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Jeffrey Valera Tamolang, RCrim.

(Reviewer/Specialist) University of La Salette, NSTP/EtEEAP Ofe

Placer, National Criminology Board !am "##" C $m %a$de, BS Criminology
%N& "ear 'a(elor of La)s * Letters, NC College of Law
Plaer, National Criminology Board Examination 2002
C-m La-.e, BS Criminology
Civil Servie Eligi/le * PO+ Entrane Eligi/le
#S Crim (On-progress)
Plaer, Ten St-.ent of t(e P(ili11ines 2TOSP3 Region 0%, %00%
A.ministrative Segregation ! separate, "ery #ontrolled se#tion of t$e prison for
Afterare )$e #onditional release of a *%"enile from an instit%tion %nder #omm%nity treatment
and s%per"ision(
Amnesty ! form of pardon pre#l%ding prose#%tion applying to a gro%p rat$er t$an one
A-g-st-s, Jo(n Considered to &e t$e fat$er of pro&ation( ! &ootma'er &y trade in Boston,
+assa#$%setts, w$o "ol%ntarily and on an informal &asis aided offenders released to $im &y t$e
'anis(ment )$e ex#l%sion of an offender from t$e so#ial gro%p(
'enefit of Clergy Original pra#ti#e extended to mem&ers of t$e #lergy in w$i#$ t$eir #ases
were $eard in #$%r#$ #o%rts w$ere p%nis$ment was less se"ere t$an in se#%lar #o%rts( )$is was
#onsidered as one of t$e forer%nner s of pro&ation(
'oot Cam1 S$o#' in#ar#eration %nits wit$ programs patterned a##ording to a military model(
'ro5erage A11roa( ! ser"i#e deli"ery strategy t$at emp$asi,es t$e role of pro&ation offi#ers
as #omm%nity-reso%r#e managers, t$ere&y pro"iding a lin' to #omm%nity agen#ies(
Ca1ital P-nis(ment )$e *%di#ially ordered exe#%tion of a #on"i#ted #riminal(
Case)or5 A11roa( ! ser"i#e deli"ery strategy in w$i#$ t$e #asewor'er ass%mes ma*or
responsi&ility to #$ange offender-s &e$a"ior t$ro%g$ a #lose one-to-one relations$ip(
Classial Vie) Considers free will and #$oi#e as ma*or determinants in #riminal &e$a"ior(
Classifiation !n ongoing formal pro#ess #on#erned wit$ identifi#ation, #ategori,ation, and
assignment of inmates to "ario%s le"els of se#%rity, programs, and wor'(
Coe. Prison .rison fa#ilities $olding &ot$ males and females( )o &e effe#ti"e, &ot$ sexes
s$o%ld &e managed and treated similarly, and t$e ration of females to males s$o%ld &e in t$e
range of forty females to sixty males or sixty males to forty females(
Comm-nity Ae1tane ! ne#essary #omponent for s%##essf%l #omm%nity-&ased #orre#tion
&'(amolang) *ever +vtamolang,yahoo-com/#."#5##"/". 0N1'RS1(2 34 %5 S5%((, Santiago City
Jeffrey Valera Tamolang, RCrim. (Reviewer/Specialist) University of La Salette, NSTP/EtEEAP Ofe

Placer, National Criminology Board !am "##" C $m %a$de, BS Criminology
Comm-nity6'ase. Corretions !ny and all a#ti"ities in"ol"ing t$e #omm%nity in efforts to
reintegrate offenders(
Comm-nity Servie ! senten#ing alternati"e t$at %ses a form of nonmonetary or sym&oli#
restit%tion to "i#tims or t$e general p%&li#(
Congregate System .ro"ided for prisoner #onfinement in separate #ells &%t &ro%g$t t$e
inmates toget$er into #ongregate wor's$ops(
Con7-gal Visits 0isits t$at are pri"ate and %ns%per"ised &etween an inmate and spo%se(
Contra/an. !ny restri#ted or pro$i&ited item so designated &y t$e #orre#tional instit%tion and
fo%nd in t$e possession of an inmate or wit$in t$e fa#ility(
Cor1oral P-nis(ment )$e infli#tion of p$ysi#al pain, and sometimes m%tilation(
Cor1orate #o.el +anaging prison ind%stry a##ording to s%##essf%l &%sinessli'e prin#iples(
Corretion )$e systemati# and organi,ed efforts dire#ted &y a so#iety t$at attempt to p%nis$
