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Nov a Diffusio n
Praise fo r Sensual Meditation
My bo dy was the bud o f a marv ello us ower which the
shado ws o f civ ilisatio n and religio n prev ented fro m growing.
Sensual Meditatio n was the ray o f sunshine which made the
bud blo sso m and o pened it to the harmo ny o f innite space
and time.
Pierre Gary, Paris
I used to smo ke hashish and take amphetamines to give
me the illusio n o f feeling and being go o d but if yo u o nly
knew ho w tho se drugs seem ridiculo us no w! I also sto pped
all that because it is co mpletely unnecessary now that I
have disco vered Sensual Meditatio n.
Laurence, Av igno n
It is with immense joy that I wish to thank yo u Ral, fo r
the unfo rgettable mo ments which we lived with yo u at the
Awakening o f the Mind and Bo dy co urse since then I
feel as if I am a new man. I am starting my life afresh at 67
years o f age.
A lexandre-Denis, St Ubald, C anada
When I discov ered Sensual Meditatio n at 24 years o f age I
had my rst o rgasm. How wo nderful this revelatio n was fo r
me! I might add that I used to suffer regularly fro m bo uts
o f depressio n and anxiety which no medicatio n was ever
able to cure. They have no w to tally disappeared. I wo uld
just like to express o ne wish and that is fo r ev ery wo man
to discov er this.
N.C ., Quebec
The pro gramme o f six guided Sensual
Meditatio ns o utlined in C hapter 6 o f this bo o k is
available as a set o n C D and audio -tapes fro m the
Mov ement o f yo ur co untry o f fro m www.rael.o rg.
A ll co ntain specially
co mpo sed backgro und music.
The mo st impo rtant is Meditatio n 1:
Harmo nisatio n with Innity . This can be
o btained separately and co ntains alter native
versio ns with and witho ut a guiding v o ice.
The meditatio ns hav e been newly reco rded by
Dr Marcus Wenner.
Fo r full details see page 135
Awakening the Mind by
Awakening the Body
Nov a Diffusio n
A wakening the Mind by A wakening the Bo dy
2002 The Ralian Fo undatio n
The right o f Ral to be identied as the autho r o f this wo rk has been
asserted b y him in acco rdance with the C o pyright, Designs and Patents
A ct 1988.
A ll rights reser ved. No part o f this publicatio n may be repro duced, sto red
in a retriev al system o r transmitted in any fo rm o r by any means,
electro nic, mechanical, reco rding o r o therwise, witho ut the prio r written
permissio n o f the autho r and co pyright ho lder.
No v a Diffusio n
www.rael.o rg
Fo rewo rd 12
Preface 19
Intro ductio n 21
The Human Being a Bio lo gical C o mputer 38
Sexual Differentiatio n 55
Lov e o r Selshness 60
How Habits A tro phy Us 66
Seizing the Mo ment 69
Masturbatio n 72
C reating a Vo id 76
Meditatio n 1: Harmo nisatio n with Innity 88
Meditatio n 2: Beco ming A ware o f Our Life 96
Meditatio n 3: Bo dy A wareness 98
Meditatio n 4: Meditatio n with Symbo l o f I nnity 100
Meditatio n 5: A no ther Univ erse Our Partner 104
Meditatio n 6: Ero ticism and Mutual Ex citement 107
The Functio n o f the Guide 115
Biblio graphy 129
A dditio nal Info rmatio n 130
References 131
Seminars and co ntacts 135
Others bo o ks 140
A wakening the Mind by Awakening the Bo dy
BY MIC HA EL DEYDIER Psycho lo gist
If o nly 30 years ago so meo ne had said that co mputers wo uld
revo lutio nise o ur wo rld, no bo dy wo uld hav e believ ed him.
In techno lo gy, as in medicine and philo so phy, we have
pro gressed far bey o nd the po st war co ncepts. The human
mind is dev elo ping, and so it sho uld since it is now
perceiv ing its env iro nment better and better. It creates and
co ntro ls its pro perty, it disco vers new energy so urces and it
experiments with new techniques in all elds.
The general publics reaso ning has impro ved thro ugh its
o wn changing culture as manifested by the co nceptio n o f a
mo re intellectual, a mo re so phisticated and a freer life.
But even mo re extrao rdinary is the evo lutio n o f o ur
understanding o f matter. Thanks to the effo rts o f o ur
researchers, matter is beco ming animate, it is getting clo ser
to Man, it is spiritualising itself.
Prev io usly, matter was co nsidered to be the o ppo site o f the
mind. To day, thanks to the no table pro gress made in neuro -
surgery and psycho metric research, the activ ity o f the brain
is b eco ming mo r e familiar and is lo sing i ts myst ical
We now have info rmatio n o n brain functio ning which
puts o ld psychiatrical and psycho -analytical teachings right
o ut o f date.
This research nev er ceases to expand and, admittedly, it
do es wo rry the po pulatio n; mainly because lay peo ple make
the mistake o f speculating with o nly limited info rmatio n,
instead o f trusting the plagiarised creativ e thinkers, that is to
say, the researchers, beyo nd their hesitatio ns and legitimate
erro rs. Fo r the rst time in the histo ry o f o ur civ ilisatio n,
science and spirituality are walking o n the same path. They
bo th have many po ints in co mmo n which leav e mind and
matter, mental and cerebral, inseparable.
We no w k no w, fo r ex ample, which b rain ar eas are
respo nsible fo r which behav io ur patterns and that the brain
makes its own natural o piates (the endo rphines) which are
released in particular circumstances, resulting in specic
emo tio ns. No w that we kno w their inhibito ry and excitato ry
pro perties, we can begin to understand the functio ning o f the
brain by o bserv ing ho w they affect behav io ur.
The bio chemical activ ity o f the human brain seems to be so
auto matic and auto no mo us that we are increasingly tempted
to co nsider it as a so cial o rganism within itself, capable o f
co nstant self-adjustment and auto -equilibratio n. Thus when
so mething go es wro ng with this balanced system, the o nly
real so lutio n is to enhance the quality o f psycho so matic
integratio n, that is to say, to impro ve the co nnectio n between
mind and matter.
Spiritual awakening co rrespo nds to a state o f permanent
availability existing between each neuro -bio lo gical functio n
which makes up the energetic pathways o f the brain, that is
to say, when all parts o f the brain are co mmunicating.
The human being who has reached an o ptimum lev el o f
awakening can at all times mo bilise and use the v ario us levels
o f pro cessing to analyse senso ry info rmatio n while the
o rdinary perso n canno t functio n in this psycho lo gical state.
Permanent ment al analy si s p recisely d etermines t he
quality o f interco nnectio n and co mmunicatio n between the
regulatio n o f the mind and the info rmatio n receiv ed, ie,
stemming fro m the perceptio n o f bo th the internal and
external env iro nment.
I n t e l l i g e n c e depends o n th e level o f regulation and
integratio n it is dened by the genetic co de and canno t be
develo ped bey o nd its ceiling level. Howev er, it is no rmally
no t explo ited as much as it co uld be. To o perate, it requires
high quality input, particularly the perceptio n o f o nes
internal and external wo rld.
Sensuality is the capacity to perceiv e this env iro nment.
Senso ry info rmatio n is picked up thro ugh the ve senses:
v isio n, hearing, smell, to uch, taste, alo ng with the extra sense
o f telepathic perceptio n.
The recepto rs o f these senses generate pleasure and pass
these images o n to the central co mputer o f the brain.
Sensuality is the mo st impo rtant lev el o f pro cessing since it
p ro v ides th e b asic mat eri al, fai thfully re p ro ducing th e
info rmatio n in bo th quality and quantity.
In o rder to create favo urable co nditio ns fo r a go o d mental
functio ning, a large number o f metho do lo gies and therapies
h a ve spr ung up such as psych o-analysis, tech niques o f
relaxatio n, gro up sessio ns, alpha rhythms etc.
Howev er, until now, no technique o r metho d has existed
which is aimed at awakening the mind by awakening the
bo dy, and thus using pure sensual energy to co nnect and
bring cerebral co nscio usness to a cellular lev el. A nd yet this is
the keysto ne itself.
It is lo gically inco nceiv able to impro ve o ur permanent
mental analy sis wit ho ut first impro v ing o ur sensualit y
because it is this senso ry info rmatio n itself, co ming fro m the
external and internal env iro nment which is the basis o f ev ery
mental o peratio n, apart fro m abstract tho ught. Ever y liv ing
thing po ssesses a senso ry system, including plants, animals
and humans; fo r witho ut this, life itself co uld no t be.
A ffectiv ity is the co mplex which co ntro ls the who le o f the
p e r s o ns emo ti o nal l ife. Se n s o r y messa ges esp ecial ly
impregnate it and so me are memo rised.
Mo st o f t h e t im e, affectiv it y act s as a suppo rt fo r
intellectual activ ity. A s it is deeply ro o ted in o ur unco nscio us,
howev er, the faculty o f reaso n exerts o nly a weak inuence o n
unco nscio us elements and so it is in o ur interest to resto re
o ur mental and emo tio nal o rder which we so desperately
need, thro ugh means o f o ur sensuality.
Ev ery o rgan and ev ery gland o f the human bo dy is made up
o f cells, including the brain, the heart and the liver fo r
example, and it is just as impo rtant fo r all o f these o rgans to
be, and to remain co nnected to the brain, so as to perceiv e
the internal and external energetic v ariatio ns. The who le o f
o ur general physio lo gy is co nditio ned by awareness o f its
po sitio n in space as related to its surro undings a sto mach
which no lo nger kno ws its identity will fo rget part o f its
functio n and will make mistakes which will no t necessarily
be repaired o r eliminated by the liv er o r the pancreas. It has
been pro ven that mo st peo ple who canno t swim wo uld
ov erco me their fear if they became aware o f their bo dy
schema. The same applies to partial ano rexics. The uses fo r
physical awareness are unlimited and also co ncern everyo ne
in perfect health who wishes to explo it his o r her full
po tential.
The pheno meno n o f awakening pro duces a feeling o f
eupho ria because the sensatio n o f awareness inv ades us o n a
muscular lev el, reaches all o f the v ital o rgans, the respirato ry
and circulato ry system, right even to the cellular lev el. It is a
physio lo gical state.
Sensua l a wak ening giv es rise t o ph y sical awak ening .
Sensuality alo ng with sexuality, is part o f the pleasure
generating system and because o f that, has been repressed fo r
a lo ng time, especially in o ur western culture.
A nd yet pleasure is such a natural and po sitiv e reactio n.
Human nature is built upo n this system. In fact, the who le
o f bio lo gy seems to be based o n this principle o f pleasure.
No t o ne actio n exists, bo th co nscio us o r o ther wise, which is
do ne in o rder to av o id it. But since o ur mo rality exerts such
a high lev el o f repressio n, bo th unjustied and unjustiable,
we o ften fo llow ro undabo ut and o ften unhealthy ways to
achiev e it. It is no t by chance that a perso ns basic needs are
directly asso ciated with pleasure when satiated. The feeling o f
pleasure is no t o nly nice, but it is also indispensable since it
regulates mo st o f o ur bo dies metabo lic reactio ns, including
tho se o f o ur brain, and allows o ne to co ntro l o nes own
develo pment an awakened perso n knows ho w to enjoy his
Unfo rtunately, we canno t trigger the pro cess o f sensual and
mental expansio n at random o r by improv ising. Our sensuality
has been atro phied by o ur affectiv e inhibitio ns.
We need to relax to regulate o ur stress lev el and to satisfy
o ur senses with co lo urs, avo urs and music... that to o , is part
o f Mans essential needs.
Our bo dy needs to take its bearings o f the space and time
which it is in, and o f the space and time o f which it is
co mpo sed.
When we lo cate o ur bo dy in space, we link it to o ur brain
v ia awareness o f o ur env iro nment, which includes peo ple.
When we situate o ur bo dy, o rgans, limbs and glands, we also
link them to the brain.
When we lo cate o ur cells mentally, we link them bo th to
o ur brain and to each o ther v ia the brain, since thro ugh it,
each o rgan can beco me aware o f its po sitio n and therefo re its
ro le within the bo dy.
We need to feel that we are THIS, that we are HERE, and
fo r this we must learn quite simply ho w to feel o neself, in
o ther wo rds, to identify o urselv es, but no t with an accepted
name o r so cially accepted title, but purely with perso nal
sensatio ns. Sensual Meditatio n allows this and much mo re.
Tho ugh access to it requires an initiatio n, o r rather, a so rt o f
reco nnectio n with o ur bo dily and sensual schemata, its
practice remains an intimate o peratio n. This do es no t mean
that o ne must be alo ne to meditate. In fact, the presence o f
peo ple who m we love is always po sitiv e, but it is still true that
fro m initiatio n to o nes o rgasm , Sensual Meditatio n remains
a highly perso nal experience in the sense that the sensatio ns
d e v el o p in a co mplet ely autarch ic and self-suffi cient
atmo sphere.
When meditating, it is as if the pro cess o f self-identicatio n
o ccurs auto matically and it is precisely this self identicatio n
which carries us towards kno wing o urselves.
The state o f awakening is a state o f mind in which
creativ ity o urishes and what is mo re, it v astly improv es the
quality o r o ur inter-human relatio nships. Meditating is no t a
co mplicated o peratio n, o ne must rst learn to enco urage
tho se sensatio ns which eventually lead to the expansio n o f
co nscio usness. A s eupho ria begins to penetrate into the bo dy
tissues, so do es the pro liferatio n o f the muscular and nerve
co nnectio ns.
Th en d ur ing ev e ry d a y life b et ween med it ati o ns, a
psycho lo gical and physical well-being instills itself which
adds a new dimensio n to life.
Sensual Meditatio ns depth o f understanding as taught by
Ral, answers all o f mo dern psycho lo gys deciencies because
it allows the awakening o f the mind, the awakening o f the
bo dy, and the fullment o f sensuality.
It regulates o ur affectiv ity by reducing any frustratio ns
while preserv ing o ur emo tio nal life.
It giv es rise to a pheno meno n o f natural re-equilibratio n o f
o ur metabo lic system witho ut any external interv entio n o f
medical drugs.
It is accessible to ever yo ne.
It po ssesses, in my o pinio n, highly v aluable curative and
prev entative qualities.
BY DR. PA UL A UGER Psychiatrist
Sensual Meditatio n as taught b y Ral is useful fo r all types o f
peo ple, particularly fo r the peo ple o f to day.
Basically, it aims at awakening the mind by awakening the
bo dy. It is mo re than just a technique o f relaxatio n, even
tho ugh it uses, as do mo st o thers, an heightened oxygenatio n
o f t he blo o d . The backgro und music is appro p r i a t e l y
suggestiv e and gently induces tranquillity and peace.
Sensual Med it atio n also has t he add ed adv ant age o f
rendering co nscio us : o f bringing the v ital and functio nal
presence o f the v ario us tissues and specic cells co mpo sing
them, to the cerebral co rtex, in a relativ ely sho rt time.
It seeks the admiring and marvelling awareness o f the
innitely small, down to the bio chemical lev el, and its
positio n re l a t i v e to and harmo nious with th e bo d y as a who le.
By inv iting, o r rather by inciting, the nerv es and their
neuro -transmitters to transmit adequately their o rganic
messages to the cerebral co rtex, it is able to increase self
esteem, and catalyse sensual enjoyment. This is directly
co mplimentary with science and the two to gether can create,
interactively, a planetary awareness. In my o pinio n, it is in
this way that Sensual Meditatio n can awaken Mankinds
search fo r enjo yment and can prevent adrenalin and o ther
such toxic deriv ativ es fro m reaching the brain. The human
brain is a co mplex gland, bo th perfected and perfectio ning,
fullling the enjoyment o f the senses thro ugh perceptio n o f
the innitely large.
The spiral o pens the way to the fo urth dimensio n o f time
and perhaps its co ntractio n is speed.
In a nutshell, Sensual Meditatio n, thro ugh a bio chemical
pro cess lasting o nly a few minutes at a time, allows Man to
see o ther humans as his bro thers, and to taste and feel part o f
the universal harmo ny which is bo th created and creato r.
Ral is the yo ung jo urnalist who yo u have seen numero us
times o n telev isio n, relating bo th his co ntacts with extra-
terrestrials, and his jo urney to their planet in o ne o f their
machines, what Man calls ying saucers .
These peo ple fro m the o ther planet, o r rather, the Elo him,
as they are called, entrusted Ral with a series o f extra-
o rdinary messages which hav e been published in French as
three bo o ks entitled Le Liv re Qui Dit La Vrit, Les Extra-
Terrestres M o nt Emmen Sur Leur Planete and A ccueillir Les
Extraterrestres, Ils Ont C r L humanit en Labo rato ire. These
have been published as two bo o ks entitled; The Message
Giv en By Extra-Terrestrials and Let s Welco me the Extra-
Terrestrials .
A mo ng o ther things, the messages explain ho w these peo ple
had landed o n Earth, and thro ugh pro gressiv e experiments in
genetic engineering, had created all life o n Earth including
Man in their image . They also relate how all the religio us
texts o f the majo r religio ns o f this wo rld, including The Bible,
in fact describe this scientic creatio n. In the Old Testament ,
o ne repeatedly nds the wo rd Elo him , fo r example in
Genesis in the beginning, the spirit o f Elo him ew o ver the
waters , o r The rst day, Elo him did this , The seco nd day,
Elo him did that , etc. By co mparing the different v ersio ns o f
The Bible yo u can see fo r yo urself that what was o riginally the
ancient Hebrew wo rd Elo him , meaning literally: Tho se
who came fro m the sky, has no w been translated into the
wo rd Go d . That is to say, what was o riginally a plural, has
no w been changed to a singular. Howev er, so me mo re ho nest
translato rs who knew full well that Elo him meant Tho se
who came fro m the sky , kept the wo rd as a plural instead o f
falsely translating it as Go d , which is why o ne can still nd
this plural wo rd Elo him in so me v ersio ns o f The Bible, such
as tho se translated by Edo uard Dho rme.
Under this new light, it is easier to understand where it is
written: A nd Elo him created Man in their image , especially
now that o ur scientists are beginning to synthesise DNA and
will so o n create o ther men in o ur image . It beco mes ev en
mo re o bv io us when we co nsider ho w the explo its o f ying
so mething which is heav ier than air dates back o nly to the
beginning o f this century, and fo r o ur primitiv e ancesto rs,
anything co ming fro m the sky just had to be div ine. There
are still to this day peo ple o n a Pacic island ado ring empty
C o ca C o la cans and chewing-gum packets, waiting fo r the
return o f the white sky go ds and their metal birds . The
A mericans had in fact used the island as an air-base when
ghting against Japan, but since the end o f the war when
they packed up and went, the C argo Cult started, with the
nativ es desperately awaiting anything made in the USA to
dro p fro m the sky.
But the bo o ks co ntaining the messages fro m tho se peo ple
who had created the rst humans in a labo rato ry no t o nly
co nstitute a fantastic demysti catio n o f all religio ns, but also
bring an equally fabulo us set o f techniques fo r human
fullment, called Sensual Meditatio n. The tho usands o f
peo ple asso ciating with Ral, and helping him to spread and
publicise these pro digio us messages, were able to experience
fo r themselv es the marv ello us results o f these meditatio n
techniques, fo llowing the co urses o f awakening o rganised
during A ugust at v ario us camp-sites aro und the wo rld, and
they no w wish to make this available to ever yo ne, by setting
up permanent centres o f pleasure, awakening and fullment.
Furthermo re, there were many who wished to benet fro m
this teaching, o r at least its basis, in their own time and in
their own ho me, in o rder to re-harmo nise themselves after a
stressful day, o r ev en to pro gress further in their own
develo pment and ful lment. It was in this co ntext that the
present wo rk and the basic pro gramme o f meditatio n C Ds
and audio cassettes was bo rn.
Happy is the o ne who has pierced the mystery o f things
The symbo l (see left, belo w) which ado rned the cover o f the
o riginal editio n o f this bo o k might hav e sho cked yo u. Rest
assured, it had no thing to do with the criminal against
humanity who sto le the central part, the swastika, and made
it the emblem o f o ne o f the wo rst geno cides in the histo ry o f
o ur planet.
In fact the who le symbo l represents innity in time and
space. The triangle po inting down represents the innitely
small and the triangle po inting upw a rds, the innitely large
o bv io usly, they are bo th linked. A s fo r the swastika in the
centre, it represents innity in time which, quite o b v io usly, is
applicable to bo th the innitely small and large.*
* Since the publicatio n o f the rst editio n o f Sensual Meditatio n, the o riginal Ralian symbo l has
been rev ised (as abo ve, right) in Western co untries o ut o f respect fo r v ictims o f the Ho lo caust.
Thanks to their 25,000 year scientic advance o n us, the
Elo him hav e been able to prov e that the particles o f the
ato ms which make us up are univ erses in which o ne can nd
planets, o n which live intelligent peo ple just like us, and who
t h e m s e l v es are compo sed of at oms wh o se par t icles are
univ erses, etc.
Fro m there, they were able to pro ve that the stars o f o ur
univ erse are what make up a particle o f a huge ato m lo cated
so mewhere in an intelligent liv ing being, who is perhaps
co ntemplating its own planets sky, wo ndering if there is any
intelligent life elsewhere in its univ erse, a univ erse which is
also but a particle o f an ato m.
The Elo him, these peo ple fro m space who created us in
t heir labo r ato ry, also d iscov e red t hat t ime is inve r s e l y
pro po rtio nal to the mass o f the univ erse which it is passing
that is to say, to co ntinue the prev io us example, during what
is fo r us o ne seco nd, tho usands o f years hav e passed by fo r
the peo ple liv ing o n a planet in o ur big to e, whereas the
amo unt o f time equivalent to o ne o f o ur life-spans is but a
fractio n o f a seco nd fo r the gigantic being o f which o ur
planet is but a particle o f o ne o f its ato ms.
Obv io usly, fo r peo ple who hav e reached such a level o f
civ ilisatio n where they are capable o f creating liv ing beings in
a labo rato ry with, as the Scriptures say, a handful o f dust ,
that is to say, the chemicals co ntained in the so il o f o ur
planet, the characteristics o f their creatio ns which they decide
to design can v ary innitely. Whether it be the co lo urs o f
buttery wings o r the shape o f a owers petals, all this is easy
fo r the Elo him to pro gramme into the genetic co de o f the
species which they are designing.
What is applicable to the physical characteristics o f the
indiv idual is also applicable to their mental characteristics.
Mo st re c e n t l y, we hav e been able to mo dify animal
behav io ur in the labo rato ry by acting o n the chemical
reactio ns within the parts o f the brain which determine
behav io ur, and thus make wo lv es fearful and lambs erce.
A nd human science is o nly just beginning in this area.
If we were to create an animal in a labo rato ry, rst o f all we
wo uld giv e it its physical aspects, then we must decide upo n
its mental characteristics. The latter will o bv io usly inuence
its appearance since if we decided to create a herbivo re we
wo uld hav e to think abo ut giv ing it a dentitio n t fo r
If we wished it to live in a regio n with a ver y co ld climate
we must also think abo ut giv ing it thick fur, and if it is to live
in the snow and o ther carniv o res exist in the same regio n
which wo uld make it to o much o f an easy prey, then we must
make it such that its fur beco mes an immaculate white
during these dangero us perio ds.
A s far as repro ductio n is co ncerned, we must think abo ut
giv ing the animal the o rgans necessary fo r the gro wth o f the
o rganised cancer , o r rather, the liv ing cells which o ne day
will dev elo p in the mo thers wo mb into ano ther similar
animal a faithful repro ductio n.
