s e!r"y !s 2A October 1-A-. BPI co("# h!)e s(spe&#e# Atty.
Rc!r#o>s c!r# o(tr+ht. I&ste!# t !""owe# h% to (se hs c!r# $or se)er!" wee2s. Atty. Rc!r#o
w!s e)e& &ot$e# o$ the %pe&#&+ s(spe&so& o$ hs cre#t c!r#. whch he w!s pres(%e# to
h!)e rece)e# bec!(se o$ the #sp(t!b"e pres(%pto& th!t "etters #("y #recte# !&# %!"e# were
rece)e# & the re+("!r co(rse o$ %!". 5BPI E'press 0!r# 0orpor!to& ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. 9.R.
No. 12*,E-. pro%. Septe%ber 2F. 1--A6
12. 9ernando filed a complaint for recover! of propert! a(ainst the children of
Remi(io. )he complaint alle(ed that 9ernando bou(ht the propert! from Alejandro* but was
unable to effect the immediate transfer of title in his favor in view of his forei(n nationalit! at
the time of the sale. As an assurance of his (ood faith Alejandro turned over the owner:s
duplicate cop! of the title to 9ernando and in addition e%ecuted a lease contract in favor of
9ernando for 6. !ears. "ubse&uentl!* Alejandro sold the propert! to his brother Remi(io with
the understandin( that the propert! is to be held in trust for 9ernando and that Remi(io
would e%ecute the document of sale in favor of 9ernando upon the latter:s demand. Another
lease contract* this time between 9ernando and Remi(io was e%ecuted in favor of 9ernando to
safe(uard his interest over the propert!. No rents were ever paid b! 9ernando nor were there
demands made upon him. Remi(io was 1illed and durin( his wa1e* 9ernando reminded his
children of the a(reement and the! promised to transfer the subject propert! to 9ernando who
b! this time has ac&uired 9ilipino citi;enship b! naturali;ation. )he children never made
(ood their promise and in fact the! transferred the propert! in their names.
8pon receipt of the complaint the defendants filed a motion to dismiss claimin( amon(
others that the complaint states no cause of action. At the time of the filin( of the complaint
Alejandro was alread! dead. Rule on the motion.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Moto& #e&e#. 8er&!&#o re"es s%p"y o& the !""e+!to& th!t
he s e&tt"e# to the property by )rt(e o$ ! s!"e betwee& h% !&# A"e3!&#ro who s &ow #e!#.
Ob)o(s"y. 8er&!&#o w"" re"y o& p!ro" e)#e&ce whch. (&#er the crc(%st!&ces obt!&&+.
c!&&ot be !""owe# wtho(t )o"!t&+ the 4De!# M!&>s St!t(e4 $o(&# & Sec. 2E. R("e 1E* o$ the
R("es o$ 0o(rt.
0"e!r"y the&. $ro% ! re!#&+ o$ the co%p"!&t tse"$. the !&&e'es !tt!che# thereto !&#
re"e)!&t "!ws !&# 3(rspr(#e&ce. the co%p"!&t &#ee# #oes &ot spe"" o(t !&y c!(se o$ !cto&.
5T!&. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12FA,1. pro%. Septe%ber -. 1--A6
1;. What is meant b! the doctrine of estoppel ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; A& !#%sso& or represe&t!to& s re&#ere# co&c"(s)e (po&
the perso& %!2&+ t !&# c!&&ot be #e&e# or #spro)e# !s !+!&st the perso& %!2&+ t. !&#
c!&&ot be #e&e# or #spro)e# !s !+!&st the perso& re"y&+ thereo&. A p!rty h!)&+ per$or%e#
!$$r%!t)e !cts (po& whch !&other perso& b!se# hs s(bse1(e&t !cto&s. c!&&ot there$ore re$(te
hs !cts or re&e+e o& the e$$ects o$ the s!%e. to pre3(#ce o$ the "!tter. 5D(c!t ). 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 11-,F2. pro%. G!&(!ry 2*. 2***I D(c!t ). Sher$$ 0!rpo. A.M. No. A-
**-1EFA. pro%. G!&(!ry 2*. 2***6
:::!. -$ample o# estoppel. The tr!" co(rt re$erre# the %!tter o$ ! co%p(t!to& o$ the
e'cess p!y%e&ts to S9L. The M!&$est!to& !&# :r+e&t Moto& to Set P!r!%eters o$
0o%p(t!to& $"e# by the petto&er s &#c!t)e o$ hs co&$or%ty wth the or#er o$ the re$err!".
I$ the petto&er tho(+ht th!t the or#er w!s wro&+. he sho("# h!)e t!2e& reco(rse to the 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s. The petto& c!&&ot be !""owe# to %!2e ! %oc2ery o$ 3(#c!" processes. by ch!&+&+
hs posto& $ro% o&e o$ !+ree%e&t to #s!+ree%e&t. to s(t hs &ee#s. I$ the p!rtes !c1(ese# &
s(b%tt&+ !& ss(e $or #eter%&!to& by the tr!" co(rt. they !re estoppe# $ro% 1(esto&&+ the
3(rs#cto& o$ the s!%e co(rt to p!ss (po& the ss(e. 5Ib#.6
G(rs#cto& o)er the perso& %(st be se!so&!b"y r!se#. .e.. th!t t s p"e!#e# & ! %oto&
to #s%ss or by w!y o$ !& !$$r%!t)e #e$e&se. Lo"(&t!ry !ppe!r!&ce sh!"" be #ee%e# ! w!)er
o$ ths #e$e&se. =owe)er. !sserto& o$ !$$r%!t)e #e$e&ses sh!"" &ot be co&str(e# !s estoppe" or
w!)er o$ the #e$e&se o$ 3(rs#cto& o)er the perso& o$ the #e$e&#!&t. Estoppe" by 3(rs#cto&
%(st be (&e1()oc!" !&# &te&to&!". 5M""e&(% I&#(str!" 0o%%erc!" 0orpor!to& ). t!&. 9.R.
No. 1E1@2D. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 2A. 2*** ct&+ L! N!)!" Dr(+ 0orpor!to& ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et
!".. 9.R. No. 12@DA*. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 2A. 2***6
1<. What is laches ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; L!ches s &e+"+e&ce or o%sso& to !ssert ! r+ht wth& !
re!so&!b"e t%e. w!rr!&t&+ the pres(%pto& th!t the p!rty e&tt"e# to !ssert t h!s ether
!b!&#o&e# or #ec"&e# to !ssert t.
!. -ssential elements o$ "!ches !re;
516 co&#(ct o& the p!rt o$ the #e$e&#!&t. or o$ o&e (&#er who% he c"!%s. +)&+
rse to the st(!to& co%p"!&e# o$I
526 #e"!y & !ssert&+ co%p"!&!&tMs r+ht !$ter he h!# 2&ow"e#+e o$ the
#e$e&#!&tMs co&#(ct !&# !$ter he h!s !& opport(&ty to s(eI
5E6 "!c2 o$ 2&ow"e#+e or &otce o& the p!rt o$ the #e$e&#!&t th!t the co%p"!&!&t
wo("# !ssert the r+ht o& whch he b!ses hs s(tI !&#
5D6 &3(ry or pre3(#ce to the #e$e&#!&t & the e)e&t re"e$ s !ccor#e# to the
co%p"!&!&t. 5M!estr!#o. etc. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. etc. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EEEDFI
M!estr!#o. et !". ).. Ro!. Gr.. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EEE2D. pro%. M!rch -. 2***6
b. /o absolte rle on "hat constitte laches. It s ! cre!to& o$ e1(ty !&# !pp"e#
&ot re!""y to pe&!"/e &e+"ect or s"eep&+ (po& o&eMs r+hts b(t r!ther to !)o# reco+&/&+ ! r+ht
whe& to #o so wo("# res("t & ! c"e!r"y &e1(t!b"e st(!to&. The 1(esto& o$ "!ches. we s!#. s
!##resse# to the so(&# #screto& o$ the co(rt !&# e!ch c!se %(st be #ec#e# !ccor#&+ to ts
p!rtc("!r crc(%st!&ces. 5L""!&(e)!-M3!res. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1*A-2.
pro%. Apr" 12. 2*** ct&+ 0h!)e/ ). Bo&to-Pere/. 2D2 S0RA @E. A*6
The #octr&e o$ "!ches or st!"e #e%!&#s #oes &ot !pp"y !+!&st %&ors whose property
w!s he"# & tr(st by pre#ecessor o$ perso&s &)o2&+ t. 5Ib#.6
c. Prescription distingished #rom laches8
16 Prescrpto& s co&cer&e# wth the $!ct o$ #e"!y W=ILE "!ches s co&cer&e#
wth the e$$ect.
26 Prescrpto& s ! %!tter o$ t%e W=ILE "!ches s pr&cp!""y ! 1(esto& o$ the
&e1(ty o$ per%tt&+ ! c"!% to be e&$orce#. ths &e1(ty be&+ $o(&#e# o& so%e
ch!&+e & the co&#to& o$ the p!rty or the re"!to& o$ the p!rtes.
E6 Prescrpto& s st!t(tory W=ILE "!ches s &ot. L!ches !pp"es & e1(ty
W=ILE prescrtpo& !pp"es !t "!w.
E6 Prescrpto& s b!se# o& $'e# t%e. wh"e "!ches s &ot. 50(t!&#!. et !".. ).
=ers o$ 0(t!&#!. et !".. 9.R. No. 1*-21F. pro%. G("y 11. 2*** ct&+ 0!%ec"!&+ ). B!(&.
2*A S0RA 1@-6
#. /o laches i# case #iled "ithin prescrptive period. The #octr&e o$ "!ches s
&!pp"c!b"e where the !cto& w!s $"e# wth& the prescrpt)e pero# pro)#e# by "!w. Th(s.
"!ches #oes &ot !pp"y & ! c!se where petto&erMs possesso& o$ the s(b3ect "ot h!s re&#ere# ther
r+ht to br&+ !& !cto& $or 1(et&+ o$ tt"e %prescrptb"e !&#. he&ce. &ot b!rre# by "!ches.
Moreo)er. s&ce "!ches s ! cre!to& o$ e1(ty. !cts or co&#(ct !""e+e# to co&stt(te the s!%e %(st
be &te&to&!" !&# (&e1()oc!" so !s to !)o# &3(stce. L!ches oper!tes &ot re!""y to pe&!"/e
&e+"ect or s"eep&+ o& o&eMs r+hts. b(t r!ther to !)o# reco+&/&+ ! r+ht whe& to #o so wo("#
res("t & ! c"e!r"y &e1(t!b"e st(!to&. 5M!estr!#o. etc. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. etc. et !"..
9.R. No. 1EEEDFI M!estr!#o. et !". ).. Ro!. Gr.. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EEE2D. pro%. M!rch -. 2***6
1=. Give certain instances when actions prescribe.
!. A& !cto& $or reco&)ey!&ce o$ ! p!rce" o$ "!&# b!se# o& %p"e# or co&str(ct)e tr(st
prescrbes & 1* ye!rs. the po&t o$ re$ere&ce be&+ the #!te o$ re+str!to& o$ the #ee# or the #!te
o$ the ss(!&ce o$ the cert$c!te o$ tt"e o$ the property. 5L""!&(e)! NM3!res. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1*A-21. pro%. Apr" 12. 2*** ct&+ Vda. de Cabrera v. Court of
Appeals !"# $C%A &&' &(& )*''#+ !&# $ta. Ana ,r. v. Court of Appeals 2A1 S0RA ,2D. ,2-6
b. A s(t $or re$or%!to& o$ !& &str(%e&t %!y be b!rre# by "!pse o$ t%e. The
prescrpt)e pero# $or !cto&s b!se# (po& ! wrtte& co&tr!ct !&# $or re$or%!to& o$ !& &str(%e&t
s te& 51*6 ye!rs (&#er Artc"e 11DD o$ the 0)" 0o#e. Prescrpto& s &te&#e# to s(ppress st!"e
!&# $r!(#("e&t c"!%s !rs&+ $ro% tr!&s!cto&s where $!cts h!# beco%e so obsc(re $ro% the
"!pse o$ t%e or #e$ect)e %e%ory. 5Rose""o-Be&tr. et !".. ). =o&. Le!&#!. etc.. et !".. 9.R. No.
12A--1. pro%. Apr" 12. 2***6
!. T"o Einds o# prescription8
16 Ac1(st)e prescrpto& or the the !c1(sto& o$ ! r+ht by the "!pse o$ t%e.
26 E't&ct)e prescrpto& or the "oss o$ ! r+ht o$ !cto& y the "!pse o$ t%e.
50(t!&#!. et !".. ). =ers o$ 0(t!&#!. et !".. 9.R. No. 1*-21F. pro%. G("y 11. 2***6
1>. What is the prescriptive period for the availment of the remedies of accion
publiciana or accion reinvendicatoria ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The re%e#es o$ accion publiciana or reinvendicatoria %(st
be !)!"e# o$ wth& te& 51*6 ye!rs $ro% #spossesso&. Ths s so. bec!(se (&#er Art. FFF5D6. o$
the 0)" 0o#e the re!" r+ht o$ possesso&s s "ost !$ter the "!pse o$ 1* ye!rs. 50(t!&#!. et !".. ).
=ers o$ 0(t!&#!. et !".. 9.R. No. 1*-21F. pro%. G("y 11. 2***6
1@. Give instances where actions do not prescribe.
!. Where ! perso& s & possesso&. hs !cto& to 1(et tt"e #oes &ot prescrbe. 9e&er!""y.
!& !cto& $or reco&)ey!&ce b!se# o& !& %p"e# or co&str(ct)e tr(st. s(ch !s the &st!&t c!se.
prescrbes & 1* ye!rs $ro% #!te o$ ss(!&ce o$ #ecree o$ re+str!to&. =owe)er. ths r("e #oes
&ot !pp"y whe& the p"!&t$$ s & !ct(!" possesso& o$ the "!&#.
b. A& !cto& $or the &(""$c!to& o$ ! 0ert$c!te o$ S!"e co("# &ot be &stt(te# !s ths s
t!&t!%o(&t to &)!"#!t&+ ! pr)o(s #ec"!r!to& o$ the )!"#ty o$ !& !(cto& s!"e. The
0ert$c!te o$ S!"e s 3(st ! cert$c!to& o$ wh!t w!s #o&e #(r&+ th !(cto& s!"e. 5=ers o$
Ser!sp ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EF,*2. pro%. Apr" 2A. 2***6
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; A& !cto& $or reco&)ey!&ce o$ ! p!rce" o$ "!&# b!se# o&
%p"e# or co&str(ct)e tr(st prescrbes & te& 51*6 ye!rs. the po&t o$ re$ere&ce be&+ the #!te o$
re+str!to& o$ the #ee# or the #!te o$ the ss(!&ce o$ the cert$c!te o$ tt"e o)er the property. b(t
ths r("e !pp"es o&"y whe& the p"!&t$$ or the perso& e&$orc&+ the tr(st s &ot & possesso& o$
the property. s&ce $ ! perso& c"!%&+ to be the ow&er thereo$ s & !ct(!" possesso& o$ the
property. !s the #e$e&#!&ts !re & the &st!&t c!se. the r+ht to see2 reco&)ey!&ce. whch & e$$ect
see2s to 1(et tt"e to the property. #oes &ot prescrbe. The reason #or this is th!t o&e who s &
!ct(!" possesso& o$ ! pece o$ "!&# c"!%&+ to be the ow&er thereo$ %!y w!t (&t" hs
possesso& s #st(rbe# or hs tt"e s !tt!c2e# be$ore t!2&+ steps to )&#c!te hs r+ht. the re!so&
$or the r("e be&+. th!t hs (&#st(rbe# possesso& +)es h% ! co&t&(&+ r+ht to see2 the !# o$
! co(rt o$ e1(ty to !scert!& !&# #eter%&e the &!t(re o$ the !#)erse c"!% o$ ! thr# p!rty !&#
ts e$$ect o& hs ow& tt"e. whch r+ht c!& be c"!%e# o&"y by o&e who s & possesso&.
The !cto& $or reco)ery o$ tt"e or possesso& o$ re!" property or !& &terest there& whch
c!& o&"y be bro(+ht wth& te& 51*6 ye!rs !$ter the c!(se o$ !cto& h!s !ccr(e# s !c1(st)e. &ot
e't&ct)e prescrpto&. 8or e't&ct)e prescrpto&. the !pp"c!b"e "!w s Artc"e 11D1 o$ the
0)" 0o#e whch pro)#es th!t. re!" !cto&s o)er %%o)!b"es prescrbe !$ter thrty 5E*6 ye!rs.
wtho(t pre3(#ce to wh!t s est!b"she# $or the !c1(sto& o$ ow&ershp !&# other re!" r+hts by
prescrpto&. 5=ers o$ Ser!sp ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EF,*2. pro%. Apr" 2A.
Moreo)er. $ the p"!&t$$ & !& !cto& $or 1(et&+ o$ tt"e s & possesso& o$ the property
be&+ "t+!te#. s(ch !cto& s %prescrptb"e. O&e who s & !ct(!" possesso& o$ ! "!&#.
c"!%&+ to be the ow&er thereo$ %!y w!t (&t" hs possesso& s #st(rbe# or hs tt"e s !tt!c2e#
be$ore t!2&+ steps to )&#c!te hs r+ht bec!(se hs (&#st(rbe# possesso& +)es h% !
co&t&(&+ r+ht to see2 the !# o$ the co(rts to !scert!& the &!t(re o$ the !#)erse c"!% !&# ts
e$$ects o& hs tt"e. 5M!estr!#o. etc. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. etc. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EEEDFI
M!estr!#o. et !". L.. Ro!. Gr.. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EEE2D. pro%. M!rch -. 2***6
1C. What is the law of the case ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; J:&#er the O"!w o$ the c!seM co&cept.
!. wh!te)er s o&ce rre)oc!b"y est!b"she# !s the co&tro""&+ "e+!" pr&cp"e or #ecso&
b. co&t&(es to be the "!w o$ the c!se betwee& the s!%e p!rtes & the s!%e c!se.
c. whether correct o& +e&er!" pr&cp"es or &ot. so "o&+ !s the $!cts o& whch s(ch
#ecso& w!s pre#c!te# co&t&(e to be the $!cts o$ the c!se be$ore the co(rt.
S(ch st!b"ty !&# co&c"(s)e&ess +)e& to $&!" 3(#+%e&ts o$ co(rts o$ co%pete&t
3(rs#cto& !re s!# to be +ro(&#e# o& re!so&s o$ p(b"c po"cy. 3(#c!" or#er"&ess !&# eco&o%y
!s we"" !s protecto& o$ the t%e !&# &terests o$ the "t+!&ts. ' ' 'K 5D(c!t ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s.
et !".. 9.R. No. 11-,F2. pro%. G!&(!ry 2*. 2***I D(c!t ). Sher$$ 0!rpo. A.M. No. P-**-1EFA.
pro%. G!&(!ry 2*. 2***F
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; JIt %!y be st!te# !s ! r("e o$ +e&er!" !pp"c!to& th!t.
where the e)#e&ce o& ! seco&# or s(ccee#&+ !ppe!" s s(bst!&t!""y the s!%e !s th!t o& the $rst
or prece#&+ !ppe!". !"" %!tters. 1(esto&s. po&ts. or ss(es !#3(#c!te# o& the pror !ppe!" !re
the la- of t.e case o& !"" s(bse1(e&t !ppe!"s !&# w"" &ot be co&s#ere# or re!#3(#c!te#
there&.K 5F 0.G.S. 12,@6 5It!"cs s(pp"e#6
JAs ! +e&er!" r("e ! #ecso& o& ! pror !ppe!" o$ the s!%e c!se s he"# to be the "!w o$
the c!se whether th!t #ecso& is rig.t or -rong. the re%e#y o$ the p!rty #ee%&+ h%se"$
!++re)e# be&+ to see2 ! rehe!r&+.K 5F 0.G.S. 12@,-@@6 5It!"cs s(pp"e#6
J?(esto&s &ecess!r"y &)o")e# & the #ecso& o& ! $or%er !ppe!" w"" be re+!r#e# !s
the la- of t.e case o& ! s(bse1(e&t !ppe!". !"tho(+h the 1(esto&s !re &ot e'press"y tre!te# &
the op&o& o$ the co(rt. !s the pres(%pto& s th!t !"" the $!cts & the c!se be!r&+ o& the po&t
#ec#e# h!)e rece)e# #(e co&s#er!to& whether !"" or &o&e o$ the% !re %e&to&e# & the
op&o&.K 5F 0.G.S. 12A,-A@6 5It!"cs s(pp"e#6
LI/I$ P01201/IA
1D. What is meant b! litis pendentia as a (round for dismissal of actions ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Litis pendentia s ! L!t& ter% whch "ter!""y %e!&s 4 !
pe&#&+ s(t.4 58e"c!&o ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12E2-E. pro%. M!rch F. 1--A6
It s )!ro(s"y re$erre# to & so%e #ecso&s !s lis pendens !&# auter action pendant.
58e"c!&o. supra6. Wh"e t s &or%!""y co&&ecte# wth the co&tro" whch the co(rt h!s o& !
property &)o")e# & ! s(t #(r&+ the co&t&(!&ce procee#&+s 58e"c!&o6. t s %ore &terpose#
!s ! +o(&# $or the #s%ss!" o$ ! c)" !cto& pe&#&+ & co(rt. 5Sec. 1. p!r. BeC. R("e 1,. RO06.
Litis pendentia !s ! +ro(&# $or the #s%ss!" o$ ! c)" !cto& re$ers to the st(!to&
where& !&other !cto& s pe&#&+ betwee& the s!%e p!rtes $or the s!%e c!(se o$ !cto& 5Sec. 1
BeC. R("e 1,. RO06. !&# th!t the seco&# !cto& beco%es (&&ecess!ry !&# )e'!to(s.
:::!. 4or litis pendentia to be invoEed the concrrence o# the #ollo"ing re*isites
are necessary8
16 #e&tty o$ p!rtes or !t "e!st represe&to& o$ the s!%e &terest & both
26 #e&tty o$ r+hts !sserte# !&# re"e$s pr!ye# $or. the re"e$s %(st be
$o(&#e# o& the s!%e $!cts !&# the s!%e b!ssI !&#
E6 #e&tty & the two c!ses sho("# be s(ch th!t !&y 3(#+%e&t th!t %!y be
re&#ere# the other !cto& w"". re+!r#"ess o$ whch p!rty s s(ccess$(". !%o(&t to
res 3udicata o& the other !cto& (&#er co&s#er!to&. 58e"c!&o ). 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12E2-E. pro%. M!rch F. 1--AI To(rst D(ty 8ree Shop.
I&c. ). S!&#+!&b!y!&.et !"..9.R. No. 1*@E-F. pro%. G!&(!ry 2,. 2***I :&)ersty
Physc!&s Ser)ces. I&c. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 11F*DF. pro%.
G!&(!ry E1. 2***6
It h!s bee& he"# th!t where ! "t+!&t s(es the s!%e p!rty !+!&st who% the s!%e !cto& or
!cto&s. $or the !""e+e# )o"!to& o$ the s!%e r+ht. !&# th e&$orce%e&t o$ the s!%e re"e$ sP!re
st"" pe&#&+. the #e$e&se o$ litis pendentia & o&e c!se s ! b!r to the otherI !&# ! $&!" 3(#+%e&t
& o&e wo("# co&stt(te res 3(#c!t! !&# th(s. wo("# c!(se the #s%ss!" o$ the rest. 5?(&s!y ).
co(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12@*FA. pro%. A(+(st E1. 2***6
b. 7o not con#se litis pendentia GSec. 1 BeC. R("e 1,. RO06 !s ! +ro(&# $or #s%ss!" o$
!cto&s #rom res judicata 5Sec. 1 B$C. R("e 1,. RO06 <itis pendentia as a grond #or dismissal
distingished #rom res judicata as a grond #or dismissal; I& litis pendentia there s &o
3(#+%e&t yet !s both o$ the c!ses !re st"" pe&#&+ W=ILE & res 3udicata there s !"re!#y !
3(#+%e&t o& the $rst c!se.
c. Pendency o# another case not atomatic litis pendentia. Litis pendentia #oes &ot
e'st so"e"y bec!(se other !cto& 5s6 s pe&#&+ betwee& the s!%e p!rtes. It %(st be show& th!t
the &stt(to& o$ the "!ter !cto&5s6 w!s (&&ecess!ry !&# &te&#e# to h!r!ss the #e$e&#!&t.
5:&)ersty Physc!&s Ser)ces. I&c. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.r. No. 11F*DF. pro%. G!&(!ry
E1. 2***6
20. )he #)# rendered a Decision (rantin( the ejectmnt suit filed b! the plaintiff
a(ainst the defendants over a parcel of land claimin( that the defendants were occup!in( the
land upon his mere tolerance. While an appeal was pendin( before the R)#* plaintiff filed a
motion for immediate e%ecution of the #)# jud(ment which was (ranted. )he writ of
demolition will be e%ecuted over the house owned b! the defendants. =owever* the #ourt of
Appeals later reversed the R)# order (rantin( the e%ecution pendin( appeal* which was
affirmed b! the "upreme #ourt. eanwhile* the defendants also filed before the R)# a new
action for &uietin( of title involvin( the same parcel of land but not the house.
)he defendants also filed before the R)# a new action for &uietin( of title involvin(
the same propert!. "hould the action for &uietin( of title justif! the suspension of the
ejectment suit ? $%plain.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Hes. o& e1(t!b"e co&s#er!to&s !s !& e'cepto& to the
+e&er!" r("e th!t ! pe&#&+ c)" !cto& &)")&+ ow&ershp o$ the s!%e property #oes &ot 3(st$y
the s(spe&so& o$ the e3ect%e&t procee#&+s.
The e3ect%e&t s(t s o&e o$ (&"!w$(" #et!&er !&# &ot o$ $orcb"e e&try. The e3et%&et o$
the #e$e&#!&ts wo("# %e!& ! #e%o"to&o$ ther ho(se. ! %!tter th!t s "2e"y to cre!te co&$(so&.
#st(rb!&ce. &co&)e&e&ces !&# e'pe&ses. Necess!r"y. the !$$r%!&ce o$ the M0T0 #ecso&
wo("# c!(se the p"!&t$$ to +o thro(+h the who"e +!%(t o$ e&$orc&+ t by physc!""y re%o)&+
the #e$e&#!&ts $ro% the pre%ses. The p"!&t$$ s c"!%&+ ow&ershp o&"y o$ the "!&#. &ot o$ the
ho(se. Nee#"ess"y. the "t+!&ts !s we"" !s the co(rts w"" be w!st&+ %(ch t%e !&# e$$ort by
procee#&+ !t ! st!te where& the o(tco%e s !t best te%por!ry. b(t the res("t o$ e&$orce%e&t s
per%!&e&t. (&3(st !&# propb!b"y rrep!r!b"e. 5A%!+!&. et !".. ). M!r!y!+. et !".. 9.R. No.
1EAE@@. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 2A. 2***6
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; I& the !bo)e c!se the S(pre% 0o(rt co&s#ere# the
pre)!"&+ e'cepto&!" crc(%st!&ces. &s a general rle, a pending civil action involving
o"nership #o the same property does not 9sti#y the sspension o# e9ectment proceedings.
:&"!w$(" #et!&er !&# $orcb"e e&ry s(ts (&#er R("e @* !re #es+&e# to s(%%!r"y
restore physc!" possesso& o$ ! pece o$ "!&# or b("#&+ to o&e who h!s bee& ""e+!""y or
$orcb"y #epr)e# thereo$. wtho(t pre3(#ce to the sett"e%e&t o$ the p!rtesM oppos&+ c"!%so$
3uridical possesso& & !ppropr!te procee#&+s. These !cto&s !re &te&#e# to !)o# #sr(pto&
o$ p(b"c or#er by those who wo("# t!2e the "!w & ther h!&#s p(rporte#"y to e&$orce ther
c"!%e# r+ht o$ possesso&. I& these c!ses. the ss(e s p(re physc!" or #e $!cto possesso&. !&#
pro&o(&ce%e&s %!#e o& 1(esto&s o$ ow&ershp !re pro)so& & &!t(re.
The (&#er"y&+ re!so&s why ! pe&#&+ c)" !cto& &)o")&+ ow&ershp o$ the s!%e
property s(b3ect o$ the e3ect%e&t procee#&+s #oes &ot res("t to ! s(spe&so& o$ the e3ect%e&t
procee#&+s !re th!t the !cto&s & the RT0 #o &ot &)o")e physc!" or #e $!cto possesso&. !&#.
o& &ot ! $ew occ!so&s. th!t the c!se & the RT0 w!s %ere"y ! p"oy to #e"!y #sposto& o$ the
e3ect%e&t procee#&+. or th!t the ss(es pres&te# & the $or%er co("# 1(te s e!s"y be set (p !s
#e$e&ses & the e3ect%&t !cto& !&# there reso")e#. . 5A%!+!&. et !".. ). M!r!y!+. et !".. 9.R. No.
1EAE@@. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 2A. 2***6
21. ,hilippine Woman:s #hristian )emperance 8nion >,W#)8? is the owner of a
parcel of land with a deed of restriction annotated on the )#) that reads@ A%%% the propert!
shall be used as a site for an institution to be 1nown as the Abiertas =ouse of 9riendship* the
purpose of which shall be to provide a home for need! and unfortunate women and (irls*
includin( children of both se%es and promote and foster all efforts* wor1 activities loo1in(
forward their protection from the rava(es at all forms of immoralities.A
,W#)8 then filed a petition with the "ecurities and $%chan(e #ommission >"$#?
a(ainst Abiertas =ouse of 9riendship >A=9I? and Radiance "chool* Inc. >R"I?* for injunction
with dama(es. ,W#)8 contended that A=9I could not operate a school because it was
contrar! to its declared purpose* that A=9I:s charter does not allow it to enter into a contract
with an! firm for an! purpose e%cept to use the premises as =ome for unwed or e%pectant
mothers and their babies* and the contract of lease between A=9I and R"I is ultra vires.
While the "$# petition was pendin(* ,W#)8 filed a complaint before the Re(ional
)rial #ourt contendin( that the contract of lease entered into between A=9I and R"I over
certain portions of the above propert! for use to establish and operate a (rade school was
entered into without the owner:s >,W#)8? consent@ that A=9I had no ri(ht to lease an!
portion of the propert!@ and that the lease contract was null and void. It further alle(ed that
the continued operation of the school b! R"I violated the restriction on the title* hence A=9I
and R"I be ordered to vacate the premises and to pa! reasonable compensation for the use of
the same* as well as for dama(es and attorne!:s fees.
A=9I and R"I jointl! moved for the dismissal of the complaint filed with the R)# on
the (rounds that there was another action pendin( between the same parties for the same
cause* and the complaint violated the rule a(ainst forum shoppin(. Rule on the motion.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Moto& #e&e#. The re1(stes o$ litis pendentia !re &ot %et
!&# there w!s &o $or(% shopp&+.
Wh"e t s tr(e th!t both the SE0 petto& !&# the RT0 co%p"!&t &)o")e# the s!%e
p!rtes. there s &o #e&tty o$ r+hts !sserte# or o$ re"e$s pr!ye# $or.
The thr(st o$ the RT0 co%p"!&t w!s to e&3o& the oper!to& o$ the schoo" & PW0T:>s
pre%ses. Bec!(se o$ ts propret!ry &terest !s ow&er o$ the pre%ses PW0T: %!&t!&s th!t t
&e)er co&se&te# to or !ppro)e# o$ the "e!se !rr!&+e%e&t betwee& A=8I !&# RSI. The SE0
petto& co&te&#s th!t A=8I h!# &o power to e&+!+e & the schoo" b(s&ess. whch t w!s #o&+
thro(+h RSII !&# th!t A=8I>s !ct o$ oper!t&+ ! schoo" w!s ultra vires !&# co&tr!ry to ts ch!rter.
Tr(e. both the SE0 petto& !&# the RT0 co%p"!&t #e")e# o& the co&tr!ct o$ "e!se.
=owe)er. & the $or%er. the co&tr!ct o$ "e!se w!s !""e+e# to h!)e bee& e'ec(te# ultra viresI th!t
s beyo&# the power o$ A=8I to e&ter &to bec!(se t w!s &ot e%powere# to e&+!+e & the schoo"
b(s&ess. The $oc(s w!s o& the !""e+e# ultra vires !ct. &ot o& the co&tr!ct tse"$. O& the other
h!&#. the )!"#ty o$ the co&tr!ct o$ "e!se w!s the pr&cp!" ss(e & the RT0 co%p"!&t.
The SE0 petto& w!s b!se# o& ts 3(rs#cto& o)er &tr!-corpor!te ss(es wh"e the RT0
co%p"!&t ce&ters o& the co(rt>s 3(rs#cto& o)er the accion publiciana.
A 3(#+%e&t & the SE0 c!se w"" &ot !%o(&t to res 3udicata & the RT0 "t+!to& !&#
S&ce !s #sc(sse# !bo)e. the ss(es !re #$$ere&t there s &o $or(% shopp&+. Ths s so
bec!(se $or(% shopp&+ e'sts where the e"e%e&ts o$ litis pendentia !re prese&t or where ! $&!"
3(#+%e&t & o&e c!se w"" !%o(&t to res 3udicata & the other. 5Ph"pp&e Wo%!&>s 0hrst!&
Te%per!&ce :&o&. I&c. ). Abert!s =o(se o$ 8re&#shp. I&c. et !".. 9.R. No. 12FF@1. pro%.
G("y 22. 1--A6

%0$ ,42ICA/A
22. What is res judicata as a (round for a motion to dismiss ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; It posts th!t whe& ! r+ht o$ $!ct h!s bee& 3(#c!""y tre# !&#
#eter%&e# by ! co(rt o$ co%pete&t 3(rs#cto&. or !& opport(&ty $or tr!" h!s bee& +)e&. the
3(#+%e&t o$ the co(rt. so "o&+ !s t re%!&s (&re)erse#. sho("# be co&c"(s)e (po& the p!rtes
!&# those & pr)ty wth the% & "!w or est!te. 5De K&echt. et !". ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !"..
9.R. No. 1*A*1F !&# De K&echt. et !".. ). =o&. S!yo. et !".. 9.R. No. 1*-2ED. pro%. M!y 2*.
E'!%p"e o$ res 3udicata. Where ! p!rty co("# h!)e ob3ecte# to the re+str!to& o$ the
re!"ty & 1(esto& b(t $!"e# to #o so. res 3udicata h!# set &. Re!so&; ! "!&# re+str!to& c!(se s
!& !cto&in rem b&#&+ (po& the who"e wor"#. 5L""!&(e)!-M3!res. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s.
et !".. 9.r. No. -21. pro%. Apr" 12. 2***6
!. &spects o# res judicata. The two !spects o$ res 3udicata !re;
8rst; The e$$ect o$ ! 3(#+%e&t !s ! b!r to the prosec(to& o$ ! seco&# !cto& (po&
the s!%e c"!%. #e%!&# or c!(se o$ !cto&.
Seco&#; The seco&# prec"(#es the re"t+!to& o$ ! p!rtc("!r $!ct or ss(e &
!&other !cto& betwee& the s!%e p!rtes or ther s(ccessors-&-&terest. o& ! #$$ere&t
c"!% or c!(se o$ !cto&. 5Sps. B!rretto ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 11*2F-.
pro%. 8ebr(!ry E.***6
b. Re*isites o# res judicata as a grond #or a motion to dismiss8
16 The 3(#+%e&t so(+ht to b!r the &ew !cto& %(st be $&!"I
26 The #ecso& %(st h!)e bee& re&#ere# by ! co(rt h!)&+ 3(rs#cto& o)er the
s(b3ect %!tter !&# the p!rtesI
E6 The #sposto& o$ the c!se %(st be ! 3(#+%e&t or o& the %erts.
D6 There %(st be betwee& the $rst !&# seco&# !cto&. the three #e&ttes;
!6 I#e&tty o$ p!rtes.
b6 I#e&tty o$ s(b3ect %!tter. !&#
c6 I#e&tty o$ c!(ses o$ !cto&. 5Rep(b"c. etc. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !"..
9.R. No. 1*ED12. pro%. 8ebr(!ry E. 2***6
c. Adgment on the merits. A 3(#+%e&t whch #eter%&es the r+hts !&# "!b"tes o$
the p!rtes b!se# o& he ("t%!te $!cts !s #sc"ose# by the p"e!#&+s or ss(es prese&te# $or tr!".
It s &ot &ecess!ry th!t there sho("# h!)ee& ! tr!". !ct(!" he!r&+ or !r+(%e&ts o& the $!cts o$ the
c!se. 8or !s "o&+ !s the p!rtes h!# $("" "e+!" opport(&ty to be he!r# o& ther respect)e c"!%s
!&# co&te&to&s. the 3(#+%e&t s o& the %erts. 5Rep(b"c. etc.. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R.
No. 1*ED12. pro%. 8ebr(!ry E. 2***6
#. Sbstantial identity o# parties only re*ired. 8or p(rposes o$ res 3udicata. o&"
s(bs!&t!" #e&tty s re1(re# !&# &ot !bso"(te #e&tty. P!rtes & both c!ses &e# &ot be
physc!""y #e&tc!" pro)#e# h!t there s pr)ty betwee& the p!rtes or ther s(ccessors-&-
&terest s(bse1(e&t to the co%%e&c%e&t o$ the pre)o(s c!(se o$ !cto&. "t+!t&+ $or the s!%e
th&+. tt"e. or c!p!cty. 5Rep(b"c. etc. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.r. No. 1*ED12. pro%.
8ebr(!ry E. 2***6
e. Res judicata is not de#eated by a minor di##erence o# parties. !s t #oes &ot re1(re
!bso"(te b(t o&"y s(bs!&t!" #e&tty o$ p!rptes. B(t there s s(bst!&t!" #e&tty o&"y whe& the
J!##to&!"K p!rty !cts & the s!%e c!p!cty or s & pr)ty wth the p!rtes & the $or%er !cto&.
0o-ow&ers !re &ot p!rtes inter se & re"!to& to the property ow&e# & co%o&. A s(bse1(e&t
!cto& by ! co-her. who ## &ot 3o& the e!r"er #s%sse# !cto& $or reco)ery o$ property. sho("#
&ot be b!rre# by pror 3(#+%e&t. Neher w"" co&c"(s)e&ess o$ 3(#+%&t !pp"y bec!(se there w!s
&o #e&tty o$ p!rtes. 5Nery. et !".. ). Leyso&. t !".. 9.R No. 1E-E*,. pro%. A(+(st 2-. 2***6
$. /o res judicata pon parties "ho did not sign the compromise agreement bec!(se
there s &o #e&tty o$ p!rtes. A 3(#+%&t (po& ! co%pro%se h!s !"" the $orce !&# e$$ect o$ !&y
other 3(#+%e&t. he&ce co&c"(s)e o&"y (po& p!rtes thereto !&# ther pr)es. 59o"#e& Do&(ts.
I&c.. et !".. ). NLR0. et !". 9.R. Nos. 11E,,,-,A. pro%. G!&(!ry 1-. 2***6
+. /o res judicata "here cases o# action are di##erent. The c!(ses o$ !cto& !re
#$$ere&t betwee& !& (&"!w$(" #et!&er c!se !&# !&other c!se whch co&ce&r&s the )!"#ty o$ the
e'ec(to& procee#&+s. spec$c!""y the )!"#ty o$ the !(cto& s!"e o$ propertes to s!ts$y the
%o&ey 3(#+%&t& the e3ect%&t c!se. The two c!ses $!" the test o$ #e&tty o$ c!(ses o$ !cto&. .e.
whether the s!%e $!cts or e)#e&ce wo("# s(pport !&# est!b"sh the c!(ses o$ !cto& & e!ch c!se.
5L#!. #e S!"!&+!. et !".. ). =o&. A"!+!r. etc. et !".. 9.R. No. 1ED*A-. pro%. G("y 1D. 2***6
:::2;. "pouses de la #ru; ownd a residential lot which was leased to Domin(a where
she built a two'stor! house where her famil! lived. )he lessess reli(iousl! paid her monthl!
lease ental undtil Bune 2353 when the lessor stopped collectin( the same.
In Bune 2353 )heresa informed Domin(a that she purchased the lot from the previous
owners. "he wanted to ta1e immediate possession of the propert!since she had no other
residential lot and she intended to ma1e use of the lot for the construction of her own house.
)heresa (ave Domin(a three >-? months notice to vacate and to demolish the improvements
which the latter had built on the lot.
As a result of Domin(aCs failure to vacate* )heresa filed an ejectment case based on
her alle(ed need for the propert!. )he court dismissed the case and held that the defendant
has not been in arrears in the pa!ment of the monthl! rentals and noted that the plaintiff
never tried to collect. )hat decision had lon( become final and e%ecutor!.
In 2347* )heresa filed a second ejectment case* this time a(ainst Almario who
succeeded his mother Domin(a. )he case was a(ain dismissed as the rentals up to and
includin( 9ebruar! 2347 had been paid in full. )he decision had also become final and
In 2343* ariano* the new owner of the propert! filed another ejectment case a(ainst
Almario insistin( the same premises subject of the first two ejectment cases. Almario a(ain
In 2337* ariano filed the fourth ejectment suit alle(in( that he is lwasin( the
propert! to Almario* that the lessee has violated the terms of the lease a(reement b! not pa!in(
rentals since December* 2345 which has accunulated to ,25*/D6.6/. )hat he has made
several demands upon Almario to pa! his arrears and to vacate the premises the latest of
which is throu(h a Banuar! 2D* 2337 letter.
Almario is now raisin( the doctrine of res judicata contendin( that this latest ejectment
suit is barred b! the final and e%ecutor! decisions in previous cases. Rule on AlmarioCs
S:99ESTED ANSWER: There s &o res 3udicata bec!(se o$ the "!c2 o$ #e&tty o$
c!(ses o$ !cto& betwee& the "!test !&# pre)o(s c!ses.
The $rst e3ect%e&t c!se h!# $or ! c!(se o$ !cto& b!se# o& the &ee# $or the pre%ses. The
seco&# e3ect%e&t c!se &)o")e# ! #$$ere&t c!(se o$ !cto&. th!t s. $or &o&-p!y%e&t o$ re&t!"s (p
to 8ebr(!ry 1-A2. The thr# c!se h!# $or c!(se o$ !cto& the &ee# $or the pre%ses !&# &o&-
p!y%e&t o$ re&t!"s $ro% No)e%be$r 1-A@ (p to M!y 1-AA. I& the "!test e3ect%e&t s(t the c!(se
o$ !cto& s the &o&-p!y%e&t o$ re&t!"s $ro% Dece%ber 1-A@ !cc(%("!t&+ to P1@.*,D.,F.
0"e!r"y. the c!(se o$ !cto& !&# the crc(%st!&ces prese&t & the &st!&t c!se !re &ot the
s!%e b(t #$$er %!r2e#"y $ro% those & pre)o(s s(ts cte#. Re"!&ce o& the #octr&e o$ res
3udicata s %sp"!ce#. 5S!p!& ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 11-2A. pro%. M!rch 1.
2<. +achrach #orporation entered into two lease contracts with the ,hilippine
Government* then under the control and mana(ement of the Director of <ands* for a term of
33 !ears* the first lease to e%pire 23 Bune 7.25 and the other on 26 9ebruar! 7.24. Durin(
the A&uino administration* the mana(ement and control of the entire ,ort Area was
transferred to the ,hilippine ,orts Authorit! >,,A?* which forthwith issued a memorandum
increasin( the rental rates of +achrach b! 2*/..E.
As a result of +achrach:s refusal to pa!* ,,A instituted and ejectment suit which
resulted to a decision in its favor. An appeal to the R)# proved unavailin( for +achrach as
well as a subse&uent petition for review filed with the #ourt of Appeals. +achrach then
sou(ht for a reconsideration of the #ourt of Appeals: decision.
Durin( the pendenc! of the motion for reconsideration +achrach filed a complaint
with the anila R)# for refusin( to honor a compromise a(reement said to have been
perfected between +achrach and ,,A that superseded the ejectment case. +achrach pra!ed
for specific performance.
,,A sou(ht the dismissal of the specific performance case on the (round of pendenc!
of another action between the same parties for the same cause. Decide.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; PPA>s %oto& sho("# be #e&e#. There s &o #e&tty o$
s(b3ect %!tter !&# c!(ses o$ !cto& betwee& the (&"!w$(" #et!&er c!se !&# the spec$c
per$or%!&ce c!se.
I& the (&"!w$(" #et!&er c!se. the s(b3ect %!tter s the co&tr!ct o$ "e!se betwee& the
p!rtes wh"e the bre!ch thereo$. !rs&+ $ro% B!chr!ch>s &o&-p!y%e&t o$ re&t!"s. co&stt(tes the
s(t>s c!(se o$ !cto&.
I& the spec$c per$or%!&ce c!se. the s(b3ect %!tter s the co%pro%se !+ree%e&t
!""e+e#"y per$ecte# betwee& the s!%e p!rtes wh"e he c!se o$ !cto& e%!&!tes $ro% the !)erre#
re$(s!" o$ PPA to co%p"y therewth. 5B!chr!ch 0orpor!to& ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No.
12AED-. pro%. Septe%ber 2F. 1--A6
:::2=. What are the concepts of res judicata ?
!. B!r by $or%er 3(#+%e&tI
b. 0o&c"(s)e&ess o$ 3(#+%e&t. 5Ro'!s ). 9!"&#o. 1*A Ph". FA@6
:::!. The concept o# bar by #ormer 9dgment; Ass(%&+ th!t the co(rt whch
re&#ere# the 3(#+%e&t h!s 3(rs#cto&. s!# 3(#+%e&t s.
16 wth respect to the %!tter #rect"y !#3(#+e#.
26 or !s to !&y other %!tter th!t co("# h!)e bee& r!se# & re"!to& thereto.
E6 co&c"(s)e betwee& the p!rtes !&# ther s(ccessors & &terest by tt"e
!6 s(bse1(e&t to the co%%e&ce%e&t o$ the !cto& or spec!" procee#&+.
b6 "t+!t&+ $or the s!%e th&+ !&# (&#er the s!%e tt"e !&# & the s!%e
c!p!cty. 5Sec. D@ BbC. R("e E-. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
There s 4b!r by pror 3(#+%e&t4 whe&. betwee& the $rst c!se where the 3(#+%e&t w!s
re&#ere#. !&# the seco&# c!se whch s so(+ht to be b!rre#. there s #e&tty o$ p!rtes. s(b3ect
%!tter !&# c!(se o$ !cto&.
The 3(#+%e&t & the $rst c!se co&stt(tes !& !bso"(te b!r to the s(bse1(e&t !cto&.
It s $&!" !s to the c"!% or #e%!&# & co&tro)ersy. &c"(#&+ the p!rtes !&# those &
pr)ty wth the%. &ot o&"y !s to e)ery %!tter whch w!s o$$ere# !&# rece)e# to s(st!& or
#e$e!t the c"!% or #e%!&#. b(t to !&y other !#%ssb"e %!tter whch %+ht h!)e bee& o$$ere#
$or th!t p(rpose !&# o$ !"" %!tters th!t co("# h!)e bee& !#3(#+e# & th!t c!se. 5Q!&sb!r!&
Res#e&ts Assoc!to& ). M(&cp!"ty o$ M!2!t. 1EF S0RA 2D*6
b. -$ample o# bar by #ormer 9dgment; A 3(#+%e&t re&#ere# (po& ! pro%ssory &ote
s co&c"(s)e !s to the )!"#ty o$ the &str(%e&t !&# the !%o(&t #(e (po& t. !"tho(+h t be
s(bse1(e&t"y !""e+e# th!t per$ect #e$e&ses !ct(!""y e'ste# o$ whch &o proo$ w!s o$$ere#. s(ch
!s $or+ery. w!&t o$ co&s#er!to& or p!y%e&t.
I$ s(ch #e$e&ses were &ot prese&te# & the !cto& !&# est!b"she# by co%pete&t e)#e&ce.
the s(bse1(e&t !""e+!to& o$ ther e'ste&ce s o$ &o "e+!" co&se1(e&ce. The 3(#+%e&t s
co&c"(s)e. so $!r !s $(t(re procee#&+s ! "!w !re co&cer&e#. !s tho(+h the #e$e&ses &e)er
e'ste#. 5Pe&!"os! ). T(!so&. 22 Ph". E*E6
:::c. 2oncept o# conclsiveness o# 9dgment8 Th!t o&"y s #ee%e# to h!)e bee&
!#3(#+e# & ! $or%er 3(#+%e&t or $&!" or#er whch !ppe!rs (po& ts $!ce to h!)e bee& so
!#3(#+e#. or whch w!s !ct(!""y !&# &ecess!r"y &c"(#e# there& or &ecess!ry thereto !re
co&c"(s)e betwee& the p!rtes. 5Sec. D@ BcC. R("e D@. RO06
The r("e o$ co&c"(s)e&ess o$ 3(#+%e&t prec"(#es the re"t+!to& o$ ! p!rtc("!r $!ct or
ss(e & !&other !cto& betwee& the s!%e p!rtes b!se# o& ! #$$ere&t c"!% or c!(se o$ !cto&.
The 3(#+%e&t & the pror !cto& oper!tes !s estoppe" o&"y !s to those %!tters & ss(e or po&ts
co&tro)erte#. (po& the #ter%&!to& o$ whch the $&#&+ o$ 3(#+%e&t w!s re&#ere#. The
pre)op(s 3(#+%e&t s co&c"(s)e & the seco&# c!se# o&"y !s to those %!tters !ct(!""y !&#
#rect"y co&tro)erte# !&# #eter%&e# !&# &ot !s to %!tters %ere"y &)o")e# there&. 5R/!"
S(rety 7 I&s(r!&ce 0o%p!&y ). 0A. et !".. 9.R. No. 112E,*. pro%. G("y 1A. 2***6
#. -$amples o# conclsiveness o# 9dgment; I& !& !cto& to reco)er se)er!"
&st!""%e&ts #(e !&# (&p!# o& ! pro%ssory &ote wtho(t !& !cce"er!to& c"!(se. the 3(#+%e&t
#ec"!r&+ the pro%ssory &ote to be +e&(&e s co&c"(s)e betwee& the p!rtes or ther s(ccessors-
&-&terest & ! s(bse1(e&t !cto& to reco)er s(ccee#&+ &st!""%e&ts #(e !&# (&p!#. 5Pe&!"os!
). T(!/o&. 22 Ph". E*E6
:::The &e+"+e&ce o$ the shpp&+ "&e whch ss(e h!# !"re!#y bee& p!sse# (po& & !
c!se $"e# by o&e o$ the &s(rers. s co&c"(s)e !&# c!& &o "o&+er be re"t+!te# & ! s%"!r c!se
$"e# by !&other &s(rer !+!&st the s!%e shpp&+ "&e o& the b!ss o$ the s!%e $!ct(!"
crc(%st!&ces. 5R/!" S(rety 7 I&s(r!&ce 0o%p!&y ). 0A. et !".. 9.R. No. 112E,*. pro%. G("y
1A. 2*** ct&+ S%th Be"" !&# 0o%p!&y 5Ph"s.6. I&c. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. 1-@ S0RA 2*166
:::e. 'ar by #ormer 9dgment distingished #rom conclsiveness o# 9dgment8
16 There s b!r by $or%er 3(#+%e&t $ !"" the #e&ttes 5p!rtes. s(b3ect
%!tter !&# c!(se o$ !cto&6 !re prese&t 56IL0 & co&c"(s)e&ess o$ 3(#+%e&t
there s &o #e&tty o$ c!(ses o$ !cto& betwee& the two c!ses. !"" other re1(stes
be&+ prese&t.
26 As to e$$ect. & b!r by $or%er 3(#+%e&t. the $rst 3(#+%e&t co&stt(tes
!& !bso"(te b!r to !"" %!tters #rect"y !#3(#+e# !s we"" !s %!tters th!t %!y h!)e
bee& !#3(#+e# W=ILE & co&c"(s)e&ess o$ 3(#+%e&t. the $rst 3(#+%e&t s
co&c"(s)e o&"y o& %!tters !ct(!""y "t+!te# !&# !#3(#+e# & the $rst !cto&.
5Pe&!"os! ). T(!/o&. 22 Ph". E*E6
:::2>. Distin(uish from each other: res judicata* law of the case and stare decisis.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Res 3(#c!t! s%p"y %e!&s $&!"ty o$ 3(#+%e&ts. or th!t ss(es
#ec#e# o& ! c!se. o&ce ! #ecso& h!s beco%e $&!" !&# e'ec(tory c!&&ot be "t+!te# !+!& by
the s!%e p!rtes & ! s(bse1(e&t !cto& &)o")&+ the s!%e s(b3ect %!tter 5Pe&!"os! ).T(!/o&. 22
Ph". E*E6I W=ILE L!w o$ the c!se %e!&s th!t "e+!" co&c"(so&s !&&o(&ce# o& ! $rst !ppe!".
whether o& the +e&er!" "!w or the "!w !s !pp"e# to the co&crete $!cts. &ot o&"y prescrbe the #(ty
!&# "%t the power o$ the tr!" co(rt to strct obe#e&ce !&# co&$or%ty thereto. b(t they beco%e
!&# re%!& the "!w o$ the c!se & !"" st!+es. whether & the "ower co(rt or & the !ppe""!te co(rt
o& ! s(bse1(e&t !ppe!" 5Q!r!te ). Drector o$ L!&#s. E- Ph". @D@6 wh"e
$tare decisis %e!&s the #octr&e th!t whe& the co(rt h!s o&ce "!# #ow& ! pr&cp"e o$
"!w !s !pp"c!b"e to ! cert!& st!te o$ $!cts. t w"" !#here & pr&cp"e !&# !pp"y t to !"" $(t(re
c!ses where the $!cts !re s(bst!&t!""y the s!%e. 59o)er&%e&t ). G!"!&#o&. D- O.9. 1AD*6
:::2@. What is forum shoppin( ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Whe&. !s ! res("t o$ !& !#)erse op&o& & o&e $or(%. ! p!rty
see2s ! $!)or!b"e op&o& 5other th!& by !ppe!" or certor!r6 & !&other. or whe& ! p!rty
repett)e"y !)!"s h%se"$ o$ Jse)er!" 3(#c!" re%e#es & #$$ere&t co(rts. s%("t!&eo(s"y or
s(ccess)e"y. !"" s(bst!&t!""y $o(&#e# o& the s!%e tr!&s!cto&s !&# the s!%e esse&t!" $!cts !&#
crc(%st!&ces. !&# !"" r!s&+ s(bst!&t!""y the s!%e ss(es ether pe&#&+ &. or !"re!#y reso")e#
!#)erse"y by. so%e other co(rt.K 5Sps. D( ). Ib!3!(. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E2,F@. pro%. G!&(!ry 1-.
8or(% shopp&+ e'sts whe& the e"e%e&ts o$ "ts pe&#e&ts !re prese&t pr where ! $&!"
3(#+%e&t & o&e c!se w"" !%o(&t to res 3(#c!t! & !&other. 5Ay!"! L!&#. I&c. ). L!"s%o. 9.R.
No. 1EFA-- pro%. 8ebr(!ry 2. 2***6
!. 4orm shopping. There s $or(%-shopp&+ whe&e)er. !s ! res("t o$ !& !#)erse
op&o& & o&e $or(% or t %!y be !##e#. & !&tcp!to& thereo$. ! p!rty see2s ! $!)or!b"e
op&o& & !&other $or(% thro(+h %e!&s other th!& by !ppe!" or certor!r. 5L+o& ). 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12@,AE. pro%. A(+(st @. 1--A6 r!s&+ #e&tc!" c!(ses o$ !cto&.
s(b3ect %!tter. !&# ss(es. 5L+o&. supra6.
8or(%-shopp&+ e'sts whe& two or %ore !cto&s &)o")e the s!%e tr!&s!cto&s. esse&t!"
$!cts. !&# crc(%st!&cesI !&# r!se #e&tc!" c!(ses o$ !cto&. s(b3ect %!tter. !&# ss(es. 5L+o&.
b. /atre o# #orm shopping ; 8or(% shopp&+ s ! pr!ctce whch #ero+!tes !&#
r#c("es the 3(#c!" process. p"!ys h!)oc wth the r("es or or#er"y proce#(re. !&# s )e'!to(s
!&# (&$!r to the other p!rtes o$ the c!se.
It s both co&t(%!co(s !&# !& !ct o$ %!"pr!ctce> t s 4proscrbe# !&# co&#e%&e# !s
tr$"&+ wth the co(rts !&# !b(s)e o$ ther processes. prosec(to& $or co&te%pt !&# +ro(&# $or
s(%%!ry #s%ss!" o$ the !cto&s &)o")e#. wtho(t pre3(#ce to !ppropr!te !#%&str!t)e
!cto& !+!&st the co(&se".4 59!t%!yt!& ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12EEE2. pro%.
8ebr(!ry E. 1--@6
:::c. Test #or determining "hether there is prohibited #orm shopping8 Where the
e"e%e&ts o$ litis pendentia !re prese&t or where ! $&!" 3(#+%e&t & o&e c!se w"" !%o(&t to res
3udicata o& the other. Where there e'sts betwee& the two c!ses;
16 #e&tty o$ p!rtes. or !t "e!st s(ch p!rtes !s represe&t the s!%e &terests &
both !cto&s. !s we"" !s
26 #e&tty o$ r+hts !sserte# !&# re"e$ pr!ye# $or. the re"e$ be&+ $o(&#e# o& the
s!%e $!cts. !&# the
E6 &#e&tty o& the two prece#&+ p!rtc("!rs s s(ch th!t !&y 3(#+%e&t re&#ere#
& the other !cto&. w"" re+!r#"ess o$ whch p!rty s s(ccess$(" !%o(&t to res ad3udicata
& the !cto& (&#er co&s#er!to&; !"" the re1(stes. & $&e. o$ auter action pendant.
58rst Ph"pp&e I&ter&!to&!" B!&2. etc.. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 11FAD-.
pro%. G!&(!ry 2D. 1--,6
#. -$amples "here there is #orm shopping8
16 There wo("# be $or(% shopp&+ $ !"" o$ the respo&#e&ts !ct&+ !s o&e +ro(p.
$"e# #e&tc!" spec!" c)" !cto&s & the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s !&# & the S(pre%e 0o(rt.
There %(st be #e&tty o$ p!rtes. o$ &terests represe&te#. r+hts !sserte# !&# re"e$
so(+ht & #$$ere&t trb(&!"s. 5R(by I&#(str!" 0orpor!to&. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et
!".. 9.R. No. 12D1AF-A@. pro%. G!&(!ry 2*. 1--A6
26 A "!wyer $"e# &&e 3(#c!" re%e#es & #$$ere&t co(rts. !tt!c2&+ the
3(rs#cto& o$ the %etropo"t!& tr!" co(rt & o&e c!se. 59!t%!yt!& ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s.
et !".. 9.R. No. 12EEE2. pro%. 8ebr(!ry E. 1--@6
e. -$amples o# no #orm shopping8
16 Where two +ro(ps o$ respo&#e&ts !ppe!r to h!)e !cte# &#epe&#e&t"y o$ e!ch
other whe& they so(+ht re"e$ $ro% the !ppe""!te co(rt. there s &o $or(% shopp&+.
howe)er. the !#)erse p!rty c!& !"w!ys !s2 $or the co&so"#!to& o$ the two c!ses. 5R(by
I&#(str!" 0orpor!to&. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12D1AF-A@. pro%.
G!&(!ry 2*. 1--A6
26 Where the re"e$s so(+ht & the opposto& & the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s !&# the
petto& be$ore the S(pre%e 0o(rt !re &ot #e&tc!". 5Eter&!" 9!r#e&s Me%or!" P!r2
0orpor!to& ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12DFFD. pro%. Dece%ber -. 1--@6
E6 Where ! "t+!&t s(es the s!%e p!rty !+!&st who% !&other !cto& or !cto&s
$or the !""e+e# )o"!to& o$ the s!%e r+ht !&# the e&$orce%e&t o$ the s!%e re"e$ sP!re
st"" pe&#&+ the #e$e&se o$ "ts-pe&#e&t! & o&e c!se s ! b!r to the other s#eI !&#. !
$&!" 3(#+%e&t & o&e wo("# co&stt(te res 3(#c!t!I !&# th(s wo("# c!(se the #s%ss!" o$
the rest. 5Ib#.. ct&+ 8rst Ph". I&ter&!to&!" B!&2 ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s6
D6 8or(%-shopp&+ co&c(rs &ot o&"y whe& ! $&!" 3(#+%e&t & o&e c!se w""
!%o(&t to res 3udicata & !&other. b(t !"so where the e"e%e&ts o$ litis pendentia !re
prese&t. The $&+ o$ %("tp"e s(ts &)o")&+ the s!%e p!rtes $or the s!% c!(se o$
!cto&. ether s%("t!&eo(s"y or s(ccess)e"y. $or the p(rpose o$ obt!&&+ ! $!)or!b"e
3(#+%e&t !%o(&ts to $or(%-shopp&+.
F6 O&"y whe& the s(ccess)e $"&+ o$ s(ts !s p!rt o$ !& !ppe!". or ! spec!" c)"
!cto&. w"" there be &o $or(%-shopp&+ bec!(se the p!rty &o "o&+er !)!"e# o$ #$$ere&t
$or ! b(t. r!ther so(+ht ! re)ew o$ ! "ower trb(&!"Ms #ecso& or or#er. The ter%&!to&
o$ the c!se be$ore ! "ower co(rt !&# ts e"e)!to& $or re)ew to ! h+her co(rt #oes &ot
co&stt(te $or(%-shopp&+ $or the "!tter s ! reco+&/e# e%e#y (&#er o(r proce#(r!"
r("es. 5?(&s!y ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12@*FA. pro%. A(+(st E1. 2***6
2C. 0n "eptember D* 233/* =ubert Webb filed a petition for contempt in #riminal #ase
No. 3/'6.6 a(ainst Bessica Alfaro and Fiva ,roductions* Inc.* complainin( that their acts
concernin( the promotion* advertisin( and mar1etin( of A)he Bessica Alfaro "tor!*A in the
print and broadcast media and* even on billboards as well as the schedulin( of the premiere of
the movie on "eptember 22* 233/ and its re(ular public e%hibition startin( "eptember 2-* 233/
constitutes contempt within the contemplation of "ection -* Rule 52 of the Rules of #ourt.
0n "eptember 4* 233/ after a full hearin(* the court issued an order restrainin( the
premiere and showin( of the movie. 0n the same da!* =ubert instituted a case for Injunction
with Dama(es before the Re(ional )rial #ourt of a1ati* which issued e%'parte an order
enjoinin( Fiva and Alfaro from further proceedin(* en(a(in(* usin( or implementin( the
promotional* advertisin( and mar1etin( pro(rams for the same movie and from showin( or
causin( it to be shown or e%hibited in all theaters in the entire countr! until after the final
termination and lo(ical conclusion of the trial in the criminal action pendin( before the
,arana&ue R)#.
Was there forum'shoppin( ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Hes. Wh"e there s &o #e&tty o$ c!(ses o$ !cto&. Webb so(+ht
e'!ct"y #e&tc!" re"e$s whe& ! pr!yer $or the &3(&ct)e wrt w!s "2ewse pr!ye# $or & the
M!2!t 0o(rt. 5L)! Pro#(cto&s. I&c. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 2,- S0RA ,,D6
2D. AGA filed an action a(ainst AWA for &uietin( of title. Durin( the pendenc! of the
action* AGA filed another suit also a(ainst AWA to eject him from the propert! subject of the
action for &uietin( of title. Is there forum'shoppin( ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; No. 8or $or(% shopp&+ to e'st. both !cto&s %(st &)o")e
the s!%e tr!&s!cto&s. esse&t!" $!cts !&# crc(%st!&ces !&# the !cto&s %(st r!se #e&tc!"
c!(ses o$ !cto&. s(b3ect %!tter. !&# ss(es.
A& !cto& $or 1(et&+ re$ers to ow&ershp wh"e the !cto& $or e3ect%e&t co&cer&s
possesso&. S(re"y there !re #$$ere&t c!(ses o$ !cto& 59!cho&. et !".. ). De)er!. Gr.. etc.. et !"..
9.R. No. 11,,-F. pro%. G(&e 2*. 1--@6
The p(rpose o$ re%e#!" "!w s to e&$orce or protect ! r+ht or to pre)e&t or re#ress ! wro&+.
0o&se1(e&t"y. there %(st be !)!"!b"e to the s(tor !#e1(!te re"e$s !&# re%e#es & or#er $or h%
to !tt!& the p(rpose o$ hs s(t. Ths. the "!wyer s ob"+e# to #eter%&e e)e& pror to $"&+ o$
the s(t. otherwse ! pyrrhc )ctory wo("# res("t. It s !"so !t ths st!+e where the "!wyer
#eter%&es the &ee# $or pro)so&!" re%e#es.
;0. Who are parties in an action ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; P!rtes whe& (se# & co&&ecto& wth the s(b3ect %!tter o$ !&
!cto&. s (&#erstoo# to &c"(#e !"" those
!. who !re #rect"y &tereste# & the s(b3ect %!tter. !&#
b. who. there$ore. h!)e ! r+ht
16 to %!2e ! #e$e&se.
26 co&tro" the procee#&+s.
E6 e'!%&e !&# cross-e'!%&e the wt&esses. or
D6 !ppe!" $ro% the 3(#+%e&t.
Perso&s &ot h!)&+ these r+hts !re re+!r#e# !s str!&+ers to the !cto&. 5D@ 0.G. 1D-1F.
&(%ber&+ !&# !rr!&+e%e&t s(pp"e#6
;1. Who ma! be parties to a suit ?
!. +nly
16 natral or
26 9ridical persons or
E6 entities athori!ed by la"
b. may be parties in a civil action. 51st se&te&ce. Sec. 1. R("e E. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&#
&(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
2RIT-RI& 4+R I/5+%I/6 AU7I2I&0 PR+2-SS.
A p!rty %!y co&s#er h%se"$ !++re)e# by !&other b(t the co(rt %!y &ot reco+&/e h%
!s c!p!b"e o$ p(rs(&+ hs c"!% $ he #oes &ot %eet cert!& re1(re%e&ts.
8or ! perso& to &)o2e 3(#c!" !ssst!&ce he %(st h!)e "e+!" c!p!cty. "2ewse ! re!"
p!rty & &terest wth locus standi. 8or e'!%p"e. o&e who h!s &o r+ht or &terest to ! property
c!&&ot &)o2e the 3(rs#cto& o$ the co(rt !s p!rty-p"!&t$$ & the !cto& $or t s or#!&e# th!t
e!sy !cto& %(st be prosec(te# or #e$e&#e# & the &!%e o$ the re!" p!rty & &terest. 5B!r"!+!&.
et !".. ). M!#r#eo. et !".. 9.R. No. 12*2,@. pro%. G!&(!ry 2F. 2***6
I$ the crter! $or &)o2&+ 3(#c!" process s &ot %et the&. the co%p"!&t $"e# by s(ch
&c!p!ct!te# p"!&t$$ %!y be s(b3ect to ! %oto& to #s%ss o& the +ro(&# Th!t the p"!&t$$ h!s
&o "e+!" c!p!cty to s(e. 5Sec. 1 B#C. R("e 1,. RO06.
O& the other h!&# $ the +ro(&# s &ot r!se# & ! %oto& to #s%ss t %!y be p"e!#e# !s
!& !$$r%!t)e #e$e&se & the !&swer !&#. & the #screto& o$ the co(rt. ! pre"%&!ry he!r&+
%!y be h!# thereo& !s $ ! %oto& to #s%ss h!# bee& $"e#. 51st p!r.. Sec. ,. R("e 1,. RO06
;2. AAA husband of A+*A instituted an action for ejectment in the Re(ional )rial
#ourt of the National #apital Budicial Re(ion in his name a(ainst A#A to recover the
ownership and possession of a parcel of land which was the paraphernal propert! of A+.A
A#A filed a motion as1in( that A+A be made a part! in the action. )he court denied A#:sA
motion and proceeded with the trial of the case. Is the court:s rulin( sustainable ? "tate the
reasons for !our answer.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; No. Spo(ses sh!"" s(e !&# be s(e# 3o&t"y e'cept o&"y & the
c!ses pro)#e# by "!w. There s &o show&+ & the prob"e% th!t there s ! 3(#c!" sep!r!to& o$
property. or th!t there w!s ! sep!r!to& o$ property !+ree# (po& & the %!rr!+e sett"e%e&ts or
th!t the h(sb!&# h!s bee& !ppo&te# by ! co(rt !s the !#%&str!tor o$ the w$e>s property.
:::;;. What is the purpose wh! suits must be brou(ht in the name of the real part! in
interest ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; I& or#er to e&# "t+!to&s. I$ the s(t s &ot bro(+ht & the
&!%e o$ the re!" p!rty & &terest. &o co&tro)ersy wo("# be reso")e# bec!(se !&other s(t co("#
!"w!ys be &stt(te# $or or !+!&st the 4tr(e4 re!" p!rty & &terest.
As the "!t& %!'% +oes. interest rei publicae ut finis sit litium. The &terest o$ the
St!te #e%!&#s e&# to "t+!to&.
:::!. 0egal interest, concept o#. The 0o(rt w"" o&"y e'ercse ts power o$ 3(#c!"
re)ew $ the c!se s bro(+ht be$ore t by ! p!rty who h!s the "e+!" st!&#&+ to r!se the "e+!"
1(esto&. JLe+!" st!&#&+K #e&otes ! perso&!" !&# s(bst!&t!" &terest & the c!se s(ch th!t the
p!rty h!s s(st!&e# or w"" s(st!& #rect &3(ry !s ! res("t o$ the !ct th!t s be&+ ch!""e&+e#. The
ter% J&terestK %e!&s %!ter!" &terest !s #st&+(she# $ro% ! %ere &c#e&t!" &terest.
I& the prese&t c!se. !s#e $ro% the $!ct th!t petto&ers were &ot p!rtes & the procee#&+s
be$ore the "ower co(rt. they h!)e &ot cte# !&y !ccept!b"e or )!"# b!ss to s(pport ther "e+!"
st!&#&+ to 1(esto& the prob!te co(rtMs or#er. S&ce respo&#e&t est!te s the (&#sp(te# ow&er
o$ the s(b3ect pr)!te "ots. the r+ht o$ the !#%&str!tor to h!)e the s!%e $e&ce# c!&&ot be
1(esto&e# by petto&ers who #o &ot h!)e !&y )este# r+ht o)er the s(b3ect "ots. The $!ct th!t
petto&ers !re &e+hbor&+ "ot ow&ers whose !ccess to p(b"c ro!#s w"" !""e+e#"y be !$$ecte# by
the $e&c&+ o$ the s(b3ect "ots. %ere"y +)es the% !& &c#e&t!" &terest o)er the 1(esto&e# or#er
o$ the prob!te co(rt !&# c!&&ot ser)e !s b!ss to s(pport ther "e+!" st!&#&+ to e"e)!te the or#er
o$ the prob!te co(rt to the 0o(rt o$ !ppe!"s !&# be$ore ths 0o(rt. I& ths re+!r#. t s worth
%e&to&&+ th!t the o&"y perso& who c!& r+ht$(""y oppose the ss(!&ce o$ the $e&c&+ per%t s
the 0ty E&+&eer o$ 0!"ooc!&. 5T!&+. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 11@2*D. pro%.
8ebr(!ry 11. 2***6
b. 0egal interest and interest, de#ined. The ter% &terest s %!ter!" &terest. !& &terest
& ss(e to be !$$ecte# by the #ecree !s #st&+(she# $ro% %ere &terest & the 1(esto& &)o")e#.
or ! %ere &c#e&t!" &terest. Moreo)er. the &terest o$ the p!rty %(st be perso&!" !&# &ot o&e
b!se# o& ! #esre to )&#c!te the co&stt(to&!" r+ht o$ so%e thr# or (&re"!te# p!rty. 5Spo(ses
T!&22o. et !".. ). 0e/!r. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E12@@. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 2. 1---6
;<. =I+ )enants Association* composed of about a hundred heads of families who are
tenants in (ood standin( of a 26'stor! buildin( brin(s a suit contestin( the conditional sale of
such buildin( without notice to the tenants or prior clearance from the proper (overnment
Does the =I+ )enants Association have the personalit! to sue on its own* as a
corporation representin( its members who are tenants of the buildin( ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; No. t s &ot ! re!" p!rty & &terest. It h!s &o re!". !ct(!".
%!ter!" or s(bst!&t!" &terest & the s(b3ect %!tter o$ the !cto&. The be&e$ts !re &ot re!""y
%e!&t $or the Assoc!to&. b(t $or the %e%bers o$ the Assoc!to&. Th(s. ! perso& who s &ot !
p!rty to ! co&tr!ct !&# $or whose be&e$t t w!s &ot e'press"y %!#e c!&&ot %!&t!& !& !cto& o&
t. e)e& $ the co&tr!ct. $ per$or%e# by the p!rtes to t. wo("# &c#e&t!""y &(re to hs be&e$t.
It s the &#)#(!" %e%bers who h!)e perso&!" !&# &#)#(!" r+hts !s te&!&ts there$ore
they !re the re!" p!rtes & &terest. 5=o(se I&ter&!to&!" B("#&+ Te&!&ts Assoc!to&. I&c. ).
I&ter%e#!te Appe""!te 0o(rt. et !".. 1F1 S0RA @*E6
:::;=. "pouses )ondas actin( both in their capacit! as officers of =one! )ree Apparel
#orporation >=)A#? and in their personal capacities* applied for and wer (ranted commercial
letters of credit b! $)R0+ANG* in connection with the importoation of raw te%tile materials
to he used in the manufacturin( of (arments. )he imported fabrics were withdrawn b! =)A#
under 22 trust receipts e%ecuted b! the )ondas. Despite repeated demands* the )ondas failed
to account to $)R0+ANG the (oods andHor proceeds of sale of the merchandi;e* subject of
the trust receipts.
$)R0+ANG filed with the ,rovincial ,rosecutor a complaintHaffidavit char(in( the
)ondas with violation of ,.D. No. 22/ >)rust Receipts?* in relation to Article -2/ >2? >b?* of the
Revised ,enal #ode which was dismissed b! the ,rosecutor. $)R0+ANG appealed to the
"ecretar! of Bustice which ordered the filin( of the appropriate information. )he )ondas
sou(ht a reconsideration of the order which was denied. )he! filed with the #ourt of Appeals
a petition for certiorari and prohibition which the #ourt (ranted orderin( the dismissal of the
criminal complaint.
Is $)R0+ANG clothed with personalit! to elevate the matter to the "upreme #ourt
or should the 0ffice of the "olicitor General institute the suit ? $%plain briefl!.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Hes. METROBANK h!s peso&!"ty to e"e)!te the #ecso& o$
the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s to the S(pre%e 0o(rt.
The +e&er!" r("e s th!t t s o&"y the So"ctor 9e&er!" who s !(thor/e# to br&+ or
#e$e&# !cto&s o& beh!"$ o$ the Peop"e or Rep(b"c o$ the Ph"pp&es o&ce the c!se s bro+(ht
be$ore the S(pre%e 0o(rt or the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s.
=owe)er. !& e'cepto& h!s bee& %!#e th!t J$ there !ppe!rs to be +r!)e error co%%tte#
by the 3(#+e or "!c2 o$ #(e process. the petto& w"" be #ee%e# $"e# by the pr)!te co%p"!&!&ts
there& !s $ t were $"e# by the So"ctor 9e&er!". 5Metropo"t!& B!&2 !&# Tr(st 0o%p!&y ).
To&#!. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EDDE,. pro%. A(+(st 1,. 2***6
;>. #e;ar* et al.* are the actual occupants and residents of <ot No. -526 of the
#adastral surve! of #a(a!an situated in +arrui <apasan* #a(a!an de 0ro #it! and are the
miscellaneous sales patent applicants of specific portions of the parcel of land. It appearts
that <ot No. -526 was Ideclarado terreno publicoJ as of December 26* 236.* and
subse&uentl! adjudicated to and ordered re(istered in the name of "alcedo but 0#) No. .'
56. was actuall! issued onl! in 2355. It is now the contention of #e;ar* et al.* that the
propert! covered b! <ot No. -526* the same as that covered b! 0#) No. .'56. is public land
because "alcedo succeeded in re(isterin( in his name land previousl! declared as public land
as earl! as December 23* 236.. #onse&uentl!* 0#) .'56. should be cancelled and reconve!ed
to #e;ar* et al.* the applicants for sales patent.
Would the suit for cancellation and reconve!ance prosper ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; No. bec!(se t w!s &ot bro(+ht & the &!%e o$ the re!" p!rty &
&terest. O&"y the St!te c!& $"e ! s(t $or reco&)ey!&ce o$ ! p(b"c "!&#. There$ore. &ot be&+
the ow&ers o$ the "!&# b(t %ere !pp"c!&ts $or s!"es p!te&ts thereo&. 0e/!r. et !"..h!)e &o
perso&!"ty to $"e the s(t. Nether w"" they be #rect"y !$$ecte# by the 3(#+%e&t & s(ch s(t.
5Spo(ses T!&22o. et !".. ). 0e/!r. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E12@@. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 2. 1---6
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; :&"ess !(thor/e# by "!w or the R("es o$ 0o(rt. e)ery
!cto& %(st be prosec(te# or #e$e&#e# & the &!%e o$ the re!" p!rty & &terest. 5"!st se&te&ce.
Sec. 2. R("e E. RO06.
& real party in interest is the party "ho stands to be bene#ited or in9red by the
9dgment in the sit, or the party entitled to the avails o# the sit. 51
se&te&ce. Ibid.6
;@. William 8! and Rodel Ro%as* as a(ents of the owners of ei(ht parcels of land
entered into a series of sale for these lands with the National =ousin( Authorit! >N=A? for
development as a housin( project. =owever* a report b! the D$NR showed that three of the
parcels are not suitable for a housin( project so N=A cancelled the sale for these lots.
William and Rodel then filed suit a(ainst N=A dor dama(es as a result of the
cancellation of the sale of the three lots. Will the case prosper ?
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; No. bec!(se W""!% !&# Ro#e" !re &ot re!" p!rtes &
&terest. The R("es pro)#e# th!t !& !cto& sh!"" be prosec(te# & the &!%e o$ the p!rty who. by
the s(bst!&t)e "!w. h!s the r+ht so(+ht to be e&$orce#.
W""!% !&# Ro#e" !re &ot p!rtes to the co&tr!ct o$ s!"e. E)e& $ they !re e&tt"e# to
co%%sso&s res("t&+ $ro% the s!"e. ther reco(rse sho("# be to the ow&ers !&# &ot to N=A.
There s &o co&tr!ct(!" re"!to& betwee& W""!% !&# Ro#e" o&e h!&# !&# N=A o& the other.
5:y. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12*D,F. pro%. Septe%ber -. 1---6
!. 6eneral rle. 0o&tr!cts t!2e e$$ect o&"y betwee& the p!rtes. he&ce !+e&ts %!y &ot
s(e (po& ! co&tr!ct.
-$ceptions8 A+e&ts %!y s(e (po& ! co&tr!ct wtho(t 3o&&+ the pr&cp!". $ they !re
!ss+&s !&# hers o$ ther pr&cp!"s eccept where the r+hts !&# ob"+!to&s !rs&+ $ro% the
co&tr!ct !re tr!&s%ssb"e by ther &!t(re. or by stp("!to&. or by pro)so& o$ "!w. 5:y. et !".. ).
0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12*D,F. pro%. Septe%ber -. 1---6
:::IMPT8 Do &ot $or+et th!t !& !+e&t !ct&+ & hs ow& &!%e !&# $or the be&e$t o$ !&
(&#sc"ose# pr&cp!" %!y s(e or be s(e# wtho(t 3o&&+ the pr&cp!". e'cept whe& the co&tr!ct
&)o")es th&+s be"o&+&+ to the pr&cp!". 5Sec. E. R("e E. RO06
;C. The mayor o# Santiago 2ity, the president o# the 0iga ng mga 'arangay ng
Santiago 2ity and residents o# Santiago 2ity assailed the constittionality o# R.&. /o. C=2C,
"hich do"ngraded the stats o# the city #rom an independent component city into a mere
component city. 7o the sitors have locus standi to se ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Hes. t s &ow !& !&ce&t r("e th!t the co&stt(to&!"ty o$ ! "!w
c!& be ch!""e&+e# by o&e who w"" s(st!& ! #rect &3(ry !s ! res("t o$ ts e&$orce%e&t.
5Mr!&#!. et !".. ). A+(rre. etc.. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EE*,D. pro%. Septe%ber 1,. 1---6
:::!. ,hen ta$payers have locus standi to impgn the validity o# a la". A ct/e&
!c1(res st!&#&+ o&"y $ he c!& est!b"sh th!t he h!s s($$ere# so%e !ct(!" or thre!te&e# &3(ry !s
! res("t o$ the !""e+e#"y ""e+!" co&#(ct o$ the +o)er&%e&tI the &3(ry s $!r"y tr!ce!b"e to the
ch!""e&+e# !cto&I !&# the &3(ry s "2e"y to be re#resse# by ! $!)or!b"e !cto&.
A t!'p!yer s #ee%# to h!)e the st!&#&+ to r!se ! co&stt(to&!" ss(e whe& t s
est!b"she# th!t p(b"c $(&#s h!)e bee& #sb(rse# & !""e+# co&tr!)e&to& o$ the "!w or the
co&stt(to&. Th(s. ! t!'p!yerMs !ct(o& s proper"y bro(+ht o&"y whe& there s !& e'ercse by
co&+ress o$ ts t!'&+ !&# spe&#&+ power. 59o&/!"es ). =o&. N!r)!s!. etc.. et !".. 9.R. No.
1D*AEF. pro%. A(+(st 1D. 2***6
T!'p!yers h!)e locus standi to 1(esto& the )!"#ty o$ t!' %e!s(res or ""e+!"
e'pe&#t(res o$ p(b"c %o&ey.
REASON; They !re p!rtes & &terest to be pre3(#ce# or be&e$te# by the !)!"s o$ the
s(t. b(t &ot $ e'ec(t)e !cts #o &ot &)o")e the (se o$ p(b"c $(&#s. 59o&/!"es ). M!rcos. ,F
S0RA ,2D6
b. Pblic o##icials have locus standi bec!(se t s ther swor& #(ty to protect p(b"c
&terest. 5M!ce#! ). M!c!r!+. 1-@ S0RA @@16
:::c. +b9ections to ta$payer(s sits #or lacE o# s##icient personality is a procedral
technicality whch the S(pre%e 0o(rt co("# br(sh !s#e. where the isses are o# sch
transcendental importance & 2eep&+ wth the 0o(rt>s #(ty. (&#er the 1-A@ 0o&stt(to& !&#
the "!ws. to #eter%&e whether p(b"c o$$cers h!)e !b(se# the #screto& +)e& to the%.
5K"osb!y!&. I&c. ). 9(&+o&!. Gr.. 2E2 S0RA 11*6
:::;D. Gon;ales* filin( suit as a citi;en and ta%pa!er* &uestioned the validit! of
$%ecutive 0rder No. 6-* creatin( the ,reparator! commission on #onstitutional Reforms
>,##R? in order* Ito stud! and recommend proposed amendments andHor revisions to the
2345 #onstitution* and the manner of implementin( the same.J Gon;ales claims* that the
,resident encroached upon the le(islatureCs powers to create a public office and to propose
amendments to the charter b! formin( the ,##R. 8nder section 5 of $.0. No. 6-* the
amount of ,- million was Iappropriated for the operational e%penses of the #ommission to be
sourced from funds of the 0ffice of the ,resident* subject to the usual accountin( and
auditin( rules and re(ulations.J
Is Gon;ales clothed with locus standi as a ta%pa!er to &uestion the validit! of $.0. No.
6- ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; No. 9o&/!"es h!s &ot show& th!t he h!s s(st!&e# or s &
#!&+er o$ s(st!&&+ !&y perso&!" &3(ry !ttrb(t!b"e to the cre!to& o$ the P00R. I$ !t !"". t s
o&"y 0o&+ress. &ot 9o&/!"es. whch c!& c"!% J&3(ryK s&ce ts powers !re !""e+e# to h!)e bee&
e&cro!che# (po& by the Pres#e&t. 9o&/!"es h!s s(st!&e# &o #rect. or e)e& !&y &#rect &3(ry.
Nether #oes he c"!% th!t hs r+hts or pr)"e+es h!)e bee& or !re & #!&+er o$ be&+ )o"!te#.
&or th!t he sh!"" be s(b3ecte# to !&y pe&!"tes or b(r#e&s !s ! res("t o$ the P00RMs !ct)tes.
A t!'p!yerMs !cto& s proper"y bro(+ht o&"y whe& there s !& e'ercse by 0o&+ress o$ ts
t!'&+ or spe&#&+ power. There s &o s(ch e'ercse & the &st!&t c!se bec!(se the $(&#s were
t!2e& $ro% $(&#s &te&#e# $or the O$$ce o$ the Pres#&t. & the e'ercse o$ the 0he$ E'ec(t)eMs
power to tr!&s$er $(&#s p(rs(!&t to Secto& 2F 5F6 o$ Artc"e LI o$ the 0o&stt(to&. 59o&/!"es ).
=o&. N!r)!s!. etc.. et !".. 9.r. No. 1D*AEF. pro%. A(+(st 1D. 2***6
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; There s &o J!ppropr!to&K by 0o&+ress so to spe!2.
Appropr!to& & ts strct se&se. s Jthe "e+s"!t)e !(thor/!to& prescrbe# by the 0o&stt(to&
th!t %o&ey %!y be p!# o(t o$ the Tre!s(ry.K wh"e J!ppropr!to& %!#e by "!wK re$ers to the
J!ct o$ the "e+s"!t(re sett&+ !p!rt or !ss+&&+ to ! p!rtc("!r (se ! cert!& s(%& to be (se# &
p!y%&t o$ #ebt or #(es $ro% the St!te to ts cre#tors.K 5Ibid.6
:::<0. Who is an indispensable part! ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; A& &#spe&s!b"e p!rty s ! p!rty & interest "ithot "hom
no #inal determination can be had o# an action. 5Sec. @. R("e E. RO06 They %(st !"w!ys be
3o&e# ether !s p"!&t$$s or #e$e&#!&ts. 5Ibid.6
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; A p!rty s &ot !& &#spe&s!b"e p!rty $ hs &terest & the
co&tro)ersy or s(b3ect %!tter s #st&ct !&# #)sb"e $ro% the &terest o$ the other p!rtes !&#
w"" &ot &ecess!r"y be pre3(#ce# by ! 3(#+%e&t whch #oes co%p"ete 3(stce to the p!rtes &
co(rt. 5Ser)cew#e Spec!"sts. I&c.. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. 2F1 S0RA @*6
<1. )he spouses Ramon and Rosario died intestate in 236- and 2366* survived b!
their heirs* #armen* Bosefa* An(el* Amparo married to =ernando* #oncepcion and salvador.
"ubse&uentl!* the estate was divided e&uall! distributin( <ot No. -.6D to #oncepcion* An(el*
Amparo married to =ernando and Ramon* the sole heir of "alvador who li1ewise died@ while
lot nos. /37/* /3-6* 2-75 and /457 were distributed e&uall! between Bosefa and #armen.
<ot No. /457 was not included in the inventor! of properties submitted to the #ourt*
the project of partition submitted to and approved b! the #ourt. )he decedent Ramon
ac&uired the propert! and delivered it to the spouses Amparo and hernando. It was
subse&uentl! delivered to Bosefa and #armen durin( the actual partition in 23/D* and the!
have been in possession since then.
An(el* #oncepcion and Ramon >the sole heir of "alvador? and the heirs of Amparo
married to =ernando* si(ned notari;ed &uitclaims over <ot /457 in favor of Bosefa and
#armen. "ubse&uentl!* the heirs of "alvador* Amparo and #oncepcion laid claim to their
alle(ed shares in <ot /457 claimin( that the same is a common propert! of the children of
Ramon and Rosario because it was not included in the project of partition because <ot No.
/457 was still in the name of the deceased Ramon and Rosario.
Bosefa and #armen then filed an action for &uietin( of title. It is now contended that
Bosefa and #armen are not the proper parties to brin( an action for &uietin( of title* since the
#ertificate of )itle to <ot /457 is not in their names. Is this contention tenable?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; No. Perso&s h!)&+ "e+!" !s we"" !s e1(t!b"e tt"e to or
&terest & ! re!" property %!y br&+ !cto& to 1(et tt"e !&# Jtt"eK here #oes &ot &ecess!r"y
#e&ote ! certtc!te o$ tt"e ss(e# & $!)or o$ the perso& $"&+ the s(t. 5M!estr!#o etc.. et !".. ).
0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. etc. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EEEDFI %!estr!#o. et !".. ). Ro!. Gr.. 9.R. No. 1EEE2D.
pro%. M!rch -. 2***6
A& !cto& to 1(et tt"e s ! co%%o& "!&# re%e#y $or the re%o)!" o$ !&y c"o(# or #o(bt or
(&cert!&ty o& the tt"e to re!" property. It s esse&t!" $or the p"!&t$$ or co%p"!&!&t to h!)e !
"e+!" or !& e1(t!b"e tt"e to or &terest & the re!" property whch s the s(b3ect %!tter o$ the
!cto&. A"so. the #ee#. c"!% or e&c(%br!&ce or procee#&+ th!t s be&+ !""e+e# s ! c"o(# o&
p"!&t$$Ms tt"e %(st be show& to be & $!ct &)o")e# or & oper!t)e #espte ts pr%! $!ce
!ppe!r!&ce o$ )!"#ty or "e!# e$$c!cy. 5Robbs. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No.
12EF*-. pro%. M!rch 1D. 2***6
<2. Who is a necessar! part! ?.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; A &ecess!ry P!rty s +ne "ho is not indispensable bt "ho
oght to be 9oined as a party i# complete relie# is to be accorded to those already parties, #or
a complete determination or settlement o# the claim sb9ect o# the action. 5Sec. A. R("e E.
<;. Give e%amples of a necessar! part!.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; So%e e'!%p"es o$ &ecess!ry p!rtes !re;
!. A so"#!ry #ebtor s &ot !& &#spe&s!b"e p!rty b(t %ere"y ! &ecess!ry p!rty. The
cre#tor c!& procee# sep!r!te"y !+!&st !&y o$ the so"#!ry #ebtors. who the& c!& procee# !+!&st
hs co-#ebtors $or re%b(rse%e&t $ co%p"ete re"e$ s to be obt!&e#.
b. I& !& !cto& to reco)er possesso& o$ ! p!rce" o$ "!&#. the possessor 5te&!&t. etc.6. s
the &#spe&s!b"e p!rty wh"e the ow&er s %ere"y the &ecess!ry p!rty.
c. I& !& !cto& $or the reco)ery o$ the ow&ershp o$ ! p!rce" o$ "!&#. the ow&er s the
&#spe&s!b"e p!rty !&# the possessor 5the te&!&t6 s %ere"y the &ecess!ry p!rty.
<<. Distin(uish a necessar! part! from an indispensable part!
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The $o""ow&+ !re the #st&cto&s betwee& &#spe&s!b"e
p!rtes !&# &ecess!ry p!rtes;
!. The &terest o$ &#spe&s!b"e p!rtes s s(ch th!t &o $&!" #eter%&!to& o$ the !cto&
c!& be h!# wtho(t the% W=ILE the &terest o$ &ecess!ry p!rtes s s(ch th!t co%p"ete re"e$
%!y &ot be h!# wtho(t the%.
b. No&-3o&#er o$ !& &#spe&s!b"e p!rty %!y s(b3ect the s(t to #s%ss!" W=ILE s(ch s
&ot the c!se wth &o&-3o&#er o$ ! &ecess!ry p!rty.
<=. =ow is a necessar! part! distin(uished from a proper part! ?
A &ecess!ry p!rty p!rty s #st&+(she# $ro% ! proper p!rty & the $o""ow&+ %!&&er;
!. A &ecess!ry p!rty h!s !& &terest so 3o&e# wth the p!rtes be$ore the co(rt th!t hs
3o&#er s re1(re# $ co%p"ete s to be !ccor#e# the p!rtes W=ILE the &terest o$ ! proper
property s sep!r!b"e !&# e)e& wtho(t hs 3o&#er co%p"ete re"e$ c!& be h!# betwee& the p!rtes
& co(rtI
b. Necess!ry p!rtes %!y !t the #screto& o$ the co(rt be s(%%o&e# to !ppe!r so
co%p"ete re"e$ %!y be !ccor#e# the p!rtes W=ILE proper p!rtes &ee# &ot be s(%%o&e# to
!ccor# co%p"ete re"e$ to p!rtes.
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; :&#er the 1--@ R("es o$ 0)" Proce#(re. there see%s to
be &o #st&cto& betwee& ! proper p!rty !&# ! &ecess!ry p!rty. Ths s so. bec!(se &o %e&to& !t
!"" o$ ! proper p!rty w!s %!#e & the &ew r("es. It s &terest&+ to &ote th!t Sec. A. R("e E o$ the
1-D* R("es o$ 0o(rt h!# e'!ct"y the s!%e wor#&+ !s Sec. A. R("e E o$ the 1-,D R("es o$ 0o(rt.
The o&"y #$$ere&ce betwee& the two w!s the (se o$ the s(b-tt"e. 4Go&#er o$ &ecess!ry p!rtes.4
& the 1-D* R("es whch w!s ch!&+e# to 4Go&#er o$ proper p!rty.4 & the 1-,D R("es. The 1--@
R("es ch!&+e# the s(b-tt"e to. 4Necess!ry P!rty.4
<>. A(uila filed a petition for e%emption from the covera(e of the land reform
pro(ram. )he alle(ed tenants opposed the petition. )he DAR Re(ional Director (ranted the
application but on appeal the DAR reversed its rulin( and denied the e%emption. A(uila
appealed to the 0ffice of the ,resident which reinstated the (rant of the application. )he
tenants appealed to the #ourt of Appeals* but the petition was dismissed for failure to implead
the 0ffice of the ,resident which is an indispensable part! to the case as it is from where the
&uestioned decision and resolution was issued. Was the dismissal proper ? $%plain briefl!.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; No. The ss(e & the petto& be$ore the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s s
whether ! pr)!te "!&# sho("# be e'e%pte# $ro% the co)er!+e o$ the "!&# re$or% pro+r!%.
Wh!te)er h!ppe&s to th!t c!se !&# whoe)er w&s wo("# &ot br&+ !&y pre3(#ce or +!& to the
+o)er&%e&t. The o&"y p!rtcp!to& o$ the O$$ce o$ the Pres#e&t & ths c!se s ts ro"e !s the
o$$ce whch e&tert!&s !ppe!"s $ro% #ecso&s o$ the DAR.
It s c"e!r th!t the O$$ce o$ the Pres#e&t s %ere"y ! pro forma p!rty. & the s!%e w!y
th!t ! respo&#e&t co(rt s ! pro forma p!rty & spec!" c)" !cto&s $or certor!r. 5S!%!&e+o. et
!".. ). A+("!. et !".. 9.R. No. 12FF,@. pro%. G(&e 2@. 2***6
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; :&#er Sec. @. R("e E o$ the R("es o$ 0)" Proce#(re. !&
&#spe&s!b"e p!rty s ! p!rty & &terest wtho(t who% &o $&!" #eter%&!to& c!& be h!# o$ !&
!cto& wtho(t th!t p!rty be&+ %p"e!#e#.
I&#spe&s!b"e p!rtes !re those wth s(ch !& &terest & the co&tro)ersy th!t ! $&!" #ecree
wo("# &ecess!r"y !$$ect ther r+hts. so th!t the co(rt c!&&ot procee# wtho(t ther presce&ce.
JI&terestK. wth& the %e!&&+ o$ ths r("e. sho("# be %!ter!". #rect"y & ss(e !&# to be !$$ecte#
by the #ecree. !s #st&+(she# $ro% ! %ere &c#e&t!" &terest & the 1(esto& &)o")e#.
O& the other h!&#. ! &o%&!" or pro forma p!rty s o&e who s 3o&e# !s ! p"!&t$$ or
#e$e&#!&t. &ot bec!(se s(ch p!rty h!s !&y re!" &terest & the s(b3ect %!tter or bec!(se !&y re"e$
s #e%!&#e#. b(t %ere"y bec!(se the tech&c!" r("es o$ p"e!#&+s re1(re the prese&ce o$ s(ch
p!rty o& the recor#.
:::<@. What are the re&uisites for permissive joinder of parties ?
!. &ll persons in "hom or against any right to relie#
b. in respect to or arising ot o# the same transaction or series o# transactions is
alleged to e$ist,
16 "hether 9ointly, severally, or in the alternative,
c. may e$cept as other"ise provided in these Rles o# 2ort
#. 9oin as plainti##s or be 9oined as de#endants in one complaint,
e. "here any *estion o# la" or #act common to all sch plainti##s or to all sch
de#endants may arise in he actionH
$. bt the cort may maEe sch orders as may be 9st to prevent any plainti## or
de#endant #rom being embarrassed or pt to e$pense in connection "ith any proceeding in
"hich he may have no interest. 5Sec. ,. R("e E. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t. &(%ber&+ !&# wor#s
wtho(t e%ph!s/e# s(pp"e#6
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; The R("es #o &ot spec$y whether the p!rty to be 3o&e# s
! &ecess!ry p!rty. =owe)er. the !(thor be"e)es th!t the p!rtes re$erre# to !re &ecess!ry p!rtes
bec!(se co%p"ete re"e$ wo("# res("t $ these p!rtes who bec!%e s(ch !s ! res("t o$ the s!%e or
seres o$ tr!&s!cto&s or bec!(se o$ the s!%e 1(esto& o$ "!w or $!ct.
:::<C. What is the jurisdictional limitation on permissive joinder of parties ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Wth respect to the 3(rs#cto& o$ Metropo"t!& Tr!" 0o(rts.
M(&cp!" Tr!" 0o(rts !&# M(&cp!" 0rc(t Tr!" 0o(rts & c)" c!ses. B.P. B"+. 12- pro)#es
th!t where there are several claims or cases o# actions bet"een the same or di##erent
parties, embodied in the same complaint, the amont o# the demand shall be the totality o#
the claims in all the cases o# action irrespective o# "hether the cases o# action arose ot o#
the same or di##erent transactions 5p!r. 1. Sec. EE. B.P. B"+. 12-6
Ths s !"so 2&ow& !s the tot!"ty r("e.
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; It s !pp!re&t th!t the tot!"ty r("e s ! "%t!to& o&
per%ss)e 3o&#er o$ p!rtes bec!(se t #oes &ot !""ow the 3o&#er o$ p!rtes $ the tot!"ty o$ the
c"!%s e'cee#s the 3(rs#cto&!" !%o(&t o$ the Metropo"t!& Tr!" 0o(rt. the M(&cp!" Tr!"
0o(rt !&# the M(&cp!" 0rc(t Tr!" 0o(rt
:::<D. What is the rule with respect to non'joinder of necessar! parties ?
!. ,henever in any pleading in "hich a claim is asserted
b. a necessary party is not 9oined,
c. the pleader shall
16 set #orth his name, i# Eno"n, and shall state
26 "hy he is omitted.
#. Shold the cort #ind the reason #or the omission nmeritorios, it
16 may order the inclsion o# the omitted necessary party
26 i# 9risdiction over his person may be obtained. 51st p!r.. Sec. -. R("e E.
RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
:::!. -##ects o# non.inclsion in the sit o# a necessary party8
16 The #ailre to comply "ith the order #or his inclsion, "ithot 9sti#iable
case, shall be deemed a "aiver o# the claim against sch party. 52&# p!r.. Sec. -.
R("e E. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
16 The &o&-&c"(so& o$ ! &ecess!ry p!rty #oes
!6 &ot pre)e&t the co(rt $ro% procee#&+ & the !cto&. !&#
b6 the 3(#+%e&t re&#ere# there& sh!"" be
c6 wtho(t pre3(#ce to the r+hts o$ s(ch &ecess!ry p!rty. 5Er#
p!r.. Sec. -. R("e E. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
:::=0. a%imino dela #ru;* Besus "antia(o* et al. filed suit alle(in( that dela #ru;
inherited the propert! from the ori(inal possessor of the land in &uestion* and that the heirs
of Boa&uin Asuncion succeeded in obtainin( title over said land and re(istered in their name.
)he! li1ewise pra!ed for the issuance of an injunctive writ. )he heirs filed their answer with
counterclaim. )he court issued the injunctive writ. A petition was filed with the "upreme
#ourt without includin( the names of dela #ru; and "antia(o.
a! the petition be dismissed for falure to join dela #ru; and "antia(o ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; No. /either mis9oinder nor non.9oinder o# parties is a
grond #or dismissal o# an action. Parties may be dropped or added by order o# the cort
16 on motion o# any party or
26 on its o"n initiative at any stage o# the action and
E6 on sch terms as are 9st.
&ny claim against a mis9oined party may be severed and proceeded "ith separately.
5Sec. 11. R("e E. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#I =es o$ As(&co&. etc.. ). =o&..
9er)!co. Gr.. etc.. et !".. 9.R. No. 11F@D1. pro%. M!rch -. 1---6
:::!. 4ailre to inclde indispensable parties reslts to dismissal o# the action.
Parties in interest "ithot "hom no #inal determination can be had o# an action shall be
9oined either as plainti##s or de#endants. 5Sec. @. R("e E. RO06
REASON; Ther prese&ce s ! sine qua non to the e'ercse o$ 3(#c!" power 5Bor"!s! ).
Po"stco. D@ Ph". EDF6. So th!t the who"e %!tter & #sp(te %!y be #eter%&e# o&ce !&# $or !""
& the "t+!to& pre)e&t&+ %("tp"cty o$ s(ts. 5P!"!rc! ). Bo+(s. EA Ph". 1@@6
:::b. The procedre #or dismissal i# indispensable party is not impleaded.
16 A %oto& sho("# be $"e# $or the &c"(so& o$ the &#spe&s!b"e p!rty. !&# &ot !
%oto& to #s%ss.
26 The co(rt the& or#ers the &c"(so& o$ the &#spe&s!b"e p!rty or opport(&ty
!$$or#e# $or !%e&#%e&t by the p"e!#er.
E6 I$ the p"!&t$$ to who% the or#er to &c"(#e the &#spe&s!b"e p!rty s #recte#
re$(ses to co%p"y wth the or#er o$ the co(rt. the co%p"!&t %!y be #s%sse# (po&
%oto& o$ the #e$e&#!&t or (po& the co(rt>s ow& %oto& 5Sec. E. R("e 1@. RO0I D!e" ).
Te)es. 1E, S0RA 1-,6.
D6 O&"y (po& (&3(st$e# $!"(re or re$(s!" to obey the or#er to &c"(#e or to
!%e&#%e&t s the !cto& #s%sse#. 50orte/ ). A)"!. 9.R. No. L--@A2. pro%. Apr" 2,.
