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35 | The 1.

0 Guidebook to LDC Copyright Literacy Design Collaborative, all rights reserved (no changes allowed)
scor i ng r ubr i c f or ar gument at i on t empl at e t asks
Not Yet Approacbes Lpectatlons Meets Lpectatlons Advanced
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Focus Attempts to aooress prompt, but
lacks focus or is off-task.
Aooresses prompt approprlately
ano establlsbes a posltlon, but |ocus
is uneven.
Aooresses prompt approprlately
and maintains a clear, steady focus.
Provides a generally convincing
Aooresses all aspects o| prompt
approprlately wltb a conslstently strong
|ocus ano convlnclng posltlon.
Attempts to establlsb a clalm, but
lacks a clear purpose. (L2) Makes
no mention of counter claims.
Lstabllsbes a clalm. (L2) Makes note
of counter claims.
Lstabllsbes a creolble clalm. (L2)
Develops clalm ano counter clalms
Establishes and maintains a substantive
ano creolble clalm or proposal. (L2)
Develops clalms ano counter clalms
fairly and thoroughly.
Attempts to re|erence reaolng
materlals to oevelop response, but
lacks connections or relevance to
tbe purpose o| tbe prompt.
Presents information from reading
materlals relevant to tbe purpose
o| tbe prompt wltb mlnor lapses ln
accuracy or completeness.
Accurately presents oetalls |rom
reading materials relevant to the
purpose o| tbe prompt to oevelop
argument or claim.
Accurately ano e||ectlvely presents
lmportant oetalls |rom reaolng materlals
to oevelop argument or clalm.
Development Attempts to provloe oetalls ln
response to tbe prompt, but lacks
su|clent oevelopment or relevance
to tbe purpose o| tbe prompt.
(L3) Makes no connectlons or a
connection that is irrelevant to
argument or claim.
Presents approprlate oetalls to
support ano oevelop tbe |ocus,
controlling idea, or claim, with
mlnor lapses ln tbe reasonlng,
eamples, or eplanatlons. (L3)
Makes a connection with a weak or
unclear relatlonsblp to argument
or claim.
Presents approprlate ano su|clent
oetalls to support ano oevelop tbe
|ocus, controlllng loea, or clalm. (L3)
Makes a relevant connection to
clarify argument or claim.
Presents thorough and detailed
ln|ormatlon to e||ectlvely support
ano oevelop tbe |ocus, controlllng
loea, or clalm. (L3) Makes a clarl|ylng
connection(s) that illuminates argument
ano aoos oeptb to reasonlng.
Organlzatlon Attempts to organlze loeas, but
lacks control of structure.
Uses an approprlate organlzatlonal
structure |or oevelopment o|
reasoning and logic, with minor
lapses ln structure ano/or
Malntalns an approprlate
organlzatlonal structure to aooress
speclc requlrements o| tbe prompt.
Structure reveals the reasoning and
logic of the argument.
Malntalns an organlzatlonal structure
that intentionally and effectively
enbances tbe presentatlon o|
ln|ormatlon as requlreo by tbe
speclc prompt. Structure enbances
oevelopment o| tbe reasonlng ano loglc
of the argument.
Conventions Attempts to oemonstrate stanoaro
English conventions, but lacks
cohesion and control of grammar,
usage, and mechanics. Sources are
used without citation.
Demonstrates an uneven command
of standard English conventions
and cohesion. Uses language
and tone with some inaccurate,
lnapproprlate, or uneven |eatures.
|nconslstently cltes sources.
Demonstrates a command of
standard English conventions
and cohesion, with few errors.
Pesponse lncluoes language ano
tone approprlate to tbe auolence,
purpose, ano speclc requlrements
o| tbe prompt. Cltes sources uslng
approprlate |ormat wltb only mlnor
Demonstrates and maintains a well-
oevelopeo commano o| stanoaro
English conventions and cohesion,
wltb |ew errors. Pesponse lncluoes
language and tone consistently
approprlate to tbe auolence, purpose,
ano speclc requlrements o| tbe
prompt. Conslstently cltes sources uslng
approprlate |ormat.
Attempts to lncluoe olsclpllnary
content in argument, but
understanding of content is weak;
content ls lrrelevant, lnapproprlate,
or inaccurate.
8rleNy notes olsclpllnary content
relevant to tbe prompt, sbows
basic or uneven understanding
of content; minor errors in
Accurately presents olsclpllnary
content relevant to tbe prompt
wltb su|clent eplanatlons tbat
demonstrate understanding.
|ntegrates relevant ano accurate
olsclpllnary content wltb tborougb
eplanatlons tbat oemonstrate ln-oeptb
36 | The 1.0 Guidebook to LDC Copyright Literacy Design Collaborative, all rights reserved (no changes allowed)
scor i ng r ubr i c f or i nf or mat i onal or expl anat or y t empl at e t asks
Not Yet Approacbes Lpectatlons Meets Lpectatlons Advanced
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Focus Attempts to aooress prompt, but
lacks focus or is off-task.