We must also determine that at a certain time o f the year
o ur female animal secretes certain substances which giv e o ff
a particular smell to attract the male so that co pulatio n can
o ccur, and o bv io usly the male himself will have been giv en
o lfacto ry senso rs linked to certain centres in his brain which
trigger in him the desire fo r co pulatio n.
It is already well established that certain female mo ths emit
a smell which the male can smell sev eral kilo metres away,
which shows the quality o f its no se .
Thus we hav e just seen how we wo uld trigger the desire to
co pulate in the male and female animal that we wish to
make. Next, we must ensure that the act o f co pulatio n itself
triggers o ff pleasurable reactio ns in the brain o f bo th partners
so that with the help o f the Pav lo v ian reex, they wo uld wish
to do it again. Fo r this, their sexual o rgans must be equipped
with nerv e endings to transmit the stimulatio n to the brain
and trigger the feelings o f pleasure.
Thus the co ntact area o n the male and female sexual o rgans
must be large eno ugh fo r the pleasurable sensatio n to be
stro ng.
A nd so we see that the mental characteristics linked to the
functio ning o f o ur animal determine to a large extent its
physical characteristics.
It is impo rt ant to und er stand clearly t h at t hese
characteristics, mental, physical and tho se related to the
behav io ur o f the animal that we are planning o n co nstructing
are all pro grammed by co mpo sing the sequence o f the
genetic co de. This is exactly co mparable to the fact that the
way the letters o f the alphabet are o rdered when I write, give
either lo ng, hard-to -read phrases o r sho rt and clear o nes,
technical and hermetic, o r po etic and enthusiastic and with
the same letters o f the alphabet it is po ssible to trigger
reactio ns o f disgust, sexual desire o r salivatio n, etc. in the
Instead o f o rdering letters in a certain way, we can use
ato ms and mo lecules which, depending o n the sequence in
which they are o rdered, will result in the animal hav ing two
wings o r fo ur legs, o r be a herbivo re o r a carniv o re, v iv iparo us
o r ov iparo us etc...
This genetic phrase which ever y liv ing creature po ssesses, is
called the genetic co de in science, whereas certain eso teric
traditio ns refer to it as the name o f each animal , a name
which is its own and to which it answers .
Thus we have seen that when building a liv ing being we
can design the physical characteristics that we wish as well as
it s mental ch ar acter isti cs, i n o th er wo r ds, it s d esir e s ,
mannerisms and habits.
When the Elo him designed life o n Earth, they created an
immense variety o f animals and plants by balancing the
desires and repro ductiv e systems o f these creatures so that the
who le was capable o f repro ducing and surv iv ing fo r as lo ng
as the env iro nment remained the same as when they rst
designed it.
To use co ntempo rary fashio nable wo rds, o ne co uld say that
the gro up o f plants and animals as a who le which was created
in a labo rato ry o n Earth by the Elo him had to be eco lo gically
b alanced. Th e plant s allo w th e h erb iv o res to no ur ish
themselv es, which are themselves eaten by the carniv o res,
which, when they multiply to o much, do no t nd eno ugh
fo o d and so , being weak, die, generally o f an epidemic. With
few predato rs surv iv ing these epidemics, the herbiv o res are
then free to multiply again in large numbers, which giv es the
remaining predato rs plenty to eat, and the cycle co ntinues
indenitely. This successio n o f disequilibria which alternately
co mpensate themselves, represents an eco lo gical balance as a
who le which makes the to tality o f the creatio n v iable.
When the Elo him nally decided to create peo ple similar
to themselves in their image , as it says in The Bible, they
created humans with the identical physical appearance and
mental characteristics as themselv es. Who knows mo re abo ut
the wat ch th an th e watchmakers t hemselv es? No o ne,
o bv io usly.
Thus it is clear that all o f the humans mental characteristics
were giv en to him o n purpo se by tho se who created him, and
therefo re the best metho d o f utilising these capabilities can
co me o nly fro m the designers themselv es, as an instructio ns
fo r use manual.
While o n the subject, it is impo rtant to underline the
difference between Man and animals. A nimals auto matically
develo p and full themselv es in their env iro nment fo r the
simple reaso n that they were designed to dev elo p and
blo sso m in their natural habitat but no t to mo dify it. Man,
o n the o ther hand, was designed to change the env iro nment.
In fact, animals were designed ready made with their tastes
and desire which they are incapable o f questio ning whereas
Man is capable o f changing all his habits o n every level.
Fo r example, as far as their habitat is co ncerned, ro bin red
breasts have always built their nests in the same way, and will
always co ntinue to do so , whereas man went fro m mud huts
to sky scrapers, go ing thro ugh intermediary stages such as
thatched ro o fs and iglo o s.
It is precisely this superio r intelligence which characterises
humans which is the ro o t cause o f the difculty they have in
fullling themselv es and blo sso ming naturally.
When a bird has slept well, eaten well and is cleaning its
feathers in the sun, it is auto matically in to tal harmo ny. It has
reached its true po tential and has no thing else to do . It is
natural fo r it to feel high and it auto matically feels go o d all
ov er because it is pro grammed never to questio n itself as far
as its behav io ur and way o f life are co ncerned. Birds, like all
animals, are specically pro grammed co mputers.
Man o n the o ther hand, nev er ceases to questio n himself
and has nev er ceased to do so ev er since he rst existed, and
that is why he is a creato r. Once he has slept well and eaten
well, he will start thinking abo ut ways o f accumulating fo o d
to see him thro ugh difcult times, and o nce that is do ne, he
will give himself to ano ther task, and then ano ther, nev er
ceasing to questio n and re-ev aluate himself at all levels. Even
if we were to imagine peo ple who had everything that they
needed to liv e with fo r their who le life in terms o f bo th
ho using and fo o d, they wo uld still launch themselves into
mo re and mo re asto unding enterprises, whether these be
artistic creatio ns do ne fo r the lov e o f art, o r the creatio n o f
enterprises designed to increase their fo rtune, o r simply so as
to have an o ccupatio n .
Be it in his habitat, fo o d, wo rk, leisure o r even sexuality,
Man always seeks change, and this is purely because Man, in
co ntrast to animals, was designed as a self-pro grammable
co mputer; that is to say capable at all times o f questio ning,
re-ev aluating and reco nsidering his habits, traditio ns and
mo rals. Even tho ugh Mans ability to re-ev aluate himself
co ntinually represents an eno rmo us superio rity ov er animals,
and tho ugh he must dev elo p this capacity to the full in o rder
to reach full awakening, it is also necessary fo r him to situate
himself regularly acco rding to his env iro nment, that is to say,
to realise where he is at relativ e to his circumstances.
Being aware o f what we are precisely at the time o f do ing
this exercise pro v ides us with mo ments o f ecstasy and allows
us to be subsequently ev en mo re efcient in o ur capacity to
use o ur auto -repro gramming abilities. This mo mentary break
in Humanitys frantic race o f co ntinual reassessment and self-
questio ning can be co mpared to when a bird settles o n its
branch, enjoying a ray o f sunshine and sings fo r no o ther
reaso n than fo r the jo y o f singing.
This is part o f the instructio ns fo r use fo r the fantastic
machines that we are, which the maker is giv ing to us now
that o ur level o f civ ilisatio n allo ws us to understand and use
Who better than the watchmaker can tell us how to make
the watch wo rk? Sensual Meditatio n, rev ealed by these peo ple
who had co me prev io usly fro m their distant planet to create
us in a labo rato ry, is the simplest and mo st efcient set o f
techniques fo r human awakening and fullment, fo r the
plain and simple reaso n that it is giv en to us by tho se who
designed us as we are.
C ertainly, many o ther techniques no w exist, mo st o f them
co ming fro m the East, which a lo ng time ago the Elo him had
revealed to certain pro phets o r initiates such as Buddha o r
o ther Tibetan mo nks, but tho se teachings had been giv en to
primitives who were still do minated by co mpletely absurd
superstitio ns and beliefs, and who , mo st o f them, badly o r
o nly partially understo o d the Elo hims teachings and had
almo st entirely disto rted them while passing them o n to their
disciples. Mo st o ften, the teachings rev ealed by the Elo him
were mixed to gether with the primitiv e beliefs o f the times,
pro ducing religio ns which co nserv ed so me excellent metho ds
o f awakening, but we re unfo rt unately dr owned by an
o ppressiv e mysticism and an atro phying ritualism.
The o riginal teachings, rediscov ered thanks to the recent
messages o f the Elo him, represent a return to the so urce,
allowing us to understand the co ncrete basis o f all these
o rient al techniques, wh ich t hemselves serv e as furt h e r
ev idence o f the way o ur creato rs, fro m the beginning, have
been co nsistently helping us to improv e the liv ing co nditio ns
o f the creatio n that they lov e as their own children
Furthermo re, it is impo rtant to add that a perso n canno t be
to tally in harmo ny if he still mentally harbo urs false and
generally guilt-inducing co ncepts, arising fro m primitive and
therefo re mystical co ncepts o f the univ erse. This is why
c e rt ain ex e r cises, themselv es ex cellent , b ut t augh t by
o rganisatio ns fro m the East, fo und their benecial effects
partially o r to tally inhibited by the mystical co ntext which in
the end almo st co mpletely invaded the o riginal teaching.
Sensual Meditatio n allows us to rediscov er the techniques o f
awak ening , fr ee fr o m th e h and i cap o f cent ur ies-o ld
theo lo gical encrustatio n.
A return to the watchmakers instructio n manual .
The path which leads to to tal awakening co mprises several
stages which can be passed o nly in a certain o rder. We canno t
climb the to p step o f a staircase witho ut hav ing rst put o ur
feet o n the rst step.
The rst st ep o f th is staircase is called th e sud d en
dawning , where it dawns upo n us, o r where we realise, how
medio cre o ur life is, how medio cre and how lacking in
precisio n o ur o bjectiv es are. We get the feeling o f hav ing
wasted o ur time during the co urse o f o ur life, o f hav ing run
after diplo mas, mo ney, the ideal partner, etc... and suddenly
we nd o urselves playing o ut a ro le in So ciety o r even in the
family, a ro le which we wo uld nev er have wished to take, if
we had had the cho ice .
Once this realisatio n o f dissatisfactio n has hit us, and it
fo llows that in yo ur case it has since o therwise yo u wo uld no t
be reading these lines, the next step is that o f info rmatio n.
When we realise that so mething seems to be wro ng with
o ur life, it is usually due to a trigger ev ent stemming fro m a
thirst fo r info rmatio n. This trigger event can be the meeting
o f so meo ne who liv es differently fro m o ur no rm, o r what we
tho ught was the best way to liv e, and yet who seems to be
happier than us. A lternatively, it co uld be the disco very o f a
bo o k o r a lm in which what we tho ught was abso lutely
unquestio nably true suddenly seems no t quite so true.
This trigger event , this benecial accident, pro duces in us
the realisatio n o f ho w po ssible it is fo r us to liv e differently,
to think in a different way fro m how we usually do and
ev en if it may at rst sight seem sho cking that certain princi-
ples d r um med into us by o ur upb ri nging are b eing
questio ned, we still wish to nd o ut mo re, ev en if it is just to
see if tho se who liv e o utside o ur no rm can really be happy
and if their smile might no t be hiding despair and anxiety.
That is when it is impo rtant really to info rm o urselv es
witho ut any preco nceiv ed ideas and abov e all, witho ut
trusting the slandero us go ssip co ming fro m peo ple who arent
stro ng eno ugh to questio n themselv es and who thus prefer to
make fun o f that which they are afraid o f understanding fo r
fear o f co nsequently being even mo re unhappy than they
usually are. Weakness, fear and unhappiness, that is what the
minds o f tho se who live tied to their traditio ns are full o f,
that is to say, full o f habits and superstitio ns co ming fro m the
primitives who preceded us and fo r who m ever ything which
was unexplained just had to be miraculo us, div ine o r...
diabo lical... A co met, a black cat, a so lar eclipse, ever ything
was a pretext o r mysterio us signal hailing and fo recasting bad
luck, since fo r them ev erything was a po rtent o f go o d o r bad.
Now that we know ho w to analyse scientically and explain
clearly everything aro und us, now that we know how to
create life in the labo rato ry, travel into o uter space, mo dify
animal behav io ur o r co lo ur, enable the blind to see thanks to
electro nic pro stheses, no w that we can understand all these
things, we can realise ho w ridiculo us all these superstitio ns
a re, and yet we are st ill b r o ugh t up, ed ucat ed and
co nditio ned by them.
That is why, ev en now that Man walks o n the mo o n, the
electio n o f a new Po pe makes all the headlines, lms abo ut
black-magic are the best sellers and the A mericans hav e
pro cessio ns to make the rain fall during times o f dro ught...
But since yo u hav e cho sen really to info rm yo urself and
witho ut a biased po int o f v iew, yo u hav e begun really to
understand by yo urself how ridiculo us this superstitio us and
un-info rmed situatio n is, which the gov ernments carefully
cultivate, since it is in their interest fo r the po pulace no t to
ask to o many questio ns...
But let us return to o ur wo rk pro gramme.
Once we hav e info rmed o urselves, and it is this stage which
we will go thro ugh in the next chapter, then a new realisatio n
will dawn upo n us as we elevate o ur level o f glo bal awareness;
a realisatio n which will allo w us to see to what extent what
we used to take fo r granted as co mpletely natural was, in fact,
o nly the result o f the way we were co nditio ned by o ur
educatio n. Then will co me the third step, pro bably the mo st
impo rtant, and to which we will certainly have to return
during vario us circumstances o f o ur life when faced with
ev ents which we had no t taken into acco unt during o ur
o rganised clearing o ut o f the refuse o f receiv ed ideas.
This third step is the o rganisatio n o f a great spring-cleaning
o f all that co ntro ls o ur behav io ur. It is a brain-washing
which we carry o ut o n o urselves to clean o ut fro m this o rgan
all the elements which have been stuffed in pell-mell and
which have caused bo th o ur mo re o bv io us inhibitio ns as well
as tho se which we are no t even aware o f o urselv es and so
which are mo re anno ying and dangero us.
Briey, it co nsists o f questio ning deeply all o f o ur actio ns
and reactio ns so as to beco me aware o f and dene tho se
which are due to o ur educato rs and tho se which stem fro m
o ur v ery own selv es, and then eliminating the fo rmer if they
are in co ntradictio n with o ur deepest tastes and aspiratio ns.
A fter hav ing emptied o urselves o f all o ur co nscio us and
unco nscio us co nditio ning, which, tho ugh we might no t
realise it, inuence all o ur tastes, likes and dislikes, we can
then reach the fo urth step where we will try to repro gram
o urselves acco rding to o ur o wn wishes, and this time no t
hav ing to listen to , and owing no thing to o ur educato rs,
parents, o r ev en the interference o f o ur env iro nment. We will
repro gram o urselv es simply by discov ering o ur real and
strictly perso nal and indiv idual tastes, likes and dislikes.
Once we hav e eliminated the elements which caused the
tabo o s within us, this wilful and v o luntary repro gramming
can be do ne by beco ming aware o f o ur sensuality, that is to
say by the o ptimal usage o f o ur senses, thro ugh which o ur
who le being is linked to the in nite surro unding us and o f
which we are made up.
Then we will be ready to tackle the last stage which is the
o ne fro m which the innite staircase rises, leading to to tal
awakening thro ugh a glo bal awareness o f space and time,
resulting in a higher lev el o f co nscio usness and allowing tho se
who reach it to liv e in a permanent state o f to tal harmo ny.
But... let us start at the beginning and be careful no t to
stumble o n the rst step!
The educatio n that we have receiv ed has co nditio ned us
witho ut us being aware o f it, and has made o f us peo ple
pulled between two tendencies hypo critically co nfused by
o ur educato rs the belief in Go d with Man being the fruit
o f a supernatural creatio n o n the o ne hand, and o n the o ther,
the scientic do gma stating that we are the fr uit o f a slow
evo lutio n due to an unimaginable successio n o f chance
mutatio ns and that o ur grandfather was a mo nkey... In fact,
there are many scientists who back ev o lutio n during the
week and then go to church o n Sunday mo rning. A nd if, as
a child, yo u had the misfo rtune and sacrilegio us audacity to
hav e had the wicked idea o f asking Why? , nine times o ut
o f ten yo u wo uld hav e been to ld to nish yo ur so up and shut
up... Why? Simply because yo ur educato rs themselv es were
to rn between a sacro sanct traditio n which they had to pass
o n to their descendants at all co sts and a so -called scientic
reaso ning which thro ugh no v irtue o f its o wn, is now
co nsidered to be irrefutable by the higher autho rities who
decide to impo se such do gmas.*
* It is impo rtant to no te that so me scientists are beginning to do ubt the theo ry o f ev o lu-
tio n, and that an A merican university is teaching the po ssibility that life co uld have been
created. A bo o k entitled Evo lutio n o r C reatio n shows to what extent the do gma o f evo lu-
tio n can be sho wn as illo gical and unscientic. See the biblio graphy at the end o f this bo o k.
How do yo u expect that liv ing amo ng all o f this, yo ur o wn
educato rs are no t themselves unbalanced and ill at ease with
themselv es? A nd if an educato r is no t at ease with himself, it
is inev itable that he passes o n his fears to tho se who m he is
fo rming (in th is case it would be mo re exact to say
defo rming ).
The fact o f disco vering that we are the fruit o f an intelligent
decisio n, that we were designed scienti cally by peo ple
co ming fro m ano ther planet, and that they created us in their
own image, ie, capable o f understanding where we came
fro m, why we are here, and what we can beco me the act o f
discovering all this changes the who le basis o f the pro blem.
A nd what is mo re, as was mentio ned earlier, we are lucky
eno ugh to have been giv en the instructio n manual o n how
to make us tick, by the watch makers themselv es!
But befo re talking abo ut the instructio ns, let us lo o k at
what the clo ck really is and how it wo rks.
We are no thing o ther than a co mputer, a so rt o f machine
who se perfo rmance capacities are o nly relativ ely medio cre
when co mpared to so me o bjects made by humans.
Fo r a machine to functio n, it must rst be capable o f
feeding itself with energy. When we are hungry, we sto p
wo rking and we feed o urselv es to build up o ur strength.
British researchers hav e designed a metal ro bo t which wo rks
all day as a so rt o f pickup-truck. When its batteries are at,
the machine sto ps wo rking, and equipped with it own wheels
and a camera, directs itself to a so urce o f electricity and plugs
in to recharge itself. It feeds itself just like us, and when its
batteries are suf ciently recharged, it unplugs itself and starts
to wo rk again. Thus we can see that the capacity o f feeding
o neself with energy when the need is felt, do es no t co nstitute
a superio rity o f man ov er machine. Furthermo re, wo rk is
no w being do ne o n ro bo ts fed by so lar energy, capable o f
sto ring it up fo r use during the rainy seaso n which will allow
it to wo rk witho ut hav ing to sto p to feed itself. In fact, Man
is no t capable o f feeding himself with so lar energy which is
already a rst inferio rity o f Man co mpared to machines in
the eld o f po wer so urce.
Lets now see whether sight makes us superio r. We have just
mentio ned that so me ro bo ts are equipped with cameras fo r
them to see with, so that they can move abo ut witho ut
bumping into o bstacles just as we do. These cameras are
linked to the ro bo ts co mputer which analyse the transmitted
images in exactly the same way that o ur brain do es.
Still no superio rity o f man ov er machines in sight. What is
mo re, we co uld easily equip o ur ro bo t co mputer with
multiple lensed cameras, o ne o f them being a zo o m lens
allowing it to see sev eral miles away, ano ther being a wide
angled lens allowing it to see wide areas in o ne go , ano ther
being a micro sco pe allo wing it see into the innitely small
and ano ther tted to see infrared so that it can see at night...
Such a simultaneo us and instantaneo us perfor mance is
impo ssible fo r the human being who has to use bino culars, a
co ncav e lens, a micro sco pe, o r infrared glasses to get the same
effect and which in any case, canno t all be lo o ked thro ugh at
the same time... Yet ano th er superio r ity o f machine over man.
Lets take ano ther sense, that o f hearing. Yo u all kno w that
we perceiv e o nly a small percentage o f the so unds aro und us,
but do gs can pick up ultra and infra so unds, and we can
equip a ro bo t with ultra and infra so und recepto rs. What is
mo re, it can also be designed to detect the precise directio n
fro m which the so und is co ming, as well as its distance fro m
the so und so urce. We are incapable o f such precise skills. The
same go es fo r the sense o f smell.
It is impo ssible fo r us to analyse the chemical co nstituents
o f a smell all we can do is to say it smells go o d o r it smells
bad. The ro bo t, o n the o ther hand, can be designed to
analyse instantaneo usly the chemical co nstituents o f the
surro unding smells, to calculate the distance and directio n o f
their so urce, and ev en to say whether they are dangero us to
man, even if Man canno t smell them himself.
A s far as the sense o f to uch go es, we are just as limited.
When we to uch so mething, all we can say is its ho t o r its
co ld , o r ev en its hard o r its so ft , which, lets face it, is
pretty vague. The ro bo ts co mputer ho wev er, can measure the
precise weight, hardness and temperature o f what it to uches
using its prehensile senses, the equiv alent o f human hands.
Fi n a l l y, o ur sense o f taste is also limit ed to the extent t hat we
can say only its swe e t , its salty , it tastes go o d o r it tastes
b a d , allowing us to swallow gullibly any o ld sh so lo ng as it
has been seaso ned sufciently to excite o ur palate. On the
o ther hand, the co mputer can be equipped with chemical
analysers so as to name the exact co nstituents o f th e sub-
stance, ev en t ho ugh t he o nly use it can hav e fo r this ability is
not fo r itself, since it can feed directly fr om the suns rays, but
to help humans by info rming them abo ut what they are eating.
Thus we can see ho w a simple machine is no t o nly no t
inferio r to Man, but is capable o f being giv en innitely
superio r characteristics.
A ll that is left is the sixth sense, extra-senso r y perceptio n,
an ability which humans almo st nev er use and which a
co mputer co uld also use much better. Info rmatio n trans-
missio n witho ut the use o f the v e o rdinary senses happens
ev ery day thanks to radio co mmunicatio n and equipping o ur
ro bot with a radio emitter-re c e i v er fo r it to co mmunicate with
o ther ro bo ts wo uld be childs play. So , to co nclude, we can
say that ev erything that Man do es, a co mputer can do better.
But wh en it b eco m es o b v io us t h at o ur senso ry
characteristics are very limited, maybe yo u will say that Mans
div ine essence must reside elsewhere. In his memo ry?
Impo ssible! A s yo u kno w, any o ld po cket co mputer can sto re
in its memo ry far mo re info rmatio n than can any o f o ur
academics, and more ove r, can recall it instantaneo usly without
making any mistakes. C o mputerisatio n, which is increasingly
beco ming part o f o ur env iro nment, prov es it to us ever y day:
po cket calculato rs, po cket translato rs co ntaining the equi-
v alent o f an eight language dictio nary, electro nic o ppo nents
to play chess with us at internatio nal champio nship level...
A nd yet this is o nly the beginning o f co mputerisatio n.
Each year, electro nic co mpo nents do uble their capabilities.
So me peo ple are already co nsidering the po ssibility o f sto ring
all o f Humanitys kno wledge in all disciplines in just o ne
crystal just a few millimetres small!
This bo o k that yo u are reading was written directly o nto a
disk linked to a revo lutio nary co mputerised system, but
which will in o nly a few mo nths, be o ut o f date. A nd yet, o n
a small disk, the size o f a 45RPM reco rd, o ne can sto re all the
info rmatio n, every wo rd and every letter o f two bo o ks like
this o ne.
Thus so far no sign o f a div ine essence in all this, no r o f
any human characteristics which canno t be replaced.
