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Government should not interfere with Americans constitutional rights to

own guns. Con position.

Paris Nelson
Primary: Today around 80million Americans
own a gun of some kind with many more owning more than one. In the U.S there are more than
223 million registered guns, there are also countless more unregistered. Among gun owning
parent said that their child has never handled a gun only 22% of the children said they hadnt.
Some studies show that homeowners with a gun are 18 times more likely to be involved in the
death of a family member than an intruder.
gun-violence/5325771- In the second amendment they say individuals can have guns against
goverement tyranny, but no person would try to go against a trillion dollar army.

Gabby Barge
the right to own guns (2nd amendment) should not be extended to private individuals
people are protesting against the government to keep their guns
most defensive topic in politics
all people are fighting with the government for the right to own guns (2nd amendment)
73% of americans believe in the right to own guns. that leaves the government with less
than half of the population agreeing with them to take away guns.
Obama uses mental health to take away guns
After the Sandy Hook shootings in Newtown, Connecticut and Obama and his
administration were on board with with getting use and possession under control
they began pressing for background checks for loopholes o keep guns out of dangerous
too many Americans have been severely injured or lost their lives as a result of gun
violence -Obama
Gun confiscation has already begun in New York
anyone who hears the government is coming to take your guns is paranoid

Matt Stock
I think that it is essential to teach children how to use guns, given the environment we
live in. It is like teaching a child not to touch a hot stove or to be safe around any other
potentially dangerous environment.
Since so many firearms exist in the US, it is important for children to understand how to
handle them, the power they have and how dangerous or useful they can be depending
on the operator.
In the UK, there are many hoops to jump through when applying for ownership of a gun such as
paperwork and background checks. Each type of gun has a completely seperate license. The
UK has the least amount of gun deaths in the world.


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