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Experiment-11: Analysis of Vinegar

Acid- Base Titration

Mass percent calculations
Molarity calculation
Acid and Base terminologies
In 1884 Svante August Arrhenius defined acids and bases in terms of the species they
produce upon dissolution in ater! An Arrhenius acid is a hydrogen-containing
compound that produces hydrogen ion "#
$ upon dissolution in ater! %or e&ample'
#(l "g$ ) #*+ "l$ H
(aq) ) (l
#ydrgen chloride ater hydrogen ion chloride
An Arrhenius ase is a hydro&ide-containing compound that produces hydro&ide ion

$ upon dissolution in ater! %or e&ample'
-a+# "s$ ) #*+ "l$ -a
"a,$ ) !H
Sodium hydo&ide ater sodium ion hydro&ide ion
In 1.*/' Bronsted and 0oery broadened the definitions of acids and bases that apply to
both a,ueous and nona,ueous solutions! A Bronsted-0oery acid is a substance that can
donate a proton "#
$ to another substance! A Bronsted-0oery base is a substance that
can accept a proton "#
$ to another substance!
Some common acids are1 H(l -#ydrochloric acid "stomach acid$' H-+/ - -itric acid
H"S+4 - Sulfuric acid' H"(+/ -(arbonic acid' H(*#/+* - Acetic acid "(#/(++H$
Some common bases are1 -a!H- Sodium hydro&ide' 2!H- 3otassium hydro&ide'
-#4!H -Ammonium hydro&ide "Ammonia plus ater$
In 1.4.' Sorensen proposed pH scale to identify and compare acid or base strength in
dilute a,ueous solutions! 5&pressed mathematically' p# 6 - log 7#/+
8! The p# scale
ranges from 4 to 14! The p# value of a solution sample can be e&perimentally determined
in a chemistry laboratory using a p# meter! Acids have a p# value less than 9!44 and
bases have p# value more that 9!44! The p# value of 9!44 indicates a neutral solution
such as pure ater! The loer the p# value' greater the acidity! The higher the p# value'
greater the basicity!
(oncentration "strength$ of an acid or base may be e&pressed in terms of Molarity or
mass percent! #olarity is defined as the number of moles of solute per liter of solution!
M 6 molarity 6 moles:liter 6 "; moles of solute: volume of solution in liters$
<here ; moles of solute 6 grams of solute: molar mass of solute= and 1444 m0 6 1 0!
3ercent by mass is defined as the mass of solute divided by the mass of solution
multiplied by 144!
$ #ass 6 "mass of solute: mass of solution$ & 144
<here mass of solution 6 "mass of solute ) mass of solvent$
An acid reacts ith a base to produce a slat and ater! This popular reaction is >non is
the %eutrali&ation reaction! %or e&ample'
H(l "a,$ ) -a!H "a,$ -a(l "a,$ ) #*+ "l$
Acid base salt ater
?inegar is essentially a very dilute a,ueous solution of acetic acid' (H
(!!H! There
are many vinegars on the mar>et1 name brands' generic brands' flavored vinegars and
cider vinegar! But they all contain acetic acid as the active ingredient' hich has several
household uses such as pic>ling' dressing' and seasoning! As per the federal guidelines'
vinegar must contain at least 4@ of acetic acid! It means that 4!4 g of acetic acid must be
present in 144 g of vinegar solution! The process by hich vinegar is made is
theoretically ,uite simple "li,uid ingredients are fermented until they turn acidic' and
then the resulting li,uid is filtered and diluted$ but the steps actually ta>en are many and
+ne ay to determine the amount of acetic acid present in vinegar is through titration!
*itration is a techni,ue used to determine the concentration of a solution and hence the
amount of solute in the solution! A solution hose concentration is >non is termed as a
standard solution+ In a titration' a solution of >non concentration "called the titrant$ is
reacted ith a specific volume of the solution of un>non concentration "the analyate$!
The titrant is added in a controlled and measured manner to the analyate until each
reactant is completely consumed= that is' there is no unreacted titrant or analyate in the
reaction vessel! This point is >non as the equi,alence point and at this point the moles
of titrant and moles of analyate are stoichiometrically e,ual' according to the balanced
e,uation! The e,uivalence point can be seen by a color change in an indicator' a
molecule that changes color depending on the reaction conditions! The concentration of
the analyate' e&pressed as molarity or moles per liter' can thus be found >noing the
concentration and volume of the titrant' its stoichiometric relationship to the analayte and
the volume of the analyate titrated! Many types of solutions can be titrated' but the most
common type of titration is an acid-base titration! Aetermining the concentration of acetic