What abo ut the ability to create wo rks o f art? No t ev en in
that! A lready now, co mputerised co mpo sers exist which
co mpo se music and play it. Ev e ryo ne has heard wh at
synthesisers so und like, which are used mo re and mo re in
po pular music. A ll it is, is a co mputer capable o f repro ducing
the so und characteristics o f ev ery instrument, even the
human vo ice. This machine can be pro grammed to play a
piece o f Mo zart o r Bach with much mo re precisio n than any
sympho ny o rchestra in the wo rld. Imagine an o rchestra with
100 v io lins. Never will tho se 100 v io lins play the music all
exactly in time to gether. There will always be a time gap o f a
few tenths o f a seco nd between the pro mptest and the last
musicians and a few hundredths o f a seco nd between each
musician. The co mputer howev er, can synthesise the so und
o f 100 v io lins and can make them all play to gether exactly to
the milliseco nd, much better than any co nducto r co uld ev er
achiev e with human musicians.
So me peo ple might say that it is precisely that little time
d ela y b et ween musicians wh ich g iv es t h e sp ice and
perso nality o f each co nducto r but this hesitatio n itself can be
pro grammed to giv e the co mputer a perso nality identical to
the co nducto r.
Yet ano ther adv antage o f the co mputer synthesiser is that it
can pro d uce much purer so und s th an th e ar c h a i c
instruments which have to rely upo n the natural aco ustics o f
the ro o m in which they are used. This is particularly
no ticeable when during reco rdings, the so und is disto rted by
t he ro o ms acoustics and t hen has to pass th ro ugh a
micro pho ne and amplier to be reco rded, and then passed
thro ugh an amplier and lo udspeaker to be heard. The
synthesiser o n the o ther hand, can send almo st to tally pure
so unds directly to the ampli er witho ut these being in the
least bit disto rted b y the aco ustic faults o f the ro o m in which
it is being played. A s co mpo ser Jean C laude Risset, in charge
o f C NRS research, said: there is no limit to the co mputer
which can play difcult pieces and co mplex rhythms with a
precisio n unattainable by human musicians and so me
musicians ev en wish to use co mputers simply so as to
dispense with musicians.
What is po ssible with so unds is also po ssible with shapes,
co lo urs, perfumes and tastes.
The painter who draws the curv es o f a hip is simply
drawing an ideal line relativ e to the numero us o ther po ssible
lines. The co mputer can do this to o including the defects
which characterise certain painters like Mo digliani who
ado rns his subjects with lo ng necks, o r Buffet who draws
with a maximum number o f v ertical lines. This the co mputer
can do with ease. In the same way that it can play a piece o f
music in Bachs style, so can it paint a subject in the same way
as Mo digliani.
A co mputer can ev en nd a style which do es no t exist, by
scanning all t h o se wh ich do and d esigni ng o ne
co rrespo nding to the publics taste. The ro le o f the co mputer
in the pro cess o f creativ ity is still in its infancy and is already
very pro mising. It was A rno ld Kaufman fro m the Natio nal
Po lytechnic Institute o f Greno ble who said that and the
immediate future will surpass his predictio ns.
C o m put ers ar e alrea d y cap ab le o f creat ing images,
co mp o si ng music, sy nt h esi si ng sm el ls and d rawing
architecture etc...
We hav e to face it, ev en in creativ ity, man is no t superio r to
What is left? The capacity to repro duce? No t ev en that. It
is easy to env isage the designing o f co mputers pro grammed
to build o ther co mputers in their image, capable o f creating
mo re o f themselv es etc, thus designing a species capable o f
pro liferating and multiplying.
Thus no thing abo ut Man is impo ssible to repro duce
mechanically, and therefo re Man is no t superio r to machines.
In fact, we hav e just seen that Mans perfo rmance is fairly
medio cre co mpared to what is technically po ssible.
Man is simply a bio lo gical co mputer, self-pro gramming
and self-repro ducing, lo st in the innitely large, co mpo sed o f
the innitely small and making up and made up fro m eternity.
The o nly superio rity o f man ov er machines is his capacity
to decide whether o r no t he will build tho se co mputers
which will be at his serv ice, and decide what their limits shall
be. In fact he co uld ev en giv e them abilities far superio r to his
o wn and even pro gramme them to beco me the do minant
species o n Earth, which will ev entually destro y its own
creato rs. It all depends o n how they will be pro grammed.
Ho wever, it seems reaso nable to pro gramme them so as to
o bey us and serve us ef ciently.
But have we therefo re no superio rity ov er machines? A nd
what abo ut the so ul yo u might ask? A s we hav e seen at the
start o f this bo o k, since the univ erse is innite, there can be
no centre which prov es the existence o f a Go d, and since
tho se who did create us did it in a labo rato ry using a perfect
grasp o f genetics, the so ul do es no t exist either. So o n, when
o ur mo st adv anced scientists create a 100 per cent synthetic
human being, it will prov e denatively that there is no so ul.
Howev er tho ugh there is no go d, there is innity which is in
us just as we are in it, which is eternal. A nd if in yo ur mind,
that was yo ur denitio n o f the wo rd Go d , then yo u were
no t wro ng. But be careful. Innity co uldnt care less whatev er
yo ur actio ns may be, whether yo u are altruistic, o r murder
1,000 peo ple, it do es no t mind, fo r the go o d and simple
reaso n that innity has no co nscio usness o f its o wn, being
bo th ev erywhere and nowhere.
To return to the so ul, if to y o u it means that which giv es
so meo ne their own indiv iduality o r perso nality , (fo llo wing
back the etymo lo gy o f the French wo rd ame to its Latin
anima , meaning that which animate ) then we are talking
abo ut the genetic co de. A nd in the light o f so me o f the mo st
recent scientic experiments, we no tice that it is po ssible to
recreate a liv ing being starting fro m o ne o f its cells, a pro cess
which genetic engineering calls clo ning , just as the Elo him,
tho se peo ple fro m space who created us in their image, to ld
us. Therefo re it will so o n be po ssible to recreate so meo ne
after they hav e died by using the genetic co de fro m o ne o f
their preserv ed cells.
But if to yo u the so ul is an ethereal v apo ur which o ats
gently away after death and which co nstitutes o ur real
perso nality, then yo u will hav e to resign yo urself to aban-
do ning this primitiv e and destabilising co ncept since, as do
all these false ideas, it creates a duality between the mind and
the bo dy, by co nsidering the bo dy to be in o ne place while
the mind is suppo sed to be elsewhere, do ing so mething else...
Surely tho se who created us are best placed to know whether
o r no t they designed us with so mething resembling an
ethereal so ul. They say that there isnt o ne and prov e it by
being able to create 50 co pies o f the same perso n thro ugh
clo ning in the labo rato ry. If no o ne interv enes after death to
recreate the dead perso n using his genetic co de, then the
matter which made up this perso n will disperse and the
perso n will no lo nger exist. Fro m dust yo u came and to dust
yo u will return.
Therefo re, since the so ul do es no t exist, it canno t be co n-
sidered a superio rity o f man o ver machine. But the genetic
co de, do es represent a superio rity o ver a ro bo ts metal co m-
puter. Ev ery cell o f a liv ing being, whether it be the cell o f the
hand o r fo o t, co ntains the info rmatio n to recreate the who le
being. But if we take a bit o f a ro bo ts claw , we canno t nd
any informatio n allowing us to rebuild t he who le robo t again,
not unless th e ro bot is bio lo gical... What is a biolo gical ro b o t ?
It is a ro bo t which instead o f being made o f metal, is made
o f liv ing matter just like us.
To summarise, we have just seen ho w we are simply
machines o f mo dest perfo rmance, but able to surro und o ur-
s e l ves with mach ines which are bo th superio r to us and which
we designed so as to give us time to create and ful l o urselves.
This will be o ur priv ilege o nly if we decide to make it so ; it
will no t happen by itself.
Once we are able to remo ve all the myster y surro unding us
and remo ve tho se attitudes which co nsider that o ur human
characteristics are sacred, unintelligible and transcendent,
then we can begin to see clearer and get a better idea o f
o urselves. Thus we beco me aware that we are part o f the
Innite with ver y limited capabilities.
But ev en tho ugh these capabilities might be extremely
limited, they still allow us to feel the innity aro und us so
that we can situate o urselv es relativ e to it, and if we know
how, these capabilities enable us to put o urselv es in harmo ny
with it.
Befo re clo sing this chapter, which is designed to destro y in
us all false ideas abo ut o urselv es, o ne thing still remains. This
is to demystify the act which primitives are so desperate to
render sacro sanct, either thro ugh igno rance, o r mo re likely
by playing o n the igno rance o f the masses to who m these
religio ns are aimed, and that is the creatio n o f life . This is
the mystery which is the last remaining bastio n which min-
isters o f the cults o f the uncultured shelter behind.
In fact the creatio n o f life is no t a mystery at all, and it is
no t by chance that the religio ns who co ntinue to pro claim
that it is a mystery, are lo sing mo re and mo re o f their faith-
ful and co nsequently have to lead v ast publicity campaigns
in co untries where there is ov er 90 per cent illiteracy. In this
way, they try to co mpensate fo r their lo sses o f members in the
educated West by trying to get co nverts in the uneducated
co untr ies wh ich ar e h ar d ly info rm ed ab o ut scient ific
discoveries at all. Therefo re the Po pe has to travel to So uth
A merica, the Middle East etc...
What is in fact the creatio n o f life in a mo thers wo mb?
Well, simply the creatio n o f a new genetic co de, a new
genetic phrase as we described it earlier. We hav e seen that
ev ery liv ing thing has a name who se letters are ato ms and
mo lecules. When a liv ing o rganism is made in a labo rato ry, a
new name is created by assembling the ato ms and mo lecules
in a certain way, and if this o rganism is to be human, its
genetic name will be co mpo sed o f 45 syllables , which we
call chro mo so mes. If this o rganism, as is the case here, is
capable o f sexual repro ductio n, then it will give half o f its
genetic name which is its o wn perso nal phrase, to the egg
and when its partner o f the o ppo site sex gives the o ther half
o f the genetic co de, it will be fertilised and beco me their
child. Thus they will each giv e 23 chro mo so mes, o ne half
thro ugh the sperm, the o ther thro ugh the egg which when
assemb led, will fo rm a cell co nt aining a to t al o f 46
chro mo so mes. The rst cell o f this new liv ing being will then
div ide into two cells, then fo ur, eight, etc... until o ne day it
will be bo rn, and eventually beco me a man o r a wo man.
No thing magical o r mysterio us in all o f this. It is simply the
intelligent o rganisatio n o f matter so that it is animated when
it is created, and the co mbinatio n o f two bits o f o rganised
matter during repro ductio n.
C o ntempo rary scientic research co ntinues to co ntribute
to the demysticatio n o f life, such as the yo ung girl bo rn in
England who was co nceived in a labo rato r y thro ugh the
a rti ficial co mb inat io n o f sperm and egg, and t he re -
implantatio n o f these into a surro gate mo thers wo mb. It is
no t surprising that this successful experiment was ho tly
co ndemned by the C atho lic autho rities, since it co ntributes
to the remo val o f the mystery o f the creatio n o f life, the
mystery upo n which the church built its empire. There are
many mo re experiments in pro gress which will de-mystify
things co mpletely. Fo r example, o ne co uld quo te the clo ning
experiments where a liv ing being is created just fro m the
genetic co de taken fro m a cell o f ano ther being which is still
aliv e. A n A merican millio naire has already had a child which
was pro duced purely fro m o ne o f his own cells witho ut the
female element mo difying his genetic co de.
A s a summary, and to make it mo re easily understandable
fo r tho se who hav e do ne a bit o f gardening, we can use an
analo gy, where the technique o f clo ning can be co mpared to
gro wing a new plant fro m a cutting. Natural repro ductio n is
like sowing seeds, and the creatio n o f a new species by
mo difying an already existing v arietys genetic co de can be
co mpared to creating a new hybrid fruit thro ugh grafting.
Howev er the creatio n o f a new species using o nly the basic
chemicals canno t be co mpared to anything in this plant
analo gy.
So to co mplete this chapter, it is also impo rtant to de-
mystify a co ncept which if no t claried co uld leave a dark
shadow blo cking the pro cess o f yo ur awakening. The co ncept
is lov e , which o ne might co nsider to be an exclusiv ely
h uman priv ilege, finally affi rming our superio r ity o ve r
In fact this is no t the case at all! We can just as easily
pro gramme a co mputer to lov e.
But rst let us de-mystify this wo rd love , behind which lie
many different co ncepts.
Firstly, if that which yo u mean by lov e is that which
mo tiv ates two peo ple o f co mplementary sex to be nice to
each o ther, with the ultimate go al being to co uple with each
o ther, then yo u need o nly lo o k at birds fo r example, and their
nuptial dances, to realise that animals do this far mo re
artistically than mo st humans.
If what we mean by lov e is the sexual act itself, then the
co mpariso n is even easier. Remember that when we design an
animal, we equip its sexual o rgans with nerve endings which
make the lov e making mo re pleasurable. So by enjo ying the
pleasure that it pro cures, repro ductio n is assured in the
animal, witho ut it knowing it.
We hav e already seen that it is v ery easy to co nceive o f a
co mputer able to build o ther co mputers, that is to say,
capable o f repro ducing itself. We co uld just as well design
these co mputers to be sexed , so that each o ne carries a half-
plan necessary fo r th e fabricatio n o f ano ther co mputer, which
means that two co mplementary half-plans fro m two co mple-
mentary co mputers must co me to gether to make babies.
We co uld easily hav e o ne co mputer which we co uld call
male , designed to give its half-plan to the o ther and this
o ther which we co uld call female wo uld co mbine the males
half-plan with hers to build the new co mputer which we
wo uld call the child .
Whilst we are o n the subject, it wo uld be useful also to de-
mystify the co ncept o f pleasure . While we co uld easily
pro gramme bo th co mputers to co uple their respective half-
plans in o rder to repro duce a new co mputer in their image,
fo r them to go fo rth and multiply , we wo uld have to build
in them o rgans which gav e them pleasure as they transmitted
their half-plans, thus ensuring that they will do it as o ften as
po ssible.
What is pleasure?
Mo st recently, scientists hav e lo cated pleasure centres in the
brain. They hav e ev en been able to stimulate these areas with
electro des and the guinea pig subject repo rted that he was
feeling sensatio ns similar to an o rgasm. They were also able
to pro v e that it was always t hese cent res which we re
stimulated when so meo ne was experiencing any so rt o f
p l e a s u re, (such as sexual enjoy ment, a militar y per so n
receiv ing a medal, a scientist o r athlete receiv ing a reward o r
a caress etc)...
No w we know all abo ut this pleasure centre and the pro cess
which allo ws us to feel any so rt o f pleasure. In fact, it is
simply physio -chemical reactio ns o ccurring within the brain
wh ich pro d uce electr ical d isch arges ex p erienced as
In the same way, o ther physio -chemical reactio ns can result
in unpleasant sensatio ns. The brain has been pro grammed to
react in this way to certain exterio r ev ents and stimuli. This
is what co ntro ls o ur behav io ur. We seek things which giv e
pleasure and av o id tho se which giv e pain.
So as to understand this pheno meno n clearly, let us go back
to the ro bo t which returns to the mains so cket to recharge its
exhausted batteries. Let us imagine a simple needle o n a dial
indicating the amo unt o f electricity remaining in the battery
accumulato r. Beside this dial is ano ther o ne showing the
quantity o f electr icity ent ering the ro b o ts re c h a r g e a b l e
batteries when it plugs itself into the mains.
When the batteries are almo st dead, the needle o f the rst
dial go es almo st to zero and triggers a co ntact relaying a
signal to the co mputer, which is the ro bo ts brain, info rming
it that it is time to go to the mains to recharge its batteries.
This signal is disagreeable, just as hunger is disagreeable
when it pains yo ur sto mach when it is so o n time to eat after
a days fasting.
So o ur ro bo t go es towards the mains and plugs in. Then the
needle o n the seco nd dial is activ ated showing a maximum
reading as it measures the amo unt o f current entering. This
triggers o ff ano ther signal sent to the central co mputer which
experiences it as pleasure, just like the rst mo uthfuls o f a
meal, o r the rst caresses befo re making love.
Gradually, the rst needle which indicates the amo unt o f
accumulated current will go to the maximum reading, and
when it reaches it, ano ther co ntact will be made, triggering
an electrical impulse info rming the central co mputer that the
bat teries are no w full. This impulse will b e felt as a
pleasurable satiety, in the same way that we feel a pleasurable
satiety when o ur sto mach is full after a go o d meal, o r mo re
explicitly, at the mo ment o f sexual o rgasm.
Then o ur ro bo t unplugs itself and go es back to wo rk just as
we can do after a go o d meal o r sexual relatio ns. Fo r to enjoy
do ing so mething, we must hav e abstained fro m do ing it fo r
a while befo rehand, during which we do o ther things. A s we
will see later, it is the co ntrast between things which increase
the sensatio n o f pleasure, such as the co ntrast between
hunger and eating, sexual abstinence and sexual activ ity, etc...
We can thus see what the mechanism o f pleasure is and
co nsequently it is v ery easy to understand what lov e is when
we are making lov e o r preparing fo r it it is physico -
chemical reactio ns which trigger electrical impulses which
the brain experiences as pleasurable and in no circumstances
do es it represent a superio rity o f man ov er machine since we
can build a co mputer which can feel the same sensatio ns.
Ev erything that we do , is do ne because it giv es us pleasure,
either directly o r indirectly.
We eat because it giv es us pleasure, we sleep, drink, make
love, wash, gro o m o urselves... because it giv es us pleasure.
But we also pay o ur taxes because it indirectly giv es us
pleasure, ie, the pleasure o f no t go ing to priso n. The wo man
who thro ws herself under a lo rrys wheels to sav e her child,
do es it because it pleases her to do so. Otherwise she wo uld
no t do it. The pleasure that she gets fro m sav ing her child is
greater than the displeasure o r pain that she wo uld feel while
being crushed by the lo rrys wheels. The Japanese Kamikaze
hurls himself and his plane at the enemys ship because he
gets mo re pleasure fro m the idea o f dying fo r his co untry
than displeasure at the tho ught o f dying, o therwise he wo uld
no t d o it. A lt ruism is just ano ther fo rm o f pleasure .
Selshness is ano ther. But when we co nsider that the quality
o f pleasure that we get when giv ing pleasure to o thers is
pro po rtio nal to the number o f peo ple to who m we are giv ing
pleasure, then altruism is a superio r fo rm o f pleasure. What
is mo re, the quality o f pleasure is also pro po rtio nal to what
we co nsider the quality o f the peo ple to who m we are giv ing
the pleasure. To satisfy a fo o lish cro wd by giv ing them the
pleasure o f hearing what they want to hear, is far inferio r to
giv ing pleasure to o ne perso n if this perso n is wise o r seeks to
beco me wise. Between the rabble calling o ut fo r bread and
distractio ns, and the perso n who is alo ne o n the mo untain to
elev ate his lev el o f co nscio usness, it is to the latter that we
must cho o se to giv e pleasure if we wish to elev ate o urselves.
Ev en the perso n who dedicates his life to Humanity, do es
it because it is pleasurable and the reaso n why I am writing
these lines is because it gives me pleasure to pass o n to yo u
the teachings which were given to me.
Thus we can see that even if we included what we call
no ble sentiments behind the wo rd love such as altruism o r
devo tio n, tho ugh they may be no thing to do with sex, they
are still based o n the pleasure which they provo ke in tho se
who carry them o ut.
So it wo uld be v ery easy to pro gramme o ur ro bo t so that it
is able to put the interests o f its child, co mpanio n, gro up o r
species abov e its own life. It is just a matter o f needles and
A nd so we have sho wn that ev en love fo r o thers do esnt
represent a superio rity o f man ov er machine.
To co nclude, what ev ery co ncept we attribute o r hide
behind the wo rd lov e , it canno t be called a priv ilege o nly o f
Man, since love is mechanically repro ducible.
Finally, o ne mo re wo rd o n the human ability to put
o urselv es in harmo ny with the Innite which makes us up
and which we are a part o f. Ev en this ability canno t be called
a superio rity o f man ov er machine. It wo uld be ver y easy to
co nceive o f a co mputer pro grammed to be aware o f in nity,
capable o f feeling the innitely big and innitely small
thro ugh the senso rs which we have already mentio ned, so
that it can feel where it is at and harmo nise the energies
which animate it.
This co mputer wo uld be able to meditate with its senses,
just as we are go ing to do , ie, practising Sensual Meditatio n.
Yet ano ther no n-superio rity over machines!
Incidentally, the etymo lo gy o f meditate co mes fro m the
Latin meditare , which means to exercise. To exercise o nes
senses, that is the aim o f Sensual Meditatio n.
When using the example o f the male and female ro bo ts,
where the fo rmer gives his half-plan to the latter, who needs
bo th plans to make a child ro bo t, tho se who nd it difcult
to admit that we are no t superio r to machines co uld hide
behind the questio n as to why so me children turn o ut to be
male while o thers are female.
We already kno w that in humans his o r her sex is de ned
by the spermato zo o n, that is to say the half-plan co ming
fro m the male, and nowadays, during articial inseminatio n,
we kno w v ery well how to cho o se which sex we wish o ur
child to be, since male and female spermato zo a are v ery easy
to differentiate and separate.
So when a man transmits his sperm to a wo man, if it is a
male spermato zo o n which co mbines with the wo mans half-
plan (the ov ule), then the child who is bo rn will be a boy, and
if it was a female spermato zo o n, then a little girl will see the
light o f day in nine mo nths time.
A nd so it is exactly the same with o ur ro bo ts who are
capable o f repro ducing themselv es. The ro bo t which we will
call a female ro bo t, who will build ano ther ro bo t called the
child ro bo t, must hav e a co mplete plan (blueprint) to be able
to build it. But she has o nly a half-plan which she must
co mbine with ano ther half-plan giv en to her by the male
ro bo t. It is the males half-plan which will determine the sex
o f the child abo ut to be built. When the male ro bo t co uples
with the female ro bo t to give her the half-plan, in fact he
gives her a large number o f them, half o f which are male half-
plans, the o ther half, female half-plans. Only o ne will end up
co mbining with the females half-plan and it will be the o ne
which chance put in the right place at the right time which
will d o it , in ex actly th e same way th at o nly o ne
spermato zo o n amo ng millio ns will manage to co mbine with
the ov ule during human co nceptio n.
Ev e ry reactio n a nd all o ur b eh av io ur i s due to t he
p ro gramming wh ich we und erwent t h ro ug ho ut o ur
educatio n.
Fro m the mo ment we were bo rn, we have been unwittingly
fashio ned by o ur env iro nment, parents, friends, educato rs,
newspapers, lms, etc... all hav e co nditio ned us to make us
what we are to day.
The way we sleep, wash, eat, dress, talk, walk, and ev en the
way we judge o thers, ever ything, abso lutely every part o f o ur
behav io ur, is due to this unco nscio us co nditio ning to which
we hav e been subjected.
Here again, to understand this pheno meno n clearly, we
must co mpare o urselv es to a co mputer. The latter do es o nly
what it is pro grammed to do and has in its memo ry o nly
what was put in it. It is just like us, the o nly difference being
that we are capable o f beco ming aware o f o ur pro gramming,
o f analysing the elements and o f eliminating tho se which
seem stupid in o rder to replace them with o thers. That is why
we ar e co mput ers cap ab le o f pro gr amming o ur selv e s ,
therefo re auto pro grammable.