=1. What is a third part! complaint ? What is itCs nature ? $%plain.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; & third G#orth, etc.F . party complaint is a claim that a
de#ending party may, "ith leave o# cort, #ile against a person not a party to the action,
called the third G#orth, etc.F .party de#endant, #or contribtion, indemnity, sbrogation, or
any other relie#, in respect o# his opponent(s claim. 5Sec. 11. R("e ,. RO06
!. /atre o# a complaint The thr#-p!rty co%p"!&t s !ct(!""y &#epe&#e&t
o$ !&# sep!r!te !&# #st&ct $ro% the p"!&t$$>s co%p"!&t. Were t &ot $or ths pro)so& o$ the
R("es o$ 0o(rt. t wo("# h!)e bee& $"e# &#epe&#e&t"y !&# sep!r!te"y $ro% the or+&!"
co%p"!&t by the #e$e&#!&t !+!&st the thr#-p!rty.
B(t the R("es per%t the #e$e&#!&t to br&+ & ! thr#-p!rty #e$e&#!&t or so to spe!2. to
"t+!te hs sep!r!te c!(se o$ !cto& & respect o$ p"!&t$$>s c"!% !+!&st ! thr#-p!rty & the
or+&!" !&# pr&cp!" c!se. 5Brtsh Arw!ys ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 121A2D. pro%.
G!&(!ry 2-. 1--A6
b. The prpose o# a third party claim8
16 To !)o# crc(try o$ !cto& !&# (&&ecess!ry pro"$er!to& o$ "!w s(tsI
26 To pre)e&t %("tp"cty o$ s(ts by #spos&+ o$ e'pe#to(s"y & o&e "t+!to&
the e&tre s(b3ect %!tter !rs&+ $ro% o&e p!rtc("!r set o$ $!cts. 5Brtsh Arw!ys ).
0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 121A2D. pro%. G!&(!ry 2-. 1--A6
I& short. the %!& p(rpose s to !che)e co%p"ete 3(stce betwee& !"" p!rtes.
SP-2I&0 A+I/7-R 7-5I2-S. There !re three spec!" 3o&#er #e)ces whereby p!rtes
%!y be 3o&e# & !& !cto&. These !re c"!ss s(ts. &ter)e&to& !&# &terp"e!#er. 0"!ss s(ts !&#
&terp"e!#er %!y be co&s#ere# !s p!rt o$ the &t!tory 3o&#er #e)ces bec!(se the p!rtes !re
3o&e# !t the &cepto& o$ the s(t. They %!y "2ewse be co&s#ere# &)o"(&t!ry 3o&#er #e)ces
bec!(se the p!rtes 3o&e# %!y or %!y &ot 2&ow th!t they !re be&+ 3o&e#. O& the other h!&#
&ter)e&to& s ! 3o&#er #e)ce !$ter the s(t h!s bee& $"e# !&# s )o"(&t!ry & ch!r!cter bec!(se
! p!rty !s2s $or "e!)e o$ co(rt to be !""owe# to &ter)e&e.
:::=2. When could a class suit be filed ?
!. ,hen the sb9ect matter o# the controversy
b. is one o# common or general interest to many persons
c. so nmeros that it is impracticable to 9oin all as parties,
#. a nmber o# them "hich the cort #inds to
16 be s##iciently nmeros and
26 representative as to #lly protect the interests o# all concerned
e. may se or de#end #or the bene#it o# all.
$. & party in interest shall have the right to intervene to protect his individal
interest. 5Sec. 12. R("e E. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
!. ,hen class sits proper and "ho #iles. A c"!ss s(t %!y be to 4s(e or #e$e&#.4 So
!"so. the represe&t!t)es %(st be %ore th!& o&e perso& bec!(se o$ the phr!se. 4! &(%ber o$
b. 2haracteristics o# a class sit8
16 There s o&"y o&e r+ht or c!(se o$ !cto& pert!&&+ or be"o&+&+ & co%%o&
to %!&y perso&s. &ot sep!r!te"y or se)er!""y to #st&ct &#)#(!"s.
26 The ob3ect o$ the s(t s to obt!& re"e$ $or or !+!&st &(%ero(s perso&s !s !
+ro(p or !s !& &te+r!" e&tty. !&# &ot !s sep!r!te. #st&ct &#)#(!"s whose r+hts or
"!b"tes !re sep!r!te $ro% !&# &#epe&#e&t o$ those !$$ect&+ the others.
E6 The &(%ero(s&ess o$ p!rtes &)o")e# th!t t s %pr!ctc!b"e to 3o& !"" !s
p!rtes. 5L!&!>s S(per%!r2et ). NLR0. et !".. 9.R. No. 111*1D. pro%. M!y E1. 1--,6
:::=;. 9our hundred residents of +arrio Ramos initiated a class action suit throu(h
Albert* a former ma!or of the town* to recover dama(es sustained due to their e%posure to
to%ic waste and fumes emitted b! the coo1in( (as plant of )op 9uel Gas #orporation located
in the town.
Is the class suit proper ? G1DD<F
S:99ESTED ANSWER; No. the c"!ss s(t s &ot proper. There s &o c!(se o$ !cto&
be"o&+&+ & co%%o& to the D** res#e&ts. The e'te&t o$ #!%!+e s($$ere# by the% s &#)#(!"
!&# sep!r!te $ro% e!ch other. The &(%ero(s&ess o$ the p!rtes !&# ob3ect o$ the s(t ! s&+"e
e&tty !re &ot the o&"y #eter%&!&ts o$ ! c"!ss s(t. There %(st be (&ty o$ c!(se ro r+ht o$
!cto&. The D** res#e&ts ## &ot s($$er to the s!%e e'te&t !&# #e+ree. co&se1(e&t"y there h!)e
#$$ere&t c!(ses o$ !cto&.
=<. A labor union brou(ht suit involvin( a matter of common or (eneral interest in
behalf of its members who are so numerous that it is impracticable to brin( all of them before
the court. Is this a class suit ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; No. Ths s ! s(t bro(+ht & ! represe&t!t)e c!p!cty by the
c"!ss s(t. It s the $(&cto& o$ ! "!bor (&o& to c!rry o(t the represe&t!to& o$ ts %e%bers !&# to
$"e !& !ct(!" s(t $or ther be&e$t !&# beh!"$ wtho(t 3o&&+ the% !&# !)o# the c(%berso%e
proce#(re o$ 3o&&+ e!ch !&# e)ery %e%ber !s ! sep!r!te p!rty. 5L!&!>s S(per%!r2et ). NLR0.
et !".. 9.R. No. 111*1D. pro%. M!y E1. 1--,6
:::==. What are the procedural steps for intervention ?
!. The motion to intervene may be #iled at any time be#ore rendition o# 9dgment
by the trial cort. & copy o# the shall be attached to the motion
and served on the original parties. 5Sec. 2. R("e 1-. RO06
b. The %oto& s he!r#I
c. The co(rt +r!&ts "e!)e !&# ss(es !& or#er !#%tt&+ the co%p"!&t or !&swer &
#. The !&swer to the co%p"!&t-&-&ter)e&to& sh!"" be $"e# wth& $$tee& 51F6 #!ys
$ro% &otce o$ the or#er !#%tt&+ the s!%e (&"ess ! #$$ere&t pero# s $'e# by the co(rt. 5Sec.
D. R("e 1-. RO0
!. /atre o# intervention. I&ter)e&to& s ! proce#(re whereby o&e &ot or+&!""y !
p!rty to ! s(t %!y. (po& co(rt !(thorty be$ore re&#to& o$ 3(#+%e&t by the tr!" co(rt. 3o&
ether !s ! p!rty p"!&t$$ or p!rty #e$e&#!&t.
b. T"o classes o# persons "ho may intervene8
16 & person "ho has a legal interest
!F in the matter in litigation, or
b6 in the sccess o# either o# the parties, or
c6. an interest against both,
26 &ny person "ho is so sitated
!6 as to be adversely a##ected by
516 a distribtion o# property or
526 other disposition o# property
b6 in the cstody o# the cort or o# an o##icer thereo#. 5Sec. 1. R("e 1-.
RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
=>. What is the nature of claims that survive the death of a part! ?
These !re the c"!%s th!t co("# procee# !s $ the prospect)e p"!&t$$ or #e$e&#!&t s st""
!")e. Th(s. the e'ec(tor. !#%&str!tor or !&y "e+!" represe&t!t)e o$ the #ece!se# %!y br&+ or
#e$e&# s(ts.
=@. Give some e%amples of claims that survive the death of a part!.
!. 4or the recovery or protection o# the property or rights o# the deceased. 5Sec. 2.
R("e A@. RO06
b. to recover real or personal property, or an interest thereon, #rom the estate, or
c. to en#orce a lien o& re!" or perso&!" property !&#
#. to recover damages #or an in9ry to person or property, real or personal. 5Sec. 1.
R("e A@. RO06.
!. The litms test in determining "hether an action srvives depends on the natre
o# the action and the damage sed #or.
I& the c!(ses o$ !cto& whch s(r))e. the wro&+ co%p"!&e# !$$ects pr%!r"y !&#
pr&cp!""y property !&# property r+hts. the &3(res to the perso& be&+ %ere"y &c#e&t!".
W=ILE & the c!(ses o$ !cto& whch #o &ot s(r))e. the &3(ry co%p"!&e# o$ s to the perso&.
the property !&# r+hts o$ property !$$ecte# be&+ &c#e&t!". 5R(/. et !".. ). The 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 11,-*-. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 2F. 1---6
I& the !bo)e R(/ c!se. !ttor&eyMs $ees were co&s#ere# !s b!sc!""y ! %o&et!ry c"!%
whch #oes &ot s(r))e. (&#er the o"# Sec. 21. R("e E. RO0. IMPT. =owe)er. the 1--@ R("es o&
0)" Proce#(re &ow !""ows the co&t&(!to& (&t" e&try o$ $&!" 3(#+%e&t o$ !& !cto& $or the
reco)ery o$ %o&ey !rs&+ $ro% co&tr!ct. e'press or %p"e#. $ the #e$e&#!&t #es be$ore e&try
o$ $&!" 3(#+%e&t. 5Sec. 2*. R("e E. RO06
b. Real actions srvive death.
:::=C. What are the claims that do not survive the death of a part! ?
These !re the c"!%s whch c!&&ot be &stt(te# !+!&st the e'ec(tor. !#%&str!tor or !&y
"e+!" represe&t!t)e o$ the #ece!se#. These c"!%s co("# howe)er be prosec(te# & the est!te
procee#&+s o$ the #ece!se#.
E'!%p"es8 No !cto& (po& ! c"!% $or the reco)ery o$ %o&ey or #ebt or &terest thereo&
sh!"" be co%%e&ce# !+!&st the e'ec(tor or !#%&str!tor. 5Sec. 1. R("e A@. RO06 0"!%s other
th!& those st!te# & the pre)o(s he!#&+ re$err&+ to Secs. 1 !&# 2. R("e A@. RO0.
!. 2ontractal money claims srvive. I$ the !cto& $or reco)ery o$ %o&ey !rs&+ $ro%
co&tr!ct. e'press or %p"e#. s &ot yet $"e#. t co("# &ot $"e# !+!&st the e'ec(tor. !#%&str!tor
or "e+!" represe&t!t)e. It sho("# be $"e# !s ! c"!% !+!&st the est!te.
=owe)er. $ the c!se s !"re!#y $"e#. !&# the #e!th occ(rre# be$ore e&try o$ $&!"
3(#+%e&t & the co(rt & whch the c!se w!s pe&#&+. the c!se sh!"" be !""owe# to co&t&(e. 5Sec.
2*. R("e E. RO06
I$ the !cto& $or reco)ery o$ %o&ey ## &ot !rse $ro% co&tr!ct. e'press or %p"e#. t #oes
&ot s(r))e.
b. 2laims that do not srvive are dismissed even i# attachment levided on
de#endantIs property. REASON; The p(rpose o$ the !tt!ch%e&t whch s to sec(re the
o(tco%e o$ the tr!" &o "o&+er e'sts. !&# so wth the re!so&s $or the ss(!&ce o$ the wrt o$
!tt!ch%e&t. &so$!r !s the #ece!se# s co&cer&e#. 5M!"o"os ). As! P!c$c 8&!&ce 0orpor!to&.
1D@ S0RA ,16
c. &s a general rle personal actions do not srvive . E'cepto&; !cto& $or the
reco)ery o$ %o&ey !rs&+ $ro% co&tr!ct. e'press or %p"e#. $ the #e$e&#!&t #es be$ore e&try o$
$&!" 3(#+%e&t. 5Sec. 2*. R("e E. RO06
>0. 8! filed a complaint for sum of mone! and dama(es a(ainst the Iestate of #arlos
N(o as represented b! survivin( spouse s. "ulpicia Fentura.J Fentura moved to dismiss on
the (round of defendantCs lac1 of le(al personalit!. A motion to dismiss was seasonabl! filed
b! Fentura. 8! then amended his complaint deletin( the estate of #arlos N(o and named
Fentura as the defendant. "hould the complaint be dismissed ? "hould the amended
complaint be allowed ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Hes. the co%p"!&t sho("# be #s%sse#. No. the !%e&#e#
co%p"!&t sho("# &ot be !""owe#.
Nether ! #e!# perso& &or hs est!te %!y be ! p!rty & ! co(rt !cto&. A #ece!se# perso&
#oes &ot h!)e s(ch "e+!" e&tty !s s &ecess!ry to br&+ !cto& so %(ch so th!t ! %oto& to
s(bstt(te c!&&ot "e !&# sho("# be #e&e# by the co(rt.
A& !cto& be+(& by ! #ece#e&tMs est!te c!&&ot be s!# to h!)e bee& be+(& by ! "e+!"
perso&. s&ce !& est!te s &ot ! "e+!" e&ttyI s(ch ! & !cto& s ! &(""ty !&# ! %oto& to !%e&# the
p!rty p"!&t$$ w"" &ot "2ewse "e. There s &oth&+ to !%e&#. 0o&s#er&+ th!t c!p!cty to be
s(e# s ! corre"!t)e o$ the !p!cty to s(e. to the s!%e e'e&t. ! #ece#e&t #oes &ot h!)e he
c!p!cty to be s(e# !&# %!y &ot be &!%e# ! p!rty #e$e&#!&t & ! co(rt !cto&.
The proper !cto& sho("# be & the $or% o$ ! c"!% to be $"e# & the test!te or &test!te
est!te procee#&+s o$ the #ece!se# spo(se. 5Le&t(r! ). =o&. M"t!&te. et !".. 9.R. No. ,E1DF.
pro%. October F. 1---6
>1. ,hat is the dty o# the attorney pon the death o# a party "hether plainti## or
de#endant, occrring at any state o# the action ?
!. I$ #e!th occ(rs #(r&+ the pe&#e&cy o$ the !cto&
b. A&# the c"!% s &ot e't&+(she# by #e!th
c. 0o(&se" sh!"" &$or% the co(rt o$ s(ch #e!th
#. Wth& thrty 5E*6 #!ys !$ter s(ch #e!th
e. 9)&+ the &!%e !&# !##ress o$ the "e+!" represe&t!t)e5s6. 51st p!r.. Sec. 1,. R("e E.
:::!. 2onselIs #ailre "ill not vitiatee proceedings and 9dgment. The $!"(re o$
co(&se" to co%p"y wth hs #(ty to &$or% the co(rt o$ the #e!th o$ hs c"e&t !&# &o s(bstt(to&
o$ the #ece!se# p!rty. w"" &ot &)!"#!te the procee#&+s !&# the 3(#+%e&t thereo& $ the !cto&
s(r))es the #e!th o$ s(ch p!rty. 5Be&!)#e/ ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12FADA. pro%.
Septe%ber ,. 1---6
IMPT8 I+&ore the ho"#&+ & the=ers o$ Lor""!. etc.. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R.
No. 11A,FF. pro%. Apr" 12. 2*** whch he"# th!t the pro)so&s Sec. 21 o$ R("e E o$ the R("es
o$ 0o(rt. whch pro)#es $or the #s%ss!" o$ the !cto& $or reco)ery o$ %o&ey. #ebt or &terest
thereo& where the #e$e&#!&t #es be$ore $&!" 3(#+%e&t & the Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt !&# !
prosec(to& o$ the c"!% & the est!te procee#&+s o$ the #ece!se#. sho("# &ot be !pp"e# where
the co(&se" #oes &ot &$or% the co(rt o$ the #e$e&#!&tMs #e!th.
Ths !bo)e Lor""! #octr&e sho("# be +&ore# bec!(se Sec. 21 o$ R("e E h!s bee&
!%e&#e# 5t s &ot Sec. 2*. R("e E6. to the e$$ect th!t co&tr!ct(!" %o&ey c"!%s s(r)()e.
:::>2. What should be done and what is the effect of the death of the P0&I/TI44
while the action is pendin( in the trial court or on appeal before entr! of final jud(ment in the
court ?
!. The co(&se" reports the #e!thI
b. There s s(bstt(to& by the "e+!" represe&t!t)e or hers o$ the #ece!se# p"!&t$$.
whether the c"!% s(r))es or &ot.
c. The co(rt re1(res the "e+!" represe&t!t)e o$ the #ece!se# p"!&t$$ to e'p"!& why the
!cto& sho("# &ot be #s%sse# bec!(se o$ the #e!th o$ the p"!&t$$. where the c"!% #oes &ot
#. I$ the c"!% s e't&+(she# by the p"!&t$$>s #e!th the c!se s #s%sse#. I$ the c"!%
s(r))es the #e!th o$ the p"!&t$$. the c!se co&t&(es. wth the s(bstt(to& o$ the #ece!se#
p"!&t$$ by hs "e+!" represe&t!t)e 5s6. or hs hers.
e. ,hen the action is #or recovery o# money arising #rom contract, e$press or
implied, and the decedent dies be#ore entry o# #inal 9dgment in the cort in "hich the
action "as pending at the time o# sch death, it shall not be dismissed bt shall instead be
allo"ed to contine ntil entry o# #inal 9dgment.
& #avorable 9dgment obtained by the plainti## therein shall be en#orced in the
manner especially provided in the Rles o# 2ort #or prosecting claims against the estate
o# deceased persons. 5Sec. 2*. R("e E. RO06
!. Procedre and e##ect o# death o# prevailing plainti## a#ter entry o# 9dgment or
16 The co(&se" reports the #e!thI
26 There s s(bstt(to& by the "e+!" represe&t!t)e or hers o$ the #ece!se#
p"!&t$$. whether the c"!% s(r))es or &ot.
E6 The s(bstt(te e'ec(tor. !#%&str!tor or s(ccessor & &terest %!y !pp"y $or
the ss(!&ce o$ ! wrt o$ e'ec(to&. 5Sec. @ B!C. R("e E-. RO06
b. Procedre and e##ect o# death o# prevailing plainti## a#ter e$ection is issed8
16 The co(&se" reports the #e!thI
26 There s s(bstt(to& by the "e+!" represe&t!t)e or hers o$ the #ece!se#
p"!&t$$. whether the c"!% s(r))es or &ot.
E6 The (s(!" proce#(re $or e'ec(to& s the& $o""owe#.
D6 The !%o(&ts reco)ere# thro(+h e'ec(to& $or% p!rt o$ the est!te o$ the
#ece!se# pre)!"&+ p"!&t$$.
:::>;. What should b(e done and what is the effect of the death of a 7-4-/7&/T
while the action is pendin( in the trial court or on appeal before entr! of final jud(ment in the
court ?
!. The co(&se" reports the #e!thI
b. There s s(bstt(to& by the "e+!" represe&t!t)e or hers o$ the #ece!se# p"!&t$$.
whether the c"!% s(r))es or &ot.
c. The p"!&t$$ s !s2e# to e'p"!& why the s(t sho("# &ot be #s%sse# !s ! res("t o$ the
#e!th o$ the #e$e&#!&t.
#. I$ the !cto& s $or the reco)ery o$ %o&ey !rs&+ $ro% co&tr!ct. e'press or %p"e#. the
c!se sh!"" be !""owe# to co&t&(e (&t" e&try o$ $&!" 3(#+%e&t. I$ the c"!% $or %o&ey #oes &ot
!rse o(t o$ co&tr!ct 5b(t &ot $or reco)ery !rs&+ $ro% physc!" &3(res6. t sho("# be #s%sse#.
A $!)or!b"e 3(#+%e&t obt!&e# by the p"!&t$$ there& sh!"" be e&$orce# & the %!&&er
espec!""y pro)#e# & the R("es o$ 0o(rt $or prosec(t&+ c"!%s !+!&st the est!te o$ ! #ece!se#
perso&. 5Sec. 2*. R("e E. RO06
e. I$ the !cto& s otherwse. t sh!"" be #s%sse#.
$. I$ t s ! c"!% th!t s(r))es !&other c!se %!y be $"e# !+!&st the e'ec(tor.
!#%&str!tor. est!te or other "e+!" represe&t!t)e o$ the #ece!se#.
!. Procedre and e##ects o# death o# a de#endant a#ter lapse o# period to appeal or
a#ter entry o# #inal 9dgment in the cort8
16 The co(&se" reports the #e!thI
26 There s s(bstt(to& by the "e+!" represe&t!t)e or hers o$ the #ece!se#
p"!&t$$. whether the c"!% s(r))es or &ot.
E6 The p"!&t$$;
!6 I& c!se the 3(#+%e&t s $or the reco)ery o$ re!" or perso&!" property. or
the e&$orce%e&t o$ ! "e& thereo&. !pp"es $or ! wrt o$ e'ec(to& whch s
e&$orce# !+!&st the #e$e&#!&t>s e'ec(tor. !#%&str!tor or s(ccessor & &terest.
5Sec. @ BbC. R("e E-. RO06
b6 I& c!se the 3(#+%e&t s other th!& $or the !bo)e. the p"!&t$$ $"es !
c"!% !+!&st the est!te $or the !%o(&t o$ the 3(#+%e&t. 5Sec. F. R("e A,. RO0I
Py E& 0he&+ ). =errer!. @* S0RA 1E*@6
b. Procedre and e##ects o# death o# a de#endant a#ter e$ection8
16 The co(&se" reports the #e!thI
26 There s s(bstt(to& by the "e+!" represe&t!t)e or hers o$ the #ece!se#
p"!&t$$. whether the c"!% s(r))es or &ot.
E6 The property !ct(!""y "e)e# s so"# $or the s!ts$!cto& o$ the 3(#+%e&t
ob"+!to& !&# the perso& %!2&+ the s!"e sh!"" !cco(&t to the #ece!se# #e$e&#!&t>s
e'ec(tor or !#%&str!tor $or !&y s(rp"(s & hs h!&#s. 5Sec. @ BcC. R("e E-. RO06

:::><. A filed a complaint a(ainst K with the R)# of Ar(ao* #ebu* for pa!ment of a
promissor! note in the sum of ,/..*......* for li&uidated dama(es of ,/.*...... and
attorne!:s fees of ,/.*....... After he filed his answer* K died* but his law!er did not file a
motion to dismiss. In the meantime* K:s widow filed with the above court a special proceedin(
for the settlement of the intestate estate of K. )he widow* L* was appointed the administratri%
of the estate. A filed in the civil case a motion to have K substituted b! the administratri%@ the
latter did not object. )he court (ranted the motion. )rial on the merits was had. In due
course* the court rendered a decision in favor of A. At the time it was rendered* the period to
file claims in the intestate estate of K had alread! lapsed. )he administratri%* L. did not
appeal from the decision@ and after it became final* A moved for the e%ecution of jud(ment. L
opposed the motion contendin( that the decision is void because the claim does not survive.
)he case should have been dismissed upon the death of K since upon his death* the court lost
jurisdiction over the case.
2? Rule on the issue.
7? If the opposition is without merit* can the writ of e%ecution be validl! issued ?
-? If it cannot be issued* what is the remed! of A ?
16 The c"!% s(r))es bec!(se t s (po& ! co&tr!ct(!" %o&ey c"!%. 5Sec. 2*. R("e E.
RO06 0o&se1(e&t"y opposto& s wtho(t %ert.
26 No. bec!(se ! 3(#+%e&t $or %o&ey c!&&ot be e&$orce# by ! wrt o$ e'ec(to&.
E6 The $!)or!b"e 3(#+%e&t obt!&e# by the p"!&t$$ A. sh!"" be e&$orce# & the %!&&er
espec!""y pro)#e# & the R("es o$ 0o(rt $or prosec(t&+ c"!%s !+!&st the est!te o$ #ece!se#
perso&s. 5Sec. 2*. R("e E. RO06
7+2TRI/- +4 PR-2+/7ITI+/S +R PRI+R R-S+RT.
The #octr&e whch re1(res th!t cert!& %!tters or co&tro)erses be reso")e# (t"/&+
&o&3(#c!" %etho#s be$ore resort co("# be h!# to 3(#c!" &ter)e&to&. 8!"(re to #o so co("#
res("t & ! #s%ss!" o$ the !cto& o& the +ro(&# o$ pre%!t(rty o$ $!"(re to co%p"y wth !
co&#to& prece#e&t $or $"&+ the c"!%. 5Sec. 1 B3C. R("e 1,. RO06
8or e'!%p"e. pror resort to sett"e%e&t (&#er the Katarunggang Pambarangay.
e'h!(sto& o$ !#%&str!t)e re%e#es. e!r&est e$$orts tow!r#s ! co%pro%se. etc.. !re re1(re# &
cert!& &st!&ces be$ore $"&+ ! s(t & co(rt.
7+2TRI/- +4 &0T-R/&TI5- M+7-S +4 7ISPUT- R-S+0UTI+/.
These !re the %etho#s other th!& 3(#c!" process $or the sett"e%e&t o$ #sp(tes or
co&tro)erses betwee& p!rtes.
These %etho#s &c"(#e !%o&+ others %e#!to&. co&c"!to&. !rbtr!to&. etc.
Ths #octr&e #$$ers $ro% the #octr&e o$ preco&#to&s or pror resort !s the $or%er s !
%!&#!tory re1(re%e&t $or $"&+ s(ts wh"e the "!tter s )o"(&t!ry & ch!r!cter !&# beco%es
%!&#!tory o&"y $ !+ree# (po& by the p!rtes.
>=. Are there instances where there is a re&uirement for efforts to compromise prior
to the institution of s suit ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Hes. &o s(t betwee& %e%bers o$ the s!%e $!%"y sh!""
prosper (&"ess t sho("# !ppe!r $ro% the )er$e# co%p"!&t or petto& th!t e!r&est e$$orts tow!r#
! co%pro%se h!)e bee& %!#e. b(t the s!%e h!)e $!"e#. I$ t s show& th!t &o s(ch e$$orts were
& $!ct %!#e. the c!se %(st be #s%sse#.
Ths r("e sh!"" &ot !pp"y to c!ses whch %!y &ot be the s(b3ect o$ co%pro%se (&#er the
0)" 0o#e. 5Art. 1F1. The 8!%"y 0o#e6
!. Sits bet"een members o# the same #amily that are sb9ect to e##orts to"ards a
compromise are those8
16 Betwee& h(sb!&# !&# w$eI
26 Betwee& p!re&ts !&# ch"#re&I
E6 Betwee& other !sce&#!&ts !&# !sce&#!&tsI !&#
D6 Betwee& brothers !&# ssters. whether o$ the $("" or h!"$-b"oo#. 5Art. 1F*. The
8!%"y 0o#e6
The !(thor s(b%ts th!t the re1(re%e&t $or e$$orts tow!r#s ! co%pro%se #oes &ot
&c"(#e ""e+t%!te re"!to&s bec!(se o$ the &!t(r!" !&tp!thy betwee& ""e+t%!tes !&#
"e+t%!tes. Ths )ew s b(ttresse# by re$ere&ce to Art. 1F* o$ the 8!%"y th!t the re1(re%e&t
#oes &ot !pp"y to co""!ter!" re"!t)es. e'cept !s betwee& brothers !&# ssters. 5=owe)er. see &o.
ED be"ow whch &terprets the "!w !s &c"(#&+ Jh!"$-b"oo#K re"!to&shp6 O$ co(rse. there %!y
so%e #s!+ree%e&t to the !bo)e )ews co&s#er&+ the 8"p&o e'te&#e# $!%"y syste%. B(t
where #oes the "&e stop <
b. 2ases not sb9ect to compromise; No co%pro%se (po& the $o""ow&+ 1(esto&s
sh!"" be )!"#;
16 The c)" st!t(s o$ perso&sI
26 The )!"#ty o$ ! %!rr!+e or "e+!" sep!r!to&I
E6 A&y +ro(&# $or "e+!" sep!r!to&I
D6 8(t(re s(pportI
F6 The 3(rs#cto& o$ co(rtsI
,6 8(t(re "e+t%e. 5Art. 2*EF. 0)" 0o#e o$ the Ph"pp&es6
>>. "pouses Au(usto and aria =ontiveros filed a complaint for dama(es a(ainst
Gre(orio =ontiveros and )eodora A!son alle(in( that the latter are married. Au(usto and
Gre(orio are brothers. )he defendants denied that the! were married and alle(ed that
Gre(orio was a widower while )eodora was sin(le. Is there need for showin( that earnest
efforts towards a compromise were ta1en but failed ? $%plain !our answer.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; No. Whe&e)er ! str!&+er s ! p!rty & ! c!se# &)o")&+
$!%"y %e%bers. the re1(ste show&+ o$ e!r&est e$$orts to co%pro%se s &o "o&+er %!&#!tory.
The &c"(so& o$ Teo#or! !s #e$e&#!&t !&# M!r! !s p"!&t$$ t!2es the c!se o(t o$ the !%bt o$
the phr!se J%e%bers o$ the s!%e $!%"y.K whch re#ers o&"y to h(sb!&# !&# w$e. p!re&ts !&#
ch"#re&. !sce&#!&ts !&# #esce&#!&ts. !&# brothers !&# ssters. whether $("" or h!"$-b"oo#.
The e&(%er!to& o$ Jbrothers !&# sstersK #o &ot co%prehe&# Jssters-&-"!wK 5he&ce
!"so brothers-&-"!w6.
8(rther%ore. re"+o(s re"!to&shp !&# re"!to&shp by !$$&ty !re &ot +)e& !&y "e+!"
e$$ect & ths 3(rs#cto&. 0o&se1(e&t"y. #e$e&#!&t Teo#or!. who w!s #escrbe# & the co%p"!&t
!s the w$e o$ 9re+oro. !&# p"!&t$$ M!r!. who s !#%tte#"y the spo(se o$ A(+(sto. !re
co&s#ere# !s str!&+ers to the =o&t)eros $!%"y. $or p(rposes o$ e!r&est e$$orts tow!r#s !
co%pro%se. 5Spo(ses =o&t)eros ). Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt. etc.. et !".. 9.R. No. 12FD,F. pro%.
G(&e 2-. 1---6
>@. )he =eirs of Fin;ons are co'owners of a parcel of land a portion of which was
occupied b! ena $doria as a lesee since 23/2. "ometime in 234D* the =eirs filed suit a(ainst
ena and several others also occup!in( the same lot owned b! them* doc1eted as #ivil #ase
No. 237-* on the (round of non'pa!ment of rentals. )he trial court found that the respondent
was not in arrears but was even advanced in his rentals. +oth parties appealed.
While #ivil #ase No. 237- was on appeal* the =eirs filed another ejectment suit* #ivil
#ase No. 7.D2* a(ainst ena and -3 others on the (round that the! refused to enter into an
a(reement as tenants'lessees and refused to pa! the increased rent of ,2... per s&.m. per
month. )he court dismissed #ivil #ase No. 7.D2 due to the pendenc! of #ivil #ase No. 237-.
)his decision was appealed to the R)#.
While #ivil #ase No. 7.D2 was pendin( appeal before the R)#* the =eirs filed another
case* doc1eted as #ivil #ase No.72-5* li1ewise a(ainst( the same defendants for e%piration of
the lease contract* refusal to si(n written renewal of contract of lease and non'pa!ment of
rentals. "hould #ivil #ase No. 72-5* be dismissed for failure to compl! with baran(a!
conciliation despite alle(ations of the =eirs that there were underta1en baran(a! conciliation
for #ivil #ase Nos. 237-* and 7.D2 ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Hes. The =ers c!&&ot re"y o& b!r!&+!y co&c"!to&
procee#&+s he"# & the other c!ses !&# co&s#er the s!%e !s co%p"!&ce wth the "!w. 5=ers o$
L&/o&s. etc. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 111-1F. pro%. Septe%ber E*. 1---6
!. 'arangay re#erral condition precedent to #iling o# a complaint8
16 Be$ore ! co(rt. or
26 Be$ore !&y other +o)er&%e&t o$$ce $or !#3(#c!to&. 5Sec. D12 B!C. R.A. No.
There s s(bst!&t!" co%p"!&ce wth the "!w e)e& tho(+h &o pang7at w!s co&stt(te# $
the p!rtes %et !t the o$$ce o$ the barangay ch!r%!& $or possb"e sett"e%e&t yet the e$$orts o$
the barangay ch!r%!& pro)e# $(t"e !s &o !+ree%e&t w!s re!che#. 5D( ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s.
2F1 S0RA D@26.
A"" #sp(tes !re s(b3ect to re$err!". The lupon o$ e!ch b!r!&+!y sh!"" h!)e !(thorty to
br&+ to+ether the p!rtes !ct(!""y res#&+ & the s!%e cty o$ %(&cp!"ty $or !%c!b"e
sett"e%e&t o$ !"" #sp(tes. 5Sec.D*A. R.A. No. @1,*6
The re$err!" %(st be %!#e rrespect)e o$ the !%o(&t !&# &!t(re o$ the #sp(te !&#
whether the c!se $!""s wth& the 3(rs#cto& o$ the M(&cp!" Tr!" 0o(rt or the Re+o&!" Tr!"
b. 7isptes "hich need not be broght #or baran(a! conciliation 8
16 Whe& the p!rty s the +o)er&%e&t. or !&y s(b#)so& or &str(%e&t!"ty
26 Whe& o&e p!rty s ! p(b"c o$$cer or e%p"oyee. !&# the #sp(te re"!tes to the
per$or%!&ce o$ hs p(b"c $(&cto&s.
E6 Where the #sp(te &)o")es re!" propertes "oc!te# & #$$ere&t ctes or
%(&cp!"tes (&"ess the p!rtes thereto !+ree to s(b%t ther #$$ere&ces to !%c!b"e
sett"e%e&t by !& !ppropr!te lupon.
D6 Dsp(tes &)o")&+ p!rtes who !ct(!""y res#e & barangays o$ #$$ere&t ctes
or %(&cp!"tes e'cept where s(ch barangay (&ts !#3o& e!ch other !&# the p!rtes
thereto !+ree to s(b%t ther #$$ere&ces to !%c!b"e sett"e%e&t by !& !ppropr!te lupon.
F6 S(ch other #sp(tes whch the Pres#e&t o$ the Ph"pp&es %!y #eter%&e &
the &terest o$ 3(stce or (po& the reco%%e&#!to& o$ the Secret!ry o$ G(stce. 5Sec. D*A.
R.A. No. @1,*6
,6 L!bor #sp(tes. Ths wo("# #e$e!t the s!"(t!ry p(rpose o$ the L!bor 0o#e
whch %!&#!tes th!t the L!bor Arbters %(st $rst co&c"!te !&# %e#!te & or#er to
e'pe#to(s"y reso")e the #sp(te. To re1(re re$err!" to the 8arangay wo("# res("t to
#e"!y & reso")&+ "!bor #sp(tes. 5Mo&toy! ). Esc!yo. 1@1 S0RA DD26
@6 Where the #sp(te &)o")es 3(r#c!" perso&s.
c. Instances "here the parties may go directly to cort "oithot re#erral to
barangay settlement8
16 Where !cto&s !re co(p"e# wth pro)so&!" re%e#es s(ch !s pre"%&!ry
&3(&cto&. !tt!ch%e&t. #e")ery o$ perso&!" property. !&# s(pport pendente lite.
26 Where the !cto& %!y otherwse be b!rre# by the st!t(te o$ "%t!to&s. 5Sec.
D12 BbC. R.A. No. @1,*6
#. Rles o# vene #or baran(a! conciliation8
16 Dsp(tes betwee& perso&s !ct(!""y res#&+ & the s!%e barangay sh!"" be
bro(+ht $or !%c!b"e sett"e%e&t be$ore the lupon o$ s!# barangay.
b. Those &)o")&+ !ct(!" res#e&ts o$ #$$ere&t barangays wth& the s!%e cty or
%(&cp!"ty sh!"" bro(+ht & the barangay where the respo&#e&t or !&y o$ the
respo&#e&ts !ct(!""y res#es. !t the e"ecto& o$ the co%p"!&!&t.
c. A"" #sp(tes &)o")&+ re!" property or !&y &terest there& sh!"" be bro(+ht &
the barangay where the re!" property or the "!r+er porto& thereo$ s st(!te#.
#. Those !rs&+ !t the wor2p"!ce where the co&te&#&+ p!rtes !re e%p"oye# or !t
the &stt(to& where s(ch p!rtes !re e&ro""e# $or st(#y. sh!"" be bro(+ht & the barangay
where s(ch wor2p"!ce or &stt(to& s "oc!te#. 5Sec. D*-. R.A. No. @1,*6
Re%e%ber th!t be$ore the r("es o& )e&(e !re !pp"e#. the c!se %(st $rst be
co+&/!b"e (&#er the barangay 3(stce syste%.
e. Procedre #or settlement nder the Gatarun((an( ,ambaran(a!8
16 0o&stt(to& o$ Lupong /agapamayapa co%pose# o$ the Punong 8arangay !s
ch!r%!& !&# te& 51*6 to twe&ty 52*6 %e%bers. The barangay ch!r%!& s the co&c(rre&t
Lupon secret!ry.
26 8"&+ o$ )erb!" or wrtte& co%p"!&t wth the Punong 8arangay who s !"so
the Lupon 0h!r%!&. 5Sec. D1* B!C. R.A. No. @1,*I Sec. D. R("e LI. Katarunggang
Pambarangay R("es6
E6 :po& recept o$ the co%p"!&t. the Punong 8arangay sh!"" wth& the &e't
wor2&+ #!y s(%%o& the respo&#e&t. the co%p"!&!&t !&# ther wt&esses to !ppe!r
be$ore h% $or %e#!to&. 5Sec. D1* BbC. R.A. No. @1,*6
D6 The respo&#e&t sh!"" !&swer the co%p"!&t or!""y or & wrt&+ !&# &terpose !
co(&terc"!%. cross-c"!% or ! thr# p!rty co%p"!&t. 5Sec. F. R("e LI. Katarunggang
Pambarangay R("es6
F6 The Punong 8arangay h!s $$tee& 51F6 #!ys $ro% the $rst sett&+ to %e#!te.
5Sec. D1* BbC. R.A. No. @1,*I Sec. 1*. R("e LI. Katarunggang Pambarangay R("es6
,6 :po& $!"(re o$ the %e#!to& e$$orts. the Punong 8arangay sh!"" set ! #!te $'
the co&stt(to& o$ the p!&e" 2&ow& !s the Pang7at ng /agapag7asundo co%pose# o$
three 5E6 %e%bers chose& $ro% the Lupon. The three 5E6 %e%bers sh!"" e"ect the
ch!r%!& !&# the secret!ry. The Pang7at secret!ry sh!"" prep!re the %&(tes o$ the
Pang7at !&# sh!"" s(b%t ! copy !tteste# by the Pang7at ch!r%!& to the Lupon secret!ry
who sh!"" report to the proper %(&cp!" or %etropo"t!& co(rt. 5Sec. D1* B#C. R.A. No.
@6 The Pang7at sh!"" be co&)e&e# &ot "!ter th!& three 5E6 #!ys $ro% ts
co&stt(to&. The Punong 8arangay !&# the Pang7at sh!"" procee# to he!r the %!tter.
5Sec. D1* B#C. R.A. No. @1,*6
A6 The Pang7at sh!"" e'ert !"" e$$orts to sett"e !&# reso")e the #sp(te wth&
$$tee& 51F6 #!ys $ro% the #!y t co&)e&es. e'te&#b"e & ts #screto& $or !&other pero#
&ot to e'cee# $$tee& 51F6 %ore #!ys. 5Sec. D1* BeC. R.A. No. @1,*I Sec. 1* BbC. R("e LI.
Katarunggang Pambarangay R("es6
-6 Where the p!rtes h!)e !+ree# to !rbtr!te. the Punong 8arangay o$ the
Pang7at. !s the c!se %!ybe. sh!"" !$ter the he!r&+ %!2e the !w!r# &ot "!ter th!& the s'th
#!y b(t &ot "!ter th!& the $$tee&th #!y $o""ow&+ the #!te o$ s(ch. 5Sec. 1* BcC. R("e LI.
Katarunggang Pambarangay R("es6
$. 4orms o# settlement nder the Gatarun((an( ,ambaran(a!:
16 Me#!to& !&# co&c"!to&. I&terch!&+e!b"e ter%s &#c!t&+ the process
whereby #sp(t!&ts !re pers(!#e# by the Punong 8arangay or Pang7at to !%c!b"y sett"e
ther #sp(tes. 5R("e II B1C. Katarunggang Pambarangay R("es6
26 Arbtr!to& s ! process $or the !#3(#c!to& o$ #sp(tes by whch the p!rtes
!+ree to be bo(&# by the #ecso& o$ ! thr# perso& or bo#y & p"!ce o$ ! re+("!r"y
or+!&/e# trb(&!". 5R("e II BhC. Katarunggang Pambarangay R("es6
R::>C. 0n Au(ust 5 * 233D +olele! filed suit a(ainst "urla for collection of sum of
mone! statin( in his complaint: AIthat plaintiff is of le(al a(e* married* 9ilipino and a residnt
of No. 2.. Imelda Filla(e* +a(uio #it! while defendant is also of le(al a(e* 9ilipino and wih
postal office address at #'6 Ina ansion* Gisad Road* +a(uio #it! where he ma! be served
with summons and other le(al processes.J )he defendant f iled a motion to dismiss alle(in(
that he also resided in ba(uio #it!* alle(in(* amon( others* that there was failure to refer to
baran(a! conciliation. Resolve the motion.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Moto& #e&e#. It s c"e!r $ro% the co%p"!&t th!t the
#e$e&#!&t #oes &ot res#e & B!+(o 0ty. Post o$$ce !##ress s &ot co&s#ere# !s res#e&ce.
Ths s &ot !$$ecte# by the #e$e&#!&tMs %oto& st!t&+ th!t he !"so res#e# & B!+(o 0ty. There
s &o &ee# $or pror re$err!" to the barangay & the !bse&ce o$ show&+ & the co%p"!&t tse"$ th!t
the p!rtes res#e & the s!%e cty or %(&cp!"ty. 5Bo"ey"ey ). =o&. L""!&(e)!. etc.. et !".. 9.R.
No. 12A@ED. pro%. Septe%ber 1D. 1---6
!. Membership and residence in batan(a! re*ired. Res#e&ce !"o&e. wtho(t
%e%bershp & the barangay wo("# &ot be !& !cc(r!te !&# re"!b"e crtero& co&s#er&+ th!t
s(ch res#e&ce %!y be !ct(!" b(t %ere"y te%por!ry. tr!&se&t or c!te+or/e# &to other
per%(t!to&s !s & the c!se o$ ! ho(se +(est or ! so3o(r&er o& ! )st $or ! #!y or two.
O& the other h!&#. %ere %e%bershp & the barangay !"o&e wtho(t res#e&ce wo("#
#e$e!t the p(rpose o$ the "!w whch pro)#es $or !& !"ter&!t)e to "t+!to&s & #sp(te sett"e%e&t
to %e%bers o$ the correspo&#&+ barangays who !re !ct(!""y res#&+ there&. Ths s so bec!(se
o$ "!c2 o$ the co%%o& bo&# !&# be"o&+&+ +e&er!""y $ostere# & %e%bers o$ !& #e&t$e#
Th(s. the re1(re%e&t s res#e&t co(p"e# wth %e%bershp or )ce-)ers!. 5Be3er ). 0o(rt
o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 1,- S0RA F,,6 Tr!&se&t or te%por!ry res#e&ce s &ot e&o(+h to )est
43(rs#cto&4 (po& the barangay 4co(rts.4 5Do%&+o ). Rosero. 1@E S0RA 1EF6
The co(rt & whch &o&-cr%&!" c!ses &ot $!""&+ wth& the !(thorty o$ the barangay
(&#er the Loc!" 9o)er&%e&t 0o#e !re $"e#. %!y. !t !&y t%e be$ore tr!". motu proprio re$er the
c!se to the Lupon co&cer&e# $or !%c!b"e sett"e%e&t. 5"!st p!r.. Sec. D*A. R.A. No. @1,*6
b. ,aiver o# The $!"(re o$ ! p!rty to spec$c!""y !""e+e the $!ct th!t there
w!s &o co%p"!&ce wth the B!r!&+!y co&c"!to& proce#(re co&stt(tes ! w!)er o$ th!t
#e$e&se. 50orp(/ ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 11@**F. pro%. G(&e 1-. 1--@6
De$e&ses !&# ob3ecto&s &ot p"e!#e# ether & ! %oto& to #s%ss or & the !&swer !re
#ee%e# w!)e#. 51st se&te&ce. Sec. 1. R("e -. RO06
The +ro(&# $or ! %oto& to #s%ss $ there s $!"(re to co%p"y wth the barangay
re$err!" s &ow. Th!t ! co&#to& prece#e&t $or $"&+ the c"!% h!s &ot bee& co%p"e# wth. 5Sec.
1 B3C. R("e 1,. RO06
I$ the &o&-re$err!" s r!se# o&"y !$ter !rr!+&%e&t. ths s #ee%e# ! w!)er. 5B!&!res II.
et !".. ). B!"s&+. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E2,2D. pro%. M!rch 1E. 2***6
>D. 0n Bune 26* 2336* a complaint for ejection was filed before the )# b! Amparo*
assisted b! counsel. )he parties reside in baran(a!s of different cities which do not adjoin
each other. )he defendant filed a motion for referral to the proper baran(a! for arbitration
andHor conciliation which the court (ranted throu(h its 0rder dated November 5* 2336
directin( the parties to conciliate before the #hairman of baran(a! D5D* Lone 5-* $rmita*
anila. eanwhile* Att!. Raul entered his appearance as counsel and filed a motion to set
aside the 0rder of November 5* 2336. )he #ourt denied the same and referred the case to the
said baran(a! for conciliation proceedin(s under penalt! of the case bein( dismissed. )he
#ourtCs action was premised upon section 6.4 of Republic Act No. 52D. >)he Gatarun(an
,ambaran(a! provisions of the <ocal Government #ode?* which provides that* I)he #ourt in
which non'criminal cases not fallin( within the authorit! of the lupon under this #ode are
filed* ma! at an! time before trial* motu proprio* refer the case to the lupon concerned for
amicable settlement.J
Was the action of the #ourt correct?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; No. Re$err&+ ! %!tter co)ere# by the !bo)e cte# pro)so&
th!t $!""s (&#er the R("e o$ s(%%!ry proce#(re to the L(po& s !& (&so(&# e'ercse o$
#screto&. The R("e o$ s(%%!ry Proce#(re w!s pro%("+!te# $or the p(rpose o$ !che)&+ !&
Je'pe#to(s !&# &e'pe&s)e #eter%&!to& o$ the c!se.K 59!cho( ). De )er!. Gr.. S0RA FD*6
The $!ct th!t (&"!w$(" #et!&er c!ses $!"" (&#er s(%%!ry proce#(re. spee#y reso"(to& thereo$ s
th(s #ee%e# ! %!tter o$ p(b"c po"cy. Th(s. the R("e $row&s o& #e"!ys. M!&$est"y. the !ct o$
re$err&+ the s(b3ect c!se to the "(po& s(b)erts the )ery &!t(re o$ the R("e !&# #e$e!ts the
ob3ect)e o$ e'pe#t&+ the !#3(#c!to& thereo$. 58!rr!"es. et !".. ). G(#+e 0!%!rst!. A.M. MTG-
---11AD. pro%. M!rch 2. 2***6
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; The !bo)e #octr&e s !pp"c!b"e o&"y where there s &o
re1(re%e&t $or pror re$err!" to the "(po&. Where the p!rtes res#e & the s!%e cty or
%(&cp!"ty. or & !#3o&&+ b!r!&+!yss o$ #$$ere&t ctes or %(&cp!"tes. pror resort to the
b!r!&+!y s ! re1(re%e&t be$ore $"&+ the c!se & 0o(rt. !&# the 0o(rt #oes &ot h!)e the
#screto& to %!2e ! re$err!".
@0. $li;abeth filed 2D estafa cases a(ainst 9idel and others. All of the parties reside in
+aran(a! Dali(* Antipolo* Ri;al. $ach of the cases did not e%ceed ,7...... After
arrai(nment and the accused pleadin( not (uilt!* the! then filed a otion to Dismiss the cases
for prematurit! in view of the failure to under(o conciliation before the <upon(
)a(apama!apa or ,an(1at n( )a(apa(1asundo of +aran(a! Dali( in accordance with "ec.
627 in relation to "ec. 6.4 of the <ocal Government #ode and "ec. 24 of the 2332 Revised
Rule on "ummar! ,rocedure.
0n November 2-* 233/* the unicipal )rial #ourt dismissed the 2D criminal cases
without prejudice* pursuant to "ection 24 of the 23.2 Rule of "ummar! ,rocedure.
ore than two months later on 9ebruar! 7D* 233D* $li;abeth throu(h counsel* filed a
otion to Revive the abovementioned criminal cases a(ainst 9idel and other@ statin( that the
re&uirement of referral to the <upon for conciliation has alread! been complied with. 0n
arch 24* 233D* the unicipal )rial #ourt issued an order (rantin( $li;abethCs otion to
9idel* et al assailed the arch 24* 233D order contendin( that the November 2-* 233/
dismissal of the case a(ainst them had lon( become final and e%ecutor!@ considerin( that the
prosecution did not file an! motion for reconsideration of said order. Rule on the contention.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; 0o&te&to& s wth %ert. The #s%ss!" h!s !tt!&e# ! st!te o$
$&!"ty. The or#er #s%ss&+ ! c!se wtho(t pre3(#ce s ! $&!" or#er $ &o %oto& $or
reco&s#er!to& or !ppe!" there$ro% s t%e"y $"e#. The or#er beco%es o(ts#e the co(rtMs power
to !%e&# !&# %o#$y. The p!rty who wshes to re&st!te the c!se h!s &o other re%e#y b(t to $"e
! &ew co%p"!&t. 5B!&!res II. et !".. ). B!"s&+. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E2,2D. pro%. M!rch 1E. 2***6
!. 7ismissal "ithot pre9dice may become #inal. The #s%ss!" wtho(t pre3(#ce o$
! co%p"!&t #oes &ot howe)er %e!& th!t s!# #s%ss!" or#er w!s !&y "ess $&!". S(ch or#er o$
#s%ss!" s co%p"ete & !"" #et!"s. !&# tho(+h wtho(t pre3(#ce. &o&ethe"ess $&!""y #spose# o$
the %!tter. It w!s &ot %ere"y !& &ter"oc(tory or#er b(t ! $&!" #sposto& o$ the co%p"!&t.
5B!&!res II. et !".. ). B!"s&+. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E2,2D. pro%. M!rch 1E. 2***6
Whe& ! c!se co)ere# by the 1--1 Re)se# R("e o& S(%%!ry Proce#(re s #s%sse#
wtho(t pre3(#ce $or &o&-re$err!" o$ the ss(es to the L(po&. the s!%e %!y be re))e# o&"y !$ter
the #sp(te s(b3ect o$ the #s%sse# c!se s s(b%tte# to b!r!&+!y co&c"!to& !s re1(re# (&#er
the Loc!" 9o)er&%e&t 0o#e. There s &o #ec"!r!to& to the e$$ect th!t s!# c!se %!y be re))e#
by %ere %oto& e)e& !$ter the $$tee&-#!y pero# wth& whch to !ppe!" or to $"e ! %oto& $or
reco&s#er!to& h!s "!pse#.
Moreo)er. the 1--1 Re)se# R("e o& S(%%!ry Proce#(re e'press"y pro)#es th!t the
R("es o$ 0o(rt !pp"es s(pp"etor"y to c!ses co)ere# by the $or%er.

b. Rle applied not only to civil cases bt also criminal cases. I& G!c! ). B"!&co. the
0o(rt #e$&e# ! pro)so&!" #s%ss!" o$ ! cr%&!" c!se !s ! #s%ss!" wtho(t pre3(#ce to the
re&st!te%e&t threo$ be$ore the or#er o$ #s%ss!" beco%es $&!" or to the s(bse1(e&t $"&+ o$ !
&ew &$or%!to& $or the o$$e&se. 5Ib#.6
c. R("e !pp"es to c!ses co)ere# by the S(%%!ry Proce#(re.
:::@1. What is the doctrine of e%haustion of administrative remedies ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; I$ ! re%e#y wth& the !#%&str!t)e %!ch&ery c!& st"" be
resorte# to by +)&+ the !#%&str!t)e o$$cer co&cer&e# e)ery opport(&ty to #ec#e o& !
%!tter th!t co%es wth& hs 3(rs#cto& the& s(ch re%e#y %(st be e'h!(ste# $rst be$ore the
co(rt>s 3(#c!" power c!& be so(+ht.
The pre%!t(re &)oc!to& o$ co(rt &ter)e&to& s $!t!" to o&e>s c!(se o$ !cto&. 5:&o&
B!&2 o$ the Ph"pp&es ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E1@2-. pro%. M!y 1-. 1--A6. The
#s%ss!" %!y be pre%se# o& the +ro(&# th!t ! co&#to& prece#e&t $or $"&+ the c"!% h!s &ot
bee& co%p"e# wth. 5Sec. 1, B3C. RO06
No&-re$err!" o$ ! c!se $or b!r!&+!y co&c"!to& whe& so re1(re# (&#er the "!w s
3(rs#cto&!" & &!t(re !&# %!y be w!)e# $ &ot r!se#.
@2. =ow are administrative remedies e%hausted ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The p!rty wth !& !#%&str!t)e re%e#y %(st &ot %ere"y
&t!te the prescrbe# proce#(re to obt!& re"e$. b(t !"so p(rs(e t to ts !ppropr!te co&c"(so&
be$ore see2&+ 3(#c!" &ter)e&to& & or#er to +)e the !#%&str!t)e !+e&cy !& opport(&ty to
#ec#e the %!tter by tse"$ correct"y !&# pre)e&t (&&ecess!ry !&# pre%!t(re resort to the co(rt.
5D!%o&o& ). Dep!rt%e&t o$ L!bor !&# E%p"oy%e&t. et !".. 9.R. No. 1*A-F1. pro%. M!rch @.
2***I Spo(ses Q!b!t ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 122*A-. pro%. A(+(st 2E. 2***6
@;. What are the reasons for the e%istence of the doctrine of eh%austion of
administrative remedies ? In short* what are its purposes.
!. E&s(res !& or#er"y proce#(re whch $!)ors ! pre"%&!ry s$t&+ process. p!rtc("!r"y
wth respect to %!tters. pec("!r"y wth& the co%pete&ce o$ the !#%&str!t)e !+e&cy.
b. A)o#!&ce o$ &ter$ere&ce wth $(&cto&s o$ the !#%&str!t)e !+e&cy by wthho"#&+
3(#c!" !cto& (&t" the !#%&str!t)e process h!# r(& ts co(rse.
c. Pre)e&to& o$ !tte%pts to sw!%p the co(rts by resort to the% & the $rst &st!&ce.
50!r!"e. et !".. ). Ab!r&tos. et !".. 9.R. No. 12*@*D. pro%. M!rch E. 1--@6
#. The !#%&str!t)e process s &te&#e# to pro)#e "ess e'pe&s)e !&# %ore spee#y
so"(to&s to #sp(tes.
e. 8or re!so&s o$ "!w. co%ty. !&# co&)e&e&ce. 5:&o& B!&2 o$ the Ph"pp&es ). 0o(rt
o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E1@2-. pro%. M!y 1-. 1--A6
@<. What are the e%ceptions to the rule on e%haustion of administrative remedies ?
!. Where the 1(esto& s p(re"y "e+!".
b. Where 3(#c!" &ter)e&to& s (r+e&t.
c. Whe& ts !pp"c!to& %!y c!(se +re!t !&# rrep!r!b"e #!%!+e.
#. Whe& the co&tro)erte# !cts )o"!te #(e process.
e. 8!"(re o$ ! h+h +o)er&%e&t o$$c!" $ro% who% the re"e$ s so(+ht to !ct o& the
$. Whe& the ss(e o$ &o&-e'h!(sto& o$ !#%&str!t)e re%e#es h!s bee& re&#ere# %oot.
50!r!"e. et !".. ). G(#+e Ab!r&tos. et !".. 9.R. No. 12*@*D. pro%. M!rch E. 1--@6
+. Whe& the !#%&str!t)e !cto& s p!te&t"y ""e+!" !%o(&t&+ to "!c2 or e'cess o$
h. Whe& there s estoppe" o& the p!rt o$ the !#%&str!t)e !+e&cy co&cer&e#.
. Whe& there s rrep!r!b"e &3(ry.
3. Whe& the respo&#e&t s ! #ep!rt%e&t secret!ry whose !cts !s !& alter ego o$ the
Pres#e&t be!rs the %p"e# !&# !ss(%e# !ppro)!" o$ the "!ter.
2. Whe& to re1(re e'h!(sto& o$ !#%&str!t)e re%e#es wo("# be (&re!so&!b"e.
". Whe& t wo("# !%o(&t to ! &(""$c!to& o$ ! c"!%.
%. Whe& the s(b3ect %!ter s ! pr)!te "!&# & ! "!&# c!se procee#&+s.
&. Whe& the r("e #oes &ot pro)#e ! p"!&. spee#y !&# !#e1(!te re%e#y. 5P!!t. etc. ).
0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 2,, S0RA 1,@6
@=. es;ellen sued drawee Allied +an1 for dama(es which it alle(edl! suffered when
chec1s were not paid to it but to some other person. Allied then filed a third'part! complaint
a(ainst +an1 of ,hilippine Islands* for reimbursement in the event that it would be adjud(ed
liable to pa! plaintiff es;ellen.
+,I filed a motion to dismiss the third'part! complaint for lac1 of jurisdiction. Rule
on the motion.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Moto& +r!&te#. Wh"e ! tr!" co(rt th!t h!s 3(rs#cto& o)er
the %!& !cto&. !"so h!s 3(rs#cto& o)er the thr#-p!rty co%p"!&t. e)e& $ the s!# co(rt wo("#
h!)e &o 3(rs#cto& o)er t h!# t bee& $"e# & !& &#epe&#e&t !cto&.
=owe)er. ths #octr&e #oes &ot !pp"y & the c!se o$ b!&2s. whch h!)e +)e& wrtte& !&#
s(bscrbe# co&se&t to !rbtr!to& (&#er the !(spces o$ the P0=0.
By p!rtcp!t&+ & the c"e!r&+ oper!to&s o$ the P0=0. A""e# !+ree# to s(b%t #sp(tes
o$ ths &!t(re to !rbtr!to&. Accor#&+"y. t c!&&ot &)o2e he 3(rs#cto& o$ the tr!" co(rts
wtho(t ! pror reco(rse o the P0=0 Arbtr!to& 0o%%ttee. 5A""e# B!&2&+ 0orpor!to& ).
0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12EA@1. pro%. A(+(st E1. 1--A6
!. 6rond shold be prematrity. It s s(++este# th!t the +ro(&# $or #s%ss!" sho("#
&ot be "!c2 o$ 3(rs#cto& 5Secto& 1 BbC. R("e 1,. RO06 b(t $!"(re to co%p"y wth ! co&#to&
prece#e&t $or $"&+ the c"!% 5Secto& 1 B3C. R("e 1,. RO06 Ths s so bec!(se 3(rs#cto& s
co&$erre# by ! G(#c!ry Act !&# &ot by %ere !+ree%e&t o$ the p!rtes.
:::b. &rbitration de#ined; The s(b%sso& o$ ! co&tro)ersy $or the reso"(to& o$ ! &o&-
3(#c!" thr# p!rty chose& by the #sp(t!&ts.
:::c. /atre o# arbitration as a mode o# dispte resoltion ; Arbtr!to& h!s bee&
he"# )!"# !&# co&stt(to&!". E)e& be$ore the !ppro)!" o& G(&e 1-. 1-FE o$ Rep(b"c Act No.
A@,. the S(pre%e 0o(rt h!s co(&te&!&ce# the sett"e%e&t o$ #sp(tes thro(+h !rbtr!to&. 5B8
0orpor!to& ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12*1*F. pro%. M!rch 2@. 1--A6
Rep(b"c Act No. A@, w!s !#opte# to s(pp"e%e&t the New 0)" 0o#e>s pro)so&s o&
!rbtr!to&. 5Ibid.6
Its pote&t!" !s o&e o$ the !"ter&!t)e #sp(te reso"(to& %etho#s th!t !re &ow r+ht$(""y
)!(&te# !s 4the w!)e o$ the $(t(re4 & &ter&!to&!" re"!to&s. s reco+&/e# wor"#w#e. 5Ibid.6
To br(sh !s#e ! co&tr!ct(!" !+ree%e&t c!""&+ $or !rbtr!to& & c!se o$ #s!+ree%e&t
betwee& the p!rtes wo("# be ! step b!c2w!r#. 5Se!-L!&# Ser)ce. I&c. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et
!".. 9.R. No. 12,212. pro%.. M!rch 2. 2***6
Arbtr!to& !s !& !"ter&!t)e %etho# o$ #sp(te reso"(to& s e&co(r!+e# by the S(pre%e
0o(rt. As#e $ro% (&c"o++&+ 3(#c!" #oc2ets. t !"so h!ste&s so"(to&s espec!""y o$
co%%erc!" #sp(tes. 5A""e# B!&2&+ 0orpor!to& ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12EA@1.
pro%. A(+(st E1. 1--A6
@>. State and e$plain an instance "hen an action &uasi in rem becomes both an
action &uasi in rem and in personam.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; I$ the property s !tt!che# !&# "!ter the #e$e&#!&t !ppe!rs.
4the c!(se beco%es %!&"y ! s(t in personam wth the !##e# &c#e&t th!t the property !tt!che#
re%!&s "!b"e. (&#er the co&tro" o$ the co(rt. to !&swer to !&y #e%!&# whch %!y be est!b"she#
!+!&st the #e$e&#!&t by the $&!" 3(#+%e&t o$ the co(rt. 5L""!re!". etc.. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1*@E1D. pro%. Septe%ber 1@. 1--A6
The %!& !cto& & !& !tt!ch%e&t or +!r&sh%e&t s in rem (&t" 3(rs#cto& o$ the
#e$e&#!&t s sec(re#. There!$ter. t s in personam !&# !"so in rem (&"ess 3(rs#cto& o$ the res
s "ost by #sso"(to& o$ the !tt!ch%e&t. I$ 3(rs#cto& o$ the #e$e&#!&t s !c1(re# b(t
3(rs#cto& o$ the res s "ost. t s the& p(re"y in personam. 5M!b!&!+ ). 9!""e%ore. A1 Ph". 2FD6
!. 6eneral rle; I& !cto&s quasi in rem reco)er( s "%te# o&"y to the )!"(e o$ the res.
Where the #e$e&#!&t & !& !cto& in personam s ! &o&-res#e&t !&# re$(ses to !ppe!r !&# s(b%t
to the 3(rs#cto& o$ the co(rt the 3(rs#cto& o$ the "!tter s "%te# to the property wth& the
co(&try whch the co(rt %!y h!)e or#ere# !tt!che#. I& s(ch ! c!se. the property tse"$. s 4the
so"e th&+ whch s %p"e!#e# !&# s the respo&sb"e ob3ect whch s the s(b3ect o$ the 3(#c!"
power.4 5L""!re!". etc.. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1*@E1D. pro%. Septe%ber 1@.
Accor#&+"y. 4the re"e$ %(st be co&$&e# to the res. !&# the co(rt c!&&ot "!w$(""y re&#er
! perso&!" 3(#+%e&t !+!&st h%.4 5Ibid6
b. &ction &uasi in rem , de#ined. A& !cto& whch wh"e &ot strct"y spe!2&+ !& !cto&
in rem p!rt!2es o$ th!t &!t(re !&# s s(bst!&t!""y s(ch. . 5L!"%o&te. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s.
et !".. 2F2 S0RA -26 It s esse&t!""y !& !cto& !+!&st ! perso& $or the reco)ery o$ ! spec$c
property or r+hts thereto.
-$amples o# actions &uasi in rem8 A"" procee#&+s h!)&+ $or ther so"e ob3ect the s!"e
or other #sposto& o$ the property o$ the #e$e&#!&t. whether by !tt!ch%e&t. $orec"os(re. or other
$or%s o$ re%e#y. !re & ! +e&er!" w!y th(s #es+&!te#. The 3(#+%e&t e&tere# & these
procee#&+s s co&c"(s)e o&"y betwee& the p!rtes. 5L!"%o&te. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !"..
2F2 S0RA -26
:::c. &ction in rem distingished #rom action &uasi in rem ;
16 I& !cto&s quasi in rem !& &#)#(!" s &!%e# !s #e$e&#!&t W=ILE
& !& !cto& in rem the !cto& s (s(!""y #recte# !+!&st the th&+ tse"$.
26 I& !cto&s quasi in rem the 3(#+%e&t s co&c"(s)e o&"y betwee& the
p!rtes W=ILE & !& !cto& in rem the 3(#+%e&t b&#s the who"e wor"#.
5L!"%o&te. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 2F2 S0RA -26
:::#. &ction &uasi in rem distingished #rom action in personam8
16 I& !cto&s quasi in rem the property tse"$ s bo(&# W=ILE &
!cto&s in personam t s the perso& h%se"$ who s bo(&#.
26 I& !cto&s quasi in rem ser)ce o$ s(%%o&s by p(b"c!to& s & or#er
to !$$or# the #e$e&#!&t #(e process W=ILE ser)ce o$ s(%%o&s & !cto&s in
personam $or the p(rpose o$ obt!&&+ 3(rs#cto&.
E6 I& !cto&s quasi in rem the reco)ery s "%te# o&"y to the )!"(e o$ the
property !tt!che# W=ILE & !cto&s in personam there s &o s(ch "%t!to&.
@@. What determines the nature of the action ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; N!t(re o$ !cto& #eter%&e# by !""e+!to&s & co%p"!&ts !&#
the ch!r!cter o$ the re"e$ so(+ht. 5B!y!& ). P!&!y E"ectrc 0o.. I&c. 9.R. No. 1E-,A*. pro.
Apr" 12. 2***6
@C. What is meant b! the concept of hierarch! of courts ? $%plain briefl!.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Wh"e the S(pre%e 0o(rt. the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. !&# the
Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rts h!)e co&c(rre&t or+&!" 3(rs#cto& to ss(e wrts o$ certiorari
prohbto&. mandamus quo -arranto !&# .abeas corpus s(ch co&c(rre&ce #oes &ot !ccor#
"t+!&ts (&restr!&e# $ree#o% o$ choce o$ the co(rt to whch !pp"c!to& there$or %!y be
There s ! her!rchy o$ co(rts whch s #eter%&!t)e o$ the )e&(e o$ !ppe!"s !&# sho("#
!"so ser)e !s ! +e&er!" #eter%&!&t o$ the !ppropr!te $or(% $or petto&s $or the e'tr!or#&!ry
wrts. 5Pe!rso&. etc.. et !".. ). I&ter%e#!te Appe""!te 0o(rt. et !".. 9.R. No. @DDFD. pro%.
Septe%ber E. 1--A6
!. Rationale #or the hierarchy o# corts8
16 A beco%&+ re+!r# $or th!t 3(#c!" her!rchy %ost cert!&"y &#c!te th!t
petto&s $or the ss(!&ce o$ e'tr!or#&!ry wrts !+!&st $rst "e)e" 5&$eror6 co(rts sho("#
be $"e# wth the Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt. !&# those !+!&st the "!tter wth the 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s. !&# ("t%!te"y wth the S(pre%e 0o(rt. 5Pe!rso&. etc.. et !".. ). I&ter%e#!te
Appe""!te 0o(rt. et !".. 9.R. No. @DDFD. pro%. Septe%ber E. 1--A6
26 It s &ecess!ry to pre)e&t &or#&!te #e%!&#s (po& the S(pre%e 0o(rt>s t%e
!&# !tte&to& whch !re better #e)ote# to those %!tters wth& ts e'c"(s)e 3(rs#cto&.
!&# to pre)e&t $(rther o)er-crow#&+ o$ the 0o(rt>s #oc2et. 58ortch. etc.. et !".. ).
0oro&!. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E1DF@. pro%. Apr" 2D. 1--A6
The S(pre%e 0o(rt s ! co(rt o$ "!st resort. !&# %(st so re%!& $ t s to
s!ts$!ctor"y per$or% the $(&cto&s !ss+&e# to t by $(&#!%e&t!" ch!rter !&# %%e%or!"
tr!#to&. It c!&&ot !&# sho("# &ot be b(r#e&e# wth the t!s2 o$ #e!"&+ wth c!(ses & the
$rst &st!&ce. Its or+&!" 3(rs#cto& to ss(e the so-c!""e# e'tr!or#&!ry wrts sho("# be
e'ercse# o&"y where !bso"(te"y &ecess!ry or where sero(s !&# %port!&t re!so&s e'st
there$or. =e&ce. th!t 3(rs#cto& sho("# +e&er!""y be e'ercse# re"!t)e to !cto&s or
procee#&+s be$ore the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. or be$ore co&stt(to&!" or other trb(&!"s.
bo#es or !+e&ces whose !cts $or so%e re!so& or !&other. !re &ot co&tro""!b"e by the
0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. Where the ss(!&ce o$ !& e'tr!or#&!ry wrt s !"so wth& the
co%pete&ce o$ the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s or ! Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt. t s ether o$ these co(rts
th!t the spec$c !cto& $or the wrtMs proc(re%e&t %(st be prese&te#.. Ths s !&# sho("#
co&t&(e to be the po"cy & ths re+!r#. ! po"cy th!t co(rts !&# "!wyers %(st strct"y
obser)e. 5H!re#. etc. ). =o&. Rc!r#o M. I"!r#e. etc.. et !".. 9.R. No. 11D@E2. A(+(st 1.
1*** ct&+ Ler+!r! ). S(e"to. 1F, S0RA @FE. @,,6
:::b. -$ceptions to the concept o# hierarchy o# corts ; There !re &st!&ces where !
petto& th!t s proper"y co+&/!b"e by "ower co(rts %!y be $"e# #rect"y wth the S(pre%e
0o(rt. The S(pre%e 0o(rt h!s $("" #screto&!ry powers to t!2e co+&/!&ce o$ the petto& $"e#
#rect"y to t (&#er the $o""ow&+ crc(%st!&ces;
16 I$ co%pe""&+ re!so&s. or the &!t(re !&# %port!&ce o$ the ss(es r!se#.
w!rr!&t. or 3(st$y #rect re$err!" to the S(pre%e 0o(rt. 5Pe!rso&. etc.. et !".. ).
I&ter%e#!te Appe""!te co(rt. et !".. 9.R. No. @DDFD. pro%. Septe%ber E. 1--A6
26 To !)o# $(t(re "t+!to&s so !s to pro%pt"y p(t !& e&# to ! co&tro)ersy whch
h!s sp!r2e# &!to&!" &terest bec!(se o$ the %!+&t(#e o$ the prob"e% cre!te# by the
ss(!&ce o$ the !ss!"e# reso"(to& o$ ! "ower co(rt. 58ortch. etc.. et !".. ). 0oro&!. et !"..
9.R. No. 1E1DF@. pro%. Apr" 1D. 1--A6
E6 The S(pre%e 0o(rt co("# reso")e to t!2e pr%!ry 3(rs#cto& & the &terest o$
spee#y 3(stce 5E(+e&o ). Dr"o&. et !".. 2F2 S0RA 1*,. 11*6
@D. =ow do courts ac&uire limited or special jurisdiction ? $%plain briefl! and (ive an
S:99ESTED ANSWER; S%"!r"y wth +e&er!" 3(rs#cto&. t s the 3(rs#cto& "!ws
whch prescrbes the p!r!%eters o$ "%te# or spec!" 3(rs#cto&.
8or e'!%p"e. the 3(rs#cto& o$ %etropo"t!& tr!" co(rts. %(&cp!" tr!" co(rts !&#
%(&cp!" tr!" co(rts o)er c)" !cto&s. prob!te procee#&+s. test!te !&# &test!te procee#&+s
&c"(#&+ +r!&t o$ pro)so&!" re%e#es & proper c!ses. s "%te# o&"y to &st!&ces where the
)!"(e o$ the perso&!" property. est!te. or the !%o(&t o$ the #e%!&# #oes &ot e'cee# Two
h(&#re# tho(s!&# pesos 5P2**.***.**6 or. & Metro M!&"! where s(ch perso&!" property. est!te.
or !%o(&t o$ the #e%!&# #oes &ot e'cee# 8o(r h(&#re# tho(s!&# pesos 5PD**.***.**6. e'c"(s)e
o$ &terest. #!%!+es o$ wh!te)er 2&#. !ttor&ey>s $ees. "t+!to& e'pe&ses. !&# costs.4 5Sec. EE
B1C. B.P. B"+. 12- !s !%e&#e# by R.A. No. @,-1. spec$c!""y Sec. F whch &cre!se# the
3(rs#cto&!" !%o(&t e$$ect)e Apr" 1,. 1--- or !$ter $)e 5F6 ye!rs $ro% the e$$ect)ty o$ R.A.
No. @,-1. R.A. No. @,-1 too2 e$$ect o& Apr" 1F. 1--D 5p!r. 1. S(pre%e 0o(rt A#%&str!t)e
0rc("!r No. *---D6
WARNING: 4or 'ar e$amination prposes, yo mst taEe note o# the date o# the
#actal setting given in the *estion. I# the date o# the #iling is be#ore &pril 1>, 1DDD then
apply the old rle "hich provides #or the 9risdictional amont o# P100,000.00 #or corts
otside o# Metropolitan Manila, and P200,000.00 #or corts "ithin Metropolitan Manila.
I# the date o# #iling as sho"n in the problem is &pril 1>, 1DDD or is ndated se the
ne" 9risdictional amonts o# P200,000.00 and P<00,000.00 #or otside Metropolitan
Manila and #or Metropolitan Manila respectively.
C0. Define e%clusive ori(inal jurisdiction and (ive an e%ample.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Th!t 2&# o$ 3(rs#cto& th!t co("# be e'ercse# by ! co(rt to
the e'c"(so& o$ !"" other co(rts.
8or e'!%p"e. Metropo"t!& Tr!" 0o(rts. M(&cp!" Tr!" 0o(rts !&# M(&cp!" 0rc(t
Tr!" 0o(rts sh!"" e'ercse -$clsive original 9risdiction over cases o# #orcible entry and
nla"#l detainer. 5Sec. EE B2C. B.P. B"+. 12-6
C1. Define concurrent jurisdiction. Give an e%ample.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Th!t type o$ 3(rs#cto& th!t %!y be e'ercse# by ! co(rt
to+ether wth co(rts o$ #$$ere&t "e)e"s.
8or e'!%p"e. Regional Trial 2orts shall e$ercise original 9risdiction G1F In the
issance o# "rits o# certiorari* prohibition, mandamus* &uo warranto, habeas corpus and
in9nction "hich may be en#orced in any part o# their respective regionsH and G2F In actions
a##ecting ambassadors and other pblic ministers and consls 5Sec. 21. B.P. B"+. 12-6.
The 2ort o# &ppeals shall e$ercises +riginal 9risdiction to isse "rits o#
mandamus* prohibition, certiorari* habeas corpus and &uo warranto and a$iliary "rits pr
processes, "hether or not in aid o# its appellate 9risdiction. 5Sec. - B1C. Ibid.6
O& the other h!&#. the S(pre%e 0o(rt sh!"" h!)e the power to -$ercise original
9risdiction over cases a##ecting ambassadors, other pblic ministers and conslts, and over
petitions #or certiorari* prohibition, mandamus* &uo warranto* and habeas corpus. 5Sec. F
B1C. Artc"e LIII. 1-A@ Ph"pp&e 0o&stt(to&6
Wh"e the R("es o$ 0o(rt s &ot ! 3(rs#cto& "!w. t sho("# be co&s#ere# th!t The "rit
o# habeas corpus may be granted by the Spreme 2ort, or any member thereo#, on any
day and at any time, or by the 2ort o# &ppeals or any member thereo# in the instances
athori!ed by la", and i# so granted it shall be en#orceable any"here in the Philippines,
and may be made retrnable be#ore the cort or any member thereo#, or be#ore a Regional
Trial 2ort, or any 9dge thereo# #or hearing and decision on the merits. It may also be
granted by a Regional Trial 2ort, or a 9dge thereo#, on any day and at any time, and
retrnable be#ore himsel#, en#orceable only "ithin his 9dicial district. 5Sec. 2. R("e 1*2.
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; Wh"e t see%s th!t there %!y be co&c(rre&t or+&!"
3(rs#cto&. the co&cept o$ her!rchy o$ co(rts e$$ect)e"y &e+!tes the e'ste&ce o$ co&c(rre&t
or+&!" 3(rs#cto&. =owe)er. there %!y st"" e'st co&c(rre&t or+&!" 3(rs#cto&. $ the
S(pre%e 0o(rt t!2es co+&/!&ce o$ !&y o$ the !bo)e c!ses. #espte the co&cept o$ her!rchy o$
C2. What is territorial jurisdiction of the trial courts ?
5!6 Metropo"t!& tr!" co(rts. %(&cp!" tr!" co(rts !&# %(&cp!" crc(t tr!" co(rts sh!""
e'ercse ther 3(rs#cto& wth& the cty. %(&cp!"ty or crc(t $or whch the 3(#+e thereo$ s
!ppo&te# or #es+&!te#.
5b6 A re+o&!" tr!" co(rt sh!"" e'ercse ts 3(rs#cto& wth& the !re! #e$&e# by the
S(pre%e 0o(rt !s the terrtory o)er whch the p!rtc("!r br!&ch co&cer&e# sh!"" e'ercse ts
!(thorty. 5Sec. A.2.. I&ter% R("es. S.0. Res. #!te# G!&(!ry 11. 1-AE6
C;. What determines the character of the subject matter whether the court has
jurisdiction ? $%plain briefl!.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The co%p"!&t #eter%&es the ch!r!cter o$ the s(b3ect %!tter
whether the co(rt h!s 3(rs#cto&.
A co(rt>s 3(rs#cto& c!&&ot be %!#e to #epe&# (po& #e$e&ses set (p & the !&swer. & !
%oto& to #s%ss. or & ! %oto& $or reco&s#er!to& b(t o&"y (po& the !""e+!to&s o$ the
co%p"!&t 5T!%!&o ). =o&. Ort/. et !".. 9.R. No. 12,,*E. pro%. G(&e 2-. 1--A. rrespect)e o$
whether the p"!&t$$ s e&tt"e# or &ot e&tt"e# to reco)er (po& the c"!% !sserte# there& N !
%!tter reso")e# o&"y !$ter !&# !s ! res("t o$ the tr!". 5De"t!)e&t(res Reso(rces. I&c. ). =o&.
8er&!&#o P. 0!b!to. etc.. et !".. 9.R. No. 11A21,. M!rch -. 2***6
Ths s so bec!(se the co%p"!&t co%prses ! co&cse st!te%e&t o$ the ("t%!te $!cts
co&stt(t&+ the p"!&t$$>s c!(se o$ !cto&. 5Ibid.6
!. )o" corts ac*ire 9risdiction over the sb9ect matter;
8rst"y. there %(st be ! st!t(te th!t co&$ers 3(rs#cto& o)er cert!& s(b3ect %!tter.
Seco&#"y. the !""e+!to&s & the co%p"!&t whch co%prse ! co&cse st!te%e&t o$
the ("t%!te $!cts co&stt(t&+ the co(rse o$ !cto&. the& #eter%&es whether the spec$c
s(b3ect %!tter wo("# $!"" (&#er the 3(rs#cto& co&$erre# by the st!t(te. 5De"t!)e&t(res
Reso(rces. I&c. ). =o&. 0!b!to. etc. et !".. 9.R. No.11A21,. pro%. M!rch -. 2***6
It s sett"e# th!t 3(rs#cto& o$ co(rts o)er the s(b3ect %!tter o$ the "t+!to& s co&$erre#
by "!w !&# #eter%&e# by the !""e+!to&s & the co%p"!&t. 55?(e ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !"..
9.R. No. 1EFDD2. A(+(st E1. 2***6
:::b. Isse o# 9risdiction cold be raised only dring the proceedings o# the case
and dring the appeal8 Wh"e 3(rs#cto& o)er the s(b3ect %!tter o$ ! c!se %!y be ob3ecte# to
!t !&y st!+e o$ the procee#&+ e)e& o& !ppe!". ths p!rtc("!r r("e. howe)er. %e!&s th!t
3(rs#cto&!" ss(es & ! c!se c!& be r!se# o&"y #(r&+ the procee#&+s & s!# c!se !&# #(r&+
the !ppe!" o$ s!# c!se.
It cert!&"y #oes &ot %e!& th!t "!c2 o$ 3(rs#cto& o$ ! co(rt & ! c!se %!y be r!se#
#(r&+ the procee#&+s o$ !&other c!se. & !&other co(rt !&# e)e& by !&ybo#y !t !"". 5Ar!+o&.
etc.. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 2@* S0RA ,*E6
c. &ll RT2 branches are one cort. The )!ro(s br!&ches o$ the 0o(rt o$ 8rst I&st!&ce
o$ 0eb( (&#er the 8o(rtee&th G(#c!" Dstrct. !re coor#&!te !&# e1(!" co(rts. !&# the tot!"ty o$
whch s o&"y o&e 0o(rt o$ 8rst I&st!&ce. The 3(rs#cto& s )este# & the co(rt. &ot & the
3(#+es. A&# whe& ! c!se s $"e# & o&e br!&ch. 3(rs#cto& o)er the c!se #oes &ot !tt!ch to the
br!&ch or 3(#+e !"o&e. to the e'c"(so& o$ the other br!&ches. Tr!" %!y be he"# or procee#&+s
co&t&(e# by !b# be$ore !&other br!&ch or 3(#+e. It s $or ths re!so& th!t secto& F@ o$ the
G(#c!ry Act e'press"y +r!&ts to the Secret!ry o$ G(stce B&ow the S(pre%e 0o(rt6. the
!#%&str!t)e r+ht or power to !pporto& the c!ses !%o&+ the #$$ere&t br!&ches. both $or the
co&)e&e&ce o$ the p!rtes !&# $or the coor#&!to& o$ the wor2 by the #$$ere&t br!&ches o$ the
s!%e co(rt. The !pporto&%e&t !&# #strb(to& o$ c!ses #oes &ot &)o")e ! +r!&t or "%t!to& o$
3(rs#cto&. the 3(rs#cto& !tt!ches !&# co&t&(es to be )este# & the 0o(rt o$ 8rst I&st!&ce o$
the pro)&ce. !&# the tr!"s %!y be he"# by !&y br!&ch or 3(#+e o$ the co(rt. 5L%po ). 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12DFA2. G(&e 1,. 2***6

C<. What is the e%clusive oi(inal jurisdiction of the four >6? lower trial courts in
civil cases under the $%panded Burisdiction <aw >R.A. No. 5D32? ?
!. E'c"(s)e or+&!" 3(rs#cto& o)er c)" !cto&s !&# prob!te procee#&+s. test!te !&#
&test!te &c"(#&+ +r!&t o$ pro)so&!" re%e#es & proper c!ses. where the )!"(e o$ the perso&!"
property. est!te. or !%o(&t o$ the #e%!&#
16 Does &ot e'cee# Two =(&#re# Tho(s!&# pesos 5P2**.***.**6. ::or
26 I& Metro M!&"! where s(ch perso&!" property. est!te. or !%o(&t o$ the
#e%!&# #oes &ot e'cee# 8o(r =(&#re# Tho(s!&# pesos 5PD**.***.**6.RRR
e$clsive o$ &terest. #!%!+es o$ wh!te)er 2&#. !ttor&ey>s $ees. "t+!to& e'pe&ses !&# costs. the
!%o(&t o$ whch %(st be spec$c!""y !""e+e#. Pro)#e#. th!t &terest. #!%!+es o$ wh!te)er 2&#.
!ttor&ey>s $ees. "t+!to& e'pe&ses. !&# costs sh!"" be &c"(#e# & the #eter%&!to& o$ the $"&+
b. E'c"(s)e or+&!" 3(rs#cto& o)er c!ses o$ $orcb"e e&try !&# (&"!w$(" #et!&er;
Pro)#e#. th!t whe&. & s(ch c!ses. the #e$e&#!&t r!ses the 1(esto& o$ ow&ershp & hs
p"e!#&+s !&# the 1(esto& o$ possesso& c!&&ot be reso")e# wtho(t #ec#&+ the ss(e o$
ow&ershp. the ss(e o$ ow&ershp sh!"" be reso")e# o&"y to #eter%&e the ss(e o$ possesso&I
c. E'c"(s)e or+&!" 3(rs#cto& & !"" c)" !cto&s whch &)o")e tt"e to or possesso&
o$ re!" property. or !&y &terest there& where the !ssesse# )!"(e o$ the property or &terest
16 Does &ot e'cee# Twe&ty Tho(s!&# pesos 5P2*.***.**6. or
26 I& Metro M!&"!. where s(ch !ssesse# )!"(e #oes &ot e'cee# 8$ty Tho(s!&#
pesos 5PF*.***.**6
e$clsive o$ &terest. #!%!+es o$ wh!te)er 2&#. !ttor&ey>s $ees. "t+!to& e'pe&ses !&# costs;
Pro)#e#. th!t & c!ses o$ "!&# &ot #ec"!re# $or t!'!to& p(rposes the )!"(e o$ s(ch property sh!""
be #eter%&e# by the !ssesse# )!"(e o$ the !#3!ce&t "ots. 5Sec. EE. B.P. B"+. 12-. !s !%e&#e# by
R.A. No. @,-16
!. G(rs#cto& & prob!te procee#&+s s #eter%&e# by the +ross )!"(e o$ the est!te. 5L%
). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12D@1F. pro%.. G!&(!ry 2D. 2***6
b. Note th!t (&#er Sec. EE. B.P. No. 12-. !s !%e&#e# by R.A. No. @,-1. +r!&ts
3(rs#cto& to MT0 o)er !cto&s &)o")&+ tt"e to re!" property $or !&y &terest there& re"e!se
etc. The ho"#&+ & D#(r(b ). G(#+e P!r!s. A.M. No. MTG N ** N 12D2. pro%. G!&(!ry 2*. 2***
to the e$$ect th!t MT0 h!)e &o 3(rs#cto& o)er !cto&s $or 1(et&+ tt"e !&# reco)ery o$
ow&ershp s &ot #octr&!" bec!(se the $!ct(!" !&tece#e&ts occ(rre# pror to R.A. No. @,-1.
:: A$ter $)e 5F6 ye!rs $ro% the e$$ect)ty o$ R.A. No. @,-1. or o& Apr" 1,. 1--- the
3(rs#cto&!" !%o(&t s !#3(ste# to P2**.***.**. 5Sec. F. R.A. No. @,-16
::: I& Metro M!&"!. the !%o(&t s PD**.***.**. 5Ibid.6
:::: There s &o ch!&+e & 3(rs#cto&!" !%o(&ts.
:::C=. What is meant b! the totalit! rule which is applicable onl! to the four >6? lower
trial courts >the unicipal )rial #ourt* the unicipal #ircuit )rial #ourt* the unicipal )rial
#ourt in #ities* and the etropolitan )rial #ourt? ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER;Where there !re se)er!" c"!%s or c!(ses o$ !cto& betwee&
#$$ere&t p!rtes e%bo#e# & the s!%e co%p"!&t. the !%o(&t o$ the #e%!&# sh!"" be the tot!"ty
o$ the c"!%s & !"" the c!(ses o$ !cto&. rrespect)e o$ whether the c!(ses o$ !cto& !rose o(t o$
the s!%e or #$$ere&t tr!&s!cto&s. 5Sec. EE B1C. B.P. B"+. 12-6
The r("e o& 3o&#er o$ c!(ses o$ !cto& !&# 3o&#er o$ p!rtes sho("# be !pp"e#.
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; I""(str!to&o$ the tot!"ty r("e; The $o""ow&+ !%o(&ts !re
the c"!%s o$ )!ro(s p!rtes !+!&st Be&3e. where the p"!&t$$s !re !"" res#e&ts o$ Lctor!.
T!r"!c. !&# !"" the c"!%s !rose o(t o$ the s!%e tr!&s!cto&;
Re%y S P @F.***.**
R!&#y S @F.***.**
R!y%o&# S 1F*.***.**
Tot!" S PE**.***.**
There co("# be &o proper 3o&#er o$ p!rtes $ the c"!%s !re to be $"e# be$ore the
M(&cp!" Tr!" 0o(rt o$ Lctor!. T!r"!c bec!(se (&#er the tot!"ty r("e. the 3o&e# c"!%s o$ the
p!rtes e'cee# the 3(rs#cto&!" !%o(&t o$ s!# co(rt.
The ""(str!to& pres(pposes th!t the $"&+ too2 p"!ce !$ter Apr" 1,. 1--- whe& Sec. F.
R.A. No. @,-1 $&#s !pp"c!to& &cre!s&+ the 3(rs#cto&!" !%o(&t to P2**.***.**.
C>. What is the dele(ated jurisdiction of the four >6? lower trial courts in cadastral and
land re(istration cases ?
!. Metropo"t!& Tr!" 0o(rts. M(&cp!" Tr!" 0o(rts. M(&cp!" 0rc(t Tr!" 0o(rts.
M(&cp!" Tr!" 0o(rts & ctes.
b. M!y be !ss+&e# by the S(pre%e 0o(rt to he!r !&# #eter%&e c!#!str!" or "!&#
re+str!to& c!ses
c. 0o)er&+ "ots
16 Where there s &o co&tro)ersy or opposto&. or
16 0o&teste# "ots where the )!"(e o$ whch #o &ot e'cee# O&e =(&#re#
Tho(s!&# pesos 5P1**.***.**6. s(ch )!"(e to be !scert!&e#
!6 By the !$$#!)t o$ the c"!%!&t. or
b6 By !+ree%e&t o$ the respect)e c"!%!&ts $ there !re %ore th!& o&e. or
!6 8ro% the correspo&#&+ t!' #ec"!r!to& o$ the re!" property. 5Sec. ED.
B.P. B"+. 12-. !s !%e&#e# by R.A. No. @,-16
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; Decso&s o$ Metropo"t!& Tr!" 0o(rts. M(&cp!" Tr!"
0o(rts. M(&cp!" 0rc(t Tr!" 0o(rts !&# M(&cp!" Tr!" 0o(rts & ctes & e'ercse o$ ther
#e"e+!te# 3(rs#cto& sh!"" be !ppe!"!b"e & the s!%e %!&&er !s #ecso&s o$ the Re+o&!" Tr!"
0o(rts. 5Sec. ED. B.P. B"+. 12-. !s !%e&#e# by R.A. No. @,-16
C@. What is the special jurisdiction of the four >6? lower trial courts in certain cases ?
!. I& the !bse&ce o$ the Re+o&!" Tr!" G(#+es & ! pro)&ce or cty.
b. A&y Metropo"t!& Tr!" G(#+e. M(&cp!" Tr!" G(#+e. M(&cp!" 0rc(t Tr!" G(#+e.
c. M!y he!r !&# #ec#e petto&s $or ! wrt o$ .abeas corpus or !pp"c!to& $or b!" &
cr%&!" c!ses & the pro)&ce or cty where the !bse&t Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt G(#+es st. 5Sec. EF.
B.P. B"+. 12-6
CC. What is the e%clusive or(inal jurisdiction of Re(ional )rial #ourts in civil cases ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; 4Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rts sh!"" e'ercse e'c"(s)e or+&!"
516 I& !"" c)" !cto&s & whch the s(b3ect o$ the "t+!to& s &c!p!b"e o$ pec(&!ry
526 I& !"" c)" !cto&s whch &)o")e the tt"e to. or possesso& o$. re!" property. or !&y
&terest there&. where the !ssesse# )!"(e o$ the property &)o")e# e'cee#s Twe&ty Tho(s!&#
pesos 5P2*.***.**6 or. $or c)" !cto&s & Metro M!&"!. where s(ch )!"(e e'cee#s 8$ty
tho(s!&# pesos 5PF*.***.**6 e'cept !cto&s $or $orcb"e e&try &to !&# (&"!w$(" #et!&er o$ "!&#s
or b("#&+s. or+&!" 3(rs#cto& o$ whch s co&$erre# (po& the Metropo"t!& Tr!" 0o(rts.
M(&cp!" Tr!" 0o(rts. M(&cp!" 0rc(t Tr!" 0o(rtsI
5E6 I& !"" !cto&s & !#%r!"ty !&# %!rt%e 3(rs#cto& where the #e%!&# or c"!%
e'cee#s Two h(&#re# tho(s!&# pesos 5P2**.***.**6 or. & Metro M!&"!. where s(ch #e%!&# or
c"!% e'cee#s 8o(r h(&#re# tho(s!&# 5PD**.***.**6IRR
5D6 I& !"" %!tters o$ prob!te. both test!te !&# &test!te. where the +ross )!"(e o$ the est!te
e'cee#s Two h(&#re# tho(s!&# pesos 5P2**.***.**6 or. & prob!te %!tters & Metro M!&"!.
where s(ch +ross )!"(e e'cee#s 8o(r h(&#re# tho(s!&# pesos 5PD**.***.**6I RR
5F6 I& !"" !cto&s &)o")&+ the co&tr!ct o$ %!rr!+e !&# %!rt!" re"!to&sI
5,6 I& !"" c!ses &ot wth& the e'c"(s)e 3(rs#cto& o$ !&y co(rt. trb(&!". perso& or bo#y
e'ercs&+ 3(rs#cto& o$ !&y co(rt. trb(&!". perso& or bo#y e'ercs&+ 3(rs#cto& o$ !&y co(rt.
trb(&!". perso& or bo#y e'ercs&+ 3(#c!" or 1(!s-3(#c!"I
5@6 I& !"" c)" !cto&s spec!" procee#&+s $!""&+ wth& the e'c"(s)e 3(rs#cto& o$ !
G()e&"e !&# Do%estc Re"!to&s 0o(rt !&# o$ the 0o(rt o$ A+r!r!& Re"!to&s !s &ow pro)#e#
by "!wI !&#
5A6 I& !"" other c!ses & whch the #e%!&#. e'c"(s)e o$ &terest. #!%!+es o$ wh!te)er
2&#. !ttor&ey>s $ees. "t+!to& e'pe&ses. !&# costs or the )!"(e o$ the property & co&tro)ersy
e'cee#s Two h(&#re# tho(s!&# 5P2**.***.**6 or. & s(ch other c!ses & Metro M!&"! where the
#e%!&#. e'c"(s)e o$ the !bo)e%e&to&e# te%s e'cee#s 8o(r h(&#re# tho(s!&# pesos
5PD**.***.**6. RR 5Sec. 1-. B.P. B"+. 12- !s !%e&#e# by !s !%e&#e# by R.A. No. @,-16
:: A$ter $)e 5F6 ye!rs $ro% the e$$ect)ty o$ R.A. No. @,-1. Apr" 1,. 1--- the
3(rs#cto&!" !%o(&t s !#3(ste# to P2**.***.**. $or p"!ces o(ts#e o$ Metro M!&"!. !&#
PD**.***.** $or Metro M!&"!. 5Sec. F. R.A. No. @,-16
!. RT0 h!s 3(rs#cto& !s the ss(e w!s &ot tt"e to the property b(t whether the b!&2 c!&
be co%pe""e# to ss(e ! bo!r# reso"(to& co&$r%&+ the Dee# o$ S!"e. 5R(r!" B!&2 o$ M"!or.
0!%!r&es S(r ). Octe)&!. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E@,A,. pro%. 8ebr(!ry A. 2***6

:::CD. What is the criteria for determinin( whether the subject matter is or is not an
action not capable of pecuniar! estimation. $%plain briefl!.
!. 4irst ascertain the natre o# the principal action or remedy.
16 I$ t s pr%!r"y $or the reco)ery o$ ! s(% o$ %o&ey. the c"!% s co&s#ere#
c!p!b"e o$ pec(&!ry est%!to&. !&# whether 3(rs#cto& s & the %(&cp!" co(rts or &
the re+o&!" tr!" co(rts wo("# #epe&# o& the !%o(&t o$ the c"!%.
26 =owe)er. where the b!sc ss(e s so%eth&+ other th!& the r+ht to reco)er !
s(% o$ %o&ey. or where the %o&ey c"!% s p(re"y &c#e&t!" to. or ! co&se1(e&ce o$. the
pr&cp!" re"e$ so(+ht. "2e & s(ts to h!)e the #e$e&#!&t per$or% hs p!rt o$ the co&tr!ct
5spec$c per$or%!&ce6 !&# & !cto&s $or s(pport. or $or !&&("%e&t o$ ! 3(#+%e&t or to
$orec"ose ! %ort+!+e. s(ch !cto&s !re c!ses where the s(b3ect o$ the "t+!to& %!y &ot be
est%!te# & ter%s o$ %o&ey. !&# !re co+&/!b"e e'c"(s)e"y by re+o&!" tr!" co(rts.
Rationale8 The seco&# c"!ss c!ses. bes#es the #eter%&!to& o$ #!%!+es.
#e%!&# !& &1(ry &to other $!ctors whch the "!w h!s #ee%e# to be %ore wth& the
co%pete&ce o$ co(rts o$ $rst &st!&ce# 5&ow re+o&!" tr!" co(rts6. whch were the "owest
co(rts o$ recor# !t the t%e the $rst or+!&c "!ws o$ the G(#c!ry 5Act 1E, o$ the
Ph"pp&e 0o%%sso& o$ G(&e 11. 1-*16 were e&!cte# !""oc!t&+ 3(rs#cto&. 5Spo(ses
#e Leo& ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1*D@-,. pro%. M!rch ,. 1--A6 5B!r!&+!y
S!& Ro1(e. T!"s!y. 0eb( ). =ers o$ 8r!&csco P!stor. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EAA-,. G(&e 2*.
!. &ctions not capable o# pecniary estimation8
16 !cto& $or rescsso& o$ co&tr!ct o&e &ot c!p!b"e o$ pec(&!ry est%!to&.
Re!so&; The co(rt wo("# cert!&"y h!)e to (&#ert!2e !& &)est+!to& &to $!cts th!t
wo("# 3(st$y o&e !ct or the other. No !w!r# o$ #!%!+es %!y be h!# & !& !cto& $or
rescsso& wtho(t $rst co&#(ct&+ !& &1(ry &to %!tters whch wo("# 3(st$y the sett&+
!s#e o$ ! co&tr!ct. & the s!%e %!&&er th!t re+o&!" tr!" co(rts wo("# h!)e to %!2e
$&#&+s o$ $!ct !&# "!w & !cto&s & other c!ses &ot c!p!b"e o$ pec(&!ry est%!to&.
26 !cto& re"!t)e to the "e+!"ty or ""e+!"ty o$ the co&)ey!&ce so(+ht $or !&# the
#eter%&!to& o$ the )!"#ty o$ the %o&ey #epost %!#e. 5Arro/ ). A"oh!#o. et !".. L-
221FE. M!rch E1. 1-,@6
E6 !cto& co&test&+ the )!"#ty o$ ! 3(#+%e&t. 5De :rs(! ). Pe"!yo. L-1E2AF.
Apr" 1A. 1-F*6
D6 !cto& re"!t)e to the )!"#ty o$ ! %ort+!+e. 5B(&!yo+ ). T(&!s. L-12@*@.
Dece%ber 2E. 1-F-6
F6 !cto& co&cer&&+ the re"!to&s o$ the p!rtes. the r+ht to s(pport cre!te# by
the re"!to&. etc.. & !cto&s $or s(pport. 5B!to ). S!r%e&to. L-1E1*F. A(+(st 2F. 1-,*6
,6 !cto& where the ss(e s the )!"#ty or &(""ty o$ #oc(%e&ts (po& whch
c"!%s !re pre#c!te#. 5De R)er!. et !".. ). =!"". L-1F1F-. Septe%ber E*. 1-,E6
Iss(es o$ the s!%e &!t(re %!y be r!se# by ! p!rty !+!&st who% !& !cto& $or rescsso&
h!s bee& bro(+ht. or by the p"!&t$$ h%se"$. It s #$$c("t to see why ! pr!yer $or #!%!+es & !&
!cto& $or rescsso& sho("# be t!2e& !s the b!ss $or co&c"(#&+ s(ch !cto& !s o&e c!p!b"e o$
pec(&!ry est%!to& - ! pr!yer whch %(st be &c"(#e# & the %!& !cto& $ the p"!&t$$ s to be
co%pe&s!te# $or wh!t he %!y h!)e s($$ere# !s ! res("t o$ the bre!ch co%%tte# by the
#e$e&#!&t. !&# &ot "!ter o& prec"(#e# $ro% reco)er&+ #!%!+es by the r("e !+!&st sp"tt&+ !
c!(se o$ !cto& !&# #sco(r!+&+ %("tp"cty o$ s(ts. 5L!pt!& ). Sc!&#!. I&c.. 2D S0RA D@-6
:::D0. What courts have jurisdiction over the followin( cases filed in etro anila ?
a? An action for specific performance or* in the alternative for dama(es in the amount
of ,-/.*.......
b? An action for a writ of injunction@
c? An action for replevin of a motor c!cle valued at ,-..*......@
d? An action for interpleader to determine who between the defendants is entitled to
receive the amount of ,-4.*...... from the plaintiff@
e? A petition for the probate of a will involvin( an estate valued at ,6..*....... 5B!r;
!6 !&# #6 the Metropo"t!& Tr!" 0o(rt. I& !"ter&!t)e c!(ses o$ !cto& t s the c"!% $or
s(% o$ %o&ey whch #eter%&es 3(rs#cto&.
b6 !&# c6 The Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt bec!(se the !cto& s &ot s(b3ect to pec(&!ry
e6 Metropo"t!& Tr!" 0o(rt bec!(se the 3(rs#cto&!" !%o(&t $!""s wth& th!t co(rt.
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; I$ !%o(&t & the !"ter&!t)e c!(se o$ !cto& s wth& the
3(rs#cto& o$ the Metropo"t!& Tr!" 0o(rt. M(&cp!" Tr!" 0o(rt. M(&cp!" 0rc(t Tr!" 0o(rt
t sho("# be bro(+ht & those co(rts. I&c"(so& o$ the !"ter&!t)e c"!% whch s &ot s(b3ect to
pec(&!ry est%!to& #oes &ot )est 3(rs#cto& wth the Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt. 50r(/ ). T!&. A@
Ph". ,2@6
D1. A* a resident of Da(upan #it! secured a favorable jud(ment in an ejectment case
a(ainst M* a resident of Nue;on #it!* from the etropolitan )rial #ourt of anila. )he
jud(ment* entered on 2/ Bune 233D* had not as !et been e%ecuted.
