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Based on the novels by

and the TV series developed by
Kevin Williamson & Julie Ple
Title Pa"e

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0Tis no1 the very 1ithin" time o$ ni"ht2
When hurhyards ya1n and hell itsel$ breathes out
!onta"ion to this 1orld. 3o1 ould I drin4 hot blood
5nd do suh bitter business as the day
Would 6ua4e to loo4 on.
7Hamlet2 William Sha4espeare
The poets and philosophers I one loved had it 1ron". 8eath does not ome to us all2 nor does the passa"e o$ time dim
our memories and redue our bodies to dust. Beause 1hile I 1as onsidered dead2 and a headstone had been
en"raved 1ith my name2 in truth my li$e 1as 9ust be"innin". It 1as as i$ I0d been asleep these many years2 slumberin" in
the dar4est ni"ht2 only to a1a4e to a 1orld that 1as bri"hter2 1ilder2 more thrillin" than I0d ever ima"ined.
The humans I used to 4no1 ontinued their lives2 9ust as I one had2 spendin" their $inite days "oin" to the mar4et2
tendin" the $ields2 stealin" seret 4isses 1hen the sun 1ent do1n. They 1ere merely shado1s to me no12 no more
si"ni$iant than the $ri"htened s6uirrels and rabbits that sampered in the $orest2 barely onsious o$ the 1orld around
But I 1as no shado1. I 1as 1hole7and impervious to their 1orst $ear. I had on6uered death. I 1as no $leetin" visitor
to the 1orld. I 1as its master2 and I had all o$ eternity to bend it to my 1ill . . .
!hapter &
It 1as :tober. The trees o$ the emetery had turned a deayed bro1n2 and a old bree;e had 1histled in2 replain" the
sti$lin" heat o$ the Vir"inia summer. 3ot that I muh $elt it. 5s a vampire2 my body re"istered only the temperature o$
my ne<t vitim2 1armed by the antiipation o$ her hot blood oilin" throu"h my veins.
My ne<t vitim 1as only a $e1 $eet a1ay= a hestnut>haired "irl 1ho 1as urrently limbin" over the $ene o$ the
Hartnett estate2 1hih ran ad9aent to the emetery.
?!lementine Haver$ord2 1hatever are you doin" out o$ bed so late@A My play$ul demeanor 1as at odds 1ith the hot2
heavy thirst oursin" throu"h me. !lementine 1as not supposed to be here2 but Matt Hartnett had al1ays been s1eet
on her. 5nd even thou"h !lementine 1as en"a"ed to Bandall Haver$ord2 her !harleston>based ousin2 it 1as lear the
$eelin" 1as mutual. She 1as already playin" a dan"erous "ame. Little did she 4no1 it 1as about to turn deadly.
!lementine s6uinted into the dar4ness. I ould tell $rom her heavy>lidded e<pression and 1ine>stained teeth that she0d
had a lon" ni"ht. ?Ste$an Salvatore@A she "asped. ?But you0re dead.A
I too4 a step loser to her. ?5m I2 no1@A
?Ces2 I attended your $uneral.A She o4ed her head to the side. She didn0t seem too onerned2 thou"h. She 1as
pratially sleep1al4in"2 heady $rom sips o$ 1ine and stolen 4isses. ?5re you a dream@A
?3o2 not a dream2A I said hus4ily.
I "rasped her by the shoulders and pulled her lose to me. She $ell a"ainst my hest2 and the loud drum o$ her heartbeat
$illed my ears. She smelled o$ 9asmine2 9ust as she had last summer 1hen my hand had "ra;ed the bodie o$ her dress
1hile 1e played one o$ 8amon0s 4issin" "ames under the Wi4ery Brid"e.
I ran one $in"er alon" her hee4. !lementine had been my $irst rush2 and I0d o$ten 1ondered 1hat it 1ould $eel li4e to
hold her li4e this. I put my lips to her ear. ?I0m more li4e a ni"htmare.A
Be$ore she ould ma4e a sound2 I san4 my teeth strai"ht into her 9u"ular vein2 si"hin" 1hen the $irst stream hit my
mouth. Dnli4e 1hat her name mi"ht su""est2 !lementine0s blood 1asn0t nearly as s1eet as I0d ima"ined. Instead it
tasted smo4y and bitter2 li4e o$$ee burned over a hot stove. Still2 I dran4 deeply2 "ulpin" her do1n2 until she stopped
"roanin" and her pulse slo1ed to a 1hisper. She 1ent limp in my arms2 and the $ire that burned in my veins and my
belly 1as 6uenhed.
5ll 1ee4 I0d been huntin" at my leisure2 havin" disovered that my body re6uired t1o $eedin"s a day. Mostly I 9ust
listened to the vital $luid oursin" throu"h the bodies o$ the residents o$ Mysti Ealls2 $asinated by ho1 easily I ould
ta4e it $rom them. When I did atta42 I0d done so are$ully2 $eedin" on "uests at the boardin"house or ta4in" one o$ the
soldiers up by Leesto1n. !lementine 1ould be my $irst vitim 1ho0d one been a $riend7the $irst vitim the people o$
Mysti Ealls 1ould miss.
8isen"a"in" my teeth $rom her ne42 I li4ed my lips2 allo1in" my ton"ue to savor the spot o$ 1et blood at the orner o$
my mouth. Then I dra""ed her out o$ the emetery and ba4 to the 6uarry 1here my brother2 8amon2 and I had been
stayin" sine 1e0d been turned.
The sun 1as 9ust reepin" over the hori;on2 and 8amon 1as sittin" listlessly at the ed"e o$ the 1ater2 "lanin" into its
depths as i$ they held the seret to the universe. He0d been li4e that every day sine 1e0d 1o4en up as vampires seven
days earlier2 mournin" the loss o$ Katherine2 the vampire 1ho0d made us into 1hat 1e are no1. Thou"h she had turned
me into a po1er$ul reature2 I elebrated her death2 unli4e my brother. She had played me $or a $ool2 and the memory
o$ her reminded me o$ ho1 vulnerable I0d one been.
5s I 1athed 8amon2 !lementine moaned in my arms2 one eye $lutterin" open. Were it not $or the blood seepin" onto
the blue lae ne4line o$ her 1rin4led2 blue tulle dress2 it 1ould seem as i$ she 1ere merely in slumber.
?Shhh2A I murmured2 tu4in" a $e1 loose strands o$ hair behind her ear. 5 voie some1here in my mind told me that I
should $eel re"ret over ta4in" her li$e2 but I $elt nothin" at all. Instead2 I read9usted her in my arms2 tossin" her over my
shoulder2 as i$ she 1ere simply a sa4 o$ oats2 and 1al4ed to the ed"e o$ the 1ater.
?Brother.A I uneremoniously dumped !lementine0s nearly li$eless body at his $eet.
8amon shoo4 his head and said2 ?3o.A His lips had a hal4y 1hite te<ture. Blood vessels t1isted dar4ly on his $aeF they
loo4ed li4e ra4s in marble. In the 1ea4 mornin" li"ht2 he loo4ed li4e one o$ the bro4en statues in the emetery.
?Cou must drin4GA I said rou"hly2 pushin" him do1n2 surprised at my o1n stren"th. His nostrils $lared. But 9ust as it 1as
to mine2 the smell o$ her blood 1as into<iatin" to his 1eary body2 and soon his lips met her s4in in spite o$ his
protestations. He be"an to drin42 slo1ly at $irst2 then lapped up the li6uid as thou"h he 1ere a horse desperate $or
?Why do you 4eep ma4in" me do this@A he as4ed plaintively2 1ipin" his mouth 1ith the ba4 o$ his hand and 1inin".
?Cou need to re"ain your stren"th.A I prodded !lementine 1ith the tip o$ my dirt>a4ed boot. She "roaned so$tly2
someho1 still alive. Eor no12 at least. But her li$e 1as in my hands. The reali;ation trilled throu"h me2 as thou"h my
entire bein" 1ere on $ire. This7the hunt2 the on6uests2 the re1ard o$ the pleasurable sleepiness that al1ays $ollo1ed
a $eedin"7made eternity stand be$ore us as an endless adventure. Why ouldn0t 8amon understand@
?This isn0t stren"th. It0s 1ea4ness2A 8amon hissed2 risin" to his $eet. ?It0s hell on #arth2 and nothin" ould be 1orse.A
?3othin"@ Would you rather be dead2 li4e Eather@A I shoo4 my head inredulously. ?Cou have a seond hane.A
?I never as4ed $or it2A 8amon said sharply. ?I never as4ed $or any o$ this. 5ll I 1anted 1asKatherine. She0s "one2 so 4ill
me no1 and be done 1ith it.A 8amon handed me a 9a""ed oa4 branh. ?Here2A he said2 standin" 1ith his arms open
1ide2 his hest e<posed. Just one stro4e to his heart and he0d have his 1ish.
Memories $lashed throu"h my mind= o$ Katherine2 her so$t2 dar4 urls2 her $an"s bri"ht in the moonli"ht2 her head
arhed ba4 be$ore she bit into my ne42 her ever>present lapis la;uli pendant that sat in the hollo1 o$ her ne4. I no1
understood 1hy she0d 4illed my $ianHe2 Bosalyn2 1hy she0d ompelled me and 8amon2 1hy she used her beauty and
innoent visa"e to ma4e people 1ant to trust and protet her. It 1as her nature. 5nd no1 it 1as ours. But instead o$
aeptin" it as a "i$t2 as I had2 8amon seemed to thin4 it 1as a urse.
I ra4ed the branh over my 4nee and thre1 the shards into the river. ?3o2A I said. Thou"h I0d never admit it aloud2 the
thou"ht o$ livin" $orever 1ithout a $riend in the 1orld $ri"htened me. I 1anted 8amon and I to learn to be vampires
?3o@A 8amon repeated2 his eyes snappin" open. ?Cou0re man enou"h to murder an old $lame2 but not your brother@A
He shoved me to the "round. He loomed above me2 his o1n $an"s bared2 then spit on my ne4.
?8on0t embarrass yoursel$2A I said2 sramblin" to my $eet. He 1as stron"2 but I 1as $ar stron"er2 than4s to my re"ular
$eedin"s. ?5nd don0t $ool yoursel$ into thin4in" Katherine loved you2A I "ro1led. ?She loved her Po1er2 and she loved
1hat she ould ma4e us do $or her. But she never loved us.A
8amon0s eyes bla;ed. He rushed to1ard me 1ith the speed o$ a "allopin" horse. His shoulder2 hard as stone2 plo1ed
into me2 thro1in" me ba4 into a tree. The trun4 split 1ith a loud ra4. ?She lovedme.A
?Then 1hy did she turn me2 too@A I hallen"ed2 rollin" to my $eet as I rebu$$ed his ne<t blo1.
The 1ords had their desired e$$et. 8amon0s shoulders sa""ed2 and he sta""ered ba41ard. ?Eine. I0ll 9ust do it mysel$2A
he murmured2 "rabbin" another sti4 and runnin" the sharp end alon" his hest.
I slapped the sta4e out o$ his hand and t1isted his arms behind his ba4. ?Cou are my brother7my $lesh and blood. So
lon" as I stay alive2 so shall you. 3o12 ome.A I pushed him to1ard the 1oods.
?!ome 1here@A 8amon as4ed listlessly2 allo1in" me to dra" him alon".
?To the emetery2A I ans1ered. ?We have a $uneral to attend.A
8amon0s eyes re"istered a dull spar4 o$ interest. ?Whose@A
?Eather0s. 8on0t you 1ant to say "ood>bye to the man 1ho 4illed us@A
!hapter '
8amon and I rouhed in the emetery0s hemlo4 "rove behind the mausoleums that housed the bones o$ Mysti Ealls0
$ounders. 8espite the early hour2 already the to1nspeople stood stoop>shouldered around a "apin" hole in the "round.
Pu$$s o$ air urled into the erulean blue s4y 1ith the ro1d0s every e<halation2 as i$ the entire on"re"ation 1ere
smo4in" elebratory i"ars rather than tryin" to alm their hatterin" teeth.
My hei"htened senses too4 in the sene be$ore us. The loyin" smell o$ vervain7an herb that rendered vampires
po1erless7hun" heavy in the air. The "rass 1as laden 1ith de12 eah drop o$ 1ater $allin" to the earth 1ith a silvery
pin"2 and $ar o$$ in the distane hurh bells himed. #ven $rom this distane2 I ould see a tear lod"ed in the orner o$
Honoria Eells0s eye.
8o1n at the pulpit2 Mayor Lo41ood shu$$led $rom $oot to $oot2 learly ea"er to "et the ro1d0s attention. I ould 9ust
ma4e out the 1in"ed $i"ure above him2 the an"el statue that mar4ed my mother0s $inal restin" plae. T1o empty plots
lay 9ust beyond2 1here 8amon and I should have been buried.
The mayor0s voie slied throu"h the old air2 his voie as loud to my sensitive ears as i$ he 1ere standin" ri"ht ne<t to
me. ?We ome to"ether today to say $are1ell to one o$ Mysti Ealls0 "reatest sons2 Iiuseppe Salvatore2 a man $or
1hom to1n and $amily al1ays ame be$ore sel$.A
8amon 4i4ed the "round. ?The $amily he 4illed. The love he destroyed2 the lives he shattered2A he muttered.
?Shhh2A I 1hispered as I pressed my palm a"ainst his $orearm.
?I$ I 1ere to paint a portrait o$ this "reat man0s li$e2A Lo41ood ontinued over the sni$$les and si"hs o$ the ro1d2
?Iiuseppe Salvatore 1ould be $lan4ed by his t1o $allen sons2 8amon and Ste$an2 heroes o$ the battle o$ Willo1 !ree4.
May 1e learn $rom Iiuseppe2 emulate him2 and be inspired to rid our to1n o$ evil2 either seen or unseen.A
8amon let out a lo12 rattlin" so$$. ?The portrait he paints2A he said2 ?should ontain the mu;;le $lash o$ Eather0s ri$le.A
He rubbed the plae 1here Eather0s bullet had ripped throu"h his hest only a 1ee4 earlier. There 1as no physial
1ound7our trans$ormation healed all in9uries7but the betrayal 1ould be ethed in our minds $orever. ?Shhh2A I said
a"ain as Jonathan Iilbert strode up to stand beside Mayor Lo41ood2 holdin" a lar"e veiled $rame. Jonathan loo4ed to
have a"ed ten years in seven short days= lines reased his tanned $orehead2 and strea4s o$ 1hite 1ere visible in his
bro1n hair. I 1ondered i$ his trans$ormation had somethin" to do 1ith Pearl2 the vampire he loved but had ondemned
to death a$ter $indin" out 1hat she really 1as.
I spotted !lementine0s parents in the ro1d2 arms lasped2 not yet a1are that their dau"hter 1as not amon" the
somber>$aed "irls in the ba4 o$ the ro1d.
They0d $ind out soon enou"h.
My thou"hts 1ere interrupted by an insistent li4in"2 li4e a 1ath ountin" or a $in"ernail tappin" a"ainst a hard
sur$ae. I sanned the ro1d2 tryin" to trae the ti4in" to its point o$ ori"in. The sound 1as slo1 and steady and
mehanial2 steadier than a heartbeat2 slo1er than a metronome. 5nd it seemed to be omin" diretly $rom Jonathan0s
hand. !lementine0s blood rushed to my head.
The ompass.
Ba4 1hen Eather $irst beame suspiious o$ vampires2 he0d reated a ommittee o$ men to rid the to1n o$ the demoni
sour"e. I0d attended the meetin"s2 1hih had ta4en plae in Jonathan Iilbert0s atti. He0d had plans $or a ontraption
to identi$y vampires2 and I0d 1itnessed him usin" it in ation the 1ee4 be$ore. It 1as ho1 he0d disovered Pearl0s true
I elbo1ed 8amon. ?We have to "o2A I said2 barely movin" my 9a1.
Just then Jonathan loo4ed up2 and his eyes lo4ed diretly onto mine.
He let out an unholy shrie4 and pointed to our mausoleum. ?8emonGA
The ro1d turned to1ard us as one2 their stares uttin" throu"h the $o" li4e bayonets. Then somethin" rushed past me2
and the 1all behind me e<ploded. 5 loud o$ po1der billo1ed around us2 and hips o$ marble slashed aross my hee4.
I bared my $an"s and roared. The sound 1as loud2 primal2 terri$yin". Hal$ the ro1d 4no4ed over hairs in their haste to
$lee the emetery2 but the other hal$ remained.
?Kill the demonsGA Jonathan ried2 brandishin" a rossbo1.
?I thin4 they mean us2 brother2A 8amon said 1ith a short2 humorless lau"h.
5nd so I "rabbed 8amon and ran.
!hapter (
With 8amon behind me2 I raed throu"h the $orest2 9umpin" over $elled branhes and s4ippin" over stones. I leaped
over the 1aist>hi"h iron "ate o$ the emetery2 turnin" brie$ly to ma4e sure 8amon 1as still $ollo1in". We ;i";a""ed
deep into the 1oods2 the "unshots soundin" li4e $ire1or4s in my ear2 the shrie4s o$ the to1nspeople li4e brea4in" "lass2
their heavy breathin" li4e lo1>rollin" thunder. I ould even hear the $oot$alls o$ the ro1d pursuin" me2 eah step
sendin" vibrations throu"h the "round. I silently ursed 8amon $or bein" so stubborn. I$ he0d been 1illin" to drin4
be$ore today2 he0d be at $ull stren"th2 and our ne1$ound speed and a"ility 1ould have already ta4en us $ar a1ay $rom
this mess.
5s 1e ut throu"h the thi4et2 s6uirrels and voles sattered $rom the underbrush2 their blood 6ui4enin" in the
presene o$ predators. 5 1hinny and a snort sounded $rom the $ar ed"e o$ the emetery.
?!omeon.A I "rabbed 8amon by the 1aist and hoisted him to his $eet a"ain. ?We have to 4eep movin".A I ould hear the
blood pumpin"2 smell the iron2 $eel the "round sha4in". I 4ne1 the mob 1as more a$raid o$ me than I o$ themF but still2
the sound o$ "unshots aused my mind to 1hirl2 my body to lurh $or1ard. 8amon 1as 1ea4 and I ould only arry him
so $ar.
5nother "unshot ra4ed2 loser this time. 8amon sti$$ened.
?8emonsGA Jonathan Iilbert0s voie slied throu"h the 1oods. 5nother bullet 1hi;;ed past me2 "ra;in" my shoulder.
8amon $lopped $or1ard in my arms.
?8amonGA The 1ord ehoed in my ears2 soundin" so muh li4e the 1orddemonthat it startled me. ?BrotherGA I shoo4
him2 then be"an a141ardly dra""in" him behind me a"ain to1ard the sounds o$ the horses. But despite havin" 9ust $ed2
my stren"th 1ouldn0t last $orever2 and the $ootsteps 1ere omin" loser and loser.
Einally 1e reahed the ed"e o$ the emetery2 1here several horses 1ere tied to the iron hithin" posts. They pa1ed at
the "round2 pullin" on the ropes that tethered them so hard that their ne4s bul"ed. :ne oal>bla4 mare 1as none
other than my old horse2 Me;;anotte. I stared at her2 mesmeri;ed at ho1 desperate she appeared to be to "et a1ay
$rom me. Just a $e1 days earlier2 I 1as the only rider she0d trusted.
Eoot$alls sounded a"ain. I tore my "a;e a1ay2 sha4in" my head at bein" so sentimental. I pulled Eather0s old huntin"
4ni$e $rom the top o$ my boot. It had been the one thin" I0d ta4en 1hen I0d 1al4ed throu"h Veritas2 our $amily estate2
one last time. He0d al1ays had it 1ith him2 althou"h I0d never seen him use it. Eather had never been one to 1or4 1ith
his hands. Still2 in my mind0s eye2 the 4ni$e onveyed the po1er and authority that everyone had assoiated 1ith my
I put the blade to the rope that tied Me;;anotte2 but it didn0t ma4e even the smallest ut. Loo4in" do1n2 I sa1 the 4ni$e
$or 1hat it 1as= a dull blade that ould barely ut throu"h t1ine2 polished to loo4 important. It 1as 1ell suited to
Eather2 I thou"ht in dis"ust2 thro1in" the 4ni$e to the "round and yan4in" at the ropes 1ith my bare hands. The
$ootsteps ame loser and I loo4ed 1ildly behind me. I had 1anted to $ree all the horses so Jonathan and his men
ouldn0t ride them2 but there simply 1asn0t time.
?Hey2 "irl2A I murmured2 stro4in" Me;;anotte0s ele"ant ne4. She pa1ed the "round nervously2 her heart poundin". ?It0s
me2A I 1hispered as I s1un" mysel$ onto her ba4. She reared up2 and out o$ surprise2 I 4i4ed her so hard in the $lan4s
that I heard the snap o$ a rib brea4in". Instantly2 she yielded in submission2 and I trotted her to 8amon.
?!ome on2A I yelled.
5 $li4er o$ doubt passed aross 8amon0s eyes2 but then he reahed over Me;;anotte0s broad ba4 and hoisted himsel$
up. Whether it 1as $ear or instint2 his 1illin"ness to $lee "ave me hope that he 1as not resolved to die2 a$ter all.
?Kill themGA a voie yelled2 and someone thre1 a burnin" torh to1ard us that ared and landed on the "rass at
Me;;anotte0s $eet. Instantly2 the "rass be"an to burn2 and Me;;anotte bolted in the opposite diretion o$ the 6uarry.
Hoo$s thudded behind us7the men had leaped on the other horses and 1ere no1 $ast on our tail.
5nother "unshot ran" out behind us2 $ollo1ed by the t1an" o$ a bo1. Me;;anotte reared up2 lettin" out a hi"h 1hinny.
8amon slipped2 "rapplin" to hold on to the underside o$ Me;;anotte0s ne42 1hile I tu""ed at the leather straps2 tryin"
to 4eep us upri"ht. :nly a$ter a $e1 steps ba41ard did all $our o$ Me;;anotte0s hooves "et ba4 on the dirt. 5s 8amon
ri"hted himsel$2 I sa1 a slim 1ooden arro1 9uttin" out $rom the horse0s haunhes. It 1as a lever tati. 5t a distane2
the mob had a $ar better hane o$ slo1in" do1n our horse than o$ stri4in" one o$ us strai"ht throu"h the heart.
Hunhed lo1 over Me;;anotte2 1e "alloped under branhes and pressed on. She 1as a stron" horse2 but she $avored
her le$t side2 1here the arro1 had "one in. 5 1et strea4 o$ my o1n blood 1as streamin" do1n my temple and onto my
shirt2 and 8amon0s "rip on my 1aist 1as dan"erously loose.
Still2 I ur"ed Me;;anotte $or1ard. I 1as relyin" on instint2 on somethin" beyond thin4in" and plannin". It 1as as i$ I
ould smell $reedom and possibility2 and 9ust had to trust that I0d lead us to it. I pulled the reins and steered out o$ the
1oods and into the $ield behind Veritas #state.
:n any other rainy mornin" there 1ould have been li"hts in the 1indo1 o$ our old home2 the lamps "ivin" the bubbled
"lass an oran"e>yello1 loo4 o$ sunset. :ur maid2 !ordelia2 1ould have been sin"in" in the 4ithen2 and Eather0s driver2
5l$red2 1ould be sittin" sentry by the entrane. Eather and I 1ould be sittin" in ompanionable silene in the brea4$ast
room. 3o1 the estate 1as a old shell o$ its $ormer sel$= the 1indo1s dar42 the "rounds ompletely silent. It had only
been empty $or a 1ee42 yet Veritas loo4ed as thou"h it had been abandoned $or a"es.
We leaped over the $ene and landed unsteadily. I 9ust barely mana"ed to ri"ht us 1ith a hard tu" on the reins2 the
metal o$ the la4in" a"ainst Me;;anotte0s teeth. Then 1e thundered around the side o$ the house2 my s4in lammy as
1e passed !ordelia0s plot o$ vervain2 the tiny stal4s an4le>hi"h.
?Where are you ta4in" us2 brother@A 8amon as4ed.
I heard three sets o$ splashin" hooves as Jonathan Iilbert2 Mayor Lo41ood2 and Sheri$$ Eorbes ut alon" the pond at
the ba4 o$ our property. Me;;anotte 1hee;ed2 a peah $roth linin" her mouth2 and I 4ne1 that outridin" them
1ouldn0t be a possibility.
Suddenly2 the throaty 1ail o$ a train 1histled throu"h the mornin"2 blo4in" out the hooves2 the 1ind2 and the metalli
rasp o$ a "un reloadin".
?We0re "ettin" on that train2A I said2 4i4in" Me;;anotte in the $lan4s. Bearin" do1n2 she pi4ed up speed and sailed
over the stone 1all that separated Veritas $rom the main road.
?!0mon2 "irl2A I 1hispered. Her eyes 1ere 1ild and terri$ied2 but she ran $aster do1n the road and onto Main Street. The
harred hurh ame into si"ht2 bla4ened bri4s risin" up li4e teeth $rom the ashen earth. The apotheary had also
been burned to the "round. !rui$i<es 1ere a$$i<ed to every sin"le door$rame in to1nF vervain spri"s 1ere hun" in
"arlands over most. I barely reo"ni;ed the plae I0d lived all my seventeen years. Mysti Ealls 1asn0t my home. 3ot
Behind us2 Jonathan Iilbert and Mayor Lo41ood0s horses 1ere approahin" $aster and $aster. 5head o$ us2 I ould
hear the train dra1in" nearer2 "rindin" a"ainst the rails. The $roth at Me;;anotte0s mouth 1as turnin" pin4 1ith blood.
My $an"s 1ere dry2 and I li4ed my parhed lips2 1onderin" i$ this onstant desire $or blood ame 1ith bein" a ne1
vampire2 or i$ I 1ould al1ays $eel this 1ay.
?Beady to "o2 brother@A I as4ed2 yan4in" Me;;anotte0s reins. She halted2 "ivin" me 9ust enou"h time to 9ump o$$ be$ore
she ollapsed onto the "round2 blood rushin" $rom her mouth.
5 shot ran" out2 and blood spurted $rom Me;;anotte0s $lan4. I yan4ed 8amon by the 1rists and hurled us onto the
aboose 9ust be$ore the train roared out o$ the station2 leavin" Jonathan Iilbert and Mayor Lo41ood0s an"ry ries $ar
!hapter )
The ar 1as pith bla42 but our eyes2 no1 adapted $or noturnal vision2 allo1ed us to pi4 out a path throu"h the piles
o$ sooty oal in the aboose. Einally 1e emer"ed throu"h a door1ay into 1hat appeared to be a $irst>lass sleepin" ar.
When no one 1as loo4in"2 1e stole a $e1 shirts and pairs o$ trousers $rom an unattended trun4 and put them on. They
didn0t $it per$etly2 but they 1ould do.
5s 1e ventured out into the aisle o$ the seatin" oah2 the train rumblin" beneath our $eet2 a hand "rabbed my
shoulder. Be$le<ively2 I s1un" my arm at my atta4er and "ro1led. 5 man in a ondutor0s uni$orm $le1 ba41ard and
hit the 1all o$ a ompartment 1ith athud.
I lo4ed my 9a1 to 4eep my $an"s $rom protrudin". ?I0m sorryG Cou startled me and . . .A I trailed o$$. My voie 1as
un$amiliar to my o1n ears. Eor the past 1ee42 most o$ my interations had been in hoarse 1hispers. I 1as surprised at
ho1 human I sounded. But I 1as muh more po1er$ul than my voie betrayed. I hoisted the man to his $eet and
strai"htened his navy ap. ?5re you o4ay@A
?I believe so2A the ondutor said in a da;ed voie2 pattin" his arms as i$ to ma4e sure they 1ere still there. He loo4ed to
be about t1enty2 1ith sallo1 s4in and sandy hair. ?Cour ti4et@A
?:h2 yes2 ti4ets2A 8amon said2 his voie smooth2 not betrayin" that 1e had been in a "allop to the death only minutes
be$ore. ?My brother has those.A
I shot an an"ry "lane to1ard him2 and he smiled ba4 at me2 alm2 tauntin". I too4 him in. His boots 1ere muddy and
unlaed2 his linen shirt 1as untu4ed $rom his trousers2 but there 1as somethin" about him7more than his a6uiline
nose and aristorati 9a17that made him seem almost re"al. In that moment2 I barely reo"ni;ed him= This 1asn0t the
8amon I0d "ro1n up 1ith2 or even the one I0d "otten to 4no1 in the past 1ee4. 3o1 that 1e 1ere hurtlin" out o$
Mysti Ealls to1ard some invisible2 un4no1able point on the hori;on2 8amon had beome someone else2 someone
serene and unpreditable. In these un$amiliar surroundin"s2 I 1as unsure i$ 1e 1ere partners in rime or s1orn
The ondutor turned his attention to1ard me2 his lip urlin" as he too4 in my disheveled appearane. I hastily tu4ed
my o1n shirt in.
?We 1ere rushin"2 and . . .A I dra1led2 hopin" my Southern aent 1ould ma4e the 1ords sound sinere7and human.
His "old$ish>li4e eyes bul"ed s4eptially2 and then I remembered a vampire s4ill Katherine had used on me to "reat
e$$et= ompellin". ?. . . 5nd I already sho1ed you my ti4et2A I said slo1ly2 1illin" him to believe me.
The ondutor $urro1ed his bro1s. ?3o2 you didn0t2A he replied 9ust as slo1ly2 ta4in" e<tra are to enuniate eah 1ord2
as i$ I 1ere an espeially dull passen"er.
I ursed silently2 then leaned in ever loser. ?But I presented it to you earlier.A I stared into his eyes until my o1n
started to ross.
The ondutor too4 a step ba4 and blin4ed. ?#veryone needs a ti4et on their person at all times.A
My shoulders slumped. ?Well . . . uh . . .A
8amon stepped in $ront o$ me. ?:ur ti4ets are in the sleeper ar. :ur mista4e2A he said2 his voie lo1 and lullin". He
didn0t blin4 one as he "a;ed at the man0s hooded lids.
The ti4et ta4er0s $ae 1ent sla42 and he too4 a step ba4. ?My mista4e. Io ahead2 "entlemen. I0m sorry about the
on$usion.A His voie 1as distant as he tipped his hat2 then stood aside to let us 1al4 into the "entlemen0s lub ar.
5s soon as the door shut behind us2 I "rabbed 8amon0s arm.
?Ho1 did you do that@A I as4ed. Had Katherine tau"ht him ho1 to drop his voie2 "a;e his vitim in the eye2 and $ore
the poor lad to do his biddin"@ I lenhed my 9a12 1onderin" i$ she0d mentioned ho1 easy it had been $or her to
ompel me. Ima"es $lashed into my mind= Katherine 1idenin" her eyes2 be""in" me to 4eep her seret2 to stop my
$ather $rom huntin" her. I shoo4 my head2 as i$ to $lin" the ima"es $rom my brain.
?Who0s in har"e no12 brother@A 8amon dra1led2 ollapsin" into an empty leather seat and ya1nin"2 his hands
strethed above his head as i$ he 1ere ready to settle do1n $or a lon" nap.
?Cou0re "oin" to sleep no1@ :$ all times@A I e<laimed.
?Why not@A
?Why not@A I repeated dumbly. I held out my arms2 "esturin" to our surroundin"s. We sat amon" 1ell>dressed men in
top hats and 1aistoats2 1ho2 despite the hour2 1ere busily patroni;in" the 1ood>paneled bar in the orner. 5 "roup o$
older men played po4er2 1hile youn" men in aptain0s uni$orms 1hispered over tumblers o$ 1his4ey. We 1ent
unnotied in this ro1d. There 1ere no vampire ompasses revealin" our true identities. 3o one so muh as "laned in
our diretion as 1e sat do1n.
I perhed on the ottoman opposite 8amon. ?8on0t you see@A I said. ?3o one 4no1s us here. This is our hane.A
?Cou0re the one 1ho doesn0t see.A 8amon inhaled deeply. ?Smell that@A
The 1arm2 spiy sent o$ blood $illed my nostrils2 and the thud o$ pumpin" hearts ehoed around me li4e iadas on a
summer evenin". Instantly a searin" pain ripped throu"h my 9a1. I overed my mouth 1ith my hands2 loo4in" 1ildly
around to see i$ anyone had notied the lon" anines that had shot out $rom my "ums.
8amon let out a 1ry hu4le. ?Cou0ll never be $ree2 brother. Cou0re tethered to blood2 to humans. They ma4e you
desperate and needy7they ma4e you a 4iller.A
5t the 1ord4iller2 a man 1ith a rust>olored beard and sun>dyed hee4s "laned sharply at us $rom aross the aisle. I
$ored a beni"n smile.
?Cou0re "oin" to "et us in trouble2A I hissed under my breath.
?Ces2 1ell2 you0ve "ot only yoursel$ to blame $or that2A 8amon replied. He losed his eyes2 si"nalin" the end o$ our
I si"hed and "laned out the 1indo1. We 1ere probably only thirty miles outside o$ Mysti Ealls2 but it $elt as thou"h
everythin" I0d 4no1n be$ore had simply eased to e<ist. #ven the 1eather 1as ne17the rain sho1er had ended2 and
the autumn sun no1 po4ed throu"h 1ispy louds2 penetratin" the "lass that separated the train $rom the outside
1orld. It 1as urious= While our rin"s proteted us $rom the sun searin" our $lesh2 the burnin" orb made me $eel sli"htly
Pushin" mysel$ to stand2 I too4 re$u"e in the dar4 aisles that led $rom ompartment to ompartment. I passed $rom
1al4in" bet1een the plush velvet seats o$ the $irst>lass ars to the 1ooden benhes o$ seond lass.
Einally2 I made mysel$ om$ortable in an empty sleeper abin2 dre1 the urtains2 losed my eyes2 and opened my ears.
Hope those Dnion boys "et out o$ 3e1 :rleans and leave it to ourselves . . .
:ne you see those beauties on Bourbon Street2 your Vir"inia vir"in 1on0t loo4 the same . . .
Cou0ve "ot to be are$ul. There0s voodoo do1n there2 and some say it0s 1here demons ome out to play . . .
I smiled. 3e1 :rleans sounded li4e the per$et plae to all home.
I settled into the ma4eshi$t bed2 ontent to rela< and let the train ro4 me into some sort o$ slumber. I $ound that I $ed
muh better a$ter I had rested.
!hapter *
5 day later2 the train sreehed to a stop. ?Baton Bou"eGA a ondutor alled in the distane.
We 1ere "ettin" loser to 3e1 :rleans2 but the time 1as reepin" by $ar too slo1ly $or my li4in". I $lattened my ba4
a"ainst the 1all o$ the ar2 notiin" passen"ers hastily pa4in" up their belon"in" as they prepared to vaate their
6uarters2 1hen my eye $ell upon a "reen ti4et2 embla;oned 1ith a lar"e boot print. I 4nelt do1n and pi4ed it up.Mr.
Bemy Piard2 Bihmond to 3e1 :rleans.
I tu4ed it into my po4et and 9auntily 1al4ed ba4 throu"h the train2 until I $elt someone "a;in" at me uriously. I
turned around. T1o sisters 1ere smilin" at me throu"h the 1indo1 o$ a private ompartment2 their e<pressions
bemused. :ne 1as 1or4in" on a piee o$ needlepoint2 the other 1ritin" in a leather>bound diary. They 1ere bein"
1athed 1ith ha14>li4e intensity by a short2 plump 1oman in her si<ties2 lad in all bla42 most li4ely their aunt or
I opened the door.