The pro blem is that we hav e been pro grammed no t o nly
acco rding to o ur o wn tastes, but by peo ple who simply pass
o n and instill in us the same elements which were impo sed
o n them witho ut themselv es hav ing questio ned them. Fo r
tho usands o f years, Man has been transmitting in this way,
fro m generatio n to generatio n; a mo de o f co nditio ning,
which thro ugh time became lo aded with superstitio ns, fears
and mysticism characteristic o f all primitiv e so cieties.
The rst stage o f awakening co nsists o f a re-questio ning
and re-ev aluatio n o f all o ur behav io ur, and I mean all, fro m
the way we eat to o ur o wn way o f walking, including ev ery
reactio n that we are in the habit o f hav ing in whatev er
c i rcumst ances, ho we v er har mless and insignificant th ey
might seem to us.
The way we dress, to take an example, is no t universal. We
co uld just as well hav e been bo rn in No rth A frica and wo rn
a djellaba, o r in the bush and wo rn a piece o f clo th. Tho ugh
the latter might no t quite co rrespo nd to the requirements o f
o ur climate, the fo rmer certainly co uld. But fo r o ur parents,
men wo re shirts and tro users, and we wear the same thing as
them, even tho ugh there is no o bjectiv e reaso n to do so.
The same go es for the way we eat. Had we been bo rn in
C hina, we wo uld be eating with chopsticks, and in cert a i n
p a rts of A frica, with our ngers. The use o f the fo rk was not
o ur choice, it was impo sed upo n us by our educato rs, ev e n
tho ugh it was not necessarily the best way. Take C hinese coo k-
ing for example, where fo od is serv ed already cho pped into
small pieces, thus re m oving the need for a knife. Yet we (in the
West) go on re g a rdless with o ur custo m o f dishing out foo d
which eve ryone must labo rio usly cut up o n their own plate.
I n this way, co nsider ever y act which yo u carry o ut during
o ne day, and analyse it o bjectiv ely, asking yo urself precisely
why yo u acted thus. Yo u will be surprised to discov er that
there will be v ery few o f them, maybe no ne fo r so me peo ple,
which yo u did co nscio usly, cho o sing to differ fro m what yo ur
parents do .
A d m i t t e d l y, no t ev e ry t hing t aught t o us during o ur
educatio n is bad, and certain elements can be kept as they
are, but the impo rtant thing is to realise what is behind
ev erything that we do.
The o peration beco mes mo re delicate when we st art
analysing o ur reactio ns to actio ns and perso nalities o f o thers.
While it might be amusing (fo r a Westerner) to eat with
cho psticks o r wear a djellaba because o f their exo tic aspect, it
beco mes innitely harder, o nce we hav e been co nditio ned to
h ate A rabs o r m ake fun o f ho mo sex uals, t o seek t o
understand them so as to accept them as they are.
How many times in o ur liv es hav e we heard A rabs being
talked o f badly by peo ple who co nsider them an inferio r race,
just because o ur ancesto rs do minated them with v io lence? So
many times, that o ne day we ev en ended up repeating it.
How many times hav e we heard o f ho mo sexuals being
described as abno rmal o r perverted by peo ple so ill at ease
with their own selv es, that they were afraid that these
differences might uncover similar tendencies lo ng buried
within themselv es? So o ften, that we ended up by saying the
same stupid things o urselves.
The awakened perso n enriches himself thro ugh co ntact
with the differences which co nstitute the perso nality o f
o thers. The clo sed minded perso n atro phies his brain by
ghting these differences. A nd ev en as he dumbly insults
them by using the same o ld clichs that, unknown to him, he
was inculcated with, he wo uld no t be able to remov e these
The po int is therefo re to extract and so rt o ut all the ideas
which we receiv ed fro m tho se who shaped us. This o ne
seems go o d fo r such-and-such a reaso n, therefo re I keep it
that o ne seems bad, I eliminate it. The criteria fo r cho o sing
which ideas to co nserve must depend upo n what we think
after hav ing info rmed o urselv es abo ut them, rather than
what o ur educato rs o pinio ns were.
This wo uld be useless if o ne said merely: This idea must
be go o d since my parents tho ught like that in fact, we
sho uld regard any o f o ur ideas which are identical to tho se o f
o ur parents with co mplete suspicio n.
Whether we are talking abo ut A rabs o r ho mo sexuals, we
sho uld rst meet o ne o f them witho ut any preco nceptio ns,
o pen o urselv es to th em and t r y t o und erst and t h eir
reaso ning, and then, o nly hav ing do ne this, can we make up
o ur own minds, being careful no t to generalise fro m the
perso nal characteristics o f what may be the o nly subject
who m we met, but basing o ur judgment o nly o n the general
po ints o f the discussio n.
But where this self questio ning is essential in the ho pe o f
elev ating o ur level o f co nscio usness is in the area which
co ncerns o ur sexuality and o ur co nceptio n o f love.
We hav e been co ntinually impressed with a co nceptio n o f
lo ve which implies denite and abso lute po ssessio n and
which has been bequeathed to us by tho usands o f years o f
fear and anguish. In the past, o ne wo uld attack a v illage to
acquire their go ld, their ho rses, and... their wo men. A ll these
th ings we re co nsidered t o be go o ds capable o f being
exchanged and bartered witho ut the slightest scruple.
A fter hav ing reco gnised that if man had a so ul, then
wo man must hav e o ne to o (the C hurch do ubted it fo r quite
a time), after hav ing granted them the right to v o te (barely a
century ago , and still no t ev erywhere), we still do no t
reco gnise wo mens right to do freely with their bo dy as they
wish, by refusing them the right no t to giv e life even if they
d o no t want t o ( co nd em natio n o f ab o rt io n and
co ntraceptio n by the C hurch and certain gov ernments).
What is mo re, if we kill so meo ne who m we do no t lov e, in
o rder to steal their mo ney, we can be co ndemned to life
impriso nment, ev en death; but if we were to kill so meo ne
wh om we claim to love what is called a crime o f passio n
we can so metimes get o ff with o nly ve o r six years in priso n!
This means that we are liv ing in a so ciety which is
enco uraging its members to kill tho se they love.
The simple fact o f co nceiv ing that o ne can kill so meo ne
that o ne claims to lov e pro ves that we have quite a peculiar
idea o f love. Tho se who think in this way are in fact co n-
fusing love and sel shness, two things which are, however,
v ery different and inco mpatible. In fact, the o ne who really
lo ves so meo ne thinks o nly o f giv ing, but he who lov es
himself, and who is therefo re selsh, thinks o nly o f taking.
The selsh perso n is afraid that his partner might get mo re
pleasure with so meo ne else and abando n him, which will
depriv e him o f the pleasure which he is in the habit o f
receiv ing, because what is impo rtant abov e all fo r him, is his
perso nal pleasure.
The o ne who truly lov es, ho pes that his partner might meet
so meo ne who will give her ev en mo re pleasure, since what is
impo rtant abov e all fo r him is the happiness o f the o ther.
The selsh perso n watches ov er his partner so that she
wo nt risk meeting so meo ne else who will giv e her pleasure.
The o ne who truly lov es, tries to facilitate his partners
co ntacts with o ther peo ple who co rrespo nd to her tastes.
When the partners o f the selsh peo ple meet so meo ne who
gives them pleasure, they will feel that they are stealing this
happiness and will nd it ev en better as fo rbidden fruit,
which will bind them ev en mo re to their acco mplices.
When the partners who are truly lov ed meet so meo ne else
who giv es them pleasure, they will be grateful to their usual
partner who had enco uraged them to liv e these marv ello us
mo ments with so meo ne else, and in mo st cases, they will
bo th be enriched by this new experience.
A nd if the o ther really meets so meo ne who fulls them
even mo re, then the o ne who truly lov es will be lled with
happiness at the tho ught that the o ne he lov es is even happier
than befo re, even if it is with so meo ne else.
The selsh perso n prefers to keep his pro perty, he prefers
his co mpanio n to be unhappy with him rather than happy
elsewhere. A nd if that happens, he takes his gun to kill his
lov ed o ne ... because he prefers that the o ne he claims to love
is dead rather than happy with ano ther. He do es no t see his
partners happiness, he o nly sees the pleasure that a stranger
will take fro m the bo dy o f so meo ne who belo ngs to him. It
is exactly the same as a do g, who tho ugh no t hungry, will no t
to lerate ano ther do g appro aching his bo ne. He ll bare his
teeth and bury his go o ds just like the selsh perso n, since fo r
the latter, his partner belo ngs to him, just as the do g o wns the
bo ne. A ll that co unts is the pleasure that it gives him, and he
prefers to remo ve it than see so meo ne else bene ting fro m it.
But so as to better understand the pro cess which leads to
the curse that is jealo usy, which is but a fo rm o f selshness,
let us return to o ur auto -repro grammable ro bo ts.
We saw that it was v ery easy to create a strain o f sexed
ro bo ts, each po ssessing half a plan so that while co upling
they wo uld create o ne co mplete plan and so allow th e f e m a l e
to make a child . We also saw that to incite o ur ro bo ts to
repro duce, we needed to render the act o f co upling ve ry
pleasurable, so by equipping their sexual o rgans designed to
transmit and receiv e their half-plans with nerv e endings, the
meeting o f the two wo uld generate pleasure.
When a male ro bo t meets a female ro bo t fo r the rst
time, they get to know each o ther, that is to say, they mutu-
ally discov er a part o f each o thers pro gramme and if they get
o n, that is to say, if th eir pro gramming leads th em to a cer t a i n
spiritual harmo ny, then they can let themselv es satisfy the
sexual desire building up in them, and co nnect.
They may then decide to liv e to gether so as to benet as
o ften as po ssible fro m the pleasure which they feel when
Then, o ne day, o ne o f o ur ro bo ts might meet ano ther ro bo t
who se apparent pro gramming, who se charm o r... who se
bo dywo rk will stro ngly attract it. It is at that po int that the
habitual co mpanio n o f o ur machine will hav e the cho ice
between two fo rms o f behav io ur it co uld seek the enrich-
ment o f its partners pro gramming with ano ther and ev en
enco urage it, o r it co uld pro hibit all co ntact with o ther
ro bo ts o f co mplementary sex.
If it behav es in the seco nd way, it can o nly be because it was
pro grammed to behav e in this way, since o therwise it co uld
no t consider it self t o be the owner o f ano ther ent ity
co mpletely separate fro m its own bo dy.
How can a perso n who meets ano ther amo ng the billio ns
po pulating o ur planet suddenly say to himself here is the
o nly indiv idual with who m I shall hencefo rth hav e intimate
relatio ns, and ev en if I meet o thers who appear to co rrespo nd
to my tastes, I shall stay faithful to the rst, fo r the o ne and
o nly reaso n that luck had it that they were there rst. That,
in a nutshell, is delity .
In fact, it is a striking o bservatio n that in many co untries
still undergo ing the co nsequences o f primitiv e civ ilisatio n,
wo men are still co nsidered as merchandise to be bo ught. In
the West, its the father who prov ides the do wry fo r his
daughter to nd a spo use, who is o ften already interested in
marrying her, whereas in the primitiv e so cieties, it is the
husband-to -be who must o ffer the father o f the yo ung
wo man farm animals o r o ther such presents.
This mixing between co mmerce and human relatio nships
is scandal o us. Po tent ially it can gener at e feelings o f
ownership which can lead to slav ery. If it is tempting to
co nsider so meo ne who m o ne has just met as o nes pro perty,
purely because o ne has beco me used to their presence, then
it is even mo re likely to be so if o ne has paid fo r such a
co mpanio n.
Awakened peo ple no t o nly do no t fear lo sing their partners,
by enco uraging them to live o ut all the experiences which
tempt them, but o n the co ntrary, they nd themselv es
enriched by this and beco me even clo ser, especially as their
sensitiv ity dev elo ps by the co ntact with peo ple o f differing
perso nalities.
There also , co ntrast is a facto r in the awakening pro cess.
A ll this do es no t mean that yo u must fo rce yo urself to
change partners in o rder to hav e a go o d chance o f awakening
yo urself. One can be just as likely to hav e the go o d luck o f
hav ing a co mpanio n who always knows ho w to be different
while still being the same perso n, and who knows ho w to
bring imaginatio n and fantasy into the relatio nship which is
indispensable to escape fro m habit, which is loves mo rtal
Thus the blo sso ming o f each partner can co ntinue in a
permanent exchange o f info rmatio n, allowing each to benet
f ro m t he reflect io ns and d iscov eries o f t he o t her and
mutually dev elo ping their sensuality and co nsequently their
level o f awareness.
But tho ugh o ne must no t fo rce o neself to have experiences
with o thers which o ne co uld live mo re intensely with o nes
partner, the who le, the co mpo site o rganism which o ne fo rms
with the latter must be an entity to tally o pen to the exterio r,
that is to say, permanently ready fo r intimate co ntact with a
third party. Each must understand that the enrichment o f the
o ther will enrich themselv es.
Awakening is the permanent dev elo pment o f o nes ability
to co mmunicate with o nes env iro nment and o nes capacity
fo r analysing and integr at ing (linking) the info rmat io n
transmitted to us by o ur senses.
In fact the wo rd intelligence etymo lo gically means just
that, since it co mes fro m the Latin intelligere meaning
interlinking o f things , ligere meaning to link . Awakening
is therefo re a dev elo pment o f o nes intelligence and o nes
capa cit y t o und er st and , t o co mpr eh end ; th e wo rd
co mprehend being deriv ed fro m the Latin co mprehendere
meaning to bring to gether .
It is also interesting to no te that the wo rd co nscio usness
co mes fro m the Latin co nsciencia which means know
to gether. Thus by elev ating o ur lev el o f co nscio usness, we
raise o ur understanding and knowledge o f the I nnite which
is within us and which surro unds us.
This elev atio n allo ws the innitely small within us and the
innitely large o f which we are part, to kno w itself to gether
within us.
Habit, o n th e o t her hand , pr o g re s s i v ely atro phies t he
mechanisms fo r perceiv ing ev ents. When we have just mo ved
into a new at and walk down the street fo r the rst time, we
no tice ev erything, windo ws, co lo urs, music, peo ple we cro ss
in the street, ev erything seems interesting. A fter a few days,
we begin to perceiv e much less o f the neighbo urho o ds
atmo sphere and o ur mind is lled mo re with o ur own
perso nal intro spectio ns as we make o ur way to wo rk. Then,
with time, we may end up mov ing like a sleepwalker,
perceiv ing almo st no thing o f o ur env iro nment. We co uld
almo st go ho me reading the paper. That is habit. A nd when
we behave like this with a partner, we pro gressiv ely atro phy
o ur capacity to co mmunicate with o ur surro undings and
diminish o ur intelligence.
The perso n who m we met, and who se appearance grabbed
us by the feeling that it gav e o ut, who se v o ice we fo und so
charming, who se fragrance so into xicating, now we liv e in
their presence witho ut ev en being aware o f their existence. By
repeatedly eating the same things in the same way, wearing
the same clo thes, making lov e at the same time, in the same
po sitio n, we act mechanically, and allo w the quality o f
pleasure o btained by o ur actio ns to beco me increasingly
reduced, whereas it wo uld hardly need anything, (it wo uld
take o nly a tiny bit o f extra effo rt) to begin to re- discov er the
pleasure o f marv elling at the life we lead and at each instant
which passes, which we will nev er be able to live again.
It is in fact str iking t o o bserve t hat the pro g re s s i v e
disintegratio n o f faculties o f an indiv idual who allo ws himself
to be inv aded by habit is exactly co mparable to the gradual
d e c rease in ent h usiasm o f a po pulat io n wh o al lo we d
themselv es to be cho ked by traditio n.
This is why, if we wish to reach a maximum awakening o f
o ur faculties, we must live a life o f maximum co ntrasts.
No t o nly v isual, audito ry, tactile, o lfacto ry and gustato ry
co ntrasts, but also sexual and intellectual co ntrasts; basically
in all ways o f being, so as to make o ur life a to tally o riginal
wo rk o f art, full o f imaginatio n and fantasy. Bear in mind
that etymo lo gically speaking, the Greek wo rd phantasia
means a p p a r i t i o n and imaginat ion , with imaginat io n
o bv io usly being the apparitio n o f images in the brain which
are wilfully pro duced by the co mbinatio n o f kno wn but
prev io usly unco nnected elements which beco me linked by
the intelligence (inter-ligere).
But so that these co ntrasts pro duce the desired effects, we
must ensure that ev ery o ne o f the successiv e elements which
co me to gether to fo rm these effects must be experienced as
intensely as po ssible and that we miss no ne o ut. That is why
every mo ment in o ur life must be liv ed to the fullest. We
must grab the mo ment as the po et wo uld say, and the po et
is always right because he sees beyo nd the ho rizo n , (le po ete
a to ujo urs raiso n qui vo it plus haut que I ho rizo n ).
We must liv e ev ery seco nd as if it were o ur last with all the
cells o f o ur bo dy, especially tho se which make up o ur
recepto rs, thro ugh which we are aware o f o ur surro undings.
It is striking to realise, that when a lov ed o ne dies, we think
back to the mo ments that we liv ed o ut with them, and regret
no t hav ing given them mo re lov e o r shown how much we
lov ed them. Only death giv es us this awareness, allowing us
to realise ho w this negligence is irreparable.
The po o rer o nes lev el o f awareness, the mo re he despairs at
the death o f a lov ed o ne. That is because he did no t liv e tho se
mo ments passed to gether intensely eno ugh and he suddenly
realises that it is to o late to do so now.
On the o ther hand, an awakened perso n do es no t grieve at
the death o f so meo ne clo se, since he knows that he fully
appreciated every seco nd shared with that perso n, that he
gav e all the lov e that he co uld give, and that there was
no thing mo re that he co uld hav e do ne to make him o r her
We also feel this intense emo tio n when so meo ne who m we
are fo nd o f departs o n a jo urney. In fact, it is o ften said that
leav ing is a little death and this is because o ne is aware at
that mo ment that o ur loved o ne co uld easily disappear en-
ro ute and o ne might nev er see him o r her again. Therefo re
we seize that instant as we wav e go o dbye to him o r her,
appreciating it fully, and are full o f regrets fo r no t hav ing also
intensely liv ed all the mo ments during the days spent in their
co mpany.
It is also interesting to no te that certain reactio ns o f
jealo usy are caused by the lack o f awareness o f time passing
when with a lov ed o ne. In fact, when o ur partner anno unces
that he o r she wishes to leave us, we suddenly think back to
the times when we co uld hav e giv en a lo t mo re love, but
which we neglected and let pass witho ut liv ing intensely. So
we then wish to start all ov er again and try to behav e better,
but after beautiful pro mises, we fall back into ro utine and
habit until separatio n beco mes inev itable. We experience this
separatio n as a failure because it shows up o ur inability to
live as we wish and be aware co nstantly o f o ur actio ns so as
to give the maximum amo unt o f pleasure to this perso n we
love. A nd yet, if we liv ed o ut every mo ment really intensely,
all this wo uld be po ssible, and all this no t in o rder to keep
the o ther perso n with us, but simply fo r the pleasure o f no t
lo sing ev en o ne instant passing us.
In fact o ne canno t liv e every mo ment intensely fo r any
reaso n o ther than fo r the pleasure o f liv ing each mo ment
That is why the awakened perso n accepts separatio ns with
joy, since he knows that at ev ery mo ment he gav e the best o f
himself, that he enjoyed tho ro ughly the essence o f ev ery
seco nd and that he will fully enjoy the minutes yet to co me
during the separatio ns. These separatio ns will themselves be
enriched by the memo ries o f so meo ne to who se awakening
he co ntributed and who se harmo ny will in turn bring benet
to o thers.
The wo rld we live in is respo nsible fo r a lowering o f the
lev el o f co nscio usness, especially as far as time perceptio n is
co ncer ned. We reach ado lescence with out ev en hav ing
realised that o ur childho o d has go ne by, then we nd
o urselv es married with children o urselves and we didnt ev en
no tice o ur ado lescence, then we discover o urselv es o ld,
witho ut hav ing no ticed o ur liv es go ing by. A nd we still feel
that we hav ent do ne what we wanted to do , o r enjoyed fully
the satisfactio n o f each age. We beco me shadowed by so litude
and despair, and begin to hate the y o ung, thinking that they
kno w happiness which weve nev er had.
Thus back to jealo usy again, where all that is needed to
break this uninterrupted cycle which leads us like sheep fro m
wo mb to to mb is a few mo ments o f pause, so as to liv e the
passing o f time in a different way.
We jump fro m o ne actio n to ano ther, witho ut appreciating
fully any o f them, in a so rt o f co nstant ight fo rwards where
we lo o k fo rward co nstantly to what we are go ing to do ,
witho ut being co nscio us o f what we are do ing right now.
With jo y, we imagine what we are go ing to do in the ev ening
after wo rk, but when we get back ho me, we switch o n the
telev isio n and since the pro gramme is pretty medio cre, we
watch it while lo o king fo rward to to mo rro ws pro gramme.
A nd the next day, we do it all ov er again. The same go es fo r
o ur annual ho lidays, we always think next years will be
better, but when we are actually there, we say it was better
last year and we start thinking abo ut next years o nes...
When o ur partner is expecting a child, we imagine it playing
with us and asking us questio ns, but when it is o ld eno ugh
to do so , we tell it to shut up and go to bed. Until o ne ne
day, we realise that we are o ld witho ut hav ing had the time
to live o ut the mo ments which hav e denitely passed.
A nd yet it is so easy to sto p unco nscio usly letting ev ents y
past us and learn to enjoy them fully, o ne needs simply to
o pen o nes eyes, o nes ears and all o nes senses and to pay
attentio n to what is aro und us. We need to beco me aware
mentally o f o ur po sitio n in time, realising ho w all the events
in time made us what we are and put us where we are.
This mental re-situatio n in time must be carried o ut by re-
liv ing all the ev ents o f o ur existence which marked us, as far
back thro ugh o ur childho o d as we can go , remembering the
faces, the vo ices and the smells o f tho se who knew us when
we were small, re-liv ing tho se scenes which remain engrav ed
so mewhere in o ur neuro ns, up to the present time, including
the teachers who inuenced us, o ur rst co ntacts, o ur rst
irts, o r o ur rst jo b, etc. In this way, we will rediscov er
pro gressiv ely the path which made us what we are, we will
nd the co mmo n thread linking all the events which
mo ulded us to make the indiv idual which we know to day.
Once we have do ne that, we will need to see if the life that
we lead is the o ne which we enjoy liv ing and if that is no t the
case, then we must x o urselv es o bjectiv es so that it do es
beco me what we wish.
Hav ing made this link with o ur past and what we wish o ur
future to be, all that needs to be do ne is to live ev er y instant
with intensity, bearing in mind that it may be the last.
To liv e an ev ent fully, o ne needs to be aware at the v ery
mo ment that o ne is experiencing it, o f the jo y that o ne had
when lo o king fo rward to it and to the pleasure that o ne will
have when recalling it.
So meo ne said the best mo ment o f love is when o ne is
climbing up the staircase. This is true fo r medio cre peo ple.
Fo r the actio n itself to bring us ev en mo re pleasure than did
expecting it o r remembering it, we must be co nscio us while
carrying o ut this actio n, o f the joy which we felt when go ing
up the stairs and the memo ry that o ne wo uld keep o f the
o ccasio n afterwards.
What is mo re, this technique also allows us to o btain a
better memo risatio n o f the event, which will enable us,
simply by thinking abo ut it, to re-live it with an intensity
almo st as great as when it rst o ccurred.
Finally, it is no t po ssible no t to mentio n masturbatio n
while still o n this fundamental subject o f sexuality and its
ro le in the awakening and ful lment o f the indiv idual.
