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Vo l. XXVII, Issu e 3 “W h at is sh e , g o t h ? No , sh e ’s Asian .

” Oc t 1 4 , 2 0 0 5
The Mysterious Harriet Miers
By Alex Walsh
On October 3, 2005, President Bush as “the most brilliant man I have ever met.” She appointment of Justice Souter, who had a simi-
nominated Harriet Miers to replace Supreme has contributed a total of $31, 960 dollars to larly sparse judicial record and turned out
Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. O’Connor, advancing his political career in both his more liberal than his Republican sponsors had
appointed to the Court by Ronald Reagan in g ub e r n a t o r i a l a n d P r e s i d e n t i a l e l e c t i o n s . T h e s e hoped. They counter the President’s “20 years”
1981, has provided a key swing vote on many connections lead some to doubt whether she cla im by pointing out that 20 years ago, before
c a s e s . S h e a n n o u n c e d h e r d e c i s i o n t o r e t i r e e a r- would act as a truly independent voice on the she became a born-again Christian, she was a
lier this year. The President’s selection of Court, or simply a rubber stamp for the conservative Democrat. Miers even contributed
Miers to replace O’Connor has caused concern President’s policies. to Al Gore’s 1988 Presidential campaign.
among both liberals and conservatives because Despite these concerns, Harriet Miers
so little is known about her position on has garnered some support. Her conservative
Constitutional and social issues. supporters include Texas Senator John Cornyn,
One source of apprehension among crit- the Christian Coalition, and the National Right
ics of the nominee is her lack of judicial expe- to Life Committee. Democratic Senator Harry
rience. Ms. Miers is a reputable lawyer who Reid of Nevada, was one of the leaders Bush con-
headed the Texas Bar Association from 1992- sulted before nominating Miers. Shortly after
93, but has never served as a judge on any court the decision was announced, he supported her,
or argued any cases before the Supreme Court. stating “I’m very happy that we have someone
In contrast, Bush’s previous nominee for the like her.” However, his later comments are more
position, John Roberts (now conf irmed as Chief cautious. On Thursday he commented that
Justice), had served on the District of Columbia “We’re going to wait and see, learn more about
Court of Appeals and has argued thirty-nine Harriet Miers.”
cases before the Supreme Court. Although forty- This wait-and-see approach seems to be
o n e p r e v i o u s J u s t i c e s h a v e b e e n a p p o i n t e d w i t h- the consensus among most Democrats. Howard
out prior experience as judges, it is seen as Dean, chairman of the Democratic National
especially negative in this case. Without a Committee, said “We know almost nothing about
record of judicial rulings, it is difficult to her. And we have a lot of questions to be
determine where Miers stands on issues that answered before she gets a lifeti m e a p p o i n t m e n t
may come before the Cou rt during her term, and … We don’t know Ms. Miers. I’ve always believed
whether she would shift the Court to the right. people ought to begin with the benefit of the
For a nominee replacing a Justice as important doubt.” Decisions on Miers’ suitability for the
as O’Connor, a moderate who often cast the HARRIET MIERS; FRIGHTENING, ISN’T IT? Supreme Court will not be made until more
deciding vote in controversial cases, this lack of Courtesy of da government information about her becomes available. When
information could be very damaging. Miers’ a s k ed i f P r e s i d e n t B u s h c o u l d u s e e x e c u t i v e
s u p p o r t e r s c a s t h e r o u t s i d e r s t a t u s i n a d i f f e r- The President has encouraged Congress privilege to prevent the release of some of
ent light. Republican Ohio Senator Mike and the American people to trust him on Miers’ Harriet Miers’ documents, Dean replied
DeWine (said he found her lack of experience as nomination, saying “I know her character, she’s “Certainly the President can claim executive
a judge “refres hing.” Senate leaders consulted a woman of principle and deep conviction.” He privilege. But in this case, I think with a life-
before the nomination urged the President to claimed that her judicial philosophy would be time appointment to the Supreme Court, you
select someone from outside the appellate court the same in 20 years as it is now. Miers, who is can’t play, you know, hide the salami, or what-
system. more moderate than Bush, was appointed after ever it’s called. He’s got to go out there and say
Criticism also stems from the nominee’s consulting with leaders from both the something about this woman who’s going to a
close relationship to President Bush. Miers has Republicans and Democrats in Congress. She has t w e n ty o r t h i r t y y e a r a p p o i n t m e n t … t o i n f l u-
known Bush since the 1980s, and first worked drawn criticism from some on the right for not ence America. We deserve to know something
f o r h i m i n 1 9 9 4 a s g e n e r a l c o u n s e l o f t h e t r a n- being conservative enough. For example, the about her.”
sition team for his Texas governorship. After nominee assured Democratic Senator Pat Leahy Miers’ confirmation hearings have not
the transition she became his personal lawyer. that she had “absolutely not” authorized anyone yet been scheduled, but Republican leaders said
B u sh a l s o a p p o i n t e d h e r a s T e x a s L o t t e r y to say she would oppose legalized abortion prior to the nomination that they hoped to have
Commission chair in 1995, Assistant to the (although she did campaign to have the a Justice confirmed before Thanksgiving.
President and Staff Secretary in 2001, Deputy American Bar Association drop its pro-choice Sandra Day O’Connor will continue to hold her
Chief of Staff for Policy in 2003, and White stance). Others, such as Republican Kansas place on the Court until a replacement is con-
House Counsel the following year. Miers is one Senator Sam Brownback (are wary of Bush’s firmed.
of Bush’s closest friends, and has described him request for trust, remembering his father’s

Walk for Breast Cancer

By Yve Koon
October, the month of pink ribbons and everywhere, including at Jones Beach State
the fight for breast cancer. That’s right, it’s Park. Won’t be on Long Island for the weekend?
Breast Cancer Awareness month. For those of Not a problem. They are being held all over the
you who have never lost a loved one or friend to city, including Central Park, and out of the city.
this disease, consider yourself lucky. To the Won’t be in city? There are also parks in New
rest, like me, who’ve experienced the pain of Jersey and Connecticut holding t h i s s a m e e v e n t
loss, or are dealing with someone they hold dear for the same cause. So now you know, and now
t o t h e i r h e a r t w h o s u f f e r s f r o m t h i s c h r o n i c i l l- you have no excuse.
ness, it’s our month to help. If walking for two days, and donating
According to The American Cancer money isn’t enough for you, there is always the
Society, in the year 2003, over two hundred pink ribbon you can wear for this month.
thousand women, and over a thousand men Believe it or not, wearing this l i t t l e r i b b o n i s
learned that they had Breast Cancer. Over forty way to spread awareness, because knowing is
thousand are expected to die from this disease. half the battle.
My mother already has. For more inf ormation on Making Strides,
I know what you’re thinking. You’re or donating to a local American Cancer Society
t h i n k i n g t h at y o u ’ r e a co l l eg e st u d en t an d y o u office, or about the pink ribbon, you can visit
can’t afford to donate money to this cause. their website at
That’s ok, not everyone can. But that doesn’t
mean you should just ignore the statistics.
Making Strides is a noncompetitive walk
to raise awareness and funds to fight Breast THE REASON FOR MY FIGHT
American Cancer Society
Cancer. On October 16t h, a n d 1 7t h, Making AGAINST BREAST CANCER,
Strides will hold these noncompetitive events Courtesy of Yve Koon

Page 2 Current Events

The Public Hearing Without Public Speaking
By Rob Pearsall
T h u r s d a y O c t o b e r 6 t h , 2 0 0 5 a t 1 0 : 0 0 Senator LaValle said that tuition was growing T A P . P r e s i d e n t G i b r a l t e r s a i d t h a t h e h a d n ’ t
am. The end of a five day vacation, six if you t o o s t e e p a n d t h a t t h e s t a t e s u p p o r t o f h i g h e r thought of also indexing TAP.
don’t have classes on Fridays. The place, what e d u c a t i o n s h o u l d b e r e s t o r e d t o i t s 3 3 % . The last speaker on the l i s t w a s a s t u-
w a s s u p p o s e d t o b e t h e W a n g C e n t e r L a V a l l e a d v o c a t e d t h a t a r a t i o n a l t u i t i o n dent from Stony Brook University, Elizabeth
Auditorium. Kenneth P. LaValle, Chairman of i n c r e a s e p o l i c y b e n e f i t s s t u d e n t s i n t h a t t h e Roberts. Roberts stressed the importance of
the Senate Higher Education Committee hosted p r i c e t h e y p a y f o r h i g h e r e d u c a t i o n i s t r a n s p a r- s t u d e n t s o n c a m p u s , t h a t t h e y a r e a v a l u a b l e
h i s f i r s t o f f o u r h e a r i n g s r e g a r d i n g a n e w p o l i- e n t t o s t u d e n t s a n d p a r e n t s . resource. She placed great emphasis on pro-
cy for a rational tuition policy. LaValle was T h e n e x t s p e a k e r s w e r e r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s grams such as EOP and WISE that allow students
accompanied by Ron Canestrari, Chairman of the for Shirley Strumm Kenny, Richard Mann, VP t o g e t i n t o i n d u s t r y a f t e r c o l l e g e i s o v e r .
Assembly Higher Education Committee, as well f o r t h e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n , a n d D a n i e l M e l u c c i , R o b e r t s s a i d t h a t t u i t i o n m u s t b e k e p t a f f o r d-
as Assemblymen Patricia Eddington, James D. A s s o c i a t e V P f o r S t r a t e g y , P l a n n i n g , a n d a b l e ; i f t u i t i o n w e r e j u s t a l i t t l e b i t h i g h e r ,
Conte, Steven Englebright, Michael J . A n a l y s i s . One point they brought up was a dif- many students wouldn’t be here. LaValle asked
Fitzpatrick, and Senator Toby Ann Stavisky. f e r e n t i a l t u i t io n p o l i c y . This would assign her thoughts on the rational increase policy and
T h e o p e n i n g r e m a r k s w e r e m a d e b y tuition based on location. Basically, because it s h e e x p r e s s e d a m i x e d r e a c t i o n . S h e s a i d t h a t
S e n a t o r L a V a l l e , S e n a t o r S t a v i s k y , a n d costs more to have a school here, at Stony Brook, having a stable tuition for four years is good but
Assemblyman Englebright. They lauded the students here would pay a higher tuition. the policy itself implies that tuition would
importance of the public institutions of New Senator LaValle said that a tuition poli- increase every year. She asked the committee to
York State. Stavisky made the point that public cy like that would not be beneficial to the “try to avoid” the policy.
schooling should be “accessible and aff ordable” U n i v e r s i t y C e n t e r s , S t o n y B r o o k , A l b a n y , The speaker list was closed and the
to everyone. Englebright wants to “make sure Binghamton, and Buffalo. What would be bene- hearing was held during class t i m e a f t e r a f i v e
the door to public education is always open.” ficial to these schools would be more state sup- day vacation. The student body had a small
A f t e r t h e o p e n i n g r e m a r k s , t h e s p e a k e r s port. LaValle said that Senate policy doesn’t v o i c e i n t h i s h e a r i n g b u t c o n c e r n e d s t u d e n t s
were allowed to give their testimony. The s u p p o r t d i f f e r e n t i a l t u i t i o n . can submit testimony in writing to Leslea
speaker list for this public meeting was a Jonathan Gibralter, President of SUNY S n y d e r , A s s i s t a n t D i r e c t o r f o r t h e H i g h e r
c l o s e d , i n v i t e - o n l y l i s t . F i r s t u p w a s a c t i n g Farmingdale, spoke about the growth of SUNY Education Committee. The address to mail your
Chancellor John Ryan. Chancellor Ryan was the Farmingdale. The growth that the school has t h o u g h t s t o i s :
former president of SUNY Maritime and of SUNY e x p e r i e n c e d r e q u i r e s m o r e f u n d i n g t o s u s t a i n Room 806
Albany. Ryan spoke of the importance of put- i t . F a r m i n g d a l e n e e d s f u n d i n g f o r h i r i n g m o r e Legislative Office Building
ting money back into the schools for campus f u l l t i me faculty. He liked that a guaranteed Albany, New York 12247
housing and programs like EOP. Chancellor t u i t i o n i n c r e a s e p o l i c y w a s r e l i a b l e f o r s t u-
Ryan urged the creation of a rational tuition dents. He also emphasized the need for more or email letters to:
policy that would create modest, incremental state aid. Assemblyman Canestrari asked that
i n c r e as e s t o t u i t i o n a c c o r d i n g t o t h e H i g h e r if he was in favor of indexing tuition (as the pol-
Education Price Index. This would be a “mech- icy dictates) was he also in favor of indexing
a n i s m t o s u p p o r t h i g h q u a l-
ity and academics.”
John Mascher,
Chairperson of the New
York Public Interest
Research Group (NYPIRG),
expressed dismay at the
Chancellor’s quick choice to
increase tuition over other
options. NYPIRG’s main
stance is that tuition
i n c r e as e s a r e n o t a g o o d
first option. A tuition
increase should be a last
After the testimony
w a s g i v e n t h e c h a n c e t o TRARI, STEVEN ENGLEBRIGHT...EVERYONE’S GOT SUCH LONG NAMES,
question the s p e a k e r . Courtesy of Rob Pearsall

Current Events Page 3

Elections Are a Funny Thing
By Trevor Hirst
Elections are a funny thing. An issue The student government within the dormitory LEG money returning to its previous $7 per stu-
arises. We vote. Those votes are recorded, and buildings is called LEG, sho rt for Legislature. dent, and he said that it depends…it depends on
then the results of those votes are then tallied Each building is allotted a piece of the Student if the USG is over or under budget at the time,
and the agenda being voted on or the person Activity Fee to pay for various programs that go because it is all a balancing act.
being voted on is put into place. on within the buildings, and within the quad.
Last semester, there was an election for For example, the floats and banners for I have found, on the USG website, www.stony-
the Undergraduate Student Government (USG). Homecoming are paid for in part by RHA b r o o k . e d u / u s g , t h e b u d g e t f o r t h e d o r m b u i l d-
These elections covered the gamut of people ( R e s i d e n c e Hall Associates) and the rest is ings. Here is a list of last year’s budget vs. this
running for various offices in the government through LEG money. LEG money also goes for year’s budget:
such as President, Vice President, and the socials such as ice cream parties, pizza parties
Senate. and the infamous midnight munchies during Building Budget 2004-05 Budget 2005-06
Also in these elections were various finals week (yay for sugar!!!!). Amman 1,636 1,100
p r o p o s i t i o n s a n d r e f e r e n d u m s o n r a i s i n g c e r- The way the money was distributed to Benedict 2,635 1,940
tain fees. Many of these fees were to clubs such each LEG was based on residents, with each Cardozo 1,650 1,100
as Rugby and Ice Hockey. Those all passed, building receiving $7 per resident. That was Douglass 1,704 1,080
because they are clubs, not athletics, and the last year. This year, that $7 was reduced to $5, Dreiser 1,697 1,100
money they get is based on student activity fees, s i g n i f i c a ntly reducing the amount of money Gershwin 1,640 1,100
not endowments from the school. LEGs have. Gray 2,008 1,100
Then there was another proposition… The reason the money going to LEG was Hand 1,654 1,125
raising the student activity fee $10 per student lowered, according to Romual Jean-Baptiste, VP Hendrix 1,604 1,100
from $84.25 to $94.25 per semester. This was of Student Life, Programming and Activities, Irving 2,036 1,625
voted down. By the students. Democracy at was the thought that there would be more people James 2,104 1,450
work. tripled in the dorms, and there would be more Dewey 1,658 1,070
But wait, there is a problem… there were new arriving students to the campus, giving Baruch 1,665 1,100
more clubs than anticipated, and the need arose more money overall than last year, even with the Eisenhower 1,661 1,090
for the Council (of Trent) to step in and take decrease of $2 from last year’s funds. There Schick 1,658 1,100
charge. The Senate generally wanted to cut w e r e 7 5 0 m o r e s t u d e n t s t h a n e x p e c t e d , r e s u l t- Hamilton 1,707 1,100
clubs on campus by 40%, but they never got the i n g i n a n u n e x p e c t e d e x t r a $ 7 0 , 0 0 0 p e r s e m e s- Langmuir 2,004 1,500
chance to pass any legislation. The Senate did- ter. That money will be allocated by the Budget Mount 1,626 1,100
n’t vote on whether or not to raise the Activities Committee, whom also votes on increas ing or O’Neill ,043 1,625
Fee, so the council did. decreasing monies for the clubs on campus. Sanger 1,693 1,100
The council sent a letter out to the new Romual Jean-Baptiste does not foresee Stimson 1,863 1,500
s t u d e n t s a n d r e t u r n i n g s t u d e n t o v e r t h e s u m- t h e S t u d ent Activity Fee being raised again Keller 2,004 1,500
mer, explaining the rise in the Activity Fee. anytime soon, because there is an official cap on Greeley 1,633 1,500
The catch is there are many more clubs this the fee, at $100 per student, per semester. He Wagner 1,916 1,500
semester, requiring more of the limited says that it is extremely unlikely that it will go Toscanini 1,697 1,100
Activity Fee. That’s why the budgets were cut up that high, because there are more students on Whitman 1,633 1,100
on some clubs. campus that, in turn, give more money to the West Apts. I 2 , 0 3 1 2,640
Fee. I also asked Romual if he could foresee the West Apts. II 1 , 7 4 5 3,200

Mass Immigration into Spain Results in

Tougher Border Control By Claudia Toloza
In response to large immigration waves, immigration problem? Perhaps the answer does another and they have no say on their destiny.
Spain has decided to build a third fence in the n o t l i e i n b u i l d i n g y e t a n o t h e r f e n c e a n d m a k- The sad realization is that after being deported
cities of Melilla and Ceuta. Although the two ing the people on the other side of the fence feel back home, many of these people will once again
cities are located in Morocco, they in fact belong i n f e r i o r . Building an extra fence does not real- try to cross the border and yet again risk their
to Spain, as they are Spanish enclaves. In the ly deal with the root of the problem. The root of lives trying to seek a better future.
past weeks the cities have been targeted by the problem lies in Africa, where bad economic Unfortunately for Spain, it does not seem
large immigration groups as way to cross the s i t u a t i o n s a n d l a c k o f o p p o r t u n i t i e s a r e t h e r e a- that the third fence will help much in deterring
border and enter Spain, a European Union mem- sons driving these people to desperate measures immigration. More unfortunatel y f o r t h e i m m i-
ber state. by risking their lives just for a better life. g r a n t s , t h i s t h i r d f e n c e p r o v e s t o b e y e t a n o t h-
Earlier this week in Melilla, over 600 Instead of spending extra money on securing its er obstacle they have to overcome and risk their
sub-Saharan African immigrants charged the borders, perhaps Spain should redirect this lives for. Perhaps the tragic events that have
razor-wired border fences in attempt to gain money in helping the development of African occurred in both Melilla and C e u t a w i l l b r i n g
ac cess t o Sp an i sh t er r i t o r y . Ma n y o f f i cer s an d nations, so that their people will not feel it nec- more attention to the problem of immigration
m i g r a n t s w e r e h u r t i n t h i s i n c i d e n t . T h i s f o l- essary to leave their country. and a better solutio n can be fou n d .
lows an earlier attempt, on September 29, in Spain is not the only country who is at
which five immigrants were killed in the city of fault. The problem of immigration is an issue
Ce u t a wh i l e t r y i n g t o cr o s s t h e b o r d er . I n t h e that most of the developed nations have to deal
p a s t m o n t h s , s e v e r a l a t t e m p t s t o c r o s s t h e b o r- with. This problem, however, will continue
der into Spain have been made by large groups unless these nations do no deal with the real
of immigrants. It is estimated that in this year causes that drive people to leave their home
a l o n e t h e r e h a v e b e e n 1 2 , 0 0 0 a t t e m p t s b y i m m i- town. Many nations are quick t o only focus on
grants to enter Melilla. t h e i m m e d i a t e s o l u t i o n , r e i n f o r c i n g t h e p r o t e c-
Many of the immigrants are of African tion of their own borders, but fail to deal with
d e c e n t a n d h o p e t o b e t t e r t h e i r e c o n o m i c s i t u a- t h e i r e c o n o m i c p o l i c i e s t h a t a r e h u r t i n g d e v e l-
tion by crossing the border and looking for new oping nations forcing their people to look else
opportunities. Spain’s decision has brought where for opportunities.
many criticisms, one of them being from Franco It is unfair that people who are trying to
Frattini, European Commissioner for Justice, better themselves be, in a sense, treated as if
Freedom and Security for the EU, who sees they were less than human. Once may of these
Spain’s action as giving a negative message. immigrants have crossed the border and they
Spain resolution to put up a third fence have been detained by the Spanish police, they
raises a lot of questions. Immigration has obvi- are deported back to their country as if they AFRICAN IMMIGRANTS AWAIT MEDICAL
ously become a big problem for Spain, but what were just cattle, and not human beings. These TREATMENT IN MELILLA,
can a third fence really do in helping solve this people are just being shifted form one place to Courtesy of

Page 4 Current Events

Compiled By Claudia Toloza & Matt Willemain
cities, merchandise being sold by the vendors. Around 15,000 are
INTERNATIONAL s a i d t o h a v e b e e n a r r e st e d s i n c e t h e e n d o f S e p t e m b e r a s a r e s u l t o f
this operation. Many of the people being arrested have no other
m e a n s o f i n c o m e a n d w i l l d e f i n i t e l y s u f f e r g r e a t l y d u e t o t h i s o p e r-
Earthquake in Pakistan ation.

