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Linux Commands

Ramiz Ahmed
UNIX Commands
Linux Commands
A command is a program which interacts with the
kernel to proide the enironment and per!orm the
!"nctions called !or #$ the "ser%
A command can #e& a #"ilt'in shell command( an
e)ec"ta#le shell !ile* known as a shell script( or a
so"rce compiled* o#+ect code !ile%
,he shell is a command line interpreter% ,he "ser
interacts with the kernel thro"gh the shell% -o" can
write ASCII .te)t/ scripts to #e acted "pon #$ a
Command Str"ct"re
Linux Commands
Command 0Options1 0Arg"ments1
M"ltiple commands separated #$ ( can #e e)ec"ted
one a!ter the other
2elp 3acilities !or Commands
Linux Commands
,o "nderstand the working o! the command and
possi#le options "se .man command/
Using the 4NU In!o S$stem .in!o* in!o command/
Listing a Description o! a 5rogram .whatis command/
Man$ tools hae a long6st$le option* 766help8* that
o"tp"ts "sage in!ormation a#o"t the tool* incl"ding
the options and arg"ments the tool takes% 9)&
whoami --help
Linux Commands
An important earl$ deelopment in Uni) was the
inention o! :pipes*: a wa$ to pass the o"tp"t o! one
tool to the inp"t o! another%
eg% ; who < wc 6l
=$ com#ining these two tools* giing the wc
command the o"tp"t o! who* $o" can #"ild a new
command to list the n"m#er o! "sers c"rrentl$ on the
Linux Commands
3ile and Director$ management
cd Change the current directory. With no arguments "cd"
changes to the users home directory. (cd <directory path>)
chmod Change the file permissions.
Ex: chmod 7! myfile : change the file permissions to r"x for
o"ner# rx for group and x for others
Ex: chmod go$%r myfile : &dd read permission for the group
and others (character meanings u'user# g'group# o'other# %
add permission#'remo(e#r'read#"'"rite#x'exe)
Ex: chmod %s myfile ' )etuid *it on the file "hich allo"s the
program to run "ith user or group pri(ileges of the file.
Linux Commands
+here are three such special permissions "ithin ,inux. +hey are:
setuid - used only for applications# this permission indicates that the application is to
run as the o"ner of the file and not as the user executing the application. .t is indicated
*y the character s in place of the x in the o"ner category. .f the o"ner of the file does
not ha(e execute permissions# the ) is capitali/ed to reflect this fact.
setgid - used primarily for applications# this permission indicates that the application
is to run as the group o"ning the file and not as the group of the user executing the
application. +he setgid permission is indicated *y the character s in place of the x in
the group category. .f the group o"ner of the file or directory does not ha(e execute
permissions# the ) is capitali/ed to reflect this fact.
sticky bit - used primarily on directories# this *it dictates that a file created in the
directory can *e remo(ed only *y the user that created the file. .t is indicated *y the
character t in place of the x in the e(eryone category. .f the e(eryone category does not
ha(e execute permissions# the + is capitali/ed to reflect this fact.
Linux Commands
chown Change o"ner.
Ex: cho"n <o"ner!> <filename> : Change o"nership of
a file to o"ner!.
chgrp Change group.
Ex: chgrp <group!> <filename> : Change group of a file
to group!.
cp Copy a file from one location to another.
Ex: cp file! file0 : Copy file! to file0
Ex: cp 12 dir! dir0 : Copy dir! to dir0
md>s"m 3rints the 45 Chec6sum
Linux Commands
ls ,ist contents of a directory.
Ex: ls# ls 1l # ls 1al# ls 1ld# ls 12
('r"xr"xr'x ! 7uan 7uan 8 )ep 09 !0:0 foo )
:more "ill list page "ise
mkdir 4a6e a directory.
Ex: m6dir <directory name> : 4a6es a directory
Ex mkdir p /www/chache/var/log "ill create all the directories
starting from """.
m 4o(e or rename a file or directory.
Ex: m( <source> <destination>
Linux Commands
!ind ;ind files (find <start directory> 'name <file name> 'print)