By sto pping peo ple fro m discov ering the pleasures o f self
ero ticism that their bo dies giv e them, o r by inicting them
with guilt at the highest level and asso ciating to uching
o neself with ev il, calling it unnatural and even dangero us o r,
as has been do ne fo r so me time now, by telling tho se who
indulge that it co uld make them blind, mad o r paralysed, by
do ing any o f these things, o ne is reducing the capacities o f
tho usands o f yo ung peo ple.
Tho se who dare tell such things to ado lescents, who are
entering a perio d o f hyper-sensitiv ity due to majo r physical
and ho rmo nal changes, are simply criminals. How many o f
their o wn children did they giv e life-lo ng co mplexes to and
turn them into maniacs, impo tents and frigids ?
No w that science has been able to demo nstrate how
masturbatio n no t o nly do es no t present any o f the dangers
that the medieval o racles predicted o f it, but also that it is
indispensab le fo r t h e harmo nio us dev elo pment o f an
indiv idual during the critical perio d when o ne discov ers o nes
own bo dy, it is time to deno unce o ut lo ud all tho se,
including the C hurch rst and fo remo st, who peddled such
fo o lish and guilt inducing idio cies.
Fo r ado lescents, the act o f discovering that, all o f a sudden,
th eir sexual o rgans giv e them eno r mous sensatio ns o f
pleasure is fundamental to their dev elo pment. A feeling o f
guilt created by their env iro nment will in no way keep them
fro m to uching themselves, but instead they will co ntinue to
do so in a co nicted state o f mind where the indiv idual will
begin to feel disgust toward their temptatio ns, and as they
unavo idably succumb, they will begin to feel disgust fo r their
bo dies, bearing the co nsequences fo r the rest o f their liv es.
The mo st deeply unbalanced will be tho se rare cases who will
be intimately co nv inced o f the need fo r abstinence fro m this
self-ero ticism kno wn as masturbatio n, and who will abstain
at huge co st and effo rt against themselves. This will make
them harsh and co ld indiv iduals who se sensitiv ity will be
reduced eno rmo usly, with all the co nsequences that this
entails, bo th physically and mentally.
One must also add to this list o f children serio usly
traumatised by being made to feel guilty o f their natural
reactio ns, all tho se who tho ugh they did no t suffer such a
treatment, were no t info rmed by parents who were to o afraid
to face such a task and happy to say that o ne must no t talk
abo ut anything to uching upo n sexuality o r their o rgans.
Mo re o ften than no t, these parents themselv es were badly
info rmed and suffering fro m the sequels o f a mystico -
religio us educatio n seeing the bo dy as bad and the mind as
go o d.
Howev er, all tho se who suffered such a guilt inducing
educatio n o r who were lucky eno ugh o nly to have to co pe
with the pro blem o f awakening themselv es, seeing as they
co uld no t rely o n the illuminatio n o f their parents who were
themselv es to o ashamed to even take the time to help their
o ffspring understand what was happening to them, all tho se,
and this is o f special impo rtance to the rst lo t whatever their
age, can re-learn how to lo ve the bo dy and its reactio ns. They
can re-learn to love their sexual o rgans and the pleasure
which they can give them in all freedo m and witho ut the
slightest feeling o f guilt. What is mo re, they can re-liv e their
so impo rtant discov ery o f self-ero ticism, o f which they had
been depriv ed, and their ado lescence in all awareness witho ut
all that they had prev io usly suffered.
I f this rebirth towards o nes o wn sexuality is impo rtant fo r
men, it is even mo re so fo r wo men, since as Betty Do dso n
says in her marv ello us b o o k Th e Femi nine Or g a s m ,
masturbatio n is the basis o f sexual activ ity. Ev erything else
that we d o is no mo re than the so cialisatio n o f o ur sexual life.
A mo ng o ther things, thro ugh its excellently do ne illu-
stratio ns, this bo o k helps wo men to beco me aware o f the
beauty o f their sexual o rgans which a male do minated so ciety
has always degraded and debased.
The rst thing to do in o rder to re-liv e the ado lescence
which o ne has been deprived o f, is to lov e o nes bo dy, ev en,
and especially, the part which is able to giv e us the mo st
pleasure and then learn ho w to discover and increase o nes
understanding o f this o rgan so as to heighten the quality o f
joy that o ne can get fro m it.
The best way to understand fully how o nes sexual o rgans
wo rk and to discov er which caresses pro duce the stro ngest
sensatio ns o f pleasure in the brain, is to experiment o n
o neself. No o ne can direct o ur ngers better than we can do
o urselv es so as to reach the exact spo ts which satisfy us mo st,
and which differ fo r each indiv idual anyway.
We can info rm o ur partners o f o ur specic tastes o n the
subject, so that they can do the things which we like, but to
teach what we like to o thers, we must rst teach it to
o urselv es.
While o ur sensuality is o ur link with I nnity surro unding
us, self-ero ticism is o ne o f the mo st ef cient ways to set o ff
o n the internal explo ratio n o f o ur co mputer. Self-ero ticism is
the lever which sparks o ff the physical reactio ns where men
liberate their half-plans and where fo r wo men, their o rgans
beco me receptive fo r the meeting o f the half-plans .
It is also v ery impo rtant that tho se who liv e as a co uple
discov er their capacities o f self-ero ticism to gether. In fact
they co uld be even stro nger precisely because o f the presence
o f each o thers bo dies.
In this case to o , the sel sh medio cre perso n will no t accept
that his partner masturbates in his presence, since the perso n
who se o nly use is to give him pleasure, is beginning to get
pleasure by herself. What then is the use o f his virilit y which
he is so proud of and which he co nsiders as his o nly
unchallengeable superior ity over wo men?
The selsh perso n is jealo us even o f the hand o f his partner.
The awakened perso n, o n the co ntrary, rejo ices at the sight
o f the perso n they lo ve being happy and discov ering her own
pro fo und mechanism o f pleasure.
Once we hav e co mpleted the destructio n o f ideas receiv ed
co ncerning the basis o f o ur sexuality, which is itself the ro o ts
o f the tree o f o ur perso nal blo sso ming, we can now think
thro ugh o nce again in the same way, all o ur behav io ur
patterns, co nsidering all the ways and all the subjects which
make up o ur env iro nment and which is o ur life.
By quest io ni ng ev e r y t h ing which co nst it ut es o ur
perso nality, we are in fact carrying o ut a great spring cleaning
and after hav ing do ne this, we can go o n to the next stage.
Ho wev er, we must bear in mind thro ugho ut o ur existence,
that whenever we are faced with an issue which we hav e nev er
tho ught abo ut o urselv es, we must pro ceed in the abo ve way
so that o ur reactio n is a true reectio n o f o ur o wn tho ught.
When the rst day o f self questio ning and analysis o f
apparent perso nality has been co mpleted, it is useful to
practise the rst exercise. This co nsists o f creating a vo id in
o neself and clearing o ut all the ideas which are jo stling abo ut
within o ur minds and which create tensio ns mo st tr ying fo r
o ur equilibrium.
One starts b y sitting o n the gro und, either cro ss-legged o r
in any o ther po sitio n in which o ne nds co mfo rtable, while
breathing deeply fo r abo ut 12 minutes and co ncentrating o n
o nes breathing and no thing but o nes breathing.
Then we co ncentrate o n the fact that we are co ncentrating
o n no thing. The po int is to clear o ut any idea appearing in
o ur mind, whatev er it might be, and with practice, manage
to have no tho ughts surfacing in o ur minds, no t ev en the
tho ught o f no t hav ing any.
A s we say earlier o n, the brain is no thing mo re than a co m-
puter with electric currents running thro ugh it in all direct-
io ns. This exercise is designed to balance these currents so as
to o btain calmness and sere n i t y. A fter pr actising this fo r a few
minutes, we are then ready to act and think mo re efciently.
When seeking this abso lute v o id, it is as impo rtant to cut
o neself o ff to tally fro m the o utside wo rld as it is fro m the
inside o ne.
The aim is to try to beco me vegetable fo r a few mo ments,
in fact, ev en mo re vegetable than plants, since we kno w that
plants can feel their env iro nment. One co uld almo st say that
we are trying to beco me mineral.
No no ise, no mov ement fro m anyo ne o r anything, no
o do ur and no sound is perc e i ved by someo ne who is cre a t i n g
the vo id. This exercise is po ssible even in the middle o f a
cro wd in a bustling street. In fact it is particularly useful fo r
tho se liv ing o r wo rking in a no isy env iro nment.
In a way, we are putting o urselv es into a state o f senso ry
fast ing. A nd t h is fa sting , lik e a ll fo r ms o f po siti v e
abstinence, is designed to make us better appreciate the
p e rception of wh at we we re depriv ing ourselves of vo luntarily.
In fact, befo re embarking o n the pro cess o f awakening, it is
extremely useful to fast fo r a day, bo th senso rially and so far
as fo o d is co ncerned, just drinking a lo t o f water to purify o ur
o rganism.
To manage keeping a permanently new state o f mind, it is
o f capital impo rtance to be aware that we nev er perfo rm an
actio n pro per to o urselv es, but all o ur actio ns are merely
reactio ns to so mething else. The o nly actio n which we can
decide upo n perso nally, is no t to have a reactio n.
Ever ything that we do during o ur life which we think are
actio ns are in fact no mo re than a successio n o f reactio ns.
The simplest fact o f being bo rn is no mo re than the react-
io n to t he mating of o ur parents wh ich occurred nine months
befo rehand. Then we cried because we were hungr y and we
were hungry because we burned energy thro ugh liv ing, etc...
No w yo u are reading this bo o k, and that is due o nly to an
adv ertisement o r an interest in the subject. A n interest in a
subject which was o nly a reactio n fo llowing the educatio n
given to yo u, o r a reactio n against this educatio n. In this way,
we can trace back all o ur reactio ns to o ur birth, then to that
o f o ur parents, go ing right back to th e r st humans who we re
c re a t e d. A nd they themselv es were created o nly as a reactio n
o f o ur creato rs who had reached a lev el o f scientic kno w-
ledge allowing them the wish to do such an experiment. A nd
these creators themselves liv ed only as a succession of re a c t i o n s ,
etc. We co uld co ntinue this train o f tho ught, which is o nly a
reactio n, indenitely. In fact, that wo uld co ntribute to us
beco ming aware o f innity.
A s fo r myself, I am transmitting this teaching as a reactio n
to the meeting with the extra-terrestrials who asked me to do
so and who are guiding us.
Thus it is, when we beco me aware o f the innite series o f
reactio ns that we hav e had ever since we existed, and which
we tho ught were actio ns, that we must understand the
impo rtance o f always being co nscio us o f the reactio ns which
we cho se to hav e.
When peo ple jo stle us in the street o r insult us, they expect
us to hav e certain reactio ns which they might ho pe fo r if
they wish to ght us. If we react with further insults, we are
prov iding just tho se reactio ns which they are waiting fo r, so
that they can then beco me v io lent. If o n the o ther hand, we
refuse to react to their insults and co ntinue o n o ur way, thus
refusing to giv e a reactio n, we hav e then perfo rmed o ur o wn
actio n, pro per to o ur o wn self.
When we are do ing the exercise where we create the v o id,
refusing all reactio n to o ur env iro nment as well as to o ur
tho ughts, we are entering a situatio n where o ur actio n
beco mes pro per to o urselves.
Th e perso n wh o init iat es t his pr o cess, escapes t h e
uninterrupted cycle o f unco nscio us successive reactio ns and
co nsequently begins to elevate his lev el o f co nscio usness.
A fter hav ing v o luntarily depro grammed o urselv es and hav ing
cleared o ut o ur minds b y do ing the vo id, we can now awaken
o ur who le being to o ur immediate env iro nment and then to
the innity which enco mpasses us, thro ugh that which links
us to all this, o ur senses.
They hav e eyes, but they do no t see, they hav e ears, but
they do no t hear , such is a descriptio n o f the peo ple who
surro und us and who we resembled befo re we became aware
o f o urselves.
In exactly the same way that when a baby is bo rn, it
pro gressiv ely disco vers the wo rld in which it is cast, thro ugh
the sense o f to uch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight, so to o
shall we be rebo rn thro ugh o ur senses to all that surro unds us
except that this time we shall be to tally aware o f the pro cess.
The act o f dev elo ping o ur sensuality will allow us to
discov er the things that deep down we really do nt like, ev en
tho ugh in the past, we tho ught that we liked them because
we a ccep t ed and b ecame used t o t hem th ro ugh o ur
co nditio ning. By the same to ken, it will also allow us to
disco ver that there are many o ther things that deep do wn we
really like even tho ugh we tho ught that we hated them
because o ur educatio n did no t give us the o ppo rtunity to try
them o ut.
The functio ning o f o ur senses is based o n the perceptio n o f
co ntrasts, such as co ntrasts in temperature o r ro ughness fo r
the sense o f to uch, in av o urs fo r the sense o f taste, in
fragrances fo r the sense o f smell, and in shapes and co lo urs
fo r v isio n.
To dev elo p o ur sensuality means to develo p o ur ability to
perceive changes thro ugh o ur senses, especially the effects
that these pro duce in us.
The medio cre perso n perceiv es o nly the large differences
existing in the fo o d that he swallows at great speed, and
besides that, his taste buds have also deterio rated thro ugh
alco h o l, to b acco o r st imulant s. Fo r him, it is to t ally
inco mprehensible that o ne co uld taste a difference in two
types o f water. If yo u are in this catego ry, do no t wo rry, fo r
o nce yo u hav e giv en up smo king, the sense o f taste returns
bit by bit, and after a few weeks begins to dev elo p no rmally.
This same medio cre perso n perceiv es differences in smells
o nly when they are huge. Fo r him, it either smells go o d o r
it smells bad and no thing else. Do nt bo ther asking him if
he no ticed that his partner put ro ses in the lo unge. Unless he
saw them, he wo nt ev en realise that they are there.
Fo r the sense o f hearing, it is exactly the same, so lo ng as
there are drums and an electric guitar, then it is music.
Grasping the subtleties o f classical music o r synthetic so unds
is o ut o f the questio n.
The same go es fo r sight, the co lo urs o n the telev isio n are
set at a maximum so that the co ntrast will be as large as
po ssible. No chance in him grasping the subtleties and co lo ur
ranges o f a master-painting o r spo tting a ower in the middle
o f a eld.
A nd nally fo r the sense o f to uch, this insensitiv e perso n,
wh o unfo r tunat el y r e p resent s t h e majo r ity o f o ur
co ntempo raries, do es no t kno w how to caress. He can hardly
reco gnise h o t fro m co ld and is to t ally i nca pab le o f
distinguishing the so ftness o f two clo ths. Fo r him, to caress
means to knead brutally and the o nly reaso n why co ntact
with feminine skin is pleasurable is because it precedes a
brutal and imperso nal ejaculatio n which is acco mplished
fro m time to time, mo re o ften than no t, o nly because it is a
co njugal duty .
Let us quickly fo rget this ho rri c descriptio n which, sadly,
is that o f the majo rity o f present day humans , to lo o k at
how it co uld be o ther wise and especially how to get there.
It is all based o n an improv ement in the perceptio n o f
co ntrasts.
But befo re pro ceeding any further, it is mo st impo rtant to
make the fo llowing po int: no v alid improv ement o f o nes
sensuality can be o btained by so meo ne who smo kes, ev en if
it is just a few, o r who drinks alco ho l, o r who takes excitants
including tea and co ffee, o r o bv io usly who do es all these at
the same time. It will be useless to try to rene o nes
perceptio n o f innity while co ntinuing to clo g up o nes
perceptual o rgans. It is a bit like putting co tto n-wo o l in y o ur
ears befo re go ing to listen to a co ncert.
Let us start with the sense o f to uch. To impro ve o ur tactile
perceptio n means to impro ve o ur capacity to differentiate
between the temperatures and textures o f things that we are
to uching, by beco ming aware in an increasingly subtle way o f
the effects that they pro duce in o ur brain.
We start with the things that co ntain the largest differences
and then we whittle down these differences until we hav e gre a t
difculty in perceiv ing them. Thus we de ne o ur degree o f
tactile sensitiv ity, and thro ugh exercises, we manage to rene
the quality o f perceptio n while we o urselves will be witness
to o ur own pro gress. When we caress so mething o r so meo ne,
we must be to tally at the tip o f o ur ngers, so as to beco me
what we are to uching, and t into the slightest co nto ur, while
all the time enjoying fully the effect that this has o n us.
The way to start dev elo ping the sense o f taste will be
exactly the same, this time taking time to analyse the avo urs
o f what we are eating, and ev en what we are drinking,
especially water. When yo u are tasting, beco me the taste buds
and fo llow the path taken b y this chemical message to yo ur
brain and the way it deco des it. To develo p o ne sense, yo u
must sho rt circuit the o thers co mpletely, so as to mo bilise
yo ur co nscio usness o n th e o ne with wh i ch y o u are
co ncerned.
If the blind hav e a highly develo ped sense o f to uch, hearing
and smell, it is because they co mpensate fo r the absence o f
their v isual perceptio n by impro v ing the quality o f their
o ther recepto rs.
To develo p o ne sense is to pretend to be blind in all the
o thers, whilst we exercise o ne intensely.
We are linked to innity which surro unds us thro ugh o ur
senses and o nly thro ugh o ur senses. A perso n who canno t
to uch, taste, smell, hear o r see, will be to tally unco nscio us.
C o nscio usness is develo ped thro ugh sensuality.
We canno t co nceiv e o f innity, we can o nly feel it.
It is these exchanges which are pro duced in us, between o ur
o rganism and the Innite within which we evo lv e, which
makes us alive. The o rdinary man is made up o f these
i n t e rchanges b ut is not aware o f them, which cre a t e s
imbalances within him causing physical o r mental illnesses,
resulting in aggressio n o r v io lence.
The awakened perso n is aware o f these exchanges and
improves them, which allo ws him to be in harmo ny with
himself and Innity at all times.
What is mo re serio us, is that the o rdinary man so metimes
hinders these exchanges o r atro phies willingly them to o bey
guilt-inducing precepts which were handed o n to him by
generatio ns o f v io lent and warlike peo ple who gav e rise to the
wo rld which we kno w to day and which accumulated the
weapo ns o f its own destructio n.
The awakened perso n dev elo ps these interchanges to the
maximum and beco mes the Earth when stro king a ro ck, a
cherry tree when eating a cherry, a ro se when smelling a ro se,
a nightingale when listening to o ne sing and a univ erse when
co ntemplating a star-lled sky.
The medio cre perso n feels alo ne and iso lated, cut o ff fro m
ev erything and cuts himself o ff fro m ev erything thro ugh a
fear o f co ntact, due to a lack o f awareness and to the pro -
gressiv e atro phicatio n o f his physical means o f co mmuni-
cating with his env iro nment.
The awakened perso n feels linked to ev erything, and makes
l ove with eve ry molecule of his body and to ev e ry star in the sky.
The sense o f smell to o , must also be dev elo ped pro gress-
iv ely, by an increasing perceptio n o f co ntrasts which must be
preceded by a perio d o f puri catio n fo r tho se who were
smo kers.
The sense o f hearing must also be allowed to recov er if yo u
hav e taken up the habit o f frequenting nightclubs o r ro ck-
co ncerts where the vo lume is so lo ud that, acco rding to a
serio us study, all tho se who frequent them are 30 per cent
deaf. That means that at least o ne quarter o f o ur audito ry
capacity, that is to say, o ne quarter o f the po ssible amo unt o f
co mmunicatio n with Innity, is missing fo r millio ns o f
yo ung peo ple! A ll we need to do is to impo se upo n o urselv es
a perio d o f audito ry abstinence during which we must be
careful to avo id all so und and all music. Bit by bit o ur
audito ry o rgans will regain all their sensitiv ity and we can
rediscov er the so unds o f o ur env iro nment and music with all
its richness at a no rmal lev el.
Finally, o ur sight must be rened in its capacity to perceive
the subtle nuances in co lo ur and to co nvey the stimuli which
co nditio n o ur state o f mind. We know that red is exciting
and green is calming, fo r example, but ev ery tint has
pro perties which we can discov er by improv ing o ur v isual
perceptio n.
Once the v e senses begin to be dev elo ped sufciently, then
we can practi se wit h in o urselv es th e mech anisms o f
synesthesia. We can thus see a co lo ur by listening to a so und,
hear a so und by smelling a fragrance o r hav e a taste in o ur
mo uth by lo o king at a co lo ur.
This sublime feast o f the senses o pens up o ne o f the mo st
impo rtant do o rs o f o ur minds, by pro ducing in us o ne o f the
effects that drugs hav e and which the yo uth o f the entire
wo rld is seeking. These can be o btained witho ut the slightest
degree o f danger, thro ugh the natural mechanisms which
practice in Sensual Meditatio n pro v ides, by improv ing o ur
sensuality and therefo re by making us aware o f what links us
with Innity.
Perfumes, co lo urs and so unds all answer each o ther, said
Baudelaire, who had synesthesia witho ut kno wing it. Let us
be bathed in the harmo ny o f all these sensatio ns, let us be
env elo ped by all the perceptio ns o f Innity which mingle in
us to ing us into a whirlwind o f pleasure fro m which we will
emerge yet stro nger and mo re sensitive, to thus make o f o ur
planet a wo rld of h appiness by elevating th e lev el o f
awareness o f o ur peers, and allo wing them to discov er the
treasure hidden in each o f them.
The pro gramme o f Sensual Meditatio n is taught usually as a
co urse o f awakening which lasts fo r o ne week and co ntains a
to tal o f a do zen exercises. Fo llowing the fantastic results
o btained by these techniques, and because a daily practice o f
Sensual Me d i t a t i o n is ind ispensable for r eaping all the
benets, many peo ple who fo llowed the co urses in France
and C anada hav e manifested their desire to hav e them
reco rded o n C Ds and audio cassettes.
Fo r this reaso n, six basic exercises were selected and
reco rded o nto co mpact discs which can be o btained in any o f
the fo ur centres o f Sensual Meditatio n which were all o pened
simultaneo usly in Paris, Genev a, Brussels and Mo ntreal.
In these centres it is also po ssible to co me to meditate,
alo ne o r as a gro up. Teachers are waiting there fo r yo u, who
will allow yo u to disco ver all the facets o f these teachings, as
well as o ther exercises which canno t be taught by C Ds.
Furthermo re, so me o f these reco rdings are designed to be
list ened t o wh en a cco mp anied by a pa rt ner o f
co mplementary sex, and so tho se who are single can ho pe to
meet ano ther perso n in these centres with who m they can be
sure to nd spiritual harmo ny, since they are mutually
interested in the same pro cess o f awakening and with who m
they can also ho pe to nd physical harmo ny.
These centres will also , amo ng o ther things, allow tho se
who might no t have such an harmo nio us residence to co me
to spend a few ho urs whenever they like, in a place designed
to satisfy their ve senses thro ugh its deco ratio n and layo ut.
A place o f teaching, where peo ple who hav e cho sen the
same path fo r awakening can meet and a place o f exchange
where they can improv e their senso ry perceptio n o f Innity,
guided by teachers who take up any pro blems o f all new
arrivals as their o wn in o rder better to so lv e them; that is
what is meant by a centre o f Sensual Meditatio n.
No w we shall o utline the six basic exercises which are
reco rded in the pro gramme o f Sensual Meditatio n.
Meditatio n 1
Id e a l l y, this medit at io n sho uld be pr actised o utsid e, if
po ssible under a starlit sky. But since the weather do es no t
always bring to gether such fav o urable co nditio ns, it might be
preferable to kit yo urselv es o ut with a meditatio n ro o m,
harmo nio usly deco rated with po sters, paintings, sculptures
o r o ther wo rks o f art which yo u particularly enjoy. See to it
that the lighting is so ft o r indirect, if po ssible with reddish
tints o r better still, use candlelight. This is fo r yo ur v isual
Yo u can burn so me scents, as v o luptuo us as po ssible. This
is fo r yo ur seco nd sense: smell.
