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Term Definition
1 Applicant Pool All persons who are actually evaluated for selection
2 Application Form From that provides information on education, prior work record, and skills.
3 Appraisal
An interview in which the supervisor and subordinate review the appraisal and
make plans to remedy deficiencies and reinforce strenths
! Apprenticeship A time " typically two to five years " when an individual is considerin to be
trainin to learn a skill
# Arbitration$ Process that uses a neutral third party to make a decision
% Assessment &enter A collection of instruments and e'ercises desined to dianose individuals(
development needs
) Attrition A process whereby the *obs of incumbents who leave for any reason will not be
+ Authority ,he riht to make decisions, direct others( work, and ive orders
- Autonomy ,he freedom and independence involved in doin one(s *ob
1. /aby /oomers ,hose individuals born between 1-!% and 1-%!
11 /aby /usters ,hose individuals born in 1-%# and years after. 0ften referred to as eneration
12 /ackround
,he process of verifyin information *ob candidates provide
13 /ase Pay ,he basic compensation an employee receives, usually as a wae or salary
1! /ehaviorally
Anchored 2atin
3cales 4/A235
A performance appraisal techni6ue that enerates critical incidents and
develops behavioral dimensions of performance. ,he evaluator appraises
behaviors rather than traits
1# /enchmark 7ob 7ob found in many orani8ations and performed by several individuals who
have similar duties that are relatively stable and re6uire similar 93As
1% /onus A one:time payment that does not become part of the employee(s base pay
1) /roadbandin Practice of usin fewer pay rades havin broader raner than in traditional
compensation systems
1+ /urnout ,he total depletion of physical and mental resources caused by e'cessive
strivin to reach an unrealistic work:related oal
1- &areer 3taes An individual(s career moves throuh five staes$ e'ploration, establishment,
mid:career, late:career, and decline
2. &areer ,he series of work:related positions a person occupies throuhout life
21 &lassification
;ethod of *ob evaluation that focuses on creatin common *ob rades based on
skills, knowlede, and abilities
22 &oachin A development activity in which a manaer takes an active role in uidin
another manaer
23 &ollective
Process whereby representatives of manaement and workers neotiate over
waes, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment
2! &ompetencies /asic characteristics that can be linked to enhanced performance by
individuals or teams
2# &ompetitive
,he basis for superiority over competitors and thus for hopin to claim certain
2% &omplaint
A formali8ed procedure in an orani8ation throuh which an employee seeks
resolution of a work problem
2) &omplaint Indication of employee dissatisfaction
2+ &ontractual 2ihts 2ihts based on a specific contractual areement between employer and
2- &ontrollin A manaement function concerned with monitorin activities
3. &ore &ompetency A uni6ue capability that creates hih value and that differentiates the
orani8ation from its competition
31 &ost:/enefit
&omparison of costs and benefits associated with trainin
32 &ultural
,he attitudes and perspectives shared by individuals from specific countries
that shape their behavior and how they view the world
33 =ecentrali8ed
>ork 3ites
>ork sites that e'ist away from an orani8ation(s facilities
3! =ecline Phase ,he final stae in one(s career, usually marked by retirement
3# =eleation A manaement activity in which activities are assined to individuals at lower
levels in the orani8ation
3% =eprivation A state of havin an unfulfilled need
3) =evelopment <fforts to improve employees( ability to handle a variety of assinments
3+ =iary ;ethod A *ob analysis method re6uirin *ob incumbents to record their daily activities
3- =isabled person 3omeone who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits life
activities, who has record of such an impairment, or who is rearded as havin
such an impairment
!. =iversity ,he differences amon people
!1 =ownsi8in An activity in an orani8ation aimed at creatin reater efficiency by
eliminatin certain *obs
!2 =raw An amount advanced from and repaid to future commissions earned b the
!3 =uty A larer work sement composed of several tasks that are performed by an
