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SKEM 0901 Skempton

L0 and L1
Project Close-Out Plan
SKEM 0901
Skempton L0 and L1

September 09

This report takes into account the
particular instructions and requirements
of our client.
It is not intended for and should not be
relied upon by any third party and no
responsibility is undertaken to any third
Ove Arup & Partners Ltd
13 it!roy "treet#
$ondon %1T &'(
Tel )&& *+,-+ ./3/ 1031 a1 )&& *+,-+ ..00 -1&3 1-&3/3-++
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4ob title "kempton $e5els + and 1 itout 4ob number
6ocument title Project Close Out Plan ile reference
&.+3 7eports
6ocument ref
7e5ision 6ate ilename -++3 +0 -3 project close out plan 678T.doc
6raft -3 9ay +3 6escription 6raft close out plan for discussion 1 4une +3 IC$ 2orkshop.
Prepared by Checked by 8ppro5ed by
:ame Celia "mith
7e5ision 1 "eptember
ilename -++3 +3 1& project close out plan 7e5 1.doc
6escription 7e5ised to incorporate updated phasin; and IC$ comments.
Prepared by Checked by 8ppro5ed by
:ame Celia "mith 9ike 4oshua 9ike 4oshua
Prepared by Checked by 8ppro5ed by
Prepared by Checked by 8ppro5ed by
Issue 6ocument <erification 2ith 6ocument

O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue +- "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
Objecti5es 1
6efinitions 1
6istribution list 1
Project Close-Out 8cti5ities B "tatus# 7oles A 7esponsibilities 9atri1 -
Project Close-Out Pro;ramme -
1 Construction Completion B Cey 9ilestones 3
1.1 9ilestone 1 B Phase 18 architectural completion 3
1.- 9ilestone - B Phase 1' architectural completion &
1.3 9ilestone 3 B Phase 1C architectural completion &
1.& 9ilestone & B Phase 16 architectural completion 0
1.0 9ilestone 0 B Phase 1> architectural completion 0
1./ 9isc other Phase 1 spaces architectural completion /
1.. 9ilestone / B Phase 1 commissionin; completion /
1.D 9ilestone . B Concrete 6urability labs completion .
1.3 9ilestone D B Phase - completion .
- Inspection "trate;y 3
-.1 Contractor Inspections 3
-.- 8rchitectural "uper5isor Inspections 3
-.3 9A> Inspections 3
-.& "tructural "uper5isor Inspections 1+
-.0 Eser Inspections 1+
-./ Client 6irect IT Installation 1+
-.. Technical 8d5isors 11
-.D "tatutory "er5ices 11
-.3 Others 11
3 Commissionin; and Inte;rated Testin; "trate;y 1-
3.1 Commissionin; 1-
3.- Inte;rated Testin; 1-
3.3 'uildin; Cause and >ffect Testin; 13
3.& '9" Commissionin; 13
3.0 Preliminary certification for architectural completion 13
3./ inal 2itness and client acceptance testin; 13
3.. 'uildin; 9ains ailure B F'lack 'uildin;G Test 13
& Third Party 8ppro5als 1&
&.1 'uildin; Control 1&

O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue +- "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
&.- ire Officer 10
&.3 $ocal 8uthority 10
&.& Insurers 10
&.0 Others 10
0 iles# $o;s and 9anuals 1/
0.1 Operation and 9aintenance 9anuals 1/
0.- 'uildin; $o; 1.
0.3 '7>>89 Certification and 7atin; 1.
0.& "chedule of other information required by the contract 1.
0.0 Interim user ;uides 1.
/ Client >n;a;ement and Trainin; 1D
/.1 Client Trainin; 1D
/.- "pares 1D
/.3 Tools and >quipment 1D
/.& Ceys 1D
/.0 "uited locks 1D
/./ Etilities hando5er 1D
. Contractual 8rran;ements 13
..1 Take-o5er certificate 13
..- Completion Certificate 13
..3 Insurances='onds=Huarantees 13
..& Completion 9eetin; 13
..0 ormal ?ando5er 9eetin; -+
D Client Occupation=9i;ration -1
D.1 A> -1
D.- 6ecantin; decision point -1
D.3 "cientific equipment transfer -1
D.& Personal effects transfer -1
3 Post Completion Certificate Issue --
3.1 Permit 8rran;ements --
3.- Public 7elations=Press 7eleases=9arketin; --
3.3 6efects Close Out "trate;y and Pro;ramme --
3.& $atent 6efects 7eportin; "trate;y --
3.0 6emobilisation 8rran;ements -3
3./ $essons $earned %orkshops -3
1+ 7isks to ?ando5er and Close Out -&

O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue +- "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
8ppendi1 8
Project Close-Out "tatus Tracker
8ppendi1 '
Project ?ando5er Pro;ramme
8ppendi1 C
Current 6efects and Outstandin; %orks $ists
8ppendi1 6
%$ Commissionin; Pro;ramme
8ppendi1 >
%itnessin; "chedule
"ite boundary plans
8ppendi1 H
"ummary of "er5ices 85ailable at ?ando5er
8ppendi1 ?
Interim ?ando5er Eser Huide >1ample
8ppendi1 I
6uty ?older Inspections

