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Teacher's Day Sayings

Anchor-1: Good Evening ! Ladies and Gentleman!, The galaxy of intellectuals, your Excellency, invited
guests, teachers and my dear friends how different is this evening. Dear audience, you will yourself
discover as the colours of cultural feast unfold !
ell, my first and foremost duty ! "n #ehalf of the $rinci%al, Teaching &taff and &tudents, we welcome
you all to our '(()'L D'* +)(,T-"(
Anchor-2: e fell honored to have with us ! The /onoura#le ,hief Guest /is Excellency 0r 1iren (anda,
the -ndian 'm#assador To -ndonesia, ! &ir you hardly need any introduction, you have made all of us
%roud #y your distinguished wor2 in numerous ca%acities. *ou are one of the most cele#rated foreign
services dignitary . Guests of /onour : 0r Dexter 3ennedy, the $ro!4ice ,hairman of the &chool, the
man of distinct vision and a fountainhead of illuminating ideas, an idol of 2nowledge and ex%erience and
ins%iration to all of us. 0r 4i%in 3umar, who is .......5 add yourself6
Anchor-1: (ow, we will have our traditional aus%icious L'0$!L-G/TE(-(G ceremony as a tri#ute to
0other &araswati, the Godess of 2nowledge. 50other, we %ray for your #lessings with all humility give
us wisdom to ma2e this world a #etter %lace. 0ay all human #eings live in harmony with nature and other
forms of life. 0ay the truth %revail. 0ay the dar2ness of ignorance #e swe%t away #y the dawn of self!
reali7ation.6that the #y our honoura#le ,hief Guest /is /ighness 0r 1iren (anda
&ir $lease
Anchor-2 : (ext, - would li2e to call u%on our res%ected $rinci%al, the scul%tor of human character, a
seasoned scholar and navigator of this flagshi% of 2nowledge !!!!! to %resent a #rief agenda and give the
school %resentation.
Anchor-1: ithout ta2ing much of your time, %ermit us to start the %rogramme. 88888888 do you feel
some tur#ulence around here 9
Anchor-2: *es, - do the heart #eats have gone u% and everyone is eager to sin2 into the de%th of
music, song, lights and :oy. ell, here you are. Today, we will have rain#ow of cultural %rogrammes
%re%ared under the a#le stewardshi% of our teachers.
+irst, there will #e a +'( D'(,E #y 2ids from grade ; To < 5This dance is %erformed with one or more
fans and has a =a%anese>3orean "rigin. -t involves various movements, figures and mesmeri7ing
formations which engrosses its audience to the core.6
Anchor-1: That was indeed a lovely %erformance. /ow ca%tivating ! %oetry of footste%s !! ' #lend of
cosmic tune and divine music !.
Anchor-2: (ow /"LD *")? 1?E'T/ +"? another dance %erformance ,'(DLE D'(,E which
%erha%s is one of the oldest dance forms of the world. -t hear2ens #ac2 not :ust centuries #ut aeons ago.
Dancing with flames #ring us to a more elemental and archety%ical state of mind. This mesmeri7ing,
%owerful and alluring candle dance %erformance re@uires full #ody integration.
Anchor-1: - still feel li2e lost in those melody di%%ed music notes. 5 'nchor!A6 ell, come #ac2 now. LetBs
have a change.
Anchor-2: "3, what is next 9
Anchor-1: ait, wait .donBt ste% over the cloc2 ! ,ome with me to the theatre of life . (ow 2ids of grade
A to ; will fetch us centuries #ac2 . *es, #ehold ! we now %resent a drama $-$ED $-$E? "+ /'0EL-(
which will #e %erformed #y. -t is a legend a#out the a#ductance of many children from the town of
/aemlin, Germany. -t is a high!level costume drama.
Anchor-2: Do you 2now the magic of an2le #ells 9
Anchor-1: 0agic !
*es, magic and music #oth. /ere comes a scintillating dance %erformance which is a 1'LLET. -ts a
formali7ed ty%e of dance %erformance which is highly technical with its own voca#ulary.
Anchor-2: ?eally 9
Anchor-1: *es, ' #lend of meticulous $ointe wor2, flowing and %recise, weightless acro#atic
Anchor-2: ow ! incredi#le. The young dancers really held everyone ca%tive. 'n essay on creativity.
+irewor2 of ra%id moving ste%s. 'wesome !
Anchor-1: DonBt you thin2 2ids are more creative than the grown u%s.
Anchor-2: /ow do you mean 9
Anchor-1: - mean the 2ids are more talented.
Anchor-2: ,an you wait a moment.
Anchor-1: hat is u%9
Anchor-2: &ur%rise. &us%ense. 'ction. Emotion.
Anchor-1: ,ome on, what is this %u77le 9
Anchor-2: (ow our seniors are going g to unleash a #reathta2ing stage %erformance a one!act %lay
+?-E(D&/-$ +"?E4E?.
Anchor-1: /ere you are....
Anchor-2: (ow it is time we ac2nowledged the talent of our #rimming #uddies! %ri7e distri#ution
ceremony and annual day re%ort, - re@uest $rinci%le &ir to announce the names of the winners and our
honB#le ,hief Guest 0r. 1iren (anda to give away the %ri7es.
Anchor-1: (ow - would li2e to call u%on 0r Dexter 3ennedy to %resent the 4ote of Than2s

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