acid in vinegar is an e&ample of this type of titration! #ere the acetic acid is the analyate
hose concentration is to be determined! A base' such as -a+#' is the titrant! At the
e,uivalence point' the moles of base e,ual the moles of acid according to the reaction
(#/(++H "a,$ ) -a!H "a,$ -a(#/(++ "a,$ ) #*+ "l$
Acetic Acid base Sodium acetate' a salt ater
At the e,uivalence point1 moles of acid - moles of ase or
(molarity of acid & volume of acid$ 6 "molarity of base & volume of base$
here molarity of acid 6 un>non' to be found at the end of e&periment
volume of acid 6 >non' you ill use .+/ m0
molarity of base 6 >non' /+1 # -a+# standard solution provided
volume of base 6 >non' final minus initial buret reading!
Mass percent of acetic acid can easily be calculated from the molarity!
1ndicator 1 / drops 3henolphthalein in each trail! End point of titration1 hen colorless
solution in 5rlenmeyer flas> changes to lightest permanent pin2!
1! Transfer appro&imately *4 m0 ?inegar into a clean and dry small siBe bea>er and
ta>e it your bench! Ao not ta>e the big bottle to your des>!
*! Csing a small graduated cylinder' transfer e&act D!4 m0 vinegar into a clean
5rlenmeyer flas>! If inside of this 5rlenmeyer flas> is et' it ill not affect your
results! Add *D m0 distilled ater into this flas>! Add / drops of phenolphthalein!
So there ill be three items in this 5rlenmeyer flas> "D!4 m0 vinegar ) *D m0
distilled ater / drops of phenolphthalein$! Sirl the flas> for 1 minute to mi& the
contents thoroughly!
/! Transfer appro&imately 144 m0 4!1 M -a+# into a *D4 m0 bea>er and ta>e it to
your bench! Eou ill use this -a+# to fill-up the buret! Ao not ta>e the big bottle
of -a+# to your des>!
4! Fevie the figure! <ash and rinse a buret ith distilled ater! Then rinse this
buret tice ith D m0 portions of the 4!1 M -a+#' and drain into the designated
aste container! %ill the buret almost to the top ith 4!1 M -a+#! (lamp this
buret to the iron stand! +pen the stopcoc>:control >nob sloly to drain out -a+#
until the loest level of meniscus is at 4!44 m0 mar>! Ma>e sure there are no air
bubbles! 4!44 m0 is your initial reading!
D! 3lace the 5rlenmeyer flas> from step-* under the buret and start titration as
demonstrated by your teacher! Femember to >eep sirling the flas> hile adding
-a+# in a drop ise and slo manner! +ne may place a hite piece of paper
under the flas> to observe the end point "colorless to permanent lightest pin>$!
+nce you reach the end point add no more -a+#! Fead the buret! This is your
final buret reading! The difference beteen final and initial reading is the volume
of 4!1 M -a+# used in this trail;1 "GGGGGGGGGGm0$
H! Aiscard the contents of 5rlenmeyer flas> into the designated aste container!
9! Csing a small funnel carefully refill the buret to 4!44 ith 4!1 M -a+# solution!
8! Fepeat step-*! This is your second trial!
.! Fepeat step-D! ?olume of 4!1 M -a+# used in this trail;* "GGGGGGGGGGm0$
14! +ne by one discard the contents of 5rlenmeyer flas>' buret and left over solutions
into the designated aste container!
0aoratory 4eport511: Analysis of Vinegar
Aate of 5&perimentGGGGGGGGGGG InstructorIs InitialsGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
6ata and (alculations
1! ?olume of ?inegar used in each trail 6 D!44 m0
*! Molarity of -a+# used in each trail 6 4!1 M
/! ?olume of -a+# used in trail;1 "%inal J Initial buret reading$ 6 GGGGGGGG m0
4! ?olume of -a+# used in trail;* "%inal J Initial buret reading$ 6 GGGGGGGG m0
D! Average ?olume of -a+# used 6 ";/ ) ;4$ : * 6 GGGGGGGGG m0
H! (alculate Molarity of Acetic acid in vinegar 6 GGGGGGGGG M
(molarity of acetic acid & volume of acid$ 6 "molarity of base & volume of base$
volume of acid = step-1, molarity of base = step-2, volume of base = step-5
9! (alculate the molecular eight of Acetic acid using a 3eriodic table6
8! Krams of acetic acid in one liter of ?inegar 6 Molarity & Molecular eight
6 step-H & step-9 6 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG g
.! Krams of acetic acid in 144 m0 of ?inegar 6 step-8:14 6 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG g
14! (alculate @ of acetic acid in vinegar1
"Assuming density of vinegar is 1!44 g:ml so144 m0 of ?inegar 6 144 g ?inegar$
@ of acetic acid in vinegar 6 "step-. g:144 g $ & 144 6 GGGGGGGGGGGGGG @
Lnumerically ;. and ;14 are sameM
7ho8 all your 8or2 on the ac2side9 :se proper units and significant figures99
1! A 14!4 m0 vinegar sample as completely neutraliBed by **!D m0 4!* M -a+#
solution! (alculate molarity and @ of Acetic acid in vinegar!

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