O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue +- "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
The objecti5e of the Project Close-Out Plan for this project is primarily toI
1. 7ecord the joint a;reement of the project participants re;ardin; the actions and
processes to be follo2ed to achie5e a successful hando5er
-. Communicate the project hando5er proposals to all project stakeholders
3. 9onitor compliance 2ith the plan in the run up to hando5er
6ue to the phased nature of the project# there are t2o types of completion# summarised
1. J8rchitectural completionK. The physical installation in the space is complete *may
include some kno2n and accepted sna; items, ho2e5er systems that feed the area are
notL further access into spaces 2ill be required# by a;reement# to reach Final
Completion as defined belo2. 8rchitectural completion meansI
8rchitectural 2ork is complete.
"tructural 2ork is complete.
9A> ser5ices physical installation is complete. $ife safety and other ser5ices
required for buildin; control si;n-off are operational thou;h may not be finally
commissioned. Other ser5ices are not commissioned.
Interim hando5er documents *not full OA9Gs etc, ha5e been pro5ided. IC$
maintenance team has been briefedL a simple user ;uide for occupants has been
prepared *e1amples included in 8ppendi1 ?,.
-. Jinal CompletionK. The physical installation# all testin;# commissionin;# 2itnessin; are
complete and acceptance by IC$ has been achie5ed.
Distribution list
Once appro5ed this plan 2ill be issued toI
ame Or!anisation "it#e
"te5e ?o2e Imperial Colle;e 6irector of 'uildin; Projects = "enior
:ick 7oalfe Imperial Colle;e $ead Technical 8d5isor
7oy 6ickerson Imperial Colle;e Technical 8d5isor *>n;ineerin;,
Chas Huirey Imperial Colle;e Technical 8d5isor *9aintenance,
Ian Hillet Imperial Colle;e Technical 8d5isor *?ealth and "afety,
8ntonio 'arbosa Imperial Colle;e Technical 8d5isor *ICT and 8<,
Peter "eal Imperial Colle;e Technical 8d5isor *ire Officer,
6enis 9urphy Imperial Colle;e Technical 8d5isor *Construction ?A",
9ary 'o2n Imperial Colle;e Technical 8d5isor *6isabilities,
?enry 9uss Imperial Colle;e Technical 8d5isor *>ner;y,
Terry 'ranch Imperial Colle;e Technical 8d5isor *"ecurity,

Pa;e 1
O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue 1& "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
ame Or!anisation "it#e
"haun Crofton Imperial Colle;e Eser Coordinator *9ech. >n;.,
Cli5e ?ar;rea5es Imperial Colle;e Eser Coordinator *Ci5il,
8nthony 'ull Imperial Colle;e Eser Coordinator *"hared Teachin; and
4ohn Hro5er Imperial Colle;e 'uildin; 9ana;er
%ill rame Imperial Colle;e 6ecant 9ana;er
Celia "mith 8rup Project 9ana;er
Hraham "alter %allis Project 9ana;er
Chris 'eck2ith %allis Contracts 9ana;er
:i;el 8mes "heppard 7obson itout 8rchitectural "uper5isor
7obin 'lanchard oster ) Partners "hell and Core 8rchitectural "uper5isor
"te5e Corn2ell-"cott = 7ay
Troup 'y2aters )
9>P? "uper5isor
"tefan Piaseki 8dams Cara Taylor "tructural "uper5isor
7ose Tin; 6a5is $an;don Cost 9ana;er
Paul Ma!dabadi Confluence PC9 C69 Coordinator
Peter 'oth2ell 9$9 8ppro5ed Inspector
$eo Cole 'anyard 8ssociates '9" <alidation
Project Close-Out Activities Status, Roles & Responsibilities Matri
Please refer to 8ppendi1 8 for the project close-out "tatus Tracker 2hich is a matri1
identifyin; key operations and acti5ities necessary to achie5e successful completion of the
project and the main stakeholders responsible for them. 8 lead stakeholder is desi;nated to
promote o2nership of the acti5ity and that stakeholder is e1pected to ensure effecti5e
communication and cooperation from the inputtin; stakeholders. The sections of this
document relate to the sections of the matri1 and pro5ide a more in depth e1planation of
:ote that due to the Phased nature of the project# the 7e5ision 1 issue of this report only
includes detail for Phase 1 completion datesL Phase - 2ill be de5eloped in early -+1+.
Project Close-Out Pro!ra""e
Please refer to 8ppendi1 ' for the close-out pro;ramme. The sections of the pro;ramme
also ali;n 2ith the sections of this report.
:ote that due to the Phased nature of the project# the 7e5ision 1 issue of this report only
includes detail for Phase 1 completion datesL Phase - 2ill be de5eloped in early -+1+.

Pa;e -
O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue 1& "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
# Construction Co"pletion $e% Milestones
7efer to the area boundaries sho2n on the plans in 8ppendi1 .
#&# Milestone # P'ase #A arc'itectural co"pletion
Phase 18 is due to be architecturally complete for -/ October -++3 2ith partial possession
of areas of $1 and $- ;i5en from 13 8u;ust -++3.
It should be noted that 2hilst Phase 18 ser5ices 2ill not be fully commissioned until the final
Phase 1 completion life safety systems and those required for operation of the spaces 2ill
be. 8 summary of the ser5ices a5ailable for hando5er is included in 8ppendi1 H.
"uper5isor team inspections are scheduled as set out in the hando5er tracker document
included in 8ppendi1 8.
"paces co5ered are summarised belo2 for 9echanical >n;ineerin; and 7C8 2orkshop
areas and 6esi;n $ondon space.
Leve# $oom umber $oom ame
$e5el 1 10+ 9>n; "tudent %orkshop $ab
10+8 %orkshop
10+'# 10+C# 10+6# 10+ "tores
10+> 9>n; Technicians Office
1C+&8 Corridor
$e5el - -3. 6esi;n $ondon "imulator = Trainin; 7oom
-3.8 6esi;n $ondon Office = 9eetin; 7oom
-3D 7C8 = 9>n; %orkshop
-3D8 Office
-3D' C:C 7oom
-3DC 7esin 7oom
-3D6 69 7oom
-C+- Corridor

