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Curriculum Vitae
Osvaldo Cleger

School of Modern Languages
Georgia Institute of Technology
Swann Building
613 Cherry Street
Atlanta, GA 30332-0375
Tel: (404) 385-0193

Ph.D., Hispanic Literature, University of Arizona, Aug 2009.
Major: 18
, 19
, 20
and 21
Century Latin American Literature.
Minors: 18
, 19
, 20
and 21
Century Spanish Literature, and Literary Criticism.
M.A., New Mexico State University, May 2004.
Major: Hispanic Literature.
Bachelor of Arts, University of Havana, 1997.
Major: History.

Ph.D. Dissertation
El arte de narrar en la era de las blogoficciones is an interdisciplinary approach to electronic
narratives, in which I explore the impact that recent developments in technology are having on
the literary field. Drawing on the work of theorists and scholars such as Jean Baudrillard, George
Landow, Katherine Hayles, Janet Murray, Lev Manovich and Jay David Bolter, among others, I
study how key narratological concepts acquire a new set of characteristics when implemented in
an electronic environment. My working hypothesis is that in the new media culture that is
currently emerging, the traditional ideas about authorship, textuality, fictionality, sequential
structure, and readership are being challenged by tendencies toward anonymity, pseudonymity,
collaborative authorship, hypertextual narrative structures, and the active involvement of the
reader in the creative process. In one of the chapters, I apply these theoretical considerations to
the critical reading of several blog-novels written by Argentinean author Hernn Casciari. The
relevance of this study lies in the acknowledgement that electronic fictions are an emerging
literary genre, which has its own identifiable features, and constitutes a cultural derivation of the
information society in which we live today.

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Published Books and Parts of Book
Narrar en la era de las blogoficciones: literatura, cultura y sociedad de las redes en el siglo XXI.
Mellen Press, 2010. Print.
Pantallas saturadas / cuerpos opacos: la ficcin hipertextual en lengua espaola. Leer
hipertextos. Eds. Antonio Mendoza y J. M. De Amo. Barcelona: Universidad de
Barcelona, 2012. 53-72. Print
Amor y conocimiento en Cintio Vitier (Aproximaciones a su crtica). Havana, Casa Editora Abril,
2002. Print. Awarded the 2000 Calendario Award of Literary Criticism. (written in
collaboration with Patricia Ramos).
El Mercurio Peruano: la otra revista. Maritegui. R. E. y R. Parodi. Havana, Centro de
Investigacin y Desarrollo de la Cultura Cubana Juan Marinello: 47-74. 2002. Print.
Refereed Publications
Del caligrama al poema flash: la poesa visual se muda a la Internet. Taller de Letras.
Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile (forthcoming in Spring 2012).
Safo en el trpico: imagen post-victoriana del cuerpo en la poesa de Mercedes Matamoros.
Revista de Estudios Hispnicos. XLV.3 (2011): 551-570. Print.
El cuerpo de Ofelia: mito y erotismo del agua en la poesa de Dulce Mara Loynaz. Caribe
12.2 (2009-2010): 81-100. Print.
Ritos, revistas y modas femeninas (La irrupcin en Cuba Republicana del arquetipo de la mujer
moderna, 1902-1912). Universidad de La Habana (254-255): 170-179. 2002. Print.
Primera estacin martiana: Juan Marinello en la gnesis del martismo. Anuario del Centro de
Estudios Martianos (21): 107-128. 1998. Print.
Other Publications
Un caso curioso de criminologa literaria: apostillas a la polmica entre Amaury Francisco
Gutirrez Coto y Antonio Jos Ponte. Revista Vitral (69) 2005.
Cintio Vitier. Revista de la Sociedad Cultural Jos Mart (5): 51-53. 2002.
Presencia y figura (poesa francesa contempornea). El Caimn Barbudo (308): 15-18. 2002.
Creative Writings
Los balcones, el alba. Writers Without Borders (7): 47. 2003.
El discurso del rbol: bajo un nogal. Revista Arenas Blancas (1): 26. 2004.
Selection of poems. De Liras (5): 13-15. 1998.

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Keynote Addresses and Invited Lectures

Reading Latin American Hyperfiction: Towards an Interactive Narratology. Keynote Address.
Alabama Modern Language Conference, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, Feb 24,
Pantallas saturadas / cuerpos opacos: la doble lgica de la inmediatez y la hipermediatez en la
ficcin hipertextual en lengua espaola. Keynote Address. II Simposio internacional
sobre perspectivas de investigacin e innovacin didctica en formacin receptora: leer
hipertextos, Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, Espaa, Sept 30, 2011.
Beyond the Printed Page: Understanding Hypertext Literature from the 1990s. Invited lecture.
William Conroy Honors Center Commons, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces,
NM, March 29, 2011.
Narrar en la era de las blogoficciones: la literatura y los medios en la era digital. Invited
lecture. Center for Latin American and Border Studies, New Mexico State University,
Las Cruces, NM, March 28, 2011.