offenders, prote#t t$e p%&li# from offenders, #$ange offender-s &e$a"ior, and in some #ases,
#ompensate "i#tims(
Crime Control ! p$ilosop$y emp$asi,ing p%nis$ment and in#ar#eration rat$er t$an treatment
for *%"eniles and ad%lts(
Criminal 1%sti#e )$e formal #rime #ontrol apparat%s #omprising poli#e, prose#%tion, #o%rt
#orre#tion and #omm%nity(
C-sto.ial #o.el ! #orre#tion-s model emp$asi,ing restraint and in#ar#eration(
&einstit-tionali8ation )$e pro#ess w$ere&y large traditional instit%tions $a"e &een #losed in
fa"or of smaller #omm%nity-&ased fa#ilities(
&einstit-tionali8e. #o.el 2tili,ing smaller #omm%nity-&ased fa#ilities rat$er t$an large,
isolated instit%tions(
&e1rivation #o.el Considers t$e origin of a prison s%&#%lt%re to &e from inside t$e prison
d%e to negati"e li"ing #onditions(
&eterminate Sentene ! senten#e permitting limited dis#retion t$at in#l%des a fixed range of
prison time(
&eterminism 0iews $%man &e$a"ior as t$e prod%#t of a m%ltit%de of en"ironmental and
#%lt%ral infl%en#es(
&eterrene .otential illegal &e$a"iors pre"ented &y a parti#%lar legal t$reat(
&eto9ifiation .ro#ess &y w$i#$ an indi"id%al w$o is p$ysiologi#ally and3or psy#$ologi#ally
dependent %pon a dr%g is &ro%g$t to a dr%g-free state(
&eviane )o depart from t$e normal or a##epta&le standard(
&iret S-1ervision 4o%nd in t$ird-generation *ails w$ere offi#ers spend time in t$e li"ing area
a#ti"ely s%per"ising and intera#ting wit$ inmates(
&'(amolang) *ever +vtamolang,yahoo-com/#."#5##"/". 0N1'RS1(2 34 %5 S5%((, Santiago City
Jeffrey Valera Tamolang, RCrim. (Reviewer/Specialist) University of La Salette, NSTP/EtEEAP Ofe
Placer, National Criminology Board !am "##" C $m %a$de, BS Criminology
&isretion Latit%de of free #$oi#e wit$in #ertain legal &o%nds5 w$en de#isions may &e made
t$at are not generally open to reexamination &y ot$ers(
&iversion ! pro#ess w$ere&y an alleged offender (%s%ally a *%"enile delin6%ent) is 7t%rned
away8 from f%rt$er mo"ement into t$e *%sti#e system(
&-e Proess ! f%ndamental idea w$erein a person s$o%ld not &e depri"ed of life, li&erty, or
property wit$o%t legal pro#ed%res t$at are fair and reasona&le(
Eletroni #onitoring ! newer te#$nology to monitor and "erify t$e w$erea&o%ts of
offenders &y %se of ele#troni# de"i#es(
!elony Considered to &e a serio%s #rime, s%#$ as armed ro&&ery, assa%lt, m%rder, et#(
!ormal Re)ar. System ! system to en#o%rage good &e$a"ior t$ro%g$ in#reasing pri"ileges,
lowering se#%rity le"els, and awarding good time(
!ree :ill Central to t$e #lassi#al "iew t$at emp$asi,es freedom of #$oi#e and t$e p%rs%it of
pleas%re and t$e a"oidan#e of pain(
!-nnel Effet )$e de#rease in "ol%me of #ases remaining at s%##essi"e stages in t$e #riminal
*%sti#e pro#ess
!-rlo-g( Programs .rograms allowing tr%sted inmates "isits to t$eir $ome #omm%nity(
$aol Old Englis$ term meaning and prono%n#ed t$e same as *ail(
$ro-1 Co-nseling ! planned a#ti"ity in w$i#$ t$ree or more people as present for t$e p%rpose
of sol"ing personal and so#ial pro&lems(
;alf)ay ;o-se ! "ariety of #omm%nity-&ased programs designed for a "ariety of offenders,
in#l%ding pro&ationers and parolees(
;i..en Crime Criminal &e$a"ior t$at is %n'nown to a%t$orities(
;ierar(y of Nee.s ! t$eory of $%man moti"ation de"eloped &y !&ra$am +aslow ran'ing
$%man needs from &asi# to self-a#t%ali,ing(
;-stling 9llegitimate e#onomi# a#ti"ities in prison(
4m1ortation #o.el Considers t$e origin of a prison s%&#%lt%re to #ome along wit$ prisoners
and t$eir prior life experien#e(
