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Interpersonal Theory: Dealing with Mental Disorder through Past and Present Relationships

Interpersonal Theory
Principles and Practices in Addiction Treatment
Gail Rego
Interpersonal Theory: Dealing with Mental Disorder through Past and Present Relationships
Interpersonal theory or Interpersonal psychoanalysis is a theory that states that a persons past or
current interpersonal and social relationships with people can and often do play a part in the
effect and treatment of mental disorders. The theory deried from American psychoanalyst !.
"ullian in the #$%&s and has been used by other psychologists and therapists such as '.
!orney( ). *romm( *. Reichmann and others in dealing with the treatment of patients with
mental disorders through their interpersonal relationships with others. +hen dealing with the
issues of Mental !ealth( psychologists that use this procedure beliee that any sort of mental
disorder can be dealt with and oercome through a time managed process. "ullians theory is
used a lot in interpersonal psychotherapy when dealing with patients suffering from depression
or schi,ophrenia. Most notable this form of theory has been used when dealing with patients in
the medical setting by nurses. Interpersonal psychoanalysis also resulted in the introduction of
couples and group therapy.
Interpersonal Theory: Dealing with Mental Disorder through Past and Present Relationships
Interpersonal theory is a theory that states that a persons interaction with people in their
past and present life can contribute to both the reason behind( as well as the answer in dealing
with the mental disorder that the person suffers from. In short( a persons relationship with
another person can cause them to thin- or act a certain way. This causes the person to deelop
certain personality traits that can in turn cause or lead to certain metal illnesses. .hanging these
behaiors and the people you interact with is a solution that is belieed in treating the mental
disorder. Interpersonal theory was created from the mind of American psychiatrist !arry "tac-
"ullian in the #/$&s. "ullian belieed that eery person built a personality as a child when
they first formed bonds with other people and created friendships.
0Interpersonal theory1s emphasis on the 0interpersonal situation2
includes both pro3imal description of oert behaioral transaction
and coert psychological processes that mediate interaction(

