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By Anonymous
It is my conviction that humanity is shifting from a conservative paradigm of hierarchy, dogma,
and competition to a liberal paradigm of equality, individuality, and cooperation. This shift began
several decades ago, and with all the escalating social upheaval, the bulk of it is being felt worldwide.
As a sociologist who has analyzed the collective psyche of humanity to the best of my ability, I will
outline a timeline of events I believe will unfold between now and the year 2037. But first, a brief
amount of background information:
Conservatives have been in control of this planet since recorded history. By conservatives, I
mean people who support political and economic hierarchy, social and religious dogma, competitive
business, war, and an each man for himself survivalist way of life. Only recently have we begun to
see a great push for liberalism, which some could argue is the exact opposite of conservatism. Liberals
are supporters of democracy, free trade, individuality, freedom of religion, and an overall cooperative
(anti-war) way of life. Although liberals are found in all generations to some degree, it is the Millenial
Generation, or Generation Y, that is the first to have a greater liberal to conservative ratio. This
generation will be instrumental in bringing down conservative world domination and the restructuring
of society thereafter.
Millenials are people born between the years 1980 and 2000. For this short book however, I will
be focusing mainly on those born from the time of the Harmonic Convergence forward. The day of
global meditation in conjunction with unique planetary alignments known as the Harmonic
Convergence I believe was the point in history in which the New Human that would emerge on this
planet and ultimately bring about the rapture was seeded. Of course, it was not a singular human, but
rather a generation of humans, for it does require a collective consciousness to change the world.
Therefore, children born 1987 forward I affectionately refer to as the New Collective Consciousness.
You can expect the New Collective to affect the rest of the world around it just as an average
human would in a regular lifespan. This is why not much changed in the world between the years of
1987 and 2012 because the New Collective was merely a child during those years. The first 25 years
after the Harmonic Convergence were the raising or preparation period in which the child was
provided all the nurturing and resources it would require to fundamentally alter reality once it reached
adulthood. So, in those years, we acquired two very important things: 1) The overpopulation, which
would ensure our ability to overwhelm and overpower world leaders, and 2) the Internet, which would
ensure greater access to truthful or non-corporately filtered information and the interconnectedness
between average people. At age 25, in the year 2012, the child began to shift from adolescence into
adulthood, well-equipped and with an anti-conservative disposition at hand, marking the beginning of a
great and exciting shift in our collective consciousness...
2012 2017
The first 5 years beyond 2012 will be the most intense. This is when the New Collective and the
Old Collective will reach an equilibrium. It will be like a tug of war between the conservative leaders
and the growing liberal population. 2015 will be the climactic year when the New Collective reaches its
prime at age 28. Expect to see public rebellion and revolutions reach passionate heights. In a nutshell, it
will be like a series of civil wars occurring all around the world all at the same time. By 2017, the New
Collective will emerge victorious and there will be new economic and political systems in place that
will be much more fair and based on true democracy. The One Percent will be effectively dismantled
by this great loss of wealth and power. There will be redistribution of money and resources so that one
percent of the population will no longer hog it all. Millenials are burdened with more debt that any
generation prior and will spotlight the financial iniquities once they set foot in society as the new
adults, ensuring global economic changes between 2015 and 2017 .
There will still be economic and political hierarchies for years to come simply because we don't
yet know how else to live. The systems introduced by conservatives have become too pervasive and
essential to day-to-day survival that it will literally take decades for them to completely fade away. The
new systems, however, will not be as abusive nor allow for such extreme contrast between rich and
poor. Equality and fairness for all is the theme of our liberal future.
During this period, a great deal of government corruption and hidden information will be
revealed. Since people will come to realize just how much power they wield, many will oppose and
expose government tyranny without fear of punishment. So much of what is currently regarded as
conspiracy will become common knowledge, from fluoride and chemtrails to underground bases and
even aliens...
By 2017, disclosure of extraterrestrials and their relations to us will precede the fall of religion.
This will not be a minor announcement capable of being easily swept under the rug. Literally, the
history books will be re-written to include this monumental revelation shortly after. I believe it will
mostly likely come after a series of UFO sightings, which are known to appear more openly in times of
great disaster and war.
Along with its historical impact and bubble-bursting shock to the human psyche, it will have
profound ramifications on religious institutions. There will still be religious people for years to come,
but the overall interest, reverence, and support that churches currently indulge and profit from will
greatly diminish. Spirituality will rise above religion and you will see public skepticism of psychic
ability, spirits, and extraterrestrial visitors be outweighed by belief... Finally!