Aooresses prompt approprlately,
but with a weak or uneven focus.
Aooresses prompt approprlately ano
maintains a clear, steady focus.
Aooresses all aspects o| prompt
approprlately ano malntalns a strongly
oevelopeo |ocus.
Attempts to establlsb a controlllng
loea, but lacks a clear purpose.
Establishes a controlling idea with a
general purpose.
Establishes a controlling idea
wltb a clear purpose malntalneo
tbrougbout tbe response.
Establishes a strong controlling idea
wltb a clear purpose malntalneo
tbrougbout tbe response.
Attempts to present ln|ormatlon
ln response to tbe prompt, but
lacks connections or relevance to
tbe purpose o| tbe prompt. (L2)
Does not address the credibility of
sources as prompteo.
Presents information from reading
materlals relevant to tbe purpose
o| tbe prompt wltb mlnor lapses
ln accuracy or completeness. (L2)
Begins to address the credibility of
sources wben prompteo.
Presents information from reading
materlals relevant to tbe prompt
wltb accuracy ano su|clent oetall.
(L2) Aooresses tbe creolblllty o|
sources wben prompteo.
Accurately presents ln|ormatlon
relevant to all parts o| tbe prompt wltb
effective selection of sources and details
|rom reaolng materlals. (L2) Aooresses
tbe creolblllty o| sources ano loentles
sallent sources wben prompteo.
Development Attempts to provloe oetalls ln
response to tbe prompt, lncluolng
retelllng, but lacks su|clent
oevelopment or relevancy. (L2)
|mpllcatlon ls mlsslng, lrrelevant,
or llloglcal. (L3) Gap/unanswereo
questlon ls mlsslng or lrrelevant.
Presents approprlate oetalls to
support tbe |ocus ano controlllng
loea. (L2) 8rleNy notes a relevant
lmpllcatlon or (L3) a relevant gap/
unanswereo questlon.
Presents approprlate ano su|clent
oetalls to support tbe |ocus ano
controlllng loea. (L2) Lplalns
relevant ano plauslble lmpllcatlons,
ano (L3) a relevant gap/unanswereo
Presents thorough and detailed
ln|ormatlon to strongly support
tbe |ocus ano controlllng loea. (L2)
Thoroughly discusses relevant and
sallent lmpllcatlons or consequences,
ano (L3) one or more slgnlcant gaps/
unanswereo questlons.
Organlzatlon Attempts to organlze loeas, but
lacks control of structure.
Uses an approprlate organlzatlonal
structure to aooress tbe speclc
requlrements o| tbe prompt, wltb
some lapses ln coberence or
awkwaro use o| tbe organlzatlonal
Malntalns an approprlate
organlzatlonal structure to aooress
tbe speclc requlrements o| tbe
Malntalns an organlzatlonal structure
that intentionally and effectively
enbances tbe presentatlon o|
ln|ormatlon as requlreo by tbe speclc
Conventions Attempts to oemonstrate stanoaro
English conventions, but lacks
cohesion and control of grammar,
usage, and mechanics. Sources are
used without citation.
Demonstrates an uneven command
of standard English conventions
and cohesion. Uses language
and tone with some inaccurate,
lnapproprlate, or uneven |eatures.
|nconslstently cltes sources.
Demonstrates a command of
standard English conventions
and cohesion, with few errors.
Pesponse lncluoes language ano
tone approprlate to tbe auolence,
purpose, ano speclc requlrements
o| tbe prompt. Cltes sources uslng
an approprlate |ormat wltb only
minor errors.
Demonstrates and maintains a well-
oevelopeo commano o| stanoaro Lngllsb
conventions and cohesion, with few
errors. Pesponse lncluoes language
ano tone conslstently approprlate
to tbe auolence, purpose, ano
speclc requlrements o| tbe prompt.
Consistently cites sources using an
approprlate |ormat.
Attempts to lncluoe olsclpllnary
content ln eplanatlons, but
understanding of content is weak;
content ls lrrelevant, lnapproprlate,
or inaccurate.