In Bul! 7..2* A decided to enforce the jud(ment of the etropolitan )rial #ourt of
With what court should A institute the proceedin(s ? 5B!r; 1--@. !#!pte#6
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Wth the Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt bec!(se there co("# be &o
e&$orce%e&t by %oto& co&s#er&+ the "!pse o$ the $)e 5F6 ye!r pero#. A sho("# $"e ! sep!r!te
!cto& $or e&$orce%e&t o$ the 3(#+%e&t whch s o&e &ot s(b3ect to pec(&!ry est%!to&.
D2. What is the ori(inal jurisdiction of Re(ional )rial #ourts in other cases ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; JRe+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rts sh!"" e'ercse or+&!" 3(rs#cto&;
!. I& the ss(!&ce o$ wrts o$ certiorari. prohbto&. %!&#!%(s. 1(o w!rr!&to. .abeas
corpus !&# &3(&cto& whch %!y be e&$orce# & !&y p!rt o$ ther respect)e re+o&sI !&#
b. I& !cto&s !$$ect&+ !%b!ss!#ors !&# other p(b"c %&sters !&# co&s("s.4 5Sec. 21.
B.P. B"+. 12-6
D;. What is the jurisdiction of the Re(ional )rial #ourts to tr! special cases ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; 4The S(pre%e 0o(rt %!y #es+&!te cert!& br!&ches o$ the
Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rts to h!&#"e e'c"(s)e"y cr%&!" c!ses. 3()e&"e !&# #o%estc re"!to&s c!ses.
!+r!r!& c!ses. (rb!& "!&# re$or% c!ses whch #o &ot $!"" (&#er the 3(rs#cto& o$ 1(!s-3(#c!"
bo#es !&# !+e&ces !&#Por s(ch other spec!" c!ses !s the S(pre%e 0o(rt %!y #eter%&e & the
&terest o$ ! spee#y !&# e$$ce&t !#%&str!to& o$ 3(stce.4 5Sec. 2E. B.P. B"+. 12-6
!. 4amily relations. Rep(b"c Act No. AE,-. the 48!%"y 0o(rts Act o$ 1--@.4 !ppro)e#
o& October 2A. 1--@ est!b"she# 8!%"y 0o(rts whch sh!"" h!)e e'c"(s)e or+&!" 3(rs#cto&
to he!r !&# #ec#e )!ro(s 3()e&"e !&# #o%estc re"!to&s c!ses. whether c)" or cr%&!".
b. &grarian cases. KSpec!" A+r!r!& 0o(rts whch !re Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rts. !re +)e&
or+&!" !&# e'c"(s)e 3(rs#cto& o)er two c!te+ores o$ c!ses. to wt; 516 O!"" petto&s $or the
#eter%&!to& o$ 3(st co%pe&s!to& to "!&#ow&ers>M!&# 526 >Ohe prosec(to& o$ !"" cr%&!"
o$$e&ses (&#er BR.A. No. ,,F@C.M The pro)so& o$ Secto& F* %(st be co&str(e# & h!r%o&y
wth ths pro)so& by co&s#er&+ c!ses &)o")&+ the #eter%&!to& o$ 3(st co%pe&s!to& !&#
cr%&!" c!ses $or )o"!to&s o$ R.A. No. ,,F@ !s e'cepte# $ro% the p"e&t(#e o$ power co&$erre#
o& the DAR. I&#ee#. there s re!so& $or ths #st&cto&. The DAR s !& !#%&str!t)e !+e&cy
whch c!&&ot be +r!&te# 3(rs#cto& o)er c!ses o$ e%&e&t #o%!& 5$or s(ch !re t!2&+ BscC
(&#er R.A. No. ,,F@6 !&# o)er cr%&!" c!ses. Th(s. & 0P9A v. 2ulay and $unulong v.
:uerrero t w!s he"# th!t the )!"(!to& o$ property & e%&e&t #o%!& s esse&t!""y ! 3(#c!"
$(&cto& whch c!&&ot be )este# & !#%&str!t)e !+e&ces. wh"e & $coty;s 2epartment $tore v.
<icaller the S(pre%e 0o(rt str(c2 #ow& ! "!w +r!&t&+ the the& 0o(rt o$ I&#(str!" Re"!to&s
3(rs#cto& to try cr%&!" c!ses $or )o"!to&s o$ the I&#(str!" Pe!ce Act.
It wo("# s(b)ert the Oor+&!" !&# e'c"(s)eM 3(rs#cto& o$ the RT0 BRe+o&!" Tr!"
0o(rtC $or the Dep!rt%e&t o$ A+r!r!& Re$or% to )est or+&!" 3(rs#cto& & co%pe&s!to& c!ses
& !#%&str!t)e o$$c!"s !&# %!2e the RT0 !& !ppe""!te co(rt $or the re)ew o$ !#%&str!t)e
Wh!t B!+r!r!&C !#3(#c!tors !re e%powere# to #o s o&"y to #eter%&e & ! pre"%&!ry
%!&&er the re!so&!b"e co%pe&s!to& to be p!# to "!&#ow&ers. "e!)&+ to the co(rts the ("t%!te
power to #ec#e the 1(esto&.K 55Esc!&o. Gr.. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1*1-E2.
Pro%. G!&(!ry 2D. 2***6
c. 2omplaints #or overcharging o# electric rates. The Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt s ! co(rt
o$ +e&er!" 3(rs#cto&. O& the other h!&#. Rep(b"c Act No. ,1@E. !s !%e&#e# by Pres#e&t!"
Decree No. 12*, e%powere# the ERB to re+("!te !&# $' the power r!tes to be ch!r+e# by
e"ectrc co%p!&es. The power to $' r!tes o$ e"ectrc co&s(%pto& #oes &ot c!rry wth t the
power to #eter%&e whether or &ot petto&er s +("ty o$ o)erch!r+&+ c(sto%ers $or
co&s(%pto& o$ e"ectrc power. Ths $!""s wth& the 3(rs#cto& o$ the re+("!r co(rts.
The 1(esto& o$ #eter%&&+ the bre!2#ow& !&# te%/!to& o$ the power !#3(st%e&t
b""e# by !& e"ectrc power co%p!&y to ts c(sto%ers s &ot ! %!tter th!t pert!&s to the ERBMs
s(per)so&. co&tro" or 3(rs#cto& to re+("!te !&# $' power r!te b(t $!""s wth& the 3(rs#cto&
o$ the re+("!r co(rts. 50!+!y!& E"ectrc Power !&# L+ht 0o%p!&y. I&c. ). 0o""er! . et !".. 9.R.
No. 1*21AD. pro%. Apr" 12. 2***6
E'!%p"e; Re+("!r co(rts wo("# h!)e 3(rs#cto& where the co%p"!&t o&"y !""e+e# th!t
0!+!y!& E"ectrc Power !&# L+ht 0o%p!&y. I&c. 5! p(b"c (t"ty co%p!&y6 ch!r+e# the $("" r!te
o$ e"ectrc co&s(%pto& #espte !bse&ce o$ !&y &cre!ses & the cost o$ e&er+y. I$ the p(b"c
(t"ty co%p!&y (se# the #eposts. #sco(&ts. s(rch!r+es. power cost !#3(st%e&t 5P0A6 !&# the
c(rre&cy e'ch!&+e r!te !#3(st%e&t 50ERA6 r!tes !s &str(%e&ts to obt!& (&#(e pro$ts thro(+h
)!ro(s "o!& !ct)tes !&# be&e$ts pro)#e# to ts e%p"oyees. the& the c!(se o$ !cto& !+!&st the
p(b"c (t"ty %!y h!)e to be "t+!te# be$ore the re+("!r co(rts. 50!+!y!& E"ectrc Power !&#
L+ht 0o%p!&y. I&c. ). 0o""er!. et !".. 9.R. No. 1*2 1AD. pro%. Apr" 12. 2***6
#. 5iolation o# the +mnibs -lectric 2ode. :&#er Sec. 2,A o$ the O%&b(s E"ectrc
0o#e. RT0Ms h!)e e'c"(s)e 3(rs#cto& to try !&# #ec#e !&y cr%&!" !cto& or procee#&+ $or
)o"!to& o$ the 0o#e. Je'cept those re"!t&+ to the o$$e&se o$ $!"(re to re+ster or $!"(re to
)ote.K Ths s so e)e& $ the pe&!"ty #oes &ot e'cee# s' ye!rs. It s e)#e&t $ro% Sec. E2. BP
12-. !s !%e&#e# by Sec. 2 o$ RA @,-1. th!t the 3(rs#cto& o$ $rst-"e)e" co(rts. #oes &ot co)er
those cr%&!" c!ses whch by spec$c pro)so& o$ "!w !re co+&/!b"e by the RT0. 5G(!&. et !"..
) Peop"e. 9.R. No. 1E2E@A. pro%.. G!&(!ry 1A. 2***
:::D<. endo;a purchased from "in(apore Airlines in anila conjunction tic1ets for
American Airlines is not a participatin( airline in an! of the se(ments in the itinerar! under
the conjunction tic1ets. In Geneva* endo;a decided to s1ip #openha(en and (o strai(ht to
New Kor1. As there was no direct fli(ht under his conjunction tic1ets from Geneva to New
Kor1* endo;a e%chan(ed the unused portion of the tic1et for a one'wa! tic1et from Geneva
to New Kor1 from American Airlines. American Airlines issued its own tic1et to endo;a in
Geneva* and claimed the value of the unused portion of the conjunction tic1et from the IA)A
clearin( house in Geneva.
endo;a alle(edl! encountered difficulties before he could board the American
Airlines plane in Geneva. =e was alle(edl! subjected to embarassment and mental an(uish at
the Geneva Airport when American Airline securit! officers prevented him from boardin( the
plane* detained him for about an hour and allowed him to board the plane onl! after all the
passen(ers have boarded.
endo;a then filed a complaint for dama(es in the R)# of #ebu. American Airlines
filed a motion to dismiss for lac1 of jurisdiction. It asserts that under Art. 74>2? of the Warsaw
#onvention* an action for dama(es must be brou(ht* at the option of the plaintiff* either
before the court of the carrierCs domicile* the carrierCs principal place of business* the
carrierCs place of business throu(h which the contract was made* or at the place of
destination. It asserts that the ,hilippines is neither of these options* and that the tic1et it
used in (eneva for endo;aCs final le( of his trip was a separate and distinct contract of
carria(e from that entered into b! endo;a and "in(apore Airlines in anila which
incidentall! was alread! a terminated contract. )hus* American Airlines* not bein( a
participation airline in the conjunction tic1et issued b! "in(apore Airlines*its contract of
carria(e cannot be deemed an e%tension of the contract of carria(e under the conjunction
Rule on the motion.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; De&e#. !s !"" the !""e+!to&s !re wtho(t %ert.
The co&tr!ct o$ c!rr!+e betwee& Me&#o/! !&# S&+!pore Ar"&es !"tho(+h per$or%e# by
#$$ere&t c!rrers (&#er ! seres o$ !r"&e tc2ets. &c"(#&+ th!t ss(e# by petto&er. co&stt(tes !
s&+"e oper!to&. Me%bers o$ the IATA !re (&#er ! +e&er!" poo" p!rt&ershp !+ree%e&t where&
they !ct !s !+e&t o$ e!ch other & the ss(!&ce o$ tc2ets to co&tr!cte# p!sse&+ers to boost tc2et
s!"es wor"#w#e !&# !t the s!%e t%e pro)#e p!sse&+ers e!sy !ccess to !r"&es whch !re
otherwse &!ccessb"e & so%e p!rts o$ the wor"#. Boo2&+ !&# reser)!to& !%o&+ !r"&e
%e%bers !re !""owe# e)e& by te"epho&e !&# t h!s beco%e !& !ccepte# pr!ctce !%o&+ the%. A
%e%ber !r"&e whch e&ters &to ! co&tr!ct o$ c!rr!+e co&sst&+ o$ ! seres o$ trps to be
per$or%e# by #$$ere&t c!rrers s !(thor/e# t rece)e the $!re $or the who"e trp !&# thro(+ht the
re1(re# process o$ &ter"&e sett"e%e&t o$ !cco(&ts by w!y o$ the IATA c"e!r&+ ho(se !& !r"&e
s #("y co%pe&s!te# $or the se+%e&t o$ the trp ser)ce#.
Th(s. whe& A%erc!& Ar"&es !ccepte# the (&(se# porto& o$ the co&3(&cto& tc2et.
e&tere# t & the IATA c"e!r&+ ho(se !&# (&#ertoo2 the tr!&sport o$ Me&#o/! o)er the ro(te
co)ere# by the (&(se# porto& o$ the co&3(&cto& tc2et. .e. 9e&e)! to New Hor2. A%erc!&
Ar"&es t!ct"y reco+&/e# ts co%%t%e&t (&#er the IATA poo" !rr!&+e%e&t to !ct !s !+e&t o$
the pr&cp!" co&tr!ct&+ !r"&es. S&+!pore Ar"&es. !s to the se+%e&t o$ the trp the petto&er
!+ree# to (&#ert!2e. As s(ch. A%erc!& Ar"&es thereby !ss(%e# the ob"+!to& to t!2e the
p"!ce o$ the c!rrer or+&!""y #es+&!te# & the or+&!" co&3(&cto& tc2et.
The A%erc!& Ar"&es !r+(%e&t th!t t s &ot #es+&!te# c!rrer & the or+&!"
co&3(&cto& tc2et !&# th!t t ss(e# ts ow& tc2et s &ot #ecs)e o$ ts "!b"ty. The &ew tc2et
w!s s%p"y ! rep"!ce%e&t $or the (&(se# porto& o$ the co&3(&cto& tc2et. both tc2ets be&+ $or
the s!%e !%o(&t o$ :ST2.@,* !&# h!)&+ the s!%e po&ts o$ #ep!rt(re !&# #est&!to&. By
co&stt(t&+ tse"$ !s !& !+e&t o$ the pr&cp!" c!rrer. A%erc!& Ar"&esM (&#ert!2&+ sho("# be
t!2e& !s p!rt o$ ! s&+"e oper!to& (&#er the co&tr!ct o$ c!rr!+e e'ec(te# by the pr)!te
respo&#e&t !&# S&+!pore Ar"&es & M!&"!. 5A%erc!& Ar"&es ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s et !".. 9.R.
No. 11,*DD-DF. pro%. M!rch -. 2***6
:::D=. Where is the venue of real actions ?
!. &ctions a##ecting title to or possession o# real property or interest therein,
b. shall be commenced and tried in the proper cort
c. "hich has 9risdiction over the area "herein the real property involved, or a
portion thereo#, is sitated.
d. 4orcible entry and detainer actions shall be commenced and tried in the
mnicipal trial cort o# the mnicipality or city "herein the real property involved, or a
portion thereo# is sitated. 5Sec. 1. R("e D. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
!. 5ene, de#ined. The p"!ce o$ tr!" or +eo+r!phc!" "oc!to& & whch !& !cto& or
procee#&+ %!y be bro(+ht. 5M!&"! R!"ro!# 0o.. ). Attor&ey 9e&er!". 2* Ph". F2E. FAA6
b. 5ene same #or all corts. Le&(e s the s!%e $or the Re+o&!". Metropo"t!& !&#
M(&cp!" Tr!" 0o(rts. 5R("e F & re"!to& to R("e D. RO06
:::D>. Where is the venue of personal actions ?
&ll other actions may be commenced and tried
!. "here the plainti## or any o# the principal plainti##s resides, or
b. "here the de#endant or any o# the principal de#endants resides, or
c. in the case o# a non.resident de#endant "here he may be #ond at the election o#
the plainti##. 5Sec. 2. R("e D. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
NOTE AND 0OMMENTS; The "!st choce o$ where the #e$e&#!&t %!y be $o(&# s
!)!"!b"e o&"y where the #e$e&#!&t s ! &o&-res#e&t o$ the Ph"pp&es. 5ene o# actions
against nonresidents8
!. I$ !&y o$ the #e$e&#!&ts #oes &ot res#e !&# s &ot $o(&# & the Ph"pp&es.
b. A&# the !cto& !$$ects
16 The perso&!" st!t(s o$ the p"!&t$$. or
26 Where the property or !&y porto& thereo$ s st(!te# or s $o(&#. 5Sec. E. R("e
D. RO06
The )e&(e o$ perso&!" !cto&s by ! &o&-res#e&t p"!&t$$ !+!&st ! res#e&t #e$e&#!&t s
"here the #e$e&#!&t %!y be s(%%o&e# !&# hs property "e)!b"e (po& e'ec(to& & c!se o$
$!)or!b"e. $&!" !&# e'ec(tory 3(#+%e&t. 5K&+ M!( W ). Sycp. 9.R. No. L-FA-@. Apr" 2E.
1-FD6 I& short. where the Ph"pp&e res#e&t ")es or res#es. 50orre ). 0orre. 9.R. No. L-
1*12A. UUI L.G. FD26
:::D@. Ro! represented b! his attorne!'in'fact #rispin filed with the R)#* +ranch /-*
Rosales* ,an(asinan a complaint a(ainst Bose as owner and operator of the B.+. +us <ines.
Ro! sou(ht to recover actual and e%emplar! dama(es after a bus owned b! Bose rammed
Ro!:s car alon( the aharli1a =i(hwa!* "to. )omas* +atan(as.
)he complaint alle(ed* amon( others* that Ro! is a resident of Rosales* ,an(asinan
before he went to the 8.".A. where he now resides* and is represented b! #rispin his attorne!'
in'fact who resides in Nue;on #it!. It was li1ewise alle(ed that Bose:s business address is at
,asa! #it!. Bose filed a motion to dismiss on the (round of improper venue. =e alle(es that
since Ro! was not a resident of the ,hilippines* venue should have been laid in Gubat*
"orso(on* Bose:s residence.
Rule on the motion.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; 9r!&te#. Roy h!s tr!&s$erre# hs !ct(!" res#e&ce to the
:.S.A. 8or p(rposes o$ )e&(e. !ct(!" res#e&ce s+&$es perso&!" res#e&ce. .e. physc!"
prese&ce !&# !ct(!" st!y there!t. Ths physc!" prese&ce. &o&ethe"ess. %(st be %ore th!&
te%por!ry !&# %(st be wth co&t&(ty !&# co&sste&cy. 5B!rt(! ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 2,@
S0RA EE1.EEF-EE,6 There s &o show&+ th!t hs st!y & the :.S.A. s %ere"y te%por!ry &
ch!r!cter. &ether h!s he re&stt(te# hs res#e&ce & Ros!"es. P!&+!s&!&.
!. The residence o# a person %(st be hs perso&!". !ct(!" or physc!" h!bt!to& or hs
!ct(!" res#e&ce or !bo#e. It #oes &ot %e!& $'e# per%!&e&t res#e&ce to whch whe& !bse&t.
o&e h!s the &te&to& o$ ret(r&&+.
8or p(rposes o$ )e&(e. !ct(!" res#e&ce s+&$es perso&!" res#e&ce. .e. physc!"
prese&ce !&# !ct(!" st!y there!t. Ths physc!" prese&ce. &o&ethe"ess. %(st be %ore th!&
te%por!ry !&# %(st be wth co&t&(ty !&# co&sste&cy. 5B!rt(! ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 2,@
b. 5ene mst not be le#t to the "him or caprice o# the plainti## ; The r("e o& )e&(e.
"2e other proce#(r!" r("es. !re #es+&e# to &s(re ! 3(st !&# or#er"y !#%&str!to& o$ 3(stce or
the %p!rt!" !&# e)e&h!&#e# #eter%&!to& o$ e)ery !cto& !&# procee#&+. Ob)o(s"y. ths
ob3ect)e w"" &ot be !tt!&e# $ the p"!&t$$ s +)e& (&restrcte# $ree#o% to choose the co(rt
where he %!y $"e hs co%p"!&t or petto&.
The choce o$ )e&(e sho("# &ot be "e$t to the p"!&t$$>s wh% or c!prce. =e %!y be
%pe""e# by so%e ("teror %ot)!to& & choos&+ to $"e ! c!se & ! p!rtc("!r co(rt e)e& $ &ot
!""owe# by the r("es o& )e&(e. 5Sy. et !".. ). Tyso& E&terprses. et !".. 11- S0RA E@1. E@26
The choce to be e'ercse# by the p"!&t$$ sho("# !"w!ys be & !ccor#!&ce wth the R("es
o$ 0o(rt. Ths choce c!&&ot (&#("y #epr)e ! res#e&t #e$e&#!&t o$ the r+hts co&$erre# (po&
h% by the R("es o$ 0o(rt. 5B!rt(! ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 2,@ S0RA EE1.EEA6
DC. When are the instances where the rules on venue are not applicable ?
!. I& those c!ses where ! spec$c r("e or "!w pro)#es otherwseI or
b. Where the p!rtes h!)e )!"#"y !+ree# & wrt&+ be$ore the $"&+ o$ the !cto& o& the
e'c"(s)e )e&(e thereo$. 5Sec. D. R("e D. RO06
!. Instances "here a speci#ic rle provide #or a vene other than that nder Rle <8
16 5ene #or the settlement o# the estate o# deceased persons. I$ the #ece#e&t
s !& &h!bt!&t o$ the Ph"pp&es !t the t%e o$ hs #e!th. whether ! ct/e& or !& !"e&.
hs w"" sh!"" be pro)e#. or "etters o$ !#%&str!to& +r!&te#. !&# hs est!te sett"e# & the
Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt & the pro)&ce & whch he res#es !t the t%e o$ hs #e!th. !&# $ he
s !& &h!bt!&t o$ ! $ore+& co(&try. & the Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt o$ !&y pro)&ce whch he
h!# est!te. 51st se&te&ce. Sec. 1. R("e @E. RO06
26 -scheat proceedings. Whe& ! perso& #es &test!te. se/e# o$ re!" or perso&!"
property & the Ph"pp&es. "e!)&+ &o her or perso& by "!w e&tt"e# to the s!%e. the
So"ctor 9e&er!" or hs represe&t!t)e & beh!"$ o$ the Rep(b"c o$ the Ph"pp&es. %!y
$"e ! petto& & the Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt o$ the pro)&ce where the #ece!se# "!st res#e#
or & whch he h!# est!te. $ he res#e# o(t o$ the Ph"pp&es. 5Sec. 1. R("e -1. Ibid.6
E6 6ardianship proceedings. 9(!r#!&shp o$ the perso& or est!te o$ ! %&or
or &co%pete&t %!y be &stt(te# & the Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt o$ the pro)&ce. or & the
3(stce o$ the pe!ce co(rt o$ the %(&cp!"ty 5&ow the %(&cp!" tr!" co(rt. %(&cp!"
crc(t tr!" co(rt6 or & the %(&cp!" co(rt o$ the ch!rtere# cty 5&ow & cert!& &st!&ces.
the %etropo"t!& tr!" co(rt6 where the %&or or &co%pete&t res#es. !&# $ he res#es & !
$ore+& co(&try. & the Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt o$ the pro)&ce where& hs property or p!rt
thereo$ s st(!te#. 5Sec. 1. R("e -2. RO0 wor#s & p!re&theses s(pp"e#6
The co(rt t!2&+ co+&/!&ce o$ ! +(!r#!&shp procee#&+. %!y tr!&s$er the s!%e
to the co(rt o$ !&other pro)&ce or %(&cp!"ty where& the w!r# h!s !c1(re# re!"
property. $ he h!s tr!&s$erre# thereto hs bona-fide res#e&ce. 5Sec. E. Ibid.+
D6 &doption and cstody o# minors. A perso& #esr&+ to !#opt !&other or h!)e
the c(sto#y o$ ! %&or sh!"" prese&t hs petto& to the Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt o$ the
pro)&ce. or the cty or %(&cp!" co(rt o$ the cty or %(&cp!"ty & whch he res#es.
5Sec. 1. R("e --. RO06
F6 Proceedings #or hospitali!ation o# insane persons. A petto& $or the
co%%t%e&t o$ ! perso& to ! hospt!" or other p"!ce $or the &s!&e %!y be $"e# wth the
Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt o$ the pro)&ce where the perso& !""e+e# to be &s!&e s $o(&#. 51st
se&te&ce. Sec. 1. R("e 1*1. Ibid.6
,6 2hange o# name. A perso& #esr&+ to ch!&+e hs &!%e sh!"" prese&t the
petto& to the Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt o$ the pro)&ce & whch he res#es. 5Sec. 1. R("e
1*E. Ibid.6
@6 5olntary dissoltion o# corporations. A petto& $or #sso"(to& o$ !
corpor!to& sh!"" be $"e# & the Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt o$ the pro)&ce where the pr&cp!"
o$$ce o$ ! corpor!to& s st(!te#. 51st se&te&ce. Sec. 1. R("e 1*D. RO06
A6 G(#c!" !ppro)!" o$ )o"(&t!ry reco+&to& o$ %&or &!t(r!" ch"#re&. Where
3(#c!" !ppro)!" o$ ! )o"(&t!ry reco+&to& o$ ! %&or &!t(r!" ch"# s re1(re#. s(ch
ch"# or hs p!re&ts sh!"" obt!& the s!%e by $"&+ ! petto& to th!t e$$ect wth the
Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt o$ the pro)&ce & whch the ch"# res#es. 5Sec. 1. R("e 1*F. Ibid.6
-6 0o&stt(to& o$ $!%"y ho%e. The he!# o$ ! $!%"y ow&&+ ! ho(se !&# he
"!&# o& whch t s st(!te# %!y co&stt(te the s!%e &to ! $!%"y ho%e by $"&+ !
)er$e# petto& to th!t e$$ect wth the Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt o$ the pro)&ce or cty where
the property s "oc!te#. 5Sec. 1. R("e 1*,. Ibid.6
1*6 Appo&t%e&t o$ !bse&tee>s represe&t!t)e. Whe& ! perso& #s!ppe!rs $ro% hs
#o%c"e. hs where!bo(ts be&+ (&2&ow&. !&# wtho(t h!)&+ "e$t !& !+e&t to !#%&ster
hs property. or the power co&$erre# (po& the !+e&t h!s e'pre#. !&y &tereste# p!rty.
re"!t)e or $re&#. %!y petto& the Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt o$ the p"!ce where the !bse&tee
res#e# be$ore hs #s!ppe!r!&ce. $or the !ppo&t%e&t o$ ! perso& to represe&t h%
pro)so&!""y & !"" th!t %!y be &ecess!ry. 5Sec. 1. R("e 1*@. Ibid.6
116 0!&ce""!to& or correcto& o$ e&tres & the 0)" Re+stry A&y perso&
&tereste# & !&y !ct. e)e&t. or#er or #ecree co&cer&&+ the c)" st!t(s o$ perso&s whch
h!s bee& recor#e# & the c)" re+ster. %!y $"e ! )er$e# petto& $or the c!&ce""!to& or
correcto& o$ !&y e&try re"!t&+ thereto. wth the Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt o$ the pro)&ce
where the correspo&#&+ c)" re+stry s "oc!te#. 5Sec. 1. R("e 1*A. Ibid.6
126 Petto& $or #eposto& be$ore !cto&. I& the co(rt o$ the p"!ce o$ the res#e&ce
o$ !&y e'pecte# !#)erse p!rty. 5Sec. 1. R("e 2D. Ibid.6
DD. 8nimasters* a corporation has for its principal place of business )acloban #it!
while Gubota has its principal place of business in Nue;on #it!. 8nimasters then instituted
suit a(ainst Gubota in )acloban #it!. Gubota now files a motion to dismiss considerin( the
contractual a(reement that* AAll suits arisin( out of this A(reement shall be filed withHin the
proper #ourts of Nue;on #it!.A Resolve the motion to dismiss.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; De&e#. The !+ree%e&t #oes &ot co&t!& !##to&!" wor#s
!&# e'presso&s #e$&te"y !&# (&%st!2!b"y #e&ot&+ the p!rtes #esre !&# &te&to& th!t !cto&s
betwee& the% sho("# be )e&t"!te# o&"y !t the p"!ce se"ecte# by the%. ?(e/o& 0ty - or other
co&tr!ct(!" pro)so&s c"e!r"y e)&c&+ the s!%e #esre !&# &te&to&. Th(s. the stp("!to&
sho("# be co&str(e#. &ot !s co&$&&+ s(ts betwee& the p!rtes o&"y to th!t o&e p"!ce. ?(e/o&
0ty. b(t !s !""ow&+ s(ts ether & ?(e/o& 0ty or T!c"ob!& 0ty. !t the opto& o$ the p"!&t$$
:&%!sters. 5:&%!sters 0o&+"o%er!to&. I&c. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 2,@ S0RA @F-.@@A6
!. Re*irements #or mandatory or restrictive agreement by the parties to be
determinative o# vene. Where the p!rtes h!)e
16 )!"#"y !+ree# & wrt&+
26 be$ore the $"&+ o$ the !cto&
E6 o& the e'c"(s)e )e&(e thereo$. 5Sec. D BbC. R("e D. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&#
&(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
D6 The w!)er %(st &ot be co&tr!ry to p(b"c po"cy or pre3(#c!" to thr#
perso&s. 5:&%!sters 0o&+"o%er!to&. I&c. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 2,@ S0RA
RRRF6 These !+ree%e&ts !re (s(!""y ch!r!cter/e# by the (se o$ restrct)e or
"%t&+ wor#s "2e. 4o&"y.4 so"e"y.4 4e'c"(s)e"y.4 4!"o&e.4 4"%te# to.4 4& &o other
p"!ce.4 4to the e'c"(so& o$.4 !&# other ter%s &#c!t)e o$ ! c"e!r !&# c!te+orc!" &te&t
to "!y the )e&(e !t ! spec$c p"!ce !&# thereby w!)&+ the +e&er!" pro)so&s o$ the
R("es or the "!w o& )e&(e or proscrb&+ the $"&+ o$ s(t & !&y other co%pete&t co(rt.
5co&c(rr&+ op&o& o$ G(stce Re+!"!#o & :&%!sters 0o&+"o%er!to&. I&c. ). 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s. et !".. 2,@ S0RA @F-.@A16
b. Interpretation o# M&/7&T+R1 or restrictive agreements on vene8 The
"!&+(!+e o$ the p!rtes %(st be so c"e!r !&# c!te+orc!" !s to "e!)e &o #o(bt o$ the p!rtes>
&te&to& to "%t the p"!ce or p"!ces. or to $' p"!ces other th!& those &#c!te# & R("e D o$ the
R("es o$ 0o(rt. $or ther !cto&s. REASON; Restrct)e stp("!to&s o& )e&(e !re #ero+!to&s o$
the +e&er!" po"cy th!t co&)e&e&ce s the raison d=etre o$ the r("es o$ )e&(e. 5:&%!sters
0o&+"o%er!to&. I&c. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 2,@ S0RA @F-.@,A6
c. Illstrative cases o# mandatory or restrictive agreements on vene
16 A stp("!to& th!t $ the "essor )o"!te# the co&tr!ct o$ "e!se he co("# be s(e# &
M!&"!. wh"e $ t w!s the "essee who )o"!te# the co&tr!ct. the "essee co("# be s(e# &
M!s!&to". P!%p!&+!. REASON; There w!s !& !+ree%e&t co&cer&&+ )e&(e o$ !cto&
!&# the p!rtes !re bo(&# by s(ch %!&#!tory !+ree%e&t. 5L""!&(e)! ). Mos1(e#!. 11F
S0RA -*D6
26 A co&#to& th!t - !&y !cto& !+!&st R0PI re"!t)e to the tr!&s%tt!" o$ !
te"e+r!% %(st be bro(+ht to the co(rts o$ ?(e/o& 0ty !"o&e - w!s pr&te# c"e!r"y & the
(pper $ro% porto& o$ the $or% to be $""e# & by the se&#er. REASON; Th!t &ether
p!rty reser)e# the r+ht to choose the )e&(e o$ !cto& !s $'e# & Secto& 2. R("e D. !s s
(s(!""y #o&e $ the p!rtes %e!& to ret!& the r+ht o$ e"ecto& so +r!&te# by R("e D c!& be
#r!w& the re!so&!b"e &$ere&ce th!t the p!rtes &te&#e# to #e$&te"y $' the )e&(e o$
!cto&. & co&&ecto& wth the wrtte& co&tr!ct s(e# (po&. & the co(rts o$ ?(e/o& 0ty
o&"y. 5Ar+(ero ). 8"o3o. 1,A S0RA FD*6
E6 4Le&(e $or !"" s(ts. whether $or bre!ch thereo$ or #!%!+es or !&y c!(se
betwee& the LESSOR !&# LESSEE. !&# perso&s c"!%&+ (&#er e!ch. RR 5sh!"" be6 the
co(rts o$ !ppropr!te 3(rs#cto& & P!s!y 0ty.4 REASON; The "!&+(!+e (se# "e!)es
&o roo% $or &terpret!to&. It c"e!r"y e)&ces the p!rtes> &te&t to "%t to the 4co(rts o$
!ppropr!te 3(rs#cto& o$ P!s!y 0ty4 the )e&(e o$ !"" s(ts betwee& the "essor !&# the
"essee !&# those betwee& p!rtes c"!%&+ (&#er the%. Ths %e!&s ! w!)er o$ ther r+ht
to &stt(te !cto& & the co(rts pro)#e# $or & R("e D. Sec. 2. 59es%(&#o ). GRB Re!"ty
0orpor!to&. 2ED S0RA 1FE6
#. P-RMISSI5- agreement on vene ; The p!rtes %!y $"e ther s(t &ot o&"y & the
p"!ce !+ree# (po& b(t !"so & the p"!ces $'e# by "!w 5spec$c!""y R("e D o$ the R("es o$ 0o(rt6.
5:&%!sters 0o&+"o%er!to&. I&c. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 2,@ S0RA @F-.@,@6
e. Interpretation o# permissive agreements on vene; Stp("!to&s #es+&!t&+ )e&(es
other th!& those !ss+&e# by R("e D o$ the R("es o$ 0o(rt sho("# be &terprete# !s #es+&e# to
%!2e t %ore co&)e&e&t $or the p!rtes to &stt(te !cto&s !rs&+ $ro% or & re"!to& to ther
!+ree%e&tsI th!t s to s!y. !s s%p"y !##&+ to or e'p!&#&+ the )e&(es &#c!te# & s!# R("e D.
REASON; 0o&)e&e&ce s the raison d=etre o$ the r("es o$ )e&(e. 5:&%!sters
0o&+"o%er!to&. I&c. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 2,@ S0RA @F-.@,@6
$. Illstrative cases o# permissive agreements on vene8
16 4The p!rtes !+ree to s(e !&# be s(e# & the 0o(rts o$ M!&"!.4 REASON;
The p!rtes %ere"y co&se&te# to be s(e# & M!&"!. ?(!"$y&+ or restrct)e wor#s whch
wo("# &#c!te th!t M!&"! !&# M!&"! !"o&e s the )e&(e !re tot!""y !bse&t there$ro%. It
s s%p"y per%ss)e. The p!rtes so"e"y !+ree# to !## the co(rts o$ M!&"! !s trb(&!"s to
whch they %!y resort. They ## &ot w!)e ther r+ht to p(rs(e re%e#y & the co(rts
spec$c!""y %e&to&e# & Sec. 2 o$ R("e D. 5Po"ytr!#e 0orpor!to& ). B"!&co. E* S0RA
26 4A"" "e+!" !cto&s !rs&+ o(t o$ ths co&tr!ct RR%!y be bro(+ht & !&#
s(b%tte# to the 3(rs#cto& o$ the proper co(rts & the 0ty o$ M!&"!.4 REASON; It
wo("# be #e$e!t&+ the r!to&!"e $or )e&(e $or perso&!" !cto&s whch s the co&)e&e&ce
o$ the p"!&t$$ !&# hs wt&esses !s we"" !s to pro%ote the e&#s o$ 3(stce by co&$&&+ the
situs o$ the !cto& to M!&"! !"o&e. I& ths c!se the res#e&ces or o$$ces o$ !"" the p!rtes.
&c"(#&+ the situs o$ the !cts so(+ht to be restr!&e# or re1(re# to be #o&e. !re !"" wth&
the terrtor!" 3(rs#cto& o$ R/!". 5Nco"!s ). Rep!r!to&s 0o%%sso&. ,D S0RA 11*6
E6 The stp("!to& & the pro%ssory &ote !&# the ch!tte" %ort+!+e spec$e#
D!)!o 0ty !s the )e&(e. REASON; The !bse&ce o$ 1(!"$y&+ or restrct)e wor#s &
the !+ree%e&t whch wo("# &#c!te th!t the p"!ce &!%e# s the o&"y )e&(e !+ree# (po&.
5L!%s E&ts. ). L!+!%o&. 1*A S0RA @D*6
D6 4A"" !cto&s !rs&+ o(t. or re"!t&+ to ths co&tr!ct %!y be &stt(te# & the
0o(rt o$ $rst I&st!&ce o$ the 0ty o$ N!+!.4 REASON; The p!rtes ## &ot !+ree to $"e
ther s(ts so"e"y !&# e'c"(s)e"y wth the 0o(rt o$ 8rst I&st!&ce o$ N!+! 5&ow Re+o&!"
Tr!" 0o(rt6I they %ere"y !+ree# to s(b%t ther #sp(tes to the s!# co(rt wtho(t
w!)&+ ther r+ht to see2 reco(rse & the co(rts spec$c!""y &#c!te# & Sec. 2. R("e D
o$ the R("es o$ 0o(rt. 50!p!t ). Oc!%po. 11E S0RA @-D6
F6 4The p!rtes stp("!te th!t the )e&(e o$ the !cto&s re$erre# to & Secto& 12.*1
sh!"" be & the 0ty o$ M!&"!.4 5Wester& M&o"co ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. 1,@ S0RA F-26
,6 The s!"es &)oce o$ ! "&otype %!ch&e st!te# th!t the proper )e&(e sho("# be
I"o"o. REASON; It s ob)o(s th!t ! )e&(e stp("!to&. & or#er to b&# the p!rtes. %(st
h!)e bee& &te""+e&t"y !&# #e"ber!te"y &te&#e# by the% to e'c"(#e ther c!se $ro% the
re+"e%e&t!ry r("es o& )e&(e. There !re &o restrct)e or 1(!"$y&+ wor#s & the
!+ree%e&t &#c!t&+ th!t )e&(e c!&&ot be "!# & !&y p"!ce other th!& th!t !+ree# (po&
by the p!rtes. 5Mo"es ). I&ter%e#!te Appe""!te 0o(rt. et !".. 1,- S0RA @@@6
+. ,aiver o# vene8 Th!t )e&(e s %proper"y "!# s !%o&+ the +ro(&#s $or ! %oto& to
#s%ss. 5Secto& 1BcC. R("e 1,. RO06. I$ &ot r!se# & ! %oto& to #s%ss t %!y be p"e!#e# !s
!& !$$r%!t)e #e$e&se & the !&swer !&#. & the #screto& o$ the co(rt. ! pre"%&!ry he!r&+
%!y be h!# thereo& !s $ ! %oto& to #s%ss h!# bee& $"e#. 5Sec. ,. Ibid.6
=owe)er. 7e#enses and ob9ections not pleaded either in a motion to dismiss or in the
ans"er are deemed "aived. 51st se&te&ce. Sec. 1. R("e -. RO06
0o&se1(e&t"y. %proper )e&(e $ &ot p"e!#e# & ! %oto& to #s%ss or & the !&swer s
#ee%e# w!)e# !&# %!y &ot be r!se# & procee#&+s !$ter $"&+ the !&swer.
h. Rationale #or "aiver o# improper vene i# not seasonably ob9ected to8 A co&tr!ry
r("e wo("# e&co(r!+e the (&#esr!b"e pr!ctce o$ p!rtes s(b%tt&+ ther c!se & o&e co(rt &
e'pect!to& o$ $!)or!b"e 3(#+%e&t. b(t wth the &te&t o$ !tt!c2&+ ts 3(rs#cto&P)e&(e sho("#
the #ecso& be (&$!)or!b"e. 5L#!. #e S(!&. et !".. ). 0(s. et !".. 12F S0RA ED-6
100. What civil cases are subject to summar! procedure ?
!. E'cept & c!ses co)ere# by the !+rc("t(r!" te&!&cy "!ws or whe& the "!w otherwse
e'press"y pro)#es. !"" !cto&s $or $orcb"e e&try !&# (&"!w$(" #et!&er. rrespect)e o$ the
!%o(&t o$ #!%!+es or (&p!# re&t!"s so(+ht to be reco)ere# sh!"" be +o)er&e# by the s(%%!ry
proce#(re (&#er R("e @*. R("es o$ 0o(rt. 5Sec. E. R("e @*. RO06
b. A"" other c!ses. e'cept prob!te procee#&+s. $!""&+ wth& the 3(rs#cto& o$ the $o(r
"ower tr!" co(rts 5M(&cp!" Tr!" 0o(rt. M(&cp!" 0rc(t Tr!" 0o(rt. M(&cp!" Tr!" 0o(rts
& 0tes. Metropo"t!& Tr!" 0o(rts6. where the tot!" !%o(&t o$ the p"!&t$$>s c"!% #oes &ot
e'cee# Te& tho(s!&# pesos 5P1*.***.**6. e'c"(s)e o$ &terest !&# costs. 5Sec. 2. 1 BAC. R("e o&
S(%%!ry Proce#(re6
!. T"o instances "here smmary procedre is sed;
16 S(%%!ry proce#(re (&#er R("e @* o$ the 1--@ R("es o$ 0)" Proce#(reI !&#
26 S(%%!ry proce#(re & other c!ses.
b. 7istinctions bet"een smmary procedre #or #orcible entry and nla"#l
detainer cases and other cases8
16 8orcb"e e&try !&# (&"!w$(" #et!&er c!ses !re +o)er&e# by r("e o& s(%%!ry
proce#(re st!te# (&#er R("e @* o$ the R("es o$ 0o(rt W=ILE those $or other c!ses !re
+o)er&e# by the R("e o& S(%%!ry Proce#(re.
26 I& $orcb"e !&# (&"!w$(" #et!&er c!ses the !%o(&t o$ the #e%!&# s
%%!ter!" W=ILE $or other c!ses. e'cept prob!te. the tot!" !%o(&t o$ the p"!&t$$>s
c"!% #oes &ot e'cee# Te& tho(s!&# pesos 5P1*.***.**6. e'c"(s)e o$ &terest !&# costs.
c. Prpose o# #orcible entry and nla"#l detainer. 8orcb"e e&try !&# (&"!w$("
#et!&er c!ses !re s(%%!ry procee#&+s #es+&e# to pro)#e $or !& e'pe#to(s %e!&s o$
protect&+ !ct(!" possesso& or the r+ht to possesso& o$ the property &)o")e#. It #oes &ot !#%t
o$ #e"!y & the #eter%&!to& thereo$. It s ! Jt%e proce#(reK #es+&e# to re%e#y the st(!to&.
5T(b!&o ). R!/o. 9.R. No. 1E2F-A. G("y 1E. 2***6
101. 9or failure of the tenant* Albert* to pa! rentals* Bun* the court'appointed
administrator of the estate of Nani +aure* decides to file an action a(ainst the former for the
recover! of possession of the leased premises located in Davao #it! and for the pa!ment of the
accrued rentals in the total amount of ,6/.*.......
Is the case covered b! the Rule on "ummar! ,rocedure ? 5B!r; !#!pte#6
S:99ESTED ANSWER Hes. A"" !cto&s $or $orcb"e e&try !&# (&"!w$(" #et!&er.
rrespect)e o$ the !%o(&t o$ #!%!+es or (&p!# re&t!"s so(+ht to be reco)ere# sh!"" be +o)er&e#
by the s(%%!ry proce#(re (&#er R("e @*. R("es o$ 0o(rt. 5Sec. E. R("e @*. RO06
102. What are the pleadin(s allowed under summar! procedure ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The only pleadings allo"ed to be #iled are the
a. complaint,
b. ans"er G ans"er to the conterclaim, ans"er to the cross.claim.F
I# the de#endant has a cross.claim or a complsory conterclaim, the same mst be
asserted in the ans"er, or be considered barred. 5Sec. 2 BAC. R("e o& S(%%!ry Proce#(re
!rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
!. Prohibited pleadings nder the smmary procedre #or both civil and criminal
16 Moto& to #s%ss or to 1(!shI
26 Moto& $or b"" o$ p!rtc("!rsI
E6 Moto& $or &ew tr!". or $or co&s#er!to&. or reope&&+ o$ tr!"I
D6 Petto& $or re"e$ $ro% 3(#+%e&tI
F6 Moto& $or e'te&so& o$ t%e to $"e p"e!#&+s. !$$#!)ts or !&y other p!perI
,6 Me%or!&#!I
@6 Petto& $or certor!r. %!&#!%(s. or prohbto& !+!&st !&y &ter"oc(tory
or#er ss(e# by the co(rtI
A6 Moto& to #ec"!re the #e$e&#!&t & #e$!("tI
-6 D"!tory %oto&s $or postpo&e%e&tsI
1*6 Rep"yI
116 Thr# p!rty co%p"!&tsI
126 I&ter)e&to&. 5Sec. 1F. R("e o& S(%%!ry Proce#(re6
The !bo)e p"e!#&+s !re prohbte# o&"y wth& the "e)e" o$ the M(&cp!" Tr!" 0o(rt.
Whe& the c!se tre# (&#er s(%%!ry proce#(re s !ppe!"e# to the Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt the
co&cept o$ prohbte# p"e!#&+s #oes &ot $&# !pp"c!to&.
b. ,hen motion prohibited. A %oto& $or &ew tr!". or $or reco&s#er!to& o$ ! 3(#+-
%e&t. or $or reope&&+ o$ tr!" s ! prohbte# p"e!#&+ (&#er Sec. 1- 5c6 o$ the 1--1 Re)se#
R("es o& S(%%!ry Proce#(re o&"y $ t see2s the reco&s#er!to& o$ ! 3(#+%e&t re&#ere# by the
co(rt o&"y !$ter tr!" o& the %erts o$ the c!se. 5L(c!s ). G(#+e 8!bros. etc.. A.M. No. MTG----
122,. pro%. G!&(!ry E1. 2***6
c. ,hen motion not prohibited. A %oto& $or reco&s#er!to& s &ot ! prohbte#
p"e!#&+ (&#er the 1--1 R("es o& S(%%!ry Proce#(re. $ the or#er o$ #s%ss!" w!s ss(e# #(e
to $!"(re o$ ! p!rty to !ppe!r #(r&+ the pre"%&!ry co&$ere&ce. 5Ibid.6

:::10;. Distin(uish failure to file an answer under the Rules on"ummar!,rocedure
from failure to file an answer under the re(ular procedure.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; :&#er the R("e o& S(%%!ry Proce#(re. (po& $!"(re o$ to $"e
!& !&swer & ! c)" c!se. the co(rt motu proprio or (po& %oto& o$ the p"!&t$$. sh!"" re&#er !
3(#+%e&t !s %!y be w!rr!&te# by the $!cts !""e+e# & the co%p"!&t !&# "%te# to wh!t s pr!ye#
$or there& e'cept !s to the !%o(&t o$ #!%!+es whch the co(rt %!y re#(ce & ts #screto&.
5Sec. F. R("e o& S(%%!ry Proce#(re6 W=ILE (&#er re+("!r proce#(re I$ the #e$e&#&+ p!rty
$!"s to !&swer wth& the t%e !""owe# there$or. the co(rt. sh!"". (po& %oto& o$ the c"!%&+
p!rty wth &otce to the #e$e&#&+ p!rty. !&# (po& proo$ o$ s(ch $!"(re. #ec"!re the #e$e&#&+
p!rty & #e$!("t. There(po&. the co(rt sh!"" procee# to re&#er 3(#+%e&t +r!&t&+ the c"!%!&t
s(ch re"e$ !s hs p"e!#&+ %!y w!rr!&t. (&"ess the co(rt & ts #screto& re1(res the c"!%!&t to
s(b%t e)#e&ce. S(ch recepto& o$ e)#e&ce %!y be #e"e+!te# to the c"er2 o$ co(rt. 5Sec. E.
R("e -. RO06
A 3(#+%e&t re&#ere# !+!&st ! p!rty & #e$!("t sh!"" &ot e'cee# the !%o(&t or be #$$ere&t
& 2&# $ro% th!t pr!ye# $or &or !w!r# (&"1(#!te# #!%!+es. 5Sec. E B#C. R("e -. RO06
10<. =ow is a verification made ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; A p"e!#&+ s )er$e# by !& !$$#!)t th!t the !$$!&t h!s re!#
the p"e!#&+ !&# th!t the !""e+!to&s there& !re tr(e !&# correct o$ hs perso&!" 2&ow"e#+e or
b!se# o& !(the&tc recor#s. 52&# p!r.. Sec. D. R("e @. RO0 !s !%e&#e# by A.M. No. **-2-1*-
S0. e$$ect)e M!y 1. 2***6
!. 6eneral rle. -$cept "hen other"ise speci#ically re*ired by la" or by rle,
pleadings need not be nder oath, veri#ied, or accompanied by a##idavit. 51st p!r.. Sec. D.
R("e @. RO06
b. -$ceptions or p"e!#&+s re1(re# to be )er$e#;
16 A&swer co&test&+ the +e&(&e&ess o$ !& !cto&!b"e #oc(%e&t. 5Sec. A. R("e
A. RO06
26 Petto& $or re"e$ $ro% 3(#+%e&t. 5Sec. E. R("e EA. Ibid.6
E6 co%p"!&t wth !& !pp"c!to& $or pre"%&!ry &3(&cto&. 5Sec. D. R("e FA.
D6 0o%p"!&t $or rep"e)&. 5Sec. 2. R("e ,*. Ibid.6
F6 Petto&s $or certor!r. prohbto& !&# %!&#!%(s. 5R("e ,F. Ibid.6
,6 A"" p"e!#&+s (&#er the R("e o& S(%%!ry Proce#(re.
The !bo)e s &ot co%p"ete !s there !re others.
b. Prpose o# veri#ication. To sec(re !& !ss(r!&ce th!t the !""e+!to&s & the p"e!#&+s
!re tr(e !&# correct !&# &ot the pro#(ct o$ the %!+&!to& or ! %!tter o$ spec("!to&. !&# th!t the
p"e!#&+ s $"e# & +oo# $!th. The co(rt %!y or#er the correcto& o$ the p"e!#&+ $ )er$c!to&
s "!c2&+ or !ct o& the p"e!#&+ !"tho(+h t s &ot )er$e#. $ the !tte&#&+ crc(%st!&ces !re
s(ch th!t strct co%p"!&ce wth the r("es %!y be #spe&se# wth & or#er th!t the e&#s o$ 3(stce
%!y thereby be ser)e#. 5:y ). L!&# B!&2 o$ the Ph"pp&es. 9.R. No. 1E,1**. G("y 2D. 2***6
10=. Sposes Srla #iled a complaint #or damages against SantoTomas University
)ospital predicated on an allegation that their son "hile con#ined at the said hospital had
accidentally #allen #rom his incbator possibly casing serios harm on the child.
The hospital #iled its &ns"er "ith 2omplsory 2onterclaim asserting that the
sposes Srla still o"ed the hospital PC2,>;2.10 representing hospital bills #or their child(s
con#inement at the hospital and maEing a claim #or moral and e$emplary damages, pls
attorney(s #ees, by reason o# the spposed n#onded and malicios sit #iled against it.
The plainti##s moved the cort #or the dismissal o# the conterclaim #or not having
been accompanied by a certi#icate o# non.#orm shopping. 7ecide the motion.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The %oto& sho("# be p!rt!""y +r!&te#. The c"!% $or
PA2.,E2.1* s ! per%ss)e co(&terc"!% & !& &t!tory p"e!#&+ whch re1(res ! cert$c!to&
o$ &o $or(% shopp&+ wh"e the seco&# $or #!%!+es be&+ & the &!t(re o$ ! co%p("sory
co(&terc"!% s &ot co)ere# by the re1(re%e&t. 5S!&to To%!s :&)ersty =ospt!" ). S(r"!. et
!".. 9.R. No. 12-@1A. pro%. A(+(st 1@. 1--A6
!. The certi#ication is primarily intended to cover8
16 !& &t!tory p"e!#&+ or
26 !& &cpe&t !pp"c!to& o$ ! p!rty !ssert&+ ! c"!% $or re"e$ 5S!&to To%!s
:&)ersty =ospt!" ). S(r"!. et !".. 9.R. No. 12-@1A. pro%. A(+(st 1@. 1--A6. s(ch !s !
per%ss)e co(&terc"!%
b. Re*irement #or certi#ication does not apply to complsory conterclaims; The
re1(re%e&t h!s &ot bee& co&te%p"!te# to &c"(#e ! c"!% whch. by ts )ery &!t(re !s be&+
!('"!ry to the procee#&+s & the s(t !&# !s #er)&+ ts s(bst!&t)e !&# 3(rs#cto&!" s(pport
there$ro%. c!& o&"y be !ppropr!te"y p"e!#e# & the !&swer !&# &ot re%!& o(tst!&#&+ $or
&#epe&#e&t reso"(to& e'cept by the co(rt where the %!& c!se pe&#s 5S!&to To%!s :&)ersty
=ospt!" ). S(r"!. et !".. 9.R. No. 12-@1A. pro%. A(+(st 1@. 1--A6 !s & co%p("sory
c. -##ect o# #ailre to comply "ith the re*irement. 8!"(re to co%p"y shall not be
crable by mere amendment o# the complaint or other initiatory pleading bt shall be
case #or the dismissal o# the case "ithot pre9dice, nless other"ise provided, pon
motion and a#ter hearing. 51
se&te&ce. 2
p!r.. Sec. F. R("e @. RO06
#. -##ect o# sbmission o# a #alse certi#ication or non.compliance "ith the
ndertaEings. Ths sh!"" co&stt(te indirect contempt o# cort, "ithot pree9dice to the
corresponding administrative and criminal actions. 52
se&te&ce. 2
p!r.. Sec. F. R("e @.
e. -##ect o# "ill#l and deliberate #orm shopping. Ths sh!"" be ! grond #or
smmary dismissal "ith pre9dice and shall constitte direct contempt, as "ell as a case
#or administrative sanctions. 5"!st se&te&ce. 2
p!r.. Sec. F. R("e @. RO06
$. &ll parties mst sign. A"" petto&ers %(st be s+&!tores to the cert$c!to& o$ &o
$or(% shopp&+ (&"ess o&e s !(thor/e# by other petto&ers. S(bst!&t!" co%p"!&ce w"" &ot
s($$ce & ! %!tter &)o")&+ strct obser)!&ce by the r("es. The !ttest!to& co&t!&e# & the
cert$c!to& o& &o&-$or(% shopp&+ re1(res perso&!" 2&ow"e#+e by the p!rty who e'ec(te# the
s!%e. Petto&ers %(st show re!so&!b"e c!(se $or $!"(re to perso&!""y s+& the cert$c!to&.
:tter #sre+!r# o$ the r("es c!&&ot 3(st"y be r!to&!"/e# by h!r2&+ o& the po"cy o$ "ber!"
co&str(cto&. 55Lo1(!s. et !".. ). O$$ce o$ the O%b(#s%!&. 9.R. No. 1E-E-,. A(+(st 1F. 2***6
+. ,hile rle mst be strictly #ollo"ed there may be sbstantial compliance. Wth
respect to the co&te&ts o$ the cert$c!to& whch the p"e!#er %!y prep!re. the r("e o$ s(bst!&t!"
co%p"!&ce %!y be !)!"e# o$. Wh"e ths secto& re1(res th!t t be strct"y co%p"e# wth. t
%ere"y (&#erscores ts %!&#!tory &!t(re & th!t t c!&&ot be !"to+ether #spe&se# wth or ts
re1(re%e&ts co%p"ete"y #sre+!r#e# b(t t #oes &ot thereby pre)e&t s(bst!&t!" co%p"!&ce o&
ths !spect o$ ts pro)so& (&#er 3(st$!b"e crc(%st!&ces. The r("e w!s #es+&e# to ser)e !s !&
&str(%e&t to pro%ote !&# $!c"t!te the or#er"y !#%&str!to& o$ 3(stce !&# sho("# &ot be
&terprete# wth s(ch !bso"(te "ter!"&ess !s to s(b)ert ts ow& ("t%!te !&# "e+t%!te ob3ect)e
or the +o!" o$ !"" r("es o$ proce#(re N whch s to !che)e s(bst!&t!" 3(stce !s e'pe#to(s"y !s
Illstration8 0o&s#er!to& sho("# h!)e bee& t!2e& o$ the $!ct th!t the p!rtes were s(e#
3o&t"y. or !s JMr. A&# Mrs.K o)er ! property & whch they h!)e ! co%%o& &terest. S(ch be&+
the c!se. the s+&&+ o$ o&e o$ the% & the cert$c!to& s(bst!&t!""y co%p"es wth the r("e o&
cert$c!to& o$ &o&-$or(% shopp&+. 5D!r. et !".. ). =o&. A"o&/o-Le+!sto. etc.. et !".. 9.R. No.
1DE*1,. A(+(st E*. 2***6
h. Instance "here there IS #orm shopping. 8or(%-shopp&+ co&c(rs &ot o&"y whe& !
$&!" 3(#+%e&t & o&e c!se w"" !%o(&t to res 3(#c!t! & !&other. b(t !"so where the e"e%e&ts o$
"ts pe&#e&t! !re prese&t.- 8or(%-shopp&+ co&c(rs &ot o&"y whe& ! $&!" 3(#+%e&t & o&e c!se
w"" !%o(&t to res 3(#c!t! & !&other. b(t !"so where the e"e%e&ts o$ "ts pe&#e&t! !re prese&t.
The $"&+ o$ %("tp"e s(ts &)o")&+ the s!%e p!rtes $or the s!%e c!(se o$ !cto&. ether
s%("t!&eo(s"y or s(ccess)e"y. $or the p(rpose o$ obt!&&+ ! $!)or!b"e 3(#+%e&t !%o(&ts to
$or(%-shopp&+. O&"y whe& the s(ccess)e $"&+ o$ s(ts !s p!rt o$ !& !ppe!". or ! spec!" c)"
!cto&. w"" there be &o $or(%-shopp&+ bec!(se the p!rty &o "o&+er !)!"e# o$ #$$ere&t $or !. b(t
r!ther so(+ht ! re)ew o$ ! "ower trb(&!"Ms #ecso& or or#er. The ter%&!to& o$ the c!se be$ore
! "ower co(rt !&# ts e"e)!to& $or re)ew to ! h+her co(rt #oes &ot co&stt(te $or(%-shopp&+
$or the "!tter s ! reco+&/e# re%e#y (&#er o(r proce#(r!" r("es. 5?(&s!y ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et
!".. 9.R. No. 12@*FA. pro%. A(+(st E1. 2***6
. Instances "here there is /+ #orm shopping.
16 The two c!ses. o&e $or the !&&("%e&t o$ #ee#s o$ s!"e !&# the other $or
e3ect%e&tI !"tho(+h co&cer&&+ the s!%e property. !re #st&ct "t+!to&s. &ether
&)o")&+ e'!ct"y the s!%e p!rtes &or #e&tc!" ss(es.
26 There s &o #e&tty betwee& ! petto& $or prob!te o$ w"" !&# petto& $or
ss(!&ce o$ "etters test!%e&t!ry. The #irst. s so"e"y $or the p(rpose o$ !(the&tc!t&+ !
w"" !&# !$ter the !""ow!&ce o$ the w"". the procee#&+s !re ter%&!te#. The second. s
$or the p(rpose o$ sec(r&+ !(thorty $ro% the co(rt to !#%&ster the est!te !&# p(t &to
e$$ect the w"" o$ the test!ter. The est!te sett"e%e&t procee#&+s co%%e&ce# by the $"&+
o$ the petto& ter%&!tes (po& the #strb(to& !&# #e")ery o$ the "e+!ces !&# #e)ces to
the perso&s &!%e# & the w"". 5M!"o"es II ). Ph"pps. 9.R. No. 12-F*F !&# M!"o"es I ).
0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EEEF-. pro%. G!&(!ry 21. 2***6
E6 No $or(% shopp&+ where the $)e !cto&s $"e# by the petto&er were $or
1(et&+ o$ tt"e b!se# o& sep!r!te cert$c!tes o$ tt"e. =e&ce. the s(b3ect %!tters
&)o")e# !re #$$ere&t & e!ch c!se. As s(ch. the c!ses !""e+e# #$$ere&t c!(ses o$ !cto&.
0oro""!r"y. ! 3(#+%e&t & !&y c!se w"" &ot !$$ect the ss(e & the other c!ses &!s%(ch !s
those porto& to #$$ere&t "!&#s co)ere# by #$$ere&t cert$c!tes o$ tt"e. 5L!"s&o ).
D6 No $or(% shopp&+ betwee& petto& be$ore the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s where the
ss(e s to #eter%&e e&tt"e%e&t to the be&e$ts !&# protecto& (&#er the 0ARL. !&# !
c!se be$ore the RT0 $or &3(&cto& to stop !&yo&e $ro% (s&+ $orce !&# &t%#!to& to
e3ect the "!w$(" possessors o$ the s!%e property. 59ree&$e"# Re!"ty 0orpor!to& !&#
D!t! Process&+ Ser)ces ). 0!r#o%!. et !".. 9.R. No. 12-2D,. pro%.. G!&(!ry 2F. 2***6
:::10>. What is the effect of splittin( a sin(le cause of action ?
!. I$ two or %ore s(ts !re &stt(te# o& the b!ss o$ the s!%e c!(se o$ !cto&. the $"&+
o$ o&e or ! 3(#+%e&t (po& the %erts & !&y o&e s !)!"!b"e !s ! +ro(&# $or the #s%ss!" o$ the
others. 5Sec. D. R("e 2. RO06
b. Wth& the t%e $or b(t be$ore $"&+ the !&swer to the co%p"!&t o$ p"e!#&+ !ssert&+
! c"!%. ! %oto& to #s%ss %!y be %!#e o& !&y o$ the $o""ow&+ +ro(&#s;
16 Th!t there s !&other !cto& pe&#&+ betwee& the s!%e p!rtes $or the s!%e
c!(seI !&#
26 Th!t the c!(se o$ !cto& s b!rre# by ! pror 3(#+%e&t. 5p!rs. # !&# $. Sec. 1.
R("e 1,. RO06
!. Splitting a single case o# action de#ined. D)#&+ ! s&+"e or &#)sb"e c!(se o$
!cto& &to se)er!" p!rts or c"!%s or br&+&+ se)er!" !cto&s there&.
The s&+"e&ess o$ ! c!(se o$ !cto& s #eter%&e# by the &(%ber o$ #e"cts or wro&+s
co%%tte# by the #e$e&#!&t. Where there s o&"y o&e #e"ct or wro&+. there s b(t ! s&+"e c!(se
o$ !cto&. re+!r#"ess o$ the &(%ber o$ r+hts th!t %!y h!)e bee& )o"!te#.
b. & party may not institte more than one sit #or a single case o# action . 5Sec. E.
R("e 2. RO06 Re!so& $or the r("e;
16 To pre)e&t repe!te# "t+!to& betwee& the s!%e p!rtes & re+!r# to the s!%e
s(b3ect o$ co&tro)ersyI
26 To protect the #e$e&#!&t $ro% (&&ecess!ry )e'!to&I !&#
E6 To !)o# the costs &c#e&t to &(%ero(s s(ts. 5De L(/(r!+!. Sr. ). A#". et !".
1E, S0RA 2AE6
c. Instance "here the case o# action is divisible8
16 0o&tr!cts to p!y %o&ey o& &st!""%e&t s divisible. E!ch #e$!("t & p!y%e&t
o$ !& &st!""%e&t %!y be the s(b3ect o$ !& &#epe&#e&t !cto& provided t s bro(+ht
be$ore the &e't &st!""%e&t s #(e. E!ch !cto& sho("# &c"(#e e)ery &st!""%e&t #(e !t
the t%e the s(t s bro(+ht.
Illstration o# contract o# pay money "hich is a divisble case o# action.
A co&tr!ct to p!y & three &st!""%e&ts o& or be$ore the pero#s wtho(t
!cce"er!to& c"!(se s show& be"ow;
G(&e 1F. 2**1 P F*.***.**
G("y 1F. 2**1 P F*.***.**
A(+(st 1F. 2**1 P F*.***.**
:po& $!"(re to rece)e p!y%e&t o& G(&e 1F. 2**1. the cre#tor %!y $"e s(t $or
PF*.***.**. Sho("# the G(&e !&# G("y &st!""%e&ts be &ot p!#. the& the cre#tor o(+ht to
$"e s(t $or the tot!" !%o(&t o$ P1**.***.**. I$ the A(+(st &st!""%e&t w!s &ot p!#
wh"e the s(t $or the co""ecto& o$ the G(&e !&# G("y &st!""%e&ts s st"" pe&#&+. the& the
cre#tor %!y $"e ! sep!r!te s(t $or the M!rch &st!""%e&t.
There s &o sp"tt&+ ! s&+"e c!(se o$ !cto& bec!(se whe& the s(t w!s $"e# $or
the G(&e !&# G("y &st!""%e&ts. the A(+(st &st!""%e&ts w!s &ot yet #(e !&# #e%!&#!b"e.
b. Instance o# a case o# action that is not divisible. Reco)ery o$ perso&!" property wth
#!%!+es s indivisible. I$ s(t s bro(+ht $or possesso& o&"y. ! s(bse1(e&t !cto& c!&&ot be
%!&t!&e# to reco)er #!%!+es res("t&+ $ro% the (&"!w$(" #et!&er. There s o&"y o&e wro&+
co%%tte#. the (&"!w$(" #et!&er whch res("te# &ot o&"y the r+ht to reco)er the property b(t
!"so #!%!+es.
c. ,hen divisible and "hen not divisible. 0o&tr!ct to p!y &terest %!y or %!y &ot be
sep!r!te $ro% p!y%e&t o$ pr&cp!". S(t %!y be bro(+ht sep!r!te"y $or &terest de prior to the
t%e the pr&cp!" beco%es #(e. Whe& the &terest h!s not yet been paid !t the t%e the
pr&cp!" beco%es #(e. the& (&p!# &terests !"re!#y #(e beco%es %er+e# wth the pr&cp!" &to
! s&+"e c!(se o$ !cto&.
10@. 0n 9ebruar! 2/* 7..2* <eon filed with the Re(ional )rial #ourt a(ainst "haron
an action to &uiet title* annulment of titles and deeds* declaration of sole heirship andHor
ownership with dama(es involvin( a parcel of land re(istered in "haron:s name.
<ater* on 9ebruar! 23* 7..2* <eon filed with the unicipal )rial #ourt an action for
forcible entr! with dama(es a(ainst "haron involvin( the same propert! subject of the suit in
the Re(ional )rial #ourt.
"haron now raises in the answer filed in the ejectment suit the defense of splittin( a
sin(le cause of action. Rule on the defense.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The #e$e&se s %presse# wth %ert. I& the $rst c!se the
#eter%&!to& o$ ow&ershp s !t ss(e. Wh"e t co("# be see& th!t the $orcb"e e&try c!se !rose
o(t o$ co&$"ct&+ c"!%s o$ ow&ershp o)er the "!&#I the ss(e o$ ow&ershp s &#spe&s!b"y
Ths s e)#e&t. bec!(se & the seco&# co%p"!&t $or $orcb"e e&try. Leo& !&chors hs
c"!% $or r+ht$(" possesso& hs !""e+e# ow&ershp o)er the s(b3ect property.
Leo& h!s th(s bro(+ht two sep!r!te s(ts $or ! s&+"e c!(se o$ !cto&. The res("t there$ore
s th!t the $"&+ o$ the $rst %!y be p"e!#e# & !b!te%e&t o$ the seco&# s(t. the $orcb"e e&try
c!se sho("# there$ore be #s%sse#. 5De L(/(r!+!. Sr. ). A#".. et !".. 1E,S0RA 2@-6
10C. What are the conditions for joinder of causes of action ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; & party may in one pleading assert, in the alternative or
other"ise, as many cases o# actions as he may have against an opposing party, sb9ect to
the #ollo"ing conditions8
a. The party 9oining the cases o# action shall comply "ith the rles on 9oinder o#
b. The 9oinder shall not inclde special civil actions or actions governed by special
c. ,here the cases o# action are bet"een the same parties bt pertain to di##erent
vene or 9risdiction, the 9oinder may be allo"ed in the Regional Trial 2ort, provided one
o# the cases o# action #alls "ithin the 9risdiction o# said cort and the vene lies therein.
d. ,here the claims in all the cases o# action are principally #or the recovery o#
money, the aggregate amont claimed shall be the test o# 9risdiction. 5Sec. F. R("e 2. RO06
!. Aoinder o# cases o# action de#ined. The (&o& o$ two or %ore c)" c!(ses o$ !cto&.
e!ch o$ whch co("# be %!#e the b!ss o$ ! sep!r!te s(t. & the s!%e co%p"!&t.
#ec"!r!to& or petto&.
A p"!&t$$ %!y (&#er cert!& crc(%st!&ces 3o& se)er!" #st&ct #e%!&#s. co&tro)erses
or r+hts o$ !cto& & o&e #ec"!r!to&. co%p"!&t or petto&. 5Rep(b"c ). =er&!&#e/. 9.R. No.
11@2*-. pro%. 8ebr(!ry -. 1--,6
b. +b9ective or prpose o# the rle on 9oinder o# cases o# action8
16 To !)o# %("tp"cty o$ s(ts where the s!%e p!rtes !&# s(b3ect %!tter !re to
be #e!"t wth by e$$ect&+ & o&e !cto& ! co%p"ete #eter%&!to& o$ !"" %!tters &
co&tro)ersy !&# "t+!to& betwee& the p!rtes &)o")&+ o&e s(b3ect %!tter. !&#
26 To e'pe#te the #sposto& o$ "t+!to& !t ! %&%(% cost. 5Rep(b"c ).
=er&!&#e/. et !".. 9.R. No. 11@2*-. pro%. 8ebr(!ry -. 1--,6
c. Rle on 9oinder o# cases o# action merely permissive and not complsory8
16 The (se o$ the wor# may & Sec. F. R("e 2. RO0.
26 There s &o post)e pro)so& o$ "!w or !&y r("e o$ 3(rspr(#e&ce whch
co%pe"s ! p!rty to 3o& !"" hs c!(ses o$ !cto& !&# br&+ the% !t o&e !&# the s!%e t%e.
The co&cept o$ 3o&#er o$ p!rtes %!y or %!y &ot be co%p("sory #epe&#&+ o& the p!rty
who s to be 3o&e#.
#. 2omplsory conterclaim distingished #rom 9oinder o# cases o# action8 There
!re two p"e!#&+s & co%p("sory co(&terc"!%s 5the co%p"!&t !&# the co%p("sory
co(&terc"!%6. ,)I0- there s o&"y o&e p"e!#&+ &)o")e# & 3o&#er o$ c!(ses o$ !cto& (&#er
Sec. F. R("e 2. RO0.
:::10D. Does the rule on joinder of causes of action include special civil actions ?
$%plain briefl!.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; No. There s &o re"!to& betwee& !& or#&!ry !cto& !&# !
spec!" c)" !cto&. &or !re they o$ the s!%e &!t(re or ch!r!cter. %(ch "ess #o they prese&t !&y
co%%o& 1(esto& o$ $!ct or "!w. whch co3o&t"y co("# w!rr!&t ther 3o&#er. The two !cto&s #o
&ot r+ht"y %eet the (&#er"y&+ test o$ co&cept(!" (&ty #e%!&#e# to s!&cto& ther 3o&#er (&#er
the R("es.
!. Prpose o# 9oinder o# cases o# action. To e&co(r!+e 3o&#er o$ !cto&s whch co("#
re!so&!b"y be s!# to &)o")e 2&#re# r+hts !&# wro&+s !&# the #o%&!&t #e! s to per%t
3o&#er o$ c!(ses o$ !cto&. "e+!" or e1(t!b"e. where there s so%e s(bst!&t!" (&ty betwee&
the%. Wh"e the r("e !""ows ! p"!&t$$ to 3o& %!&y sep!r!te c"!%s !s he %!y h!)e there sho("#
&e)erthe"ess be so%e (&ty & the prob"e% prese&te# !&# ! co%%o& 1(esto& o$ "!w !&# $!ct
&)o")e#, s(b3ect !"w!ys to the restrcto& thereo& re+!r#&+ 3(rs#cto&. )e&(e !&# 3o&#er o$
p!rtes. :&"%te# 3o&#er s &ot !(thor/e#. 5Rep(b"c ). =er&!&#e/. 9.R. No. 11@2*-. pro%.
8ebr(!ry -. 1--, (&#er"&&+ s(pp"e#6
110. Is misjoinder of causes of action a (round for dismissal ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; A %s3o&e# c!(se o$ !cto& %!y. o& %oto& o$ ! p!rty or o&
&t!t)e o$ the co(rt. be se)ere# !&# procee#e# wth sep!r!te"y. G2&# se&te&ce. Sec. ,. R("e 2.
Ser)ce o$ &otce whe& ! p!rty s represe&te# by co(&se" sho("# be %!#e (po& co(&se".
!&# &ot (po& the p!rty. P(rpose; To %!&t!& ! (&$or% proce#(re c!"c("!te# to p"!ce &
co%pete&t h!&#s the prosec(to& o$ ! p!rtyMs c!se. 5M!&ce&#o. etc. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s.
et !".. 9.R. No. 11A,*F. pro%. Apr" 12. 2***6
111. &n ans"er "as #iled bt it "as served by mail despite the #act that the o##ices o#
the t"o la"yers "ere only 200 meters apart #rom one another. The post o##ice ho"ever is
more than t"o G2F Eilometers a"ay #rom the o##ice o# the consel #or the de#endant. /o
e$planation "as given "hy service by mail "as resorted to. Shold a motion to striEe be
granted ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Hes. The R("es %!&#!te th!t ,henever practicable the
service and #iling o# pleadings and other papers shall be done personally 511. R("e 1E.
RO06. :se o$ the wor# 4sh!""4 &#c!tes th!t perso&!" ser)ce s %!&#!tory & ch!r!cter. $ &o
e'p"!&!to& w!s +)e&. 5So"!r E&tert!&%e&t. I&c. ). =o&. Rc!$ort. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E2**@.
pro%. A(+(st F. 1--A6
!. Instances "hen no personal service is re*ired bt al"ays "ith e$planations8
,here personal service is not practicable as8
16 Where the !#)erse p!rty or oppos&+ co(&se" to be ser)e# wth ! p"e!#&+
se"#o% reports to o$$ce !&# &o e%p"oyee s re+("!r"y prese&t to rece)e p"e!#&+sI
26 Where ser)ce s #o&e o& the "!st #!y o$ the re+"e%e&t!ry pero# !&# the o$$ce
o$ the !#)erse p!rty or oppos&+ co(&se" to be ser)e# s c"ose#. $or wh!te)er re!so&. .
5So"!r E&tert!&%e&t. I&c. ). =o&. Rc!$ort. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E2**@. pro%. A(+(st F.
112. The adverse decision o# the 2ort o# &ppeals "as sent to the de#endant
appellee(s consel. The consel did not receive the same, it "as retrned "ith the notation
JUnclaimed Retrn to Sender J stamped on the envelope containing the decision.
& certi#ication "as then issed in the #ollo"ing tenor8
JThis is to certi#y that according to the recordGsF o# this +##ice Registered 0etter
/o.@11= G"ith 7elivery /o, ;01@=F "as sent by GtheF 2ort o# &ppeals, Manila on
Ane 1=, 1DD= addressed to &tty. &nacleto S. Magno o# 20C &ssociated 'anE 'ldg.,
-rmita, Manila "as retrned to sender as nclaimed mail on Aly <, 1DD= a#ter the
lapse o# reglementary period provided #or nder postal reglations #ollo"ing the
issance o# notices on the dates herender indicated Gnderscoring sppliedF8
4irst /otice. Ane 1=, 1DD= Third /otice .Ane 21, 1DD=
Second /otice . Ane 1D, 1DD=.J
,as the decision dly served pon consel ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; No. It w!s &ot e&o(+h $or the Post%!ster to h!)e cert$e#
th!t the &otces were ss(e# bec!(se ths s 3(st ! pre"(#e to ser)ce by re+stere# %!". A&#
#e$&te"y. t wo("# &ot be & co&so&!&ce wth the #e%!&#s o$ #(e process !&# e1(ty to
!(to%!tc!""y co&c"(#e th!t $ro% the wor# 4ss(e#4 !"o&e. the &otce w!s & $!ct rece)e# by the
!##ressee or so%ebo#y !ct&+ o& hs beh!"$ !&# o& the s!%e #!te o$ the &otce. The post%!ster
sho("# h!)e &c"(#e# & hs cert$c!to& the %!&&er. #!te !&# the recpe&t o$ the #e")ery.
5S!&tos ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12A*,1. pro%. Septe%ber E. 1--A6
11;. Are there an! e%ceptions to the rule that a motion without a notice of hearin( is
a mere scrap of paper ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; I& T!& ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E*E1D. pro%.
Septe%ber 22. 1--A t w!s he"# th!t "ber!" co&str(cto& o$ ths r("e h!s bee& !""owe# by the
S(pre%e 0o(rt & the $o""ow&+ c!ses;
!. Where ! r+# !pp"c!to& w"" res("t & ! %!&$est $!"(re or %sc!rr!+e o$ 3(stce
59o"#"oop Propertes. I&c. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. 212 S0RA D-A. F*D-F*F6. espec!""y $ ! p!rty
s(ccess$(""y shows th!t the !""e+e# #e$ect & the 1(esto&e# $&!" !&# e'ec(tory 3(#+%e&t s &ot
!pp!re&t o& ts $!ce or $ro% the rect!"s co&t!&e# there& 5B!"!&+c!# ). G(stces o$ the 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s. 8ebr(!ry 12. 1--26I
b. Where the &terest o$ s(bst!&t!" 3(stce w"" be ser)e# 5T!%!r+o ). 0A. 2*- S0RA
F1A. F226I
c. Where the reso"(to& o$ the %oto& s !##resse# so"e"y to the so(&# !&# 3(#co(s
#screto& o$ the co(rt 59!")e/ ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. 2E@ S0RA ,AF. ,-,-@*26I !&#
#. Where the &3(stce to the !#)erse p!rty s &ot co%%e&s(r!te wth the #e+ree o$ hs
tho(+ht"ess&ess & &ot co%p"y&+ wth the proce#(re prescrbe# 59!"!&+ ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s.
1-- S0RA ,AE6.
!. Re*irement #or notice. A %oto& th!t #oes &ot %eet the &otce re1(re%e&ts o$
Secs. D !&# F o$ R("e 1F o$ the R("es o$ 0o(rt s pro $or%!. !&# the tr!" co(rt h!s &o !(thorty to
!ct o& t. The re1(stes "!# #ow& & the !$ore%e&to&e# pro)so&s !re c!te+orc!" !&#
%!&#!tory. !&# the $!"(re o$ the %o)!&ts to co%p"y wth the% re&#ers ther %oto&s $!t!""y
#e$ect)e. 5G(!&. et !".. ). peop"e. 9.R. No. 1E2E@A. pro%. G!&(!ry 1A. 2***6
b. Prpose o# notice. To br&+ the p!rty &to co(rt !t the t%e o$ the %oto&. or !t "e!st
to &$or% h% th!t ! %oto& s to be %!#e. thereby e&!b"&+ h% to !ppe!r !&# co&test the %oto&
$ he #esres to #o so. Pror &otce e&!b"es the !#)erse p!rty to !ppe!r $or hs ow& protecto& !&#
be he!r# be$ore !& or#er s %!#e. 5O#o&o ). G(#+e M!c!r!e+. etc.. et !".. etc.. A..M. No. RTG-**-
1FD2. pro%. M!rch 1,. 2*** ct&+ 8!r E!ster& S(rety 7 I&s(r!&ce 0o%p!&y. I&c. ). L#!. #e
=er&!&#e/ 5,@ S0RA 2F,6
c. Instances "here the Spreme 2ort disregarded #ailre o# notice8
16 8!"(re &ot $!t!" !s !#)erse p!rty h!# !ct(!""y rece)e# ! copy o$ the %oto&
!&# w!s & $!ct prese&t & co(rt whe& the %oto& w!s he!r#. The #e%!&#s o$ s(bst!&t!"
3(stce were s!ts$e# by the !ct(!" recept o$ s!# %oto& (&#er those co&#to&s.
5Rep(b"c o$ the Ph"pp&es ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E*11A. pro%. G("y -.
26 It w!s +r!)e !b(se o$ #screto& $or the tr!" co(rt to #e&y the %oto& $or
postpo&e%e&t o$ the pr)!te prosec(tor e)e& tho(+h &o copy o$ the %oto& h!# bee&
ser)e# o& the !cc(se#. & )ew o$ the $!ct th!t the prosec(to& w!s &ot !)!"!b"e o& the
#!te o$ the tr!". No s(bst!&t!" r+ht o$ the !cc(se# w!s %p!re#. O& the other h!&#. t
w!s %port!&t th!t the c!se be #ec#e# o& the %erts r!ther th!& be #s%sse# o& !
tech&c!"ty. The !cc(se# sho("# re!"/e th!t postpo&e%e&ts !re p!rt !&# p!rce" o$ o(r
"e+!" syste%. 5Rep(b"c. supra6
E6 I& A/!3!r ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. 1DF S0RA EEE cte# & Rep(b"c supra the
#e$e&#!&t $"e# ! %oto& to #s%ss wtho(t &otce o$ he!r&+. As ! res("t. the pero# $or
$"&+ hs !&swer e'pre# !&# he w!s #ec"!re# & #e$!("t. It w!s he"# th!t s&ce the
#e$e&#!&t>s re!so& $or hs $!"(re to set hs %oto& $or he!r&+ w!s &ot 4(tter"y wtho(t
p"!(sb"ty.4 !&# th!t he h!s %ertoro(s #e$e&ses. the 3(#+%e&t by #e$!("t w!s set !s#e.
D6 A %oto& $or reco&s#er!to& ## &ot h!)e !tt!che# to t proo$ th!t ! copy
thereo$ h!# bee& ser)e# o& the !#)erse p!rty. There w!s show&+ th!t ! copy o$ the
%oto& w!s !ct(!""y se&t to the oppos&+ p!rty>s co(&se". ! #!y !$ter the %oto& h!# bee&
$"e#. The S(pre%e 0o(rt co&s#ere# the s(bse1(e&t ser)ce o$ the %oto& to be !
s(bst!&t!" co%p"!&ce wth the R("es. 5Rep(b"c o$ the Ph"pp&es ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s.
et !".. 9.R. No. 1E*11A. pro%. G("y -. 1--A6
F6 Where. #espte the !bse&ce o$ &otce. the tr!" co(rt he!r# the !#)erse p!rty
!&# co&s#ere# ths !r+(%e&ts. Ths shows th!t the p(rpose o$ ! &otce o$ he!r&+ s &
or#er to !$$or# the !#)erse p!rty t%e to st(#y !&# !&swer the !r+(%e&ts & s!# %oto&
be$ore ts reso"(to& by the co(rt.
#. Re*irement o# notice o# hearing e*ally applies to a motion #or reconsidration.-
The r("es o& proce#(re e'p"ct"y re1(re th!t &otce o$ ! %oto& sh!"" be ser)e# by the !pp"c!&t
to !"" p!rtes co&cer&e# !t "e!st three #!ys be$ore the he!r&+ thereo$ to+ether wth ! copy o$ the
%oto&. !&# o$ !&y !$$#!)ts !&# other p!pers !cco%p!&y&+ t. !&# th!t the &otce sh!"" be
#recte# to the p!rtes co&cer&e#. st!t&+ the t%e !&# p"!ce $or he!r&+ the %oto&. Ths
re1(re%e&t o$ &otce o$ he!r&+ e1(!""y !pp"es to ! %oto& $or reco&s#er!to&. A pro $or%!
%oto& $or reco&s#er!to& #oes &ot s(spe&# the r(&&&+ o$ the pero# to !ppe!". I& the &st!&t
c!se. the $!"(re o$ pr)!te respo&#e&ts to co%p"y wth the proce#(r!" re1(re%e&ts w!s $!t!" to
ther r+ht to !ppe!". 5Ph"pp&e 0o%%erc!" !&# I&#(str!" B!&2 5P0IB!&26 ). 0A. et !".. 9.R.
No. 12*@E-. G("y 2*. 2***6
11<. =ow ma! a person perpetuate testimon! before filin( of an action ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; & person "ho desires to perpetate his o"n testimony or
that o# another person regarding any matter that may be cogni!able in any cort o# the
Philippines, may #ile a veri#ied petition in the place o# the residence o# any e$pected
adverse party. 5Sec. 1. R("e 2D. RO06
11=. What is the purpose of the different modes of discover! ?
S:999ESTED ANSWER; The #sco)ery o$ e)ery bt o$ &$or%!to& whch %!y be
(se$(" & the prep!r!to& $or tr!". s(ch !s the #e&tty !&# "oc!to& o$ perso&s h!)&+ 2&ow"e#+e
o$ re"e)!&t $!ctsI those re"e)!&t $!cts the%se")esI !&# the e'ste&ce. #escrpto&. &!t(re. c(sto#y.
co&#to&. !&# "oc!to& o$ !&y boo2s. #oc(%e&ts. or other t!&+b"e th&+s.
Ths wo("# e&!b"e the p!rtes to &$or% the%se")es. e)e& be$ore the tr!". o$ !"" the $!cts
re"e)!&t to the !cto&. &c"(#&+ those 2&ow& o&"y to the other "t+!&ts. Thro(+h ths proce#(re.
Jc)" tr!"s sho("# &ot be c!rre# o& & the #!r2. 5Sec(rty B!&2 0orpor!to& ). 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EFA@D. pro%. G!&(!ry 2F. 2***6
!. The di##erent modes o# discovery nder the Rles o# 2ort8
16 7eposition. The wrtte& test%o&y o$ ! wt&ess +)e& & the co(rse o$ !
3(#c!" procee#&+. & !#)!&ce o$ he tr!" or he!r&+. (po& or!" e'!%&!to& or &
respo&se to wrtte& &terro+!tores. !&# where !& opport(&ty s +)e& $or cross-
26 Interrogatories. These !re the 1(esto&s & wrt&+ ser)e# #rect"y o& the
!#)erse p!rty to be !&swere# by h% or by hs o$$cer. Its scope s !s bro!# !s the $e"# o$
&1(ry whch ! perso& &terro+!te# s c!""e# (po& to test$y & !& !ct(!" tr!".
E6 Prodction or inspection o# docments or things. Ths %o#e o$ #sco)ery s
!& e'cepto& to the co&stt(to&!" +(!r!&tee o$ pr)!cy o$ co%%(&c!to& !&#
correspo&#e&ce. It !""ows the pro#(cto& or &specto& o$ #oc(%e&ts !&# other th&+s b(t
#oes &ot !""ow the% to be #str!&e# wtho(t the 2&ow"e#+e o$ ther "!w$(" ow&er or
D6 &dmission by adverse party. Ths %!y be %!#e !t !&y t%e !$ter the
p"e!#&+s !re c"ose#. Ths %!y be !)!"e# o$ by ! p!rty by ser)&+ (po& the other p!rty !
wrtte& re1(est $or the !#%sso& by the "!tter o$ the +e&(&e&ess o$ !&y re"e)!&t
#oc(%e&ts #escrbe# & !&# e'hbte# wth the re1(est. or o$ the tr(th o$ !&y re"e)!&t
%!tters o$ $!ct set $orth there&.
b. )o" depositions may be sed8
16 A&y #eposto& %!y be (se# by !&y p!rty $or the p(rpose o$ co&tr!#ct&+ or
%pe!ch&+ the test%o&y o$ the #epo&e&t !s ! wt&ess.
b. The #eposto& o$ ! p!rty or !&y o&e who !t the t%e o$ t!2&+ the #eposto&
w!s !& o$$cer. #rector. or %!&!+&+ !+e&t o$ ! p(b"c or pr)!te corpor!to&. p!rt&ershp.
or !ssoc!to& whch s ! p!rty %!y be (se# by !& !#)erse p!rty $or !&y p(rpose.
c. The #eposto& o$ ! wt&ess. whether or &ot ! p!rty. %!y be (se# by !&y p!rty
$or !&y p(rpose. $ the co(rt $&#s;
16 Th!t the wt&ess s #e!#I or
26 Th!t the wt&ess res#es !t ! #st!&ce %ore th!& o&e h(&#re# 51**6
2"o%eters $ro% the p"!ce o$ the tr!" or he!r&+I
E6 Th!t the wt&ess s (&!b"e to !tte&# or test$y bec!(se o$ !+e. sc2&ess.
&$r%ty or %prso&%e&tI or
D6 Th!t the p!rty o$$er&+ the #eposto& h!s bee& (&!b"e to proc(re the
!tte&#!&ce o$ hs wt&esses by s(bpoe&!I or
F6 :po& !pp"c!to& !&# &otce. th!t s(ch e'cepto&!" crc(%st!&ces e'st
!s to %!2e t #esr!b"e. & the &terest o$ 3(stce !&# wth #(e re+!r# to the
%port!&ce o$ prese&t&+ the test%o&y o$ wt&esses or!""y & ope& co(rt. to !""ow
the #eposto& to be (se#I !&#
#. I$ o&"y ! p!rt o$ ! #eposto& s o$$ere# & e)#e&ce by ! p!rtyI the !#)erse
p!rty %!y re1(re h% to &tro#(ce !"" o$ t whch s re"e)!&t to the p!rt &tro#(ce#. !&#
!&y p!rty %!y &tro#(ce !&y other p!rts. 5Sec. D. R("e 2E. RO06
=e&ce. the #eposto&-#sco)ery r("es !re to be !ccor#e# ! bro!# !&# "ber!"
tre!t%e&t.5Pro#(cers B!&2 o$ the Ph"pp&es ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No.
11*D-F. pro%. G!&(!ry 2-. 1--A6 0o(rts !re +)e& ! w#e "!tt(#e & +r!&t&+ %oto&s
$or #sco)ery & or#er to e&!b"e p!rtes to prep!re $or tr!" or otherwse sett"e the
co&tro)ersy pror thereo$. 5Sec(rty B!&2 0orpor!to& ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R.
No. 1EFA@D. pro%. G!&(!ry 2F. 2***6
:::11>. )he spouses 8! filed an action for injunction and dama(es a(ainst "ecurit!
+an1 >"+#?* Domin(o and the $%'officio "heriff of Nue;on #it! to enjoin the e%trajudicial
foreclosure over a parcel of land re(istered under the spousesC name. )he action sou(ht the
amendment of two deeds of Real $state ort(a(e between Bac1ivi and "+#. "+# and
Domin(o had a cross'claim a(ainst each other. )hereafter* the spouses 8! and Domin(o had
a cross'claim a(ainst each other. )he spouses 8! and Domin(o filed their separate motions
for production* inspection and cop!in( of documents relatin( to the mort(a(e. Domin(o
averred that the subject documents were Imaterial and important to the issues raised in the
case in (eneral* and as between defendant >Domin(o? and defendant "+# in pareticular. I0n
the other hand* the spouses 8! said the documents were Inecessar! for a full determination of
the issues raisedJ in the suit.
Rule on the motions.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; 9r!&te#. A +oo# c!(se $or &specto& o$ #oc(%e&ts s to
e&!b"e ! p!rty to &te""+e&t"y prep!re hs #e$e&ses !&# to co%e (p wth ! $("" #eter%&!to& o$
the ss(es. 5Sec(rty B!&2 0orpor!to& ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EFA@D. pro%.
G!&(!ry 2F. 2***6
11@. =ow is a civil action commenced ?
!. & civil action is commenced by the #iling o# the original complaint in cort.
b. I# an additional de#endant is impleaded in a later pleading, the action is
16 commenced "ith regard to him on the date o# the #iling o# sch
later pleading,
26 irrespective o# "hether the motion #or its admission, i# necessary,
E6 is denied in cort. 5Sec. F. R("e 1. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+
:::11C. 0n arch 5* 234-* Adrian filed a complaint with the R)# a(ainst "hell*
#alte%* obil and ,etrophil. No mention was made in the complaint of the amount of dama(s
claimed but Adrian alle(ed that the conservative amount of the combined (ross sales of his
invention b! the oil companies ius ,3-6 million annuall!. At the November 2-* 2346 hearin(*
Adrian estimated the !earl! ro!alt! due him to be ,7-D million.
)he oil companies filed a motion to dismiss upon discover! that Adrian paid onl!
,7/7... filin( fee based on his claim for attorne!Cs fees in the sum of ,7..*....... the court
denied themotion and ordered Adrian to pa! additional doc1et fees in the sum of ,36/*.......
Adrian filed a motion for reconsideration which was opposed b! the oil companies.
)he trial court then ordered the plaintiff to pa! the re&uired additional doc1et fee after the
termination of the case to be deducted from whatever jud(ment in dama(es awarded to the
plaintiff. )he matter was elevated to the #ourt of Appeals thence to the "upreme #ourt which
ordered the case resumed upon pa!ment of all the lawful fees or upon e%emption from
pa!ment thereof uopn proper application to liti(ate as pauper.
)he plaintiff then filed an application to liti(ate as a pauper which was denied. =e
then filed an amended complaint. "ubse&uent amendments were made pa!in( additional
amounts for the filin( fees in order to accommodate the plaintiffCs finances ? Does the
plaintiff have the ri(ht to amend his complaint to accommodate his finances for pa!ment of
the prescribed doc1et fees ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Hes. Nor%!""y. the %!&&er o$ p!y%e&ts %!#e by the p"!&t$$
o$ the #oc2et $ees & &st!""%e&ts sho("# be #s!""owe#. =owe)er. e1(ty #e%!&#s th!t
proce#(r!" r("es be re"!'e# co&s#er&+ the pec("!r crc(%st!&ces !)!"&+ & the c!se. It wo("#
be +ross"y (&(st $ the p"!&t$$Ms c"!% !+!&st the o" co%p!&es. who h!)e !""e+e#"y re!pe# the
pro$ts o$ hs "$t%e wor2. wo("# be #s%sse# $or the so"e re!so& th!t hs $!&ces !re &ot
s($$c&t to !""ow h% to $"e hs c"!%. 5#e "! P!/ ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.r. No. 12*1F*.
pro%. M!rch 2@. 2***6
!. 6eneral rle8 The t%e"y $"&+ o$ corect #oc2et $ees s 3(rs#cto&!". =owe)er. th!t
the pro&o(&ce%e&ts o$ the S(pre%e 0o(rt o& the %!tter h!)e !"w!ys bee& &$"(e&ce# by the
pec("!r "e+!" !&# e1(t!b"e crc(%st!&ces s(rro(&#&+ e!ch c!se.
The r("e s &ot !s s%p"e !&# (&co%p"c!te# !s M!&chester %!2es t !ppe!r. There !re
other #eter%&&+ crc(%st!&ces. e1(!""y %port!&t. The t%e"y $"&+ o$ correct #oc2et $ees s
3(rs#cto&!". b(t co&s#er!to&s o$ "!w !&# e1(ty co%e &to the pct(re. 5H(che&+co ).
Rep(b"c. etc.. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E112@. pro%. G(&e A. 2***6
b. Manchester doctrine and sbse*ent doctrines. M!&chester De)e"op%e&t. et !"..
r("e# th!t the co(rt !c1(res 3(rs#cto& o)er !&y c!se o&"y (po& p!y%e&t o$ the prescrbe#
#oc2et&+ $ees.
The !""e+!to& & the bo#y o$ the co%p"!&t o$ #!%!+es s($$ere# & the !%o(&t o$ P@A
%""o&. !&# the o%sso& o$ ! spec$c pr!yer $or th!t !%o(&t w!s &te&#e# $or &o other p(rpose
th!& to e)!#e the p!y%e&t o$ correct $"&+ $ees $ &ot to %s"e!# the #oc2et c"er2 & the
!ssess%e&t o$ the correct $ee. The r("&+ w!s &te&#e# to p(t ! stop to s(ch !& rre+("!rty.
S(& I&s(r!&ce O$$ce. Lt#.. et !".. ). As(&co&. et !".. 1@* SR0A 2@D %o#$e# the
M!&chester #octr&e by ho"#&+ th!t ! %ore "ber!" &terpret!to& o$ the r("es s c!""e# $or
co&s#er&+ th!t. (&"2e M!&chester. there w!s #e%o&str!te# w""&+&ess to !b#e by the r("es by
p!y&+ the !##to&!" #oc2et $ees !s re1(re#. Th(s. where the $"&+ o$ the &t!tory p"e!#&+ s
&ot !co%p!&e# by p!y%e&t o$ the #oc2et&+ $ee. the co(rt %!y !""ow p!y%e&t o$ s(ch $ee
wth& ! re!so&!b"e t%e b(t & &o c!se beyo&# the prescrpt)e or re+"e%e&t!ry pero#.
c. T"o sitations that may arise.
+ne s where the co%p"!&t or s%"!r p"e!#&+ sets o(t ! c"!% p(re"y $or %o&ey
or #!%!+es !&# there s &o precse st!te%e&t o$ the !%o(&ts be&+ c"!%e#. I& ths e)e&t.
the r("e s th!t the p"e!#&+ w"" J&ot be !ccepte# &or !#%tte#. or sh!"" otherwse be
e'p(&+e# $ro% the recor#.K I& other wor#s. the co%p"!&t or p"e!#&+ %!y be #s%sse#
or the c"!%s !s to whch the !%o(&ts !re (&spec$e# %!y be e'p(&+e#. !"tho(+h !s
!$orest!te# the co(rt %!y. o& %oto&. per%t !%e&#%e&t o$ the co%p"!&t !&# p!y%e&t o$
the $ees po)#e# the c"!% h!s &ot & the %e!&t%e beco%e t%e-b!rre#.
The other s where the p"e!#&+ #oes spec$y the !%o(&t o$ e)ery c"!%. b(t the
$ees p!# !re &s($$ce&tI !&# here !+!&. the r("e &ow s th!t the co(rt %!y !""ow !
re!so&!b"e t%e $or the p!y%e&t o$ the prescrbe# $ees. or the b!"!&ce thereo$. !&# (po&
s(ch p!y%e&t. the #e$ect s c(re# !&# the co(rt %!y proper"y t!2e co+&/!&ce o$ the
!cto&. (&"ess & the %e!&t%e prescrpto& h!s set & !&# co&se1(e&t"y b!rre# the r+ht o$
#. Where the action involves real property and a related claim #or damages !s we"".
the "e+!" $ees sh!"" be !ssesse# o& the b!ss o$ both 5!6 the )!"(e o$ the property !&# 5b6 the tot!"
!%o(&t o$ re"!te# #!%!+es so(+ht. The co(rt !c1(res 3(rs#cto& o)er the !cto& $ the $"&+ o$
the &t!tory p"e!#&+ s !cco%p!&e# by the p!y%e&bt o$ the re1(ste $ee. or. $ the $ees !re &ot
p!# !t the t%e o$ the $"&+ o$ the p"e!#&+. !s o$ the t%e o$ $("" p!y%e&t o$ the $ees wth&
s(ch re!so&!b"e t%e !s the co(rt %!y +r!&t. (&"ess. o$ co(rse. prescrpto& h!s set & the
%e!&t%e. B(t where ' ' ' the $ees prescrbe# $or !& !cto& &)o")&+ re!" property h!)e bee&
p!#. b(t the !%o(&ts o$ cert!& o$ the re"!te# #!%!+es 5!ct(!". %or!" !&# &o%&!"6 be&+
#e%!&#e# !re (&spec$e#. the !cto& %!y &ot be #s%sse#.K 5H(che&+co ). Rep(b"c. etc.. et !"..
9.R. No. 1E112@. pro%. G(&e A. 2***6
e. Manchester doctrine not applicable to election cases. 5P!h"!& ). T!b!"!. et !".. 2E*
S0RA 2*F. 21,-21@ cte# & E&o3!s. Gr.. ). 3(#+e 9!cott. Gr.. etc.. A.M. No. RTG----1F1E. pro%.
G!&(!ry 1-. 2***6
11D. What is the purpose of service of summons ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; the p(rpose o$ ser)ce o$ s(%%o&s;
!. 8or 3(rs#cto&!" p(rposes whch s !c1(re# by co(rts o)er the perso& o$ ! p!rty-
#e$e&#!&t by )rt(e o$ the ser)ce o$ s(%%o&s & the %!&&er re1(re# by "!w. 5P!bo&. et !".. ).
N!to&!" L!bor Re"!to&s 0o%%sso&. et !".. 9.R. No. 12*DF@. pro%. Septe%ber 2D. 1--A6
b. To +)e &otce to the #e$e&#!&t or respo&#e&t th!t !& !cto& h!s bee& co%%e&ce#
!+!&st her. She s th(s. p(t o& +(!r# !s to the #e%!&#s o$ the p"!&t$$ or petto&er. 5P!r!%o(&t
I&s(r!&ce 0orpor!to& ). L(&!. et !".. 1DA S0RA F,-6
!. Smmons, de#ined. S(%%o&s s the %e!&s by whch the #e$e&#!&t & ! c!se s &ot$#
o$ the e'ste&ce o$ ! c!se !+!&st h% !&#. thereby. the co(rt s co&$rre# 3(rs#cto& o)er the
perso& o$ the #e$e&#!&t. 5M""e&(% I&#(str!" 0o%%erc!" corpor!to& ). T!&. 9.R. &o. 1E1@2D.
pro%. 8ebr(!ry 2A. 2***6
b. -$ception or instance "here service o# smmons is not #or the prpose o#
obtaining 9risdiction8 E'tr!terrtor!" ser)ce o$ s(%%o&s to &o&-res#e&t #e$e&#!&t where the
!cto& !$$ects the perso&!" st!t(s o$ the p"!&t$$. or the s(b3ect o$ the #e$e&#!&t>s property & the
Ph"pp&es. 5Per2&s ). D/o&. ,- Ph". 1A,6 The p(rpose s to co%p"y wth #(e process.
M-T)+7S +4 S-R5I2- +4 SUMM+/S.
!. Perso&!"
b. S(bstt(te#
c. Ser)ce by p(b"c!to&
16 Res#e&t #e$e&#!&t
26 No&-res#e&t #e$e&#!&t
120. =ow is personal service of summons effected ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; ,henver practicable, the smmons shall be served by
handing a copy thereo# to the de#endant in person, or, i# he re#ses to receive and sign #or it,
by tendering it to him. 5Sec. ,. r("e 1D. RO06
:::121. =ow is substituted service of summons made ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; I#, #or 9sti#iable cases, the de#endant cannot be served
"ithin a reasonable time as provided in the preceding section, service may be e##ected
aF by leaving copies o# the smmons at the de#endantIs residence "ith some person
o# sitable age and discretion then residing therein, or
bF by leaving the copies at de#endantIs o##ice or reglar place o# bsiness "ith some
competent person in charge thereo#. 5Sec. @. R("e 1D. RO0 !rr!&+%e&t s(pp"e#6
!. Modes o# service strictly #ollo"ed & or#er th!t the co(rt %!y !c1(re 3(rs#cto&
o)er the perso&. Th(s. t s o&"y whe& the #e$e&#!&t c!&&ot be ser)e# perso&!""y Jwth&!
re!so&!b"e t%eK th!t s(bstt(te# ser)ce %!y be !""owe#.