4na1aitation !ny of so#iety- attempts to render a #riminal in#apa&le of f%rt$er illegal a#ts(
4nareration :etention in a *ail or prison(
4n.eterminate Sentene ! dis#retionary senten#e permitting a wide range of san#tions &y
*%dges and parole a%t$orities
4nmate Co.e ! #ode of #ond%#t go"erning relations$ips in prison a##ording to inmate-general
norms and "al%es(
&'(amolang) *ever +vtamolang,yahoo-com/#."#5##"/". 0N1'RS1(2 34 %5 S5%((, Santiago City
Jeffrey Valera Tamolang, RCrim. (Reviewer/Specialist) University of La Salette, NSTP/EtEEAP Ofe
Placer, National Criminology Board !am "##" C $m %a$de, BS Criminology
4nmate S-/-lt-re !n end%ring #omplex of norms and "al%es &y w$i#$ inmates see' to
a##ommodate to life in prison(
4nstit-tional #o.el 2tili,ing larger, more se#%re, and more isolated instit%tions rat$er t$an
smaller #omm%nity-&ased fa#ilities(
4nta5e )$e initial point of entry into t$e *ail and t$e offi#ial entry of t$e a##%sed offender into
t$e ad%lt #riminal *%sti#e system(
4nterstate Com1at ! #ooperati"e arrangement w$ere&y states may ex#$ange t$e s%per"ision
of parolees and pro&ationers(
J-st &eserts ! rationale maintaining t$at p%nis$ment &e administered in t$e amo%nt deser"ed
a##ording to t$e serio%sness of t$e offense(
Le9 Taliones Latin p$rase t$at em&odies t$e #on#ept of retaliation and re"enge an eye for an
eye, a toot$ for a toot$(
Lo5-1 ! temporary $olding fa#ility or #onfinement for detained or arrested s%spe#ts(
#ala 4n Se Cond%#t t$at may &e #onsidered wrong in itself(
#ala Pro(i/ita Cond%#t #onsidered wrong &e#a%se of t$e law pro$i&iting it(
#a9im-m C-sto.y Prison 4a#ilities designed for inmates w$o re6%ire maxim%m #ontrol and
#ontin%o%s s%per"ision of indi"id%als w$o $a"e demonstrated &e$a"ior t$at is assa%lti"e,
preda#io%s, rioto%s, or w$o pose serio%s es#ape ris's(

#e.i-m C-sto.y Prison 4a#ilities for inmates wit$ a $istory of #ond%#t s$owing some
degree of tr%stwort$iness(
#inim-m Se-rity Nonse#%re fa#ilities for tr%stwort$y inmates(
#is.emeanor Considered a less "iolation of t$e #riminal law, #ommonly penali,ed &y a fine
and3or a s$ort *ail senten#e(
#-s(fa5e ! prison-made #opy of somet$ing t$at is a"aila&le on t$e streets(
Nonintervention P(iloso1(y ! p$ilosop$y see'ing to a"oid or minimi,e stigma and la&eling
as a delin6%ent(
Norms of 'e(avior Expe#tations regarding w$at &e$a"ior is #onsidered so#ially a##epta&le5
g%idelines for &e$a"ior appropriate and appli#a&le to parti#%lar so#ial sit%ations(
O1en #ar5et .rison-made goods in dire#t #ompetition wit$ pri"ate-se#tor prod%#ts(
O1en System- 0iewing t$e operation of prisons wit$ n%mero%s inp%t na d o%tp%t ex#$anges
wit$ ot$er go"ernmental %nits s%#$ as #entral offi#e, #o%rts and legislat%res(
Or.ere. Segmentation Small #li6%es and friends$ip gro%ps often &ased o n ra#ial, et$i#, and
gang mem&ers$ip, refle#ting t$e di"ersified #omposition of #ontemporary prison pop%lations(
Parens Patriae ! do#trine in w$i#$ t$e state ass%med a%t$ority and responsi&ility to o"ersee
negle#ted and a&%sed #$ildren(
&'(amolang) *ever +vtamolang,yahoo-com/#."#5##"/". 0N1'RS1(2 34 %5 S5%((, Santiago City
Jeffrey Valera Tamolang, RCrim. (Reviewer/Specialist) University of La Salette, NSTP/EtEEAP Ofe
Placer, National Criminology Board !am "##" C $m %a$de, BS Criminology
Partners(i1 #o.el ! *oint %nderta'ing &etween t$e p%&li# and pri"ate se#tor in t$e operation
of prison ind%stries(
Penitentiary Early prisons w$ere offenders #onsidered to &e pla#ed in a state of peniten#e to