Conference Papers

La esttica del videojuego en Golpe de gracia, un hipermedia interactivo de Jaime Alejandro
Rodrguez. LASA 2012: Toward a Third Century of Independence in Latin America,
May 23-26, San Francisco, California.
From Calligram to Flash-Poetry: the Technologizing of the Poem. 83
Annual Convention of
the South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Nov 4-6, 2011, Atlanta, Georgia.
Train Man and Weblog de una mujer gorda: A Cross-Cultural Approach to Online Collective
Narratives. International Conference on Latin American Cybercultural Studies:
Exploring New Paradigms and Analytical Approaches, May 19-20, 2011, The University
of Liverpool, UK.
Hernn Casciaris Weblog de una mujer gorda: the Feuilleton Meets the Web. NeMLA 2011
Convention, April 7-10, 2011, New Brunswick, New Jersey.
Los Wordtoys de Beln Gache: la poesa visual se muda a la Internet. XXIX International
Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, October 6-9, 2010, Toronto,
Buenos Aires: tango, bohemia y rock nacional. XXXVIII Congreso Internacional del Instituto
Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana, Independencias: memoria y futuro,
Georgetown University, June 9-11, 2010, Washington D.C.
Virtual Communities and Collective Narratives: From Tokyo to Mercedes, Buenos Aires. The
4th International Conference & Festival of the Electronic Literature Organization,
Brown University, June 3-6, 2010, Providence, RI.
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Ms all de la pgina impresa: aproximaciones a la ficcin hipertextual en Latino Amrica.
40th Anniversary Congress of the Canadian Association for Latin American and
Caribbean Studies (CALACS), Concordia University, June 1-3, 2010, Montreal, Canada.
Etno-ciborgs y cibervatos: las performaces en la Red de Guillermo Gmez Pea. 2010
National Popular Culture & American Culture Conference, March 31 - April 3, 2010, St.
Louis, Missouri.
Sor Juana Ins de la Cruz y las polticas del cuerpo ausente. 17th Annual Graduate and
Professional Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Language and
Culture, University of Arizona, February 2007, Tucson, Arizona.
La poesa de Jess Barquet: a propsito de su ltimo libro. 16th Annual Graduate and
Professional Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Language and
Culture, University of Arizona, February 2006, Tucson, Arizona.
Mito y erotismo del agua en la poesa de Dulce Mara Loynaz. First Symposium on Hispanic
and Luso-Brazilian Languages, Literature & Linguistics, GRAPHSY, Georgetown
University, October 2005, Washington D.C.
Safo en el trpico: imagen post-victoriana del cuerpo en la poesa de Mercedes Matamoros.
15th Annual Graduate and Professional Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian
Literature, Language and Culture, University of Arizona, February 2005, Tucson,
El Mercurio Peruano: la otra revista. Taller Internacional 70 Aniversario de Jos Carlos
Maritegui, Centro de Investigacin y Desarrollo de la Cultura Cubana Juan Marinello,
La Habana, October 2000.
Ritos, revistas y modas femeninas (la irrupcin en Cuba Republicana del arquetipo de la mujer
moderna, 1902-1912). Coloquio Internacional: Mujeres latinoamericanas y caribeas,
cultura popular tradicional y cultura de masas, Casa de las Amricas, Programa de
Estudios de la Mujer, La Habana, February 2000.
Las cubanas a la conquista del espacio pblico (1902-1912). Taller Cientfico: Nacin y
Sociedad en Cuba republicana: algunos problemas, Centro de Investigacin y Desarrollo
de la Cultura Cubana Juan Marinello, La Habana, September 1999.
La primera estacin martiana: Marinello en la gnesis del marxismo. Coloquio Internacional:
Magisterio, cultura y proyeccin social en Juan Marinello, Memorial Juan Marinello, La
Habana, November 1998.
Nacidos en los setenta: comentarios en torno a la ltima generacin potica de la Isla.
Coloquio Nacional Palabra de los noventa, Instituto de Literatura y Lingstica, La
Habana, October 1998.

Teaching Experience
Georgia Institute of Technology (July 2011 to present). Assistant Professor of Spanish at the
Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts, School of Modern Languages.
Courses taught:
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Spanish 4160 Identity, Memory and Migrations: Living in, on and off the Hyphen (1
section) (This is a course on Latino Culture and Literature in the US)
Spanish 3833 Hispanic Culture Through Film, Literature and the Arts (1 section)
Spanish 3111 Composition I (3 section)

Lafayette College (July 2009 to June 2011). Assistant Professor of Spanish at the Department of
Foreign Languages and Literatures.
Courses taught:
Spanish 435: Identity, Memory and Migrations: Living in, on and off the Hyphen (1
Spanish 428: From Hypertext to Blog-fictions: Mapping Current Trends in Electronic
Literature (1 section)
Spanish 314: Latin American Culture Through Film, Literature and the Arts (2 sections)
Spanish 225: Business Spanish (1 section)
Spanish 211: Advanced Composition (3 sections)
Spanish 112: Intermediate Spanish (1 section)