Lay do wn a ver y so ft surface fo r lying o n, which is also
pleasant to stro ke, but do nt make it to o so ft so that yo ur
bo dy may be maintained quite straight when lying down o n
it. This is fo r yo ur third sense, to uch.
Tr y to hav e a go o d quality high delity so und system in
o rder to get all the musical nuances. This is fo r y o ur fo urth
sense, hearing.
Fo r the fth sense, taste, stimulate yo ur mo uth befo re
starting, with a fragrance which yo u like (mint, aniseed,
fruits, etc).
Make sure that the ro o m temperature is sufciently high
fo r yo u to be naked witho ut feeling co ld (22 degrees
C entigrade at least). To tal nudity is ideal in o rder to feed
yo ur bo dy fully, but wearing a meditatio n go wn made o ut o f
a very so ft and silky material can bring abo ut further
sensatio ns by its co ntact.
A lukewarm and perfumed bath just befo re the meditatio n
is an excellent preparatio n.
It is v ery impo rtant after co ming ho me fro m wo rk to take
o ff the clo thes which yo u wo rked in, which are o ften in
disharmo nio us o r po lluted atmo spheres, and to at least take
a shower and put o n this meditatio n ro be, which co uld be
either a djellaba o r a gown, made fro m a material so so ft and
silky that yo u can enjoy being caressed thro ugh it. The co lo ur
o f this piece o f clo thing sho uld be yo ur favo urite o ne and if
yo u do no t hav e any preferences, white will do very well.
It is indispensable, especially fo r men, to be to tally naked
under this ro be so that the male sexual o rgans, which are
usually submitted to a genuine to rture by to days fashio n o f
tight tro users which is respo nsible, amo ng o ther things, fo r a
great number o f cases o f impo tence, can regain their no rmal
po sitio n, blo o d ow and temperature which is upset when
they are co mpressed.
No w let us listen to the rst C D o r audio tape.
Lie do wn co mfo rtably o n the surface designed fo r this
purpo se so that yo ur bo dy weight is distributed equally. Place
yo ur hands alo ng yo ur bo dy, palms facing upwards. It is
essential to be in a co mfo rtable po sitio n which yo u can keep
up fo r a very lo ng time witho ut needing to mov e.
Then clo se yo ur eyes and listen...
What is breathing? Why do we breathe? A s yo u certainly
know, we ll o ur lungs with fresh air rich in o xygen and then
exhale air rich in carbo n dio xide.
Our lungs are o rgans in which o ur blo o d eliminates carbo n
dioxide which it to o k fro m o ur cells and lo ads itself with
o xygen which it will then bring to all the cells which fo rm
o ur bo dy.
The majo rity o f peo ple breathe v ery badly. The simple fact
o f so metimes needing to sigh prov es bad breathing. He who
breathes well, never sighs.
A few mo ments o f co nscio us breathing ev ery day improv es
o ur health and accelerates the pro cess o f awakening.
We hav e seen how the brain is no thing o ther than a
bio lo gical co mputer. Se c ret io ns o f ch emicals are b eing
co nstantly pro duced in o ur brains which spark o ff electric
d isch arges wh ich fo r m o ur th o ugh ts a nd wh ich ar e
respo nsible fo r bo th the physical balance o f o ur bo dy as well
as o ur mental equilibrium. If the latter is under- o xygenated,
then these secretio ns are weak, o r as a reactio n to the lack o f
o xygen, beco me to o abundant, which then give rise to all the
imbalances which pro vo ke physical and mental illnesses.
If o ur breathing is sufcient, then the o xygenatio n o f the
cells which make up this central co mputer which is o ur brain
p rovo kes an improv ement of the chemical secretions with in it
and nally a harmony spreads throughout our who le organism.
To be in harmo ny simply means hav ing a brain which is
functio ning to its o ptimum in the management o f the
o rganism that it is co ntro lling.
That is why yo u must co mmit yo urself to a few minutes o f
breathing at the beginning o f each exercise o f Sensual
Meditatio n and o btain an over-o xygenatio n o f yo ur bo dy
which will trigger an acceleratio n o f the chemical exchanges
within it, especially within o ur head.
It is v ital to breathe v ery deeply fo r at least three minutes
befo re each exercise; but the results will be far better if yo u
have eno ugh time to extend it to 12 minutes o f o xygenatio n.
It is also impo rtant during the exercise to be to tally
co ncentrated o n o ur breathing and to be fully aware o f the
effects that this pr o duces o n o ur o rganism. By being
co nscio us o f this actio n, the effects are increased ev en mo re
thro ugh a pro cess o f feedback.
The seco nd part o f this rst C D in the pro gramme co nsists
o f beco ming aware o f the in nitely small o f which we are
co mpo sed. The aim is to connect togeth er all the cells of which
we are co mpo sed and which are all linked thro ugh nerv es to
the central co mputer which is o ur brain. In this way, these
subtle unco nscio us interco nnectio ns must beco me co nscio us
so that their quality might improv e, enabling one to feel to tally
c o h e rent and integrated, rst ph ysically and then mentally.
The rst C D is the mo st impo rtant o ne o f the Sensual
Meditatio n pro gramme since it co nstitutes the basis, the
trunk o f the tree o f kno wledge, which we shall see grow in us
and o f which the later exercises will o nly be the branches.
The po int o f this exercise is fo r the bo dy to beco me aware
o f the cells which make it up and fo r the cells to beco me
aware o f the bo dy which they co mpo se. Each o ne o f these
building blo cks called cells, o f which we are made, feels
suddenly linked directly with tho se immediately surro unding
it and linked indirectly with all the o thers v ia the brain
co mputer which links them all to gether.
To wards the end o f the exercise, it is the co mputer itself
which beco mes aware o f the matter that it is made o f, with
all these neuro ns which allo w it to feel itself. It is matter
beco ming aware o f bo th itself and its own awareness.
A t that mo ment, o ur who le o rganism is so lled with wav es
o f energy circulating in all directio ns between the brain and
every cell, that we experience a sensatio n o f well-being that
ev en provo kes crying in the mo re sensitiv e amo ng us. Yo u
sho uld certainly no t ght the pheno meno n, which is no
mo re than a chemical reactio n resulting fro m the well-being
that the cells which co mpo se us experience, when at last they
feel co nnected and united to tally with each o ther. On the
co ntrary, yo u sho uld enjo y fully this fabulo us mo ment, rich
in harmo nio us pulsatio ns.
In fact, it was this which was the o riginal meaning o f the
co llect , (in French, the wo rd is recueillement ), which is
part o f so me religio us ceremo nies invo lv ing terrible minutes
o f silence, hav ing to tally lo st its deeper physical signicance.
To co llect o neself co mes fro m the Latin wo rd co lligere
which means to co -link o r to link to gether and in this
co ntext means to link to get her that o f which we are
co mpo sed.
A t this po int o f the exercise, o ur who le co llected o rganism
who se parts are united and integrated to tally, will beco me
aware o f its surro undings purely thro ugh the sense o f
hearing, by listening to the music.
By beco ming aware o f the music thro ugh the intermediary
o f this sense, who se functio ning is based o n the perceptio n o f
v ibratio ns which we call so und, o ur bo dy as a who le is then
able to perceiv e these musical v ibratio ns. A s it listens to the
music, o ur bo dy is suddenly aware o f so mething no t co ming
f ro m it self, wh ich h as an effect o f accentuat ing t he
pheno meno n where the cells beco me aware o f their unity,
and this gets the cells to v ibrate in uniso n with an even
greater feeling o f so lidarity amo ng themselv es, ev ery o ne
united to tally in a rush o f glo bal harmo ny.
Finally, wav es hav e the pro perty o f being made up o f
no thing while animating the medium in which they are
travelling, and so the o rganism which listens no t o nly with its
ears but also with all the po res o f its skin, beco mes the music
to which it listens, because it is penetrated and traversed
thro ugho ut b y the musics v ibratio ns.
Once the o rganism that is in harmo ny with itself and has
beco me aware o f its ability to get in harmo ny with what it
can pick up fro m its env iro nment, it can then tr y to get in
harmo ny with the innitely large, o f which it is a tiny part.
This is the aim o f the penultimate phase o f this C D and
which o pens up to us the mov ements which, tho ugh we
might no t be aware o f it no rmally, sho o t us thro ugh the
innite galaxies. Our Earth is spinning o n its o wn axis while
at the same time ro tating aro und o ur sun, o ur sun is ro tating
aro und the centre o f the galaxy, while o ur galaxy itself is
mov ing aro und ano ther po int. A s all these movements add
up ad innitum , we end up being hurtled thro ugh an
innite dance at unimaginable speeds, yet as we lie down o n
the gro und, we usually tend to think that we are lying still...
A nd so mewhere above us in this co smic immensity, there are
so me peo ple watching us who lov e us as their o wn children.
This way o f lo o king at the in nitely large allows so meo ne
who is already in harmo ny with the innitely small which
co mpo ses him and who is capable o f reso nating fully to the
rhythm o f the surro unding wav es, to beco me aware o f the
immense size o f the univ erse in which he lives and the
natural co smic harmo ny o f which he is a small part, and in
which he is bathing permanently.
The act o f feeling this harmo ny which exists in the
innitely large in which we are nav igating, strengthens the
integrat io n which has settled in o ur co nstituents cells,
thro ugh a pro cess similar to mimicry. A s o ur o rganism
realises suddenly that it is surro unded by harmo ny, it feels
o bliged to beco me harmo nio us itself.
The last part o f this exercise co nsists o f beco ming aware o f
Humanity, o f which we are an element; that is to say,
returning to o ur lev el and o pening o urselves up to ho w o ur
planet co uld be if ever yo ne were to v ibrate to gether in the
same to tal harmo ny which brings abo ut fraternity and
univ ersal peace auto matically.
The act o f understanding that ev eryo ne can feel this
fantastic well being, allows us to realise how we o urselv es are
cells o f a huge bo dy called Humanity and that we can take
part in the spreading o f this wav e o f lov e o n a planetary level
by sharing what we hav e felt with ev eryo ne aro und us,
allowing all tho se who hav ent yet had the go o d fo rtune o f
do ing so to know the jo y o f discov ering the natural harmo ny
in which they are unco nscio usly bathing.
It is this exercise which allows us to feel high the fastest
and to feel, naturally and witho ut danger, the sensatio ns
o btained no rmally thro ugh the use o f drugs. There are many
yo ung drug users who hav e sto pped using these dangero us
substances after hav ing discov ered that they can trip o ut far
mo re po werfully, but witho ut the terrible feelings o f need,
and what is mo re impo rtant, beco ming at the same time ev en
mo re efcient, in their pro fessio nal and sexual lives.
Drug s pro duce altered st ates o f co nscio usness by
establishing certain sho rt circuits in the brain which, tho ugh
these might pro duce pleasant sensatio ns in the sho rt term,
act ually damage the functio ning of t he brain. Se n s u a l
Meditatio n allows o ne to o btain the same sensatio ns, but far
stro nger and mo re permanently, since instead o f altering the
state o f co nscio usness thro ugh sho rt circuits, it elevates the
lev el o f awareness b y develo ping o ur natural mechanism,
which thro ugh training will be able to functio n better and
better as we use them mo re and mo re.
Drugs enable us to discov er certain ecstatic experiences by
atro phying the natural mechanisms which are designed to
allow us to reach them, whereas Sensual Meditatio n develo ps
these mechanisms, thus allo wing us to reach these ecstasies
mo re and mo re easily. The to tally awakened perso n is able to
liv e permanently in a state o f abso lute joy. To reach such a
level o f awareness may require many years o f wo rk upo n
o neself, usually sev en years. Fo r tho se who are already fairly
awakened o r who hav e already started to meditate, it will
take far less time.
Meditatio n 2
To begin with, this seco nd C D o r tape will allow us to
beco me aware o f o ur breathing, but this time in a mo re
physical way co mpared with the last exercise.
The po int is to feel the who le o f o ur respirato ry apparatus
by, after hav ing held o ur breath, co ntrasting the feeling o f
fresh air which we breathe in with the residual warm air left
in the lungs and bro nchial tubes.
Our sensuality is dev elo ped by feeling co ntrasts, such as
differences in temperature, co lo ur, so und o r o do urs.
A fter hav ing o xygenated o urselves tho ro ughly, as we do
befo re all o f these ex ercises, we then tune into o ur lungs and
live o ut this fantastic chemical exchange thanks to which we
are aliv e the o xygenatio n o f o ur blo o d.
Then we co ncentrate o n feeling o ur heart beat, this pump
which passes the blo o d thro ugh o ur lungs so that it picks up
tho se precio us o xygen ato ms fo r which o ur who le bo dy is
So as to feel o ur heart beating mo re easily, we can press
lightly the tips o f o ur right hand against tho se o f o ur left.
By do ing this, rst we can feel this regular rhythm easily in
the tips o f o ur ngers, and then in the who le hand, and
pro gressively we will try to feel it ev erywhere, in the arms, in
the who le bo dy and nally in the brain itself, where it feels as
if we can hear the heart beat. Thus we beco me aware o f o ur
heart as we feel it beat calmly and harmo nio usly in o ur chest.
Thro ugh o ther exercises taught at the co urse o f awakening,
we can learn how to slo w do wn o r speed up o ur heartbeat at
will, just as we can cho o se to slow down o r speed up o ur
breathing, even tho ugh usually, as with the heart, its rhythm
is regulated by the brain witho ut us hav ing to think abo ut it.
The rst C D integrated o ur o rganism, whereas this o ne
makes us aware o f the rhythms which are animating and
keeping it liv ing co ntinually. This allows us to feel aliv e,
pulsating right up to o ur nger tips to the best o f this pumps
ability, who se ev ery actio n is essential and which is just as
much us as is the brain which is aware o f it.
Meditatio n 3
No w that we have interco nnected the cells fo rming o ur bo dy
and felt the rhythms which animate it, in this meditatio n we
shall beco me aware o f o ur bo dy thro ugh o ur senses.
The rst two exercises o ccurred within o urselves and
co nsisted o f o ur o rganism beco ming aware o f itself thro ugh
to tally internal mechanisms witho ut requiring the use o f o ur
external senses.
No w we are go ing to discov er o ur physique, rst thro ugh
o ur sense o f to uch, by keeping o ur ey es clo sed and then
thro ugh each o f the o ther senses.
Discovering o ur bo dy thro ugh the sense o f to uch allows us
to beco me aware o f the sensitiv ity o f different parts o f o ur
o rganism and to enjoy the pleasure o f bo th being to ucher
and to uched, stro ker and stro ked.
Howev er, fo r the rst few times that we do this exercise, we
must try to be mo re in the tips o f o ur ngers than in the rest
o f o ur bo dy and be just the to ucher so as to beco me aware o f
the shape and fo rm o f o ur bo dy thro ugh o ur own hands. In
this tactile explo ratio n o f o ur own shape, we redisco ver the
pleasure that we o nce had as babies when we explo red
o urselv es, except that this time we are fully co nscio us o f what
we are do ing.
The feelers are being felt themselv es. This is particularly
o bv io us when we start sucking the tips o f o ur ngers to feel
them better. A t the same time, we are discov ering the taste o f
o ur own skin. By sucking o ur ngers and then the skin o f
o ur own arm, we disco ver what we taste o f, o ur own unique
av o ur.
Then, still with o ur ey es clo sed, we explo re o ur own bo dy
smells. In fact it is impo rtant no t to hav e taken a so apy
sho wer just befo re this exercise, and o bv io usly no t to hav e
put o n any deo do rants o r perfumes. The best thing wo uld be
to take a so apy sho wer the ev ening befo re this exercise and
then allow the bo dy to pro duce o v ernight the secretio ns
respo nsible fo r o ur bo dy smells.
The next stage co nsists in discov ering o ur vo ice by feeling
o urselv es talk, as much with o ur hands as with o ur ears. I
am to uching this head, which is me emitting so unds. Thus
we listen to o urselves as if we were so meo ne else listening to
ano ther perso n speak.
Finally we o pen o ur eyes to disco ver o urselv es thro ugh o ur
sense o f v isio n, rst by lo o king at o ur hands mov ing, just as
a baby do es in its co t, except this time we are fully co nscio us
o f the beauty o f o ur limbs and their mov ements.
Then we caress o nce again o ur bo dy with o ur hands,
disco vering ev ery part o f o ur physique as if we were lo o king
at it fo r the rst time. It is ver y impo rtant to have a po rtable
mirro r beside us fro m the start o f the exercise, to help us
lo o k at certain less-accessible parts o f o ur bo dy.
We lo o k at o urselv es as if with new eyes. We hav e never
taken the time to lo o k at certain parts o f o ur bo dy with lov e,
particularly o ur sexual o rgans, because o f the tabo o s passed
o n to us by o ur parents. This is especially true fo r wo men,
who se sexual o rgans were co nsidered dirty by phallo cratic
so cieties.
Our sexual o rgans, which give us pleasure and which can
give life, are as beautiful as o wers fo r bo th men and wo men.
In fact, owers are plants sexual o rgans.
Our anus itself, which we can see using o ur mirro r, is a
magnicent part o f o ur bo dy. It is thro ugh there that matter
is evacuated, matter which has been in co ntact with ev ery
part o f the inside o ur bo dy, that we can never to uch, and
which has left the best o f itself so that we can live.
A fter hav ing discov ered with amazement this fabulo us
liv ing toy, which is o ur bo dy, and which expects o nly o ne
thing, namely, that we enjoy it, we can then re-establish
co ntact with o ur env iro nment, where o ther peo ple are
develo ping and who like us, hav e just been able to beco me
aware o f these treasures o f which we are co mpo sed and which
we have igno red fo r far to o lo ng.
Meditatio n 4
The C D o r tape sho uld be listened to sitting down as
co mfo rtably as yo u can and, if po ssible, sitting cro ss-legged
in co ntrast to the rst three exercises which were to be do ne
lying down.
The po ster sho wing the symbo l o f Innity which may be
o btained alo ng with the C Ds sho uld be stuck o n a wall at eye
level and if po ssible illuminated by a bright light, with the
rest o f the ro o m in darkness. Once a perso n has tuned into
hi mself and to t ally awak ened t o t hemselv es i nt er nally
thro ugh the prev io us exercises, he can then beco me aware o f
so mething entirely fo reign to himself and allow himself to be
inv aded by the v ibratio ns transmitted by the drawings shape.
Every shape aro und us is inuencing permanently us and
the mo st recent experiments using small pyramids have
shown that fruit can be dehydrated co mpletely witho ut go ing
bad purely as a result o f wav es reected o ff walls angled and
o rientated in a certain way.
We also kno w that when so unds are analysed electro nically,
O pro duces an O fo rm o n the screen while I shows an I
fo rm.
Every co lo ur and so und emits speci c v ibratio ns which can
harmo nise with themselv es and inuence o ur behav io ur and
well-being, and in the same way, the waves o f fo rm pro duced
by o ur env iro nment exert an eno rmo us inuence upo n o ur
dev elo pment and fullment.
A s explained in the beginning o f this bo o k, this symbo l
represents Innity in space and time and emits particularly
harmo nio us wav es o f fo rm. It is no t by chance that it can be
fo und in the Tibetan Bo o k o f the Dead, o r do tted all ov er
India in places well known fo r their traditio nal emphasis o n
the blo sso ming and dev elo pment o f the indiv idual, ev en
tho ugh it is now buried under years o f superstitio n.
The watchmaker left traces o f how his watches functio n,
particularly in this huge co ntinent.
To get maximum benet fro m this exe rcise, it is most impo r-
t a n t to understand that this symbo l has abso lutely no thing to
do with the Nazi criminals who sto le part o f it fo r their
emblem. In any dictio nar y a swastika is described as reli-
gio us symbo l of In d i a (from the Sanskrit s u = well and a s t i =
being). A t this mo ment there are millio ns o f peo ple medi-
tating in their Buddhist temples deco rated with this symbo l,
just as their ancesto rs hav e do ne daily fo r tho usands o f years.
If Hitler had used the C hristian cro ss as his symbo l instead,
(and he almo st did since it wo uld hav e helped him in his
pro ject o f Jewish geno cide) wo uld that hav e meant that after
the war C hristians all ov er the wo rld wo uld no t hav e been
allowed to carry o r use their symbo l? Obv io usly no t. In the
same way, the fact that the Inquisitio n killed tho usands o f
peo ple in the name o f the C hristian cro ss do es no t reduce
Jesus message o f lov e and fraternity.
It was impo rtant to write that paragraph since it is
impo ssib le to awa k en o ursel v es and b lo sso m wh i le
co ntemplating a symbo l which we think is an emblem o f
v io lence. On the co ntrary, this co mbinatio n o f the two
triangles interlo cked into each o ther and the swastika, is the
emblem o f abso lute love, innity, life and joy.
The triangle po inting upwards represents the innitely big,
which includes the stars and galaxies swirling aro und us, o r
mo re precisely to gether with us, since we arent the centre o f
the universe, no t ev en that o f o ur own so lar system.
The triangle po inting do wnwards represents the innitely
sma ll, includ i ng cells wh ich co m po se us, wh i ch ar e
themselv es independent o rganisms as well as integrated with
each o ther, mo lecules which make up o ur cells, ato ms which
are themselves univ erses co ntaining planets upo n which
peo ple like us liv e and who lo o k up at their sky, wo ndering
whether life exists elsewhere.
The stars o f o ur sky make up o ur galaxy in which we bathe.
Our galaxy is a part o f o ur univ erse, which itself is a tiny bit
o f a huge particle situated so mewhere in a cell in the bo dy o f
a gigantic liv ing being, which itself is co ntemplating its own
sky, wo ndering whether there is life elsewhere.
The innitely large is co mpo sed o f the innitely small and
witho ut the innitely small there wo uld be no innitely
large, which is why the two triangles are interlinked.
A s fo r the swastika, it represents innity in time. Ev ery -
thing aro und us has always existed, either in the fo rm o f
matter, o r in the fo rm o f energy. The matter o f which we are
made has always existed and will always exist because we are
made o f eternity. Only its fo rm changes. We are but the
o rganised accumulatio n o f particles taken fro m the fo o d
which was abso rbed by o ur mo ther, and which came to gether
acco rding to a specic plan to fo rm us in her wo mb. Then
after o ur birth these particles came fro m the fo o d we ate,
so me fro m carro ts, o thers fro m po tato es, meat and eggs, etc.
But the carro t eaten by o ur mo ther o r by us, o f which an
ato m might have remained in o ur no se, fo r example, will
have extracted this ato m fro m the so il in which it grew. It
came to this so il fro m the co mpo st bro ught by the gardener,
and befo re that was in the dung co ming fro m a cows
intestines. Befo re that it was part o f a mo use which, after
being eaten and excreted by a carnivo re, was abso rbed by the
grass which the cow ate, etc... In this way, we co uld fo llow
the sto ry o f this particle which is in yo ur no se right back to
a time preceding the creatio n o f life o n Earth, and the same
go es fo r all the particles o f which yo u are made: they hav e
always existed. So me hav e even been part o f o ther peo ples
bo dies, liv ing hundreds o r tho usands o f years ago .
That is what the symbo l which we are co ntemplating
represents, and as we do so , it irradiates us with its benecial
v ibratio ns.
The technique o f lo o king at it as described by the C D is
designed to imprint its image o n o ur retina and especially to
info rm o ur co mputer o f its exact shape. Pro lo nged expo sure
to these vibr at io ns elevates o ur d egree o f harmo ny ev en mo re .