?Sir@A the 1oman said2 turnin" to1ard me. I lo4ed my "a;e onto her 1atery blue eyes.
?I believe you le$t somethin" in the dinin" ar2A I said. ?Somethin" you need.A I ontinued2 opyin" 8amon0s lo12 steady
voie. Her eyes shi$ted2 but I sensed that this 1as di$$erent $rom the 1ay the ondutor had responded to my 1ords.
When I0d tried to ompel the ondutor2 it 1as as i$ my thou"hts had ollided 1ith steelF here2 it 1as as thou"h my
thou"hts 1ere brea4in" throu"h $o". She o4ed her head2 learly listenin".
?I le$t somethin" . . .A She trailed o$$2 soundin" on$used. But I ould sense somethin" in my brain2 a sort o$ meldin" o$
our minds2 and I 4ne1 she 1ouldn0t $i"ht me.
Immediately2 the 1oman shi$ted her bul4 and stood up $rom her seat.
?Why2 ah2 I believe I did2A she said2 turnin" on her heel and 1al4in" ba4 do1n the hall 1ithout a ba41ard "lane. The
metalli door o$ the ar losed 1ith a li42 and I pulled the heavy navy urtains over the little 1indo1 to the aisle.
?3ie to ma4e your a6uaintane2A I said as I bo1ed to the t1o "irls. ?My name is Bemy Piard2A I said2 surreptitiously
"a;in" do1n at the ti4et po4in" out o$ my breast po4et.
?Bemy2A the taller "irl repeated 6uietly2 as i$ ommittin" my name to memory. I $elt my $an"s throb a"ainst my "ums. I
1as so hun"ry2 and she 1as so e<6uisite . . . I mashed my lips to"ether and $ored mysel$ to stand still.3ot yet.
?EinallyG 5unt Minnie0s never le$t us aloneGA the older "irl said. She loo4ed to be about si<teen. ?She thin4s 1e aren0t to
be trusted.A
?5ren0t you no1@A I teased2 easin" into the $lirtation as the ompliments and responses volleyed ba4 and $orth. 5s a
human2 I 1ould have hoped suh an e<han"e 1ould end 1ith a s6uee;e o$ the hand or a brush o$ lips a"ainst a hee4.
3o12 all I ould thin4 o$ 1as the blood oursin" throu"h the "irls0 veins.
I sat do1n ne<t to the older "irl2 the youn"er one0s eyes searhin" me uriously. She smelled li4e "ardenias and bread
9ust out o$ the oven. Her sister7they must have been sisters2 1ith the same ta1ny bro1n hair and dartin" blue
eyes7smelled riher2 li4e nutme" and $reshly $allen leaves. ?I0m Lavinia2 and this is Sarah Jane. We0re "oin" to move to
3e1 :rleans2A the one "irl said2 puttin" her needlepoint do1n on her lap. ?8o you 4no1 it@ I0m 1orried I0ll miss
Bihmond horribly2A she said plaintively.
?:ur papa died2A Sarah Jane added2 her lo1er lip tremblin".
I nodded2 runnin" my ton"ue alon" my teeth2 $eelin" my $an"s. Lavinia0s heart 1as beatin" $ar $aster than her sister0s.
?5unt Minnie 1ants to marry me o$$. Will you tell me 1hat0s it li4e2 Bemy@A Lavinia pointed to the rin" on my $ourth
$in"er. Little did she 4no1 that the rin" had nothin" to do 1ith marria"e and everythin" to do 1ith bein" able to hunt
"irls li4e her in broad dayli"ht.
?Bein" married is lovely2 i$ you meet the ri"ht man. 8o you thin4 you0ll meet the ri"ht man@A I as4ed2 starin" into her
?I . . . I don0t 4no1. I suppose i$ he0s anythin" li4e you2 then I should ount mysel$ lu4y.A Her breath 1as hot on my
hee42 and I 4ne1 that I ouldn0t ontrol mysel$ $or muh lon"er.
?Sarah Jane2 I bet your auntie needs some help2A I said2 "lanin" into Sarah Jane0s blue eyes. She paused $or a moment2
then e<used hersel$ and 1ent to $ind her aunt. I had no idea i$ I 1as ompellin" her or i$ she 1as simply $ollo1in" my
orders2 beause she 1as a hild and I 1as an adult.
?:h2 you0re 1i4ed2 aren0t you@A Lavinia as4ed2 her eyes $lashin" as she smiled at me.
?Ces2A I said brus6uely. ?Ces2 I am 1i4ed2 my dear.A I bared my teeth2 1athin" 1ith "reat satis$ation as her eyes
1idened 1ith horror. The best part o$ $eedin" 1as the antiipation2 seein" my vitim tremblin"2 helpless2mine. I slo1ly
leaned in2 savorin" the moment. My lips "ra;ed her so$t s4in.
?3oGA she "asped.
?Shhh2A I 1hispered2 pullin" her loser and allo1in" my teeth to touh her s4in2 subtly at $irst2 then more insistently2
until I san4 my teeth into her ne4. Her moans beame sreams2 and I held my hand over her mouth to silene her as I
su4ed the s1eet li6uid into my mouth. She "roaned sli"htly2 but soon her si"hs turned into 4ittenish me1s.
?3e1 :rleans2 ne<t stopGA the ondutor yelled2 brea4in" my reverie.
I "laned out the 1indo1. The sun 1as sin4in" lo1 into the s4y2 and Lavinia0s nearly dead body $elt heavy in my arms.
:utside the 1indo12 3e1 :rleans rose up as i$ in a dream2 and I ould see the oean ontinuin" on and on $orever. It
1as li4e my li$e 1as destined to be= never>endin" years2 never>endin" $eedin"s2 never>endin" pretty "irls 1ith s1eet
si"hs and s1eeter blood.
?Eorever pantin"2 and $orever youn"2A I 1hispered2 pleased at ho1 1ell the lines $rom the poet Keats suited my ne1
?SirGA The ondutor 4no4ed on the door. I strode out o$ the ompartment2 1ipin" my mouth 1ith the ba4 o$ my
hand. He 1as the same ondutor 1ho0d stopped 8amon and me 9ust outside Mysti Ealls2 and I sa1 suspiion $lash
aross his $ae.
?We0re in 3e1 :rleans2 then@A I as4ed2 the taste o$ Lavinia0s blood in the ba4 o$ my throat.
The "in"er>haired ondutor nodded. ?5nd the ladies@ They0re a1are@A
?:h yes2 they0re a1are2A I said2 not brea4in" my "a;e as I slipped my ti4et out o$ my po4et. ?But they as4ed not to be
disturbed. 5nd I as4 not to be disturbed2 too. Cou0ve never seen me. Cou0ve never been by this ompartment. Later2 i$
anyone as4s2 you say there may have been some thieves 1ho "ot on the train outside Bihmond. They loo4ed
suspiious. Dnion soldiers2A I invented.
?Dnion soldiers@A the ondutor repeated2 learly on$used.
I si"hed. Dntil I had ompellin" under ontrol2 I0d have to resort to a more permanent style o$ memory erasin". In a
$lash I "rabbed the ondutor by the ne4 and snapped it as easily as i$ it 1ere a s1eet pea. Then I thre1 him into the
ompartment 1ith Lavinia and shut the door behind me.
?Ces2 Dnion soldiers al1ays do ma4e a bloody mess o$ thin"s2 don0t they@A I as4ed rhetorially. Then2 1histlin" the
1hole 1ay2 I 1ent to ollet 8amon $rom the "entlemen0s lub ar.
!hapter +
8amon 1as slumped ri"ht 1here I0d le$t him2 an untouhed 1his4ey "lass s1eatin" on the oa4 table in $ront o$ him.
?!ome on2A I said rou"hly2 yan4in" 8amon up by the arm.
The train 1as slo1in"2 and all around us passen"ers 1ere "atherin" their belon"in"s and linin" up behind a ondutor
1ho stood in $ront o$ the bla4 iron doors to the outside 1orld. But sine 1e 1ere unenumbered by possessions and
blessed 1ith stren"th2 I 4ne1 our best bet 1as to e<it the train the same 1ay 1e0d entered= by 9umpin" o$$ the ba4 o$
the aboose. I 1anted us both to be lon" "one be$ore anyone notied anythin" 1as amiss.
?Cou loo4 1ell2brother.A His tone 1as li"ht2 but the hal4iness o$ his s4in and the purplin" beneath his eyes "ave a1ay
9ust ho1 truly tired and hun"ry he 1as. Eor an instant2 I 1ished I0d le$t some o$ Lavinia $or him2 but 6ui4ly brushed
aside the thou"ht. I had to ta4e a $irm hand. That 1as ho1 Eather used to train the horses. 8enyin" them $ood until
they $inally stopped yan4in" on the reins and submitted to bein" ridden. It 1as the same 1ith 8amon. He needed to be
?:ne o$ us has to maintain our stren"th2A I told 8amon2 my ba4 to him as I led the 1ay to the last ar o$ the train.
The train 1as still reepin" alon"2 the 1heels srapin" a"ainst the iron len"ths o$ tra4. We didn0t have muh time. We
srambled ba4 throu"h the sooty oal to the door2 1hih I pulled open easily.
?:n threeG :ne . . . T1o . . .A I "rabbed his 1rist and 9umped. Both o$ our 4nees hit the hard dirt belo1 1ith a thud.
?5l1ays have to sho1 o$$2 don0t you2 brother@A 8amon said2 1inin". I notied his trousers had been torn at the 4nees
$rom the $all2 and his hands 1ere po4mar4ed 1ith "ravel. I 1as untouhed2 e<ept $or a srape on my elbo1.
?Cou should have $ed.A I shru""ed.
The 1histle o$ the train shrie4ed2 and I too4 in the si"hts. We 1ere on the ed"e o$ 3e1 :rleans2 a bustlin" ity $illed
1ith smo4e and an aroma li4e a ombination o$ butter and $ire1ood and mur4y 1ater. It 1as $ar bi""er than Bihmond2
1hih had been the lar"est ity I0d ever 4no1n. But there 1as somethin" else2 a sense o$ dan"er that $illed the air. I
"rinned. Here 1as a ity 1e ould disappear in.
I be"an 1al4in" to1ard to1n at the superhuman speed I still hadn0t "otten used to2 8amon trailin" behind me2 his
$oot$alls loud and lumsy2 but steady. We made our 1ay do1n Iarden Street2 learly a main artery o$ the ity.
Surroundin" us 1ere ro1s o$ homes2 as neat and olor$ul as dollhouses. The air 1as soupy and humid2 and voies
spea4in" Erenh2 #n"lish2 and lan"ua"es I0d never heard reated a path1or4 o$ sound.
Le$t and ri"ht2 I ould see alley1ays leadin" do1n to the 1ater2 and ro1s o$ vendors 1ere set up on the side1al4s2
sellin" everythin" $rom $reshly au"ht turtles to preious stones imported $rom 5$ria. #ven the presene o$ blue>
oated Dnion soldiers on every street orner2 their mus4ets at their hips2 seemed someho1 $estive. It 1as a arnival in
every sense o$ the 1ord2 the type o$ sene 8amon 1ould have loved 1hen 1e 1ere human. I turned to loo4 over my
shoulder. Sure enou"h2 8amon0s lips 1ere urved in a sli"ht smile2 his eyes "lo1in" in a 1ay I hadn0t seen in 1hat $elt
li4e a"es. We 1ere in this adventure to"ether2 and no12 a1ay $rom memories o$ Katherine and Eather0s remains and
Veritas2 maybe 8amon ould $inally aept and embrae 1ho he 1as.
?Bemember 1hen 1e said 1e0d travel the 1orld@A I as4ed2 turnin" to1ard him. ?This is our 1orld no1.A
8amon nodded sli"htly. ?Katherine told me about 3e1 :rleans. She one lived here.A
?5nd i$ she 1ere here2 she0d 1ant you to ma4e this to1n your o1n7to live here2 be here2 to ta4e your $ill and ma4e
your plae in the 1orld.A
?5l1ays the poet.A 8amon smir4ed2 but he ontinued to $ollo1 me.
?Perhaps2 but it0s true. 5ll o$ this is ours2A I said enoura"in"ly2 spreadin" my hands 1ide.
8amon too4 a moment to onsider my 1ords and simply said2 ?5ll ri"ht2 then.A
?5ll ri"ht@A I repeated2 hardly hopin" to believe it. It 1as the $irst time he0d "laned into my eyes sine our $i"ht at the
?Ces. I0m $ollo1in" you.A He turned in a itle2 pointin" to the various buildin"s. ?So2 1here do 1e stay@ What do 1e
do@ Sho1 me this brave ne1 1orld.A 8amon0s lips t1isted into a smile2 and I ouldn0t tell 1hether he 1as mo4in" me
or 1as spea4in" in earnest. I hose to believe the latter.
I sni$$ed the air and immediately au"ht a 1hi$$ o$ lemon and "in"er.Katherine.8amon0s shoulders sti$$enedF he must
have smelled it2 too. Wordlessly2 both o$ us spun on our heels and 1al4ed do1n an unmar4ed alley1ay2 $ollo1in" a
1oman 1earin" a satin lila dress2 a lar"e sunbonnet on top o$ her dar4 urls.
?Ma0amGA I alled.
She turned around. Her 1hite hee4s 1ere heavily rou"ed and her eyes rin"ed 1ith 4ohl. She loo4ed to be in her
thirties2 and already 1orry lines reased her $air $orehead. Her hair $ell in tendrils around her $ae2 and her dress 1as
ut lo12 revealin" $ar too muh o$ her $re4led bosom than 1as stritly deorous. I 4ne1 instantly she 1as a sarlet
1oman2 one 1e0d 1hisper about as boys and point to 1hen 1e 1ere in the tavern in Mysti Ealls.
?Cou boys loo4in0 $or a "ood time@A she said lan"uidly2 her "a;e $li4in" $rom me to 8amon2 then ba4 a"ain. She 1asn0t
Katherine2 not even lose2 but I ould see a $li4er in 8amon0s eyes.
?I don0t thin4 $indin" a plae to stay 1ill be a problem2A I 1hispered under my breath.
?8on0t 4ill her2A 8amon 1hispered ba42 his 9a1 barely movin".
?!ome 1ith me. I have some "als 1ho0d love to meet you. Cou seem li4e the type o$ boys 1ho need adventure. That
ri"ht@A She 1in4ed.
5 storm 1as bre1in"2 and I ould va"uely hear thunderlaps in the $ar distane.
?We0re al1ays loo4in" $or an adventure 1ith a pretty lady2A I said.
:ut o$ the orner o$ my eye2 I sa1 8amon ti"hten his 9a12 and I 4ne1 he 1as $i"htin" the ur"e to $eed.8on0t $i"ht it2 I
thou"ht2 $ervently hopin" 8amon 1ould drin4 as 1e $ollo1ed her alon" the obblestone streets.
?We0re ri"ht here2A she said2 usin" a lar"e 4ey to unlo4 the 1rou"ht>iron door o$ a peri1in4le blue mansion at the end
o$ a ul>de>sa. The house 1as 1ell 4ept2 but the buildin"s on either side seemed abandoned2 1ith hippin" paint and
"ardens over$lo1in" 1ith 1eeds. I ould hear the 9aunty sound o$ a piano playin" 1ithin.
?It0s my boardin"house2 Miss Molly0s. #<ept2 o$ ourse2 at this boardin"house 1e sho1 you sometruehospitality2 i$
that0s 1hat you0re in the mood $or2A she said2 battin" her lon" eyelashes. ?!omin"@A
?Ces2 ma0am.A I pushed 8amon throu"h the door1ay2 then lo4ed the door behind us.
!hapter ,
The ne<t evenin" I "a;ed ontented at the sun settin" over the harbor. Miss Molly hadn0t e<a""erated= The "irls at her
house 1ere hospitable. Eor brea4$ast I0d had one 1ith lon"2 orn>sil4 hair and bleary blue eyes. I ould still taste her
1ine>laed blood on my lips.
8amon and I had spent the day 1anderin" the ity2 ta4in" in the 1rou"ht>iron balonies in the Erenh Juarter7and the
"irls 1ho 1aved to us $rom their perhes there7the $ine tailor shops 1ith bolts o$ sumptuous sil4 in the 1indo1s2 and
the heady i"ar shops 1here men 1ith round bellies stru4 business deals.
But o$ all the si"hts2 I li4ed the harbor best. This 1as the ity0s li$eblood2 1here tall ships arryin" produe and e<oti
1ares entered and e<ited. !ut o$$ the harbor2 you ut o$$ the ity2 ma4in" it as vulnerable and helpless as Miss Molly0s
"irl had been that mornin".
8amon "a;ed out at the boats as 1ell2 rubbin" his hin thou"ht$ully. His lapis la;uli rin" "linted in the $adin" sunli"ht. ?I
almost saved her.A
?Who@A I as4ed2 turnin" sharply2 hope s1ellin" in my hest. ?8id you snea4 o$$ and $eed $rom someone@A
My brother 4ept his eyes on the hori;on. ?3o2 o$ ourse not. I meant Katherine.A
:$ ourse. I si"hed. I$ anythin"2 last ni"ht had made 8amon more malontent than ever. While I0d en9oyed the ompany
and the s1eet blood o$ a "irl 1hose name I 1ould never 4no12 8amon had retired to a room o$ his o1n2 treatin" the
establishment as i$ it 1ere simply the boardin"house it pretended to be.
?Cou should have drun42A I said $or the hundredth time that day. ?Cou should have ta4en your pi4.A
?8on0t you understand2 Ste$an@A 8amon as4ed $latly. ?I don0t 1ant my pi4. I 1ant 1hat I had7a 1orld I understood2
not one I an ontrol.A
?But 1hy@A I as4ed2 at a loss. The 1ind shi$ted2 and the sent o$ iron2 mi<ed 1ith tobao2 talum po1der2 and otton2
invaded my nostrils.
?Eeedin" time already@A 8amon as4ed 1ryly. ?Haven0t you done enou"h dama"e@A
?Who ares about one 1hore in a $ilthy brothelGA I yelled in $rustration. I "estured out to the sea. ?The 1orld is $illed
1ith humans2 and as soon as one dies2 another appears. What does it matter i$ I relieve one 1rethed soul o$ its
?Cou0re bein" areless2 you 4no12A 8amon "runted. His ton"ue darted out o$ his mouth to li4 his dry2 ra4ed lips. ?To
$eed 1henever you $eel li4e it. Katherine never did that.A
?Ces2 1ell2 Katherine died2 didn0t she@A I said2 my voie muh harsher than I meant it to be.
?She0d have hated 1ho you0ve beome2A 8amon said2 slidin" o$$ the $ene and standin" ne<t to me.
The sent o$ iron 1as more pervasive no12 urlin" around me li4e an embrae.
?3o2 she 1ould have hatedyou2A I retorted. ?So sared o$ 1ho you are2 unable to "o a$ter 1hat you 1ant2 1astin" your
I e<peted 8amon to ar"ue2 to stri4e me even. But instead he shoo4 his head2 the tips o$ his retrated anines 9ust
visible bet1een his partially open lips.
?I hate mysel$. I 1ouldn0t e<pet any di$$erent $rom her2A he said simply.
I shoo4 my head in disappointment. ?What happened to you@ Cou used to be so $ull o$ li$e2 so ready $or adventure. This
is the best thin" that has ever happened to us. It0s a "i$t7one thatKatherine"ave to you.A
5ross the street2 an old man hobbled past2 and then a moment later2 a hild on an errand rushed by in the opposite
?Pi4 one and $eedG Pi4 somethin"2 anythin". 5nythin" is better than 9ust sittin" here2 lettin" the 1orld "o by.A
With that I stood2 $ollo1in" the iron and tobao sent2 $eelin" my $an"s pulse 1ith the promise o$ a ne1 meal. I
"rabbed 8amon2 1ho la""ed a $e1 paes behind me2 until 1e $ound ourselves on a slanted lane out o$ ran"e o$ the
"asli"hts. What little li"ht there 1as "athered onto a sin"le point= a 1hite>uni$ormed nurse2 leanin" a"ainst a bri4
buildin"2 smo4in" a i"arette.
The 1oman loo4ed up2 her startled e<pression turnin" into a slo1 smile as she too4 in 8amon. Typial. #ven as a blood>
starved vampire2 8amon2 1ith his sho4 o$ dar4 hair2 lon" lashes2 and broad shoulders2 aused 1omen to loo4 t1ie.
?Want a smo4e@A she as4ed2 blo1in" smo4e into onentri irles that blended 1ith the mist in the air.
?3o2A 8amon said hastily. ?!ome on2 brother.A
I i"nored him2 steppin" to1ard her. Her uni$orm 1as spattered 1ith blood. I ouldn0t stop starin" at it and the 1ay the
rih red ontrasted to the star4 1hite. 3o matter ho1 o$ten I had seen it sine han"in"2 blood ontinued to a1e me
1ith its beauty.
?Havin" a bad ni"ht@A I as4ed2 leanin" ne<t to her a"ainst the buildin".
8amon "rabbed my arm and started to pull me to1ard the li"hts o$ the hospital. ?Brother2 let0s "o.A
Tension oiled in my body. ?3oGA It too4 a s1at o$ my arm to toss him a"ainst the 1all.
The nurse dropped her i"arette. The ash spar4ed2 then e<tin"uished. I $elt the bul"e o$ my $an"s behind my lips. It 1as
9ust a matter o$ time no1.
8amon stru""led to his $eet2 rouhin" lo1 as i$ I 1as "oin" to stri4e him a"ain.
?I 1on0t 1ath this2A he said. ?I$ you do this2 I 1ill never $or"ive you.A
?I have to "et ba4 to my shi$t2A the nurse muttered2 ta4in" a step a1ay $rom me2 as i$ to run.
I "rabbed her arm and pulled her to me. She let out one short yelp be$ore I overed her mouth 1ith my hand. ?3o need
to 1orry about that anymore2A I hissed2 sin4in" my teeth into her ne4.
The li6uid tasted li4e rottin" leaves and antisepti2 as i$ the death and deay o$ the hospital had invaded her body. I spit
the still 1arm li6uid into the "utter and thre1 the nurse to the "round. Her $ae 1as t1isted in a "rimae o$ $ear.
Stupid "irl. She should have sensed the dan"er and run 1hile she still ould. It hadn0t even been a hunt. Worthless. She
"roaned2 and I 1rapped my $in"ers a"ainst her throat and s6uee;ed until I heard the satis$yin" ra4 o$ bone brea4in".
Her head hun" at an unnatural an"le2 blood still drippin" $rom the 1ound.
She 1asn0t ma4in" any noise no1.
I turned to1ard 8amon2 1ho stared at me2 a horri$ied e<pression on his $ae.
?Vampires 4ill. It0s 1hat 1e do2 brother2A I said almly2 my "a;e lo4in" on 8amon0s blue eyes.
?It0s 1hatyoudo2A he said2 ta4in" o$$ the oat around his shoulders and thro1in" it over the nurse. ?3ot me. 3ever me.A
5n"er pulsed li4e a heart at the very ore o$ my bein". ?Cou0re 1ea42A I "ro1led.
?Maybe so2A 8amon said. ?But I0d rather be 1ea4 than a monster.A His voie "re1 stron". ?I 1ant no part in your 4illin"
spree. 5nd i$ our paths ever ross a"ain2 I s1ear I 1ill aven"e all o$ your murders2 brother.A
Then he spun on his heel and ran at vampire speed do1n the alley1ay2 instantly disappearin" into the s1irlin" mist.
!hapter -
:tober )2 &-+)
5s a human2 I0d thou"ht it 1as my mother0s death that had shaped the men 8amon and I 1ould beome. I0d alled
mysel$ a hal$>orphan in the initial days a$ter she died2 lo4in" mysel$ a1ay in my room2 $eelin" as thou"h my li$e had
ended at the youn" a"e o$ ten. Eather believed "rievin" 1as 1ea4 and unmanly2 so 8amon had been the one to om$ort
me. He0d "o ridin" 1ith me2 let me 9oin the older boys in their "ames2 and beat up the Ii$$in brothers 1hen they made
$un o$ me $or ryin" about Mother durin" a baseball "ame. 8amon had al1ays been the stron" one2 my protetor.
But I 1as 1ron". It is my o1n death that has shaped me.
3o1 the tables have turned. I am the stron" one2 and I have been tryin" to be 8amon0s protetor. But 1hile I have
al1ays been "rate$ul to 8amon2 he despises me and blames me $or 1hat he has beome. I had $ored him to $eed $rom
5lie2 a bartender at the loal tavern2 1hih had ompleted his trans$ormation. But does that ma4e me a villain@ I thin4
not2 espeially as the at had saved his li$e.
Einally2 I see 8amon the 1ay Eather had seen him= too imperious2 too 1ill$ul2 too 6ui4 to ma4e up his mind2 and too
slo1 to han"e it.
5nd as I had also reali;ed earlier this evenin" as I stood 9ust outside the dim "lare o$ the "as lamp2 the body o$ the dead
nurse at my $eet= I am alone. 5 $ull orphan. Just as Katherine had presented hersel$ 1hen she ame to Mysti Ealls and
stayed in our "uesthouse.
So that0s ho1 vampires do it2 then. They e<ploit vulnerability2 "et humans to trust them2 and then2 1hen all the
emotions are $irmly in plae2 they atta4.
So that is 1hat I 1ill do. I 4no1 not ho1 or 1ho my ne<t vitim 1ill be2 but I 4no12 more than ever2 that the only person
I an loo4 out $or and protet is mysel$. 8amon is on his o1n2 and so am I.
I heard 8amon steal throu"h the ity2 movin" at vampire speed do1n the streets and alleys. 5t one point2 he paused2
1hisperin" Katherine0s name over and over a"ain2 li4e a mantra or a prayer. Then2 nothin" . . .
Was he dead@ Had he dro1ned himsel$@ :r 1as he simply too $ar a1ay $or me to hear him@
#ither 1ay2 the result 1as the same. I 1as alone7I0d lost my only onnetion to the man I0d one been= Ste$an
Salvatore2 the duti$ul son2 the lover o$ poetry2 the man 1ho stood up $or 1hat 1as ri"ht.
I 1ondered i$ that meant that Ste$an Salvatore2 1ith no one to remember him2 1as really2 truly dead2 leavin" me to
be . . . anyone.
I ould move to a di$$erent ity every year2 see the 1hole 1orld. I ould assume as many identities as I0d li4e. I ould be
a Dnion soldier. I ould be an Italian businessman.
I ould even be 8amon.
The sun plun"ed past the hori;on li4e a annonball $allin" to earth2 dippin" the ity into dar4ness. I turned $rom one
"aslit street to the ne<t2 the soles o$ my boots raspin" over the "ravelly obblestones. 5 loose ne1spaper ble1 to1ard
me. I stomped on the broadsheet2 e<aminin" an ethed photo o$ a "irl 1ith lon"2 dar4 hair and pale eyes.
She loo4ed va"uely $amiliar. I 1ondered i$ she 1as a relative o$ one o$ the Mysti Ealls "irls. :r perhaps a nameless
ousin 1ho0d attended barbeues at Veritas. But then I sa1 the headline=BBDT5L MDB8#B 5B:5B8 TH# 5TL53TI!
Lavinia. :$ ourse.
I0d already $or"otten her. I reahed do1n and rumpled the paper2 hurlin" it as $ar as I ould into the Mississippi. The
sur$ae o$ the 1ater 1as muddy and turbulent2 dappled 1ith moonli"ht. I ouldn0t see my re$letion7ouldn0t see
anythin" but an abyss o$ bla4ness as deep and dar4 as my ne1 $uture. !ould I "o $or eternity2 $eedin"2 4illin"2
$or"ettin"2 then repeatin" the yle@
Ces. #very instint and impulse I had sreamedyes.
The triumph o$ losin" in on my prey2 touhin" my anines to the paper>thin s4in that overed their ne4s2 hearin" their
hearts slo1 to a dull thud and $eelin" a body "o limp in my arms. . . . Huntin" and $eedin" made me $eel alive2 1holeF
they "ave me a purpose in the 1orld.
It 1as2 a$ter all2 the natural order o$ thin"s. 5nimals 4illed 1ea4er animals. Humans 4illed animals. I 4illed humans.
#very speies had their $oe. I shuddered to thin4 1hat monster 1as po1er$ul enou"h to hunt me.
The salty bree;e 1a$tin" $rom the 1ater 1as laed 1ith the odor o$ un1ashed bodies and rottin" $ood7a $ar ry $rom
the aroma aross to1n2 1here sents o$ $loral per$ume and talum po1der hun" heavy in the air o$ the 1ide streets.
Here shado1s hu""ed every orner2 1hispers rose and $ell 1ith the $lo1in" o$ the river2 and drun4en hiups piered
the air. It 1as dar42 here. 8an"erous.
I 6uite li4ed it.
I turned a orner2 $ollo1in" my nose li4e a bloodhound on the trail o$ a doe. I $le<ed my arms2 ready $or a hunt7a "in>
soa4ed drun42 a soldier2 a lady out a$ter dar4. The vitim didn0t matter.
I turned a"ain2 and the iron>sent o$ blood ame loser. The smell 1as s1eet and smo4y. I $oused on it2 on the
antiipation o$ sin4in" my $an"s into a ne42 o$ 1onderin" 1hose blood I0d be drin4in"2 1hose li$e I0d be stealin".
I ontinued to 1al42 pi4in" up my pae as I traed the sent to an anonymous ba4 street lined 1ith an apotheary2 a
"eneral store2 and a tailor. The street 1as a replia o$ our o1n Main Street ba4 in Mysti Ealls. But 1hile 1e0d only had
one2 3e1 :rleans must have had do;ens2 i$ not hundreds2 o$ these orridors o$ ommere.
The rusty smell o$ iron 1as stron"er no1. I $ollo1ed t1ists and turns2 my hun"er buildin"2 burnin"2 searin" my very s4in
until $inally2 $inally I ame to a s6uat2 peah>olored buildin". But 1hen I sa1 the painted si"n above the door2 I stopped
short. Sausa"es in their asin"s hun" in the buildin"0s "rimy 1indo1F slabs o$ ured meat dan"led $rom the eilin" li4e a
"rotes6ue hild0s mobileF arved ribs 1ere nestled in ie beneath a ounter2 and in the $ar ba42 1hole arasses 1ere
strun" up2 drainin" blood into lar"e vats.
This 1as a . . . buther shop@
I si"hed in $rustration but my hun"er $ored me to push the door open any1ay. The iron hain snapped easily2 as i$ it
1ere no sturdier than thread. :ne inside2 I "a;ed at the bloodied arasses2 momentarily mesmeri;ed by the blood
$allin" into the vats2 one drip at a time.
:ver the sound o$ the rainin" blood2 I heard the sli"htestpin"2 no louder than the t1ith o$ a mouse0s 1his4ers. Then
ame the li"ht shu$$le o$ toes passin" over onrete.
I reared ba42 my eyes dartin" $rom orner to orner. Mie suttled beneath the $loorboards2 and someone0s 1ath
ti4ed in the buildin" ne<t door. 5ll else 1as 6uiet. But the air around me suddenly $elt thi4er2 and the eilin" lo1er
someho12 and I beame autely a1are that there 1as no ba4 e<it in this room o$ death.
?Who "oes there@A I alled into the dar4ness2 1hirlin" around2 my $an"s bared. 5nd then ame movement. Ean"s2 eyes2
the thud o$ $ootsteps losed in around me $rom all orners.
5 lo12 "uttural "ro1l ehoed o$$ the bloodstained 1alls o$ the shop2 and I reali;ed 1ith a si4enin" 9olt that I 1as
surrounded by vampires 1ho loo4ed all too ready to poune.
!hapter .
I rouhed lo12 my $an"s elon"ated. The heady sent o$ blood permeated every orner o$ the room2 ma4in" my head
spin. It 1as impossible to 4no1 1here to atta4 $irst.
The vampires "ro1led a"ain2 and I emitted a lo1 snarl in response. The irle losed in ti"hter around me. There 1ere
three o$ them2 and I 1as au"ht2 li4e a $ish in a net2 a deer surrounded by 1olves.
?What do you thin4 you0re doin"@A one o$ the vampires as4ed. He loo4ed to be in his mid>t1enties and had a sar that
ran the len"th o$ his $ae2 $rom his le$t eye to the orner o$ his lip.
?I0m one o$ you2A I said2 standin" at my $ull hei"ht2 $an"s on display.
?:h2 he0s one o$ usGA an older vampire said in a sin">son"y voie. He 1ore "lasses and a t1eed vest over a 1hite>
ollared shirt. But $or the $an"s and red>rimmed eyes2 he ould have been an aountant or a $riend o$ my $ather0s.
I 4ept my $ae impassive. ?I have no ill business 1ith you2 brothers.A
?We are not your brothers2A said another 1ith ta1ny hair. He loo4ed not a day over $i$teen. His $ae 1as smooth2 but
his "reen eyes 1ere hard.
The older one stepped $or1ard2 po4in" his bony $in"er a"ainst my hest as i$ it 1ere a 1ooden sta4e. ?So2 brother2 nie
evenin" to dine . . . or die. What do you thin4@A
The youn" vampire 4neeled ne<t to me2 "a;in" into my eyes. ?Loo4s li4e he0ll do both toni"ht. Lu4y boy2A he said2
ru$$lin" my hair. I tried to 4i4 him2 but my $oot simply $lopped harmlessly a"ainst air.
?3o2 no2 no.A While the sarred vampire 1athed 1ordlessly2 the boy "rabbed my arms and 1renhed them so sharply
and abruptly behind my ba4 that I "asped. ?8on0t be disrespet$ul. We0re your elders. 5nd you0ve already done 6uite
enou"h disrespetin" already2 i$ Miss Molly0s house is any indiation.A He dra1led her name as i$ he 1ere a beni"n2
"enteel Southern "entleman. :nly the steel "rip on my limbs betrayed that he 1asn0t anythin" o$ the sort.
?I didn0t do anythin"2A I said2 4i4in" a"ain. I$ I 1ere to die2 then I0d die in a $i"ht.
?5re you sure@A he as4ed2 loo4in" do1n at me in dis"ust. I attempted to t1ist a1ay2 but still I ouldn0t bud"e.
The elder vampire hu4led. ?!an0t ontrol his ur"es. Impulsive2 this one. Let0s "ive him a taste o$ his o1n mediine.A
With a $lourish2 he released me $rom his "rasp2 pushin" me $or1ard 1ith stren"th I0d never be$ore $elt. I hit the plaster
1all 1ith a rash and $ell on my shoulder2 my head ra4in" a"ainst the 1ooden $loorboards.
I o1ered beneath my atta4ers2 the reali;ation sin4in" in that i$ I 1ere to survive this enounter2 it 1ould not be by
mi"ht. ?I didn0t mean to do anythin". I0m sorry2A I said2 my voie brea4in" on the 1ord.
?8o you mean it@A the youn" vampire as4ed2 a "lint in his eye. The sound o$ 1ood brea4in" assaulted my ears. I
$linhed. Would one vampire sta4e another@ This 1as not a 6uestion I 1anted ans1ered the hard 1ay.
?Ces. CesG I didn0t mean to ome in here. I didn0t 4no1 anyone 1as here. I only 9ust arrived in 3e1 :rleans2A I said2
sramblin" $or an e<use.