An earthquake estimated to be 7.6 on the Richter scale by

the United States Geological Survey occurred in Islamabad Pakistan NATIONAL
Saturday morning. The Pakistani government has declared the death
toll from earthquake to be 18,000. Pakistani Major-General Shaukat
Sultan has stated that an estimated 40,000 are injured. President Bush Nominates Corporate Hack to Police
Bush has already offered his help and has expressed his concern Corporate Crime
over the incident along with other world leaders. The powerful
earthquakes tremors reached New Delhi, India and Afghanistan. President Bush has nominated prominent corporate lawyer,
Timothy Flanigan, for the job of Deputy Attorney General (DAG). The
Deadly Mudslides in Guatemala job is the number two position in the Department of Justice, and the
DAG is in charge of prosecuting corporate crime. Nominee Flanigan,
H u r r i c a n e S t a n c a u s e d m a j o r p r o b l e m s f o r G u a t e m a l a . T h e t o r- who after working as a lawyer for the White House became the head
rential rains from the hurricane have led to massive mud slides in lawyer for the giant corporation Tyco, supervised scandal-plagued
Guatemala. In the small Mayan village of Panabaj 1,400 people alone l o b b y i s t J a c k A b r a m o f f w h e n h e w o r k e d f o r T y c o . A b r a m o f f c o n-
have died as result of the mud slides. The debris left on the road vinced legislators to make special rules so that Tyco wouldn’t be
from the mudslides unfortunately delayed rescue workers 2 days in punished like other corporations who betrayed their country to
reaching Panabaj. Although hurricane Stan was only classified as a r e i n c o r p o r a t e i n B e r m u d a t o g e t o u t o f p a y i n g t a x e s . F l a n i g a n ’ s n o m-
category 1 hurricane it has caused catastrophic damage in Central ination is subject to the consent of the US Senate.
Republican Congress Accuses Bush Administration of Illegal
Masses of Street Vendors Arrested in Zimbabwe Propaganda

I n a n o p e r a t i o n n a m e d “ O p e r a t i o n N o S n e a k R e t u r n ” t h e g o v e r n- On September 30, the General Accounting Office (GAO), the

ment of Zimbabwe is targeting street vendors who have returned to investigative arm of Congress, issued a report finding that when,
the city to try to earn a living. Since in Zimbabwe the government last January, the Department of Education payed conservative
prohibits foreign journalists from working there, much of the “journalist” Armstrong Williams to write positive stories about
information about these recent occurrences has been acquired B u s h ’ s N o C h i l d L e f t B e h i n d p r o g r a m , t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n w a s i l l e-
through telephone conversations. Some of the information acquired gally engaging in covert propaganda activities.
reports that police confiscated, from poor settlements outside major

Current Events Page 5

Editorial Board
The Public Has a Voice?
Executive Editor
Rob Pearsall
This past Thursday the Senate Higher Education the room walked out when the only student on the list
Managing Editor Committee held their first of four meetings on the a got to speak. Anyone can submit testimony via mail,
Jowy Romano “rational” tuition policy. It was a public meeting; any- and it will be included in the report of these hearings.
one could go. Anyone who wasn’t in class from 10 to The window is open for about a month so if you want to
Associate Editor high noon could go. Anyone who was on campus after express your feelings on a guaranteed tuition increase
Joan Leong the five-day vacation could go. policy then do so, just do it in writing. Written notes
Being a public meeting, in theory anyone should are easier to ignore than actual people speaking to you
Business Manager be able to speak. Everyone on the invite-only speaker in person.
Melanie Donovan list got t o speak. The students had one voice in No one on the speaker list came out and said, “I
Elizabeth Roberts. Too bad she got to speak last. People don’t want to see this policy go through as legislation!”
Production Manager were already getting up and leaving in the middle of her Chancellor Ryan, the first speaker, endorsed the idea
Michael Prazak “testimony.” and everyone after him said that it would be nice to
“Testimony,” “Hearing,” invite-only speaker know for a fact what tuition would be. That’s the only
News Editors list, held after a five-day vacation and during regular saving grace: tuition would be locked in for fou r years,
Claudia Toloza class hours. This meeting was meant to placate us. but what happens when you start attending your fifth
David “Knockout” Ginn There are generally less students on campus after a long term as many students are wont to do? Elizabeth
vacation. Any students who ar e on campus would have Roberts said it best when she commented on how the
Features Editor to go to classes, most of which are held during the day, policy implied that tuition will go up for incoming
Nicole L Barry say between 10am and 2? The invite-only speaker list freshmen every year.
is the damn kicker. Everyone wants funding for school, more money
Photo Editor to pay faculty, more money for housing, more money for
Matt Willemain “Let’s hold a public meeting and then only let certain programs that benefit students. There’s nothing wrong
Vincent Michael Festa people speak!” with wanting more money. What is wrong is research-
“What a good way to restrict the opposition to a tuition ing the idea of putting the burden on students without
Copy Editors hike policy!” asking them. What is wrong is charging more for tuition
Stephanie Hayes when state funding has been dragging its ass on the
Laura Positano You might think that after the hearing people ground. Why don’t we research making the state follow
Andrew Pernick can say their own piece. Nope, when the testimony was the law that says it has to account for 33% of higher
over everyon e up and left. Job well done guys, all you education funding?
Minister of Archives did was agree for an hour and half and then a third of
Joe Rios

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Page 6 Editorials
From the VP of Student Life to the Students.
Greetings all Undergraduates,

I welcome all incoming and returning students to what is to be a very unique and worth-
while academic year. It is of great honor to serve as your Vice President for Student Life,
Programming and Activities. My goals are to be an advocate for all student concerns, while
encouraging diverse programming and promoting an interactive campus community. For exam-
p l e , I p l a n o n c o n d u c t i n g m o n t h l y t o w n h a l l m e e t i n g s i n o rder for students to discuss various
student life issues with administrators from various departments including Campus Dining,
Campus Residences, Student Affairs, The Dean of Students Office, the Financial Aid Office, the
Career Center, and the Academic Advising Center to mention a few.
A c t i v i t i e s p l a y a m a j o r r o l e i n m e a s u r i n g t h e q u a l i ty of life on any univ ersity campus.
I recommend any interested undergraduates to participate in the decision making process of the
activities and events that are to occur on campus. The proper avenue to do so is to become an
active member of the Student Activities Board (SAB). Meetings are Mondays in SAC 305 at 7:30
P.M to 8:30 P.M. I am a very approachable individual. Please feel free to contact me about any
concerns. I b elieve the best way to serve is to be informed and I plan to be as much informed of
student needs and concerns as possible. With your input, I hope to set the precedence on how
campus life should be in Stony Brook University and beyond.


Romual J e a n - B a p t i s t e
V P f o r S t u d e n t Life, P r o g r a m m i n g a n d A c t i v i t i e s
Chair of t h e Bureau of Programming Groups
Undergraduate Student Government
Student Activities Center Suite 2 0 2
S t o n y Brook, New York 1 1 7 9 4
Office:(631) 6 3 2 - 9 1 9 7
Fax:(631) 6 3 2 - 6 8 3 4 ROMUAL JEAN-BAPTISTE, Courtesy of Rob Pearsall

From a Casual Reader to Us, Nyah.

Dear Editor, As fraternities go:
Who cares? The most important thing to remember is that everyone has
Upon visiting your lovely campus I went to the canteen, got a pizza, his or her own free will. If joining a fraternity due to ins ecu ri t y ,
grabbed the campus paper and started to eat. While eating I went cheap bier, academic reasons, chicks, hunks, drugs, social status,
through browsing what you all so write about here. playing chess, acting cool, making friends, bonding, quoting Kristine
the choking article “sucking balls”…it is important to keep one thing
Upon reading the article “Oh Yeah, Bitch?” I nearly chocked on your in mind:
high quality pizza. If you don’t join its okay, if you do, its okay.

Coming from an international background and having a lot of experience Two last things:
wi t h co r p o r al Eu r o p ean f r at er n i t i es an d acad emi c ver si o n s . (As I was Making a fool of yourself takes “balls” member or not.
board member for the EFV (economics faculty fraternity) a the When I was a student, I wrote many a text to news papers. Upon reading
university of Groningen, The Netherlands): them in the morning I knew that I had enjoyed the student night and a
As society as the fraternity: couple of beers/tough discussions too many to be able to send a letter
Some people swear in society “a whole fucking lot” and some people don’t like that and revised it: Miss Kristine Renigen concernin g y o u r
Some people are insecure, and some aren’t article, you may not literally have balls, but you sure have guts!
Some are trying to be popular, some aren’t
Some have low self-esteem, some don’t, some too much, some normal Sincerely
Some (quoting the text) “suck balls” and some…don’t Carl B. visiting from a small Caribbean island

Dear Carl B. who visited from a small Caribbean Island,

I hope that you read this, being that you live on a small Caribbean Island. I’m not sure which island you come from but it must be French.
There’s no way in hell you’d call the pizza on campus “high quality.” I should also let you know that I am going to use the phrase “canteen” to
denote every eatery I dine in from now on.
To address your seco nd point, I am going to ask a childish yet humorous question:
“Who doesn’t suck balls in society?”
Now with that said, making a fool of yourself does not take balls in any capacity. Whether they are sucked or unsucked. You’re right about
one thing, Kristine’s got guts. And so does Joe Safdia. Voicing your opinion takes guts.

Always overjoyed to hear we’re being read,

Rob Pearsall, Executive Editor.

P.S. hey Romual, Word.

Letters Page 7
USG Must Work Harder to Get Students
Involved By Jowy Romano
A couple of weeks ago I very dorkishly quite frankly, the U SG website, in its current affective advertising are necessary.
cut class to go to the USG Senate meeting. I have form, is useless. It seems like it is just an That night, after returning from the
a class on Tuesdays that runs straight through archive of old documents. The website should Senate meeting very frustrated, I decided to
the Senate meetings, so I was not able to attend be a resource for students who want to learn c o n d u c t a l i t t l e e x p e r i m e n t a t m y o w n b u i l d-
any meetings yet this semester. I felt quite about USG. There should be a calendar with ing’s LEG meeting. I decided to make a speech
guilty for this, too. After all, the i m p o r t a n t dates such as the dates of meetings, condemning the LEG-goers for being involved
U n d e r g r a d u a t e S t u d e n t G o v e r n m e n t i s r e s p o n s i- election deadlines, etc., to make it easy for any and let them know the importance of USG and
ble for spending 2.4 million dollars of student student to keep up with what is going on. If USG encourage them to get involved. More specifi-
money. However, when I got to the Senate me et- wants more students to get involved, they cally, I would talk about what I spoke about in
ing, I realized not many students feel the same should take the website more seriously. They this article and encourage their involvement. So
way I do. In fact the gallery was only filled by s h o u l d c o n s i d e r h i r i n g a p r o f e s s i o n a l t o m a i n- I did just that, and got a treme n d o u s r es p o n s e
about eight members of media groups on campus tain an up-to-date, informative website. It from everyone at the meeting. Two people even
and only about two other students. Only ten would be a great way to keep people interested asked for information about how th ey co u l d ru n
students were watching over the group of people and informed. for the unfilled positions in the Senate.
who spends 2.4 million dollars of their money. Last election, only 13% of students went T he p r o b l e m i s n o t t h a t s t u d e n t s d o n o t
More people attend LEG meetings in the resi- on SOLAR and voted in USG elections, and that care about what goes on in USG; it is that they
dence halls. is unusually high only because of the efforts of are not informed. They don’t know how to get
The LEG groups are only in charge of groups like NYPIRG. It should not have to be involved, they don’t know when meetings are,
spending about fifteen hund red dollars each. So NYPIRG who lets students know about the elec- they don’t even know when and how to vote.
why do more students show up to the LEG meet- tions. USG itself should be making the effort to Keeping every student informed i s t h e o n l y way
ings? The only explanation that makes sense is let students know about the elections. More to maintain a strong, healthy Undergraduate
that the Senate meetings are not advertised as informed students means a greater voter Student Government.
well as LEG. During my freshman orientation turnout. This is why a better website and more
and every orientation I’ve observed afterwards,
the RAs in my building repeatedly told the
newcomers to come down to the LEG meetings. It
is a great way for freshmen to get involved in the
c o m m u n i t y th e y w i l l b e l i v i n g i n f o r t h e n e x t
four or so years. On the flip side, not once have
I heard the RAs tell freshmen about USG meet-
ings or about the importance of USG or even one
word about USG. One of the keys to getting stu-
dents involved with USG is to get them interest-
ed and aware as freshmen. RAs should be
required to know about USG and to tell their
residents about USG meetings.
Moving beyond freshmen, the RAs get
upperclassmen to go to LEG meetings by knock-
ing on their doors before each meeting. There
would be a full house at every single Senate
meeting if half this much effort was put into
getting people to come. Many upperclassmen
have no knowledge of USG beyond the free
Frisbee they got with USG logo on it. If students
actually knew something about USG, there
wouldn’t be vacancies in the Senate.
An organization like USG needs to set up
a resource for people who want to keep up with
what is going on. Doing research for this arti-
cle was difficult for me – someone who went out
of their way to look for info about USG. How does
the government expect less-involved students to COME SEE THE BEST LOOKING EXECUTIVE COUNCIL IN SUNY, TUESDAYS AT 7PM IN THE SAC,
stay informed? There is no easily-accessible Courtesy of Jowy Romano
source for information regarding USG. To put it

The Stony Brook Press

rm 060 in the Student Union #2-6451
Meetings every Wednesday at 1pm
Page 8 Current Events
Katrina and Rita Victims Go Cruising
By Olga Kaplun Dr. Fistfuck
H u r r i c a n e K a t r i n a ’ s a f t e r m a t h w a s b r u-
tal, forcing over one million out of the area and
leaving 350,000 without homes. Therefore as a
to mention that over the last three years,
Carnival was able to get out of a $475 million
tax bill since most of its operations are held in
Scavenges and
solution, we should send them on a half yearlong
free vacation costing $236 million, in order to
provide temporary housing while restoration
Panama and on the high seas rather then in the
United States. Now that they are docking in the
United States, Carnival appealed to the Treasury
takes place, right? Department to evade taxes in return for reduced
The Federal Emergency Management b i l l i n g s by the amount of income taxes par-
Agency (FEMA) was f i r s t b l a m e d f o r n o t d o i n g doned. The contract would allow Carnival not to By Dr. Fistfuck
enough to help the relief effort in New Orleans, do the necessary paperwork of filing tax To those who go on scavenger hunts at 2
so they decided to make a rash decision on returns. in the morning...::cough the Sunday morning of
September 3, 2005 toward signing a contract But why should Carnival be treated any September 25::...this article is for you.
w i t h C a r n i v a l C r u i s e L in e s t o h a v e t h r e e l u x u- differently then other hotels helping relief There are so many good things you
r y s h i p s , S e n s a t i o n, E c s t a s y, a n d T h e H o l i d a y, w o r k e r s u n d e r t h e FE M A c o n t r a c t ? C r i t i c s could be doing at 2 in the morning. There’s the
dock at New Orleans for six months at $236 mil- oppose the special care given to this situation, “I’d like to graduate on time” studying, the
lion. The trip includes meal services, snacks, “… why should they be singled out for special ever popular let’s get laid request, and the ever
linen, and maid services, along with medical treatment, just because they’ve been so good at so needed college student sleep. For those of
support, and prescription refills for necessary tax avoidance in the past?” you who “scavenge hunt” at this late hour, for
drugs. Still the price for this is ridiculous. Another hint that this was a mistake is whatev er reason you might have (::cough-tool::),
According to the calculations of Senator Tom t h e q u e s t ion of why these ships are so empty, please refrain from bothering the nice people
Coburn, “If the ships were at capacity with w h e n t h e y i n c l u d e t h e w o r k s ? T h e r e a r e m u l t i- who just don’t give a rat’s ass. Now, I’m sure
7,116 evacuees, for six months, the price per ple answers; exactly how are these evacuees many of the readers have also experienced or at
evacuee would total $1,275 a week. A seven-day going to find any jobs or any possibility of least heard of such an occasion. I for one was
western Caribbean cruise out of Galveston can starting a new life on a ship? Second off, only not happy to hear such a loud “emergency”
be had for $599 a person- and that would when New Orleans gets rebuilt economically knock that woke me in a start from a much
include entertainment and the cost of actually will the sale of real-estate and business go up, needed deep sleep. This particular sleep
making the ship move.” Guess who’s affected by but that isn’t expected for a while after the which if it had not been disrupted would have
all of this careless spending? Us, the taxpayers! restoration. Then people might want to live with continued to be a good night’s rest of a mere
four hours. ::KNOCK KNOCK::......”hey, we’re on
a scavenger hunt”.......::SLAM DOOR!!!:: In the
wise words of Lewis Black: “SON OF A BITCH!!!”


Courtesy of Yve Koon
Now to those of you who are actually
walking around in strange dorms doing this,
this article is a warning for your safety. If you
value your life and wish to keep your genitals
intact as well as the rest of your body, I s uggest
you be a good little neighbor and not wake the
psycho with the five inch double edged switch
blade who happens to love and really need
sleep. Now instead, you could be in your room,
At the moment there is only 54% occu- family and friends while they themselves try to f u c k i n g y o u r g i r l f r i e n d / b o y f r i e n d o r t h e c o m-
pancy on the ships. A good 2,750 police officers get back on their own two feet. Others just don’t mon slut nearby- whichever your preference
are included in that percentage. US lawmakers want to live on boats. After all boats aren’t for might be. Now doesn’t that sound better than
on both sides are very much against FEMA’s everyone; some prefer land. And these are just the thought of your parents identifying you
poor judgment, calling it a “sweetheart deal.” some of the reasons given from the evacuees of from a bucket of liquid remains or your poor
It’s lunacy how much wasteful spending is tak- New Orleans. excuse for sexual genitals?
ing place on part of the government. Senators T he idea itself sounds great in theo- Now the ones actually on these scav-
Obama and Coburn are also wondering why ry…then again so did communism! enger hunts aren’t the only ones to blame. To
FEMA hasn’t even considered the deal with Unfortunately, FEMA didn’t evaluate the situa- all those who are sending these gullible idiots
Greece, when they offered two cruise ships, tion well enough to foresee that they could have to their demise, well, you will be caught and
completely free of charge, as a relief effort. Yet helped the Louisianans in a more efficient way, seen as an accomplice to a first degree murder
J e b B u s h , a l w a y s i n a g r e e m e n t w i t h h i s p r e s i- putting the same money for something more and the ass raping will begin. I hope you bring
dential brother, “surprisingly” supports the essential. But in truth, this is only my opinion. the proper lubrication; you will need it.
Carnival deal. He says that by the time the F o r e x a m p l e , A s i f A l i d i n a r e s p o n d e d v e r y h e a t-
ships arrived from Greece it might be too late edly that there are people who could even be
for some of the evacuees and it’s a necessity to against this deal saying, “I’m sure much more
acquire the most costly contract possible. than $236 million has been put into the war Editor’s Note:
Carnival protests all the acquisitions of post 9/11. The least the government can do is Dr. Fistfuck is back in prime
the overpriced vacation. “In the end, we will dish out a mere $236 mil to actually take care of form this issue. Look on a little later
make no additional money on this deal versus its loyal citizens who have paid their taxes to see the havoc he can cause.
what we would have made by keeping these duly. God forbid the government would actually Just thought you’d like to
ships in service,” said Jennifer de la Cruz, a put their money to good cause.” What do you know.
spokeswomen for Carnival. Yet let’s not neglect think?

Current Events Page 9

Thank God for Crystal Meth!
By Adina Silverbush
All hailed Ashley Smith age 27 of d a u g h t e r a n d s p e n d t i m e i n a p s y c h i a t r i c h o s- This was God getting my attention, going, ‘I’m
Atlanta Georgia for her bravery when held cap- pital. She also took part in a drug rehab pro- going to give you one more chance.’” Yet in her
tive by a suspected murderer in March. Brian gram, which she flunked out of. own book she admits that drugs were involved.
Nichols held her captive for seven-hours. The hostage situation happened on March 11. Crystal meth was given to Nicholas prior to the
Smith, according to initial reports used her Brian Nicholas had been on a shooting rampage talks of god. Crystal meth being a drug known
faith in God and readings from T h e P u r p o s e - at the courthouse in Atlanta earlier that day. for making its users feel euph o r i c c o u l d h a v e
D r i v e n L i f e to convince her captor to release He was charged with the played a significant if not
h e r . Months later in her memoir she admitted killing of a judge and three total role in Nicholas’
that her spirituality wasn’t her only method of o t h e r s a nd could be facing decision to release Smith.
persuasion, Smith gave her hostage crystal the death penalty. Along with her faith she
m e t h a m p h e t a m i n e f r o m h e r o w n p e r s o n a l s u p- S m i t h t o l d a u t h o r i- claims to h a v e s h a r e d w i t h
ply. ties that she read Nicholas a Nicholas some personal
S m i t h ’ s b o o k , U n l i k e l y A n g e l, w a s chapter of The Purpose- stories. One about her
released two weeks ago and in it she talks about Driven Life by Rick Warren husband being stabbed to
her struggle with drug addiction. Smith said called “Using What God Gave death in a fight and dying
she hadn’t realized she was an addict till after Me.” She thought this may in her arms and another
her hostage situation. That night Nichols tied make her seem trustworthy. about a car accident she
her up with masking tape and an extension cord With only this information was in because she had
to the bed. He wanted marijuana but all she had given at the time of her been driving while on
w a s c r y s t a l m e t h . Nicholas asked Smith to join hostage authorities gave drugs.
in with the drug taking but she says she Smith $70,000 in rewards. Smith claims that
r e f u s e d . “Suddenly, looking down at my drug Her faith in God had caused since the incident she has
pouch,” she says, “I realized that I would rather others to shower her with been clean o f a l l d r u g s a n d
have died in my apartment than have done those movie and book offers. she is not being charged in
drugs with Brian Nichols. If the cops were going People are still in high the posses s i o n o f i l l e g a l
to bust in here and find me dead, they were not d e m a n d f or her guidance so drugs. For more informa-
going to find drugs in me when they did the they too can have enough tion you can get a copy of
autopsy. I was not going to die tonight and stand faith to save themselves. Ashley Smith’s book
before God, having done a bunch of ice up my Smith herself said U n l i k e l y A n g l e; a p o r t i o n
nose.” “It’s hard for people to of the proceeds are going to
However she had last taken the drug the understand the miracle of a memorial fund for those
night before the incident. Her addiction had the story. . . This was totally Nicholas killed at the
also caused her to lose custody of her 5 year-old a God thing, to me in my life. courthouse.