I%possb"ty o$ pro%pt. perso&!" ser)ce sho("# be show& by st!t&+ & the proo$ o$
ser)ce th!t e$$orts were %!#e to $&# the #e$e&!&t perso&!""y !&# th!t s!# e$$orts $!"e#. he&ce
the resort to s(bstt(te# ser)ce. 8!"(re to $!th$(""y. strct"y. !&# $(""y co%p"y wth the
re1(re%e&ts o$ s(bstt(te# ser)ce re&#ers s!# ser)ce &e$$ect)e.
8or s(bstt(te# ser)ce to be )!"#. the s(%%o&s sho("# be "e$t J& the #e$e&#!&tsM
res#e&c wth so%e perso& o$ s(t!b"e !+e !&# #screto& o$ s(t!b"e !+e !&# #screto& the&
res#&+ there&.K Th(s. there w!s &)!"# ser)ce $ %!#e wth the #e$e&#!&tMs so&-&-"!w who
w!s &ot ")&+ & the s!%e ho(se !s hs p!re&ts-&-"!w. !"tho(+h J")&+ & the s!%e co%po(&#.K
5Sps. Mr!&#! ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. etc.. et !".. 9.R. No. 11D2DE. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 2E. 2***6
The st!te%e&t o$ %possb"ty o$ ser)ce sho("# be %!#e & the proo$ o$ ser)ce. Ths s
&ecess!ry bec!(se s(bstt(te# ser)ce s & #ero+!to& o$ the (s(!" %etho# o$ ser)ce.
S(bstt(te# ser)ce s ! %etho# e'tr!or#&!ry & ch!r!cter. !&# he&ce %!y be (se# o&"y !s
prescrbe# & the crc(%st!&cs !(thor/e# by st!t(te. Th(s. the st!t(tory re1(re%e&ts o$
s(bstt(te# ser)ce %(st be $o""owe# strct"y. $!th$(""y. !&# !&y s(bstt(te# ser)ce other th!&
th!t !(thor/e# by the st!t(te s co&s#ere# &e$$ect)e.
There s ! pres(%pto& th!t ! sher$$ h!s re+("!r"y per$or%e# hs o$$c!" $&cto&s &
(t"/&+ s(bstt(te# ser)ce o$ s(%%o&s. To o)erco%e the pres(%pto& !rs&+ $ro% the
sher$$Ms cert$c!te. the e)#e&ce %(st be c"e!r !&# co&)&c&+. 5:%!&#!p ).G(#+e S!bo. Gr.. et
!".. 9.R. No. 1D*2DD. pro%. A(+(st 2-. 2***6
:::122. =ow is service of summons made upon a domestic private entit! ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; ,hen the de#endant is a corporation, partnership or
association organi!ed nder the la"s o# the Philippines "ith a 9ridical personality,
service may be made on the
!. president,
b. managing partner,
c. general manager,
#. corporate secretary,
e. treasrer, or
$. in.hose consel. 5Sec. 11. R("e 1D. RO0 &(%ber&+ !&# !rr!&+e%e&t s(pp"e#6
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; The !bo)e h!s restrcte# the perso&s who !re co&s#ere# !s
represe&t!t)es (po& who% ser)ce o$ s(%%o&s (po& ! corpor!to& s to be %!#e. The !(thor
be"e)es th!t the r("e o& s(bst!&t!" co%p"!&ce o$ ser)&+ s(%%o&s whch !""ows ser)ce o$
s(%%o&s other th!& those %e&to&e# (&#er the pre)o(s Sec. 1E. R("e 1D 5&ow !%e&#e# !s Sec.
11. R("e 1D6. re$erre# to & 9 7 9 Tr!#&+. Por!c Tr(c2&+. I&c.. !&# M""e&(% I&#(str!"
co%%erc!" 0orpor!to& ). T!&.. 9.R. No. 1E1@2D. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 2A. 2***. !"" h!)&+ bee&
#ec#e# pror to the 1--@ R("es. s &ot !pp"c!b"e !&y%ore. Ths s so. bec!(se the 1--@ R("es
re%o)e# the wor#s J%!&!+er. secret!ry. c!hser. !+e&tK $ro% the r("e !&# rep"!ce# t wth %ore
spec$c perso&s "2e the J%!&!+&+ p!rt&er. +e&er!" %!&!+er. corpor!te secret!ry. tre!s(rer. or
&-ho(se co(&se"K.
:::12;. =ow is service of summons effected on a defendant ,hilippine resdient
temporaril! abroad ?
!. Perso&!" ser)ce o(ts#e the Ph"pp&es wth "e!)e o$ co(rtI
b. P(b"c!to&. wth "e!)e o$ co(rt. & ! &ewsp!per o$ +e&er!" crc("!to& & s(ch p"!ces
!&# $or s(ch t%e !s the co(rt %!y or#er & whch c!se;
16 copy o$ the s(%%o&s !&# or#er o$ the co(rt sh!"" be se&t by re+stere#
%!" to the "!st 2&ow& !##ress o$ the #e$e&#!&t. !&#
26 The or#er spec$es ! re!so&!b"e t%e. &ot "ess th!& s'ty 5,*6 #!ys !$ter
&otce wth& whch the #e$e&#!&t %(st !&swer.
c. I& !&y other %!&&er the co(rt %!y #ee% s($$ce&t. 5Sec. 1F & re"!to& to Sec. 1,.
both o$ R("e 1D. RO06
The !bo)e %etho#s !re !"so 2&ow& !s e'tr!terrtor!" ser)ce o$ s(%%o&s may be
resorted to #or actions in rem or &uasi in rem "ith leave o# cort.
:::!. Instances "hen the above methods o# e$traterritorial service may be resorted
to "ith leave o# cort;
16 Whe& the #e$e&#!&t #oes &ot res#e !&# s &ot $o(&# & the Ph"pp&es.
!6 The !cto& !$$ects the perso&!" st!t(s o$ the p"!&t$$ or
b6 The !cto& re"!tes to. or the s(b3ect o$ whch s property wth&
the Ph"pp&es. s o&e & whch the #e$e&#!&t h!s or c"!%s ! "e& or
&terest. !ct(!" or co&t&+e&t. or
c6 The re"e$ #e%!&#e# & s(ch !cto& co&ssts. who""y or & p!rt..
I& e'c"(#&+ #e$e&# !&t $ro% !&y &terest there&. or
c6 The property o$ the &o&-res#e&t #e$e&#!&t h!s bee& !tt!che#
wth& the Ph"pp&es. 5Sec. 1F. R("e 1D. RO06
26 The !bo)e %etho#s !re resorte# to where the !cto& s in rem or quasi
in rem.
E6 Wh!t +)es the co(rt 3(rs#cto& s &ot 3(rs#cto& o)er the perso& b(t
3(rs#cto& o)er the res .e.
!6 Perso&!" st!t(s o$ the p"!&t$$ 5&ot the #e$e&#!&t6 who s
#o%c"e# & the Ph"pp&esI
b6 The property "t+!te#I or
c6 The property !tt!che#. 5L!"%o&te. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et
!".. 9.R. No. 1*AFEA. pro%. G!&(!ry 22. 1--,6
b. Illstration o# applicability and non.applicability o# e$traterritorial service nder
Sec. 1=, Rle 1<, Rles o# 2ort8 Instances "here there "as /+ valid service8
16 No )!"# ser)ce & !& !cto& $or p!rtto&&+ !&# !cco(&t&+ (&#er
R("e ,- o$ the R("es o$ 0o(rt 5whch s !& !cto& quasi in rem6. $ %!#e (po& the
h(sb!&#. who s res#&+ & the Ph"pp&es. o$ ! &o&-res#e&t #e$e&#!&t &ot $o(&#
& the Ph"pp&es. Le!)e o$ co(rt %(st be obt!&e# !&# %etho#s & Sc. 1F. R("e
1D. RO0 %(st be $o""owe#.
The ser)ce (po& the h(sb!&# c!&&ot be 3(st$e# (&#er the "!st phr!se o$
Sec. 1F. R("e 1D. RO0. whch pro)#es. 4& !&y %!&&er the co(rt %!y #ee%
s($$ce&t.4 bec!(se;
!6 Ths %o#e o$ ser)ce "2e the $rst two 5perso&!" !&#
p(b"c!to&6. %(st be %!#e o(ts#e the Ph"pp&es. s(ch !s thro(+h the
Ph"pp&e E%b!ssy & the $ore+& co(&try where the #e$e&#!&t res#esI
b6 No "e!)e o$ co(rt w!s obt!&e# & the $or% o$ ! %oto& &
wrt&+. s(pporte# by !$$#!)t o$ the p"!&t$$ or so%e other perso& & hs
beh!"$ !&# sett&+ $orth the +ro(&#s or the !pp"c!to&. 5L!"%o&te. et !"..
). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1*AFEA. pro%. G!&(!ry 22. 1--,6
26 A"tho(+h the S(pre%e 0o(rt co&s#ere# p(b"c!to& & the Ph"pp&es
o$ the s(%%o&s 5!+!&st the co&te&to& th!t t sho("# h!)e bee& %!#e & the
$ore+& st!te where the #e$e&#!&t w!s res#&+6 s($$ce&t. &o&ethe"ess the ser)ce
w!s co&s#ere# &s($$ce&t bec!(se &o copy o$ the s(%%o&s w!s se&t to the "!st
2&ow& correct !##ress & the Ph"pp&es. 5S!h!+(& ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. 1-A
b. Instances "here there ,&S valid service8
16 Ser)ce o$ s(%%o&s o& the h(sb!&# w!s co&s#ere# )!"# bec!(se
s(%%o&s w!s ser)e# (po& the #e$e&#!&t>s h(sb!&# & ther co&3(+!" ho%e. The
w$e w!s te%por!r"y !bse&t bec!(se she w!s o& )!c!to&. 5De Leo& ).
=o&t!&os!. ,@ S0RA DFA. D,2-D,E6
26 Ser)ce o& the w$e o$ ! &o&res#e&t #e$e&#!&t w!s $o(&# to be
s($$ce&t bec!(se the #e$e&#!&t h!# !ppo&te# hs w$e !s hs !ttor&ey-&-$!ct.
59e%per"e ). Sche&2er. 12F Ph". DFA6
:::12<. Duraproof "ervices sued for dama(es various parties includin( +anco do
+ra;il* a non'resident forei(n ban1 which was served summons throu(h the ambassador of
+ra;il to the ,hilippines as well as throu(h publication. 9or failure of +anco do +ra;il to file
its answer* it was declared in default and jud(ment rendered a(ainst it awardin( dama(es in
favor of the plaintiff. Did the court obtain jurisdiction over +anco do +ra;il ? Wh! ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; No. The !cto& s o&e th!t s in personam bec!(se the
p"!&t$$ so(+ht to reco)er #!%!+es $or the !""e+e# co%%sso& o$ !& &3(ry to the perso& or
property o$ the p"!&t$$. S&ce the !cto& s o&e in personam perso&!" or. $ &ot possb"e.
s(bstt(te# ser)ce o$ s(%%o&s o& the #e$e&#!&t. !&# &ot e'tr!terrtor!" ser)ce. & &ecess!ry to
co&$er 3(rs#cto& (po& the perso& o$ B!&co #o Br!/". 5B!&co #o Br!s" ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et
!".. 9.r. Nos. 121F@,-@A. pro%. G(&e 1,. 2***6
!. -$traterritorial service o# smmons applicable only in actions in rem or &uasi in
rem. E'tr!terrtor!" ser)ce o$ s(%%o&s !pp"y o&"y where the !cto& s in rem. !& !cto& !+!&st
the th&+ tse"$ &ste!# o$ !+!&st the perso&. or & !& !cto& quasi in rem where !& &#)#(!" s
&!%e# !s #e$e&#!&t !&# the p(rpose o$ the procee#&+ s to s(b3ect hs &terest there& to the
ob"+!to& or "o!& b(r#e&&+ the property. Ths s so &!s%(ch !s. & in rem !&# quasi in rem
!cto&s. 3(rs#cto& o)er the perso& o$ the #e$e&#!&t s &ot ! prere1(ste to co&$er 3(rs#cto&
o& the co(rt pro)#e# th!t the co(rt !c1(res 3(rs#cto& o)er the res.
A&y re"e$ +r!&te# & in rem or quasi in rem !cto&s %(st be co&$&e# to the res !&# the
co(rt c!&&ot "!w$(""y re&#er ! perso&!" 3(#+%&t !+!&st the #e$e&#!&t. 5B!&co #o Br!s" ). 0o(rt
o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. Nos. 121F@,-@A. pro%. G(&e 1,. 2***6
!. Notce o$ lis pendens
b. Notce to wth#r!w or #s%ss the co%p"!&t.
c. Moto& to !%e&# or s(pp"e%e&t the co%p"!&t.
/+TI2- +4 <I" ,$ND$N"
:::12=. Investco sold to "olid =omes* Inc.* a parcel of land on installments. As a
result of the alle(ed failure of "olid =omes* Inc.* to pa! because its postdated chec1s bounced*
Investco sued "olid =omes. In its answer "olid =omes alle(ed the purchase price was not !et
due* and in fact e%ceeded the installment pa!ments. It pra!ed for dismissal of the complaint
and interposed a counterclaim for the refund of e%cess pa!ments* moral dama(es and
attorne!Cs fees. It then filed with with the Re(ister of Deeds a notice of lis pendens which was
entered in the primar! $ntr! +oo1* but not on InvestcoCs titles.
)he trial court rendered jud(ment in favor of Invetco. "ubse&uentl!* Investco sold the
propert! to A9,+AI* who upon verification from the Re(ister of Deeds found that there
were no liens on the title. )he Re(ister of Deeds issued IcleanJ )#)s in the name of
A9,+AI which contained no annotation of an! lien* encumbrance* or adverse claim b! a
third part!.
"olid =omes* after discover! of the sale to A9,+AI filed suit a(ainst the Re(ister of
Deeds* Investco and A9,+AI for Iannotation of lis pendens and dama(es.J Will the suit
prosper ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; No. A &otce o$ lis pendens s &ot !&# c!&&ot be so(+ht !s !
pr&cp!" !cto& $or re"e$.
The &otce s b(t !& &c#e&t to !& !cto&. !& e'tr!-3(#c!" o&e to be s(re. It #oes &ot
!$$ect the %ers thereo$. It s &te&#e# %ere"y to co&str(ct)e"y !#)se. or w!r&. !"" peop"e who
#e!" wth the propert th!t they so #e!" wth t !t ther ow& rs2. !&# wh!te)er r+hts they %!y
!c1(re & the property & !&y )o"(&t&!ry tr!&s!cto& !re s(b3ect to the res("ts o$ the !cto&. !&#
%!y we"" be &$eror !&# s(bor#&!te to those whch %! be $&!""y #eter%&e# !&# "!# ow&
The &otce o$ lis pendens N th!t re!" property s &)o")e# & !& !cto& N s or#&!r"y
recor#e# wtho(t the &ter)e&to& o$ the co(rt where the !cto& s pe&#&+. As ! sett"e# r("e.
&otce o$ lis pendens %!y be !&&ot!te# o&"y whe& there s !& !cto& or procee#&+ & co(rt whch
!$$ecs t"e to or possesso& o$ re!" property.
I& ths c!se. the !cto& w!s $or co""ecto& o$ (&p!# &st!""%e&ts o& the p(rch!se o$
s(b3ect property !&# So"# =o%esM c"!% $or #!%!+es. I& s(ch c!se. the !&&ot!to& o$ ! &otce o$
lis pendens w!s &ot proper !s the !cto& w!s in personam. 5A8P M(t(!" Be&e$t Assoc!to&.
I&c. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1*D@,-I So"# =o%es. I&c. ). I&)estco. I&c.. 9.R. No.
1EF*1,. pro%. M!rch E. 2***6
!. /atre o# notice o# lis pendens. The #octr&e o$ lis pendens s $o(&#e# (po& re!so&s
o$ p(b"c po"cy !&# &ecessty. It s !& !&&o(&ce%e&t to the who"e wor"# th!t ! p!rtc("!r re!"
property s & "t+!to&. 5H!re#. et !".. ). =o&. I"!r#e. etc.. et !".. 9.R. No. 111D@E2. pro%.
A(+(st 1. 2***6
b. Prpose o# notice o# lis pendens.
16 To protect the r+hts o$ the p!rty c!(s&+ the re+str!to& thereo$. !&#
26 to !#)se thr# perso&s who p(rch!se or co&tr!ct o& the s(b3ect property th!t
they #o so !t ther per" !&# s(b3ect to the res("t o$ the pe&#&+ "t+!to&. O&e who #e!"s
wth property s(b3ect o$ ! &otce o$ lis pendens c!&&ot !c1(re better r+hts th!& those o$
hs pre#ecessors-&-&terest. 5Lew%!ster 0o&str(cto& 0orpor!to& ). =o&. M!("t. etc..
et !".. 9.R. No. 1E,2AE. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 2-. 2***6
The p(rpose o$ the &otce s to %!2e 2&ow& to the who"e wor"# th!t propertes &
"t+!to& !re st"" wth& the power o$ the co(rt (&t" the "t+!to& s ter%&!te# !&# to pre)e&t
the #e$e!t o$ the 3(#+%e&t or #ecree by s(bse1(e&t !"e&!to&. It ser)es !s ! w!r&&+ th!t o&e
who !c1(res !& &terest & s!# property #oes so !t hs ow& rs2. or th!t he +!%b"es o& the res("t
o$ the "t+!to& o)er the property. 5H!re#. et !".. ). =o&. I"!r#e. etc.. et !".. 9.R. No. 111D@E2.
pro%. A(+(st 1. 2***6
c. Instances "here notice o# lis pendens is proper. R("e 1E. Secto& 1D o$ the 1--@
r("es o$ 0)" Proce#(re !&# Secto& @, o$ Pres#e&t!" Decree No. 1F2-. otherwse 2&ow& !s the
Property Re+str!to& Decree pro)#e the st!t(tory b!ss $or ! &otce o$ lis pendens. 8ro% these
pro)so&s t s c"e!r th!t s(ch ! &otce s proper o&"y & !cto&s to;
16 Reco)er possesso& o$ re!" property
26 ?(et tt"e theretoI
E6 Re%o)e c"o(#s thereo&I
D6 P!rtto& propertyI !&#
F6 A&y other procee#&+s o$ !&y 2&# & 0o(rt #rect"y !$$ect&+ the tt"e
to the "!&# or the (se or occ(p!to& thereo$ or the b("#&+ thereo&.
Th(s. !"" the !pp"c!&t h!s to #o s to !ssert ! c"!% o$ ow&ershp to p(t the property
(&#er the co)er!+e o$ the r("e. It s &ot &ecess!ry $or her to pro)e ow&eershp or &terest o)er
the property so(+ht to be !$$ecte# by lis pendens. 5H!re#. et !".. ). =o&. I"!r#e. etc.. et !".. 9.R.
No. 111D@E2. pro%. A(+(st 1. 2***6
It s proper where ! c"!% s %!#e o$ !& &terest or r+ht & the property spec$c!""y
s(b3ect o$ the !""e+e# s%("!te# s!"e. where the ob3ect o$ the co%p"!&t s &ot o&"y to e&$orce !
"e& or e&c(%br!&ce !+!&st the s(b3ect property b(t to e&$orce ! )!"# c"!%. The &otce s
spec$c where t re$ers to ! porto& co)ere# by the T0Ts co)er&+ 2E.,*- s1. %. o$ the s(b3ect
re!" property. 5A"b&erto ). 0A. et !".. 9.R. No. 11-*AA. pro%. G(&e E*. 2***6
#. &bsence o# technical description not grond to re9ect application #or lis pendens.
Abse&ce o$ the propertyMs tech&c!" #escrpto& & ether the &otce o$ lis pendens or the
co%p"!&t s &ot ! s($$ce&t +ro(&# $or re3ect&+ the !pp"c!to&. $ re$err!" s %!#e & the &otce
o$ the T0T No.. !&# ! copy o$ the T0T s !tt!che# to !&# %!#e !& &te+r!" p!rt o$ the two
Th(s. the &otce o$ lis pendens s(b%tte# $or re+str!to&. t!2e& !s ! who"e. "e!)es &o
#o(bt !s to the #e&tty o$ the property. the tech&c!" #escrpto& o$ whch !ppe!rs o& the !tt!ch#
T0T. The %!& p(rpose o$ the re1(re%e&t th!t the &otce sh!"" co&t!& ! tech&c!" #escrpto& o$
the property s to e&s(re th!t the s!%e c!& be #st&+(she# !&# re!#"y #e&t$e#. 5Lew%!ster
0o&str(cto& 0orpor!to& ). =o&. M!("t. etc.. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E,2AE. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 2-. 2***6
e. Remedy "here Register o# 7eeds denies registration. :&#er P.D. No. 1F2-. the
JProperty Re+str!to& Decree o$ 1-@A.K the Re+ster o$ Dee#s %!y #e&y re+str!to& o$ the
&otce o$ lis pendens whch #e&!" %!y be !ppe!"e# by the !pp"c!&t en consulta 5Secto& 1*.
p!r!+r!ph 26 to the 0o%%sso&er o$ L!&# Re+str!to&. 5A8P M(t(!" Be&e$t Assoc!to&. I&c.
). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1*D@,-I So"# =o%es. I&c. ). I&)estco. I&c.. 9.R. No.
1EF*1,. pro%. M!rch E. 2***6
/+TI2- T+ 7ISMISS +R ,IT)7R&, 2+MP0&I/T.
12>. a! the plaintiff dismiss his complaint b! mere notice to the court ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Hes. & complaint may be dismissed by the plainti## by
#iling a notice o# dismissal at any time be#ore service o# the ans"er or o# motion #or
smmary 9dgment. Upon sch notice being #iled, the cort shall isse an order
con#irming the dismissal. 51st two se&te&ces. Sec. 1. R("e 1@. RO06
!. 6eneral rle8 The dismissal by mere notice is "ithot pre9dice. 5"!st se&te&ce.
Sec. 1. R("e 1@. RO06
b. -$ceptions or "hen dismissal "ith pre9dice8
16 The or#er st!tes th!t the #s%ss!" s wth pre3(#ce. 5"!st se&te&ce.
Sec. 1. R("e 1@. RO06
26 App"c!to& o$ the Two Ds%ss!" R("e; A notice operates as an
ad9dication pon the merits "hen #iled by a plainti## "ho has once
dismissed in a competent cort an action based on or inclding the same
claim. 5Ibid.6
M+TI+/ T+ &M-/7 +R SUPP0-M-/T
:::12@. What is the effect of amended pleadin(s ?
!. &n amended pleading spersedes the pleading that it amends.
b. )o"ever, admissions in sperseded pleadings may be received in evidence against
the pleader.
c. 2laims or de#enses alleged in the sperseded pleading not incorporated in the
amended pleading shall be deemed "aived. 5Sec. A. R("e 1*. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&#
&(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
:::!. ,hen amendment is a matter o# right8
16 & party may amend his pleading once as a matter o# right be#ore a
responsive pleading is served.
26 In case o# a reply, at anytime "ithin ten G10F days a#ter it is served.
5Sec. 2. R("e 1*. RO06
E6 8or%!" !%e&#%e&ts !t !&y st!+e o$ the procee#&+s pro)#e# &o
pre3(#ce s c!(se# to the !#)erse p!rty. & de#ect in the designation o# the
parties and other clearly clerical or typographical errors may be smmarily
corrected by the cort at any stage o# the action, at its initiatiove or on
motion, provided no pre9dice is cased thereby to the adverse party. 5Sec. D.
R("e 1*. RO06
b. Sbstantial amendments may be made pon leave o# cort i# not intended #or
delay. GSFbsantial amendments may be made only pon leave o# cort. 't sch leave
may be re#sed i# it appears to the cort that the motion "as made "ith intent to delay.
+rders o# the cort pon the matters provided in this section shall be made pon motion
#iled in cort, and a#rter notice to the adverse party, "ith an opportnity to be heard. 5Sec.
E. R("e 1*. RO06
0o(rts !re &ot prec"(#e# $ro% !""ow&+ !%e&#%e&ts e)e& $ the s!%e w"" s(bst!&t!""y
ch!&+e the c!(se o$ !cto& or #e$e&se pro)#e# s(ch !%e&#%e&ts #o &ot res("t & ! s(bst!&t!"
&3(ry to the !#)erse p!rty. The S(pre%e 0o(rt h!s r("e# th!t !%e&#%e&ts to p"e!#&+s !re
$!)ore# !&# sho("# be "ber!""y co&str(e# & the $(rther!&ce o$ 3(stce. 5M!r&-9o&/!"es ).
Loo#. et !".. 1DA S0RA DFA6
:::c. ,hen amendments not allo"ed8
16 The !%e&#%e&t s $or the p(rpose o$ #e"!y. 5Sec. E. R("e 1*. RO0I
P!%!& ). D!/. 11, S0RA 12F6
26 8or%!" !%e&#%e&ts whch c!(se pre3(#ce to the !#)erse p!rty. 5Sec.
D. R("e 1*. RO06
E6 Th!t the c!(se o$ !cto& or #e$e&se or theory o$ the c!se s.
s(bst!&t!""y ch!&+e# 5Torres ). To%!cr(/. D- Ph". -1E6. b(t ths s &ot !&
&$"e'b"e "%t!to& bec!(se p"e!#&+s %!y be !%e&#e# or s(pp"e%e&te# e)e& $
there !re s(bst!&t!" ch!&+es !s "o&+ !s the p(rpose o$ the !%e&#%e&t or
s(pp"e%e&t!to& s &ot $or #e"!y.
D6 Th!t the !%e&#%e&t sh!"" res("t & !"ter!to& o$ ! $&!" 3(#+%e&t o& !
s(bst!&t!" %!tter. 5Oc!%po ). M!&!"!c. -2 Ph". A,*6
F6 Th!t the !%e&#%e&t s $or the p(rpose o$ %!2&+ the co%p"!&t co&$er
3(rs#cto& (po& the co(rt where &o&e e'ste# be$ore. 5Ros!ro ). 0!r!&#!&+. -,
Ph". ADF6
,6 Th!t the !%e&#%e&t s $or the p(rpose o$ c(r&+ ! pre%!t(re or &o&-
e'st&+ c!(se o$ !cto&. 50!"!b+ ). L""!&(e)!. 1EF S0RA E*@6
#. 0eave o# cort addressed to cortIs sond discretion. The +r!&t&+ o$ "e!)e to $"e
!%e&#e# p"e!#&+ s ! %!tter p!rtc("!r"y !##resse# to the so(&# #screto& o$ the tr!" co(rt !&#
th!t #screto& s bro!#. s(b3ect o&"y to the "%t!to&s th!t the !%e&#%e&ts sho("# &ot
s(bst!&t!""y ch!&+e the c!(se o$ !cto& or !"ter the theory o$ the c!se or th!t t w!s %!#e to
#e"!y the !cto&.
O&ce e'ercse#. th!t #screto& w"" &ot be #st(rbe# o& !ppe!". e'cept & c!se o$ !b(se
thereo$. The co(rts sho("# be "ber!" & !""ow&+ !%e&#%e&ts to p"e!#&+s to !)o# %("tp"cty
o$ s(ts !&# & or#er th!t the re!" co&tro)erses betwee& the p!rtes !re pese&te#. ther r+hts
#eter%&e# !&# the c!se #ec#e# o& the %erts wtho(t (&&ecess!ry #e"!y. Ths "ber!"ty s
+re!test & the e!r"y st!+es o$ ! "!ws(t. espec!""y where the !%e&#%e&t to the co%p"!&t w!s
%!#e be$ore the tr!" o$ the c!se thereby +)&+ the #e$e&#!&t !"" the t%e !""owe# by "!w to
!&swer !&# to prep!re $or tr!". As to the ws#o% or so(&#&ess o$ the tr!" co(rtMs or#er
#s%ss&+ the !$$r%!t)e #e$e&se o$ prescrpto&. ths &)o")es ! %!tter o$ 3(#+%e&t whch s
&ot proper"y re)ew!b"e by ! petto& $or certor!r. whch s &te&#e# to correct #e$ects o$
3(rs#cto& so"e"y !&# &ot to correct errors o$ proce#(re or %!tterMs & the tr!" co(rtMs $&#&+s or
co&c"(so&. 5Sps. Re$(+! ). =o&. A"e3o. etc.. et !".. 9.r. No. 1EA,@D. pro%. G(&e 22. 2***6
:::e. 4iling o# amended pleading does not retroact to date o# #iling the original
bec!(se the or+&!" s s(perse#e# by the !%e&#e# p"e!#&+s.
=e&ce. the st!t(te o$ "%t!to&s r(&s (&t" the s(b%sso& o$ the !%e&#%e&t. 5Rep(b"c
o$ the Ph"pp&es. etc.. ). S!&#+!&b!y!&. et !".. 9.R. No. 11-2-2. pro%. G("y E1. 1--A6
$. Prpose o# spplemental pleading. To s(pp"y #e$ce&ces & !# o$ the or+&!"
p"e!##&+ !&# &ot to #spe&se wth or s(bstt(te the "!tter. It s &ot "2e !& !%e&#e# p"e!#&+
whch s ! s(bstt(te $or the or+&!" o&e. It #oes &ot s(perse#e the or+&!". b(t !ss(%es th!t the
or+&!" p"e!#&+ s to st!&#. The ss(es 3o&e# (&#er the or+&!" p"e!#&+ re%!& !s ss(es to be
tre# & the !cto&. 5Asset Pr)!t/!to& Tr(st ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. A1*2D. pro%.
8ebr(!ry E. 2***6
+. Spplemental pleading retroacts . A& !%e&#%e&t whch %ere"y s(pp"e%e&ts !&#
!%p"$es $!cts or+&!""y !""e+e# & the co%p"!&t re"!tes b!c2 to the #!te o$ the co%%e&ce%e&t
o$ the !cto& !&# s &ot b!rre# by the st!t(te o$ "%t!to&s whch e'pre# !$ter ser)ce o$ the
or+&!" co%p"!&t. 5Rep(b"c o$ the Ph"pp&es. etc.. ). S!&#+!&b!y!&. et !".. 9.R. No. 11-2-2.
pro%. G("y E1. 1--A6
=owe)er. s(ch r("e #oes &ot !pp"y to ! p!rty who s %p"e!#e# $or the $rst t%e & the
!%e&#e# co%p"!&t th!t w!s $"e# beyo&# the prescrpt)e pero#. 5Ibid.6
h. ,hen case o# action sbstantially altered. I& #eter%&&+ whether ! #$$ere&t
c!(se o$ !cto& s &tro#(ce# by !%e&#%e&ts to the co%p"!&t. wh!t %(st be !scert!&e# s
whether the #e$e&#!&ts sh!"" be re1(re# to !&swer $or ! "!b"ty or "e+!" ob"+!to& who""y
#$$ere&t $ro% th!t st!te# & the or+&!" co%p"!&t.
A& !%e&#%e&t w"" &ot be co&s#ere# !s st!t&+ ! &ew c!(se o$ !cto& $ the $!ct !""e+e#
& the !%e&#e# co%p"!&t shows s(bst!&t!""y the s!%e wro&+ wth respect to the s!%e %!tter
b(t s %ore $(""y !&# #$$ere&t"y st!te#. or where !)er%e&ts whch were %p"e# !re %!#e
e'press. or the s(b3ect o$ the co&tro)ersy or the "!b"ty so(+ht to be e&$orce# re%!&s the s!%e.
5?(e ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EFDD2. pro%. A(+(st E1. 2***6
!. Notce to wth#r!w or #s%ss the co%p"!&t. Re$er to pre)o(s #sc(sso&.
b. Moto& to !%e&# or s(pp"e%e&t the co%p"!&t. Re$er to pre)o(s #sc(sso&.
c. Opposto& to the #e$e&#!&t>s )!ro(s %oto&s.
#. Moto& to #ec"!re #e$e&#!&t & #e$!("t.
M+TI+/ T+ 7-20&R- I/ 7-4&U0T
12C. What are the (rounds for declaration of default ?
!. 8!"(re o$ ! #e$e&#&+ p!rty to !&swer wth& the t%e !""owe#. 5Sec. E. R("e -.RO06
Ths &c"(#es $!"(re to !&swer ! co%p"!&t. co(&terc"!%. cross-c"!%. thr#-p!rty co%p"!&t.
b. W"$(" $!"(re to !ppe!r be$ore !& o$$cer to %!2e ! #eposto&. !$ter be&+ ser)e# wth
! proper &otce. or $!"(re to ser)e !&swers !$ter proper ser)ce o$ &terro+!tores. 5Sec. F. R("e
2-. RO06
:::!. -##ects o# declaration o# de#alt8
16 The co(rt sh!"". (po& %oto& o$ the c"!%&+ p!rty wth &otce to the
#e$e&#&+ p!rty. !&# (po& proo$ o$ s(ch $!"(re. #ec"!re the #e$e&#&+ p!rty &
#e$!("t. There(po&. the co(rt sh!"" procee# to re&#er 3(#+%e&t +r!&t&+ the
c"!%!&t s(ch re"e$ !s hs p"e!#&+ %!y w!rr!&t. 51st p!r.. Sec. E. R("e -. RO06
26 The co(rt %!y. & ts #screto&. re1(re the c"!%!&t to s(b%t
e)#e&ce be$ore re&#er&+ 3(#+%e&t. S(ch recepto& o$ e)#e&ce %!y be
#e"e+!te# to the c"er2 o$ co(rt. 5Ibid.+
E6 A 3(#+%e&t re&#ere# !+!&st ! p!rty & #e$!("t sh!"" &ot e'cee# the
!%o(&t or be #$$ere&t & 2&# $ro% th!t pr!ye# $or &or !w!r# (&"1(#!te#
#!%!+es. 5Sec. E B#C. R("e -. RO06
D6 A p!rty & #e$!("t sh!"" be e&tt"e# to &otce o$ s(bse1(e&t procee#&+s
b(t &ot to t!2e p!rt & the tr!". 5Sec. E B!C. R("e -. RO06
b. /atre and e##ects o# a 9dgment o# de#alt. A 3(#+%e&t o$ #e$!("t #oes &ot %p"y
! w!)er o$ r+hts E'cept th!t o$ be&+ he!r# !&# prese&t&+ e)#e&ce & #e$e&#!&tMs $!)or. It
#oes &ot %p"y !#%sso& by the #e$e&#!&t o$ the $!cts !&# c!(ses o$ !cto& o$ the p"!&t$$.
bec!(se the co#!" secto& re1(res the "!tter to !##(ce e)#e&ce 5NOTE; Recepto& o$ e)#e&ce
s &ow #screto&!ry (&#er the 1--@ R("es. 1
p!r.. Sec. E. R("e -6. & s(pport o$ hs !""e+!to&s
!s !& &#spe&s!b"e co&#to& be$ore $&!" 3(#+%e&t co("# be +)e& & hs $!)or. Nor co("# t be
&terprete# !s !& !#%sso& by the #e$e&#!&t th!t the p"!&t$$Ms c!(ses o$ !cto& $&# s(pport &
the "!w or th!t the "!tter s e&tt"e# to the re"e$ pr!ye# $or.
Ths s espec!""y tr(e wth respect to ! #e$e&#!&t who h!# $"e# hs !&swer b(t h!# bee&
s(bse1(e&t"y #ec"!re# & #e$!("t $or $!"&+ to !ppe!r !t the tr!" s&ce he h!s h!# !& opport(&ty
to tr!)erse. )! hs !&swer. the %!ter!" !)er%e&ts co&t!&e# & the co%p"!&t. S(ch #e$e&#!&t
h!s ! better st!&#&+ th!& ! #e$e&#!&t who h!s &ether !&swer# &or !ppe!re# !t tr!". The $or%er
sho("# be !""owe# to reter!te !"" !$$r%!t)e #e$e&ses p"e!#e# & hs !&swer be$ore the co(rt o$
Appe!"s. L2ewse. the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s %!y re)ew the correct&ess o$ the )!"(!to& o$ the
p"!&t$$Ms e)#e&ce by the "ower co(rt. 5Mo&!rch I&s(r!&ce 0o.. I& !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s.
et !".. 9.R. No. -2@EFI A""e# 9(!r!&tee I&s(r!&ce 0o.. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. 9.r. No. -DA,@I
E1(t!b"e I&s(r!&ce 0orpor!to& ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. etc.. et !".. 9.R. No. -FF@A. pro%. G(&e A.
c. 0iberal interpretation o# de#alt orders. S(ts sho("# be !s %(ch !s possb"e be
#ec#e# o& the %erts !&# &ot o& tech&c!"tes. 0o(rts sho("# be "ber!" & stt&+ !s#e or#ers o$
#e$!("t 3(#+%&ts !re $row&e# (po&. A #e$!("t 3(#+%e&t #oes &ot prete&# to be b!se# (po& the
%erts o$ the co&tro)ersy. A 3(#+%e&t by #e$!("t %!y !%o(&t to ! post)e !&# co&s#er!b"e
&3(stce to the #e$e&#!&tI !&# the possb""ty o$ s(ch sero(s co&se1(e&ce &ecesst!tes ! c!re$("
e'!%&!to& o$ the +ro(&#s (po& whch th #e$e&#!&t !s2s th!t t be set !s#e. 5Sps. D!/. et !"..
). D!/. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EFAAF. pro%. Apr" 2A. 2***I Sps. A%pe"o1(o. Sr.. ). 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12D2DE. pro%. G(&e 1F. 2***6
S&ce r("es o$ proce#(re !re %ere too"s #es+&e# to $!c"t!te the !tt!&%e&t o$ 3(stce. t
s we"" reco+&/e# th!t the S(pre%e 0o(rt s e%powere# to s(spe&# ts oper!to&. or e'cept !
p!rtc("!r c!se $ro% ts oper!to&. whe& the r+# !pp"c!to& thereo$ te&#s to $r(str!te r!ther th!&
pro%ote the e&#s o$ 3(stce. 5Sps. D!/. et !".. supra6
:::12D. What are the remedies of a part! declared in default ?
!. A p!rty #ec"!re# & #e$!("t %!y at any time !$ter #sco)ery thereo$ !&# be#ore
9dgment, $"e ! %oto&. (&#er o!th. to set !s#e the or#er o$ #e$!("t (po& proper show&+ th!t;
16 =s $!"(re to !&swer w!s #(e to $r!(#. !cc#e&t. %st!2e or e'c(s!b"e
&e+"+e&ce. !&#
26 Th!t he h!s ! %ertoro(s #e$e&se. 5Sec. E BbC. R("e -. RO06
b. I$ the 9dgment has already been rendered whe& the #e$e&#!&t #sco)ere# the
#e$!("t. b(t be$ore the s!%e h!s beco%e $&!" !&# e'ec(tory. he %!y $"e ! %oto& $or &ew tr!"
(&#er Sec. 1 B!C. R("e E@. RO0.
c. I$ the #e$e&#!&t #sco)ere# the #e$!("t a#ter the 9dgment has become #inal and
e$ectory, he %!y $"e ! petto& $or re"e$ (&#er Sec. 1. R("e EA. RO0.
#. =e %!y !"so !ppe!" the 3(#+%e&t re&#ere# !+!&st h% !s co&tr!ry to the e)#e&ce or
to the "!w. e)e& $ &o petto& to set !s#e the or#er or #e$!("t h!s bee& prese&te# to h%. 5Sec. 2.
R("e D1. RO06
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; +rder o# de#alt is not appealable. The or#er s
&ter"oc(tory bec!(se the co(rt h!s st"" to re&#er 3(#+%e&t by #e$!("t. 5L#!. De =oyo-!. et !"..
). Lr!t!. et !".. 1E@ S0RA @FA. @A*6
Or#er #e&y&+ ! %oto& to set !s#e or#er o$ #e$!("t s !ppe!"!b"e A& or#er #e&y&+ !
%oto& to set !s#e !& or#er o$ #e$!("t. &ot be&+ &ter"oc(tory b(t $&!" s %%e#!te"y
!ppe!"!b"e. 5Ro#r+(e/. Gr. ). I&ter%e#!te Appe""!te 0o(rt. et !".. 1DA S0RA ,126.

!. Moto&s
16 8or e'te&so& o$ t%e to p"e!# or respo&#
26 To e'p(&+e the co%p"!&t or porto&s thereo$.
E6 8or b"" o$ p!rtc("!rs.
D6 To #s%ss.
F6 To "$t or#er o$ #e$!("t. Re$er to pre)o(s #sc(sso&.
b. P"e!#&+s
16 A&swer.
26 0o(&terc"!%.
E6 0ross-c"!%.
D6 Thr# p!rty co%p"!&t.
c. Others
16 Opposto& to p"!&t$$>s )!ro(s %oto&s.
M+TI+/ 4+R -BT-/SI+/ +4 TIM- T+ P0-&7 +R R-SP+/7
SUMM&R1 +4 7I44-R-/T P-RI+7S T+ 4I0- R-SP+/SI5- &/S,-R +R
R-SP+/SI5- P0-&7I/6.
!. Wth& ! period #i$ed by the cort
16 A&swer to the co%p"!&t 5Sec. 1. R("e 11. RO06
16 A&swer to s(pp"e%e&t!" co%p"!&t. 5Sec. @. R("e 11. RO06
26 A&swer to co%p"!&t-&-&ter)e&to&. 5Sec. D. R("e 1-. RO06
b. Wth& ten G10F days
16 8ro% &otce o$ !#%sso& o$ or#er !#%tt&+ !%e&#e# co%p"!&t.
A&swer to !%e&#e# co%p"!&t. !%e&#e# co(&terc"!%. !%e&#e# cross-c"!%.
!%e&#e# thr# 5$o(rth. etc6 - p!rty co%p"!&t !&# !%e&#e# co%p"!&t-&-
&ter)e&to&. where !%e&#%e&t s &ot ! %!tter o$ r+ht. 52&# !&# Er# APRs.. Sec. E.
R("e 11. RO06
26 8ro% ser)ce. A&swer to co(&terc"!% or cross-c"!%. 5Sec. D. R("e
11. RO06
E6 8ro% ser)ce o$ p"e!#&+ respo&#e# to. Rep"y. 5Sec. ,. R("e 11. RO06
D6 8ro% &otce o$ or#er !#%tt&+ s(pp"e%e&t!" co%p"!&t. A&swer to
s(pp"e%e&t!" co%p"!&t. 5Sec. @. R("e 11. RO06
c. Wth& #i#teen G1=F days8
16 A$ter ser)ce o$ s(%%o&s. A&swer 5Sec. 1. R("e 11. RO06
26 A$ter #e$e&#!&t ser)e# wth copy o$ !%e&#e# co%p"!&t !s ! %!tter o$
r+ht. A&swer to !%e&#e# co%p"!&t. 51st p!r.. Sec. E. R("e 11. RO06
E6 8ro% &otce o$ the or#er !#%tt&+ ! co%p"!&t-&-&ter)e&to&.
A&swer to ! co%p"!&t-&-&ter)e&to&. 5Sec. D. R("e 1-. RO06
#. Wth& thirty G;0F days8
16 A$ter recept o$ s(%%o&s by +o)er&%e&t o$$c!" #es+&!te# by "!w to
rece)e s(%%o&s o& ! #e$e&#!&t $ore+& pr)!te 3(r#c!" e&tty. A&swer. 5Sec. 2.
R("e 11. RO06
e. Not "ess th!& si$ty G>0F days
16 A$ter &otce o$ or#er +r!&t&+ e'tr!terrtor!" ser)ce o$ s(%%o&s or by
p(b"c!to& whe& the #e$e&#!&t #oes &ot res#e !&# s &ot $o(&# & the Ph"pp&es.
5Sec. 1F. R("e 1D. RO06
M+TI+/ T+ -BPU/6-
1;0. =ow ma! a pleadin( or an! matter contained therein be stric1en out ?
!. Upon motion made by a party be#ore responding to a pleading or,
b. i# no responsive pleading is permitted by these Rles o$ 0o(rt .
c. pon motion made by a party "ithin t"enty G20F days a#ter the service o# the
pleading pon him, or
#. pon the cort(s o"n initiative at any time,
e. the cort may order any pleading to be stricEen ot or that any sham or #alse,
redndant, immaterial, impertinent, or scandalosly matter be stricEen ot there#rom.
5Sec. 12. R("e A. RO0 &(%ber&+. !rr!&+e%e&t !&# wor#s &ot & bo"# s(pp"e#6

M+TI+/ 4+R 'I00 +4 P&RTI2U0&RS
1;1. $%plain the nature and procedure for a bill of particulars.
!. ,hen #iled. Be$ore respo&#&+ to ! p"e!#&+. I$ ! p"e!#&+ s ! rep"y. the %oto&
%(st be $"e# wth& te& 51*6 #!ys $ro% ser)ce.
b. 6ronds. The p!rty %!y %o)e $or ! #e$&te st!te%e&t or b"" o$ p!rtc("!rs o$ !&y
%!tter whch s &ot !)erre# wth s($$ce&t #e$&te&ess or p!rtc("!rty to e&!b"e h% proper"y to
prep!re hs respo&s)e p"e!#&+.
S(ch %oto& sh!"" po&t o(t the #e$ects co%p"!&e# o$. the p!r!+r!phs where& they !re
co&t!&e#. !&# the #et!"s #esre#.
c. &ction o# cort.
16 De&y the %oto&. or
26 9r!&t t o(tr+ht. or
E6 A""ow the p!rtes to be he!r#. 5Sec. 1. R("e 1*. RO06
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; -##ect o# non.compliance "ith order #or bill o#
particlars8 I# the order is not obeyed, or in case o# ins##icient compliance there"ith, the
cort may order the striEing ot o# the pleading or the portions thereo# to "hich the order
"as directed or maEe sch order as it deems 9st. 5Sec. D. R("e 12. RO06
:::1;2. What are the (rounds for a motion to dismiss ?
a. That the cort has no 9risdiction over the person o# the de#ending party.
b. That the cort has no 9risdiction over the sb9ect matter o# the claim.
c. That vene is improperly laid.
d. That the plainti## has no legal capacity to se.
e. That there is another action pending bet"een the same parties #or the same
#. That the case o# action is barred by a prior 9dgment or by the statte o#
g. That the pleading asserting the claim states no case o# action.
h. That the claim or demand set #orth in the plainti##(s pleading has been paid,
"aived, abandoned, or other"ise e$tingished.
i. That the claim on "hich the action is #onded is nen#orceable nder the
provisions o# the statte o# #rads.
9. That a condition precedent #or #iling the claim has not been complied "ith.
5Secto& 1. R("e 1,. RO06
:::!. Time #or #iling motion to dismiss. The pero# to $"e ! %oto& to #s%ss #epe&#s
(po& the crc(%st!&ces o$ the c!se. Secto& 1 o$ R("e 1, o$ the R("es o$ 0o(rt re1(res th!t. &
+e&er!". ! %oto& to #s%ss sho("# be $"e# wth& the re+"e%e&t!ry pero# $or $"&+ !
respo&s)e p"e!#&+. Th(s. ! %oto& to #s%ss !""e+&+ %proper )e&(e c!&&ot be e&tert!&e#
(&"ess %!#e wth& th!t pero#.
=owe)er. e)e& !$ter !& !&swer h!s bee& $"e#. the S(pre%e 0o(rt h!s !""owe# !
#e$e&#!&t to $"e ! %oto& to #s%ss o& the $o""ow&+ +ro(&#s;
16 L!c2 o$ 3(rs#cto&
26 Litis pendentiaI
E6 L!c2 o$ c!(se o$ !cto&I !&#
D6 Dsco)ery #(r&+ the tr!" o$ e)#e&ce th!t wo("# co&stt(te ! +ro(&#
$or #s%ss!". 5Ob!&#o. et !".. ). 8+(er!s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EDAFD. pro%. G!&(!ry
1A. 2***6
:::b. ,aiver o# de#enses. 7e#enses and ob9ections not pleaded "ither in a mnotion
to dismiss or in the ans"er are deemed "aived. 51
se&te&ce. Sec. 1. R("e -. RO06
RRRc. 7e#enses and ob9ections not "aived. E)e& $ %oto& to #s%ss s $"e# !$ter the
!&swer. the co(rt sh!"" #s%ss the c"!% "hen it appears #rom the pleadings or evidence on
16 that the cort has no 9risdiction over the sb9ect matter,
26 that there is another action pending bet"een the same parties #or
the same case, or
E6 that the action is barred by prior 9dgment, or by statte o#
limitations. 52
se&te&ce. Sec. 1. r("e -. RO06
#. Motion to dismiss that needs hearing. A %oto& to #s%ss r!s&+ !& !$$r%!t)e
#e$e&se s(ch !s "!c2 o$ c!(se o$ !cto& poses ! 1(esto& o$ $!ct th!t sho("# be reso")e# !$ter #(e
he!r&+. Ths s (&"2e ! %oto& to #s%ss b!se# o& the $!"(re o$ the co%p"!&t to st!te ! c!(se
o$ !cto& whch %!y be reso")e# so"e"y o& the b!ss o$ the !""e+!to&s o$ the co%p"!&t. 5=ers o$
P!es ). =o&. Torres. etc.. et !".. 9.R No. 1*DE1D. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 2. 2***6
:::1;;. )he (eneral rule is that the filin( of a motion to dismiss h!potheticall! admits
the material alle(ations of the complaint. Are there an! e%ceptions to this rule ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; There !re e1(!""y est!b"she# "%t!to&s to the r("e o&
hypothetc!" !#%sso&. .e.. th!t ! %oto& to #s%ss #oes &ot !#%t;
!. the tr(th o$ %ere epthets o$ $r!(#I
b. &or !""e+!to&s o$ "e+!" co&c"(so&sI
c. &or !& erro&eo(s st!te%e&t o$ "!wI
#. &or %ere &$ere&ces or co&c"(so&s $ro% $!cts &ot st!te#I
e. &or %ere co&c"(so&s o$ "!wI
$. &or !""e+!to&s o$ $!ct the $!"sty o$ whch s s(b3ect to 3(#c!" &otceI
+. &or %!tters o$ e)#e&ceI
h. &or s(rp"(ss!+e !&# rre"e)!&t %!tterI
. &or sc!&#!"o(s %!tter &serte# %ere"y to &sert 5sic. sho("# be to &s("t <6 the oppos&+
3. &or to "e+!""y %possb"e $!ctsI
2. &or to $!cts whch !ppe!r (&$o(&#e# by ! recor# &corpor!te# & the p"e!#&+. or by !
#oc(%e&t re$erre# toI !&#
". &or to +e&er!" !)er%e&ts co&tr!#cte# by %ore spec$c !)er%e&ts. 5T!&. et !".. ).
0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12FA,1. pro%. Septe%ber -. 1--A6
!. Test #or determining s##iciency o# complaint as to case o# action. I& #eter%&&+
the e'ste&ce o$ ! c!(se o$ !cto&. o&"y the st!te%e&ts & the co%p"!&t %!y proper"y be
co&s#ere#. L!c2 o$ c!(se o$ !cto& %(st !ppe!r o& the $!ce o$ the co%p"!&t !&# ts e'ste&ce
c!& be #eter%&e# o&"y by the !""e+!to&s o$ the co%p"!&t. co&s#er!to& o$ other $!cts be&+
proscrbe# !&# !&y !tte%pt to pro)e e'tr!&eo(s crc(%st!&ces &ot be&+ !""owe#.
The test o$ s($$ce&cy o$ the $!cts $o(&# & the co%p"!&t !s co&stt(t&+ ! c!(se o$ !cto&
s whether or &ot !#%tt&+ the $!cts !""e+e# the co(rt c!& re&#er ! )!"# 3(#+%e&t (po& the s!%e
& !ccor#!&ce wth the pr!yer thereo$. The hypothetc!" !#%sso& e'te&#s to the re"e)!&t !&#
%!ter!" $!cts we"" p"e!#e# & the co%p"!&t !&# &$ere&ces $!r"y #e#(cb"e there$ro%. =e&ce. $
the !""e+!to&s & the co%p"!&t $(r&sh s($$ce&t b!ss by whch the co%p"!&t c!& be
%!&t!&e#. the s!%e sho("# &ot be #s%sse# re+!r#"ess o$ the #e$e&ses th!t %!y be !ssesse# by
the #e$e&#!&ts. 5Lew%!ster 0o&str(cto& 0orpor!to& ). Ro'!s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EEF@,. pro%.
G("y 1E. 2*** ct&+ N!)o! ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. 2F1 S0RA FDF6
:::b. -$ceptions to the above test. The tr!" co(rt !&# the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s sho("# &ot
h!)e bee& too r+# & !pp"y&+ the r("e th!t & reso")&+ ! %oto& to #s%ss o& the +ro(&# o$
$!"(re to st!te ! c!(se o$ !cto&. o&"y the !)er%e&ts & the co%p"!&t !&# &o other !re to be
co&s("te#. The r("e !#%ts o$ e'cepto&s;
8rst; A"" #oc(%e&ts !tt!che# to the co%p"!&t. the #(e e'ec(to& !&#
+e&(&e&ess o$ whch !re &ot #e&e# (&#er o!th by th #e$e&#!&t. %(st be
co&s#ere# !s p!rt o$ the co%p"!&t wtho(t &ee# o$ &tro#(c&+ e)#e&ce thereo&.
Seco&#; Other p"e!#&+s s(b%tte# by the p!rtes. & !##to& to the
co%p"!&t. %!y be co&s#ere# & #ec#&+ whether the co%p"!&t sho("# be
#s%sse# $or "!c2 o$ c!(se o$ !cto&.
It s o&"y "o+c!" $or the "ower co(rt to co&s#er !"" these p"e!#&+s & #eter%&&+
whether there w!s ! s($$ce&t c!(se o$ !cto& !s the or#er o$ #s%ss!" s s(%%!ry & &!t(re. So
"o&+ !s those !tt!che# p"e!#&+s !re proce#(r!""y respo&sb"e to the co%p"!&t. the& they %!y be
co&s#ere# & e)!(!t&+ the s($$ce&cy o$ the c!(se o$ !cto& & the co%p"!&t.
I& !##to&. s&ce the #s%ss!" o$ ! co%p"!&t by )rt(e o$ ! %oto& to #s%ss $or $!"(re
to st!te or $or &s($$ce&cy o$ c!(se o$ !cto& wo("# be t!&t!%o(&t to ! s(%%!ry 3(#+%&t. the
"ower co(rt sho("# !t "e!st h!)e co&s#ere# the !tt!che# #oc(%e&s !&# p"e!#&+s !s ! %!tter o$
#(e process. Strct"y "%t&+ the e)!"(!to& o$ the %erts ot the co%p"!&t to ts !)er%e&ts or
!""e+!to&s wo("# be too co&strct&+ !& &terpret!to& o$ the r("e. It %(st be re%e%bere# th!t
the co%p"!&t tse"$ s !cco%p!&e# by #oc(%e&t!ry e)#e&ce !tt!che# !&&e'es. The respo&s)e
p"e!#&+s. & !#to&. tho(+h &ot !tt!ch%e&ts to the co%p"!&t. c"!r$y ts %erts s&ce they !re
!"re!#y p!rt o$ the recor#s o$ the c!se !&# sho("# there$ore be co&s#ere#. 5Se!-"!&# Ser)ces.
I&c. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12,212. pro%. M!rch 2. 2***. ct&+ 8"-Est!te 9o"#
!&# De)e"op%e&t. I&c. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 2,F S0RA ,1DI A"berto ). 0A. et !".. 9.r. No.
11-*AA. pro%. G(&e E*. 2***6

:::1;<. What is the effect of a motion to dismiss on a compulsor! counterclaim ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The $"&+ o$ ! %oto& to #s%ss s !& %p"e# w!)er o$ !
co%p("sory co(&terc"!% A co%p("sory co(&terc"!% pres(pposes the e'ste&ce o$ ! c"!%
!+!&st the p!rty $"&+ the co%p"!&t !&# ! +r!&t o$ ! %oto& to #s%ss wo("# re%o)e the b!ss
o$ ! co(&terc"!%.
!. /atre o# complsory conterclaim. A co%p("sory co(&terc"!% s !('"!ry to the
procee#&+ & the or+&!" s(t !&# #er)es ts 3(rs#cto&!" s(pport there$ro%. A co(&terc"!%
pres(pposes the e'ste&ce o$ ! c"!% !+!&st the p!rty $"&+ the co(&terc"!%. =e&ce. where
there s &o c"!% !+!&st the co(&terc"!%!&t. the co(&terc"!% s %proper !&# t %(st be
#s%sse#. %ore so where the co%p"!&t s #s%sse# !t the &st!&ce o$ the co(&terc"!%!&t.
I& other wor#s. $ the #s%ss!" o$ the %!& !cto& res("ts & the #s%ss!" o$ the
co(&terc"!% !"re!#y $"e#. t st!&#s to re!so& th!t the $"&+ o$ ! %oto& to #s%ss the co%p"!&t
s !& %p"e# w!)er o$ the co(&terc"!% bec!(se the +r!&t o$ the %oto& ("t%!te"y res("ts & the
#s%ss!" o$ the co(&terc"!%
Th(s. the $"&+ o$ ! %oto& to #s%ss !&# the sett&+ (p o$ ! co%p("sory co(&terc"!%
!re &co%p!tb"e re%e#es. I& the e)e&t th!t ! #e$e&#&+ p!rty h!s ! +ro(&# $or #s%ss!" !&# !
co%p("sory co(&terc"!% !t the s!%e t%e. he %(st choose o&"y o&e re%e#y. I$ he #ec#es to
$"e ! %oto& to #s%ss. he w"" "ose hs co%p("sory co(&terc"!%. B(t $ heopts to set (p hs
co%p("sory co(&terc"!%. he %!y st"" p"e!# hs +ro(&# $or #s%ss!" !s ! !$$r%!t)e #e$e&se &
hs !&swer. 58&!&c!" B("#&+ 0orpor!to& ). 8orbes P!r2 Assoc!to&. I&c.. 9.R. No. 1EE11-.
pro%. A(+(st 1@. 2***6
The reader shold reali!e th!t the +ro(&#s $or ! %oto& to #s%ss %!y be p"e!#e# !s
!$$r%!t)e #e$e&ses & the !&swer !&# the co(&terc"!% %!y be )!"#"y p"e!#e#. Ths s so.
bec!(se #(r&+ the tr!" o& the %erts. pror to ! #eter%&!to& whether the co%p"!&t sho("# be
#s%sse# (po& the !$$r%!t)e #e$e&ses. the co(&terc"!%!&t wo("# h!)e !%p"e opport(&ty to
pro)e hs c"!%. It s #$$ere&t $ ! %oto& to #s%ss s +r!&te# bec!(se th!t wo("# be the e&# o$
the procee#&+s !&# the co(&terc"!%!&t wo("# h!)e &o opport(&ty to )e&t"!te hs c"!%.
1;=. Baime filed a complaint for ejectment a(ainst Amor with the unicipal )rial
#ourt. In his answer with motion to dismiss Amor averred that the )# had no jurisdiction
over the case because it involved a landlord'tenant relationship and should have been filed
with the Department of A(rarian Reform. "ince the answer was filed out of time* the )#
considered the same submitted for decision and subse&uentl! ordered Amor to vacate the land.
Was the )# correct in renderin( jud(ment on the case ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The MT0 sho("# &ot h!)e #sre+!r#e# A%orMs !&swer !&#
sho("# h!)e he!r# !&# rece)e# the e)#e&ce $or the p(rpose o$ #eter%&&+ whether or &ot t h!#
3(rs#cto& o)er the c!se. 50orp& ). L)!r. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E@EF*. pro%. G(&e 1-. 2***6
1;>. Is the denial of a motion to dismiss subject to appeal or certiorari ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Whe& the %oto& to #s%ss s #e&e# the or#&!ry proce#(re
s $or the %o)!&t to $"e !&# !&swer. +o to tr!" !&# the& reter!te the +ro(&#s r!se# & the %oto&
to #s%ss !s +ro(&#s $or !ss!"&+ the 3(#+%e&t. 5Dr"o&. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R.
No. 1*@*1-. pro%. M!rch 2*. 1--@6 =e&ce t s &ot s(b3ect to !ppe!".
REASON; The #e&!" o$ ! %oto& to #s%ss or to 1(!sh. be&+ &ter"oc(tory. c!&&ot be
1(esto&e# by certor!rI t c!&&ot be the s(b3ect o$ !ppe!". (&t" $&!" 3(#+%e&t or or#er s
re&#ere#. 50!s" ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 121FED. pro%. G!&(!ry 2A. 1--A6
!. -$ception or instance "here denial o# motion to dismiss may be the sb9ect o#
certiorari. I$ the co(rt #e&y&+ the %oto& to #s%ss !cts wtho(t or & e'cess o$ 3(rs#cto& or
wth +r!)e !b(se o$ #screto&. certiorari (&#er R("e ,F o$ the R("es o$ 0o(rt %!y be !)!"e# o$.
The reason s th!t t wo("# be (&$!r to re1(re the #e$e&#!&t-%o)!&t to (&#er+o the or#e!" !&#
e'pe&se o$ tr!" (&#er s(ch crc(%st!&ces bec!(se the re%e#y o$ !ppe!" the& wo("# &ot be p"!&
!&# !#e1(!te. 5Dr"o&. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1*@*1-. pro%. M!rch 2*.
:::1;@. What are the facts deemed admitted b! the failure to den! under oath the
(enuineness and due e%ecution of an actionable document ?
!. The p!rty whose s+&!t(re !ppe!rs o& the #oc(%e&t s+&e# t.
b. I$ s+&e# by !&other. the #oc(%e&t w!s s+&e# $or the p!rty whose &!%e !ppe!rs o&
the #oc(%e&t wth hs !(thorty.
c. At the t%e the #oc(%e&t w!s s+&e#. t w!s & the wor#s !&# $+(res e'!ct"y !s set o(t
& the p"e!#&+ !&# o$ the p!rty re"y&+ (po& t.
#. The #oc(%e&t w!s #e")ere#.
e. A&y $or%!" re1(stes o$ "!w. s(ch !s se!". !c2&ow"e#+%e&t or re)e&(e st!%p whch
the #oc(%e&t "!c2s. !re #ee%e# w!)e#. 5=bbere# ). Rho#e. E2 Ph". D@,6
!. Instances "here the bene#it o# admission o# genineness o# actionable docment
is "aived8
16 Where the p"e!#er prese&te# wt&esses to pro)e the +e&(&e&ess !&#
#(e e'ec(to&. !&# the !#)ers!ry pro)e#. wtho(t ob3ecto&. the co&tr!ry. 5H(
0h(c2 ). Ko&+ L Po. D, Ph". ,*A6
26 Where the p"e!#er $!"s to ob3ect to e)#e&ce co&tro)ert&+ the
+e&(&e&ess !&# #(e e'ec(to&. 5Le+!r#! Koh ). O&+s!co. E, Ph". 1AF6
b. Instances "here there is no admission even i# no denial nder oath8
16 Whe& the !#)erse p!rty #oes &ot !ppe!r to be ! p!rty to the &str(%e&t.
26 Whe& co%p"!&ce wth !& or#er $or &specto& o$ the or+&!"
#oc(%e&t s #e&e#. 5Sec. A. R("e A. RO06
1;C. ING filed with the R)# of Nue;on #it! a complaint for the annulment of deeds of
mort(a(e over certain lots* inmpleadin( <i(on* <in;a(* "ampaco and ID,. In its answer* ID,
interposed a cross'claim a(ainst <i(on. 0n the other hand* <i(on filed an answer with
counterclaim@ a cross'claim a(ainst ID,@ and a third part! complaint a(ainst de <eon*
Guillermo and Aida.
ID, char(ed in its answer with cross'claim that <i(on should have 1nown that the
persons she transacted with had not authorit! to bind ID, to the loans and mort(a(es she was
tr!in( to enforce.
<i(on on the other hand* alle(ed in her cross'claim that ID, unjustl! refused to pa!
the loans it contracted from her which had become due and demandable.
<i(on filed a motion to declare ID, in default for its failure to file an answer to her
cross'claim. Rule on the motion.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Moto& #e&e#. The !&swer to ! cross-c"!% s %e!&t to 3o&
the s(bs#!ry ss(es betwee& co-p!rtes & re"!to& to the oppos&+ p!rty>s c"!% !+!&st the
8ro% the $ore+o&+. t s &e)t!b"e th!t IDP>s cross-c"!% e$$ect)e"y 3o&e# the
s(bs#!ry ss(es betwee& the co-p!rtes. Re1(r&+ !& !&swer to L+o&>s cross-c"!% wo("# be
s(per$"(o(s. 5L+o& ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12@,AE. pro%. A(+(st @. 1--A6
:::1;D. What is a compulsor! counterclaim ? Give e%amples.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; O&e "hich, being cogni!able by the reglar corts o#
!. arises ot o# or is connected "ith the transaction or occrrence constitting the
sb9ect matter o# the opposing party(s claim and
b. does not re*ire #or its ad9dication the presence o# third parties o# "hom the
cort cannot ac*ire 9risdiction.
c. Sch a conterclaim mst be "ithin the 9risdiction o# the cort both as to
amont and the natre thereo#,
#. e$cept that in an orginal action be#ore the Regional Trial 2ort, the conterclaim
may be considered complsory regardless o# amont. Sec. @. R("e ,. RO0 &(%ber&+ !&#
!rr!&+e%e&t s(pp"e#6
E'!%p"es o$ co%p("sory co(&terc"!%s;
!. I& !& !cto& $or reco)ery o$ "!&#. the #e$e&#!&t>s c"!% $or %pro)e%e&ts. !&# e)e&
&ecess!ry e'pe&ses !re co%p("sory co(&terc"!%s. 50!%!r! ). A+("!r. -D Ph". F2@6
b. I& ! possessory !cto&. the #e$e&#!&t>s c"!% o$ ow&ershp o$ the "!&# & 1(esto& s !
co%p("sory co(&terc"!%.
c. D!%!+es c"!%e# to h!)e bee& s($$ere# !s ! co&se1(e&ce o$ the !cto& $"e# p!rt!2e o$
! co%p("sory co(&terc"!% whch %(st be p"e!#e# & the s!%e !cto&. 5T( Po ). B!(tst!. 1*E
#. A c"!% $or !ttor&ey>s $ees sho("# be co&s#ere# !s & the &!t(re o$ ! co%p("sory
co(&terc"!% !&# sho("# be p"e!#e# & the !&swer to be reco)er!b"e otherwse b!rre#.
!. Tests to determine "hether conterclaim is complsory or not.
16 Are the ss(es o$ $!ct or "!w r!se# by the c"!% !&# the co(&terc"!%
"!r+e"y the s!%e<
26 Wo("# res 3udicata b!r ! s(bse1(e&t s(t o& #e$e&#!&tMs c"!% !bse&t
the co%p("sory co(&terc"!% r("e <
E6 W"" s(bst!&t!""y the s!%e e)#e&ce s(pport or re$(te p"!&t$$Ms c"!%
!s we"" !s the #e$e&#!&tMs co(&terc"!% <
D6 Is there !&y "o+c!" re"!to& betwee& the c"!% !&# the co(&terc"!% <
A$$r%!t)e !&swers to the !bo)e 1(eres &#c!te the e'ste&ce o$ ! co%p("sory.
58&!&c!" B("#&+ 0orpor!to& ). 8orbes P!r2 Assoc!to&. I&c.. 9.R. No. 1EE11-. pro%.
A(+(st 1@. 2***6
b. 2omplsory conterclaim mst be set p other"ise barred. The co%p("sory
co(&terc"!% s b!rre# $ t s &ot set (p & the !cto& $"e# by the oppos&+ p!rty.
Th(s. ! co%p("sory co(&terc"!% c!&&ot be the s(b3ect o$ ! sep!r!te !cto& b(t t sho("#
&ste!# be !sserte# & the s!%e s(t &)o")&+ the s!%e tr!&s!cto& or occ(rre&ce. whch +!)e rse
to t. 58&!&c!" B("#&+ 0orpor!to& ). 8orbes P!r2 Assoc!to&. I&c.. 9.R. No. 1EE11-. pro%.
A(+(st 1@. 2***6
c. & conterclaim may be asserted against an original conter.claimant. 51
se&te&ce. Sec. -. R("e ,. RO06
#. Instance "here 9risdictional re*irement #or conterclaim does not apply ; I& !&
or+&!" !cto& be$ore the Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt. the co(&terc"!% %!y be co&s#ere# !s
co%p("sory re+!r#"ess o$ !%o(&t. 52&# se&te&ce. Sec. @. R("e ,. RO06
e. 2onterclaim may not be dismissed i# de#endant ob9ects to plainti##Is motion #or
dismissal or whe& co(&terc"!% s(r))es #s%ss!" o$ or+&!" s(t. I# a conterclaim has been
pleaded by a de#endant prior to the service pon him o# the plainti##(s motion #or dismissal,
the dismissal shall be limited to the complaint. The dismissal shall be "ithot pre9dice to
the right o# the de#endant to prosecte his conterclaim in a separate action nless "ithin
#i#teen G1=F days #rom notice o# the motion he mani#ests his pre#erence to have his
conterclaim resolved in the same action. 52&# !&# Er# se&te&ces. Sec. 2. R("e 1@. RO06
The !bo)e r("e !pp"es o&"y where the p"!&t$$ %o)es to #s%ss the co%p"!&t or &
c!ses o$ per%ss)e co(&terc"!%s.
$. 2omplsory conterclaim does not srvive $ or+&!" s(t #s%sse# $or "!c2 o$
3(rs#cto&; REASON; A co%p("sory co(&terc"!% s !('"!ry to the procee#&+ & the or+&!"
s(t !&# #er)es ts 3(rs#cto&!" s(pport there$ro%. &!s%(ch !s t !rses o(t o$ or s &ecess!r"y
co&&ecte# wth the tr!&s!cto& or occ(rre&ce th!t s the s(b3ect %!tter o$ the co%p"!&t.
The !bo)e r("e !pp"es where the #e$e&#!&t %o)es to #s%ss the co%p"!&t b(t
&terposes ! co%p("sory co(&terc"!%. The per%ss)e co(&terc"!% s &ot #s%sse# bec!(se t
s !s $. t s ! sep!r!te c!se. Ths s so. bec!(se the #e$e&#!&t s re1(re# to p!y #oc2et $ees $or
hs per%ss)e co(&terc"!%.
I$ the #e$e&#!&tMs %oto& to #s%ss s +r!&te# &o 3(rs#cto& re%!&s $or !&y +r!&t o$
re"e$ (&#er the co(&terc"!%. 5I&test!te Est!te o$ A%!#o B. D!"s!y ). M!r!s+!&. et !".. 9.R.
No. 11F*AA. pro%. G(&e 2*. 1--,6 There s %p"e# w!)er o$ the co%p(sory co(&terc"!%
bec!(se the b!ss $or the co(&terc"!% #oes &ot e'st. 58&!&c!" B("#&+ 0orpor!to& ). 8orbes
P!r2 Assoc!to&. I&c.. 9.R. No. 1EE11-. pro%. A(+(st 1@. 2***6
1<0. What is a cross'claim ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; & cross.claim is any claim by one party against a
arising ot o# the transaction or occrrence that is the sb9ect matter o# either o# the
original action or o# a conterclaim therein. Sch cross.claim may inclde a claim that the
party against "hom it is asserted is or may be liable to the cross.claimant #or all or part o#
a claim asserted in the action against the cross.claimant. 5Sec. A. R("e ,. RO06
T)IR7 P&RT1 2+MP0&I/T
1<1. What is a third part! complaint ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; & claim that a de#ending party may, "ith leave o# cort,
#ile against a person not a party to the action, called third party de#endant #or
contribtion, indemnity, sbrogation or any other relie#, in respect o# his opponent(s claim.
5Sec. 11. R("e ,. RO06
!. Opposto& to e!ch other>s %oto&s.
b. App"c!to& $or #eposto&s !&# #sco)eres.
c. App"c!to& $or s(bstt(to& o$ co(&se"
1<2. What are the re&uisites for the application for substitution of counsel ?
!. 8"&+ o$ ! wrtte& !pp"c!to& $or s(bstt(to&.
b. Wrtte& co&se&t o$ the c"e&t.
c. Wrtte& co&se&t o$ the "!wyer to be s(bstt(te#. $ s(ch co&se&t c!& be obt!&e#.
#. Where s(ch wrtte& co&se&t c!&&ot be obt!&e#. s(bstt(to& %(st be !cco%p!&e#
wth proo$ o$ ser)ce o$ &otce o$ s(ch %oto& & the %!&&er re1(re# by the r("es. o& the
!ttor&ey to be s(bstt(te#. 5Mor!"es. et !".. ). 8!be""o. et !".. 1D- S0RA EEA6
!. Moto&s
16 To wth#r!w or #s%ss co%p"!&t.
26 To !%e&# or s(pp"e%e&t the co%p"!&t.
E6 To e'p(&+e the !&swer. co(&terc"!% or !&y p!rt thereo$.
D6 8or 3(#+%e&t o& the p"e!#&+s.
F6 8or s(%%!ry 3(#+%e&t.
,6 To set pre-tr!".
b. P"e!#&+s
16 Rep"y
26 A&swer to co(&terc"!%s
AU76M-/T +/ T)- P0-&7I/6S
1<;. What is jud(ment upon the pleadin(s ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; G(#+%e&t by the co(rt (po& %oto& o$ ! p"!&t$$.
co(&terc"!%!&t. cross-c"!%!&t. or thr#-p!rty p"!&t$$. where !& !&swer;
!. 8!"s to te&#er !& ss(eI or
b. Otherwse !#%ts the %!ter!" !""e+!to&s o$ the co%p"!&t. co(&terc"!%. cross-c"!%
or thr#-p!rty co%p"!&t. 5Sec. 1. R("e ED. RO06
!. Adgment on the pleadings distingished #rom smmary 9dgment8
16 2ontents o# the ans"er. I& 3(#+%e&t o& the p"e!#&+s the !&swer
ether #oes &ot te&#er !&y ss(e or otherwse !#%ts !"" the !""e+!to&s & the
p"!&t$$>s co%p"!&t ,)I0- the !&swer & s(%%!ry 3(#+%e&t te&#er so%e
ss(es b(t these ss(es !re &ot +e&(&e so th!t they re1(re &o 3(#c!"
26 Party. It s the p"!&t$$. co(&terc"!%!&t. cross-c"!%!&t. or thr#-
p!rty p"!&t$$ who !)!"s o$ the re%e#y o$ ! 3(#+%e&t o& the p"e!#&+s ,)I0-
s(%%!ry 3(#+%e&t %!y be !s2e# by the c"!%!&t or the #e$e&#&+ p!rty.
E6 'asis. G(#+%e&t o& the p"e!#&+s s b!se# so"e"y o& the p"e!#&+s
,)I0- s(%%!ry 3(#+%e&t s b!se# &ot o&"y o& the p"e!#&+s b(t !"so o&
!$$#!)ts. !#%sso&s. #eposto&s !&# other #oc(%e&ts.
D6 /otice. I& 3(#+%e&t o& the p"e!#&+s there s &o spec$c re1(re%e&t
whe& the %oto& sh!"" be ser)e# to the oppos&+ p!rty. he&ce t sho("# be ser)e#
!t "e!st three 5E6 #!ys be$ore the #!te o$ the he!r&+ whch & t(r& %(st &ot be
"!ter th!& te& 51*6 #!ys !$ter the $"&+ o$ the %oto& ,)I0- ! %oto& $or
s(%%!ry 3(#+%e&t sh!"" be ser)e# !t "e!st te& 51*6 #!ys be$ore the #!te spec$e#
$or he!r&+ whch & t(r& %(st &ot be "!ter th!& te& 51*6 #!ys !$ter $"&+ o$ the
M+TI+/ 4+R SUMM&R1 AU76M-/T
1<<. What is the burden of the movant in a motion for summar! jud(mnt ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The co&tro""&+ $!ctor & ! %oto& $or s(%%!ry 3(#+%e&t s
&ot the s(b%sso& or &o&-s(b%sso& o$ co(&ter-!$$#!)ts. b(t the prese&ce or !bse&ce o$ !&y
+e&(&e ss(e !s to !&y %!ter!" $!ct th!t wo("# re1(re he prese&t!to& o$ e)#e&ce. Where the
$!cts p"e!#e# by the p!rtes !re #sp(te# or co&teste#. procee#&+s $or s(%%!ry 3(#+%e&t c!&&ot
t!2e the p"!ce o$ tr!".
Th(s. ! p!rty who %o)es $or s(%%!ry 3(#+%e&t h!s the b(r#e& o$ #e%o&str!t&+ c"e!r"y
the !bse&ce o$ !&y +e&(&e ss(e o$ $!ct. or th!t the ss(e pose# & the co%p"!&t s so p!te&t"y
&s(bst!&t!" !s &ot to co&stt(te ! +e&(&e ss(e $or tr!". !&# !&y #o(bt !s to the e'ste&ce o$
s(ch !& ss(e s reso")e !+!&st the %o)!&t. 5Sps. 9o ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No.
12**D*. pro%. G!&(!ry 2-. 1--,6
Test%o&!" e)#e&ce s &ot &ee#e# o&"y #oc(%et&!ry e)#e&ce to pro)e !bse&ce o$
+e&(&e ss(es. 5 Sec. E. R("e ED. RO06
1<=. In conse&uence of a petition for certiorari filed before it the "upreme #ourt on
"eptember 6* 2345 issued a )R0 a(ainst "ta. #lara =ousin( Industries* Inc. from
withdrawin( andHor further disposin( of the pl!wood inventor! inits plant or warehouse.
0n 0ctober 7D* 2345* the sheriff sei;ed eleven >22? crates of pl!wood alle(edl! bein(
transported to the wharf at Ilan(* Davao #it! in violation of the )R0. )hese crates had the
mar1in(s of "ta. #lara and 9irmwood.
0n November 24* 2345 9irmwood claimin( to be the owners of the eleven >22? crates
of pl!wood filed with R)# of Davao #it! a complaint for deliver! if personal propert! and
dama(es as well as attorne!Cs fees.
)he defendants alle(ed in their answer that the owner of the pl!wood was "ta. #lara
and not 9irmwood. )he answer further admitted that the (oods contained the label and
mar1in(s of 9irmwood. "ta. #lara filed its complaint in intervention statin( that it is joinin(
9irmwood in its suit to recover possession of the pl!wood sei;ed and detained b! the
defendants@ that 9irmwood was the same was milled b! "ta. #lara for 9irmwood@ that "ta.
#lara had the ri(ht to the possessionof the pl!wood in order to compl! with its obli(ations
under a warrant! to deliver the (oods to 9irmwood@ and finall!m that the )R0 issued b! the
"upreme #ourt which was the basis for the service had alread! been lifted.
0n Au(ust -.* 2344 9irmwood filed a motion for summar! jud(ment alle(in( that
aside from the amount of dama(es due it there was no (enuine issue as to an! material fact of
the case* "ta. #lara havin( confirmed 9irmwoodCs ownersp over the eleven >22? crates of
pl!wood. "ta. #lara also filed a motion for summar! alle(in( the same (rounds raised b!
9irmwood and further contendin( that the defendants did not have the authorit! to hold the
propert! in custodia le(is.
"hould the motion for summar! jud(ment be (ranted ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Hes. there !re &o +e&(&e ss(es wth respect to the ow&ershp
o$ the e"e)e& 5116 cr!tes o$ p"ywoo#. $(rther%ore. t s c"e!r th!t the #e$e&#!&tsh!# &bo
!(thorty to se/e the p"ywoo# co&s#er&+ th!t the TRO ## &ot co&t!& !&y c#rect)e
wh!tsoe)er to !&y o$ the #e$e&#!&ts to se/e property be"o&+&+ to St!. 0"!r!. or to 2eep the
property se/e# & ther possesso&. 5Le"!sco. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 121F1@.
pro%. M!rch E1. 2***6
!. /atre o# athority to grant relie# by smmary 9dgment. R("e EF o$ the 1--@
R("es o$ 0)" Proce#(re !s !%e&#e#. whch +)es !(thorty to tr!" co(rts to +r!&t re"e$ by
s%%!ry 3(#+%e&t s &te&#e# to e'pe#te !&# pro%pt"y #spose o$ c!ses where the $!cts !ppe!r
(&#sp(te# !&# cert!& $ro% the p"e!#&+s. !#%sso&s !&# !$$#!)ts.
Ths r("e #oes &ot )est & the co(rt s(%%!ry 3(rs#cto& to try ss(es o& p"e!#&+s !&#
!$$#!)ts b(t +)es the co(rt "%te# !(thorty to e&ter s(%%!ry 3(#+%e&t o&"y $ t c"e!r"y
!ppe!rs tht there s &o +e&(&e ss(e o$ %!ter!" $!ct. O& ! %oto& $or s(%%!ry 3(#+%e&t. the
co(rt s &ot !(thor/e# to #ec#e !& ss(e o$ $!ct b(t to #eter%&e whether the p"e!#&+s !&#
recor#s be$ore the co(rt cre!te !& ss(e o$ $!ct to be tre#.
It s %possb"e to st!te ! +e&er!" r("e $or #eter%&&+ whether ! +e&(&e ss(e o$ $!ct
e'sts & ! p!rtc("!r c!se. The #eter%&!to& w"" #epe&# (po& the p!rtc("!r crc(%st!&ces o$
e!ch c!se. Ne)erthe"ess. the "!&+(!+e (se# by co(rts & %!2&+ ! #eter%&!to& & p!rtc("!r
c!ses %!y ser)e to &#c!te the %!&&er & whch ! co(rt sho("# !ppro!ch the 1(esto& to be
#eter%&e#. It s repe!te# o$te& e&o(+h th!t the co(rt s &ot!(thor/e# to try the ss(e o$ $!ct b(t
to #ter%&e whether there s !& ss(e to be tre#. Where the %oto& s %!#e by ! c"!%!&t. the
#e$e&#&+ p!rty %(st show th!t he h!s ! p"!(sb"e +ro(&# o$ #e$e&se. so%eth&+ $!r"y !r+(!b"e
!&# o$ ! s(bst!&t!" ch!r!cter. 5Le"!sco. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 121F1@. pro%.
M!rch E1. 2***6
0o(rts !re 1(te crtc!" o$ the p!pers prese&te# by the %o)&+ p!rty b(t &ot o$ the p!pers
& opposto& thereto. Th(s. & r("&+ o& ! %oto& $or s(%%!ry 3(#+%e&t. the co(rt sho("# t!2e
th!t )ew o$ the e)#e&ce %ost $!)or!b"e to the p!rty !+!&st who% t s #recte#. +)&+ s(ch
p!rty the be&e$t o$ !"" $!)or!b"e &$ere&ces. 59!rc!. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No.
11@*E2. pro%. G("y 2@. 2***6
b. 6ronds #or smmary 9dgment. I$ the pleadings, spporting a##idavits,
depositions, and admissions on #ile, sho" that, e$cept as to the amont o# damages, there is
no genine isse as to any material #act and that the moving party is entitled to a 9dgment
as a matter o# la". 5Sec. E. R("e EF. RO06
c. ,here smmary 9dgment not proper. de#inition o# genine isse. Where the
p"e!#&+s te&#er ! +e&(&e ss(e. .e. !& ss(e o$ $!ct the reso"(to& o$ whch c!""s $or
prese&t!to& o$ e)#e&ce. !s #st&+(sheh# $ro% !& ss(e whch s sh!%. $ctto(s. co&tr)e#.
set-(p & b!# $!th. or p!te&t"y (&s(bst!&t!". s(%%!ry 3(#+%e&t s &ot proper. 5M!"""&. Gr.. ).
0!sst""o. 9.R. No. 1E,A*E. pro%. G(&e 1,. 2***I Ley 0o&str(cto& !&# De)e"op%e&t
0orpor!to&. et !".. ). :&o& B!&2 o$ the Ph"pp&es. 9.R. No. 1EEA*1. pro%. G(&e 2@. 2***6
#. )earing not re*ired #or smmary 9dgment. I& procee#&+s $or s(%%!ry
3(#+%e&t. the co(rt s %ere"y e'pecte# to !ct che$"y o& the b!ss o$ wh!t s & the recor#s o$ the
c!se !&# he he!r&+ co&te%p"!te# & the R("es s &ot de riguer !s ts p(rpose s %ere"y to
#eter%&e whether the ss(es !re +e&(&e or &ot. !&# &ot to rece)e e)#e&ce o& the ss(es set (p
& the p"e!#&+. 5Ley 0o&str(cto& !&# De)e"op%e&t 0orpor!to&. et !".. ). :&o& B!&2 o$ the
Ph"pp&es. 9.R. No. 1EEA*1. pro%. G(&e 2@. 2*** ct&+ 0!rco& De)e"op%e&t 0orpor!to& ).
0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. 1A* S0RA EDA6
1<>. What is the procedure to be followed if new claims arise out of the answer ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; I# the plainti## "ishes to interpose any claims arising ot o#
the ne" matters so alleged in the ans"er sch claims shall be set #orth in an amended or
spplemental complaint. 52&# p!r.. Sec. 1*. R("e ,. RO0 wor#s &ot & bo"# s(pp"e#6
M+TI+/ T+ S-T PR-.TRI&0
!. Opposto& to e!ch other>s %oto&s.
b. Pre-tr!" bre$.
c. App"c!to& $or #eposto&s or %o#es o$ #sco)eres.
PR-.TRI&0 'RI-4
1<@. When shall the pre'trial brief be filed ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The parties shall #ile "ith the cort and serve on the
adverse party, in sch manner as shall ensre their receipt thereo# at least three G;F days
be#ore the date o# the pre.trial, their respective pre.trial brie#s. 51st p!r.. Sec. ,. R("e 1A.
!. -##ect o# #ailre to #ile pre.trial brie#. The #ailre to #ile a pre.trial brie# has same
e##ect as #ailre to appear at the pre.trial. 5"!st p!r.. Sec. ,. R("e 1A. RO06
b. 2ontents o# a pre.trial brie#8
GaF & statement o# their "illingness to enter into amicable settlement or
alternative modes o# dispte resoltion, indicating the desired terms thereo#H
GbF & smmary o# the admitted #acts and proposed stiplation o# #actsH
GcF The isses to be tried or resolvedH
GdF The docments or e$hibits to be presented, stating the prposes thereo#H
GeF & mani#estation o# their having availed or their intention to avail
themselves o# discovery procedres or re#erral to commissionersH and
G#F The nmbers and names o# the "itnesses, and the sbstance o# their
respective testimonies. 51st p!r.. Sec. ,. R("e 1A. RO06
1<C. It is the dut! of the parties and their counsel to appear at the pre'trial. What is
the effect of the failure of the parties to appear durin( the pre'trial ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; I$ the p"!&t$$ $!"s to !ppe!r the !cto& sh!"" be #s%sse#
wth pre3(#ce. (&"ess otherwse or#ere# by the co(rt. 51st !&# 2&# se&te&ces. Sec. F. R("e 1A.
The $!"(re o$ the #e$e&#!&t to !ppe!r !t the pre-tr!" sh!"" be c!(se to !""ow the p"!&t$$
to prese&t hs e)#e&ce ex parte !&# the co(rt sh!"" re&#er 3(#+%e&t o& the b!ss thereo$. 5Er#
se&te&ce. Sec. F. R("e 1A. RO06
!. 4actors in deciding grant or denial o# motion #or postponment o# pre.trial. The
co(rt sh!"" t!2e &to !cco(&t;
16 The re!so& $or the postpo&e%tI
26 The %erts o$ the c!se o$ the %o)!&t. 5Ph"pp&e Tr!&s%!r&e
0!rrers. I&c.. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 122ED,. pro%. 8ebr(!ry
1A. 2***6
b. Meritorios de#ense. The ter% J%ertoro(s #e$e&seK %!y %p"y th!t the !pp"c!&t
h!s the b(r#e& o$ pro)&+ s(ch ! #e$e&se & or#er to h!)e the 3(#+%e&t set !s#e. The c!ses
(s(!""y #o &ot re1(re s(ch ! stro&+ show&+. The test e%p"oye# !ppe!rs to be esse&t!""y the
s!%e !s (se# & co&s#er&+ s(%%!ry 3(#+%e&t. .e. whether there s e&o(+h e)#e&ce to prese&t
!& ss(e $or s(b%sso& to the trer o$ $!ct. or ! show&+ th!t o& the (&#sp(te# $!cts t s c"e!r the
3(#+%e&t s w!rr!&te# !s ! %!tter o$ "!w.
The #e$e&#!&t %(st show th!t she h!s ! %erotro(s #e$e&se otherwse the +r!&t o$ her
oto& w"" pro)e to be ! (se"ess e'ercse. Th(s. her %oto& %(st be !cco%p!&e# by ! st!te%e&t
o$ the e)#e&ce whch she &te&#s to prese&t $ the %oto& s +r!&te# !&# whch s s(ch !s to
w!rr!&t ! re!so&!b"e be"e$ th!t the res("t o$ the c!se wo("# prob!b"y be otherwse. 5Ph"pp&e
Tr!&s%!r&e 0!rrers. I&c.. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 122ED,. pro%. 8ebr(!ry
1A. 2***6
1<D. Are there an! instances where no trial is conducted in civil cases ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Hes. Where the c!se s;
!. Ds%sse# (po& ! %oto& to #s%ss the co%p"!&t or p"e!#&+ !ssert&+ ! c"!% $"e#
by the #e$e&#&+ p!rty. 5R("e 1,. RO06
b. Ds%sse# by the p"!&t$$ wtho(t or#er o$ the co(rt. 5Sec. 1. R("e 1@. RO06
c. Ds%sse# by the p"!&t$$ (po& or#er o$ the co(rt !t the p"!&t$$>s &st!&ce. 5Sec. 2.
R("e 1@. RO06
#. Ds%sse# (po& %oto& o$ the #e$e&#!&t or (po& the co(rt>s ow& %oto& $ the
p"!&t$$ $!"s to !ppe!r !t the tr!". or prosec(te hs !cto& $or !& (&re!so&!b"e "e&+th o$ t%e. or
to co%p"y wth the R("es o$ 0o(rt. or !&y or#er o$ the co(rt. 5Sec. E. R("e 1@. RO06
e. Dec#e# !$ter #ec"!r!to& o$ #e$!("t $or $!"(re o$ the #e$e&#&+ p!rty to $"e !& !&swer
(&"ess the co(rt & ts #screto& re1(res the c"!%!&t to s(b%t e)#e&ce. 5Sec. E. R("e -. RO06
$. Dec#e# o& ! %oto& $or 3(#+%e&t o& the p"e!#&+s. 5R("e ED. RO06
+. Dec#e# $or $!"(re o$ the p!rtes !&# ther co(&se" to !ppe!r !t the pre-tr!". 5Sec. F.
R("e 1A. RO06
h. Dec#e# !$ter the co(rt $&#s #(r&+ the pre-tr!" the proprety o$ re&#er&+ 3(#+%e&t
o& the p"e!#&+s. or s(%%!ry 3(#+%e&t. or o$ #s%ss&+ the !cto& sho("# ! )!"# +ro(&#
there$ore be $o(&# to e'st. 5Sec. 2 B+C. R("e 1A. RO06
. Dec#e# o& ! %oto& to #s%ss or 3(#+%e&t by #e$!("t by w"$(" $!"(re or re$(s!" o$ !
p!rty to h!)e hs #eposto& t!2e& or to !&swer &terro+!tores. 5Sec. F. R("e 2-. RO06
3. Dec#e# !$ter the p!rtes h!)e !+ree# & wrt&+. (po& the $!cts &)o")e# & the
"t+!to& !&# s(b%t the c!se $or 3(#+%e&t o& the $!cts !+ree# (po&. wtho(t the &tro#(cto& o$
e)#e&ce. 5Sec. ,. R("e E*. RO06
1=0. When ma! trial b! commissioner be conducted ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Tr!" by co%%sso&er %!y be co&#(cte# (po& re$ere&ce
thro(+h %(t(!" co&se&t o$ both p!rtes. (po& %oto& o$ ether p!rty or (po& the co(rtMs ow&
!. There %!y be re$ere&ce by co&se&t. 'y "ritten consent o# both parties, the cort
may order any or all o# the isses in a case to be re#erred to a commissioner to be agreed
pon by the parties or to be appointed by the cort. &s sed in these Rles, the "ord
KcommissionerL incldes a re#eree, an aditor and an e$aminer. 5Sec. 1. R("e E2. RO06
b. There %!( !"so be re$ere# or#ere# by the co(rt o& %oto&. ,hen the parties do not
consent, the cort may, pon application o# either or o# its o"n motion, direct a re#erence to
a commissioner in the #ollo"ing cases8
aF ,hen the trial o# an isse o# #act re*ires the e$mination o# a long
accont on either side, in "hich case the commissioner ay be directed to herar and
report pon the "hole isse or any speci#ic *estion involved thereinH
bF ,hen the taEing o# an accont is necessary #or the in#ormation o# the
cort be#ore 9dgment, or #or carrying a 9dgment or order into e##ectH
cF ,hen a *estion o# #act, other than pon the pleadings, arises pon
motion or other"ise, in any stage o# a case, or #or carrying a 9dgment or oder into
e##ect. 5Sec. 2. R("e E2. RO06
!. 2ort not bond by the commissioner. :"t%!te"y the tr!" co(rt & the e'erce o$ ts
so(&# #screto&. %!y ether !#opt. %o#$y. or re3ect & who"e or & p!rt the co%%sso&erIs
report or t %!y reco%%t the s!%e wth &str(cto&s. or re1(re the p!rtes to prese&t !##to&!"
e)#e&ce be$ore the co%%sso&er o$ be$ore the co(rt. 5L!o ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No.
D@*1E. 0o ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. ,*,D@. !&# The Assoc!te# A&+"o-A%erc!&
Tob!cco 0orpor!to& ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. Nos. ,*-FA-F-. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 1@. 2***6
7-MURR-R T+ -5I7-/2-
:::1=1. What is a motion for jud(ment on demurrer to evidence and what are its
effects ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; A %oto& to #s%ss $"e# by the #e$e&#&+ p!rty !$ter the
c"!%!&t h!s reste# hs c!se. o& the +ro(&# o$ &s($$ce&cy o$ e)#e&ce.
E$$ects o$ $"&+ ! %oto& $or 3(#+%e&t o& #e%(rrer to e)#e&ce;
!. The #e$e&#&+ p!rty #oes &ot thereby w!)e hs r+ht to o$$er e)#e&ce & the
e)e&t th!t hs %oto& s #e&e#. 5Sec. 1. R("e EE. RO06
b. I$ the %oto& s +r!&te# !&# the or#er o$ #s%ss!" s re)erse# o& !ppe!". the
#e$e&#!&t w!)es hs r+ht to prese&t e)#e&ce & hs beh!"$. 5Ibid.6
c. I& c!se 5b6 !bo)e. the !ppe""!te co(rt sh!"" $orthwth re&#er 3(#+%e&t $or the
c"!%!&t o& the b!ss o$ hs e)#e&ce !"o&e. 5At(& ). N(&e/. -@ Ph". @,26
:::1=2. When are dismissals with prejudice ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The $o""ow&+ !re #s%ss!"s wth pre3(#ce;
!. Ds%ss!" (po& %ere &otce wtho(t or#er o$ the co(rt whe& $"e# by ! p!rty who h!s
o&ce #s%sse# & ! co%pete&t co(rt !& !cto& b!se# o& or &c"(#&+ the s!%e c"!%. 5Sec. 1.
R("e 1@. RO06
b. Ds%ss!" by or#er o$ the co(rt (po& ! p!rty>s %oto& whch spec$es th!t the s!%e
sh!"" be wth pre3(#ce o the $"&+ o$ ! s(bse1(e&t !cto& b!se# o& or &c"(#&+ the s!%e c"!%.
5Sec. 2. R("e 1@. RO06
c. Ds%ss!" (po& %oto& o$ ! #e$e&#!&t or o& the co(rt>s ow& %oto& (po& ! $!"(re by
the p"!&t$$ to prosec(te hs c"!%. 5Sec. E. R("e 1@. RO06
#. Ds%ss!" !s ! res("t o$ the p"!&t$$Ms !bse&ce #(r&+ the pre-tr!". (&"ess otherwse
or#ere# by the co(rt. 51
!&# 2
se&te&ces. R("e 1A. RO06
:::1=;. What dismissals are without prejudice ?
!. Ds%ss!" $or the $rst t%e by the p"!&t$$ (po& %ere &otce wtho(t or#er o$ the
co(rt. 5Sec. 1. R("e 1@. RO06
b. Ds%ss!" by or#er o$ the co(rt (po& the p"!&t$$>s %oto&. 5sec. 2. R("e 1@. RO06
c. Ds%ss!" (po& %oto& o$ the #e$e&#!&t or (po& the co(rt>s ow& %oto& (po& $!"(re
to prosec(te by the p"!&t$$ !&# the co(rt spec$es th!t the s!%e sh!"" be wtho(t pre3(#ce.
5Sec. E. R("e 1@. RO06
1=<. When ma! an action be dismissed upon motion of the defendant or motu proprio
b! the court ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; I# #or no 9sti#iable case the plainti## #ails8
!. To appear on the date o# the presentation o# his evidence in chie# on the
complaintH or
b. To prosecte his action #or an nreasonable length o# time, or
c. To comply "ith the Rles o# 2ort, or
#. To comply "ith any order o# the cort.
The dismissal shall be "ithot pre9dice to the right o# the de#endant to prosecte
the conterclaim in the same or in a separate action.
The dismissal shall have the e##ect o# an ad9dication pon the merits, nless
other"ise declared by the cort. 5Sec. E. R("e 1@. RO0 &(%be&+ !&# !rr!&+e%e&t s(pp"e#66
1==. When is an action dismissed for failure to prosecute ?
!. I$ the p"!&t$$ $!"s to !ppe!r !t the t%e o$ tr!"I or
b. I$ he $!"s to prosec(te the !cto& $or !& (&re!so&!b"e "e&+th o$ t%eI or
c. I$ he $!"s to co%p"y wth the R("es o$ 0o(rt or !&y or#er o$ the co(rt. 5De K&echt. et
!".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1*A*1F !&# De K&echt. et !". ). =o&. S!yo. et !". 9.R.
No. 1*-2ED. pro%. M!y 2*. 1--A6
!. -##ect o# dismissal #or #ailre to prosecte; O&ce ! c!se s #s%sse# $or $!"(re to
prosec(te. ths h!s the e$$ect o$ !& !#3(#c!to& o& the %erts !&# s (&#erstoo# to be wth
pre3(#ce to the $"&+ o$ !&other !cto& (&"ess otherwse pro)#e# $or & the or#er o$ #s%ss!".
5De K&echt. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1*A*1F !&# De K&echt. et !". ). =o&.
S!yo. et !". 9.R. No. 1*-2ED. pro%. M!y 2*. 1--A6
I& other wor#s. (&"ess there be ! 1(!"$c!to& & the or#er o$ #s%ss!" th!t t s wtho(t
pre3(#ce. the #s%ss!" sho("# be re+!r#e# !s !& !#3(#c!to& o& the %erts !&# s wth
pre3(#ce. 5K&echt6
b. -$amples o# disobedience o# cort orders "hich may reslt in dismissal8
16 A& or#er #rect&+ the p"!&t$$ to !%e&# hs co%p"!&t so !s to &#c!te
the represe&t!t)e o$ the #ece!se# #e$e&#!&t. 5S(&co ). L""!p!&#o. 1E Ph". EF26
26 A& or#er to $"e ! b"" o$ p!rtc("!rs. 5B!(tst! ). Teo#oro. 1*1 Ph".
5E6 A& or#er to prese&t hs wt&esses !&ew & )ew o$ the $!ct th!t the
3(#+e w!s &ot the o&e who or+&!""y tre# the c!se. 50!st""o ). Seb(""&!. E1
Ph". F1A6
M+TI+/ 4+R T)- ISSU&/2- +4 & SU'P+-/&
1=>. What are some of the valid (rounds for refusal to compl! with a subOoena ?
!. Where the wt&ess res#es %ore th!& o&e h(&#re# 51**6 2"o%eters $ro% hs res#e&ce
to the p"!ce where s to test$y by the or#&!ry co(rse o$ tr!)e". or
b. Where the wt&ess s ! #ete&to& prso&er $ &o per%sso& o$ the co(rt & whch hs
c!se s pe&#&+ w!s obt!&e#. 5Sec. 1*. R("e 21. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
M+TI+/ 4+R &M-/7M-/T T+ 2+/4+RM T+ -5I7-/2-
1=@. =ow ma! the pleadin(s be amended to conform to evidence ?
a. ,hen isses not raised by the pleadings
b. are tried "ith the e$press or implied consent o# the parties,
c. they shall be treated in all respects as i# they had been raised in the pleadings.
d. Sch amendment o# the pleadings as may be necessary to case them to con#orm
to the evidence and
e. to raise these isses may be
#. made pon motion o# any party
1F at any time, even a#ter 9dgmentH bt
2F #ailre to amend does not a##ect the reslt o# the trial o# these
isses. 51st two se&te&ces. Sec. F. R("e 1*. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+
1=D. When ma! the court authori;e amendment of the pleadin(s ? $%plain.
!. I$ e)#e&ce s ob3ecte# to !t the tr!" o& the +ro(&# th!t t s &ot wth& the ss(es %!#e
by the p"e!#&+s.
b. the co(rt %!y !""ow the p"e!#&+s to be !%e&#e# !&# sh!"" #o so wth "ber!"ty
c. $ the prese&t!to& o$ the %erts o$ the !cto& !&# the e&#s o$ s(bst!&t!" 3(stce w"" be
s(bser)e# thereby.
#. The co(rt %!y +r!&t ! co&t&(!&ce to e&!b"e the !%e&#%e&t to be %!#e. 5"!st two
se&te&ces. Sec. F. R("e 1*. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
1>0. What is a jud(ment ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; G(#+%e&t s the $&!" co&s#er!to& !&# #eter%&!to& o$ !
co(rt o$ co%pete&t 3(rs#cto& (po& the %!tters s(b%tte# to t. & !& !cto& or procee#&+.
It s !"so the co&c"(so& o$ the "!w (po& the %!tters co&t!&e# & the recor# the
!pp"c!to& o$ the "!w o the p"e!#&+s !&# to the $!cts. !s $o(&# by the co(rt or !#%tte# by the
p!rtes. or #ee%e# to e'st (po& ther #e$!("t & ! co(rse o$ 3(#c!" procee#&+s. 59ot!%co ).
