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1) Command phase (form groups)

2) Ac!ons ("ra# cards form he ac!ondec$ o deerm!ne se%uence of p&a')
() Com)a (S!mu&an!ous* Characers #!h!n + !nch ma' r' o ma$e conac)
,) -ora&echec$s for &os com)a and casua&!es
Form groups
/h!s !s done )' ass!ngn!ng d!fferen characers o 1 characer* he commander0 /he characers mus )e #!h!n he
commandrange of he commander o )e par of he group0
1 Fo&&o#ers2
Fo&&o#ers mus )e ass!ngned o a e&eg!)&e unroued &eader (#h!ch )ecomes he commander) and form
group !f poss!)&e0
3f h!s !s no poss!)&e he' mus r' o form group #!h an' e&!g!)&e unroued !nd!4!dua& (#h!ch )ecomes
he commander)0
3f h!s !s no poss!)&e he' mus r' o form group #!h oher e&!g!)&e fo&&o#ers (po!n ou #h!ch e&!g!)&e
unroued fo&&o#er )ecomes he commander)0
3f h!s !s no poss!)&e hen fo&&o#er !s group of !s o#n0
1 3nd!4!dua&s2 -a' )e par of group* commander of a group or ma' form goup on !s o#n0
1 Leaders2 -a' )e par of group* commander of a group or ma' form goup on !s o#n0
1) Determine number of actions for each group:
"5 6 Leadersh!p of commander (#!h a 71 per #ound and - mar$er of he &eader)2
56 8 , ac!ons
29+ 8 ( ac!ons
:91 8 2 ac!ons
nega!4e 8 1 ac!on
2) Execute actions (a&& ac!ons of a characer mus )e e;ecued )efore 'ou ac!4ae an oher one)
1A 2 -o4e 1"5 !nch and change fac!ng up o <:= (a he end and )eg!nn!ng of an ac!on)0
1A 2 Change Fac!ng more han <:=0
1A 2 C&!m) o4er o)sac&e0
1A 2 Sand Up0
(A 2 Charge (8 urn up o <:= and mo4e ,"5 !nch sra!ghfor#ard* 61 com)apo!n* fa!& o reach arge 2
remo4e h!ghes ro&&* no a&&o#ed o4er o)sac&e)0
/hro# a&& d!ce for mo4emen a he same !me > ("ou))&e 1 2 Characer fa&&s !med!a&' o4er)
3f conaced !n he rear (fron 8 1?:=)@ urn o face opponen* on&' !f no a&read' !n conac >
3f 'ou mo4e #!h a &oaded #eapon pu 1 A mar$er (e; cros)o#s* spear and sma&& hro#!ng #eapon)0
3f 'ou mo4e hrough d!ff!cu& erra!n rero& a&& + and 5 (rero& on&' one !me) (or ha&4e h!ghes ro&&* round!ng do#n)
Fire 2
1A 2 F!re (arc 8 <:=)0
1A 2 Aemo4e 1 Ae&oad -ar$er0
1A 2 A!m (8 61 o h!* on&' !f range !s more han 5 !nch)0
1A 2 Bo on o4er#ach (shoo !n reac!on o enem' ac!on)0
Un&es characers ge a an order from he!r commander he' mus r' o2
Sa' #!h!n!n ha&f he commandrange of he!r commander0
3f he comander doesn mo4e* sand s!&&0
Ca! o mo4e un!& he!r commander does0
-a$e conac !f he!r commander does* charge !f he does (e; archers)0
-a$e no conac !f he!r commander doesn r'0
/hro# 1"5 afer each order0 3f resu& 6 mod!f!ers !s 5 or more* he commander ma' g!4e no more orders0
5 !nch 12 !nch 2, !nch (5 !nch Ae&oad !me
Aegu&ar Do# , ( 2 1 (
Long Do# , , ( 2 ,
Cros)o# , , , ( +
Aep09Cos)o# , 2 1 2
Spear ( 1 2
Sma&& hro#n #eapons , 2
Modifiers :
Co4er 2 9 ; Counded shooer 2 91
A!med sho 2 61 E;per )o#men 2 61
Result :
5 6 8 No effec E F9? 8 /'pe 1 h! E <91: 8 /'pe 2 h! E 116 8 /'pe ( h!
Sh!e&ded arge 2 sa4e on 56
Hits :
/'pe 1 .! /'pe 2 .! /'pe ( .!