Racial Insecurity
By Jorge Sierra
If this were a just and a racially safe c i t i z e n s a n d s h a d y p o l i t i c a l l e a d e r s c a n r e c k- It is the responsibility of all Americans
society, the most likely response to former lessly accuse any white person or establishment to make this a racially safe co u n t r y f o r t h o s e
T r e a s u r y S e c r e t a r y B i l l B e n n e t t ( w h o r e m a r k e d they object to of the vilest racism while spewing who do not feel safe. Through our actions and
on his radio show during a debate with a caller out a heavy dose of their own bigotry, while words, we must above all assure those who
t h a t o n e c o u l d h y p o t h e t i c a l l y r e d u c e t h e c r i m e whites must censor their own careless, offen- remember the past that despite the presence of
r a t e i n t h i s c o u n t r y b y a b o r t i n g a l l b l a c k f e t u s- s i v e , a n d p o l i t i c a l l y c o r r e c t r a m b l i n g s o r p a y a some racists and idiots, this country will never
es) would be for people to just publicly reject h e a v y p r i c e . close them out or try to destroy them. Too many
the use of stereotypes and out of context statis- There are good reasons why these racial people do not believe in this country, and when
tics to justify discriminatory remarks toward double standards currently exist, but it is not a prominent white Republican like Bill Bennett
any individual or group. In fact, that’s exactly an acceptable situation. Many Americans know plays around so recklessly with powerfully
what Bennett himself did two seconds later. The all too well that this country’s government and threatening ideas, it means that, r i g h t o r w r o n g ,
f a c t t h a t B e n n e t t i s w h i t e a n d t h e h y p o t h e t i c a l ci t i zen s have used their vast legal and soc ial other white Republicans will have to work that
fetuses were black should be irrelevant. Racism power to enslave and imprison the souls of much harder to prove their party can treat all
is racism. despised and feared citizens fairly. At the same tim e , e n o u g h r a c i a l
Obviously, we are not groups. These people security must be preserved for t h o s e w h o h a v e
there yet. Bennett’s remarks believe in their hearts always had it, so that they too can invest in a
have been almost universally that what has happened better society without fear of retribution or
condemned and criticized once in recent history shaming. For Bennett has a long history of phi-
despite his disclaimer—that’s (some don’t even lanthropy and support toward racial minorities,
the good news. The bad news acknowledge that times i n c lu d i n g a t - r i s k y o u t h . If one sin can so
is that racial and political have changed) could threaten to destroy a man and his reputation,
do u b l e s t a n d a r d s a b o u n d a n d happen to them again. then no one can be safe. There is no reason for
a r e i n p l a y i n t h i s c o n t r o v e r- Racism reminds them anyone to aspire to good citizenship if every-
s y . T h e h y p o c r i s y a n d d e l i b- of their tenuous hold thing one builds up can be to r n d o w n i n a n
erate misrepresentation of his o n s e c u r i t y a n d c i t i- instant.
statement, context, history, zenship in a way it Something will have to give eventually.
and agenda has been stagger- does not for others Either the Kayne Wests and Louis Farrakhans
ing. Nowhere was this more (overt racists can make will have to be vilified and everyone will be
evident than when Louis this reminder very censored, or the Bill Bennetts and Trent Lott s
Farrakhan of “Jews are blood- explicit). But “reverse will have to be let alone and everyone will be
suckers” and other assorted discrimination” is a able to say whatever they like and people of all
infamies charged that Bennett real phenomenon that races will just have to learn to live with it.
proposed genocide against i s b e c o m i n g i n c r e a s- Someday the mainstream will decide “okay,
blacks. Of course, this is all ingly threatening to time’s up, they’re still using racism to cry
business as usual in this people who do not racism, time for us to take the gloves off and
country. Some ignorant musi- RED, WHITE, AND BILL, experience a history of play by their rules,” and this country will be a
cian gets on national televi- Courtesy is a Virtue oppression. They see a very unpleasant place to live in no matter what
sion and mouths off that Bush growing trend of anti- your color is. We don’t have to settle for that,
doesn’t care about black peo- e s t a b l i s h m e n t p r e j u- but it will take a lot of work and determination.
ple, and he’s hailed as some kind of hero. Yet a d i c e , r a c e - b a i t i n g , a n d d i r t y p o l i t i c s t h a t i s Only by fostering a belief in the future of this
prominent lawmaker inadvertently endorses a degrading their humanity, making them feel country can we move toward a present in which
s e g r e g a t i o n i s t p r e s i d e n c y a n d h e g e t s t o s s e d o u t unsafe, and preventing them from living out we might trust and forgive one another even
of his leadership post. Disgruntled minority their dreams. after the ugliest moments.

Page 10 Current Events... sort of

Club Spotlight: PUSO Club Spotlight: ASA
By Vanessa Gopez Northern New Jersey. More information By Staff
about it can be found at
his year, PUSO is one of the most . In he Asian Student

T active cultural organizations on cam-

pus. They are dividing the organiza-
tion into three parts – historical, volunteer-
addition, they are holding a cultural show
on campus to raise funds to help those who
suffered from Hurricane Katrina and those
T Association
formed in the mid
90's when the other Asian

ing, and cultural. In the historical part, who need help in the Philippines. interest clubs had meetings
they have lessons teaching Filipinos all Many events are happening next in their own languages and
about Filipino history. It is an opportunity semester as well. Their leaders are plan- Asian American students
to learn what reasons Filipinos have to ning to organize a FIND conference on had no organization that
show their pride for their country. campus, which will bring Filipinos together spoke English. They
Something most people do not know is that to attend workshops where they learn more formed a group that includ- Photo credit: Angeline Seah’s Webshots
the first person to go entirely around the about Filipino culture. Members of their ed all Asian Americans of any ethnicity, year's was moved to Sunken Meadow.
world was in fact a Filipino. The volun- cultural part are going to perform during thus giving students from smaller ethnici- ASA does not have weekly meetings
teering part allows Filipinos get involved in this event as well as in the Battle of the ties an organization to become involved but does do events during some of their
helping the community through hospitals Barrios, an event in which they compete with too. Last year’s Cabinet was not just block-booked weekly times, Tuesdays at
and various other methods. Their cultural against clubs of other schools. Chinese (mainland and Taiwan), Filipino, 8:30 in SAC 306. You need to check the
part is probably their most famous part. Additionally, they hold PUSO Fest at the Korean, and Thai, but a Bhutanese, a calendar
Their activities include modern dancing, end of the year. Last year, this event was a Kashmiri, and two Singaporeans. dar/ or their website
break dancing, singing, acting, and demon- play intermingled with singing and dancing ASA holds the first big cultural show to know
strating kali (a type of martial arts). that exemplified conflicts between mem- of the year, and until this year the only one when they will be doing something.
They are having many special events bers of a colonized nation and its conquer- in the fall. This year Asian Night 2k5 is Their next major event will be making
this semester. There is the D3 Dialogue, ing nation's leaders. called 'Yellow Fever' and it is scheduled for t-shirts. It will be held in SAC 306 on
which unites Filipinos from various col- Cabinet members are: President Anne November 18th. And new students take October 11th at 8:30 to put your artistic
leges from New York, Long Island, and Beryl Corotan, VP Jansen Tubo, Seccretary note - for all of the major cultural shows, touch on a free t-shirt with all the supplies
Rudner DeVera, Treasurer don't wait until the day of the event to get provided by ASA! Create whatever you
Kenley Gagan, Events your tickets. Many sell out. Some sell out want or enter the Asian Night T-Shirt
Coordinator Pat Flores, within a few hours of the tickets going on Design Contest!
Public Relations Allen Mutia, sale. (They need to be on Staller Main Cabinet members for 2005-06 are:
Leslie Miel, and Allan Stage where there is enough room but that Betty Liao, Prez; James Han, VP; Lina O,
Punsalan, D3reps Jonathan is off limits for student performances!) Secretary; Angeline Seah, Treasurer; Elaine
Miel, Andrew Doctor and In addition to Asian Night, ASA now Shiang, Co-Events Coordinator; Lawrence
Jeremiah, and Judiciary Steve coordinates the Nations of Asia Semi- Chu, Co-Events Coordinator; Lily Yeung,
Raga, Elaine Omaga, Formal, usually held off-campus but in the Public Relations; and Lisa Chan, Judiciary.
Christina Rodriguez, and Wang Center for the first time last year. The You can contact them at
Suzette. opposite happened for the End of the Year
You can visit their xanga BBQ. Usually held on campus, due to new ASA is a fun partying group that
PUSO Fest April 2005 at rules forcing BBQ's to be catered, last brings all Asians together. Join them!

Filipino American History Month

By Vanessa Gopez and Mike Tiongson THE LAW for Filipinos to own property, Fact for October 12 ALLOWED!" This led to the passing of the
vote, operate a business, live in an Since it Columbus Day....Filipinos first Tydings-McDuffie Act of 1934, which lim-
ctober is Filipino American History "American" residential neighborhood, hold crossed the Pacific Ocean as early as 1587, ited Filipino immigration to the U.S. to 50

O Month. Here are some of the

entries in the Trivia Calendar. See
how little you know about history! The rest
public office, or become naturalized
American citizens. It was later repealed.
Fact for October 5
fifty years before the first English settle-
ment of Jamestown was established.
Fact for October 15
per year.
Fact for October 19
The yo-yo, a Tagalog word, was invented in
of the entries can be found on the AA E- Back in the 1920's and '30's, the ratio of Unknown to many Filipinos, through the the Philippines over 400 years ago.
Zine at men to women was 20 to 1 (because of Treaty of Paris (April 11, 1899), Spain sold Originally used as a weapon, it had sharp
Fact for October 1 WWI). In some places it was 40 to 1. the Philippines to the US for $20 million, edges and studs. In the 1920s, a Filipino
In 1763, Filipinos were the first Asian Filipinos were not allowed to marry white thus ending over 300 years of Spanish col- named Pedro Flores began mass-producing
Americans to settle in what would become women. In 1926 California imposed anti- onization and starting American coloniza- them at his toy factory in the US.
the US - the bayous and marshes of miscegenation laws on Filipinos and they tion. Fact for October 21
Louisiana. As sailors and navigators on had to drive out of state to marry. Fact for October 17 The University of San Carlos in Cebu City
board Spanish galleons, Filipinos, known as Fact for October 9 When Filipinos came to the US in the early was founded by Spaniards in 1595. It is the
"Manilamen", jumped ship to escape the Immediately after the Katipuneros (free- 1900's, they had to compete against other oldest existing university in Asia and is
brutality of their Spanish masters. They dom fighters) won their independence from ethnic groups to earn a living. Tensions even older than Harvard.
built houses on stilts along the gulf ports of Spain, the US imposed its own brand of grew and white Americans blamed Fact for October 31
New Orleans and brought with them the neo-colonialism on the Filipinos. The result Filipinos for taking their women and their Did you know that in the state of California,
process of sun-drying shrimp. was the Philippine American War, the jobs. Many hotels, restaurants, and even there are more Filipinos than Chinese? It is
Fact for October 3 bloodiest in American history. Lasting from swimming pools had signs that read "POS- estimated that by the next census, Filipinos
In 1902, the U.S. Congress passed into law 1898 to 1902, 70,000 Americans died & 2 ITIVELY NO FILIPINOS ALLOWED!" will be the largest Asian Pacific Islander
the Cooper Act which made it AGAINST million Filipinos were killed. Sometimes they also read, "NO DOGS group in America. in SB Press Vol 1 No 2 October 2005 Weekly Meetings Sunday nights at 7 PM at our office in Union 071

Editorial Space:

Ok, here’s the story. We told them it was tabloid size last issue. This issue we told them our paper size was 10’
by 13.5’ Truth is, that’s our printable area, the lovely E-Zine misunderstood our convoluted directions again. I swear,
we’ll get it right next time. It still damn pretty though.

The Real E-Zine Love Page 11

Reasons for Gaza Withdrawal Don’t Add Up
By Karen Shidlo
“As one who fought in all of Israel’s East Jerusalem,” proof that the Palestinians’ p l e t e c o n t r o l o f h i s c o u n t r y a n d s e t t l e d t e rm s
wars, and learned from personal experience that hunger for control of the whole of Israel is truly with the numerous terrorist groups.
without proper force, we do not have a chance of insatiable. This seems to be a point which Hamas has stated that they will not give up their
surviving in this region. . . I have also learned determinedly undermines the reason why Gaza weapons or “resistance,” even after Israel has
from experience that the sword alone cannot was evacuated by Israelis in the first left Gaza. This makes it difficult for Abbas to
decide this bitter dispute in this land.” place–according to Sharon, the return of Gaza to c o n t i n u e w i t h T a h d i y a (period of calm).
Whilst these words, spoken by Israeli Palestine would be a step in the direction of The various opposition groups to the
Prime Minister Sharon, ring undoubtedly peace, not in the direction of yet more violence disengagement make relevant points about why
true–that violence only leads to more violence–it until the whole of Israel is given up. Israelis should not have been forced to leave
probably f eels of little consolation to the thou- Gaza—the religious Jews in Gaza believe that the
sands of Israeli settlers who were forced to land was g iven to them by God and that no gov-
leave Gaza this summer. “It is difficult to predict ernment has the right to give up “Holy Land”;
These settlers were unfortunate not only right wing opposition maintains that Gaza is
because they had to leave what had been their what will come next - one l e g i t i m a t e I s r a e l i t e r r i t o r y a n d t h a t t h e e v a c u a-
home for generations, but also because they c a n o n l y h o p e t h a t t h e v i o- tion of settlers is a violation of human rights;
won’t get to feel the long-term benefits of the and American Jews came in th e t h o u s a n d s t o
$2billion invested in Gaza between 2001 and lence is coming to an end...” support the blockades planned by these various
2002. The economically weak region was saved factions.
from collapse through foreign investment; The next steps in the peace process
approximately 60% of residents live there Sharon’s other j u s t i f i c a t i o n – t he depend on evidence that Abbas can establish an
under the poverty line and the average woman Roadmap–is just as problematic. Although it effective government in Gaza and prevent anti-
h a s 6 c h i l d r e n , n o t t o m e n t i o n t h a t u n e m p l o y- may seem advantageous to Israel to have the Israeli violence. The unilateral character of the
ment is a persistent problem. USA, the UN, the EU and Russia on their side, it withdrawal undermines the pros p e c t s f o r a G a z a
Sharon claims that Israelis will benefit will only give the Palestinians another excuse to that is governable—the result may be a Gaza that
in the long term from the disengagement, based act out ruthless campaigns against Israel. A is isolated and hence led to more violence,
on the hope that the Palestinians will abandon negotiation cannot take place when one of the rather than less.
violence for peaceful resolutions. The basis of sides has the world’s most powerful nations It is difficult to predict what will come
the left-wing opposition vehemently believe behind them, and the other has limited support next—one can only hope that the violence is com-
that the d isengagement showed weakness on from other third world countries. ing to an end—but what can be said with deter-
Israel’s side; contrary to Sharon’s belief that The Roadmap itself is flawed, setting mination is that the reasons for ending Israeli
the developing Gaza will provide the economic unrealistic measures to be taken in order for occupation in Gaza were not substantiated
stability to end terrorism, the disengagement peace to be achieved, such as demanding that the enough to justify doing it. However, now that
will only give the message to Hamas and other P a l e s t i n i a n A u t h o r i t i e s e l i m i n a t e t h e i n f r a- Palestine has complete control over the piece of
terrorist groups that bloodshed will result in structure of terrorism. It is unlikely that this land it was fighting relentlessly to get, one can
Israel relinquishing more land. will be met any time soon, as Arafat’s long rule only hope that it uses it for good rather than
A b b a s h i m s e l f h a s b e e n q u o t e d a s s a y- only just came to an end and Abbas has a long evil.
ing “[Today] Gaza, tomorrow the West Bank and way to go before he can claim that he has com-

The Quad is on FIRE

By Joe Rios
O n S e p t e m b e r 2 8t h t h e r e w a s a f i r e i n So it wasn’t a uncontrollable raging fire, in fact, was rigged to what appeared to be a propane
the “Mendy Pit” located in the middle of th e fire could have been turned out with the flip tank. The simple way to explain it is that when
Mendelsohn quad. There were fire marshals and of a switch. So what was the purpose of this the presenter flips a switch, the whole thing
chiefs from all around, feet away, but they staged inferno? September was Campus Fire starts burning. When he flips it back, it goes
wouldn’t touch it. And it burned. Then a girl, Safety Month, and fire prevention day was their off.
r o u g h l y 5 f e e t , s t e p p e d u p w i t h a f i r e e x t i n- big event to close it out. Students were able to learn the PASS
guisher, and blasted the fire. At this point the When you approached the “Mendy Pit” method of using fire extinguishers. PASS is
fire chiefs around the girl were applauding. the first thing you came across was a small, short for Pull, Aim, Squeeze and Sweep.
talking remote controlled fire
truck, whose purpose is to lure Pull the pin from the extinguisher
people in to learn how to use the Aim the hose or nozz le at the base of the fire
extinguisher. Driven by one of Squeeze the handle
the state marshals, I have to say Sweep from side to side
that this was quite hilarious.
Imagine a large athletic guy This method is the universal method for
being followed by this litåtle red using fire extinguishers, and the idea behind
fire truck that is yelling “Oh, so the program is that if students are shown how to
you think you are too tough to properly use the extinguisher, if they ever need
learn about fire safety?” I was to use one, they know how to use it most effec-
almost dying from laughter. tively.
Once students, who were pre- After using the extinguisher, students
dominantly residents from H and received give-aways for their efforts, which
M endl es ohn Q uads , we re l ured i n c l u d e d h i g h l i gh t e r s , c u p s , f i r e f i g h t e r h a t s
into “The Pit”, they walked past a etc…
series of displays. Under one When the day was over, there was noth-
tent were items that were in dorm ing left for evidence except the dry chemical
rooms from fires. I must say that residue, and empty extinguishers that were
when you see what your everyday picked up shortly after to be refilled, but what
items like computers look like was taken away from the day was
after a fire, it kind of sets in. far more significant. Now, a
They also had a T.V. looping a larger percent of the campus
tape about dorm room safety. knows how to properly use
There were also displays about extinguishers,
fire safety info, flyers, and give- Something
aways like keychain sect. that could very
The main attraction, of course, well save lives
was their fire machine. In the one day.
THE POWER OF FIRE AT YOUR FINGERTIPS, middle of “The Pit” was a cabinet,
Courtesy of Vincent Michael Festa most likely made of metal, that

Page 12 Current Events

Israel’s Occupation of The Gaza Strip:
The Palestinian POV By Laura Positano
The Gaza Strip is a blood soaked piece of a r t i l l e r y . Sharon signed off on many checks this tler groups. This radicalization of politics is
t e r r i t o r y in the Middle East. The Palestinians, way. He understood how expensive waging a hardly confined to Jew versus Arab.
who often are portrayed by the American media potent war is. There’s compelling military reason for a
a s t e r r o r i s t s w h o m a d l y g o a f t e r I s r a e l i s i n h a b- Finally, if war is avoided by compromise, pull-out as well. As noted abo v e , I sr ael i ar my
iting the Gaza Strip, are m o r e c o m p l e x t h a n there is avoidance of actual fighting, and not and police have become de facto occupiers of
p o r t r a y e d . W h i l e i t i s t r u e t h a t t h e r e a r e t e r- merely the costs of mobilization. With a small these (and other) Arab territories. That’s a
rorists that proclaim to be against Israelis population, Israel has always stated the horrors drain on security and defense resources . As
occupying the Gaza strip, n o t e v e r y P a l e s t i n i a n of losses. Some wars saw most families touched even the wealthy and powerful United States has
is a member of Hezbollah. by war in some horrible way. The wars, by the found out, the provision of security is not with-
The Gaza Strip di dn’t belong to Israel ini- war, are getting bloodier and certainly more out limits. Besides the human and political
tially- it was originally inhabited by the Arabs. destructive. Unspoken is the fact that wars are costs of occupying, there is the monetary cost.
Only because of Israel’s victories in successive also getting more expensive. Such gadgets as I s r a e l i s n o t wealthy, a fact overlooked by even
w a r s (one in the Israeli settlements has never jets, drones, missiles, computers and the like h e r m o s t p o w e r f u l a n d v o c a l a l l i e s a n d s u p p o r t-
been officially recognized as sovereign to are going up in price not merely because of ers. Adding a constantly restive people drains
P a l e s t i n i a n g o v e r n a n c e ) . T h e l o n g t e r m s e c u r i- inflation, but also becomes developing them security. Much like the U.S. found that the
ty of Israel depends on stabilization of relations takes more resources. Louisiana and other Southern national guards
with the Arab frontline states of Jordan, Egypt, were off g u a r d i n g I r a q , t h e I s r a e l i s h a v e n o t e d
Syria and now, de facto, the Palestinian State. the need to keep a strong force in its own bor-
I t is ironic that a military man who is “As even the wealthy and ders.
greatly respected as a right wing politician has It’s all well to hold onto romantic versions
come forward as a sponsor of all of this. Sharon powerful United States has of history. But the Gaza Strip and other occupied
has impeccable credentials for even right wing found out, the provision of lands were Arab until this century. They were
Israelis. He fought in all of Israel’s wars. He not Jewish in the main, though Jews lived there.
never espoused appeasement at any time. He was security is not without limits.” Ironically, the Jews and the Arabs have gotten
never a man subject to swings in his opinions. along relatively well since the Crusades. Untold
In this way, Sharon recognizes that Israel is the strife among Arabs, which has been
needs peace even at the slight chance o f disas- If Sharon thinks that peace is possible, bloody. Some cynics wag the thought that if
ter. Israel has always lived with disaster at her and worth a gamble, it probably is. Unlike other Israel wasn’t there, the Arabs would be killing
s h o u l d e r . W h a t e v e n p r o - I s r a e l i s d o n o t u n d e r- politicians, he is notoriously short tempered e a c h o t h e r i n s t e a d , a n d more often than now.
stand is this: there is a prohibitive cost to war for any foolery on either side. He would take I raq and Iran, for example, had a ten year war
in Israel. Each mobilization (without even a shot any charges of treason by other Israelis in a which killed hundreds of thousands. Jordanians
being fired) totally hamstrings the economy. very violent way. (Which is why, unlike other have fought other Arabs, including a short but
Reservist armies like the Israeli Army come not p o l i t i c i a n s, no one dreams of bringing this up. very nasty war against Palestinians themselves
from the military but from the book keepers, This is hardly new in Israeli politics: (1970 and before).
doctors, mechanics and farmers-the civilian there have been literal political assassinations Israel can’t afford the romance. She
population. in Israel, with Jews murdering other Jews. never could. Sharon and wiser right wing
Notice that the call-up of military Police and army called into duty to evict Jewish Israelis could not agree more. It is fine for those
reserves was never lightly regarded: there is settlers from soon-to-be-Arab lands often who are not in the frontlines to r a i l a b o u t s e c u-
also an economic cost to mere mobilization. The refused to serve the warrants. In some cases, rity. Remember the old adage from Napolean: he
economy of Israel at best is fragile. It is not there were literal mutinies. In others, police who would defend everything winds up defend-
cheap to buy or build planes, tanks and a n d A r m y t r o o p s s p l i t u p i n t o p r o - a n d a n t i - s e t- ing nothing. Not bad counsel for Israel.

