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1 Beijing Tiananmen square and the

monument to the people's heroes

Scenic Spots Introduction
It is the capital of the symbol of BeijingIt is located in the capital of the people's Republic of
Beijing city centereast of Chang'an Avenue south of the Imperial !alaceIt is surrounded by
the front door the Chairman "ao "emorial #all the monument to the people's heroes
Tiananmen the Imperial !alace the "useum of the Chinese revolution the $reat #all of the
people the %or&ing people's Cultural !alace 'hongshan !ar& the (ational $rand Theater and
so on)!"#$%&'()$*+,-./0123
QRSTTraffic survey
(o)* + ,- ., *-* *-/ .0 *-1 "etro 2ine * "etro 2ine ,) U*+,-.,.0 V
*-**-/*-1 VK&WXYZ1 [\+]2 [\6^_`ab
2 /0ABO the Imperial !alace "useum in Beijing
Scenic Spots Introduction
It is largest most complete imperial palace in the %orldIt is located in the capital of the
people's Republic of Beijing city center east of Chang'an Avenue to the north of Tiananmen
square) Around Tiananmen square the %or&ing people's Cultural !alace 'hongshan !ar&
3ingshan #ill !ar& Beihai !ar& and 'hongnanhai) cd.efgDhigjklm0n
QRSTTraffic survey
(o)* + ,- ., *-* *-/ .0 *-1 "etro 2ine * "etro 2ine ,) U*+,-.,.0 V
*-**-/*-1 VK&WXYZ1 [\+]2 [\6^_`ab
3 rbs,; The Badaling $reat 4all
Scenic Spots Introduction
It is the most magnificent of the $reat 4all It is located in Beijing 5anqing County It is
surrounded by a bear par& and other ne% rides) gtu,;!"#vwx345y
QRSTTraffic survey
Beijing station travel by Tour (o) *Tour (o)+ Tour (o) . or travel by , Road Branch at
6uan%umen Beijing Station Road Tour * Tour + .7%ay travel or ta&e a tour 6uan%umen
Road 89tension , ^U* V+ V. VU, V\
4 'L Summer !alace
Scenic Spots Introductio
The best preserved imperial garden in China) It is located in the urban area of Beijing
north%est of #aidian :istrict ne% road *1) The ;ld Summer !alace Ruins !ar& is near it) hi
gML!"#)]p{|0V*1 [LKL
QRSTTraffic survey
(o) /-* /-/ //- //, /// /+< /<, /0. /=+ /1+ 0*< 0*= =-* =*0 1-+ bus U
5 pKLBeihai !ar&
Scenic Spots Introductio
It is the earliest royal palace garden par&) It is located in 6icheng :istrict 4enjin Street (o) *
>(orth of the Imperial !alace ?It is around the Imperial !alace 3ingshan #ill and 'hongnanhai
!ar& and so on |LgML];H-* [>/0? 345/0JKLq
QRSTTraffic survey
(o) . ** */ +, *-* *-/ *-0 *-1 *** **= bus U
.***/+,*-**-/*-0*-1*****= VK&WX_`ab
6 Tiantan@ Temple of #eaven
Scenic Spots Introductio
It is the t%o generation of "ing and Aing dynasties emperor %orship place) It is located in
Beijing of :ongcheng :istrictIt is near the Beijing "useum of (atural #istory lm
Y+; ]^Y`ABC
QRSTTraffic survey
(o) <*.*0,-/./</1*-.*,-*-/*-<**-**< bus UVK&WX_`ab
Scenic Spots Introductio
It is the oldest and largest Boo of the country) It is located */0 6i 'hi "en 4ai Avenue) It is
surrounded by Beijing !lanetarium "useum of !aleontology !urple Bamboo !ar&) (gD?
@gGBL]-D-*/0 [ 345HCBABCOKL
QRSTTraffic survey
(o) *.*-.//, bus U*.*-.//, VK&WX_`ab
Scenic Spots Introductio
It is the "ing emperor after the Tombs)It is located in Changping County Beijing) Around the
"ing Tombs Reservoir Beijing International $olf Course lx
QRSTTraffic survey
Ta&e Tour * 7 Tour . 1 road travel can be reached U*C.1 V_`ab
Scenic Spots Introductio
The red lesves is the most famous thing there) 2ocated in Beijing City #aidian :istrict at the
foot of the 4estern #ills >the sale of +- Street ?) There are Beijing botanical garden 4at
Chayamang&alaram botanical garden the Cao 6ueqin "emorial around it) gt
)p]J-+- [345BLJBL
QRSTTraffic survey
No. /*=////<- bus) U/*=////<- VK&WX_`ab
10 cdKL
Scenic Spots Introductio
There are the %orld famous architecture simulation)>there are the %orld famous architectural
building simulation in that par&?) 2ocated in Beijing of Dengtai :istrict) Around the 4estern #an
Tombs at :abaotai |cd 345D]
QRST Traffic survey
(o) 1-. bus or bound by the green car par& %orld U cdKL\X

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