!! <arly 2etirement A downsi8in effort whereby employees close to retirement are iven some
incentive to leave the company earlier than e'pected
!# <mployee /enefits ;embership:based, nonfinancial rewards offered to attract and keep
!% <mployee
A process whereby employees are uided in overcomin performance
!) <mployee
Future:oriented trainin, focusin on the personal rowth of the employee
!+ <mployee
A booklet describin the important aspects of employment an employee needs
to know
!- <mployee
A recommendation from a current employee reardin a *ob applicant
#. <mployee 3tock
0wnership Plan
A plan whereby employees ain stock ownership in the orani8ation for which
they work
#1 <mployee ,rainin Present:oriented trainin, focusin on individuals( current *obs
#2 <mployment ,est Any employment procedure used as the basis for makin an employment:
related decision
#3 <mployment
Areement that formally outlines the details of employment
#! <mployment
@aws that directly affect the hirin, firin, and promotion of individuals
## <nvironmental
,hose factors outside the orani8ation that directly affect ?2; operations
#% <nvironmental Process of studyin the environment of the orani8ation to pinpoint
3cannin opportunities and threats
#) <6ual <mployment
0pportunity 4<<05
Individuals should have e6ual treatment in all employment:related actions
#+ <6uity ,he perceived fairness of what the person does compared with what the person
#- <ssential 7ob
Fundamental duties of a *ob
%. <stablishment
A career stae in which one beins to search for work. It includes ettin
one(s first *ob
%1 <'it Interview An interview in which individuals are asked to identify reasons for leavin the
%2 <'patriates Individuals who work in a country in which they are not citi8ens of that
%3 <'ploration Phase A career stae that usually ends in one(s mid:twenties as one makes the
transition form school to work
%! Feedback ,he amount of information received about how well or how poorly one has
%# Fle'time 3chedulin arranement in which employees work a set number of hours per
day by vary startin and endin times
%% Forecastin Ase of information from the past and present to identify e'pected future
%) Blass &eilin =iscriminatory practices that have prevented women and other protected:class
members from advancin to e'ecutive:level *obs
%+ Brievance
Formal channels of communications used to resolve rievances
%- Brievance &omplaint formally stated in writin
). ?awthorne 3tudies A series of studies that provided new insihts into roup behavior
)1 ?ealth A eneral state of physical, mental, and emotional well:bein
)2 ?ost:&ountry
?irin a citi8en for the host country to perform certain *obs in the lobal
)3 ?2 Audit A formal research effort that evaluates the current state of ?2 manaement in
an orani8ation
)! ?2 Beneralist A person with responsibility for performin a variety of ?2 activities
)# ?2 2esearch ,he analysis of data from ?2 records to determine the effectiveness of past
and present ?2 practices
)% ?2 3pecialist A person with in:depth knowlede and e'pertise in a limited area of ?2
)) ?2 3trateies ;eans used to anticipate and manae the supply of and demand for human
)+ ?uman 2esource
3ystem 4?2I35
An interated system desined providin information used in ?2 decision
)- ?uman 2esource
Process of analy8in and identifyin the need for and availability of human
resources so that the orani8ation can meet its ob*ectives
+. ?uman 2esources
=escribes the skills that are available within the orani8ation
+1 ?uman 2esources
,he desin of formal systems in an orani8ation to ensure effective and
efficient use of human talent to accomplish orani8ational oals
+2 Individual:
&entered &areer
&areer plannin that focuses on individuals( careers rather than on
orani8ational needs
+3 In:house
A company:based method for e'posin prospective manaer to realistic
e'ercises to develop improved manaement skills
+! 7ob Analysis 3ystematic way to ather and analy8e information about the content, conte't,
and the human re6uirements of *obs
+# 7ob &riteria Important elements in a iven *ob
+% 7ob =escription Identification of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of a *ob
+) 7ob =esin 0rani8in tasks, duties, and responsibilities into a productive unit of work
++ 7ob <nlarement /roadenin the scope of a *ob by e'pandin the number of different tasks to be