Current Events Page 13

We’re All Going to Die!
By Bryan Barash
It’s called avian flu. It comes from et Earth affecting human beings.” - Laurie to become propagated easily amongst humans
birds. You’ve probably never heard of it. And Garrett, a senior fellow on global health policy and it is undergoing all of the preparatory steps
maybe you never will. Or maybe it will kill you at the Council on Foreign Relations that influenza a virus undertaken in the past
before you do. While you were assuming you towards becoming a competent h u m a n - t o - h u m a n
were safe in your cozy bed in the most powerful So now you have some facts, and they transmissible agent. We’re watc h i n g , e s s e n t i a l-
country on Earth, a virus known as the bird flu may or may not have come from some people you ly, the steps of evolution and i t i s p r o g r e s s i n g
has killed over 50 people in Asia. Is it serious? probably have heard from, or who are experts on right down the path you would have predicted
Well considering the government the issue. This flu strain has been around since for a virus that will eventuall y b e c o m e q u i t e
j u s t s p e n t $ 1 0 0 m i l l i o n o n e x p e r i- the eighties, that we know of. It has since gained good at human-to-human transmission.” - Dr.
mental vaccines for this flu that strength and spread from wild birds to chickens David Relman, Professor of Microbiology &
aren’t even proven to effectively to pigs, and, yes- now to us. It appears Immunology, and of Medicine at Stanford
immunize against it yet, it’s safe to t h a t t h e v i r u s g o e s q u i c k l y a n d d i r e c t- University, and Staff Physician at the VA Palo
say they’re taking it seriously. ly to our lungs, filling them with fluid Alto Health Care System
And you should too. Check out what and blood. It can kill a
some people you may have heard of human in as little as OK, so now we know we’re all in very big
had to say about it: three days, and often trouble. So here’s the question on everybody’s
shows no major flu symp- mind: How long do we have until we really have
“It could kill a billion people toms until it’s too late. Our to worry about it possibly ju mp i n g b et ween
worldwide, make ghost towns out of only saving grace is that it humans?
parts of major cities, and there is not cannot be passed between
enough medicine to fight it. It is called humans; it has to be acquired from “Some people would say it could be as
the avian flu.” – Brian Ross, ABC news an infected bird. So far. early as this winter. Those of a more optimistic
chief investigative reporter sort would say maybe two years, or it could be
“The tipping point, the place even five years. So it’s very hard to predict right
“We must also remain on the offensive where it becomes something of an immediate now.” – Relman
against new threats to public health, such as the concern, is where that virus changes, we call it
avian influenza,” Bush said in his speech to mutates, to something that is able to go from I don’t know about you but I would like
world leaders. “If left unchallenged, the virus human to human,” - Redlener, director of the more than a 45% chance to live more than two
could become the first pandemic of the 21st National Center for Disaster Preparedness years. So when I hear it’s coming to the USA, I’m
century.” – President George W. Bush boarding up my windows and locking the doors.
“I think most people would say to you it Maybe you should too. But to be safe, I’d check
“Right now in human beings, it kills 55% [an outbreak] probably is a question of when, out if you’re concerned to check for
of the people it infects; that makes it the most and not if, because, well because the pattern of updated information, prevention steps, and
lethal flu we know of that has ever been on plan- evolution of this virus in general is to find a way what to do if you believe you’re infected.

Why Political Parties Suck So Damn Much

By David K. Ginn
There has never been an idea quite as in backgammon. One is white, one is black, nei- Many political candidates and office-holders, I
absurd as political parties. They work against ther is good or bad. This is how George W. Bush b e l i e v e , a r e r e s t r i c t e d b y t h e i r o w n r e d u c t i o n-
all sense, and I’m really starting to think the gets a lot of his backing for the war in Iraq, ist belie fs. They have no room to grow as politi-
o n l y r e a s o n m a n y o f u s s t i l l d e f e n d t h e i r e x i s- except he tries to turn back the clock to a much cians because they’re afraid to step outside the
tence is because of lifelong conditioning. Here more primitive version of reductionism. George bounds of their political parties . T h e y c h o o s e
are the bad things about political parties: W. Bush says, in general, that we must defend very early on, and even if they’re open minded
Freedom, and fight back against those who do and able to swing, their political party hangs
1 ) They pretend to sum up a vast amount of n o t s u p p ort Freedom. The problem is that over their head like an albatross , i f n o t c o n f i n-
ideas under one label, thus making the voting Freedom isn’t so damn simple. It’s funny how a i n g t h e n a t t h e v e r y l e a s t d efining what they do.
process easier. The American public does not country bent so hard on defending Freedom
have to look deep into candidates for any office, would deny homosexuals the right to a legal 3 ) Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts.
because most of what they need to know is m a r r i a g e , invade the privacy of individuals for Need I say more? Every single Republican sen-
summed up in their party. If we started looking the sake of paranoid national security, pass ator voted in favor of him taking the seat.
at candidates’ ideas and laws opening up everyone to a Democrats, however, voted both for and against.
political views freely, full violation of their civil Am I praising Democrats? Hell no. Democrats
we’d be able to make a rights without a warrant of don’t exist. There’s no such thing as a
much more independent any kind, not regulate the Democrat. They may call themselves as such,
judgment. Of course, monopolization of the media but it’s only a bonding name. They’re all peo-
there are many who pon- by offering independent and ple with different views, just like the
d e r d e e p l y a b o u t c a n d i- radical media broadcasts the Republicans. Everyone has different views.
dates, both Republican same opportunities for public When I say Democrats voted both ways, I mean
and Democrat, but none broadcast, lie to its own citi- that the people who call themselves Democrats
who do so without know- zens about the reasons for a voted both ways, and perhaps t h a t p r o v i d e s
ing which party each w a r i n a n o t h e r c o u n t r y , d e l i b- some sort of hope for a changing idea: not bi-
belongs to. Why i s it so erately misrepresent specific p a r t i s a n s h i p , b u t n o n- p a r t i s a n s h i p . Roberts
Courtesy of Oversaturated Politics
important to know? Can’t e v e n t s w i t h i n a n d s u r r o u n d- was elected because he is the m i s s i o n s t a t e m e n t
we make that kind of ing that war, filter the spread of the Republican Conservative party in human
judgment on our own? Okay, so a great deal of o f i n f o r m a t i o n i n c l u d i n g i m a g e s a n d n e w s form. Someone lost the document that explained
t h e A m e r i c a n p o p u l a t i o n m a y b e p r e t t y i g n o- reports to its own citizens out of fear of losing conservatism, and it biodegraded i n t o t h e E a r t h .
rant, but maybe a lot of that is forced upon them support, passing laws that leave people’s homes Then, it was re-spawned in th e form of Chief
by things like this. For the longest time, we’ve a n d p r o p e r t y s u b j e c t t o d e s t r u c t i o n a n d e v i c t i o n Justice John Roberts. For a pos i t i o n t h a t r e l i e s
i m a g i n e d w o r l d a n d d o m e s t i c i s s u e s a s b l a c k for the sake of commercial development without so heavily on objectivity and a sense of “higher
a n d w h i t e . F a n t a s y w r i t e r s b r i l l i a n t l y c a p t u r e a p p e a l o r d u e c r i m i n a l o r c i v i l p r o c e ss , a n d politics”, this guy sure seems to h a v e h i s o p i n-
o u r d e s i r e f o r t h e c l e a r s e p a r a t i o n o f o p p o s i n g c o n t i n u a l l y a t t e m p t t o m o d i f y i t s o w n c o n s t i t u- ions. Can we expect to see b i - p a r t i s a n s h i p
p o w e r s b y h a v i n g u n d e n i a b l e h e r o e s f i g h t i n g tion to make itself less free. It’s a goddamn under his regime? Doubtful. Can we expect to
undeniable evil. Even the most run-down and h y p o c r i s y , a n d t h a n k s t o t h e s a m e m e n t a l i t y see bi-partisanship towards him? Doubtful.
fucked up hero is still the white in opposition that formed political parties, it’s rampant and Bi-partisanship is an idealistic myth, and at
to the black evil he or she fights. Political par- very active. the very least we should replace i t w i t h a m y t h
ties are another manifestation of our great of non-partisans hip. I think a myth that could
desire for this distinction. Of course, when one day be realized is better than a myth used
applied to the real world it just gets more com- 2 ) P o l i t i c a l p a r t i e s n o t o n l y l i m i t t h e t h i n k i n g to shut the free thinkers of this country up.
p l i c a t e d . O u r c a n d i d a t e s a c t m o r e l i k e p l a y e r s of the voters, but of the politicians themselves.

Page 14 Current Events

Bloomberg Breaks NYC’s Democratic Coalition
By Jorge Sierra
New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg This is not possible. such conditions, it is very difficult for the
is up for re-election this year. A Democrat- As in the 2001 Democratic primary, the Democratic Party to mount a strong opposition.
turned-Republican in a city where Democrats two highest vote-getters in this year’s primary, Finally, as most of the media commenta-
o u t n u m b e r R e p u b l i c a n s b y 5 t o 1 , h e i s e x p e c t- Ferrer and Congressman Anthony Weiner, tors mention, Bloomberg’s record as mayor is
ed to win easily over former Bronx Borough e n d o r s e d c o m p l e t e l y d i f f e r e n t a n d i n c o m p a t i- fairly decent, but not just as a mayor overall. He
President Fernando Ferrer, who lost in the 2001 ble visions for New York. The problem is that has made specific accomplishments that are
Democratic primary during the runoff election, most of the grievances are exclusive to either important to some of the same constituencies
giving the Republican party the mayoralty for middle class New Yorkers, who are being that must be recruited to oppose him. Early on,
the fourth straight election. squeezed by rising taxes and expenses, or one he framed improving the educati on system as a
Did I mention that the city is over- or more underclasses or minorities, who have civil rights issue, and test scores have risen for
whelmingly Democratic? been left behind… again. Thus, Ferrer endors- the first time in years. Bloomberg’s low-key
One of the, in my opinion, understated es higher taxes to pay for social services and is manner and skillful handling of racial hate
reasons that the Democrats will lose is because an advocate for the poor and minority popula- crimes such as the recent beating in Howard
they are not united. This is not for Beach is part of why racial ten-
lack or reasons to dislike sions are lower t h a n t h e y h a v e
Bloomberg. This is the mayor who been in years. Remarkably,
has squeezed the middle class with crime is continuing to drop to
a massive property tax increase, record lows. Finally, the mayor
i n c r e a s e d f i n e s , r a i s e d t h e c i g a- has been a strong supporter of
rette tax, and instituted a “ticket abortion rights. He enacted a
quota” on minor infractions, all to policy authorizing all medical
balance the budget. He has also schools to teach abortion and
held a hard line on contract nego- opposes the nomination of
tiations with the recalcitrant Supreme Court nominee John
police, firefighters, and teachers Roberts. The mayor’s record is
unions, following a settlement giv- not perfect, nor does it benefit all
ing the city’s largest municipal Ne w Y orkers , but i t h a s f r a c t u r e d
union a 5% raise. The mayor has any hope of a simple middle
m a d e i t e a s i e r f o r h o m e l e s s s h e l- c l a s s - l o w e r c l a s s - l i b e r a l c o a l i-
ters to deny shelter to homeless tion against him. Indeed, several
individuals and removed priority t r a d i t i o n a l l y D e m o c r a t i c m i n o r i-
access to federal rent subsidies to t y , u n i o n , a n d l i b e r a l o r g a n i z a-
homeless families. The recession tions and politicians have either
f o l l o w i n g 9 / 1 1 a f fe c t e d m i n o r i t y endorsed the mayor or have con-
citizens most severely, and there spicuously declined to attack
remain wide racial disparities in him.
income and academic achievement It is therefore false to
between the rich and poor, whites speak of a simple 5:1 Democratic
and minority New Yorkers. vs. Republican majority in New
Civil libertarians weren’t York City, at least as far as city-
too happy with the heavy police wide mayoral po l i t i c s a r e c o n-
p r e s e n c e d u r i n g a n t i - B u s h r a l l i e s a n d t h e r a n- tions. Weiner endorsed tax cuts for the middle cerned. Regional, class, and identity group pol-
dom searches imposed in subways following the class and had strong support among white itics have dominated the Democratic mayoral
London bombings. Moreover, his administration Democrats. Race is still a factor that separates primary process to such a degree that it is more
appealed a court ruling ordering the city to the supporters of the two most popular accurate to say that multiple and incompatible
grant marriage licenses to gay couples, and he Democrats, as was in the 2001 primar y and the mini-parties are vying against each other. This
has refused to enforce a City Council law passed one before it. Ferrer’s attempt early in this presents little-known candidates with narrow
over his veto that bans harassment in city c a m p a i g n t o b u i l d s o l i d a r i t y w i t h p o l i c e o f f i- agendas whose campaigns serve only to augment
schools (this was advocated by gay rights organ- cers outraged black voters when he mentioned differences and raise bitterness on all sides.
izations because bullying disproportionately that he didn’t think the death of Amadou Diallo, Or as former mayor Ed Koch calls them,
affects gay and lesbian youth). Anyway, I’m who was shot 41 times by police during the Lilliputians, after the diminutive race in
sure you get the idea. There is a large number Giuliani administration, was a crime. More Gulliver’s Travels. New York City Democrats
of New Yorkers who might have reason to vote recently, he’s said he opposed a strike by the have some serious growing up to do if they hope
against Bloomberg, if they could unite based on teachers union (after all, that would hurt t o b r i n g t h e p a r t y t o g e t h e r a n d w i n t h e m a y-
their shared grievances. m i n o r i t y a n d p o o r s t u d e n t s t h e m o st ) . U n d e r oralty in 2009.

What the Fuck?

By Adina Silverbush
Every day I’ve been hearing about car ding party was in a limo going home from the ignore it anymore it happened right here on
crashes, multiple times a day! Probably I’m wedding when they were smashed into by a Nicolas Rd, next to the South Entrance. The
more alert to the words “car crash” since my drunk driver killing a young girl. I tried to get same morning 20 minutes later, there was
own mother was just killed this summer by one the exact information about that crash and a n ot h e r c a r a c c i d e n t i n v o l v i n g 5 s t u d e n t s o n
but it seems like they’ve been happening more typed into my internet search engine “Brooklyn campus by the Main Entrance.
then ever. Most of the time these aren’t kids c a r c r a s h k i l l s g i r l ” a n d I g o t 24 1 , 0 0 0 r e s u l t s ! Maybe it wasn’t your mother. Maybe you
getting into crashes either. These are licensed Nearly everyone I’ve told about my own still have all your siblings, your grandparents,
drivers who choose to drive recklessly. Racing personal tragedy has experienced or heard of a your boyfriend/girlfriend, your best friend.
t h e i r s p o r t s c a r , d r i v i n g i n t o x i c a t e d , o r r us h i n g si mi l ar h orrific experience. It’s nice not to be You’re lucky today, but tomorrow you might not
to an “important” event! What the hell is wrong alone in my pain but reading Melissa’s article be so lucky! People are dropping like flies all
with people?! Don’t they care; don’t they real- about her brother being killed in a car crash (in because of fucking cars! Cars; what most of us
i z e t h e y ’ r e p u t t i n g t h e m s e l v e s , t h e i r p a s s e n- t h e l a s t i s s u e o f t h e P r e ss) got me very upset. take comfort in going in everyday. I’m sorry to
g er s, an d ev er y o n e ar o u n d t h em i n d an g er ? That two people working for the press had both be harsh; I’m not trying to hur t y o u r f e e l i n g s
The week after my mom was killed by a lost very close, young, healthy relative because just to open your eyes! If you don’t feel safe
drunk driver, I read an article in the New York of cars! How i s this happening? Why are we let- with the way your friends are driving, tell them.
T i m e s about a group of teens (one who went to ting this happen? If you are in a rush, think twice before you start
my high school) who were at a summer camp get- Today, I looked at a copy of the S t o n y speeding… you may not get there ever if you get
ting driven somewhere by their counselo r. The Brook Statesman, which is why I’m making this into a crash! Racing might seem fun, but it’s
counselor was driving at nearly 100mph, and plea. On the front cover there was an article idiotic. The higher your speed the more damage
the whole car was literally crushed by a tractor about a man that was killed when he was hit by to you, and your fancy sports car!
trailer! The week before my mom’s death a wed- a car Friday morning on Sept. 30. You can’t

Current Events Page 15

Seawolves Men’s Soccer Salvage Seawolves
Draw in Conference Opener Women’s Soccer
A crowd of approximately 300 were on momentum swing for them and we gave up a sec-
By Antony Lin
Falls to
hand at Kenneth P. LaValle Stadium on the ond goal,” stated coach Markovic.
chilly Friday evening to see the America East The home side would cut the lead in half
conference encounter between the Stony Brook i n t h e 3 7t h minute off of an inswinging corner
Seawolves and the Hartford Hawks. The match from Mohamed. His service skipped past sever-
would end in a 2-2 draw. al defenders finding forward, Chris Scarpati. By Antony Lin
“We played real hard and came out Scarpati’s header on goal deflected off a Hawks On a sunny and warm Sunday afternoon,
strong. The team fought and never gave up,” said d e f e n d e r t o m a k e i t 2 - 1 . the Stony Brook Seawolves took on the UMBC
left winger Tamed Mohamed. The second half saw the Seawolves Retrievers at Kenneth P. LaValle Stadium, with
The Seawolves started the match with a a p p l y i n g h e a v y p r e s s u r e t o t h e H a r t f o r d b a c k- both teams in search of their first America
3 - 5 - 2 f o r m a t i o n , w h i l e t h e v i s i t o r s e m p l o y e d a line, while Hartford looked to counter. East conference victory. Approximately 120
4-4-2. Normally on the right wing, Yahaya Musa T h e v i s i t o r s w o u l d g e t t h e f i r s t o p p o r t u- supporters were in attendance as the home side
shifted to the back for the match. n i t y o f t h e s e c o n d h a l f i n t h e 4 8t h m i n u t e . fell to the Retrievers 3-0.
“Musa was outstanding in the back. He Forward Keith Womack’s hard shot from 14 “It was disappointing. We played well.
may be playing their in the future,” mentioned yards out on the right was parried away by But we did not click at times,” said midfielder
head coach Cesar Markovic. Moschella. Brittany Benthin.
The first opportunity for Stony Brook I n t h e 5 8t h minute, Stony Brook would B o t h t e a m s s t a r t e d w i t h a 4 - 4 - 2 f o r m a-
t h
would come in the 5 m i n u t e . M i d f i e l d e r M a t t get the equalizer off a penalty kick. Midfielder tion. The first half saw quite an even affair, as
Avelino made a cut to his right. His effort from Michael Palacio, claimed a loose ball in the box neither side was dominant. N o r m a l l y o n t h e
27 yards out would sail inches wide of the left after Scarpati’s cross was deflected. As Palacio right wing, Stony Brook midfielder Danielle
post. was set to tee up a shot, he was brought down Lewis started up front with Brooke Barbuto,
Three minutes later, the home side from behind. normally at center midfield, due to an injury to
would get another opportunity, this time from Scarpati would take the penalty kick, forward Tiffany Fasullo.
Mohamed. Off a defensive mistake, Mohamed p u t t i n g t h e b a l l i n t o t h e l o w e r r i g h t 9 0 f o r t h e The Seawolves would be the first to
collected the ball on the left wing. His shot from w e l l - d e s e r v e d e q u a l i z e r . threaten in the 3rd minute. Benthin’s initial
9 yards out sailed wide of the near post. In the very same minute, Hartford would cross from the right wing was blocked.
Seconds later, the Hawks would get their c r e a t e a n o t h e r o p p o r t u n i t y o f t h e i r o w n . Receiving the ball back, Benthin cut to her left.
first opportunity of the match. Forward Gorkem Forward Gorkem Katoglu cracked a 30 yarder, Her shot from 12 yards out would sail wide.
Katoglu’s blast from 27 yards out was tapped only to have his shot saved and held onto from a
over the bar by goalkeeper, diving Moschella. Aminute
John Moschella. I n t h e 7 8t h minute Stony Brook later, UMBC would
The Seawolves next would threaten once again. Scarpati c r e a t e a n o p p o r t u-
great opportunity would sent a long ball, splitting two defend- nity of their own.
c o m e i n t h e 2 9t h minute off a ers to forward, Pete Haikidis. Midfielder Betsy
great individual effort from H a i k i d i s ’ s h o t f r o m 8 y a r d s o ut Day , f r o m t h e r i g h t
midfielder, Douglas Narvaez. sailed over the crossbar. w i n g , f o u n d f o r-
A f t e r d i s p o s s e s s i n g d e f e n d- The next pair of opportunities ward Jessica Young
er Carlo Cudicini of the ball, for the Seawolves would come in the outside the box.
Narvaez was able to get l a s t f o u r m i n u t e s o f r e g u l a t i o n c o u r- Her one-timer fell
passed three defenders, only tesy of Narvaez. On the right wing, right into the
to see his shot from 9 yards Narvaez laid one off to Palacio. hands of goalkeep-
out curl just wide of the far Palacio cut the ball to his left and er C i n d y B e n n e t t .
post. fired a rocket from 17 yards out that The Retrievers
The unfortunate was held onto by goalkeeper, Ryan opened the score in
w o u l d h a p p e n i n 3 1s t m i n u t e C a r r . I n t h e 8 8t h minute, Narvaez was the 22nd minute
when Hartford would take able to split two Hartford defenders with a goal from
the 1-0 lead off a controver- b e f o r e h i s s h o t f r o m 2 2 y a rd s o u t Young. Off a coun-
Courtesy of
sial goal. On what appeared sailed just wide of the far left post. terattack, Young
to be a Hartford hand-ball, The first overtime saw only one found herself in
r e f e r e e A r n o l d K l e i n a w a r d- lone opportunity. The lone chance all alone. With an
ed a throw-in to Hartford would come for Hartford in the 99t h onrushing Bennett, Young was able to place the
i n s t e a d . M i d f i e l d e r D a n i e l CHRIS SCARPOTI TAKES IT minute. Katoglu attempted to catch ball into the upper left post and in.
To r r es wo u l d co l l e ct t h e b al l DOWN THE FIELD, Moschella napping with a chip from The visitors nearly doubled their lead
o f f t h e e n s u i n g H a r t f o r d Courtesy of 45 yards out, but to no avail. in the 29th minute. Young’s shot to the near
t h r o w - i n o n t h e r i g h t w i n g . The Seawolves nearly had the post from 6 yards out would be cleared off the
Torres’ cross from the right game winner with seconds remaining line by defender Marisa Nucci.
wing found Cudini, who headed the ball into the in the second overtime. Collecting a long ball, Stony Brook would get its best opportu-
back of the net. Mohamed sent a low cross that ended up in the nity in the 35th minute. Right/left back
“I’m not sure if the ref saw it. But it was foot of Palacio. Palacio on the right, fired a 14 Chelsea Van Horn’s outswinging corner found
either our ball or a throw-in for us,” stated yard shot to the near post that was parried away unmarked midfielder Kristin Mishrell, whose
Mohamed. by Carr. h e a d e r u n f o r t u n a t e l y s t r u c k t h e r i g h t c r o s s-
Four minutes later, the Hawks woul d With the draw, the Seawolves stand at 0- bar.
double their lead. Off a free kick, midfielder 0-1 in conference play and 5-2-3 overall, while “We have to gain more confidence to be
Costa Kyritsis sent the ball into the box and the Hawks are at 0-1-1 and 3-5-1. more attacking minded to compete,” said
found Cudini. Cudini headed the ball home, “We were courageous out there. We Seawolves coach Sue Ryan. “Their shot hits the
leaving goalkeeper John Moschella with no p l a y e d w i t h o u t s u b s . I t w a s a n o u t s t a n d i n g post that goes in and our shot h i t s t h e p o s t a n d
chance to make the save. game. We played for each other,” mentioned comes out.”
“It (the first goal) was definitely a hand coach Markovic.
ball. There is nothing you can do. There was a