Pa;e 3
O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue 1& "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
#&( Milestone ( P'ase #) arc'itectural co"pletion
Phase 1' 2as taken o5er for architectural completion on 3 8u;ust -++3. :ote that
temporary pedestrian access has been a;reed for %allis operati5es mo5in; from 1> into the
6urability $abs areas until 1> architectural completion. 8ny makin; ;ood of the 1"+& space
2ill be done in parallel 2ith 1> hando5er 2orks.
It should be noted that 2hilst Phase 1' ser5ices 2ill not be fully commissioned until the final
Phase 1 completion# life safety systems and those required for operation of the spaces 2ill
be. 8 summary of the ser5ices a5ailable for hando5er is included in 8ppendi1 H.
"uper5isor team inspections are scheduled as set out in the hando5er tracker document
included in 8ppendi1 8.
"paces co5ered are summarised belo2 for Ci5il >n;ineerin; specialist testin; rooms# offices
and stora;e space.
Leve# $oom umber $oom ame
$e5el 1 10D8 "pecialist testin; -
103 "pecialist testin; 1
10D' $ocker = sho2er room
1"+& "tair core
$e5el 1.0 1903 "tora;e
$e5el - -3/ Technicians office
-3/8 9eetin; room
#&* Milestone * P'ase #C arc'itectural co"pletion
Phase 1C is due to be architecturally complete for 1D "eptember -++3. *This area has been
re-pro;rammed as a result of CO 1-3 B 2hich retained the shear 2all,
It should be noted that 2hilst Phase 1C ser5ices 2ill not be fully commissioned until the final
Phase 1 completion# life safety systems and those required for operation of the spaces 2ill
be. 8 summary of the ser5ices a5ailable for hando5er is included in 8ppendi1 H.
"uper5isor team inspections are scheduled as set out in the hando5er tracker document
included in 8ppendi1 8.
"paces co5ered are summarised belo2 for "tudentGs Enion spaces.
Leve# $oom umber $oom ame
$e5el 1 1/. "tudentGs Enion Ho-Cart 8rea

Pa;e &
O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue 1& "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
#&+ Milestone + P'ase #D arc'itectural co"pletion
Phase 16 2as taken o5er for architectural completion on 11 4une -++3.
:ote that Phase 1C ser5ices 2ill not be fully commissioned until the final Phase 1
completion# life safety systems and those required for operation of the spaces 2ill be
ho2e5er. 8 summary of the ser5ices a5ailable for hando5er is included in 8ppendi1 H.
"uper5isor team inspections are scheduled as set out in the hando5er tracker document
included in 8ppendi1 8.
"uper5isor team inspections occurred on 3 and 0 4une -++3.
"paces co5ered are summarised belo2 for Ci5il >n;ineerin; 2orkshops.
Leve# $oom umber $oom ame
$e5el 1 101 Pump room
10-%1 ?ot 2orks
10- 8ssembly area
103 orm2ork prep area
10-%- abrication shop
10-8 abrication shop store
10& Curin; room
100 %et prep room
10/ 6ry prep room
10. Concrete measurin; room
1C+0 Concrete rooms corridor
10DC "pecimen preparation and castin; area
#&, Milestone , P'ase #- arc'itectural co"pletion
Phase 1> is due to be architecturally complete for 1D "eptember -++3.
:ote that Phase 1> ser5ices 2ill not be fully commissioned until the final Phase 1
completion# life safety systems and those required for operation of the spaces 2ill be
ho2e5er. 8 summary of the ser5ices a5ailable for hando5er is included in 8ppendi1 H.
"uper5isor team inspections are scheduled as set out in the hando5er tracker document
included in 8ppendi1 8.
"paces co5ered are summarised belo2 for Ci5il >n;ineerin; Testin; $aboratory and
"tructures $aboratory spaces..
Leve# $oom umber $oom ame
$e5el 1 10D Testin; $aboratory
$e5el - -&+ "tructures $aboratory

Pa;e 0
O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue 1& "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
#&. Misc ot'er P'ase # spaces arc'itectural co"pletion
There are a number of other areas 2here access is required for temporary periods. inal
si;n-off of these spaces 2ill be ali;ned 2ith 9ilestone / B Phase 1 commissionin;
:ote that Phase 1 ser5ices 2ill not be fully commissioned until the final Phase 1 completion#
life safety systems and those required for operation of the spaces 2ill be ho2e5er. 8
summary of the ser5ices a5ailable for hando5er is included in 8ppendi1 H.
"uper5isor team inspections are scheduled as set out in the hando5er tracker document
included in 8ppendi1 8.
"paces co5ered are summarised belo2 for Ci5il >n;ineerin; areas.
Leve# $oom umber $oom ame
$e5el - -&+ "tructures laboratory
--& "tructures laboratory
$e5el + ++&8 Office
++D "2itchroom
++3 "ubstation
+/. *+1&8, "tore
#&/ Milestone . P'ase #0 co""issionin! co"pletion
This section comprises the final commissionin; of ser5ices installed in Phases 18->
inclusi5e# and the completion of 2orks on the roof for Phase 1 plant. This 2ill be the formal
hando5er of systems to IC$ for Phase 1 areas.
"uper5isor team inspections are scheduled as set out in the hando5er tracker document
included in 8ppendi1 8.
"paces co5ered are summarised belo2 for roof plant area.
Leve# $oom umber $oom ame
7oof n=a 7oof plant area