+- 7ob <nrichment Increasin the depth of a *ob by addin the responsibility for plannin,
orani8in, controllin, and evaluatin
-. 7ob <valuation ,he systematic determination of the relative worth of *obs within an
-1 7ob Postin A system in which the employer provides notices of *ob openins and
employees respond to apply
-2 7ob 2otation ,he process of shiftin a person from *ob to *ob
-3 7ob 3atisfaction A positive emotional state resultin from evaluatin one(s *ob e'perience
-! 7ob 3pecifications ,he knowlede, skills, and abilities 493As5 and individual needs to perform a
*ob satisfactorily
-# 7ob Broupin of tasks, duties, and responsibilities that constitutes the total work
assinment for employees
-% 9aroshi A 7apanese term meanin death from overworkin
-) @abor ;arkets ,he e'ternal supply pool from which orani8ations attract employees
-+ @eadin A manaement function concerned with directin the work of others
-- @earnin
An orani8ation Dskilled at creatin, ac6uirin, and transferrin knowlede and
at modifyin its behavior to reflect new knowlede and insihts
1.. @ine ;anaer A manaer who is authori8ed to direct the work of subordinates and
responsible for accomplishin the orani8ation(s oals
1.1 ;anaement by
0b*ectives 4;/05
3pecifies the performance oals that an individual and her or his manaer
aree to try to attain within an appropriate lenth of time
1.2 ;anaement
Any attempt to improve current or future manaement performance by
impartin knowlede, chanin attitudes, or increasin skills
1.3 ;anaement
<arly theories of manaement that promoted today(s ?2; operations
1.! ;entorin A relationship in which e'perienced manaers aid individuals in the earlier
staes of their careers
1.# ;id:&areer Phase A career stae marked by a continuous improvement in performance, levelin
off in performance or the beinnin of deterioration of performance
1.% ;ission 3tatement ,he reason an orani8ation is in business
1.) ;otivation ,he desire within a person causin that person to act
1.+ Ceative
An unpleasant reward
1.- Cepotism Practice of allowin relatives to work for the same employer
11. Corms ,ells roup members what they ouht or ouht not do in certain circumstances
111 0bservation
A *ob analysis techni6ue in which data are athered by watchin employees
112 0rani8ational ,he deree to which employees believe in and accept orani8ational oals and
&ommitment desire to remain with the orani8ation
113 0rani8ational
,he shared values and beliefs of a workforce
11! 0rientation ,he planned introduction of new employees to their *obs, co:workers, and the
11# Panel Interview Interview in which several interviewers interview the candidate at the same
11% Participative
A manaement concept ivin employees more control over the day:to:day
activities on their *ob
11) Pay <6uity 3imilarity in pay for all *obs re6uirin comparable levels of knowlede, skills,
and abilities, even if actual duties and market rates differ sinificantly
11+ Pay Brade A roupin of individual *obs havin appro'imately the same *ob worth
11- Pension Plans 2etirement benefits established and funded by employers and employees
12. Performance
,he process of evaluatin how well employees perform their *obs when
compared to a set of standards, and then communicatin that information to
121 Performance
Processes used to identify, encourae, measure, evaluate, improve, and reward
employee performance
122 Performance
Indicators of what the *ob accomplishes and how performance is measured in
key areas of the *ob description
123 Performance >hat an employee does or does not do
12! Per6uisites 4Perks5 3pecial benefits " usually noncash items " for e'ecutives
12# Person:7ob Fit ;atchin the 93As of people with the characteristics of *obs
12% Personnel &ompany records showin present performance and promotability of inside
candidates for the most important positions
12) Placement Fittin a person to the riht *ob
12+ Policies Beneral uidelines that focus orani8ational actions
12- Positive
Providin a pleasant response to an individual(s actions
13. Procedures &ustomary methods of handlin activities
131 Productivity A measure of the 6uantity and 6uality of work done, considerin the cost of the
resources used
132 Profit 3harin A system to distribute a portion of the profits of the orani8ation to employees
133 Protected &lass Individuals within a roup identified for protection under e6ual employment