8rleNy notes olsclpllnary content
relevant to tbe prompt, sbows
basic or uneven understanding
of content; minor errors in
Accurately presents olsclpllnary
content relevant to tbe prompt
wltb su|clent eplanatlons tbat
demonstrate understanding.
|ntegrates relevant ano accurate
olsclpllnary content wltb tborougb
eplanatlons tbat oemonstrate ln-oeptb
37 | The 1.0 Guidebook to LDC Copyright Literacy Design Collaborative, all rights reserved (no changes allowed)
scor i ng r ubr i c f or nar r at i ve t empl at e t asks
Not Yet Approacbes Lpectatlons Meets Lpectatlons Advanced
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Focus Attempts to aooress prompt but
lacks focus or is off-task.
Aooresses prompt approprlately,
but with a weak or uneven focus
Aooresses tbe prompt approprlately
and maintains a clear, steady focus.
Aooresses all aspects o| tbe prompt
approprlately ano malntalns a strongly
oevelopeo |ocus.
Attempts to establlsb a tbeme
or storyline, but lacks a clear or
sustalneo purpose.
Establishes a theme or storyline,
but purpose ls weak, wltb some
lapses ln coberence.
Establishes a theme or storyline,
wltb a well-oevelopeo purpose
carried through the narrative.
Lstabllsbes a compelllng tbeme or
storyllne, wltb a well oevelopeo purpose
carried through the narrative through
sklll|ul use o| narratlve tecbnlques.
Directly restates information from
reaolng materlals, lntervlews, ano/
or visual materials; uses materials
lnaccurately, OP ln|ormatlon |rom
source materials is irrelevant for
tbe purpose at bano.
Uses reading materials, interviews,
ano/or vlsual materlals wltb mlnor
lapses ln cobeslon, accuracy or
Accurately integrates reading
materlal, lntervlews, ano/or vlsual
material to authenticate the
Accurately and seamlessly integrates
reaolng materlal, lntervlews, ano/or
visual material to authenticate the
Development Descrlptlons o| eperlences,
lnolvlouals, ano/or events are overly
slmplleo or lack oetalls.
L2 Attempts to use styllstlc
devices (e.g., imagery, tone, humor,
suspense) but oevlces are useo
awkwardly or do not serve the
purpose o| tbe narratlve.
Develops eperlences, lnolvlouals,
ano/or events wltb some oetall but
sense o| tlme, place, or cbaracter
remains at the surface level.
L2 Uses approprlate styllstlc
devices (e.g., imagery, tone, humor,
suspense) unevenly.
Develops eperlences, lnolvlouals,
ano/or events wltb su|clent oetall
to aoo oeptb ano complelty to tbe
sense o| tlme, place, or cbaracter.
L2 Uses approprlate styllstlc oevlces
(e.g., lmagery, tone, bumor, suspense)
to support tbe purpose o| tbe
Llaborates on eperlences, lnolvlouals,
ano/or events wltb comprebenslve oetall
to aoo oeptb ano complelty to tbe
sense o| tlme, place, or cbaracter.
L2 Sklll|ully lntegrates approprlate
stylistic devices (e.g. imagery, tone,
bumor, suspense) to support tbe
purpose o| tbe narratlve.
Organlzatlon Attempts to use a narratlve
structure, composltlon ls
disconnected or rambling.
Applles a narratlve structure
(cbronologlcal or oescrlptlve),
wltb some lapses ln coberence or
awkwaro use o| tbe organlzatlonal
Applles a narratlve structure
(cbronologlcal or oescrlptlve)
approprlate to tbe purpose, task,
and audience; storyline clearly
conveys tbe tbeme or purpose
Applles a comple narratlve structure
(cbronologlcal or oescrlptlve)
approprlate to tbe purpose, task ano
audience. that enhances communication
o| tbeme or purpose ano keeps tbe
reader engaged
Conventions Lacks control of grammar, usage,
and mechanics; little or ineffective
use of transitions.
Demonstrates an uneven command
of standard English; inconsistently
uses transitions between sentences
ano paragrapbs to connect loeas.
Demonstrates a command of
standard English conventions
with few errors; consistently uses
transitions between sentences
ano paragrapbs to connect loeas.
Provloes blbllograpby or works
consulteo wben prompteo.
Demonstrates a well-oevelopeo
command of standard English
conventions; effectively uses transitions
between sentences ano paragrapbs to
connect loeas. Provloes blbllograpby or
works consulteo wben prompteo.
Attempts to lncluoe olsclpllnary
content, but understanding
of content is weak; content is
lrrelevant, lnapproprlate, or
8rleNy notes olsclpllnary content
relevant to tbe prompt, sbows
basic or uneven understanding
of content; minor errors in
Accurately presents olsclpllnary
content relevant to tbe prompt
wltb su|clent eplanatlons tbat
demonstrate understanding.
|ntegrates relevant ano accurate
olsclpllnary content wltb tborougb
eplanatlons tbat oemonstrate ln-oeptb

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