This dev elo ps o ur ability to perceive Innity thro ugh its
v ibratio ns in which we are bathing.
Meditatio n 5
In co ntrast to the rst fo ur exercises, this o ne canno t be do ne
alo ne, a partner is necessary. If we are with so meo ne with
who m we are thinking o f making lov e, then this is an
excellent preparatio n fo r the relatio nship to be a success;
alternativ ely, if we hav e been hav ing an intimate relatio nship
already with so meo ne fo r a lo ng time and wish to rediscov er
each o ther and bring a new light to the relatio nship, where
each awakens the o ther simultaneo usly, then this, to o , is an
excellent preparatio n.
However, this C D can also be listened to when we are with
so meo ne with who m we do no t wish to hav e any sexual
co ntact, but in who se co mpany we simply wish to develo p
o ur perso nal awakening and blo sso ming.
The prev io us C D co nsisted o f so meo ne, already fully self-
harmo nio us, o pening themselves to the o utside wo rld and
beco ming aware o f it thro ugh an inert symbo l which was
imprinting its waves o f fo rm into them.
No w this universe which we are, and which has beco me
co nscio us o f its own internal harmo ny, is go ing to discov er
ano ther univ erse made in its own image by massaging gently
its partners who le bo dy, who , o nce nished, will turn the
cassette ov er and listen to it again, except this time, the o ne
who was massaged no w beco mes the masseur: the discov ered
is now the disco verer. Thus two univ erses will have kno wn
each o ther mutually. The French wo rd co nnaissance means
being bo rn o r entering into the wo rld to gether . A s we hav e
seen, o ur bo dy is a univ erse, and thus a wo rld, and when we
beco me aware o f so mething aro und us it beco mes part o f o ur
wo rld and thus is bo rn to us. When two peo ple meet each
o ther, they mutually enter into each o thers wo rld.
The massage is no t suppo sed to be a fo rm o f physio therapy,
and to do it o ne need no t hav e any prio r knowledge o f
kineso therapy. The aim is simply to beco me aware, thro ugh
the sense o f to uch, o f ano ther perso ns shape and how they
are a bo dy o f cells and ato ms just like us, susceptible to the
same reactio ns as we are.
Neither must it be ero tic. We are no t caressing, we are
gently kneading the o rganism which we are discov ering,
steadily mov ing up towards the heart. It is better to press
slightly to o hard than to o so ft. We are beco ming aware o f the
texture o f o ur partners esh as we fo llo w the co nto urs o f
their bo nes thro ugh the skin. Our thumbs are wo rking and
kneading this liv ing matter which makes up ano ther wo rld.
A s fo r the o ne being massaged, this exercise pro duces ev en
mo re impo rtant effects in us as we beco me aware o f ano ther
o rganism thro ugh their hands. We were lying there in
abso lute harmo ny, when suddenly, so mething fo reign to
o urselves started to feel o ur bo dy. The rst reactio n is a
feeling o f tensio n o r a so rt o f co iling away fro m so mething
alien. Then, bit by bit, o ur bo dy realises pro gressively that the
effects pro duced by this co ntact are po sitive and marvello usly
relaxing, until the nger mov ements o n o ur skin are ex-
pected, anticipated and wished fo r, particularly in tho se parts
where the hands hav e no t yet been and where yo u kno w that
they will go.
This expectancy turns to pleasure and increases the feeling
o f unity o f o ur who le o rganism.
When this C D is nished, we hav e reached the end o f the
part o f the pro gramme addressed to peo ple witho ut sexual
partners, since the next exercise is designed fo r the mo ments
p receding physical unio n of two peo ple of co mplementar y sex.
The act o f disco vering that physical co ntact with o thers is
po ssible witho ut necessarily being sexual, is go ing to mo dify
deeply o ur reactio ns to wards o thers. We will no t see tho se
clo se to us and tho se we meet in the same way that we used
to . This new v isio n o f humans aro und us will multiply o ur
capabilities fo r co mmunicatio n tenfo ld.
He n c e f o rth we will no longer co nsider o thers as people with
who m we can co mmunicate o nly thro ugh so und and sight, as
o ur mediev al educat io n taught us, now we can see them as
living beings wh om we can also to uch and who can to uch us
if they hav e under sto o d th e impor tance of this co ntact and
h a ve accept ed it so as to develo p and blo sso m fur t h e r.
It has been prov en that children need this physical co ntact,
to be to uched and to to uch their parents, if they are to
develo p and blo sso m fully. A nd if we are so reticent and
reluctant abo ut the idea o f this co ntact even befo re tr ying it
o ut, it is because we have been terribly depriv ed o f these
tactile exchanges by o ur educato rs, who were themselv es
priso ners of t heir Judeo -C h ristian guilt-r idden mo rality,
putting shame o n anything physical. Ho w many times have
so me o f us wished to be hugged by o ur fathers rather than
just pecked with the tips o f their lips o n o ur fo rehead, o r
wished to be stro ked, kneaded, massaged and pressed against
their chests, instead o f being held at a distance as if we had
the plague?
This lack o f physical co ntact is what is respo nsible fo r o ur
inhibitio ns in this area, but it is no t to o late to re-learn to liv e
o ut this sense banned by o ur parents. We can catch up fo r
lo st time and re-discov er all o ur tactile po ssibilities and,
abov e all, dev elo p the neural co nnectio ns within o ur central
co mputer which are co nnected to the tips o f o ur ngers.
A nd we must remember all th is especially with o ur
children, if we have any, and teach them to to uch each o ther,
to to uch us and to be to uched themselves.
Meditatio n 6
This C D o r tape is designed to be listened to by two peo ple
who are co nsidering hav ing a sexual experience.
Our sexuality can be seen as the to p o f the trees trunk
which we are gro wing within us, fro m which stems the
branches carrying the o wers o f o ur to tal fullment and
blo sso ming. A perso n canno t reach full awakening if their
sexuality is no t to tally liberated and harmo nio us.
The physical unio n o f two peo ple is in fact the simplest
actio n which requires the simultaneo us use o f the v e senses,
and mo reover, is the easiest way to get in harmo ny with
Innity in a mo ment o f to tal illuminatio n, allowing us a
glimpse o f the state that we can be in permanently if we reach
abso lute awakening.
A fter the usual perio d o f o xygenatio n which sho uld always
precede the playing o f each C D and which aims to improv e
the quality o f the chemical reactio ns within o ur brain, thus
allowing us to feel what o ur ve senses are picking up, the
rst part o f this exercise co nsists o f beco ming v isually aware
o f o ur partners bo dy.
Yo ur partner is lying down next to yo u and yo u are lo o king
at their physique fro m head to to e, beco ming aware o f this
universe similar to yo urself, with which yo u will so o n be o ne
and a part o f, as two innitely small , which are bo th part o f
the innitely small , which are bo th part o f the innitely
large , meet each o ther.
The o ne who is lying do wn, eyes clo sed, beco mes aware o f
the o ther perso ns gaze caressing their bo dy and feels it
mov ing alo ng. Thus they are o ffering their charming bo dy
curves to the v isual o rgans o f the perso n with who m they
shall be pro gressing to gether in the awakening o f their sen-
suality. The perso n lying down almo st feels penetrated b y the
lo o ks which are owing into them thro ugh all the po res o f
their skin.
The seco nd part o f this exercise co nsists o f exciting the
ero geno us zo nes o f yo ur partner by massaging them far mo re
lightly than in C D number ve, with caresses designed to
excite sexually the perso n being massaged.
C ertain parts o f the bo dy sho uld be stro ked ver y lightly
while o thers sho uld be massaged much harder, bearing
indiv idual sensitiv ity in mind. It is ver y impo rtant that the
o ne being massaged co llabo rates fully during this exercise by
expressing what they like o r like less and which parts they
wish to be stro ked gently and which parts to be stro ked hard e r.
In fact, tho ugh the main ero geno us zo nes are the same fo r
ev eryo ne, there are certain variatio ns depending o n the
indiv idual perso nality, so that so me parts which do no thing
fo r so me peo ple are particularly exciting fo r o thers. With
practice, we will be able to disco ver all these v ariatio ns which
pro duce ev en better results and rene o ur stimulatio n o f the
o ther perso ns sensitiv e parts.
What is mo re, it is mo st impo rtant that the o ne being
stro ked info rms the stro ker v ery precisely abo ut everything
t h at t hey feel. Ev en th e mo st mi nute o f pleasur ab le
sensatio ns must be manifested clearly by little mo ans. This
will have three effects: rst, it will guide the massagers hands
with mo re precisio n, then it will trigger a feeling o f
excitement in the masseur as they perceive the results o f the
mo vements, and nally it will improv e the quality o f pleasure
in the o ne being massaged thro ugh a pro cess o f po sitive
feedback. The act o f hearing yo urself mo aning with pleasure
will trigger in yo ur brain certain mechanisms which pro vo ke
an improv ement in the functio ning o f the recepto r o rgans.
Pl e a s u re g enerat es pleasure, wh ich is wh y it is mo st
impo rtant to react to the slightest pleasurable sensatio n at the
beginning o f the exercise by mo aning lo ud eno ugh fo r y o ur
partner to perceiv e the pleasurable sensatio ns, by slightly
amp lify ing t h e v o cal m anifest atio ns o f t h ese po sit iv e
perceptio ns, even if, to begin with, the sensatio ns were no t
quite large eno ugh to push yo u to express yo ur satisfactio n
audibly. This amplicatio n o f o ur reactio ns to pleasure will
pro duce an ampli catio n o f the pleasure itself.
Once o ur sense o f v isio n, to uch and hearing has been in
co ntact with o ur partner, no w the sense o f taste and smell can
co me into actio n.
This time the same areas which hav e just been stro ked with
the tips o f the ngers will now be to uched gently with the
lips, tasted with the tip o f the to ngue in so me areas, and
smelled and breathed upo n in o thers, so that the perso n lying
down feels the ho t breath o f the perso n who is discov ering
them thro ugh the no se and mo uth. It is impo rtant during
this exercise to breathe in thro ugh the no se so as to exercise
the sense o f smell and to breathe o ut thro ugh the mo uth so
that yo ur partner lying do wn feels yo ur breath o n their skin.
The disco ver y o f bo dy smells o n yo ur partner is v ery
impo rtant. It has been scientically pro ven that bo dy smells
co ntain certain chemicals called phero mo nes, a wo rd co ming
fro m the Greek pherein meaning carrier and ho rmao
meaning I exist , thus to gether meaning I bro adcast my
existence . The name was giv en to all substances which are
secreted by liv ing o rganisms which inuence the behav io ur
o f o thers o f the same species.
C ertain mo ths can nd their partners o f the o ppo site sex
during the mating seaso n by tracing a smell emitted by the
latter up to sev eral kilo metres away, ev en in a wo o d full o f
o ther smells. Thus we can understand just how impo rtant
this sense is. What is mo re, certain cases o f impo tence hav e
been cured by using the o do urs emitted by the female sexual
o rgan and cases o f frigidity by mens o do urs yet ano ther
reaso n fo r no t using deo do rants if we wish to hav e an
harmo nio us sexual life.
In additio n, it is impo r tant to understand clearly that fresh
bo dy o do urs do no t smell bad. Fresh sweat, fo r example, is
no t at all unpleasant to smell. If, o n the o ther hand, we do
no t wash fo r a lo ng time, and we allo w the sweat to ferment
o n us and in o ur clo thes, it beco mes co mpletely unbearable.
Ev en ro ses begin to smell bad when they ro t.
Thus we hav e just seen that certain substances co ntained in
o ur bo dy o do urs affect o ur sexual reactio ns. This is why it is
v ital to breathe in and smell o ur partner in the areas
described by the C D and to allo w these particular substances
to pro duce their own exciting effects in o ur brain.
The same go es fo r the sense o f taste. The skin secretes
substances which also hav e their impo rtance and which
co ntain chemical messages which the recepto rs o f o ur to ngue
deco de and transmit to o ur brain, which itself relays o ther
chemical and neural messages to o ur sexual o rgans so that
they can prepare fo r actio n.
The exchange o f breath is also essential since it allows bo th
bo dies to harmo nise their breathing and to feel themselv es
liv ing, thanks to the same rhythm.
A lso , this air which has been in co ntact with the inside o f
o ur bo dy takes up ato ms which have trav elled within us and
co nt rib utes t o t h e r e c i p ro cal c o n n e c t i o n o f th e t wo
o rganisms.
Fi n a l l y, t he ki ssing enables bo th peo ple t o exc h a n g e
chemical messages by co mmunicating with their taste buds,
and to directly taste the o ther perso n tasting them with a
similar o rgan. We canno t do this with hearing o r smelling,
but we can with to uch when peo ple are mutually to uching
each o ther with the tips o f their ngers, but it is ev en mo re
intense with the mo uth.
A t the end o f this exercise it will be the turn o f the o ther
perso n who was lying down, to do o n the o ther what the
latter did fo r them. Thus bo th partners will at last be to tally
o pen to each o ther and ready to unite while bearing in mind
the wo ndro us scale o f this meeting o f two univ erses, who are
mutually enriching each o ther.
Reaching a co nscio us o rgasm simultaneo usly, felt by the
who le bo dy rather than just by the sexual o rgans, will be the
reward o f scrupulo us preparatio n o f this celebratio n o f
Innity, which co uld last a v ery lo ng time and which will
hav e no thing to do with what until now has been called
making love .
The abso lute symbio sis o f two peo ple nally beco ming a
bit o f each o ther allows them to make lov e with the ato ms
which make them up and with the galaxies o f which they are
part, and thus to hav e what can be called a co smic o rgasm.
The pro gramme which we have just analysed do es no t
represent the to tality o f the teaching giv en to Man by the
watchmakers who made us, but as stated abo ve, it is the tree
trunk o f o ur fullment. A tree with just a trunk canno t liv e,
and ever y branch is v ital fo r the dev elo pment o f the leaves
which allo w it to breathe and fo r the owers to blo sso m. The
branches are o ther exercises which are just as impo rtant, but
which were no t able to be presented in the fo rm o f reco rded
C Ds, because so me necessitate the interventio n o f a teacher
o f Sensual Meditatio n (who m we call a guide), and o thers
require the presence o f a gro up as is the case, amo ng o thers,
fo r t he dev elo pment o f the co llect iv e h ar mo nic v o c a l
v ibratio n.
We co uld also mentio n as part o f the pro cess o f awakening,
the guided and pro gressiv e disco very o f the beauty o f o ur
own bo dy thro ugh an initiatio n into naturalism, allowing us
to appreciate the beauty and harmo ny o f ev ery part o f o ur
b o d y b y co m paring t hem wi th t h o se o f o ur co urse
co mpanio ns. This is particularly impo rtant fo r wo men in
who m the idea has been inculcated that their sexual o rgan is
dirty and ugly. By co mparing this part o f themselv es with
each o ther, they can discov er ho w wo nderfully interesting
and full o f grace their sexual o rgans are, in their innumerable
variety o f shapes.
Men, to o , can fo rget their infer io rit y co mplexes by
d i s c o v er ing th e r ich ness o f t h eir sex ual o rgans, each
marvello usly adapted fo r relatio ns with their partners. They
can discover the great variety o f shapes and sizes, each o ne
with its o wn advantages and thus no ne o f them inferio r to
any o ther.
But o ne o f the mo st impo rtant gro ups o f exercises co nsists
o f the improv ement in the use o f the senses, which are also
develo ped in these centres. It is the dev elo pment o f the ve
basic senses which nally allows the dev elo pment o f the sixth
o ne, that is to say, the ability to co mmunicate telepathically.
This last sense dev elo ps o nly when all the o thers are capable
o f functio ning to their maximum po tential.
This is a brief glimpse o f the po ssibilities o ffered by these
centres o f Sensual Meditatio n which are truly scho o ls o f
Mo reov er, it is impo rtant to no te the utility o f these centres
fo r o ur yo uth tho se ado lescents who se parents do no t dare
explain the facts o f life and who se educato rs present them
with a sexual educatio n which talks o nly abo ut do gs and
mice. Basically, they explain o nly ho w it wo rks rather than
t eaching t hem h ow to use th eir o r gans t o at tain th e
maximum pleasure. They try to make o ut that sex is o nly fo r
p ro c reat io n, ev en t h o ugh in o ur d ay and age o ur
co ntraceptiv e techniques are improv ing all the time. We
prov ide yo ung girls with the pill , yet we tell them that sexual
unio n is o nly fo r making babies, o ne o f the heights o f human
hypo crisy.
These Sensual Meditatio n centres will be o pen o nly to tho se
abov e the age o f co nsent , which represents different ages
depending o n the legislatio n o f the co untry in which the
centre is lo cated. In France, fo r example, y o u must be at least
18 years o ld to frequent the centres, and tho se between the
ages o f 15 and 18 require a written autho risatio n fro m their
parents, a draft fo rm o f which will be pro v ided by o ur
sensuality scho o ls . Tho se between the ages o f 15 and 18
have the right (!) to hav e a sexual life with the co nsent (!) o f
their parents. A s fo r tho se under the age o f 15, even if their
parents co nsent, they hav e no right to a sexual life. It is no t
o ur fault, it is the law!
Info rm yo urselv es at yo ur lo cal Sensual Meditatio n centre
which will let yo u know the current laws co ncerning the age
limits o f yo ur co untry which we hav e to respect. If yo u are
t o o y o ung, be pat ient , and in th e meantime awaken
yo urselves b y yo urselv es, acco rding to principles described in
this bo o k.
Tho ugh so me particularly gifted indiv iduals can learn how to
awaken and blo sso m by themselves, mo st peo ple wo uld do
better to be guided alo ng the path o f harmo ny so as to avo id
wasting time alo ng directio ns which lead to no thing. A nd
ev en the particularly gifted peo ple will still waste a lo t o f time
with unpro ductiv e experiences unless they meet so meo ne
who will giv e them the benet o f their o wn experience.
Awakening has so metimes been co mpared to a mo untain
with many paths leading to the to p, the attainment o f which
represents self-realisatio n. Perso nally, I prefer co mparing it to
a tree which we cultiv ate within o urselves, and which is
therefo re different fo r each perso n, bo th in shape and in the
f ruit wh ich it will pr o d uce. A mo untain r e p re s e n t i n g
awakening wo uld imply that there is o nly o ne summit to
reach and ev eryo ne must climb the same mo untain, which is
inco rrect, and even if we admitted that ev eryo ne has his o r
her own perso nal mo untain, then that wo uld mean that o nce
we reach the to p, there will be no thing left to discov er. With
the other image, the tree is alive and we never cease to deve l o p
it, gro wing its branches and bearing mo re and mo re fruit, the
avo urs o f each o ne beco ming mo re and mo re delicio us.
That is why tho se who teach Sensual Meditatio n are, abov e
all, gardeners, ev en tho ugh the o nly title which they wo uld
accept wo uld be guides . They are there to guide the saplings
as they begin to grow, so that their dev elo pment is as rapid
and harmo nio us as can be.
A real guide will never accept being called master since,
deriv ing fro m the Latin wo rd magister , its meaning is to
have autho rity o ver peo ple, and the guide is no t there to
o rder anyo ne aro und, but o n the co ntrary, to allow the yo ung
tree to decide what is the right directio n to send o ut its ro o ts
by letting it discov er all its po ssibilities. A nd the best way to
help it take the best po ssible decisio n is to allow it to develo p
its links co nnecting it with Innity, that is to say, by
develo ping its senses. We hav e seen that the wo rd meditate
co mes fro m the Latin wo rd meditare which means to
exercise . Therefo re, Sensual Meditatio n is a training o f the
senses aimed at an impro ved perceptio n o f the Innite,
ev entually allowing us to realise that we o urselv es are innite
and leading us to develo p co mpletely naturally in the best
po ssible directio n.
When putting o urselv es in harmo ny with the Innite, we
o urselv es beco me the v ehicle o r instrument thro ugh which it
is manifest in the eyes o f tho se who are no t y et aware o f the
The guide is no mo re than a manifestatio n o f the Innite,
addressed to tho se who hav e no t yet realised that they, to o ,
can be the instrument o f what they are made up o f and what
they make up.
Guides do no t teach lov e, they are lo ve because they deriv e
their pleasure fro m seeing o thers develo p, and are no urished
by their pro gress.
They do no t see peo ple when they teach, they see o nly
manifestatio ns o f Innity who m they are helping to beco me
aware o f what and who they are.
The guides do no t teach so as to be lo ved o r admired, they
teach so as to give to o ther bits o f Innity the jo y o f realising
what they are, because they admire in o thers that which
animates themselves.
Yo u who are reading these lines, yo u, to o , are co mpo sed o f
Innity which is in the pro cess o f disco vering itself, and that
is why yo u feel as enthusiastic as yo u do no w. The guides are
there to help yo u pro lo ng and develo p this enthusiasm.
The wo rd e n t h u s i a s m co mes fro m t he Greek wor d
entheo s which means inspired by the Go ds , and as we have
seen, this co ncept o f Go d represents innity. Thus, to help
yo u to be inspired by Innity which is yo u, that is the aim
o f the guide.
Here are a few o f the mo re no table perso nal experiences sent
by so me o f the hundreds o f peo ple who hav e already
fo llowed a co urse o f awakening thro ugh Sensual Meditatio n.
When I arrived at the site o f the co urse o f awakening o n the
5th A ugust I was still wo ndering what I was do ing there,
especially as Iv e always fo und it ver y hard to appro ach
peo ple.
A lways ill at ease with myself, I had been carrying abo ut fo r
a co uple o f years then so me badly healed emo tio nal injuries
which had made me retreat into my shell just like a snail
which had been frightened. Relativ ely igno rant abo ut the
damage which can be caused by nastiness and stupidity, I
discov ered a few years befo rehand the destructiv e power o f
wo rds, and after hav ing met shame, anxiety, fear and panic o f
o ther peo ple, I was emo tio nally injured and had fo und refuge
in my so litude.
It was in this state o f mind that I came into co ntact with
Ral and the Ralians; so mething v ery stro ng had pushed me
there, but like a ghter o n his guard, I was clo sed into myself,
suspicio us and tense.
The next day the co urse o f awakening started and in the
co mpany o f a few do zen men and wo men, we embarked
upo n a subject which fo r me required serio us thinking and to
which I had so far remained v ery painfully clo sed and sen-
sitive: sexuality.
It was as if I was extracting fro m my esh a fo reign bo dy
which had been po iso ning me, and as ev eryo ne expelled fro m
themselv es their own memo ries which had been po iso ning
them, so to o did I start hearing myself relate in my shaky
v o ice in a way that I wo uld nev er have tho ught po ssible. I
was feeling the suppo rt fro m the trust which had been built
up so rapidly between us all, men and wo men, even tho ugh
we had met each o ther o nly the prev io us evening. I had just
discov ered Ralian fraternity and rappo rt, so mething which,
until then, I was unfamiliar with, and in fro nt o f them I had
just go t rid o f a huge lo ad which befo re, I had been trailing
abo ut with me fo r far to o lo ng.
A nd th ro ugho ut t he co ur se, Ral had hand led with
simplicity, co mmo n sense and in-depth knowledge this
subject fo r which in the past I had o nly heard dero gato ry
laughter and rude remarks fro m o thers.
How can I describe all the bene ts o f this co urse witho ut
missing any o ut, apart fro m saying that it changed my life
co mpletely, no t to mentio n all the deep changes o f which I
am no t yet aware.
Mo re o pen in mind and bo dy, mo re aware o f myself and
o thers, little by little I have no ticed that many things have
changed in my o utlo o k o n life and in the way I liv e it.