Pa;e /
O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue 1& "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
#&1 Milestone / Concrete Durabilit% labs co"pletion
The Concrete 6urability $ab areas are due to be complete for 1/ October -++3. This 2ill be
a formal hando5er of systems to IC$ for the 6urability $ab areas. :ote also that early
access to rooms --D8 and --D> 2ill be ;i5en from . October -++3 for installation of
microscopes. 8 summary of the ser5ices a5ailable for hando5er is included in 8ppendi1 H.
"uper5isor team inspections are scheduled as set out in the hando5er tracker document
included in 8ppendi1 8.
"paces co5ered are summarised belo2 for Concrete 6urability $ab spaces.
Leve# $oom umber $oom ame
$e5el 1 1&1 Chemical and pore structure# and e1posure
1&18 Transport area
$e5el - --D Corridor
--D8 "cannin; microscopy
--D' 78 office
--DC 9eetin; room
--D6 :7' office
--D> Optical microscopy
--D Preparation area
#&2 Milestone 1 P'ase ( co"pletion
Phase - areas are due to be complete for -3 4uly -+1+. This 2ill be a formal hando5er of
systems to IC$ for all Phase - areas and final completion of the "C>9 +3+1 project.
:ote that some areas belo2 2ill be handed back earlier than the final completion *e.;.
reception area etc,. inal details to be confirmed.
"uper5isor team inspections are to be confirmed durin; the de5elopment of the Phase -
"paces co5ered are summarised belo2 for "hared teachin; and adjacent core spaces.
Leve# $oom umber $oom ame
$e5el + +/+8 Teachin; space 1
+/+' Teachin; space -
+/+C Teachin; space 3
+/- $earnin; centre
+"+- "taircase $T
+/1 "tora;e 1
+/3 "tora;e -
+/&8 Teachin; space &
+/&' Teachin; space 0
+13 "tore &

Pa;e .
O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue 1& "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
Leve# $oom umber $oom ame
$e5el + *cont., +/D Comms room
+C+1# +C+- Internal corridors
+/0 "tore 3
+0& Cleaners closet
+"+1 %est lobby
+-D Corridor
+0. 9ale %C
+C+3 >ast lobby
$e5el 1 1/3 Teachin; space /
1C+-# 1C+3 Corridor = escape
1/& $ecture theatre
17+1# 17+-# 17+3# 17+& 7isers
1/0 Teachin; space .
1// "tore &
1/1 "tore 1
1/+ 7eception
1C+1 Corridor
1/- 6isabled %C
1"+3 >ast "kempton entrance lobby
$e5el +.0 +93/8 Consumables store
+93/' Chemical store
+93/C CleanerGs office
+93/6 emale CleanerGs chan;in; room
+93/> 9ale cleanerGs chan;in; room
+9C+1 $+9 lobby

Pa;e D
O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue 1& "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
( Inspection Strate!%
(&# Contractor Inspections
8s areas become ready# %allisG subcontractors 2ill sna; their 2orks and offer to %allis for
inspection. %allis 2ill check the 2orks and issue a correcti5e action report. Once this is
completed the area of 2orks 2ill be offered for super5isor inspection.
8ll of the sna;;in; 2ill be documented and a5ailable as a central file for super5isors to
re5ie2 as they 5isit site.
In parallel to this Esers can arran;e for site 5isits periodically to check on 2orks pro;ress
and suitability. This 2ill be recorded by %allis and added to file.
inally 2hilst commissionin; 2orks are pro;ressin; in Phases 18-> inclusi5e# any further
final de-sna;;in; 2ill be carried out so that the areas can be handed o5er completed at
Phase 1 final completion. The strate;y for 6urability $abs and Phase - 2ill be similar
ho2e5er the majority of de-sna;;in; is e1pected to be carried out prior to completion.
Trainin; and familiarisation 2ill be carried out at a suitable time 2ith the users and
maintenance teams and other IC$ stakeholders as appropriate# this 2ill be de5eloped in
later issues of the plan.
(&( Arc'itectural Supervisor Inspections
"heppard 7obson 2ill carry out the architectural super5isor inspections for the fitout areasL
oster ) Partners 2ill carry out the architectural super5isor inspections for the shell and core
The process 2ill be ;enerally that %allis carries out its inspection# follo2ed by the no5ated
architectural team. 8 list of defects# mana;ed by %allis# 2ill then be circulated to the
super5isor team and project mana;er. %allis 2ill ad5ise the super5isor that 2orks are
a5ailable for inspection once these ha5e been rectified.
"uper5isor inspections 2ill be carried out 2ith %allisG representati5e to ensure clear
understandin; of the issues raised. "na;s raised by the super5isor 2ill be maintained in a
sin;le re;ister by the super5isor and issued to %allis. inal inspections 2ill be carried out
prior to occupation to confirm that any sna;s raised by the super5isor ha5e been addressed.
"uper5isors 2ill then ad5ise the project mana;er if the 2orks are in accordance 2ith the
desi;n intent and list any outstandin; defects.
8rchitectural inspections are scheduled as set out in the tracker document in 8ppendi1 8
(&* M&- Inspections
%allisG sna;;in; = inspection sheets 2ill be issued to T'8 *for information, and closed-out by
the contractor. T'8 2ill be in5ited to inspect areas 2hen the items listed on %allisG sna;;in;
sheets ha5e been cleared. T'8 2ill produce their o2n sna;;in; sheets and issue them to
the team commentin; on compliance 2ith employers requirements and incorporation of
dra2in; comments pre5iously issued.
The 9A> super5isors 2ill coordinate 2ith IC$ >n;ineerin; and 9aintenance staff to arran;e
their attendance at inspections as deemed appropriate.
9A> inspections are scheduled as set out in the tracker document in 8ppendi1 8.