?SileneGA he ommanded2 advanin" to1ard me2 a 9a""ed piee o$ 1ood in his hand. I pressed my spine into the
dama"ed 1all. So this is ho1 it 1ould end. With me dyin" on a ma4eshi$t sta4e2 4illed by my o1n 4ind.
T1o hands rushed my arms2 1hile another t1o pinned my an4les to"ether so $ore$ully that it $elt as thou"h I 1ere
stu4 under boulders. I losed my eyes. 5n ima"e o$ Eather lyin" prone on his study $loor s1am to the $ore$ront o$ my
mind2 and I shoo4 my head in a"ony2 rememberin" his s1eatin"2 terri$ied $ae. :$ ourse2 I0d been tryin" to save him2
but he hadn0t 4no1n that. I$ he 1as 1athin"2 as an an"el or a demon or a mere speter ondemned to haunt the
1orld2 he0d be thrilled to see this sene un$old.
I s6uee;ed my eyes ti"hter2 tryin" to evo4e some other memory to the $ore o$ my mind2 one that 1ould ta4e me to
another plae2 another time. But all I ould thin4 o$ 1ere my vitims2 o$ the moment 1hen my $an"s slied into their
s4in2 their plaintive 1ails desendin" into silene2 the blood drippin" do1n my $an"s and onto my hin. Soon2 all the
blood I0d ta4en 1ould be released2 seepin" out o$ my o1n body and ba4 into the #arth2 as I 1as le$t to die2 $or real this
time2 $orever2 on this 1ooden $loor.
?#nou"hGA 5 $emale voie slied throu"h the monta"e in my mind. Immediately2 the vampires let "o o$ my hands and
$eet. My eyes spran" open2 and I sa1 a 1oman "lidin" throu"h a narro1 1ooden door in the ba4. Her lon" blond hair
desended in a sin"le plait do1n her ba42 and she 1ore men0s bla4 pants and suspenders. She 1as tall2 thou"h sli"ht
as a hild2 and all the other vampires shran4 a1ay $rom her in $ear.
?Cou2A she said2 4neelin" ne<t to me. ?Who are you@A Her amber eyes "a;ed into mine. They 1ere lear and urious2 but
there 1as somethin" about them7the dar4ness o$ the pupils2 perhaps7that seemed anient and 4no1in"2 1hih
stood in sharp ontrast to her rosy>hee4ed2 unlined $ae.
?Ste$an Salvatore2A I ans1ered her.
?Ste$an Salvatore2A she repeated in a per$et Italian aent. 5lthou"h teasin"2 her voie didn0t seem un4ind. She ran a
$in"er "ently alon" my 9a12 then plaed her palm a"ainst my hest and she pressed me a"ainst the 1all2 hard. The
suddenness o$ the movement stunned me2 but as I sat2 pinned and helpless2 she brou"ht her other 1rist to her mouth2
usin" her $an" to punture the vein. She dra""ed her 1rist alon" her teeth2 reatin" a small stream o$ blood.
?8rin42A she ommanded2 brin"in" her 1rist to my lips.
I did as I 1as told2 mana"in" to "et a $e1 drops o$ the li6uid do1n my throat be$ore she yan4ed her hand a1ay. ?That0s
enou"h. That should $i< your 1ounds at any rate.A
?He and his brother have been 1rea4in" havo all over to1n2A the lar"e vampire said2 his ma4eshi$t sta4e pointed at me
li4e a ri$le.
?Just me2A I said 6ui4ly. ?My brother had no part in it.A 8amon 1ould never survive the 1rath o$ these demons. 3ot in
his 1ea4ened state.
The blond vampire 1rin4led her nose as she leaned even loser to1ard me.
?Cou0re 1hat2 a 1ee4 old@A she as4ed2 leanin" ba4 on her heels.
?5lmost t1o 1ee4s2A I said de$iantly2 li$tin" my hin.
She nodded2 a hint o$ a smile on her lips2 and stood2 surveyin" the shop. The plaster 1all 1as partially aved in2 and
blood smeared the $loor and spe4led the 1alls2 as thou"h a hild had stood in the enter o$ the room and t1irled
around 1ith a 1et paintbrush. She ts4ed2 and the three male vampires simultaneously too4 a step ba4. I shivered.
?Pery2 ome here2 and brin" that 4ni$e2A she said.
With a si"h2 the youn"est vampire produed a lon" arvin" 4ni$e $rom behind his ba4.
?He 1asn0t $ollo1in" the rules2A he said petulantly2 remindin" me o$ the Ii$$in boys ba4 home. They 1ere both bullies2
al1ays ready to 4i4 a 4id in the shoolyard and then turn around and tell a teaher they had nothin" to do 1ith it.
She too4 the 4ni$e and stared at it2 runnin" the pad o$ her inde< $in"er over the "leamin" blade. Then she held it ba4
out to Pery. He hesitated a moment2 but $inally stepped $or1ard to ta4e it. Just then the "irl0s anines elon"ated and
her eyes $lushed bloodred. With a "ro1l2 she stabbed Pery ri"ht in the hest. He $ell to his 4nees2 doubled over in silent
?Cou hunt this vampire $or ma4in" a sene in to1n2A she seethed2 stabbin" the 4ni$e in $arther2 ?and yet you attempt to
destroy him in this publi spae2 in this shop@ Cou0re 9ust as $oolish as he is.A
The youn" vampire sta""ered to his $eet. Blood streamed do1n the $ront o$ his shirt2 as thou"h he0d spilled o$$ee on
himsel$. He "rimaed as he pulled the 4ni$e out 1ith a su4in" sound. ?I0m sorry2A he "asped.
?Than4 you.A The 1oman held her 1rist to1ard Pery0s mouth. 8espite her youth$ul loo4 and apparently violent
temper2 she also had a motherin" 6uality that the other vampires seemed to aept2 as i$ her stabbin"s 1ere as normal
to them as a li"ht s1at 1ould be to a hi"h>spirited hild.
She turned to1ard me. ?I0m sorry $or your troubles2 Ste$an. 3o12 an I help you be on your 1ay@A she as4ed.
I loo4ed around 1ildly. I0d thou"ht no $urther ahead than esapin" this room. ?I . . .A
?. . . don0t have any1here to "o2A she said 1ith a si"h2 $inishin" my thou"ht. She "laned to1ard the other vampires2
1ho 1ere no1 huddled in the orner o$ the room2 heads bent in onversation.
?I0ll 9ust be "oin"2A I said2 stru""lin" to my $eet. My le" 1as $ine2 but my arms shoo42 and my breath ame erratially.
With loal vampires 1athin" my every move2 1here 1ould I "o@ Ho1 1ould I $eed@
?3onsense2 you0re omin" 1ith us2A she said2 turnin" on her heel and 1al4in" out the door. She pointed to the youn"
vampire and the one 1ho 1ore "lasses. ?Pery and Hu"o2 stay and lean this plae up.A
I had to pratially run to 4eep up 1ith her and the tall2 sarred vampire 1ho0d 1athed my torture. ?Cou0ll need
someone to sho1 you around2A she e<plained2 pausin" only sli"htly. ?This is Bu<ton2A she said2 "rabbin" the elbo1 o$
the vampire 1ith the lon" sar.
We 1al4ed do1n street a$ter street until 1e neared a hurh 1ith a tall spire.
?We0re here2A she said2 turnin" sharply to enter a 1rou"ht>iron "ate. Her boots ehoed a"ainst a slate path that led to
the rear o$ a house. She opened the door2 and a musty sent "reeted me. Bu<ton immediately 1al4ed throu"h the
parlor and up a set o$ stairs2 leavin" me and the youn" $emale vampire alone in the dar4ness.
?Welome home2A she said2 spreadin" her hands 1ide. ?There are plenty o$ spare rooms upstairs. Eind one that suits
?Than4 you.A 5s my eyes ad9usted to the dar4ness2 I too4 in my surroundin"s. Bla4 velvet urtains $astened 1ith "olden
rope blo4ed every 1indo1. 8ust motes $loated in the air2 and "ilt>$ramed paintin"s overed the 1alls. The $urniture
1as threadbare2 and I ould 9ust ma4e out t1o s1eepin" stairases 1ith 1hat loo4ed li4e oriental runners and2 in the
ne<t room2 a piano. Thou"h at one point this must have been a "rand house2 no1 the soiled 1alls 1ere ra4ed and
peelin"2 and ob1ebs draped over the "old>and>rystal handelier above us.
?5l1ays enter throu"h the ba4. 3ever dra1 ba4 the urtains. 8on0t ever brin" anyone here. 8o you understand2
Ste$an@A She loo4ed at me pointedly.
?Ces2A I said2 runnin" a $in"er alon" the marble $ireplae2 uttin" a path in the inh>thi4 dust.
?Then I thin4 you 1ill li4e it here2A she said.
I turned to $ae her2 noddin" in a"reement. My pani had subsided2 and my arms no lon"er trembled.
?I0m Le<i2A she said2 holdin" out her hand2 allo1in" me to raise it to my lips and 4iss it. ?I have a $eelin" that you and I
1ill be $riends $or a lon" time.A
!hapter &/
I a1o4e ne<t as dus4 1as settlin" over the ity. Erom my 1indo12 I ould see the "old$ish>oran"e sun sin4in" lo1
behind a 1hite steeple. The entire house 1as silent2 and $or a moment2 I ouldn0t remember 1here I 1as. Then
everythin" ame ba4= the buther shop2 the vampires2 me bein" $lun" a"ainst the 1all.
5s i$ on ue2 she "lided into the room2 barely ma4in" a sound as she pushed open the door. Her blond hair 1as loose
around her shoulders2 and she 1as 1earin" a simple bla4 dress. I$ loo4ed at 6ui4ly2 she ould be mista4en $or a hild.
But I ould tell $rom the sli"ht reases around her eyes and the $ullness o$ her lips that she0d been a $ull>"ro1n 1oman2
probably around nineteen or t1enty. I had no idea ho1 many years she0d seen sine then.
She perhed on the ed"e o$ my bed2 smoothin" ba4 my hair.
?Iood evenin"2 Ste$an2A she said2 a mishievous "lint in her eye. She luthed a tumbler o$ dar4 li6uid bet1een her
$in"ers. ?Cou slept2A she noted.
I nodded. Dntil I0d sun4 into the $eatherbed on the third $loor o$ the house2 I hadn0t reali;ed that I0d barely slept in the
past 1ee4. #ven on the train2 I0d al1ays been t1ithin"2 a1are o$ the si"hs and snores o$ my $ello1 passen"ers and
al1ays2al1aysthe steady thrum o$ blood oursin" throu"h their veins. But here no heartbeats had 4ept me $rom
?I brou"ht this $or you2A she said2 pro$$erin" the "lass. I pushed it a1ay. The blood in it smelled stale2 sour.
?Cou need to drin42A she said2 soundin" so muh li4e me spea4in" to 8amon that I ouldn0t help but $eel a tiny pan" o$
irritation7and sorro1. I brou"ht the tumbler to my lips and too4 a tiny sip2 $i"htin" the ur"e to spit it out. 5s I
e<peted2 the drin4 tasted li4e dan4 1ater and the sent made me $eel va"uely ill.
Le<i smiled to hersel$2 as i$ en9oyin" a private 9o4e. ?It0s "oat0s blood. It0s "ood $or you. Cou0ll ma4e yoursel$ si42 the 1ay
you 1ere $eedin". 5 diet made e<lusively o$ human blood isn0t "ood $or the di"estion. :r the soul.A
?We don0t have souls2A I so$$ed. But I brou"ht the up to my lips one more.
Le<i si"hed and too4 the tumbler2 plain" it on the ni"htstand ne<t to me. ?So muh to learn2A she 1hispered2 almost to
?Well2 1e have nothin" but time2 ri"ht@A I pointed out. I 1as re1arded 1ith a rih lau"h2 1hih 1as surprisin"ly loud
and throaty omin" $rom her 1ai$>li4e body.
?Cou ath on 6ui4ly. !ome. Iet up. It0s time to sho1 you our ity2A she said2 handin" me a plain 1hite shirt and
5$ter han"in"2 I $ollo1ed her do1n the rea4in" 1ooden stairs to 1here the other vampires milled about in the
ballroom. They 1ere dressed up2 but all loo4ed $aintly old>$ashioned2 as i$ they0d stepped out o$ one o$ the many
portraits on the 1all. Hu"o sat at the piano2 playin" an out>o$>tune rendition o$ Mo;art 1hile 1earin" a blue velvet
ape. Bu<ton2 the hul4in"2 violent vampire2 1as 1earin" a loose2 ru$$led2 1hite shirt. and Pery had on $aded brithes
and suspenders that made him loo4 as thou"h he 1ere runnin" late to play a "ame o$ ball 1ith his shoolmates.
When they sa1 me2 the vampires $ro;e. Hu"o mana"ed a sli"ht nod2 but the rest merely stared in stony silene.
?Let0s "oGA Le<i ommanded2 leadin" our "roup out the door2 do1n the slate path2 throu"h ;i";a""in" alley1ays2 and
$inally onto a street mar4ed Bourbon. #ah entry1ay led to a dimly lit bar2 $rom 1hih inebriated patrons stumbled out
into the ni"ht air. Su""estively lad 1omen "athered in lumps beneath a1nin"s2 and revelers ated punh>drun42
ready to lau"h or $i"ht at a moment0s notie. I instantly 4ne1 1hy Le<i too4 us here. 8espite our odd attire2 1e
attrated no more attention than any o$ the other lively revelers.
5s 1e 1al4ed2 the others $lan4ed me2 4eepin" me in the enter o$ their irle at all times. I 4ne1 I 1as bein" 1athed
sharply2 and I tried to remain una$$eted by the sent o$ blood and the rhythm o$ beatin" hearts.
?HereGA Le<i said2 not botherin" to onsult the rest o$ the "roup as she pushed open a saloon door that read
MIL58I#Sin urliue sript. I 1as impressed by her boldness7ba4 in Mysti Ealls2 only 1omen o$ ill repute 1ould ever
enter a barroom. But as I 1as $ast reali;in"2 3e1 :rleans 1asn0t Mysti Ealls.
The $loor o$ Miladies 1as a4ed 1ith sa1dust2 and I 1ined at the over1helmin"ly arid smell o$ s1eat2 1his4ey2 and
olo"ne. The tables 1ere pa4ed shoulder to shoulder 1ith men playin" ards2 "amblin"2 and "ossipin". :ne entire side
o$ the room 1as $illed 1ith Dnion soldiers2 and in another orner2 a motley band onsistin" o$ players 1ith an
aordion2 t1o $iddles2 and a $lute 1as playin" a 9aunty rendition o$ ?The Battle Hymn o$ the Bepubli.A
?What do you thin4@A Le<i as4ed2 leadin" me to the bar.
?Is this a Dnion bar@A I as4ed. The Dnion army had aptured the ity some months ba42 and soldiers stood sentinel on
nearly every orner2 maintainin" order and remindin" !on$ederates that the 1ar they 1ere $i"htin" loo4ed to be a
losin" ause.
?Ces. Cou 4no1 1hat that means2 ri"ht@A
I sanned the room. 5side $rom the soldiers2 it 1as a solitary ro1d. Sin"le men dro1ned their loneliness at 1ooden
tables2 barely a4no1led"in" their nei"hbors. The bartenders $illed "lasses 1ith a mehanial air2 never seemin" to
re"ister the people $or 1hom they poured their 1ares.
I understood immediately. ?#veryone here is a stran"er passin" throu"h.A
?#<atly.A Le<i smiled2 learly pleased that I 1as athin" on.
Bu<ton leared his throat in disapproval. I ould tell he didn0t li4e me7that he 1as 1aitin" $or me to slip up so he ould
sta4e me 1ithout inurrin" Le<i0s 1rath.
?Hu"o2 $ind us a tableGA Le<i ommanded. Hu"o 1al4ed his hul4ish $rame over to a rou"h>he1n table ne<t to the band.
Be$ore he ould even open his mouth2 the blue>oated soldiers at the table "laned at eah other and stood up2 leavin"
hal$>$illed mu"s behind.
Le<i pulled out t1o hairs. ?Ste$an2 sit ne<t to me.A
I sat2 va"uely embarrassed that I 1as so ompliant2 li4e a hild. But I reminded mysel$ that even Hu"o $ollo1ed her lead.
Le<i had Po1er2 and she 4ne1 ho1 to use it.
Pery2 Hu"o2 and Bu<ton also settled around.
?3o12A Le<i said2 ta4in" one o$ the abandoned beer mu"s and 1avin" it around in the air2 9ust as the 1aitress
approahed us. ?Let0s teah you ho1 to behave in publi.A
My hee4s $lushed 1ith an"er. ?I am behavin"2A I said throu"h lenhed teeth. ?8espite the $at that there are so many
people that it0s nearly impossible to onentrate.A
Pery and Hu"o sni4ered.
?He0s not ready . . .A Bu<ton said in a surly tone.
?Ces2 he is.A Le<i0s 1ords 1ere lo1 and sli"htly menain". Bu<ton lenhed his 9a12 learly tryin" to rein in his temper. I
shi$ted in my hair. I suddenly $elt li4e I 1as ten years old a"ain2 1ith 8amon protetin" me $rom the Ii$$in brothers.
:nly this time it 1as a "irl standin" up $or me. I 1as about to point out that I didn0t need Le<i to ans1er $or me 1hen
she plaed a hand on my 4nee. The touh 1as "entle and almed me.
?It "ets easier2A she said2 brie$ly athin" my eyes. ?So2 lesson one2A she stated2 addressin" the entire "roup. 5 4indness
on her part2 I reali;ed2 sine I 1as the only one 1ho didn0t 4no1 the $iner points o$ bein" a vampire. ?Lesson one is
learnin" ho1 to ompel 1ithout dra1in" attention to yoursel$.A She leaned ba4 and eyed the band. ?I don0t li4e this
son". Ste$an2 1hat son" 1ould you li4e to hear@A
?Dh . . .A I "laned around the table2 on$used. Pery sni4ered a"ain2 but stopped 1hen Le<i "lared at him. ?LIod Save
the South0@A I said hesitantly. The $irst thin" that ame to my head2 it 1as a tune 8amon used to 1histle 1hen he 1as
on leave $rom the army.
Le<i sooted her hair ba42 the le"s 4i4in" up a layer o$ sa1dust. She sauntered over to the band and loo4ed eah o$
the members in the eye as she said somethin" I ouldn0t hear.
The band stopped mid>hord and immediately s1ithed to ?Iod Save the South.A
?HeyGA one soldier shouted. His omrades "laned at one another2 learly 1onderin" 1hy a band in a Dnion bar had
suddenly been inspired to play a pro>Southern son".
Le<i "rinned2 as i$ deli"hted by her tri4. ?5re you impressed@A
?Very2A I said2 meanin" it. #ven Pery and Hu"o nodded in a"reement.
Le<i too4 a sip o$ her beer. ?Cour turn. Pi4 someone2A she said.
I "laned around the bar2 my eye athin" on a dar4>haired barmaid. Her eyes 1ere deep bro1n2 and her hair 1as tied
in a lo1 4not at the nape o$ her ne4. Her lips 1ere parted2 and she 1ore a ameo pendant that nestled in the noth o$
her ne4. In the split seond bet1een seein" and 4no1in"2 I 1as reminded o$ Katherine. I thou"ht o$ my $irst "limpse o$
Miss Molly2 and ho1 I0d mista4en her $or Katherine as 1ell. It $elt as thou"h my ma4er 1ere intent to haunt me in 3e1
?Her2A I said2 noddin" to1ard the "irl.
Le<i loo4ed at me sharply2 as i$ she 4ne1 there 1as a story behind this deision. But she didn0t pry. ?!lear your mind2A
she said instead2 ?and allo1 your ener"y to enter her.A
I nodded2 rememberin" the moment on the train 1hen my thou"hts had touhed Lavinia0s. I $i<ed my "a;e on the
barmaid. She 1as lau"hin"2 her head tilted ba4 to1ard the eilin"2 but as soon as my $ous lo4ed on her2 her eyes
lo1ered to mine2 almost as i$ I0d bidden her to do so.
?Iood2A Le<i murmured. ?3o12 use your mind to tell her 1hat you 1ant $rom her.A
That 1as the piee I had missed. When I0d tried to ompel the ondutor2 I0d had thousands o$ thou"hts about possible
senarios that ould happen durin" our interation2 but I had not as4ed $or any o$ them.
!ome here2 I 1illed2 starin" into her li6uid hoolate eyes.!ome to me.Eor a moment she held her plae behind the
bar2 but then she too4 a hesitant step $or1ard.Ces2 4eep "oin".She stepped $or1ard a"ain2 more on$idently this time2
ma4in" her 1ay to1ard me. I had e<peted her to loo4 da;ed2 almost as thou"h she 1ere sleep1al4in". But she didn0t
appear to be in a trane. To any bystander2 she ould have simply been omin" to our table to ta4e our drin4 orders.
?Hello2A I said 1hen she reahed us.
?8on0t brea4 eye ontat2A Le<i 1hispered. ?Tell her 1hat you 1ant her to do no1.A
Sit do1n2I thou"ht. 5nd2 almost instantly2 the "irl 1ed"ed hersel$ bet1een me and Bu<ton2 her thi"h 1arm a"ainst
?Hello2A she said unblin4in"ly. ?It0s the stran"est thin"2 but suddenly I 9ust 4ne1 that I needed to sit here 1ith you.A
?I0m Ste$an2A I said2 sha4in" her hand. My $an"s elon"ated2 and the sides o$ my stomah 4no4ed to"ether. I 1anted
her. Badly.
?8on0t embarrass us2A ame Le<i0s $inal 1ords be$ore she turned $rom me to $ae the band. It 1as lear that 1hile she
1asn0t ondonin" any o$ my subse6uent ations2 she 1asn0t neessarily ondemnin" them.
Invite me outside2 I thou"ht2 plain" my hand on the barmaid0s thi"h. But even as I thou"ht the 1ords2 I "laned at Le<i2
brea4in" my onnetion 1ith the "irl.
The "irl shi$ted2 pulled her hair up2 then dropped it do1n on her ba4. She "laned at the band2 rubbin" her $ore$in"er
on the rim o$ a "lass.
Invite me outside2 I thou"ht a"ain2 re$ousin" my attention $ully on her. S1eat pri4led my temple. Had I lost the
onnetion $or "ood@
But then she "ave a sli"ht nod. ?Cou 4no12 it0s a1$ully loud in here2 and I 1ant to spea4 1ith you. Would you mind i$ 1e
1ent outside@A she as4ed2 starin" at me.
I stood up2 my hair srapin" a"ainst the $loor. ?I0d li4e that very muh2A I said2 o$$erin" her my arm.
?Brin" her ba4 alive2 boy2 or you0ll be ans1erin" to me2A said a voie so lo1 that I 1ondered i$ I0d ima"ined it.
But 1hen I turned ba42 Le<i merely smiled and 1aved.
!hapter &&
:utside2 I let the "irl lead me a1ay $rom the drun4en ro1d and to1ard a side alley beyond a bar alled !alhoun0s.
?I0m sorry2A she said breathlessly. ?I don0t 4no1 1hat ame over me. I0m usually not so $resh2 it0s 9ust that7A
?I0m than4$ul $or it2A I said2 interruptin" her. She shivered2 and I put my arms around her thin $rame. Instantly2 she
pulled a1ay.
?Cou0re so oldGA she said in an ausatory tone.
?5m I@A I as4ed2 $ei"nin" nonhalane.Cou 1ant to 4iss me2 I thou"ht.
She shru""ed. ?It0s o4ay. It0s 9ust that I0m sensitive to temperature. But I 4no1 a 1ay 1e ould both 1arm up.A She
smiled shyly2 then raised up to her tiptoes. Her lips pressed a"ainst mine2 and $or a moment2 I allo1ed mysel$ to en9oy
their 1armth and $eel the "irl0s blood rae throu"h her veins as she "ave hersel$ over to me.
Then I lun"ed $or her ne4.
?:1GA She protested2 tryin" to push me o$$. ?StopGA
Cou 1ill suumb2 beause i$ you do that2 I0ll let you live2 I thou"ht2 usin" every $iber o$ my bein" to ompel her at this
ruial moment. She "a;ed up at me2 on$usion in her eyes2 be$ore she $ell ba4 over my arms2 her $ae a mas4 o$ sleepy
I too4 a $e1 more sips o$ the blood2 all too onsious o$ Le<i and the others ba4 inside. Then I dra""ed the 1oman up
to her $eet. I0d been are$ul. The holes I0d made in her ne4 1ere tiny2 almost impossible to see 1ith human vision. Still2
I ad9usted her sar$ around her ne4 to over them up.
?Wa4e up2A I 1hispered so$tly.
Her eyes opened2 the "a;e un$oused. ?What . . . 1here am I@A I ould sense her heart beatin" $aster2 sense her ready
to let loose a sream.
?Cou 1ere helpin" a drun4 ustomer2A I told her. ?Cou are $ree to "o. I 1as simply ma4in" sure you 1ere o4ay.A
She snapped to attention2 her body rela<in". ?I apolo"i;e2 sir. Dsually2 the patrons don0t "et so ro1dy at Miladies. Than4
you $or assistin" me. I0ll "ive you a 1his4ey2 on the house2A she said2 1in4in" at me.
I 1al4ed into Miladies beside her2 and 1as re1arded 1ith Le<i0s slo1 smile $rom the orner table.
Iood 9ob2 boy.
I $ollo1ed the "irl until she sa$ely resumed her position behind the polished 1ood ounter o$ the bar.
?What0s your poison@A she as4ed2 1his4ey bottle in hand. She loo4ed pale2 as i$ she 1ere omin" do1n 1ith a sli"ht
old. Mean1hile2 her blood 1as 1arm in my stomah.
?I0ve drun4 6uite enou"h2 than4 you2 miss2A I said2 as I too4 her hand and brou"ht it up to my lips2 4issin" it as tenderly
as I0d mar4ed her ne4.
!hapter &'
The $ollo1in" evenin" Le<i 4no4ed on my bedroom door. She 1ore a bla4 oat and mathin" trousers. 5 ap hid most
o$ her hair2 save $or a $e1 blond tendrils that $ell loose and $ramed her $ae.
?I 1as proud o$ you last ni"ht2A she said. I smiled2 despite mysel$. It 1as surprisin" ho1 6ui4ly I too4 to see4in" Le<i0s
approval. ?Ho1 muh did you ta4e $rom the barmaid@A
?3ot too muh. But I 1anted more2A I admitted.
5 loo4 I ouldn0t 6uite deipher passed over her $ae. ?I used to be li4e you2 you 4no1. But the more you $eed $rom
humans2 the hun"rier you "et. It0s a urse. But there are other 1ays. Have you hunted $or animals0 blood@A
I shoo4 my head no.
?Well2 lu4ily $or you2 I0m "oin" huntin" no12A she said2 ?and you0re omin" 1ith me. Put on dar4 lothes and meet me
do1nstairs in $ive minutes.A
I shru""ed on a dar42 military>loo4in" 9a4et I0d $ound han"in" in the loset and raed do1nstairs2 loath to put o$$
huntin" 1ith Le<i $or even $ive minutes. While I bristled at Bu<ton0s omments about ho1 ine<periened I 1as2 1hen I
heard it $rom Le<i2 I 1as only ea"er $or a lesson on ho1 our 4ind survived.
We 1al4ed out the door2 no trae o$ sunli"ht in the in4y bla4 s4y. I sni$$ed the air2 searhin" out the sent o$ the
nearest human2 then stopped 1hen I sa1 Le<i starin" at me 1ith a 4no1in" loo4.
Instead o$ turnin" le$t2 to1ard the bustle o$ Bourbon Street2 she turned ri"ht2 sna4in" throu"h side streets until 1e
reahed a $orest. 5bove us the trees 1ere bare and "hostly a"ainst the dar4 ni"ht s4y2 the moon our only li"ht.
?There are deer here2A Le<i said2 ?and s6uirrels2 bears2 rabbits. I thin4 there0s a den o$ $o<es that 1ay2A she added2
1al4in" into the thi42 mossy 1oods. ?Their blood smells earthier than human blood2 and their hearts beat muh more
I $ollo1ed her lead. Jui4ly and silently2 1e darted $rom tree to bush 1ithout disturbin" the underbrush. In a 1ay2 it $elt
li4e 1e 1ere playin" a "ame o$ hide>and>see42 or 9ust playin" at huntin"2 the 1ay youn" shoolboys do. 5$ter all2 as a
human2 I0d al1ays arried a 1eapon on the hunt. 3o1 all I had 1ere my $an"s.
Le<i held up a hand. I paused2 midstep2 my eyes dartin" every1here. I didn0t see anythin" but thi4 trun4s and rain"
ants in 9a""ed stumps. Then2 1ithout 1arnin"2 Le<i lun"ed. When she stood up2 blood 1as drippin" $rom her $an"s2 and
a sel$>satis$ied smile appeared on her $ae. 5 reature lay on the $allen leaves2 its le"s bent as i$ it 1ere still mid>run.
She "estured to the lump o$ oran"ish>red $ur. ?Eo< isn0t bad. Would you li4e to try it@A
I 4nelt do1n2 my lips urlin" as they made ontat 1ith the rou"h $ur. I $ored mysel$ to "in"erly ta4e a sip o$ li6uid2
thou"h2 as I 4ne1 it 1as 1hat Le<i 1anted. I su4ed in2 and immediately the blood seared my ton"ue. I spit it out
?Eo< is an a6uired taste2 I suppose2A Le<i said as she 4nelt on the "round by my side. ?More $or me2 at leastGA
While Le<i $ed2 I leaned a"ainst a tree trun4 and listened to the rustlin" sounds o$ the $orest. The bree;e shi$ted2 and
suddenly the sent o$ iron>rih blood 1as every1here. It 1as s1eet and spiy2 and it 1asn0t omin" $rom Le<i0s $o<.
Some1here2 nearby2 there 1as a human heart2 beatin" out seventy>t1othu>thudsa minute.
!autiously I slipped past Le<i2 and ventured out past the perimeter o$ the $orest. Set up on the ed"e o$ the la4e 1as a
shantyto1n. Tents 1ere pithed at every an"le2 and ma4eshi$t lotheslines ran bet1een 1ooden posts. The 1hole
setup loo4ed hapha;ard2 as i$ the inhabitants 4ne1 they0d have to pi4 up and reloate at any seond.
The amp loo4ed deserted save $or one 1oman 1ho 1as bathin"2 the moonli"ht stri4in" her ivory s4in. She 1as
hummin" to hersel$2 1ashin" the a4ed dirt o$$ her hands and $ae.
I hid behind a lar"e oa4 tree2 pretendin" to ta4e the 1oman by surprise. But then a lar"e painted poster on a
nei"hborin" tree au"ht my eye. I too4 a step to1ard it. 5 branh ra4ed2 the 1oman 1hirled around2 and I ould
sense Le<i behind me.
?Ste$an2A Le<i murmured2 obviously a1are o$ the un$oldin" sene. But this time2 I 1as the one to hold up my hand to
silene her. Mist $loated over the portrait on the si"n2 but the printin" 1as lear=P5TBI!K I5LL5IH#B0S EB#5K SH:W=
V5MPIB# V#BSDS B#5ST. B5TTL# T: TH# 8#5THG :!T:B#B -.
I blin4ed2 and the portrait s1am into my vision. It 1as o$ a dar4>haired man 1ith hiseled $eatures and pale>blue eyes.
His teeth 1ere bared2 his anines elon"ated2 and he 1as rouhed opposite a snarlin" mountain lion.
I 4ne1 the $ae on the poster better than I 4ne1 my o1n.
It 1as 8amon.
!hapter &(
8amon. 8eath.
The 1ords s1am in my mind as I tried to ma4e sense o$ 1hat I 1as seein". 8amon 1as alive. But 1ho 4ne1 $or ho1
lon"@ I$ he had been aptured2 he 1as undoubtedly 1ea4. Ho1 ould he $ae a ravenous beast in a battle and survive@
5n"er tore throu"h my body2 alon" 1ith the $amiliar ahe o$ my $an"s elon"atin". I ripped do1n the si"n 1ith a snarl.
?What is it@A she hissed2 her o1n $an"s bared.
I held up the paper.
?My brother2A I said2 starin" 1ithout omprehension at the poster. The piture made him loo4 li4e a monster. My eye
t1ithed. ?The battle is in t1o days.A
Le<i nodded2 ta4in" in the portrait.
?Ialla"her $ound him2A she said2 almost to hersel$.
I shoo4 my head2 not understandin" 1hat she meant.
She si"hed. ?Bi" businessman. He o1ns a lot o$ plaes in to1n2 inludin" a t1o>bit irus and $rea4 sho1. 5l1ays loo4in"
$or uriosities to display2 and people al1ays seem to $ind the money to attend. Cour brother7A
?8amon2A I said2 uttin" her o$$. ?His name is 8amon.A
?8amon2A Le<i said "ently2 train" the ima"e 1ith her $in"ers.
?He doesn0t deserve this2A I said2 almost to mysel$. ?I need to help him. But . . .A I trailed o$$. But 1hat@ Ho1 ould I
possibly save him@
?We0ll need to $ind him2A Le<i deided. She brushed leaves and dirt $rom the ba4 o$ her pants. ?8o you trust me@A
8id I have a hoie@ My hun"er $or"otten2 I $ollo1ed her throu"h the $orest and ba4 to the 1ide2 silent streets o$ the
?Ialla"her lives some1here in the Iarden 8istrit 1ith all the other nouveau< rihes. :n Laurel Street2 I thin42A Le<i
murmured as 1e 1ove our 1ay to the enter o$ to1n. ?This has happened be$ore2 soon a$ter Ialla"her arrived in 3e1
:rleans $ive years a"o.A
?What happened@A I as4ed2 $ollo1in" losely behind her in the shado1s.
?He $ound a vampire. He0s "ood at $indin" us. :r maybe 1e0re "ood at $indin" him. But the other vampire 1asn0t part o$
my $amily. 5nd . . .A She stopped suddenly.
?What happened to him@A
But Le<i merely shoo4 her head. We0d arrived at the Iarden 8istrit2 1here the streets 1ere 1ide and the la1ns
hu""in" the sherbet>olored Vitorian houses 1ere lush and e<pansive.
?Here.A She stopped at a pistahio>hued mansion enlosed by an open 1rou"ht>iron $ene. Ma"nolias and alla lilies
spilled over the "ate2 and the air smelled li4e mint. Just beyond2 I ould see an enormous herb "arden that too4 up a
$i$th o$ the property. I reoiled as 1e 1al4ed loser2 as the "arden "re1 a "enerous amount o$ vervain.
Le<i 1rin4led her nose. ?He 4no1s all the tri4s2A she said 1ryly.
We pushed open the "ate2 our $ootsteps barely runhin" the "ravel on the path that irled the house. !iadas bu;;ed
in the syamore trees above us2 and I ould hear horses pain" in the stable.
5nd then I heard a lo1 moan.
?He0s out ba42A I said.
Le<i "a;ed up at the s4y. :ran"e strea4s 1ere startin" to pee4 above the hori;onF it 1as about an hour until day bro4e.
?It0s too lose to da1n2A Le<i said. ?I didn0t reali;e ho1 late it is. I have to "o.A
I loo4ed at her sharply.
?I0m not proteted.A Her $in"ers $luttered to my rin"2 and I "laned do1n sel$>onsiously. The lapus la;uli adornment
had beome so muh a part o$ me2 I0d $or"otten that it made me di$$erent $rom other vampires2 made me able to 1al4
in the dayli"ht. Katherine had arran"ed $or both 8amon and me to have this protetion.