0h!& Se&+. D, Ph". FF*6
!. -##ect o# 9dgment. G(#+%e&t s &ot co&$r%e# to wh!t !ppe!rs o& the $!ce o$ the
#ecso&. b(t !"so to those J&ecess!r"y &c"(#e# there& or &ecess!ry thereto.K BSec. D@ 5c6. r("e
E-. RO0 cte# & N!/!re&o ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E1,D,. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 2E.
b. -ntry o# 9dgment. The S(pre%e 0o(rt thro(+h ! Septe%ber 1D. 1--- 0n 8anc
Reso"(to& or#ere# th!t e&try o$ 3(#+%e&t sh!"" be %!#e & c!ses where reso"(to&s h!)e bee&
ss(e# #e&y&+ e'te&so&s to $t%e to $"e petto&s or #ec"!r&+ c!ses c"ose# !&# ter%&!te# $or
$!"(re to $"e petto&. Wth %ore re!so& sho("# e&try o$ 3(#+%e&t be or#ere# where petto&ers
$ree"y !&# )o"(&t!r"y wth#r!w ther petto&. The 0n 8anc reso"(to& re!#s & $("";
JRe; Re1(est $or :&$or% 9(#e"&es & E&tres o$ G(#+%e&t I&)o")&+ De&!" o$
E'te&so& o$ T%e to 8"e Petto& or 0!ses Dec!"re# 0"o!se# !&# Ter%&!te# $or 8!"(re to 8"e
! Petto& N The 0o(rt Reso")e# th!t $ro% hereo& ENTRH O8 G:D9MENT sh!"" be %!#e &
c!ses where reso"(to&s h!)e bee& ss(e# #e&y&+ e'te&so&s o$ t%e to $"e petto& or #ec"!r&+
c!ses c"ose# !&# ter%&!te# $or $!"(re to $"e ! petto&.K 5=ers o$ P!e". et !".. ). 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EEFD@I Dest(r! ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EEADE. pro%.
8ebr(!ry 1*. 2***6
c. Strangers to the case not bond by 9dgment. A perso& &ot &c"(#e# !s ! p!rty to
!! c!se c!&&ot be bo(&# by ! #ecso& %!#e by ! co(rt. A perso& who s &ot %p"e!#e# & the
co%p"!&t co("# &ot be bo(&# by the #ecso&s re&#ere# thereo& $or &o %!& sh!"" be !$$ecte# by!
procee#&+ to whch he s ! str!&+er. 9e&er!""y !cceptpe# s the pr&cp"e th!t &o %!& sh!"" be
!$$ecte# by !&y procee#&+ to whch he s ! str!&+er !&# str!&+ers to ! c!se !re &ot bo(&# by
3(#+%e&t re&#ere# by the c!se. 5=ers o$ P!e". et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No.
1EEFD@I Dest(r! ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EEADE. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 1*. 2***6
1>1. What are the effects of a jud(ment upon a compromise ?
!. It s &ot !ppe!"!b"e !&# s %%e#!te"y e'ec(tory 5Reyes ). :+!rte. @F Ph". F*F6.
(&"ess s(ch ! %oto& s $"e# to set !s#e the co%pro%se o& the +ro(&# o$ $r!(#. %st!2e or
#(ress. & whch c!se !& !ppe!" %!y be t!2e& $ro% the or#er #e&y&+ the %oto&. 5De 9(/%!&.
et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 1E@ S0RA @E,6
b. It c!&&ot be !&&(""e# (&"ess t s )t!te# by error. #ecet. )o"e&ce or $or+ery o$
#oc(%e&ts. 5Mor!"es ). 8o&t!&os. ,D Ph". 1-6
c. It co&stt(tes res ad3udicata.
!. Adgment pon compromise de#ined. A 3(#+%e&t (po& ! co%pro%se s ! 3(#+%e&t
re&#ere# wth the co&se&t o$ the p!rtes $or the p(rpose o$ e$$ect&+ ! co%pro%se or sett"e%e&t
o$ !& !cto&. 5E1 A%. G(r. 1*F-1*A6
b. 6ronds #or appealing a 9dgment on compromise8
16 O& the +ro(&# o$ $r!(#. %st!2e or #(ressI
26 O& the +ro(&# o$ error. #ecet. )o"e&ce or $or+ery o$ #oc(%e&ts..
:::1>2. What is the effect of forei(n jud(ments or forei(n final orders ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The e##ect o# a 9dgment or #inal order o# a tribnal o# a
#oreign contry, having 9risdiction to render the 9dgment or #inal order is as #ollo"s8
a. In case o# a 9dgment or #inal order pon a speci#ic thing, the 9dgment or #inal
order is conclsive pon the title to the thingH and
b. In case o# a 9dgment or #inal order against a person, the 9dgment or #inal order
is presmptive evidence o# a right as bet"een the parties and their sccessors in interest by
a sbse*ent title. 5 1
p!r.. Sec. DA. R("e E-. RO06
!. 6ronds #or repelling #oreign 9dgments;
16 -vidence o# "ant o# 9risdiction, "ant o# notice to the party,
26 collsion, #rad, or
E6 clear mistaEe o# la" or #act. 5Sec. DA. R("e E-. RO0 &(%ber&+ !&#
!rr!&+e%e&t s(pp"e#6
!. Moto&
16 8or reco&s#er!to&.
26 8or &ew tr!".
b. Petto& $or re"e$ $ro% 3(#+%e&t
:::1>;. What are the (rounds of a motion for new trial ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; +ne or more o# the #ollo"ing cases materially a##ecting
the sbstantial rights o# the aggrieved party8
a. 4rad, accident, mistaEe or e$csable negligence "hich ordinary prdence cold
not have garded against and by reason o# "hich sch aggrieved party has probably been
impaired in his rightsH or
b. /e"ly discovered evidence, "hich he cold not, "ith reasonable diligence, have
discovered and prodced at the trial, and "hich i# presented "old probably alter the
reslt. 51st three p!rs.. Sec. 1. R("e E@. RO0 p!r!phr!s&+ s(pp"e#6
!. 6ronds o# motion #or reconsideration8
16 The #!%!+es !w!r#e# !re e'cess)eI
26 th!t the e)#e&ce s &s($$ce&t to 3(st$y the #ecso& or $&!" or#er. or
E6 th!t the #ecso& or $&!" or#er s co&tr!ry to "!w. 5"!st p!r.. Sec. 1. R("e E@.
b. 7istinctions bet"een ne" trial and petition #or relie# #rom 9dgment8
16 9ro(&#s; A %oto& $or &ew tr!" s b!se# o& $r!(#. !cc#e&t. %st!2e.
e'c(s!b"e e)#e&ce !&# &ew"y #sco)ere# e)#e&ce W=ILE ! petto& $or re"e$ s b!se# o& the
+ro(&#s th!t the petto&er h!s bee& (&3(st"y #epr)e# o$ ! he!r&+ there&. or th!t he h!s
pre)e&te# $ro% t!2&+ !& !ppe!". & ether c!se. by re!so& o$ $r!(#. !cc#e&t. %st!2e or
e'c(s!b"e &e+"+e&ce.
26 As to t%e o$ $"&+. A %oto& $or &ew tr!" sho("# be $"e# wth& the pero#
$or t!2&+ !& !ppe!" W=ILE ! petto& $or re"e$ $ro% 3(#+%e&t s $"e# wth& s'ty 5,*6 #!ys
!$ter the petto&er "e!r&s o$ the 3(#+%e&t. $&!" or#er. or other procee#&+ to be set !s#e !&# &ot
%ore th!& s' 5,6 %o&ths !$ter s(ch 3(#+%e&t or $&!" or#er w!s e&tere#.
E6 E$$ect o& the 3(#+%e&t $ +r!&te#. No #st&cto&.
:::1><. What are the various modes of attac1in( final and e%ecutor! jud(ments ?
$%plain each briefl!.
!. 7irect action or procee#&+ to !&&(" the s!%e. or by %oto& & !&other c!se $. & the
"!tter c!se. the co(rt h!# &o 3(rs#cto& to e&ter the or#er or to pro&o(&ce the 3(#+%e&t. It s &ot
&c#e&t!" to. b(t s the %!& ob3ect o$ the procee#&+.
b. 2ollateral attacE. & whch the p(rpose o$ the procee#&+s s to obt!& so%e re"e$.
other th!& the )!c!to& or sett&+ !s#e o$ the 3(#+%e&t !&# the !tt!c2 s o&"y &c#e&t!". 51
8ree%e& o& G(#+%e&ts. Sec. E*,. pp. ,*@-,*A6
c. Petition #or relie# $ro% 3(#+%e&t or or#er !s !(thor/e# by st!t(tes or by the r("es. &
the s!%e !cto& or procee#&+ & whch the 3(#+%e&t or or#er w!s e&tere#. 5A+(st& ). Boc!"!&.
:::1>=. "tate the (rounds for annulment of jud(ment.
!. Lo# $or w!&t o$ 3(rs#cto& or "!c2 o$ #(e process o$ "!wI !&#
b. =!s bee& obt!&e# by e'tr&sc $r!(#. 5Str!t T%es. etc. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !"..
9.R. No. 12,,@E. pro%. A(+(st 2A. 1--A6
!. /atre o# #rad. 8r!(# %!y !ss(%e #$$ere&t sh!pres !&# %!y be co%%tte# & !s
%!&y #$$ere&t w!ys !&# here "es the #!&+er o$ !tte%pt&+ to #e$&e $r!(#. $or %!& & hs
&+e&(ty !&# $ert"e %!+&!to& w"" !"w!ys co&tr)e &ew sche%es to $oo the (&w!ry. 5=ers o$
P!e". et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EEFD@I Dest(r! ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R.
No. 1EEADE. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 1*. 2*** ct&+ 0os%c L(%ber 0orpor!to& ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s6
b. %inds o# #rad8
16 E'tr&sc $r!(# whch is basis $or !&&("%e&t o$ 3(#+%e&t.
26 I&tr&sc $r!(# whch is not basis $or !&&("%e&t o$ 3(#+%e&t. 5S!"o&+!. et !".
). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 11D@A. pro%. M!rch 1E. 1--@6
c. Meaning o# e$trinsic #rad. It !"so 2&ow& !s co""!ter!" $r!(#.
8r!(# s e'tr&sc whe& t s co%%tte# to #epr)e ! p!rty o$ hs #!y & co(rt. thereby
pre)e&t&+ h% $ro% !sssert&+ hs r+hts to property. 8r!(# s re+!r#e# !s e'tr&sc whe& t
pre)e&ts ! p!rty $ro% h!)&+ ! rtr!" or $ro% prepse&t&+ hs e&tre c!se to the co(rt. or where t
oper!tes (po& %!tters pert!&&+ &ot to the 3(#+%e&t tse"$ b(t to the %!&&er & whch t s
proc(re. 5A"!rco& ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12,A*2. pro%. G!&(!ry 2A. 2***6
It re$ers to !&y $r!(#("e&t !ct o$ the pre)!"&+ p!rty whch s co%%tte# o(ts#e the tr!"
o$ the c!se. the e$$ect o$ whch pre)e&ts ! p!rty $ro% h!)&+ ! tr!". ! re!" co&test. or $ro%
prese&t&+ !"" o$ hs c!se to the co(rt. or where t oper!tes (po& %!tters pert!&&+. &ot to the
3(#+%e&t tse"$. b(t to the %!&&er & whch t w!s proc(re# so th!t there s &ot ! $!r s(b%sso&
o$ the co&tro)ersy. 5Str!t T%es. etc. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12,,@E. pro%. A(+(st
2A. 1--A6
I& other wor#s. e'tr&sc $r!(# re$ers to !&y $r!(#("e&t !ct o$ the pre)!"&+ & the
"t+!to& whch s co%%tte# o(ts#e o$ the tr!" o$ the c!se. whereby the #e$e!te# p!rty h!s bee&
pre)e&te# $ro% e'hbt&+ $(""y hs s#e o$ the c!se by $r!(# or #ecepto& pr!c'tce# o& h% by
hs oppo&e&t. 5=ers o$ P!e". et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EEFD@I Dest(r! ).
0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EEADE. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 1*. 2***6
So%e !ct or co&#(ct o$ the pre)!"&+ p!rty whch h!s pre)e&te# the !++re)e# p!rty $ro%
h!)&+ ! tr!" or prese&t&+ hs c!se to the co(rt. or w!s (se# to proc(re 3(#+%e&t wtho(t ! $!r
s(b%sso& o$ the co&tro)ersy. 5S!"o&+!. et !". ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 11D@A. pro%.
M!rch 1E. 1--@6
#. 2ircmstances "here e$trinsic #rad present8
16 Where the (&s(ccess$(" p!rty h!# bee& pre)e&te# $ro% e'hbt&+ $(""y hs
c!se by $r!(# or #ecepto& pr!ctce# o& h% by hs oppo&e&t. !s by 2eep&+ h% !w!y
$ro% co(rt. ! $!"se pro%se o$ ! co%pro%seI or
26 Where the #e$e&#!&t &e)er h!# 2&ow"e#+e o$ the s(t. be&+ 2ept & +&or!&ce
by the !cts o$ the p"!&t$$I or where !& !ttor&ey $r!(#("e&t"y or wtho(t !(thorty
!ss(%es to represe&t ! p!rty !&# co&&)es !t hs #e$e!tI or
E6 Where the !ttor&ey re+("!r"y e%p"oye# corr(pt"y se""s o(t hs c"e&t>s &terest
to the other s#e. 5Str!ts T%es. I&c. etc. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12,,@E.
pro%. A(+(st 2A. 1--A6
e. Meaning o# intreinsic #rad. These !re !cts o$ ! p!rty !t ! tr!" whch pre)e&te# !
$!r !&# 3(st #eter%&!to& o$ the c!se !&# whch co("# h!)e bee& "t+!te# !&# #eter%&e# !t the
tr!" or !#3(#c!to& o$ the c!se.
It s &ot ! b!ss $or !&&("%e&t o$ ! 3(#+%e&t. 5S!"o&+!. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !"..
9.R. No. 11D@A. pro%. M!rch 1E. 1--@6
$. ,hen petition #iled. A petto& $or !&&("%e&t o$ 3(#+%e&t o& the +ro(&# o$ $r!(#
%!y be $"e# wth& $o(r 5D6 ye!rs $ro% #sco)ery o$ the s!%e. 5A"!rco& ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et
!".. 9.R. No. 12,A*2. pro%. G!&(!ry 2A. 2***I =ers o$ P!e". et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !"..
9.R. No. 1EEFD@I Dest(r! ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EEADE. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 1*.
P-TITI+/ 4+R R-0I-4 4R+M AU76M-/T .
:::1>>. What are the (rounds for filin( a petition for relief from jud(ment* order or
other proceedin(s ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; ,hen a 9dgment or #inal order is entered, or any other
proceeding is herea#ter taEen against a party in any cort throgh #rad, accident, mistaEe,
or e$csable negligence, he may #ile a petition in sch cort and in the same case praying
that the 9dgment, order or proceeding be set aside. 5Sec. 1. R("e EA. RO06
!. /atre o# petition. A petto& $or re"e$ $ro% 3(#+%e&t s !& e1(t!b"e re%e#y th!t s
!""owe# o&"y & e'cepto&!" c!ses whe& therre s &o other !)!"!b"e or !#e1(!te re%e#y. Whe& !
p!rty h!s !&other re%e#y !)!"!b"e to h%. whch %!y be ether ! %oto& $or &ew tr!" or !ppe!"
$ro% !& !#)erse #ecso& o$ the tr!" co(rt !&# he w!s &ot pre)e&te# by $r!(# !cc#e&t. %st!2e
or e'c(s!b"e &e+"+e&ce $ro% $"&+ s(ch %oto& or t!2&+ s(ch !ppe!". he c!&&ot !)!" h%se"$
o$ ths petto&. 5Merc(ry Dr(+ 0orpor!to& ). 0A. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EAF@1. pro%. G("y 1E. 2***I
B!sco ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. pro%. A(+(st -. 2*** ct&+ S!%oso ). 0A. 1@A S0RA ,FDI
R/!" 0o%%erc!" B!&2&+ 0orpor!to& ). Loo#. 11* S0RA 2*FI Ib!b!o ). I&ter%e#!te
Appe""!te 0o(rt. 1F* S0RA @,6
Re"e$ o$ 3(#+%e&tI ! (&1(e re%e#yI !""owe# o&"y & e'cepto&!" c!ses.- The ss(e o$
3(rs#cto& !s#e. the S(pre%e 0o(rt h!s e%ph!s/e# th!t ! petto& $or re"e$ $ro% 3(#+%e&t s !
(&1(e re%e#y & the se&se th!t t s b!se# o& the pr&cp"e o$ e1(ty !&# co&stt(tes the
petto&erMs $&!" ch!&ce to prosec(te or #e$e&# hs c!(se. Be&+ !& !ct o$ +r!ce. ! petto& $or
re"e$ $ro% 3(#+%e&t s (s(!""y &ot re+!r#e# wth $!)or !&# th(s. s !""owe# o&"y & e'cepto&!"
c!ses where there !re &o other !#e1(!te !&# !)!"!b"e re%e#es. 5B!sco y S!"!o ). 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s !&# the Peop"e o$ the Ph"pp&es. 9.R. No. 12F2-*. pro%. A(+(st -. 2***6
b. 6ronds #or #iling a petition #or relie# #rom denial o# appeal8
,hen a 9dgment or #inal order is rendered by any cort in a case, and a party
thereto, by
16 #rad, accident, mistaEe, or e$csable negligence,
26 has been prevented #rom taEing an appeal,
he may #ile a petition in sch cort, and in the same case praying that the appeal be
given de corse. 5Sec. 2. R("e EA. RO0 &(%ber&+ !&# !rr!&+e%e&t s(pp"e#6
c. ,here petition is to be #iled. The petto& $or re"e$ %(st be $"e# & the s!%e co(rt
!&# & the s!%e c!se rrespect)e o$ whether the co(rt s !& MT0. RT0. the 0A or e)e& the
S(pre%e 0o(rt & c!se o$ ! petto& $or re"e$ $ro% 3(#+%e&t. or#er or other procee#&+. 5Secs. 1
!&# 2. R("e EA. RO06
#. ,hen petition #iled. The petto& $or re"e$ $ro% 3(#+%e&t.or#er o$ procee#&+ %(st
be $"e# wth& s'ty 5,*6 #!ys !$ter the petto&er "e!r&s o$ the 3(#+%e&t. $&!" or#er. or other
procee#&+ to be set !s#e. !&# &ot %ore th!& s' 5,6 %o&ths !$ter s(ch 3(#+%e&t or $&!" or#er
w!s e&tere#. or s(ch procee#&+ w!s t!2e&. 5Sec. E. R("e EA. RO06
e. -##ects o# granting the petition #or relie# #rom 9dgment, order or proceeding8
16 The co(rt sh!"" set !s#e the 3(#+%e&t or $&!" or#er or other procee#&+
co%p"!&e# o$ (po& s(ch ter%s !s %!y be 3(st.
26 There!$ter the c!se sh!"" st!&# !s $ s(ch 3(#+%e&t. $&!" or#er or other
procee#&+ h!# &e)er bee& re&#ere#. ss(e# or t!2e&.
E6 The co(rt sh!"" the& procee# to he!r !&# #eter%&e the c!se !s $ ! t%e"y
%oto& $or ! &ew tr!" or reco&s#er!to& h!# bee& +r!&te# by t. 51st p!r.. Sec. ,. R("e
EA. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
$. -##ects o# granting petition #or relie# #rom denial o# appeal8
,here the denial o# an appeal is set aside, the lo"er cort shall be re*ired to give
de corse to the appeal and to elevate the record o# the appealed case as i# a timely and
proper appeal had been made. 5Sec. @. R("e EA. RO06
:::1>@. Distin(uish the (rounds from appeal from the (rounds for certiorari.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; I$ the error s & the ws#o% o$ the tr!" co(rt>s $&#&+s !&#
&ot o$ 3(rs#cto&. the proper re%e#y wo("# be !ppe!" !&# &ot certiorari. 5Ph"pp&e N!to&!"
B!&2 ). =o&. S!yo. et !".. 9.R. No.12--1A. pro%. G("y -. 1--A6
!. There may be certiorari even i# appeal available. A)!"!b"ty o$ !& !ppe!" #oes &ot
$orec"ose reco(rse to the e'tr!or#&!ry re%e#es o$ certiorari or prohbto& where !ppe!" s &ot
!#e1(!te. or e1(!""y be&e$c!". spee#y !&# s($$ce&t 5Ph"pp&e N!to&!" B!&2 ). =o&. S!yo. et
!".. 9.R. No. 12--1A. pro%. G("y -. 1--A ct&+ )!ro(s c!ses6. !&# w"" &ot pro%pt"y re"e)e !
p!rty $ro% the &3(ro(s e$$ects o$ the or#er co%p"!&e# o$. or where the !ppe!" s &e$$ect)e.
5A$rc! ). S!&#+!&b!y!&. et !".. 9.R. No. 12DD@A. pro%. M!rch 11. 1--A6
=owe)er. !s#e $ro% the b!re. stereotype !""e+!to& & the p"e!#&+ o$ 4&o !ppe!". &or !&y
p"!&. spee#y. !&# !#e1(!te re%e#y & the or#&!ry co(rse o$ "!w.4 there %(st be show&+ th!t
the !ppe!" wo("# be &!#e1(!te. s"ow. &s($$ce&t. or &e$$ect)e. 5A$rc!. supra6
b. 4inal order de#ined. o&e whch #sposes o$ the s(b3ect %!tter & ts e&trety or
ter%&!tes ! p!rtc("!r procee#&+ or !cto&. "e!)&+ &oth&+ e"se t be #o&e b(t to e&$orce by
e'ec(to& wh!t h!s bee& #eter%&e# by the co(rt. As #st&+(she# there$ro%. an interloctory
order s o&e whch #oes &ot #spose o$ ! c!se co%p"ete"y. b(t "e!)es so%eth&+ %ore to be
!#3(#c!te# (po&.
A& &ter"oc(tory or#er s !"w!ys (&#er the co&tro" o$ the co(rt !&# %!y be %o#$e# or
resc&#e# (po& s($$ce&t +ro(&#s show& by !&y t%e be$ore $&!" 3(#+%e&t. Ths presc&#s
$ro% ! co(rtMs &here&t power to co&tro" ts process !&# or#ers so !s to %!2e the% co&$or%!b"e
to "!w !&# 3(stce. It s %%!ter!" th!t the 3(#+e who e'ercses s(ch powers s #$$ere&t $ro% the
o&e who ss(e# the resc&#e# or !%e&#e# or#er s&ce the $or%er s &ot "e+!""y pre)e&te# $ro%
re)o2&+ the &ter"oc(tory or#er o$ !&other 3(#+e & the )ery "t+!to& s(bse1(e&t"y !ss+&e# to
h% $or 3(#c!" !cto&. The o&"y "%t!to& s th!t the 3(#+e c!& &ot !ct wth +r!)e !b(se o$
#screto&. or th!t &o &3(stce res("ts thereby. 5Ley 0o&str(cto& !&# De)e"op%e&t 0orpor!to&.
Sps. M!&(e" T. Ley !&# G!&et T. Ley ). :&o& B!&2 o$ the Ph"pp&es. 9.R. No. 1EEA*1. pro%.
G(&e 2@. 2***6
c. +rder dismissing a case "ithot pre9dice is a #inal order. A& or#er #s%ss&+ !
c!se wtho(t pre3(#ce s ! $&!" or#er $ &o %oto& $or reco&s#er!to& or !ppe!" there$ro% s
t%e"y $"e#. I& we st!te# th(s. The #s%ss!" wtho(t pre3(#ce o$ ! co%p"!&t #oes &ot howe)er
%e!& th!t s!# #s%ss!" or #er w!s !&y "ess $&!". S(ch or#er o$ #s%ss!" s co%p"ete & !""
#et!"s. !&# tho(+h wtho(t pre3(#ce. &o&ethe"ess $&!""y #spose# o$ the %!tter. It w!s &ot
%ere"y !& &ter"oc(tory or#er b(t ! $&!" #sposto& o$ the co%p"!&t. 5B!&!res II. et !"..
). B!"s&+. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E2,2D. pro%. M!rch 1E. 2*** ct&+ O"y%p! I&ter&!to&!" ). 0o(rt
o$ Appe!"s6
#. ,hen order becomes #inal and e$ectory. The "!w +r!&ts !& !++re)e# p!rty !
pero# o$ $$tee& 51F6 #!ys $ro% hs recept o$ the co(rtMs #ecso& or or#er #spos&+ o$ the !cto&
or procee#&+ to !ppe!" or %o)e to reco&s#er the s!%e.
A$ter the "!pse o$ the $$tee&-#!y pero#. !& or#er beco%es $&!" !&# e'ec(tory !&# s
beyo&# the power or 3(rs#cto& o$ the co(rt whch re&#ere# t to $(rther !%e&# or re)o2e. A
$&!" 3(#+%e&t or or#er c!&&ot be %o#$e# & !&y respect. e)e& $ the %o#$c!to& so(+ht s $or
the p(rpose o$ correct&+ !& erro&eo(s co&c"(so& by the co(rt whch re&#ere# the s!%e.
5B!&!res II. et !".. ). B!"s&+. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E2,2D. pro%. M!rch 1E. 2*** ct&+ O"y%p!
I&ter&!to&!" ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s6
e. Remedy "hen order already #inal and e$ectory. A$ter the or#er o$ #s%ss!" o$ !
c!se wtho(t pre3(#ce h!s beco%e $&!". !&# there$ore beco%es o(ts#e the co(rtMs power to
!%e&# !&# %o#$y. ! p!rty wshes to re&st!te the c!se h!s &o other re%e#y b(t to $"e ! &ew
The #s%ss!" o$ the c!se. !&# the "!pse o$ the re+"e%e&t!ry pero# to reco&s#er or set
!s#e the #s%ss!". e$$ect)e"y oper!te# to re%o)e the c!se $ro% the 0o(rtMs #oc2et. E)e&
!ss(%&+ the #s%ss!" to be wtho(t pre3(#ce. the c!se co("# &o "o&+er be re&st!te# or
Jre))e#K by %ere %oto& & the or+&!" #oc2ete# !cto&. b(t o&"y by the $"&+ o$ !&other
co%p"!&t scco%p!&e#. o$ co(rse. by the p!y%e&t o$ the correspo&#&+ $"&+ $ees prescrbe# by
S&ce theoretc!""y e)ery $&!" #sposto& o$ !& !cto& #oes &ot !tt!& $&!"ty (&t" !$ter
$$tee& 51F6 #!ys there$ro%. !&# co&se1(e&t"y wth& th!t t%e the !cto& st"" re%!& wth&
the co&tro" o$ the co(rt. the p"!&t$$ %!y %o)e !&# set !s#e hs &otce o$ #s%ss!" !&# re))e
hs !cto& be$ore th!t pero# "!pses. B(t !$ter #s%ss!" h!s beco%e $&!" !$ter the "!pse o$ the
$$tee-#!y re+"e%e&t!ry pero#. the o&"y w!y by whch the !cto& %!y be res(sct!te# or
Jre))e#K s by the &stt(to& o$ ! s(bse1(e&t !cto& thro(+h the $"&+ o$ !&other co%p"!&t !&#
the p!ye%&t o$ $ees prescrbe# by "!w. Ths s so bec!(se (po& !tt!&%e&t o$ $&!"ty o$ the
#s%ss!" thro(+h the "!pse o$ s!# re+"e%e&t!ry pero#. the 0o(rt "oses 3(rs#cto& !&# co&tro"
o)er t !&# c!& &o "o&+er %!2e ! #sposto& & respect thereo$ &co&sste&t wth s(ch #s%ss!".
5B!&!res II. et !". ). B!"s&+. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E2,2D. pro%. M!rch 1E. 2*** ct&+ Ort+!s 7
0o%p!&y L%te# P!rt&ershp ). Le"!sco6
:::$. &ppellate cort has discretion to consider errors not assigned. 9e&er!""y. !&
!ppe""!te co(rt %!y o&"y p!ss (po& errors !ss+&e#. =owe)er. ths r("e s &ot wtho(t
e'cepto&s. I& the $o""ow&+ &st!&ces. the S(pre%e 0o(rt r("e# th!t !& !ppe""!te co(rt s
!ccor#e# ! bro!# #screto&!ry power to w!)e the "!c2 o$ !ss+&%e&t o$ errors !&# co&s#er
errors &ot !ss+&e#;
16 9ro(&#s &ot !ss+&e# !s errors b(t !$$ect&+ the 3(rs#cto& o$ the
co(rt o)er the s(b3ect %!tterI
26 M!tters &ot !ss+&e# !s errors o& !ppe!" b(t e)#e&t"y p"!& or c"erc!"
errors wth& co&te%p"!to& o$ "!wI
E6 M!tters &ot !ss+&e# !s errors o& !ppe!" b(t co&s#er!to& o$ whch s
&ecess!ry & !rr)&+ !t ! 3(st #ecso& !&# co%p"ete reso"(to& o$ the c!se or to
ser)e the &terests o$ 3(stce or to !)o# #spe&s&+ pece%e!" 3(stceI
D6 M!tters &ot spec$c!""y !ss+&e# !s errors o& !ppe!" b(t r!se# & the
tr!" co(rt !&# !re %!tters o$ recor# h!)&+ so%e be!r&+ o& the ss(e s(b%tte#
whch the p!rtes $!"e# to r!se or whch the "ower co(rt +&ore#I
F6 M!tters &ot !ss+&e# !s errors o& !ppe!" b(t c"ose"y re"!te# to !& error
,6 M!tters &ot !ss+&e# !s errors o& !ppe!" b(t (po& whch the
#eter%&!to& o$ ! 1(esto& proper"y !ss+&e#. s #epe&#e&t.
There s &o re!so& why ths r("e sho("# &ot !pp"y to !#%&str!t)e bo#es !s we"".
5D!%o&o& ). Dep!rt%e&t o$ L!bor !&# E%p"oy%e&t. et !".. 9.R. No. 1*A-F*. pro%.
M!rch @. 2***6
1>C. What is the effect of a pro forma motion for reconsideration ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; A %oto& $or reco&s#er!to& &terr(pts the r(&&&+ o$ the
pero# to !ppe!". (&"ess the %oto& s pro forma. 5M!r&! Propertes 0orpor!to& ). 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12FDD@ !&# =.L. 0!r"os 0o&str(cto&. I&c. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !"..
9.R. No. 12FD@F. pro%. A(+(st 1D. 1--A6
A pro forma %oto& $or &ew tr!" or reco&s#er!to& sh!"" &ot to"" the re+"e%e&t!ry pero#
o$ !ppe!". 5"!st p!r.. Sec. 2. R("e E@. RO06
!. ,ro forma motion #or reconsideration, de#ined. O&e th!t #oes &ot spec$y the
$&#&+s or co&c"(so&s & the 3(#+%e&t whch !re &ot s(pporte# by e)#e&ce or co&tr!ry to "!w.
%!2&+ e'press re$ere&ce to the pert&e&t e)#e&ce or "e+!" pro)so&s 5M!r&! Propertes
0orpor!to& ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12FDD@ !&# =.L. 0!r"os 0o&str(cto&. I&c. ).
0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12FD@F. pro%. A(+(st 1D. 1--A6. !""e+e# to be co&tr!ry to s(ch
$&#&+s or co&c"(so&s. 5Er# p!r.. Sec. 2. R("e E@. RO06
b. /ot pro forma even i# motion reiterates isses already passed pon by the cort8
16 A"tho(+h ! %oto& $or reco&s#er!to& %!y %ere"y reter!te ss(es !"re!#y
p!sse# (po& by the co(rt. th!t by tse"$ #oes &ot %!2e t pro forma !&# s %%!ter!"
bec!(se wh!t s esse&t!" s co%p"!&ce wth the re1(stes o$ the R("es. GM!r&!
Propertes 0orpor!to& ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12FDD@ !&# =.L. 0!r"os
0o&str(cto&. I&c. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12FD@F. pro%. A(+(st 1D. 1--A6
26 A%o&+ the e&#s to whch ! %oto& $or reco&s#er!to& s !##resse# s
precse"y to co&)&ce he co(rt th!t ts r("&+ s erro&eo(s !&# %proper. co&tr!ry to "!w or
the e)#e&ce. !&# & #o&+ so. the %o)!&t h!s to #we"" o$ &ecessty (po& the ss(es p!sse#
(po& by the co(rt. I$ ! %oto& $or reco&s#er!to& %!y &ot #sc(ss these ss(es. the
co&se1(e&ce wo("# be th!t !$ter ! #ecso& s re&#ere#. the "os&+ p!rty wo("# be
co&$&e# to $"&+ o&"y %oto&s $or reope&&+ !&# &ew tr!". S(ch s &ot the &te&#%e&t
o$ the R("es. 5M!r&!. supra6
E6 Where the crc(%st!&ces o$ ! c!se #o &ot show !& &te&t o& the p!rt o$ the
p"e!#er to %ere"y #e"!y the procee#&+s. !&# hs %oto& re)e!"s ! bona fide e$$ort to
prese&t !##to&!" %!tters or to reter!te hs !r+(%e&ts & ! #$$ere&t "+ht. the co(rts
sho("# be s"ow to #ec"!re the s!%e o(tr+ht !s pro forma. The #octr&e re"!t&+ to pro
forma %oto&s h!s ! #rect be!r&+ (po& the %o)!&t>s )!"(!b"e r+ht to !ppe!". It wo("#
be & the &terest o$ 3(stce to !ccor# the !ppe""!te co(rt the opport(&ty to re)ew the
#ecso& o$ the tr!" co(rt o& the %erts r!ther th!& to !bort the !ppe!" by #ec"!r&+ the
%oto& pro forma. s(ch th!t the pero# to !ppe!" w!s &ot &terr(pte# !&# h!#
co&se1(e&t"y "!pse#. 5M!r&!. supra ct&+ 1 8"ore&/ D. Re+!"!#o. Re%e#!" L!w
0o%pe&#(% EA* 5,th e#.. 1--@6.
D6 :&#er S(pre%e 0o(rt 0rc("!r No. 1--1 #!te# 2@ 8ebr(!ry 1--1 !&# Re)se#
A#%&str!t)e 0rc("!r No. 1--F #!te# 1, M!y 1--F. whch too2 e$$ect o& 1 G(&e 1--F.
!& !++re)e# p!rty s !""owe# o&e %oto& $or reco&s#er!to& o$ the !ss!"e# #ecso& or
$&!" or#er be$ore he %!y $"e ! petto& $or re)ew wth the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. 5M!r&!.
:::1>D. =ow is appeal perfected ?
!. I$ by &otce o$ !ppe!". A p!rty>s !ppe!" by &otce o$ !ppe!" s #ee%e# per$ecte# !s to
h% (po& the $"&+ o$ the &otce o$ !ppe!" & #(e t%e.
The co(rt "oses 3(rs#cto& o)er the c!se (po& the per$ecto& o$ the !ppe!"s $"e# & #(e
t%e !&# the e'pr!to& o$ the t%e to !ppe!" o$ other p!rtes.
b. I$ by recor# o& !ppe!". A p!rty>s !ppe!" by recor# o& !ppe!" s #ee%e# per$ecte# !s to
h% wth respect to the s(b3ect %!tter thereo$ (po& the !ppro)!" o$ the recor# o& !ppe!" $"e# &
#(e t%e.
The co(rt "oses 3(rs#cto& o&"y o)er the s(b3ect %!tter o$ the !ppe!" (po& the !ppro)!"
o$ the recor#s o& !ppe!" $"e# & #(e t%e !&# the e'pr!to& o$ the t%e to !ppe!" o$ the other
p!rtes. 5Sec. -. R("e D1. RO06
!. Payment o# appellate docEet #ee mandatory. The R("es o$ 0o(rt. !s !%e&#e#.
spec$c!""y pro)#es th!t !ppe""!te co(rt #oc2et !&# other "!w$(" $ees sho("# be p!# wth& the
pero# $or t!2&+ !& !ppe!". =e&ce. Secto& D o$ R("e D1. The p!y%e&t o$ the #oc2et !&# other
"e+!" $ees wth& the prescrbe# pero# s both %!&#!tory !&# 3(rs#cto&!". Secto& 1 5c6. R("e
F* o$ the R("es o$ 0o(rt pro)#es; J8!"(re o$ the !ppe""!&t to p!y the #oc2et !&# other $ees !s
pro)#e# & Secto& D o$ R("e D1K s ! +ro(&# $or the #s%ss!" o$ the !ppe!". I&#ee#. t h!s bee&
he"# th!t $!"(re o$ the !ppe""!&t to co&$or% wth the r("es o& !ppe!" re&#ers the 3(#+%e&t $&!"
!&# e'ec(tory. Ler"y. the r+ht to !ppe!" s ! st!t(tory r+ht !&# o&e who see2s to !)!" o$ th!t
r+ht %(st co%p"y wth the st!t(te or the r("e.
The b!re &)oc!to& o$ Jthe &terest o$ s(bst!&t!" 3(stceK s &ot ! %!+c w!&# th!t w""
!(to%!tc!""y co%pe" the S(pre%e 0o(rt to s(spe&# proce#(r!" r("es. JProce#(r!" r("es !re &ot
to be be"tt"e# or #s%sse# s%p"y bec!(se ther &o&-obser)!&ce %!y h!)e res("te# & pre3(#ce
to ! p!rtyMs s(bst!&t)e r+ht. L2e !"" r("es. they !re re1(re# to be $o""owe# e'cept o&"y $or the
%ost pers(!s)e o$ re!so&s whe& they %!y be re"!'e# to re"e)e ! "t+!&t o$ !& &3(stce &ot
co%%e&s(r!te wth the #e+ree o$ hs tho(+ht"ess&ess & &ot co%p"y&+ wth the proce#(re
R("es o$ proce#(re. espec!""y those prescrb&+ the t%e wth& whch cert!& !cts %(st
be #o&e. Jh!)e o$t bee& he"# !s !bso"(te"y &#spe&s!b"e to the pre)e&to& o$ &ee#"ess #e"!ys !&#
to the or#er"y !&# spee#y #sch!r+e o$ b(s&ess. ' ' ' The re!so& $or r("es o$ ths &!t(re s
bec!(se the #sp!tch o$ b(s&ess by co(rts wo("# be %possb"e. !&# &to"er!b"e #e"!ys wo("#
res("t. wtho(t r("es +o)er&&+ pr!ctce ' ' '. S(ch r("es !re ! &ecess!ry &c#e&t to the proper.
e$$ce&t !&# or#er"y #sch!r+e o$ 3(#c!" $(&cto&s. The s!# r("es %!y be re"!'e# o&"y &
Je'cepto&!""y %ertoro(s c!ses. 5L!/!ro. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E@@,1
pro%. Apr" ,. 2***6
It s we"" est!b"she# #octr&e th!t the p!y%e&t o$ #oc2et $ees wth& the prescrbe# pero#
s %!&#!tory $or the per$ecto& o$ !& !ppe!". Ths s so bec!(se ! co(rt !c1(res 3(rs#cto& o)er
the s(b3ect %!tter o$ the !cto& o&"y (po& the p!y%e&t o$ the correct !%o(&t o$ #oc2et $ees
re+!r#"ess o$ the !ct(!" #!te o$ $"&+ o$ the c!se & co(rt. I& :egare v. Court of Appeals the
S(pre%e 0o(rt (phe"# the !ppe""!te co(rtMs #s%ss!" o$ !& !ppe!" $or $!"(re o$ petto&er to p!y
the #oc2et $ees wth& the re+"e%e&t!ry pero# #espte ! &otce $ro% the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s
&$or%&+ h% th!t s(ch $ees h!# to be p!# wth& $$tee& 51F6 #!ys $ro% recept o$ s(ch &otce.
5B!r!&+!y 2D o$ Le+!/p 0ty represe&te# by B+y. 0h!r%!& Rc!r#o Ab(&#! ). E"!s I%per!".
9.R. No. 1D*E21. pro%. A(+(st 2D. 2***6
b. 0itigants cannot raise isse #or the #irst time on appeal, e$ception8 A"tho(+h
"t+!&ts c!&&or r!se !& ss(e $or the $rst t%e o& !ppe!" !s ths wo("# co&tr!)e&e the b!sc r("es
o$ $!r p"!y !&# 3(stce. & ! &(%ber o$ &st!&ces. the S(pre%e 0o(rt h!s re"!'e# obser)!&ce o$
proce#(r!" r("es. &ot&+ th!t tech&c!"tes !re &ot e&#s & the%se")es b(t e'st to protect !&#
pro%ote s(bst!&t)e r+hts o$ "t+!&ts. 0ert!& r("es o(+ht to be !pp"e# wth se)erty !&#
r+#ty $ by so #o&+. the )ery re!so& $or ther e'ste&ce wo("# be #e$e!te#. =e&ce. whe&
s(bst!&t!" 3(stce p"!&"y re1(res. e'e%pt&+ ! p!rtc("!r c!se $ro the oper!to& o$ tech&c!"tes
sho("# &ot be s(b3ect to c!)". 5Sy ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12@2,E. pro%. Apr" 12.
c. Material data rle. The r("e to the e$$ect th!t Jthe petto& sh!"" st!te the spec$c
%!ter!" #!tes show&+ th!t t w!s $"e# wth& the pero# $'e# here&.K sho("# be t!2e& to re$er
%ore p!rtc("!r"y to the #!te o$ recept o$ the !w!r#. 3(#+%e&t. $&!" or#er or reso"(to& !ppe!"e#
$ro% $or the p(rpose o$ #eter%&&+ whether or &ot the !ppe!" or petto& w!s re!so&!b"y bro(+ht
(p to the !ppe""!te bo#y or trb(&!". 5Ro%ero ). 0)" Ser)ce 0o%%sso&. 9.R. No. 1E-2AA.
pro%.. 8ebr(!ry 2A. 2***6
#. &ppeal in contempt does not re*ire record on appeal. I& the c!se o$ %oman
Cat.olic Arc.bis.op of <anila v. Court of Appeals. %("tp"e !ppe!"s !re !""owe# J& spec!"
procee#&+s. & !cto&s $or reco)ery o$ property wth !cco(&t&+. & the spec!" c)" !cto& o$
e%&e&t #o%!& !&# $orec"os(re o$ %ort+!+e.K co&te%pt procee#&+s s &ot o&e o$ those
&st!&ces where ! recor# o& !ppe!" s re1(re# to per$ect !& !ppe!". 50ortes ). G(#+e B!&+!"!&.
etc. A.M. No. MTG--@-112-. pro%. G!&(!ry 1-. 2***6
e. 2erti#ied tre copy o# *estioned 9dgment, #inal order or resoltion. :&#er R("e
DF. o$ the R("es o$ 0o(rt 5+o)er&&+ Appe!"s by 0ertor!r to the S(pre%e 0o(rt6. o&"y the
3(#+%e&t or $&!" or#er or reso"(to& !cco%p!&y&+ the petto& %(st be ! c"e!r"y "e+b"e
#(p"c!te or+&!" or ! cert$e# tr(e copy thereo$ cert$e# by the c"er2 o$ co(rt o$ the co(rt ! 1(o.
E)e& (&#er R("e ,F +o)er&&+ certor!r !&# prohbto&. petto&s &ee# be !cco%p!&e# by
cert$e# tr(e copes o$ the 1(esto&e# 3(#+%e&t. t be&+ s($$ce&t th!t copes o$ !"" other
re"e)!&t #oc(%e&ts sho("# !cco%p!&y the petto&. N(%ero(s reso"(to&s ss(e# by ths co(rt
e%ph!s/e th!t & !ppe!"s by certor!r (&#er R("es DF !&# or+&!" c)" !cto&s $or certor!r
(&#er R("e ,F & re"!to& to R("es D, !&# F,. wh!t s re1(re# to be ! cert$e# tr(e copy s the
copy o$ the 1(esto&e# 3(#+%e&t. $&!" or#er or reso"(to&. No p"!(sb"e re!so& s(++ests tse"$
why ! #$$ere&t tre!t%e&t. .e. ! strcter re1(re%e&t. sho("# be +)e& to petto&s (&#er R("e DE.
whch +o)er&s !ppe!"s $ro% the 0o(rt o$ T!' Appe!"s !&# 1(!s-3(#c!" !+e&ces to the 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s. No&e co("# h!)e bee& &te&#e# by the $r!%ers o$ the R("es. A co&tr!ry r("&+ wo("#
be too h!rsh !&# wo("# &ot pro%ote the (&#er"y&+ ob3ect)e o$ sec(r&+ ! 3(st. spee#y !&#
&e'pe&s)e #sposto& o$ e)ery !cto& !&# procee#&+. It %(st be co&ce#e# th!t obt!&&+
cert$e# tr(e copes &ecess!r"y e&t!"s !##to&!" e'pe&ses th!t w"" %!2e "t+!to& %ore
o&ero(s to the "t+!&ts. Moreo)er. cert$e# tr(e copes !re &ot e!s"y proc(r!b"e !&# p!rty
"t+!&ts %(st w!t $or ! pero# o$ t%e be$ore the cert$e# tr(e copes !re re"e!se#. At !&y r!te.
the e&tre recor#s o$ the c!se w"" e)e&t(!""y be e"e)!te# to the !ppe""!te co(rt. 50!#!yo&! ).
0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12A@@2. pro%. 8ebr(!ry E. 2***6
$. &#ter per#ection o# the appeal and the transmittal o# the records. the tr!" co(rt
"oses 3(rs#cto& o)er the c!se. =e&ce$orth. t %!y &o "o&+er +r!&t ! %oto& $or. or ss(e ! wrt
o$ %%e#!te e'ec(to&. To #o so wo("# be !& !b(se o$ #screto&. 5Sec. 2 !&# E. R("e E- cte#
& Dese" 0o&str(cto& 0o. I&c. ). Go""bee 8oo#s 0orp.. 9.R. No. 1E,A*F. pro%. G!&(!ry 2A.
1@0. "pouses orales filed a complaint a(ainst ,olicarpio assertin( that he
surreptitiousl! too1 possession of their lots and prepared them for plantin(* thereb! alterin(
its residential outline and appearance.
Defendant countered with the alle(ation that reclassification of the land was not
approved b! the proper authorities and that he was dul! constituted as tenant thereof b! the
previous owner.
)he municipal trial court received evidence on the issue of ri(ht of possession and he
land:s proper classification. 9indin( the land to be a(ricultural and the fact that tenanc! was
in issue* the municipal trial court dismissed the case for lac1 of jurisdiction.
)he plaintiffs appealed to the Re(ional )rial #ourt who heard the case and found that
the municipal trial court had jurisdiction because the land was dul! reclassified from
a(ricultural to residential and that tenanc! was not involved.
If !ou were the R)# jud(e how will !ou proceed ? "hould !ou decide the issues on the
merits or should !ou remand the case to the municipal trial court for further proceedin(s ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The c!se sho("# be #ec#e# o& the %erts !&# sho("# &ot be
re%!&#e# to the %(&cp!" tr!" co(rt. Where the p!rtes h!)e prese&te# ther respect)e
e)#e&ce be$ore the MT0. ! re%!&# beco%es ! (se"ess s(per$"(ty. !& (&#(e %posto& o& the
t%e !&# #oc2ets o$ co(rts.
& remand is necessary only "hen there has been no trial on the merits. A re%!&#
wo("# (&&ecess!r"y %pose o& the p!rtes the co&co%t!&t #$$c("tes !&# e'pe&ses o$ !&other
procee#&+ where they wo("# h!)e to prese&t the s!%e e)#e&ce !+!&. Ths c"e!r"y r(&s
co(&ter to Secto& ,. R("e 1 o$ the R("es o$ 0o(rt. whch %!&#!tes "ber!" co&str(cto& o$ the
R("es to !tt!& 3(st. spee#y !&# &e'pe&s)e #sposto& o$ e)ery !cto& or procee#&+. 5Spo(ses
Mor!"es ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12,1-,. pro%. G!&(!ry 2A. 1--A6
&PP-00&T- AURIS7I2TI+/ +4 R-6I+/&0 TRI&0 2+URT
1@1. =ow ma! decisions of Re(ional )rial #ourts rendered in aid of its appellate
jurisdiction be appealed ?
S :99ESTED ANSWER; The #ecso& o$ Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rts o& s(ch c!ses sh!"" be
!ppe!"!b"e by petto& $or re)ew to the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s whch N!y +)e t #(e co(rse o&"y
whe& the petto& shows prima facie th!t the "ower co(rt h!s co%%tte# !& error o$ $!ct or "!w
th!t w"" w!rr!&t ! re)ers!" or %o#$c!to& o$ the #ecso& or 3(#+%e&t so(+ht to be re)ewe#.
5"!st se&te&ce. Sec. 22. B.P. B"+. 12-6
M+7-S &/7 P-RI+7S +4 &PP-&0
M+7-S &/7 P-RI+7S +4 &PP-&0.
!. &ppeal #rom Mnicipal Trial 2ort to Regional Trial 2ort
16 Appe!" & ordinary cases8
!6 8"&+ &otce o$ !ppe!" wth the M(&cp!" Tr!" 0o(rt th!t
re&#ere# the 3(#+%e&t or or#er !ppe!"e# $ro%. 5Sec. E. R("e D*. RO06
b6 P!y%e&t o$ the $("" !%o(&t o$ the !ppe""!te #oc2et $ee !&#
other "!w$(" $ees. 5Sec. F. R("e D*. RO06
c6 Wth& $$tee& 51F6 #!ys !$ter &otce to the !ppe""!&t o$ the
3(#+%e&t or $&!" or#er !ppe!"e# $ro%. 5Sec. 2. R("e D*. RO06
26 Appe!" & special proceedings !&# other c!ses where& %("tp"e
!ppe!"s !re !""owe#;
!6 8"&+ o$ &otce o$ !ppe!" !&# ! recor# o& !ppe!" wth the
M(&cp!" Tr!" 0o(rt th!t re&#ere# the 3(#+%e&t or or#er !ppe!"e# $ro%.
5Sec. E. r("e D*. RO06
b6 P!y%e&t o$ the $("" !%o(&t o$ the !ppe""!te #oc2et $ee !&#
other "!w$(" $ees. 5Sec. F. R("e D*. RO06
c6 Wth& thrty 5E*6 #!ys !$ter &otce o$ the 3(#+%e&t or $&!"
or#er !ppe!"e# $ro%. 5Sec. 2. R("e D*. RO06
E6 Appe!" & c!ses #ec#e# (&#er delegated 9risdiction. I& the s!%e
%!&&er !s #ecso&s o$ the Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt. 5Sec. ED. B.P. B"+. 12-6
:::1@2. What procedure should the R)# follow where it finds that the )# had no
jurisdiction in a case appealed to it from the said )# ?
!. I& c!se o$ !$$r%!&ce o$ the #ecso& or 3(#+%e&t !ppe!"e# $ro% !&# the +ro(&# o$
#s%ss!" s "!c2 o$ 3(rs#cto& o)er the s(b3ect %!tter. the Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt. $ t h!s
3(rs#cto& thereo)er. sh!"" try the c!se o& the %erts !s $ the c!se w!s or+&!""y $"e# wth t.
52&# se&te&ce. 1st p!r.. Sec. A. R("e D*. RO0 wor#s &ot & bo"# s(pp"e#6
b. I$ the c!se w!s tre# o& the %erts by the "ower co(rt wtho(t 3(rs#cto& o)er the
s(b3ect %!tter. the Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt o& !ppe!" sh!"" &ot #s%ss the c!se $ t h!s or+&!"
3(rs#cto& thereo$ b(t sh!"" #ec#e the c!se o& the %erts !s o$ the c!se w!s or+&!""y $"e# wth
t. wtho(t pre3(#ce to the !#%sso& o$ !%e&#e# p"e!#&+s !&# !##to&!" e)#e&ce & the
&terest o$ 3(stce. 52&# p!r.. & re"!to& to the 1st p!r.. Sec. A. R("e D*. RO06
:::1@;. #onchita sued +eltran et al.* for unlawful detainer. )he )# rendered
jud(ment in her favor orderin( +eltran et al.* to vacate* pa! reasonable rental and attorne!Cs
+eltran* et al.* appealed to the R)#. )he )# jud(ment was e%ecuted pendin( appeal
because +eltran* et al. failed to file supersedeas bond. +eltran* et al.* moved the R)# to admit
additional evidences consistin( of a contract to sell between them and its Nue;on #it!
(overnment coverin( the lot in dispute* and some receipts of pa!ment* which the R)# (ranted.
)he R)# also conducted seven Iclarificator! hearin(sJ durin( which the parties presented
testimonial evidences* as well as conducted an ocular inspection of the disputed premises.
)hereafter* the R)# rendered jud(ment reversin( the )# decision* rulin( that #onchita has
no interest to the disputed propert!. )he R)# then dismissed her complaint. #onchita filed a
petition for certiorari with the #ourt of Appeals which denied the petition and restored
possession to +eltran* et al.
Was the R)# correct in reversin( the )#? What about the #A in restorin(
possession to +eltran* et al.? $%plain briefl!.
S:99ESTED ANSWERS; No. the RT0 w!s & error. RT0 & e'ercse o$ !ppe""!te
3(rs#cto& co("# &ot he!r c!ses #e &o)o. RT0 & the e'ercse o$ ts !ppe""!te 3(rs#cto&.
c!&&ot he!r the c!se #e &o)o & the +(se o$ c"!r$c!tory he!r&+s #(r&+ whch !##to&!"
e)#e&ce s to be prese&te# by the p!rtes !&# o& oc("!r &specto& co&#(cte#.
The 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s erre# & +r!&t&+ pr)!te respo&#e&tsM %oto& $or e'ec(to& pe&#&+
!ppe!". 8or. &#ee#. the c!se w!s &ot wth s!# co(rt o& !ppe!" b(t o& ! petto& $or certor!r.
Th(s. the !ppe""!te co(rt>M 3(rs#cto& w!s o&"y to p!ss (po& the )!"#ty o$ the or#ers o$ the RT0
& the co&#(ct o$ c"!r$c!tory he!r&+s !&# oc("!r &specto&. S&ce the RT0 h!s yet to !ct o&
pr)!te respo&#e&t>M %oto& $or e'ec(to& pe&#&+ !ppe!". ths %!tter sho("# h!)e bee& "e$t $or
reso"(to& by the tr!" co(rt. &ot by the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. 5Abe""er! ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !"..
9.R. No. 12@DA*. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 2A. 2***6
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; A"tho(+h Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rts sho("# #ec#e c!ses o&
!ppe!" o& the b!ss so"e"y o$ the recor# o$ the procee#&+s & M(&cp!" Tr!" 0o(rts !&# other
co(rts o$ e1(!" r!&2. &o&ethe"ess. the pr&cp"e o$ estoppe" %!y b!r ! p!rty $ro% 1(esto&&+ the
recepto& o$ !##to&!" e)#e&ce. !s & ths c!se.
I& /i3am v. $ibong.anoy ths co(rt r("e#; A p!rty c!& &ot &)o2e the 3(rs#cto& o$ !
co(rt to sec(re !$$r%!t)e re"e$ !+!&st hs oppo&e&t !&#. !$ter obt!&&+ or $!"&+ to obt!&
s(ch re"e$. rep(#!te or 1(esto& th!t s!%e 3(rs#cto& 5De!& ). De!&. 1E, Or. ,-D. A, A.L.R.
@-6. I& the c!se 3(st cte#. by w!y o$ e'p"!&&+ the r("e. t w!s $(rther s!# th!t the 1(esto&
whether the co(rt h!# 3(rs#cto& ether o$ the s(b3ect-%!tter o$ the !cto& or o$ the p!rtes w!s
&ot %port!&t & s(ch c!ses bec!(se the p!rty s b!rre# $ro% s(ch co&#(ct &ot bec!(se the
3(#+%e&t or or#er o$ the co(rt s )!"# !&# co&c"(s)e !s !& !#3(st%e&t. b(t $or the re!so& th!t
s(ch ! pr!ctce c!& &ot be to"er!te# N ob)o(s"y $or re!so&s o$ p(b"c po"cy.
8(rther%ore. t h!s bee& he"# th!t !$ter )o"(&t!r"y s(b%tt&+ ! c!(se !&# e&co(&ter&+
!& !#)erse #ecso& o& the %erts. t s too "!te $or the "oser to 1(esto& the 3(rs#cto& or power
o$ the co(rt 5Pe!se ). R!thb(&-Go&es etc.. 2DE :.S. 2@E. ,1 L. E#. @1F. E@ S. 0t. 2AEI St. Lo(s
etc. ). McBr#e. 1D1 :.S. 12@. EF L. E#. ,F-6 A&# & Ltt"eto& ). B(r+ess. 1, Wyo. FA. the 0o(rt
s!# th!t t s &ot r+ht $or ! p!rty who h!s !$$r%e# !&# &)o2e# the 3(rs#cto& o$ ! co(rt & !
p!rtc("!r %!tter to sec(re !& !$$r%!t)e re"e$. to !$terw!r#s #e&y th!t s!%e 3(rs#cto& to
esc!pe ! pe&!"ty.
:po& the pr&cp"e st!te# & Sbo&+h!&oy. we ho"# th!t petto&er c!&&ot be per%tte# to
1(esto& !t ths st!+e the recepto& o$ !##to&!" e)#e&ce !&# oc("!r &specto& o$ property !$ter
she p!rtcp!te# b(t e)e&t(!""y "ost & wh!t she &ow c!""s the rre+("!r procee#&+s o$ the tr!"
co(rt. 5Abe""er! ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12@DA*. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 2A. 2***6
In9nction shold not isse to restrain the decision in nla"#l detainer. I&
Le+!sp. the S(pre%e 0o(rt he"#; Where the !cto& V s o&e o$ ""e+!" #et!&er V !&# the r+ht
o$ the p"!&t$$ to reco)er the pre%ses s sero(s"y p"!ce# & ss(e & ! proper 3(#c!" procee#&+.
t s %ore e1(t!b"e !&# 3(st !&# "ess pro#(ct)e o$ co&$(so& !&# #st(rb!&ce o$ physc!"
possesso&. wth !"" ts co&co%t!&t &co&)e&e&ce !&# e'pe&se $or the co(rt & whch the ss(e
o$ "e+!" possesso&.. whether &)o")&+ ow&ershp or &ot. s bro(+ht to restr!&. sho("# ! petto&
$or pre"%&!ry &3(&cto& be $"e# wth t. the e$$ects o$ !&y or#er or #ecso& & the (&"!w$("
#et!&er c!se & or#er to !w!t the $&!" 3(#+%e&t & the %ore s(bst!&t)e c!se &)o")&+ "e+!"
possesso& or ow&ershp. 5A/&!r Brothers Re!"ty 0o. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No.
12A1*2. pro%.. M!rch @. 2***6
:::1@;.&. In Republic v. Garcellano* 2.- ,hil. 7-2* the "upreme #ourt affirmed the
decision of the #9I of Lamboan(a #it! e%propriatin( 74.*44/ s&. m. of land that is now part
of the Lamboan(a Intl. Airport. 0n 9ebruar! 25* 233D* actin( on the basis of a reconstituted
title* the alle(ed heirs of Bun <edesma* a defendant in e%propriation case >Republic v.
Garcellano? forcibl! entered the propert! and caused the buildin( of a concrete wall
separatin( the propert! from the rest of the airport. #onse&uentl!* the (overnment filed a
complaint for forcible entr!* but the )# dismissed the case. 0n appeal* R)#* +ranch 25*
reversed the decision. "ince the defendants did not appeal* the R)# decision became final. In
the meantime* the heirs'defendants filed a complaint for accion publiciana* alle(ed that the
(overnment did not pa! them just compensation* the propert! was not bein( used for the
purpose for which the! were e%propriated* the! were in possession* titles to same were in their
names* no res judicata because there are other parties* etc. )he case was raffled to R)#*
+ranch 2-. )he (overnment moved to dismiss the complaint. Instead of resolvin( that
motion* +ranch 2- issued a )R0 dated November 24* 2335 directin( the )# to cease and
desist from enforcin( the forcible entr! case decision. 0n December 2D* 2335* the court
issued a writ of of preliminar! injunction e%plainin( that while the forcible entr! case had
become final and e%ecutor!* the claim of ownership of the land and actual occupation thereof
b! the heirs >aside from the fact that the! had not !et been compensated for the appropriated
land?* demanded sta! of e%ecution.
Was R)#* +ranch 2- correct in issuin( the injunctive writ? If not* what should be the
remed! of the heirs'defendants?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; No. A"tho(+h the &3(&ct)e wrts ss(e# by RT0. Br!&c 1E
were #recte# to the MT0. the s!%e h!# the ("t%!te e$$ect o$ pre)e&t&+ the e'ec(to& o$ the
#ecso& o$ the RT0. Br!&ch 1@. ! co(rt o$ e1(!" r!&2 !&# 3(rs#cto&.
The re%e#y o$ the hers-#e$e&#!&ts sho("# h!)e bee& to oppose the ss(!&ce o$ ! wrt o$
e'ec(to& by the MT0 o& these +ro(&#s. &ste!# o$ !s2&+ RT0. Br!&ch 1E to ss(e ! TRO or !
wrt o$ pre"%&!ry &3(&cto&. 5Act+. So"+e& #e "! 0r(/ ). G(#+e Es%!. etc. A.M. No. RTG-**-
1FDD. pro%. M!rch 1F. 2***6
&PP-00&T- AURIS7I2TI+/ +4 2+URT +4 &PP-&0S
1@<. What is the appellate jurisdiction of the #ourt of Appeals over decisions of
Re(ional )rial #ourts ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s sh!"" e'ercse ;
!. E'c"(s)e or+&!" 3(rs#cto& o)er !cto&s $or !&&("%e&t o$ 3(#+%e&ts o$ Re+o&!"
Tr!" 0o(rtsI !&#
b. E'c"(s)e !ppe""!te 3(rs#cto& o)er !"" $&!" 3(#+%e&ts. #ecso&s. reso"(to&s. or#ers.
or !w!r#s o$ Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rts. 5Sec. -. B.P. B"+. 12- p!r!phr!s&+ s(pp"e#6
1@=. What ma! not be appealed ?
5!6 A& or#er #e&y&+ ! %oto& $or &ew tr!" or reco&s#er!to&I
5b6 A& or#er #e&y&+ ! petto& $or re"e$ or !&y s%"!r %oto& see2&+ re"e$ $ro%
5c6 A& &ter"oc(tory or#erI
5#6 A& or#er #s!""ow&+ or #s%ss&+ !& !ppe!"I
5e6 A& or#er #e&y&+ ! %oto& to set !s#e ! 3(#+%e&t by co&se&t. co&$esso& or
co%pro%se o& the +ro(&# o$ $r!(#. %st!2e or #(ress. or !&y other +ro(&# )t!t&+ co&se&tI
5$6 A& or#er o$ e'ec(to&I
5+6 A 3(#+%e&t or $&!" or#er $or or !+!&st o&e or %ore o$ se)er!" p!rtes or & sep!r!te
c"!%s. co(&terc"!%s. cross-c"!%s !&# thr#-p!rty co%p"!&ts. wh"e the %!& c!se s pe&#&+.
(&"ess the co(rt !""ows !& !ppe!" there$ro%I !&#
5h6 A& or#er #s%ss&+ !& !cto& wtho(t pre3(#ce. 52&# p!r.. Sec. 1. R("e D1. RO06
!. Remedy "here the 9dgment, order, etc., is not appealable; Where the 3(#+%e&t or
$&!" or#er s &ot !ppe!"!b"e. the !++re)e# p!rty %!y $"e !& !ppropr!te spec!" c)" !cto&
(&#er R("e ,F. 5"!st se&te&ce. Sec. 1. R("e D1. RO06
b. ,hat may be appealed8 A& !ppe!" %!y be t!2e& $ro% ! 3(#+%e&t or $&!" or#er th!t
co%p"ete"y #sposes o$ the c!se. or o$ ! p!rtc("!r %!tter here& whe& #ec"!re# by the R("es o$
0o(rt to be !ppe!"!b"e. 51st p!r.. Sec. 1. R("e D1. RO0
A 3(#+%e&t or or#er #e&y&+ re"e$ (&#er R("e EA s $&!" !&# !ppe!"!b"e. (&"2e !& or#er
+r!&t&+ s(ch re"e$ whch s &ter"oc(tory. =e&ce. 3(rs#cto& the& proper"y be"o&+e# to the
0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. 5Ser)ce Spec!"sts. I&c. ). Sher$$ o$ M!&"! . 1DF S0RA 1E-6
Re"e$ o$ 3(#+%e&tI ! (&1(e re%e#yI !""owe# o&"y & e'cepto&!" c!ses.- The ss(e o$
3(rs#cto& !s#e. the S(pre%e 0o(rt h!s e%ph!s/e# th!t ! petto& $or re"e$ $ro% 3(#+%e&t s !
(&1(e re%e#y & the se&se th!t t s b!se# o& the pr&cp"e o$ e1(ty !&# co&stt(tes the
petto&erMs $&!" ch!&ce to prosec(te or #e$e&# hs c!(se. Be&+ !& !ct o$ +r!ce. ! petto& $or
re"e$ $ro% 3(#+%e&t s (s(!""y &ot re+!r#e# wth $!)or !&# th(s. s !""owe# o&"y & e'cepto&!"
c!ses where there !re &o other !#e1(!te !&# !)!"!b"e re%e#es. 5B!sco y S!"!o ). 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s !&# the Peop"e o$ the Ph"pp&es. 9.R. No. 12F2-*. pro%. A(+(st -. 2***6
:::c. 7enial o# motion #or reconsideration not appealable. The $!"(re to per$ect !&
!ppe!" wth& the re+"e%e&t!ry pero# s &ot ! %ere tech&c!"ty. It r!ses ! 3(rs#cto&!"
prob"e% !s t #epr)es the !ppe""!te co(rt o$ 3(rs#cto& o)er the !ppe!". The $!"(re to $"e the
&otce o$ !ppe!" wth& the re+"e%e&t!ry pero# s !2& to the $!"(re to p!y the !ppe!" $ee wth&
the prescrbe# pero#. I& both c!ses. the !ppe!"
:::1@>. =ow are appeals ta1en from the Re(ional )rial #ourt to the #ourt of
Appeals ?
16 Appe!" & ordinary cases8
!6 8"&+ o$ &otce o$ !ppe!" wth the Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt th!t re&#ere#
the 3(#+%e&t or or#er !ppe!"e# $ro%. 5Sec. 2 B!C. R("e D1. RO06
b6 P!y%e&t o$ the !ppe""!te #oc2et $ee !&# other "!w$(" $ees to the
Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt. 5Sec. D. R("e D1. RO06
c6 Wth& $$tee& 51F6 #!ys $ro% &otce o$ the 3(#+%e&t or $&!" or#er
!ppe!"e# $ro%. 5Sec. E. R("e D1. RO06
26 Appe!"s & special proceedings !&# other c!ses where& %("tp"e !ppe!"s !re
!6 8"&+ o$ ! &otce o$ !ppe!" !&# recor# o& !ppe!" wth the Re+o&!"
Tr!" 0o(rt th!t re&#ere# the 3(#+%e&t or or#er !ppe!"e# $ro%. 5Sec. 2 B!C. R("e
D2. RO06
b6 P!y%e&t o$ the !ppe""!te #oc2et $ee !&# other "!w$(" $ees. 5Sec. D.
R("e D1. RO06
c6 Wth& thrty 5E*6 #!ys !$ter &otce o$ the 3(#+%e&t or $&!" or#er
!ppe!"e# $ro%. 5Sec. E. R("e D1. RO06
E6 Appe!"s o$ 3(#+%e&ts in e$ercise o# appellate 9risdiction;
!6 8"&+ o$ )er$e# petto& $or re)ew wth the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. 5Sec.
1. R("e D2. RO06
b6 P!y%e&t o$ #oc2et !&# other "!w$(" $ees !&# #epost o$ PF**.** $or
costs. 5Sec. 1. R("e D2. RO06
c6 Wth& $$tee& 51F6 #!ys $ro% &otce o$ the #ecso& so(+ht to be
re)ewe# or o$ the #e&!" o$ the petto&er>s %oto& $or &ew tr!" or reco&s#er!to&
$"e# & #(e t%e !$ter 3(#+%e&t.
#6 A##to&!" pero# o$ $$tee& 51F6 #!ys. o&"y !$ter %oto& $or e'te&so&.
p!y%e&t o$ #oc2et&+ !&# other "!w$(" $ees !&# $(rther e'te&so& o$ $$tee& 51F6
#!ys o&"y $or the %ost co%pe""&+ re!so&s. 5Sec. 1. R("e D2. RO06
1@@. =ow are appeals ta1en from the #ourt of )a% Appeals and &uasi'judicial
a(encies to the #ourt of Appeals ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; &ppeals #rom the 2ort o# Ta$ &ppeals and *asi.9dicial
agencies "2e the 0)" Ser)ce 0o%%sso&. 0e&tr!" Bo!r# o$ Assess%e&t Appe!"s. Sec(rtes
!&# E'ch!&+e 0o%%sso&. O$$ce o$ the Pres#e&t. L!&# Re+str!to& A(thorty. Soc!"
Sec(rty 0o%%sso&. 0)" Aero&!(tcs Bo!r#. B(re!( o$ P!te&ts. Tr!#e%!r2s !&# Tech&o"o+y
Tr!&s$er. &!to&!" E"ectr$c!to& A#%&str!to&. E&ter+y Re+("!tory Bo!r#. N!to&!"
Te"eco%%(&c!to&s 0o%%sso&. Dep!rt%e&t o$ A+r!r!& Re$or% (&#er Rep(b"c Act No.
,,F@. 9SIS. E%p"oyees co%pe&s!to& co%%sso&. Ph"pp&e Ato%c E&er+y 0o%%sso&.
Bo!r# o$ I&)est%e&ts. 0o&str(cto& I&#(stry Arbtr!to& 0o%%sso& !&# )o"(&t!ry !rbtr!tors
!(thor/e# by "!w to the 2ort o# &ppeals;
16 Appe!" thro(+h )er$e# petto& $or re)ew $"e# wth the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s.
5Sec. F. R("e DE. RO06
26 P!y%e&t to c"er2 o$ co(rt o$ the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s the #oc2et&+ !&# other
"!w$(" $ees !&# PF**.** #epost $or costs. 5Sec. F. R("e DE. RO06
E6 Wth& $$tee& 51F6 #!ys $ro% &otce o$ !w!r#. 3(#+%e&t. or#er or #!te o$ "!st
p(b"c!to& $ re1(re#. 5Sec. D. R("e DE. RO06
D6 A##to&!" t%e o$ $$tee& 51F6 #!ys o&"y %!y be +r!&te# !$ter %oto& $or
e'te&so&. p!y%e&t o$ #oc2et !&# other "!w$(" $ees !&# #epost $or costs !&# $(rther
e'te&so& $or the %ost co%pe""&+ re!so&s !&# & &o c!se to e'cee# $$tee& 51F6 #!ys.
5Sec. D. R("e DE. RO06
:::1@C. =ow is an appeal b! certiorari ta1en to the "upreme #ourt ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Appe!" $ro% the 2ort o# &ppeals, the Sandiganbayan, the
Regional Trial 2ort or other co(rts whe&e)er !(thor/e# by "!w to the Spreme 2ort;
16 Appe!" o&"y thro(+h )er$e# petto& $or re)ew o& certor!r r!s&+ o&"y
1(esto&s o$ "!w !&# $"e# wth the S(pre%e 0o(rt. 5Sec. 1. R("e DF. RO06
26 P!y%e&t o$ #oc2et $ee !&# other "!w$(" $ees to the c"er2 o$ co(rt o$ the
S(pre%e 0o(rt wth #epost o$ PF**.** $or costs.
E6 Wth& $$tee& 51F6 #!ys $ro% &otce o$ the 3(#+%e&t or or#er !ppe!"e# $ro%.
or o$ #e&!" o$ petto&er>s %oto& $or &ew tr!" or reco&s#er!to& $"e# & #(e t%e !$ter
&otce o$ 3(#+%e&t.
D6 E'te&so& to $"e petto& $or ! pero# o$ thrty 5E*6 #!ys o&"y %!y be +r!&te#
$or 3(st$!b"e re!so&s. o& %oto& #("y ser)e# !&# wth $("" p!y%e&t o$ #oc2et !&# other
"!w$(" $ees !&# #epost $or costs. 5Sec. 2. R("e DF. RO06
!. Scope o# the revie" by the Spreme 2ort in a petition #or revie" on certiorari !s
! %o#e o$ !ppe!" (&#er R("e DF o$ the R("es o$ 0o(rt. O&"y those errors co%%tte# by the 0o(rt
o$ Appe!"s !&# &ot by the tr!" co(rt. 8(ther%ore. o&"y 1(esto&s o$ "!w %!y be r!se# !&#
p!sse# (po&. Abse&t !&y wh%sc!" or c!prco(s e'ercse o$ 3(#+%e&t. !&# (&"ess the "!c2 o$
!&y b!ss $or the co&c"(so&s %!#e by the "ower co(rts be !%p"y #e%o&str!te#. the S(pre%e
0o(rt w"" &ot #st(rb ther $&#&+s. 5T!&e#o. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No.
1*DDA2. pro%. G!&(!ry 22. 1--,6
1@D. )he (eneral rule is that factual findin(s of the lower courts are final and
conclusive and not subject to review b! the "upreme #ourt under Rule 6/ of the Rules of
#ourt. "tate the e%ceptions to this (eneral rule:
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The $o""ow&+ !re the e'cepto&s;
!. Whe& the &$ere&ce %!#e s %!&$est"y %st!2e&. !bs(r# or %possb"eI
b. Where there (s +r!)e !b(se o$ #screto&I
c. Whe& he $&#&+ s +ro(&#e# e&tre"y o& spec("!to&. s(r%ses or co&3ect(resI
#. Whe& the 3(#+%e&t o$ the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s s b!se# o& %s!pprehe&so& o$ $!ctsI
e. Whe& the $&#&+s o$ $!ct !re co&$"ct&+I
$. Whe& the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. & %!2&+ ts $&#&+s we&t beyo&# the ss(es o$ the c!se
!&# the s!%e s co&tr!ry to the !#%sso&s o$ the !ppe""!&t !&# the !ppe""eeI
+. Whe& the $&#&+s o$ $!cts !re co&c"(so&s wtho(t ct!to& o$ spec$c e)#e&ce o&
whch they !re b!se#I
h. Whe& the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s %!&$est"y o)er"oo2e# cert!& re"e)!&t $!cts &ot #sp(te#
by the p!rtes !&# whch. $ proper"y co&s#ere#. wo("# 3(st$y ! #$$ere&t co&c"(so&I !&#
. Whe& the $&#&+s o$ $!ct o$ the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s !re pre%se# o& the !bse&ce o$
e)#e&ce !&# !re co&tr!#cte# by the e)#e&ce o& recor#. 5L""!&(e)! ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !"..
9.R. No. 12@--@. pro%. A(+(st @. 1--A6
-B-2UTI+/S, I/ 6-/-R&0
1C0. In #ivil #ase No. D'44-/* ,acita entered into a judiciall! approved compromise
a(reement with the spouses ,inlac* whereb! the spouses bound themselves to pa! ,2D.*......
in ei(ht! >4.? e&ual installments of ,7*...... subject to the condition that failure to pa! two
>7? installments would render the outstandin( amount due and pa!able.
"ubse&uentl!* for failure of the ,inlac spouses to pa! two installments as stipulated in
the compromise a(reement* ,acita filed with the court a motion for the issuance of a writ of
e%ecution alle(in( that the spouses paid her onl! ,7*/..... and then failed to pa! the
remainin( amounts. "he then demanded e%ecution in the amount of ,/5*/..... as unpaid
balance* which motion was (ranted. "ubse&uentl!* ,acita re&uested the #ler1 of #ourt for the
amendment of the writ to e%ecution to show the correct amount of , 2/5*/...... )he #ler1 of
#ourt without prior order of from the court (ranted the re&uest and issued an amended writ
increasin( the amount from,/5*/..... to ,2/5*/......
#omment on the actuation of the #ler1 of #ourt in issuin( the amended writ.
S:99ESTED ANSWER: By !%e&#&+ the wrt o$ e'ec(to& the 0"er2 o$ 0o(rt c"e!r"y
(s(rpe# ! 3(#c!" $(&cto&.
No o&e b(t the co(rt c!& !%e&# wh!t w!s +r!&te#. !&# ts 0"er2 o$ 0o(rt h!s &o other
#(ty b(t to ss(e the wrt & !ccor#!&ce wth the +r!&t. It s sett"e# pr&cp"e th!t ! wrt o$
e'ec(to& sho("# co&$or% strct"y wth the )ery esse&t!" p!rtc("!rs o$ the pro%("+!te#
3(#+e%e&t 5E'-B!t!!& Leter!&s Sec(rty A+e&cy. I&c. ). NLR0. 2F* S0RA D1A6 or. & the
prese&t c!se. wth the or#er +r!&t&+ e'ec(to& o$ ! 3(#+%e&t b!se# o& ! co%pro%se
!+ree%e&t. O&"y the 3(#+e s )este# wth !(thorty to !%e&# s(ch or#er. 5Lr!y ). 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12*@,*. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 2D. 1--A6
There w!s &o s(ch !%e&#%e&t o$ the or#er & the c!se !t b!r whch wo("# pro)#e ! so"#
b!ss $or the !"ter!to& o$ the wrt. 5Lr!y. supra6
1C1. Does the court have authorit! to amend jud(ments which are not !et final ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Hes. A co(rt h!s the &here&t power to !%e&# !&# co&tro" ts
process !&# or#ers so !s to %!2e the% co&$or%!b"e to "!w !&# 3(stce 5Sec. F B+C. R("e 1EF.
RO06. !&# whe& t $&#s th!t the e&#s o$ 3(stce wo("# be better ser)e#. the co(rt %!y #sre+!r#
tech&c!"tes !&# !%e&# ts or#er or process th!t h!s &ot beco%e $&!". L""!&(e)! ). 08I o$
Ore&t!" M&#oro. 11- S0RA 2AA6
!. Instances "here a cort has athority to amend 9dgments that are already #inal8
0"erc!" errors or %st!2es or o%sso&s p"!&"y #(e to &!#)erte&ce or &e+"+e&ce %!y be
correcte# or s(pp"e# !$ter the 3(#+%e&t h!s bee& e&tere#. 5Presbtero ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et
!".. 12- S0RA DF*. DF16
Where there s !& !%b+(ty c!(se# by !& o%sso& or %st!2e & the #spost)e porto&
o$ ! #ecso& the co(rt %!y c"!r$y s(ch !%b+(ty by !& !%e&#%e&t e)e& !$ter the 3(#+%e&t h!#
beco%e $&!". !&# $or ths p(rpose t %!y resort to the p"e!#&+s $"e# by the p!rtes. the co(rt>s
$&#&+s o$ $!cts !&# co&c"(so&s o$ "!w !s e'presse# & the bo#y o$ the #ecso&. 5Presbtero ).
0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 12- S0RA DF*. DF16
b. Mode #or elevating validity o# e$ection o# #inal and e$ectory 9dgments; I&
e'cepto&!" crc(%st!&ces. co&s#er!to&s o$ 3(stce !&# e1(ty #ct!te th!t there be so%e %o#e
!)!"!b"e to the p!rty !++re)e# o$ e"e)!t&+ the 1(esto& to ! h+her co(rt.
Th!t %o#e o$ e"e)!to& %!y ether be by !ppe!". wrt o$ error or certor!r. or by ! spec!"
c)" !cto& o$ certor!r. prohbto& or %!&#!%(s. 5L%p&. Gr.. et !".. ). I&ter%e#!te Appe""!te
0o(rt. et !".. 1D@ S0RA F22. F2E6
:::1C2. What is the remed! where an e%ecuted jud(ment was reversed but the funds
were alread! (arnished ? $%plain briefl!.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; I& c!se the e'ec(te# 3(#+%e&t s re)erse#. the S(pre%e 0o(rt
&ste!# o$ or#er&+ the 3(#+%e&t cre#tor to ret(r& $(&#s th!t h!)e bee& %proper"y +!r&she#
p(rs(!&t to !& or#er o$ e'ec(to& pe&#&+ !ppe!". #recte# the 3(#+%e&t #ebtor to procee#
!+!&st the bo&# $"e# by the 3(#+%e&t cre#tor. 5B8 0orpor!to& ). ESDA Sh!&+r-L! =ote".
etc.. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E2,FF. pro%. A(+(st 11. 1--A6
Ths s s(pporte# by R("e E-. Sec. F o$ the 1--@ R("es o$ 0)" Proce#(re whch pro)#es
th!t. where the e'ec(te# 3(#+%e&t s re)erse# tot!""y or p!rt!""y. or !&&(""e#. o& !ppe!" or
otherwse. the tr!" co(rt %!y. o& %oto&. ss(e s(ch or#ers o$ restt(to& or rep!r!to& o$
#!%!+es !s e1(ty !&# 3(stce %!y w!rr!&t (&#er the crc(%st!&ces.
As +!r&sh%e&t s ! spece o$ !tt!ch%e&t. the proce#(re pro)#e# & R("e F@. Secto& 2*
o$ the R("es o$ 0o(rt $or the reco)ery o$ #!%!+es !+!&st ! bo&# & c!se o$ rre+("!r !tt!ch%e&t
sho("# be !pp"e#. Ths %e!&s th!t &otce sho("# be +)e& to the s(rety !&# th!t there sho("# be !
he!r&+ be$ore t s he"# "!b"e o& ts bo&#. 5B8 0orpor!to&. supra 6
-B-2UTI+/ &S & M&TT-R +4 RI6)T
:::1C;. When shall e%ecution issue upon jud(ments or final orders ?
!. E'ec(to& sh!"" ss(e !s ! %!tter o$ r+ht. o& %oto& (po& ! 3(#+%e&t or or#er th!t
#sposes o$ the !cto& or procee#&+ (po& the e'pr!to& o$ the pero# to !ppe!" there$ro% $ &o
!ppe!" h!s bee& #("y per$ecte#.
b. I$ the !ppe!" h!s bee& #("y per$ecte# !&# $&!""y reso")e#. the e'ec(to& %!y $orthwth
be !pp"e# $or & the co(rt o$ or+&. o& %oto& o$ the 3(#+%e&t ob"+ee. s(b%tt&+ therewth
cert$e# tr(e copes o$ the 3(#+%e&t or 3(#+%e&ts or $&!" or#er or or#ers so(+ht to be e&$orce#
!&# o$ the e&try thereo$. wth &otce to the !#)erse p!rty.
c. The !ppe""!te co(rt %!y. o& %oto& & the s!%e c!se. whe& the &terest o$ 3(stce.
#rect the co(rt o$ or+& to ss(e the wrt o$ e'ec(to&. 5Sec. 1. R("e E-. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&#
&(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
!. Instances "hen e$ection isses as a matter o# right8
16 E'ec(to& sh!"" ss(e !s ! %!tter o$ r+ht. o& %oto& (po& ! 3(#+%e&t or or#er
th!t #sposes o$ the !cto& or procee#&+ (po& the e'pr!to& o$ the pero# to !ppe!"
there$ro% $ &o !ppe!" h!s bee& #("y per$ecte#. 51st p!r.. Sec. 1. R("e E-. RO06
26 I$ the !ppe!" h!s bee& #("y per$ecte# !&# $&!""y reso")e#. the e'ec(to& %!y
$orthwth be !pp"e# $or & the co(rt o$ or+&. o& %oto& o$ the 3(#+%e&t ob"+ee.
s(b%tt&+ therewth cert$e# tr(e copes o$ the 3(#+%e&t or 3(#+%e&ts or $&!" or#er or
or#ers so(+ht to be e&$orce# !&# o$ the e&try thereo$. wth &otce to the !#)erse p!rty.
52&# p!r.. Ibid.6
E6 G(#+%e&ts & !cto&s $or &3(&cto&. rece)ershp. !cco(&t&+ !&# s(pport. !&#
s(ch other 3(#+%e&ts !s !re &ow or %!y here!$ter be #ec"!re# to be %%e#!te"y
e'ec(tory. sh!"" be e&$orce!b"e !$ter ther re&#to& !&# sh!"" &ot be st!ye# by !& !ppe!"
t!2e& there$ro%. (&"ess otherwse or#ere# by the tr!" co(rt. 51st se&te&ce. 1st p!r. Sec D.
R("e E-. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
D6 I& $orcb"e e&try !&# (&"!w$(" #et!&er. I$ 3(#+%e&t s re&#ere# !+!&st the
#e$e&#!&t. e'ec(to& sh!"" ss(e %%e#!te"y (po& %oto& (&"ess the #e$e&#!&t co%p"es
wth the re1(stes $or st!y&+ e'ec(to&. 5Sec. 1-. R("e @*. RO06
F6 I& $orcb"e e&try !&# (&"!w$(" #et!&er. The 3(#+%e&t o$ the Re+o&!" Tr!"
0o(rt & !# o$ ts !ppe""!te 3(rs#cto& !+!&st the #e$e&#!&t sh!"" be %%e#!te"y
e'ec(tory. wtho(t pre3(#ce to ! $(rther !ppe!" to the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s or S(pre%e 0o(rt
th!t %!y be t!2e& there$ro%. 5Sec. 21. R("e @*6
b. ,hen interloctory order may be en#orced by e$ection8 A& or#er +r!&t&+
s(pport pendente lite. !"tho(+h &ter"oc(tory. %!y be e&$orce# by e'ec(to&. 5Sec. 1. R("e ,1.
:::1C<. Distin(uish a final jud(ment from a jud(ment that has become final and
S:99ESTED ANSWER; A 4$&!" 3(#+%e&t4 beco%es $&!" pon the e$piration o# the
period to appeal there#rom i# no appeal has been dly per#ected 5Sec. 1. R("e E-. RO06. or
!& !ppe!" there$ro% h!)&+ bee& t!2e&. the 3(#+%e&t o$ the !ppe""!te trb(&!" & t(r& beco%es
$&!" !&# the recor#s o$ the c!se !re ret(r&e# to the co(rt o$ or+&.
The 4$&!" 3(#+%e&t4 s the& correct"y c!te+or/e# !s ! 4$&!" !&# e'ec(tory 3(#+%e&t4 &
respect to whch. !s the "!w e'p"ct"y pro)#es. -$ection shall isse as a matter o# right 5Sec.
1. R("e E-. RO06.. It be!rs stress&+ th!t o&"y ! $&!" 3(#+%e&t or or#er. .e. a 9dgment or
order that disposes o# the action o# proceeding c!& beco%e $&!" !&# e'ec(tory. 5I&)est%e&ts.
I&c. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 1D@ S0RA ED16
7IS2R-TI+/&R1 -B-2UTI+/
:::1C=. =ow ma! discretion e%ecution or e%ecution pendin( appeal be availed of ?
!. O& %oto& o$ the pre)!"&+ p!rty wth &otce to the !#)erse p!rty $"e# & the tr!"
co(rt wh"e t h!s 3(rs#cto& o)er the c!se !&# s & possesso& o$ ether the or+&!" recor# or
the recor# o& !ppe!". !s the c!se %!y be. !t the t%e o$ the $"&+ o$ s(ch %oto&. s!# co(rt %!y.
& ts #screto&. or#er e'ec(to& o$ ! 3(#+%e&t or $&!" or#er e)e& be$ore the e'pr!to& o$ the
pero# to !ppe!".
b. A$ter the tr!" co(rt h!s "ost 3(rs#cto&. the %oto& $or e'ec(to& pe&#&+ !ppe!" %!y
be $"e# & the !ppe""!te co(rt.
c. Dscreto&!ry e'ec(to& %!y o&"y ss(e (po& +oo# re!so&s to be st!te# & ! spec!"
or#er !$ter #(e he!r&+. 5Sec. 2 B!C. R("e E-. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
!. -$ection o# several, separate or partial 9dgments; A se)er!". sep!r!te or p!rt!"
3(#+%e&t %!y be e'ec(te# (&#er the s!%e ter%s !&# co&#to&s !s e'ec(to& o$ ! 3(#+%e&t or
$&!" or#er pe&#&+ !ppe!". 5Sec. 2 BbC. R("e E. RO06
b. ,hen motion #or e$ection pending appeal o# discretionary e$ection #iled8
16 Wh"e the tr!" co(rt h!s 3(rs#cto& o)er the c!se !&# s & possesso& o$
ether the or+&!" recor# or the recor# o& !ppe!". !s the c!se %!y be. !t the t%e o$ the
$"&+ o$ s(ch %oto&. s!# co(rt %!y. & ts #screto&. or#er e'ec(to& o$ ! 3(#+%e&t or
$&!" or#er e)e& be$ore the e'pr!to& o$ the pero# to !ppe!".
26 A$ter the tr!" co(rt h!s "ost 3(rs#cto&. the %oto& $or e'ec(to& pe&#&+
!ppe!" %!y be $"e# & the !ppe""!te co(rt. 51st !&# 2&# p!rs.. Sec. 2 B!C. R("e E-. RO0
!rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
c. 6ronds #or issing e$ection pending appeal or discretionary e$ection8
Dscreto&!ry e'ec(to& %!y o&"y ss(e (po& +oo# re!so&s to be st!te# & ! spec!" or#er !$ter
#(e he!r&+. 5"!st p!r.. Sec. 2 B!C. R("e E-. RO06
:::#. 6ood reasons #or e$ection pending appeal8
16 Where the 3(#+%e&t s $or the &ecess!ry s(pport o$ !& her 5Peop"e>s B!&2 ).
S!& Gose. -, Ph". A-F6I
b. Where the e#(c!to& o$ the perso& to be s(pporte# wo("# be (&#("y #e"!ye# $
$&!&c!" !ssst!&ce s to be re&#ere# o&"y !$ter ter%&!to& o$ the !ppe!". 5G!)er ).
L(cero. -D Ph". ,ED6
c. whe& the !ppe!" s be&+ t!2e& $or the p(rpose o$ #e"!y 5Presbtero ). Ro#!s.
@E Ph". E**6I
#. Whe& there s #!&+er o$ the 3(#+%e&t beco%&+ &e$$ect(!" bec!(se the
3(#+%e&t #ebtor. ! $ore+& corpor!to&. s wth#r!w&+ ts b(s&ess $ro% the co(&try
5Scottsh :&o& etc.. ). M!c!#!e+. et !".. -1 Ph". A-16I !&#
e. Whe& !#)!&ce e'ec(to& o$ !& or#er !(thor/&+ the re%o)!" o$ ! re+("!r
!#%&str!tor s &ecess!ry to protect the est!te $ro% %s%!&!+e%e&t. 50ot! ). Pecso&.
-E Ph". AA16
e. 6ronds that cold /+T AUSTI41 issance o# e$ection pending appeal8
16 Act(!" !&# %%e#!te #!&+er o$ &so")e&cy. 5B8 0orpor!to& ). EDSA
Sh!&+r-L! =ote". etc.. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E2,FF. pro%. A(+(st 11. 1--A6
E)e& the #!&+er o$ e't&cto& o$ pre)!"&+ the corpor!to& w"" &ot per se 3(st$y
! #screto&!ry e'ec(to& (&"ess there !re show&+s o$ other +oo# re!so&s. s(ch !s $or
&st!&ce. %pe&#&+ &so")e&cy o$ the !#)erse p!rty or the !ppe!" be&+ p!te&t"y #"!tory.
B(t e)e& so. t s &ot $or the tr!" 3(#+e to #eter%&e the %ert o$ ! #ecso& he re&#ere# !s
ths s the ro"e o$ the !ppe""!te co(rt. =e&ce t s &ot wth& the co%pete&ce o$ the tr!"
co(rt. & reso")&+ ! %oto& $or e'ec(to& pe&#&+ !ppe!". to r("e th!t the !ppe!" s
p!te&t"y #"!tory !&# re"y o& the s!%e !s ts b!ss $or $&#&+ +oo# re!so&s to +r!&t the
%oto&. O&"y !& !ppe""!te co(rt c!& !pprec!te the #"!tory &te&t o$ !& !ppe!" !s !&
!##to&!" +oo# re!so& & (pho"#&+ !& or#er $or e'ec(to& pe&#&+ !ppe!". 5B8
0orpor!to&. supra6
26 Post&+ o$ ! bo&# to !&swer $or #!%!+es s &ot !"o&e ! s($$ce&t re!so& $or
or#er&+ e'ec(to& pe&#&+ !ppe!". 5B8 0orpor!to&. supra6
The $"&+ o$ ! bo&# #oes &ot co&stt(te ! +oo# re!so&. 5R!%!s. et !".. ).
0o%%sso& o& E"ecto&s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E*AE1. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 1*. 1--A6
Ne)erthe"ess. the tr!" co(rt %!y re1(re the $"&+ o$ ! bo&# !s ! co&#to& $or the
ss(!&ce o$ ! correspo&#&+ wrt o$ e'ec(to& to !&swer $or the p!y%e&t o$ #!%!+es
whch the !++re)e# p!rty %!y s($$er by re!so& o$ the e'ec(to& pe&#&+ !ppe!".
5R!%!s. et !".. supra6
$. Remedy i# e$ection pending appeal is improper. Certiorari s the proper re%e#y
where the +r!&t o$ e'ec(to& pe&#&+ !ppe!" s &ot $o(&#e# (po& +oo# re!so&s. Appe!" s &ot !
spee#y !&# !#e1(!te re%e#y th!t c!& re"e)e the "os&+ p!rty $ro% the %%e#!te e$$ects o$ !&
%pro)#e&t e'ec(to& pe&#&+ !ppe!". 5B8 0orpor!to& ). ESDA Sh!&+r-L! =ote". etc.. et !"..
9.R. No. 1E2,FF. pro%. A(+(st 11. 1--A6
+. Stay o# discretionary e$ection8
16 Dscreto&!ry e'ec(to& ss(e#
26 %!y be st!ye# (po& !ppro)!" by the proper co(rt o$ ! s($$ce&t s(perse#e!s
E6 $"e# by the p!rty !+!&st who% t s #recte#.
!6 co&#to&e# (po& the per$or%!&ce o$ the 3(#+%e&t or or#er !""owe# to
be e'ec(te#
b6 & c!se t sh!"" be $&!""y s(st!&e# & who"e or & p!rt.
c6 The bo&# th(s +)e& %!y be procee#e# !+!&st o& %oto& wth &otce
to the s(rety. 5Sec. E. R("e E-. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
1C>. What should be done to sta! the e%ecution in unlawful detainer or forcible entr!
cases durin( the pendenc! of an appeal before the Re(ional )rial #ourt ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; A& !ppe!" s per$ecte# !&# the #e$e&#!&t to st!y e'ec(to&
$"es ! s($$ce&t s(perse#e!s bo&#. !ppro)e# by the M(&cp!" Tr!" 0o(rt !&# e'ec(te# o& $!)or
o$ the p"!&t$$ to p!y the re&ts. #!%!+es. !&# costs !ccr(&+ #ow& to the t%e o$ the 3(#+%e&t
!ppe!"e# $ro%. 5Sec. 1-. R("e @1. RO06
PR+2-7UR- 4+R -B-2UTI+/ &/7 S&TIS4&2TI+/ +4 AU76M-/T
:::1C@. When ma! a jud(ment be e%ecuted b! mere motion ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; A $&!" !&# e'ec(tory 3(#+%e&t or or#er %!y be e'ec(te# o&
%oto& wth& $)e 5F6 ye!rs $ro% the #!te o$ ts e&try. 51st se&te&ce. Sec. ,. R("e E-. RO06
1C@.&. What is the concept of a dormant jud(ment ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; A #or%!&t 3(#+%e&t s o&e whch h!s &ot bee& e&$orce# by
!cto& wth& $)e 5F6 ye!rs !$ter ts e&try !&# s. there$ore. re#(ce# to ! %ere r+ht o$ !cto& &
$!)or o$ the 3(#+%e&t-cre#tor. It %!y be e&$orce# by !cto&. 5S!")!&te ). :b 0r(/. AA Ph".
!. -$ceptions to the dormant 9dgment rle or instances "here e$ection may be
had on mere motion despite the lapse o# the #irve year period.
16 G(#+%e&t $or s(pport whch #oes &ot beco%e #or%!&t. &or #oes t prescrbe.
e'cept !s to &st!""%e&ts &ot co""ecte# #(r&+ the pero# $'e# by the st!t(te o$
"%t!to&s. !&# t s e&$orce!b"e by %oto& !t !&y t%e. 58"ore&#o ). Or+!&o. -* Ph".
8(rther%ore. s&ce the ob"+!to& s ! co&t&(&+ o&e. the co(rt &e)er "oses
3(rs#cto& to e&$orce the s!%e. 50!&o&/!#o ). Be&te/. et !".. 12@ S0RA ,1,6
26 :po& %ertoro(s +ro(&#s or (po& e1(ty. Th(s. $ the #e"!ys were thro(+h &o
$!("t o$ the pre)!"&+ p!rty. the #e"!ys sho("# &ot be &c"(#e# & co%p(t&+ the $)e 5F6
ye!r pero#. 50!%!cho ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 11AEE-. pro%. M!rch 1-.
The e'cepto&s h!)e o&e co%%o& #e&o%&!tor. !&# th!t s the #e"!y s c!(se# or
occ!so&e# by !cto&s o$ the 3(#+%e&t #ebtor !&#Por s &c(rre# $or hs be&e$t or
!#)!&t!+e. 5Ibid6
1CC. When a jud(ment be e%ecuted b! action ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; A$ter the "!pse o$ $)e 5F6 ye!rs $ro% #!te o$ ts e&try. !&#
be$ore t s b!rre# by the st!t(te o$ "%t!to&s. ! 3(#+%e&t %!y be e&$orce# by !cto&. 52&#
se&te&ce. Sec. ,. R("e E-. RO06
!. /atre o# action. The !cto& $or e&$orce%e&t o$ ! #or%!&t 3(#+%e&t s !& or#&!ry
c)" !cto&. the ob3ect o$ whch s two-$o"#. &!%e"y;
16 To re))e the #or%!&t 3(#+%e&tI !&#
26 To e'ec(te the 3(#+%e&t re))&+ t. $ t +r!&ts the p"!&t$$ !&y re"e$. =e&ce.
the r+hts o$ the 3(#+%e&t-cre#tor #epe&# (po& the seco&# 3(#+%e&t.
Be&+ !& or#&!ry c)" !cto&. t s s(b3ect to !"" #e$e&ses. ob3ecto&s !&# co(&terc"!%s
whch the 3(#+%e&t-#ebtor %!y h!)e e'cept th!t &o &1(ry c!& be %!#e !s to the %erts o$ the
$rst 3(#+%e&t. There$ore. #e$e&ses th!t #o &ot +o to the %erts o$ the $rst 3(#+%e&t. s(ch !s
"!c2 o$ 3(rs#cto&. co""(so&. $r!(#. prescrpto&. or s!ts$!cto& o$ the 3(#+%e&t. %!y be set-(p
by the 3(#+%e&t-#ebtor. 5S!")!&te ). :b 0r(/. AA Ph". 2E,6
The re))e# 3(#+%e&t %!y !"so be e&$orce# by %oto& wth& $)e 5F6 ye!rs $ro% the #!te
o$ ts e&try !&# there!$ter by !cto& be$ore t s b!rre# by the st!t(te o$ "%t!to&s. 5"!st se&te&ce.
Sec. ,. R("e E-. RO06
-B-2UTI+/ I/ 2&S- +4 7-&T) +4 P&RT1
1CD. =ow is e%ecution effected in case of the death of a part! ?
5!6 I& c!se o$ the #e!th o$ the 3(#+%e&t ob"+ee. (po& the !pp"c!to& o$ hs e'ec(tor or
!#%&str!tor. or s(ccessor & &terestI
5b6 I& c!se o$ the #e!th o$ the 3(#+%e&t ob"+or. !+!&st hs e'ec(tor or !#%&str!tor or
s(ccessor & &terest.$ the 3(#+%e&t be $or the reco)ery o$ re!" or perso&!" property. or the
e&$orce%e&t o$ ! "e& thereo&I
5c6 I& c!se o$ the #e!th o$ the 3(#+%e&t ob"+or. !$ter e'ec(to& s !ct(!""y "e)e# (po&
!&y o$ hs property. the s!%e %!y be so"# $or the s!ts$!cto& o$ the 3(#+%e&t ob"+!to&. !&# the
o$$cer %!2&+ the s!"e sh!"" !cco(&t to the correspo&#&+ e'ec(tor or !#%&str!tor $or !&y
s(rp"(s & hs h!&#s. 5Sec. @. R("e E-. RO06
-B-2UTI+/ +4 AU76M-/TS 4+R M+/-1
1D0. =ow is e%ecution of jud(ments for mone! enforced ?
!. I%%e#!te p!y%e&t o& #e%!&#I or
b. S!ts$!cto& by "e)yI or
c. 9!r&sh%e&t o$ #ebts !&# cre#ts. 5Sec. -. R("e E-. RO06
-B-2UTI+/ +4 AU76M-/TS 4+R SP-2I4I2 &2TS
1D1. =ow are jud(ments for specific acts e%ecuted ?
!.. 0o&)ey!&ce. #e")ery o$ #ee#s. or other spec$c !cts )est&+ tt"eI
b. S!"e o$ re!" or perso&!" propertyI
c. De")ery or restt(to& o$ re!" propertyI
#. Re%o)!" o$ %pro)e%e&ts o& property s(b3ect o$ e'ec(to&I
e. De")ery o$ perso&!" property. 5Sec. 1*. R("e E-. RO06
-B-2UTI+/ +4 SP-2I&0 AU76M-/TS
1D2. =ow are special jud(ments e%ecuted ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; A cert$e# copy o$ the 3(#+%e&t sh!"" be !tt!che# to the wrt
o$ e'ec(to& !&# sh!"" be ser)e# by the o$$cer (po& the p!rty !+!&st who% the s!%e s e&tere#.
or (po& !&y other perso& re1(re# thereby. or by "!w. to obey the s!%e. !&# s(ch p!rty or perso&
%!y be p(&she# $or co&te%pt $ he #sobeys s(ch 3(#+%e&t. 5Sec. 11. R("e E-. RO06
PR+2--7I/6S ,)-R- PR+P-RT1 20&IM-7 '1 T)IR7 P-RS+/
RRR1D;. What proceedin(s are to be underta1en where the propert! is claimed b! a
third person ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; I$ the property "e)e# o& s c"!%e# by !&y perso& other th!&
the 3(#+%e&t ob"+or or hs !+e&t. !&# s(ch perso& %!2es !& !$$#!)t o$ hs tt"e thereto or r+ht
to the possesso& thereo$. st!t&+ the +ro(&#s o$ s(ch r+ht or tt"e. !&# ser)es the s!%e (po& the
o$$cer %!2&+ the "e)y !&# ! copy thereo$ (po& the 3(#+%e&t ob"+ee. the o$$cer sh!"" &ot be
bo(&# to 2eep the property. (&"ess s(ch 3(#+%e&t ob"+ee. o& #e%!&# o$ the o$$cer $"es ! bo&#
!ppro)e# by the co(rt to &#e%&$y the thr#-p!rty c"!%!&t & ! s(% &ot "ess th!& the )!"(e o$
the property "e)e# o&. I& c!se o$ #s!+ree%e&t !s to s(ch )!"(e. the s!%e sh!"" be #eter%&e# by
the co(rt ss(&+ the wrt o$ e'ec(to&. No c"!% $or #!%!+es $or the t!2&+ or 2eep&+ o$ the
property %!y be e&$orce# !+!&st the bo&# (&"ess he !cto& there$or s $"e# wth& o&e h(&#re#
twe&ty 512*6 #!ys $ro% the #!te o$ the $"&+ o$ the bo&#.