Page 16 Sports
Seawolves Women’s Soccer Fall To Terriers In
America East Opener
By Antony Lin
A crowd of nearly 200 were on hand to Bennett a bit, but the ball was held onto. to the near post. “Cindy played the best game of
see the opening America East conference T h e n e x t g r e a t c h a n c e f o r t h e T e r r i e r s the year. Our backs kept us in t h e g ame ,” st at-
encounter between the Stony Brook Seawolves would come in the 31s t m i n u t e . W i t h f o r w a r d ed coach Ryan.
and Boston Terriers at Kenneth P. LaValle Melissa Shulman on a breakaway, Bennett came The home side would get their opportu-
Stadium. The comfortable Sunday afternoon saw out to challenge. Before Bennett can get to the n i t y i n t h e 7 7t h m i n u t e . C e n t e r m i d f i e l d e r
the Terriers shutout the Seawolves 1-0. ball, Shulman chip sailed just high over the Brooke Barbuto sent a brilliant bal l to Lewis on
“It was very disappointing. We wanted to crossbar. the right wing. Her righted-footed shot from 11
get conference play off to a right start,” men- With seconds before the half, Locasale y a r d s o u t f e l l r i g h t i n t o t h e h a n d s o f D r e y e r .
tioned forward Jackie Anthony. shot from 22 yards out was After denying
Stony Brook started the match with a 4 - saved fantastically by o p p o r t u n i t y a f t e r o p p o r t u-
4-2 and shifted to 4-3-3 at times, while Boston Bennett even though the shot nity, there was not much
used a 4-4-2 formation. The match started off appeared wide. Bennett could have done on
fast-paced and remained. “Our younger players The second half saw Boston’s game-winner in
are used to a different speed. The rules have the visitors pretty much in t h e 8 2n d minute. Boston
c h a n g e d i n t h a t t h e y a r e r e q u i r e d t o p l a y q u i c k- control once again. Their was able to win a free kick
er,” mentioned head coach Sue Ryan. f i r s t o p p o r t u n i t y i n t h e s e c- 40 yards out on the left.
While the visitors were in control of the ond half would come off an Cook’s inswinging set
opening minutes, it was Stony Brook that had the inswinging corner kick from piece found S h u l m a n i n t h e
f i r s t c l e a r o p p o r t u n i t y i n t h e 5t h m i n u t e . T ri n e the left. Off a flick on, mid- box to hea d t h e b a l l i n t o
Allenberg, normally on the left wing, started fielder Brooke Bingham’s the back of the net.
the match on the right, rotating with Danielle one-time volley from the “We did not have
Lewis. right was held onto by enough attacking. It was a
Off a cutback move at midfield, Bennett. great defensive game.
Allenberg sent a splendid through ball over the Boston would contin- Everyone worked hard out
top finding forward, Tiffany Fasullo. Fasullo’s ue to pressure the backline there,” stated Anthony.
left footed shot was saved and held onto by goal- of the Seawolves. In the 57t h With the loss, the
keeper, Stephanie Dreyer. “We have similar minute, Shulman sent a Seawolves drop to 3-7-1
players. I can move them left to right and t h r o u g h b a l l f i n d i n g m i d- CINDY BENNET CAN ONLY DO SO o v e r a l l a n d 0 - 1 - 0 i n c o n-
exchange them if they need a break,” said coach f i e l d e r M a r a O s h e r . O s h e r MUCH, PEOPLE, ference play. Boston
Ryan. t r i e d t o s l i p i t t o B e n n e t t ’ s Courtesy of improves to 5-4-1 over, 1-
Nine minutes later, the Terriers would right, but her effort went 0-0 in conference play.
threaten. Forward Meghann Cook’s shot from 9 wide of the far post. Just a minute later, “Boston was picked to win the confer-
yards out on the right found the near post and Bingham’s one-ti me crack from 26 yards out hit ence. Last year we beat the teams at the top of
bounced out of play. the woodwork. the standings and loss to the tea ms a t t h e b o t-
Seconds later, Boston won a free kick As the match went on, Bennett continued tom. This year we want to be in control of our
from about 33 yards out. Defender Ashley t h
t o p r e s e r v e t h e t i e . I n t h e 6 7 m i n u t e , B e n n e t t own destiny. We need to be more threatening,”
LoCasale direct shot troubled goalkeeper Cindy was able to parry away her shot from 9 yards out said coach Ryan.

“This just in:

No Name for This Article The Stony Brook Press is online at
By No McNamerson
and... wait a second, I’m getting
The home side would unfortunately be we did in the last two games,” said Ryan. “We
p u n i s h e d o f f a q u e s t i o n a b l e n o n - c a l l f r o m r e f- h a d a m e ntal lapse in the first five minutes of

something else here... It would

eree Kyle Markott in the 51st minute. Off a set the second half. We must learn to play for the
piece from the right, UMBC defender Mary f u l l n i n e t y. We cannot take mental breaks.”

seem to be the case that I

Hearin appeared to be guilty of a hard shove The Seawolves would get a chance to pull
while the ball was in the air. This led to a one back in the 72nd minute. With plenty of

have no personality...
scramble in the box, space, Barbuto’s crack
from which midfielder from 28 yards sailed

Humph. ‘Magine that.”

Cara Palmer was able to high of the crossbar.
capitalize on with a Looking to
goal. “Looking to increase the increase the score,
“The players DiCarlo nearly had
were saying there was a score...her low drive another one i n the 79th
p u s h . B u t t h e r e f e r e e- minute. Off a free kick
ing goes both ways. You would be parried away...” from 22 yards out, her
must create or make low drive would be par-
your own luck to get ried away and out by
that opportunity. That Bennett.
is what they did,” said Ryan. With the loss, Stony Brook drops to 0-3-
Seconds later, the Retrievers would make 0 in conference play and 3-9-1 overall. UMBC
it 3-0. From the right wing, Young found for- improves to 1-1-0 and 7-5-0.
ward Missy Moore in the box. Moore, with her “It was a tough day. When you are not
back turned, laid one back to fellow striker winning games, it seems like everything is
Amanda DiCarlo. Her one-timer from 7 yards against you,” said Ryan. “We have to get past
out found the lower left part of the goal. that and gain more confidence.”
“ W e p l a y e d b e t t e r i n t h e f ir s t h a l f t h a n

Sports Page 17
Fuck Columbus Day With A Serrated Dildo
By Marcel Votlucka
Christopher Columbus was an asshole. back to my point. So, here we have Columbus, promised to bring home. Queen Isabel, royally
Oh yes, he was. He was quite the asshole. Of who was in reality a very nasty, draconian fel- pissed that she’d have to keep using that piss-
course, we’re all taught that Columbus was a l o w w h o treated his crew like shit. Picture the soaked security blanket she’d had pilfered off
nice Italian dude who sailed across the ocean nastie st drill sergeant you could imagine, and of one of the people taken in by her Inquisitors,
blue in 1492 with three great ships called the then conjure up a dude who’s ten times worse. had Columbus locked up and wanted to chop off
Niña, Pinta, and Santa Maria. And we’re told That’s Columbus; a kindly gentleman he was not. his lice-peppered head. But he convinced her to
that we wanted to prove that the world was They don’t tell you that part of the equation give him another chance. So they gave him some
round, that he met the Indians and was super- during the Columbus Day Parade when all these better ships—the ones without the gaping holes
friendly to them, and that he discovered people are talking about the man. So it’s no won- and Karl Rove—sized leaks and flesh eating vam-
America. They say he was a great man, so on the der that his crew was ready to mutiny and toss pire rats. He crossed the ocean blue again, la, la,
second Monday in October we celebrate a day in his ass overboard. la...and he reached the island of Hispañola, in
his honor. But suddenly, on October 12, what is now the Dominican Republic.
Fuck that shit. And fuck Columbus! Let 1492...LAND HO!!! Or in Spanish, TIERRA HO!!! He encountered some more natives, but
me tell you a few things about Columbus. You Columbus landed ashore, thinking he’d finally this time, he decided to enslave some of them so
might want to take some fucking notes. reached India, but he was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay off. that he could at least impress the monarchs
Okay, first off, forget that shit about Simply put, he got lost. He didn’t when he returned to Spain. In the meantime, he
Columbus trying to prove that you wouldn’t fall know where the hell he was going, built a settlement and instructed his men to
off the edge of the world if you sailed out more though that really wasn’t his rape and plunder and enslave and kill and burn
than ten miles. He was hired by Queen Isabel fault (No GPS yet). The poor things and plant Spanish flags everywhere. And
and King Ferdinand of Spain to find an alternate bastard actually landed in thus Columbus became the first conquistador.
route to India—you see, they’d just kicked the the Bahamas, which at I suppose we ought to thank the guy a
Muslims out of southern Spain and they didn’t the time was not an little. After all, he paved the way for the other
want to deal with those pesky (and now pissed ideal vacation spot. conquistadors who probed and pillaged and
off) Arabs standing between them and the gold- No multimillion p l u n d e r e d a n d r a p e d a n d c o n q u e r e d a n d s u b-
en riches of India. Sailing around Africa was a dollar hotels dued the American continent; Cortés and
royal pain in the arse and the Portuguese and casinos Pizarro and Balboa and Coronado and DeLeon
already controlled that route, so Columbus’ task there—just and all the other jerkoffs who killed off 90% of
was a doozy. members the native population with their diseases and
So they gave the poor bastard three ships of the their firearms. Ferdie and Izzy would’ve been so
that were barely seaworthy. Believe me, those proud.
ships were pieces of crap, and it was a miracle Columbus was an asshole.
from Poseidon that those floating wrecks made No, don’t try to deny it. Don’t defend his
it across the Atlantic and back. Bet your second Taino sorry ass. I’m well aware that if he hadn’t
grade teacher didn’t tell you about that (mine t r i b e . T h e n C o l u m b u s f in a l l y arrived in the New World history would’ve been
sure didn’t). Oh, and besides being total realized that he’d not reached changed and there would be no America and I
p r i c k s , F e r d i e a n d I z z y w e r e a l s o m u r- India, but a completely different, probably wouldn’t be here ra n t i n g . B u t j u s t
derous Jew-haters. Ever heard of the unexplored place...a new frickin’ conti- keep in mind that he was an asshole. Fuck
Spanish Inquisition? Yep, you nent! And he claimed the whole mess for Columbus Day. Up the ass. With a serrated
guessed it; they pr actically begged Spain. What a dumbass... dildo.
the Pope to let ‘em kidnap and tor- Just a couple of things; the Vikings had
ture Jews and Muslims in their reached Newfoundland nearly five hundred
recently united realm. Hopefully y e a r s b e f o r e , a n d t h e n a t i v e t r i b e s h a d m i g r a t-
this will give you an impression of the kind of e d t o t h e continent over 12,000 years before Okay, I’m done ranting. I think I’ll go see
bastards that were involved with Columbus’ that. the parade now.
enterprise. So he went back to Spain without the gold
But I’m drifting off topic here. Let me get and jewels and silk and other cool shit he’d


Page 18 Current Events

Dr. Fistfuck Has Crapped Everywhere
By “Jessie” James Messina
Are you outside, or in class? Are you the perfectly groomed exterior and effeminate Why? Because if they have some bacteria and
surrounded by people? Then take a look around. mannerisms? Who are you kidding? He probably they touch your insides, you’ll get sick as a
At least one of the people you just saw didn’t washes before and after meals. But you know motherfucker. So just because it’s on your out-
wash their hands. I don’t mean after pissing, the that guy who looks kind of nerdy, a little side instead of your insides, you think the
percentage of people who go with the rinse/ disheveled? Yeah, that guy doesn’t wash. I’ve effects are different? Hell no. Wash your hands,
d o n ’ t - w a s h - a t - a l l s c h e m e r e p r e s e n t s t h e m a j o r- lived in a dorm hall for over a year now, and I’ve you bastard.
ity, at least among guys. Nope, I mean after seen a bunch. They come out of the stall as
shitting, doing #2, dropping the kids off at the you’re brus hing your teeth at 4 a.m. (give me a
pool… You get the point. How do I know this? break; it was a weekend and I stayed up), duck
The honest answer is that I go to the bathroom, their heads and nod, then rinse their hands and
and I listen. While I have my dick in my hand I duck on out. Toilet paper isn’t magic. When you
hear the stall next to me flush. Perhaps three wipe your ass with it, your hands probably
seconds of sink noise follows, followed by foot- won’t touch shit, no. But if they do, you proba-
steps. Not Superman himself could wash thor- bly won’t notice and the toilet paper won’t fix it.
oughly with soap and water in that time. A n t i b a c t e ri al so ap i s p ret t y good t h ough , I h ear.
What’s the big deal? you ask. Then stop If you don’t wash your hands, and you didn’t
reading. You’re probably one of them, which stop reading when I told you to like a good kid-
makes you pretty gross. Don’t touch the nice here’s why you should be scared.
paper. There you go. Everyone else: Yeah, I Thursdays. Thursdays. Thursdays… On
know. Fucked up. Were these guys raised badly, Thursday nights, students tend to relax, let
by wolves maybe, are they just that lazy? Or are their inhibitions go and have a good time. You
they conducting an epidemiology experiment on know when you’re drunk and someone throws
a grand and insidious scale? In truth, I don’t you a ball and you thank God you caught it?
know the answers to these questions. But I can Same story in the bathroom. You’re playing a
help you. I can tell you who’s doing it, and it’s dangerous game of roulette if you take a shit
pretty simple. There are two dead giveaways. while drunk or vomit, which interestingly
First, if a guy who lived across from you your e n o u g h c o i n c i d e s w i t h d r i n k i n g . F r i d a y m o r n-
freshman year asks to borrow two of your five ings are despicable, but in truth it’s pretty bad
computer speakers, and he never returns them, most days. The floors are almost always wetter
he doesn’t wash his hands. Secondly, appearance than the Amazon, the seats were definitely not a
is a great indicator. You know that grimy frat brown-flecked white when they got out of the
guy with the constant 5 o’ clock shadow, the factory, and that protective layer of TP some-
clothes that look as though he tossed them on for body laid down and didn’t flush has since got-
convenience’s sake moments ago? Chances are ten pissed on. A lot. What makes you think you
good he got up late for class and had to rush, sh o u l d n ’ t w a s h y o u r h a n d s ? T h i n k o f t h i s .
give him a break. He’s a washer. That guy that Surgeons are required to scrub vigorously
wears the sweater-vest and pressed slacks, with before they operate with some strongass soap.

I Didn’t Contribute Last Issue Because I Was

Making My Birthday Cake
By Nicole L. Barry
I baked my own birthday cake this year. Baking, to me, is one of the most relax- margarine and shortening than I would like to
I’ve done it before, partially over my refusal to i n g a r t s o u t t h e r e . I f I ’ m b a k i n g c o o k i e s , think about. And that was just b a k i n g t h e c a k e s .
have store bought cake. Store bought cake has no muffins, or cakes, I’m immersed in a world You have to have confidence when you’re
complexity of depth or flavor, no texture, and where I lose thought of all other things and I assem bling something that’s eight layers tall
t h e i c i n g i s a n i n c h o f p u r e s i c k l y s w e e t n e s s . focus solely on creating something that engages and it starts to lean. You have to block out your
I’ve had enough store bought cake to classify all the senses. So when I spent all of production close friends as they start to freak out and call
them all into one broad but accurate category: weekend producing cakes from the single 8” it “the leaning tower of cake.” I stuck skewers in
bland. I know you’re not square cake pan I owned, I it and I had to stop Stephanie from trying to
supposed to make your didn’t feel swayed by the convince me to take the twenty or so skewers out
own cake but what can I intensity of the task before and start anew; that would have been a tragic
say? I’m a rule b r e a k e r. me. I just poured half the event indeed. I slathered frosting in between the
This year, however, I batter into the greased and layers to cement them tog ether so they wouldn’t
wanted to make the biggest floured pan, popped it in move (as much), and taught Kristine the finer
cake I could possibly for 40 minutes, and techniques of a “crumb coat.” A f t e r i t h a d s a t
make, a wedding cake sized cracke d open a textbook, for a day in that state, it was finally becoming
cake, one fit to feed an waiting to put the other stable enough to quell Stephanie’s fears.
army. Maybe it was half in the oven. Oh, and the frosting. 5 pounds of pow-
because I know I could I did that process 8 dered sugar. Once you see frosting made, you
have never gotten away times, for a total of sixteen know why it has a million calories. It’s just fat,
with it at home… Mom 8-inch square cakes. Eight sugar, and flavoring. Getting the frosting to look
surely would have said no. of them dark chocolate, smooth was a pain in the ass, but I stuck it
Over and over and over. four of them raspberry, two through so that I could get to my favorite part of
“You don’t need a cake that of them white chocolate, cake making: the actual decorating. My shiny
big!” Followed by state- a n d o n e c h o c o l a t e / r a s p- W i l t o n 2 8 t i p s e t j u s t s i t s i n i t s c u t e h a r d p l a s-
ments about the cake that I berry. The best thing about tic case tormenting me until I actually get to use
would ultimately make, making a cake for your it. Frosting roses are my favorite thing to make,
l i k e : “ A r e y o u u s i n g u p a l l THIS CAKE COULD FEED LIBYA, birthday is making it and it probably lies in some childhood-based
my eggs?” “Quit making a Courtesy of Nicole L. Barry exactly how you want it. memory of birthday cakes, and always wanting
mess!” “You better clean Chocolate and raspberry p a r t o f t h e f r o s t i n g r o s e s a n d r a r e l y g e tt i n g i t
all of this up!” “No, you a r e t h e b e s t f l a v o r s , e s p e- unless it was your birthday.
are not making more than two layers!” Now that cially together. The cakes I made were dense, no It’s over a week later, and there’s still
I’m in a cooking suite, and Mom is a comfortable light cake is going to support 7 with it’s com- cake left. I’ve given tons of it away, pleaded with
450 miles away, I felt secure that I could throw padres on top of it. Dessert like, almost. I wish people to take more, and Stephanie has eaten it
caution to the wind, and make the biggest cake I m i n i f r i d ges kept ice cream frozen, because that t w i c e a d a y s i n c e t h e 2 8t h. I t h i n k m y m i s s i o n
could manage. And that would end up being would have been excellent. I used twenty-four is done here. I’ll make less cake, and instead,
quite large indeed. eggs, a bag of flour, two bags of sugar, and more focus on P r e s s p r o d u c t i o n .

Current Events Page 19

Page 20 Comics
Comics Page 21
Page 22 Comics
No.3 OCT 2005 Patriotically

The Jungle: Untamed and Uncut

What Really Goes
On At Stony Brook
Welcome to Stony Brook University.
It’s that time of year again. The time of year
when people pack up their suitcases, drive 30
minutes and set up house in the dorms on cam-
pus. Students at “The Brook”; as many of us
lovingly call it, don’t come from as far away as
they’d have you believe. Because of this, after
the suitcases are unpacked and the computers
are plugged in the laptops are put to sleep and
the suitcases are filled with two days of
clothes. Three days if you don’t have classes
on Fridays.
What really goes on here is everyone
goes home on the weekends. People who stay
here during the week and leave for their comfy
beds are the reason you’re tripled in an end-hall
lounge. You’ll get to see real-life tumbleweeds
roll across campus as the wind howls through
the lifeless caverns of the chemistry building.
Explore campus, it’s the only thing to do here.
Just avoid the 5-0, they’re as bored as you are
on the weekends...

Unborn Again Fascist

A really fucked up parody the size and shape of an automatic weapon, and because his commanding officer had found a
by Joey Safdia behind it was something the size and shape of a “suspicious-looking” dark skinned man with a
U.S. soldier. It took me about twenty minutes to long beard boarding a train. Knowing the dan-
I barely missed my 8 AM train again this realize that not only was this indeed a U.S. sol- gers of Arabs riding on trains, I decided to just
morning, arriving at around twelve, when sud- dier who had just trained his gun on me, a rather take the bus instead. I forgot where I was trying
denly I found myself stung by a moment of bru- inebriated commuter, but he had left his post to go anyway as well as where this damn hang-
tal confusion. Before my eyes was something five minutes ago while I was standing there
Fascist Continued on next page...

Smoking is what all the cool kids

Dark Capitalist night falls over the
are doing. Don’t you want to be
working community... The Hospital has liftoff!
like the cool kids?
Let’s do the Time Warp again!
keep us safe if it can’t even break into the homes But the battle is only beginning. For over
Fascist of its citizens? And thank God, who in His infi- three decades, this nation has allowed a wave of
Continued from previous page nite wisdom chose His Holiness George W. terror to sweep over its lands with brutal sav-
Bush to lead our great nation, that we are taking agery, killing all in its path. It is based upon a
over was coming from, but I found myself later preemptive steps to prevent future acts of terror pernicious (whatever that means, I make up big
on a bus going somewhere, thankfully devoid of by bombing defenseless Third World countries. words to sound important all the time) self-cen-
evil Muslim terrorists, when I realized the horri- Naysayers, isolationists, and other types of trai- tered philosophy. This terror seeks to destroy the
ble truth. The War of Terror had come home. tors may attempt to give aid and comfort to the innocent, strikes its victims with roughly 150
In the years since 9/11, the nation had enemy by claiming the War in Iraq to be unjust, years of warning, destroys cities, kills
adopted a policy against the evils of individual but it’s the smaller countries that are always the economies, rapes, pillages, rapes again, and
rights. Until that devastating tragedy, the United most dangerous. Saddam, as we all know, had doesn’t worship God. This terror is Women’s
States of America was a nation rife with sin. The thousands of nuclear missiles pointed at all our Rights. The guiltless targets of women’s sinful
source of that sin was the Bill of Rights. But major cities, and only WE can have nuclear desire to have control over their own reproduc-
thankfully, in the years since that terrible day, weapons. We’re the greatest country in the his- tive systems are sacrificed and eaten in naked
President Bush and the Republican-controlled tory of the universe after all! Only we are Pagan orgy rituals, which take place in the oth-
Congress has passed legislation that overturned responsible enough to handle such destructive erwise clean waters of Roth Pond during nights
those “rights.” Freedom of Religion (the true weapons, just like we did during World War II. where the moon is full. Currently, many not-yet-
source of sin) and Freedom of Speech (the true And only we are capable of spreading freedom living unborn children are held at the mercy of
source of treason) are finally being purged. and democracy throughout the world by ridding people who want to undermine our long-stand-
Privacy is thankfully being invaded in order to it of the civilizations and people who don’t ing tradition of male dominance and replace it
make our lives safe from the freedom-destroy- embrace our blatantly superior Western culture. with a perverted utopian philosophy of egalitar-
ing terrorists. After all, how can the government
Fascist Continued on page 4...