?We0ll ome ba4 tomorro1. The others an help us then2A Le<i insisted.
I shoo4 my head. ?I an0t leave him.A
Birds hirped in the trees above us2 and $rom some1here nearby ame the sound o$ "lass shatterin". The oran"e
strea4s in the s4y "re1 $atter2 bri"hter. ?I understand2A Le<i said $inally. ?Be sa$e. 8on0t play the hero.A
I nodded2 sannin" the "rounds $or any "uards or animals lyin" in 1ait to atta4. When I loo4ed up2 Le<i 1as "one and I
1as alone.
Stealin" 6ui4ly to the ba4 o$ the house2 I made my 1ay to1ard the 1hite1ashed stable. Horses pa1ed the "round
nervously2 obviously sensin" my presene. The stable doors 1ere padlo4ed 1ith an iron bolt. I "rabbed the hain2
testin" it. #ven thou"h I0d barely $ed sine the previous evenin"2 it 1ould be easy enou"h to rend the hains 1ith my
bare hands. But somethin" stopped me.8on0t play the hero.Le<i0s 1ords ehoed in my mind. She had beome my "uide
durin" the past ouple o$ days2 and I 4ne1 it 1as in my best interest to listen to her. Better not to leave any evidene o$
an intruder2 better to "et the lay o$ the land be$ore doin" anythin" rash.
I released the hain2 and it $ell ba4 a"ainst the door 1ith a loud lan4in" sound. 5 horse 1hinnied. I 1al4ed to the
other side o$ the stable2 1here a dusty 1indo1 1as open a ra4.
?Brother@A I 1hispered hoarsely throu"h the 1indo1. The loyin" sent o$ vervain 1as every1here2 ma4in" me 1oo;y
and nauseated.
In the orner2 a $ilthy $i"ure stru""led to sit up. 8amon. His hands and $eet 1ere bound 1ith hains2 and his s4in 1as
overed in an"ry red 1elts. The hains must have been soa4ed in vervain. I 1ined in sympathy.
8amon0s eyes lo4ed on mine.
?Cou $ound me2A he said2 no emotion in his $ae. ?5re you happy to see that I0m lose to death2 brother@A
?I0m here to save you2A I said simply. The horses 1ere 4i4in" up the sa1dust around their $eet in a"itationF I didn0t have
muh time be$ore someone in the house heard the disturbane.
8amon shru""ed2 an e$$ort that learly too4 all his ener"y. His eyes 1ere bloodshot and "lassy. 5 lar"e ut lined his
$orehead2 sliin" into his eyebro1. He loo4ed a1$ul and emaiatedF it 1as lear he hadn0t eaten in days.
I "laned around2 hopin" I ould $ind somethin"7a s6uirrel2 a rabbit2 a hipmun47to 4ill and toss to him2 but there 1as
?So the old>blooded 4iller is "oin" to save me.A 8amon attempted a 1an smile. He leaned ba4 a"ainst the 1all2 his
hains rattlin".
?Ces2 1e have to7A
Suddenly2 I heard the sound o$ a door slammin"2 then a do" bar4in". I 1hirled around to1ard the main house.
?What do you thin4 you0re doin"@A a voie yelled out. 5nd I stood2 my hands raised to the s4y2 unsure o$ 1ho7or
1hat7had $ound me this time.
!hapter &)
My hands still in the air2 I pressed my lips to"ether. I0d already learned that any si"n o$ stress aused my $an"s to bul"e
and my pupils to "ro1 lar"erF I didn0t 1ant to prepare to atta4 until I 4ne1 1hat I 1as dealin" 1ith.
?Ja4e@ !harley@A a $emale voie alled as t1o burly men ran to1ard me $rom the main house. 5lthou"h t1ie my bul42
they 1ere de$initely human. #ah man "rabbed one o$ my arms2 thou"h I noted 1ith old alulation that it 1ould ta4e
only one 6ui4 t1ist to sha4e both o$$ be$ore I lun"ed $or my atta4.
But I $ou"ht 1ith every ore o$ my bein" to stay still2 my hands hi"h in the air2 hopin" I0d 9ust loo4 li4e a ommon
va"rant. There 1as no "uarantee that a $i"ht 1ould lead to 8amon0s resue.
5 "irl 1al4ed to1ard me $rom the porh and stopped a $oot a1ay.
?I apolo"i;e2A I said to her. I tried to ma4e my voie sound li4e I 1as nervously "aspin" $or breath. ?I didn0t reali;e this
1as private property. I0m ne1 to to1n2 and I 1as in the tavern2 and2 1ell . . .A I trailed o$$2 unsure o$ 1hether my lies
1ould "et me into even deeper trouble.
?Cou thou"ht you0d steal $rom me@A The "irl stepped $or1ard. Her hair tumbled in $lamin" urls do1n her ba42 and she
1ore 1hat loo4ed suspiiously li4e a vervain 1reath on her head. She had on a 1hite ni"htdress2 but she 1as 1earin"
men0s boots2 and I ould see alluses on her hands. Thou"h she 1as learly $rom a 1ealthy $amily2 this 1as no oddled
ity "irl.
?3o. 3oG I 1asn0t stealin"2 I 1as 9ust loo4in" $or the vampire2A I said.
She 4nit her eyebro1s to"ether. ?To steal him . . . @A she as4ed leadin"ly2 hands on her hips.
?3oGA I said a"ain2 my arm 9er4in" involuntarily. :ne o$ the men holdin" me dropped my arm in surprise. ?3o2A I said
a"ain2 $orin" mysel$ to remain still. ?I sa1 the poster $or the sho1 do1n by the la4e2 and2 1ell2 I "uess my uriosity "ot
the best o$ me.A I shru""ed.
5 rooster ro1ed. Sunli"ht slo1ly spilled over the ba4yard. I "laned do1n at my "leamin" rin"2 than4$ul that Le<i had
?:4ay2 then2A the "irl said. She snapped her $in"ers2 and the t1o lar"e men dropped my arms. ?I$ you are ne1 to to1n2
then 1here do you ome $rom@A
?Mys . . . Mississippi2A I $ibbed. ?Bi"ht aross the river.A
She opened her mouth as i$ to say somethin"2 then losed it. ?Well2 1elome to 3e1 :rleans2A she said. ?I don0t 4no1
1hat thin"s are li4e ba4 in Mississippi2 but you an0t "o snea4in" into people0s ba4yards loo4in" at their livesto4. 5nd
the ne<t time you may not meet someone as $riendly as me.A
I $ou"ht my ur"e to snort at her idea o$ $riendliness2 "iven my brother0s 1rethed state.
?So2 1hat0s your name2 stran"er@A
?Ste$an2A I said. ?5re you Miss Ialla"her@A
?Smart2A she observed sarastially. ?That I am. !allie Ialla"her.A
:ne o$ the lar"e men stepped to1ard her protetively.
?Leave us2A she ommanded. ?I0ll esort Mr. Ste$an out.A
?Than4 you2A I said ontritely as I $ollo1ed her around the lon" "ravel path2 past the sun>room o$ the house2 and to1ard
the "ate. ?Than4s $or trustin" me2A I said.
?Who says I trust you@A she as4ed sharply2 but an amused smile $litted aross her lips.
?Well2 then2 perhaps I should than4 you $or not lettin" your brutes 4ill me.A
She smiled a"ain2 1ider this time. Her teeth 1ere pearly 1hite2 and one o$ her $ront teeth 1as sli"htly roo4ed. Ere4les
dusted her upturned nose. She smelled s1eet2 li4e oran"es. I reali;ed it had been a lon" time sine I had $ound a
1oman beauti$ul $or more than the s1eet smell o$ her blood. But ruelty lay behind her beauty2 beause this 1oman
1as responsible $or my brother0s imprisonment.
?Maybe you0re too handsome to be 4illed. 5nd everyone deserves a little 4indness2 don0t you thin4@A
I "a;ed at her allused hands2 a thou"ht enterin" my mind. ?Would it be too $or1ard o$ me to as4 $or more o$ your
!allie narro1ed her eyes. ?8epends on 1hat you as4 $or.A
?5 9ob2A I said2 strai"htenin" my shoulders.
The "irl shoo4 her head inredulously. ?Cou 1ant me to hire you@ 5$ter you trespassed on my property@A
?Thin4 o$ it as an e<pression o$ my drive and my enthusiasm $or . . . $rea4s2A I said2 the lies no1 $loatin" easily $rom my
ton"ue. ?Bein" ne12 I0ve had trouble $indin" 1or42 and to be honest2 I0ve al1ays 1anted to be part o$ a irus.A
She set her 9a12 and I 1as 1orried she0d suddenly all her henhmen on me. But then she loo4ed up and do1n at my
$aded trousers and si"hed. ?I have a $eelin" I0ll re"ret this2 but ome do1n to La4e Boad tomorro1 ni"ht. We do need a
ne1 ti4et ta4er7our last one ran o$$ 1ith one o$ the $at ladies. Cou0ll need to arrive early7and stay late. It0s "oin" to
be busy tomorro1 ni"ht beause o$ the $i"ht.A
?Bi"ht. The $i"ht2A I said2 one a"ain lenhin" my $ists and bitin" ba4 1ords o$ an"er.
?Ces.A She smiled some1hat rue$ully. ?Then you0ll have the hane to see your vampire in ation.A
?I suppose I 1ill2A I said2 turnin" on my heel and e<itin" the 1rou"ht>iron "ate. But i$ I had my 1ay2 no one 1ould see
the ?vampire in ationA beause 8amon and I 1ould be lon" "one be$ore the $i"ht ever ommened.
!hapter &*
:tober ,2 &-+)
Somethin" has han"ed. Maybe it is merely a"e2 a sort o$ hyper>maturation into the role o$ an adult vampire. Maybe it
is Le<i0s tutela"e. :r the $at that I am $aed 1ith an atual hallen"e2 a death>de$yin" hallen"e2 and I simply 4no1 I
an0t e<pend my ener"y 4illin" $or sport. Whatever the ause2 the result is the same. Thou"h the sent o$ blood is still
every1here2 I no lon"er $eel ompelled to hunt $or sport. Huntin" is distratin". My hun"er is somethin" to be sated
6ui4ly rather than en9oyably.
:$ ourse2 the 6uestion is2 ho1 1ill I $ree 8amon@ 5tta4 everyone in si"ht2 reatin" a melee o$ destrution@ !onvine
!allie to shed her vervain 1reath so I an ompel her to do my biddin"@
But !allie seems to have a po1er all her o1n. That muh is lear to her henhmen2 and to me.
:$ ourse2 my Po1er is stron"er. I have no doubt that I0ll persevere. I0ll save 8amon2 and then I0ll re1ard mysel$ 1ith a
drin4 $rom !allie0s ne4.
I spent the entire day pain" my room2 uttin" a path throu"h the dust that lined the 1ooden $loor. Plans to $ree
8amon $litted throu"h my head one by one2 but 9ust as 6ui4ly as they ame2 I shot them do1n $or bein" too darin"2 too
ris4y2 too destrutive. I0d already learned $rom the sie"e on the vampires in Mysti Ealls that one $alse move an ause a
domino e$$et o$ violene and despair.
?Cou loo4 li4e a a"ed animal2A Le<i said2 appearin" at my door1ay. Her voie 1as li"ht2 but 1orry lines reased her
I let out a lo1 "ro1l and ra4ed my hands throu"h my hair. ?I$eelli4e a a"ed animal.A
?Have you thou"ht o$ a plan yet@A
?3oGA I e<haled loudly. ?5nd I don0t even 4no1 1hy I0m tryin". He hates me.A I loo4ed do1n2 suddenly ashamed. ?He
blames me $or turnin" him into 1hat 1e are no1.A
Le<i si"hed and losed the distane bet1een us. She too4 my hand. ?Eollo1 me.A She led me out o$ the room and
1al4ed slo1ly do1n the stairs2 runnin" her pale $in"ers alon" the portraits that lined the 1alls. 5ll the paintin"s 1ere
overed 1ith a layer o$ "rime. I 1ondered ho1 lon" they0d been han"in" on the 1alls2 and 1hether any o$ the sub9ets
still roamed the #arth7alive or undead.
5t the very bottom stair2 Le<i stopped and pulled a portrait o$$ the 1all. It 1as ne1er than the others2 1ith a "old $rame
and the "lass polished to a "leam. 5 youn"2 serious>loo4in" blond boy stared out at me. His blue eyes ontained a hint
o$ sadness2 and his le$t hin 9utted in de$iane. He loo4ed inredibly $amiliar.
My eyes 1idened. ?Is that your7A
?7brother2A Le<i said. ?Ces.A
?Is he . . .A I trailed o$$2 not 1antin" to $inish the sentene.
?3o2 he0s not 1ith us anymore2A she said2 train" the le$t o$ the boy0s hin 1ith her inde< $in"er.
?Ho1 did he die@A I as4ed.
?8oes it matter@A she said2 her voie sharp.
?3o2 I suppose it doesn0t.A I touhed the ed"e o$ the photo. ?Why do you 4eep it@A
She si"hed. ?It0s a onnetion to the past7to 1ho I used to be be$ore I 1asA7she "estured do1n the len"th o$ her
body7?be$ore I beamethis. It0s important not to lose that $inal thread o$ attahment to humanity.A Her "a;e "re1
I 4ne1 1hat she meant= Bemainin" onneted to her humanity 1as ho1 she maintained ontrol and 1hy she made the
hoie to $eed only $rom animals.
?So2 are you ready to save him@A
5s usual2 Le<i didn0t 1ait $or an ans1er2 and I had to hustle out the door behind her. To"ether2 1e 1al4ed in silene
to1ard Ialla"her0s plae under the over o$ the in4y ni"ht.
Ei$teen minutes later 1e turned the orner onto Laurel Street and the house ame into vie1. 5 tall man 1ith salt>and>
pepper hair 1as limbin" the stairs o$ the 1hite struture2 tappin" eah step 1ith a "old>tipped ane. Behind him 1ere
t1o bla4>suited men. The three 1ere en"a"ed in intense onversation.
Le<i put her hand on mine. ?Ialla"her.A
The men paused on the porh. ?I0m tellin" you2 the vampire I have is the real thin". I ould have him 4illed and sell you
his blood. Cou0d ma4e a $ortune mar4etin" it as the $ountain o$ youth or an eli<ir o$ li$e2A Ialla"her said rou"hly.
My stomah plummeted. 8amon0s body 1as bein" divided be$ore he 1as even dead.
?Blood2A a sto4y man mused2 rubbin" his bald head as i$ it 1ere a rystal ball. ?I0m 9ust not sure people 1ould try that.
But ho1 muh 1ould you sell the $an"s $or@A
The men entered the home2 shuttin" the 1ooden door 1ith a de$initive thud.
I sni$$ed the air. The loyin" sent o$ vervain burned my nose2 but I didn0t sense 8amon any1here.
Le<i pushed the "ates open and stepped onto the la1n.
?What are you doin"@A I hissed. ?I don0t thin4 8amon0s here anymore.A
?Ces2 but you need to 4no1 e<atly 1ho and 1hat you0re up a"ainst. The more you 4no12 the better you an "au"e
1hat the best ourse o$ ation 1ill be2A she said.
I nodded2 and to"ether 1e stole in the shado1s to1ard the main house. We du4ed under a 1indo1 led"e and 4nelt in
order to esape notieF 1e ould 9ust ma4e out the sene un$oldin" in the parlor at the ba4 o$ the house. Ialla"her0s
voie dri$ted throu"h the open 1indo1 as he too4 a seat in a maroon leather lub hair2 his $eet up and a "lass o$ port
already in his hands. He 1ore a lar"e "old rin" on his $in"er.
In the $ar orner2 !allie Ialla"her sat in a pair o$ 1eathered overalls and a 1hite linen shirt. Her red hair $ell do1n her
ba4 in a vervain>laed braid2 and her head 1as bent as she pored over a led"er boo4. 5 "arland o$ vervain 1as strun"
alon" the marble mantle2 and I notied a $e1 vampire mu;;les7the same sort that my $ather had used to subdue
Katherine7tossed arelessly on an end table.
?I have somethin" else that mi"ht interest you2A Ialla"her said2 lo4in" eyes 1ith the elderly man 1hile the other sat2
silently. ?I didn0t 1ant to brin" it up out on the street.A
?Ces@A The man leaned $or1ard. His voie sounded disinterested2 but he rubbed his stubby $in"ers to"ether ea"erly.
?The monster 1ears a rin". It0s an unusual one. Silver 1ith a blue stone2 but it seems to "ive him additional po1er.
3one o$ my men have been able to "et it o$$ his $in"er2 but 1hen he0s dead . . .A
?EatherGA !allie inter9eted. The t1o men stared at her.
?Ces2 "irl@A Ialla"her as4ed2 his voie dan"erously lo1.
?I0ve been loo4in" over the boo4s2 and 1e0ll ma4e a $ortune i$ he0s 4ept alive. It0s the best $or the sho1.A Thou"h her
e<pression 1as all business2 her tone didn0t atually sound merenary.
?My boss.A Ialla"her lau"hed rue$ully2 but $rom the 1ay the vein in his temple throbbed2 I ould tell he didn0t
appreiate !allie0s inter9etion. ?Iirl2 an you "et us some brandy@A
!allie stood up and stal4ed out o$ the room. I 1as surprised to $eel a sliver o$ sympathy7and 4inship71ith her. I 4ne1
1hat it 1as li4e to have a headstron" $ather. I0d 1anted nothin" more than to please him2 but Iiuseppe Salvatore
al1ays thou"ht he 4ne1 best. I dared to disa"ree only one2 and he 4illed me $or it.
?5s I 1as sayin"2 the rin" . . .A Ialla"her said. I snapped ba4 to attention.
?Cou 4ill that monster and I0ll buy it all. The $an"s2 the blood2 the rin". #verythin". 5nd I0ll "ive you a very "ood prie2A
the elderly man said in a tremblin" voie2 barely onealin" his e<itement.
Be$ore I ould poune2 shatterin" the "lass that separated me $rom the man 1ho 1as tryin" to sell my brother in bits
and piees2 an iron>$irm "rip lasped my arms behind me and dra""ed me ba4 out to the street.
?Iet a hold o$ yoursel$2 Ste$anGA Le<i hissed as she pulled me alon" the side1al4. When she reahed the orner o$ Laurel
Street2 she let me "o.
?That man . . . is a sadistGA I $umed.
?He0s a businessman. He 1ants to 4ill your brother2 and i$ they $ind out about you2 they0ll ertainly 1ant to 4ill you too2A
Le<i said2 pushin" her blond braid over her shoulder.
My mind spun. ?What about the "irl@A I as4ed.
Le<i snorted derisively. ?What about her@A
?She thin4s 8amon should be 4ept alive. Maybe she an onvine her $ather o$ that2A I said desperately.
?8on0t even thin4 about it. She0s a human2 and she 1ill $ollo1 her $ather0s orders until the end o$ her days2A Le<i said2
droppin" her voie to lo1er than a 1hisper as another ouple 1al4ed to1ard us.
5s they passed2 the man tipped his top hat2 and Le<i urtseyed ba4. To anyone else2 1e 1ere a youn" ouple2 out to
romane eah other in the moonli"ht.
?8amon0s li$e is at sta4e2A I said in $rustration. Le<i had o$$ered to help2 but everythin" she0d done so $ar had seemed
desi"ned only to dissuade me. ?We have to do somethin"GA
?I 4no1 you 1ill $ind a 1ay to save him2A she said $irmly.
We turned another orner and the spire o$ the hurh aross $rom Le<i0s house ame into vie1. ?But Ste$an2 you must
remember that ontrollin" yoursel$ around humans is muh more than simply not atta4in" them.A When 1e reahed
the ba4 porh2 she stopped and put her hands on my shoulders2 $orin" me to loo4 into her lear amber eyes. ?8o you
4no1 the real reason 1hy 1e don0t drin4 human blood@A
?Why@A I as4ed.
?Beause i$ 1e don0t drin4 human blood2 1e don0t need humans2A she said in a ti"ht voie. She pushed open the door.
Bu<ton2 Hu"o2 and Pery 1ere sittin" around the o$$ee table2 playin" po4er. They loo4ed up 1hen 1e entered2 and
Bu<ton narro1ed his eyes at me.
?Boys2 1e0re "oin" danin" toni"ht. We need some li"htness2A Le<i announed2 pourin" hersel$ a "lass o$ blood $rom the
deanter on the side table. She "laned around the room. The three nodded. ?Will you ome2 Ste$an@A
I shoo4 my head. I 1as not in the mood $or li"htness. ?3o2A I said2 then headed upstairs to plan 8amon0s resue alone.
!hapter &+
I searhed in vain $or peae$ul sleep but never $ound it. Instead 1hen I losed my eyes I sa1 8amon2 his le"s urled
around a hard 1ooden hair2 his arms bound in ropes. His s4in bled2 the droplets a dar4 maroon 1here the vervain>
soa4ed ropes bit into his $lesh.
3e<t ame the ima"es o$ !allie2 her $lame>olored hair $lo1in" behind her2 her eyes lit 1ith a $ri"htenin" passion. She
and her $ather daned around 8amon2 my brother0s $orm prone on the "round. They thre1 their hands in the air
tauntin"ly2 "rippin" 1ooden sta4es2 the ends so sharpened they reahed a $ine point. Their movements beame more
$ren;ied as they approahed2 readyin" their 1eapons . . .
But 1orst o$ all 1ere the visions o$ Katherine. I 1ould see her2 loo4in" beauti$ul as al1ays2 her porelain $ae hoverin"
above mine and her "lossy mane ti4lin" my shoulders. With a oy2 4no1in" smile she 1ould lean to1ard me2 and then
she 1ould open her mouth. Her $an"s "linted in the lamp li"ht as they plun"ed into my ne4.
My eyes $le1 open. Sleep 1ould not a$$ord me any rest. My mind 1ent to memories o$ Katherine. The human part o$
me7or 1hat 1as le$t o$ it7hated her 1ith every $iber o$ my bein". My hand urled into a $ist involuntarily 1hen I
thou"ht o$ her2 and ho1 she0d destroyed my $amily.
But the vampire part o$ me missed 1hat she0d represented7stability and love. 5nd 9ust as that part o$ my soul 1ould
last $or eternity2 so too 1ould the part o$ me that lon"ed $or her. I 1anted her no12 beside me2 urled up in my sheets. I
1anted her to lean a"ainst the 1indo1sill and listen as I told her about 8amon2 and tell me2 in her alm2 even old2
matter>o$>$at 1ay 1hat to do. Bein" 1ith Katherine had made me $earless2 on$ident. She had made everythin" seem
#ven thou"h I trusted Le<i2 I 4ne1 she didn0t trust me to ta4e are o$ thin"s . . . she didn0t believe that any plan I had
1ould 1or4. That 1as 1hy Le<i reminded me so o$ten o$ all the obstales in my path. I lon"ed $or the Katherine I had
$allen $or2 the one 1ho seemed both $earless and to truly are $or me. I 1anted her by my side ri"ht no1 so I 1ould $eel
less alone. But I 4ne1 that ouldn0t be. That Katherine had never really e<isted. Besides2 she 1as "one2 and she 1as
never omin" ba4.
The door opened2 and Le<i stood there2 a "oblet o$ animal blood in her hands. She brou"ht it to my lips. I too4 a $e1
deep sips2 despite the dis"ust it alled up in me.
When I had drained the up2 she put it on the ni"htstand2 then brushed my hair o$$ my $orehead. ?5re you still "oin" to
the $i"ht toni"ht@A
?5re you "oin" to try to stop me@A
?3o.A Le<i bit her lip. ?3ot so lon" as you simply leave it at savin" your brother. Beven"e is $or humans7and 4illin"
Ialla"her 1on0t teah humans any lesson.A
I nodded2 all the 1hile 4no1in" I0d use brute $ore i$ it 1as neessary to $ree 8amon.
?Iood.A Le<i turned to leave. Hal$1ay to1ard the door2 she turned ba4 and lo4ed eyes 1ith me2 and her e<pression
so$tened. ?Cou0ve heated death one. I hope you0ll heat it a seond time.A
5$ter dressin"2 I 1al4ed to La4e Boad 1ith human speed. By the time I "ot there2 it 1as past dus4. Lanterns and torhes
1ere set up around the perimeter o$ the $air"rounds2 ma4in" the entire area loo4 as i$ it 1as bathed in dayli"ht. The
irus tent 1as striped red and 1hite2 and surrounded by mid1ay "ames and individual booths. ?Eortunes ToldGA a
poster above one read. ?See the World0s D"liest Woman7I$ Cou 8areGA prolaimed another. I ould hear the hatterin"
o$ some type o$ animal omin" $rom a $ar orner2 but I ouldn0t "et a sense o$ 1here 8amon 1as.
Just then2 !allie 1al4ed out o$ the main tent2 trailed by her $ather and her t1o henhmen. She 1as 1earin" the same
pair o$ overalls she0d had on the ni"ht be$ore over a man0s linen shirt2 and her hair $ell around her shoulders. There 1as
a smud"e o$ dirt beneath her eye. I had a sudden ur"e to 1ipe it a1ay but stu4 my hands in my po4et instead.
?Ste$anGA she alled2 her $ae brea4in" into a smile. ?Cou0re here. Eather2 this is the man I told you about.A
Mr. Ialla"her loo4ed even more imposin" up lose. He to1ered above me2 his dar4 bro1s 4nitted to"ether. I 4ept my
e<pression open2 innoent. Le<i said Ialla"her 1as a s4illed vampire hunter71ould he be able to detet the truth 9ust
by starin" at me@
?My dau"hter says you0re urious about vampires2A he said. ?Prove you0re serious and 1or4 the ti4et ounter. Then 1e
an tal4.A
?Ces2 sir.A I nodded2 $eelin" li4e Ste$an the obedient hild.
?5nd2 boy@A Ialla"her as4ed2 turnin" ba4 to1ard me.
?Cou 1ant to plae a bet on the $i"ht@ Winner0ll ta4e a lot. !ould ma4e you a $ortune.A He raised an eyebro1.
My eyes narro1ed2 and blood sreamed throu"h my veins2 $ast and hot. Ho1 dare this man as4 me to bet on my
brother0s li$e@ Ho1 dare he at so sel$>important 1hen I ould rip his throat out in an instant@
?Ste$an@A !allie as4ed 1arily.
Eorin" mysel$ to alm do1n2 I reahed into the po4ets o$ my 1ell>1orn brithes and pulled them inside out. ?I0m
a$raid I have no money2 sir. That0s 1hy I0m so "rate$ul to have this 9ob.A
Ialla"her too4 a step loser to me. ?Cou say you0re $rom Mississippi2 boy@A He "a;ed at me uriously. ?Cour aent
sounds more northern7maybe Vir"inian.A
?My parents 1ere $rom Vir"inia. I suppose their aent rubbed o$$ on me2A I said in as asual a voie as I ould muster.
5$ter a lon" moment2 he nodded. ?Well2 1hen you rustle up some urreny2 ome $ind me. In the meantime2 !allie 1ill
sho1 you the ropes. 5nd son@A he alled2 turnin" on his heel.
?Ces2 sir@A I as4ed.
?I0ll be 1athin" you.A
!hapter &,
8on0t be bothered by him2A !allie said2 one her $ather 1as a sa$e distane a1ay.
?I0m not2A I lied.
Her "reen eyes $li4ed over me2 as i$ she didn0t believe my 1ords. But she didn0t press the issue.
?I0ll "ive you a 6ui4 tour2A she said2 ta4in" me into one o$ the smaller tents. In a orner2 a 1oman 1as hunhed over a
mirror. She turned2 and I too4 a step ba4. Her $ae 1as overed 1ith tattoos2 1hih2 upon loser inspetion2 1ere
ourtesy o$ rapidly dryin" India in4.
?The tattooed 1oman2A !allie said. ?5nd the on9oined t1ins.A
The 1oman and the t1ins ne<t to her 1aved at us. The t1ins0 bodies 1ere onneted at the hip. They 1ere beauti$ul2
1ith blond hair and sad e<pressions. 5 man 1ith $lippers instead o$ arms 1hispered somethin" in one o$ their ears.
They "laned at eah other2 then bro4e into lau"hter.
?This is the sho1.A !allie opened her hands 1ide2 and $or the $irst time I notied a 1ooden sta4e dan"lin" on a silver
hain $rom her 1rist. She also had a spri" o$ vervain tu4ed behind her ear.
?Miss !allieGA 5 hul4in"2 seven>$oot>tall mountain o$ a man du4ed under the door o$ the tent and 1al4ed to1ard us. He
pi4ed her up by her tiny 1aist and s1un" her around.
?5rnoldGA she said "lee$ully. ?The 1orld0s stron"est man. Married to the bearded lady2A she e<plained to me be$ore
loo4in" ba4 up at 5rnold. ?Ho1 is !aroline $eelin"@A
The "iant shru""ed. ?She0s doin" 1ell. !an0t 1ait to ome ba4 and introdue everyone to the babies.A
?They 9ust had t1insGA !allie said $ondly.
I nodded my "reetin" to the man and "a;ed over !allie0s shoulder. Where 1ere they 4eepin" 8amon@
?5re you o4ay@A !allie as4ed. She brushed my arm2 and I $linhed 1hen the vervain touhed my s4in.
?I 9ust need air2A I said2 burstin" out o$ the tent.
!allie ran a$ter me. ?I0m sorry2 Ste$an2A she said2 her voie old. ?Some people don0t li4e it here. They0re not
om$ortable. But someho1 I thou"ht you0d be di$$erent.A
?3o2 it0s not that.A #ven surrounded by these human uriosities2 I 1as the bi""est $rea4 o$ them all= the vampire 1ho
pretended to be human. ?I0ve 9ust "ot a lot on my mind. I promise you2 I li4e it here.A
?:4ay2A she said2 not soundin" 6uite onvined. But she ontinued to lead me $arther into the "rounds. We passed a
t1o>headed at2 a sad>loo4in" mon4ey playin" ?:ld Tom 8ooleyA on a harmonia2 and the s4eleton o$ 1hat a si"n
delared to be a sea monster. Some $rea4s millin" around 1ere obviously ators2 1earin" $abri tubes $illed 1ith stra1
to simulate e<tra limbs2 1hile others had been born that 1ay.
?!ome 1ith me2A !allie said as she tu""ed on my arm. But I stayed. 5 bla4 iron 1a"on rolled up to the tent2 similar to
the one Eather had used to round up vampires durin" the Mysti Ealls sie"e. It stopped2 and the driver 9umped $rom the
art. Immediately2 $ive burly men rushed up 1ith sta4es. :ne they 1ere in plae2 the driver unlo4ed the ba4 o$ the
1a"on. The sent o$ vervain 1a$ted in the air2 ausin" my 9oints to ahe.
?5nd there0s your vampire2A !allie said2 her mouth set in a $irm line as all $ive men dra""ed 8amon $rom the ba4 o$ the
1a"on. :ne burly man2 his s1eat>stained shirt rolled at the sleeves2 4ept a sta4e positioned $irmly over his heart.
?Ientle no12 JasperG We need him alive be$ore the $i"htGA !allie alled2 her voie sharp. 8amon turned2 barin" his teeth
in our diretion. I sa1 surprise in his eyes2 1hih 6ui4ly turned into ontempt.
?My little brother2 the "ood Samaritan2A he 1hispered under his breath2 barely movin" his 9a1. Lu4ily2 he said it lo1
enou"h that only I heard.
His voie sent a tremor throu"h my body. !allie o4ed her head2 and I reali;ed ho1 ris4y it 1as $or 8amon and me to
be in suh lose pro<imity. Would spite ause him to all me out as a $ello1 demon@ ?5re you sure I an0t help 1ith the
vampire@A I as4ed her.
?Cou heard my $ather. We0ll start you at the ti4et ounter. 5nd i$ anyone tries to snea4 in2 let Bu4 handle them2A she
said2 "esturin" to the hul4in" man hoverin" several paes behind her li4e a distended shado1.
5 ommotion sounded in $ront o$ the tent. !allie let out a 1histle as 1e approahed. The $ront $lap 1as losed ti"ht2
and a mass o$ people had surrounded a 1ooden ti4et booth. Some2 dressed in tattered brithes and 1ith dirt>stained
hands2 1ere learly $rom the shantyto1n surroundin" the la4e. But others 1ere dressed in their $inest= the men in top
hats and sil4 smo4in" 9a4ets2 the 1omen in $eather>adorned hats and sil4 dresses2 $ur stoles draped around their
!allie turned to me2 her eyes shinin". ?It0s never been so busy. 8ad0s "oin" to be so happyGA she said2 lappin" her
hands to"ether. ?3o12 "o help Bu42A she ommanded be$ore runnin" ba4 around the tent.
I stood in the 1ooden booth at the entrane2 listenin" $or 8amon. But instead my ears $illed 1ith snathes o$ human
?I0ve "ot a hundred dollars on the lion.A
?3o2 the vampire. Monsters al1ays 1in over beasts.A
?I0ve told this pretty lady here that she o1es me a 4iss i$ the beast 1ins.A :ne man hiupped2 obviously drun4.
I "round my teeth2 1antin" to lash out2 to bite eah and every one o$ them2 to teah them a lesson. But I remembered
Le<i0s 1ords about reven"e. Killin" these men 1ould not help 8amon.
5 hand lapped my shoulder. I 1hirled around2 ready to bare my teeth.
It 1as Ialla"her2 his $ae $lushed 1ith e<itement. ?We have to hustle2 sonG The $i"ht0s about to start2 and the more 1e
pa4 0em in2 the bi""er the payday.A He hopped on an overturned apple rate standin" 9ust outside the entrane.
?Step ri"ht up2 $ol4sG Welome to my :dditoriumG See the 1orld0s u"liest 1oman2 marvel at the 1orld0s stron"est manG
But that0s 9ust the 1arm>up at. Beause toni"ht2 1e have a battle royale2 the li4es o$ 1hih have never been seen.
Monster versus Beast. Who 1ill 1in@ 5nd 1ho 1ants to bet@ Beause this is one death that 1ill lead to rihes $or
The ro1d pressed in more ti"htly around me2 s1armin" li4e a mass o$ hun"ry insets.
Ialla"her "rinned at me. ?Iet 0em in2 and "et 0em biddin".A
5nd so I held out my hand2 olletin" their oins and oran"e stubs o$ paper2 all the 1hile resistin" the ur"e to reah out
and snap their ne4s2 as easily as I 1ould a t1i" branh2 and drin4 the li6uid 1ithin.
!hapter &-
5s soon as I0d ta4en every last ti4et and aepted every last dollar2 I slipped into the tent behind an over1ei"ht man
luthin" a s1eaty 1ad o$ !on$ederate notes in eah $ist. The air 1as thi4 1ith the stenh o$ s1eat2 sa1dust2 and2 o$
ourse2 blood.
People 1ere millin" around us2 payin" e<tra money to "a14 at the Stron"man and the Tattooed Lady2 all o$ 1hom 1ere
hidden behind thi4 bla4 urtains at various intervals alon" the perimeter o$ the tent. But the ma9ority o$ the ro1d
1as lamorin" around Jasper. Lar"e 1a"ers 1ere bein" plaed2 1ith lots o$ shoutin" and hand si"nals and sta4s o$
"reasy notes bein" passed ba4 and $orth. Jasper "lee$ully homped on his so""y i"ar and lau"hed.