The range o f v alues which I had prev io usly built up seemed
o utmo ded and fro m that mo ment, I think, I started to
co nsider o ther peo ple and ev ents with much mo re acuity and
serenity, as if they had shed their deceitful facade and as if
they had taken back their real dimensio ns.
I also rediscov ered, I think, the capacity o f my yo uth to
marv el at everything and ev eryo ne as if seeing with new eyes,
lo o king as if in love at wo men and at life in all its v ariety with
an ever greater sensitiv ity.
This internal rev o lutio n also had its effects upo n my way o f
behav ing, a change which itself was no t witho ut its pro blems
since, and this I realised straight away, my acquaintances
co uld no t o r did no t always try to understand why they
fo und me as so meo ne different to the perso n who m they
knew befo re. I had to balance my desire to realise myself to
the full, with the fear o f sho cking the peo ple who m I love o r
who m I feel so mething fo r, and yet I still try to temper my
way o f being with co mmo n sense.
The nal result is that tho se with who m I liv e see me in a
new light; they are left bo th surprised and wo ndering and, in
general, respect my way o f being since it appeals to their
reaso n, and fro m their attitude towards me, I believ e that I
am taken into more co nsideration, and people respect me more .
Rene Jo urdren, Saint Etienne, France
Befo re participating in the co urse o f awakening my life didnt
have the same intensity. In fact, I wasnt auto no mo us o r
independent and tended to so lve my pro blems by leaning o n
o thers a lo t. I wo uld seek things which I didnt hav e witho ut
giv ing anything in exchange. I was caught in a system o f
co nsumerism. In the same way as a co nsumer needs to have
things, I wo uld swallo w fo o d and wo rds, lo sing o ut o n the
meaning o f dialo gue, exchange and sharing.
Thanks to the co urse o f awakening, I hav e experienced the
impo rtance o f interchanges and interactio ns, these exchanges
which make life po ssible. But fo r that it is necessary to know
o urselv es and to like o urselv es fo r what we are. Its much
simpler! If yo u like yo urself ev en a little bit, then yo u ll like
o thers.
During this co urse o f awakening Ral gave us the basis o f
the awakening o f o ur bo dy and hence o f o ur mind, by
emphasising the impo rtance o f breathing. This breathing
allows us to co mmunicate with the o utside wo rld. But that
isnt all, o ur bo dy po ssesses o ther senses which serve us ev ery
day and which we are no t co nscio us o f, yet if they didnt exist
there wo uldnt be any interactio n between us and the o utside
wo rld, and therefo re no life.
Ral taught us how to utilise o ur senses sensually. This
co urse o f awakening is a birth into the senses which I attempt
to liv e o ut ev ery day. I can measure my develo pment by the
reactio ns o f the peo ple who surro und me. Peo ple say to me,
Yo u create a feeling o f co ndence because yo ure always
The co urse o f awakening made me realise that life is no t
just a ro utine, but o n the co ntrary, can be innitely rich
when we beco me o ne with it. Now I experience things in life
as much o utside me as inside me. Ev erything is simple. My
life now co ntains o nly tho se interchanges and interactio ns
which unite me in a beautiful harmo ny called lov e.
C hantal Lemetayer, Rennes, France
I used t o stumble in the d ark ness, impriso ned by an
atro phying educatio n, co lliding with all the tabo o s that
centuries o f o bscurantism had impo sed thro ugh the ages.
A nd yet o ne ne day the sun ro se as I discov ered Sensual
Meditatio n during a co urse o f awakening superv ised by
Ral. Fo r me, it was the dawn o f a new life. Up till then, all
my shutters were clo sed, but at that mo ment, they o pened
o nto a beautiful landscape. I had rediscov ered the secrets o f
my bo dy.
It is v ery difcult to describe in wo rds all the treasures that
this bro ught me. Instead, I wo uld rather that o ne day,
everyo ne co uld liv e what I feel and experience thro ugh
Sensual Meditatio n.
It was thro ugh this that I was able to rediscov er simplicity,
and that in ev erything, in ev er y passing mo ment, there is an
unlimited so urce o f pleasure: the lo o k o f a child, the
freshness o f a summers rain, a ower, a bird singing... In the
same way that a bee creams the po llen fro m ever y o wer,
Sensual Meditatio n teaches us how to harv est the nectar o f life
with all the strength o f o ur senses, fro m every mo ment o f o ur
A nd no w every mo rning, while millio ns o f peo ple wake up
into the mo no to ny o f habit, my mind awakes into a
whirlwind o f co lo urs. A n innite energy rises fro m the
d epth s o f my b rain and il lum inat es all o f m y cell s.
Imaginatio n and creativ ity know no bo unds, and sensuality
takes the lead.
My bo dy was the bud o f a mar vello us ower, which the
shadows o f civ ilisatio n and religio n prevented fro m growing.
Sensual Meditatio n was the ray o f sunshine, which made the
bud blo sso m and o pened it into the harmo ny o f innite
space and time.
Pierre Gary, engineer, Paris
I am 16 years o ld and my name is Laurence. I disco vered
Sensual Meditatio n and it was a rev elatio n fo r me, so mething
very po werful, burning me like a vo luptuo us caress. Even
mo re, it was ecstasy. Yet I had been do ing yo ga fo r many
years, but it was no where near the same. I felt in perfect
harmo ny with the who le o f my bo dy, the who le o f my being
and with o ther peo ple. Yo ur v o ice, reco rded o n the cassette,
penetrated me right to my depth, every little part o f my bo dy
was invaded b y warmth. I was drunk with happiness and
lov e. I wo uld get up effo rtlessly after meditating as if o ating,
bathing o r being carried by air, and its the mo st beautiful
thing that there is, to feel thus in harmo ny with ever ything
that surro unds us.
On Sunday, I went to the C evennes and I climbed v ery
high up a mo untain with a tape reco rder and yo ur cassette.
A nd there I lay do wn, facing the sky and its immensity...
What wo rds can I use to describe how I felt? No wo rd is
po werful eno ugh o r sensual eno ugh to describe this feeling o f
being high. I used to smo ke hashish before and t ake
amphetamines to giv e me the illusio n o f being, o f feeling
go o d, but if yo u o nly knew how these drugs seem ridiculo us
n ow! I also st o pped all th at b ecause it is co mplet ely
unnecessary no w that I hav e discovered Sensual Meditatio n. I
have disco vered an ideal, I breathe, I liv e, I exist, and I realise
that o nly no w.
I am learning to lo o k at things in a better way, at owers,
and so metimes, it happens that I talk with a ower and am
ecstatic over its beauty. There, time no lo nger exists, it is
Laurence, Av igno n, France
A fter the time spent practising the meditatio n this summer at
the co urse o f awakening, I now feel a new clarity o f mind
with an impro ved awareness o f my perso nality, and therefo re
o f my po tential.
What is mo re, I have also no ticed an impro vement in my
general well-being. I am lightly handicapped by a stiff spine,
especially in the lumbar regio n. Since practising Sensual
Meditatio n, I can feel a denite increase in suppleness in this
area. It might be due purely to the breathing exercises which
precede each meditatio n, but whatev er the cause, I felt I had
to giv e my testimo ny.
Pierre-Simo n, Rennes, France
It is with immense joy that I wish to thank yo u Ral, fo r the
unfo rgettable mo ments which we liv ed with yo u at the
co urse o f the awakening o f the mind and bo dy . What
transfo rmed me the mo st was the mo ment where we created
the vo id fo r a better renaissance afterwards. I experienced
such a stro ng emo tio n, that I wanted to sho ut my joy to
e ve ryo ne, but the emotio n left me speechless. Since then, I feel
as if a new man, I am starting my life afresh at 67 years o ld.
A lexandre-Denis, Saint Ubald, C anada
Since I am already o f a certain age, my dev elo pment
fo llo wing the co urse o f awakening has o ccurred slo wly, but
surely. The change, howev er, certainly was radical since my
asso ciate asked me what was happening. Now that I hav e this
feeling o f joy within me, I must say that I hav e a thirst to live
as lo ng as po ssible and I hav e no ticed that the mo re time
passes, the mo re the meditatio n transfo rms me. Fo r me, there
is no greater joy than to be Ralian and my co nv ictio ns are
unshakable. I am sincere, and I have fo und what I was
lo o king fo r after so many years.
Simo ne Dav id, Mo ntreal, C anada
When I rst came acro ss Ral and the teachings o f o ur
creato rs, the Elo him, my life was just a huge questio n mark.
I was almo st ashamed to be a man and I did no t hav e the
co urage to face the pro spect, o n the o ne hand, o f the so cial
eco no mic po litical mystical fanatical o rgy, o n which I
was unable to o pen any do o rs witho ut taking a beating, and
o n the o ther hand, that o f the primitiv e o bscurantism in
which I had been immersed since my birth, and who se cast
was stuck to my skin and wo uld hav e asphyxiated me.
Despite ev erything, I was lo o king fo r so mething else,
so mething which wo uld allow me to breathe in peace,
so mething lo gical, real and humane.
A t the time I was timid, ill at ease and co uld no t express
myself, ev en in fro nt o f o nly o ne perso n. What is mo re, my
sensual tastes required me to full my senses with the co ntact
o f male bo dies. Therefo re, I was traumatised, and lled with
guilt, I was disgraced by co nventio nal mo rality, by religio n,
by educatio n and by the mo st futile o f simple custo ms.
Maybe yo u do nt realise it, but o ne is bo rn as a ho mo sexual,
just as o ne is bo rn with green eyes o r will inev itably have size
38 in sho es, o r measure 1,42 metres, etc... that is to say, that
in o nes chro mo so mes, within the nucleus o f an indiv iduals
cells, the stack o f genes carries the characteristics o f each
perso n and determines abso lutely everything abo ut their
tastes, shapes and ev erything which makes them o riginal.
What is scandalo us, is that in the middle ages they killed
hysterics and no t so lo ng ago , they put heretics to death with
the blessing o f the o bscurantist religio ns, and now o f co urse,
it is fashio nable to kill po litica dissidents and ho mo sexuals,
who m they lo ck up in co ncentratio n camps, po mpo usly
called asy lums o r ad just ment ho uses. Ev en in Pa r i s ,
ho mo sexuals are impriso ned, to rtured, harassed, hemmed in,
and fo rced to liv e undergro und in ghetto s by this igno rant
so ciety and submit to this injustice. A nd yet, it is so easy to
und er st and ho w such ch ar acter isti cs are d eterm ined
genetically, thanks to the wo rk o f o ur scientists.
So , in the two years since I hav e known and practised Rals
teachings, I hav e seen myself to tally transfo rmed. I have no w,
little by little, disco v ered all my po ssibilities which I do no t
yet explo it co mpletely, but at least I have disco v ered them
and I am setting o ff o n the explo itatio n o f myself thro ugh the
awakening o f my faculties, just as a gardener who discov ers
his land, starts wo rking the land to bring o ut its best befo re
sowing, cultiv ating and nally harv esting.
A ll cultivatio n requires v ario us technical knowledge, a bit
o f experience and a lo t o f co mmo n sense. Rals teachings are
a bit like that! To begin with, o ne must have the wish to o pen
o nes garden and to see it blo sso m with the mo st magnicent
o f plants, o wers and trees. The technical know-ho w is
needed to clear the so il which has nev er been explo ited, to
liberate it fro m the weeds, the brambles and excess limesto ne,
so as to regain a neutral env iro nment, no t to o acid, no t to o
alkaline and to resto re a little o rder, just what is necessary so
that what is desired can grow in the harmo ny o f its climate
and the richness o f the so il.
The co mmo n sense is needed so as no t to put the cart
befo re the ho rse, so as to gauge what the so il can pro duce and
at what rhythm, what it needs and what it has to o much o f,
so that the balance can be resto red at any time, under the
watchful eye o f the gardener.
The practical experience allows us to see ho w the so il is
bio lo gical, full o f natural chemicals. Just as we breathe, it is
quite o bv io us that the Earth is aliv e, fro m the c a r ro t and
dandelio n to Ma n , eve rything has its own specic functio n
to full, determined by each indiv iduals genetic co de co n-
tained within his o r her cells. Every liv ing thing is a co g in
the harmo nio us equilibrium o f the who le planet, each thing
is nely tuned to everything else and o nly Man is capable o f
understanding all this. To day, I liv e o ut my sexuality by
seeking fullment thro ugh all my senses, and with who m I
please. I no w feel go o d with myself, my timidity is disappear-
ing and as a co nsequence, my aggressio n is co ntro lled.
Mo reov er, I am giv ing lectures to audiences o f mo re than
100 peo ple, I can no w address myself to anyo ne, with to tal
simplicity and mo re o pen-mindedness and respect fo r o thers.
I can feel an innity o f do rmant po tential being awakened
within me, the rhythm o f explo itatio n which I can co ntro l,
since it is precisely this co ntro l and management o f each
actio n, based o n a mature awareness o f each tho ught, felt by
o ptimum functio ning o f the brain drawn away fro m its
lethargy by the exercising o f o nes sensuality, that is o ne o f the
main qualities o f Sensual Meditatio n.
I fo rgo t to mentio n that since 1967, I hav e had a gastric
ulcer, which at the time, I was adv ised to have o perated o n
thro ugh surgery, but I refused in favo ur o f a ho meo pathic
treatment which I tried fo r the next 10 years, but witho ut
success. When I started practising Sensual Meditatio n, I still
had the ulcer, but within a few mo nths, it disappeared so
co mpletely that I even fo rgo t to mentio n it. I hav e all the x-
ray pho to s and medical certicates av ailable fo r all sceptics to
see, as well as my military serv ice papers which, to my jo y,
certify me inept fo r serv ice precisely because o f my ulcer.
Michel Vuaillat, ho rticultural technician
I am 24 years o ld, and tho ugh I started my sexual life at 16
I v e been frigid for the last eight years. That is, I made love, with
the o nly pleasure being the co ntemplatio n o f the effect o f my
bo dy, which is o f nice pro po rtio ns, o n my male partners.
I was limited to the pleasure o f giv ing them pleasure, and
like many wo men, I pretended to enjoy it so that they wo uld
feel v irile, and so that I wo uld no t seem abno rmal.
When I discov ered Sensual Meditatio n at 24 years o f age, I
had my rst o rgasm. I put into wo rds ho w beautiful this
revelatio n was fo r me. I might add that I used to suffer
regularly fro m bo uts o f depressio n and anxiety which no
medicat io n wa s ab le t o cur e, b ut wh ich h av e no w
d i s a p p e a red t o tally fo llo wing t his disco v e ry o f physical
pleasure. I express o ne wish, and that is fo r ev ery wo man to
be able to discover this, especially as I hav e learned that 70
per cent o f wo men hav e nev er experienced an o rgasm.
N.C ., Quebec
I feel as if I have no w discovered the so urce o f pleasure, o f
happiness, and can draw pleasure fro m it at will.
C ristiane Gariepy, Mo ntreal, C anada
A rt et science de la creativ e, Publicatio n du
C entre culturel de C erisy-la-Salle
Published in the co llectio n 10/18 by Unio n Generale
d Editio ns
Ev o lutio n o u C reatio n
by Jean Fio ri
Published by Editio ns S.D.T., 77190
Dammarlie-les-Lys, France
L o rgasm au Feminin
Published by Editio ns Univers,
1651 Saint-Denis, Mo ntreal, C anada.
Submissio n to A utho rity
S. Milgram, Paris 1974
The Sensual Meditatio n C Ds and audio tapes and the
po ster o f the symbo l o f Innity can be o btained fro m the
Raelian Mov ement o f yo ur co untry as o n page 135 o r
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Building a Brainier Mo use, Scientic A merican, A pril 2000. pp.62-68
Mickey Mo use, Ph.D. Scientic A merican, No v ember 1999. p. 30.
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The DNA -based co mputer : Quebec Science, Vo lume 38, number 7,
A pril 2000, p.30.
A n electro nic eye fo r blind perso ns:
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A IBO the do g full o f bugs : Le Figaro Magazine, No v ember 6th 1999.
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A no se to see the innitely small :
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Le Figaro Magazine, January 11th 2000
Sexuality and sensuality
The human sexuality So ciety : www.sexuality.o rg
The chemical mysteries o f sexuality : Le Figar o Magazine : March 4th, 2000.
Badly info rmed yo ung peo ple :
http : / / dailynews.yaho o .com / h / nm / 19991018 / hl / sex9_1.html
The Natio nal Masturbatio n Day :
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Meditatio n and Peace
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Do yo u want to liv e lo nger ? Smile ! :
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The case o f A ncient Greece, Special research Liv ing120 years,
July / A ugust> 1999
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The effects o f A OM meditatio n hav e been scientically pro v en:
Sang Yuel C ho i (Natio nal Guide in Ko rea)
The case o f A ncient Greece : La Recherche special issue Liv ing 120 years ,
July / A ugust 1999, p. 90
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Greek Raelian Mov ement
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BP 4058 TSV
97254 Fo rt-de-France C dex
Religio n Ralienne de l'Ile Maurice
4 Ro binso n Lane
Pho enix
San Pablo
Tepetlapa N 56-4
A mpl. San Francisco Culhuacan
04470 Mexico D.F.
no r to
Nepalese Raelian Mov ement
GPO Bo x 10857
New Zealand Raelian Mov ement
P.O. Box 1744
Sho rtland Street
Mo v imiento Raeliano de Panama
A ero puerto int'i de To cumen
Zo na Po sta # 14 Panama
panamamx@pty-co .PA .DHL.C OM
Mov imiento Raeliano del Paraguay
Oliv ia 1019 Edif-lider V
Piso 15, Ofcina 151
A suncio n
Mov imiento Raeliano Peruano
Guia Nacio nal
Avenida Benav ides 955 #
Mirao res, Lima,
Philipine Raelian Mo vement
UP Bo x 241, Univ ersity o f the Philippines
Diliman, Quezo n C ity
Philippine 1101
kingnamo @ho m
Religia Raelianska w Po lsce
c/o Iwo na A damczak, Skr. Po czt. 555
00-950 Warszawa 1
Mo v imento Raeliano Po rtugues
Apartado Po stal 2715
1118 Lisbo a C o dex
Raelske Hnutie na Slov ensku
P.O. Bo x 117
82005 Bratislava 25
Raeljansko Gibanje Slo v enije
Vo jkov o nab. 23
6000 Ko per
raeljansko .dr ustv o m
So uth A frican Raelian Religio n
P.O.Box 1572
Bo ksburg 1460
Republic o f So uth A frica
Religio n Raeliana Espaa
Apar tado de C o rreo s 1 9 1 1 3
08080 Bar celo na
Rael_espana@ho m
Raeliska religio nen
BP 1026
10138 Sto ckho lm
raeliska_religio nen@yaho o .co m
Religio n Ralienne Suisse
C ase po stale 176
1926 Fully
o rg
Taiwan Raelian Mo v ement
P.O. Bo x 84-686
Religio n Ralienne du Tchad
A SEC NA B.P. 5629
Thai Raelian Mo vement
c/o Sung Hyuk RHIM
P.O.Box 1556
Bangko k Po st Ofce 10500
Religio n Ralienne du To go
Rita A mtp Respo nsable
B.P. 1476
Lo m
USA Raelian Mov ement
B.O. Box 630368
No r th Miami Beach,
FL 33163 Flo rida
Mov imiento Raeliano Venezo lano
Segunda C alle # 71, Urbanizacio n
El Rinco n, Segunda Sabana,
Bo co no
Tr ujillo
Zimbabwe Raelian Mov ement
P.O. Bo x 666
Zengeza, C hitungwiza
Fo r a full understanding o f the backgro und to Sensual
Meditatio n, it is necessar y to read Rals prev io us writings.
They include:
The Message Given By Extra-Terrestrials
This book comprises two books which in French
we re originally entitled:
Le liv re qui dit la Vrit and
Les extra terrestres m o nt emmen sur leur plan te.
(1 million copies sold, translated into 24 languages)
Yes to Human C lo ning
Im m o rtality thanks to Science
R a ls latest book describing how genetic engineering and nano-
technology are about to re volutionise our live s .
Genio cracy
The rst English language edition of this book which outlines a
c o n t roversial political thesis is due to be published soon.
Fuller details appear on pages 142 to 144.
A ll bo o ks av ailable directly fro m
www.rael.o rg
The full set o f six guided meditatio ns fro m the bo o k Sensual
Meditatio n is av ailable o n two C Ds o r o ne audio tape cassette.
The rst and mo st impo rtant meditatio n Harmo nisatio n with
Innity is available o n a separate C D o r tape. These can be
o rdered fro m the Raelian Mo vement o f yo ur co untry
(see addresses o n pages 135-9) o r directly o nline at www.rael.o rg
The Message Giv en By Extra-Terrestrials also exists
as a fully narrated reco rding in 6 C Ds
Humanitys Origins and o ur Future Explained
A ll life o n Earth, including human beings, was o riginally created
scientically in labo rato ry by the Elo him, an advanced peo ple
fro m space, using a perfect mastery o f genetic engineering and
DNA synthesis. Traces o f their wo rk can be fo und in the Bible,
which is the o ldest atheist bo o k in the wo rld, since the wo rd
Elo him, which appears in the o riginal Hebrew v ersio n, means
tho se who came fro m the sky.
The Elo him entrusted Rael with the missio n o f pro pagating this
revo lutio nar y revelatio n and building an Embassy where they will
o fcially return v ery so o n, alo ng with the Great Pro phets o f Old
that they had sent, such as Jesus, Mo ses, Buddha and Muhammed,
who are being kept aliv e o n their planet thanks to clo ning, the
secret o f eternal life.
Rals mo st recent publicatio n
To days new clo ning techno lo gy is the rst step in the quest fo r
immo rtality o r eternal life. What past religio ns used to pro mise
o nly after death in a mythical paradise will so o n be a scientic real-
ity o n Earth this is Rals challenging co nclusio n in an incisiv e
and wide-ranging rev iew o f how science is abo ut to rev o lutio nise
all o ur liv es.
Once we can clo ne exact replicas o f o urselves, the next step will
be to transfer o ur memo ry and perso nality into o ur newly clo ned
brains and this will allo w us to truly liv e fo rever, he writes. Since
we will be able to remember o ur past, we will be able to accumu-
late knowledge inde nitely.
With rare v isio n, Ral sketches details o f an amazing future in
which o ur nascent techno lo gy will rev o lutio nise and transfo rm the
wo rld. Nano -techno lo gy, he explains, will make agriculture and
heav y industry redundant, super-articial intelligence will quickly
o utstrip human intelligence and eternal life will be po ssible in a
co mputer witho ut the need fo r any bio lo gical bo dy!
These dev elo pments, he warns, are no t 22nd-century science c-
tio n. A ll this will happen in the next twenty years and this bo o ks
purpo se is to prepare us fo r an unimaginably beautiful wo rld-
turned paradise, where no bo dy will ev er need to wo rk again!
The rst English translatio n o f a co ntro v ersial
po litical thesis.
Demo cracy is an imperfect fo rm o f go vernment destined to giv e
way to rule by geniuses genio cracy . Under this system, no can-
didate fo r high o fce may stand fo r electio n unless his o r her
co nscio usness and intelligence is measurably fty per cent abov e
the no rm . Furthermo re, to be eligible to v o te, an electo r must
have a lev el o f co nscio usness ten per cent abov e the av erage.
Genio cracy is therefo re selectiv e demo cracy.
These challenging co ncepts, acco rding to Ral, already apply o n
the planet o f the Elo him. Unless we can co me up with so mething
better, he says, they adv ise us to begin preparing to implement a
similar system, since all human pro gress is ultimately dependent
o n the wo rk o f geniuses.
In this rst editio n o f the bo o k to be published in the English
language, Ral describes ho w such a pro cess might wo rk here
o nce intelligence testing is sufciently dev elo ped.

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