Try to Read At Your Own Risk

By Rob Pearsall ing because I don’t have a bike. I’ve got a big mine. So I stand in the middle of an echo point
I went walking around campus today think piece of chalk in my hand and I want to o u t s i d e P h y s i c s a n d I ’ m de c i d i n g
because I don’t have a bike. I contemplated write something. I want to write something peo- what to yell.
stealing one because I hear it’s really really ple will see. I want to write something they can Whatever I yell is only going to
easy. I mean, it happens all the time so I figured react to. I want to write something they will be heard by me. Not that anyone
hey, why not? Turns out that it’s harder than it react to. I want to write something that they isn’t around but the echo is only
looks to break steal chains. You need some sort need to react to. I stop at a heard by me. Whatever thought I
of cutters, big cutters, bigger than the stuff you pole, smallish and short, have in my head is
use for hedges and nose hair. black with going to come right
So now I’m walking around campus. I’m t e x t u r e d back at me at sonic
walking around campus because I don’t have a metal on the speed. I’ll hear
bike. I’ve got a piece of chalk in my hand and I outside. myself think.
want to deface something. I see the stop signs Perfect for What do I say?
and wonder if I can write something witty like writing on. I turn away
“eating animals” but cooler because that’s I a n d r e m e m-
already been done. It’s really difficult to try try ber the first
and do something new when you’ve got an idea t o time I tried
stuck in your head. You keep trying to think of it. The
something else but when it c omes down to it you first time I
can’t help but think that the thing you saw was s p o k e
really really damn cool. something
Now you don’t want to imitate it any- useless to
more, you want it to be yours. The only thing is d e c i d e hear it come
that it belongs to someone else. Maybe if you’re what to back faster
the first one to see it then you can claim it was w r i t e w h e n I r e a l- than I can run
you but fuck if anyone saw it before you. ize I’m near the echo from it. Already I
Someone saw “eating animals” before you did. point outside Physics. I wrote something on can’t run from what’s in my head. Already my
I t ’ s n o t y o u r s a n d y o u w a n d e r a r o u n d t r y in g t o that pole before and if I do it again then I’m just thoughts are bouncing in my head, faster than
imitate when all you want to do is be. imitating myself after I couldn’t be original
So I’m walking around campus, I’m walk- years ago. A copy of a copy of an idea that’s not Bikes Continued on page 6...

Freedom Editor Counterrevolution Creationist Editor

Robert Condoleeza Manager Matthew Vernon Wealthiest 1%
Pearsall Adfina the Gart Xavier Willemain No one is wealthiest
in communist socie-
Anti-Terror Doer Propogator of Gun-toting Social ty. We are all equal
David “Knock ‘em Liberty Recationary and you are but a
Sock ‘em” Ginn Marcel Joseph “butta- number.
douche-bag” Stalin
Associate Federalist
Reaganite Directorarian Subliminal Racism
Joe Charles Aquinas Natalie “Natalie” Editor
Filippazzo Natalie III Joe Strom Safdia

Is there really a such thing as really bad I think that layout
layout? Can layout have inherent good or needs to be aes-
evil qualities? I believe in nurture over thetically pleasing.
nature. Layout is born with a clean slate, You need to be able
but outer forces can make it either good or to read a paper and
bad. I guess it’s pressure from things like not notice the lay-
editorial staff or the amount of content that out. If your eye
makes the layout of an issue either walk
travels a certain
hand in hand with Jesus or follow the path
path then the layout
of sin. So the question is not what do you
should guide that
think of bad layout, it’s what role you
path. It should help
played in leading that once innocent layout
down the wrong path in life. It’s a question you over the river
not about the layout, but about you. and through the
woods to the grand-
- Jimmy Jimmers motherly house of
literary completeness. You should never see the
your guide, the layout. Just like Satan leading you
“Hell, you know what? My face down the primrose path pf
just BURSTS with joy whenever
I see a rival newspaper’s bad
layout. You wanna know why?
“What do you sin and infamy you should
never see the layout until
it’s too late.
It’s ‘cause it makes my own
rag’s wack-ass layout look like
the Mona Lisa in comparison!
hahahahaha! Oh, I kill me...”
think of really bad -Franky Be Coole
Uh.... I like cheese. Cheese.
And beer. Yeah, cheese and
- Senator Robert Hood (R-SB)
layout?” beer. Um, what was the
question again? And can I
have some beer?

- Some Guy Named Sam

“Are there fuzzy bunnies in

your layout? Because I want
some fuzzy bunnies. You
know what I’m talking about.
Bunnies are so damn fuzzy
sometimes. You have to use
them in your layout. If you
can get some really fuzzy bun- Mission Statement of The Comrade
nies, then you’ve got some-
thing going for you. I fucking
love those bunnies, man.” “Really bad layout? Good
God! Where do you hear of
- Nicholas Nickers such things??? I can’t imagine
layout so bad! You sons of
bitches! You’ve killed our
souls! I am afraid now, for
life. Really bad layout... good
gracious God! Are you trying
to panic everyone? You should Send hate mail to:
be ashamed!”
- Scary Shawn or visit

Disclaimer: The views expressed by the writers in these

columns are not necessarily the opinions on The Comrade
or it editorial staff.

Nazi Germany. So, if you happen across a soldier as I
Fascist All of us, born after the cataclysmic may or may not have, since I’m still a little hung
Continued from page 2. Women’s Rights Convention in Seneca Falls in over and I cannot accurately remember the last
1848, are survivors of a word that should not couple of hours, I leave you with four tiny
ianism and gender equality, a creed that seeks a ever be mentioned in this country and should be pieces of advice: First, run with scissors.
world without misogyny and discrimination. A removed from the English language. That word Second, ask repeatedly if you can hold the
world such as this cannot be allowed to come to is feminism, and it is the false belief held solely machine gun. Third, if you’re wearing a long
fruition because women are obviously inferior by mannish dykes and lesbians that men and trench coat, flash it open with a quick and sud-
and in order for society to flourish, they must be women are equal. We survived feminism den movement. And finally, stop and wonder
controlled by their husbands and fathers. First because our fathers had the courage and strength why he or she hasn’t been ordered to protect us
we give women control over their own bodies, to control their wives and make decisions for all, and then find the soldier’s C.O. and demand
and then what? Head of the family? The gov- them rather then letting our mothers make their that his or her unit protect us from the terror of
ernment? Head of the world? If this planet is own decisions. Each of us has been asked to abortion using effective methods such as shoot-
controlled by women, it will lapse into econom- make sacrifices during this time of artificially- ing pregnant women and unleashing our heavy
ic despair. The first step towards preventing created national trauma, and part of that sacri- armament on abortion clinics, even firing
women’s control over humanity is to prevent fice includes ensuring that women are seen and nuclear missiles at cities that have too many
women’s control over their bodies. abortion clinics for us to close down with con-
The most defenseless creatures on our ventional weapons. Sure there are already
planets are the ones who have not yet attained extremists and fanatics that blow up these insti-
life. Not the ones who merely haven’t been born “Fascism is without a tutions of death, but they aren’t doing it fast
yet, but the ones who have not even developed enough, and a pregnant woman who has been
the consciousness that humans and animals d o u b t t h e m o s t o p p r e- shot is a woman who won’t be spending the day
have. For every poor, innocent victim murdered
by Osama Bin Laden and his merry men in tur- sive type of regime.” slowly butchering her innocent, unborn mass of
developing cells. So go out there, on behalf of
bans, thousands of innocent fetuses, blood cells, the Comrade and of the United States of
hair follicles, weeds, bacteria, small plants, treated as the property of men with no other pur- America, and demand to your local congress-
freshly laid bird eggs, sperm cells, brain cells, pose but to bear children. It is impossible to con- man, senator, or other politician, that sensible
small insects, and cancer cells are being mur- vince the world that the United States is truly and effective steps are taken, such as the ones
dered by selfish women who are too lazy to interested in founding an international order outlined above, to prevent women from making
devote the rest of their lives to raising a baby. based on “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happi- choices that affect their own lives. Protect liber-
These hedonists should ask themselves how ness” if we continuously hand out the liberty ty by denying it to certain people (there’s not
they would feel if their parents decided to mur- needed to pursue happiness like it grows on enough of it to go around), and protect life by
der them before they were even alive. I don’t trees. After all, the Constitution clearly states making sure that every sperm/egg cell combina-
think they would like it very much at all, no they that “all MEN are created equal”, so the very tion becomes another tool the government can
wouldn’t. It is time that our great nation recog- notion of women having the right to choose recruit into the military (it doesn’t matter what
nizes that the call to vigilance must be extrapo- when the right time is to start a family is absurd happens to the baby AFTER it’s born, just as
extropolo-extropolitan, uhh, that something and unconstitutional, since the Constitution long as it’s born). And be sure to support the
must be done to protect our most defenseless cit- itself says that only men are capable of handling pro-life agenda by supporting the war effort,
izens; steroids! Because if we as men don’t feel that responsibility. This blatant hypocrisy will whatever war we’re fighting. Because if you are
the perpetual need to be macho and manly and not be tolerated, and the Comrade will take it anti-war, you are anti-America. God bless the
superior, then the need for the steroids that will upon itself to make sure that the death penalty is U.S.A.
give us Rambo-like physiques will diminish, imposed on all who think otherwise. Yeah,
and there will be a brutal and bloody steroid bitches!
holocaust, not unlike the concentration camps of

Facebook: Bringing Soul Mates Together

e-mail, their dorm, their relationship status and forum newspaper for students, join many of us
By Natalie Matonte and Adina Silverbush their sexual orientation? Now you can- just by and fight against those open minded liberals in
using the class search future of the website. the “I Hate The Stony Brook Press” group.
Don’t wait for them to notice you, just add them BEEP BEEP, HONK HONK….the sexy
College is the perfect place to find the as your Facebook boyfriend/girlfriend. Wait out- truck just parked at your wall! That’s right
perfect someone. It’s not like high school, now side their building, transfer into their other someone is into you! Let everyone know how
we are mature and cultured. We have a stronger classes, call their cell/room phone or send them you really feel about them by sending virtual
sense of individualism and self-righteousness! secret admirer e-mail. vehicles (and if you get them back it means your
This is why was created, to If all this information isn’t enough for really absolutely gorgeous!). The wall feature
find a soul mate. It’s not just a website, it’s a you, use the group search feature of the website. under your bio lets everyone see who your true
way of life! Hours spent daily on the website Instead of just basing your attraction on looks, friends are!
searching endlessly for the one person that will find someone who shares the same interests as Facebook wasn’t just created to keep in
truly complete us! What better way than a web- you. If you smoke for example and hate going touch with old friends, or to sell textbooks; it
site with a single picture and a short biography out with people whose breath is better then was created for the sole purpose of living out
to see who’s Mr. or Mrs. RIGHT! yours, sex it up with the guys/girls in “Proud Cig your personal fantasy and making your fairy-
Poke! I poked you! Yes, that’s right, did Smokers United”. Want someone like you tales a reality. If you want to live happily ever
you ever get poked? No, no, not literally bur vir- who’s thrilled like many of us are that our role after, just type in your e-mail and password and
tually! See someone HOT on Facebook, why model George W. Bush is in office again, lead- begin the journey of finding your soul mate. It
don’t you poke ‘em? It’s like a love tap that sets ing us for another four years there are so many may take an hour or two but you’ll find them
their soul øn fire! A love tap without all the pain. groups for you to join; “4 More Years Baby!!!” eventually!
When you wake up every morning, what’s the and “Bush is My President!” are just a sample of
first thing you look forward to? Romance and the variety of groups that praise our hero. Are
compassion in the form of a Facebook message you a gold digger, not interested in looks- just
from that special someone, or that not so special money? Meet someone from the “Future
someone. Either way, your blood boils. Billionaires” group. Are you really proud about
Did someone ever catch your eye in that your skin color? There is “I’m black/white and
psychology class? You know the one with 550 I’m proud” group. If monkeys interest you, the
people? Didn’t know their name, where they “I love Monkeys” group may just be your kinky
live, what their favorite color was, their home- thing! Hate free speech and having an open
town, their date of birth, their high school, their
Why Liberals Hate America
Liberals are out of con- Honesty, Order, Cleanliness, Sobriety, to conquer this country. We don’t want equal
Truthfulness, Sacrifice, and love of the time. We don’t want pluralism.” – Randall
trol and ruining the purity and Fatherland.” –Mein Fuhrer, Adolph Hitler Terry, Operation Rescue
The Right: “Fascism is a religion. The
sanctity of our white, On Women twentieth century will be known in history as
Christian nation. The follow- the century of Fascism.” –Benito Mussolini
The Left: “I know this is painful for (We love this guy!)
ing is a juxtaposition of the ladies to hear, but if you get married, you
have accepted the headship of a man, your On Yakov Smirnov
quotes to show the reader just husband. Christ is the head of the household
how much hate these tyranni- and the husband is the head of the wife, and The Left: “In Soviet Russia, America hates
that’s the way it is, period.” –Pat Robertson, liberals!”
cal wing-nuts try to teach our The Christian Coalition The Right? Yakov Smirnov is never right.
The Right: “War is to man what mater-
white, Christian children. nity is to a woman. From a philosophical and
Luckily, there are some right doctrinal viewpoint, I do not believe in per-
petual peace.” –Benito Mussolini
wingers that still reinforce the
On the Media
basic Christian values us
white people worked so hard //The Left: “The New York Times and
Washington Post are both infested with
to achieve! Judge for yourself homosexuals themselves. Just about
every person down there is a homosex-
just how much our loving, ual or lesbian.” –Jesse Helms (Sen. R- For a full analysis of
white, Christian God, Jesus of
The Right: N/A (Jesse Helms is all quotes, analyze them
Nazareth, will smite these actually right on the money. No one
straight has ever run The New York
your damn self. Think
mealy-mouthed lefties. Times and Post is all sodomites.) independently, you god-
By Joe Filipazzo On Religion
damn robot!
On Freedom The Left: “I want you to just let
a wave of intolerance wash over. I want you
The Left: “The story of America is the to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes,
story of expanding liberty: an ever-widening hate is good...Our goal is a Christian nation.
circle, constantly growing to reach further We have a biblical duty, we are called by God
and include more. Our nation’s founding
commitment is still our deepest commitment:

“Yes, I am a fan of fuzzy

bunnies. Fuzzy bunnies make
laughter in the fields when the
sun is out. Fuzzy bunnies eat
fuzzy chocolate. Have you ever
had fuzzy chocolate tasties?
Fuzzy bunnies have. Fuzzy bun-
nies stay at their fuzzy homes
and watch fuzzy T.V. next to
their fuzzy lava lamps. Silly lit-
tle fuzzy bunnies.”

In our world, and here at home, we will

extend the frontiers of freedom.” –President
of the United States, George W. Bush
The Right: “There is a road to free-
dom. Its milestones are Obedience, Endeavor,

I Pimped My Ride
Satire By Rob Pearsall They don’t make rims for skateboard wheels so more electronics in the skateboard. A DVD
buy some Giovanna Ararat 20” rims. The black player will go in the trunk and placed on top of
What would you say if I told you that rims will match your black, rotted plank. Use it will be a 40” LCD. On both sides of the mas-
you could pimp your own ride using nothing but some platinum lug nuts to secure the rims to sive monitor there will be a surround sound sys-
family values, corruption, campaign contribu- your wheels. X to the Z, that’s how I roll. tem inside the trunk. Just like Sega’s Ferrari
tions, and the backing of Big Business? It does- The third step is the body and interior of simulator there will be woofers in the headrest
n’t matter what you’d say because I wouldn’t your plank. Your plank is rotted so you’ll need a of the driver seat and the passenger seat.
care. You can follow my useful guide and pimp new deck. I would recommend the Deathbox The fourth step is paint.
your own ride just like me. Pine Cycle Deck. I added a leather seat, a steer- We’re going to use
The first step is to know where you’re ing wheel, a trunk, a backseat, and a sunroof to obnoxious yel-
starting. You could just buy a customized Scion my deck. I need places to low and lime
if you’re rich like the rest of the top 1% in the store all the LCD TVs, green col-
country. I am rich but you are not so I am going DVD players, Speakers, o r s .
to start out with what you can probably afford PS2s and Xboxes. Now The
right now. First you need to get a wooden plank we need to place all the
out of the shed and find some cans. Glue the equipment we’ve bought
cans to the bottom of the plank and you’ll have inside the skateboard. In
a semblance of a skateboard. The plank might the back of the
have been sitting around for decades in the shed seat
but as long as it can support your weight you’ll
have a good jumping off point. Try stealing the
plank in order to get it for free.
Now that you have a skateboard you
need to become intimately acquainted with its
history. The skateboard originated in 1955
when Marty McFly took a little girl’s scooter
and tore the top off. He then used it to flee Biff we’re body will need to be painted lime-green with a
and inadvertently make Biff careen into a going to hot yellow pinstripe down the middle. On each
manure truck. Fast-forward thirty years and the place a side of the skateboard there are gonna be yellow
skateboard’s popularity is slowly gaining. Fast- 14” monitor flames. For the grill of the skateboard we’re
forward fifteen more years, with the advent of so your pas- going to paint eyelids on the
the “X-treme” phenomenon and more Tony senger can see headlights and add some white teeth. This
Hawk games that you can care to play, skate- what you’re watching. In the back of the pas- skateboard is going to chew you up and spit you
boarding is fun. senger seat there is going to be another 14” out.
Secondly you need to get everything monitor so the people behind you can see what Finally you finish up with leaving the engine as
working correctly. It’s time to replace those old you’re watching. We’re going to put an out- it was. We only make your ride look nice. No
nasty bean cans you glued on the bottom of the board LCD on the front of your skateboard so longer will your friends laugh at you for having
plank. I suggest buying the Royal Evolution the people in front of you can see what you’re a piece of rotten plank with cans glued to it. You
Rasta trucks. They come in bumpin’ yellow or watching. Inside the steering wheel there is will definitely turn heads with your new yellow
bangin’ red. After you buy them you’ll need to going to be a 7” monitor so you can see what green ride. Anywhere you want you can bust
get some phat platinum screws to hold them into you’re watching. There is going to be one PS2 out the board and play some Midnight Club 3:
the plank. After purchasing platinum screws coupled with two controllers under the driver Dub Edition or some Need for Speed:
you’ll need some wheels. I suggest the Ghetto seat. The Xbox will go under the passenger seat Underground 2. You can top off the sunroof
Child Ghecate wheels in the 20” size. You know and on each side of the seat will sit 2 Xbox con- with a fountain or a fishbowl to keep the ride
you ain’t rollin’ unless you’re rollin’ on dubs. trollers so you can your crew can play Midnight serene. You know it’s good to have peace up in
Now you’re gonna need rims for those beauties. Club 3: Dub Edition. Even though the PS2 and your piece.
the Xbox double as DVD players we need some

Bikes sonic speed, traveling

at the s p e e d o f l i g h t-
ning. Traveling at the
Continued from page 2... speed of thunder,
traveling at the speed
of fear, the speed of emotion.
So I’m walking around campus, walking under the gray stormy
sky because I don’t have a bike. Don’t know where I’ll get a bike from.
Don’t know where I’ll keep it. Don’t know where I’ll go when I can ride

Your Shit Here

It Doesn’t Matter. If It Aint Right, We Chop It Up Anyway

Comrade Drink of the Month
Satire by Rob Pearsall

Comrade Party Starter*

The Comrade Party Starter has been a favorite of those in

our office for many years. We regularly sit on the shores of Roth
Pond and kick off get-togethers with this drink. This column will
advocate drinking every month.

*Not intended for the weak of stomach, faint of heart, or for those
who are under 21.

*Not intended for the weak of mind, faint of stomach, or for those
under 21.

*Not intended for those under 21, those of weak constitution, or

pregnant women.

Ingredients: Vodka

Directions: Drink.

*Not intended for those under 21, pregnant women, or the faint of

*Not intended for those in AA, those under 21, and those of weak

*Not intended for those under 21 who are in AA and giving birth.

Why Do People Love Number Games, Anyway?

Everyone has been asking for a
Sudoku puzzle in this paper. We feel the
time has come to give the people what they
want. We have made this one especially
hard. There will be answers in the next
issue. Until then you will suffer and spend
many hours laboring over this extremely
difficult puzzle.
While you labor over this number
game that consumes the mind we will sub-
jugate your people. We will filter out all
thought from your television and news.
You will be patriotic morons blithely fol-
lowing your government’s actions without
asking for a valid justification.
For thos eof you who don’t know how
to play, each column and row will contain
numbers 1-9 without repetition.
Big Ass
Life is about what you have
What you buy is what you have,
Let’s buy more stuff...

What do you think about?