Sailors yan4ed $orei"n bills $rom their bill$olds. 5 $e1 teena"ers pooled their oins. Well>dressed men in ties 1aved "old
?Ei"ht2 $i"ht2 $i"htGA one red>$aed man be"an yellin". Instantly2 the people standin" by him be"an to hant as 1ell.
Three 1ell>dressed 1omen2 their hair in urls atop their heads2 "laned at eah other2 "i""led2 and ehoed the heer2
their alto voies ontrastin" 1ith the men0s baritone ones.
Ialla"her strode into the tent2 his ane tappin" a path throu"h the sa1dust. People turned and raned their ne4s to
ath a "limpse o$ himF in the irus tent2 he 1as 9ust as muh an attration as the $rea4s. 5$ter all2 this 1as the man
1ho0d au"ht a vampire.
Be stron"2 brother2 I 1hispered under my breath2 rememberin" all the times 8amon had 1on $i"hts ba4 in Mysti
Ealls. 8amon had never provo4ed those battles but had al1ays been a "ood $i"hter2 al1ays landin" a punh $ast 1hen a
$i"ht bro4e out. That0s 1hy he0d been so respeted in the army. But no12 in a battle a"ainst a mountain lion2 espeially
a$ter not $eedin" $or days . . . I shuddered.
?Brother@A I 1hispered tentatively2 at a deibel I 4ne1 only his ears ould detet. I 1as hopin" $or some sort o$ reply2
even thou"h I 1asn0t sure 1hether he ould have atually heard me. I$ he did2 he said nothin" in response.
?5nd no12 let0s introdue our $i"htersGA Ialla"her0s voie bro4e throu"h my reverie. T1o animal handlers2 their hands
in leather "loves and 1earin" boots that ame up past their 4nees2 1al4ed into the rin"2 leadin" a man"y mountain lion.
The mountain lion had a "rayish>yello1ish oat and yello1 teeth2 and2 despite its lean body2 loo4ed brutal. 5nd hun"ry.
5s i$ on ue2 it uttered a roar.
?In one end o$ your rin"2 you have the mountain lion. But this is no ordinary at. This beast is the 5lberta 5ven"erG He
ame do1n $rom !anada to $ind the hunter that 4illed his mate. He eviserated the hunter2 his 1i$e2 and all o$ his
hildren e<ept the youn"est2 1hose le"s the lion ate be$ore leavin" the rest o$ him alive to tell the story. Sine then2
you have $ollo1ed the mountain lion in the ne1spapers as it has $easted its 1ay on innoents in the Dnion and
!on$ederay 1ithout pre9udie. Toni"ht2 it is here only a$ter 1e aptured it tryin" to sto1 a1ay on a boat bound $or the
5ndes Mountains in South 5meria. The mountain lion2 ladies and "entlemenGA Ialla"her yelled2 his sho1manship on
$ull display.
The ro1d duti$ully applauded enthusiastially2 and some even heered.
?Its opponent is a le"endary vampire that has been terri$yin" hildren and their parents $or enturies. Vi4tor the !ruel
1as born in &*-. and 1as heir to the Hapsbur" #mpire until he $irst tasted blood7his sister0s7and be"an a three>
hundred>year $eedin" $ren;y that has le$t a trail o$ drained bodies around the 1orld. 5t an estimated t1o vitims per
day2 this brin"s Vi4tor0s 4ills to one and a hal$ million people2 more than double the si;e o$ Italy. This unstoppable lust
$or blood ontinues toni"ht.A
The applause 1as more nervous no12 but the heers 1ere louder.
Ialla"her spread his hands apart 1ith a $lourish2 and 8amon ame into the rin"2 surrounded by $our handlers. His hands
and $eet 1ere in hains2 and his $ae 1as partially hidden by a mu;;le. His s4in 1as bleedin" $rom the vervain2 his eyes
1ere bloodshot2 and the e<pression on his $ae 1as one I0d never seen.
I ould understand the hatred he $elt7I 1as $i"htin" every instint I had not to 4ill the people holdin" him aptive. But
his imprisonment had han"ed him. 8amon had alled me a old>blooded 4iller. The loo4 in 8amon0s eyes 1as not one
o$ sport2 or survival. It 1as pure bloodlust.
5 hush $illed the tent. The mountain lion strained at his hains2 but 8amon simply stood in his orner o$ the rin"2 as i$
una1are o$ 1hat the imminent $uture held $or him.
?5nd . . . "oGA Ialla"her yelled. Immediately2 the handlers unlo4ed 8amon0s hains and opened the iron door o$ the
mountain lion0s a"e2 then ran o$$ the sta"e. The lion 9umped to1ard 8amon2 ma4in" ontat 1ith his hest. 8amon let
out an an"uished moan and $ell ba41ard. Then2 9ust as 6ui4ly2 he rose to his $eet and roared2 his $ae suddenly
$lushed2 his $an"s on $ull display. I 4ne1 this 1as all instintual= 8amon0s Po1er risin" to the sur$ae as soon as he0d $elt
the atta4. I had learned this about our 4ind in the past $e1 1ee4s= :ur po1er led us to do thin"s be$ore 1e even 4ne1
1e 1ere doin" them. 8espite 8amon0s e<ternal 1ea4ness2 his Po1er 1as still intat.
The lion leaped a"ain2 and 8amon 1ent lo12 du4in" under the la1s and omin" up at 9ust the ri"ht moment to di" his
hands into the lion0s ne4. But the lion tossed 8amon $reeF he rolled to a stop only 1hen he slammed into the "ate
surroundin" the rin".
8amon let out another moan and lay on the "round. The lion be"an to stal4 over to laim his 4ill.
The ro1d 1ent 1ild2 $riends hittin" one another in the arm and la1in" at the air as thou"h they themselves 1ere in
the $i"ht.
:ne o$ the handlers positioned alon" the sidelines po4ed at 8amon2 learly to "et him movin". 8amon s1un" 1ithout
loo4in"2 4no4in" the man into the stands. 5s the handler stru""led to "et up2 t1o nearby ustomers 4i4ed him in the
"ut and then dropped him over the ba4 railin" to the dirt belo12 out o$ si"ht.
8amon paid no heed to the su$$le and moved deeper into the rin"2 lettin" the lion slo1ly irle him.
5$ter a lon" silene2 8amon let out a $eral "ro1l and ran to1ard the lion. The lion roared in response and har"ed2 but
this time 8amon stepped aside2 and 1hen the lion missed him2 8amon hoo4ed an arm up under the lion0s ne4. With
stren"th no one seemed to e<pet2 8amon thre1 the lion onto its ba4. He 1as about to dive on top and "o in $or the
4ill 1hen the lion 4i4ed up and drove a la1 ri"ht throu"h 8amon0s arm.
The lion s1atted its pa1 around2 s1in"in" 8amon throu"h the air li4e a $ly on a $ishin" line. 5t last2 the $lesh "ave 1ay
and 8amon2 1ith a red ar o$ blood trailin" behind him2 shot up throu"h the air2 then landed 1ith a thud even I ouldn0t
hear over the hellish roar o$ the elebratin" ro1d.
8amon stru""led to his $eet2 holdin" the 1ounded arm in plae 1ith the other. He 1asn0t healin" as 6ui4ly as vampires
usually do7I 1ondered i$ the vervain had dampened that Po1er.
He needed blood2 that muh 1as lear. His survival instints and the attendant adrenalin 1ere 1anin". I 1as about to
rush $or1ard into the rin"2 1ith the stout man in $ront o$ me as an o$$erin" to my brother2 1hen a 1arm hand $ell on my
?It0s horrible2A she said. Her 4nu4les had "one 1hite around lumps o$ her dress. Her lips hun" loose and trembled. ?I
an0t 1ath this barbarism muh lon"er.A
?Then tell your $ather to stop it2A I hissed.
The stompin" on the 1ooden stands 1as pi4in" up in speed and alon" 1ith the rain" heartbeats o$ the people. The
splothes o$ blood in the sa1dust 1eren0t enou"h to satis$y them7they needed to see a death.
3o1 8amon 1as paddin" around the mountain lion2 as the animal hunhed2 oiled2 in the enter o$ the rin"2 movin" as
little as possible 1hile $ollo1in" 8amon 1ith its re$letive eyes. Suddenly2 8amon too4 o$$2 movin" at a blurred speed
around the lion so that the animal had to rapidly turn and turn2 as thou"h hasin" its o1n tail.
5 6uiet ame over the ro1d2 and only the heavy pantin" o$ 8amon and the mountain lion ehoed under the anvas o$
the tent. 8amon irled his prey2 movin" $aster than the lion ould omprehend.
The ro1d "asped as 8amon slanted to1ard the mountain lion2 and be$ore the beast ould tell 1hih diretion he 1as
omin" $rom2 8amon dove on the musle behind the lion0s head. He bit in and held on2 lettin" the lion 4i4 and $lip
!allie luthed my arm. My eyes 1ere riveted on the sene2 and my body 1as primed to run to the a"e should I need
to intervene.
The mountain lion 1as slo1in". #ah time it bu4ed2 more blood appeared in the sa1dust in little red rivers. Its le$t hind
le" 1as loo4in" 1ea4 no1F 1obblin"2 it started to $lop to1ard the "round. 8amon unlathed his $an"s and reared ba42
ready to "o $or the vein in the at0s ne4.
Just then2 the at $lailed its hind6uarters and thre1 8amon $ree. 5s 8amon tried to reover his $eet2 the mountain lion
moved in and 1rapped its 9a1s around his side.
The ro1d "asped a"ain2 then be"an to boo.
Ei"ht2 I ur"ed 1ith every $iber o$ my bein"2 lenhin" my $ists at my sides.
8amon had "one limp and 1as bein" $lun" around li4e an old slipper in a do"0s mouth. The lion tossed 8amon to the
"round2 then pulled its head ba4 and opened 1ide. But 9ust as the animal dove $or1ard2 8amon rolled a1ay. He drove
his shoulder into the on$used beast0s side2 bo1lin" it over and e<posin" the short 1hite hairs on its throat.
8amon tore into the vein 1ith his $an"s. The mountain lion t1ithed its 1ay to stillness as a puddle o$ blood beame
bi""er and bi""er until it 1as a "reat la4e o$ blood 1ithin the $i"htin" rin". 5t its enter 1as my brother2 4neelin" over a
dead mountain lion.
He stood and stumbled ba41ard a step. He loo4ed up into the ro1d 1ith a 1ide smile on his $ae2 his $an"s out and
his 1hole $ae and $ront drippin" 1ith blood. The ro1d heered and booed in e6ual measure2 and 8amon 9ust turned
in a small irle2 oasionally li4in" his lips.
Ialla"her lapped his $at hands to"ether. The ones 1ho0d made money 9umped and hu""ed one another. The ones
1ho0d lost thre1 hats to the "round or stared blan4ly ahead.
I leaped $or1ard2 tryin" to push my 1ay to my brother2 but the handlers had already moved in2 sta4es and vervain>laed
nets in hand. 8amon 1as learly drun4 on suh a massive $eed a$ter not eatin" $or so lon" and didn0t seem to notie
them. Be$ore I ould even shout a 1arnin"2 the men 1rapped him in nets and be"an dra""in" him out o$ the arena.
#ven at my $astest2 I ouldn0t "et past the ro1d that had $illed in behind them and no1 blo4ed the entire 1ay. 5ll o$
the revelers2 hootin" and slobberin"2 stood bet1een me and the e<it2 and by the time I pushed and shoved my 1ay out2
the 1a"on 1as areenin" out o$ the $air"rounds.
5 1hip ra4ed. Hooves beat the "round. 5nd 9ust li4e that2 8amon 1as "one.
!hapter &.
I ran past the shanties set up around the irus throu"h the deep 1oods2 $ollo1in" the tra4s o$ the 1a"on until I lost
the vehile0s sent ompletely at the outs4irts o$ the ity proper. 5 drun4 1as leanin" a"ainst a bri4 buildin"2 1histlin"
In a blind ra"e2 I rou"hly $ell to my 4nees and "rabbed him2 bitin" into his ne4 and su4in" his blood be$ore he even
had time to "asp. It tasted bitter2 but I 4ept drin4in"2 "ulpin" it in until I ould stand no more.
Sittin" ba4 on my heels2 I 1iped my mouth 1ith the ba4 o$ my hand2 and loo4ed around. !on$usion and hatred
oursed throu"h my veins. Why ouldn0t I save 8amon@ Why had I 9ust 1athed as Ialla"her "oaded the audiene into
plain" even more bets2 as the mountain lion pouned onto my brother@ 5nd 1hy had 8amon allo1ed himsel$ to be
aptured and put me in this impossible position@
I 1ished I0d never insisted on turnin" him into a vampire in the $irst plae. I$ he 1eren0t here and I 1ere alone in the
ity2 everythin" 1ould be so muh easier. 3o1 I 1as tryin" to be a "ood brother2 and a "ood vampire2 and yet 1as
$ailin" at everythin".
I 1al4ed home2 lompin" up the steps to the house. I slammed the door2 ausin" the hin"es to rattle and one o$ the
paintin"s in the parlor to $all on the $loor 1ith a latter.
Instantly2 I sa1 Bu<ton "larin" at me $rom the opposite side o$ the room2 his eyes "litterin" in the dar4ness. ?Is there
some sort o$ problem you0re havin" 1ith the door@A he as4ed throu"h lenhed teeth.
I tried to brush past him2 but he blo4ed my path.
?#<use me2A I muttered2 pushin" him.
?#<use you2A Bu<ton said2 rossin" his arms over his hest. ?!omin" in as i$ you o1n the plae. Stin4in" li4e humans.
While I0m not one to 6uestion Miss Le<i2 I do thin4 it0s time you sho1 a little respet $or her home2 brother.A
The 1ordbrothera1a4ened somethin" 1ithin me. ?Wath 1hat you say2A I hissed2 barin" my teeth.
But Bu<ton 9ust hu4led. ?I0ll 1ath 1hat I say 1hen you 1ath ho1 you at.A
?Boys@A Le<i alled $rom upstairs2 her liltin" voie a ontrast to the tense sene. She "lided do1n the stairs2 her eyes
so$tenin" 1ith onern 1hen they rested on me. ?Is 8amon . . . @A
?He0s alive2A I muttered. ?But I ouldn0t "et to him.A
Le<i perhed on the ed"e o$ a ri4ety ro4in" hair2 her eyes lar"e and sympatheti. ?Bu<ton2 an you please "et us
some "oat0s blood@A
Bu<ton0s eyes narro1ed2 but he shu$$led out o$ the parlor and into the 4ithen. In the livin" room2 I ould hear Hu"o
playin" a lively Erenh marh on the piano.
?Than4s2A I said2 sin4in" into an overstu$$ed love seat. I didn0t 1ant "oat0s blood. I 1anted to "or"e mysel$ on "allons
and "allons o$ human blood2 drin4in" until I "ot si4 and passed out in total oblivion.
?Bemember2 he0s stron"2A Le<i said.
?I0m not 1orried about Bu<ton2A I said.
?I meant your brother. I$ he0s anythin" li4e you2 he0s stron".A
I loo4ed up at her. She ame over and too4 my hin in her hand.
?That0s 1hat you have to believe. It0s 1hat I believe. The trouble 1ith you is that you 1ant everythin" done ri"ht a1ay.
Cou0re impatient.A
I si"hed. The last thin" I needed 1as another leture about ho1 I had no sense o$ the 1ay the real vampire 1orld
Besides2 I 1asn0t impatient. I 1as desperate.
?Cou 9ust need to thin4 o$ another plan. :ne 1e an help 1ith.A Le<i "laned over as Bu<ton entered2 arryin" a silver
tray laden 1ith t1o mu"s.
Bu<ton paused midstep. ?Eaut>il l0aider@A he as4ed in Erenh.
?3ous l0aiderons2A Le<i replied.
3either Le<i nor Bu<ton 4ne1 that I0d learned Erenh at my mother0s 4neeF it 1as odd to listen to them spea4about
1hether to help me $ree 8amon. I stared at my hands2 1hih 1ere still overed 1ith rusted blood $rom my hunt earlier
in the evenin".
Bu<ton ban"ed the tray a"ainst the polished herry1ood table. ?Cou 1ill not put us in dan"er2A he "ro1led2 his $an"s
inhes a1ay $rom my ne4. He shoved me 1ith all his mi"ht a"ainst the 1all2 and the ba4 o$ my head ra4ed a"ainst
the $ireplae0s marble mantle.
My Po1er too4 over2 and I pushed his shoulders hard. But Bu<ton 1as older and stron"er than I 1as2 and he 4ept me
pinned to the 1all2 his hands $irmly a"ainst my hest. I ould $eel blood be"innin" to seep $rom my s4ull2 1here I0d hit
my head.
?Cou sel$ish2 un"rate$ul monster2A Bu<ton 1hispered2 hatred drippin" $rom his voie. ?I0ve seen vampires li4e you
be$ore. Cou thin4 the 1orld is yours $or the ta4in". Cou don0t are about others. Cou don0t are 1ho you 4ill. Cou "ive us
a bad name.A
I t1isted and 1rithed2 tryin" to esape his "rip2 1hen suddenly I $elt the pressure release $rom my hest2 $ollo1ed by an
enormous rash as Bu<ton $ell to the $loor.
?Bu<ton2A Le<i letured2 starin" at the prone body lyin" at her $eet. ?Ho1 many more enturies 1ill it be be$ore you
learn ho1 to treat a "uest@ 5nd2 Ste$an2 1on0t you a"ree 1ith me that human blood simply doesn0t a"ree 1ith you@
That behavior 1asn0t neessary.A Le<i shoo4 her head li4e an annoyed shoolmarm. ?3o12 I0ll drin4 my blood in peae.
Be nie2 boys2A she said as she "lided out o$ the room2 the mu" o$ blood in her hands.
Ho1 ould she 1al4 a1ay so asually2 4no1in" that my brother 1as out there imprisoned and tortured@ I had ome to
depend on Le<i $or many thin"s2 and support in $indin" and savin" 8amon 1as my only priority no1.
5s i$ readin" my mind2 she paused at the arh1ay to her 6uarters2 "lanin" $rom one o$ us to the other. ?I$ and 1hen I
say 1e help 8amon2 1e 1ill. Is that lear to both o$ you@A
?Ces2 Miss Le<i2A Bu<ton murmured as he slo1ly eased onto his 4nees then stood up.
I nodded2 barely ontainin" my so1l.I$@
Bu<ton limped out o$ the room2 but not be$ore he thre1 one last "lare in my diretion.
Suddenly the house $elt too small2 as thou"h the 1alls2 $loors2 and eilin"s 1ere pressin" in at me $rom all sides. Lettin"
out one last "ro1l2 I $le1 throu"h the parlor2 out the door2 and ba4 do1n to La4e Boad.
!hapter '/
The ne<t mornin"2 I 1o4e as someone shoo4 my shoulder.
?Io a1ay2A I murmured. But the sha4in" 1as insistent.
My eyes snapped open2 and I reali;ed I 1as lyin" urled up ne<t to one o$ the tents at Ialla"her0s $rea4 sho1.
?8id you sleep here@A !allie as4ed2 rossin" her arms over her hest. I sat up2 rubbin" the sleep $rom my eyes2 thin4in"
about the previous evenin". I0d returned to the irus "rounds2 unsure o$ 1here else to "o and had $allen asleep there.
?Iood mornin"2 Miss !allie2A I said2 i"norin" her 6uestion. I stood up and brushed dirt o$$ the ba4 o$ my pants. ?Ho1
an I help you@A
She shru""ed. She 1as lad in a pin4 otton dress that sho1ed her tiny 1aist and $re4led arms. The olor stood in
ontrast to her $lo1in" red hair2 and she reminded me o$ a 1ild rose. ?We0re "oin" to ta4e a $e1 days o$$ $rom the
sho1. Eather made so muh money2 he 1ants the ne<t event to be even bi""er.A !allie smiled. ?The $irst rule o$ sho1
business= Keep 0em 1antin" more.A
?Ho10s 8a7the vampire@A I as4ed2 shieldin" my eyes $rom the sun. While my rin" proteted me $rom the a"ony o$ the
rays2 the sun made me $eel e<posed and lumsy. The dar4 loa4ed more than my $an"s2 and in the li"ht o$ day2 I
onstantly had to he4 to ma4e sure I 1asn0t movin" at li"htnin" speed2 respondin" to 6uestions I shouldn0t be able to
hear2 or $ollo1in" my ur"e to $eed.
!allie tu4ed a loose strand o$ rust>olored hair behind her ear. ?The vampire is o4ay2 I suppose. Eather has its handlers
tendin" to it around the lo4. They don0t 1ant it to die. 3ot yet2 any1ay.A
3ot yet1as a small om$ort2 but it 1as somethin". It meant I still had time.
She $ro1ned sli"htly. ?:$ ourse2 I hardly thin4 they should let it die at all. What 1e0re doin" to it2 and to the animals it
$i"hts2 is totally barbari2A she said so$tly2 almost spea4in" to hersel$.
I loo4ed up s1i$tly at the 1ords. Was she more sympatheti to 8amon0s pli"ht than I0d ima"ined@ ?!an I see him@A I
as4ed2 surprised at my boldness.
!allie s1atted my arm. ?3oG 3ot unless you pay up2 li4e everyone else. Besides2 he0s not here.A
?:h2A she said2 mo4in" me. Then her eyes so$tened. ?I still an0t believe you slept here. 8on0t you have a home@A
I met her "a;e strai"ht on. ?I had . . . a disa"reement 1ith my $amily.A It 1asn0t e<atly a lie.
The $rea4 sho1 1as startin" to 1a4e up. The stron" man 1al4ed2 bleary>eyed2 out o$ a tent. 5bruptly2 he dropped do1n
to the "round and be"an doin" push>ups. The $ortune>teller headed to the seluded part o$ the la4e2 to1el in hand2 no
doubt $or a bath. 5nd t1o o$ the ever>present burly seurity men 1ere 1athin" !allie and me uriously.
!allie learly notied as 1ell. ?Would you li4e to "o $or a 1al4@A she as4ed2 leadin" the 1ay do1n a dirt>pa4ed road to
the ed"e o$ the la4e2 out o$ si"ht o$ the sho1. She pi4ed up a stone and thre1 it into the 1ater2 1here it landed 1ith a
?I never ould s4ip stones2A she said2 in suh a sad voie that I ouldn0t help but burst out lau"hin".
?What0s so $unny@A she as4ed2 hittin" my arm a"ain. The s1at 1as play$ul2 but the braelets she 1ore 1ere t1isted
throu"h 1ith vervain2 and the ontat sent a 1ave o$ pain up my arm. She put her hand on my shoulder2 onern
reasin" her $orehead. ?5re you o4ay@A
I 1ined. ?Ces2A I lied.
?:4ay . . .A she said2 thro1in" me a s4eptial loo4. She leaned do1n to pi4 up another stone and raised her li"ht bro1n
eyebro1 at me be$ore she thre1 it in the 1ater. It $ell 1ith a harmless plop.
?Tra"iGA I pi4ed up my o1n stone and aimed it aross the 1ater. It s4ipped $ive times be$ore $allin" belo1 the sur$ae.
!allie lau"hed and lapped her hands. ?Cou must teah meGA
?Cou have to $li4 your 1rist. 5nd pi4 a $lat stone.A I spotted a smooth bro1n ro4 1ith a 1hite band rin"in" the top.
?Here.A I put the ro4 in her hands. ?3o12 $li42A I said2 "in"erly touhin" her s4in2 ma4in" sure my $in"ers didn0t brush
a"ainst the vervain.
She losed her eyes and tossed the stone2 1hih s4ipped one2 be$ore $allin" into the 1ater. She thre1 her arms up in
deli"ht. ?Than4 you2 Ste$an2A she said2 her eyes t1in4lin".
?3o more Lstran"er0@A I teased.
?Cou0ve tau"ht me somethin". That means 1e0re $riends.A
?8oes it2 no1@A I said2 ta4in" another stone and tossin" it in the 1ater. 8amon and I had s4ipped stones in the pond
near our home in Mysti Ealls. We0d ma4e 1ishes and pretend that they 1ould ome true i$ 1e ould "uess the number
o$ s4ips a stone 1ould ma4e.
I losed my eyes brie$ly.I$ it s4ips $ive times2 I0ll have a hane to $ree 8amon2 I thou"ht. But this stone 1as heavier and
san4 a$ter t1o s4ips. I shoo4 my head2 annoyed at mysel$ $or indul"in" in suh a hildish "ame.
?So 1as that your bi""est onern in the 1orld@ That you ouldn0t s4ip stones@A I teased2 tryin" to relaim the li"ht tone
o$ our outin".
She smiled2 but her eyes loo4ed sad. ?3o. But don0t you thin4 pretend problems are muh more mana"eable than real
?Ces2 I do2A I said 6uietly.
The sun 1as steadily risin"2 lendin" the la4e an oran"e "lo1. Several small s4i$$s 1ere already on the 1ater2 astin"
their nets2 and the 1ind 1hipped around our ears2 a reminder that even thou"h the sun $elt 1arm2 1inter 1as 1ell on
its 1ay.
?I0ve never tal4ed to anyone about this. That0s rule number t1o o$ the Ialla"her $amily business7don0t trust anyone2A
she said.
?Cour $ather seems tou"h2A I ventured2 sensin" her $rustration. ?Perhaps too tou"h@A
?My $ather is $ine2A !allie snapped. She so1led at me2 hands on her hips.
?I0m sorry2A I said2 raisin" my hands in surrender. I reali;ed I0d pushed too $ar too 6ui4ly. ?That 1as out o$ line.A
!allie let her hands $all to her sides. ?3o2 I0m sorry. I0m 9ust protetive o$ him. He0s all I have.A
?Where is your mother@A I as4ed.
?8ied 1hen I 1as si<2A !allie said simply.
?I understand2A I said2 thin4in" o$ my o1n mother. ?It0s hard2 isn0t it@A
!allie plu4ed a blade o$ "rass $rom the "round and shredded it bet1een her $in"ernails. ?I try to be stron". But a$ter
Mother died2 Eather thre1 himsel$ into 1or4.A
?It seems that you do that as 1ell.A
?3o1 that Eather0s "ot the vampire at 1or4ed out2 I $eel li4e thin"s 1ill han"e $or the better. He has a short $use that
"ets shorter the less money he has.A
5t the mention o$ the vampire at2 I 4i4ed the stones around the ed"e o$ the shore. 5 $lurry o$ pebbles $le1 throu"h
the air and landed several meters into the la4e 1ith a violent splashin" sound.
?What 1as that@A !allie as4ed2 alarm in her voie.
I $ored mysel$ to smile2 to loo4 alm7human. In my an"er2 I0d $or"otten to hide my Po1er. ?5dvaned stone s4ippin".A
!allie raised an eyebro12 as i$ she 1anted to hallen"e me. But all she said 1as= ?We should "et ba4. 8ad 1ants us to
lean up the "rounds.A
I nodded. ?Iood idea.A 5lone here 1ith !allie2 I0d ome so lose to losin" ontrol.
?Ste$an2A !allie said. ?I 1as thin4in" . . . sine 1e don0t have the sho1s $or a $e1 ni"hts2 do you thin4 you ould sho1 me
the ity@A
?But I don0t 4no1 the ity2A I pointed out. ?Cou0ve been here lon"er than I have.A
!allie0s hee4s $lushed poppy red. ?Eather doesn0t let me leave the house2 unless it0s $or 1or4. But there are so many
sho1s and adventures in 3e1 :rleans.A She loo4ed up at me $rom beneath her lon" lashes. ?Please@ I0ll $eel sa$e i$ I0m
1ith you.A
I nearly lau"hed at the irony o$ that statement2 but the hu4le au"ht in my throat. !allie had it 1ron"= She 1ouldn0t
neessarily be sa$e 1ith me2 but I ould use her to "uarantee the sa$ety o$ my brother. 5$ter all2 she 4ne1 everythin"
about Ialla"her0s !irus7inludin" 1here her $ather 1as holdin" 8amon.
?:4ay2 let0s do it2A I said.
?:h2 1e0ll have suh $unGA !allie lasped my hands and 1hirled me around. ?Meet me at the par4 at the end o$ my
street at nine o0lo4.A She rose onto her tiptoes and 4issed my hee4.
She 1as so lose2 I ould pratially $eel her heart beatin" a"ainst my hest. I pulled a1ay abruptly2 my head poundin"
and my 9a1 ahin". I turned my ba4 to her as my anines e<tended 1ith a li4. I had to ta4e $ive deep breaths be$ore
they retrated a"ain.
?5re you o4ay@A she as4ed2 plain" her hand on my shoulder.
I plastered a smile on my $ae and turned ba4 to her. ?Just e<ited $or toni"ht.A
?Iood2A !allie said2 hummin" to hersel$ as 1e 1al4ed ba4 to the irus "rounds.
I ran my ton"ue over my teeth. It 1as true= I 1as e<ited $or toni"ht. But e<itement 1as a4in to desire2 and as I0d been
learnin" ever sine I met Katherine2 nothin" "ood ever ame $rom desire.
!hapter '&
I arrived at home at dus4 and $ound Le<i perhed on the ouh2 her arms $olded over her hest2 and her $oot rapidly
tappin" the $loor. She loo4ed li4e a dis"runtled mother hen. Hu"o and Pery 1ere loun"in"2 at>li4e2 on haises in the
$ar orner. Bu<ton2 I noted 1ith relie$2 1as no1here to be seen. I 1ondered ho1 lon" they0d been 1aitin" $or me.
?Cou deided to ome ba42 I see2A Le<i said2 a so1l rossin" her $ae.
?So I did2A I said2 tryin" to suppress a smile.
?5nd somethin"0s han"ed2A she added. She sni$$ed the air. ?But you haven0t $ed2 that0s "ood.A She 4nit her eyebro1s
?Hello2A I said to Hu"o and Pery2 i"norin" Le<i0s observation. They "a;ed at me in surprise. I0d never made any e$$ort to
spea4 to either o$ them in the past.
?Hi2A Pery "runted.
Hu"o 9ust stared at me.
Le<i ontinued to "lare at me2 her hands on her hips. ?:ut 1ith it2 Ste$an. We don0t 4eep serets in this house.A
?I have a plan to $ree 8amon2A I said2 1inin" at the "iddy sound o$ my voie.
?That0s terri$iGA Le<i lapped. ?Ho1 are you "oin" to do it@A
?Well2 uh2 it be"ins 1ith "oin" on a date2A I on$essed.
?5 date@A Le<i0s bro1s $le1 up. ?With 1hom@A
I leared my throat sheepishly. ?With Ialla"her0s dau"hter2 !allie.A
?Cou have a date 1ith ahuman@GA Pery said 9ust as Le<i blurted out2 ?Cou have a date 1ith!allie Ialla"her.A
I put my hands up de$ensively. ?She 1ants me to ta4e her out on the to1n toni"ht. 5nd 1hile 1e0re there2 I0m "oin" to
"et in$ormation out o$ her on 8amon. I an0t in$luene her beause o$ the vervain2 but there are other 1ays to "et a
1oman to tal4.A
Pery and Hu"o loo4ed up2 e<pressions o$ disapproval rossin" their $aes li4e thunderlouds.
?I 1ouldn0t do that i$ I 1ere you2A Hu"o said. I "laned at him in surprise. 5part $rom the ni"ht they0d $ound me2 it 1as
the $irst time I0d ever heard him spea4.
?I a"ree. Cou0ll either 1ant to 4ill her or 4iss her2 and neither senario 1ill end 1ell $or you2A Pery said. The sentene
sounded out o$ plae omin" $rom his sra1ny2 baby>$aed body.
?They0re ri"ht2A Le<i said ur"ently. ?They0ve learned their lessons the hard 1ay. Who0s to say 1hat you0ll do 1hen
you0re alone 1ith that "irl2 not to mention 1hat she0ll do to you. Cou sa1 her house . . . the 1eapons she has. I 9ust
1orry that7A
?I 4no12 I 4no1. I0m youn"2 I an0t ontrol my impulses2 and I0m "oin" to ma4e some sort o$ mista4e2A I interrupted in
Le<i stood up and "a;ed at me. ?5ll o$ those thin"s are true. Cou0re stron"2 but I 1orry that you mi"ht let your emotions
"et the best o$ you.A
?I 1on0t2A I protested. ?I0m 9ust "oin" out 1ith her to see i$ I an learn anythin" more about 8amon. I$ I0m "oin" to
resue him7peae$ully7she0s my best bet.A
Le<i set her 9a12 but then heaved a si"h. ?Just be are$ul.A
?I$ you0re "oin" out2 you an0t 1ear that2A Hu"o said2 lumberin" up $rom the haise. ?Pery2 "et him somethin" nie to
Pery loo4ed at Le<i beseehin"ly. She rossed her arms. ?What@ Cou heard the man.A
Pery slid o$$ the ouh and marhed up the stairs.
?I$ you0re "oin" out 1ith a lady2 you need to loo4 nie2A Hu"o e<plained "ru$$ly. ?5nd Le<i2 you need to ta4e him
?Ces2 1e0ll "o out tomorro1 ni"ht2 Ste$an2A she replied.
?Why are you suddenly bein" so help$ul@A I as4ed Hu"o suspiiously.
Hu"o sho1ed his pointy teeth in a small smile. ?I$ you $ree 8amon 1ith the human0s help2 there0ll be no need $or us to
"et involved. 3o12 "o "et dressedGA
I rolled my eyes but $ollo1ed Pery up the stairs. He handed me a 1hite linen shirt and a pair o$ bla4 trousers.
Eor a moment I 1ished that I had brand>ne1 lothes and pomade to sli4 my hair ba4 1ith. But then I reminded mysel$
o$ 1hat I0d told Le<i= Bi"ht no12 I 9ust had to $ous on "ettin" to 4no1 !allie Ialla"her2 and2 subse6uently2 learn 1hat
made Patri4 Ialla"her ti4.
But even thou"h I 4ept tellin" mysel$ that 8amon 1as my reason $or "oin" on this date2 I ouldn0t help but notie that
my mind 4ept dri$tin" ba4 to the moment 1hen !allie 4issed my hee4.
!hapter ''
I strai"htened the u$$s on my neatly pressed 1hite shirt and buttoned my overoat. The shiny brass buttons "linted in
the lampli"ht as I turned the orner onto Laurel Street.
I 1iped my $ae2 to ma4e sure no blood lin"ered on my lips. I0d visited my barmaid $rom Miladies2 satin" my hun"er
be$ore my evenin" out on the to1n 1ith !allie. The barmaid0s blood had tasted s1eet2 li4e lilies dipped in honey. The
seond the 1armth had hit my ton"ue2 my senses had beome honed and the 1orld had sharpened around the ed"es.
3o1 the iadas shrie4ed in my ears and the smell o$ roses assaulted my nose2 but my stomah 1as alm and my veins
1ere sated. I 1as ready $or my date.
The par4 at the end o$ the street 1as $illed 1ith ma"nolias and anient elm trees2 and in the enter2 a marble $ountain
1as topped 1ith a sulpture o$ a na4ed 1oman. Throu"h the burble o$ the $ountain2 I ould hear the beatin" o$ a
human heart.
?Hello@A I alled.
?Ste$anGA !allie stepped out $rom behind a stone herub into the 1ea4 li"ht o$ a "as lamp. Her red hair2 a $lame in the
$li4erin" li"ht2 hun" loose and urly around her shoulders. She 1ore a simple2 ream>olored dress2 1ith a lae bodie
and a $louny s4irt that draped over her tiny hips.