including the formation and function of internali,ed mental
representations of self and other.2 4Aaron 5. Pincus6
"ullian belieed that there were 7 stages in eery persons life and that during each of
those stages there was an unconscious need to be fulfilled in a persons life. The "tages included
infancy( childhood( 8uenile era( preadolescence( adolescence( late adolescence and adulthood.
"tage # dealt with infancy( birth to #/ months( during which time a child learnt the fulfillment of
needs. "tage 9 dealt with childhood( #/ months to : years( during which time a child went
through delayed gratification. "tage ; dealt with 8uenile era( : to $ years( during which time a
child formed a relationship with a peer group. "tage % dealt with preadolescence $ to #9 years(
during which time a young adult formed a close relationship or a friendship with a person of the
same gender. "tage < dealt with adolescence #9 to #% years( during which time a person finds out
Interpersonal Theory: Dealing with Mental Disorder through Past and Present Relationships
who they are gender and se3uality wise. "tage : dealt with late adolescence #% to 9# years(
during which time a person formed intimate relationships with people. And the final stage= "tage
7 dealt with adulthood 9# to remaining years( during which time a person formed a stable and
lasting relationship with a significant other. 4>ones( #$$/6.
"ullian stressed that during all these stages a person craed the need to be loed and to
belong. And that if neglected or not met( a person could build up an3iety and other negatie
personalities in ones self. Through these needs a person formed ; ma8or dynamisms( which was
a certain characteristic associated with behaior( that a person formed throughout their life. The ;
ma8or dynamisms were: dis8unctie or maleolent behaior( con8unctie or intimate behaior
and lastly isolating or lustful behaior.
As "ullian suggested( people deelop different personalities through emotions
e3perienced through relationships. Depending on the type of relation?positie or negatie?
different personalities or emotions can emerge?clingy( lonely( healthy etc. "o how does
interpersonal theory used in regards to dealing with ones mental illness.
0Interpersonal process groups use psychodynamics( or -nowledge of the way people
function psychologically( to promote change and healing. The psychodynamic approach
recogni,es that conflicting forces in the mind( some of which may be outside ones
awareness( determine a persons behaior( whether healthy or unhealthy. Attachment to
others is one of the contending forces.2 49&&<( "ubstance Abuse Treatment: @roup
Through certain relationships( certain character traits in a person can come to surface
depending on the type of bond created or bro-en with another indiidual. These may or may not
Interpersonal Theory: Dealing with Mental Disorder through Past and Present Relationships
be problematic in the future and may play a part in a persons mental state of mind later on in
.ertain personality traits are already engrained in ones genetics and come to the surface
when placed in a perilous situation. *or e3ample( if an indiidual forms a bond with someone
and establishes a strong friendship and somewhere down the line a negatie action occurs that
causes the indiidual to brea- the trust( an3iety will be formed in said indiidual. And as a result(
any relationship after that will be based on the characteristics of an3iety and mistrust. This in
turn could lead the indiidual to struggle with relationships in general and in dealing or trying to
oercome these shortcomings the indiidual will hae turned to destructie behaiors such as
binge eating or the use of substances through drugs or alcohol. 49&&<( ."AT6
0*rom a psychodynamic point of iew( starting in early childhood( deelopmental issues
are a -ey concern( as are enironmental influences( to which certain people are
particularly ulnerable because of their genetic and other biological characteristics. ABC
As faulty relationship patterns are perceied and identified( the group participant can
begin to change dysfunctional( destructie patterns. The group member becomes
increasingly able to form mutually satisfying relationships with other people( so alcohol
and drugs lose much of their power and appeal.2 49&&<( "ubstance Abuse Treatment:
@roup Therapy6
+hen therapists deal with indiiduals through the psychodynamic approach they loo- at
four things during the therapy process: #6 an indiiduals relationship( bac-ground( and
enironment in the past and its effect on said indiidual 96 learned behaiors and emotions by
an indiidual used during different situations ;6 subconscious recollection of repressed
Interpersonal Theory: Dealing with Mental Disorder through Past and Present Relationships
memories that caused said problematic behaiors and emotions in the indiidual and finally( %6 a
specific behaior that encompasses the indiiduals personality that leads them to deal with a
certain situation( person( or atmosphere.
"ince interpersonal therapy deals with people in a group setting( therapists obsere three
Dualities during therapy: The emotional or mental response of each indiidual in the group. The
way each indiidual connects to another indiidual4s6 in the group. And the way the group
oerall functions together. 49&&<( ."AT6
0Interpersonal process group therapy deles into ma8or deelopmental issues( searching
for patterns that contribute to addiction or interfere with recoery. The group becomes a
microcosm of the way group members relate to people in their daily lies.2 49&&<(
"ubstance Abuse Treatment: @roup Therapy6
In further dealing with the topic of Interpersonal Therapy we are introduced to EThe
Interpersonal Process @roup Psychotherapy 4IP@P6. The IP@P model uses the 0abstinence
based treatment2 procedure as well as the #9?"tep practices used in "ubstance Abuse programs.
Foth programs beliee that an indiidual can get better and recoer Duic-ly through a speedy
approach. IP@P focuses on direct results and s-ips oer concepts and theories entirely. Its direct
focus is to help the indiidual recoer from their chemical dependence as soon as possible.
0In interpersonal process group therapy( the leaders 8ob is to promote and probe
interactions that carry a point.2 49&&<( "ubstance Abuse Treatment: @roup Therapy6
IP@P can be modified in indiidual settings to meet the indiiduals needs. IP@P focuses
the attention on the needs of the indiiduals rather than a group leader. IP@P teaches indiiduals
how to learn new behaiors and emotions through the group in a supportie manner which leads
Interpersonal Theory: Dealing with Mental Disorder through Past and Present Relationships
to changes and betterment of past negatie behaiors. This in turn will help the indiiduals deal
with and oercome behaiors connected to their addiction.
Interpersonal therapists focus on the present interaction of indiiduals in a group setting
rather than their past. +hen indiiduals interact with one another they unwittingly bring up the
past through ac-nowledging one another. This is then followed by recogni,ing the problem and
behaior at hand and dealing with it. The IP@P obseres not only the interaction between an
indiidual and the members of the group( but who has the strongest characteristic( who leads( and
how others respond to one another. 49&&<( ."AT6
Interpersonal therapy is useful in dealing with substance abuse and other mental health
issues in that it helps better an indiiduals relationships with their close and loed ones( teaches
indiiduals how to cope in situations in a healthier( more positie manner( broadens the
indiiduals personal s-ills through 0communication and problem?soling2 and finally reduces
the self?destructie patterns of behaior in an indiidual. Fy wor-ing on all these Dualities the
indiidual learns to recogni,e the source of their addiction and oercome it. 49&&&( .R. !ealth6
Interpersonal Theory: Dealing with Mental Disorder through Past and Present Relationships
Aaron 5. Pincus PhD( )mily F. Ansell 49&&;6. +iley Gnline 5ibrary. Interpersonal
Theory of Personality. Retrieed 9H&$H#%( from
.enter for "ubstance Abuse Treatment. Substance Abuse Treatment: Group Therapy.
Roc-ille 4MD6: "ubstance Abuse and Mental !ealth "erices Administration 4I"6= 9&&<.
4Treatment Improement Protocol 4TIP6 "eries( Jo. %#.6 9 Types of @roups .ommonly Ised in
"ubstance Abuse Treatment. Retrieed 9H#;H#%( from
.R. !ealth. 49&&&6 Interpersonal Therapy: What is it? Retrieed 9H#%H#% from
Mar-owit,( >ohn .. 4M.D.6. 49&&:6. Psychiatry Gnline. In The Clinical Conduct of
Interpersonal Psychotherapy. Retrieed #H;&H#%( from
Jursing Theories. 49&#96 A Companion to nursing theories and models.
Retrieed 9H#;H#%( from

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