Belts Ducktape

Fuzzy Bunnies Screen Doors

Toothpaste Machine Guns

Ceramic Water
Fountains Fly Swatters

Big Ass Advertisement Company

Located in the Union Basement
We don’t actually sell anything,
but we do have Fuzzy Bunnies

Coupon: Coupon: Coupon:

Any Accessory $10 20% discount for the Everything over $100,
more for.... wealthiest 3% take 4 cents off!
college students
Comics Page 23
Page 24 Comics
Comics Page 25
Page 26 Comics
Comics Page 27
Page 28 Comics
Name of Comic
By Brian Snyder

Comics Page 29
Page 30
Story and all other bullshit by David K. Ginn

Page 31
Page 32 Comics
Comics Page 33
Page 34 Comics
Ask Amberly Jane
I’ll be honest with you. I just spent the For now, intoxication is on the menu for mous people there. Or on campus – since a good
last 43 minutes concocting some kind of inven- the immediate future. Trying to get the hang of number of soirées I’ve attended have turned into
tion to shield the sun-like brightness of my living in this post-burn ‘default’ world. I’ll take make-out parties or full-blown orgies. (Long
overhead Greeley light. I’m highly altered of an order of the porter, and a quarter for the glorious stories all of them.) Beer Fest is com-
course. High on drugs, if you didn’t catch the jukebox of your mind. ing up, as is a massive Halloween shin-dig.
inference. Tried hangers and fabric. I finally Seriously, I feel like I know a wide
took a fuscia plastic bag from Toys in Babeland cross-section of the most liberal people on cam-
(NYC sex shop) and taped it up there, celebrat- H ey Brai ny J aney, pus. I love blowing minds for a living. So if you
ing my small red-hued victory by turning on Your absence was felt acutely. I don’t want to expand yours ... talk to me in class. I
s o m e s t e l l a r J e n n a H a z e p o r n a n d d o u b l e - c l i c k- know if you’ve returned to everyone’s favorite thought I saw someone staring at me.
ing the mouse ... masturbating, if you didn’t little Hell on Earth known as Stony Brook but I
catch the inference. just thought I’d say hi, welcome back, and good
A l l t h i s i s j u s t a u s e l e s s f o r m o f p r o- luck this semester. Dear Amberly Jane,
crastination. I should be sleeping right now. I -Pimp I really, really, really want to have anal
should be reading the five or so Anthro. books I sex with my girlfriend, but she says she tried it
need to ingest by post time. I should be drawing AJ. once with someone else, and is p re tt y su r e sh e
pictures for friends or something constructive You are crazy, but I dig it girl. doesn’t like it. I bring it up a lot but she always
at least. But right now I’m writing to you. When are u cummming back – I need a says ‘no.’ How can I convince her?
Maybe you are lonely, hoping to make a material for the masturbatory rolodex. I thought Back-door Man
connection. Maybe you are horny, aching for you’d like that. Oh, yeah. Yeah , you did.
penetration. -John from Mission Control
I want to tell you so many things. I want
to tell you that you can’t save everyone. That Amberly Jane,
n e i t h e r m a t e r i a l n o r m a r i t a l b u l l s h i t i s i m p o r- Have I told you how much you kick ass?
tant. That pleasuring your muffin or flogging I mean really, the amount of ass you kick is
your bishop is a beautiful thing. (Touch it. staggering and beyond mere words. I must admit
Touch it often. It’s sex with someone you love.) I am a bit paranoid and hope the man doesn’t
Look for a dare-to-be-great situation. While persuecute you either through intimidation or
l o s e r s w h i n e a b o u t d o i ng t h e i r b e s t , w i n n e r s g o legal means because of your kickass and forth-
home and fuck the prom queen. Don’t settle for coming nature about lamely illegal issues and
the prescribed life. Don’t eat at Deng Lee’s. such. but whatever, like i said, I have a paranoid
Don’t take any guff from no fucking swine. nature. your articles are the shit, please keep
But what do I know. I’m just here for the them coming. you speak your mind and what
tits and whiskey. Getting my kicks in before the needs to be said, but what few people are writ-
whole shit-house goes up in flames. And I’m ing or saying. you are great big fucking giant
always up for a good old-fashioned visceral brass balls.
experience. Next best thing: a great story. Peace out. - P
I wish I could remember all the cool sto-
ries I hear everyday; huddling on the fire Miss Amberly Jane,
escap e p assi n g t h e b l u n t ar o u n d ; al way s a t eam First of all I sincerely enjoy your style
effort in the wee hours to get a Dutch or some of writing; your descriptions and the imagery
green. And when we do – such sweet victory to therein are the most vibrant and entertaining
feel the burn – mmm smells like Christmas – and I’ve read in a long while. Secondly I do believe
climb on your mental erection. I’m in one of your classes, judging by your pic-
So yeah, the stories. Got a little off topic. ture in the current issue of The Press.
My dear friend April got CRAZY drunk Specifically ANT 360 - Ancient Mesopotamia. If
in the city: she was clutching the middle of the it’s not you in that class, then I’m afraid the lec-
road at one point, intent on not getting up, t u r e s h a v e a d d l e d m y m i n d m o r e t h a n I h a d s u s-
though cars were swerving around us and honk- pected.
ing destruction – and that was the beginning, the Finally, I come to a problem of sorts. My
first indication that shit was going awry. g i r l f r i e n d an d I have al w ays h ad f ri end s w ho
I had a great conversation with a home- were averse to new experiences. Not particular-
less man on my way to Grand Central about gov- l y s t r a i g h t - l a c e d o r c l o s e m i n d e d , b u t p o s s e s s-
ernment conspiracies – he said that Bush is the ing views somewhat less open then ours. We
high-priest of globalization, and doomsday is were lucky to find each other and instantly POSITION OF THE WEEK: REVERSE COWGIRL
s c a t t e r e d a c r o s s t h e f ro n t i e r , b u t f r i e d realize that we shared a desire for more. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. DEDICATED TO A DEAR
dumplings still give him the best dreams. Burning Man sounded great, though she’s not a BURNER IN GREEN FUR
A n d f i v e g u y s f r o m u p s t a i r s – d a r e - d e v- fan of desert climes. How does one find like Courtesy of The Karma Sutra
ils – hooligans – went on a road-trip to visit 5 minded people when one’s social circle is
upstate schools, Buffalo, Cornell... They brawled square? Dear Ass Man,
with each other and tried to pick drunken fights yours truly, First of all, you have to face the grim,
with passerby. One got covered in cream cheese, -doomed to mediocracy meat-hook reality that you may NEVER get to
sweet Dezzie woke up naked, wrapped in a plug your girlfriend in the ass. Some people will
deflated air bed, with a seriously busted foot Dear Mediocracy, never be converted, and as we all know you must
and no recollection, and Sal threw his crutch in First of all you are not doomed. True, we r e s p e c t h e r b o u n d a r i e s . B u t I d e f i n i t e l y c o n-
a lake, then jumped in after it, wandering are on Long Is land, the cultural vacuum, gold- done communication; may be her previous ass
a r o u n d t h e r e s t o f t h e n i g h t i n h i s b o x e r s , s o a k- bricker land of puritanical bitterness, but all is experience was with a bigger dick and was
ing wet. And in Buffalo, after a particularly not lost my dear friend. painful, maybe she didn’t use lube ... maybe
blotto evening (was there a run-in with The I’m not going to tell you about any s he’l l cons e nt i f s he can us e a s t r a p - o n a n d f u c k
Law?), the whole lot of them woke up to bacon, Internet horseshit, Face Book and others can eat you in the can, so you’ll both be even.
egg and cheese’s. my ass – they are lame and sitting in front of a Remember, if a girl says she’s uncom-
How’s that for a slice of fried gold. monitor is a simulation, it is not real life. fortable doing something with you in bed, don’t
Anyway, here’s to life and friends. Don’t But you do need to expand your social just go and get her another pillow – that’s prob-
let yourself be swallowed up in the vacuum vor- circle, at least to include people who are not ably not what she means.
tex of sc hool work and misery. Joe had a mid- adverse to life, uh, I mean new e xperiences. For
term – he summed it up this way: “If Calculus starters, there is a Burning Man Decompression
were a person, I punch it in the face.” (To which party coming up in NYC very soon. Like-minded
my friend Julie said, “I wouldn’t. I would ride p e o p l e , w i t hout p l aya dus t i n you r crack. If ‘My God ... I haven’t bee n fucked like that since
its 14-inch cock, because Calculus is t h a t y o u r ‘ d esire for more’ extends into the sexual grade school.’
cool.”) a r e n a , y o u s w i n g e r s c o u l d s u r e l y f i n d a n o n y-

Ask Amberly Jane Page 35

Sex and the Brook
By Rudy Randall
Article 2: Why Talk When You Can er and I had a message in my inbox, a friend Charlie but didn’t want to be tied down. Both of
Type? request on facebook. I checked it and it was a them wanted this to be more than a one-night-
guy from Stony Brook, his name was Seth. He was stand but were scared to see where it would go
T h e r e a r e m a n y v e n u e s a n d d a t i n g s e r v- cute, gay, and from the profile, seemed not only if they continued. They were also scared of what
ices out there with the sole purpose of getting normal but my type. He was into the same people would say so they decided to keep what
people hooked up. Some of these might include movies, same television shows, same music, it happened to themselves for the time being.
Yahoo Personals,, the LGBTA, even was almost identical to my interests. I accept- “So what did the e-mail say?” Ed asked
The Bench is a good place for picking people up. ed. Charlie. Ed, Charlie, John, and myself were all
However, in early-October of 2004, Stony Brook That same day Charlie had a message at Kelly Café trying to cheer Charlie up.
University was opened up to a pseudo-dating waiting in his inbox too. He was used to getting “Just that we weren’t working and that
service to end all dating services, we were a lot of love letters via e-mail from his girl- she didn’t think me being this far would be this
introduce d to As soon as we friend; she always tried to disguise them with hard and that she felt we were drifting.” He
h e a r d o f t h i s m y f r i e n d s a n d I i m m e d i a t e l y c r e- other headings so when he read “Subj: We need answered.
ated accounts. I love computers and things like t o t a l k ” he expected another e-mail full of “What’s that supposed to mean?” I
facebook; you couldn’t pry me off of myspace hearts and kisses. However, when he opened this asked.
when I first got an account, so facebook kept me e-mail, it wasn’t what he usually received. He “Who knows. Look, it’s fine…I’m fine. I
quite entertained. Now there’s one thing that got exactly what the heading had implied- she should’ve seen this coming. At least I don’t have
facebook and myspace have very much in com- w a n t e d t o b r e a k - u p . C h a r l i e w a s b e y o n d s u r- to see her or anything.”
mon, they both come with some interesting peo- p r i s e d ; h e w as s ho cked and hurt . H e l eft hi s “True. Just find a girl t o g e t y o u r m i n d
ple. suite to go walk and absorb everything, but as off of her.” John said.
“Some ugly ass girl totally friended me soon as he walked out the door, there was Janey. “Look. I’m fine. Really, I’m gonna run
and wants to go out.” Said John as we all had “Hey, what’s up… is everything all right, upstairs and get an iced tea.” Ch a r l i e s a i d a s h e
lunch the next day. your eyes are puffy….have you been…” got up and walked out.
“No, some guy has been messaging me “June broke-up with me, through an e- “Now, I’m not trying to talk shit but
t el l i n g me t h at h e’ s co n f u sed ab o u t h i s sex u al mail.” He said cutting her off. Charlie’s a sensitive guy, I’d think that this
orientation but has no one to talk to, so he had “What? That’s so insensitive, how could“ would be affecting him a lot more than it is.”
me online for a freakin’ hour today telling me “I don’t know,” he said cutting her off Said John.
about some guy he has a crush on!” Janey said. again. “I don’t know, she didn’t even have real “I know dude, he’s chill about it, like
We had met her one night at a comedy show, it reasons, she just said we were drifting apart, nothing happened.” Said Ed as Janey walked up.
t u r n e d o u t s h e l i v e d i n o u r b u i l d i n g s o w e s t a r t- it’s all so fucked up.” “Hey, where’s Charlie?” She asked.
ed hanging out quite frequently. Charlie hung “Do you wanna go upstairs and talk?” “Oh, he went upstairs to get a drink,” I
out with her more than anybody. There was She asked him. answered.
obvious attraction there and open flirting but He looked at her. He could go outside and “Okay, thanks,” she said as she walked
t h e y k e p t i t i n n o c e n t s i n c e h e h a d h i s g i r l- b e a l o n e just replaying the two year relation- away.
friend, June, back home. ship over in his head, or he could ease the pain “Did anybody tell her about Charlie and
“I have the story to end all stories.” I with a little company. He chose the latter. They June? I bet she’s excited,” asked John.
tell them, “This guy friend requests me, from got up to Janey’s room and sat down on the bed. “Why?” I asked.
SUNY Albany, and I live not too far from there “You’ll be okay- you know that,” She “She totally wants to fuck him. It’s com-
so I’m like ‘Oh I must know him’, so I accept and s a i d t r y i n g to comfort him. pletely obvious,” said John.
he IM’s me like the next day. So we’re talking “I know, it’s just…” He trailed off. “Yeah, I don’t think he’d do that though,”
and he’s telling me he’s from the city, and I say “June is stupid. I’m sorry but she was said Ed.
‘That’s cool, I’ve always wanted to live there.’ lucky to have you in the first place, and to throw “I don’t know…” John said as he got up,
You know what he says? He IM’s back to say, ‘I’ll you away-” “I gotta go, I’ll see you guys later.”
b e b a c k t h i s s u m m e r , w e s h o u l d g e t a n a p a r t- He cut her off again, but this time with When I got back to the room I saw an
ment together, it’d be fun.’” his tongue. He pulled away from the kiss almost instant message from a ‘seth_man85’ and got
“What a creep!” said Janey. immediately. excited. I opened it and there it was:
“Who does that?” I asked. “I’m sorry. Oh, I shouldn’t have done
“ F u c k i n g l o s e r s. What’d you say?” that. I’m so sorry. I have to go.” He started to get seth_man85: hey
asked Ed. up.
“I told him that I just met him and I was “No. Its okay. I’ve wanted to but you “What the hell is ‘hey’?” I thought. So I sat down
planning on living back home. Then I told him I were with her. I want to.” She said as she leaned and typed a response,
had to go and removed him from my friends then i n a n d k i ssed him. The kissing became more and
blocked his ass.” more passionate as more and more of their rudy0101: hey
“Haha- you don’t play!” said John. clothing began to appear on the floor. She
“No, I don’t.” reached over to her drawer and pulled out a con- I waited….and waited….and waited. About five
The next day I was back on the comput- dom, it was a done deal. minutes later I got up to go to the bathroom and
The next day, as I was washing my hands I heard it, the bing
u n b e k n o w n s t t o a n yb o d y that any generation x-er knows all too well. I
what had happened, came back in the room and saw the message win-
Charlie and Janey went dow flashing. There was another response:
on just like before.
Neither of them were seth_man85: what’s goin on?
quite sure as to what they
wanted. Charlie was less What was he doing?
than enthusiastic about
jumping into another rudy0101: pretty good, u?
relationship, although
the truth was that he I wrote back. Minutes later:
j u m p e d i n t o a r e l a t i o n-
ship with June right seth_man85: can’t complain
after his first serious
girlfriend, and that he Well now I was getting pissed, I didn’t know
h a d n ’ t a c t u a l l y b e e n s i n- what I thought he should be writing, but this
gle in over three and a wasn’t it. Then:
half years and he didn’t
really know how to be. seth_man85: so what’re you up to this week-
Part of him needed to be end?
i n a r e l a t i o n s h i p t o f u n c-
tion. Janey was more I felt like we were off to a good start.
open to the idea of being
single and flirting To Be Continued…
around. She truly liked

Page 36 More Sex Features

Hey, Who Ordered the Reviews?
The Exorcism of Emily Rose
By Eddie Zadorozny
There have been countless films that t h r o u g h o u t t h e e x i s t e n c e o f m a n k i n d e i t h e r a s cism, but in the end is defeated.
have dealt with possession, exorcism, and scan- accepted, believed, skeptical, or simply It will now be decided in a court of law
dal, within the confines of the church. At the i g n o r e d . T h e s e q u a l i t i e s a r e w h a t t h i s f i l m b e s t i f E m i l y d i e d f r o m a p s y c h o t i c e p i l e p t i c d i s o r-
t o p o f t h a t l i s t i s t h e c l a s s i c T h e E x o r c i s t! This r e p r e s e n t s to its viewing audience since all of d e r o r i f F a t h e r M o o r e ’ s a c t o f e x o r c i s m
classic, released in 1973, left audiences and these angles of whatever your own belief may be e n h a n c e d t h e c o n d i t i o n s l e a d i n g t o h e r d e a t h .
critics stunned, with its depictions of a sweet are represented here by the actors. The film is The trial is the real meat of this story, as told in
innocent girl whose soul is inhabited by a n o t t r y i n g t o p e r s u a d e y o u a t a l l b u t i t ’ s a r a t h e r several flashbacks on how Emily arrived at such
demonic presence. At the time, the scenes were nice concoction that plays out a state, as well as the actual
shocking as we, the audience, were uneasy and c a p t i v a t i n g l y o n s c r e e n e s p e- exorcism by Father Moore. The
a p p r e h e n d e d i n t o a n e n t i t i e s w o r l d o f p o s s e s- cially in its court scenes. It is trial is totally engrossing and
sion of a sweet innocent girl. Surprisingly, 32 interesting to note that a film t h e d i s c o u r s e o f i t i s i n t e r e s t-
years later, this film holds up as a fright film that deals with a possession ing as the doting, churchgoer,
especially in the hands of the commendable (which is actually done rather prosecuting attorney (played
filmmaker William Friedkin. The Exorcist i s grippingly) essentially plays by Campbell Scott) does battle
such a film of suspense and gaping disbelief s e c o n d f i dd le t o t he eng ros s- w i t h t h e a t h e i s t d e f e n s e a t t o r-
about possession that it is clearly the prototype ing courtroom drama that ney (Laura Linney). Each
of which all other films that deal with posses- ensues. comes into the trial with set
sion and exorcism should be judged, which in Emily Rose (Jennifer perceptions of the trial and
the end is inevitable! C a r p e n t e r ) h a s b e e n e x p e r i- events of the demonic posses-
As is the case of T h e E x o r c i s m o f E m i l y e n c i n g e vents of apparitions, sion. The great fun of this
Rose which may not play as much on the the- nightmares, as well as ghastly movie is watching the uncoiling
a t r i c s a n d s h o c k o f i t s p a r a m o u n t g e n r e p r e d e- images while attending col- of events by testimony of wit-
c e s s o r , T h e E x o r c i s t, b u t s t i l l s u c c e e d s i n b e i n g lege. Upon her arrival home, WRLAAAAAHAARGH, nesses, as well as professional
a rather intelligent, suspenseful, eerie film. t h e i n c i d e n t s f l a r e u p m o r e Courtesy of People For A New e x p e r t s . A l s o t o w a t c h t h e p a r-
Although both films deal with the possession of with greater i n t e n s i t y . Dark Ages ties involved in the trial have
a young girl, as well of your belief system over Normalcy is out the window; t h e i r o r i g i n a l d e a d - s e t p e r c e p-
such an event’s existence. The comparison is Emily is speaking in tongues, ripping her hair tions and beliefs altered. Perhaps that could
inevitable, the difference though is that in T h e o u t , s c r a t ching wallpaper while bouncing on her also be you yourself.
Exorcism of Emily Rose the good fight over the knees (great scene). With the family at wits end The film is based on actual events but
possession of its young woman is not only per- on what to do, they call upon Father Moore (Tom that fact doesn’t have to make the film more
formed by a willing priest, but the act itself of W i l k i n s o n), their family priest, for help. Upon a p p e a l i n g - c a s e i n p o i n t T h e A m i t y v i l l e H o r r o r.
the priest is put on trial! In other words lets a r r i v a l , h e w i t n e s s e s E m i l y i n c o m p l e t e p a r a- I t i s n o n e t h e l e s s r a t h e r e n g r o s s i n g , a s w e l l a s
take the demon to court! That statement may normal action and instantly knows that these captivating.
sound like a sarcastic remark against the film are not the doings of a woman waiting for season
but it’s what makes this film interesting to 7 of The Sopranos to start but a woman in the T h e E x o r c i s m o f E m i l y R o s e, r a t e d 1 1 4
view. beginning states of being possessed. Father m i n , p g - 1 3 ( i n t e n s e , f r i g h t e n i n g s c e n e s a n d
Religion is a subject that has left many Moore goes through the whole ritual of exor- images).

By Madeline Scheckter
M i r r o r m a s k i s a s l i g h t l y n e w f i l m a play that was based on a story which wasn’t fault for writing a few good, incredibly original
directed by Dave McKean and written by award- original to begin with. Fuckers. Anyway, Neil stories; now he’s forever going to be held to a
w i n n i n g a n d c u l t i s h l y f o l l o w e d a u t h o r N e i l Gaiman is a New York Times Bestselling Author, h i g h s t a n d a r d . A m e r i c a n G o d s w a s a f a n t a s t i-
Gaiman and McKean. It has a which I would think cally original, wonderful book. M i r r o r m a s k h a s
c l a s s i c y o u n g - a d u l t s s t o r y- would mean that this film a plot I’ve seen at least a half dozen times (in the
line (by which I do mean I would get a wider rel ease, past week). A girl wakes up to find that she’s
hate you and it’s for those but it isn’t. Bro, bro, been transported to a strange magical world rife
things we call pre-teens and broseph, The Corpse with danger to discover that it needs saving and
young teenagers), but it Bride is widely released, she’s the only one who can save it. I know,
works so I won’t whine too and I doubt Mirrormask you’re shocked by the origin ality of that plot, I
much. Or will I? No, I will! is much stranger or more was too. Sorry, let me wipe off that sarcasm I
The film’s been bizarrely disturbing. Why not give just dripped on your shoe. Oh god, that’s not
released, allegedly because it a better release? sarcasm; try cleaning your shoes once and a
no one can decide if it’s a W h a t e v e r , t h i s h a s n o t h- while. I’m not saying I didn’t like the story, or
children’s movie or not. Dear ing to do with how good e v e n t h a t M i r r o r m a s k wasn’t worth the eleven
Stupids: It’s a young adult’s the movie is. bucks it cost me to see it, I’m just complaining
movie. They used to make So the story line isn’t that when I see the name Neil Gaiman attached
those back in the day, original. Every review to something, I expect it to amaze me. The visu-
remember Goonies? I’ve read has said that the als were typical McKean and therefore absolute-
Remember way back when the story wasn’t that good but ly stunning. The story was enjoyable, just not
MPAA ratings actually meant i t ’ s n o t n e a r l y a s i m p o r- up to par, but the visuals are mind-blowingly
something? There you go, tant as the visuals. Dear brilliant. Hell, the acting is p r e t t y g o o d , t h e
this movie’s rated PG, which WHY DO THESE INSIST ON MAKING Stupids: Wrong. The dialogue is often hilarious, and the characters
m e a n s P a r e n t a l G u i d a n c e i s BACKWARDS LETTERS? story is as important as are sympathetic. It’s simply that, as a huge Neil
suggested. Just to give some Courtesy of Sony Pictures the visuals, but in this Gaiman fan, I was disappointed by the story.
perspective, that means that case, the visuals are so And since I get to hide behind a computer while
t h i s m o v i e i s m o r e c h i l d - a p p r o p r i a t e t h a n fucking amazing that no one’s really going to I write this, I’m going to say so.
Pirates of the Caribbean was. Therefore, I’m c a r e t h a t it takes about a half-hour to get into Whatever guy, it was interesting, it was
going to need a better explanation than a con- the story because there’s goddamn fish swim- gripping and for once in my life I didn’t walk
fused demographic. Yeah, I know, I’m not going m i n g a r o u n d i n m i d a i r . F i s h i n m i d a i r a r e a w e- out of the theatre feeling like I’d just gotten
to get one. Maybe studios would rather make us some. Trouble is, the story was disappointing. rolled over in an alley. So go see it. Or wait for
watch a remake of a remake of a movie based on I like Neil Gaiman, I well and truly do. It’s his Netflix, but make sure you see i t .