Blood raed throu"h my body.
?What@A !allie said2 reddenin" as she notied my stare.
?Cou loo42 uh2 li4e a "irl2A I said. She loo4ed beauti$ul.
?Iee2 than4s.A !allie rolled her eyes and so$tly slu""ed my shoulder. ?Cou0re 9ust used to seein" me in 1or4 lothes.A
She "a;ed at me. ?Cou loo4 6uite handsome.A
I leared my throat and tu""ed on my ollar. Suddenly my lothes $elt unom$ortable and onstritin"2 and the ni"ht air
stu$$y. I 1ondered brie$ly i$ the barmaid had somethin" in her blood that hadn0t a"reed 1ith me. ?Than4 you2A I said
?Ste$an@A !allie li$ted her arm e<petantly.
?:h2 o$ ourse.A I too4 her arm in mine. Her $re4led hand "ra;ed my palm. I $linhed and read9usted so that her hand
1as restin" on the so$t $abri o$ my 9a4et.
?Where to2 Miss Ialla"her@A
She loo4ed up at me2 a smile on her $ae. ?Bourbon Street2 o$ ourse.A
!allie "uided me throu"h obblestone side streets2 1here "ardenias dripped $rom balonies. :n a 1him2 I "rabbed one
and tu4ed it behind her ear. Ba4 home in Mysti Ealls2 it 1as ustomary to brin" $lo1ers or a small to4en 1hen visitin"
1ith a lady.
?Want to 4no1 a seret@A !allie 1hispered.
?What@A I as4ed2 urious. I 1as already the bearer o$ too many serets. But perhaps !allie0s ould lead me to 8amon . . .
She "ot up on tiptoe and upped my ear 1ith her hand. The sound o$ her blood pumpin" beneath her s4in ma"ni$ied
ten$old. I "ritted my teeth2 $orin" my $an"s ba4 do1n. ?Cour shirt has ome untu4ed2A she 1hispered.
?:h2A I said2 as I sel$>onsiously smoothed do1n my shirt. ?Than4s.A
!allie let out a "lee$ul lau"h. ?Cou 4no1 1hat I really 1ant to see@A she as4ed2 "rabbin" my arm.
?What@A I as4ed2 tryin" to devote all my ener"y to not listenin" to the steady thrum o$ her blood.
?5 burles6ue sho1. Madame K has a sho1everyone0sbeen tal4in" about2A she said.
We 1al4ed to"ether throu"h the to1n2 past bustlin" ro1ds and 1averin" street arts2 endin" up in a 1ell>4ept
nei"hborhood in $ront o$ a pristine2 stately house. 5 simple plaard ne<t to the door readM585M# Kin bla4 sript. So$t
lampli"ht shone $rom all the 1indo1s2 and arria"es pulled up2 one a$ter another2 to the $ront "ate2 releasin" their 1ell>
dressed passen"ers into the depths o$ the lub.
I momentarily pani4ed. I didn0t have any money. 5nd I 1as 1earin" a shoolboy0s lothes that hadn0t been in style
sine the turn o$ the entury.
?!allie2 I thin4 . . .A I be"an2 tryin" to ome up 1ith an alternate idea $or our evenin" 1hen the $ront door s1un" open to
"reet us.
?Iood evenin". 5re you "uests o$ the house@A The man0s eyes $li4ed do1n my old lothes. I 1as 1ildly underdressed
$or this venue2 and I 4ne1 it. !allie2 ho1ever2 loo4ed radiant.
?Ces2A !allie 9umped in2 strai"htenin" her shoulders.
?5nd your names@A
Erom the 1ay !allie0s lips $lattened2 I ould tell she hadn0t reali;ed there 1as a "uest list. I stepped in $ront o$ her2
suddenly inspired. ?We0re the Piards. Bemy and his 1i$e2 !alliope.A
?:ne moment2 sir.A The man 1addled in his slippers over to a podium holdin" a list that almost ertainly did not inlude
Mr. Bemy Piard0s name. He turned a pa"e2 then turned it ba4.
?What are you doin"2 Ste$an@A !allie 1hispered.
?I have it under ontrol2A I said 6uietly. ?Just smile and loo4 pretty.A
The man returned2 loo4in" "enuinely distressed.
?I0m terribly sorry2 sir2 but your name is not on our list $or toni"ht.A He "laned around2 as i$ ready to be4on a seurity
"uard i$ 1e made trouble.
I 1ant you to let us in 1ithout as4in" us any more 6uestions2 I thou"ht2 hannelin" all my ener"y. ?We0d really li4e to
ome in2A I said aloud2 onentratin" on loo4in" deep into his eyes2 i"norin" !allie0s urious "a;e borin" into my ba4.
?5re you sure you didn0t see our names on the list@A
The man0s eyes $li4ered.
Let us in 1ithout loo4in" at the list.
?Cou 4no12 I believe Imi"hthave seen your names. In $at2 I0m sure I did. The PiardsG I0m sorry. It 1as my on$usion.
Bi"ht this 1ay2A he said2 a sli"htly vaant e<pression on his $ae. He led us throu"h lar"e double doors and into a
sumptuous parlor. Lo1 rystal handeliers hun" $rom the eilin"2 and the air smelled o$ 9asmine2 ma"nolia2 and $reesia.
?#n9oy your stay at Madame K0s. 5nd i$ I an be o$ any assistane to either o$ you2 don0t hesitate to ome $eth me2A the
man said2 turnin" on his heel.
?Than4 you2A I said.
!allie simply stood there2 loo4in" sla4>9a1ed at me. ?Ho1 did you do that@A
I shru""ed. ?I 9ust made him doubt himsel$. He 1ouldn0t 1ant to say no to the Piards2 1hoever they are. Besides2 1hat
i$ our names1ereon the list2 and he said no to us2 then 1e omplained to the o1ner@A Seretly2 I 1as thrilled. My Po1er
1as stren"thenin".
?So I ta4e it that this isn0t your $irst time snea4in" in 1here you don0t belon"@A
I "laned at her slyly. ?Cou o$ all people should 4no1 that to be true.A
She lau"hed2 and I "ave her an impromptu t1irl. People stared at us. #ven thou"h a pianist 1as playin" a 9aunty tune in
the orner2 this 1asn0t a room 1here people daned. Instead2 "uests dri$ted $rom one onversation to the ne<t as they
su4ed on i"ars and "ulped do1n hampa"ne.
?8o you 4no1 anyone here@A I as4ed as 1e brushed past ouple a$ter ouple2 all lad in $inery.
!allie shru""ed2 the shado1 o$ a $ro1n rossin" her $ae. She "laned around the room. ?They all hate Eather. They say
he0s a Dnionist 1ho0s ta4in" advanta"e o$ 3e1 :rleans 1ith his business. 5nd perhaps he is2 but at least his sho1
doesn0t pretend to be somethin" it0s not2A she said2 9uttin" her hin.
I shi$ted in my seat. Wasn0t that e<atly 1hat I 1as doin"@ Pretendin" to be someone I 1asn0t@ I ouldn0t loo4 at her2 in
ase she ould see the depths o$ my lies in my eyes.
5 server ame by 1ith a tray laden 1ith hampa"ne. I "rabbed t1o "lasses.
?!heers2A I said2 handin" one to !allie.
5s 1e sipped the bubblin" li6uid2 onversations s1irled around us2 "ro1in" louder and more boisterous 1ith every tray
o$ drin4s the 1aiters brou"ht out to serve. Men0s movements "re1 more lan"uid2 1omen lau"hed more readily.
?Is your $ather ready $or the ne<t sho1@A I as4ed2 $orin" a onversational note to my voie.
?I suppose so.A
?Who 1ill the vampire be $i"htin"@A
?I don0t 4no12A !allie said. ?5 roodile2 or maybe a ti"er. It depends on 1hat Eather an "et on suh short notie.
I shru""ed nonommittally. ?I 1ant to plae a bet.A
?Eather 1ants somethin" heap. He0s 1orried people 1on0t pony up as muh money $or another animal $i"ht. It seems
the monster0s muh stron"er than a beast.A
?:h2A I said2 tryin" to proess the in$ormation.
?But let0s not tal4 about 1or4. Toni"ht is supposed to be $unG Lord 4no1s 1e don0t have enou"h o$ it in our real lives.A
!allie0s voie "re1 melanholy. ?Spea4in" o$ $un2A she said2 pointin" to a small ro1d movin" throu"h a set o$ double
doors at the ba4 o$ the lub2 ?I thin4 the burles6ue sho1 is ba4 there.A
?Shall 1e@A I as4ed2 o$$erin" my arm.
The ba4 room2 muh smaller than the $irst one2 had numerous 1ooden tables rammed onto the $loor. 5 sta"e 1as set
up at the $ront o$ the room2 and the spae 1as dimly lit by andles. Instead o$ 9oinin" the rush to1ard the $ront2 !allie
and I sat ba4 on a lo1>slun"2 red velvet benh beneath a lar"e mirror in the ba4 o$ the room.
5s soon as everyone settled into seats2 a master o$ eremonies too4 to the sta"e. I 1as surprised to see that he 1as a
man 1earin" a dinner suit and ape. I0d ima"ined a burles6ue sho1 to be louder2 lar"er than this2 1ith plenty o$ musi
and santily lad 1omen.
?Iood evenin"G 5s 1e0ve all heard2 1e have a vampire in our midst2A he said dramatially.
5udiene members tittered nervously. I "laned at !allie out o$ the orner o$ my eye. Was this some sort o$ trap@ 8id
she 4no1 1hat I 1as@ But !allie 1as leanin" $or1ard2 as i$ mesmeri;ed by the man0s 1ords.
The master o$ eremonies smiled2 drin4in" in the suspense. ?Ces2 a vampire. 8o1n at that t1o>bit irus by the la4e.A
Jeers $illed the room. !allie hadn0t been e<a""eratin" 1hen she0d said her $ather 1as in$amous in this to1n. I turned to
loo4 at her. 5lthou"h her hee4s 1ere as red as her hair2 she "a;ed strai"ht ahead2 her elbo1s on her 4nees.
?5nd eye1itnesses say Ialla"her had to hain his up so it 1on0t run a1ay. But2 here at Madame K0s2 our vampire has
ome to visit all on his o1n.A
?We an "o i$ you 1ant2A I 1hispered.
But !allie shoo4 her head and lasped my hand. It $elt 1arm a"ainst my ool s4in2 but this time I didn0t push her a1ay.
?3o2 I 1ant to stay.A
5 thin man 1al4ed onsta"e2 lad in a bla4 ape. His $ae 1as po1dered2 and thin lines o$ $a4e blood 1ere dra1n $rom
the orners o$ his lips. He smiled at the ro1d2 revealin" $a4e $an"s. I shi$ted in my seat.
?I am a vampire2 and you all are my preyG !ome to me2 my prettiesGA he a4led2 in an e<a""erated voie that made me
s6uirm. The ?vampireA stal4ed around the sta"e2 his teeth bared and his eyes sannin" the audiene. 5 1oman in a
pearl>embroidered "o1n stood up $rom a table in the $ront and 1al4ed to1ard the sta"e as i$ in a trane2 emittin" a lo1
moan 1ith eah step.
?The vampire has speial eyes that an see throu"h lothin". 5nd this vampire2 ladies and "entlemen2 li4es 1hat he
seesGA The master o$ eremonies leered at the audiene.
5t this2 the audiene applauded enthusiastially.
I "laned at !allie a"ain. Had she 4no1n this 1as a sho1 about vampires@
?But2 no12 the vampire has his hun"er a1a4ened. 5nd 1hat he0ll do to $eed the hun"er2 you 1on0t believe2A the master
o$ eremonies said as the vampire onsta"e 1aved his hands to1ard the 1oman2 as i$ ondutin" an orhestra. 5s he did
that2 a trumpet player be"an playin" a slo12 mourn$ul tune. The 1oman be"an to move her hips2 slo1ly at $irst2 and
then more and more 6ui4ly until she loo4ed as thou"h she 1ould topple over.
?Maybe Eather should "ive our vampire dane lessons2A !allie 1hispered2 her breath hot on my hee4.
Then2 suddenly2 the vampire stopped 1avin" his arms. The musi stopped2 and so did the 1oman. The vampire lurhed
to1ard her2 too4 hold o$ the sleeve o$ her dress2 and tore it o$$2 e<posin" her mil4y>1hite arm.
?8o you $eel 1i4ed toni"ht@A the vampire alled to the audiene2 1a""lin" the $abri to1ard the ro1d. Then he tore
o$$ the other sleeve.
My stomah turned.
?I as4 you2 do you $eel 1i4ed toni"ht@A he alled a"ain2 tossin" the $abri into the audiene.
The ro1d heered as the daner ontinued her "yrations2 rubbin" her ba4 a"ainst the ?vampire.A Slo1ly2 she peeled
a1ay her lothin"2 item by item2 sendin" a sil4 sto4in" or a slip into the audiene until most o$ her body 1as on display.
5s the musi pi4ed up speed2 she "ot loser to beomin" entirely nude. 5t last2 she sat in a hair on the sta"e as the
master o$ eremonies pulled o$$ the last bit o$ her top2 $orin" her to over hersel$ 1ith her hands.
?5s he is a beast $rom hell2 the only 1ay to stop a vampire is 1ith a sta4e to the heart. But they an also be 4ept a1ay
1ith a rui$i< . . .A
5t this2 the daner pantomimed a $utile searh $or po4ets that mi"ht ontain a sta4e or rui$i<.
I slumped in my hair2 thin4in" o$ my o1n atta4s. :$ 5lie2 o$ Lavinia2 o$ the nurse 1hose name I0d never 4no1n. There
1as nothin" beauti$ul or romanti about those atta4s. They 1ere 6ui42 bloody2 deadly. I0d ended their lives 1ithout a
seond thou"ht2 1ith s1i$t violene and a thirst $or more.
?5re you o4ay@A !allie as4ed.
Eor the $irst time2 I reali;ed ho1 ti"htly I0d been luthin" her hand. I loosened my "rip2 and instantly she snu""led
loser to me in my seat. Her blood pumped li4e s1eet musi throu"h her body2 and the 1armth o$ her body soothed my
an"er. I rela<ed into her2 ta4in" in the so$tness o$ her voie as she lau"hed at the play. !allie 1as 1arm and so$t and so
veryalive. I 1anted this moment to $ree;e2 to last into eternity2 1ith nothin" but me and !allie and her beatin" heart.
There 1as nothin" else I needed in that moment2 not blood2 not po1er2 not 87
My body tensed and I sat strai"ht up. What 1as I doin"@ Had I $or"otten my brother2 1hat I had done to him2 so
I stood up.
?8o1n in $rontGA a voie bar4ed a $e1 ro1s behind me.
?I>I0m sorry. I have to "o2A I said2 stumblin" to1ard the door.
?Ste$an2 1aitGA she alled.
But I 4ept "oin" until I 1as on the street2 runnin" $rom the late>ni"ht bustle all the 1ay to the riverban4. 5s I stared
do1n at my re$letion in the s1irlin" 1ater2 Pery0s 1ords ehoed in my head= ?Cou0ll either 1ant to 4ill her or 4iss her2
and neither senario 1ill end 1ell $or you.A
He 1as ri"ht. Beause 1hile I truly didn0t 4no1 1hether I 1anted to 4iss or bite !allie2 I 4ne1 I 1antedher.
!hapter '(
:tober .2 &-+)
Iam not supposed to have a heart. 5 bullet 1ent throu"h it nearly three 1ee4s a"o2 and no blood o$ my o1n 1ill ever
pump throu"h it a"ain. The only blood that no1 ourses throu"h my veins is that o$ 1homever I happen to atta4. 5nd
yet somethin" about !allie auses my dead heart to $lutter and the stolen blood to 6ui4en in my body.
Is it real@ :r is it a mere memory o$ somethin" that used to be@ 8amon one told me that on the battle$ield2 boys
1ho0d under"one amputations still 1o4e up to a"oni;in" pain in their le"s or ried $or the hand that ahed2 thou"h
those limbs 1ere no lon"er part o$ them. But 1hile those boys had phantom limbs2 it seems I have a phantom heart.
In my short time in 3e1 :rleans2 I0ve learned about my Po1er. It0s 1hat has driven me2 1hat I0ve thrived on2 1hat
ma4es me a vampire. But that0s not the only po1er I possess. The other 4ind isn0t e<itin"2 or thrillin"2 or dan"erous. It0s
mundane and tedious7the e<erisin" o$ ontrol over my Po1er. I0ve had to learn to suppress my ur"es to $it in and to
remain 1ith Le<i.
Cet 1hen I 1as 1ith !allie at the sho12 it 1as as thou"h my t1o po1ers 1ere at ross>purposes2 eah threatenin" to
destroy the other in a private battle in my brain.
3o1 she enters my thou"hts onstantly. The onstellation o$ $re4les on her s4in. Her lon" eyelashes. Her vibrant smile.
I an0t help but admire the 1ay she 1ields her o1n po1er. Ho1 she ommands the attention and respet o$ her
$ather0s employees2 but also ho1 she "ro1s so$t around me2 uddlin" lose 1hen she thin4s no one is loo4in".
I thin4 o$ my hand interlaed 1ith hers.
5nd every time an ima"e o$ !allie $loats to my onsiousness2 I urse mysel$. I should be stron"er than this. I shouldn0t
thin4 o$ her. I should put her out o$ my mind2 1rite her o$$ as a silly little "irl 1ho is lu4y I0m lettin" her live.
But deep do1n2 despite my Po1er2 I 4no1 !allie has ontrol over me7and my phantom heart.
The ne<t mornin"2 I returned to the $rea4 sho12 1ith only one thin" on my mind= $reein" 8amon.
?Hello2 $riendGA the stron" man2 5rnold2 "reeted me as I 1al4ed throu"h the "ate1ay to the $air"rounds.
?Hello2A I muttered.
The tattooed 1oman ame up behind him and "a;ed at me 6ui;;ially. Without her India>in4ed desi"ns2 she 1as
atually 6uite pretty2 1ith hi"h hee4bones and 1ide2 in6uisitive eyes. ?What are you doin" here@A
I "runted in response.
?Cou0ll 1ant to apolo"i;e to !allie.A She pointed at the side o$ the tent.
So !allie had already told her $riends about our disastrous evenin". Just as I had $eared. I 1al4ed around the "rounds
until I sa1 !allie 4neelin" over a piee o$ birh 1ood at her $eet. Paint splattered her overalls2 and her red hair 1as
t1isted on top o$ her head and held in plae by a sin"le2 slender2 lon">handled paintbrush. The si"n said=
5 P#33C 5 P##K= 5 B#5L2 LIV#2 HD3IBC V5MPIB#. #3T#B IE C:D 85B#G
Dnderneath 1as a rude dra1in" o$ a vampire= $an"s elon"ated2 eyes s6uintin"2 blood tri4lin" do1n both sides o$ his
mouth. The $eatures 1ere 8amon0s2 but it 1as lear !allie had dra1n si"ni$iant artisti inspiration $rom the burles6ue
sho1 last ni"ht.
!allie loo4ed up2 athin" me starin". Her mouth made a round :2 and she dropped her brush onto the anvas. 5 lar"e
bla4 spot suddenly appeared on 8amon0s $ae.
?Loo4 1hat you made me do2A she said an"rily.
I stu4 my hands in my po4ets2 subtly sni$$in" the air $or traes o$ 8amon. ?I0m sorry.A
!allie si"hed in annoyane. ?I don0t need your apolo"ies. I 9ust need you to stop distratin" me so I an "et some 1or4
?8o you 1ant me to help you $i< the paintin"@A The 1ords 1ere out o$ my mouth be$ore I ould stop them. They hun"
bet1een us $or a lon" moment2 both o$ us seemin"ly surprised by my o$$er.
?Ei< the paintin"@A !allie ehoed2 puttin" her hands on her hips. ?5m I hearin" you orretly@ Ei< thepaintin"@A
?Ces@A I $umbled.
?5re you a1are that you le$t me last ni"ht to "et home alone2 1ith no e<planation@A Her hin 1as 9utted out2 and her
stane 1as a""ressive2 but her lo1er lip 1obbled2 and I ould tell she 1as hurt.
?!allie2A I be"an. #<uses $le1 throu"h my head.I 1or4 $or your $ather. We should not snea4 around. Cou0re 9ust a "irl2
and I0m a vampire . . .#ven thou"h part o$ me 1as $urious at her $or allo1in" her $ather to parade 8amon around li4e
livesto42 to let him $i"ht perhaps until death2 the other part 4ne1 that she had as little s1ay over her $ather as I0d had
1ith mine. 5nd no1 all I ould thin4 about 1as ma4in" her lip stop 1obblin".
?It0s better this 1ay2A I said2 t1istin" my rin" around my $in"er.
She shoo4 her head and stabbed the sharp 1ooden end o$ the paintbrush into the dirt. It remained there2 as i$ it 1ere a
tiny surrender $la" a$ter a battle. ?3o e<planation neessary. We0ve 4no1n eah other a 1ee4. Cou don0t o1e me an
e<planation. That0s the best thin" about stran"ers= Cou don0t o1e them anythin"2A she said risply.
I ro4ed ba4 on my heels. 5 silene hun" bet1een us. The ima"e o$ 8amon "lared up at me2 seemin"ly mo4in" my
?Well2 aren0t you "oin" to "et to 1or4@A she as4ed. ?:r are 1e 9ust payin" you to stand around@A
Be$ore I ould turn to leave2 Jasper burst out o$ a small bla4 tent at the ed"e o$ the property. ?We need some e<tra
5 lan4y man trailed behind him2 radlin" his $orearm lose to his hest.
!allie leaped to her $eet. ?What happened@A
5s the man held out his hand2 blood $lo1ed do1n his arm onto the "round. I averted my eyes. #ven so2 pain rippled
alon" my 9a1 as I $elt my $an"s "ro1.
?The vampire0s $i"htin" today. We need more men.A Jasper "asped breathlessly2 his eyes $allin" on me.
?Ste$an2A !allie said in a tone that 1asn0t a 6uestion.
Jasper and the sto4y man stared at me.
?Well then2 ome on2 ne1 "uy. Sho1 us you0re Ialla"her material2A Jasper said2 9er4in" his hin in the diretion o$ the
?:$ ourse2A I said slo1ly2 a plan $ormin" in my mind. I ould pi4 out $our separate heartbeats in the tent. There 1ould
be opious amounts o$ vervain2 o$ ourse2 but I0d been $eedin" re"ularly enou"h that I mi"ht be able to overome the
men. Eour I ould handle2 but $ive . . . I turned to Jasper. ?Why don0t you and !allie ta4e are o$ your man here and I0ll
9oin the others in the tent@A
?I0m omin"2 brother2A I added under my breath.
!allie s6uinted at me. ?8id you say somethin"@A
?3o2A I said 6ui4ly.
Jasper shi$ted $rom $oot to $oot2 si;in" me up 1ith his eyes. ?!allie 1ill ta4e are o$ !harley here2 and I0ll ta4e are o$
you. Teah you the tri4s o$ monster 1ran"lin"2A he said2 lappin" me on the ba42 pushin" me to1ard the tent.
With eah step the sent o$ vervain "re1 stron"er2 urdlin" the blood in my veins.
To"ether2 1e entered the tent. The interior 1as hot and dar42 the stenh o$ vervain nearly su$$oatin" me. It too4 every
oune o$ my stren"th not to bend at the 1aist and sream in a"ony. I $ored my eyes open and loo4ed at my brother2
1ho 1as hained in the orner. Eour men yan4ed on his restraints2 tryin" desperately to 4eep him in plae.
The seond 8amon0s eyes landed on me2 his $ae lit up.
?Welome to hell2 brother2A 8amon 1hispered2 his lips barely movin" as he lo4ed eyes 1ith me. Then he turned to
Jasper. ?So2 Jasp2A he said2 in a onversational tone2 as i$ they 1ere 9ust t1o men en"a"ed in a $riendly tal4 at a tavern2
?you $ound a ne1 sap to do your dirty 1or4. Well2 ome on2 brother. Let0s see i$ you an sta4e me.A
?His bar4 is 1orse than his bite2A Jasper said2 holdin" out a sta4e to me. Erom its stenh I ould tell it had been soa4ed in
?Iive me your "loves2A I said 1ith an air o$ authority. Touhin" the 1ood 1ould "ive me a1ay instantly.
?Won0t "ive you muh protetion. Those $an"s an "o throu"h anythin"2A Jasper protested.
?Just "ive them to me2A I said throu"h lenhed teeth. 8amon 1athed the e<han"e intently2 learly en9oyin" my
?:4ay2 i$ they0ll ma4e you more om$ortable. . . .A Jasper shru""ed and handed me his leather "loves. I pulled them over
my hands and too4 the sta4e $rom Jasper2 my hands tremblin" sli"htly. Ho1 ould somethin" so li"ht be so deadly@
8amon let out a lo1 hu4le. ?Is this the best you ould rustle up@ He loo4s about ready to 4eel over.A
I "lared at my brother. ?I0m tryin" to save you2A I 1hispered.
8amon 9ust snorted derisively.
?Please2A I added.
?Please 1hat@A he said2 1rappin" the hains around his hands.
?Please let me save you.A
?Sorry. !an0t help you there2A he said2 be$ore yan4in" on the hains. T1o o$ the "uards $ell to the "round in surprise.
?8o somethin"GA Jasper said "ru$$ly. ?Cou0ve "ot to sti4 him2 let him 4no1 his plae.A
?Listen to your boss2A 8amon sneered.?Be a man and stab me. 5 real man isn0t a$raid o$ blood2 isn0t that ri"ht@A
Jasper bent do1n and "rabbed a sta4e $rom the "round.
?!0mon2 boy. #arn your 4eep2A he said2 usin" the side o$ the sta4e to nud"e me $or1ard. I "asped. Pain shot up and
do1n my s4in2 as i$ I0d been touhed by a hot po4er.
8amon lau"hed a"ain.
The $lap opened2 and !allie po4ed her head throu"h the tent.
I loo4ed 1ildly over at her. ?!allie2 you shouldn0t be hereGA
Both she and 8amon loo4ed at me 6ui;;ially. 5 si4enin" $eelin" spread throu"h my limbs. The vervain2 the heat2 the
sta4es . . .
Just then2 1ith a simple t1ist $rom his hains2 8amon bro4e $ree and lun"ed to1ard !allie. !allie shrie4ed2 and Jasper
dove to shield her.
Time seemed to stop2 and 1ithout thin4in"2 I hurled my sta4e throu"h 8amon0s belly. He $ell ba41ard2 "aspin"2 blood
spurtin" $rom the 1ound.
?I said2 pleaseGA I hissed 1ildly2 in a voie only 8amon ould hear. !allie o1ered near the $lap2 her eyes 1ide as she
"laned bet1een me and 8amon.
8amon loo4ed up2 1hee;in" as he pulled the sta4e $rom his stomah. Then I heard the $aintest2 hoarse 1hisper over the
shouts o$ Jasper and the trainers as they moved to re>hain 8amon.
?Then please 4no1 that your hell hasn0t even yet be"un2 brother.A
!hapter ')
I ran do1n to the la4e2 the sound o$ the sta4e rippin" throu"h 8amon0s $lesh ehoin" in my mind. :ne I "ot to the
shore2 I stared at my re$letion in the 1ater. My ha;el eyes stared ba42 my lips pressed into a thin line. With an an"ry
9er42 I thre1 a pebble into the pond2 shatterin" my ima"e into a thousand little ripples.
Part o$ me 1anted to 9ump in the la4e2 s1im to the other side2 and never ome ba4. 8amn 8amon to hell i$ death 1as
1hat he 1anted so muh. But no matter ho1 muh I 1ished he0d die2 I ouldn0t 4ill him. 8espite everythin"2 1e 1ere
brothers2 and I 1anted7needed7to do everythin" in my po1er to save him. 5$ter all2 blood 1as thi4er than 1ater. I
lau"hed bitterly as I thou"ht o$ the deeper meanin"s o$ the metaphor. Blood 1as also more ompliated2 more
destrutive2 and more heartbrea4in" than 1ater.
I san4 into the bra4ish sand at the 1ater0s ed"e and lay ba4 1ith a si"h2 lettin" the 1an 3ovember sun asade over
me. I don0t 4no1 ho1 lon" I remained li4e that be$ore I $elt mu$$led $oot$alls vibrate the "round beneath me.
I si"hed. I don0t 4no1 1hat I0d hoped to $ind2 omin" do1n to the la4e2 but my peae and 6uiet 1as ruined 1hen !allie
sat do1n ne<t to me.
?#verythin" o4ay@A she as4ed2 thro1in" a small ro4 into the la4e 1ith a plun4. She didn0t turn to $ae me.
?I 9ust . . . ould you leave me alone@A I muttered. ?Please.A
I sat up and loo4ed her s6uare in the $ae. ?Why not@A
!allie pursed her lips2 her $orehead rin4lin" as thou"h she 1ere 1or4in" throu"h a ompliated problem. Then2
hesitantly2 she reahed out 1ith her tiny pin4y $in"er and traed the outline o$ my lapis la;uli rin".
?The monster has a rin" li4e this2A she said.
I 9er4ed my hand a1ay in horror. Ho1 ould I have $or"otten about our rin"s@
!allie leared her throat. ?Is the vampire2 is he your . . . brother@A
My blood ran old2 and I 9umped to my $eet.
?3o2 Ste$anG Stay.A !allie0s "reen eyes 1ere 1ide2 her hee4s $lushed. ?Please. Just stay. I 4no1 1hat you are2 and I0m
not a$raid.A
I too4 a step ba42 my breath omin" in rapid "asps. My mind spun2 and I $elt nauseated all over a"ain. ?Ho1 an you
4no1 1hat I am and not $ear me@A
?Cou0re not a monster2A she said simply. She rose to her $eet as 1ell.
Eor a moment2 1e 9ust stood there2 not spea4in"2 barely breathin". 5 du4 ut an ar throu"h the la4e. 5 horse
1hinnied in the distane. 5nd the sent o$ pine ti4led my nose. I notied then that !allie had removed all the vervain
$rom her hair.
?Ho1 an you say that@A I as4ed. ?I ould 4ill you in an instant.A
?I 4no1.A She loo4ed into my eyes as i$ searhin" $or somethin". My soul2 perhaps. ?So 1hy haven0t you@ Why don0t you
?Beause I li4e you2A I said2 surprisin" mysel$ 1ith the 1ords.
5 1hisper o$ a smile $litted aross her lips. ?I li4e you too.A
?5re you sure about that@A I too4 her 1rists in mine and she pulled a1ay a little. ?Beause 1hen I touh you2 I don0t
4no1 1hether I 1ant to 4iss you or . . . or . . .A
?Kiss me2A she said breathlessly. ?8on0t thin4 about the alternative.A
?I an0t. I$ I do2 it 1on0t stop there.A
!allie moved loser to me. ?But you saved me. When your . . . brother lun"ed $or me2 you sta4ed him. Cou sta4ed your
o1n brother. Eor me.A
?Just in the stomah2 not the heart2A I pointed out.
?Still.A She plaed her hand on my hest2 ri"ht over 1here my heart used to be. I sti$$ened2 tryin" not to inhale the sent
o$ her.
Be$ore I ould reat2 she pulled a needle out o$ her po4et and puntured her inde< $in"er. I $ro;e.
Just one drop o$ it2 li4e a sin"le ruby2 balaned there on the tip o$ her $in"er.
Iod2!allie0sblood. It smelled li4e edar1ood and the s1eetest 1ine. My $ae be"an to s1eat2 and my breathin" beame
heavy. My senses sharpened2 and my $an"s throbbed. Eear $lashed in !allie0s eyes and radiated o$$ her body.
5nd 9ust li4e that2 my $an"s retrated. I $ell ba41ard2 pantin".
?See2 you0re not a monster2A she said $irmly. ?3ot li4eheis.A
The 1ind pi4ed up2 ausin" !allie0s hair to ripple out behind her li4e the 1aves in the la4e. She shivered2 and I stood
up2 pullin" her lose.
?Maybe2A I 1hispered into her ear2 drin4in" in the heady sent o$ her2 my mouth inhes $rom her ne4. I ouldn0t bear
to tell her about all the lives I0d ta4en2 ho1 8amon thou"ht thatI1as the monster. ?But he0s my brother. 5nd it0s my
$ault he0s in there.A
?8o you 1ant me to help you $ree him@A she said heavily2 as i$ she0d 4no1n all alon" that our onversation 1ould ome
to this.
?Ces2A I said simply.
!allie he1ed on her lip as she played 1ith a strand o$ her hair2 1rappin" it on her $in"er2 over and over a"ain.
?But you don0t have to.A I avoided her eyes2 so I 4ne1 I 1asn0t ompellin" her.
She stared at me are$ully2 as i$ my $ae 1ere a ipher she ould deode.
?In t1o days2A she said2 ?meet me at midni"ht. That0s 1hen 8amon 1ill be moved to our atti.A
?5re you sure@A
She nodded. ?Ces.A
?Than4 you.A I upped her hee4s 1ith my hands and leaned $or1ard2 pressin" my $orehead to hers. 5nd then I 4issed
5s 1e stood2 palm to palm2 hest to hest2 I ould have s1orn I $elt my heart ome ba4 to li$e2 beatin" in per$et syn
1ith hers.
!hapter '*
When I "ot ba4 to the vampire house2 the moon 1as han"in" hi"h in the s4y. Le<i 1as spra1led on the so$a2 her eyes
losed as she listened to Hu"o play the piano. The piano 1as so out o$ tune that the musi he pounded out2 1hih 1as
supposed to be a rousin" revolutionary marh2 sounded more li4e a $uneral dir"e. Still2 I ouldn0t help but pull Le<i up2
1hirlin" her around in an impromptu dane.
?Cou0re late2A Le<i said2 du4in" out o$ the t1irl. ?:r 1ere you on anotherdate@A
?:r 4illin" more humans@A Bu<ton as4ed2 enterin" the room.
?5re you in love@A Pery as4ed2 leanin" his elbo1s on his 4nees and "lanin" up at me 9ealously $rom the orner table2
1here he 1as playin" a "ame o$ solitaire. Pery learly loved 1omen2 but his hildli4e $ae made him loo4 li4e a boy o$
$i$teen2 and o$ten the 1omen he 1as most attrated to assumed Le<i 1as his mother. I 1as than4$ul I0d been turned
into a vampire at the a"e I had been.
I shoo4 my head. ?I0mnotin love2A I said2 1onderin" i$ I 1as sayin" it to onvine mysel$. ?But I0m settlin" into the
routine at the $rea4 sho1. I thin4 I0m learnin" to li4e 3e1 :rleans.A
?That0s "reat ne1s2A Bu<ton breathed sarastially.
?Bu<ton.A Le<i "laned at him reproah$ully be$ore turnin" her attention ba4 to me. ?8id you $or"et our plans@A
I ra4ed my brain2 but $inally shoo4 my head. ?I0m sorry.A
Le<i si"hed. ?Bemember7I0m ta4in" you shoppin". I may be a vampire2 but I still have a 1oman0s vanity2 and it simply
doesn0t suit me to be surrounded by men in ill>$ittin" lothin". What 1ould the nei"hbors thin4@A She lau"hed2 amused
by her o1n 9o4e.