The University of Arizona (August 2004 to May 2009). Graduate Associate in Teaching at the
Department of Spanish and Portuguese.
Courses taught:
Spanish 450: Advanced Conversation and Writing Skills (1 section)
Spanish 449: Topics in Spanish American Literature: Fantastic Fictions of Latin
America (1 section)
Spanish 350: Introduction to Literary Genres (3 section)
Spanish 330: Conversation (2 sections)
Spanish 325: Intermediate Spanish Grammar (1 section)
Spanish 251: Intermediate Spanish Language: Spanish Composition through
Literature (2 sections)
Spanish 205: Intensive Spanish (2 sections)
Spanish 202: Fourth Semester Spanish Language (3 sections)
Spanish 201: Third Semester Spanish Language (2 sections)
Spanish 102: Second Semester Spanish Language (4 sections)
Traditions and Cultures 103: The Arts and Politics in Latin America (8 sections)
Pima Community College (August 2005 to May 2009). Adjunct Faculty.
Courses taught:
Spanish 202: Fourth Semester Spanish Language (1 sections)
Spanish 201: Third Semester Spanish Language (1 sections)
Spanish 102: Second Semester Spanish Language (1 sections)

New Mexico State University (August 2002 to May 2004). Graduate Assistant in Teaching at the
Department of Modern Languages.
Courses taught:
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Spanish 212: Fourth Semester Spanish Language (4 sections)
Spanish 211: Third Semester Spanish Language (2 sections)
Spanish 112: Second Semester Spanish Language (1 sections)
Spanish 111: First Semester Spanish Language (2 sections)

Latin American School of Medical Science (LASMS), Cuba (1999). Instructor of Latin
American History.
Felix Varela Center, Havana, Cuba (1996 to 1997). Instructor of Spanish and Lecturer in the
Seminar Cuba: Ethic and Society.
Museum Maximo Gmez, Havana, Cuba (1995 to 1996). Teaching Assistant of Italian Language.
Courses taught:
First Semester Italian Language (multiple sections)

Teaching Interests
All levels of Spanish language courses, 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st century Latin American
Literature and Culture, 20th and 21st century Spanish Literature, Poetry, Interdisciplinary
Studies, Women Studies, Literary Theory, Cultural Studies, Hypertext Theory, Digital Narratives
and Internet Culture.

Relevant Work Experience
New Mexico State University, Branson Library, Las Cruces, NM (May to August 2002). Library
Jose Marti National Library, Havana, Cuba (1998 to 2001). Librarian, Reading Promoter and
Juan Marinello Center for Research and Development of Cuban Culture, Havana (1999 to 2001).
Assistant Researcher.

Editorial Positions
2006: Editorial Assistant, Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies. Volume 11.
2005-2006: Member of the Editorial Board of Divergencias. Revista de estudios lingsticos y
literarios. Graduate Students Journal. The University of Arizona. Volumes 4:1, and 4:2.
2004: Co-founder and Member of the Editorial Board of Arenas Blancas. Revista Literaria.
Volume 1.

Awards and Grants
Graduate College Fellowship, The University of Arizona, Fall 2004 Fall 2008.
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Under-represented Graduate Student Travel Grant, The University of Arizona, Fall 2005.
Graduate College Minority Fellowship, The University of Arizona, Fall 2004.
Outstanding Teaching Assistant. Department of Modern Languages. New Mexico State
University. May 2004.
Southwest and Border Cultures Institute Award for the literary journal project, Arenas Blancas,
New Mexico State University, 2003.
Winner of the Calendario Award of Literary Criticism, for the essay Amor y conocimiento en
Cintio Vitier, written in collaboration with Patricia Ramos. La Habana, 2000.
Honorable mention by the La Gaceta de Cuba Award, for the selection of poems Variaciones
del Aire. Havana, 1995.

University Service and Memberships
AP Exam Reader, Educational Testing Service, ETS, Fall 2010 Present.
Faculty Advisor: First-Year Students. Lafayette College, Fall 2010 Fall 2011.
Member: Diversity Committee. Lafayette College, Fall 2010 Fall 2011.
Member: Latin American and Caribbean Studies Advisory Committee. Lafayette College, Fall
2010 Fall 2011.
Member: Julia lvarez Planning Committee. Lafayette College, Spring 2010.
Member: Modern Language Association (MLA).
Member: Latin American Studies Association (LASA)
Member: Electronic Literature Organization (ELO)
Member: Popular Culture Association and American Culture Association (PCA/ACA)
Member: Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CALACS)

Language Skills
Spanish: native.
English: near-native.
French and Italian: excellent reading knowledge and fair speaking skills.

Computer Skills
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Abode Flash, After Effects, FrontPage, Dreamweaver, Moodle,
WebCT, D2L. Windows and Web Platforms.

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