Pa;e 3
O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue 1& "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
(&+ Structural Supervisor Inspections
Throu;hout the construction process# 8CT has 5isited site to re5ie2 and comment on the
quality of the 2orks bein; constructed by %allis. These comments ha5e been recorded on
"uper5isor "ite <isit record sheets 2hich are issued to %allis and circulated to the other
members of the "uper5isor ;roup. %here defects ha5e been 2itnessed# this has been
discussed 2ith %allis on site 2ith remedial measures a;reed.
8s part of the final inspection 8CT 2ill carry out a site 2alkround re5ie2in; the final quality
of the 2ork# markin; up dra2in;s to sho2 any remainin; defects that require to be remedied
before the 2orks can be si;ned off. Particular defects that 2ill be noted include areas 2here
concrete spilla;e has occurred on to beams belo2# dama;e to intumescent paint on
steel2ork etc.
The record of defects 2ill be issued to %allis and a date arran;ed for final inspection of the
2orks durin; 2hich each area 2ill be re5ie2ed to ensure that all defects noted ha5e been
"tructural inspections are scheduled as set out in the tracker document in 8ppendi1 8.
(&, 3ser Inspections
Esers 2ill be in5ited to attend inspections 2ith the super5isors ho2e5er some comments
may be recei5ed separately. These comments 2ill be e5aluated by the super5isor team and
the project mana;er and 2ill either be added to super5isor sna; sheets or mana;ed 5ia the
chan;e control process.
(&. Client Direct I4 Installation
The requirements for Client 6irect IT inspections are ;enerally as set out belo2. The
pro;ramme for inspections and commissionin; of the ICT ser5ices needs to be de5eloped in
conjunction 2ith the '9" commissionin; pro;ramme.
IT installation inspections are scheduled as set out in the tracker document. The 9A>
super5isor 2ill inspect areas as part of their ;eneral inspections and then coordinate 2ith
the IC$ ICT Technical 8d5isors re;ardin; final acceptance.
(&.&# Data services
Patchin; schedules for the data outlets that 2ill need to be li5ened prior to occupation 2ill
be pro5ided by the project mana;er 2ith input from the users. Eser confirmation of outlets is
required 3 2eeks prior to occupation# the details 2ill be pro5ided by users to the project
(&.&( 4elep'one services
8s for data ser5icesL patchin; schedules are required 3 2eeks prior to occupation. Orderin;
of telephones etc 2ill be done by users directly.
(&.&* A5 installation
The 8< installation for Phase - is to be confirmed but is intended to be carried out by 7efle1
as a client direct order and is the responsibility of *to be ad5ised, at IC$.
6etails of the 8< installation methodolo;y are to be de5eloped.
8< installation inspections 2ill be scheduled as set out in the tracker document.

Pa;e 1+
O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue 1& "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
(&/ 4ec'nical Advisors
The Technical 8d5isors are :OT required to si;n-off the buildin; under IC$ procedures# after
inspectin; the buildin;# in order for practical completion to be ;i5en but should be in5ited to
inspect and ;i5e comments prior to the completion certificate bein; issued.
:ote that because of the separation of architectural and final completion for Phase 1 areas#
not all Technical 8d5isors may require to inspect the spaces.
Technical 8d5isor inspections are scheduled as set out in the tracker document.
"e%hni%a# Advisor ame Ar%hite%tura#
$ead Technical 8d5isor :ick 7oalfe Mes Mes
>n;ineerin; 7oy 6ickerson Mes Mes
9aintenance Chas Huirey Mes Mes
ire Peter "eal = Tim 8shton Mes Mes
"ecurity Terry 'ranch Mes Mes
6isabled access 9ary 'o2n :o Mes
IT 8ntonio 'arbosa Mes Mes
>ner;y ?enry 9uss :o Mes
"afety Ian Hillett Mes Mes
(&1 Statutor% Services
IC$ >6 en;ineer to be in5ol5ed 2ith all ?< 2orks associated 2ith transformer replacement
2orks bein; undertaken durin; Phase 1 and -. The transformer=lo2 5olta;e scheme is still
under de5elopment therefore detailed method statements# includin; testin;# commissionin;#
inspections and hand-o5er 2ill be de5eloped.
(&2 Ot'ers
8rup Project 9ana;ement is not a2are of any other inspections that are required prior to

Pa;e 11
O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue 1& "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
* Co""issionin! and Inte!rated 4estin! Strate!%
*&# Co""issionin!
6urin; commissionin; the 5arious installations and plant items are tested and balanced as
indi5idual entities to ensure that they perform to the required desi;n duties. The culmination
of the indi5idual testin; establishes the completeness of the systems and by definition the
buildin; to proceed into the inte;rated testin; processes.
%allis is responsible for commissionin;L a draft commissionin; pro;ramme has been
de5eloped and issued to T'8 for re5ie2. 6etails 2ill be confirmed durin; "eptember +3 and
2ill be included in 8ppendi1 6 in later re5isions of this plan.
The commissionin; pro;ramme 2ill identify important milestones for monitorin; the
pro;ress of commissionin; at a strate;ic le5el. These areI
o Pro5ision of temporary and final po2er to plant.
o 6eli5ery of '9" panel.
o %ater treatment.
o Others to be determined.
T'8 *9A> ;eneral, and 'anyards *'9", are responsible for 2itnessin; the commissionin;.
Pro;ress on key milestones 2ill be recorded a;ainst the tracker in 8ppendi1 >.
:ote that for the Phase 18-> spaces# final commissionin; of ser5ices 2ill not be completed
at hando5er for occupation. 8ccess 2ill be required *at times to be a;reed 2ith users, into
these spaces to carry out commissionin; 2orks.
*&( Inte!rated 4estin!
This period is specifically to ensure that all of the abo5e is definiti5ely inte;rated as
determined by the desi;n and specification requirements and incorporates all of the desi;n
chan;es instructed throu;hout the duration of the installations.
6ates for the testin; of inte;rated systems 2ill be included in the commissionin;
pro;ramme# currently under de5elopment for Phase 1 bet2een %allis and T'8.
:ote that T'8 2ill liaise 2ith 'anyard 8ssociates 2ith reference to the '9" hando5er items.
S'stems Phase 1 (urabi#it'
Phase )
9echanical systems and plant controls
interconnections 5erified
>lectrical systems and plant controls and
interconnections 5erified
ire alarm systems and control=annunciation panels
'9" fully inte;rated 2ith all ser5ices plant and
systems 5erification
*&* )uildin! Cause and -ffect 4estin!
The fire alarm cause and effect strate;y has been issued and appro5ed. Testin; and
certification 2ill be pro5ided for the follo2in; systems# timin; to be confirmed as for 3.-I