?:h2 ri"ht.A I inhed to1ard the stair1ay. ?Maybe 1e ould "o tomorro1@ I0m e<hausted.A
?I0m serious2 Ste$an2A Le<i said2 ta4in" my arm. ?Cou need lothes2 and it0s a tradition o$ sorts. I too4 those t1o
"entlemen in $or $ittin"s2 and loo4 at them no12A she said2 noddin" to1ard Bu<ton and Hu"o as i$ e<eptionally pleased
1ith her 1or4. It 1as true. Erom Bu<ton0s hi"h>ollared blue oat to Hu"o0s 1ell>tailored brithes2 theydidloo4
handsome. ?Besides2 you don0t have a hoie2A she said mishievously.
?I don0t@A
?3o.A Le<i opened the door 1ith a $lourish. ?Boys2 1e0re o$$. When 1e ome ba42 you 1on0t even reo"ni;e Ste$an2
he0ll loo4 so handsomeGA
?Bye2handsomeGA Bu<ton yelled sarastially as the door li4ed losed. Le<i shoo4 her head2 but I didn0t mind. In an
odd 1ay2 I0d "otten used to Bu<ton. He 1as li4e a brother o$ sorts. 5 brother 1ith a potentially $atal short temper2 but
one I0d "otten used to mana"in".
To"ether2 Le<i and I 1al4ed ompanionably into the ool ni"ht air. I sa1 Le<i loo4in" at me out o$ the orner o$ her eye2
and I 1ondered 1hat she sa1.
I $elt I 1as livin" three distint lives= In one2 I 1as a loyal brother2 in another I 1as a ne1 member o$ a lub I didn0t 6uite
understand2 and in the third I 1as a youn" man plain" my trust in a human 1oman7a 1oman 1hom I had sta4ed my
o1n $lesh and blood to save. The trouble 1as2 I 1asn0t sure ho1 to seamlessly live all three lives.
?Cou0re 6uiet2A Le<i said in midstep. ?5ndA7she sni$$ed the air7?you haven0t been drin4in" human blood. I0m proud o$
you2 Ste$an.A
?Than4s2A I murmured. I 4ne1 she 1ouldn0t be proud o$ me i$ I told her about the onversation !allie and I had shared.
She0d say that I 1as too impulsive2 too naMve2 that I0d made a hu"e mista4e tellin" !allie my seret. 5lthou"h I
hadn0ttoldas muh ason$irmedher remar4ably aurate suspiions.
?Here 1e are2A Le<i said2 stoppin" at a nondesript 1ooden door on 8auphine Street. She too4 a slim metal hoo4 $rom
her po4et and 9i""led it in the lo4 o$ the $ront door. 5$ter a moment2 it li4ed open.
?5nd no12 the shop is open $or business.A Le<i spread her hands 1ide2 perhin" on a sti$$ leather ottoman. ?Ta4e your
5 do;en manne6uins 1ith pu$$ed>out hests held ourt in the store. :ne in a t1eed 9a4et li$ted its arm in a 1ave2 1hile
another in a sailor0s ap had a hand above its eyes2 as thou"h starin" strai"ht out to sea. Bolts o$ $ine $abris 1ere
propped up a"ainst the ba4 1all2 and a ro1 o$ u$$>lin4s "listened under "lass. Sta4s o$ ready>made shirts 4ept silent
1ath over the dar4ened shop2 and a $e1 ravats spilled out o$ a dra1er.
Le<i rossed her an4les beneath her s4irts and "a;ed at me2 a loo4 o$ pride on her $ae as I pulled a amel>hair oat o$$ a
manne6uin and draped it around my shoulders.
I stood sti$$ly2 1aitin" $or approval2 as I had done 1hen my mother had ta4en me shoppin".
?Well2 I an0t tell 1hen you stand there as 1ooden as a manne6uin. Wal4 around a bit. See 1hat you thin42A Le<i said
1ith an impatient 1ave o$ her hand.
I rolled my eyes but too4 a turn around the room2 atin" li4e the rih men !allie and I0d seen at the burles6ue sho1. I
held out my hand to Le<i 1ith a $lourish. ?!are to dane@A I said in an e<a""erated British aent.
Le<i shoo4 her head2 amusement evident in her eyes.
?:4ay2 I "et it. It0s a little too dandy. Ho1 about that one@A She an"led her hin at a manne6uin in bla4 trousers and a
"ray oat 1ith red pipin". I removed my 9a4et and pulled the oat around my shoulders.
Le<i nodded2 her eyes ta4in" on a $ara1ay loo4.
?What are you thin4in" about@A I as4ed.
?My brother2A she said.
I thou"ht o$ the boy in the portrait2 his eyes so muh li4e Le<i0s. ?What about him@A
Le<i pi4ed up a sil4 ravat and laed it bet1een her $in"ers. She didn0t loo4 at me as she spo4e. ?5$ter our parents died2
I started ta4in" 1al4s 1ith a boy 1ho 1as a vampire. He as4ed i$ I 1anted to live $orever. 5nd o$ ourse I did2 beause I
1as youn"2 and 1ho1ouldn0t1ant to al1ays be youn" and beauti$ul@ 5lso2 i$ I turned2 it meant I0d never have to leave
!olin. He0d already lost so muh2 and I thou"ht2 1ell2 at least he ould 4no1 that he0d never lose me.A
?Was !olin a vampire@A
Le<i pulled the ravat throu"h her $in"ers and ra4ed it li4e a 1hip. ?I0d never do that to someone I loved.A
The ima"e o$ me $orin" 8amon to drin4 $rom 5lie2 the barmaid in the tavern ba4 home2 $lashed throu"h my mind. I
loo4ed do1n2 not 1antin" Le<i to sense 1hat I0d done to someone I loved. ?So 1hat happened@A
?People "ot suspiious. I didn0t 4no1 then ho1 are$ul 1e needed to be. My brother 1as "ro1in" up2 and I 1as stayin"
the same. People 1ondered. 5nd there 1as a sie"e2 and our house 1as torhed. 5nd the irony is2 I esaped and !olin
didn0t. 5nd he 1as the innoent one. He 1as only si<teen.A
?I0m sorry2A I said $inally. I tried to ima"ine Le<i as a human2 leanin" on the arm o$ the man 1ho had promised the 1orld
to her2 9ust as Katherine had promised the 1orld to me. I pitured him spiritin" her a1ay to a dar4 alley2 ta4in" 9ust a
little blood at $irst2 as4in" her to drin4 his2 then stabbin" her throu"h the heart to omplete the trans$ormation.
Le<i 1aved her hand2 1ipin" a1ay the ima"e o$ hersel$ as a youn" "irl. ?8on0t be sorry. It 1as more than a entury a"o.
He0d be dead any1ay by no1.A She appraised me. ?That 9a4et loo4s "ood on you.A
?Than4 you2A I said. Suddenly the 1ei"ht o$ my disussion 1ith !allie $elt heavy in my stomah. ?I have a plan to save
8amon2A I blurted out.
Le<i0s head 9er4ed up2 her eyes $lashin". ?What@A
?Tomorro1 ni"ht. !allie0s helpin" me.A I allo1ed my eyes to meet Le<i0s. ?8amon0s ba4 at Laurel Street. Her $ather 1ill
be out o$ the house at a ard "ame2 so 1e0ll $ree 8amon then.A
?8id you tell !allie 1hat you are@A she as4ed2 her voie lo1 and hard.
I he1ed on my thumb. ?3o.A
?She "uessed2A I said de$ensively. ?5nd I trust her.A
?TrustGA Le<i spat. She stood up so abruptly the ottoman toppled over. ?Cou don0t 4no1 the meanin" o$ the 1ord. !allie
is the dau"hter o$ Patri4 Ialla"her2 1ho 9ust $ored your brother to $i"ht a mountain lion to the death. Ho1 do you
4no1 this isn0t some elaborate plan to imprison you2 too@A
?Ho1 stupid do you thin4 I am@A I hallen"ed2 steppin" loser to Le<i. ?I may be youn"2 but I have "ood instints.A
Le<i "ave a derisive snort. ?Cou mean the same instints that landed you ba4ed up in a buther shop 1ith three
vampires surroundin" you@ The same instints that led you to murder that 1oman on the train@A
?I0m still here2 aren0t I@A
?Beause o$ meG 5nd the boys ba4 at the house. But I 1ill not allo1 you to dra" us into on$rontin" Patri4 Ialla"her2
o$ all people.A
?3o one0s dra""in" you into anythin"GA I yelled in $rustration. ?Just beause you let your brother die doesn0t mean I0m
"oin" to let mineG I o1e him that muh.A
?Cou un"rate$ul hildGA she spat2 pushin" me 1ith all her $ore a"ainst a "old>$ramed mirror. I $ell as the mirror
shattered around me. :ne lar"e shard ut a lar"e "ash aross my arm2 but it barely hurt. Instead2 I 1as sho4ed by
Le<i0s stren"th. I0d seen it be$ore2 but I0d never been on the reeivin" end.
Le<i to1ered above me2 her eyes "litterin". ?Cou need to learn your plae2 and you need to learn it $ast. Cou0re a
vampire. 5nd vampires donotonsort 1ith humans.A
I leaped to my $eet and pushed her a1ay $rom me. She $le1 aross the store and landed a"ainst the bolts o$ $abri.
?This one does2 i$ it means savin" 8amon2A I "ro1led. Then I stal4ed out o$ the shop and into the bla4ness o$ the ni"ht.
!hapter '+
I spent the ni"ht at the la4e a"ain2 but this time I didn0t sleep. Instead I sat alon" the ban42 listenin" to the 1orld hum
around me as thou"h I 1as an audiene member at a musial sho1. Ero"s roa4ed melodially2 blo1in" out their hests
1ith proud pu$$s. Eish s1am to the la4e0s sur$ae to "ulp do1n the 1ater bu"s that hovered there2 then dived ba4
do1n to the depths 1ith so$t $lips o$ their tails. Birds $le1 overhead in V $ormation2 and small animals rustled throu"h
the reeds2 hasin" one another as they $erreted out their ne<t meal.
Then ame the "rand $inale as the sun2 an enormous2 1atery orb2 rose to its plae o$ prominene in the s4y2 si"nalin"
that it 1as the all>po1er$ul 4in" and #arth 1as its sub9et.
5s I sat there2 1athin" the one thin" that ould 4ill me in an instant i$ it 1eren0t $or the rin" Katherine "ave me2 a sense
o$ alm rippled throu"h my body. The 1orld 1as beauti$ul and ma"ial and I 1as lu4y to still have a plae in it.
Irabbin" a per$etly round2 $lat stone2 I stood and loo4ed out over the 1ater. I losed my eyes.I$ it s4ips $our times2
everythin" 1ill be o4ay.Then I let the stone soar. It s4ipped one . . . t1ie . . . three times . . .
?Eour s4ipsG ImpressiveGA a voie heered2 $ollo1ed by enthusiasti lappin".
I turned around 9ust as !allie leaped into my arms.
?Cou0re in a "ood mood2A she said 1ith a smile.
?I am. 5nd it0s all than4s to you.A
She tu4ed her arm throu"h mine. ?In that ase2 I 4no1 9ust ho1 you an than4 meGA
I $elt her pulse beatin" throu"h my oat2 and her blood smelled nearly irresistible. But the stone had s4ipped $our times2
so I bent do1n to 4iss her.
!allie and I spent all day to"ether2 and then I slept at the la4e a"ain. When I arrived home the $ollo1in" day at dus42 I
$ound a pile o$ lothes2 inludin" the bla4 trousers and "ray oat I0d modeled $or Le<i2 on the $loor outside my room.
:n top o$ the pile 1as a note2 1ritten in blo4 hand1ritin".
Eollo1 your heart. Cou0re lu4y you still have one.
I sooped the bundle up into my arms2 touhed2 relieved2 and a little bit sad all at one.
I han"ed into a blue hambray shirt and 1hite trousers and sli4ed my hair ba4 in the mirror. I loo4ed li4e any youn"
man preparin" $or a rende;vous 1ith a pretty "irl. I 9ust 1ished it 1ere that simple.
I rept do1n the stairs2 1aitin" $or someone to 9ump out o$ the shado1s to stop me7to tell me my plan 1ould never
1or4. But I made it all the 1ay do1n and then throu"h the 4ithen and out the ba4door 1ithout that happenin".
:ne outside2 I 1al4ed the t1o miles to Laurel Street 1ith my hands in my po4ets2 1histlin" the strains o$ ?Iod Save
the South.A I paused to pi4 a 1hite ma"nolia $rom a bush in $ront o$ a peah>olored mansion at the bottom o$ !allie0s
?Ste$anGA an ur"ent 1hisper ame $rom behind the tree at the bottom o$ the Ialla"her drive1ay.
!allie stepped into vie1. Her hair 1as loose and $lo1in" do1n her ba42 and she 1as 1earin" a 1hite ni"htdress
trimmed in eyelet lae2 9ust li4e the $irst time I0d seen her2 e<ept that this time she 1as standin" lose enou"h to me
that I ould see that althou"h she 1as 1earin" a heavy "ray 1oolen sha1l2 she 1asn0t 1earin" a pettioat. I turned
a1ay2 suddenly shy.
?Ste$an2A !allie murmured2 brushin" my arm 1ith her $in"ers. ?5re you ready@A
?Ces2A I said. I too4 the $lo1er and tu4ed it behind her ear.
She smiled. ?Cou0re suh a "entleman.A
?5nd you0re beauti$ul2A I responded2 reahin" out to push a strand o$ hair behind her ear. Her tresses 1ere as so$t as
rose petals and smelled o$ honey. I 1anted to stay there $orever2 1athin" her breath $orm pu$$s o$ air in $ront o$ me.
?!allie . . .A I be"an2 1hen the bells o$ a distant hurh himed suddenly into the $rosty air. T1elve bells. Midni"ht. The
1ithin" hour.
?It0s time2A !allie said. ?Jasper0s shi$t lasts until t1elve thirty2 but I an tell him you0re there to relieve him early. That
1ill buy us some time. :ne the seond "uard sho1s up2 you0ll be lon" "one. But 1e have to hurry.A She sounded very
sure o$ hersel$2 but her tremblin" lip "ave a1ay her emotions. I 1anted to thro1 my arms around her2 tu4 her into
bed2 and 1hisper ?s1eet dreamsA in her ear. But I2 a vampire2 1as relyin" on this hild to protet me.
!allie 4nit her $in"ers to"ether as i$ in silent prayer. Then she nodded and "ave me a 1an smile. ?8on0t be sared2A she
said2 pressin" her palm into mine. But I ould $eel her heart thumpin" at a "allop $rom the pulse points in her palm.
She led me throu"h the iron "ates and around the "ravel drive1ay2 and opened a nondesript door on the side o$ the
?Be 6uiet2A !allie ommanded2 as my eyes ad9usted to the dar4. Dnli4e the rest o$ the house2 1ith its polished marble
and "leamin" oa42 this entrane 1as stritly utilitarian2 desi"ned $or servants to have easy aess to the stora"e spae in
the atti 1ithout disturbin" the residents o$ the house. 5 steep stairase2 made o$ un$inished 1alnut beams2 loomed in
$ront o$ us. !allie o4ed her head2 listenin" $or somethin". I $ollo1ed suit2 althou"h my thou"hts 1ere bu;;in" too
loudly $or me to hear spei$i 1ords.
Suddenly2 I heard a srapin" sound $rom the $loor above us. !allie "laned at meF she0d heard it as 1ell.
?Jasper2A !allie e<plained. ?We should "o up.A She 1al4ed up the ri4ety steps2 as I $ollo1ed 6ui4ly behind her. :ne
1e "ot to the ra4ed2 1hite1ashed door2 she 4no4ed7t1o 6ui4 raps $ollo1ed by a pause2 then a lon"er one.
5 lo4 li4ed2 and then 1e heard the srath o$ metal a"ainst metal as Jasper undid the bolt. Einally2 he opened the
door2 1ed"in" his body ne<t to the ed"e so 1e ouldn0t see inside.
?Well2 1ell2 1ell. !allie and the man 1ho sta4ed the vampire2 then ran $or his li$e. To 1hat do 1e o1e the pleasure@A
Jasper leered. I shi$ted unom$ortably2 tryin" to "et a "limpse inside the room.
?Hello2 Jasper2A !allie said2 brushin" past him and motionin" $or me to $ollo1. In the dar4ness2 I ould 9ust ma4e out a
si;able a"e in the orner. 5 lar"e2 unmovin" lump lay inside. ?Eather needs you in the study. Ste$an 1ill ta4e over until
the ne<t shi$t arrives.A
?Meet Jasper in the study@A a loud voie boomed. ?But I0m ri"ht here.A
I $ro;e.Ialla"her.
!allie0s $ather 1as perhed at a ri4ety table behind the door2 a hand o$ ards laid out in $ront o$ him. In the enter o$
the table2 a sin"le andle $li4ered.
?:h2 Eather.A !allie "i""led. The sound $elt $ored2 out o$ plae. ?I must have been on$used. I 4no1 you0d 1anted to
play ards toni"ht2 and I suppose I thou"ht you0d be more om$ortable in the study or . . .A she be"an2 her voie
1averin". She li4ed her lips and sat do1n at the table aross $rom Ialla"her.
?Cou0re 4ind to thin4 o$ me2 "irl2A Ialla"her said "ru$$ly.
?Mr. Ialla"her2A I said2 bo1in" sli"htly. ?I 1as told to report $or duty2 but perhaps I0m mista4en@A The on$usion 1asn0t
hard to $ei"n. !allie had s1orn her $ather 1ould be out o$ the house.
?Is that ri"ht2 Jasper@A Ialla"her as4ed.
?Iuess it is. He ain0t bad2 that one. 5 little nervous2 but 1hen he sti4s 0em2 he sti4s 0em "ood.A
Ialla"her nodded2 ta4in" in the in$ormation.
?5nd this is that boy you trust2 Miss !allie@A Ialla"her as4ed his dau"hter.
!allie nodded2 her hee4s reddenin" under her $re4les. Then $inally2 than4$ully2 Ialla"her stood up2 his hair srapin"
a"ainst the $loor.
?Well2 then2 I0ll leave you boys to it2A he said2 ta4in" his 1his4ey and $ollo1in" his dau"hter do1nstairs.
?So you0re Ialla"her0s "uy no12 ain0t you@A Jasper as4ed2 shovin" a vervain>soa4ed sta4e in my hands. My s4in burned2
and pain shot throu"h my arms. I $ou"ht the ur"e to "ro1l and lamped do1n on my ton"ue. Tensin"2 I $elt the sta4e
1ith only t1o $in"ers2 tryin" to minimi;e the ontat the poisoned 1ood had 1ith my body.
?Well2 I ain0t "oin" to sti4 around2A Jasper ontinued. ?The vampire0s hun"ry toni"ht. Hope he eats you. 5nd 1hile he
does that2 I0m "oin" to spend some time 1ith Miss !allie and her daddy. Sho1 0em you0re not the only man 1ho an be
all $riendly and "enteel>li4e2A Jasper said. His movements 1ere loose2 and I ould smell 1his4ey on his breath.
?Brother@AI 1hispered.
8amon reared up2 $an"s bared2 ausin" me to 9ump ba4 in surprise.
He lau"hed2 a hoarse hu4le2 then ollapsed a"ainst the side o$ the a"e2 e<hausted $rom the e<ertion.
?What2 brother@ Sared o$ a vampire@A
I i"nored him as I be"an 1restin" the door o$$ the struture. 8amon 1athed in uriosity and then slo1ly ra1led over
to1ard me. He 1as 9ust reahin" out 1hen I $elt a searin" pain radiate $rom my spine throu"h my entire body.
?IothaGA a voie yelled.
!hapter ',
My heavy>lidded eyes $ou"ht to dri$t open. I didn0t 4no1 ho1 muh time had passed. Was it one ni"ht@ T1o@ 5 1ee4@ It
1as dar42 1herever I 1as. I 1as va"uely onsious2 hearin" $oot$alls and yellin"2 and one a voie that sounded li4e
!allie0s2 allin" out my name. But one day I 1o4e up 1ithout suddenly $allin" ba4 into unonsiousness. I li$ted my
arms2 reali;in" I 1as sha4led to the 1all. I had vervain burns on my arms and le"s. 8ried blood rusted my entire body2
ma4in" it impossible $or me to tell 1here I 1as 1ounded. 3e<t to me2 8amon 1as sittin" 1ith his 4nees to his hest.
Blood overed his body2 and his hee4s 1ere "aunt. 8ar4 shado1s rimmed his sun4en eyes2 but a slo1 smile 1as
spreadin" aross his $ae.
?3ot so po1er$ul no12 are you2 brother@A
I stru""led to sit up. My bones ahed. The atti 1as soa4ed in a dim "ray li"ht that ame $rom a $ilthy 1indo1. The
paddin" and sni$$in" o$ a mouse sounded some1here $ar aross the room. It stirred a hun"er inside me2 and I reali;ed
that I hadn0t $ed sine bein" here. In the orner2 t1o un$amiliar "uards 1ere sittin"2 oblivious to our near>silent
I shoo4 my head in dis"ust. Ho1 ould I have been so stupid@ Le<i had been ri"ht. :$ ourse she had. !allie had
betrayed me. It must have been her plan all alon"2 $rom the seond she0d notied the rin" on my $in"er that mathed
8amon0s. I should have reali;ed it the moment I0d seen her $ather in the room. Ho1 had I stepped into suh a stupid2
obvious trap@ I deserved to be hained up li4e an animal.
?8id you love her@A 8amon as4ed2 as i$ he ould read my thou"hts.
I stared strai"ht ahead.
?She hasn0t ome to visit2 in ase you 1ere urious2A 8amon ontinued onversationally. ?She is pretty2 thou"h in my
humble opinion2 you ould do better.A
5n"er pushed my $an"s into plae. ?Where are you "oin" 1ith this@A I "ro1led.
8amon "estured to the bars. ?3o1here2 apparently. #<ellent 9ob on the resue attempt.A
?5t least I tried2A I said2 my $ury ebbin" and resi"nation $lo1in" in its plae.
?Why even bother@A 8amon0s eyes $lashed. ?Have I not made my $eelin"s about you per$etly lear@A
?I . . .A I be"an2 be$ore I reali;ed I had no idea 1here to even start. Ho1 ould I tell him that resuin" him 1asn0t a
hoie@ That our blood ran in eah other0s veins2 that 1e 1ere bound to eah other. ?It doesn0t matter2A I said.
?3o2 it doesn0t2A 8amon said2 adoptin" a philosophial tone. ?5$ter all2 1e0ll both be dead soon enou"h. The 6uestion is2
1ill you be 4illed by a roodile or by a ti"er@ I heard Ialla"her sayin" roodiles are the best $i"ht opponents2 beause
they don0t "o $or the 4ill. They dra" it out.A
Just then the atti door opened 1ith a $lourish2 and Ialla"her strode into the room2 his boots ehoin" on the $loor.
?The vampires are a1a4eGA he bello1ed.
The t1o "uards hastily 9umped to attention2 pretendin" they0d been 1athin" us the 1hole time. Ialla"her strode
to1ard the a"e2 4neelin" at our eye level. His three>piee suit 1as impeable2 as i$ he0d made his $ortune as a
$inanier rather than by torturin" vampires.
?Well2 1ell2 1ell . . . the $amily resemblane is obvious. I0m embarrassed to not have notied it sooner.A He reahed
throu"h the bars and "rabbed the $ront o$ my shirt2 pullin" me a"ainst the side o$ the a"e. My $ae lan"ed a"ainst the
bars2 and I 1ined as somethin" 1ooden 9utted into my hest.
5 sta4e.
?5nd you almost "ot a1ay 1ith atin" li4e a humanGA Ialla"her thre1 his head ba4 and lau"hed2 as i$ it 1ere the most
amusin" thin" in the 1orld.
?Cou 1on0t "et a1ay 1iththis2A I hissed2 pain rippin" throu"h my body as he du" the sta4e $arther into my s4in.
?Pay attention2 vampireGA Ialla"her said2 his lips urled ba4 in a snarl. ?Cou 4no12 I thin4 I0m "oin" to bet you0re the
one 1ho0ll "et 4illed. Ces2 I thin4 that 1ill do very niely.A He turned to1ard the t1o "uards. ?Hear that@ 5 tip $rom the
boss. Bet on the dar4>haired one2A Ialla"her said2 t1istin" the sta4e a"ainst my body. ?I thin4 his brother has more
hatred in his belly.A
I ouldn0t see 8amon0s $ae2 but I ould piture the smir4 that no doubt played on his lips.
Ialla"her snorted in lau"hter and thre1 the vervain>soa4ed sta4e to the $loor. ?:h2 and I don0t 1ant you usin" the
sta4es on the vampires $or sport anymore2A he said in the diretion o$ the "uards. The heavyset one "laned "uiltily
do1n at the $loor.
?Why not@A the other as4ed indi"nantly. ?It0s "ood $or 0em. Sho1s 0em their plae.A
?Beause 1e 1ant them in tip>top shape $or their $i"ht2A Ialla"her said2 his voie an e<a""erated parody o$ patiene.
Then Ialla"her smiled at us. ?That0s ri"ht2 boys. Cou t1o are "oin" to be $i"htin"2 to the death. It0s the per$et solution.
I0ll have one dead vampire to sell $or parts2 a live one $or per$ormanes2 and pro$it beyond my 1ildest ima"ination. Cou
4no12 it mi"ht be sarile"e2 but I say2 than4 Iod $or vampiresGA
With that2 Ialla"her turned to leave the atti2 slammin" the door behind him. I san4 ba4 a"ainst the bars. 8amon did
the same2 shuttin" his eyes. The t1o "uards "aped at us throu"h the bars.
?I 4no1 the boss said the dar4>haired one2 there2 but ain0t he loo4in0 a little 1ea4@ My pennies are "oin0 $or that boy2A
one ommented.
?#h2 I al1ays "o 1ith 1hat the boss says. Besides2 ain0t all about si;e2 ri"ht@A the sra1ny one said2 soundin" a$$ronted
by the $irst "uard0s impliation.
I slumped a"ainst the 1all2 losin" my eyes. The hatred that my brother had $or me 1as surely enou"h to 1ant me
dead. But 1ould 8amon really 4ill me@
?I0m more viious than a roodile2 brother2A 8amon said 1ith a smile2 his eyes still losed. ?5nd this is the best piee o$
ne1s I0ve heard sine 1e turned into vampiresGA He lau"hed2 lon" and loud2 until one o$ the "uards lambered over
and2 despite Ialla"her0s deree2 9abbed him 1ith a vervain>laed sta4e.
But even then2 he ontinued to lau"h.
!hapter '-
Bemember the time 1e bro4e Mother0s rystal bo1l@ 5nd I 1as so 1orried about ho1 she 1ould reat that I ried@A I
?Ces2 and then Eather deided I 1as to blame and 1hipped me and alled me 1i4ed2A 8amon said dully. ?I tried to
ma4e your li$e easier2 little brother. But I0m done. This time2 I 1ant you to "et e<atly 1hat you deserve.A
?What do you 1ant me to say2 8amon@A I as4ed an"rily2 so loudly the t1o "uards loo4ed up in surprise.
8amon paused2 his eyes at hal$>mast. ?I0ll tell you e<atly 1hat I 1ant you to say . . . ri"ht be$ore I 4ill you.A
I rolled my eyes in an"ry $rustration. ?I thou"ht you 1ere the one 1ho 1anted to die. 5nd no1 you0re "oin" to 4ill me@A
8amon hu4led. ?Cou 4no12 no1 that I thin4 about it2 bein" a beast $rom hell mi"ht not be so bad. In $at2 I thin4 it0s a
role I ould ta4e to2 immensely. Perhaps it 1asn0t my ne1$ound state I despised. It 1asyou. But i$ you0re "one7A
?I$ I0m "one you0ll be in Patri4 Ialla"her0s $rea4 sho1 $orever2A I interrupted.
?But admit it2 brother. 8on0t you thin4 Patri4 Ialla"her0s $rea4 sho1 is more $un than hell@ 5nd one I "et some
stren"th2 I thin4 I an plan an esape 6uite easily.A
?5nd then I0m sure you0ll "et au"ht2 9ust as you did the $irst time2A I said in dis"ust.
I leaned my head ba4 a"ainst the a"e bars. The $i"ht 1as one short hour a1ay2 and I hadn0t "iven up on tryin" to
en"a"e 8amon2 to spar4 any possible thread o$ onnetion bet1een us. But no matter 1hat I0d say2 he0d taunt me or
i"nore me.
It 1as impossible to 4no1 9ust ho1 lon" 1e0d been trapped. Sine I had beome a vampire2 time had ta4en on a
di$$erent 6uality. Seonds and minutes no lon"er mattered. I $ound bein" imprisoned "ave time ba4 its importane2
beause every seond brou"ht us loser to our battle. 5s I 1aited2 I played out in my mind the various senarios the
$i"ht ould ta4e. I pitured 8amon snappin" my ne42 roarin" triumphantly $or the ro1d. I sa1 mysel$ suumbin" to
an"er2 aidentally stealin" li$e $rom my brother7a"ain.
But 1hat 1ould happen i$ 1e both re$used to $i"ht@ !ould 1e ta4e on the entire audiene to"ether@ !ould 1e
someho1 en"ineer an esape@ Ces2 Ialla"her0s minions had vervain and sta4es2 but 1e had Po1er. I$ only I had !allie
on my side . . .
My heart pan"ed pain$ully at the thou"ht o$ !allie0s betrayal. The ima"e o$ her $lame>red hair and "leamin" eyes $loated
to my mind onstantly2 in$lamin" my an"er7and hurt7over and over. I urled my $ists. I$ only I0d listened to Le<i. I$
only I hadn0t let a human in.
My only "oal $or the battle 1as that2 i$ I should die2 I 1ould die 1ith my eyes losed2 instead o$ searhin" the ro1d $or
her $ae.
?Let0s "o2 boysGA Ialla"her alled out2 pushin" open the door as i$ he 1ere rousin" t1o hildren $or a bri"ht and early
hi4e. He 1ore a bla4 1aistoat and a brand>ne1 "old 1ath that "linted in the 1ea4 sunli"ht. He snapped his $in"ers2
and instantly the "uards 9umped to their $eet2 bustlin" to put on the ma4eshi$t uni$orm o$ a vampire handler= "loves2
boots2 and vervain>soa4ed "arlands.
The door o$ the a"e $le1 open2 and "uards rou"hly yan4ed us out2 ti"htened mu;;les around our $an"s2 and sha4led
our hands behind our ba4s. We 1ere blind$olded2 then marhed out o$ the atti and into the ba4 o$ a bla4 iron
1a"on. The 1a"on too4 o$$2 bumpily headin" do1n to the la4e.
When 1e arrived at the tent2 1e 1ere marhed in opposite diretions.
?Erea4GA I heard the sidesho1 ats hiss as I 1as marhed throu"h the ba4sta"e area. I ti"htened my 9a1. I 1ondered i$
Le<i 1ondered 1here I 1as2 i$ she thou"ht I 1as already dead.
Thou"h I 1as still blind$olded2 I 4ne1 every inh o$ this tent. To the le$t 1as the tattooed 1oman2 and to the ri"ht 1as
!aroline2 the bearded lady. The $loor dipped do1n2 and I 4ne1 I 1as in the arena.
I $elt somethin" "rab my arm. ?I0ve told a lot o$ people about 1hat a ra$ty one you are. But don0t try too hard $or my
bene$it2 Mr. Salvatore. My money is on your brother2A Jasper 1hispered "lee$ully.
Einally2 the blind$old 1as removed $rom my eyes. The tent 1as lit up li4e it 1as midday2 and all the stands 1ere
rammed 1ith people. 5t the enter o$ the rin"2 Ialla"her had set up a bettin" pool2 1here people $rantially 1aved
bills in the air. :r"an musi $illed the tent2 and the air smelled li4e andied apples and rum punh.
5nd then2 out o$ the orner o$ my eye2 I sa1 her.
!allie 1as 1eavin" throu"h the stands2 and behind her 1as Bu42 arryin" a tin bo<. Her hair 1as plaited 1ith vervain
stems2 and her $ae 1as pale. She0d obviously been dispathed to ollet bets in the stand. She 1as ertainly her
$ather0s dau"hter2 and she $ul$illed her duties 1ell.
She did not loo4 at me one.
I tore my "a;e a1ay $rom her and $ored it over to 8amon on the opposite side o$ the rin". 8amon had al1ays been a
"ood $i"hter2 and his reent bouts had only stren"thened him. I$ 8amon 1anted to 4ill me2 he 1ould.
Moreover2 I 1ould let him. I o1ed him that muh.
Jasper stru4 the startin" bell2 and the ro1d hushed. Ialla"her stood up $rom his post in the bettin" pit and boomed=
?Welome2 ladies and "entlemen2 to another $ine evenin" o$ sport made possible by yours truly2 Patri4 Ialla"her. :nly
days a"o2 1e brou"ht you the $irst>ever $i"ht bet1een a vampire and a mountain lion. Toni"ht2 1e brin" you the $irst>
ever $i"ht bet1een t1o vampires2 inludin" the 1inner o$ that previous math. 5nd not only that2A he said2 droppin" his
voie and ausin" the ro1d to hush and lean $or1ard2 ?these t1o monsters are brothers. They ame $rom the same
1omb2 and no1 one o$ them 1ill be headin" strai"ht to hell.A
5 ro4 hit me in the ba4 o$ the head2 and I 1hirled around. Vervain 1as every1here2 ausin" the sea o$ $aes to blend
to"ether in a ni"htmarish olla"e o$ eyes2 noses2 and open mouths.
?Brother2 I0m sorry $or anythin" I0ve done. Please. I$ 1e die2 let0s not die in an"er. We0re all 1e have2A I 1hispered2
lenhin" my 9a1 and tryin"2 one last time2 to reah 8amon. 8amon loo4ed up $or a split seond and 9er4ed his head2
but his e<pression 1as unreadable. In the enter o$ the rin"2 Ialla"her 1as still ommandin" the audiene0s attention.
?The boo4 1ill be open $or another $ive minutes $or $inal bets. ButG7A He raised his hand in the air2 attemptin" to
silene the ro1d. The noise in the tent dulled2 i$ only sli"htly. ?Stay a$ter the sho12 1hen 1e0ll be sellin" the loser0s
blood. #ven a dead vampire0s blood has healin" po1ers. !ures all ailments. #ven ones in the bedroom.A Ialla"her
1in4ed sho1ily. The ro1d atalled and heered. I sti$$ened2 1onderin" 1hether the ro1d thou"ht this 1as all an at=
that 1e 1ere do1n>on>our>lu4 ators and that the blood Ialla"her sold a$ter the sho1 1ould be some type o$ herry
ordial. 8id anyone 4no1 that all the blood 1ould be real2 that the $allen loser in the enter o$ the rin" 1ouldn0t be
standin" up and headin" home one the tent 1as emptied@
!allie 4ne1. !allie 4ne12 and she had deided that this 1ould be my $ate. I a"ain lenhed my 9a12 ready to $i"ht2 ready
to "ive the audiene the sho1 it 1as loo4in" $or. Suddenly2 I $ound mysel$ bein" led around the rin" by Jasper2 "ivin"
the audiene one $inal hane to srutini;e my stren"th be$ore raisin" their sta4es. I ould hear snathes o$
onversation $rom all sides o$ the tent=
That one0s "ot an inh on the other. I0m s1appin" sides.
Ho10d your old lady li4e one o$ those $or your anniversary@
I 1onder ho1 they0d do a"ainst a real lion.