laws and reulation
13! 2einforcement People tend to repeat responses that ive them some type of positive reward
and avoid actions associated with neative conse6uences
13# 2eplacement
?2; orani8ational charts indicatin positions that may become vacant in the
near future and the individuals who may fill the vacancy
13% 2esponsibilities 0bliations to perform certain tasks and duties
13) 2eturn 0n
Investment 420I5
&alculation showin the value of e'penditures for ?2 activities
13+ 2ihts ,hat which belons to a person by law, nature, or tradition
13- 2ihtsi8in @inkin employee needs to orani8ational stratey
1!. 2oles /ehaviors that *ob incumbents are e'pected to display
1!1 2ules 3pecific uidelines that reulate and restrict the behavior of individuals
1!2 3abbatical @eave Paid time off the *ob to develop and re*uvenate oneself
1!3 3afety &ondition in which the physical well:bein of people is protected
1!! 3alaries &onsistent payments made each period reardless of number of hours worked
1!# 3ecurity Protection of employees and orani8ational facilities
1!% 3election &riteria &haracteristic that a person must have to do a *ob successfully
1!) 3election Process of choosin individuals who have needed 6ualifications to fill *obs in
an orani8ation
1!+ 3elf:=irected >ork
0ne composed of individuals assined a cluster of tasks, duties, and
responsibilities to be accomplished
1!- 3elf:<fficacy A person(s belief that heEshe can successfully learn the trainin proram
1#. 3eniority ,ime spent in the orani8ation or on a particular *ob
1#1 3eparation
Areement in which a terminated employee arees not to sue the employer in
e'chane for specified benefits
1#2 3imulation A development techni6ue that re6uires participants to analy8e a situation and
decide the best course of action based on the data iven
1#3 3kill =eficiencies ,he lackin of basic abilities to perform many of today(s *obs
1#! 3kill Fariety A situation in which *obs re6uire a number of skills
1## 0utsourcin 0ccurs when one company hires another company to manae, maintain and
run some portion of its business.
1#% 3ociali8ation A process of adaptation that takes place as individuals attempt to learn the
values and norms of work roles
1#) 3pa of &ontrol ,he number of employees a supervisor con effectively and efficiently direct
1#+ 3trateic Boals 0rani8ation:wide oals settin direction for the ne't five to twenty years
1#- 3trateic ?uman
0rani8ational use of employees to ain or keep a competitive advantae
aainst competitors
1%. 3tress A dynamic condition in which an individual is confronted with an opportunity,
constraint, or demand related to what he or she desires and for which the
outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important
1%1 3tress Interview An interview desined to see how the applicants handle themselves under
1%2 3tressors 3omethin that causes stress in an individual
1%3 3trike >ork stoppae in which union members refuse to work in order to put pressure
on an employer
1%! 3tructured
Interview tat uses a set of standardi8ed 6uestions asked of all *ob applicants
1%# 3uccession
Process of identifyin a loner:term plan for the orderly replacement of key
1%% ,ask A distinct, identifiable work activity composed of motions
1%) ,elecommutin Process of oin to work via electronic computin and telecommunications
1%+ ,rainin A process whereby people ac6uire capabilities to aid in the achievement of
orani8ational oals
1%- ,urnover Process in which employees leave the orani8ation and have to be replaced
1). Anion A formal association of workers that promotes the interests of its members
throuh collective action
1)1 Ansafe &onditions ,he mechanical and physical conditions that cause accidents
1)2 >aes Payments directly calculated on the amount of time worked
1)3 >histle:/lowers Individuals who report real or perceived wrons committed by their employers
1)! >orkers(
/enefits provided to persons in*ured on the *ob
1)! >orkers(
/enefits provided to persons in*ured on the *ob
1)# Sustainability Sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that we need
for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on
our natural environment.
1)% Head Count Refers to average number of people employed directly by the company
on a full-time and part-time basis.

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