Pa;e 1-
O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue 1& "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
S'stems Phase 1 (urabi#it'
Phase )
ire alarm T'C T'C T'C
"prinkler system T'C T'C T'C
%et riser system T'C T'C T'C
9echanical systems interface T'C T'C T'C
>lectrical systems interface T'C T'C T'C
'9" and controls interface 2ith all abo5e T'C T'C T'C
*&+ )MS Co""issionin!
The 2itnessin; schedule for '9" is to be de5eloped and 2ill be included in 8ppendi1 > of
later re5isions of this report.
The requirements and process for this are set out in IC$ Technical Policy "tatement >:3.
T'8 and 'anyard 8ssociates 2ill liaise on preparation of the formal commissionin;
*&, Preli"inar% certification for arc'itectural co"pletion
8s ser5ices 2ill not be complete in a number of instances at architectural completion#
*&. 0inal 6itness and client acceptance testin!
To be done durin; client trainin; sessions or by a;reementL timin; to be confirmed 2ith the
commissionin; pro;rammes for Phase 1# - and the 6urability labs. 8rup is not a2are of any
specific systems requirin; testin; by IC$ o5er and abo5e the super5isor and independent
2itnessin; en;ineer tests.
*&/ )uildin! Mains 0ailure 7)lac8 )uildin!9 4est
If required# this 2ill be done post contract because the main plant and back up systems are
all part of the base build. Timin; for this 2ould need to be carefully planned and a;reed 2ith
all buildin; occupants 2ell in ad5ance to a5oid disruption to on;oin; research.
The requirement for this testin; 2ill need to be de5eloped 2ith IC$ as the buildin;
transformers are bein; chan;ed by the project.

Pa;e 13
O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue 1& "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
+ 4'ird Part% Approvals
+&# )uildin! Control
'ecause of the phased nature of the hando5ers# there 2ill be a series of interim inspections.
6ates are set out in the tracker documentL inspections 2ill ;enerally be carried out as
3 2eeks prior to occupation# %allis to ad5ise 9$9 2ho 2ill notify the local authority.
9$9 2ill carry out inspection of life safety systems prior to hando5er for occupation
and issue rele5ant certification.
:ote that for Phases 18-> inclusi5e# partial final certificates 2ill be issued by 9$9# i.e.
confirmin; that systems are operational but not fully complete.
9$9 ha5e ad5ised that they require the follo2in; thin;s ready for inspection for each
*tem Ar%hite%tura#
'"0-// emer;ency li;htin; desi;n# installation
and commissionin; certificates and to 2itness
a random key s2itch test.
Mes Mes ire safety
information must be
pro5ided to buildin;
users prior to
'"0D33 fire alarm desi;n# installation and
commissionin; certificates and 2itnessin; of a
random test.
Mes. Mes ire safety
information must be
pro5ided to buildin;
users prior to
%itnessin; of a random electroma;netic door
de5ice such that it should drop out on
acti5ation of fire alarm# or breaka;e of ;reen
break ;lass point.
Mes Mes
8ccess statement form the desi;ner to co5er
any 5ariations from 8ppro5ed 6ocument 9
Mes Mes
Confirmation that the CI'"> desi;ned rates for
5entilation in rele5ant chemistry=laboratory
en5ironments are commissioned and
achie5ed as they 2ere desi;ned.
Mes Mes
%itnessin; of an air test on a random sample
of draina;e.
Mes Mes
%itnessin; of a random damper slam test. Mes Mes
Confirmation that comments raised durin; the
desi;n appro5al sta;e ha5e been addressed.
Mes Mes
+&( 0ire Officer
'ecause of the phased nature of the hando5ers# there 2ill be a series of interim inspections.
6ates are set out in the tracker documentL inspections 2ill ;enerally be carried out as

Pa;e 1&
O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue 1& "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
8rchitectural completion Phases 18-> inclusi5e. Inspection of spaces to confirm
si;na;e# e1tin;uishers# escape routes are clear.
inal completion Phase 1# 6urability $ab# Phase -. 8s for architectural completion
and also demonstration of fire system operation.
>1tin;uishers and si;ns 2ill be ordered by the project mana;er follo2in; a;reement of the
locations 2ith the fire officer.
+&* :ocal Aut'orit%
+&*&# Sc'edule of plannin! conditions and co"pliances
Conditional plannin; appro5al has been ;ranted and the conditions can be summarised as
%orkin; time restrictions.
7estrictions on 5ibration transmittance to adjacent properties.
8ppro5al of samples and dra2in;s for ne2 curtain 2allin; and plant screen lou5ers.
"ubmittal of noise report after the installation and commissionin; of all plant has
taken place.
%allis is 2orkin; in accordance 2ith the restrictions imposed and ha5e made all necessary
submissions as they ha5e become a5ailable. Confirmation is a2aited on 2hether this
process has no2 closed out.
+&*&( Plannin! Certification
:ot applicable.
+&+ Insurers
IC$ has confirmed that insurance automatically chan;es at hando5er.
+&, Ot'ers
8rup are not a2are of any other third appro5als required.