:9 E -r0 /es -r0 /es 9 1
1 E -r0 /es 9 1 1 C
2 -r0 /es 1 C 1 C
( -r0 /es 9 1 1 C 2 C
, 1 C 2 C 2 C
+ 1 C 2 C ( C
5 2 C ( C ( C
F6 2 C ( C , C
Modifiers :
No ArmourE.ea4' Armour 8 61E91
3f f!r!ng #!h hro#!nga;e or hro#!ngspear
Reasons :
.!9char -ora&ees or Cound from f!re0
Fr!end dead #!h!n 12 !nch0
Los Com)a* #ounded !n com)a or -r es resu& from com)a0
/o Aa&&' (a he sar of he f!rs ac!4a!on each urn)0
Result :
91 or &es 2 2 - mar$ers
:92 2 1 - mar$er
(6 2 OG
Modifiers :
91 Per Cound
91 Per - mar$er
91 Per e;ra opponen !n .and9o9hand
91 3f +:H 6 of s%uad !s dead or runn!ng
91 Per frend dead E runn!ng a#a' #!h!n 12 !nch
6 1 Con com)a
61 Commander !s a Leader and !n L0O0S0
Effects :
1 - -ar$er 2 See$ co4er !f no !n h99h (free urn and ,"5)
26 - -ar$ers 2 Aun a#a' > (!f !n com)a 2 opponen 1 free aac$* ro&& on /'pe 1 h! a)&e)
Each character puts D! in secret "#ssautl$%lose combat and &rappling) 'otal number ma( not be more then
modifierd number of combatpoints)
Modifiers :
Per #ound 2 91 Com)a po!n
Charge 2 61 Com)a po!n
Ounum)ered 2 91 on defense !n e4er' round
29handed9#eapon 2 91 !n Brapp&!ng round
"o#n 2 92 Com)a po!ns (ma' sand up afer com)a)
Aac$!ng an opponen on h!gh ground 2 9 1 aac$ !n Assau& and Brapp&!ng rounds
Aac$!ng across hedge or #a&& 2 91 o aac$ !n Assau& and C&ose Com)a rounds* no Brapp&!ng* no Charge
Aear aac$2 91 def aga!ns ha aac$* 91 on aac$ o he rear0
Result :
Score I ; 2 oponens score 8 /'pe ( .!
Score !s I oponens score 8 /'pe 2 .!
Score !s 8 oponens score /'pe 1 .!
Sh!e&d S#ord Spear A;e F&a!& .a&)erd Gn!fe
Assau& 61 defense 62 aac$
61 defense
61 Aac$
op0 72 def 6 1 aac$ 9 1 aac$
9 1 defense
61 defense 61 aac$
61 defense
9 1 aac$ 91 defense 91 aac$ 9 1 defense 9 1 aac$
Brapp&!ng 92 aac$
91 defense
9 1 defense 91 aac$ 9 2 defense
"A-ABE 9 1 dmg 61 dmg 61 dmg 9 1 dmg
You ma' aac$ on&' 1 ad4ersar'0 Po!n ou #h!ch one afer a&& d!ce are pu* )u )efor he' are re4ea&ed0
OP/3ONAL 2 each characer ma' pu e!her 1 A&&9ou9aac$ ch! or 1 A&&9ou9defense ch!) #!h one of h!s d!ce0
A&&9ou9aac$ 8 61 aac$* 92 defense !n ha phase
A&&9ou9defense 8 61 defense* 92 aac$ !n ha phase
Hits :
/'pe 1 .! /'pe 2 .! /'pe ( .!
:9 E -r0 /es -r0 /es 71
1 E -r0 /es 71 1 C
2 -r0 /es 1 C 1 C
( -r0 /es 71 1 C 2 C
, 1 C 2 C 2 C
+ 1 C 2 C ( C
5 2 C ( C ( C
F6 2 C ( C , C
Modifiers :
No ArmourE.ea4' Armour 8 61E91
SronghECea$ opos!ng Characer !n hand9o9hand 8 61E91
29handed9#eapon 8 61
2 hand #eapons 2 no 'pe ( h!s !n c&ose com)a and grapp&!ng ('pe 2 !nsead)
Free hand 2 no 'pe ( h!s !n he grapp&!ng ('pe 2 !nsead)

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