5 man dressed in lerial robes stood ne<t to Ialla"her2 raisin" his $ro4ed arms to 6uiet the ro1d. I reo"ni;ed him as
the sna4e harmer $rom the sidesho1.
?May all "ood li"ht shine upon this $i"ht and return the loser0s soul to the leansin" $ires o$ hellGA he yelled2 ausin" the
tent to erupt in a aophony o$ noise. 5 1histle ble12 and the $i"ht 1as on.
8amon irled to1ard me2 his stane lo1 to the "round2 li4e 1hen 1e 1ere 4ids and pratied bo<in". I imitated his
?BloodGA one drun4en man yelled2 pratially han"in" over the railin" o$ the rin".
?BloodG BloodG BloodGA The entire tent seemed to be heerin". 8amon and I ontinued to irle eah other.
?Let0s not do this2A I said.?Let0s re$use. What an they do@A
?We0re beyond that2 brother2A 8amon said.?The t1o o$ us an0t survive in the same 1orld.A
5n"er seeped into my limbs $rom the enter o$ my bein". Why ouldn0t 1e@ 5nd 1hy ouldn0t 8amon $or"ive me@ I no
lon"er thou"ht he 1as haunted by the memory o$ Katherine. Instead2 I believed he 1as haunted byme. 3ot 1ho I 1as2
but 1ho he thou"ht I 1as7a monster 1ho 4illed 1ithout $ear or a1areness o$ onse6uene. Ho1 dare he not even
reo"ni;e the len"ths I0d "one to to try to ma4e him happy2 to try to save him@ I s1un"2 onnetin" 1ith 8amon0s
hee4. Blood spurted under his eye2 and the ro1d roared.
8amon 1ound up and s1un" ba42 hittin" me on my shoulder and 4no4in" me do1n to the "round.
?Why did you do that@A 8amon hissed2 barin" his teeth to the deli"ht o$ the ro1d.
?Beause you 1anted it2A I hissed ba42 barin" my o1n teeth2 then $lipped him over into a headlo4.
He $reed himsel$ 6ui4ly and returned to his orner. We stood at opposite sides o$ the rin"2 starin" at eah other2 both
on$used2 an"ry2 alone.
?Ei"htGA the ro1d roared a"ain. Ialla"her "lared at us2 unsure 1hat to do. He snapped his $in"ers2 and Jasper and Bu4
ran to1ard us 1ith sta4es2 determined to $ore us to $i"ht eah other. They prodded us until our bodies 1ere only
inhes apart and both o$ our $ists 1ere raised2 1hen a hu"e2 ehoin"2 boomin" ra4 that sounded li4e the s4y splittin"
in t1o ehoed $rom above. 5 old 1ind 1hipped around us2 ausin" a loud o$ sa1dust and debris to rise at our $eet. I
smelled smo4e.
?EireGA a pani4ed voie yelled.
I loo4ed around 1ildly. Part o$ the tent 1as on $ire2 and people 1ere runnin" in all diretions.
I $elt hands shovin" my shoulders. !allie. My eyes opened 1ide in surprise. ?Io2 "o2 "oGA !allie yelled2 pushin" me. She
held an a<e in her hand2 and slo1ly I be"an piein" to"ether 1hat had happened. Had she atually ut do1n the
supports o$ the tent struture2 then set the $ire@
?MoveGA !allie pushed me one more time. She 1as surprisin"ly stron" $or a human2 and a$ter a $e1 seonds o$ stupidly
standin" and blin4in" in plae2 I "rabbed 8amon by the 1rist2 and 1e ran2 past the tents2 a1ay $rom the river2 $aster and
$aster2 headin" to1ard my home.
!hapter '.
8amon and I ran at vampire speed throu"h the streets o$ 3e1 :rleans. Dnli4e 1hen 1e $irst arrived and 8amon la""ed
relutantly behind me2 1e ran side by side2 the adobe and bri4 houses blurrin" past us li4e meltin" 1a<.
Somethin" had shi$ted bet1een us in that arena2 I $elt it in my very bein". Somethin" had han"ed in 8amon0s eyes as
he0d re"arded me and re$used to atta42 even as the ro1d 9eered on. I 1ondered ho1 the math 1ould have ended
had the tent not "one up in $lames71ould 1e have ta4en the humans one by one2 or 1ould one Salvatore brother
have ended up dead and bloodied on the dusty $loor@
The ima"e o$ the Mysti Ealls hurh bla;in" li4e an oversi;e torh spran" to my mind. The to1n had burned do1n the
hurh and the vampires trapped 1ithin it the ni"ht our $ather 4illed us7and the vampire 8amon had loved.
But 8amon and I 1ere still here2 li4e phoeni<es risin" $rom the ashes o$ the vampires 1ho ame be$ore us. Perhaps out
o$ the $ire o$ this irus in our ne1 home ity2 a ne1 4inship bet1een us 1ould sprin" to li$e7li4e the ne1 li$e that
arose in prairies a$ter the previous year0s rops had been burned to the level o$ the soil.
8amon and I ontinued to run2 our $eet slappin" a"ainst the obblestones in per$et unison2 do1n the ba4 alleys and
streets I0d learned so 1ell in my $e1 1ee4s o$ livin" here. But as 1e rounded the orner onto 8auphine2 the same street
1here Le<i had ta4en me shoppin"2 I stopped short. 5$$i<ed to the 1indo1 o$ the tailor0s shop 1as a rude dra1in" o$
me and 8amon2 our $an"s bared2 both o$ us rouhed lo1.The $i"ht o$ the entury2 the posters read. I 1ondered i$
!allie had dra1n them. Probably.
8amon leaned in lose2 e<aminin" the poster. ?That dra1in" ma4es you loo4 a bit sto4y2 brother. Mi"ht be time to lay
o$$ the barmaids.A
?Ha2 ha2A I said dryly2 loo4in" around. Shouts sounded behind us2 in the diretion o$ the irus. We had a "ood head
start2 but i$ !allie had distributed these posters as 1idely as 1e had the posters $or 8amon2 then 1e 1ouldn0t be sa$e
until 1e 1ere inside.
The spindly spire o$ a hurh rose in the distane7the hurh that 1as 4itty>orner to Le<i0s plae.
?!ome onGA I pushed 8amon in the diretion o$ the hurh2 and 1e didn0t tal4 until 1e reahed the ri4ety 1hite house.
?This is 1here you live@A 8amon0s lip urled as his eyes $li4ed up $rom the sa""in"2 1hite1ashed porh to the dar4
?Well2 I understand that it may not measure up to your standards2 but 1e all must ma4e sari$ies every no1 and
a"ain2A I said sarastially as I led him to the ba4 door.
The door s1un" open2 allo1in" a trian"ular slie o$ li"ht to pour out over the dar4 ba4yard.
I put my hands up as Le<i appeared in the door1ay. ?I 4no1 you said no visitors2 but7A
?!ome in. Jui4lyGA she said2 lo4in" the door the seond 1e rossed the threshold. In the main room2 andles 1ere
burnin"2 and Bu<ton2 Hu"o2 and Pery 1ere all perhed on the hairs and ouhes2 as i$ they 1ere in the middle o$ a
?Cou must be 8amon.A Le<i nodded to him sli"htly. ?Welome to our home.A I 1as a1are o$ 8amon 1athin" her2 and
1ondered 1hat he sa1.
?Ces2 ma0am2A 8amon said 1ith an easy "rin. ?5nd I0m a$raid that durin" our time in aptivity2 my brother someho1
$ailed to mention you and yourA7his eyes $li4ed over Pery and Bu<ton7?$amily.A
Pery bristled and hal$>rose $rom his seat2 but Le<i put up a hand to stop him. ?I0m Le<i. 5nd as Ste$an is your brother2
my home is your home.A
?We esaped2A I started to e<plain.
Le<i nodded. ?I 4no1. Bu<ton 1as there.A
?Cou 1ere@A I 1hirled around in surprise. ?Were you bettin" $or me or a"ainst me@A 8amon let out a little snort.
Le<i laid a hand on my $orearm. ?Be nie. He 1as there to help you.A
My eyes 1idened. ?Cou 1ere "oin" to help me@A
Bu<ton leaned ba4 in his hair. ?I 1as. But then someone had the bri"ht idea to burn do1n the 1hole plae2 so I le$t.A
He rossed his arms over his hest2 loo4in" pleased at himsel$ $or bein" part o$ the ation.
?It 1as !allie. She lit the $ire2A I said.
Le<i0s eyes re"istered surprise. ?I 1as 1ron"2A she said simply. ?It0s been 4no1n to happen.A
?Cou must $or"ive my poor manners in interruptin"2 but do you have anythin" to eat@A 8amon as4ed2 not turnin" a1ay
$rom the portrait o$ an old 1oman that he 1as e<aminin". ?I0ve had a rather di$$iult $e1 1ee4s.A
Eor the $irst time sine 1e had esaped2 I really loo4ed at my brother. His voie 1as hoarse2 as i$ he 1as unused to usin"
it. Bloody "ashes overed his arms and le"sF his lothes 1ere in tattered ra"sF and his sho4 o$ bla4 hair 1as $ilthy and
lan4 a"ainst his pale ne4. Bed rimmed his eyes2 and his hands trembled sli"htly.
?:$ ourse. Cou boys must be starvin".A Le<i ts4ed. ?Bu<ton2 ta4e him to the buther shop. Let him eat his $ill. I doubt
there are enou"h humans in 3e1 :rleans to 6uenh his thirst. 5nd toni"ht2 at least2 he deserves to eat li4e a 4in".A
?Ces2 ma0am2A Bu<ton said2 bo1in" sli"htly as he raised his bul4 $rom the hair.
?I0ll 9oin him2A I said2 headin" to1ard the door.
?3o.A Le<i shoo4 her head and "rabbed my arm7hard. ?I have tea $or you.A
?But . . .A I protested2 on$used and annoyed. I ould pratially taste the pi"0s blood on my ton"ue.
?3o buts2A Le<i said sharply2 soundin" remar4ably li4e my mother.
Bu<ton opened the door $or 8amon2 1ho 1i""led his bro1 at me as i$ to say2 ?Poor boyGA
I$ Le<i sa12 she pretended not to notie2 instead busyin" hersel$ 1ith the tea 4ettle 1hile I slumped on one o$ the
ri4ety hairs set up around the table2 my head restin" on my hands.
?When you beome a vampire2 it0s not 9ust your teeth and diet that han"e2A Le<i said as she sto4ed the $ire in the
stove2 her ba4 to1ard me.
?What does that mean@A I as4ed de$ensively.
?It means that you and your brother aren0t 1ho you used to be. Cou0ve both han"ed2 and you may not 4no1 8amon as
1ell as you thin42A Le<i said2 arryin" t1o steamin" mu"s in her hands. ?Ioat0s blood.A
?I don0tli4e"oat0s blood2A I said2 pushin" the mu" a1ay an"rily. I sounded li4e a petulant toddler2 and I didn0t are. ?5nd
no one 4no1s 8amon better than I do.A
?:h2 Ste$an2A Le<i said2 loo4in" at me 4indly. ?I 4no1. But promise me you0ll be are$ul. These are dan"erous times7$or
5t the 1orddan"erous2 somethin" li4ed in my mind. ?!allieG I have to $ind herGA
?3oGA Le<i pushed me ba4 do1n on my hair. ?Her $ather 1ill not harm her2 but he0ll 4ill you2 "iven hal$ the hane2
and you0re in no shape $or a $i"ht.A
I opened my mouth to protest2 but Le<i ut me o$$.
?!allie is $ine. Cou an see her tomorro1. But $or no12 drin4 the blood. Eall asleep. When you a1a4en2 you 1ill be
healed2 and you2 8amon2 and !allie 1ill $i"ure out everythin" then.A
Le<i le$t the 4ithen 1ith a s1ish o$ her aprons and e<tin"uished the lamp.
Suddenly e<haustion $ell over me li4e a heavy blan4et2 and the desire to $i"ht Le<i0s advie drained $rom my body. With
a si"h2 I li$ted the mu" and too4 a small sip. The li6uid 1as 1arm and velvety2 and I ouldn0t help but admit that it 1as
Le<i 1as ri"ht7I 1ould see !allie tomorro1 to say "ood>bye. But I needed rest. My entire body hurt2 even my heart.
5t least you 4no1 you have one2 I ima"ined Le<i sayin"2 and I smiled in the dar4ness.
!hapter (/
:tober &.2 &-+)
I0m out o$ dan"er2 but I don0t $eel sa$e. I 1onder i$ I0ll ever $eel sa$e a"ain2 or 1ill I $orever lon" $or a desire that I0ll never
$ul$ill@ Will I "et used to the ahe@ T1enty2 t1o hundred2 t1o thousand years $rom no12 1ill I even remember these
1ee4s@ 5nd 1ill I remember !allie and her red hair2 her lau"h@
I 1ill. I have to. !allie has saved me and "iven me another hane at li$e. In a 1ay2 it0s li4e she 1as the dayli"ht that
$ollo1ed the dar4ness Katherine had ast upon my e<istene. Katherine turned me into a monster2 but !allie has
han"ed me ba4 into the Ste$an Salvatore I0m proud to be.
I 1ish her love. I 1ant nothin" but the best $or her. I 1ant $or her to live in the li"ht and $ind a man7a human71ho
1ill appreiate and adore her2 1ho 1ill ta4e her a1ay $rom Ialla"her0s house $orever to a 6uiet home on a la4e2 1here
she an teah her hildren to s4ip stones.
I 1o4e in the middle o$ the ni"ht to 1hat I thou"ht 1ere hailstones bounin" a"ainst the 1indo1pane. 8espite Le<i0s
rules2 I pee4ed throu"h a tiny slit in the urtains and s6uinted into the dar4ness. The trees 1ere bare2 their branhes
li4e "hostly limbs strethin" to1ard the s4y. Thou"h it 1as a moonless ni"ht2 I ould see a raoon samper throu"h the
yard. 5nd then2 a $i"ure standin" timidly behind one o$ the olumns on the portio.
I hastily pulled on a shirt and slipped do1n the stairs2 ta4in" are to not ma4e any noise. The last thin" I 1anted 1as $or
Bu<ton or Le<i to 4no1 that a human had $ollo1ed me home.
The door shut 1ith a thud behind me2 and I sa1 !allie 9ump.
?I0m here2A I 1hispered2 $eelin" thrilled2 on$used2 and e<ited2 all at one.
?Hi2A she said shyly.
?5re you "oin" some1here@A I as4ed2 noddin" at her ba".
?I hope so.A She lasped my hands 1ith her o1n. ?Ste$an2 I don0t are 1hat you are. I0ve never ared. 5nd I 1ant to be
1ith you.A She loo4ed into my eyes. ?I . . . I love you.A
I "a;ed at the "round2 a lump in my throat. Ba4 1hen I 1as a human2 I thou"ht I0d loved Katherine until I sa1 her2
hained up2 mu;;led2 and $oamin" at the mouth. I0d $elt nothin" but dis"ust at that vision. 5nd yet !allie had seen me
unonsious2 bleedin" $rom vervain2 sta4ed by aptors2 and pummelin" my brother in the rin"2 and she still loved me.
Ho1 1as that possible@
?Cou don0t have to respond2A !allie rushed on. ?I 9ust had to tell you. 5nd I0m leavin" no matter 1hat. I an0t stay here
1ith Eather2 not a$ter everythin" that0s happened. I0m "ettin" on the train2 and you an ome 1ith me. But you don0t
have to. But I 1ant you to2A she babbled.
?!allieGA I interrupted2 plain" a $in"er to her lips. Her eyes 1idened2 shi$tin" bet1een $ear and hope.
?I 1ould "o 1ith you any1here2A I said. ?I love you2 too2 and I 1ill $or the rest o$ my li$e.A
?Cou mean your un>li$e2A she said2 her eyes danin".
?Ho1 did you 4no1 1here I lived@A I as4ed2 suddenly shy.
!allie blushed. ?I $ollo1ed you home one. When you ran a1ay a$ter the $irst vampire $i"ht. I 1anted to 4no1
everythin" about you.A
?Well2 no1 you do.A
Dnable to restrain mysel$2 I pulled her into my arms and lo1ered my lips to hers2 no lon"er a$raid to hear the blood
oursin" in her veins or to hear her heart beat $aster in antiipation. She ti"htened her "rip around me2 and our lips
touhed. I hun"rily 4issed her2 $eelin" the so$tness o$ her lips a"ainst mine. My $an"s didn0t "ro12 my desire 1as all $or
her2 in her human $orm2 as she 1as.
She 1as so$t and 1arm and tasted li4e tan"erines. In those moments2 I ima"ined our $uture. We0d ta4e the train as $ar
a1ay $rom 3e1 :rleans as possible2 maybe to !ali$ornia2 or perhaps even sail to #urope. We0d nest in a little otta"e
and 4eep livesto4 $or me to $eed $rom2 and !allie and I 1ould live out our days to"ether2 a1ay $rom the pryin" eyes o$
5 na""in" thou"ht tu""ed at the orner o$ my mind= Would I turn her@ I hated the thou"ht o$ doin" it2 o$ sin4in" my
teeth into her 1hite ne42 o$ ma4in" her live a li$e in 1hih she raved blood and $eared the dayli"ht2 but I also ouldn0t
bear the thou"ht o$ seein" her "ro1 old and die in $ront o$ me. I shoo4 my head2 tryin" to release those thou"hts. I
ould deal 1ith them later. We both ould.
?Ste$an2A !allie murmured2 but then the murmur turned into a "asp2 and she slipped out o$ my luthes and onto the
"round. 5 buther0s 4ni$e stu4 into her ba42 blood poolin" out o$ it.
?!allieGA I ried2 sin4in" to my 4nees. ?!allieGA
Eranti2 I tore a vein in my 1rist2 tryin" to $eed !allie my blood to heal her. But be$ore I ould press my arm to her
"aspin" mouth2 an unseen hand yan4ed me up by the shirt ollar.
5 lo12 $amiliar hu4le ut throu"h the ni"ht air. ?3ot so $ast2 brother.A
!hapter (&
I 1hirled around2 my hand ready to stri4e2 my $an"s bared. Be$ore I ould move2 8amon "rabbed my shoulders and
$lun" me aross the street. My body hit the road2 hard2 my arm snappin" at an unnatural an"le. I srambled to my $eet.
!allie 1as lyin" in the "rass2 her red hair $annin" over her shoulder2 a pool o$ blood dar4enin" around her. She let out a
6uiet moan2 and I 4ne1 she must be in a"ony.
I started to rae ba4 to her2 pumpin" my blood to my open 1ound so she ould $eed easily. But 8amon interepted
me2 lo1erin" his shoulder into my hest and 4no4in" me ba41ard.
I srambled to my $eet. ?This stops no1GA I yelled2 ready to poune. I $le1 to1ard him2 ready to rip him apart2 to "ive
him 1hat he0d 1anted $or so lon".
?8oes it stop no1@ Be$ore dinner@A 8amon as4ed2 a slo1 smile $ormin" on his $ae. I 1athed in horror as 8amon 4nelt
do1n2 bared his teeth2 and sun4 them into !allie0s ne42 drin4in" lon" and hard. I tried to push him a1ay2 but he 1as $ar
too stron". Ho1 many people had he $ed $rom sine our esape@
I 4ept tu""in"2 tryin" to $ree !allie2 but 8amon stayed in the same position as i$ he 1ere a marble sulpture.
?HelpG Le<iGA I roared2 as 8amon sent me $lyin" ba41ard 1ith a s1i$t 9ab o$ his elbo1.
I hit the "rass 1ith a thud. 8amon 4ept drin4in". I reali;ed 1ith horror that !allie0s moanin" had stopped. So had the
steady2 thrummin" sound o$ blood I0d "otten so used to hearin" in !allie0s presene. I $ell to my 4nees.
8amon turned to1ard me2 his $ae smeared 1ith blood. !allie0s blood. I blanhed at the si"ht. 8amon hu4led. ?Cou
1ere ri"ht2 brother. Killin"is1hat vampires do. Than4s $or the lesson.A
?I0ll 4ill you2A I said2 rushin" to1ard him one more. I 4no4ed him to the "round2 but 8amon too4 advanta"e o$ my
in9ured arm and $lipped me over2 pinnin" me to the "round ne<t to !allie.
8amon shoo4 his head. ?I don0t thin4 I 1ill die toni"ht2 than4 you. Cou0re done bein" the one to ma4e the li$e>and>death
deisions2A he hissed.
He stood up2 as i$ he 1ere "oin" to 1al4 a1ay. I ra1led over to !allie. Her eyes 1ere 1ide open and "lassy2 her $ae
pale. Her hest 1as still risin" and $allin"2 but barely.
Please live2 I thou"ht2 "a;in" into her unblin4in" eyes in a desperate attempt to ompel her. I sa1 her eyelids $lutter.
!ould it be possible that it 1as 1or4in"@
I 1ant you to live. I 1ant to love you 1hile you0re alive2 I thou"ht2 s6uee;in" blood $rom my 1ounds into her open
Then2 as drops $ell on her $ae2 I $elt an a"oni;in" pain in my abdomen. I spra1led on the "rass as 8amon 4i4ed me
over and over and over in the stomah2 a demoni loo4 in his eye.
Summonin" all my stren"th2 I suttled on the de1>damp earth a1ay $rom 8amon.
?Help me2A I alled a"ain to1ard the house.
?Help meGA 8amon mo4ed in a sin">son" voie. ?3ot 6uite the bi" man2 anymore2 are 1e2 little brother@ What
happened to ta4in" over the 1orld@ Iot too busy havin" tea parties 1ith your little $riends and $allin" in love 1ith
humans@A He shoo4 his head in dis"ust.
Somethin" inside me snapped. Someho12 I pushed mysel$ to my $eet and raed to1ard 8amon2 $an"s bared. I pushed
him to the "round2 my $an"s arvin" a lon"2 9a""ed ut alon" his 9u"ular vein. He $ell to the "round2 blood drainin" $rom
his ne42 his eyes losin".
Eor a moment2 he loo4ed li4e my brother a"ain. 3o bloodshot eyes2 no voie laed 1ith hatred. Just the broad
shoulders and dar4 hair that al1ays symboli;ed 8amon. 5nd yet he 1asn0t 8amon anymore. He 1as a monster on a
spree o$ destrution2 stoppin" at nothin" to ma4e his threat o$ ma4in" my li$e miserable ome true.
I surveyed the "round around us2 $inally "limpsin" a small tree limb2 a $e1 $eet a1ay2 $allen a$ter a storm. I ra1led over
to the branh and raised it hi"h above his hest.
?Io to hell2A I 1hispered2 $ervently meanin" eah 1ord.
But as the 1ords le$t my mouth2 8amon lun"ed up $rom the "round2 his eyes red and his $an"s bared. ?That0s no 1ay to
tal4 to $amily.A He so$$ed2 thro1in" me to the "round. ?5nd that0s no 1ay to hold a sta4e.A
He raised the branh hi"h over my hest2 a "leam in his eye.
?Here0s the death you didn0t let me have. Slo12 and pain$ul2 and I0m "oin" to en9oy every seond o$ it2A 8amon said2
a4lin" as he brou"ht the sta4e do1n 1ith all his mi"ht a"ainst my hest.
5nd then everythin" 1ent bla4.
!hapter ('
Ste$an2A a disembodied voie 1hispered.
I 1as in the labyrinth ba4 at Veritas2 the lush "reen hed"es risin" hi"her than my head2 the sun beatin" do1n upon my
shoulders. My ollar 1as ithy and onstritive7$or some reason I 1as in my Sunday best.
Erom around the bend 8amon approahed2 his blue eyes 1ide and innoent. ?Want to rae2 brother@A he hallen"ed.
:$ ourse I aepted.
Suddenly2 1e 1ere sittin" on the porh s1in"2 1ith Katherine 1ed"ed bet1een us2 mishie$ in her dar4 eyes2 as she
plu4ed petals $rom a daisy. Her le" 1as so lose I $elt it "ra;in" mine. 5s her "a;e shi$ted ba4 and $orth2 I reali;ed the
"ame she 1as playin"= The $lo1er 1ould determine 1hih one o$ us she 1ould hoose. When she reahed the $inal
petal2 her eyes lo4ed onto mine2 and I 4ne1 that I 1as the vitor. She leaned in to 4iss me2 and I losed my eyes2
antiipatin" the so$t touh o$ her lips.
But instead I $elt a sta4e plun"e into my heart. My eyes $luttered open2 and there stood my brother2 lau"hin" as he du"
the 1ood yet deeper into me2 the $lo1er petals rushed beneath my prone $orm.
My head lolled to the side2 and my eyes sna""ed on the "irl 1ho 1as bleedin" to death ne<t to me on the "rass. Her
hair 1as $ire>red2 and her s4in 1as moon>pale beneath her $re4les.
!allieGI tried to shout. But 8amon snathed up my 1ords in his $ist be$ore sin4in" a 4ni$e over and over into !allie0s
?Ste$anGA a voie alled a"ain2 louder this time. I reo"ni;ed the liltin" alto.Le<i.
?3ooo . . .A I moaned. I ouldn0t allo1 8amon to 4ill her2 too. ?Io a1ayGA
?Ste$an . . .A She ame loser still2 4neelin" do1n beside me2 holdin" a "oblet to my lips.
?3o2A I said a"ain.
She shoo4 my shoulders violently. My eyes popped open. The 1alls around me 1ere painted 1ith ra4ed red paint2
and I sa1 a "ilt>ed"ed portrait on the opposite 1all. I sat up2 touhin" my $ae 1ith my hands2 then "lanin" do1n. I
1as still 1earin" my rin". I touhed the stone. It $elt very real.
?Le<i@A I as4ed thi4ly.
?CesGA She smiled2 learly relieved. ?Cou0re a1a4e.A
I "laned do1n at my body. My arm still throbbed2 and there 1as dried blood underneath my $in"ernails. ?5m I alive@A
She nodded. ?Just barely.A
?We didn0t "et him2A Le<i said dar4ly. ?He ran o$$.A
?!allie@A I as4ed. I didn0t 1ant to hear2 but I needed to 4no1.
Le<i loo4ed do1n at her $in"ernails $or a lon" moment2 then li$ted her amber eyes to mine. ?I0m sorry2 Ste$an. We
tried . . . #ven Bu<ton tried to save her . . .A
?But she 1as too $ar "one2A I $inished $or her. My head throbbed. ?Where is she no1@A
Le<i pushed my matted hair o$$ my temple. Her $in"ers 1ere ool a"ainst my burnin" s4in. ?In the river. The 1hole ity0s
loo4in" $or her . . .A Le<i0s voie trailed o$$2 but I understood everythin" that she 1asn0t sayin".
?Be$ore you rest2 you need to drin42A Le<i murmured2 helpin" me sit up a"ain. ?It0s your $avorite2 "oat0s blood2A she said
1ith a sad smile.
I put my lips to the "oblet. The bra4ish li6uid tasted nothin" li4e s1eet2 $ull>bodied human blood2 but it 1as 1arm. 5nd
it ontained somethin" human blood never 1ould= a dull spar4 o$ redemption. The more o$ this I dran42 the less human
blood 1ould run throu"h me.
I 1asn0t naMve2 thou"h. Iuilt 1ould al1ays $lo1 throu"h my veins. I0d 4illed too many in my short time as a vampire2
destroyed too many lives. Whether or not I dran4 $rom her2 !allie0s death 1as on my hands as 1ell. I should have
turned my ba4 on her2 told her I never 1anted to see her. But I0d been 1ea4.
?Iood boy2A Le<i murmured as I $inished drin4in" $rom the up.
I didn0t $eel "ood. I $elt si4 and sared and unsure o$ 1hat to do. 8amon 1as still out in the 1orld2 some1here2 and
!allie0s blood 1as runnin" throu"h his veins. My stomah ti"htened.
?I don0t 4no1 1hat to do2A I admitted2 searhin" Le<i0s eyes $or ans1ers. But Le<i 1as silent.
?I don0t 4no1 1hat to tell you2A she said $inally. ?But I do 4no1 you0re a "ood man.A
I si"hed2 ready to point out that I 1asn0t a man at all2 I 1as a monster. But Le<i stood up and "athered the mu"s $rom
the ni"ht table.
!hapter ((
When I 1o4e up2 I ould tell $rom the li"ht streamin" throu"h the ra4 in the urtains that it 1as dayli"ht. I s1un" my
$eet onto the hard1ood $loor and "rabbed the neat pile o$ lothes $rom the shoppin" trip 1ith Le<i. It seemed li4e a
li$etime a"o.
I put on a ne1 shirt2 sli4ed my hair ba42 and put the rest o$ the lothes in a ma4eshi$t arryin" ase $ormed $rom my
tattered shirt $rom Mysti Ealls7the only item I still had $rom my old li$e.
I "laned around the room2 my eyes ta4in" in the $amiliar layers o$ dust in the orners. I 1ondered ho1 many vampires
had passed throu"h this house and 1hether Le<i 1ould $ind another youn" vampire to ta4e under her 1in". I hoped2 $or
his sa4e as 1ell as hers2 that he0d have a better time in this ity o$ sin than I had had.
Le<i 1as sittin" in the livin" room. In her hands 1as the portrait o$ her brother. 5s soon as I stepped in2 she "laned up.
?Ste$an2A she said.
?I0m sorry2A I ut in. 5nd I 1as2 $or all o$ it. Eor omin" to 3e1 :rleans. Eor disruptin" her li$e. Eor brin"in" dan"er to the
tiny spot o$ seurity the vampires had mana"ed to arve out.
?I0m not. It 1as a privile"e to have you.A Her "a;e turned serious. ?I0m sorry about !allie7and about your brother.A
?He0s not my brother anymore2A I said 6ui4ly.
Le<i set do1n the portrait on the o$$ee table. ?Perhaps not anymore. But as you said yoursel$2 he 1as $or your 1hole
human li$e. !an you remember that and $or"et the rest@A
I shru""ed. I didn0t 1ant to remember 8amon. 3ot no12 not ever.
Le<i rossed the room and put her hand on my arm. ?Ste$an2 missin" humans and your human li$e hurts. But it does "et
?When@A I as4ed2 my voie ra4in" sli"htly.
She "laned ba4 at the portrait on the table. ?I0m not sure. It happens "radually.A She paused2 then lau"hed2 the sound
so innoent and li"hthearted that I 1anted to sit do1n and stay at the house $orever. ?Let me "uess. Cou 1ant it to
happen no1.A
I smiled. ?Cou 4no1 me 1ell.A
Le<i $ro1ned. ?Cou need to learn to slo1 do1n2 Ste$an. Cou have an eternity ahead o$ you.A
5 silene $ell bet1een us2 the 1ordeternitylan"in" in my ears.
With a 9er42 I pulled Le<i into a hu"2 inhaled the om$ortin" aroma o$ our $riendship2 then sped out o$ the house 1ithout
a "lane ba4.
:ne outside2 I hastised mysel$ $or my sentimentality. I had muh to atone $or2 and $eelin" sorry $or mysel$ 1as sel$>
indul"ent. I paused at the spot on the street 1here !allie had died. There 1as no bloodstain2 nothin" to mar4 the $at
that she0d even e<isted. I 4nelt do1n2 "lanin" over my shoulder be$ore I 4issed the pavement.
Then I stood up and be"an to run2 $aster and $aster. It 1as da1n2 and the ity 1as 9ust 1a4in" up. Messen"er boys
;ipped by on delivery bi4es2 and Dnion soldiers marhed throu"h the streets2 their ri$les nestled in their arms li4e
in$ants. Vendors 1ere already settin" up on the side1al42 and the air smelled li4e su"ar and smo4e.
5nd2 o$ ourse2 li4e the tan"y sent o$ blood and iron.
I 6ui4ly reahed the train station2 1here the plat$orm 1as already bustlin". Men in mornin" oats sat on 1orn 1ooden
benhes in the 1aitin" area2 readin" ne1spapers2 1hile 1omen nervously luthed their purses. The entire station had
an air o$ $estive transiene. It 1as the per$et huntin" "round. 5nd be$ore I ould help it2 my $an"s protruded $rom my
Bo1in" my $ae into my hands2 I ounted to ten2 $i"htin" the hun"er that raed throu"h me and 1aitin" $or my teeth to
li4 ba4 into their human $orm.
The 1histle ble12 and the train roared into the station2 4i4in" up a loud o$ dust and brea4in" me out o$ my reverie.
I $ollo1ed the soldier on board2 1onderin" i$ he and his lover 1ould e<periene a happy endin". I too4 solae in
4no1in"2 at least2 that should they not2 it 1ould not be beause o$ me.
I entered the oah ompartment.
?Ti4et2 sir@A a ondutor as4ed2 holdin" out his hand.
I lo4ed eyes 1ith him2 my stomah turnin" 1ith dis"ust at havin" to rely on my Po1er.
Let me pass.?I sho1ed it to you2A I said aloud. ?Cou must have $or"otten.A
:ne I stopped drin4in" human blood2 I beame even better at hearin" a heartbeat2 4no1in" in an instant2 $rom the
speed o$ a pulse2 1hether a human 1as sad or annoyed or in love. 3ot that I 1as around humans very muh. 5$ter I le$t
3e1 :rleans2 I truly 1as a reature o$ the ni"ht2 sleepin" durin" the day and venturin" into the outside 1orld only 1hen
humans 1ere sa$e in their beds2 $ast asleep. But oasionally I0d hear a 6ui4enin" heartbeat and 4no1 that someone
1as limbin" $rom a 1indo1 or snea4in" out a door to meet a lover2 stealin" a $e1 moments o$ intimay.
That 1as the hardest sound to hear. Whenever I did hear it2 I 1as reminded o$ !allie2 o$ her $lutterin" heart and 6ui4
smile. :$ ho1 alive she 1as2 and ho1 she 1as not a$raid to be in love 1ith me despite my true nature. 3o12 1hen I
thin4 o$ our plan to esape2 I an0t help but lau"h bitterly at mysel$ $or ever thin4in" it ould have been a possibility. It
had been the same $oolish mista4e I0d made 1hen I0d $allen in love 1ith Katherine2 believin" that humans and vampires
ould love eah other2 that our di$$erenes 1ere 9ust a minor detail that ould be easily solved. But I 1ouldn0t $all into
that trap a third time. Whenever vampires and humans dared to love eah other2 death and destrution 1ere sure to
$ollo1. 5nd I had enou"h blood on my hands to last an eternity.
I 1ould never 4no1 the e<tent o$ the harm 8amon 1as ausin" in the 1orld. Sometimes I0d see a ne1spaper artile or
hear snathes o$ onversation about a mysterious death2 and my mind 1ould instantly 9ump to my brother. I0d listen $or
him2 too2 al1ays 1aitin" to hear him all ?BrotherA in his e<a""erated dra1l.
But mostly I listened to mysel$. The lon"er I subsisted on animal blood2 4illin" the odd s6uirrel or $o< in a $orest2 the
more my Po1er ebbed2 until it 1as simply a $aded thrum in the ba4"round o$ my bein". Without Po1er2 I lost the
eletri sense o$ $eelin" alive2 but the "uilt I 1ould arry $or the rest o$ my e<istene had dulled around the ed"es. It 1as
a trade>o$$2 one o$ many I0d learned to ma4e2 and one o$ many more I0d have to ma4e in the eternity that strethed in
$ront o$ me.
So I made the vo1 to al1ays 4eep movin"2 to never stay in one plae too lon" or "ro1 too lose to anyone. That is the
only 1ay I0ll do no harm. Beause Iod help us all i$ I ever $all in love 1ith another human . . .

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