Pa;e 10
O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue 1& "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
, 0iles, :o!s and Manuals
This section co5ers files# lo;s and manuals that must be complete in order for the
Completion certificate to be issued# as stated in the %orks Information.
:ote that there 2ill be three sets of OA9Gs preparedI Phase 1# 6urability $abs then a
combined Phase 1 and - and 6urability $abs document.
,&# Operation and Maintenance Manuals
Confluence PC9 is the C69 coordinator for the project and is o5erseein; the production of
the record information.
*tem Phase 1A,E
Phase 1
#ab fina#
Phase )
Information pro5ided for
preliminary occupation
7efer to tracker
inal document submitted for
super5isor team appro5al
n=a T'C T'C T'C
Comments incorporated by
manual pro5ider
n=a T'C T'C T'C
inal document issue n=a T'C T'C T'C
,&#&# ;&S Infor"ation
Confluence PC9 are preparin; the ?A" information 2ith input from %allis.
,&#&( Operation and Maintenance Infor"ation
The operation and maintenance manual 2ill be produced by a %allis subcontractor.
The manual 2ill be broken do2n into sections and issued to the rele5ant super5isor for
appro5al on the dates listed abo5e.
Preliminary OA9 information# as-built records and fire safety information 2ill be retained on
site by %allis *or as a;reed 2ith the IC$ maintenance staff, for reference out of hours or as
required follo2in; architectural completion of spaces. 8 briefin; re5ie2 2ill be held 2ith the
Hreen team prior to each occupation.
Preliminary information of the ICT installation 2ill be issued to IC$ ICT prior to occupation.
,&#&* 4est Certificates
Preliminary test certificates 2ill be pro5ided by %allis and issued 2ith the draft issue of OA9
information. 8ny updates 2ill be issued first to the rele5ant super5isor for comment and
a;reement that the updated certificate 2ill be included in the final OA9 manual.
,&#&+ As )uilt Infor"ation
Preliminary as built information 2ill be pro5ided by %allis and issued 2ith the draft issue of
OA9 information and shall be subject to the same appro5al process as construction
documents durin; the desi;n phase. 8ny updates 2ill be issued first to the rele5ant
super5isor for comment and a;reement that the updated information 2ill be included in the
final OA9 manual.
,&#&, Docu"ent Collation, Distribution and ;andover
To be confirmed 2ith IC$ in late -++3 prior to Phase 1 final completion.
,&#&. )uildin! fabric "anual
Confluence PC9 are preparin; the buildin; fabric manual.

Pa;e 1/
O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue 1& "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
,&( )uildin! :o!
The Part $ re;ulations requires that buildin; o2ners be pro5ided 2ith summary information
about a ne2 or refurbished buildin;# its buildin; ser5ices and their maintenance
requirements in a 'uildin; $o; book to pro5ide details of installed ser5ices plant and
controls# their methods of operations and maintenance# and other details that collecti5ely
enable ener;y consumption to be monitored and controlled.
The 'uildin; $o; book 2ill be produced in parallel 2ith the Phase 1# 6urability $abs and
combined Phase 1# - and 6urability $abs OA9 manuals. Preliminary lo; books are not
intended to be pro5ided at architectural completion of Phases 18->.
,&* )R--AM Certification and Ratin!
The '7>>89 assessment is under2ay by T'8# 6etails 2ill be added as this pro;resses in
late -++3.
,&+ Sc'edule of ot'er infor"ation re<uired b% t'e contract
%allis shall submit final site 2aste mana;ement information prior to si;n-off of Phase -.
,&, Interi" user !uides
8t architectural completion# a short summary user ;uide settin; out responsibilities for
maintenance and describin; limitations on ser5ice pro5ision in the areas. This ;uide 2ill be
pro5ided by 8rup to coincide 2ith the Technical 8d5isor inspections.

Pa;e 1.
O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue 1& "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
. Client -n!a!e"ent and 4rainin!
.&# Client 4rainin!
The schedule of client trainin; is to be de5eloped by %allis prior to the completion of Phase
1 commissionin;. or the architectural completions of Phases 18-># %allis and T'8 2ill
re5ie2 ne2 systems and preliminary record information 2ith users and the IC$ maintenance
.&( Spares
.&(&# Arc'itectural Spares
:one proposed.
.&(&( M-P Services Spares
%allis to propose a list of recommended spares for IC$ appro5al.
.&* 4ools and -<uip"ent
:one specified.
.&+ $e%s
The follo2in; keys are to be pro5ided at hando5er.
Ke's to be provided at -andover .' /ho0
1. 6istribution boards# plant enclosures# risers etc. %allis
-. Codes for di;i-locks %allis
3. Ceys for suited locks pro5ided by IC$. IC$
.&, Suited loc8s
8 schedule of suited locks is bein; prepared by Cli5e ?ar;rea5es of the Ci5il >n;ineerin;
department 2ith input from Terry 'ranch. $ocks 2ill be pro5ided by the users for fi1in; by
%allis# the tar;et date for pro5idin; locks is 3 2eeks prior to hando5er.
.&. 3tilities 'andover
To be confirmed 2ith IC$ durin; a;reement of the ?< 2orks.

Pa;e 1D
O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue 1& "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
/ Contractual Arran!e"ents
/&# 4a8e-over certificate
Take-o5er certificates are intended to be issued at the architectural completion of Phases
18->. These 2ill be issued by 8rup Project 9ana;ement upon receipt of confirmation from
the super5isors that the all items 2ithin the a;reed scope for those sections are complete.
/&( Co"pletion Certificate
8rup Project 9ana;ement 2ill issue a contract completion certificate for Phases 1#
6urability $abs and Phase - 2hen all the 2orks co5ered under those phases are complete.
There is also an IC$ certificate of completion 2hich 2ill be issued at the same time.
/&* Insurances=)onds=>uarantees
Imperial Colle;e are to confirm that completed 2orks 2ill be insured from the date of
/&+ Co"pletion Meetin!
9eetin;s 2ill be held at the times set out belo2 to re5ie2 any "uper5isor=Technical
8d5isor=Eser comments and confirm that all concerned are happy that the project 2ill be
ready for completion and hando5er by dates set out belo2. The follo2in; people are
requested to attendI
Attendees Ar%hite%tura#
Cli5e ?ar;rea5es Mes Mes
"haun Crofton Mes Mes
"te5e ?o2e Mes
:ick 7oalfe Mes Mes
Technical 8d5isors Mes *see list in
"ection -,
"uper5isors Mes Mes
4ohn Hro5er Mes
Hraham "alter Mes Mes