regret t$eir wrongdoing and &e#ome a #ontrite and penitent person(
Positivist Vie) Considers t$e m%ltit%de of fa#tors t$at $elp determine #riminal &e$a"ior(
Prison Comm-nity )$e mix of inmates and staff li"ing in prison w$o in many respe#ts $a"e
t$e same daily needs and re6%ired ser"i#es as fo%nd in t$e o%tside #omm%nity(
Pro/ation ! senten#ing alternati"e in w$i#$ in#ar#eration is a"oided and t$e offender remains
in t$e #omm%nity %nder t$e s%per"ision of a pro&ation offi#er(
Protetive C-sto.y :esignated li"ing areas wit$in #orre#tional instit%tions for residents w$o
#$oose not to li"e wit$ t$e general inmate pop%lations, %s%ally o%t of fear(
P-nis(ment )$e infli#tion on a person &y t$e state of #onse6%en#es normally #onsidered
%npleasant in response to $a"ing &een #on"i#ted of a #rime(
Re(a/ilitation #o.el ! #orre#tional model t$at #on#entrates on treatment and #$anging
Reintegration ! #orre#tional model t$at p la#es responsi&ility for #$ange not only on
offenders &%t also %pon t$e #omm%nity(
Restit-tion )$e repayment of t$e offender to "i#tims w$o $a"e s%ffered finan#ial losses as a
res%lt of t$e offender-s #rime(
Retri/-tion .%nis$ment to fit t$e #rime as a payment of de&t to so#iety(
Role Conflit ! sit%ation in w$i#$ in#ompati&ility exists &etween two or more roles t$at an
indi"id%al is expe#ted to perform(
Sentening )$e pro#ess of pla#ing an a%t$ori,ed *%di#ial penalty %pon a person w$o pleads
g%ilty or is #on"i#ted of a #rime(
S(o5 4nareration ! s$ort period of in#ar#eration designed to frig$ten offenders into law-
a&iding &e$a"ior(
Soial Control )$e #omplex of formal and informal means to promote so#ially a##epta&le
S1lit Sentene S$ort-term in#ar#eration #o%pled wit$ a following period of pro&ation(
State6Use System ! #ommon from of s$eltered mar'et w$ere inmate-prod%#ed prod%#ts, s%#$
as des's or li#ense plates, #an only &e %sed &y ot$er go"ernmental %nits(
Stat-s Offense Non-#riminal &e$a"ior, s%#$ as tr%an#y and r%nning away from $ome t$at is in
"iolation of law appli#a&le to *%"eniles(
Te(nial Violation ! term %sed w$en a pro&ationer "iolates a #onditional r%le of pro&ation(
)$is #o%ld res%lt in t$e re"o#ation of pro&ation &%t is %n#ommon in many *%risdi#tions(
&'(amolang) *ever +vtamolang,yahoo-com/#."#5##"/". 0N1'RS1(2 34 %5 S5%((, Santiago City
Jeffrey Valera Tamolang, RCrim. (Reviewer/Specialist) University of La Salette, NSTP/EtEEAP Ofe
Placer, National Criminology Board !am "##" C $m %a$de, BS Criminology
Ti5et of leave Conditional pardons granted to imprisoned offenders(
Uniform Crime Re1orting 2UCR3 pro"ides a meas%rement of #rime &ased on #rimes 'nown
to t$e law enfor#ement agen#ies(
Utilitarian &otrine !sso#iated wit$ 1eremy Bent$am( !#tions are rig$t insofar as t$ey
#ontri&%te to maximi,ing t$e $appiness of people, wrong insofar as t$ey de#rease t$at $appiness(
:ee5en. Jail Con"i#ted persons li"e at $ome and wor' d%ring t$e wee' and report to ser"e
*ail time on wee'ends(
:rit of Certiorari ! written order from a $ig$er #o%rt to a lower #o%rt re6%iring t$at a #ase &e
&ro%g$t forward for re"iew(
:rit of ;a/eas Cor1-s ! written do#%ment presented to #o%rt to determine t$e legality of
.repared &y>
JE!!RE" V. TA#OLAN$, RCrim.
Placer, National Criminology Board Examination 2002
The value of life is not measured on the length of
In the way we make of it.
- JVT 4V!
&'(amolang) *ever +vtamolang,yahoo-com/#."#5##"/". 0N1'RS1(2 34 %5 S5%((, Santiago City

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