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APW Chapter 19 Take Home Quiz: Due Date: February 18 (Tuesday) 2014 :
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Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. What happened in 1453, when the Ottoman armies attacked Constantinople?

____ 2. Who was the sultan who presided over a "golden age" and the greatest Ottoman assault on Christian Europe?

____ 3. Which Italian city-state became a commercial rival and military foe of the Ottoman Empire?

____ 4. What was the new fourteenth-century Ottoman military resource Christian prisoners of war called?

____ 5. What was a significant weakness of the Ottoman Empire against the Portuguese ?

____ 6. What does the devshirme system involve?

____ 7. Which European city did the Ottomans try, and fail, to conquer in 1529 and 1683?

____ 8. What was the hybrid language spoken at court and by the "military" class called?

____ 9. Who were the askeri class in the Ottoman Empire ?

____ 10. Following a familiar principle in empires, how did the Ottomans appeal to the military?

____ 11. How did the sultan, in governing his "flock" or raya, see himself?

____ 12. According to the fatwas of Ebu's-Su'ud', what substance was considered reprehensible and illicit by the

____ 13. What was the chief source of Ottoman inflation in the sixteenth century?

____ 14. What was the area devastated by revolts in the Ottoman Empire between 1590-1619?

____ 15. What is tax farming?

____ 16. What caused the Janissaries to become a hereditary institution?

____ 17. What were "Capitulations" that were beneficial to Europeans?

____ 18. What new product traded from the Arabian port of Mocha became the rage in the fifteenth century?

____ 19. The rising status of Janissaries in the Ottoman Empire led to a refinement of their role in society. Identify at
least four status changes.

____ 20. How did the Patrona Halil rebellion show "decay at the center" yet spell "benefit elsewhere"?

____ 21. As ____ grew into a cosmopolitan trade port, it became symbolic of the Ottoman Empire's weakness in
administrative control.

____ 22. Describe the "tulip period" in the Ottoman Empire.

____ 23. By the mid-17
century, Iran was producing which staple crop instead of importing it from Mughal India?

____ 24. Who was the Ottomans' chief rival in Iran?

____ 25. What was the major difference between the Ottoman and Iranian states?


____ 26. Out of the struggle for power in Iran emerged a chief of Kurdish, Iranian, and Greek ancestry named

____ 27. In Iran, what was the mandated conversion to Shi'ism?

____ 28. Who wrote and read both Arabic and Pesian?

____ 29. How did the history of the "Hidden Imam" set a tradition in Iran for the ulama?

____ 30. How is the martyrdom of Imam Husayn remembered in the Shi'ite community?

____ 31. What is a significant fact about the capital cities of both the Ottomans and Safavids?

____ 32. ______________ allowed women to keep property after marriage.

____ 33. Although European accounts discussed the custom of women wearing veils, what else did these accounts also

____ 34. How was homosexuality viewed in the Muslim world?

____ 35. Identify at least four ways a woman seen in public in the Muslim world would most likely have been?

____ 36. Identify at least four terms that would describe Isfahan?

____ 37. Iran became most closely associated with the manufacture of what?

____ 38. Identify at least four factors that led to the decline of Safavid rule?

____ 39. Describe how the the Mughal Empire is distinguished from the Ottomans and Safavids .

____ 40. Who was the founder of the Mughal Empire?

____ 41. What is Mughal is Persian for?

____ 42. What surprising military similarity did the Mughals have with the Safavids?

____ 43. Why was the Mughal Empire prosperous in the sixteenth century?

____ 44. How were Mansabs were a similar feature to the Ottoman empire?

____ 45. Identify at least four of Akbar's policy of religious reconciliation between Muslims and Hindus?

____ 46. Identify Akbar's cultural accomplishments that did not survive him.

____ 47. Nadir Shah's sack of Delhi is symbolized by what act?

____ 48. Identify at least four reasons for the decline of the Mughals under Aurangzeb?

____ 49. With the fragmentation of Mughal political order, who became president of an independent European
stronghold on India's east coast?

____ 50. Why did the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires decline simultaneously?

____ 51. Why did extensive Islamic expansion into East Africa and Southeast Asia occur?

____ 52. Where did Islam effectively counter the aggressive Christianity of Europeans?

____ 53. What caused the extensive migration in the East African lake region and Kenyan highlands?

____ 54. What was most significant stimuli for European expansion into Southeast Asia in the seventeenth century?


____ 55. What European country conquered the East African port cities?

____ 56. The Dutch fought a series of wars against Acheh and other local kingdoms from their capital city of


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