Reviews Page 37
Hey, Who wanted SHORT AND SWEET?
A Truly Extraordinary Machine
By Alison Schwartz
When an artist or band takes a respite Eminem. After re-working nearly all the songs
from the art of making music for several years, to create a new sound, it is clear that Elizondo
a detrimental result can ensue. Listeners in the brings a new edge to Apple’s sound.
modern music world are fickle beings and grow The album launches into a track of the
restless for new material. Even loyal devotees album’s namesake, crafted in the style of a
meander toward different musical horizons as 1950’s song. After experimenting with varying
their tastes evolve and shift. tempos in the reflective “Better Version of Me,”
Fiona Apple’s latest release, Apple meanders through such lyrical
E x t r a o r d i n a r y M a c h i n e, is just that: a feats such as using “a dirty
musical piece of art. Like all pane of glass” for
great works, it was a feat to metaphorical comparison
accomplish and unveil. t o i n f i d e l i t y i n t h e i n f e c-
After several months of tiously catchy “Window.”
struggling over release Apple’s previous

How do you
issues, Apple’s latest works have been woven
c r a f t i n g o f m u s i c a l s p l e n- w i t h e m o t i o n a l p l e n t i-
dor emerges following a tude, sending the listener

prepare for your

six-year-hiatus from the into a whirlwind of peaks
industry. Initially, Machine and lows. M a c h i n e i s n o
was produced by Jon Brion, e x c e p t i o n , a s A p p l e c a s-

Apple’s production partner cades from regretful and
for her two prior albums, vengeful in “Get Him
T i d a l a n d When The Pawn. Back,” to sullen and
A f t e r s u p p o s e d l a b e l c o n- resigned in “Oh Well,” to the
flicts regarding the “lack of utterly haunting and smoldering rage in
s i n g l e s ” a m i d s t h e r n e w m a t e r i- “Red, Red, Red.” Apple successfully express-
al, Apple nearly retired from the es her plethora of sentiments, all the while

Join the
industry. Yet, fans rallied together in protest to maintaining musical integrity with innovative
produce a support site, After style.
obtaining freedom to release material of her Will Apple’s splendidly crafted

choosing, Apple returned to the studio - this Machine thrive in an unsteady musical climate?
time with Mike Elizondo, a hip-hop producer On the current musical canvas of mostly mono-
best known for his work with 50 Cent and chromatic hues, Apple’s shade exudes vibrancy.

Everybody Loves the Party Association!
Gordo Gringo By Stephanie Hayes
Who knew a jangly banjo could coexist open the CD booklet, though, it is clear that
with a long human screech? I sure didn’t but the subject matter seems to sway between
Gordo Gringo seems to pull it off pretty well criticisms of modern life and feelings of
on their sophomore effort, Everybody Loves melancholy – nothing too abstract.
t h e P a r t y. H e r e i s While you’d be hard-
an album that is p r e s s e d t o p i c k o u t a n y-
loaded with unique t h i n g s p e c i f i c a l l y u n l i k-

at 1pm in the
couplings of the able from track to track,
like. These guys this is nothing near to
have integrated a being a masterpiece.

University Cafe
r e m a r k a b l e a s s o r t- Everybody Loves the
ment of instruments Party is likable enough.
which include a It’s solidly good but it
dulcimer, vox, l a c k s t h a t e x t r a s o m e-
banjo, viola and thing that makes some
mandolin. It’s this albums great. They’ve
sort of variety that been likened to “a cross
has made this an between Death Cab For
interesting album. Cutie, Modest Mouse, and
P h i l W i l c o . ” I n d e e d , t h a t c r i t-
Jimenez, formerly ic was close, although I
of Wheatus fame, wouldn’t be so quick to
heads Gordo Gringo put Gordo Gringo on the
with distinctive, same level – yet. However,
emotional vocals. i t ’ s 4 4 m i n u t e s o f a t m o s-
H i s v o i c e i s b a l- pheric indie-pop that
a n c e d n i c e l y w i t h MY GUESS? IT’S THE CD COVER, you’d never consider
songs like “ M a d Courtesy of Steph Hayes wasted time and they can
Tide” and “Wasted only get better.
Life”, both full of catchy melodies that could
easily be qualified in the elusive category of Check out Gordo Gringo at:
smart-pop. The only thing unapparent upon and
a first listen is most of the lyrics. Cracking
Page 38 Comically Mislabeled as AA E-Zine Love
Words of Fun
By Jimmi Del Kerr
In these times of trouble, uncertainty,
and political confusion, we tend to drown S t a t i s t i c s: A mathematically defendable D e m o c r a t: A r e l i g i o n b a s e d around the
o u r s e l v e s i n a n x i e t y a n d d o u b t . I h a v e c o m- way of lying. memory of John F. Kennedy.
p r i s e d a l i s t o f w o r d s t h a t w i l l h e l p y o u n a v-
igate the world. A r m e d F o r c e s: A m a s s w e a p o n o f d e s t r u c- R e p u b l i c a n: A r e l i g i o n b a s e d a r o u n d t h e
tion yet to be banned by the United Nations. teachings of Ronald Regan.
F u n d a m e n t a l i s t: A p e r s o n w h o d e m o n-
strates only a basic understanding of what he N A T O: A n a n a c h r o n i s m t h a t i s t o o w e a k t o M o d e r a t e: A p e r s o n w h o c a s t s t h e i r v o t e s i n
or she believes. live, too strong to die. accordance with Public Opinion Polls (q.v.).

E v a n g e l i c a l i s m: T h e i n t e n s e a n d c r i p p l i n g G r o s s N a t i o n a l P r o d u c t: W h a t a c o u n t r y P h i l o s o p h e r: A p e r s o n w h o i s t o o d e t e r-
fear that someone, somewhere, disagrees with produces when its citizens are too wrapped m i n e d t o a d m i t t h a t t h e u n i v e r s e i s t o o c o m-
you. up in what they believe in. plex to understand and yet too simple to
Z e a l o t: A m a t h e m a t i c a l u n i t u s e d t o s h o w A b o r t i o n: a n e a s y i s s u e t o g e t s o m e o n e
how successful a religion is. elected into office. W h i s t l e B l o w e r: A n a d u l t f i l m s t a r w h o
shows an unusual level of proficiency in
A t h e i s t: Someone who is not a G a y M a r r i a g e: A u n i o n b e t w e e n t w o p e o p l e , their craft.
Fundamentalist or Evangelical. which will most likely end up in Straight
Divorce anyway. T h e M o r a l P l a t f o r m: A s e r i e s o f c o m p l e x
A g n o s t i c: S o m e o n e w h o i s t o o b u s y t o c a r e . political issues that all too often points out
R i g h t t o D i e: P r o o f t h a t t h e A m e r i c a n p o p- hypocrisy.
C o n s e r v a t i v e : A Republican who thinks ulation will watch anything on T.V. if it is
too little about the issues at hand. marketed correctly. C h a r i t y: A m e r i c a ’ s w a y o f s a y i n g , “ B e t t e r
you than me”.
L i b e r a l: A D e m o c r a t w h o o v e r - t h i n k s t h e T h e N u c l e a r O p t i o n: T h e c h o i c e t o
issue at hand. microwave your food as opposed to eating fast P u b l i c S e r v a n t: A p e r s o n w h o i s t o o u g l y
food. to be a T.V. or movie star but wants fame and
S t r a t e g i c O i l R e s e r v e: A w a y f o r a notoriety nonetheless.
President to boost their popularity ratings, I n t e l l i g e n t D e s i g n: A n i d e a s h o w i n g t h a t
at least in the short term. futility does not decrease hope. H u r r i c a n e: N a t u r e ’ s w a y o f s h o w i n g a s o c i-
ety’s glaring social problems. Often costing
P u b l i c O p i n i o n P o l l: T h e p r o d u c t o f a G u n C o n t r o l: W h e n t h e A b o r t i o n p l a t f o r m billions of dollars to cover up.
sudden and frightful realization that no one fails, use this one; or in Texas: Hitting your
knows for sure what is going on. target at least 86.5543210571% of the time.

The Dude Identity

By David K. Ginn
The skies cleared as Ko the Magnificent they populated a section of the world which they Edward, the guy who serves h i s m u s t a r d a n d
Bludgeoner pondered over his domain. The named The Evil Joey Territory. When p a s t ra m i s a n d w i c h e s a t t h e l o c a l t a x - f r e e a n d
d a m n e d g o v e r n m e n t i n s t a l l e d t h e i r s t u p i d s i d e- BonoCactusBird I flew down to his grave site a reasonably priced kosher deli on a well-kept
walk last week, and so his domain was dimin- week later, he hit his head on a rock and col- Native-Jungian reservation. He told Edward he
ished greatly. He mused over the towering men- lapsed on the soft soil. was a fool, and Edward cried. BonoCactusBird I
ace of his well-kept hedges, and the vast dark One week after that, he woke up on a ship then realized he was wrong, and it was not him.
territory where he kept his car so it wouldn’t full of Circus Fellows. They harbored him and BonoCactusBird I then realized it was himself.
get damaged during inclement weather. Yes, a pet his spiny fur and told him how wonderful he He was the cause of it all.
time was coming. was. He destroyed them all by breathing fire on Then Ko the Magnificent Bludgeoner
It was suppertime. Suppertime for their skin. They were displeased, but then they arrived and challenged BonoCactusBird I, his
FEAR! died and were not displeased anymore, save greatest threat, to a duel. He agreed, and in a
their reservations that carried over into the blast of dreadful smoke Ko the Magnificent
Across the land, BonoCactusBird I flew afterlife. Bludgeoner was banished to the world of
over the great world. His team of Supermates B onoCactusBird I left in a hurry, unsure Dreadful Smoke, where people who get sur-
soon joined him: LyleFire, Juniper-Mix, of who he was or where he came from. Some mean rounded by blasts of dreadful smoke can be
Liverpool Wonder, HappyBob, TwelveTickets guards with giant silver knives chased him in accepted and meet together and have helpful
and Super BreakfastNook. Liverpool Wonder the streets of Jungian City, and he hid in a dark group therapy sessions every other Wednesday,
fell into a deep abyss of boiled potatoes, and he and slightly disturbing if not artsy except in the case of holidays or when the
suffered a great deal before his untimely death. I n t e r n a t i o n a l E m b a s s y . W h i l s t t h e y w e r e c h a s- weather’s really bad or might get bad while
He was mourned over tea and biscuits. Biscuits ing him, he bumped into a tiny neurotic woman t h e y ’ r e i n s e s s i o n a n d t h u s m a k e i t m o r e d i f f i-
are a sign of sadness in the Overworld. named Neuro. Neuro tried to eat him, but he was cult for them to come home.
One fateful day a giant Kangaroo met an not edible. She helped him escape, and then she BonoCactusBird I flew back into the sun-
evil Fairy who turned him into her minion. That tried to help him regain his memory. Finally he set.
Kangaroo gave birth to many minion joeys, and figured out who was to blame for all of this:
Juxtaposing fiction with some satire Page 39
The Reformation in Central Kentucky
Scintillates By James Messina
I bet you were really happy to learn century A.D. Soon it became associated with being a comparatively well-known language,
that the first letter of last issue’s puzzle a certain sense of mysticism and the occult. it was no great task to work from there, and
was a T! Yeah, my bad. I forgot to double- Over time efforts were made to decipher t h e R o s e t t a S t o n e p r o v i d e d a g r e a t l e a p f o r-
check the article before it went to print, and ancient Egyptian texts, usually with ward in understanding. So what am I saying?
you got the invisible code. Those are the abysmally poor accuracy. Most enthusiasts That cryptanalysis is the result of luck and
hardest to solve, so give yourself a hand if simply guessed what they felt to be an happenstance? Hardly. But by the same
y o u d i d . I n t h i s i s s u e I ’ l l i n c l u d e t h e c r y p t- appropriate symbol based on their own breath, often times fortuitous circumstance
analysis of last week’s code, but if you want impressions. Most also consulted a text is the only thing between breaking a code
to try it out for yourself first, DO NOT read called Heiroglyphica by Horapollo, which and its remaining indecipherable. By the
ahead and take a gander at this. was accurate at parts but not entirely. The French “interception” of the Rosetta Stone,
result was that the Egyptian language was a they (and later the British) were able to
mystery until the French Captain Pierre- decode the language. Now on to the puzzle.
François Bouchard discovered the Rosetta
Stone in the city of Rosetta on July 15, 1799. S e e a b o v e f o r t h e p u z z l e . T o s o l v e t h i s p u z-
The Stone contained an inscription which zle, it’s useful to associate each symbol with
described a decree of Ptolemy V regarding a number. I simply listed each symbol as it
taxation. The important thing was that the appeared and then tallied its frequency. For
Stone contained three separate decrees, one example, the first symbol to appear becomes
i n G r e e k , o n e i n t h e E g y p t i a n c o m m o n a l p h a- a 1, the second a 2, and so on, like so:
The cipher used above is known as bet and one in hie roglyphs. Ancient Greek
the Pigpen cipher, or the Freemason’s
cipher. It was called this because, surprise! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
it was used by the Freemasons in the early
1 8t h c e n t u r y f o r p r i v a t e c o r r e s p o n d e n c e s . 6 4 10 3 4 5 3 3 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
T h o u g h t h i s c i p h e r a t f i r s t a p p e a r s c o m p l i-
cated, it isn’t any more so than a regular
substitution cipher, the letters were just
c h a n g e d i n t o s y m b o l s a r r i v e d a t v i a a r r a n g-
ing letters on a grid. It’s pretty easy at this point. You can Finally, I leave you with another
The code I just showed you would be see 3 appears ten times. It’s a good bet it’s treat. I didn’t have to scan this one, so there
pretty tricky to somebody unfamiliar with “e”. The 1-2 digraph appears four times. Got are no foreseeable instances of me being a
c r y p t o l o g y , b u t t o a n y o n e w i t h s o m e b a c k- yourself another good bet in assuming that r e t a r d . H i n t : I t ’ s t r a n s p o s i t i o n , n o t s u b s t i-
ground it’s a snap. So how exactly does a it’s “th”. So, plugging in and substituting tution. If you mess around with the letter
cryptanalyst determine how to attack the numbers for symbols as before, we get: positioning, you’ll get your answer.
unknown and venture boldly forth into a T H E 4 E 5 4 E 6 T 7 8 8 9 E 10 9 8 E 4 E 5
metaphorical abyss? Honestly, I couldn’t 11 7 12 13 T H 7 6 T H 5 12 14 6 15 E E 16 P U Z Z L E T H E 3R D:
tell you. Those guys are pretty smart. But I 17 6 18 10 17 T H E 19 5 12 20 6 E T THEET HORBE ERTER STHTK
can illustrate a few potential pitfalls. I t ’ s p r e t t y o b v i o u s t h e f i rs t w o r d i s “ t h e r e ” .
As I mentioned, there are two types Then you substitute in all the r’s. From A n s w e r t o P u z z l e t h e 2n d: T h e r e a r e
o f b a s i c c i p h e r s , s u b s t i t u t i o n a n d t r a n s p o- t h e r e , s o l v i n g i s c h i l d ’ s p l a y , j u s t s o m e m e n- still people reading this? Thanks Jeebus,
sition. Within these two broad categories tal menial labor. In order to check your you the man. WSET.
though, there’s a lot of room for devilish answer, here’s a table of the Pigpen cipher:
tricks. Substitution and transposition can
b e u s e d t o g e t h e r s o t h a t y o u f i r s t d e s c r a m-
ble and then solve or vice versa. Code words
can be implemented. Nulls can be added to
the end, or strewn throughout, i.e. only read
every third symbol. As in the above
i n s t a n c e , s y m b o l s c a n t a k e t h e p l a c e o f l e t-
t e r s . M i s s p e l l i n g s c a n b e a d d e d s o t h a t f r e-
quency analysis is bungled a little. The
m e s s a g e s c a n b e t r a n s m i t t e d i n a n o t h e r l a n-
But none of this matters. There are
dozens of historically relevant ciphers, and
e s s e n t i a l l y a n i n f i n i t e n u m b e r o f m a t h e m a t-
ical operations that can be done to create
n e w o n e s . S o t h e b a s i c t a s k o f t h e c r y p t a n-
a l y s t i s t o b r e a k t h e c o d e – d e t a i l s l i k e l a n-
guage will follow much more naturally. And
the name of the game is interception. Under
realistic conditions, people using codes are
a careful shifty bunch who doesn’t want to
be found out. But they’re also fallible.
Sometimes the message doesn’t go through
the first time, so it’ll get sent twice.
Sometimes the machine for making the codes
falls into the hands of the enemy. Sometimes
people on the other side sell out or material
is stolen. Inroads are then made.
Perhaps the most classic example of
this is the Rosetta stone. It’s interesting
because in fact no effort was made to hide
the Egyptian language, but over time it
became a code of sorts; anyone looking at a
message written in it would have no clue as
to its contents, after all.
The written Egyptian language was
used extensively in ancient times, but fell
into disuse by the beginning of the fifth
Page 40 Dear God, what does it all mean?
numbers are:

7, 36, and -14

values are:

1 - 29
2 - 15
3 - 36
4 - 43
5 - 65
6 - 1
7 - 72
8 - 87

H e y e v e r y b o d y , i t ’ s t i m e f o r how many occurrences of numbers you may use spaces, draw a line from one space to its mir-
t h e B a g u a p u z z l e . H e r e ’ s h o w i t to equal the total. E a c h o f t h e t h r e e p l a y- roring space. As long as the values don’t match,
works: ing numbers must be used at least once you’re okay. Diagnol matching is permitted in
i n e a c h e l e m e n t. this case.
The Bagua is used worldwide as a guide The second rule of this puzzle is that the In the case where two spaces mirror one
for dividing energies (typically the setup of a opposing elements must not mirror each other. space, the values of either of the two spaces can-
room or office) so that one might be able to Here’s how that works: the Bagua is, as you can not be the same as the value of the single space.
derive the most clarity and happiness out of tell, an octagon, and so therefore each side has
life. an opposite side. The opposite of Element 1
Here, I’ve developed a puzzle that takes (Chyan) is Element 5 (Hsun), and the opposite of H i n t : Write your answers, especially as you
eight of the nine elements (the ninth being the Element 2 (Dwei) is Element 4 (Jen) and so on. are experimenting with the numbers, down on a
center element, Health) and assigned them all There are three lines of spaces, and for each line separate sheet of paper. Try “ghost-writing”
values within the ninth element. The idea is to there are either one or two space s. T h e n u m- (writing very lightly) the numbers when you
take the three numbers given with each puzzle ber value of a space on a line may not be have them and are trying to work out the mir-
and adding them up so that they equal the value, the same as the number value of the roring.
using each number as many times as needed. same space on the opposite side of the
Within the breakdown of the elements there are Bagua. I’ve filled in some answers for you. Good luck!
either 3, 4, 5, or 6 spaces. These spaces dictate In the case where two spaces mirror two

Bagua Puzzle Page 41

I Will Destroy Your Soul
By David K. Ginn
I will devour your being, and consume beginning. I will rape your bones, and murder think I’m kidding. You think I’m joking. I am
your consciousness. Resistance is useless. Do your vital organs. I will feed you harsh liquor most definitely not. Your destr u c t i o n i s n e a r .
not try to resist. I will burn your body and until your liver becomes a die-er.
make pee-pee upon your unholy ashes. I will You will not live for much longer. And
sink my teeth deep into your skin and kill you when you do die, you’ll wish that you were liv-
many times over with sharp objects and harsh ing. I know that’s what most people think, but
syllables. My body is starving for violence, and w i t h y o u i t w i l l b e f o r a n e n t i r e l y d i f f e r e n t r e a-
your existence is my target. I will aim my son. The pain in death will be worse than the
lasers at your mind and fry your brain within
the confines of your own bloody fucking skull.
I will saw off your scalp and eat your brains
like soup in a bread bowl. The future of your
I will eat your
pitiful soul lies within the pitiful pits of my
stomach, to be digested and shat out as fecal
thoughts, and stab you
matter. I am eternal and evil. Very, very evil. with sharp ball-point
I am so evil, there is not much that is evil that
c a n q u i t e s a y t h e y a r e up t o p a r , o r i n t h e s a m e pens until you scream
general range of evilness as I am, unless you
count the Nazis, but everyone knows that, and out in agony and make
they are not quite as evil as me. Well, as I. With
evil comes proper grammar. Yes, my grammar pee-pee in your
will destroy your being. My almighty sinister
malevolent grammar will consume every ounce trousers.
of your pathetic existence. I will kill your body
by killing your skin, your bones, and your
white blood cells. I will give you ovarian can- pain in life. I will eat your thoughts, and stab
cer, and if you do not have ovaries, I will donate you with sharp ball-point pens until you
them to you so that I may curse them with my scream out in agony and make pee-pee in your
evil and horrid cancer. Your time has come to t r o u s e r s . I w i l l t i e y o u r n e c k u p w i t h pu l l e d
an end. And that end is me. (Or I… mwahaha- t h r e a d f r om an old skirt, and make you hang
ha!) I am your destructor. I am the form of your f o r e v e r i n you r pi t i ful des t i ny . I w i l l EA T
sinister termination. Your death is only the YOUR FUCKING SOUL, MOTHERFUCKER! Don’t

Answers to the Master Crossword

Page 42 Fun AND Games

Pour salt on them

Uses for 6
They're extensions for

By Karen Shidlo

I have been witness

To my own evolution,
Seen my legs and arms Brain replacement after

Noodles a lobotomy, may not

Turn a brown which I forget
In between summers,
For I must live for months on end
As my paler version.
Watched scabs for over crimson,
5 be brain food but
Only to pick the crusts to reveal
What is flowing in my veins. Looks like looks like real brains
Lifted eyelashes to transform
Them into tokens of wishes, 10 worms taste,
Blown into the wind.
Played with dead skin,
White and rough around my nails,
Delicious Building Stones for Habitat for
Just like the foam on the edges of waves.
And just like the storms enrage the sea, 4 Humanity
Filling them with the energy
To lash out at the shore with all its’ might, Breakfast, lunch
and dinner for
Anxieties compel me to peel off the whites
Of my fingernails,
Bringing them close to the
Ramen Wrestling... cheaper
Edges of pink from which they spring.
These long fingers of mine those students 3 than jell-o, yummier
Never reach up to wipe away the tears
Which lace my eyes, 9 who stay on than mud
But let them run in whatever direction
They choose,
Until there are no more
And the heaving bosom settles,
campus on the
Stops gasping for air as if drowning.
weekends Binge, Purge,
2 See them come
Donate them to food out whole
B y George Agathos
pantries. Now
The Press sucks my ass
Too dirty to line cages 8 their someone
A plague on you all
else’s problem. And for the men, mol-
1 lifier after anal rape

Rob Pearsall

Because Music is Poetry too. 8.) Gainesville Rock City - Less Than Jake

1.) Malk - Pain 9.) 500 Channels - Choking Victim

2.) Blister in the Sun - Violent Femmes 10.) White, Proud, & Stupid - Propagnadhi

3.) Glamour Ghouls - World Inferno/Friendship Society 11.) We Threw Gasoline... - NoFX

4.) Antidote - Pain 12.) City Lights - Stockyard Stoics

5.) Everyone I know is from Lindenhurst - Edna’s Goldfish 13.) Soon We’ll Be Dead - Leftover Crack / W.I.F.S.

6.) New Day - Bouncing Souls 14.) Sink. Florida. Sink. - Against Me!

7.) Castaways - Common Rider 15.) Change - Fishbone

poems... Page 43
death egg zone

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