The o$$cer sh!"" &ot be "!b"e $or #!%!+es $or the t!2&+ or 2eep&+ o$ the property . to
!&y thr#-p!rty c"!%!&t $ s(ch bo&# s $"e#. Noth&+ here& co&t!&e# sh!"" pre)e&t s(ch
c"!%!&t or !&y thr# perso& $ro% )&#c!t&+ hs c"!% to the property & ! sep!r!te !cto&. or
pre)e&t the 3(#+%e&t ob"+ee $ro% c"!%&+ #!%!+es & the s!%e or ! sep!r!te !cto& !+!&st !
thr#-p!rty c"!%!&t who $"e# ! $r)o"o(s or p"!&"y sp(ro(s c"!%. 51st !&# 2&# p!rs.. Sec. 1,.
R("e E-. RO06
R-7-MPTI+/ +4 PR+P-RT1 S+07 +/ -B-2UTI+/
1D<. What is meant b! the ri(ht of redemption ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The r+ht o$ ! 3(#+%e&t #ebtor or re#e%pto&er to b(y b!c2
$ro% the p(rch!ser o$ the proper so"# !t p(b"c !(cto& by )rt(e o$ ! wrt o$ e'ec(to& !t !&yt%e
wth& the re+"e%e&t!ry pero#.
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; Re#e%pto& %!y be %!#e & by the $o""ow&+ perso&s;
5!6 The 3(#+%e&t ob"+or. or hs s(ccessor & &terest & the who"e or !&y p!rt o$ the
5b6 A cre#tor h!)&+ ! "e& by )rt(e o$ !& !tt!ch%e&t. 3(#+%e&t or %ort+!+e o& the
property so"#. or o& so%e p!rt thereo$. s(bse1(e&t to the "e& (&#er whch the property w!s so"#.
S(ch re#ee%&+ cre#tor s ter%e# !s ! re#e%pto&er.
R-M-7I-S +4 AU76M-/T 2R-7IT+R I/ &I7 +4 -B-2UTI+/
:::1D=. What remedies ma! be availed of b! a jud(ment creditor in aid of e%ecution ?
!. I$ e'ec(to& s ret(r&e# (&s!ts$e#. he %!y c!(se e'!%&!to& o$ the 3(#+%e&t-#ebtor
!s o hs property !&# &co%e 5Sec. E,. R("e E-. RO06I
b. =e %!y c!(se e'!%&!to& o$ the #ebtor o$ the 3(#+%e&t-#ebtor !s to !&y #ebt owe#
by h% to the 3(#+%e&t-#ebtor or !s to !&y other property o$ the 3(#+%e&t-#ebtor & hs
possesso& 5Sec. E@. Ibid.6I
c. I$ !$ter e'!%&!to& the co(rt $&#s th!t there s property o$ the 3(#+%e&t-#ebtor ether
& hs ow& h!&#s or & th!t o$ !&y other perso&. the co(rt %!y or#er the property !pp"e# to the
s!ts$!cto& o$ the 3(#+%e&t 5Sec. D*. Ibid.6I
#. I$ the co(rt $&#s th!t the e!r&&+s o$ the 3(#+%e&t-#ebtor !re %ore th!& s($$ce&t $or
hs $!%"y>s &ee#s. t %!y or#er p!y%e&t o$ the 3(#+%e&t & &st!""%e&ts 5Ibid.6I
e. The co(rt %!y !ppo&t ! rece)er $or property o$ the 3(#+%e&t-#ebtor &ot e'e%pt $ro%
e'ec(to&. or $orb# ! tr!&s$er or other #sposto& o$ or &ter$ere&ce wth s(ch property 5Sec. D1.
R("e E-. RO06I
$. I$ the co(rt $&#s th!t the 3(#+%e&t-#ebtor h!s !& !scert!&!b"e &terest & re!" property
ether !s %ort+!+or. %ort+!+ee. or otherwse. !&# hs &terest c!& be !scert!&e# wtho(t
co&tro)ersy. the co(rt %!y or#er the s!"e o$ s(ch &terest 5Sec. D2. Ibid.5I
+. I$ the perso& !""e+e# to h!)e property o$ the 3(#+%e&t-#ebtor or to be &#ebte# to h%
c"!%s !& !#)erse &terest & the property. or #e&es the #ebt. the co(rt %!y !(thor/e the
3(#+%e&t-cre#tor to &stt(te !cto& to reco)er the property. $orb# tr!&s$er o$ the property (&t"
the !cto& c!& be co%%e&ce# !&# prosec(te# to 3(#+%e&t. !&# %!y p(&sh #sobe#e&ce o$ s(ch
or#er !s co&te%pt 5Sec. DE. Ibid.6
1D>. =ow shall the writ of e%ecution be returned ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The wrt o$ e'ec(to& sh!"" be ret(r&!b"e to the co(rt ss(&+ t
%%e#!te"y !$ter the 3(#+%e&t h!s bee& s!ts$e# & p!rt or & $("". I$ the 3(#+%e&t c!&&ot be
s!ts$e# & $("" wth& thrty 5E*6 #!ys !$ter hs o$ the wrt. the o$$cer sh!"" report to the co(rt
!&# st!te the re!so& there$or. S(ch wrt sh!"" co&t&(e & e$$ect #(r&+ the pero# wth& whch
the 3(#+%e&t %!y be e&$orce# by %oto&.. the o$$cer sh!"" %!2e ! report to the co(rt e)ery
thrty 5E*6 #!ys o& the procee#&+s t!2e& thereo& (&t" the 3(#+%e&t s s!ts$e# & $("". or ts
e$$ect)ty e'pres. The ret(r&s or pero#c reports sh!"" set $orth the who"e o$ the procee#&+s
t!2e& !&# sh!"" be $"e# wth the co(rt !&# copes thereo$ pro%pt"y $(r&she# the p!rtes. 5Sec.
1D. R("e E-. RO06
PR-0IMI/&R1 &TT&2)M-/T
PR-0IMI/&R1 I/AU/2TI+/
SUPP+RT ,$ND$N)$ <I)$
:::1D@. M sued K for a sum of mone!. K is leavin( the ,hilippines with intent to
defraud creditors. =ence* M applied for and was (ranted e%'parte a writ of preliminar!
attachment which was immediatel! implemented b! the sheriff. K now moves to dischar(e the
attachemtn because it was issued and implemented prior to service of summons. 0n the other
hand* M &uotes "ec. 7* Rule /5* which provides that* Ian order of attachment ma! be issued
either e%'parte or upon motion with notice and hearin( b! the court in which the action is
pendin( %%%J =e li1ewise adverts to "ec. 2 of the same Rule which provides that* IAt the
commencement of the action or at an! time before entr! of jud(ment* a plaintiff or an! proper
part! ma! have the propert! of the adverse part! attached as securit! for the satisfaction of
an! jud(ment that ma! be recovered %%%J 9inall!* he contends that the subse&uent service of
summons cured an! infirmatiies that ma! have attended the issuance and implementation of
the writ.
Rule on the motion to dischar(e the attachment. $%plain briefl!.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The %oto& to #sch!r+e the !tt!ch%e&t s +r!&te#. The
ss(!&ce o$ the wrt o$ !tt!ch%e&t pror to ser)ce o$ s(%%o&s w!s )!"#. b(t the s!%e %(st be
%p"e%e&te# to+ether wth or !$ter ser)ce o$ the s(%%o&s.
The s(bse1(e&t ser)ce o$ s(%%o&s #oes &ot c(re the #e$ect o$ $!"(re to ser)e the
s(%o&s !t the t%e o$ the %p"e%e&t!to& o$ the wrt.
!. 6ronds pon "hich attachment may isse. &t the commencement o# the action
or at any time be#ore entry o# 9dgment, a plainti## or any proper party may have the
property o# the adverse party attached as secrity #or the satis#action o# any 9dgment that
may be recovered in the #ollo"ing cases8
aF In an action #or the recovery o# a speci#ied amont o# money, other than moral
and e$emplary, on a case o# action earising #rom la", contract, *as.contract, delict or
*asi.delict against a party "ho is abot to depart #rom the Philippines "ith intent to
de#rad his creditorsH
bF 0OPH 5Sec. 1. R("e F@. R("es o$ 0o(rt6
It s s($$ce&t to pro)e the p"!&t$$Ms e&tt"e%e&t to the "e+!" possesso& o&"y !&# &ot
&ecess!r"y ow&ershp. 5N!to&!" Power 0orpor!to& ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No.
1221-F. pro%. G("y 2E. 1--A6
To #et!& & rep"e)& c!ses %e!&s. 4To ho"# or 2eep & c(sto#y.4 There s torto(s t!2&+
whe&e)er there s !& (&"!w$(" %e##"&+ wth the property. or !& e'ercse or c"!% o$ #o%&o&
o)er t. wtho(t %!&(!" se/&+ o$ the property. 5P!!t ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 2,, S0RA 1AF6
:::1DC. IAJ owns an anti&ue wood carvin( valued at ,-/.*...... which he lent to
I+J for e%hibition durin( the inau(uration of the latterCs art (aller!. After the inau(uration*
I+J brou(ht the paintin( to his house in Nue;on #it! where he hun( it in his sala. Despite
IACsJ numerous demands for the return of the paintin( I+J refused.
If !ou were IACsJ attorne!* what le(al steps would !ou ta1e to protect the interest of
IAJ and in what court should !ou brin( the suit ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; I wo("# br&+ ! s(t $or the reco)er( o$ the woo# c!r)&+ wth
! pr!yer $or !& or#er $or the #e")ery o$ the property to JAK. I wo("# $"e the c!se be$ore the RT0
s&ce the !cto& s o&e whch &ot c!p!cb"e o$ pec(&!ry est%!to&.
!. Re*irements to spport an application #or replevin. The applicant mst sho"
by his o"n a##idavit or that o# some other person "ho personally Eno"s the #acts8
aF That the applicant is the o"ner o# the property particlarly describibg it,
or is entitled to the possession thereo#H
bF That the property is "rongly detained by the adverse party, alleging the
case o# detention thereo# according to the best o# his Eno"ledge, in#ormation and
cF That the property has not been distrained or taEen #or a ta$ assessment or
a #ine prsant to la", or sei!ed nder a "rit o# e$ection or preliminary
attachment, or other"ise placed nder custodia le(is, or i# so sei!ed, that it is e$empt
#rom sch sei!re or cstodyH and
dF The actal marEet vale o# the property.
The applicant mst also give a bond, e$ected to the adverse party in doble
the vale o# the property as stated in the a##idavit a#orementioned, #or the retrn o#
the property to the adverse party i# sch retrn be ad9dged, and #or the payment to
the adverse party o# sch sm as he may recover #rom the applicant in the action. 0
5Sec. 2. R("e ,*. RO06
7-20&R&T+R1 R-0I-4 &/7 SIMI0&R R-M-7I-S
R-5I-, +4 AU76M-/TS &/7 4I/&0 +R7-RS +R R-S+0UTI+/S +4 T)-
2+MMISSI+/ +/ -0-2TI+/S &/7 T)- 2+MMSSI+/ +/ &U7IT
2-RTI+R&RI, PR+)I'ITI+/ &/7 M&/7&MUS
3U+ ,&RR&/T+
4+R-20+SUR- +4 R-&0 -ST&T- M+RT6&6-
4+R2I'0- -/TR1 &/7 U/0&,4U0 7-T&I/-R
:::1DD. Distin(uish certiorari as a special civil action under Rule D/ from certiorari
as a mode of appeal under Rule 6/ of the Rules of #ourt.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The $o""ow&+ !re the #st&cto&s;
!. 0ertor!r !s ! spec!" c)" !cto& s wth& the 3(rs#cto& o$ the s(pre%e 0o(rt. the
0o(rt o$ Appe!"s !&# the Re+o!" Tr!" 0o(rts W=ILE certor!r !s ! %o#e o$ !ppe!" s wth&
the 3(rs#cto& o&"y o$ the S(pre%e 0o(rt.
b. The +ro(&#s $or certor!r (&#er R("e ,F !re "!c2 or e'cess o$ 3(rs#cto& or +r!)e
!b(se o$ #screto& W=ILE the +ro(&#s $or certor!r (&#er R("e DF !re errors o$ "!w.
c. :&#er R("e ,F the p(b"c respo&#e&ts sho("# be h3o&e# W=ILE (&#er R("e DF. they
&ee# &ot be 3o&e#.
200. What is the basic issue in a suit for unlawful detainer ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; So"e"y the ss(e o$ physc!" or %!ter!" possesso& o)er the
property or possesso& de facto. th!t s. who betwee& the p"!&t$$ !&# the #e$e&#!&t h!s ! better
r+ht to possess the property & 1(esto&. 5Arc!". et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No.
12@AF* pro%. G!&(!ry 2,. 1--A6
:::201. In case of several demands in a suit for unlawful detainer when should the
jurisdictional date of one !ear be counted ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; 8ro% the "!st #e%!&#. 5L!b!st#! ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !"..
9.R. No. 11*1@D. pro%. M!rch 2*. 1--A6
202. #ould there be ejectm*ent of possessors b! mere tolelrance ? $%plain.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Hes. Possesso& by to"er!&ce s "!w$(". b(t s(ch possesso&
beco%es (&"!w$(" (po& #e%!&# to )!c!te %!#e by the ow&er !&# the possessor by to"er!&ce
re$(ses to co%p"y wth s(ch #e%!&#. A perso& who occ(pes the "!&# o$ !&other !t the "!tter>s
to"er!&ce or per%sso&. wtho(t !&y co&tr!ct betwee& the%. s &ecess!r"y bo(&# by !& %p"e#
pro%se th!t he w"" )!c!te (po& #e%!&#. $!"&+ whch. ! s(%%!ry !cto& $or e3ect%e&t s the
proper re%e#y !+!&st h%.
The possessor>s st!t(s s !&!"o+o(s to th!t o$ ! "essee or te&!&t whose ter% o$ "e!se h!s
e'pre# b(t whose occ(p!&cy co&t&(e# by to"er!&ce o$ the ow&er. I& s!(ch c!se. the (&"!w$("
#epr)!to& or wthho"#&+ o$ possesso& s to be co(&te# $ro% the #!te o$ the #e%!&# to )!c!te.
5Arc!". et !".. 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12@AF*. pro%. G!&(!ry 2,. 1--A6
20<. Wh! is jud(ment in an unlawful detainer case immediate e%ecutor! ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; To pre)e&t $(rther #!%!+e to the p"!&t$$ !rs&+ $ro% the
"oss o$ possesso& o$ the property & 1(esto&. 5Spo(ses 0h(! ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R.
No. 11EAA,. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 2D. 1--A6
20=. What are the re&uisites to sta! the immediate e%ecution of a jud(ment in an
unlawful detainer case ?
!. The #e$e&#!&t per$ects hs !ppe!"I
b. =e $"es ! s(perse#e!s bo&#I
c. =e pero#c!""y #eposts the re&t!"s whch beco%e #(e #(r&+ the pe&#e&cy o$ the
!ppe!". 5Sec. A. R("e @*
20>. What is a supersedeas bond ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Ths s ! bo&# $"e# to st!y the %%e#!te e'ec(to& o$ !
3(#+%e&t. & !& (&"!w$(" #et!&er c!se. & $!)or o$ the p"!&t$$. It s e1()!"e&t to the !%o(&t o$
re&t!"s. #!%!+es !&# costs st!te# & the 3(#+%e&t. 5Spo(ses 0h(! ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !"..
9.R. No. 11EAA,. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 2D. 1--A6
52*** R("es o$ 0r%&!" Proce#(re6
'-4+R- PR-0IMI/&R1 I/5-STI6&TI+/. 7-T-RMI/-
!. The o$$e&se
16 Des+&!to& o$ the o$$e&se
26 P"!ce o$ co%%sso& o$ the o$$e&se
E6 D!te o$ co%%sso& o$ the o$$e&se
b. 0!(se o$ the !cc(s!to&
c. S(bsste&ce o$ r+ht o$ !cto&
16 Prescrpto&
26 Do(b"e 3eop!r#y
#. P!rtes
16 Respo&#e&t
26 Pr)!te o$$e&#e# p!rty
e. Arrests. se!rches !&# se/(res
$. R+hts o$ the !cc(se#
+. E'ste&ce o$ c!(se o$ !cto&
16 Prescrpto&
26 Do(b"e 3eop!r#y
PR-0IMI/&R1 I/5-STI6&TI+/
!. Whe& co&#(cte#
Pe&!"ty prescrbe# s !t "e!st $o(r 5D6 ye!rs. two 526 %o&ths !&# o&e 516
#!y wtho(t re+!r# to $&e
'-4+R- 4I0I/6 ,IT) T)- 2+URT
!. Doctr&e o$ pror resort
b. A"ter&!t)e #sp(te reso"(to& !&# preco&#to&
16 Re$err!" (&#er Katarrungang Pambarangay
c. Se"ecto& o$ co(rt
16 G(rs#cto&
26 Le&(e
E6 S(%%!ry proce#(re
#. P"e!#&+s
16 0o%p"!&t P&$or%!to&
!6 Who $"es
b6 8or%
c6 D(p"cty
26 A%e&#%e&ts
E6 E't&cto& o$ cr%&!" "!b"ty
D6 Do(b"e 3eop!r#y
F6 Wt&esses
,6 B!" reco%%e&#e#
@6 0)" "!b"ty
A6 Pro)so&!" re%e#es
4I0I/6 ,IT) T)- 2+URT
!. I&ter)e&to& o$ the pr)!te o$$e&#e# p!rty
&4T-R 4I0I/6 ,IT) 2+URT '-4+R- TRI&0
!. Arrest
b. B!"
c. Moto& to 1(!sh
#. Arr!+&%e&t !&# p"e!
e. Pre-tr!"
$. E'!%&!to& o$ wt&esses
!. Or#er o$ tr!"
b. 0o&so"#!to&
c. Dsch!r+e o$ !cc(se# $or (se !s st!te wt&ess
#. E'c"(so& o$ p(b"c
e. Act+. p(b"c prosec(tor
&4T-R TRI&0
!. Moto& $or 3(#+%e&t o& #e%(rrer to e)#e&ce
b. G(#+%e&t
c. Moto& $or &ew tr!"
#. Moto& $or reco&s#er!to&
S-R5I2- +4 S-/T-/2-
IS T)-R- & 5I+0&TI+/ +4 SU'ST&/TI5- P-/&0 0&, ? 8!%"!r s the
co&cept o$ nullum crimen nulla peoena sine lege. There s &o cr%e (&"ess there s ! "!w th!t
p(&shes t. Be$ore pre"%&!ry &)est+!to& there %(st $rst be ! #eter%&!to& o$ whether or
&ot there s ! cr%e. Otherwse. there s &o &ee# to procee# to the pre"%&!ry &)est+!to& to
#eter%&e the c("p!b"ty o$ ! perso& so he co("# be he"# $or tr!".
Other co&s#er!to&s wo("# be to #eter%&e the p!rtc("!r #es+&!to& o$ the o$$e&se. the p"!ce
!&# t%e where t w!s co%%tte#. 8&!""y. there %(st be ! #eter%&!to& o$ how the respo&#e&t
co%%tte# the cr%e.
7+-S T)- RI6)T +4 &2TI+/ SU'SIST ? It s "2ewse !t ths po&t where !
#eter%&!to& s %!#e whether the r+ht to $"e the cr%&!" !cto& st"" s(bssts. Whether the
cr%e or the pe&!"ty h!s !"re!#y prescrbe#. or whether or &ot the co&cept o$ #o(b"e 3eop!r#y
$&#s !pp"c!to&.
,)+ &R- T)- P&RTI-S ? Who s the !cc(se# !&# who s the pr)!te o$$e&#e#
p!rty. $ !&y < These 1(esto&s %(st be reso")e# & or#er to 2&ow who% to c!"" #(r&+ the
pre"%&!ry &)est+!to&.
1. What are the re&uisites for issuin( a search warrant ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; & search "arrant shall not isse bt pon probable case
in connection "ith one speci#ic o##ense to be determined personally by the 9dge a#ter
e$amination nder oath or a##irmation o# the complainant and the "itnesses he may
prodce, and particlarly describing the place to be searched and the things to be sei!ed
"hich may be any"here in the Philippines. 5Sec. D. R("e 12,. RO06
RRR !. Instances o# valid "arrantless searches and sei!res8
16 Se!rch &c#e&t to ! "!w$(" !rrest. & person la"#lly arrested may be
searched #or dangeros "eapons or anything "hich may have been sed or
constitte proo# in the commission o# an o##ense "ithot a search "arrant. 5Sec. 1E.
R("e 12,. RO06
26 Se/(re o$ e)#e&ce & 4p"!& )ew.4
E6 Se!rch o$ ! %o)&+ )ehc"e. =+h"y re+("!te# by the +o)er&%e&t. the )ehc"e>s
&here&t %ob"ty re#(ces e'pect!to&s o$ pr)!cy espec!""y whe& ts tr!&st & p(b"c
thoro(+h$!res $(r&shes ! h+h"y re!so&!b"e s(spco& !%o(&t&+ to prob!b"e c!(se th!t
the occ(p!&t co%%tte# ! cr%&!" !ct)ty.
D6 0o&se&te# w!rr!&t"ess se!rch.
F6 0(sto%s se!rches. 5Peop"e ). Esc!&o. et !".. 9.R. Nos. 12-@F,-FA. pro%.
G!&(!ry 2A. 2***6
,6 Terry search; 4Stop !&# $rs24 s ! 4"%te# protect)e se!rch o$ o(ter
c"oth&+ $or we!po&s.4 Wh"e prob!b"e c!(se s &ot re1(re# to co&#(ct ! 4stop !&#
$rs2.4 %ere s(spco& or ! h(&ch w"" &ot &)!"#!te t. 5M!"!c!t ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s.
9.R. No. 12EF-F. pro%. Dece%ber 12. 1--@I Peop"e ). Esc!&o. et !".. 9.R. Nos. 12-@F,-
FA. pro%. G!&(!ry 2A. 2***6
b. Invalid search o# vehicle cred by consent o# o"ner. 5Peop"e ). Esc!&o. et !".. 9.R.
Nos. 12-@F,-FA. pro%. G!&(!ry 2A. 2***6
Not !"" chec2po&ts !re ""e+!". Those whch !re w!rr!&te# by the e'+e&ces o$ p(b"c
or#er !&# !re co&#(cte# & ! w!y "e!st &tr(s)e to %otorsts !re !""owe#. 8or. !#%tte#"y.
ro(t&e chec2po&ts #o &tr(#e. to ! cert!& e'e&t. o& %ororstsM r+ht to J$ree p!ss!+e wtho(t
&terr(pto&.K b(t t c!&&ot be #e&e# th!t. !s ! r("e. t &)o")es o&"y ! bre$ #ete&to& o$ tr!)e"ers
#(r&+ whch the )ehc"eMs occ(p!&ts !re re1(re# to !&swer ! bre$ 1(esto& or two. 8or !s "o&+
!s the )ehc"e s &bether se!rche# &or ts occ(p!&ts s(b3ecte# to ! bo#y se!rch. !&# the
&specto& o$ the )ehc"e s "%te# to ! )s(!" se!rch. s!# ro(t&e che2cs c!&&ot be re+!r#e# !s
)o"!t)e o$ !& &#)#(!"Ms r+ht !+!&st (&re!so&!b"e se!rch. I& $!ct. these ro(t&e chec2s. whe&
co&#(cte# & ! $'e# !re!. !re e)e& "ess &tr(s)e. 5Ibid.6
c. Plain vie" doctrine. Ob3ectss $!""&+ wth& the p"!& )ew o$ !& o$$cer who h!s !
r+ht to be & the posto& to h!)e th!t )ew !re s(b3ect to se/(re e)e& wtho(t ! se!rch w!rr!&t
!&# %!y be &tro#(ce# & e)#e&ce. The Jp"!& )ewK #octr&e !pp"es whe& the $o""ow&+
re1(stes co&c(r;
16 the "!w e&$orce%e&t o$$cer & se!rch o$ the e)#e&ce h!s ! pror 3(st$c!to&
$or !& &str(so& or s & ! posto& $ro% whch he c!& )ew ! p!rtc("!r !re!I
26 the #sco)ery o$ the e)#e&ce & p"!& )ew s &!#)erte&tI
E6 t s %%e#!e"y !ppr!te&t to the o$$cer th!t the te% he obser)es %!y be
e)#e&ce o$ ! cr%e. co&tr!b!&&# or otherwse s(b3ect to se/(re.
The "!w e&$orce%e&rt o$$cer %(st "!w$(""y %!2e !& &t!" &tr(so& or proper"y be & !
posto& $ro% whch he c!& p!rtc("!r"y )ew the !re!. I& the co(rse o$ s(ch "!w$(" &tr(so&. he
c!%e &!#)erte&t"y !cross ! pece o$ e)#e&ce &cr%&!t&+ the !cc(se#. The ob3ect %(st be
ope& to eye !&# h!&# !&# ts #sco)ery &!#)erte&t. 5Peop"e ). Dor!. E*1 S0RA ,,A. @1*-@11
cte# & Peop"e ). E"!%p!ro. 9.R. No. 121F@2. pro%. M!rch E1. 2***6
#. Search incident to la"#l arrest. A perso& "!w$(""y !rreste# %!y be se!rche# $or
#!&+ero(s we!po&s or !&yth&+ whch %!y be (se# !s proo$ o$ the co%%sso&o$ the o$$e&se.
The se!rch %!y e'te&# beyo&# the perso& o$ the o&e !rreste# to &c"(#e the per%ssb"e !re! or
s(rro(&#&+s wth& hs %%e#!te co&tro".
The "!w$(" !rrest be&+ the so"e 3(st$c!to& $or the )!"#ty o$ the w!rr!&t"ess se!rch
(&#er the e'cepto&. the s!%e %(st be "%te# to !&# crc(%scrbe# by the s(b3ect. t%e !&#
p"!ce o$ the !rrest. As to s(b3ect. the w!rr!&t"ess se!rch s s!&cto&e# o&"y wth respect to the
perso& o$ the s(spect. !&# th&+s th!t %!y be se/e# $ro% ho% !re "%te# to J#!&+ero(s
we!po&sK or J!&yth&+ whch %!y be (se# !s proo$ o$$ the co%%sso& o$ the o$$e&se.K Wth
respect to t%e !&# p"!ce o$ the w!rr!&t"ess se!rch. t %(st be co&te%por!&eo(s wth the "!w$("
!rrest. St!te# otherwse. to be )!"# the se!rch %(st be co&#(cte# !t !bo(t the t%e o$ the !rrest
or %%e#!te"y there!$ter !&# o&"y !t the p"!ce where the s(spect w!s !rreste#. or the pre%ses or
s(rro(&#&+s (&#er hs %%e#!te co&tro". 5Peop"e ). T&+. etc.. 9.r. Nos. 1E*F,A-,-. pro%.
M!rch 21. 2***6
e. &thority to isse search "arrant inherent in all corts. A se!rch w!rr!&t s
%ere"y ! process ss(e# by the co(rt & the e'ercse o$ ts !&c""!ry 3(rs#cto& !&# &ot ! cr%&!"
!cto& whch t %!y e&tert!& p(rs(!&t to ts or+&!" 3(rs#cto&. The !(thorty to ss(e se!rch
w!rr!&ts s &here&t & !"" co(rts !&# %!y be e$$ecte# o(ts#e ther terrtor!" 3(rs#cto&.
5S!)!+e. etc. ). T!yp&. et !".. 9.R. No. 1ED21@ pro%. M!y 11. 2***6
The R("es o$ 0o(rt !s !%e&#e# re1(res the cert$c!to& o$ &o $or(% shopp&+ o&"y $ro%
&t!tory p"e!#&+s. o%tt&+ !&y %e&to& o$ J!pp"c!to&s.K The o"# S(pre%e 0o(rt 0rc("!r
*D--D. the o"# r("e o& the %!tter. re1(re# s(ch cert$c!to& e)e& $ro% J!pp"c!to&s.K The
!bse&ce o$ s(ch cert$c!to& w"" &ot res("t & the #s%ss!" o$ !& !pp"c!to& $or se!rch w!rr!&t.
::: 2. What are the re&uisites to be complied with before a warrantless search be
considered as valid because consent was (iven ? $%plain.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; I& c!se o$ co&se&te# se!rches or w!)er o$ the co&stt(to&!"
+(!r!&tee. !+!&st obtr(s)e se!rches. t s $(&#!%e&t!" th!t to co&stt(te ! w!)er. t %(st $rst
!ppe!r th!t;
!. The r+ht e'stsI
b. The perso& &)o")e# h!# 2&ow"e#+e. ether !ct(!" or co&str(ct)e. o$ the e'ste&ce o$
s(ch r+htI !&#
c. The s!# perso& h!# !& !ct(!" &te&to& to re"&1(sh the r+ht. 5Peop"e ). 8+(ero!. et
!".. 9.R. No. 12D*F,. pro%. G("y ,. 2***6
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; There w!s )!"# co&se&te# se!rch where the !cc(se#
!cc%p!&e# po"ce o$$cers to hs ho(se & or#er to s(rre&#er hs sh!re o$ the r!&so% %o&ey. =e
e)e& bro(+ht the% to hs roo% (pst!rs. The co&se&t o$ the ow&er o$ the ho(se to the se!rch
e$$ect)e"y re%o)e# !&y b!#+e o$ ""e+!"ty. 5Peop"e ). De!&+. et !". 9.R. No. 12A*DF. pro%.
A(+(st 2D. 2***6
;. A police patrol team* respondin( to a bomb threat received earlier* accosted a (roup
persons standin( on a corner street. )he! were alle(edl! actin( suspiciousl! with Atheir e!es
movin( fast.A As the! were approached the (roup fled and were chased b! the police.
alacat was amon( these persons who was chased and when cau(ht* was searched. Durin(
the search the police reportedl! found a fra(mentation (renade tuc1ed inside his front waist
line. Is the sei;ure an incident to a lawful arrest ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; No. There s ! #$$ere&ce betwee& the co&cepts o$ 4stop !&#
$rs24 se!rch !&# o$ se!rch &c#e&t!" to ! "!w$(" !rrest where ! prece#e&t !rrest #eter%&es the
)!"#ty o$ the &c#e&t!" se!rch. =ere there co("# be &o )!"# w!rr!&t"ess !rrest in flagrante
delicto &or ! 4hot p(rs(t4 !rrest prece#&+ the se!rch bec!(se o$ the "!c2 o$ perso&!" 2&ow"e#+e
o& the p!rt o$ the !rrest&+ o$$ce or !& o)ert physc!" !ct o& the p!rt o$ the !cc(se#. &#c!t&+
th!t ! cr%e h!# 3(st bee& co%%tte#. w!s be&+ co%%tte#. or w!s +o&+ to be co%%tte#.
5M!"!c!t ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. 9.R. No. 12EF-F. pro%. Dece%ber 12. 1--@6
::: <. While Andan was in custod!* he was visited b! the ma!or and in the presence of the
media confessed to havin( raped and 1illed the victim. Is the confession to the ma!or and the
media admissible in evidence ? Reason out !our answer briefl!.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Hes. The co&$esso& to the %!yor s &ot o&e %!#e (&#er
c(sto#!" &)est+!to& b(t ! spo&t!&eo(s st!te%e&t. &ot e"cte# thro(+h 1(esto&&+ by the
!(thortes b(t +)e& & !& or#&!ry %!&&er. Wh!t the 0o&stt(to& b!rs s the co%p("sory
#sc"os(re o$ &cr%&!t&+ $!cts or co&$esso&s. The prohbto& !+!&st se"$-&cr%&!to& !re
+(!r!&tee# to prec"(#e the s"+htest (se o$ coerco& by the st!te !s wo("# "e!# the !cc(se# to
!#%t so%eth&+ $!"se. &ot to pre)e&t h% $ro% $ree"y !&# )o"(&t!r"y te""&+ the tr(th.
The %e#! co&$esso&s were +)e& $ree $ro% !&y (&#(e &$"(e&ce $ro% the po"ce !(thortes.
There w!s &o coerc)e !t%osphere & the &ter)ew %!#e by the reporters. &ether were they
!ct&+ (&#er the #recto& !&# co&tro" o$ the po"ce.
8&!""y. the B"" o$ R+hts #oes &ot co&cer& tse"$ wth the re"!to& betwee& ! pr)!te
&#)#(!" !&# !&other &#)#(!". It "!ys #ow& "%t!to&s o& +o)er&%e&t!" power to protect the
&#)#(!" !+!&st !++resso& !&# (&w!rr!&te# &ter$ere&ce by !&y #ep!rt%e&t o$ the +o)er&%e&t
!&# ts !+e&ces. 5Peop"e ). A&#!&. 9.R. No. 11,DE@. pro%. M!rch E. 1--@I Peop"e ). Or#o&o. et
!".. 9.R. No. 1E21FD. pro%. G(&e 2-. 2***6
!. TaEing o# pictres o# an accsed even "ithot the assistance o# consel, be&+
p(re"y ! %ech!&c!" !ct. s &ot ! )o"!to& o$ the co&stt(to&!" r+ht !+!&st se"$-&cr%&!to&.
The r+ht proscrbes the (se o$ physc!" or %or!" co%p("so& to estort co%%(&c!to&s $ro% the
!cc(se# !&# &ot the &c"(so& o$ hs bo#y & e)#e&ce whe& t %!y be %!ter!". P(re"y
%ech!&c!" !cts !re &ot &c"(#e# & the prohbto& !s +the !cc(se# #oes &ot thereby spe!2 hs
+("t. he&ce the !ssst!&ce !&# +(#&+ h!&# o$ co(&se" s &ot re1(re#. 5Peop"e ). 9!""!r#e. 9.R.
No. 1EE*2F. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 1@. 2***6
b. Re*irement #or "aiver o# right to remain silent and to consel. A&y perso&
(&#er &)est+!to& $or the co%%sso& o$ !& o$$e&se sh!"" h!)e the r+ht to be &$or%e# o$ hs
r+ht to re%!& s"e&t !&# to h!)e co%pete&t !&# &#epe&#e&t co(&se" pre$er!b"y o$ hs ow&
choce. I$ the perso& c!&&ort !$$or# the ser)ces o$ co(&se". he %(st be pro)#e# wth o&e.
These r+hts c!&&ot be w!)e# e'cept & wrt&+ !&# & the prese&ce o$ co(&se".
A(thort!t)e &terpret!to&s o$ the Mr!&#! r("e !s e%bo#e# & the !bo)e Art. III. Sec.
12 516 re1(re. howe)er. th!t the cr(c!" 1(esto& s whether the !cc(se# h!s e$$ect)e"y w!)e#
the e$$ect(!to& o$ these r+hts. Acc(se# sho("# be !s2e# whether he w!s w""&+ to test$y e)e&
wtho(t the !ssst!&ce o$ co(&se". I$ he w!s w""&+ to test$y o&"y wth the !ssst!&ce o$ co(&se".
he sho("# be !s2e# $ he h!s o&e. I$ he s!# he w!&te# to h!)e co(&se" b(t co("# &ot !$$or# o&e.
he sho("# be !s2e# $ he w!&te# o&e !ppo&te# $or h%. I$ these 1(esto&s !re &ot !s2e# there s
&o e$$ect)e w!)er o$ the r+hts to re%!& s"e&t !&# to co(&se". 5Peop"e ). N!!+. et !".. 9.R. No.
12EA,*. pro%. G!&(!ry 2*. 2***6
b. Rationale behind Miranda "arning. A& (&co(&se"e# st!te%e&t s prese(%e# to be
psycho"+c!""y coerce#. Swept &to !& (&$!%"!r e&)ro%e&t !&# s(rro(&#e# by &t%#!t&+
$+(res typc!" o$ the !t%osphere o$ po"c &terro+!to&. the s(spect re!""y &ee#s the +(#&+ h!&#
o$ co(&se". 5Peop"e ). Obrero. 9.R. No. 1221D2. pro%. M!y 1@. 2***6
c. /atre o# Miranda "arning. The 0o(rt h!s co&#e%&e# !s (&s!ts$!ctory !#)ce
+)e& per$(&c&tor"y !&# be"o&+e# to the stereotype# c"!ss N ! "o&+ 1(esto& by the &)est+!tor
&$or%&+ the cc(se# o$ hs r+ht $o""owe# by ! %o&osy""!bc !&swer. The #esre# ro"e o$
co(&se" & the process o$ c(so#!" &)e&sto+!to& s re&#ere# %e!&&+"ess $ the "!wyer +)es !&
!#)ce & ! c(rsory %!&&er !s opposoe# to ! %e!&&+$(" !#)oc!cy o$ the ro+hts o$ the perso&
(&#er+o&+ 1(esto&&+. I$ !#)ce s +)e& c!s(!""y !&# trte"y !s to be (se"ess. (&#erst!&#&+ o&
the p!rt o$ the !cc(se# s s!cr$ce# !&# the (&co&str!&e# )b)&+ (p o$ ! r+ht beco%es
The w!r&&+ co&te%p"!tes Jthe tr!&s%sso& o$ %e!&&+$(" &$or%!to& r!ther th!& 3(st
the cere%o&!" !&# per$(&ctory rect!to& o$ !& !bost!ct co&stt(to&!" pro&cp"e.K It s &ot
e&o(+h $or the &terro+!otor to %ere"y e&(%er!te to the perso& hs r+hts !s pro)#e# & Sec. 12.
Art. III. o$ the 0o&stt(to&. the &terro+!tor %(st !"so e'p"!& the e$$ect o$ s(ch pro)so& &
pr!ctc!" ter%s. e.+. wh!t the perso& (&#er &terro+!to& %!y or %!y &ot #o. !&# & ! "!&+!(!+e
the s(b3ect $!r"y (&#erst!&#s. 5Peop"e ). Or#o&o. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E21FD% pro%. G(&e 2-.
#. 2onsel dring cstodial investigation mst be competent and independent.
I#e!""y. ! "!wyer e&+!+e# $or !& &#)#(!" $!c&+ c(sto#!" &)est+!to& 5$ the "!tter co("# &ot
!$$or# o&e6 sho("# be e&+!+e# by the !cc(se# 5h%se"$6. or by the "!tterMs re"!t)es or perso&
!(thor/e# by h% to e&+!+e !& !ttor&ey or by the co(rt. (po& proper petto& o$ the !cc(se# or
perso& !(thor/e# by the !cc(se# to $"e s(ch petto&. L!eyrs e&+!+e# by the po"ce. wh!te)er
test%o&!"s !re +)e& !s proo$ ther probty !&# s(ppose# &#epe&#e&ce. !re +e&er!""y s(spect. !s
& %!&y c!ses. the re"!to&shp betwee& "!wyers !&# "!w e&$orce%e&t !(thortes c!& be
sy%botc. 5Peop"e ). G(!&!ro. cte# & Peop"e ). Obrero. 9.R. No. 1221D2. pro%. M!y 1@.
The &#epe&#e&t co(&se" c!&&ot be ! spec!" co(&se". p(b"c or pr)!te prosec(tor.
%(&cp!" !ttor&ey or co(&se" o$ the po"ce whose &terest s !#%tte#"y !#)erse to the !cc(se#.
To !""ow ! St!to& 0o%%!&#er o$ the WPD. ! p!rt o$ the po"ce $orce wo("# re&#er ""(sory the
protecto& +)e& to the s(spect #(r&+ c(sto#(!" &)est+!to&. 5Peop"e ). Be#("!. 2E2 S0RA F,,
cte# & Peop"e ). Obrero. 9.R. No. 1221D2. pro%. M!y 1@. 2***6
e. 2hoice o# la"yer. Wh"e the &t!" choce o$ the "!wyer & c!ses where ! perso&
(&#er c(sto#!" &)est+!to& c!&&ot $$or# the ser)ces o$ ! "!wyer s &!t(r!""y "o#+e# & the
po"ce &)est+!tors. the !cc(se# re!""y h!s the $&!" choce !s he %!y re3ect the co(&se" chose&
$or h% !&# !s2 $or !&other o&e. A "!wyer pro)#e# by the &)esto+!tpors s #ee%e# e&+!+e# by
the !cc(se# where he &e)er r!se# !&y ob3ecto& !+!&st the $or%erMs !ppo&t%e&t #(r&+ the
co(rse o$ the )&est+!to& !&# the !cc(se# there!$ter s(bscrbes to the )er!cty o$ hs srt!te%e&t
be$ore the swe!r&+ o$$cer. 5Peop"e ). 9!""!r#o. et !".. 9.R. No. 11E,AD. pro%. G!&(!ry 2F.
$. ,aiver o# right mst be in "riting. The r+ht to co(&se" #(r&+ c(sto#!"
&)est+!to& s &ot w!)e# by re!so& o$ $!"(re to %!2e ! t%e"y ob3ecto& be$ore p"e!. There
c!& o&"y be ! )!"# w!)er o$ the r+ht $ s(ch w!)er s & wrt&+ !&# & the prese&ce o$ co(&se"
!s %!&#!te# by Artc"e III. Secto& 12 o$ the 1-A@ 0o&st(to& !&# the pert&e&t pro)so&s o$
Rep(b"c Act No. @DEA. 5Peop"e ). B("(r!&. et !".. 9.R. No. 11E-D*. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 1F. 2***6
+. Police line.p not cstodial investigation. 0(sto#!" &)est+!to& co%%e&ces whe&
! perso& s t!2e& &to c(sto#y !&# (s s&+"e# ot !s ! s(spect & the co%%sso& o$ the cr%e
(&#er &)est+!to& !&# the po"ce o$$cers be+& to !s2 w1(esto&s o& the s(spectMs p!rtcp!to&
there& !&# whch te&# to e"ec(t !& !#%sso&.
The st!+e o$ !& &)est+!to& where& ! perso& s !s2e# to st!&# & ! po"ce "&e-(p h!s
bee& he"# to be o(ts#e the %!&t"e o$ protecto& o$ the r+ht to co(&se" bec!(se t &)o")es !
+e&er!" &1(ry &to !& (&s")e# cr%e !&# s p(re"y &)esto+!tory & &!t(re. It h!s !"so bee& he"#
th!& !& (&co(&se""e# #e&t$rc!to& !t the po"ce "&e-(p #oes &ot prec"(#e the !#%ssb"ty o$
!& &-co(rt #e&t$c!to&. 5Peop"e ). P!)""!re. et !".. 9.R. No. 12--@*. pro%. Apr" F. 2***6
h. ,hen mere invitation not considered as part o# cstodial investigation. I&)t&+
cert!& &#)#(!"s wtho(t s&+"&+ the% o(t !s the perpetr!tors o$ the cr%e s &ot co&s#ere#
c(sto#!" &)est+!to&. So !"so. !s2&+ ! s&+"e 1(esto& !s to where!bo(ts s &ot c(sto#!"
&)est+!to& !s the 1(ery w!s %ere"y p!rt o$ the J+e&er!" e'p"or!tory st!+e.K 5Peop"e ). Le+!sp.
et !".. 9.R. No. 11@A*2. pro%. Apr" 2@. 2***6
=owe)er. where the 1(esto&&+ s &ot ! J+e&er!" &1(ry &to !& (&so")e# cr%eK b(t
!"re!#y $oc(se# o& the &#)#(!" !s ! Jp!rtc("!r s(spectK there w!s !"re!#y c(sto#!"
&)est+!to& !&# he %(st be !ccor#e# hs Mr!&#! r+hts. 5Peop"e ). 9!%er. 9.R. No. 11F-AD.
pro%. 8ebr(!ry 2-. 2***6
. Prpose o# right to consel dring cstodial investigation. The protecto& co)ers
the pero# $ro% the t%e ! perso& s t!2e& &to c(sto#y $or the &)est+!to& o$ hs possb"e
p!rtcp!to& & the co%%sso& o$ ! cr%e or $ro% the t%e he s s&+"e# o(t !s ! s(spect & the
co%%sso& o$ the o$$e&se !"tho(+h &ot yet & c(sto#y.
The e'c"(so&!ry r("e s pre%se# o& the pes(%pto& th!t the #e$e&#!&t s thr(st &to !&
(&$!%"!r !t%osphere r(&&&+ thro(+h %e&!c&+ po"ce &terro+!to& proce#(res where the
oote&t!"ty $or co%p("so&. physc!" or psycho"+c!" s $orce$(""y !pp!re&t.
=owe)er. the r("e s &ot &te&#e# !s ! #eterre&t to the !cc(se# $ro% co&$esso& +("t $ he
)o"(&t!r"y !# &te""+e&t"y so #esres b(t to protect the !cc(se# $ro% !#%tt&+ wh!t he s
coerce# to !#%t !"tho(+h (&tr(e. The prese&ce o$ ! "!wyer s &ot &te&#e# to stop !& !cc(se#
$ro% s!y&+ !&yth&+ whch %+ht &cr%&!te h% b(t. r!ther. t w!s !#opte# & o(r 0o&stt(to&
to prec"(#e the s"(+hest coerco& !s wo("# "e!# the !cc(se# to !#%t so%eth&+ $!"se. The
co(&se". howe)er. sho("# &e)er pre)e&t !& !cc(se# $ro% $ree"y !&# )o"(&t!r"y te""&+ the tr(th.
5Peop"e ). B!se. 9.r. No. 1*-@@E. pro%. M!rch E*. 2***6
=. Gallarde was char(ed with the special compole% crime of rape with homicide
without an! &ualif!in( circumstance. Durin( the arrai(nment he pleaded not (uilt!. After
trial he was convicted of the crime of murder onl!* not of the co1ple% crime of rape with
homicide because of the lac1 of proof of carnal 1nowled(e. Was Gallarde properl!
convicted ? R$ason out !our answer.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; No. A"tho(+h the ter% Jho%c#eK !s (se# & spec!" co%p"e'
cro% o$ r!pBe wth ho%c#e s to be (&b#erstoo# & ts +e&errc se&se. !&# &c"(#es %(r#er !&#
s"+ht physc!" &3(res co%%tte# by re!so& or o& the occ!so& o$ r!pe. t s sett"e# t!t where !
cp%p"e' cr%e s ch!r+e# !&# the e)#e&ce $!"s to s(pport the ch!r+e o$ r!pe. the 1(!"$y&+
cr(%st!&ce %(st be s($$ce&t"y !""e+e# !&# pro)#e#. Otherwse t wo("# be ! #e&!" o$ the
r+ht o$ the !cc(se# to be &$or%e# o$ the &!(tre o$ the o$$e&se wth whch he s ch!+e#.
A& !cc(se# c!&&ot be co&)cte# o$ !& o$$e&se h+her th!t& th!t whch he s ch!r+e# & the
co%p"!&t or &$or%!to& $or whch he s tre#. or &ecess!r"y &c"(y#e# & th!t whch s ch!r+e#.
=e h!s ! r+ht to be &$or%e# o$ the &!t(re o$ the o$$e&se wth whch he s ch!r+e# be$ore he s
p(t o& tr!". to co&)ct !& !cc(se# o$ ! h+her o$o$e&se th!& th!t ch!r+e# & the co%p"!&t or
&$or%!to& (&#er whch he s ctre# wo("# be !& (&b!(thor/e# #e&!" o$ th!t r+ht. 5Peop"e ).
9!""!r#e. 9.R. No. 1EE*2F. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 1@. 2***6
::: >. What is preliminar! investi(ation ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Preliminary investigation is an in*iry or proceeding to
"hether there is s##icient grond to engender a "ell.#onded belie# that a crime has been
committed and the respondent is probably gilty thereo#, and shold be held #or trial. 51
p!r.. Sec. 1. R("e 112. RO06
!. /atre o# a preliminary investigation8 It s ! st!t(tory r+ht & those &st!&ces where
t s re1(re#. !&# to wthho"# t wo("# )o"!te the co&stt(to&!" r+ht to #(e process. 5Peop"e ).
O!&#!s!. 2F S0RA 2@@6
It s p!rt o$ the +(!r!&tees o$ $ree#o% !&# $!rp"!y. 5L! 0he%se L!coste. S.A. ).
8er&!&#e/. 12- S0RA E-16
A pre"%&!ry &)est+!to& s J%ere"y &1(stor!". !&# t s o$te& the o&"y %e!&s o$
#sco)er&+ the perso&s who %!y re!so&!b"y be ch!r+e# wth ! cr%&e. to e&!b"e the prosec(tor
to prep!re hs co%p"!&t or &$or%!to&. It s &ot ! tr!" o$ the c!se o& the %ertsK !&# #oes &ot
p"!ce the perso&s !+!&st who% t s t!2e& & 3eop!r#y.
It Js &ot the occ!so& $or the $("" !&# e'h!(st)e #sp"!y o$ the p!rtesM e)#e&ce. t s $or
the prese&t!to& o$ s(ch e)#e&ce !s %!y e&+e&#er ! we""-+ro(&#e# be"e$ th!t !& o$$e&se h!s
bee& co%%tte# !&# th!t the !cc(se# s prob!b"y +(""ty thereo$.K 5R!ro ). S!b#+!&b!y!&. et !"..
9.R. No. 1*ADE1. pro%. G("y 1D. 2*** ct&+ 0r(/. Gr. ). Peop"eI Peop"e ). De!&+. et !".. 9.r. No.
12A*DF. pro%. A(+(st 2D. 2***6
b. Prposes o# preliminary investigation8 A pre"%&!ry &)est+!to& t!2es o& !&
!#)ers!r!" 1(!"ty. Ths %(st be so bec!(se the p(rpose o$ ! pre"%&!ry &)est+!to& or !
pre)o(s &1(ry o$ so%e 2&#. be$ore !& !cc(se# perso& s p"!ce# o& tr!". s to
16 Sec(re the &&oce&t !+!&st h!sty. %!"co(s !&# oppress)e prosec(to&I !&#
26 Protect the &&oce&t $ro% !& ope& !&# p(b"c !cc(s!to& o$ cr%e. $ro% the
tro(b"e. !&# e'pe&se !&# !&'ety o$ ! p(b"c tr!" 5D(terte. et !".. ). S!&#+!&b!y!&. 9.R.
No. 1E*1-1. pro%. Apr" 2@. 1--A6I !s we"" !s to
E6 Protect the st!te $ro% (se"ess !&# e'pe&s)e tr!"s. 5D(terte. supra6
It Jh!s &o other p(rpose e'cept th!t o$ #eter%&&+ whether ! cr%e h!s bee& co%%tte#
!&# whether there s prob!b"e c!(se to be"e)e th!t the !cc(se# s +("ty thereo$. !&# t #oes &ot
p"!ce the perso&s !+!&st who% t s t!2e& & 3eop!r#y.K 5R!ro ). S!&#+!&b!y!&. et !".. 9.R. No.
1*ADE1. pro%. G("y 1D. 2*** ct&+ 0r(/. Gr. ). Peop"e6
c. Preliminary investigation has only one stage. Presee&t!" Decree No. -11. (po&
whch the prese&t r("e s b!se#. re%o)e# the pre"%&!ry e'!%&!to& st!+e !&# &te+r!te# t &to
the pre"%&!ry &)est+!t& proper. :%#er the o"# r("es. the pre"%&!ry &)est+!to& co&#(cte#
by ! %(&cp!" 3(#+e h!# two st!+es; 516 the pre"%&!ry e'!%&!to& st!te #(r&+ whch the
&)est+!t&+ 3(#+e #ter%&es whether there s re!so&!b"e +ro(&# to be"e)e th!t !& o$$e&se h!s
bee& co%%tte# !&# the !cc(se# r prob!b"y +("ty thereo$. so th!t ! w!rr!&t o$ !rrest %!y be
ss(e# !&# the !cc(se# he"# $or tr!"I !&# 526 the pre"%&!ry &)est+!to& proper where the
co%p"!&t or &$or%!to& s re!# to the !cc(se# !$ter hs !rrest !&# he s &$or%e# o$ the sbst!&ce
o$ the )#e&ce !##(ce# !+!&st h%. !$ter whch he s !""owe# to prpese&t e)#e&ce & hs $!)or $
he so #esres. 5L""!&(e)! ). G(#+e A"%!/!&. A.M. No. MTG----1221. pro%. M!rch 1,. 2***
ct&+ B!+(&!s ). 8!b""!r. 2A- S0RA EAE. E-D6
#. 4nction o# government prosector dring preliminary investigation. J5M6ere"y
to #eter%&e the e'ste&ce o$ prob!b"e c!(se. !&# to $"e the correspo&#&+ &$or%!to& $ he
$&#s t to be so.K 5R!ro ). S!&#+!&b!y!&. et !".. 9.R. No. 1*ADE1. pro%. G("y 1D. 2*** ct&+
0r(/. Gr. ). Peop"e6 I& #eter%&&+ prob!b"e c!(se. !& &1(ry &to the s($$ce&cey o$ e)#e&ce
to we!rr!&t co&)cto& s &ot re1(re#. It s e&o(+h th!t t s be"e)e# th!t the !ct or o%sso&
co%p"!&e# o$ co&stt(tes the o$$e&se ch!r+e#. The tr!" o$ ! c!se s co&#(cte# precse"y $or the
recepto& o$ e)#e&ce o$ the prosec(to& & s(pport o$ the ch!r+e. 5R!ro. supra6
e. ProsectorIs discretion in determining probable case is paramont. The
S(pre%e 0o(rt h!s J!#opte# ! po"cy o$ &o&-&ter$ere&ce & the co&#(ct o$ pre"%&!ry
&)est+!to&s. !&# "e!)es to the &)est+!t&+ prosec(tor s($$ce&t "!tt(#e o$ #screto& & the
e'ercse o$ #eter%&!to& o$ wh!t co&stt(tes s($$ce&t e)#e&ce !s w"" est!b"sh Oprob!b"e
c!(seM $or $"&+ o$ &$or%!to& !+!&st the s(ppose# o$$e&#er. 5R!ro ). S!&#+!&b!y!&. et !"..
9.R. No. 1*ADE1. pro%. G("y 1D. 2*** ct&+ 0!%!&!+ ). 9(errero6
::: $. Probable case, de#ined. J5T6he e'ste&ce o$ s(ch $!cts !&# crc(%st!&ces !s wo("#
e'cte the be"e$. & ! re!so&!b"e %&#. !ct&+ o& the $!cts wth& the 2&ow"e#+e o$ the
prosec(tor. th!t the perso& ch!r+e# w!s +("ty o$ the cr%e $or whch he w!s prosec(te#.K 5R!ro
). S!&#+!&b!y!&. et !".. 9.R. No. 1*ADE1. pro%. G("y 1D. 2*** ct&+ 0r(/. Gr. ). Peop"e6
Prob!b"e c!(se s b!se# &ether o& c"e!r !&# co&)&c&+ e)#e&ce o$ +("t &or e)#e&ce
est!b"sh&+ !bso"(te cert!&ty o$ +("t. It s %ere"y b!se# o& op&o& !&# re!so&!b"e be"e$. !&#
so t s e&o(+h th!t there e'sts s(ch st!te o$ $!cts !s wo("# "e!# ! perso& o$ or#&!ry c!(to& !&#
pr(#e&ce to be"e)e. or e&tert!& !& ho&es or stro&+ s(spco&. th!t ! th&+ s so. 5P%e&te". Gr.. ).
0o%%sso& o& E"ecto&s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1EEF*-. pro%. 8ebr(!ry -. 2***6
The ter% #oes &ot co&&ote !bso"(te cert!&ty. Nether #oes t re1(re !& &1(ry &to the
s($$ce&cy o$ the e)#e&ce to obt!& ! co&)cto&. BL""!&!(e)! ). :&te# 0oco&(t P"!&ters B!&2
5:P0B6. etc.. 9.R. No. 1EA2-1. pro%. M!rch @. 2***C
::: +. +##enses "here preliminary investigation is re*ired ; Where the pe&!"ty
prescrbe# by "!w s !t "e!st $o(r 5D6 ye!rs. two 526 %o&ths !&# o&e 516 #!y wtho(t re+!r# to the
$&e. 52
p!r.. Sec. 1. R("e 112. RO06
The !bse&ce o$ ! pre"%&!ry &)est+!to& #oes &ot !$$ect the co(rtMs 3(rs#cto& &or
#oes t %p!r the )!"#ty o$ the &$or%!to& or otherwse re&#er t #e$ect)e. 5L!&+. etc. ).
Peop"e. 9.R. No. 12FA,F. pro%. G!&(!ry 2A. 2***6
h. ,aiver o# right to preliminary investigation. The !bse&ce o$ ! pre"%&!ry
&)esto+!to& #oes &ot %p!r the )!"#ty o$ the cr%&!" &$or%!to& or re&#er t #e$ect)e.
There s w!)er o$ the r+ht where the !cc(se# e&teres hs p"e! #(r&+ !rr!+&%e&t. 5Peop"e ).
De!&+. et !".. 9.R. No. 12A*DF. pro%. A(+(st 2D. 2***6
. Presence o# accsed not a condition sine *a non to the validity o# a preliminary
investigation. The prese&ce o$ the !cc(se# s &ot re1(re# $or !s "o&+ !s e$$orts to re!ch h%
were %!#e. !&# !& opoort(&ty to co&tro)ert the e)#e&ce $or the co%p"!&!&t s !ccor#e# h%.
The ob)o(s p(rpose o$ the r("e s to b"oc2 !tte%pts o$ (&scr(p("o(s respo&#e&ts to thrw!rt the
prosec(to& o$ o$$e&ses by h#&+ the%se")es or by e%p"oy&+ #"!tory t!ctcs. 5Peop"e ). Ar"ee.
etc.. 9.R. No. 11EF1A. pro%. G!&(!ry 2F. 2***6
3. 4or election cases it is the 2+M-0-2 that condcts the preliminary
investigation. OI$ the co%p"!&t s &t!te# motu proprio by the 0o%%sso&. or s $"e# wth the
0o%%sso& by !&y !++re)e# p!rty. t sh!"" be re$erre# to the L!w Dep!rt%e&t $or &)est+!to&.
:po& #recto& o$ the 0hr%!& o$ the 0o%%sso&. the pre"%&!ry &)est+!to& %!y be
#e"e+!te# to !&y "!wyer o$ s!# Dep!rt%e&t. or to !&y o$ the Re+o&!" E"ecto& Drectors or
Pro)&c!" E"ecto& s(per)sors. or !&y "!wyer o$ the 0o%%sso&.K 5Sec. F. R("e ED. 0OMELE0
R("es o$ Proce#(re6
=. 0n "eptember 2/* 2335* members of the ,N, went to Nue;on #it! to arrest
<arrana(a* albeit without warrant for 1idnappin( with serious ille(al detention. )he char(es
stemmed from an alle(ed 1idnappin( that was committed on Bul! 2D* 2335. <arrana(a
resisted the arrest and immediatel! phoned his sister and brother'in'law* who in turn sou(ht
the aid of Att!. Arnovit. 0ver the phone* Att!. Arnovit was able to dissuade the police officers
from carr!in( out the warrantless arrest and proposed to meet them at the ,N, head&uarters
in #amp #rame* Nue;on #it!. <arrana(a* to(ether with his sister and brother'in'law also
went to #amp #rame aboard their own vehicle. After some discussion* <arrana(a was allowed
to (o home on Att!. Arnovit:s underta1in( in writin( that he and <arana(a would appear
before the #ebu #it! ,rosecutor on "eptember 75* 2335 for preliminar! investi(ation.
)he prosecutors now contend that <arrana(a is entitled onl! to an in&uest
investi(ation under "ection 5 of Rule 227 since he was lawfull! arrested without a warrant
under "ection /* Rule 22- of the Rules of #ourt. )he prosecutors li1ewise ar(ue that
<arrana(a was actuall! committin( a crime at the time of his arrest since 1idnappin( with
serious ille(al detention is a continuin( crime.
Is <arrana(a entitled to re(ular preliminar! investi(ation ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Hes. I&1(est &)est+!to& (&#er Secto& @. R("e 112 o$ the
R("es o$ 0o(rt !pp"es o&"y to perso&s "!w$(""y !rreste# wtho(t ! w!rr!&t.
The $!cts show th!t L!rr!&!+! w!s &ot !rreste# !s there w!s &o restr!&t (po& hs perso&.
&ether w!s #epr)e# o$ hs ow& w"" !&# "berty.
9r!&t&+ th!t L!rr!&!+! w!s !rreste# s(ch !rrest wo("# be ""e+!" bec!(se o$ the !bse&ce
o$ ! w!rr!&t. It #oes &ot !ppe!r th!t L!rr!&!+! h!s 3(st co%%tte#. s !ct(!""y co%%tt&+ or s
!tte%pt&+ to co%%t !& o$$e&se whe& the po"ce o$$cers tre# to !rrest h% o& Septe%ber 1F.
The c!se o$ P!r("!& ). Drector o$ Prso&s. 22 S0RA ,EA whch co&s#ere# 2#&!pp&+
wth ""e+!" #ete&to& !s ! co&t&(&+ cr%e #oes &ot $&# !pp"c!to&. I& P!r("!&. the #epr)!to&
o$ "berty s persste&t !&# co&t&(&+ $ro% o&e p"!ce to !&other. There s &o show&+ & the $!cts
th!t the )ct% G!c1(e"&e w!s be&+ #et!&e# by L!rr!&!+! who w!s the& res#&+ & ?(e/o&
0ty. 5The %&or L!rr!&!+!. etc. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E*,DD. pro%. M!rch 1E.
!. -ntitlement to in*est8 'e#ore the complaint or in#ormation is #iled, the person
arrested may asE #or a preliminary investigation in accordance "ith this Rle 112 o$ the
R("es o$ 0o(rt o& Pre"%&!ry I&)est+!to&. bt he mst sign a "aiver o# the provisions o#
&rticle 12= o# the Revised Penal 2ode, as amended, in the presence o# his consel.
/ot"ithstanding the "aiver, he may apply #or bail and the investigation mst be
terminated "ithin #i#teen G1=F days #rom its inception. 52&# p!r.. Sec. @. R("e 112. RO0
wor#s &ot & bo"# s(pp"e#6
b. -ntitlement to reglar preliminary investigation; Perso& &ot "!w$(""y !rreste#
sho("# be s(b3ect to the re+("!r pre"%&!ry &)est+!to&. Th(s. ! perso& who h!s bee& !rreste#
wtho(t ! w!rr!&t $or ! cr%e !""e+e#"y co%%tte# so%e two %o&ths be$ore w!s &ot "!w$(""y
!rreste# he&ce e&tt"e# to the re+("!r pre"%&!ry &)est+!to&. REASON; Pre"%&!ry
&)est+!to& s &ot &1(stor!" b(t 1(!s-3(#c!". 8!r&ess #ct!tes th!t the r+ht sho("# be
co&s#ere# &ot ! %ere $or%!" or tech&c!" r+ht b(t ! s(bst!&t)e r+ht. 5The %&or L!rr!&!+!. et
!".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E*,DD. pro%. M!rch 1E. 1--A6 Note the c!se o$ R!ro ).
S!&#+!&b!y!&. et !".. 9.R. No. 1*ADE1. pro%. G("y 1D. 2*** ct&+ 0r(/. Gr. ). Peop"e whch
co&s#ere# ! pre"%&!ry &)est+!to& !s %ere"y &1(stor!". 8or B!r p(rposes. the !(thor
s(++ests th!t the L!rr!&!+! #octr&e s the better )ew bec!(se t !#heres %ore to the "bert!r!&
&terpret!to& o$ cr%&!" "!w !&# proce#(re.
>. When is preliminar! investi(ation not re&uired ?
!. Where !cc(se# "!w$(""y !rreste# wtho(t w!rr!&t !&# he #oes &ot !s2 $or !
pre"%&!ry &)est+!to&.
b. Where the pe&!"ty prescrbe# by "!w s "ower th!& $o(r 5D6 ye!rs. two 526 %o&ths !&#
o&e 516 #!y wtho(t re+!r# to $&eI
c. 0!ses co)ere# by the R("e o& S(%%!ry Proce#(re. 5There %!y be &o &ee# to st!te
ths bec!(se c!ses co)ere# by the R("e o& s(%%!ry Proce#(re &c"(#e cr%&!" c!ses where the
pe&!"ty prescrbe# s %prso&%e&t &ot !bo)e , %o&ths6
!. Person la"#lly arrested "ithot "arrant not sb9ect to preliminary
investigation. ,hen a person is la"#lly arrested "ithot a "arrant #or an o##ense "hich
re*ires a preliminary investigation, the complaint or in#ormation may be #iled by a
prosector "ithot need o# sch investigation provided an in*est has been condcted in
accordance "ith e$isting rles. In the absence or navailiability o# an in*est prosector,
the complaint may be #iled by the o##ended party or a peace o##icer directly "ith the proper
cort on the basis o# the a##idavit o# the o##ended party or arresting o##icer or person. 51st
p!r.. Sec. @. R("e 112. RO06
b. Thogh not entitled bt may asE #or preliminary investigation8 &#ter the #iling o#
the complaint or in#ormation in cort "ithot preliminary investigation, the accsed may,
"ithin #ive G=F days #rom the time he learns o# its #iling, asE #or a preliminary investigation
"ith the same right to addce evidence in his de#ense as provided in this Rle 112 o&
Pre"%&!ry I&)est+!to& 5E
p!r.. Sec. @. R("e 112. RO0 wor#s &ot & bo"# s(pp"e#6
c. 2ases covered by the Rle +n Smmary Procedre "here preliminary
investigation is not re*ired8
!. Lo"!to& o$ tr!$$c "!ws. r("es !&# re+("!to&sI
b. Re&t!" "!wI
c. Or#&!&cesI
#. 0r%&!" c!ses;
16 Pe&!"ty prescrbe# s %prso&%e&t &ot !bo)e , %o&ths
26 Or &ot !bo)e P1.***.** $&e
E6 Or both. rrespect)e o$ other %pos!b"e pe&!"tes. !ccessory or otherwse
D6 Ne+"+e&ce where the %pos!b"e $&e #oes &ot e'cee# P1*.***.**. 5Sec. 1
BBC. Re)se# R("e o& S(%%!ry Proce#(re6
@. What are the sta(es of procedure for preliminar! investi(ation ?
The #irst ph!se or st!+e o$ the &)est+!to& co&ssts o$ !& ex parte &1(ry o$ the
s($$ce&cy o$ the co%p"!&t !&# the !$$#!)ts !&# other #oc(%e&ts o$$ere# & s(pport thereo$.
!&# e&#s wth the #eter%&!to& by the 3(#+e ether;
!. th!t there s &o +ro(&# to co&t&(e wth the &1(ry. & whch c!se he #s%sses the
co%p"!&t !&# tr!&s%ts the or#er o$ #s%ss!". to+ether wth the recor#s o$ the c!se. to the
Pro)&c!" Prosec(torI or
b. th!t the co%p"!&t !&# the s(pport&+ #oc(%e&ts show s($$ce&t c!(se to co&t&(e
wth the &1(ry. whch $&#&+ (shers & the seco&# ph!se.
The second ph!se or st!+e s #es+&e# to !$$or# the respo&#e&t &otce o$ the co%p"!&t.
!ccess to co%p"!&!&t>s e)#e&ce !&# !& opport(&ty to s(b%t co(&ter-!$$#!)ts !&# s(pport&+
#oc(%e&ts. I& s(ch ! sce&!ro. the G(#+e %!y co&#(ct ! he!r&+ !&# propo(&# to the p!rtes !&#
ther wt&esses 1(esto&s o& %!tters th!t. & hs )ew. sho("# be c"!r$e#.
The seco&# ph!se co&c"(#es wth the G(#+e re&#er&+ hs reso"(to&. ether $or #s%ss!"
o$ the co%p"!&t or $&#&+ ! prima facie c!se. !&# ho"#&+ the respo&#e&t $or tr!" whch sh!"" be
tr!&s%tte#. to+ether wth the pert&e&t recor#s. to the pro)&c!" prosec(tor $or !ppropr!te
!cto&. 5Pe& ). =o&. #e 0!stro. etc.. 9.R. No. 1*D,DF. pro%. G("y 2E. 1--A6
C. Is preliminar! investi(ation a substantive ri(ht ? $%plain briefl!.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Wh"e the r+ht s st!t(tory r!ther th!& co&stt(to&!" & ts
$(&#!%e&t. t s ! co%po&e&t p!rt o$ #(e process & cr%&!" 3(stce. The r+ht to h!)e !
pre"%&!ry &)est+!to& co&#(cte# be$ore be&+ bo(&# o)er to tr!" $or ! cr%&!" o$$e&se !&#
he&ce $or%!""y !t rs2 o$ &c!rcer!to& or so%e other pe&!"ty. s &ot ! %ere $or%!" or tech&c!"
r+htI t s ! s(bst!&t)e r+ht. To #e&y the !cc(se#>s c"!% to ! pre"%&!ry &)est+!to& wo("#
be to #epr)e h% o$ the $("" %e!s(re o$ hs r+ht to #(e process. 5D(terte. et !".. ).
S!&#+!&b!y!&. 9.R. No. 1E*1-1. pro%. Apr" 2@. 1--A6
!. Right to preliminary investigation may be "aived. The r("e s th!t the r+ht to
pre"%&!ry &)est+!to& s w!)e# whe& the !cc(se# $!"s to &)o2e t be$ore or !t the t%e o$
e&ter&+ ! p"e! !t !rr!+&%e&t. 5The %&or L!rr!&!+!. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No.
1E*,DD. pro%. M!rch 1E. 1--A6
The r+ht to pre"%&!ry &)est+!to& s &ot ! $(&#!%e&t!" r+ht !&# %!y be w!)e#
e'press"y or by s"e&ce. 8!"(re o$ !& !cc(se# to &)o2e ths r+ht co&stt(tes ! w!)er o$ s(ch
r+ht !&# !&y rre+("!rty th!t !tte&#s t. The r+ht %!y be $or$ete# by &!cto& !&# c!& &o
"o&+er be &)o2e# $or the $rst t%e !t the !ppe""!te "e)e". 5Peop"e ). L!+!o. Gr.. 9.R. No. 11ADF@.
pro%. Apr" A. 1--@6
Pre"%&!ry &)est+!to& s p!rt o$ proce#(r!" #(e process. It c!&&ot be w!)e#. (&"ess
the w!)er !ppe!rs to be c"e!r !&# &$or%e#. There s &o w!)er $ the !cc(se# h!s bee& !ct)e"y
!&# co&sste&t"y #e%!&#&+ ! re+("!r pre"%&!ry &)est+!to& e)e& be$ore he w!s ch!r+e# &
co(rt. A"so. !cc(se# re$(se# to e&ter ! p"e! #(r&+ the !rr!+&%e&t bec!(se there w!s pe&#&+ !
c!se & the S(pre%e 0o(rt re+!r#&+ hs r+ht to !)!" o$ ! re+("!r pre"%&!ry &)est+!to&.
0"e!r"y the !cts o$ the !cc(se# !&# hs co(&se" !re &co&sste&t wth ! w!)er. 5The %&or
L!rr!&!+!. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E*,DD. pro%. M!rch 1E. 1--A6
b. The absence o# preliminary investigations does not a##ect the cort(s 9risdiction
over the case . Nor #o they %p!r the )!"#ty o$ the &$or%!to& or otherwse re&#er t
#e$ect)eI b(t. $ there were &o pre"%&!ry &)est+!to&s !&# the #e$e&#!&ts. be$ore e&ter&+
ther p"e!. &)te the !tte&to& o$ the co(rt to ther !bse&ce. the co(rt. &ste!# o$ #s%ss&+ the
&$or%!to&. sho("# co&#(ct t. or re%!&# the c!se to the &$eror co(rt so th!t the pre"%&!ry
&)est+!to& %!y be co&#(cte#. 5The %&or L!rr!&!+!. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R.
No. 1E*,DD. pro%. M!rch 1E. 1--A 6
D. a! courts interfere with the conduct of a preliminar! investi(ation ? $%plain
briefl!. a! an injunctive writ issue to enjoin the conduct of a preliminar! investi(ation ? If*
so upon what (rounds ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; As ! +e&er!" r("e. co(rts %!y &ot &ter$ere wth the co&#(ct o$
! pre"%&!ry &)est+!to& !s ths s !& e'ercse by the e'ec(t)e #ep!rt%e&t o$ ts 1(!s-3(#c!"
$(&cto&s. E)e& the S(pre%e 0o(rt h!s J!#opte# ! po"cy o$ &o&-&ter$ere&ce & the co&#(ct o$
pre"%&!ry &)est+!to&s. !&# "e!)es to the &)est+!t&+ prosec(tor s($$ce&t "!tt(#e o$
#screto& & the e'ercse o$ #eter%&!to& o$ wh!t co&stt(tes s($$ce&t e)#e&ce !s w""
est!b"sh Oprob!b"e c!(seM $or $"&+ o$ &$or%!to& !+!&st the s(ppose# o$$e&#er. 5R!ro ).
S!&#+!&b!y!&. et !".. 9.R. No. 1*ADE1. pro%. G("y 1D. 2*** ct&+ 0!%!&!+ ). 9(errero6
=owe)er. co(rts %!y e&3o& the co&#(ct o$ ! pre"%&!ry (&#er the $o""ow&+
!. To !$$or# protecto& to the co&stt(to&!" r+hts o$ the !cc(se#.
b. Whe& &ecess!ry $or the or#er"y !#%&str!to& o$ 3(stce or to !)o# oppresso& or
%("tp"cty o$ !cto&s.
c. Whe& there s ! pre3(#c!" 1(esto& whch s sub 3udice.
#. Whe& the !cts o$ the o$$cer !re wtho(t or & e'cess o$ !(thorty.
e. Whe& the prosec(to& s (&#er !& &)!"# "!w. or#&!&ce or re+("!to&.
$. Whe& #o(b"e 3eop!r#y s c"e!r"y !pp!re&t.
+. Where the co(rt h!s &o 3(rs#cto& o)er the o$$e&se.
h. Where t s ! c!se o$ persec(to& r!ther th!& prosec(to&.
. Where the ch!r+es !re %!&$est"y $!"se !&# %ot)!te# by the "(st $or )e&+e!&ce.
3. Whe& there s c"e!r"y &o prima facie c!se !+!&st the !cc(se# !&# ! %oto& to 1(!sh o&
th!t +ro(&# h!s bee& #e&e#. 50o%%sso&er o$ I&ter&!" Re)e&(e. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et
!".. 9.R. No. 11-E22. pro%. G(&e D. 1--,6
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; Spreme 2ort may revie" decision or #inding o#
+mbdsman only on pre *estion o# la". Sec. 1D. R.A. No. ,@@*. the O%b(#s%!& Act o$
1-A-. pro)#es th!t. J5&6o co(rt sh!"" he!r &!y !ppe!" or !pp"c!to& $or re%e#y !+!&st the
#ecso& or $&#&+s o$ the O%b(#s%!&. e'cept the S(pre%e 0o(rt o& p(re 1(esto&s o$ "!w.K
Moreo)er. Sec. 2@ o$ the s!%e Act pro)#es $(rther th!t. J5$6&#&+s o$ $!ct by the O$$ce o$ the
O%b(#s%!& whe& s(pporte# by s(bst!&t!" e)#e&ce !re co&c"(s)e.K 5Moro&+ W!ter Dstrct ).
O$$ce o$ the Dep(ty O%b(#s%!&. et !".. 9.R. No. 11,@FD. pro%. M!rch 1@. 2***6
10. A)A filed a complaint for libel a(ainst A<A which ripened into an information
filed b! the prosecutor:s office with the Re(ional )rial #ourt. A<A filed a petition for review
of the prosecutor:s resolution with the Department of Bustice* which (ave due course to the
petition and directed the prosecutor to move for deferment of further proceedin(s and to
elevate the entire records of the case.
)he court approved the motion and deferred the petitioner:s arrai(nment until the
final termination of the petition for review.
)he "ecretar! of Bustice reversed the prosecutor:s findin(s* as a conse&uence of which
the prosecutor filed a motion to withdraw information. )he trial court denied the motion
usin( as authorit! #respo v. o(ul. If !ou were to review the order of the trial court* how
would !ou decide ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; I wo("# re)erse the or#er o$ the tr!" co(rt. So"e !&# b!re
re"!&ce o& 0respo s &ot s($$ce&t b!ss $or the #e&!". The tr!" co(rt sho("# h!)e co&#(cte# !&
&#epe&#e&t !&# co%pete&t !ssess%e&t o$ the ss(e5s6 prese&te# & the %oto& to #s%ss bec!(se
+r!&t or #e&!" o$ the %oto& s e1()!"e&t to e$$ect&+ ! #sposto& o$ the c!se tse"$.
O&ce ! co%p"!&t or &$or%!to& s $"e# & co(rt. !&y #sposto& o$ the c!se s(ch !s ts
#s%ss!" or ts co&t&(!to& rests o& the so(&# #screto& o$ the co(rt. Tr!" 3(#+es !re re1(re#
to %!2e ther ow& !ssess%e&t o$ whether the Secret!ry o$ G(stce co%%tte# +r!)e !b(se o$
#screto& & +r!&t&+ or #e&y&+ the !ppe!". sep!r!te"y !&# &#epe&#e&t"y o$ the prosec(to&>s or
the secret!ry>s e)!"(!to& th!t s(ch e)#e&ce s &s($$ce&t or th!t &o prob!b"e c!(se to ho"# the
!cc(se# $or tr!" e'sts. They sho("# e%bo#y s(ch !ssess%e&t & ther wrtte& or#er #spos&+ o$
the %oto&. 5Le#es%! ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. 9.R. No. 11E21,. pro%. Septe%ber F. 1--@6
!. R-2+/2I0I&TI+/ '-T,--/ 2R-SP+ v. M+6U0, 1=1 S2R& <>2H
M&R2-0+ v. 2+URT +4 &PP-&0S, 2;= S2R& ;DH M&RTI/-M v. 2+URT +4
&PP-&0S, 2;@ S2R& =@=H R+'-RTS, AR. v. 2+URT +4 &PP-&0S, 2=< S2R& ;0@.
I& 2respo the Secret!ry w!s !#)se# to restrct s(ch re)ew to e'cepto&!""y %ertoro(s
c!ses. R("e 112. Secto& D. o$ the R("es o$ 0o(rt whch reco+&/es s(ch power. #oes &ot.
howe)er. !""ow the tr!" co(rt to !(to%!tc!""y #s%ss the c!se or +r!&t the wth#r!w!" o$ the
reso"(to& o$ the Secret!ry o$ G(stce.
Marcelo r("e# th!t pr(#e&ce !&# ws#o% #ct!te th!t the co(rt sho("# ho"# & !bey!&ce
the procee#&+s !&# w!t $or ! $&!" reso"(to& o$ ! %oto& $or re)ew or re&)est+!to& $ro% the
Secret!ry o$ G(stce be$ore !ct&+ o& ! %oto& to #s%ss or ! %oto& to wth#r!w the
&$or%!to&. =owe)er. !$ter the SOG h!s the reso")e# the %!tter. the tr!" co(rt sho("# %!2e ts
ow& st(#y !&# e)!"(!to& o$ s!# %oto& !&# &ot re"y %ere"y o& the !w!te# !cto& o$ the
secret!ry. 5reter!te# & D%!t("!c ). L""o& !&# So"!r Te!% E&tert!&%e&t. I&c.. et !".. ). =ow.
etc.. et !".. 9.R. No. 1D*A,E. pro%. A(+(st 22. 2***6
I& Martine! the tr!" co(rt>s +r!&t o$ the %oto& to #s%ss $"e# by the prosec(t&+ $sc!"
(po& the reco%%e&#!to& o$ the Secret!ry o$ G(stce w!s o)err("e# bec!(se s(ch +r!&t w!s
b!se# (po& co&s#er!to&s other th!& the 3(#+e>s ow& !ssess%e&t o$ the %!tter. Re"y&+ so"e"y
o& the co&c"(so& o$ the prosec(to& to the e$$ect th!t there w!s &o s($$ce&t e)#e&ce !+!&st the
!cc(se# to s(st!& the !""e+!to& & the &$or%!to&. the tr!" 3(#+e ## &ot per$or% hs $(&cto&
o$ %!2&+ !& &#epe&#e&t e)!"(!to& or !ssess%e&t o$ the %erts o$ the c!se.
I& Roberts the !(thorty o$ the Secret!ry o$ G(stce to re)ew reso"(to&s o$ the
prosec(tors (po& petto& by ! proper p!rty e)e& wh"e the cr%&!" c!se s !"re!#y pe&#&+ wth
the co(rts w!s s(st!&e#.
SUMM&R18 Wh"e the Secret!ry o$ G(stce h!s the prero+!t)e to re)ew !&# co("#
#rect the e'c"(so& o$ !& !cc(se# $ro% the &$or%!to&. s(ch s &ot b&#&+ (po& the co(rt s&ce
the co(rt s %!&#!te# to &#epe&#e&t"y e)!"(!te or !ssess the %erts o$ the c!se. !&# %!y ether
!+ree or #s!+ree wth the reco%%e&#!to& o$ the Secret!ry o$ G(stce. Re"!&ce !"o&e o& the
reso"(to& o$ the Secret!ry o$ G(stce wo("# be !& !b#c!to& o$ the tr!" co(rtMs #(ty !&#
3(rs#cto& to #eter%&e ! prima facie c!se. 5So"!r e&tert!&%e&t. I&c.. et !".. ). =ow. etc.. et !"..
9.R. No. 1D*A,E. pro%. A(+(st 22. 2***6 The $&!" r("&+ o& the e'c"(so& o$ the !cc(se# rests
(po& the tr!" co(rt who h!s !"re!#y obt!&e# 3(rs#cto& o)er the c!se.
b. &ppellate athority o# Secretary o# Astice over preliminary investigations. The
Secret!ry o$ G(stce h!s the power to re)ew reso"(to&s or #ecso&s o$ pro)&c!" or cty
prosec(tors or the 0he$ St!te Prosec(tor (po& petto& by ! proper p!rty. :&#er the Re)se#
A#%&str!t)e 0o#e. the Secret!ry o$ G(stce e'ercses the power o$ #rect co&tro" !&#
s(per)so& o)er s!# prosec(tors. =e %!y th(s !$$r%. &(""$y. re)erse or %o#$y ther r("&+s !s
he %!y #ee% $t. Ths s!%e power s +r!&te# (&#er Secto& 1 5#6 o$ P.D. No. -11. 5G!"!&#o& ).
Secret!ry o$ G(stce. etc.. et !".. 9.R. No. 11F2E--D*. pro%. M!rch 2. 2***6
I# pon petition by a proper party ndr sch rles as the 7epartment o# Astice may
prescribe or motu proprio, the Secretary o# Astice reverses or modi#ies the resoltion o# the
provincial or city prosector or chie# state prosector, he shall direct the prosector
concerned either to #ile the corresponding in#ormation "ithot condcting another
preliminary investigation, or to dismiss or move #or dismissal o# the complaint or
in#ormation "ith notice to the parties. The same rle shall apply in preliminary
investigations condcted by the o##icers o# the +##ice o# the +mbdsman. 5"!st p!r.. Sec. D.
R("e 112. RO06
7+2TRI/- +4 PR-2+/7ITI+/, PRI+R R-S+RT &/7
&0T-R/&TI5- 7ISPUT- R-S+0UTI+/
There s &ee# $or ! #eter%&!to& o$ whether cert!& preco&#to&s h!)e bee& %et. $or
e'!%p"e whether there s ! pre3(#c!" 1(esto& th!t %+ht !$$ect the prosec(to& o$ the o$$e&se.
11. What are the elements of a prejudicial &uestion ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The elements o# a pre9dicial *estion are8
GaF the previosly institted civil action involves an isse similar or intimately
related to the isse raised in the sbse*ent criminal actionH and
GbF the resoltion o# sch isse determines "hether or not the criminal action may
proceed. 5Sec. @. R("e 111. RO06
!. Rationale behind principle o# pre9dicial *estion. To !)o# co&$"ct&+ #ecso&s.
!. 4iling petition #or sspension o# criminal action de to pre9dicial *estion. &
petition #or sspension o# the criminal action based pon the pendency o# a pre9dicial
*estion in a civil action may be #iled in the o##ice o# the prosector or the cort condcting
the preliminary investigation. ,hen the criminal action has been #iled in cort #or trial,
the petition to sspend shall be #iled in the same criminal action at any time be#ore the
prosection rests. 5Sec. ,. R("e 111. RO06
b. Isse o# pre9dicial *estion may be "aived. REASON; It s ! proce#(r!" %!tter
the w!)er o$ whch s &ot co&tr!ry to "!w. p(b"c or#er. p(b"c po"cy. %or!"s.or +oo# c(sto%s.
or pre3(#c!" to ! thr# perso& wth ! r+ht reco+&/e# by "!w. 5A"!&o ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !"..
9.R. No. 1112DD. pro%. Dece%ber 1F. 1--@6
::: 12. 0n 0ctober 72* 234/* Isa(ani contracted a first marria(e with Dulce. Without
hsaid marria(e havin( been annulled or terminated* Isa(ani contracted a second marria(e
with Imeldla on Banuar! 7/* 233D and a subse&uent third marria(e with Bulia. 8pon
complaint of Dulce* Isa(ani was char(ed with bi(am!. Isa(ani then initiated a civil action for
the judicial declaration of absolute nullit! of his first marria(e to Dulce on the (round that it
was celebrated without a marria(e license. =e then filed a motion to suspend the proceedin(s
in the criminal case for bi(am! invo1in( the pendenc! of the civil suit for nullit! as a
prejudicial &uestion. Rule on the motion.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Moto& #e&e#. Ass(%&+ th!t the $rst %!rr!+e w!s &("" !&#
)o# o& the +ro(&# !""e+e# by Is!+!&. th!t $!ct wo("# &ot be %!ter!" to the o(tco%e o$ the
cr%&!" c!se. P!rtes to the %!rr!+e sho("# &ot be per%tte# to 3(#+e $or the%se")es t &(""ty.
$or the s!%e %(st be s(b%tte# to the 3(#+%e&t o$ the co%pete&t co(rts !&# o&"y whe& the
&(""ty o$ the %!rr!+e s so #ec"!re# c!& t be he"# !s )o#. !&# so "o&+ !s there s &o s(ch
#ec"!r!to& the pres(%pto& s th!t the %!rr!+e e'sts. There$ore. he who co&tr!cts ! seco&#
%!rr!+e be$ore the 3(#c!" #ec"!r!to& o$ &(""ty o$ the $rst %!rr!+e !ss(%es the rs2 o$ be&+
prosec(te# $or b+!%y. 5M!rbe""!-Bobs ). Bobs. 9.R. No. 1EAF*-. pro%. G("y E1. 2*** ct&+
L!&#cho ). Re"o)!. 22 S0RA @E1. @EF6
!. &rticle <0 o# the 4amily 2ode re*ires prior declaration o# nllity o# #irst
marriage be#ore contracting second marriage. Not e)ery #e$e&se r!se# & the c)" !cto& %!y
be (se# !s ! pre3(#c!" 1(esto& to obt!& the s(spe&so& o$ the cr%&!" !cto&. The b(r#e& o$
proo$ to show the #sso"(to& o$ the $rst %!rr!+e be$ore the seco&# %!rr!+e w!s co&tr!cte#
rests (po& the #e$e&se. b(t th!t s ! %!tter th!t c!& be r!se# & the tr!" o$ the b+!%y c!se.
5M!rbe""!-Bobs ). Bobs. 9.R. No. 1EAF*-. pro%. G("y E1. 2*** ct&+ L!&#cho ). Re"o)!. 22
S0RA @E1. @EF6
b. &ction #or nllity o# marriage not pre9dicial *estion to concbinage. 8or ! c)"
c!se to be co&s#ere# pre3(#c!" to ! cr%&!" !cto& !s to c!(se the s(spe&so& o$ the "!tter
pe&#&+ the $&!" #eter%&!to& o$ the c)" c!se. t %(st !ppe!r &ot o&"y th!t the s!# c)" c!se
&)o")es the s!%e $!cts (po& whch the cr%&!" prose(cto& wo("# be b!se#. b(t !"so th!t & the
reso"(to& o$ the ss(e or ss(es r!se# & the !$ores!# c)" !cto&. the +("t or &&oce&ce o$ the
!cc(se# wo("# be &ecess!r"y be #eter%&e#. 5Be"tr!& ). Peop"e. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E@F,@. pro%.
G(&e 2*. 2***6
1;. <una filed a criminal comlaint a(ainst #o for estafa and perjur!. It appears that
,roducers +an1 authori;ed #o to purchase a proprietar! share of anila ,olo #lub to be
placed in his name bein( the Director of the +an1 and to be held b! him on behalf of the
corporation. After separation as +an1 Director* #o* despite demand* refused to surrender to
the +an1 the anila ,olo #lub certificate. Instead* he e%ecuted a false affidavit of loss and
was able to secure a replacement certificate* despite the e%istence of the ori(inal certificate in
the +an1Cs possession.
Durin( the pendenc! of the criminal action* #o filed a civil action for dama(es a(ainst
<una and claimed ownership over the &uestioned certificate. #o now moves for a suspension
of the criminal proceedin(s claimin( that the civil action he filed raises a prejudicial &uestion.
Is the motion meritorious ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The %oto& s bere$t o$ %ert. The tr!" co(rt he!r&+ the
cr%&!" c!se c!& reso")e the 1(esto& o$ ow&ershp. The c)" !cto& $or reco)ery o$ c)"
"!b"ty s %p"e#"y &stt(te# wth the $"&+ o$ the cr%&!" !cto&. he&ce. 0o %!y &)o2e !""
#e$e&ses pert!&&+ to hs c)" "!b"ty & the cr%&!" !cto&. =e s &ot prohbte# $ro% !r&+
e'h!(st)e"y the 1(esto& o$ ow&ershp. A$ter !"". the tr!" co(rt h!s 3(rs#cto& to he!r the s!#
#e$e&se. 58rst Pro#(cers =o"#&+s 0orpor!to& ). 0o.. 9.R. No. 1E-,FF. pro%. G("y 2@. 2***6
1<. 0n .6 9ebruar! 2337* #hin( was char(ed before the Re(ional )rial #ourt'a1ati
with four counts of estafa punishable under Article -2/ par. 2 >b? of the R.,.#.* in relation to
,.D. No. 22/* the I)rust Receipts <aw.J 0n ./ aerch 2337* #hin(* to(ether with ,hilippine
+loomin( ills #o.* Inc.* filed a case before another branch of the R)#'anila* for
declaration of nullit! of documents and for dama(es. 0n .5 Au(ust 2337* #hin( filed a
petition before the R)#'a1ati* for the supsension of the criminal proceedin(s on the (round
of prejudicial &uestion in a civil action. Rule on the petition.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The !""e+e# pre3(#c!" 1(esto& & the c)" c!se $or
#ec"!"r!to& o$ &(""ty o$ #oc(%e&ts !&# $or #!%!+es #oes &ot 3(rs et #e 3(re #ter%&e the +("t
or &&oce&ce o$ the !cc(se# & the cr%&!" !cto& $or est!$!. Ass(%&+ !r+(e&#o th!t the co(rt
he!r&+ the c)" !spBect o$ the c!se !#3(#c!tes th!t the tr!&s!cto& e&tere# &to betwee& the
p!rtes w!s &ot ! rtr(st recept !+ree%e&t. &oethe"ess the +("t o$ the !cc(se# co("# st"" be
est!b"she# !&# hs c("p!b"ty (&#er pe&!" "!ws #eter%&e# by other e)#e&ce. To p(t t
#$$ere&t"y. e)e& o& the !ss(%pto& th!t the #oc(%e&ts !re #ec"!re# &("". t #oes &ot pso $!cto
$o""ow th!t s(ch #ec"!r!to& o$ &("""ty sh!"" e'o&er!te the !cc(se# $ro% cr%&!" prosec(to& !&#
"!b"ty. 50h&+ ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.r. N*. 11*ADD. pro%. Aor" 2@. 2***6
1=. What criminal cases should be referred to the %atarnggang Pambarangay ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The "(po& o$ e!ch b!r!&+!y sh!"" h!)e !(thorty to br&+
to+ether the p!rtes !ct(!""y res#&+ & the s!%e cty or %(&cp!"ty $or !%c!b"e sett"e%e&t o$
!"" #sp(tes e$cept;
!. O$$e&ses p(&sh!b"e by %prso&%e&t e'cee#&+ o&e 516 ye!r or $&e e'cee#&+ 8)e
tho(s!&# pesos 5PF.***.**6I !&#
b. O$$e&ses where there s &o pr)!te o$$e&#e# p!rty. 5Wsec. D*A BcC !&# B#C. R.A. No.
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; 0!ses where the p!rtes %!y +o #rect"y to co(rt;
!. Where the !cc(se# s (&#er #ete&to&I
b. Where the !cto& %!y otherwse be b!rre# by the st!t(te o$ "%t!to&s. 5Sec. D12 BbC
X1Y !&# XDY. R.A. No. @1,*6
S-0-2TI+/ +4 2+URT
1>. What law determines the jurisdiction of a court to tr! a criminal case. Is there an!
e%ception to this rule ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The 3(rs#cto& o$ ! co(rt to try ! cr%&!" c!se s #eter%&e#
by the "!w & $orce !t the t%e o$ the &stt(to& o$ the !cto&. O&ce the co(rt !c1(res
3(rs#cto& o)er ! co&tro)ersy. t sh!"" co&t&(e to e'ercse s(ch 3(rs#cto& (&t" the $&!"
#eter%&!to& o$ the c!se !&# t s &ot !$$ecte# by s(bse1(e&t "e+s"!to& )est&+ 3(rs#cto& o)er
s(ch procee#&+s & !&other trb(&!".
A reco+&/e# e'cepto& to ths r("e s whe& the st!t(te e'press"y pro)#es. or s co&str(e#
to the e$$ect th!t t s&te&#e# to oper!te (po& !cto&s pe&#&+ be$ore ts e&!ct%e&t. =owe)er.
where s(ch retro!ct)e e$$ect s &ot pro)#e# $or. st!t(tes !"ter&+ the 3(rs#cto& o$ ! co(rt
c!&&ot be !pp"e# to c!ses !"re!#y pe&#&+ pror to ther e&!ct%e&t. 5A"!r""! ). $andiganbayan
etc.. 9.R. No. 1E,A*,. pro%. A(+(st 22. 2***6
1@. What is the jurisdiction of etropolitan )rial #ourts* unicipal )rial #ourts and
unicipal #ircuit )rial #ourts ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; E'cept & c!ses $!""&+ wth& the e'c"(s)e or+&!"
3(rs#cto& o$ Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rts !&# o$ the S!&#+!&b!y!&. the Metropo"t!& Tr!" 0o(rts.
M(&cp!" Tr!" 0o(rts. !&# M(&cp!" 0rc(t Tr!" 0o(rts sh!"" e'ercse;
516 E'c"(s)e or+&!" 3(rs#cto& o)er !"" )o"!to&s o$ cty or %(&cp!" or#&!&ces
co%%tte# wth& ther respect)e terrtor!" 3(rs#cto&I !&#
26 E'c"(s)e or+&!" 3(rs#cto& o)er !"" o$$e&ses p(&sh!b"e wth %prso&%e&t &ot
e'cee#&+ s' 5,6 ye!rs rrespect)e o$ the !%o(&t o$ $&e !&# re+!r#"ess o$ other &pos!b"e
!ccessory pe&!"tes. &c"(#&+ the c)" "!b"ty !rs&+ $ro% s(ch o$$e&sesI or pre#c!te# thereo&.
rrespect)e o$ 2&#. &!t(re. )!"(e or !%o(&t thereo$; Pro)#e#. howe)er. Th!t & o$$e&ses
&)o")&+ #!%!+e to property thro(+h cr%&!" &e+"+e&ce. they sh!"" h!)e e'c"(s)e or+&!"
3(rs#cto& thereo$. 5Sec. E2. B.P. B"+. 12- !s !%e&#e# by R.A. No. @,-16
!. MT2s do not have 9risdiction "here the la" speci#ically vests the 9risdiction in
other corts. By )rt(e o$ the e'cepto& pro)#e# $or & the ope&&+ se&te&ce o$ Sec. E2 o$ B.P.
B"+. 12- !s !%e&#e# by Sec. 2 o$ R.A. No. @,-1. the e'c"(s)e or+&!" 3(rs#cto& o$ the three
"ower tr!" co(rts #oes &ot co)er those cr%&!" c!ses whch by spec$c pro)so&s o$ "!w $!""
wth& the e'c"(s)e or+&!" 3(rs#cto& o$ Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rts !&# o$ the S!&#+!&b!y!&.
re+!r#"ess o$ the pe&!"ty prescrbe# there$or.
Otherwse st!te#. e)e& $ those e'cepte# c!ses !re p(&sh!b"e by %prso&%e&t o$ &ot
e'cee#&+ s' 5,6 ye!rs 5i.e.prision correccional arresto mayor or arresto menor6. 3(rs#cto&
thereo& s ret!&e# by the Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rts or the S!&#+!&b!y!&. !s the c!se %!y be.
A%o&+ the e'cepto&s pro)#e# $or & the ope&&+ se&te&ce o$ Sec. E2 !re c!ses (&#er 516
Secto& 2* o$ B.P. B"+. 12-I 526 Artc"e E,* o$ the Re)se# Pe&!" 0o#e. !s !%e&#e#. !&# 5E6 the
D!&+ero(s Dr(+s Act o$ 1-@2. !s !%e&#e#. 50o%%sso& o& E"ecto&s ). =o&. Noy&!y. et !"..
9.R. No. 1E2E,F. pro%. G("y -. 1--A6 :&#o(bte#"y. p(rs(!&t to Secto& 2,A o$ the O%&b(s
E"ecto& 0o#e. e"ecto& o$$e&ses !"so $!"" wth& the e'cepto&. 5Ibid> G(!&. et !".. ). Peop"e. 9.r.
No. 1E2E@A. pro%. G!&(!ry 1A. 2***6
1C. What is the jurisdiction of Re(ional )rial #ourts in criminal cases ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rts sh!"" e'ercse e'c"(s)e or+&!"
3(rs#cto& & !"" cr%&!" c!ses &ot wth& the e'c"(s)e 3(rs#cto& o$ !&y co(rt. trb(&!" or
bo#y. e'cept those &ow $!""&+ (&#er the e'c"(s)e !&# co&c(rre&t 3(rs#cto& o$ the
S!&#+!&b!y!& whch sh!"" here!$ter be e'c"(s)e"y t!2e& co+&/!&ce o$ by the "!tter.45Sec. 2*.
B.P. B"+. 12- 6
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; Regional Trial 2orts not Mnicipal Trial 2orts have
9risdiction over libel cases. Wh"e "be" s p(&sh!b"e by %prso&%e&t o$ s' %o&ths !&# o&e
#!y to $o(r ye!rs !&# two %o&ths 5Art. E,*. Re)se# Pe&!" 0o#e6 whch %pos!b"e pe&!"ty s
"o#+e# wth& the M(&cp!" Tr!" 0o(rts> 3(rs#cto& (&#er R.A. No. @,-1 5Sec. E2 B2C6. s!#
"!w howe)er. e'c"(#es there$ro% c!ses $!""&+ wth& the e'c"(s)e or+&!" 3(rs#cto& o$ the
Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rts.
REASON; A"tho(+h R.A. No. @,-1 w!s e&!cte# to #eco&+est the c"o++e# #oc2ets o$ the
Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rts by e'p!&#&+ the 3(rs#cto& o$ $rst "e)e" co(rts. s!# "!w s o$ ! +e&er!"
ch!r!cter. E)e& $ t s ! "!ter e&!ct%e&t. t #oes &ot !"ter the pro)so& o$ Artc"e E,* o$ the
RP0. ! "!w o$ ! spec!" &!t(re. 5M!&/!&o ). =o&. L!"er!. et !".. 9.R. No. 122*,A. pro%. G("y A.
1D. What is the jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Arisdiction o# the "andi(anba!an. The $andiganbayan
sh!"" e'ercse;
5!6 E'"c(s)e or+&!" 3(rs#cto& & !"" c!ses &)o")&+;
516 Lo"!to&s o$ Rep(b"c Act No. E*1-. !s !%e&#e#. otherwse 2&ow& !s the
A&t-9r!$t !&# 0orrp(pt Pr!ctces Act. Rep(b"c Act No. 1E@-. !&# 0h!pter II. Secto& 2.
Tt"e LII. o$ the Re)se# Pe&!" 0o#e !s !%e&#e#. where o&e or %ore o$ the !cc(se# !re
o$$c!"s occ(py&+ posto&s & the +o)er&%e&t c"!ss$e# !s 9r!#e 2@ or h+her whether
& ! per%!&e&t. !ct&+ or &ter% c!p!cty !t the t%e o$ the co%%sso& o$ the o$$e&se.
526 Other o$$e&ses or $e"o&es co%%tte# by p(b"c o$$cers !&# e%p"oyees &
re"!to& to ther o$$ce. &c"(#&+ those e%p"oye# & +o)er&%e&t-ow&e# or co&tro""e#
corpor!to&s.w hether s%p"e or co%p"e'e# wth other cr%es. where the pe&!"ty
prescrbe# by "!w s h+her th!& prision correccional or %prso&%e&t $or s' 5,6 ye!rs or
! $&e o$ P,.***.**I PROLIDED. =OWELER. th!t o$$e&ses or $e"o&es %e&to&e# & ths
p!r!+r!ph where the pe&!"ty prescrbe# by "!w #oes &ot e'cee# prision correccional or
%prso&%e&t $or s' 5,6 ye!rs or ! $&e o$ P,.***.** sh!"" be tre# by the proper
Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rt. Metropo"t!& Tr!" 0o(rt. M(&cp!" Tr!" 0o(rt !&# M(&cp!"
0rc(t Tr!" 0o(rt.
5b6 E'c"(s)e !ppe""!te 3(rs#cto&;
516 O& !ppe!". $ro% the $&!" 3(#+%e&ts. reso"(to&s or or#ers o$ the Re+o&!"
Tr!" 0o(rts & c!ses or+&!""y #ec#e# by the% & ther respect)e terrtor!"
526 By petto& $or re)ew. $ro% the $&!" 3(#+%e&ts. reso"(to&s or or#ers o$ the
Re+o&!" Tr!" 0o(rts & the e'ercse o$ ther !ppe""!te 3(rs#cto& o)er c!ses or+&!""y
#ec#e# by the Metropo"t!& Tr!" 0o(rts. M(&cp!" Tr!" 0o(rts !&# M(&cp!" 0rc(t
Tr!" 0o(rts. & ther respect)e 3(rs#cto& '''
5c6 The $andiganbayan sh!"" h!)e e'c"(s)e or+&!" 3(rs#cto& o)er petto&s $or the
ss(!&ce o$ the wrts o$ mandamus prohbto&. certiorari .abeas corpus. &3(&cto&. !&# other
!&c""!ry wrts !&# processes & !# o$ ts 3(rs#cto&; Provided? Th!t the 3(rs#cto& o)er these
petto&s sh!"" &ot be e'c"(s)e o$ the S(pre%e 0o(rt. 5Sec. D. P.D. No. 1,*,. !s !%e&#e# by
R.A. No. @-@F6
5#6 Rep(b"c Act No. @-@F. !& !c+t !%e&#&+ P.D. No. 1,*,. pro)#es th!t the
S!&#+!&b!y!& sh!"" h!)e or+&!" 3(rs#cto& o)er !"" c)" !&# cr%&!" c!ses $"e# p(rs(!&t to
!&# & co&&ecto& wth E'ec(t)e Or#er Nos. 1. 2. 1D !&# 1D-A. or the so*c!""e# ""-+otte&
cSwe!"th c!ses. The S!&#+!&b!y!& h!s 3(rs#cto& to !&&(" the 3(#+%e&t o$ the Re+o&!" Tr!"