2017 2022
At age 30, one begins to really set their foot in society as a fully active adult. In 2017, the New
Collective will outweigh the Old Collective, which will commence a trending of liberalism and entice
many conservatives to convert. The momentum behind the rise of liberalism will be unstoppable in
2017, and so you will see unity and peace begin to flourish worldwide. The Mayan calender should
have ended in 2017 because this is the year we will truly begin to feel a shift in our consciousness and
the world around us.
With the demise of the One Percent and most conservative domination worldwide, secret
government knowledge that has been suppressed for millenia will be revealed by the public to the
public. Our true planetary history involving extraterrestrial beings will be one aspect of this. However,
underground technology will be the most exciting of all and will gradually come to the surface. That
includes advanced genetic engineering, advanced holographic and anti-gravity technology, weather
manipulation, reverse-engineered flying saucers, and so much more. Some of it will be integrated into
day-to-day life by 2020 while the more high-tech material remains in experimental phases as we learn
to make it commercially accessible and safe for the average person. This will be a period of great
innovation and creativity for science and computer enthusiasts.
One of the most exciting changes you will see in this period is the rise of psychic ability. After
disclosure and the fall of religion, interest in metaphysics will sky rocket. More and more people will
want to establish contact with E.T.s, their spirit guides, higher self, etc... and they will. With humanity's
newfound interest in extraterrestrials and extradimensionals, there will be a mass collective intent to
make contact. This collective call... will be answered. So you will see psychic ability increase all over
the planet. A high percentage of people will begin to see auras, have telepathic contact with ETs and
spirits, out-of-body experiences, precognitive dreams, etc. Ascension symptoms will reach critical
For those of us who have been trying to connect with higher dimensions with little to no
success, 2017 forward will make it significantly easier as our collective consciousness raises its psychic
energy high enough for anyone on the planet to connect. Like in a meditation or channeling group
where the results are stronger due to the combined energy of the other members, the entire planet will
be akin to one giant meditation group! By 2022, psychic ability will no longer be restricted to those
who are born with it. Virtually anyone with a true desire to make contact will be able to as our
collective consciousness decides to call in outer beings and realities, as opposed to blocking and
pushing them out (as is the current situation).
Also around 2020, the planet will no longer be dominated by negative masculine energy.
Machismo (ego, aggression, dominance, and other negative qualities typically associated with men) is
loosing steam now, but there is still so much momentum behind that needs to atrophy before it is
seriously frowned upon by society. Between now and 2020, expect to see rap music and the overall
gangster lifestyle that is so propagated by our media become unpopular. Trash TV and other
current forms of entertainment that promote regressive lifestyles and stupid ways of thinking will
gradually lose attention from now until then. There will be greater interest in uplifting feel good
music and movies, as well as entertainment that expands the imagination and understanding of life.
After the fall of conservatism and religion, there will be an increase in polyamy - the practice of
having multiple romantic partners. Over 20% of the population will eventually identify as polyamorous
by the 2030s, but the noticeable rise will begin in this period. Bisexuality will increase as well, to a
lesser extent I believe, as people become more open-minded, nonjudgmental, and uninhibited.
Millenials are 3 times more likely to be GLBT than older generations. Expect generations Y and Z to
radically change the expectations we have of sexuality. Though well over 50% of the population will
remain strictly heterosexual and monogamous (at least for some time), there will be increased open-
minded approach to diverse forms of sex and relationships.
2022 2027

This period will bring about the end of war. Free from conservative domination for about 10
years now, the inertia of conservative influences will profoundly start to wear off. Expect to see
international borders come down and unions spring up. Humanity will know that survival and security
are best established through cooperation, not competition, and the only enemies to war against are
those who make an effort to manipulate or divide us. The acknowledgment of extraterrestrial visitors
will have a strong psychological effect on world unity as we start to view ourselves as us compared
to them. Our sense of separation will be more planet-based rather than nation-based.
The biggest headline of the mid 2020s will be First Contact. Around 2025, humanity will be
prepared with enough psychic awareness, spiritual maturity, and civil unity to allow for public open
contact with benevolent extraterrestrial intelligence to occur. Finally, we will have the exciting pleasure
of getting to meet face-to-face the beings that have been guiding and assisting us through our long and
transformative journey!
The advanced technology that will come in this period will not come from ETs. It will be the
underground technology revealed in the previous years that by 2027 will be largely integrated into day-
to-day life. The most notable of these technological advancements will be brain and body modification.
Surgery will all go non-invasive via computerized lasers and other forms of energy that will be able to
repair damaged DNA, rejuvenate and regenerate tissue, restructure bone and muscle structure (plastic
surgery), stimulate hormones, amplify metabolism, detoxify the body, stimulate the brain for faster
learning, and so much more. Humans will be brought to outstanding health and beauty.