Ex: find /home name readme -print
()earch for readme starting at home and output full path.)
<=home" $ )earch starting at the home directory and proceed
through all its su*directories
"'name readme" $ )earch for a file named readme
"'print" $ >utput the full path to that file
locate ;ile locating program that uses the slocate data*ase.
Ex: locate 1u to create the data*ase#
locate <file=directory> to find file=directory
Linux Commands
pwd 3rint or list the present "or6ing directory "ith full
rm 5elete files (2emo(e files). (rm 1rf <directory=file>)
rmdir 2emo(e a directory. +he directory must *e empty.
(rmdir <directory>)
to"ch Change file timestamps to the current time. 4a6e
the file if it doesn?t exist. (touch <filename>)
whereis ,ocate the *inary and man page files for a
command. ("hereis <program=command>)
which )ho" full path of commands "here gi(en
commands reside. ("hich <command>)
Linux Commands
3ile iewing and editing
emacs ;ull screen editor.
pico )imple text editor.
i Editor "ith a command mode and text mode. )tarts in command
gedit @A. +ext Editor
tail ,oo6 at the last !8 lines of a file.
Ex: tail 1f <filename> #
Ex: tail '!88 <filename>
head ,oo6 at the first !8 lines of a file. (head <filename>)
Linux Commands
3ile compression* #acking "p and restoring
compress Compress data.
"ncompress Expand data.
cpio Can store files on tapes. to=from archi(es.
gzip ' /ip a file to a g/ file.
g"nzip ' un/ip a g/ file.
tar &rchi(es files and directories. Can store files and directories
on tapes.
Ex: tar '/c(f <destination> <files=directories> ' &rchi(e copy
groups of files. tar 1/x(f <compressed file> to uncompress
zip 1 Compresses a file to a ./ip file.
"nzip 1 Ancompresses a file "ith ./ip extension.
Linux Commands
cat Bie" a file
Ex: cat filename
cmp Compare t"o files.
c"t 2emo(e sections from each line of files.
di!! )ho" the differences *et"een files.
Ex: diff file! file0 : ;ind differences *et"een file! C file0.
echo 5isplay a line of text.
Linux Commands
grep ,ist all files "ith the specified expression.
(grep pattern <filename/directorypath>)
Ex: ls 1l :grep sid*i : ,ist all lines "ith a sid*i in them.
Ex: grep " 2 " : )earch for 2 "ith a space on each side
sleep 5elay for a specified amount of time.
sort )ort a file alpha*etically.
"ni? 2emo(e duplicate lines from a sorted file.
wc Count lines# "ords# characters in a file. ("c 1c="=l
Linux Commands

who User currently logged into server.

who m i display the queering machine logged into server.

clear clear user screen and returns a single prompt.

exit end current session.

useradd create new user.

userdel delete user.

groupadd add a group.

groupdel delete a group.

Linux Commands

passwd modify user password.

usermod modify user profile.

ps for check process.

To see every process on the system using standard

ps -e , ps -ef , ps -ely , ps-el

Print only the name of PID 42:

ps -p 42 -o comm
Linux Commands

man<command name> - give manual of command.

arch displays machine architecture type.

asciitopgm convert ASCII graphics into portable


Synopsis asciitopgm[-d divisor] height width[asciifile]

bitmap bitmap editor and converter utilities for the x-

windows system.
tool for creating or editing rectangular images made up of 1's and
Linux Commands

cal displays a calender

cal [-jy][month [year]]

cal july 1988

-j display julian date

-y display calender for current year.

chkdupexe find duplicate executable files.

df summarize free disk space

-a all

-k kilobytes

du summarize disk usage

-a all

-b bytes

-c total
Linux Commands

merge three way file merge

merge [options] file1 file2 file3

Merge incorporates all changes that load from file2 to file3 into
file1. This result ordinarily goes into file1.

newgrp login into a new group


oclock round x clock

pstree display a tree of process

-h highlight the current process and its ancestors.

reset reset the terminal.

Linux Commands

rev reverse lines of a file


top display top CPU process.

userlist user listing of who's on your system. This

program simply gives you a listing of who is connected to
your system.

w present who users are and what they are doing. The w
utility prints a summary of the current activity on the
system, including what each user is doing.

xclock analog/digital clock

xclock [-analog] [-digital] [-chime]

Linux Commands

xkill kill a client by its x resource. By this

command be get a cross mask and when we click
on any process then that process is killed(exit).

xlsatoms list interned atoms defined on server

xlsatoms [-options]

-display specifies the x server to which to connect


By default all atoms starting from 1(the lowest
value defined by the protocol) are listed until
unknown atom in found.
Linux Commands

xmag magnify part of the screen.

xterm terminal emulator for x

The x term program is a terminal emulator for the x window

system. It provides DEC VT 102 and tektronix 4014 compatible
terminal for programs that cant use the window system directly.
The VT 102 and tektronix 4014 terminals all have their own
windows so that you can edit text in one and look at graphics in
the other at same time.

su switch user, change root to simple user.

Indent Indentation, changes the appearance of a C

program by inserting or deleting whitespace.

indent <filename>
Linux Commands

bc a text based calculator.

xcalc graphical based calculator.

more and less commands are used to view large

files one page at a time.

more <filename>

less <filename>
Linux Commands

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