0o(rt & ! se1(estr!to&-re"!te# c!se. The S!&#+!&b!y!& h!s or+&!" !&# e'c"(s)e 3rs#cto&
&ot o&"y o)er pr&cp!" c!(ses o$ !ct(o& &)o")&+ reco)ery o$ ""-+otte& we!"th. b(t !"so o)er !""
&c#e&ts !rs&+ $ro%. &c#e&t!" to. or re"!te# to s(ch c!ses. 5Pr$es#e&t!" 0o%%sso& o&
9oo# 9o)er&%e&t ). S!&#+!&b!y!& 51
D).6. et !".. 9.r. No. 1E2@EA. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 2E. 2***6
!. Private individals as co.principals "ith pblic o##icers. Where pr)!te &#)#(!"s
!re ch!r+e# !s co-pr&cp!"s wth the p(b"c o$$cers or e%p"oyees. &c"(#&+ those e%p"oye# &
+o)er&%e&t-ow&e# or co&tro""e# corpor!to&s sh!"" be tre# 3o&t"y wth s!# p(b"c o$$cers !&#
e%p"oyees & the proper co(rts whch sh!"" e'ercse e'c"(s)e 3(rs#cto& o)er the%.
b. Sandiganbayan has 9risdiction over violations o# R.&. /o. ;01D, as amended,
against mnicipal mayors. There s &o %ert to the !)er%e&t th!t the s!"!ry rece)e# by !
p(b"c o$$c!" #ct!tes hs !"!ry +r!#e. JO& the co&tr!ry. t s the o$$c!"Ms +r!#e th!t #eter%&es
hs or her s!"!ry. &ot the other w!y ro(&#.K To #eter%&e whether !& o$$c!" s wth& the
e'c"(s)e 3(rs#cto& o$ the S!&#+!&!y!&. there$or. re$ere&ce sho("# be %!#e to Rep(b"c Act
No. ,@FA !&# the I&#e' o$ Occ(p!to&!" Ser)ces. Posto& tt"es !&# S!"!ry 9r!#es. A&
o$$c!"Ms +r!#e s &ot ! %!tter o$ proo$. b(t ! %!tter o$ "!w whch the co(rt %(st !2e 3(#c!"
Sec. DDD5#6 o$ the Loc!" 9o)er&%e&t 0o#e pro)#es th!t Jthe %(&cp!" %!yor sh!""
rece)e ! %&%(% %o&th"y co%pe&s!t& correspo&#&+ to S!"!ry 9r!#e twe&ty-se)e& 52@6 !s
prescrbe# (&#er Rep(b"c Act No. ,@FA !&# the %p"e%e&t&+ +(#e"&es ss(e# p(rs(!&t
thereto.K A##to&!""y. both the 1-A- !&# the 1--@ )erso&s o$ the I&#e' op$ Occ(p!to&!"
Ser)ces. Posto& Tt"es !&# S!""!ry 9r!#es st the %(&cp!" %!yor (&#er S!"!ry 9r!#e 2@.
5L"ore&te. Gr. ). S!&#+!&!b!y&. et !".. 9.R. Nos. 1222-@--A. pro%. G!&(!(ry 1-. 2***6
S!&#+!&b!y!& h!s &o 3(rs#cto& $ the !cc(se# s occ(py&+ the posto& o$ Drector II
wth S!"!ry 9r!#e J2,K (&#er the 0o%pe&!to& !&# Posto& 0"!ss$c!to& Act o$ 1-A-
5Rep(b"c Act No. ,@FA6. 50(yco ).. the =o&or!b"e S!&#+!&b!y!&. etc. et !".. 9.R. Nos.
1E@*1@-1A. pro%. 8ebr(!ry A. 2***6
:::20. Where should criminal cases be filed ? What is the venue of criminal cases ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Sb9ect to e$isting la"s, the criminal action shall be
institted and tried
!. in the cort o# the mnicipality or territory
b. "here the o##ense "as committed or
c. "here any o# its essential ingredients occrred. BSec. 1F 5!6. R("e 11*. RO0
!rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
RRR!. -$ceptions or instances "here a case may be institted at a place other than
"here the o##ense "as committed;
16 0o&t&(&+ o$$e&ses !t !&y p"!ce where the esse&t!" e"e%e&ts o$ the cr%e w!s
26 Lbe" where +e&er!""y the )e&(e s the p"!ce o$ p(b"c!to& or where !&y o$ the
o$$e&#e# p!rtes !ct(!""y res#e !t the t%e o$ the co%%sso& o$ the o$$e&seI
E6 Where ! ch!&+e o$ )e&(e w!s or#ere# by the S(pre%e 0o(rtI
D6 0!ses co+&/!b"e by the S!&#+!&b!y!& where c!ses !re !"w!ys $"e# where
the S!&#+!&b!y!& s "oc!te#I
F6 E'tr!terrtor!" cr%es or cr%es co%%tte# o(ts#e o$ the Ph"pp&es.
Speci#ic vene #or criminal actions8
GaF Sb9ect to e$isting la"s, the criminal action shall be institted and tried in the
cort o# the mnicipality or territory "here the o##ense "as committed or "here any o# its
essential ingredients tooE placeH
GbF ,here an o##ense is committed in a train, aircra#t, or other pblic or private
vehicle "hile in the corse o# its trip, the criminal action shall be institted and tried in the
cort o# any mnicipality or territory "here sch train, aircra#t, or other vehicle passed
dring its trip, inclding the place o# departre and arrival.
GcF ,hen an o##ense is committed on board a vessel in the corse o# its voyage, the
criminal action shall be institted and tried in the proper cort o# the #irst port o# entry or
o# any mnicipality or territory throgh "hich the vessel passed dring sch voyage
sb9ect to the generally accepted principles o# international la".
GdF 2rimes committed otside o# the Philippines bt pnishable nder &rticle 2 o#
the Revised Penal 2ode shall be cogni!able by the cort "here the criminal action is #irst
#iled. 5Sec. 1F. R("e 11*. RO06
21. ,hat criminal cases are governed by the smmary procedre ?
!. Lo"!to&s o$ tr!$$c "!ws. r("es !&# re+("!to&s.
b. Lo"!to&s o$ the re&t!" "!ws.
c. Lo"!to&s o$ %(&cp!" or cty or#&!&ces.
#. A"" other cr%&!" c!ses where the pe&!"ty prescrbe# by "!w $or the o$$e&se ch!r+e#;
16 Does &ot e'cee# s' 5,6 %o&ths %prso&%e&t. or
26 A $&e o$ o&e tho(s!&# pesos 5P1.****.**6. or
E6 Both. rrespect)e o$ other %pos!b"e pe&!"tes. !ccessory or otherwse or o$
the c)" "!b"ty !rs&+ there$ro%
D6 Pro)#e#. howe)er. th!t & o$$e&ses &)o")&+ #!%!+e to property thro(+h
cr%&!" &e+"+e&ce. ths R("e sh!"" +o)er& where the %pos!b"e $&e #oes &ot e'cee# te&
tho(s!&# pesos 5P1*.***.**6. 5Nos. 1 to D. Sec. 1 BBC. R("e o& S(%%!ry Proce#(re6
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; O(t"&e o$ proce#(re $or cr%&!" c!ses $!""&+
(&#er the R("e o& S(%%!ry Proce#(re;
!. 0o%p"!&t or &$or%!to& $"e# #rect"y & M(&cp!" Tr!" 0o(rt wtho(t &ee# o$ pror
pre"%&!ry e'!%&!to& or &)est+!to&.
16 M(st be !cco%p!&e# by !$$#!)ts o$ the co%p"!&!&t !&# o$ hs two
wt&esses & s(ch &(%ber o$ copes !s there !re !cc(se# p"(s two 526 copes $or the co(rt
!6 I$ the !bo)e re1(re%e&t s &ot co%p"e# wth. the c!se s #s%sse#
wth& $)e 5F6 #!ys $ro% #!te o$ $"&+.
b6 I& Metro M!&"! !&# ch!rtere# ctes. o&"y &$or%!to&s %!y be $"e#.
c6 Whe& the o$$e&se c!&&ot be prosec(te# de oficio. the co%p"!&t sh!""
be s+&e# !&# swor& to be$ore the p(b"c prosec(tor by the pr)!te o$$e&#e# p!rty.
b. The co(rt %!2es ! pre"%&!ry #eter%&!to&;
16 whether to #s%ss the c!se $or p!te&t"y wtho(t b!ss or %ertI or
26 Re1(re $(rther procee#&+s.
c. I$ $(rther procee#&+s re1(re#;
16 Acc(se# (&#er c(sto#y $or the cr%e ch!r+e#;
!6 G(#+e or#ers %%e#!te !rr!+&%e&tI
b6 Acc(se# p"e!#s;
516 9("ty. he sh!"" $orthwth be se&te&ce#.
526 9("ty to ! "esser o$$e&se to whch he sh!"" be se&te&ce#.
5E6 Not +("ty. the co(rt ss(es !& or#er....
#. Drect&+ !cc(se# to !ppe!r !&# s(b%t ther co(&ter !$$#!)ts !&# those o$ ther
wt&esses !t ! spec$e# #!te &ot "!ter th!& te& 51*6 #!ys $ro% recept o$ or#er
16 I$ the #e$e&#!&t #oes &ot !ppe!r the co(rt sh!"" ss(e ! w!rr!&t $or hs !rrest $
the co(rt sh!"" $&# th!t ! prob!b"e c!(se e'sts !$ter !& e'!%&!to& & wrt&+ !&# (&#er
o!th or !$$r%!to& o$ the co%p"!&!&t !&# hs wt&esses. 5"!st p!r.. Sec. 1*. R("e o&
S(%%!ry Proce#(re6
26 :po& co&s#er!to& o$ the co%p"!&t or &$or%!to& !&# the !$$#!)ts
s(b%tte# by both p!rtes !&# the 0o(rt
!6 8&#s &o c!(se or +ro(&# to ho"# the !cc(se# $or tr!" - the c!se s
b6 8&#s c!(se;
e. P!rtes !re c!""e# $or ! pre"%&!ry co&$ere&ce $or;
16 Stp("!to& o$ $!ctsI
26 8or !cc(se# to p"e!# to ! "esser o$$e&seI
E6 Other %!tters to c"!r$y the ss(es !&# to e&s(re ! spee#y #sposto& o$ the
$. Arr!+&%e&t; Acc(se# p"e!#s;
16 9("ty. he sh!"" $orthwth be se&te&ce#.
26 9("ty to ! "esser o$$e&se. he sh!"" $orthwth be se&te&ce#.
E6 Not +("ty. the ....
+. Tr!" s set whch %(st be $&she# o& the s!%e #!y set.
16 O&"y wt&esses who s(b%tte# !$$#!)ts sh!"" be prese&te# $or cross-
e'!%&!to&. No other wt&esses !""owe#.
h. G(#+%e&t - s!%e !s & c)" c!ses.
. Appe!" - s!%e !s & c)" c!ses.
3. Petto& $or re)ew - s!%e !s & c)" c!ses.
PR+S-2UTI+/ +4 2RIMI/&0 +44-/S-S
22. =ow are criminal offenses instituted ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; 2riminal actions shall be institted as #ollo"s8
GaF 4or o##enses "here preliminary investigation is re*ired prsant to section 1 o#
Rle 112 5where the pe&!"ty prescrbe# by "!w s !t "e!st $o(r 5D6 ye!rs. two 526 %o&ths !&# o&e
516 #!y wtho(t re+!r# to the $&e6 by #iling the complaint "ith the proper o##icer #or the
prpose o# condcting the re*isite preliminary investigation thereinH
GbF 4or all other o##enses, by #iling the complaint or in#ormation directly "ith the
Mnicipal Trial 2orts and Mnicipal 2ircit Trial 2orts, or the complaint "ith the
o##ice o# the prosector. In Manila and other chartered cities, the complaint shall be #iled
"ith the o##ice o# the pblic prosector nless other"ise provided in their charters. 51st
p!r.. Sec. 1. R("e 11*. RO0. wor#s &ot & bo"# s(pp"e#6
The instittion o# the criminal action shall interrpt the rnning o# the period o#
prescription o# the o##ense charged nless other"ise provided in special la"s. 5"!st p!r.. Sec.
1. R("e 11*. RO06
2;. What is a complaint in criminal procedure ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; & complaint is a s"orn "ritten statement charging a
person "ith an o##ense, sbscribed by the o##ended party, any peace o##icer or other pblic
o##icer charged "ith the en#orcement o# the la" violated. 5Sec. E. R("e 11*. RO06
2<. When is a complaint or information considered as sufficient ?
& complaint or in#ormation is s##icient i# it states the name o# the accsedH the
designation o# the o##ense given by the statteH the acts or ommissions complained o# as
constitting the o##enseH the name o# the o##ended partyH the appro$imae date o# the
commission o# the o##enseH and the place "here the o##ense "as committed.
,hen an o##ense is committed by more than one person, all o# them shall be
inclded in the complaint or in#ormation. 5Sec. ,. R("e 11*. RO06
!. Prpose o# the rle. I& ! cr%&!" procsec(to&. t s the $(&#!%e&t!" r("e th!t e)ery
e"e%e&t o$ the cr%e ch!r+e# %(st be !""e+e# & the co%p"!&t or &$or%!to&. The %!& p(rpose
o$ ths re1(re%e&t s to e&!b"e the !cc(se# to proper"y prep!re hs #e$e&se. =e s pres(%e# to
h!)e &o &#epe&#e&t 2&ow"e#+e o$ the $!cts th!t co&stt(te the o$$e&se. 5Peop"e ). Me#&!. E**
S0RA -A. 11A cte# & Peop"e ). B!yo&!. 9.R. Nos. 1EEEDE-DD. pro%. M!rch 2. 2***6
Ths #octr&e s &ot ! %ere tech&c!"ty. t rests o& the co&stt(to&!" pr&cp"e th!t !&
!cc(se# s e&tt"e# Jto be &$or%e# o$ the &!t(re !&# c!(seK o$ the !cc(s!to& !+!&st h%. !s
st!te# & the &$or%!to&. 5Peop"e ). B!yo&!. 9.R. Nos. 1EEEDE-DD. pro%. M!rch 2. 2***6
The ob3ect)es o$ the #e$e&#!&tMs r+ht Jto be &$or%e#K !re;
16 To $(r&sh the !cc(se# wth s(ch ! #escrpto& o$ the ch!r+e !+!&st h% !s
w"" e&!b"e h% to %!2e the #e$e&seI
26 To !)!" h%se"$ o$ hs co&)cto& or !c1(tt!" $or protecto& !+!&st ! $(rther
prosec(to& $or the s!%e c(s!eI !&#
E6 To &$or% the co(rt o$ the $!cts !""e+e#. so th!t t %!y #ec#e whetherr they !re
s($$ce&t & "!w to s(pport ! co&)cto&. $ o&e sho("# be h!#. 5Pecho ). Peop"e cte# & Peop"e ).
B!yy!. 9.R. No. 12@ADF. pro%. M!rch 1*. 2***6
It s th(s %per!t)e th!t the &$or%!to& $"e# wth the tr!" co(rt be co%p"ete N to the e&#
th!t the !cc(se# %!y s(t!b"y prep!re hs #e$e&se. 0oro""!ry to ths. !& &#ct%e&t %(st $(""y
st!te the e"e%e&ts o$ the spec$c o$$e&se !""e+e# to h!)e bee& co%%tte# !s t s the rect!" o$ the
esse&t!"s o$ ! cr%e whch #e"&e!tes the &!t(re !&# c!(se o$ !cc(s!to& !!&st the !cc(se#.
5Peop"e ). B!yy!. 9.R. No. 12@ADF. pro%. M!rch 1*. 2*** ct&+ Pecho ). Peop"e6
b. S##iciency o# allegations in complaint. The !""e+!to&s & the co%p"!&t th!t the
!cc(se# h!# c!r&!" 2&ow"e#+e wth the o$$e&#e# wo%!& J!+!&st her w""K or Jwtho(t her
co&se&tK s &s($$ce&t to w!rr!&t co&)cto& $or r!pe. !"tho(+h the e)#e&ce pro)es the
co%%sso& o$ the cr%e. 5Peop"e ). Me&#e/. 9.R. No. 1E2FD,. pro%. G("y F. 2*** ct&+
Peop"e ). Oso6
c. In case o# variance bet"een the victimIs complaint and the in#ormation in crimes
against chastity, the co%p"!&t co&tro"s. The $!(re o$ the &$or%!to& to st!te th!t the r!pe w!s
co%%tte# Jthro(+h $orce or &t%#!to&K s &ot ! $!t!" o%sso& where the co%p!"&t !""e+e#
the ("t%!te $!ct th!t the !cc(se# r!pe# the )ct% Jby %e!&s o$ $orce.K So. !t the o(tset. the
!cc(se# co("# h!)e re!#"y !scert!&e# th!t he w!s be&+ !cc(se# o$ r!pe co%%tte# thro(+h
$orce. . 5Peop"e ). Me&#e/. 9.R. No. 1E2FD,. pro%. G("y F. 2*** ct&+ Peop"e ). Oso6
#. Special *ali#ying circmstances in rape mst be alleged in the in#ormation
other"ise the death penalty may not be imposed. The se)e& !##to&!" !tte&#!&t
crc(%st!&ces &tor#(ce# by Sec. @ o$ Rep(b"c Act No. @,F-. 5s(ch !s )ct%Ms %&orty !&# her
$"!" re"!to&shp wth the !cc(se#. !%o&+ others6 sho("# be co&s#ere# !s spec!" 1(!"$y&+
crc(%st!&ces spec$c!""y !pp"c!b"e to the cr%e o$ r!pe co&s#er&+ th!t they h!)e ch!&+e# the
&!t(re o$ s%p"e r!pe by &cre!s&+ the pe&!"ty o&e #e+ree h+her thro(+h the %posto& o$ the
#e!th pe&!"ty. These !tte&#!&t crc(%st!&ces !re co&s#ere# !s e1()!"e&t to 1(!"$y&+
crc(%st!&ces s&ce they &cre!se the pe&!"tes by #e+rees. !&# &ot %ere"y !s !++r!)!t&+
crc(%st!&ces whch !$$ect o&"y the pero# o$ the pe&!"ty b(t #o &ot &cre!se t to ! h+her
#e+ree. These crc(%st!&ces %(st be spec$c!""y p"e!#e# or !""e+e# wth cert!&ty & the
&$or%!to&. otherwse. the #e!th pe&!"ty c!&&ot be %pose#.
It wo("# be ! #e&!" o$ the r+ht o$ the !cc(se# to be &$or%e# o$ the ch!r+es !+!&st h%
!&#. s(bse1(e&t"y. ! #e&!" o$ #(e process. $ he s ch!r+e# wth s%p"e r!pe !&# be co&)cte# o$
ts 1(!"$e# $or% p(&sh!b"e wth #e!th. !"tho(+h the !tte&#!&t crc(%st!&ce 1(!"$y&+ the
o$$e&se !&# res("t&+ & c!pt!" p(&sh%e&t w!s &ot !""e+e# & the &#ct%e&t o& whch he w!s
!rr!+&e#. 5Peop"e ). L""!r. 9.R. No. 12@F@2. pro%. G!&(!ry 1-. 2*** ct&+ Peop"e ). De"!
0(st!. 9.R. No. 12,1ED. pro%. M!rch 2. 1---I Peop"e ). B!yo&!. 9.R. Nos. 1EEEDE-DD. pro%.
M!rch 2. 2***I Peop"e ). 8ero"&o. etc.. 9.R. Nos. 1E1@E*-E1. pro%. Apr" F. 2***I Peop"e ).
Tr!y!. 9.R. No. 12-*F2. 9.R. No. 12-*F2. pro%. M!y E1. 2***I Peop"e ). B!yb!#o. 9.R. No.
1E21E,. pro%. G("y 1D. 2*** ct&+ Peop"e ). 9!rc!. 2A1 S0RA D,EI Peop"e ). R!%os. 2-,
e. Penalty #or one crime only i# in#ormation alleges only one sch crime even i#
prosection proves t"o crimes. The !cc(se# co("# o&"y be co&)cte# o$ ! cr%e co%%tte# !s
show& & the &$or%!to& !&# &ot !s pro)e& by the prosec(to&. A& !cc(se# c!&&ot be co&)cte#
o$ !& o$$e&se. (&"ess t s c"e!r"y ch!r+e# & the co%p"!&t or &$or%!to&. 0o&stt(to&!""y. he
h!s ! r+ht to be &$or%e# o$ the &!t(re !&# c!(se o$ the !cc(s!to& !+!&st h%. To co&)ct h%
o$ !& o$$e&se other th!& th!t ch!r+e# & the co%p"!&t or &$or%!to& wo("# be )o"!t)e o$ ths
co&stt(rto&!" r+ht. I&#ee#. the !cc(se# c!&&ot be co&)cte# o$ ! cr%e. e)e& $ #("y pro)e&.
(&"ess t s !""e+e# or &ecess!r"y &c"(#e# & the &$or%!to& $"e# !+!&st h%. 5Peop"e ).
P!%b#. 9.R. No. 12DDFE. pro%. M!rch 1F. 2***6
e. -rror in caption not controlling. Error & the c!pto& s &ot $!t!". Wh!t s
co&tro""&+ !re the !ct(!" rect!" o$ $!cts & the bo#y o$ the &$or%!to& !&# &ot the c!pto& or
pre!%b"e o$ the cr%e. 5Peop"e ). 8!bro. 9.R. No. 11DD2,1. pro%. 8ebr(!ry 1*. 2***6
2=. Define an information.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; &n in#ormation is an accsation in "riting charging a
person "ith an o##ense sbscribed by the prosector and #iled "ith the cort. 5Sec. D. R("e
11*. RO06
2>. =ow man! offenses ma! be char(ed in a complaint or information ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; & complaint or in#ormation mst charge only one o##ense,
e$cept "hen the la" prescribes a single pnishment #or varios o##enses. 5Sec. 1E. R("e 11*.
2@. Is it necessar! to state the date and time of commission of the felon! in the
complaint or information ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; It is not necessary to state in the complaint or in#ormation
the precise date the o##ense "as commmitted e$cept "hen it is a mterial ingredient o# the
o##ense. The o##ense may be alleged to have been committed on a date as near as possible to
the actal date o# its commission. 5Sec. 11. R("e 11*. RO06
!. &llegation o# e$act time and date o# commission o# rape not important. Ths s
bec!(se the precse t%e o$ the co%%sso& o$ the cr%e s &ot !& esse&t!" e"e%e&t o$ r!pe !&# t
h!s &o s(bst!&t!" be!r&+ o& ts co%%sso&. It s e1(!""y sett"e# th!t ! )!r!&ce o$ $e#w %o&ths
betwee& the t%e set o(t & the &#ct%e&t !&# th!t est!b"she# by the e)#e&ce #(r&+ the tr!"
h!s &ee& he"# &ot to co&stt(te !& error so sero(s !s to w!rr!&t re)ers!" o$ ! co&)cto& )o"e"y o&
th!t score. 5Peop"e ). A")ero. etc.. 9.R. Nos. 1EDFE,-EA. pro%. Apr" F. 2***6
2@. )an* Br.* 8rbi* a;a* Avendano and dela #ru; were char(ed with havin( violated
the Anti'Graft <aw throu(h conspirac!. 8pon reinvesti(ation* all the accused were dropped
from the information e%cept )an* Br
=e now moves to &uash the information ar(uin( that there bein( no conspirac! as a
result of the dischar(e of his co'accused* the char(e a(ainst him of Aconspirin( and
confederatin(A with others in committin( the crime has no more basis. he further contends
that there can be no conspirac! if onl! one person remains char(ed under the same
Rule on the motion.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Moto& #e&e#. 0o&spr!cy s &ot !& e"e%e&t o$ the cr%e.
The s(bse1(e&t #s%ss!" o$ the ch!r+es !+!&st T!&. Gr.>s co-!cc(se# pre%se# o& the &o&-
e'ste&ce o$ co&spr!cy ## &ot re&#er the &$or%!to& #e$ect)e. The !""e+!to& o$ co&spr!cy &
the &$or%!to& beco%es ! %ere s(rp"(ss!+e !s ! co&se1(e&ce o$ the o(tco%e o$ the
I& !&y c!se. !& &$or%!to& !""e+&+ co&spr!cy c!& st!&# e)e& $ o&"y o&e perso& s ch!r+e#
e'cept th!t the co(rt c!&&ot p!ss )er#ct o& the co-co&spr!tors who were &ot ch!r+e# & the
&$or%!to&. 5T!&. Gr. ). S!&#+!&b!y!&. 9.R. No. 12A@,D. pro%. G("y 1*. 1--A6
PR+S-2UTI+/ +4 2I5I0 &2TI+/S
:::2C. A passen(er bus owned b! "an Ildefonso <ines* Inc. >"I<I? driven b! $duardo
collided with the )o!ota <ite Ace Fan driven b! Annie* totall! wrec1in( the van and injurin(
Annie and her two passen(ers in the process.
A criminal case was filed with the ,asi( R)# char(in( $duardo with rec1less
imprudence resultin( to dama(e to propert! with multiple ph!sical injuries.
9our months later* ,ioneer Insurance and "uret! #orporation >,I"#?* as insurer of
the van and subro(ee filed a civil case for dama(es a(ainst "I<I before the anila R)#.
After joinder of issues* "I<I filed a anifestation and otion to "uspend #ivil
,roceedin(s (rounded on the pendenc! of the criminal case a(ainst $duardo in the ,asi(
R)# and the failure of ,I"# to ma1e a reservation to file a separate dama(e suit in said
criminal action. Decide the motion ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Moto& +r!&te#. Reser)!to& s re1(re# & or#er to !)o#
%("tp"cty o$ s(ts. +(!r# !+!&st oppresso& !&# !b(se !&# pre)e&t #e"!ys. to c"e!r co&+este#
#oc2ets. s%p"$y the wor2 o$ the tr!" co(rtI & short. the !tt!&%e&t o$ 3(stce wth the "e!st
e'pe&se !&# )e'!to& to the p!rtes-"t+!&ts. 5S!& I"#e$o&so L&es. I& !".. ). 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 11-@@1. pro%. Apr" 2D. 1--A6
0"e!r"y PIS0 !s s(bro+ee (&#er Artc"e 22*@ o$ the 0)" 0o#e s &ot e'e%pt $ro% the
reser)!to& re1(re%e&t wth respect to ts #!%!+es s(t b!se# o& 1(!s-#e"ct !rs&+ $ro% the
s!%e !ct or o%sso& o$ E#(!r#o co%p"!&e# o$ & the cr%&!" c!se. PIS0 %ere"y steppe# &to
the shoes o$ A&&e 5!s ow&er o$ the )!&6. he&ce t s bo(&# to obser)e the proce#(r!"
re1(re%e&ts whch A&&e o(+ht to $o""ow h!s she herse"$ &stt(te# the s(t. 5Ibid.6
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; 9e&er!" r("e; Pror reser)!to& re1(re# $or &#epe&#e&t
c)" !ct+o&s; There s &o #sp(te th!t the so-c!""e# 4&#epe&#e&t c)" !cto&s4 b!se# & Artc"es
E2. EE. ED !&# 21@, o$ the 0)" 0o#e o$ the Ph"pp&es !re the e'cepto&s to the pr%!cy o$ the
cr%&!" !cto& o)er the c)" !cto& !s set $orth & Secto& 2 o$ R("e 111. R("es o$ 0o(rt.
Ths s #e#(cb"e $ro% the phr!se & Secto& E. 4whch h!s bee& reser)e#4 th!t the
4&#epe&#e&t4 ch!r!cter o$ these c)" !cto&s #oes &ot #o !w!y wth the reser)!to& re1(re%e&t.
I& other wor#s. pror reser)!to& s ! co&#to& sine qua non be$ore !&y o$ these
&#epe&#e&t c)" !cto&s c!& be &stt(te# !&# there!$ter h!)e ! co&t&(o(s #eter%&!to& !p!rt
$ro% or s%("t!&eo(s wth the cr%&!" !cto&. I$ &o reser)!to& s %!#e the& the c)" !cto&s
!re %p"e#"y &stt(te# wth the cr%&!" !cto& (&"ess the $or%er !re w!)e# or $"e# !he!# o$
the cr%&!" !cto&. 5S!& I"#e$o&so L&es. I&c.. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No.
11-@@1. pro%. Apr" 2D. 1--A6
2D. Is civil liabilit! based on &uasi'delict e%tin(uished with the ac&uittal of the accused
S:99ESTED ANSWER; No. A sep!r!te c)" !cto& "es !+!&st the o$$e&#er & !
cr%&!" !ct. whether or &ot he s cr%&!""y prosec(te# !&# $o(&# +("ty or !c1(tte#. pro)#e#
th!t the o$$e&#e# p!rty s &ot !""owe#. $ he s !ct(!""y !"so ch!r+e# cr%&!""y. to reco)er
#!%!+es o& both scores. !&# wo("# be e&tt"e# & s(ch e)e&t(!"ty o&"y to the b++er !w!r# o$
the two !ss(%&+ the !w!r#s %!#e & the two c!ses )!ry.
I& other wor#s. the e't&cto& o$ c)" "!b"ty re$erre# to & R("e 111. Sec. 2 5b6. o$ the
R("es o$ 0o(rt re$ers e'c"(s)e"y to c)" "!b"ty $o(&#e# o& Artc"e 1** o$ the Re)se# Pe&!"
0o#e where!s the c)" "!b"ty $or the s!%e !ct co&s#ere# !s ! quasi-delict o&"y !&# &ot !s !
cr%e s &ot e't&+(she# e)e& by ! #ec"!r!to& & the cr%&!" c!se th!t the cr%&!" !ct ch!r+e#
h!s &ot h!ppe&e# or h!s &e)er bee& co%%tte# by the !cc(se#. 5=ers o$ 9(!r&+. Gr. ). 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1*AE-F. pro%. M!rch @. 1--@6
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; 9e&er!" R("e; The #e!th o$ the !cc(se# pror to co&)cto&
e't&+(shes hs c)" "!bty !rs&+ $ro% #e"ct. E'cepto&; 0)" "!b"ty !rs&+ $ro% 1(!s-
#e"ct s &ot e't&+(she#.
Th(s. e)e& $ the sep!r!te c)" !cto& (&#er Artc"e EE. o$ the 0)" 0o#e h!# &ot bee&
e'press"y reser)e# t %!y st"" be e&$orce# sep!r!te"y. REASON; The c)" !cto& w!s
ter%&!te# wtho(t $&!" !#3(#c!to& !s ! res("t o$ the #e!th o$ the !cc(se#. 5L""e+!s ). 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. Nos. A2F,2 7 9.R. No. A2F-2. pro%. Apr" 11. 1--@6
;0. a! moral dama(es be awarded to rape victims ? $%plain.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Hes. :&#o(bte#"y. r!pe )ct%s s($$er %e&t!" !&+(sh. $rh+t.
sero(s !&'ety. bes%rche# rep(t!to&. wo(&#e# $ee"&+s. %or!" shoc2. soc!" h(%"!to& !&#
other e%oto&!" &3(res th!t e&tt"e the% to %or!" #!%!+es. Th(s. & Peop"e ). Pr!#es. 2-E
S0RA D11. the S(pre%e 0o(rt reso")e# to +r!&t %or!" !%!+es to r!pe )ct%s. & s(ch !%o(&t
!s the 0o(rt #ee%s 3(st. wtho(t the &ecessty $or p"e!#&+ or proo$ o$ the b!ss threreo$. The
co&)e&to&!" re1(re%e&t o$ allegata et probata & c)" proce#(re s #spe&se# wth & cr%&!"
prosec(to&s $or r!pe !s &o !ppropr!te p"e!#&+s !re $"e# where& s(ch !""e+!to&s c!& be %!#e.
I& r!pe c!ses. proo$ o$ %e&t!" !&# physc!" s($$er&+ pro)#e# (&#er Artc"e 221@ o$ the 0)"
0o#e c!& be #spe&se# wth bec!(se t s reco+&/e# th!t the )crt%Ms &3(ry s co&co%%t!&t
wth !&# &ecess!r"y res("t"s $ro% the o#o(s cr%e o$ r!pe to w!rr!&t per se the !w!r# o$ %or!"
#!%!+es. 5Peop"e ). M!&+"!. 9.R. Nos. 1E*2*E-*D. pro%. 8ewbr(!ry 1F. 2***6
!. 2ivil indemnity di##erent #rom moral damages. 0)" &#e%&ty s #$$ere&t $ro% the
!w!r# o$ %or!" #!%!+es. . 5Peop"e ). M!&+"!. 9.R. Nos. 1E*2*E-*D. pro%. 8ewbr(!ry 1F.
2***6 The !w!r# !(thor/e# by cr%&!" "!w !s c)" &#e%&ty e' #e"cto $o the o$$e&#e# p!rty
s %!&#!tory (po& the $&#&+ o$ the $!ct o$ r!peI t s #st&ct $ro% !&# sho("# &ot be
#e&o%&!te# !s %or!" #!%!+es whch !re b!se# o& #$$ere&t 3(r!" $o(&#!to&s !&# !ssesse# by
the co(rt & the e'ercse o$ so(&# #screto&. 5Peop"e ). Me&#o&!. etc.. et !".. 9.R. No. 12-*F,.
pro%. 8ebr(!ry 21. 2*** ct&+ Peop"e ). Pr!#es. 2-E S0RA D116
;1. When is there an award of e%emplar! dama(es in criminal cases ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Where therre s !& !tte&#!&ce o$ !++r!)!t&+ crc(%st!&ces
p(rs(!&t to Artc"e 22E* o$ the 0)" 0o#e. 5Peop"e ). Re&#o1(e. Sr.. et !".. 9.R. No. 1*,2A2.
pro%. G!&(!ry 2*. 2***6
;2. Where an emplo!er is found to be subsidiaril! liable under Article 2.- of the
Revised ,enal #ode* what should be determined at a hearin( prior to e%ecution ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Be$ore e'ec(to& !+!&st !& e%p"oyer e&s(es. there %(st be !
#eter%&!to&. & ! he!r&+ set $or the p(rpose;
!6 the e'ste&ce o$ !& e%p"oyer-e%p"oyee re"!to&shpI
b6 th!t the e%p"oyer s e&+!+e# & so%e 2&# o$ &#(stryI
c6 th!t the e%p"oyee s !#3(#+e# +("ty o$ the wro&+$(" !ct !&# $o(&# to h!)e co%tte#
theo$$e&se & the #sch!r+e o$ hs #(tes 5&ot &ecess!r"y !&y o$$e&se# he co%%ts Jwh"eK & the
#sch!r+e o$ s(ch #(tesI !&#
#6 th!t s!# e%p"oyee s &so")e&t. 5B!s"o ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 11EDEE.
pro%. M!rch 1@. 2***6
!. 5icarios civil liability o# employer #or #alt or negligence o# employee. :&#er the
"!w. the )c!ro(s "!b"ty o$ the e%p"oyer s $o(&#e# o& !t "e!st two spec$c pro)so&s o$ "!w;
16 Artc"e 21@, & re"!to& to Artc"e 21A* o$ the 0)" 0o#e. whch wo("# !""ow
!& !cto& pre#c!te# o& quasi-delict to be &stt(te# by the &3(re# p!rty !+!&st the
e%p"oyer $or t!& !ct or o%sso& o$ the e%p"oyee !&# wo("# &ecesst!te o&"y !
prepo&#r!&ce o$ e)#e&ce to pre)!". =ere the "!b"ty o$ the e%p"oyer $or the &e+"+e&t
co&#(ct o$ the s(bor#&!te s #rect !&# pr%!ry. s(b3ect to the #e$e&se o$ #(e #"+e&ce &
the se"ecto& o$ s(per)so& o$ the e%p"oyee. The e&$orce%e&t o$ the 3(#+%e&t !+!&st
the e%p"oer & s(ch !& !cto& #oes &ot re1(re the e%p"oyee to be &so")e&t s&ce the
&!t(re o$ the "!b"ty o$ the e%p"oyer wth th!t o$ the e%p"oyee 5the two be&+ st!t(tor"y
co&s#ere# 3o&t tort$e!sors6. s so"#!ry.
26 Artc"e 1*E o$ the Re)se# Pe&!" 0o#e whch pro)#es $or the s(bs#!ry
"!b"ty o$ the e%p"oyer $or ! $e"o&y co%%tte# by hs e%p"oyee & the #sch!r+e o$ hs
#(ty. Ths "!b"ty !tt!che# whe& the e%p"oyee s co&)cte# o$ ! cr%e #oe& & the
per$or%!&ce o$ hs wor2 !&# s $o(&# to be &so")e&t th!t re&#ers h% (&!b"e to proper"y
respo&# to the c)" "!b"ty !#3(+e#. 5R!$!e" Reyes Tr(c2&+ 0orpor!to& ). Peop"e. et
!".. 9.R. No. 12-*2-. pro%. Apr" E. 2***6
b. Instances "hen e$istence o# employer.employee relationship bet"een accsed
driver and alleged vehicle o"ner is determined.
16 D(r&+ the cr%&!" procee#&+. !&#
26 D(r&+ the procee#&+ $or the e'ec(to& o$ the 3(#+%e&t. I& both &st!&ces.
the !""e+e# )ehc"e ow&er sho("# be +)e& the opport(&ty to be he!r#. whch s the
esse&ce o$ #(e process. 5B!s"o ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 11EDEE. pro%.
M!rch 1@. 2***6
;;. 0n 0ctober 2.* 2343* the ,rovincial ,rosecutor filed with the R)# and amended
information char(in( a driver with rec1less imprudence resultin( to double homicide and
dama(e to propert!.
8pon arrai(nment* the accused entered a plead of not (uilt!. )he private offended
parties made a reservation to file a separate civil action a(ainst the accused arisin( from the
offense char(ed. 0n November 73* 2343* the offended parties actuall! filed with the R)# a
complaint a(ainst the emplo!er of the accused based on &uasi'delict. )he private offended
parties opted to pursue the criminal action but did not withdraw the civil case &uasi e% delicto
the! filed a(ainst the emplo!er. 0n December 2/* 2343* the private offendned parties
withdrew the reservation to file a separate civil action a(ainst the accused and manifested that
the! would prosecute the civil aspect e% delicto in the criminal case. =owever* the! did not
withdraw the separate civil action based on e&uasi delicto a(ainst the emplo!er arisin( from
the same act or omission of the accused driver.
PR+5ISI+/&0 R-M-7I-S I/ 2RIMI/&0 2&S-S
;<. Are provisional remedies available in criminal cases ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Hes. The provisional remedies in civil actions, inso#ar as
they are applicable, may be availed o# in connection "ith the civil action deemed institted
"ith the criminal action. 5Sec. 1. R("e 12@. RO06
;=. What is arrest ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; &rrest is the taEing o# a person into cstody in order that
he may be bond to ans"er #or the commission o# an o##ense. 5Sec. 1. R("e 11E. RO06
!. Issance o# "arrant o# arrest by RT2 9dge prespposes completion o#
preliminary investigation; ,ithin ten G10F days #rom the #iling o# the complaint or
in#ormation, the 9dge shall personally ealate the resoliton o# the prosector and is
spporting evidence. )e may immeidately dismiss the case i# the evidence on record clearly
#ails to etablish probable case. I+# he #inds probable case, he shall sse a "arrant o#
arrest, or a commitment order i# the accsed has already been arrested prsant to a
"arrant issed by the 9dge "ho condcted the preliminary investigation or "hen the
complaint o# in#ormation "as #iled prsant to section o# this Rle. 5Whe& !cc(se# "!w$("y
!rreste# wtho(t w!rr!&t6 In case o# dobt on the e$istence o# probable case, the 9dge may
order the prosector to present additional evidence "ithin #ive G=F days #rom the #iling o#
the complaint or in#ormation. 5Sec. , B!C. R("e 112. RO0 wor#s & p!ree&thess s(pp"e#6
b. Isse by an MT2 9dge o# a "arrant o# arrest does not re*ire completion o#
preliminary investigation; The R("es #o &ot re1(re th!t pre"%&!ry &)est+!to& be $rst
co&c"(#e# be$ore ! w!rr!&t o$ !rrest %!y ss(e.
)o"ever, "ithot "aiting #or the conclsion o# the investigation, the 9dge may
isse a "arrant o# arrest, i# he #inds a#ter an e$amination in "riting and nder oath o# the
complainant and his "itnesses in the #orm o# searching *estions and ans"ers, that a
probable case e$ists and that there is a necessity o# placing the respondent nder
immediate cstody in order not to #rstrate the ends o# 9stice. 5Sec. , BbC. R("e 112. RO06.
c. 7e#inition o# probable case #or issance o# "arrant o# arrest ; Prob!b"e c!(se to
w!rr!&t !rrest re1(res s(ch $!cts !&# crc(%st!&ces whch wo("# "e!# ! re!so&!b"y #screet !&#
pr(#e&t %!& to be"e)e th!t !& o$$e&se h!s bee& co%%tte# by the perso& so(+ht to be !rreste#.
5Pe& ). =o&. #e 0!stro. etc.. 9.R. No. 1*D,DF. pro%. G("y 2E. 1--A6
#. -vidence needed to determine probable case8
16 I& the #eter%&!to& o$ prob!b"e c!(se. the !)er!+e %!& we+hs $!cts !&#
crc(%st!&ces wtho(t resort&+ to the c!"br!to&s o$ tech&c!" r("es o$ e)#e&ce whch
hs 5the !)er!+e %!&6 2&ow"e#+e s &". Wh!t s &ecess!ry s &ot proo$ beyo&#
re!so&!b"e #o(bt b(t 3(st ! prob!b"e c!(se. 4E)#e&ce re1(re# to est!b"sh +("t s &ot
&ecess!ry.4 5Pe& ). =o&. #e 0!stro. etc.. 9.R. No. 1*D,DF. pro%. G("y 2E. 1--A6
26 A $&#&+ o$ prob!b"e c!(se &ee#s o&"y to rest o& e)#e&ce show&+ th!t %ore
"2e"y th!& &ot ! cr%e h!s bee& co%%tte# !&# w!s co%%tte# by the s(spects. Prob!b"e
c!(se &ee# &ot be b!se# o& c"e!r !&# co&)&c&+ e)#e&ce o$ +("t. &ether o& e)#e&ce
est!b"sh&+ +("t beyo&# re!so&!b"e #o(bt !&# #e$&te"y. &ot o& e)#e&ce est!b"sh&+
!bso"(te cert!&ty o$ +("t. As we"" p(t & Br&+er ). :&te# St!tes. wh"e prob!b"e c!(se
#e%!&#s %ore th!& 4b!re s(spco&.4 t re1(res 4"ess th!& e)#e&ce whch wo("#
3(st$y ... co&)cto&. A $&#&+ o$ prob!b"e c!(se %ere"y b&#s o)er the s(spect to st!&#
tr!". It s &ot ! pro&o(&ce%e&t o$ +("t.4 5Pe&. supra6
:::;>. When is arrest without warrant lawful ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; & peace o##icer or a private person may, "ithot "arrant,
arrest a person8
GaF ,hen in his presence, the person to be arrested has committed, is actally
committing or is attempting to commit an o##ense
GbF ,hen an o##ense has in #act 9st been committed, and he has probable case to
believe based on personal Eno"ledge o# #acts or circmstances that the person to be
arrested has committed itH and
GcF ,hen the person to be arrested is a prisoner "ho has escaped #rom a penal
establishment or place "here he is serving #inal 9dgment or is temporarily con#ined "hile
his case is pending, or has escaped "hile being trans#erred #rom one con#inement to
In cases #alling nder paragraphs G1F and GbF above, the person arrested "ithot a
"arrant shall be #orth"ith delivered to the nearest police station or 9ail and shall be
proceeded against in accordance "ith section @ o# Rle 112. 5Sec. F. R("e 11E. RO06
!. 7isposition o# person arrested "ithot "arrant8. ,hen a person is la"#lly
arrested "ithot a "arrant involving an o##ense "hich re*ires a preliminary investigation,
the complaint or i#ormation may be #iled by a prosoector "ithot need o# sch
investigation provided an in*est has been condcted in accordance "ith e$isting rles. In
the absence or navailiability o# an n*est prosector, the complaint may be #iled by the
o##ended party or a peace o##icer directly "ith the proper cort on the basis o# the a##idavit
o# the o##ended party or arresting o##icer or person.
'e#ore the complaint or in#ormation is #iled, the person arrested may asE #or a
preliminary invesrtigation in accordance "ith this Rle, bt he mst sign a "aiver o# the
provisions o# &rticle 12= o# the Revised Penal 2ode, as amended, in the presence o# his
consel. /ot"ithstanding the "aiver, he may apply #or bail and the investigation mst be
terminated "ithin #i#teen G1=F days #rom its inception.
&#ter the #iling o# the compalint or in#ormation in cort "ithot a preliminary
investigation, the accsed may, "ithin #ive G=F days #rom the time he learns o# its #iling, asE
#or a preliminary investigation "ith the same right to addce evidence as provided in his
de#ense as provided in this Rle. 5Sec. @. R("e 112. RO06
b. %inds o# "arrantless arrest8
16 Arrest 4in flagrante delito4 (&#er Sec. F 5!6. R("e 11E. RO0I
26 Arrest & 4hot p(rs(t4 (&#er Sec. F 5b6. !&# 5c6. R("e 11E. RO0.
c. Instance "here there is no valid in fla(rante delito or hot prsit arrest8 Where
there s "!c2 o$ perso&!" 2&ow"e#+e o& the p!rt o$ the !rrest&+ o$$cer. or !& o)ert physc!" !ct o&
the p!rt o$ the !cc(se#. &#c!t&+ th!t ! cr%e h!# 3(st bee& co%%tte#. w!s be&+ co%%tte# or
w!s +o&+ to be co%%tte#. 5M!"!c!t ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. 9.R. No. 12EF-F. pro%. Dece%ber
12. 1--@6
8or w!rr!&t"ess !rrest to be )!"# there %(st be co%p"!&ce wth the e"e%e&t o$
%%e#!cy betwee& the t%e o$ the co%%sso& o$ the o$$e&se !&# the t%e o$ the !rrest.
W!rr!&t"ess !rrests %!#e wth& shorter pero#s "2e te& 51*6 #!ys $ro% co%%sso& co&s#ere#
!s ""e+!". 5Peop"e ). S!")!rer!. 9.R. No. 1*D,,E. pro%. G("y 2D. 1--@6

;@. What is the remed! for unlawful arrest ?
!. Moto& $or the 1(!sh!" o$ the w!rr!&tI
b. Moto& $or re&)est+!to&.
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; Instances considerd as "aiver o# illegal arrest8
!. 8!"(re to ch!""e&+e the )!"#ty o$ the !rrest !&# se!rch. !s we"" !s the !#%sso& o$
the e)#e&ce obt!&e# thereby. s co&s#ere# ! w!)er o$ the co&stt(to&!" r+hts. p!rtc("!r"y
!+!&st (&re!so&!b"e se!rches !&# se/(res. 5Peop"e ). 0(so&. et !".. 9.R. No. 1*-2A@. pro%.
Apr" 1A. 1--,6
b. A&y rre+("!rty !tte&#!&t to the !rrest w!s c(re# by )o"(&t!ry s(b%sso& to the
3(rs#cto& o$ the tr!" co(rt (po& e&ter&+ ! p"e! !&# p!rtcp!to& #(r&+ the tr!". 5Peop"e ).
T(%!&e&+. 9.R. No. 11@,2D. pro%. Dece%ber D. 1--@6
c. The $"&+ o$ ch!r+es !&# the s(bse1(e&t ss(!&ce o$ ! w!rr!&t o$ !rrest !+!&st !
perso& &)!"#"y #et!&e# w"" c(re the #e$ect o$ th!t #ete&to& or !t "e!st #e&y h% the r+ht to be
re"e!se# bec!(se o$ s(ch #e$ect. 5The %&or L!rr!&!+!. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R.
No. 1E*,DD. pro%. M!rch 1E. 1--A6
#. 8!"(re to 1(esto& the "e+!"ty o$ the !rrest be$ore !rr!+&%e&t s #ee%e# ! w!)er o$
s(ch #e$e&se. 5Peop"e ). De!&+. et !".. 9.R. No. 12A*DF. pro%. A(+(st 2D. 2***6
' & I 0
;C. When is bail a matter of ri(ht ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; &ll persons in cstody shall be admitted to bail as a
matter o# right, "ith s##icient sreties, or be released on recogni!ance as prescribed by la"
or this Rle 11D o$ the R("es o$ 0o(rt.
aF be#ore conviction by the Metropolitan Trial 2ort, Mnicipal Trial 2ort,
Mnicipal Trial 2ort in 2ities,or Mnicipal 2ircit Trial 2ort, and
bF be#ore conviction by the Regional Trial 2ort o# an o##ense not pnishable by
death, reclusion perpetua or li#e imprisonment. 5Sec. D. R("e 11D. RO0 wor#s &ot & bo"#
:::!. The concept o# discretionary bail8 Upon conviction by the Regional Trial
2ort o# an o##ense not pnishable by death, reclusion perpetua or li#e imprisonment, the
cort, on application, admission to bail is discetionary. ''' Shold the cort grant the
appliciation, the accsed may be allo"ed provisional liberty dring the pendency o# the
appeal nder the same bail sb9ect to the consent o# the bondsman. 51st two p!rs.. Sec. F.
R("e 11D. RO0 p!r!phr!s&+ s(pp"e#6
b. I&st!&ces whe& the co(rt sh!"" #e&y b!" or c!&ce" $ !"re!#y poste#; I# the penalty
imposed by the trial cort is imprisonment e$ceeding si$ G>F years, the accsed shall be
denied bail, or his bail shall be cancelled, pon a sho"ing by the prosection, "ith notice to
the accsed, o# the #ollo"ing or other similar circmstances8
GaF that he is a recidivist, *asi.recidivist, or habital delin*ent, or has
committed the crime aggravated by the circmstance o# reiterationH
GbF That he has previosly escaped #rom legal con#inement, evaded sentence,
or has violated the conditions o# his bail "ithot valid 9sti#icationH
GcF That he committed the o##ense "hile nder probation, parole, or nder
conditional pardonH
GdF That the circmstances o# his case indicate the probability o# #light i#
released on bailH or
GeF That there is nde risE that he may commit another crime dring the
pendency o# the appeal.
The appellate cort may, motu proprio or on motion o# any party, revie" the
resoltion o# the Regional Trial 2ort, on motion notice to the adverse party. 5E
!&# D
p!rs.. Sec. F. R("e 11D. RO06
c. 'ail de#ined. 'ail is the secrity given #or the release o# a person in cstody o# the
la", #rnished by him or a bondsman, to garantee his appearance be#ore any cort as
re*ired nder the conditions hereina#ter speci#ied. 51st se&te&ce. Sec. 1. R("e 11D. RO06
#. 4orms o# bail8
16 0orpor!te s(retyI
26 Property bo&#I
E6 0!sh #epostI or
D6 Recogni!ance. 52&# se&te&ce. Sec. 1. R("e 11D. RO0 &(%ber&+ !&#
!rr!&+e%e&t s(pp"e#6
;D. When ma! the #ourt of Appeals den! bail on a case elevated for review ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; A perso& who !ppe!"e# hs co&)cto& o$ ho%c#e o& !
%(r#er ch!r+e to the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. %!y be #e&e# b!" by the 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s bec!(se he
co("# be co&)cte# o$ ! c!pt!" o$$e&se. 5Obos! ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. 2,, S0RA 2A16
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; 6eneral rle8 /o bail shall be allo"ed a#ter a
9dgment o# conviction has become #inal. 51
se&te&ce. Sec. 2D. R("e 11D. RO06 -$ception
"hen bail may be granted even a#ter #inal 9dgment8 I# a#ter sch #inality, the accsed
applies #or probation, he may be allo"ed temporary liberty nder his bail. ,hen no bail
"as #iled or the accsed is incapable o# #iling one, the cort may allo" his release on
recogni!ance to the cstody o# a responsible member o# the commnity. In no case shall
bail be allo"ed a#ter the accsed has commenced to serve sentence. 5Sec. 2D. R("e 11D.
<0. Accused Ro(er filed a petition for bail. )he hearin( of the petition was set for
a! -2* 2334* but was not heard because the Bud(e was then on leave. It was reset to Bune 4*
2334* but on said date* the Bud(e reset it to Bune 77* 2334. )he hearin( did not materiali;e*
and a reset was made to Bul! 25* 2334.
In the meantime* a Bune 73* 2334 0rder was issued (rantin( bail based on a mar(inal
note dated Bune 77* 2334* at the bottom of the bail petition which stated: ANo
objection:,4.*......*A si(ned and approved b! the public prosecutor and the Bud(e.
)he Bud(e averred that when the prosecution chose not to oppose the petition for bail*
he had the discretion on whether to approve it or not. Did the Bud(e act properl! ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; No. It s %!&#!tory $or ! 3(#+e to re1(re ! he!r&+ & !
petto& $or b!" e)e& $ the prosec(to& re$(ses to !##(ce e)#e&ce or $!"s to &terpose !&
ob3ecto& to the %oto& $or b!". The #eter%&!to& o$ whether or &ot the e)#e&ce o$ +("t s !
%!tter o$ 3(#c!" #screto& !&# &ot repose# (po& the prosec(tor. It s th(s. %!&#!tory $or the
co(rt to co&#(ct ! he!r&+ or !s2 se!rch&+ 1(esto&s $ro% whch t %!y &$er the stre&+th o$ the
e)#e&ce o$ +("t. or the "!c2 o$ t. !s we"" !s the !#e1(!cy o$ the !%o(&t o$ b!". 5B!sco ). G(#+e
R!p!t!"o. etc.. A.M. No. RTG--,-1EEF. pro%. M!rch F. 1--@6
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; 7ties o# the trial 9dge "here an application #or bail is
!. give reasonable notice to the prosector or re*ire him to sbmit his
recommendation. 5Sec. 1A. R("e 11D. RO0 p!r!phr!s&+ s(pp"e#6
b. 0o&#(ct ! he!r&+ o$ the !pp"c!to& $or b!" re+!r#"ess o$ whether or &ot the
prosec(to& re$(ses to prese&t e)#e&ce to show th!t the +("t o$ the !cc(se# s stro&+ $or the
p(rpose o$ e&!b"&+ the co(rt to e'ercse ts so(&# #screto& 5Secs. @ !&# A. supra6
c. Dec#e whether the e)#e&ce o$ +("t o$ the !cc(se# s stro&+ b!se# o& the s(%%!ry o$
e)#e&ce o$ the prosec(to&.
#. I$ the +("t o$ the !cc(se# s &ot stro&+. #sch!r+e the !cc(se# (po& the !ppro)!" o$ the
b!"bo&#. 5Sec. 1-. supra6 5B!sco ). G(#+e R!p!t!"o. etc.. A.M. No. RTG--,-1EEF. pro%. M!rch
F. 1--@6
:::<1. What are the (rounds for motion to &uash ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The accsed may move to *ash the complaint or
in#ormation on any o# the #ollo"ing gronds8
GaF That the #acts charged do not constitte an o##enseH
GbF That the cort trying the case has no 9risdiction over the o##ense chargedH
GcF That the cort trying the case has no 9risdiction over the person o# the accsedH
GdF That the o##icer "ho #iled the in#ormation had no athority to do soH
GeF That it does not con#orm sbstantially to the prescribed #ormH
G#F That more than one o##ense is charged e$cept "hen a single pnishment #or
varios o##enses is prescribed by la"H
GgF That the criminal action or liability has been e$tingishedH
GhF That it contains averments "hich, i# tre, "old constitte a legal e$cse or
9sti#icationH and
GiF That the accsed has been previosly convicted or in 9eopardy o# being
convicted, or ac*itted o# the o##ense charged, or the case against him "as dismissed or
other"ise terminated "ithot his e$press consent. 5Sec. E. R("e 11@. RO06
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS8 &t any time be#ore entering his plea, the accsed may
move to *ash the complaint or in#ormation. 5Sec. 1. R("e 11@. RO06
I$ the !cc(se# ob3ects to the 3(rs#cto& o$ the co(rt o)er hs perso&. he %!y %o)e to
1(!sh the &$or%!to&. b(t o&"y o& th!t +ro(&#. I$ the !cc(se# r!ses other +ro(&#s & the %oto&
to 1(!sh. he s #ee%e# to h!)e w!)e# th!t ob3ecto& !&# to h!)e s(b%tte# hs perso& to the
3(rs#cto& o$ the co(rt. 5The %&or L!rr!&!+!. etc. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1E*,DD.
pro%. M!rch 1E. 1--A6
:::<2. )he (eneral rule is that failure to move to &uash or to alle(e an! (round in a
motion to &uash is considered as a waiver of the (round not alle(ed. >"ec. 3* Rule 225* R0#?
Are there e%ceptions to this (eneral rule ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Hes. the e'cepto&s !re the $o""ow&+;
5!6 Th!t the $!cts ch!r+e# #o &ot co&stt(te !& o$$e&seI
5b6 Th!t the co(rt try&+ the c!se h!s &o 3(rs#cto& o)er the o$$e&se ch!r+e#I
5+6 Th!t the cr%&!" !cto& or "!b"ty h!s bee& e't&+(she#I
56 Th!t the !cc(se# h!s bee& pre)o(s"y co&)cte# or & 3eop!r#y o$ be&+ co&)cte#. or
!c1(tte# o$ the o$$e&se ch!r+e#. or the c!se !+!&st h% w!s #s%sse# or otherwse ter%&!te#
wtho(t hs e'press co&se&t. 5Sec. -. R("e 11A. RO06
<;. May a denial o# a motion to *ash be the sb9ect o# a special civil action o#
certiorari ? I# not may it be appealed ? I# it cold neither be the sb9ect o# a certirorari nor
appeal, "hat then is the remedy available to the movant ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Certiorari s &ot the re%e#y where ! %oto& to #s%ss
51(!sh6 !& &$or%!to& s #e&e#. 5T!&. Gr. ). S!&#+!&b!y!&. 9.R. 12A@,D. pro%. G("y 1*. 1--A6
REASON; A& or#er #e&y&+ ! %oto& to 1(!sh s &ter"oc(tory !&# there$ore &ot !ppe!"!b"e. &or
c!& t be the s(b3ect o$ ! petto& $or certiorari. 5T!&. Gr.. supra+
=owe)er. the e'tr!or#&!ry re%e#y o$ certiorari c!& be !)!"e# o$ $ the #e&!" o$ the
%oto& co&stt(tes +r!)e !b(se o$ #screto&. . 5T!&. Gr.supra6
A& or#er #e&y&+ ! %oto& to 1(!sh %!y o&"y be re)ewe# & the or#&!ry co(rse o$ "!w
by !ppe!" $ro% the 3(#+%e&t !$ter tr!".
The or#&!ry proce#(re to be $o""owe# & th!t e)e&t s to e&ter ! p"e!. +o to tr!". !&# $
the #ecso& s !#)erse. reter!te the ss(e o& !ppe!" $ro% the $&!" 3(#+%e&t. 5T!&. Gr.. supra6
:::<<. $%plain the concept of double jeopard! ?
,hen an accsed
16 has been convicted or ac*itted, or
26 the case against him dismissed or other"ise terminated
!6 "ithot his consent
b6 by a cort o# competent 9risdiction,
c6 pon a valid complaint or in#ormation or other #ormal charge
s##icient in #orm and sbstance to sstain a conviction and
E6 a#ter the accsed had pleaded gilty to the charge,
D6 the conviction or ac*ittal o# the accsed or the dismissal o# the case
shall be a bar to another prosection
!6 #or the o##ense charged, or
b6 #or any attempt to commit the same or #rstration thereo#, or
c6 #or any o##ense "hich necessarily incldes or is necessarily inclded
in the o##ense charged in the #ormer complaint or in#ormation. 51
p!r.. Sec.
@. R("e 11@. RO0 &(%ber&+ !&# !rr!&+e%e&t s(pp"e#6
!. Re*isites #or doble 9eopardy8
16 The $rst 3eop!r#y %(st h!)e !tt!che# pror to the seco&#.
26 The $rst 3eop!r#y %(st h!)e bee& )!"#"y ter%&!te#.
E6 The seco&# 3eop!r#y %(st be $or the s!%e o$$e&se. or the seco&# o$$e&se
&c"(#es or s
&ecess!r"y &c"(#e# & the o$$e&se ch!r+e# & the $rst &$or%!to&. or s !& !tte%pt to
co%%t the s!%e or s ! $r(str!to& thereo$. 50(#! ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No.
11*E1F. pro%. G!&(!ry 1,. 1--A6
b. Proo# that #irst 9eopardy has attached8
16 0o(rt o$ co%pete&t 3(rs#cto&I
26 L!"# co%p"!&t or &$or%!to&I
E6 Arr!+&%e&tI
D6 L!"# p"e!I !&#
F6 The #e$e&#!&t w!s !c1(tte# or co&)cte# or the c!se w!s #s%sse# or
otherwse ter%&!te# wtho(t the e'press co&se&t o$ the !cc(se#. 50(#! ). 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 11*E1F. pro%. G!&(!ry 1,. 1--A6
:::<=. When are the instances where the conviction of the accused shall not be a bar
to another prosecution for an offense which necessaril! includes the offense char(ed in the
former complaint or information ?
GaF the graver o##ense developed de to spervening #acts arising #rom the same act
or omission constitting the #ormer chargeH
GbF the #acts constitting the graver charge became Eno"n or "ere discovered onl
a#ter a plead "as entered in the #ormer complaint or in#ormationl or
GcF the plead o# gilty to the lesser o##ense "as made "ithot the consent o# the
prosector and o# the o##ended party e$cept whe& %ore th!& o&e o$$e&se s ch!r+e# (&"ess !
s&+"e p(&sh%e&t $or )!ro(s o$$e&ses s prescrbe# by "!w. as provided in section 1 G#F o# Rle
11>. 5"!st p!r.. Sec. @. r("e 11@. wor#s &ot & bo"# s(pp"e#6
&RR&I6/M-/T &/7 P0-&
:::<>. What is the concept of invalid improvident plea ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The co(rt %(st $(""y #sch!r+e ts #(ty to co&#(ct the
re1(ste se!rch&+ &1(ry & s(ch ! w!y !s wo("# &#(bt!b"y show th!t the !cc(se# h!# %!#e
&ot o&"y ! c"e!r. #e$&te !&# (&co&#to&!" p"e!. b(t th!t he ## so wth ! we""-&$or%e#
(&#erst!&#&+ !&# $("" re!"/!to& o$ the co&se1(e&ces thereo$.
The botto% "&e o$ the r("e s th!t ! p"e! %(st be b!se# o& ! $ree !&# &$or%e# 3(#+%e&t.
otherwse t s !& %pro)#e&t p"e! whch #oes &ot %eet the re1(re%e&ts o$ the "!w. 5Peop"e ).
Esto%!c!. 9.R. Nos. 11@DAF-A,. pro%. Apr" 22. 1--,6
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; The $oc(s o$ the co(rtMs &1(ry & or#er to #eter%&e
whether the p"e! s %pro)#e&t;
!. The )o"(&t!r&ess o$ the p"e!. !&#
b. The $("" co%prehe&so& o$ the co&se1(e&ces o$ the p"e!. 5Peop"e ). Esto%!c!. 9.R.
Nos. 11@DAF-A,. pro%. Apr" 22. 1--,6
,hat the cort mst do to avoid an invalid improvident plea8
!. A %ere w!r&&+ to the !cc(se# th!t he co("# possb"y $!ce e'tre%e retrb(to& & the
$or% o$ #e!th or $!ce ! "$e se&te&ce & 3!" is not enogh.
b. The tr!" 3(#+e sho("# !scert!& !&# be tot!""y co&)&ce# th!t. $or !"" &te&ts !&#
p(rposes. the p"e! recor#e# h!s !"" the e!r%!r2s o$ ! )!"# !&# !ccept!b"e co&$esso& (po& whch
!& e)e&t(!" 3(#+%e&t o$ co&)cto& c!& st!&#.
8or &st!&ce. the co(rt %!y re1(re the !cc(se# to $(""y &!rr!te the &c#e&t th!t sp!w&e#
the ch!r+es !+!&st h%. or by %!2&+ h% ree&!ct the %!&&er & whch he perpetr!te# the cr%e.
or by c!(s&+ h% to $(r&sh !&# e'p"!& to the co(rt %ss&+ #et!"s o$ s+&$c!&ce.
c. The tr!" co(rt sho("# !"so be co&)&ce# th!t the !cc(se# h!s &ot bee& coerce# or
p"!ce# (&#er ! st!te o$ #(ress ether by !ct(!" thre!ts o$ physc!" h!r% co%&+ $ro% %!"e)o"e&t
or !)e&+&+ 1(!rters by !scert!&&+ $ro% the !cc(se# h%se"$ the %!&&er & whch he w!s
s(bse1(e&t"y bro(+ht &to the c(sto#y o$ the "!w. or whether he h!# the !ssst!&ce o$ co%pete&t
co(&se" #(r&+ the c(sto#!" !&# pre"%&!ry &)est+!to&sI !&# !scert!&&+ $ro% h% the
co&#to&s (&#er whch he w!s #et!&e# !&# &terro+!te# #(r&+ the !$ores!# &)est+!to&s.
#. The tr!" co(rt co("# #rect 1(esto&s !t the #e$e&se co(&se" !s to whether or &ot
co(&se" h!# co&$erre# wth. !&# co%p"ete"y e'p"!&e# to the !cc(se# the %e!&&+ o$ ! p"e! !&#
ts co&se1(e&ces.
e. ?(esto&s re"!t)e to the perso&!"ty pro$"e o$ the !cc(se# 5hs !+e. soco-eco&o%c
st!t(s. e#(c!to&!" b!c2+ro(&#. etc.6. whch c!& ser)e !s ! tr(stworthy &#e' o$ hs c!p!cty to
+)e ! $ree !&# &$or%e# p"e! o$ +("t. 5Peop"e ). Esto%!c!. 9.R. No. 11@DAF-A,. pro%. Apr"
22. 1--,6
No )!"# 3(#+%e&t c!& be re&#ere# (po& !& &)!"# !rr!+&%e&t !&# ths &c"(#es !&
%pro)#e&t p"e!. The c!se sho("# be re%!&#e# to the tr!" co(rt $or $(rther procee#&+s.
5Peop"e ). Esto%!c!. 9.R. Nos. 11@DAF-A,. pro%. Apr" 22. 1--,6
<@. What is the rule for arrai(nment under "peed! )rial Act of 2334 ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The !rr!+&%e&t o$ the !cc(se# sh!"" be he"# wth& thrty
5E*6 #!ys $ro% the $"&+ o$ the &$or%!to&. or $ro% the #!te the !cc(se# h!s !ppe!re# be$ore he
3(stce. 3(#+e or co(rt & whch the ch!r+e s pe&#&+. whche)er #!te "!st occ(rs. 51
p!r.. R.A.
No. AD-E6
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; There!$ter. where ! p"e! o$ &ot +("ty s e&tere#. the
!cc(se# sh!"" h!)e !t "e!st $$tee& 51F6 #!ys to prep!re $or tr!". Tr!" sh!"" co%%e&ce wth&
thrty 5E*6 #!ys $ro% !rr!+&%e&t !s $'e# by the co(rt.
I$ the !cc(se# p"e!#s &ot +("ty to the cr%e ch!r+e#. hePshe sh!"" st!te whether hePshe
&terpose ! &e+!t)e or !$$r%!t)e #e$e&se. A &e+!t)e #e$e&se sh!"" re1(re the prosec(to& to
pro)e the +("t o$ the !cc(se# beyo&# re!so&!b"e #o(bt. wh"e !& !$$r%!t)e #e$e&se %!y
%o#$y the or#er o$ tr!" !&# re1(re the !cc(se# to pro)e s (ch #e$e&se by c"e!r !&# co&)&c&+
e)#e&ce. 5"!st se&te&ce o$ the 1
p!r.. !&# the 2
p!r.. Sec. @. R.A. No. AD-E6

RRR<C. Is pre'trial mandator! in criminal procedure ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Hes. In all criminal cases cogni!able by the
"andi(anba!an* Regional Trial 2ort, Metropolitan Trial 2ort, Mnicipal Trial 2ort in
2ities, , Mnicipal Trial 2ort and Mnicipal 2ircit Trial 2ort, the cort shall, a#ter
arreaignment and "ithin thirty G;0F days #rom the date the cort ac*ires 9risdiction over
the person o# the accsed, nless a shorter period is provided #or in special la"s or circlars
o# the Spreme cort, order a pre.trial con#erence to consider the #ollo"ing8 shall a#ter
arraignment, order a pre.trial con#erence to consider the #ollo"ing8
GaF plea bargainingH
GbF stiplation o# 4actsH
GcF marEing #or identi#ication o# evidence o# partiesH
GdF "aiver o# ob9ections to admissibility o# evidenceH
GeF modi#ication o# the order o# trial i# the accsed admits the charge bt interposes
a la"#l de#enseH and
G#F sch matters as "ill promote a #air and e$peditios trial o# the criminal and civil
aspects o# the case. 5Sec. 1. R("e 11A. RO06
RI6)TS +4 &22US-7 &T T)- TRI&0
<D. Give some e%amples of violation of the ri(ht of the accused to be presumed
!. It s &c(%be&t (po& the prosec(to& #(r&+ the tr!". to pro)e th!t pror to 1(esto&&+.
the co&$ess!&t w!s w!r&e# o$ hs co&stt(to&!""y protecte# r+hts bec!(se the pres(%pto& o$
re+("!rty o$ o$$c!" !cts #oes &ot !pp"y #(r&+ &-c(sto#y &)est+!to&. 5Peop"e ). 0!%!t. et
!".. 9.R. No. 11222,2. pro%. Apr" 2. 1--,6
b. The s+&!t(res o$ the !cc(se# o& the bo'es !&# o& the p"!stc b!+s !re t!&t!%o(&t to
(&co(&se""e# e'tr!3(#c!" co&$esso&s whch s &ot s!&cto&e# by the B"" o$ R+hts !&# !re.
there$ore &!#%ssb"e !s e)#e&ce.
The $!ct th!t !"" o$ the !cc(se# !re $ore+& &!to&!"s #oes &ot prec"(#e !pp"c!to& o$ the
4e'c"(so&!ry r("e4 bec!(se the co&stt(to&!" +(!r!&tee e%bo#e# & the B"" o$ R+hts !re +)e&
!&# e'te&#s to !"" perso&s. both !"e&s !&# ct/e&s. 5Peop"e ). Wo&+ 0h(e& M&+. et !".. 9.r.
Nos. 112A*1-11. pro%. Apr" 12. 1--,6
=0. What is the ri(ht to speed! trial (uaranteed under the "peed! )rial Act of 2334 ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; I# the accsed is not broght to trial "ithin the time lmit
re*ired by Section 1 GgF, Rle 11> and Section 1, as e$tended by Section > o# this rle, the
in#ormation may be dismissed on mnotion o# the accsed on the grond o# denial o# his
right to speedy trial. The accsed shall have the brden o# proving the motion bt the
prosection shall have the brden o# going #or"ard "ith the evidence to establish the
e$clsion o# time nder section ; o# this rle. The dismissal shall be si9ect to the rles on
doble 9eopardy.
4ailre o# the accsed to move #or dismissal prior to trial shall constitte a "aiver o#
the right to dismiss nder this section. 5Sec. -. R("e 11-. RO06
!. Period #or arraignment nder Sec. 1 GgF, Rle 11>. Unless a shorter period is
provided by special la" or Spreme 2ort circlar, the arraignment shall be held "ithin
thirty G;0F days #rom the day the cort ac*ires 9risdiction over the person o# the accsed.
The time o# the pendency o# a motion ot *ash or #or a bill o# particlars or other cases
9sti#ying the sspension o# the arraignment shall be e$clded in compting the period.
b. 2ommencement o# trial nder Section 1, Rle 11D. &#ter a plea o# not gilty is
entered, the accsed shall have at least #i#teen G1=F days to prepare #or trial. The trial shall
commence "ithin thrity G;0F days #rom receipt o# the pre.trial order.
c. -$tended time nder Sec. >, Rle 11D. The t%e "%t $ro% !rr!+&%e&t to tr!" s !s
8rst twe")e-c!"e&#!r %o&th pero# !$ter Septe%ber 1F. 1--A or (&t" Septe%ber
1,. 1--- S 1A* #!ysI
Seco&# twe")e-c!"e&#!r %o&th pero# !$ter Septe%ber 1F. 1--A or (&t"
Septe%ber 1,. 2*** S 12* #!ysI !&#
Thr# twe")e-c!"e&#!r %o&th pero# !$ter Septe%ber 1F. 1--A or st!rt&+
Septe%ber 1,. 2*** S A* #!ys. 5Sec. ,. R("e 11-. RO06
#. Time limit #or trial; I& cr%&!" c!ses &)o")&+ perso&s ch!r+e# o$ ! cr%e. e'cept
those s(b3ect to the R("es o& S(%%!ry Proce#(re. or where the pe&!"ty prescrbe# by "!w #oes
&ot e'cee# s' 5,6 %o&ths %prso&%e&t. or ! $&e o$ O&e tho(s!&# pesos 5P1.***.**6 or both.
rrespect)e o$ other %pos!b"e pe&!"tes. the 3(stce or 3(#+e sh!"". !$ter co&s("t!to& wth the
p(b"c prosec(tor !&# the co (&se" $or the !cc(se#. set the c!se $or co&t&(o(s tr!" o& ! wee2"y
or other short-ter% tr!" c!"e&#!r !t the e!r"es possb"e t%e so !s to e&s(re spee#y tr!". 5Sec. ,.
R.A. No. AD-E6
In no case shall the entire trial period e$ceed one hndred eighty G1C0F days #rom
the #irst day o# trial, e$cept as other"ise athori!ed by the Spreme 2ort. 5"!st se&te&ce.
p!r.. Sec. 2. R("e 11-. RO06
=1. Give some e%amples where the ri(ht to counsel was violated.
!. E)e& $ the co&$esso& o$ the !cc(se# s +ospe" tr(th. $ t w!s %!#e wtho(t the
!ssst!&ce o$ co(&se". t s &!#%ssb"e & e)#e&ce re+!r#"ess o$ the !bse&ce o$ coerco&. or
e)e& t h!# bee& )o"(&t!r"y +)e&. 5Peop"e ). 0!%!t. et !".. 9.R. No. 1122,2. pro%. Apr" 2.
1--,6 Ths re$ers to c(sto#!" &)est+!to& o&"y.
b. Acc(se# who w!s ! $ore+& &!to&!" w!s e$$ect)e"y #e&e# hs r+ht to co(&se". !s he
w!s pro)#e# wth o&e he co("# &ot (&#erst!&# !&# co%%(&c!te wth co&cer&&+ hs #e$e&se.
=e w!s "2ewse #e&e# hs r+ht to co%p("sory process to +(!r!&tee the !)!"!b"ty o$ wt&ess
!&# the pro#(cto& o$ e)#e&ce o& hs ow& beh!"$. &c"(#&+ the ser)ces o$ ! 1(!"$e# !&#
co%pete&t &terpreter to e&!b"e h% to prese&t hs test%o&y. 5Peop"e ). 0(so&. et !".. 9.R. No.
1*-2A@. pro%. Apr" 1A. 1--,6
=2. <anie was char(ed b! $lenita* Imelda and Rosamar with lar(e scale ille(al
recruitment in the Re(ional )rial #ourt. 0nl! $lenita testified in court as Imelda and
Rosamar were then abroad. In lieu of the testimonies of the absent complainants the
prosecution presented as witnesses* Imelda:s mother* <ilia and Rosamar:s sister* Fictoria.
<anie was convicted b! the R)# of lar(e scale ille(al recruitment b! adoptin( a
previous decision of the etropolitan )rial #ourt where <anie was convicted of estafa
involvin( the same circumstances upon complaint of Imelda and Rosamar.
Was the conviction proper ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; No. L!&e w!s #epr)e# o$ her co&stt(to&!" r+ht to co&$ro&t
wt&esses !+!&st her.
A pre)o(s #ecso& or 3(#+%e&t. wh"e !#%ssb"e & e)#e&ce. %!y o&"y pro)e th!t !&
!cc(se# w!s pre)o(s"y co&)cte# o$ ! cr%e. It %!y &ot be (se# to pro)e th!t the !cc(se# s
+("ty o$ ! cr%e ch!r+e# & ! s(bse1(e&t c!se. & "e( o$ the re1(ste e)#e&ce pro)&+ the
co%%sso& o$ the cr%e. !s s!# pre)o(s #ecso& s he!rs!y.
E)ery co&)cto& %(st be b!se# o& the $&#&+s o$ $!ct %!#e by ! tr!" co(rt !ccor#&+ to
ts !pprec!to& o$ the e)#e&ce be$ore t. A co&)cto& %!y &ot be b!se# %ere"y o& the $&#&+s
o$ $!ct o$ !&other co(rt. espec!""y where wh!t s prese&te# s o&"y ts #ecso& wtho(t the
tr!&scrpt o$ the test%o&y o$ the wt&esses who test$e# there& !&# (po& whch the #ecso& s
b!se#. 5Peop"e ). Ort/-My!2e. 9.R. No. 11FEEA-E-. pro%. Septe%ber 1,. 1--@6
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; P(rpose o$ the r+ht to co&$ro&t wt&esses;
!. To sec(re the opport(&ty o$ cross-e'!%&!to&I !&#
b. To !""ow the 3(#+e to obser)e the #eport%e&t !&# !ppe!r!&ce o$ the wt&ess wh"e
test$y&+. 5Peop"e ). Ort/-My!2e. 9.R. No. 11FEEA-E-. pro%. Septe%ber 1,. 1--@6
<;. What are the re&uisites for a trial in absentia ?
!. The !cc(se# w!s !"re!#y !rr!+&e#I
b. =e w!s proper"y &ot$e# o$ the #!te o$ tr!"
c. =e $!"e# to !ppe!r wtho(t !&y 3(st$!b"e re!so&. 5Sec. 1D B2C. Art. III. 1-A@
7IS2)&R6- +4 &22US-7 4+R US- &S ST&T- ,IT/-SS
::: =<. What are the re&uisites for the dischar(e of an accused to be a state witness ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; ,hen t"o or more persons are 9ointly charged "ith the
commission o# any o##ense, pon motion o# the prosection be#ore resting its case, the cort
may direct one or more o# the accsed to be discharged "ith their consent so that they may
be "itnesses #or the state "hen a#ter re*iring the prosection to present evidence and the
s"orn statements o# each proposed state "itness at a hearing inspport o# the discharge,
the cort is satis#ied that8
GaF There is absolte necessity #or the testimony o# the accsed "hose discharge is
GbF There is no other direct evidence available #or the proper prosection o# the
o##ense committed, e$cept the testimony o# said accsedH
GcF The testimony o# said accsed can be sibstantially corroborated in its material
GdF Said accsed does not appear to be the most giltyH and
GeF Said accsed has not at any time ben convicted o# any o##ense involving moral
trpitde. 51
p!r.. Sec. -. R("e 11-. RO06
!. Treatment o# evidence addced in spport o# discharge. -vidence addced in
spport o# the discharge shall atomatically #orm part o# the trial. 51
se&te&ce. 2
Sec. 1@. R("e 11-. RO06
b. -##ect o# cort denial o# motion #or discharge. I# the cort denies the motion #or
discharge o# the accsed as state "itness, his so"rn statement shall be inadmissible in
evidence. 52
se&te&ce. 2
p!r.. Sec. 1@. R("e 11-. RO06
RRR c. -##ect o# order discharging an accsed to be a state "itness. The or#er #sch!r+&+
!& !cc(se# to ! st!te wt&ess
16 shall amont to an ac*ittal o# the discharged accsed and
26 shall be a bar to #tre prosection #or the same o##ense,
E6 nless the accsed #ails or re#ses to testi#y against his co.accsed in
accordoance "ith is s"orn statement constitting the basis #or his discharge. 5Sec.
1A. R("e 11-. RO0 &(%ber&+ !&# !rr!&+e%e&t s(pp"e#6
-B20USI+/ +4 PU'0I2
M+TI+/ 4+R AU76M-/T +/ 7-MURR-R T+ -5I7-/2-
:::==. When ma! a court render jud(ment on demurrer to evidence ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; &#ter the prosection has rested its case, the cort may
dismiss the case on the grond o# ins##iciency o# evidence
G1F on its o"n initiative a#ter giving the prosection an opportnity to be heardH or
G2F pon demrrer to evidence #iled by the acsed #iled "ith or "ithot leave o#
cort. 51st p!r.. Sec. 12E. R("e 11-. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t s(pp"e#6
!. -##ects o# denial o# demrrer to evidence. I# the cort denies the demrrer to
evidence #iled "ith leave o# cort, the accsed may addce evidence in his de#ense. then the
demrrer to evidence is #iled "ithot leave o# cort, the accsed "aives the right to present
evidence and sbmits the case #or 9dgment on the basis o# the evidence #or the
p!r.. Sec. 2E. R("e 11-. RO06
The order denying the motion #or leave o# cort to #ile demrrer to evidence or the
demrrer itsel# shall not be revieable by appeal or by certiorari be#ore 9dgment. 5"!st p!r..
Sec. 2E. R("e 11-. RO06
::: b. Instance "here the rles on "aiver o# right to present evidence sspended ; The
!cc(se# were co&)cte# o$ %(r#er wtho(t prese&t&+ e)#e&ce bec!(se ther "!wyer $"e# "e!)e
to $"e ! %oto& $or 3(#+%e&t o& #e%(rrer to e)#e&ce. b(t !t the s!%e t%e e'press"y w!)&+
the r+ht to prese&t e)#e&ce. The S(pre%e 0o(rt set !s#e the co&)cto& !&# re%!&#e# the c!se
to the "ower co(rt $or ts proper #sposto&.
The 0o(rt r("e# th!t the co(rt sho("# h!)e bee& p(t o& +(!r# th!t the co(&se" %!y &ot
e&tre"y co%prehe&# the co&se1(e&ces o$ the w!)er !&# sho("# h!)e e'ercse# pr(#e&ce by
w!r&&+ h% !bo(t the pre3(#c!" e$$ects o$ the w!)er. There s th(s. #o(bt !s to the
)o"(&t!r&ess o$ the w!)er !&# $("" co%prehe&so& o$ the e$$ects o$ the w!)er. 5Peop"e ). 8"ores.
et !".. 9.R. No. 1*,FA1. pro%. M!rch E. 1--@6
=>. a! an accused be convicted upon a duplicitous information >one which char(eds
more than one crime? ? $%plain briefl!*
!. ,hen t"o or more o##enses are charged in a single complaint or in#ormation
b. bt the accsed #ails to ob9ect to it be#ore trial,
c. the accsed may convict him o# as many o##enses as are charged and proved, and
impose on him the penalty #or each o##ense, setting ot separately the #indings o# #act and
la" in each o##ense. 5Sec. E. R("e 12*. RO0 &(%ber&+ !&# !rr!&+e%e&t s(pp"e#6
=@. =ow should a court render jud(ment in a criminal case where there is a variance
between the alle(ations in the complaint or information and the evidence ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; ,here there is a a variance bet"een the o##ense charged
and that proved, and
!. the o##ense charged is inclded in or necessarily incldes the o##ense proved,
b. the accsed shall be convicted o#
16 the o##ense proved "hich is inclded in the o##ense charged, or o#
26 the o##ense charged "hich is inclded in the o##ense proved. 5Sec. D. r("e
12*. RO0 &(%ber&+ !&# !rr!&+e%e&t s(pp"e#6
=C. When does an offense include or is included in another ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; &n o##ense charged necessarily incldes the o##ense proved
"hen some o# the essential elements or ingredients o# the #ormer, as alleged in the
complaint or in#ormation constitte the latter.
&nd an o##ense charged is necessarily inclded in the o##ense proved, "hen the
essential ingredients o# the #ormer constitte or #orm part o# those constitting the latter.
5Sec. F. R("e 12*. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t s(pp"e#6
=D. a! a court reopen a jud(ment of conviction ? If not wh! not ? If so* how ma!
the jud(ment be reopened ? $%plain !our answers briefl!*
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Hes. ! co(rt %!y reope& ! 3(#+%e&t o$ co&)cto&.
!. &t any time be#ore #inality o# the 9dgment o# conviction,
b. the 9dge may, motu proprio, or pon motion,
c. "ith hearing in either case,
#. reopen the proceedings to avoid a miscarriage o# 9stice. The proceeding shall be
terminated "ithin thirty G;0F days #rom the order granting it. 5Sec. 2D. R("e 11-. RO0
&(%ber&+ !&# !rr!&+e%e&t s(pp"e#6
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; Do &ot co&$(se reope&&+ o$ ! 3(#+%e&t o$ co&)cto&
wth %o#$c!to& o$ ! 3(#+%e&t o$ co&)cto&. & 9dgment o# conviction may, pon motion
o# the accsed, be modi#ied or set aside be#ore it becomes #inal or be#ore appeal is
per#ected. 51
se&te&ce. Sec. @. R("e 12*. RO06
/-, TRI&0 +R R-2+/SI7-R&TI+/
>0. a! the convicted accused file a motion for new trial ? If so upon what (rounds ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Hes. &t any time be#ore a 9dgment o# conviction
becomes #inal, the cort may, on motion o# the accsed, or on its o"n instance, bt "ith the
consent o# the accsd, grant a ne" trial or reconsideration. 5Sec. 1. R("e 121. RO06
The cort shall grant a ne" trial on any o# the #ollo"ing gronds8
GaF That errors o# la" or irreglarities pre9dicial to the sbstantial rights o# the
accsed have been comitted dring the trialH
GbF That ne" and material evidence has been discovered "hich the accsed cold
not "ith reasonable diligence have discovered and prodced at the trial, and "hich i#
introdced and admitted, "old probably change the 9dgment. 5Sec. 2. R("e 121. RO06
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; The cort shall grant reconsideration on the grond
o# errors o# la" or #act in the 9dgment, "hich re*ires no #rther proceedings. 5Sec. E.
R("e 121. RO06
>1. Discuss briefl! but comprehensivel! the effects of (rantin( a new trial or
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The e##ects o# granting a ne" trial or reconsideration are
the #ollo"ing8
GaF ,hen a ne" trial is granted on the grond o# erros o# la" or irreglarities
committed dring the trial, all the proceedings and evidence a##ected thereby shall be set
aside and taEen ane". The cort may, in the interest o# 9stice, allo" the introdction o#
additional evidence.
GbF ,hen a ne" trial is granted on the grond o# ne"ly.discovered evidence, the
evidence already addced shall stand and the ne"ly.discovered and sch other evidence as
the cort may, in the interest o# 9stice, allo" to be introdced shall be taEen and
considered together "ith the evidence already in the record.
GcF In all cases,, "hen the cort grants ne" trial or reconsideration, the original
9dgment shall be set aside or vacated and a ne" 9dgment rendered accordingly. 5Sec. ,.
R("e 121. RO06
>2. What is the nature of the ri(ht to appeal ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; A"tho(+h the r+ht to !ppe!" s ! st!t(tory !&# &ot ! &!t(r!"
r+ht. t s !& esse&t!" p!rt o$ the 3(#c!" syste% !&# co(rts sho("# procee# wth c!(to& so !s
&ot to #epr)e ! p!rty o$ ths prero+!t)e. b(t &ste!# !$$or# e)ery p!rty-"t+!&t the !%p"est
opport(&ty $or the proper !&# 3(st #sposto& o$ hs c!(se $ree $ro% the co&sr!&ts o$
tech&c!"tes. 5Mos"!res ). Thr# D)so&. 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12-@DD. pro%.
G(&e 2,. 1--A6
>;. An accused escaped from detention* tried in absentia* was deemed to have waived
his ri(ht to appeal >apalao* 235 "#RA 53? while another who was absent durin( the
promul(ation was considered as not havin( lost his ri(ht to appeal. >oslares* prom. Bune 7D*
2334?. Distin(uish between the two.
S:99ESED ANSWER; I& M!p!"!o. the !cc(se# esc!pe# $ro% #ete&to& !&# tr!" in
absentia co&t&(e# !+!&st h%. =e re%!&e# !t "!r+e e)e& !t the t%e o$ the pro%("+!to& o$
3(#+%e&t. !&# th(s. w!s to h!)e w!)e# hs r+ht to !ppe!".
I& Mos"!res. the !cc(se# w!s &ot ! $(+t)e $ro% 3(stce. =e h!s bee& see2&+ re#ress
(&#er the "!w !s he h!s $"e# )!ro(s p"e!#&+s !&# %oto&s wth the co(rts. There$ore. he
c!&&ot be co&s#ere# !s o&e who h!s "ost hs st!&#&+ & co(rt !&# th(s. c!&&ot be #epr)e# o$
hs r+ht to see2 3(#c!" re"e$. 5Mos"!res ). Thr# D)so&s. 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No.
12-@DD. pro%. G(&e 2,. 1--A6
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; Mere !bse&ce o$ the !cc(se#. #espte #(e &otce to h%
!&# hs bo&#s%!& or co(&se". #(r&+ the pro%("+!to& o$ the se&te&ce s &ot co&s#ere# !
w!)er o$ r+ht to !ppe!".
I# the 9dgment is #or conviction and the #ailre o# the accsed to appear "as
"ithot 9sti#iable case, he shall lose the remedies available in these rles against the
9dgment and the cort shall order his arrest. ,ithin #i#teen G1=F days #rom promlgation
o# h9dgment, ho"ever, the accsed may srrender and #ile a motion #or leave o# cort to
avail o# these remedies. he shall stae the reasons #or his abosence at the schedled
promlgation and i# he proves that his absence "as #or a 9dti#iable case, he shall be
allo"ed to avail o# said remedies "ithin #i#teen G1=F days #rom notice. 5"!st p!r.. Sec. ,. R("e
12*. RO06
The S(pre%e 0o(rt %(st st"" re)ew the #e!th pe&!"ty #espte the co&)ctMs esc!pe.
Re!so&; L$e s too )!"(!b"e to be +)e& !w!y 3(st bec!(se the co&)ct esc!pe#. GPeop"e ).
Esp!r+!s. 2,* S0RA FE-6
><. What is the effect of appeal b! several accused ?
GaF &n appeal taEen by one or more o# several accsed shall not a##ect those "ho did
not appeal, e$cept inso#ar as the 9dgment o# the appellate cort is #avorable and
applicable to the latter.
GbF The appeal o# the o##ended party #rom the civil aspect shall not a##ect the
criminal aspect o# the 9dgment or order appealed #rom.
GcF Upon per#ection o# the appeal, the e$ection o# the 9dgment or order appealed
#rom shall be stayed as to the appealing party. 5Sec. 11. R("e 122. RO06
1. What are the facts that do not need introduction of evidence ?
!. 8!cts whch ! co(rt sh!"" or %!y t!2e 3(#c!" &otce. 5Secs. 1 !&# 2. R("e 12-. RO06
b. G(#c!" !#%sso&s. 5Sec. D. R("e 12-. RO06
c. 8!cts whch %!y be pres(%e# $ro% pro)e& $!cts.
AU7I2I&0 /+TI2-
:::2. Distin(uish mandator! judicial notice from discretionar! judicial notice.
!. 8or %!&#!tory 3(#c!" &otce the co(rt s co%pe""e# to t!2e 3(#c!" &otce bec!(se o$
the (se o$ the wor# 4sh!""4 & Sec. 1. R("e 12-. RO0 W=ILE $or #screto&!ry 3(#c!" &otce the
co(rt s &ot co%pe""e# bec!(se o$ the (se o$ the wor# 4%!y4 & Sec. 2. R("e 12-. RO0.
b. M!&#!tory 3(#c!" &otce t!2es p"!ce !t the co(rt>s ow& &t!t)e W=ILE
#screto&!ry 3(#c!" &otce %!y t!2e p"!ce !t the co(rt>s &t!t)e. or o& re1(est o$ ! p!rty.
c. Dscreto&!ry 3(#c!" &otce re1(res ! he!r&+ !&# prese&t!to& o$ e)#e&ce W=ILE
%!&#!tory 3(#c!" &otce #oes &ot re1(re he!r&+ !&# prese&t!to& o$ e)#e&ce.
;. Is there judicial notice of forei(n laws ? $%plain.
I& +e&er!". co(rts %!y &ot t!2e 3(#c!" &otce o$ $ore+& "!ws. EU0EPT & ! $ew
&st!&ces where. & the e'ercse o$ so(&# #screto&. they %!y t!2e 3(#c!" &otce o$ s(ch $ore+&
"!ws o$ whch they !re e)#e&t"y $!%"!r. 5De"+!#o ). Rep(b"c. L-2FD,. G!&(!ry 2A. 1-F*I
P!r#o ). Rep(b"c. AF Ph". E2E6
!. ,hen #oreign la"s may be the sb9ect o# 9dicial notice.
!. Whe& the "oc!" co(rt s e)#e&t"y $!%"!r wth the $ore+& "!w.
b. Whe& the $ore+& "!w re$ers to the "!w o$ &!to&s. 5Sec. 1. R("e 12-. RO06
c. Whe& the co(rt t!2es 3(#c!" &otce o$ ! p(b"she# tre!tse. pero#c!" or
p!%ph"et o& ! s(b3ect o$ "!w !s ! "e!r&e# tre!rtse. 5Sec. D,. R("e 1E*. Ibid.6
#. Whe& the $ore+& st!t(te s !cepte# by the Ph"pp&e +o)er&e%&t. 5Rep(b"c
). 9(!&/o&. ,1 S0RA E,*6
e. Whe& ! $ore+& 3(#+%e& co&t!&&+ $ore+& "!w s reco+&/e# $or e&$orce%e&t.
5Sec. DA. R("e E-. RO06
$. I$ the $ore+& "!w re$ers to co%%o& "!w #octr&es !&# r("es $ro% whch %!&y
o$ o(r "!ws were #er)e#. 5A"/(! ). Goh&so&. 21 Ph". E*A6
:::<. Is evidence obtained from ille(al search and sei;ure admissible ? $%plain.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; A&y e)#e&ce & )o"!to& $o Secto& 2. Artc"e III. sh!"" be
&!#%ssb"e $or !&y p(rpose & !&y procee#&+. BSec. E 526. Artc"e III. 1-A@ 0o&stt(to&6
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; The r+ht o$ the peop"e to be sec(re & ther perso&s.
ho(ses. p!pers !&# e$$ects !+!&st (&re!so&!b"e se!rches !&# se/(res o$ wh!te)er &!t(re !&# $or
!&y p(rpose sh!"" be &)o"!b"e. !b&# &o se!rch w!rr!&t or w!r!&t o$ !rrest sh!"" ss(e e'cept
(po& prob!b"e c!(se to be #eter%&e# by the 3(#+e !$ter e'!%&!to& (&#er o!th or !$$r%!to&
o$ the co%p"!&!&t !&# the wt&esses he %!y pro#(ce. !&# p!rtc("!r"y #escrb&+ the p"!ce to be
se!rche# !&# he peso&s or th&+s to be se/e#. 5Sec. 2. Artc"e III. 1-A@ 0o&stt(to&6
:::=. $%plain the ri(ht a(ainst self'incrimination.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; No perso& sh!"" be co%pe""e# to be ! wt&ess !+!&st h%se"$.
5Sec. 1@. Artc"e III. 1-A@ 0o&stt(to&6
Ths r+ht s reco+&/e# (&#er he R("es o& E)#e&ce. whch pro)#es th!t. t s the r+ht o$
! wt&ess &ot to +)e !& !&swer whch w"" te&# to s(b3ect h% to ! pe&!"ty $or !& o$$e&se (&"ess
otherwse pro)#e# by "!w. BSec. E 5D6. R("e 1E2. RO06
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; The h(%!& bo#y co("# be (se# !s e)#e&ce wtho(t
)o"!t&+ the r+ht. Mech!&c!" !cts wtho(t the (se o$ &te""+e&ce #o &ot $!"" wth& the scope o$
the protecto&. So%e o$ the !cts whch !re &ot co)ere# by the r+ht o$ se"$-&cr%&!to& !re the
!. 8&+erpr&t&+. photo+r!ph&+ &# p!r!$$& test&+. physc!" e'!%&!to&. 5:.S. ).
T!&+. 2E Ph". 1DFZ6
b. Physc!" e'!%&!to& o$ ! wo%!& !cc(se# o$ !#("tery to #eter%&e $ she s pre+&!&t.
5:.S. ). O& S(y =o&. E, Ph". @EFI L""!$"or ). S(%%ers. D1 Ph". ,26
c. :&#er+o&+ ("tr!-)o"et r!ys e'!%&!to& to #eter%&e prese&ce o$ $"o(resce&t pow#er
o& the h!&#s. 5Peop"e ). Tr!&c!. EF S0RA DFF6
#. S(bpoe&! #rect&+ +o)er&%e&t o$$c!"s to pro#(ce o$$c!" #oc(%e&ts or p(b"c
recor#s & ther c(sto#y.
e. 8tt&+ the !cc(se# $oot o)er ! $oot pr&t. p(tt&+ o& ! p!r o$ tro(sers. etc.

>. Are photo(raphs admissible as evidence ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Photo+r!phs %!y be !#%ssb"e (po& proo$ o$ ther e'!ct&ess
!&# !cc(r!cy by the photo+r!pher h%se"$ who c!& test$y o$ hs perso&!" 2&ow"e#+e o$ the
correct&ess o$ the represe&t!to&. 5T!& It ). S(& I&s(r!&ce O$$ce. F1 Ph". 2126
!. Photographs. The photo+r!pher s &ot the o&"y wt&ess who c!& #e&t$y the pct(res.
The $!th$(" rprese&t!to& o$ the photo+r!ph %!y be pro)e# prima facie by the test%o&y o$
those who were prese&t !t the t%e t w!s t!2e&. or by !&y other co%pete&t wt&ess who c!&
test$y !s to ts e'!ct&ess !&# !cc(r!cy. O&ce pro)e#. the co(rt %!y !#%t t s(b3ect to
%pe!ch%e&t !s to ts !cc(r!cy.
The )!"(e o$ ! photo+r!ph "es & ts be&+ ! correcrt represe&t!to& or repro#(cto& o$ the
or+&!". !&# ts !#%ssb"ty s #eter%&e# by ts !cc(r!cy & protr!y&+ the sce&e !t the t%e the
pct(re w!s t!2e&. 5Sso& ). Peop"e. 2F* S0RA FA. @F-@,6
Photocopes or 'ero' copes o$ s+&e# #oc(%e&ts !re &ot #(p"c!te or+&!"s bec!(se thy
!re &ot s+&e#. 5M!h"(% ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. 1@ S0RA DA26
b. Treatment o# compter printots. I$ the #!t! !re store# & ! co%p(ter or s%"!r
#e)ce. !&y pr&to(t or other o(tp(t re!#!b"e by s+ht. show& to re$"ect the #!t! !cc(r!te"y. s !&
or+&!". 5E)#e&ce 0o#e o$ 0!"$or&!. A##e# by St!ts. 1-@@. Sec. 16
I& ! "!bor c!se. IBM Ph"pp&es. I&c.. et !".. ). NLR0. et !".. 9.R. No. 11@221. pro%.
Apr" 1E. 1---. the S(pre%e 0o(rt he"# th!t co%p(ter pr&to(ts whch were &ot s+&e# bec!(se
they !re (&s+&e#. The 0o(rt we&t o& $(rther to s!y th!t ts #ecso&s. wh"e !#her&+ to ! "ber!"
)ew & the co&#(ct o$ procee#&+s be$ore !#%&str!t)e !+e&ces. h!)e &o&ethe"ess co&sste&t"y
re1(re# so%e proo$ o$ !(the&tcty or re"!b"ty !s co&#to& $or the !#%sso& o$ #oc(%e&ts.
Not o&e o$ the 1A pr&t-o(t copes s(b%tte# by IBM w!s e)er s+&e#. ether by the
se&#er or the rece)er. There s th(s &o +(!r!&tee th!t the %ess!+e se&t w!s the s!%e %ess!+e
rece)e#. Nether were the pr&t-o(ts cert$e# or !(the&tc!te# by !&y co%p!&y o$$c!" who
co("# proper"y !ttest th!t these c!%e $ro% IBMMs co%p(ter syste% or th!t the #!t! store# & the
syste% were &ot !&#Por co("# &ot h!)e# bee& t!%pere# wth be$ore the s!%e were pr&te# o(t.
'-ST -5I7-/2- RU0-
:::@. What is the best evidence rule and how is it applied to documents ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; I$. possb"e. the best e)#e&ce whch the &!t(re o$ the c!se s
s(sceptb"e sh!"" !"w!ys be re1(re#. $ &ot !)!"!b"e. the& the best e)#e&ce th!t c!& be h!# sh!""
be !""owe#. 5K&ee#"er ). P!ter&o. AF Ph". 1AEI 2* A%. G(r. E,D6
Whe& the s(b3ect o$ &1(ry s the co&te&ts o$ ! #oc(%e&t &o e)#e&ce sh!"" be
!#%ssb"e other th!& the or+&!" tse"$. 5Sec. E. R("e 1E*. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+
!. Reason #or rle8 The re!so& $or the best e)#e&ce r("e s to pre)e&t $r!(#. 5A&+"o-
A%erc!&. etc.. ). 0!&&o&. E1 8e#. E1D6.
The best e)#e&ce r("e s ! %s&o%er bec!(se t %ere"y re1(res the best e)#e&ce th!t s
!)!"!b"e. !&# $ &ot !)!"!b"e. seco&#!ry e)#e&ce sh!"" be !""owe#.
b. &pplication o# best evidence rle8 The best e)#e&ce r("e !pp"es o&"y to co&te&ts o$
! wrt&+. whe& those co&te&ts !re the $!cts & ss(e. !&# &ot to ts e'ec(to& whch %!y be
pro)e# by p!ro" test%o&y or e'tr&sc p!pers. 5=er&!e/ ). Mc+!rth. -* Ph". F,F6
c. 7ocments de#ined. Doc(%e&ts !s e)#e&ce co&sst o$ wrt&+s or !&y %!ter!"
co&t!&&+ "etters. wor#s. &(%bers. $+(res. sy%bo"s or other %o#es o$ wrtte& e'presso&
o$$ere# !s proo$ o$ ther co&te&ts. 5Sec. 2. R("e 1E*. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
#. The di##erent rles on admissibility o# docmentary evidence are the8
16 Best e)#e&ce r("eI
26 R("es $or !#%sso& o$ seco&#!ry e)#e&ceI
E6 P!ro" e)#e&ce r("eI !&#
D6 R("es o& &terpret!to& o$ #oc(%e&ts.
