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Listening is the ability to identify and understand what other are saying.

This involves
understanding speaker's accent or pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary and grasping
his meaning.
Khanchali (2!"#2$ %tated that listening is one of the fundamental languange skills. &t is
medium through which children, young people and adults gain a large portion of their
education'their information, their understanding and the world and of human affairs, their
ideals, sense of values, and their appreciation. &n this day of mass communication (much
of it oral$ it is of vital importance that our pupils be taught to listen effectively and
critica(y, he says.
Listening comprehension
)rown (2#"2*+$ stated that listening comprehension is the psychomotor process of
receiving sound waves through that ear and transmitting nerve impulses to the bran. Then
,obbs stated that lis tening was knowledge of understanding spoken words. Then also
stated that listening was the oldest language skill because the people begun to be e-posed
to spoken language in formal an informal language (#+.."#.2, #*2$ Then, /andergrift
(2#"#$ stated that listening is a tool for understanding and a key factor in falilitating
languange learning and it has emerged as an importand comport in the process 0f secon
language ac1uisition.
%tory telling
2ccording to 34han (20"2$ 5%tory telling is a means of e-pressing e-periences,
emotions and ideas in different forms of transfer and dating back to ancient times5
6oreover, 2nne 7ellowski (#+.0"#!$ stated that story telling is the art of craft of
narration of stories in verse8and or prose, as performed or led by one person before a live
audience9the stories narrated may be spoken, chanted, or sung, with or without musical,
pictorial, and8or other accompaniment and may be learned from oral, printed, or
mechanically recorded sources9one of its purposes may be that of entertainment.
Then matthew (2!" ##$ stated that 5storytelling is the oral presentation of a story from
memory by an individual to a person or group. &n this case, storytelling spesifically refers
to the presentation of a story without the presence of a picture book. 6ovements, sound
effects, and the use of props often a:company the oral elememts of the story
2ccording to ,armer (#++;"+;$ Listening is a skill and any help we can give the students
in performing that skill will help them to be a better listener. 6oreover, <unan (#++!"#;$
%tated that listening was knowledge, which not directy encofd in words.
Then vanfrgrift (2#"#$ stated that listening is a tool for understanding and a key factor
in falilitating language learning and it has emerged as an important comport in the
process of sec= language ac1uisition. 3ther e-pert such ,obbs (#+.."#*2$ also stated that
listening was the oldest language skill because people begun to be e-posed to spoken
language in formal and informal sitution.
Listening is the language skill that has a role as a primary medium for teaching of other
language skill. &t means that the skill of .eaking, reading an writing is taught and
transferred to the student throuh the comprehension of listening of each student.
Listening comprehension is the ability to identify and unfrstand what others are saying.
This involves understanding speaker's accent or pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary
and grasping his meaning.
2ccording to Khanchali (2!"#2$ 5listening comprehension is the analy4ing,
concentrating, understanding, registering converting meaning to the mind, engaging in
further mental actitvity, repsponding, reacting, interpreting relating to past e-perience and
further e-pectancies, assimiliating, acting upon, selecting, receiving, apprehending,
hearing, remembering, identifying recogni4ing, comprehending, sensing evaluating,
emphasi4ing and organi4in5 6oreover, 2nderson and Lynch (#++!"#2$ stated that
listening comprehensi= is the process of receiving, attending and assigning meaning (o
aural stimuli.
Then, )rown (2#"2*+$ stated that listening comprehension is a psychomotor process of
receiving sound waves thoui the ear an transmitting nerve impulses to the brain.

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