Also by 2027, science and spirituality become one. Our understanding of quantum physics,
higher dimensions, and the soul will accelerate via scientific proof of spirits, parallel universes, etc.
Starting in this period, death will no longer be feared. With widespread belief and proof of the soul,
elders will volunteer themselves to be put to sleep before a ceremonial farewell to their loved ones.
Funerals will occur before and as the person dies, not days or weeks after. The desire to stay alive until
the body decays itself to death will become archaic. People will pass away painlessly with confidence
and in peace.
2027 2032
Now 40 years old, the New Collective, along with the legion of conservatives that will convert
by this time, will allow liberalism to thrive worldwide. Along with individual freedom, free trade, and
an overall communal way of life, around the year of 2027, you will see free energy spring up in pockets
around the world. That includes free electricity, free heat, free drinking water, free public
transportation, and more. Free energy will become more common and widespread as the years go by,
after which, our monetary systems will begin to fade away entirely. This will lift a great weight off the
planet. As people start getting basic needs for free without having to do slavish work or rob others to
survive, the rate of crime will drop significantly and life on Earth will literally feel much lighter.
The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine will be upon us. Part of what you will see in this
period is a switch in what is generally acceptable behavior. Sweethearts will no longer be considered
weak. Brutes will no longer be considered strong. The current belief that love is weak will be
reversed. Harmony and balance between male and female energies in their highest expressions will
bring the Golden Age into full swing. These changes are occurring now, but not until 2027 will they
reach their full glory.
2027 will be the dawn of the Golden Age for most of the world. For places like the Middle East
where conditions are so fiercely conservative and the people do not have much access to the Internet
and education, add 5 years to these time frames. So while most of us experience the Golden Age in
2027, the Middle East and other regions of the world will not fully experience it until 2032. In the year
2032, the entire world will know peace.
The preliminary stages of space travel emerge in this period as well. Though underground
technology can already support human interstellar travel on account of all the reverse-engineered flying
saucers we have, it will be new astronauts in training that will be the first public humans to venture
beyond the solar system.

2032 2037
If our collective consciousness plays a paramount role in our ascension to fourth density, then it
can very well occur during this time frame. For those of you in question, the ascension or transition
from third density to fourth density is said to be a quantum leap that the Earth, along with all its
inhabitants, will experience as a result of the planet's highly elevated frequency. We will literally
disappear or transition into a higher dimension, a layer of the universe whose frequency vibrates at a
much faster rate, making it currently imperceptible to our physical senses but said to be teeming with
life. Being the dominant species on the planet, it is imperative that we transform our collective
consciousness from one focused on fear, which lowers our frequency, to one focused on love, which
uplifts and raises our frequency, in order for us to match the vibration of the fourth density.
Based on my research, here is a list of some of the changes we will experience as fourth density
Our bodies will no longer be made of carbon-based dense matter. Instead, we will gain new
bodies made of crystalline light matter which will be quasi-physical/quasi-spirit.
We will look like ideal versions of ourselves. That means you might look similar to how you
look now or much different in terms of features, age, race, or gender.
The average lifespan will be about one thousand years.
Our chakras and DNA will be 100% active. Psychic abilities, telepathy, remote viewing, etc.
will be the norm.
Touch will have a psychometric effect. We will be able to sense the mental and emotional state
of those we touch.
We will no longer have bodily waste. Our bodies will no longer expel solid, liquid, or gaseous
waste since all the food we digest will be converted into 100% energy.
We will be much stronger, able to lift weights many times our own.
Body building/shaping results will last much longer. Muscle mass will wane a lot slower.
Brain capacity for understanding concepts and processing information will be many times
broader and faster.
Females will no longer have menstrual cycles. They will no longer bleed or experience pain
during labor. Labor will be a euphoric experience.
Male and female sexual properties (sex drive, sensitivity, orgasm, etc.) will be equal.
Our ego will diminish.
We will be more sensitive to positive emotions and be able to hold them longer.
By the end of this period, humans will no longer be confined to their planet. Earth will most
likely be gradually initiated into the galactic community of benevolent extraterrestrial societies within
the Milky Way. Life on Earth after 2037?... To the stars and beyond!!! And with our unparalleled
knowledge of duality and darkness, having emerged from a time of profoundly rattled emotion and
distorted consciousness, it is without a doubt that as we explore and interact with other worlds, we will
share our exceptional wisdom with them and become some of the greatest and most legendary teachers
of the universe!

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