Pa;e 13
O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue 1& "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
/&, 0or"al ;andover Meetin!
8 formal hando5er meetin; 2ill be held prior to completion of Phase 1# - and 6urability labs#
dates to be confirmed *this may be rescheduled if 2orks are not finished,# for final
confirmation that the project is complete and ready to be handed o5er to IC$. The follo2in;
people are requested to attendI
Attendees &ina#
Cli5e ?ar;rea5es Mes
"haun Crofton Mes
"te5e ?o2e Mes
:ick 7oalfe Mes
Technical 8d5isors Mes
"uper5isors Mes
4ohn Hro5er Mes
Hraham "alter Mes

Pa;e -+
O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue 1& "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
1 Client Occupation=Mi!ration
1&# 00&-
8ccess for installation of client > 2ill be ;i5en from the day after completion of Phases
18-># 6urability $abs and Phase -.
ire e1tin;uishers due to be installed in each phase prior to occupation. Phase 16
installation is to be confirmed.
1&( Decantin! decision point
The decision point for decant 2ill be established for each phase. 8ll decants for Phase 1
and Phase - 2orks ha5e no2 been completed. Confirmation is required on minor core areas
2hich still need to be cleared.
1&* Scientific e<uip"ent transfer
IC$ is arran;in; for the relocation of e1istin; or pro5ision of ne2 scientific equipment into
completed spaces. 8ccess 2ill be a5ailable after architectural completion for Phases 18->
and 6urability $ab areas *2ith early access for microscope installation in the 6urability lab
as set out in 1.D abo5e,.
1&+ Personal effects transfer
To be carried out by IC$. 8ccess 2ill be a5ailable from the architectural completion for
Phases 18-> and after completion of the 6urability $ab and Phase -.

Pa;e -1
O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue 1& "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
2 Post Co"pletion Certificate Issue
2&# Per"it Arran!e"ents
8rran;ements for permits to access handed o5er *Phases 18->, are to be a;reed 2ith the
users and buildin; mana;er.
2&( Public Relations=Press Releases=Mar8etin!
:othin; planned at present.
2&* Defects Close Out Strate!% and Pro!ra""e
This section co5ers defects kno2n at hando5er.
%allis to a;ree a pro;ramme for the resolution of kno2n defects at completionL this 2ill be
de5eloped and a;reed 2ith 8rup and the super5isors and access 2ill be a;reed 2ith
buildin; mana;ement# users# and the Hreent Team if occupied spaces are affected.
Contacts for a;reement of the defect resolutionI
"haun Crofton = Cli5e ?ar;rea5es
4ohn Hro5er
Chas Huirey = Hreen Team
Hraham "alter
2&+ :atent Defects Reportin! Strate!%
The proposed process for dealin; 2ith latent defects 2ill be de5eloped and outlined in
8ppendi1 I of later re5isions of this report. The intention is to capture all defects throu;h the
IC$ helpline then either fed throu;h to 8rup Project 9ana;ement for action as sna;s or dealt
2ith by acilities 9ana;ement if a buildin; maintenance issue. 8ny issues identified as
sna;s 2ill be added to the central sna; list for record purposes.
The sna;;in; list 2ill be cate;orise sna;s as to 2hether remedial 2orks can be done
immediately or durin; planned periods *e.;. out of term time,.
8 meetin; 2ill be held 2ith IC$ and %allis to ensure that all parties understand the process

Pa;e --
O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue 1& "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
2&, De"obilisation Arran!e"ents
2&,&# Arc'ivin!
To be de5eloped prior to Phase 1 commissionin; completion date in 6ecember +3.
2&,&( Contractor acco""odation, ?elfare and Stora!e
To be de5eloped.
2&,&* Plant, -<uip"ent and Materials
To be de5eloped.
2&,&+ :o!istics and Securit%
To be de5eloped.
2&. :essons :earned ?or8s'ops
To be de5eloped.

Pa;e -3
O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue 1& "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
#@ Ris8s to ;andover and Close Out


A%tion /ho
%orks not complete in time for
inspections to be carried out
3 - %allis to pro;ramme 2orks to allo2
sufficient time for inspections.
8dditional IC$ requirements prior
to hando5er not identified.
1 - 8ll parties to pro5ide input to the
hando5er plan to identify
IC$ =
"uper5isors =

Pa;e -&
O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue 1& "eptember -++3
8ppendi1 8
Pro1e%t +#ose,Out
Status "ra%ker
To be developed on receipt of Wallis revised Phase 2 Programme.
8ppendi1 '
Pro1e%t -andover
To be developed in conjunction with the commissioning programmes.
8ppendi1 C
+urrent (efe%ts and
Outstandin! /orks
Live document in development with Wallis..
8ppendi1 6
/L +ommissionin!
To be developed.
8ppendi1 >
/itnessin! S%hedu#e
To be developed.
Site boundar' p#ans
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
8ppendi1 H
Summar' of Servi%es
Avai#ab#e Servi%es at
To be developed.

O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue 1& "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
8ppendi1 ?
*nterim -andover 2ser
3uide E4amp#e

O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue 1& "eptember -++3
"kempton $e5els + A 1 refurbishment B "C>9 +3+1
Project Close Out-Plan
8ppendi1 I
(ut' -o#der
To be developed.

O5e 8rup A Partners $td
Issue 1& "eptember -++3

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