:::C. What are the e%ceptions to the best evidence rule or instances where the
ori(inal need not be presented or instances where secondar! evidence is admissible ?
!. Whe& the or+&!" h!s bee& "ost or #estroye#. or c!&&ot be pro#(ce# & co(rt. wtho(t
b!# $!th o& the p!rt o$ the o$$erorI
b. Whe& the or+&!" s & the c(sto#y or (&#er the co&tro" o$ the p!rty !+!&st who% the
e)#e&ce s o$$ere#. !&# the "!tter $!"s to pro#(ce t !$ter re!so&!b"e &otceI
c. Whe& the or+&!" co&ssts o$ &(%ero(s !cco(&ts or other #oc(%e&ts whch c!&&ot be
e'!%&e# & co(rt wtho(t +re!t "oss o$ t%e !&# he $!ct so(+ht to be est!b"she# $ro% the% s
o&"y the +e&er!" res("ts o$ the who"eI !&#
#. Whe& the or+&!" s ! p(b"c recor# & the c(sto#y o$ ! p(b"c o$$cer or s recor#e# &
! p(b"c o$$ce. 5Sec. E. R("e 1E*. RO0 re!rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
:::!. Procedre #or order o# proo# sing secondary evidence8
16 Proo$ o$ e'ec(to&I
26 Proo$ o$ "oss or (&!)!"!b"tyI
26 Proo$ o$ co&te&ts. 5W+%ore. Sec. 11A-6
:::b. Proce#(re $or pro)&+ co&te&ts o$ wrt&+ where or+&!" #oc(%e&t s &ot !)!"!b"e
or ho" secondary evidence is presented "here original docment is not available.
16 Whe& the or+&!" #oc(%e&t
!6 h!s bee& "ost or
b6 #estroye#. or
c6 c!&&ot be pro#(ce# & co(rt.
26 the o$$eror.
!6 (po& proo$
516 o$ ts e'ec(to& or e'ste&ce
526 !&# the c!(se o$ ts (&!)!"!b"ty
5E6 wtho(t b!# $!th o& ts p!rt.
b6 %!y pro)e ts co&te&ts
516 by ! copy. or
526 by rect!" o$ ts co&te&ts & so%e !(the&tc #oc(%e&t.
5E6 by the test%o&y o$ wt&esses
5D6 & the or#er st!te#. 5Sec. F. R("e 1E*. RO0
!rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
:::c. Proce#(re $or pro)&+ co&te&ts o$ wrt&+ where or+&!" #oc(%e&ts s & the
!#)erse p!rtyMs possesso& or co&tro" or ho" secondary evidence is presented "here original is
in the cstody or control o# the adverse party.
16 I$ the #oc(%e&t s
26 & the c(sto#y or (&#er the co&tro"
E6 o$ the !#)erse p!rty.
!6 he %(st h!)e re!so&!b"e &otce
b6 to pro#(ce t.
D6 I$ !$ter s(ch &otce !&#
!6 !$ter s!ts$!ctory proo$ o$ ts e'ste&ce.
b6 he $!"s to pro#(ce the #oc(%e&t.
F6 seco&#!ry e)#e&ce %!y be prese&te#
,6 !s & the c!se o$ ts "oss. 5Sec. ,. R("e 1E*. RO0 re!rr!+e%e&t !&#
&(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
::: #. Proce#(re $or pro)&+ the co&te&ts o$ original in the cstody o# a pblic o##icer8
16 Whe& the or+&!" o$ ! #oc(%e&t
26 s & the c(sto#y o$ ! p(b"c o$$cer or
E6 s recor#e# & ! p(b"c o$$ce
D6 ts co&te&ts %!y be pro)e#
!6 by ! cert$e# copy
b6 ss(e# by the p(b"c o$$cer
c6 & c(sto#y thereo$. 5Sec. @. R("e 1E*. RO0 re!rr!&+e%e&t !&#
&(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
P&R+0 -5I7-/2- RU0-
:::D. What is meant b! parol evidence and what is the rule re(ardin( this concept ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; P!ro" e)#e&ce s or!" or )erb!" test%o&y o$ ! wt&ess. It s
!"so 2&ow& !s e'tr&sc e)#e&ce or e)#e&ce aliunde.
Whe& the ter%s o$ !& !+ree%e&t h!)e bee& re#(ce# to wrt&+. t s co&s#ere# !s
co&t!&&+ !"" the ter%s !+ree# (po& !&# there c!& be betwee& the p!rtes !&# ther s(ccessors &
&terest &o e)#e&ce o$ s(ch ter%s other th!& the co&te&ts o$ the wrtte& !+ree%e&t. 51st p!r..
Sec. -. R("e 1E*. RO0 re!rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
!. /atre o# parol evidence rle; It s &ot ! r("e o$ e)#e&ce b(t o$ s(bst!&t)e "!w. It
s p!rt o$ the "!w o$ co&tr!cts. the "!w o$ &e+ot!b"e &str(%e&ts. !&# the "!w o$ w""s. It s
$o(&#e# (po& the s(bst!&t)e r+hts o$ the p!rtes. It w!s %!#e p!rt o$ the r("es o$ e)#e&ce &
or#er th!t t %!y be co&s#ere# & !"" ts ph!ses & o&e p"!ce. 5@* A.L.R. A&&o. @F2I Tr!cy>s
=!&#boo2. ,2 E#.. p. -@I 2* A%. G(r. -,E6
b. Reasons #or the parol evidence rle8
16 Whe& the p!rtes h!)e re#(ce# ther !+ree%e&t & wrt&+.
26 t s pres(%e# th!t they h!)e %!#e the wrt&+
E6 the o&"y repostory !&# %e%or!" o$ the tr(th. !&#
D6 wh!te)er s &ot $o(&# & the wrt&+ %(st be (&#erstoo# to h!)e bee& w!)e#
or !b!&#o&e#. 5L!& Syche" ). D!"ry%p"e. E2 N. G.. E?. 2EE6
c. 'est evidence rle distingished #rom parol evidence rle8
16 :&#er the best e)#e&ce r("e. the ss(e s co&te&ts o$ ! wrt&+ 5Sec. E. R("e
1E*. RO06 W=ILE (&#er the p!ro" e)#e&ce r("e. there s &o ss(e !s to co&te&ts o$ !
wrt&+ 5Sec. -. R("e 1E*. RO06I
26 :&#er the best e)#e&ce r("e. seco&#!ry e)#e&ce s o$$ere# to pro)e the
co&te&ts o$ ! wrt&+. whch s &ot !""owe# (&"ess the c!se $!""s (&#er !&y o$ the
e'cepto&s 5Sec. E. R("e 1E*. RO06 W=ILE (&#er the p!ro" e)#e&ce r("e. the p(rpose o$
the o$$er o$ p!ro" e)#e&ce s to ch!&+e. )!ry. %o#$y. 1(!"$y. or co&tr!#ct the ter%s o$ !
co%p"ete wrtte& !+ree%e&t. whch s &ot !""owe# (&"ess the c!se $!""s (&#er !&y o$ the
e'cepto&s. 5Sec. -. R("e 1E*. RO06
O&"y the p!rtes !&# ther s(ccessors & &terest. !&# &ot str!&+ers %!y &)o2e the
protecto& o$ the p!ro" e)#e&ce r("e. 5Sec. -. R("e 1E*. RO06
:::10. What are the e%ceptions to the parol evidence rule or when are the instances
when testimonial evidence ma! be used to prove the terms of a written a(reement ?
A p!rty %!y prese&t e)#e&ce to %o#$y. e'p"!& or !## to the ter%s o$ the wrtte&
!+ree%e&t $ he p(ts &to ss(e & hs p"e!#&+;
!. A& &tr&sc !%b+(ty. %st!2e or %per$ecto& & the wrtte& !+ree%e&t.
b. The $!"(re o$ the wrtte& !+ree%e&t to e'press the tr(e &te&t !&# !+ree%e&t o$ the
p!rtes thereto.
c. The )!"#ty o$ the wrtte& !+ree%e&t.
#. The e'ste&ce o$ other ter%s !+ree# to by the p!rtes or ther s(ccessors & &terest
!$ter the e'ec(to& o$ the wrtte& !+ree%e&t. 5Sec. 1. R("e 1E*. RO0 re!rr!&+e%e&t !&#
&(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
:::11. What is the covera(e of the parol evidence rule and what are the e%ceptions to
the parol evidence rule ?
!. 2overed. O&"y pror !&# co&te%por!&eo(s !+ree%e&ts whch !re #ee%e# to h!)e
bee& %er+e# & the wrt&+ co&$or%!b"y to the 4&te+r!to& o$ the !+ree%e&t r("e.4 5Woo#ho(se
). =!"". -E Ph". F2,6
b. /ot covered.
16 S(bse1(e&t !+ree%e&ts. &otwthst!&#&+ th!t s(ch !+ree%e&ts %!y h!)e the
e$$ect o$ !##&+ to. ch!&+&+. %o#$y&+. or e)e& !"to+ether !bro+!t&+ the co&tr!ct o$ the
p!rtes !s e)#e&ce# by the wrt&+.
26 0o""!ter!" !+ree%e&ts whch !"tho(+h or!" !&# co&te%por!&eo(s wth the
wrt&+ !re sep!r!te !&# #st&ct !+ree%e&ts. 5PNB ). Seeto. -1 Ph". @F,6
!. 2ontemporaneos agreement. A co&te%por!&eo(s !+ree%e&t s o&e e&tere# &to !t
the s!%e t%e !s the !+ree%e&t whch h!s bee& re#(e# to wrt&+.
b. Tests to determine "hether a contemporaneos oral agreement is separate and
distinct #rom the "ritten agreement and there#ore provable by parol evidence8
16 The $rst test s the s(b3ect-%!tter o$ the two !+ree%e&ts. I$ the s(b3ect-%!tter
o$ the wrtte& !+ree%e&t s di##erent $ro% th!t o$ the co&te%por!&eo(s or!" !+ree%e&t.
the& the "!tter s ! sep!r!te !&# #st&ct !+ree%e&t !&#. there$ore. pro)!b"e by p!ro"
26 I$ the two !+ree%e&ts re$er to the s!%e s(b3ect-%!tter. the test s to #eter%&e
whether or &ot the co&te%por!&eo(s or!" !+ree%e&t s separable. the& the
co&te%por!&eo(s or!" !+ree%e&t s sep!r!te !&# #st&ct !&#. there$ore. prob!b"e by p!ro"
e)#e&ce. 5Lese ). L!%precht. 1-, N.H. E26
c. -$ample o# agreement "hich 2&//+T be proven by parol evidence ; E'press
tr(sts co&cer&&+ re!" property c!&&ot be pro)e& by p!ro" e)#e&ce bec!(se tt"e !&# possesso&
c!&&ot be #e$e!te# by or!" e)#e&ce whch c!& e!s"y be $!brc!te# !&# co&tr!#cte#. 5S&!o&. et
!".. ). Soro&+o&. et !".. 1E, S0RA D1*6
#. -$amples o# collateral agreements "hich 2&/ be proved by parol evidence8
16 A& !+ree%e&t o$ reco&)ey!&ce s ! #st&ct !+ree%e&t. sep!r!te $ro% the s!"e
tse"$. !"tho(+h the two !+ree%e&ts !re (s(!""y co&t!&e# & o&e !&# the s!%e #oc(%e&t.
5L!(re!&o ). K"!yco. ED Ph". 1DAI H!c!p& ). Ner. D* Ph". ,16
26 I&#(ce%e&ts !&# represe&t!to&s whch "e# to the e'ec(to& o$ !& !+ree%e&t
%!y be pro)e& by p!ro" e)#e&ce bec!(se they #o &ot )!ry the ter%s o$ the !+ree%e&t.
5Woo#ho(se ). =!"". -E Ph". F2,I Bo(+h ). 0!&t)eros. D* Ph". 2*-6
E6 P!ro" e)#e&ce s !#%ssb"e to pro)e !& &#epe&#e&t !&# co""!ter!" !+ree%e&t
whch co&stt(tes !& &#(ce%e&t to the %!2&+ o$ the s!"e or p!rt o$ the co&s#er!to&
thereo$. 5Rob"es ). L/!rr!+! =&os.. F* Ph". EA@6
D6 A co&#to& prece#e&t &ot stp("!te# & wrt&+ s pro)!b"e by or!" e)#e&ce.
REASON; Be$ore the h!ppe&&+ o$ the co&#to&. there s &o wrtte& !+ree%e&t yet to
whch the p!ro" e)#e&ce %!y !pp"y.
F6 Lerb!" !ss(r!&ces +)e& by the &#orser o$ !& o(t-o$-tow& chec2 to the
e%p"oyees o$ the b!&2 where t w!s prese&te# $or e&c!sh%e&t th!t he wo("# re$(&# the
!%o(&t $ the chec2 sho("# be #sho&ore# by the #r!wee b!&2 s ! co""!ter!" !+ree%e&t
sep!r!te !&# #st&ct $ro% the &#orse%e&t. by )rt(e o$ whch the $rst b!&2 w!s &#(ce#
to c!sh the s!%e. !&# there$ore. pro)!b"e by p!ro" e)#e&ce. 5PNB ). Seeto. -1 Ph". @F,6
,6 A&y pror or co&te%por!&eo(s co&)ers!o& & co&&ecto& wth ! &ote or ts
&#orse%e&t %!y be pro)e# by p!ro" e)#e&ce. 5PNB ). Seeto. -1 Ph". @F,I Ph"ps ).
Presto&. F =ow. B:.S.C 2@A6
@6 A& e'tr&sc !+ree%e&t betwee& &#orser !&# &#orsee whch c!&&ot be
e%bo#e# & the &str(%e&t wtho(t %p!r&+ ts cre#t %!y be pro)e# by p!ro" e)#e&ce.
5PNB ). Seeto. -1 Ph". @F,I - W+%ore 1DA6
h. The $!ct th!t p!rtes who !ppe!r to h!)e s+&e# !s pr&cp!"s ## so !s %ere"y
s(retes s pro)!b"e by p!ro" e)#e&ce. 5T!& M!ch!& ). De "! Tr&#!#. E Ph". ,AD6
I/T-RPR-T&TI+/ +4 7+2UM-/TS
&UT)-/TI2&TI+/ &/7 PR++4 +4 7+2UM-/TS
12. =ow are alterations in documents e%plained ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The p!rty pro#(c&+ ! #oc(%e&t !s +e&(&e wh(ch h!s be&
!"tere# !&# !ppe!rs to h!)e bee& !"tere# !$ter ts e'ec(to&. & ! p!rt %!ter!" to the 1(esto& &
#sp(te. %(st !cco(&t $or the !"ter!to&. he %!y show th!t the !"ter!t(o& w!s %!#e by !&other.
wtho(t hs co&c(rre&ce. or w!s %!#e wth the co&se&t o$ the p!rtes !$$ecte# by t. or w!s
otherwse proper"y or I &&oce&t"y %!#e. or th!t the !"ter!to& ## &ot ch!&+e the %e!&&+ or
"!&+(!+e o$ the &str(%e&t. I$ he $!"s to #o th!t. the #oc(%e& sh!"" &ot be !#%ssb"e &
e)#e&ce. 5Sec. E1. R("e 1E2. RO06
1;. As a (eneral rule there is need to prove the authemticit! of private documents. Are
there e%ceptions to this (eneral rule ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Hes. There %!y be &o &ee# to pro)e the ! (the&tcty o$
pr)!te #oc(%e&ts;
!. Whe& the #oc(%e&t s !&ce&t. 5Sec. 21. R("e 1E2. RO06
b. Whe& the e'ec(to& !&# e&(&e&ess o$ the #oc(%e&t s !#%tte# by the !#)erse p!rty.
5Tr! ). 0r(/. 1D Ph". FF16I !&#
c. Whe& the e&(&e&ess !&# #(e e'ec(to& o$ the #oc(%e&t s %%!ter!". 5=c2s ).
0o"e%!&. 2F 0!".. 1226
!. The ancient docment rle8 Where ! pr)!te #oc(%e&t s %ore th!& thrty ye!rs o"#.
s pro#(ce# $ro% ! c(sto#y & whch t wo("# &!t(r!""y be $o(&# $ +e&(&e. !&# s (&b"e%she#
by !&y !"ter!to&s or crc(%s%t!&ces o$ s(spco&. &o other e)#e&ce o$ ts !(the&tcty &ee# be
+)e&. 5Sec. 21. R("e 1E2. RO06
b. )o" genineness o# hand"riting proved8 The h!&#wrt&+ o$ ! perso& %!y be
pro)e# by !&y wt&ess who be"e)es t to be the h!&#wrt&+ o$ s (ch perso& bec!(se he h!s see&
the perso& wrte. or h!s see& h!&#wrt&+ p(rport&+ to be hs (po& whch the wt&ess h!s !cte#
or bee& ch!r+e#. !&# h!s th(s !c1(re# 2&ow"e#+e o$ the h!&#wrt&+ o$ s(ch perso&.
E)#e&ce respect&+ the h!&#wrt&+ %!y !"so be +)e& by ! co%p!rso& %!#e by the
wt&ess & co(rt. wth wrt&+s !#%tte# or tre!te# !s +e&(&e by the p!rty !+!&st who% the
e)#e&ce s o$$ere#. or pro)e# to be +e&(&be to the s!ts$!cto& o$ the 3(#+e. 5Sec. 22. R("e 1E2.
c. /ot mch "eight is given to hand"riting e$perts. :&"ess. there$ore. there s. & !
+)e& c!se. !bso"(te !bse&ce. or %!&$est #e!rth. or #rect or crc(%st!&t!" co%pete&t e)#e&ce
o$ the ch!r!cter o$ ! 1(esto&e# h!&#wrt&+. %(ch we+ht sho("# &ot be +)e& to ch!r!cterstc
s%"!rtes. or #ss%"!rtes. betwee& the 1(esto&e# h!&#wrt&+ !&# !& !(the&tc o&e.
5P(&/!"!& ). 0o%%sso& o& E"ecto&s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12,,,-I Me&eses ). 0o%%sso& o&
E"ecto&s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12@-**I P(&/!"!& ). 0o%%sso& o& E"ecto&s et !".. 9.R. No. 12AA*I
!&# P(&/!"!& ). 0o%%sso& o& E"ecto&s. 9.R. No. 1E2DEF pro%. Apr" 2@. 1--A ct&+ Lore&/o
). D!/. FE O.9. D11*-D111. cte# & 8r!&csco o& E)#e&ce. Lo". LII. P!rt I. 1--@ E#to&. p.
?(esto&s &)o")&+ the %ere s%"!rty or #ss%"!rty o$ h!&#wrt&+s co("# be
#eter%&e# by the co(rt tse"$ !s !(thor/e# (&#er Sec. 22. R("e 1E2 o$ the R("es o$ 0o(rt by
%!2&+ ! co%p!rso& o$ the #sp(te# h!&#wrt&+ 4wth wrt&+s !#%tte# or tre!te# !s +e&(&e
by the p!rty !+!&st who% the e)#e&ce s o$$ere#. or pro)e# to be +e&(&e to the s!ts$!cto& o$
the 3(#+e.4 5P(&/!"!& ). 0o%%sso& o& E"ecto&s. supra6
:::1<. When is evidence admissible ? What is meant b! relevanc! and are there
instances when evidence that is not relevant is admissible ? $%plain.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; E)#e&ce s !#%ssb"e whe& t s re"e)!&t to the ss(e !&# s &ot
e'c"(#e# by the "!w or these r("es. 5Sec. E. R("e 12A. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+
Re"e)!&t e)#e&ce s th!t e)#e&ce th!t h!s s(ch ! re"!to& to the $!ct & ss(e !s to &#(ce
be"e$ & ts e'ste&ce or &o&-e'ste&ce. 51st se&te&ce. Sec. D. R("e 12A. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&#
&(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
O&"y re"e)!&t e)#e&ce s !#%ssb"e !&# e)#e&ce o& co""!ter!" %!tter s &ot !""owe#.
=owe)er. t %!y be !""owe# "hen it tends in any reasonable degree to establish the
probability or improbability o# the #acts in isse. 52&# se&te&ce. Sec. D. R("e 12A. RO0
!rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; To #eter%&e whether e)#e&ce s !#%ssb"e "oo2 $or the
The re!so& beh&# the !bo)e st!te%e&t s th!t e)#e&ce %!y be !#%ssb"e $or o&e
p(rpose !&# &ot $or !&other p(rpose.
ILL:STRATION; Wh"e Leo& w!s stt&+ & $ro&t o$ hs ho(se. he s!w M+(e" r(&&&+
!&# he!r# h% sho(t&+. 4G(!& st!bbe# Pe#ro.4
I$ Leo& s prese&te# !s ! wt&ess. #(r&+ the tr!" o$ G(!& $or h!)&+ st!bbe# Pe#ro. !&#
hs test%o&y s o$$ere# to pro)e th!t G(!& st!bbe# Pe#ro. hs 5Leo&>s6 test%o&y wo("# &ot be
!#%ssb"e bec!(se t s e'c"(#e# by the r("es $or be&+ he!rs!y. 5Sec. E. R("e 12A & re"!to& to
Sec. E,. R("e 1E*. both o$ the RO06 Leo& ## &ot h!)e perso&!" 2&ow"e#+e o$ the $!ct th!t G(!&
st!bbe# Pe#ro. =s 2&ow"e#+e th!t G(!& st!bbe# Pe#ro w!s &ot #er)e# $ro% hs ow& percepto&
b(t $ro% th!t o$ M+(e".
O& the other h!&#. $ Leo&>s test%o&y s o$$ere# to pro)e th!t he he!r# th!t M+(e"
sho(te#. 4G(!& st!bbe# Pe#ro.4 the& ths wo("# be !#%ssb"e. It co("# &ot be e'c"(#e# (&#er the
he!rs!y r("e bec!(se hs test%o&y s #er)e# $ro% hs ow& percepto& o$ wh!t M+(e" s!#.
Leo&>s test%o&y s "2ewse !#%ssb"e bec!(se t s re"e)!&t (&#er the co&cept o$ &#epe&#e&t
re"e)!&t st!te%e&t. ! st!te%e&t th!t tends in ! reasonable degree to establish the probability
or improbability o# the #act in isse. 5Sec. D. R("e 12A. RO06 =s test%o&y wo("# te&# & !
re!so&!b"e #e+ree to est!b"sh the prob!b"ty th!t G(!& st!bbe# Pe#ro.
:::1=. Who are &ualified to be witnesses or who ma! be witnesses ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; &ll persons "ho can perceive, and perceiving, cold maEe
Eno"n their perception to others, may be "itnesses. 51st p!r.. Sec. E*. R("e 1E*. RO06.
pro)#e# they !re &ot #s1(!"$e# (&#er the R("es o$ 0o(rt.
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; The $o""ow&+ !re #s1(!"$e# to be wt&esses;Those who
!re #s1(!"$e# by re!so& o$;
!. Me&t!" &c!p!cty or %%!t(rty 5Sec. 21. R("e 1E*. RO06I
b. M!rr!+e 5Sec. 22. Ibid+I
c. De!th or &s!&ty o$ !#)erse p!rty 5Sec. 2E. Ibid.6
#. Pr)"e+e# co%%(&c!to& 5Sec. 2D. Ibid.6
16 M!rt!" pr)"e+e# co%%(&c!to& r("e 5Sec. 2D B!C. Ibid.6I
26 L!wyer-c"e&t pr)"e+e# co%%(&c!to& r("e 5Sec. 2D BbC. Ibid.6I
E6 Doctor-p!te&t pr)"e+e# co%%(&c!to& r("e 5Sec. 2D BcC. Ibid.6I
D6 Prest-pe&te&t pr)"e+e# co%%(&c!to& r("e 5Sec. 2D B#C. Ibid.6I !&#
F6 P(b"c o$$cer pr)"e+e# co%%(&c!to& r("e 5Sec. 2D BeC. Ibid.6.
e. P!re&t!" !&# $"!" test%o&!" pr)"e+e r("e 5Sec. 2F. R("e 1E*. RO06
0o&)cto& o$ ! cr%e #oes &ot #s1(!"$y ! perso& $ro% test$y&+ b(t %!y #s1(!"$y h%
$ro% be&+ #sch!r+e# !s ! st!te wt&ess. 5Sec. - BeC. R("e 11-. RO06
:::1>. What is the marital dis&ualification rule ? Distin(uish the marital
dis&ualification rule from the marital privile(ed communication rule.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; D(r&+ ther %!rr!+e. &ether the h(sb!&# &or the w$e %!y
test$y $or or !+!&st the other wtho(t the co&se&t o$ the !$$ecte# spo(se. e'cept & ! c)" c!se by
o&e !+!&st the other. or & ! cr%&!" c!se co%%tte# !+!&st the other or the "!tter>s #rect
#esce&#!&ts or !sce&#!&ts. 5Sec. 22. R("e 1E*. RO06
The distinctions bet"een the marital dis*ali#ication rle and the marital privileged
commnications r("e !re the $o""ow&+;
!. The %!rt!" #s1(!"$c!to& r("e !pp"es to !&y $!ct W=ILE the %!rt!" pr)"e+e#
co%%(&c!to&s r("e re$ers o&"y to co&$#e&t!" co%%(&c!to&s %!#e #(r&+ the %!rr!+e.
b. The %!rt!" #s1(!"$c!to& r("e s c"!%!b"e o&"y #(r&+ the %!rr!+e W=ILE the
%!rt!" pr)"e+e# co%%(&c!to&s r("e s c"!%!b"e #(r&+ or !$ter the %!rr!+e.
:::!. Re*isites #or invoEing the marital dis*ali#ication rle.
16 The spo(ses !re "e+!""y %!rre#I
26 The %!rr!+e s s(bsst&+ !t the t%e o$ the test%o&yI
E6 The spo(se s be&+ %!#e to test$y $or or !+!&st the otherI
D6 The spo(se who s test$y&+ w!s &ot +)e& the co&se&t to test$y by the other
F6 The c!se s &ot ! c)" c!se $"e# by o&e spo(se !+!&st the other or ! cr%&!"
c!se $or ! cr%e co%%tte# by o&e !+!&st the other or the "!tter>s #rect #esce&#!&ts or
!sce&#!&ts. 5Sec. 22. R("e 1E*. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t. rephr!s&+ !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
b. 7o not con#se the marital dis*ali#ication rle (&#er Sec. 22. R("e 1E*. RO0 wth
the %!rt!" pr)"e+e# co%%(&c!to& r("e (&#er Sec. 2D B!C. R("e 1E*. RO0.
c. The rationale beh&# the %!rt!" #s1(!"$c!to& r("e s to preser)e the %!rr!+e
re"!to& !s o&e o$ $("" co&$#e&ce. !$$ecto& !&# co&cor#. 5:.S. ). 0o&cepco&. E1 Ph". 1A26
#. The r+ht to &)o2e ths #s1(!"$c!to& be"o&+s to the spo(se-p!rty 5Ort/ ).
Ar!%b("o. A Ph". -A6 !+!&st or $or who% the test%o&y s be&+ pro$erre#. It %!y be w!)e#
16 By ! $!"(re to &terpose t%e"y ob3ecto&. or
26 By c!""&+ the other spo(se !s wt&ess 5Ibid. Peop"e ). 8r!&csco. @A Ph". ,-D6
The pr)"e+e co("# be &)o2e# e)e& $ the spo(se s test$y&+ & $!)or o$ the spo(se-
p!rty bec!(se #!%!+&+ test%o&y %!y be e"cte# #(r&+ the cross-e'!%&!to&.
:::1@. What is the marital privile(ed communication rule ?
!. The h(sb!&# or the w$e.
b. #(r&+ or !$ter the %!rr!+e.
c. c!&&ot be e'!%&e#
#. wtho(t the co&se&t o$ the other
e. !s to !&y co%%(&c!to&
16 rece)e# & co&$#e&ce
26 by o&e $ro% the other
E6 #(r&+ the %!rr!+e
$. e'cept
16 & ! c)" c!se by o&e !+!&st the other. or
26 & ! cr%&!" c!se co%%tte# by o&e
!6 !+!&st the other or
b6 the "!tter>s #rect #esce&#!&ts or #esce&#!&ts. 5Sec. 2DB!C. R("e
1E*. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
!. The re*isites #or the marital privileged commnication rle are the #ollo"ing;
16 The p!rtes !re or were "e+!""y %!rre#.
26 The co%%(&c!to&. or!" or wrtte&. w!s %!#e #(r&+ the %!rr!+eI
E6 The co%%(&c!to& w!s rece)e# & co&$#e&ceI
D6 The e'!%&!to& s #o&e #(r&+ the %!rr!+e.
F6 The co&se&t o$ the other spo(se w!s &ot +)e&.
,6 The c!se s &ot ! c)" c!se $"e# by o&e !+!&st the other or ! cr%&!" c!se $or
! cr%e co%%tte# by o&e !+!&st the other or the "!tter>s #rect !sce&#!&ts or
b. The rational behind the marital privileged commnication rle s to preser)e the
pe!ce o$ $!%"es !&# %!&t!& the s!cre# &stt(to& o$ %!rr!+e.
c. &pplications o# the marital privileged commnciation rle ;
16 E)ery co%%(&c!to& betwee& spo(ses s pres(%e# to be co&$#e&t!".
5Se'to& ). Se'to&. 12- I!. DA@I W+%ore. Sec. 2EE,6
26 0o%%(&c!to&s %!#e & the prese&ce o$ thr# p!rtes !re &ot co&$#e&t!".
(&"ess the thr# perso& %!y be co&s#ere# !s !& !+e&t o$ the spo(ses. 58"oy# ). M""er. ,1
I&#. 22D6
E6 0o%%(&c!to&s o)erhe!r# by thr# perso&s re%!& co&$#e&t!" !s betwee&
the spo(ses. b(t the thr# perso& who o)erhe!r# %!y be c!""e# (po& to test$y. 5Peop"e ).
0!r"os. D@ Ph". ,2,6
D6 0o%%(&c!to&s co%&+ &to the h!&#s o$ thr# perso&s. whether "e+!""y or
""e+!""y. re%!& co&$#e&t!" !s betwee& the spo(ses. b(t the thr# perso& %!y be c!""e#
(po& to test$y. 5Peop"e. !&# =!%%o&s. supra6
B(t $ the thr# perso& !c1(re# 2&ow"e#+e o$ the co%%(&c!to& by co""(so&
!&# )o"(&t!ry #sc"os(re o& the p!rt o$ ether o$ the spo(ses. he thereby beco%es !& !+e&t
o$ s(ch spo(ses so th!t the pr)"e+e s c"!%!b"e !+!&st h%. 5Ibid.6
F6 0o%%(&c!to&s &te&#e# $or tr!&s%sso& to thr# perso&s !re &ot
co&$#e&t!". 5:.S. ). A&tpo"o. E@ Ph". @2,6
NOTE; The !bo)e r("es %!y !pp"y by !&!"o+y to other pr)"e+e# co%%(&c!to&s.
#. ,aiver o# the marital privileged commnication rle ; The pr)"e+e s c"!%!b"e
by the spo(se &ot c!""e# !s wt&ess. so th!t t ts w!)!b"e o&"y by h% or herI !&# t s w!)!b"e
by !&y !ct o$ s(ch spo(se whch %+ht be co&s#ere# !s !& e'press or %p"e# co&se&t to the
#sc"os(re o$ the co%%(&c!to&. 5Peop"e ). =!yes. 1D* N.H. DAD6
1C. What is meant b! the survivorCs dis&ualification rule or the dead manCs statute ?
!. P!rtes or !ss+&ors o$ p!rtes to ! c!se. or
b. perso&s o& whose beh!"$ ! c!se s prosec(te#.
c. !+!&st !& e'ec(tor or !#%&str!tor or other represe&t!t)e
#. o$ ! #ece!se# perso&. or !+!&st ! perso& o$ (&so(&# %&#.
e. c!&&ot test$y !s to !&y %!tter o$ $!ct
$. occ(rr&+ be$ore the #e!th o$ s(ch perso& or
+. be$ore s(ch perso& bec!%e o$ (&so(&# %&#. Sec. 2E. R("e 1E*. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t
!&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
!. Rationale, ob9ect and prpose o# 7ead ManIs Statte.
16 To #sco(r!+e $!"se test%o&y or per3(ry o& the p!rt o$ the s(r))orI !&#
26 To protect the #ece!se# !+!&st $!"se !&# (&3(st c"!%s. 59o&. et !".. ). 0o(rt
o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 1DD S0RA 2E16
:::The ob9ect and prpose o# the rle s to +(!r# !+!&st the te%pt!to& to +)e $!"se
test%o&y & re+!r# o$ the tr!&s!cto& & 1(esto& o& the p!rt o$ the s(r))&+ p!rty. !&# $(rther to
p(t the two p!rtes to ! s(t (po& ter%s o$ e1(!"ty & re+!r# o the opport(&ty to +)&+
test%o&y. I$ o&e p!rty to the !""e+e# tr!&s!cto& s prec"(#e# $ro% test$y&+ by #e!th. &s!&ty.
or other %e&t!" #s!b"tes. the other p!rty s &ot e&tt"e# to the (&#(e !#)!&t!+e o$ +)&+ hs
ow& (&co&tr!#cte# !&# (&e'p"!&e# !cco(&t o$ the tr!&s!cto&. 5T!&. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s.
et !".. 9.R. No. 12FA,1. pro%. Septe%ber -. 1--A6
:::b. -$ceptions to the srvivorIs dis*ali#ication rle8
16 Or#&!ry wt&esses. who !re &ot the p"!&t$$. !ss+&or o$ p"!&t$$. or perso& &
whose beh!"$ the c!se s prosec(te# %!y test$y. 58r!&c! ). =po"to. -E Ph". -,A6
26 Whe& the p"!&t$$ s ! corpor!to&. the o$$cers or stoc2ho"#ers thereo$ !re &ot
#s1(!"$e#. 5Lch!(co ). At"!&tc 9("$. et c.. AD Ph". EE*6
E6 Whe& there s !& %p(t!to& o$ $r!(# !+!&st the #ece!se#. the p"!&t$$ s &ot
b!rre# $ro% test$y&+ to s(ch $r!(#. 59o 0h 9(& ). 0o 0ho. -, Ph". ,226
D6 Whe& the p"!&t$$ s the e'ec(tor. !#%&str!tor or "e+!" represe&t!t)e o$ the
#ece!se#. or the perso& o$ (&so(&# %&#. the #e$e&#!&t or #e$e&#!&ts !re $ree to test$y
!+!&st the p"!&t$$. 5To&+co ). L!&/o&. F* Ph". ,-A6
F6 Whe& the #e$e&#!&t or #e$e&#!&ts. tho(+h hers o$ the #ece!se#. !re s(e# &
ther perso&!" !&# &#)#(!" c!p!ctes. the p"!&t$$ %!y test$y !+!&st the%. 59o 0h
9(& ). 0o 0ho. -, Ph". ,226
,6 Whe& the s(r))or>s test%o&y re$ers to ! &e+!t)e $!ct. 5Me&#e/o&! ). )#!. #e
9ot!. FD Ph". FF@6
@6 Whe& the s(r))or>s test%o&y s $!)or!b"e to the #ece!se#. 5Ic!r# ).
M!r!s+!&. @1 Ph". D1-6
A6 The !#)erse p!rty s co%pete&t to test$y to tr!&s!cto&s or co%%(&c!to&s
wth the #ece!se# or &co%pete&t perso& whch were %!#e wth !& !+e&t o$ s(ch perso&
& c!ses & whch the !+e&t s st"" !")e !&# co%pete&t to test$y. B(t the test%o&y o$ the
!#)erse p!rty %(st be co&$&e# o those tr!&s!cto&s or co%%(&c!to&s whch were h!#
wth the !+e&t. 59o&. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 1DD S0RA 2E16
c. )o" protection o# the dead manIs statte is "aived8
16 By &ot ob3ect&+ to p"!&t$$>s test%o&y o& prohbte# %!tters. 5M!re""! ).
Reyes. 12 Ph". 16
26 By cross-e'!%&&+ the p"!&t$$ o& prohbte# %!tters. 5To&+co ). L!&/o&.
F* Ph". ,-A6
E6 By c!""&+ wt&esses to test$y o& prohbte# %!tters. 5Arroyo ). A/(r. @, Ph".
D6 Whe& the p"!&t$$>s #eposto& s t!2e& by the represe&t!t)e o$ the est!te or
whe& co(&se" $or the represe&t!t)e cross-e'!%&e# the p"!&t$$ !s to %!tters occ(rr&+
#(r&+ the #ece!se#>s "$et%e. 59o&. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 1DD S0RA 2E16
1D. $%plain what is meant b! the parental and filial testimonial privile(e rule.
S:99ESTED ANSWER No perso& %!y be co%pe""e# to test$y !+!&st hs p!re&ts.
other #rect !sce&#!&ts. ch"#re& or other #rect #esce&#!&ts. 5Sec. 2F. R("e 1E*. RO06
!. ,ho may not be compelled to testi#y against certain parties nder the parental
and #ilial testimonial privilege rle;
16 Perso& !+!&st hs p!re&ts..
26 Perso& !+!&st hs other #rect !sce&#!&ts "2e +r!&#p!re&ts. +re!t
+r!&#p!re&ts. +re!t +re!t +r!&#p!re&ts.
E6 Perso& !+!&st hs ch"#re&.
D6 Perso& !+!&st hs other #rect #esce&#!&ts "2e +r!&#ch"#re&. +re!t +re!t
b. ,ho are not covered and may be compelled to testi#y8
16 Re"!t)es by !$$&ty.
26 Brothers !&# ssters.
E6 A(&ts. (&c"es. &ephews. &eces.
D6 0o(s&s o$ wh!te)er #e+ree.
F6 Other co""!ter!" re"!t)es.
P!re&t!" !&# $"!" test%o&y #es &ot prohbt )o"(&t!ry test%o&y or co%pe""e#
test%o&y !+!&st re"!t)es by !$$&ty or co""!ter!" re"!t)es.
c. Rationale behind parental and #ilial testimonial privilege rle; To preser)e
h!r%o&o(s re"!to&s betwee& p!re&t !&# ch"# whch co("# be r(pt(re# thro(+h test$y&+ &
co(rt. 8(rther%ore. per3(ry %!y res("t bec!(se the p!re&t or the ch"# %!y +)e $!"se test%o&y
to protect the other.
The !(thor be"e)es th!t the !#opte# !&# !#opter !re co)ere# by the p!re&t!" !&# $"!"
test%o&!" pr)"e+e r("e b(t o&"y &so$!r !s the p!re&t !&# ch"# s co&cer&e#. It #oes &ot e'te&#
to the #rect !sce&#!&ts o$ the !#opter bec!(se the !#opt)e re"!to& s betwee& the !#opter !&#
the !#opte# o&"y. The re!so& $or ths op&o& s the r!to&!"e beh&# the pr)"e+e.
20. What is meant b! dis&ualification b! reason of the privile(ed communication
rule ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; :&#er ths r("e. ! perso& s #s1(!"$e# to testi#y as to
matters learned in con#idence 5Sec. 2D. R("e 1E*. RO06. It sho("# be &ote# th!t the perso&
5other th!& ! spo(se (&#er Sec. 2DB!C. R("e 1E*6 s &ot otherwse prohbte# to test$y. =e co("#
test$y b(t &ot o& the %!tters "e!r&e# & co&$#e&ce. There !re $)e 2&#s o$ pr)"e+e#
co%%(&c!to&s th!t co("# &ot be the s(b3ect o$ test%o&y;
!. M!rt!" pr)"e+e# co%%(&c!to& r("e 5Sec. 2D B!C. Ibid.6I
b. L!wyer-c"e&t pr)"e+e# co%%(&c!to& r("e 5Sec. 2D BbC. Ibid.6I
c. Doctor-p!te&t pr)"e+e# co%%(&c!to& r("e 5Sec. 2D BcC. Ibid.6I
#. Prest-pe&te&t pr)"e+e# co%%(&c!to& r("e 5Sec. 2D B#C. Ibid.6I
e. P(b"c o$$cer pr)"e+e# co%%(&c!to& r("e 5Sec. 2D BeC. Ibid.6.
21. What is the ph!sician and pa tient privile(ed commmunication rule ?
!. A perso& !(thor/e# to pr!ctce %e#c&e. s(r+ery or obstetrcs
b. c!&&ot & ! c)" c!se.
c. wtho(t the co&se&t o$ the p!te&t.
#. be e'!%&e# !s to
16 !&y !#)ce or tre!t%e&t +)e& by h% or
26 !&y &$or%!to&
!6 whch he %!y h!)e !c1(re# & !tte&#&+ s(ch p!te&t & ! pro$esso&!"
b6 whch &$or%!to& w!s &ecess!ry to e&!b"e h% to !ct & th!t c!p!cty.
c6 whch wo("# b"!c2e& the rep(t!to& o$ the p!te&t. 5Sec. 2D BcC. R("e
1E*. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
The physician may be compelled to testi#y in a criminal case.
!. Rationale behind the privilege; The re!so& s to $!c"t!te !&# %!2e s!$e. $("" !&#
co&$#e&t!" #sc"os(re by ! p!te&t to the physc!& o$ !"" sy%pto%s. (&tr!%%e"e# by
!pprehe&so& o$ ther s(bse1(e&t !&# e&$orce# #sc"os(re !&# p(b"c!to& o& the wt&ess st!&#.
5W"" o$ Br(e&#". 1*2 Ws. D@6
b. ,aiver o# the privilege; Ths pr)"e+e be"o&+s to the p!te&t. so th!t t s o&"y he
th!t c!& c"!% or w!)e t. It s w!)!b"e e'press"y or %p"e#"y. It s %p"e#"y w!)e# "2e !&y
other pr)"e+e r("e. 5Pe&&. M(t(!" L$e I&s. 0o. ). W"er. 1** I&#. -26
&7MISSI+/S &/7 2+/4-SSI+/S
:::22. What is self'servin( evidence ? Is it admissible in evidence ? $%plain.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; A& !#%sso& $!)or!b"e to the p!rty %!2&+ t. 5Lch!(co ).
At"!&tc 9("$ 7 P!c$c 0o.. AD Ph". ED26
!. Sel#.serving or #avorable admissions made ot o# cort not admissible8
16 A %!& %!y be s!$e"y be"e)e# $ he #ec"!res !+!&st hs ow& &terest. b(t &ot $
he !#)oc!tes hs &terest. 5Lch!(co ). At"!&tc 9("$ 7 P!c$c 0o.. AD Ph". ED26
26 It s e'c"(#e# o& the s!%e +ro(&# !s !&y he!rs!y e)#e&ce. th!t. the "!c2 o$
opport(&ty $or cross-e'!%&!to& by the !#)erse p!rty. 5N!to&!" De)e"op%e&t 0o.. ).
Wor2%e&>s 0o%pe&s!to& 0o%%sso&. 1- S0RA A,F6
b. ,hen sel#.serving or #avorable admissions are admissible;
16 I$ %!#e & ope& co(rt
26 +)&+ $("" opport(&ty to the !#)erse p!rty
E6 to e'ercse hs r+ht o$ cross-e'!%&!to&.
2;. "tate the rule on admission b! silence.
!. A& !ct or #ec"!r!to& %!#e
16 & the prese&ce !&#
26 wth& the he!r&+ or
E6 obser)!to&
b. o$ ! p!rty who #oes or s!ys &oth&+
c. whe& the !ct or #ec"!r!to&
16 s s(ch !s &!t(r!""y to c!"" $or !cto& or co%%e&t $ &ot tr(e. !&#
26 whe& proper !&# possb"e $or h% to #o so.
#. %!y be +)e& & e)#e&ce !+!&st h%. 5Sec. E2. R("e 1E*. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&#
&(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
!. Re*isites #or application o# rle on admission by silence; Be$ore the s"e&ce o$ !
p!rty c!& be t!2e& !s !& !#%sso& o$ wh!t s s!#. t %(st !ppe!r th!t;
16 he he!r# !&# (&#erstoo# the st!te%e&tI
26 he w!s !t "berty to &terpose ! #e&!"I
E6 the st!te%e&t w!s & respect to so%e %!tter !$$ect&+ hs r+hts. or & whch he
w!s the& &tereste#. !&# c!""&+. &!t(r!""y. $or !& !&swerI
D6 the $!cts were wth& hs 2&ow"e#+eI !&#
F6 the $!ct !#%tte# or the &$ere&ce to be #r!w& $ro% hs s"e&ce wo("# be
%!ter!" to the ss(e. 5Peop"e ). P!r!+!s!. AD S0RA 11E6
b. Rationale behind rle on admission by silence ; The re!so& s the reco+&/e# r("e
th!t $ ! %!& re%!&s s"e&t whe& he o(+ht to spe!2. he w"" be #eb!rre# $ro% spe!2&+ "!ter.
@ui tacet consitere videtur or s"e&ce %e!&s co&se&t. 59!bre" ). B!e&s. F, Ph". E1D6
c. -$ceptions to the rle on admission by silence or instances "here there is no
admission by silence ;
16 Where &o +oo# re!so& e'sts $or the p!rty to co%%e&t o& the !ct or #ec"!r!to&
5Le" ). Stro&+. 1* Lt. DFF6. !s whe& the !ct or #ec"!r!to& w!s &ot spec$c!""y #recte# to
the p!rty who re%!&e# s"e&t. 5A* A.L.R.. A&&o.. 12@26
26 Whe& the p!rty h!# &o opport(&ty to co%%e&t o& the !ct or #ec"!r!to&.
5Peop"e ). R!&!ro. D- Ph". 22*6
E6 Where the !ct or #ec"!r!to& w!s %!#e & the co(rse o$ !& o$$c!"
&)est+!to&. 5Peop"e ). T! 8o&+. -A Ph". ,*-6
D6 Whe& s"e&ce s (po& !#)ce o$ co(&se". 5Peop"e ). Ko/"ows2. 11F A.L.R.
:::2<. Distin(uish e%trajudicial confessions from admissions.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; A co&$esso&. !s #st&+(she# $ro% !#%sso&. s !
#ec"!r!to& %!#e !t !&y t%e by ! perso&. )o"(&t!r"y !&# wtho(t co%p("so& or &#(ce%e&t.
st!t&+ or !c2&ow"e#+&+ th!t he h!# co%%tte# or p!rtcp!te# & the co%%sso& o$ ! cr%e.
The ter%. !#%sso&. o& the other h!&#. s (s(!""y !pp"e# & cr%&!" c!ses to st!te%e&ts
o$ $!ct by the !cc(se# whch #o &ot #rect"y &)o")e !& !c2&ow"e#+%e&t o$ the +("t o$ the
!cc(se# or o$ cr%&!" &te&t to co%%t the o$$e&se wth whch he s ch!r+e#. 5:.S. ). 0orr!"es.
2A Ph". E,F6
:::2=. When is an offer of compromise not admissible in evidence ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; I& c)" c!ses. !& o$$er o$ co%pro%se s &ot !& !#%sso& o$
!&y "!b"ty. !&# s &ot !#%ssb"e & e)#e&ce !+!&st the o$$eror. 51st p!r.. Sec. 2@. R("e 1E*.
!. &n o##er to pay o$ the p!y%e&t o$ %e#c!". hospt!". or other e'pe&ses. occ!so&e# by
!& &3(ry s &ot !#%ssb"e & e)#e&ce !s proo$ o$ c)" or cr%&!" "!b"ty $or the &3(ry. 5"!st
p!r.. Sec. 2@. R("e 1E*. RO06
b. Rationale #or non.admissibility o# o##er to compromise in civil cases ; To
e&co(r!+e the p!rtes to sett"e ther s(ts !%c!b"y res("t&+ to #eco&+esto& o$ the co(rts>
c"o++e# #oc2ets.
c. 2ompromise s ! co&tr!ct whereby the p!rtes. by %!2&+ recproc!" co&cesso&s.
!)o# ! "t+!to& or p(t !& e&# to o&e !"re!#y co%%e&ce#. 5Artc"e 2*2A. 0)" 0o#e o$ the
2>. When is an offer to compromise admissible in evidence ? Are there an! e%ceptions
? $%plain.
!. I& cr%&!" c!ses. e'cept
16 those &)o")&+ 1(!s-o$$e&ses 5cr%&!" &e+"+e&ce6 or
26 those !""owe# by "!w to be co%pro%se#.
b. !& o$$er o$ co%pro%se by the !cc(se#
c. %!y be rece)e# & e)#e&ce !s !& %p"e# !#%sso& o$ +("t. 52&# p!r.. Sec. 2@. R("e
1E*. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
:::2@. What is meant b! res inter alios acta alteri nocere non debet or res inter alios
acta ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; St!te%e&ts %!#e or %!tters !cco%p"she# betwee& two
p!rtes c!&&ot pre3(#ce ! thr# p!rty. 5B"!&/! ). Arc!&+e". 21 S0RA D6
The r+hts o$ ! p!rty c!&&ot be pre3(#ce# by !& !ct. #ec"!r!to&. or o%sso& o$ !&other.
e'cept !s here&!$ter pro)#e#. 5Sec. 2A. R("e 1E*. RO06
!. Rational for res inter alios acta; Ths e)#e&t!ry r("e +(!r#s !+!&st the pr!ctc!"
&co&)e&e&ce o$ try&+ co""!ter!" ss(es !&# protr!ct&+ the tr!" !&# pre)e&ts s(rprse or other
%sche$ pre3(#c!" to "t+!&ts. 50r(/. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12,@1E. pro%.
G("y 2@. 1--A ct&+ 8r!&csco6
b. -$ceptions to res inter alios acta8
16 Whe& there s ! r!to&!" s%"!rty or rese%b"!&ce betwee& the co&#to&s
+)&+ rse to he $!ct o$$ere# !&# the crc(%st!&ces s(rro(&#&+ the ss(e or $!ct to be
pro)e#. 50r(/. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12,@1E. pro%. G("y 2@. 1--A6
26 I& !cto&s b!se# o& $r!(# !&# #ecet. bec!(se t she#s "+ht o& the st!te o$ %&#
or 2&ow"e#+e o$ ! perso&I t pro)#es &s+ht &to s(ch perso&>s %ot)e or &te&tI t
(&co)ers ! sche%e. #es+& or p"!&I or t re)e!"s ! %st!2e. 50r(/. supra6
E6 The r+hts o$ ! p!rty %!y be pre3(#ce# by the !ct. #ec"!r!to& or o%sso& o$
!&other whe& betwee& the p!rty %!2&+ the !#%sso& !&# !+!&st who% t s o$$ere#
there e'sts ! re"!to& o$;
!6 p!rt&ershpI
b6 !+e&cyI
c6 3o&t &terestI
#6 co&spr!cyI or
e6 pr)ty.
c. Rle on admission by co.partner or agent8
16 The !ct or #ec"!r!to& o$ ! p!rt&er or
26 !+e&t wth& the scope o$ hs !(thorty !&# #(r&+ the e'ste&ce o$ the
p!rt&ershp or !+e&cy.
E6 %!y be +)e& & e)#e&ce !+!&st s(ch p!rty
D6 !$ter the p!rt&ershp or !+e&cy
!6 s show& by e)#e&ce
b6 other th!& s(ch !ct or #ec"!r!to&.
F6 The s!%e r("e !pp"es to the !ct or #ec"!r!to& o$ ! 3o&t ow&er. 3o&t #ebtor. or
other perso& 3o&t"y &tereste# wth the p!rty. 5Sec. 2-. R("e 1E*. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&#
&(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
#. Rle on admission by conspirator8
16 The !ct or #ec"!r!to& o$ ! co&spr!tor
26 re"!t&+ to the co&spr!cy !&# #(r&+ ts e'ste&ce.
E6 %!y be +)e& & e)#e&ce !+!&st the co-co&spr!tor
D6 !$ter the co&spr!cy
!6 s show& by e)#e&ce
b6 other th!& s(ch !ct or #ec"!r!to&. 5Sec. E*. R("e 1E*. RO0
!rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
e. Re*isites #or application o# the admission by conspirator8
16 The co&spr!cy %(st be est!b"she# by &#epe&#e&t e)#e&ce.
26 The st!te%e&t re$ers to the p(rpose or ob3ect o$ the co&spr!cy.
E6 The st!te%e&t %(st be %!#e #(r&+ the e'ste&ce o$ the co&spr!cy. 5Peop"e ).
D!+(&#o&+. L-1*E-A. G(&e E*. 1-,*6
Ths re$ers to e'tr!3(#c!" !cts !&# #ec"!r!to&s o$ ! co&spr!tor !&# &ot to hs test%o&y
!s ! wt&ess & the tr!". 5Peop"e ). Ate&co. L-222F1A. G!&. 1@. 1-,A6
:::2C. What is the probative value of a confession ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; It #epe&#s o& whether the co&$esso& s 3(#c!" or
!. A 3(#c!" co&$esso&. "2e ! p"e! o$ +("ty. s & $!ct e)#e&ce o$ +("t o$ the %ost
tr(stworthy 2&#. s co&c"(s)e (po& the co(rt !&# s s($$ce&t to s(st!& ! 3(#+%e&t o$
co&)cto&. 5Peop"e ). St!. Ros!. AA Ph". DA@6
b. A& e'tr!3(#c!" co&$esso& %!#e by !& !cc(se#. sh!"" &ot be s($$ce&t +ro(&# $or
co&)cto&. (&"ess corrobor!te# by e)#e&ce o$ corpus delicti. 5Sec. E. R("e 1EE. RO06
!. 2on#ession, de#ined. The #ec"!r!to& o$ !& !cc(se# !c2&ow"e#+&+ hs +("t o$ the
o$$e&se ch!r+e#. or o$ !&y o$$e&se &ecess!r"y &c"(#e# there&. 5Sec. EE. R("e 1E*. RO0 6
A co&$esso& %!#e by !& !cc(se# may be given in evidence against him. 5Sec. EE. R("e
1E*. RO0 p!r!phr!s&+ s(pp"e#6
b. 2on#ession is evidence o# high order8
16 There s &o e)#e&ce o$ ! h+her 1(!"ty th!& ! co&$esso&. It represe&ts the
o(tw!r# %!&$est!to& o$ ! %!&. :&"ess. there$ore. the co&$esso& s &(""$e# by e)#e&ce o$
#(ress. the s!%e s !#%ssb"e !s !& e)#e&ce o$ +("t o$ ! h+h 1(!"ty. 5Peop"e ). 9!rc!. FD
Ph". E2-. EFA6
26 I$ ! co&$esso& be tr(e !&# )o"(&t!ry. the #e"ber!te !ct o$ the !cc(se# wth !
$("" co%prehe&so& o$ ts s+&$c!&ce. there s &o %pe#%e&t to ts !#%sso& !s e)#e&ce
!&# t the& beco%es e)#e&ce o$ ! h+h or#er. s&ce t s s(pporte# by the pres(%pto&. ! )ery
stro&+ o&e. th!t &o perso& o$ &or%!" %&# w"" #e"ber!te"y !&# 2&ow&+"y co&$ess h%se"$ to
be the perpetr!tor o$ ! cr%e. espec!""y $ t be ! sero(s cr%e. (&"ess pro%pte# by tr(th !&#
co&sce&ce. 5Peop"e ). Qe!. et !".. 1E* S0RA A@. AA6
c. Probative vale o# recantations ; They !re "oo2e# (po& wth #s$!)or !s rec!&t!to&s
!re (s(!""y sec(re# thro(+h &t%#!to& or $or ! %o&et!ry co&s#er!to&. 5Mo"&! ). Peop"e. 2F-
#. 6eneral rle on admissibility o# con#ession8 A co&$esso& s !#%ssb"e o&"y !+!&st
the !cc(se# who %!#e t !&# &ot !+!&st hs co-!cc(se#. $or !s !+!&st the "!tter. the co&$esso&
wo("# be he!rs!y !&# res inter alios acta. 5Peop"e ). T!""e#o. AF Ph". FEE6
e. -$ceptions8 "hen a con#ession is admissible against co.accsed8
16 Whe& the co&$esso& o$ !& !cc(se# %p"c!t&+ hs co-!cc(se# s %!#e
3(#c!""y !t ! 3o&t tr!" 5:.S. ). M!c!%!y. E, Ph". A-E6 or whe& the e'tr!3(#c!"
st!te%e&ts %p"c!t&+ ! co-!cc(se# !re repe!te# & ope& co(rt 5Peop"e ). O"!. 9.R. No.
L-D@1D@. G("y E. 1-A@6. bec!(se the co-!cc(se# !s ! ch!&ce to cross-e'!%&e.
26 Whe& the o$$er & e)#e&ce o$ !& e'tr!3(#c!" co&$esso& !+!&st ! co-!cc(se#
s &ot ob3ecte# to. 5Peop"e ). Ate&/!. A, Ph". F@,6
E6 Whe& the co-!cc(se# !+!&st who% !& e'tr!3(#c!" co&$esso& s o$$ere# h!#.
by hs !cts. co&#(cts !&# #ec"!r!to&s !#opte# he co&$esso& !s hs ow&. 5Peop"e ).
Ate&/!. supraI Peop"e ). Ore&c!. D@ Ph". -@*6
D6 Where se)er!" !cc(se#. wtho(t co""(so&. %!#e e'tr!3#(c!" co&$esso&s
whch !re #e&tc!" & esse&t!" #et!"s !&# corrobor!te# by other e)#e&ce. s(ch
co&$esso& s !#%ssb"e !+!&st the others. 5Peop"e ). Pe"o&!. L-1D,2D. G("y 2D. 1-,*6
F6 The co&$esso& o$ ! co&spr!tor s !#%ssb"e !+!&st hs co-co&spr!tor
pro)#e# t w!s %!#e #(r&+ the e'ste&ce o$ the co&spr!cy. 5Sec. E*. R("e 1E*. RO0I
Peop"e ). R!%re/. L-FA@F. M!y 1F. 1-FE6
,6 Whe& the rect!"s & the e'tr!3(#c!" co&$esso& o$ !& !cc(se# s corrobor!te#
& ts %port!&t #et!"s by other proo$s & the recor#. t %!y be !#%tte# !+!&st the other
!cc(se#. 5Peop"e ). L""!&(e)!. L-12,A@. G("y E1. 1-,26
$. -$tra9dicial con#essions identical in material respects Galso Eno"n as
interlocEing con#essionsF admissible against all declarants ;
16 &s circmstantial evidence. E'tr!3(#c!" co&$esso&s &#epe&#e&t"y %!#e
wtho(t co""(so& !&# !re #e&tc!" wth e!ch other & ther %!ter!" respects !&#
co&$r%!tory o$ the other !re !#%ssb"e !s crc(%st!&t!" e)#e&ce !+!&st co-!cc(se#
%p"c!te# there& to show the prob!b"ty o$ the "!tter>s !ct(!" p!rtcp!to& & the
co%%sso& o$ the cr%e. 5Peop"e ). E&cp#o. et !".. 1D, S0RA D-26
26 &s corroborative evidence. They !re !#%ssb"e !s corrobor!t)e e)#e&ce
!+!&st the other !cc(se#. $ t s c"e!r $ro% other $!cts !&# crc(%st!&ces prese&te# th!t
perso&s other th!& the #ec"!r!&ts the%se")es p!rtcp!te# & the co%%sso& o$ the cr%e
ch!r+e# !&# pro)e#. 5Ibid.6
They !re wh!t s co%%o&"y 2&ow& !s &ter"oc2&+ co&$esso& !&# co&stt(te !&
e'cepto& to the +e&er!" r("e th!t e'tr!3(#c!" co&$esso&sP!#%sso&s !re !#%ssb"e &
e)#e&ce o&"y !+!&st the #ec"!r!&ts thereo$. 5Ibid.6
The &)oc!to& o$ !%&esty s & the &!t(re o$ ! p"e! o$ co&$esso& !&# !)o#!&ce.
whch %e!&s th!t the p"e!#er !#%ts the !""e+!to&s !+!&st h%. b(t #sc"!%s "!b"ty
there$or o& !cco(&t o$ &ter)e&&+ $!cts whch. $ pro)e#. wo("# br&+ the cr%e ch!r+e#
wth& the scope o$ the !%&esty proc"!%!to&. 5Peop"e ). S!"+. et !".. 1EE S0RA ,-
ct&+ Ler! ). Peop"e. @ S0RA 1FE6
:::2D. What is meant b! corpus delicti ? Give e%amples.
!. It re$ers to ! p!rtc("!r cr%e !&# s+&$es th!t the spec$c o$$e&se h!# bee& !ct(!""y
co%%tte# by so%eo&e. be&+ co%pose# o$ two e"e%e&ts;
16 cert!& res("ts were pro#(ce#. !&#
26 so%eo&e s cr%&!""y respo&sb"e. 5Peop"e ). M!r1(e/. @@ Ph". AE6
b. It !"so %e!&s !ct(!" co%%sso& o$ the cr%e ch!r+e#. 5Peop"e ). M!#r#. AA Ph". 1I
Peop"e ). S!&che/. A- Ph". D2E6. or the spec$c $!ct o$ "oss or &3(ry. 5Peop"e ). 9!rc!. -- Ph".
!. -$amples o# corpus delicti8
!. I& %(r#er or ho%c#e. the corpus delicti s the $!ct o$ #e!th 5Peop"e ). 9!rc!.
-- Ph". EA16. whch %!y be pro)e# e)e& crc(%st!&t!""y. 5Peop"e ). S!sot!. -1 Ph".
111I Peop"e ). Moro A&s!&+. -E Ph". DD6.
b. I& robbery or the$t. the $!ct o$ "oss. 5Peop"e ). Ne%. @F Ph". ,,A6
c. I& !rso&. the $!ct o$ b(r&&+. 5Peop"e ). M!r1(e/. @@ Ph". AEI Peop"e ).
Mo&es. FA Ph". D,6
#. I& !& !$$r!y. the $!ct th!t psto" shots were he!r# !&# ! byst!&#er w!s 2""e# by
o&e o$ the shots co&stt(te e)#e&ce o$ corpus delicti. whch s the )o"e&t #e!th o$ !
perso&. whether $e"o&o(s"y c!(se# or &ot. 5Peop"e ). Noc(%. @@ Ph". 1*1A6
2onviction #or mrder proper even i# victimIs body is not prodced ; I& !""
cr%es !+!&st perso&s & whch the #e!th o$ the )ct% s !& esse&t!" e"e%e&t o$ the
o$$e&se. there %(st be s!ts$!ctory e)#e&ce o$ the $!ct o$ #e!th !&# the #e&tty o$ the
)ct% th!t ! cr%e h!s bee& co%%tte# whch s wh!t corpus delicti re!""y %e!&s.
The $!"(re o$ the prosec(to& to pro#(ce the bo#y o$ the )ct% #oes &ot %p"y
the !bse&ce o$ corpus delicti $or the ter% #oes &ot re$er to the bo#y o$ the %(r#ere#
perso&. 5Peop"e ). 0e&te&o. et !".. 1E* S0RA 2*-6
PR-5I+US 2+/7U2T &S -5I7-/2-
:::;0. Is previous conduct admissible in evidence ? $%plain.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; E)#e&ce th!t o&e ## or ## &ot #o ! cert!& th&+ !t o&e t%e
s &ot !#%ssb"e to pro)e th!t he ## or ## &ot #o the s!%e th&+ or ! s%"!r th&+ !t !&other
t%e. 5Sec. ED. R("e1E*. RO06
!. Rationale behind the prohibition; E)#e&ce o$ s%"!r !cts or occ(rre&ces co%pe"s
the #e$e&#!&t to %eet !""e+!to&s th!t !re &ot %e&to&e# & the co%p"!&t. co&$(ses h% & hs
#e$e&se. r!ses ! )!rety o$ rre"e)!&t ss(es. !&# #)erts the !tte&to& o$ the co(rt $ro% the ss(es
%%e#!te"y be$ore t. 50r(/. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. 9.R. No. 12,@1E. pro%. G("y 2@. 1--A
ct&+ Sec. ED. R("e 1E* o$ the R("es o$ 0o(rt6
b. -$ception or "hen previos condct admissible in evidence ;
16 E)#e&ce th!t o&e ## or ## &ot #o
26 ! cert!& th&+ !t o&e t%e
E6 %!y be rece)e# & e)#e&ce to pro)e
!6 ! spec$c &te&t or 2&ow"e#+e.
b6 #e&tty. p"!&. syste%. sche%e.
c6 h!bt. c(sto% or (s!+e. !&# the "2e. 5Sec. ED. R("e 1E*. RO0
rephr!s&+. !rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
)-&RS&1 RU0-
:::;1. $%plain the meanin( of the hearsa! rule.
!. A wt&ess c!& test$y
b. o&"y to those $!cts
c. whch he 2&ows o$ hs perso&!" 2&ow"e#+eI
#. th!t s whch !re #er)e# $ro% hs ow& percepto&.
e. e'cept !s otherwse pro)#e# & these r("es 5Sec. E,. R("e 1E*. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&#
&(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6 o$ 0o(rt.
0o&se1(e&t"y. $!cts whch !re &ot #er)e# $ro% the percepto& o$ the wt&ess s he!rs!y.
!&# &ot !#%ssb"e.
The r("e s &ot "%te# to or!" test%o&y. t !"so &c"(#es wrt&+s. 52* A%. G(r. D**6
!. -$amples o# hearsay evidence8
16 The test%o&y o$ ! wt&ess !s to wh!t he h!s he!r# !&other perso& s!y !bo(t
the $!cts & #sp(te. 5Peop"e ). Reyes. @, Ph". EFDI A"#eco! 7 0o.. ). WAr&er B!r&es 7
0o.. E* Ph". 1FE6 NOTE; See co&cept o$ &#epe&#e&t re"e)!&t st!te%e&t.
26 A$$#!)ts. 5M!rs$os1(e ). L(&!. L--*-F. M!y 2F. 1-F@I Peop"e ).
P!+2!"w!+!&. @, Ph". DF@6
E6 A "etter o$$ere# & e)#e&ce to est!b"sh the $!cts & ss(e. 5P!stor ). 9!sp!r. 2
Ph". F-2I Peop"e ). 0!r"os. D@ Ph". ,2,6
D6 A %e#c!" cert$c!te to the e'te&t o$ the &3(res $o(&# by the #octor o& the
o$$e&#e# p!rty>s bo#y. 5De 9(! ). Mer!"co. D* Ph". @*,6
F6 A reso"(to& o$ the %(&cp!" co(&c" o$ ! cert!& %(&cp!"ty !s to the
ch!r!cter o$ !& !cc(se# & ! cr%&!" c!se. 5:.S. ). T!&3(!tco. 1 Ph". E@D6
b. Theory o# the hearsay rle; Whe& ! h(%!& (tter!&ce s o$$ere# !s e)#e&ce o$ the
tr(th o$ the $!ct !sserte# & t. the cre#t o$ the !ssertor beco%es the b!ss o$ &$ere&ce. !&#
there$ore the !sserto& c!& be rece)e# !s e)#e&ce o&"y whe& %!#e o& the wt&ess st!&#. s(b3ect
to the test o$ cross-e'!%&!to&.
c. Rationale behind the non.admissibioity o# hearsay evidence;
16 A wt&ess c!& test$y o&"y to those $!cts whch he 2&ows o$ hs ow&
2&ow"e#+eI !&#
26 To preser)e the r+ht o$ p!rtes to cross-e'!%&e the or+&!" wt&ess or perso&
c"!%&+ to h!)e 2&ow"e#+e o$ the tr!&s!cto& or occ(rre&ce. 5Peop"e ). P!+2!"w!+!&.
@, Ph". DF@6
The r+ht to cross-e'!%&e he !#)erse p!rty>s wt&esses s esse&t!" & the
!#%&str!to& o$ 3(stce $or t s the o&"y %e!&s o$ test&+ the cre#b"ty o$ wt&esses !&#
ther test%o&y. !&# ths r+ht s &ot !)!"!b"e & respect o$ he!rs!y e)#e&ce s&ce he
#ec"!r!&t s &ot & co(rt. 5Do&&e""y ). :.S.. 22A :.S. 2DE6
#. 6eneral rle8 &##idavits "ithot presenting a#iant in cort is mere hearsay; The
co&stt(to&!" r+ht to co&$ro&t!to& prec"(#es re"!&ce o& !$$#!)ts. S(ch ! co&stt(to&!"
s!$e+(!r# c!&&ot be s!ts$e# (&"ess the opport(&ty s +)e& to the !cc(se# to test the cre#b"ty
o$ !&y perso&. who. by !$$#!)t or #eposto& wo("# %p(te the co%%sso& o$ !& o$$e&se to
h%. It wo("# be to #sre+!r# o&e o$ the %ost )!"(!b"e +(!r!&tees o$ ! perso& !cc(se# $ so"e"y
o& the !$$#!)ts prese&te#. hs +("t co("# be pre#c!te#. 5Peop"e ). S!&tos. et !".. 1E- S0RA
FA,-FA@ ct&+ Peop"e ). L!)!re/. 2E S0RA 1E*16
e. -$ceptions8 "hen a##idavits are given "eight8
16 Where s!# !$$#!)ts !re o)erwhe"%&+. (&co&tro)erte# by co%pete&t
e)#e&ce !&# &ot &here&t"y %prob!b"e. 5Top-We"# M!&($!ct(r&+. I&c. ). E0ED. S.A..
et !".. 1EA S0RA 1E26
26 :&#er the R("e o& S(%%!ry Proce#(re $or c)" c!sesI
E6 Whe& ! %oto& s b!se# o& $!cts &ot !ppe!r&+ o$ recor# the co(rt %!y he!r
the %!tter o& !$$#!)ts or #eposto&s prese&te# by the respect)e p!rtes. b(t the co(rt
%!y #rect h!t the %!tter be he!r# who""y or p!rt"y o& or!" test%o&y or #eposto&s.
5Sec. @. R("e 1EE. RO06
-B2-PTI+/S T+ T)- )-&RS&1 RU0-
;2. What are the e%ceptions to the hearsa! rule ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; There !re cert!& &st!&ces. where by re!so&s o$ co&)e&e&ce
!&# p(b"c po"cy. %!tters (s(!""y co&s#ere# !s he!rs!y !re !#%ssb"e & e)#e&ce. A%o&+
s(ch e'cepto&!" &st!&ces !re;
!. Dy&+ #ec"!r!to& 5Sec. E@. R("e 1E*. RO06I
b. Dec"!r!to& !+!&st &terest 5Sec. EA. Ibid.6
c. Act or #ec"!r!to& !bo(t pe#+ree 5Sec. E-. Ibid.6I
#. 8!%"y rep(t!to& or tr!#to& re+!r#&+ pe#+ree 5Sec. D*. Ibid.6
e. 0o%%o& rep(t!to& 5Sec. D1. Ibid.6I
$. P!rt o$ the res gestae 5Sec. D2. Ibid.6I
+. E&tres & the co(rse o$ b(s&ess 5Sec. DE. Ibid.6I
h. E&tres & o$$c!" recor#s 5Sec. DD. Ibid.6I
. 0o%%erc!" "sts !&# the "2e 5Sec. DF. Ibid.6I
3. Le!r&e# tre!tses 5Sec. D,. Ibid.6I
2. Test%o&y or #eposto& !t ! $or%er procee#&+ 5Sec. D@. Ibid.6
:::;;. $%plain and illustrate the concept of an independent relevant statement.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; It s ! st!te%e&t &te&#e# &ot to est!b"sh the tr(th o$ the $!cts
!sserte# & th!t st!te%e&t. b(t to est!b"sh o&"y the te&or o$ the st!te%e&t. &ot the tr(th o$ the
$!cts there& !sserte#.
I""(str!to&; I& ! "be" c!se. $ the prosec(to& wt&ess test$es th!t he he!r# the !cc(se#
s!y th!t the co%p"!&!&t w!s ! r!pst. ths test%o&y s !#%ssb"e &ot to pro)e th!t the
co%p"!&!&t w!s re!""y ! r!pst. b(t %ere"y to show wh!t the !cc(se# (ttere#.
I&#epe&#e&t re"e)!&t st!te%e&ts !re he!rs!y & ch!r!cter b(t &ot "e+!" he!rs!y. he&ce they
!re &ot co&s#ere# !s e'cepto&s to the he!rs!y r("e.
:::;<. $%plain the concept of d!in( declaration as an e%ception to the hearsa! rule.
!. The #ec"!r!to& o$ ! #y&+ perso&.
b. %!#e (&#er co&sco(s&ess o$ !& %pe&#&+ #e!th.
c. %!y be rece)e# & !&y c!se where& hs #e!th s the s(b3ect o$ &1(ry.
#. !s e)#e&ce o$ the c!(se !&# s(rro(&#&+ crc(%st!&ces o$ s(ch #e!th. 5Sec. E@. R("e
1E*. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
!. Rationale behind admitting dying declaration or "hy dying declaration is an
e$ception to the hearsay rle;
16 Necessty. bec!(se the #ec"!r!&t>s #e!th %!2es t %possb"e to obt!&
test%o&y & co(rt !&#. (s(!""y. & cr%es !+!&st perso&s. the )ct%>s test%o&y s the
best e)#e&ce o$ the cr%e. 5:.S. ). Lrrey. E@ Ph". ,1A6
26 Tr(stworth&ess. bec!(se t s %!#e !t the po&t o$ #e!th. ! st(!to& so so"e%&
!&# !w$(" !s cre!t&+ !& ob"+!to& e1(!" to th!t cre!te# by ! post)e o!th !#%&stere#
& ! co(rt o$ 3(stce. 5:.S. ). 9". 1E Ph". FE*6
b. Re*isites o# ante'mortem statement8
!. It %(st co&cer& !&y c!se &)o")e# & !&# the crc(%st!&ces s(rro(&#&+ the
#ec"!r!&t>s #e!thI
b. At the t%e o$ the #ec"!r!to&. the #ec"!r!&t %(st be co&sco(s o$ %pe&#&+
c. The #ec"!r!&t %(st be co%pete&t !s ! wt&essI
#. The #ec"!r!to& %(st be o$$ere# & !&y c!se where& the #e!th o$ the #ec"!r!&t
s the s(b3ect o$ &1(ryI !&#
e. The #ec"!r!&t !ct(!""y #e#. otherwse. the #ec"!r!to& %!y be !#%tte# !s p!rt
o$ the res gestae !&# &ot !s ! #y&+ #ec"!r!to&
c. 5ictim need not state that he has lost all hope o# recovery. It s s($$ce&t th!t
crc(%st!&ces !re s(ch !s to &e)t!b"y "e!# to the co&c"(so& th!t !t the t%e the #ec"!r!to& w!s
%!#e. the #ec"!r!&t wo("# &ot e'pect to s(r))e the &3(ry $ro% whch he !ct(!""y #e#.
The #e+ree !&# sero(s&ess o$ the wo(&#s !&# the $!ct th!t #e!th s(per)e&e# there!$ter
co&stt(te s(bst!&t!" e)#e&ce o$ the )ct%>s co&sco(s&ess o$ hs %pe&#&+ #e!th. 5Peop"e ).
T!&!%!&. et !".. 9.R. No. @1@,A. G("y 2A. 1-A@6
#. 7ying declaration has "eight even i# declarant did not die immediately a#ter his
declaration8 The $!ct th!t the #ec"!r!&t #e# $o(r 5D6 ho(rs !$ter hs st!te%e&t #oes &ot #%&sh
the prob!t)e )!"(e o$ the #y&+ #ec"!r!to& s&ce t s &ot &#spe&s!b"e th!t the ! #ec"!r!&t
e'pres %%e#!te"y there!$ter.
It s the be"e$ o$ %pe&#&+ #e!th !&# &ot the r!p# s(ccesso& o$ #e!th th!t re&#ers the
#y&+ #ec"!r!to& !#%ssb"e. 5Peop"e ). B!(tst!. 9.R. No. 1111D-. pro%. Septe%ber F. 1--@6
Mere +est(re o$ #y&+ )ct% &co&c"(s)e; The +est(re o$ ! #y&+ wo%!& & po&t&+ to
! #recto&. whe& !s2e# $or the #e&tty o$ her !ss!"!&t. s too )!+(e to be +)e& s(ch prob!t)e
)!"(e & #eter%&&+ the c("p!b"ty o$ the !cc(se#.
REASON; :&"2e !& or!" or ! wrtte& #ec"!r!to&. ! s%p"e +est(re o$ the h!&#
(&!cco%p!&e# by wor#s. s ope& to )!ro(s &terpret!to&s by the wt&ess who test$es To ts
e'ste&ce. Th(s. the e)#e&ce co%es to the co(rt co(che# & the wt&ess> seco&# h!&# percepto&
!&# possb"y. %b(e# wth hs perso&!" %e!&&+s !&# b!ses. Ths s wh!t %!2es he!rs!y
e)#e&ce ob3ecto&!b"e. The seco&# h!&# e)#e&ce s p"!ce# be$ore the co(rt wtho(t the be&e$t
o$ cross-e'!%&!to& by the p!rty !+!&st who% t s bro(+ht. &or o$ !&y other %e!&s o$
!ssess&+ the co%pete&ce !&# cre#b"ty o$ the so(rce. 5Peop"e ). O"!. 9.R. No. L-D@1D@. G("y
E. 1-A@6
;=. What are the re&uisites for admissibilit! of declaration a(ainst interest ?
Distin(uish declaraltion a(ainst interest from admission.
!. The #ec"!r!to& s %!#e by
16 ! perso& #ece!se#. or
26 (&!b"e to test$y.
b. !+!&st the &terest o$ the #ec"!r!&t.
c. $ the $!ct !sserte# & the #ec"!r!to&
16 w!s !t the t%e t w!s %!#e
26 so $!r co&tr!ry to #ec"!r!&t>s ow& &terest.
E6 th!t ! re!so&!b"e %!& & hs posto&
!6 wo("# &ot h!)e %!#e the #ec"!r!to&
b6 (&"ess he be"e)e# t to be tr(e. 5Sec. EA. R("e 1E*. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t
!&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
!. 7eclaration against interest distingished #rom admission;
16 A& !#%sso& s &ot &ecess!r"y !+!&st the &terest o$ the !#%tter W=ILE the
#ec"!r!to& %(st be !+!&st the #ec"!r!&t>s ow& &terestI
26 A& !#%sso& %!y be rece)e# e)e& $ the !#%tter s !")e W=ILE the
#ec"!r!&t %(st be #e!# or s (&!b"e to test$yI
E6 A& !#%sso& %!y be rece)e# & e)#e&ce o&"y !+!&st the !#%tter !&# those
#e&t$e# wth h% & "e+!" &terest W=ILE the #ec"!r!to& %!y be rece)e# e)e& !+!&st
thr# perso&s. 5S%th ). Moore. 1D2 N.0. 2@@6
b. ,hen declaration against interest received in evidence8
16 A+!&st the #ec"!r!&tI
26 A+!&st hs s(ccessors & &terestI !&#
E6 A+!&st thr# perso&s. 5Sec. EA. R("e 1E*. RO0. !rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+
:::;>. $%plain the concept of res (estae.
S:99ESTED ANSWER; A %!tter &c#e&t!" to the %!& $!ct !&# e'p"!&!tory o$ t.
&c"(#&+ !cts !&# wor#s whch !re so c"ose"y co&&ecte# therewth !s to co&stt(te ! p!rt o$ the
tr!&s!cto&. !&# wtho(t ! 2&ow"e#+e o$ whch the %!& $!ct %+ht &ot be proper"y (&#erstoo#.
2* A%. G(r. FFE6
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; Wh!t s !#%ssb"e !s p!rt o$ res gestae s &ot the #et!"s o$
!& occ(rre&ce. b(t the h(%!& !sserto&s or st!te%e&ts !bo(t those #et!"s. 52* A%. G(r. FFE-
Rationale behind admissibility o# res (estae or "hy res (estae is an e$ception to the
hearsay rle;
16 Necessty bec!(se s(ch &!t(r!" !&# spo&t!&eo(s (tter!&ces !re %ore
co&)&c&+ th!& the test%o&y o$ the s!%e perso& o& the st!&#. 5Mob"e ). Ascr!$t. DA
A"!. E16
26 Tr(stworth&ess bec!(se these st!te%e&ts !re %!#e &st&ct)e"y. 5Wes"ey ).
S!te. FE A"!. 1A26
:::;@. What are the re&uisites for spontaneous e%clamations as part of the res (estae ?
!. The res gestae s !& e1()oc!" !ct.
b. The e1()oc!" !ct %(st be %!ter!" to the ss(e.
c. The st!te%e&t or 1(esto& %(st be &ecess!ry $or the (&#erst!&#&+ o$ the
e1()oc!" !ct.
#. The st!te%e&t %(st !cco%p!&y the e1()oc!" !ct. 5Tr!cy>s =!&#boo2. ,2 E#..
p. 2226
:::;C. Give e%amples of spontaneous e%clamations as part of the res (estae.
!. A co&)ers!to& betwee& two !cc(se# %%e#!te"y !$ter the co%%sso& o$ the cr%e
o)erhe!r# by prosec(to& wt&esses. 5Peop"e ). Reyes. A2 Ph". F,E6
b. A st!te%e&t %!#e by ! wo(&#e# perso& short"y !$ter ! )o"e&t occ(rre&ce he!r# by
c. The st!te%e&t %!#e by ! shoot&+ )ct% to perso&s who !&swere# hs cres $or he"p
th!t the !cc(se# shot h%.

;D. What is the nature of e%pert opinions ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; E'pert op&o&s !re &ot or#&!r"y co&c"(s)e & the se&se th!t
they %(st be !ccepte# !s tr(e o& the s(b3ect o$ ther test%o&y. b(t !re +e&er!""y re+!r#e# !s
p(re"y !#)soryI the co(rts %!y p"!ce wh!te)er we+ht they choose (po& s(ch test%o&y !&#
%!y re3ect t. $ they $&# th!t t s &co&sste&t wth the $!cts & the c!se or otherwse
(&re!so&!b"e. 55P(&/!"!& ). 0o%%sso& o& E"ecto&s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12,,,-I Me&eses ).
0o%%sso& o& E"ecto&s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12@-**I P(&/!"!& ). 0o%%sso& o& E"ecto&s et !"..
9.R. No. 12AA*I !&# P(&/!"!& ). 0o%%sso& o& E"ecto&s. 9.R. No. 1E2DEF pro%. Apr" 2@.
1--A ct&+ 8r!&csco o& E)#e&ce. Lo". LII. P!rt 1. p. ,,26
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; Test%o&y o$ h!&#wrt&+ e'pert &ot &#spe&s!b"e to
0OMELE0. =!&#wrt&+ e'perts. wh"e prob!b"y (se$(". !re &ot &#spe&s!b"e & e'!%&&+ or
co%p!r&+ h!&#wrt&+I ths c!& be #o&e by the 0OMELE0 tse"$. It w!s r("e# by the S(pre%e
0o(rt th!t e)#e&ce aliunde s &ot !""owe# to pro)e th!t ! b!""ot s %!r2e#. !& &specto& o$ the
b!""ot tse"$ be&+ s($$ce&t. 55P(&/!"!& ). 0o%%sso& o& E"ecto&s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12,,,-I
Me&eses ). 0o%%sso& o& E"ecto&s. et !".. 9.R. No. 12@-**I P(&/!"!& ). 0o%%sso& o&
E"ecto&s et !".. 9.R. No. 12AA*I !&# P(&/!"!& ). 0o%%sso& o& E"ecto&s. 9.R. No. 1E2DEF
pro%. Apr" 2@. 1--A ct&+ Bocobo ). 0OMELE0. 1-1 S0RA F@, & t(r& ct&+ Pe&so& ).
P!r(&+!o. F2 Ph". @1A6
2)&R&2T-R -5I7-/2-
<0. What are the re&uisites for adverse presumption from suppression of evidence ?
!. The s(ppresso& s w"$(". 5Sec. E-e. R("e 1E1. RO06 co&t&(e
b. The s(ppresso& s &ot & the e'ercse o$ ! pr)"e+e.
c. The e)#e&ce s(ppresse# s &ot %ere"y corrobor!t)e.
#. The e)#e&ce s !t the #spos!" o&"y o$ the s(ppress&+ p!rty.
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; I&st!&ces where !#)erse pres(%pto& $ro% s(ppresso& o$
e)#e&ce #oes &ot !pp"y;
!. I$ the e)#e&ce s !t the #spos!" o$ both p!rtes. 5Peop"e ). D(c!y. 22F S0RA 16
b. The s(ppresso& w!s &ot w""$(".
c. The s(ppresse# e)#e&ce s %ere"y corrobor!t)e or c(%("!t)e.
#. The s(ppresso& s !& e'ercse o$ ! pr)"e+e. 5Peop"e ). N!)!3!. 22* S0RA ,2D6
<1. What is burden of proof ?
!. B(r#e& o$ proo$ s
b. the #(ty o$ ! p!rty
c. to prese&t e)#e&ce
#. o& the $!cts & ss(e
e. &ecess!ry to est!b"sh hs c"!% or #e$e&se
$. by the !%o(&t o$ e)#e&ce
+. re1(re# by "!w. 5Sec. 1. R("e 1E1. RO0. !rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#.
!. RisE o# non.persasion s !&other ter% $or b(r#e& o$ proo$.
The b(r#e& o$ proo$ "es (po& the p!rty who wo("# be #e$e!te# $ &o e)#e&ce were +)e&
o& ether s#e.
b. 'rden o# evidence the #(ty rest&+ (po& ! p!rty. by %e!&s o$ e)#e&ce. to cre!te or
%eet ! prima facie c!se. 5Mc0"os2ey ). Kop"!r. -2 .A.L.R. ,D16
E!ch p!rty %(st pro)e hs !$$r%!t)e !""e+!to&. S&ce the b(r#e& o$ e)#e&ce "es wth
the p!rty who !sserts !& !$$r%!t)e !""e+!to&. the p"!&t$$ or co%p"!&!&t h!s to pro)e hs
!$$r%!t)e !""e+!to&s & the co%p"!&t !&# the #e$e&#!&t or respo&#e&t h!s to pro)e the
!$$r%!t)e !""e+!to&s & hs !$$r%!t)e #e$e&ses !&# co(&terc"!%s. 5G%e&e/. et !". ). NLR0. et
!".. 9.R. No.. 11,-,*. pro%. Apr" 2. 1--,6
c. 7ty o# going #or"ard "ith the evidence or brden o# going #or"ard s !&other
ter% $or b(r#e& o$ e)#e&ce. 5De%e("es ). Sewe" Te! 0o.. 1*E M&&. 1F*6
I""(str!to& o$ +o&+ $orw!r# wth the e)#e&ce; 8or e'!%p"e !$ter the e'ste&ce o$ ! #ebt
h!s bee& pro)e& by the cre#tor the b(r#e& o$ pro)&+ p!y%e&t #e)o")es (po& the #ebtor. Where
the #ebtor &tro#(ces e)#e&ce o$ p!y%e&t. the b(r#e& o$ +o&+ $orw!r# wth the e)#e&ce - !s
#st&ct $ro% the +e&er!" b(r#e& o$ proo$- sh$ts to the cre#tor who s the& (&#er the #(ty o$
pro#(c&+ e)#e&ce to show &o&-p!y%e&t. 5G%e&e/. et !". ). NLR0. et !".. 9.R. No.. 11,-,*.
pro%. Apr" 2. 1--,6
I& short. the b(r#e& o$ +o&+ $orw!r# s the b(r#e& o$ pro#(c&+ e)#e&ce.
<2. What is the doctrine of e&uipose ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; Where the e)#e&ce o& !& ss(e o$ $!ct s & e1(pose or there
s #o(bt o& whch s#e the e)#e&ce prepo&#er!tes. the p!rty h!)&+ the b(r#e& o$ proo$ $!"s
(po& th!t ss(e. 5R)er! ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 11F,2F. pro%. G!&(!ry 2E. 1--A
ct&+ 8r!&csco. E)#e&ce. p. FFF. seco&# e#to&6
There$ore. !s &ether p!rty w!s !b"e to %!2e o(t ! c!se. &ether s#e co("# est!b"sh ts
c!(se o$ !cto& !&# pre)!" wth the e)#e&ce t h!#. They !re th(s &o better o$$ th!& be$ore they
procee#e# to "t+!te. !&#. !s ! co&se1(e&ce thereo$. the co(rts c!& o&"y "e!)e the% !s they !re.
5R)er!. supra ct&+ M(&cp!"ty o$ 0!&#3!y. Boho" ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. 2F1 S0RA FE*6
!. 'rden o# proo# distingished #rom brden o# evidence; B(r#e& o$ proo$ #oes &ot
sh$t #(r&+ the co(rse o$ the tr!"I t re%!&s wth the p!rty (po& who% the "!w c!st t !t the
be+&&&+ o$ the tr!". 5So(ther& R. 0o. ). Prescott. 2D* :.S. ,E26
O& the other h!&#. b(r#e& o$ e)#e&ce sh$ts or p!sses $ro% s#e to s#e !s the tr!"
pro+resses !&# e)#e&ce s &tro#(ce#. 5Ibid.6
b. The plainti## has the brden o# proo# in civil cases8
16 I& c)" c!ses. the b(r#e& o$ proo$ s o& the p!rty who wo("# be #e$e!te# $ &o
e)#e&ce s +)e& o& ether s#e. The p!rty who !""e+es ! $!ct h!s the b(r#e& o$ pro)&+
t. 5P!c$c B!&2&+ 0orpor!to& E%p"oyees Or+!&/!to&. et !".. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et
!".. 9.R. No. 1*-E@E !&# The Pres#e&t o$ the Ph"pp&e Depost I&s(r!&ce 0orpor!to&.
etc.. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 112--1. pro%. M!rch 2@. 1--A ct&+ Tr!&s-
P!c$c S(pp"es. I&c. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. 2EF S0RA D-D6
26 I& c)" c!ses. the b(r#e& o$ proo$ rests (po& the p!rty who. !s #eter%&e# by
the p"e!#&+s or the &!t(re o$ the c!se !sserts !$$r%!t)e !""e+!to&s o$ !& ss(e.
5Ro#r1(e/ ). L!"e&c!. A1 Ph". @A@6
REASON; =e who !sserts !&# &ot he who #e&es. %(st pro)e. 5L!+!sc! ). De Ler!. @-
Ph". E@,6
The p!rty who !sserts the !$$r%!t)e wo("# "ose !s to ! p!rtc("!r ss(e or the e&tre c!se.
$ &o e)#e&ce were +)e& o& ether s#e. 5Ibid. ct&+ Sec. 1. R("e 1E1. RO06
c. Prosection has brden o# proo# in criminal cases ; I& cr%&!" c!ses the b(r#e& o$
proo$ !s to the o$$e&se ch!r+e# "es o& the prosec(to&. A &e+!t)e $!ct !""e+e# by the
prosec(to& &ee# &ot be pro)e# (&"ess t s !& esse&t!" &+re#e&t o$ the o$$e&se ch!r+e#.
REASON; The !cc(se# h!s & hs $!)or the pres(%pto& o$ &&oce&ce.
#. 'rden o# proo# in in#ringement cases ; The b(r#e& o$ proo$ to s(bst!&t!te ! ch!r+e
o$ &$r&+e%e&t s wth the p"!&t$$. B(t where he p"!&t$$ &tro#(ces the p!te&t & e)#e&ce.
!&# the s!%e s & #(e $or%. there s cre!te# ! prima facie pres(%pto& o$ ts correct&ess !&#
)!"#ty. The #ecso& o$ the 0o%%sso&er o$ P!te&t 5&ow the Drector o$ the I&te""ect(!"
Property O$$ce6. & +r!&t&+ the p!te&t s pres(%e# to be correct.
The b(r#e& o$ +o&+ $orw!r# wth the e)#e&ce 5b(r#e& o$ e)#e&ce6 the& sh$ts to the
#e$e&#!&t to o)erco%e by co%pete&t e)#e&ce ths "e+!" pres(%pto&. 5M!+(!& ). 0o(rt o$
Appe!"s. et !".. 1D, S0RA 11,. 11@6
+R7-R +4 PR-S-/T&TI+/ +4 -5I7-/2-
<;. "tate the order of presentation of evidence if trial is to be heard in order to
adduce evidence.
!. The p"!&t$$ sh!"" !##(ce e)#e&ce & s(pport o$ hs co%p"!&tI
b. The #e$e&#!&t sh!"" the& !##(ce e)#e&ce. & s(pport o$ hs #e$e&se. co(&terc"!%.
cross-c"!% !&# thr#-p!rty co%p"!&tI
c. The thr#-p!rty #e$e&#!&t. $ !&y. sh!"" !##(ce e)#e&ce o$ hs #e$e&se. co(&terc"!%.
cross-c"!% !&# $o(rth-p!rty co%p"!&tI
#. The $o(rth-p!rty. !&# so $orth. $ !&y. sh!"" !##(ce e)#e&ce o$ the %!ter!" $!cts
p"e!#e# by the%I
e. The p!rtes !+!&st who% !&y co(&terc"!% or cross-c"!% h!s bee& p"e!#e#. sh!""
!##(ce e)#e&ce & s(pport o$ ther #e$e&se. & the or#er to be prescrbe# by the co(rtI
$. The p!rtes %!y the& respect)e"y !##(ce reb(tt&+ e)#e&ce o&"y. (&"ess the co(rt. $or
+oo# re!so&s !&# & the $(rther!&ce o$ 3(stce. per%ts the% to !##(ce e)#e&ce (po& ther
or+&!" c!seI !&#
+. :po& !#%sso& o$ the e)#e&ce. the c!se sh!"" be #ee%e# s(b%tte# $or #ecso&.
(&"ess the co(rt #rects the p!rtes to !r+(e or to s(b%t ther respect)e %e%or!&#!. or !&y
$(rther p"e!#&+s.
I$ se)er!" #e$e&#!&ts or thr#-p!rty #e$e&#!&ts. !&# so $orth. h!)&+ sep!r!te #e$e&ses
!ppe!r by #$$ere&t co(&se". the co(rt sh!"" #eter%&e he re"!t)e or#er o$ prese&t!to& o$ ther
e)#e&ce. 5Sec. F. R("e E*. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t !&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
!. Scope o# 9dgeIs participation at trial ; A 3(#+e who pres#es !t ! tr!" s &ot ! %ere
re$eree. =e %(st !ct)e"y p!rtcp!te there& by #rect&+ co(&se" to the $!cts & #sp(te. by
!s2&+ c"!r$y&+ 1(esto&s. !&# by show&+ !& &terest & ! $!st ! $!r tr!". 50"!r& ). H!tco. F,
O.9. @*D2. No). 1D. 1-,*6
=e c!& &terro+!te wt&esses to e"ct the tr(th. to obt!& c"!r$c!to&. or to test ther
cre#b"ty. 5Peop"e ) More&o. AE Ph". 2A,6
=owe)er. ths power %(st be e'ercse# by the co(rt sp!r&+"y !&# 3(#co(s"y. 5Peop"e ).
8errer. DD O.9. 1126. O$ co(rse. the 3(#+e c!&&ot c(rt!" co(&se">s r+ht to &terro+!te wt&esses.
5Peop"e ). Be#!. AE Ph". -*-6
b. Po"er o# cort to stop #rther evidence ;
16 The co(rt %!y stop
26 the &tro#(cto& o$ $(rther test%o&y
E6 (po& !&y p!rtc("!r po&t
D6 whe& the e)#e&ce (po& t s !"re!#y so $(""
F6 th!t %ore wt&esses to the s!%e po&t
,6 c!&&ot be re!so&!b"y e'pecte#
@6 to be !##to&!""y pers(!s)e.
B(t ths power sho("# be e'ercse# wth c!(to&. 5Sec. ,. R("e 1EE. RO0 !rr!&+e%e&t
!&# &(%ber&+ s(pp"e#6
Whe& the e)#e&ce !"re!#y prese&te# o& o&e po&t s s($$ce&t !&# the p!rty %ere"y
see2s to prese&t c(%("!t)e e)#e&ce whch c!&&ot pro#(ce !##to&!" pers(!s)e e$$ect or th!t
he s &ot s(re o$ wh!t the other wt&esses wo("# test$y. the co(rt %!y & ts so(&# #screto& stop
the &tro#(cto& o$ s(ch $(rther e)#e&ce. 5Peop"e ). Reyes. et !".. 1EE S0RA F16
c. Role o# attorney dring presentation o# evidence; A& !ttor&ey h!s ! #(!" ro"e to
per$or% re"!t)e to pro)&+ the tr(th respect&+ ! %!tter o$ $!ct.
=e %(st e&s(re th!t !"" e)#e&ce s(pport&+ the %!ter!" !""e+!to&s. whether r!se# &
the p"e!#&+s or &ot !re !#%tte# by the co(rt. =s other ro"e s to b"oc2 the !#%sso& o$
e)#e&ce s(pport&+ hs oppo&e&ts> %!ter!" !""e+!to&s whether r!se# & the p"e!#&+s or &ot.
I& or#er to per$or% ths #(!" ro"e the !ttor&ey sho("# e&s(re th!t the e)#e&ce he o$$ers
!re !#%ssb"e & !ccor#!&ce wth the R("es o$ 0o(rt !&# those o$ hs oppo&e&t !re proper"y
ob3ecte# to $or be&+ &!#%ssb"e
<<. What is the rationale for re&uirement of offer of evidence ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The o$$er s &ecess!ry bec!(se t s the #(ty o$ ! 3(#+e to rest
hs $&#&+s o$ $!cts !&# hs 3(#+%e&t o&"y !&# strct"y (po& the e)#e&ce o$$ere# by the p!rtes
to the s(t. 5Mr. 0he$ G(stce Mor!& cte# & Peop"e ). 8r!&co. 9.R. No. 11A,*@. pro%. M!rch
D. 1--@6
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; E)#e&ce &ot $or%!""y o$$ere# &ot co&s#ere# o& !ppe!".
E)#e&ce s &ot $or%!""y o$$ere# be$ore the tr!" co(rt c!&&ot be co&s#ere# o& !ppe!". To
co&s#er the% !t ths st!+e w"" #e&y the other p!rtes ther r+ht to reb(t the%. 5Ser)cew#e
Spec!"sts. I&c. ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 11@@2A. pro%. G(&e 2,. 1--,6
PPP<=. What is meant b! present recollection revived ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; A wt&ess %!y be !""owe# to re$resh hs %e%ory respect&+ !
%!tter o$ !t by re$err&+ to !&yth&+;
!. Wrtte& or recor#e# by h%se"$ or (&#er hs #recto&I
b. At the t%e whe& the $!ct occ(rre#. or %%e#!te"y there!$ter. or !t !&y other t%e
whe& the $!ct w!s $resh & hs %e%oryI
c. =e 2&ew th!t the s!%e w!s correct"y wrtte& or recor#e#.
B(t & s(ch c!se the wrt&+ %(st be pro#(ce# !&# %!y be &specte# by the !#)erse p!rty
who %!y. $ he chooses. cross-e'!%&e the wt&ess (po& t. !&# %!y re!# t & e)#e&ce. 5Sec.
1,. R("e 1E2. RO06
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; The co&cept o$ p!st reco""ecto& recor#e#. A wt&ess %!y
test$y $ro% s(ch wrt&+ or recor# tho(+h he ret!&s &o reco""ecto& o$ the p!rtc("!r $!cts. $ he
s !b"e to swe!r th!t the wrt&+ or recor# correct"y st!te# the tr!&s!cto& whe& %!#e. b(t s(ch
e)#e&ce %(st be rece)e# wth c!(to&. 5Sec. 1,. R("e 1E2. RO06
<>. What is the effect of inadmissible evidence that has not been properl! objected to ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; It s ! we""-sett"e# #octr&e th!t where the propo&e&t o$$ers
e)#e&ce #ee%e# by co(&se" o$ the !#)erse p!rty to be &!#%ssb"e $or !&y re!so&. the "!tter h!s
the r+ht to ob3ect.
A protest or ob3ecto& !+!&st the !#%sso& o$ !&y e)#e&ce %(st be %!#e !t the proper
t%e. !&# th!t $ &ot so %!#e t w"" be (&#erstoo# to h!)e bee& w!)e#. The proper t%e to %!2e
! protest or ob3ecto& s whe&. $ro% the 1(esto& !##resse# to the wt&ess. or $ro% the !&swer
thereto. or $ro% the prese&t!to& o$ proo$. the &!#%ssb"ty o$ e)#e&ce s. or %!y be &$erre#.
5Brtsh Arw!ys ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 121A2D. G!&(!ry 2-. 1--A ct&+ Abre&c!
). 9o&#!. ED Ph". @E-6
0ross-e'!%&!to& co&#(cte# to the &!#%ssb"e e)#e&ce %!y co&stt(te w!)er.
5Brtsh Arw!ys. supra6
<@. =ow is the adverse part!Cs witnesses impeached ?
!. By co&tr!#ctory e)#e&ce.
b. By e)#e&ce th!t hs +e&er!" rep(t!to& $or tr(th. ho&esty. or &te+rty s b!#.
c. By e)#e&ce th!t he h!s %!#e !t other t%es st!te%e&ts &co&sste&t wth hs prese&t
't not by e)#e&ce o$ p!rtc("!r wro&+$(" !cts. e$cept th!t t %!y be show& by the
e'!%&!to& o$ the wt&esses. or the recor# o$ the 3(#+%e&t th!t he h!s bee& co&)cte# o$ !&
o$$e&se. 5Sec. 11. R("e 1E2. RO06
The concept o# laying the predicate. It s the #(ty o$ the p!rty try&+ to %p(+& the
test%o&y o$ ! wt&ess by %e!&s o$ pror or. $or th!t %!tter. s(bse1(e&t &co&sste&t st!te%e&ts.
whether or!" or & wrt&+. to +)e the wt&ess ! ch!&ce to reco&c"e hs co&$"ct&+ #ec"!r!to&s.
s(ch th!t t s o&"y whe& &o re!so&!b"e e'p"!&!to& s +)e& by h% th!t he sho("# bee& #ee%e#
%pe!che#. 5Peop"e ). Re"(co. A, S0RA 2D26
<C. What is the evidence re&uired in civil cases ?
S:99ESTED ANSWER; The p!rty h!)&+ the b(r#e& o$ proo$ %(st est!b"sh hs c!se by !
prepo&#er!&ce o$ e)#e&ce. 5Secto& 1. R("e 1EE. RO06
NOTES AND 0OMMENTS; Prepo&#er!&ce o$ e)#e&ce s e)#e&ce whch s o$ +re!ter
we+ht. or %ore co&)&c&+ th!t th!t whch s o$$ere# & opposto& to t. 5N!to&!" Power
0orpor!to& ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. et !".. 9.R. No. 1221-F. pro%. G("y 2E. 1--A ct&+ New
Test!%e&t o$ 9o# ). 0o(rt o$ Appe!"s. 2D, S0RA 2,,6
<D. What are the re&uisites for sufficienc! of circumstantial evidence ?
!. There s %ore th!& o&e crc(%st!&ce.
b. The $!cts $ro% whch the &$ere&ces !re #er)e# !re pro)e&.
c. The co%b&!to& o$ !"" the crc(%st!&ces s s(ch !s to pro#(ce ! co&)cto& beyo&#
re!so&!b"e #o(bt. 5Sec. D. R("e 1EE. RO06

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