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September 5, 2014

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The ValuEngine Weekly is an Investor Education newsletter focused on the quantitative approach to
investing and the tools available from In today's fast-moving and globalied financial markets! it is easy to
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VALUATION WARNING: Our Valuation WARNING is back ON. Overvalued
stocks now make u !".#$% o& our stocks assi'ned a valuation and
$#.$(% o& t)ose e*uities are calculated to be overvalued b+ $,% or more.
-I&teen sectors are calculated to be overvalued..ei')t b+ double di'its.
/0ITOR12 NOT/: T)ere will be no -ree Weekl+ Newsletter ne3t week.
Valu/n'ine will resume t)e normal ublication sc)edule wit) t)e
2etember 45t) edition.
Inde3 2tarted week -rida+ 67 8)an'e 8)an'e % +td
09IA %&'(&")* %&%%'"+ 4:.4" ,.,"% :.$$%
NA20A; ),(*")* ),++"*, .$!.4< .,.(<% 5.::%
RU22/LL $,,, %%&&"*( %%+&"+& .5.!$ .,."$% ,.:(%
2=6 (,, *'''"&* *''*"*- 4.(4 ,.,"% ".:$%
2ummar+ o& V/ 2tock Universe
2tocks Undervalued :4.("%
2tocks Overvalued !".#$%
2tocks Undervalued b+ $,% 5.$,%
2tocks Overvalued b+ $,% $#.$(%
2ector 8)an'e 7T0 >T0 Valuation Last 4$.7
Aerosace '"-%. '"(,. '"&+. %'"*+. overvalued *("%*. %("&/
Auto.Tires.Trucks -'"-'. '"*(. ,"+'. %%"*). overvalued %("/+. %/"',
@asic 7aterials -'",+. -%"%(. &"-&. '"'%. undervalued -"'&. *+"(
@usiness 2ervices -'"'). '")'. %"&'. +"/%. overvalued %(",+. *)"&/
8omuter and Tec)nolo'+ -'"%*. '"'). &"*,. %)"%+. overvalued %&",*. --"'*
8onstruction '"%(. -'",+. *"-). ,"%'. overvalued %+",/. *,"+-
8onsumer 0iscretionar+ -'"*,. -'"%). -'"%/. /",*. overvalued %)",). *("),
8onsumer 2tales -'"*-. -'",%. ,"%+. %,"-&. overvalued %+"+%. *)"'(
-inance -'"*'. '"*(. ,"-%. /"&(. overvalued %-",*. %&"/(
Industrial 6roducts '"'(. '"*+. '"(,. &"+%. overvalued %-"+'. *-")(
7edical -'"++. -'"&*. %'"/-. %%"(+. overvalued *&"-%. -'"'%
7ulti.2ector 8on'lomerates -'"-+. '"+,. ,",(. %-",-. overvalued %&"/). **"*(
Oils./ner'+ -%"--. -%"//. %&"%+. %*"+,. overvalued *'"*,. *+"/%
Retail.W)olesale '"%*. '",*. -*"'-. (",+. overvalued +"(+. *)"*/
Transortation '"%&. '"(,. /"+%. %)"++. overvalued *&"'*. *%"+(
Utilities -'"%+. '"%). (")/. &"+-. overvalued **"*'. *'",&
ValuEngine e!"letter" #ate"t Re"ult"
V/ Newsletter 8urrent 7ont) Total 2=6 (,, Last 7ont) Total 2=6 (,, 2ince
-orecast 7N2 4.!5 4.#< .".(# .,.," "4.!( 44(.":
0ividend 2tock .,.:< ,.4# ,.#5 ,.<: $(."" $".<,
2mall 8a 2tock 4.5: ,.<$ $."" ,.!( :$."4 #:.$:
View $.," ,.5! $.!$ ,.,, 4:,.:: <#.5"
Se$t%r Tal&'Retail(W)%le"ale
Below, we present the latest data on leading Retail/Wholesale Sector stocks
from our Institutional software package (VEI. These results were filtered by market
price and volumeno results below !"/share or less than #$$k shares/day volume.
To.-ive Retail?W)olesale 2ector 2tocks..2)ort.Term -orecast Returns
Ticker Name 7kt 6rice ValuationA%B Last 4$.7
I7 I01234 4I526 */"*, -*"&, *+"(&
6RT2 78 37T6 932T8 -"'% -*/"+, **'"*%
CL- :E2;3<I=E <T> )("*( -*+"(, -*-"%,
VRA VE23 ;23><E? *'"&/ -*'"/) +"/(
8ONN 56008 I05 *(")- -)) -,+"(*
To.-ive Retail?W)olesale 2ector 2tocks..Lon'.Term -orecast Returns
Ticker Name 7kt 6rice ValuationA%B Last 4$.7
I7 I01234 4I526 */"*, -*"&, *+"(&
6RT2 78 37T6 932T8 -"'% -*/"+, **'"*%
CL- :E2;3<I=E <T> )("*( -*+"(, -*-"%,
VRA VE23 ;23><E? *'"&/ -*'"/) +"/(
8ONN 56008 I05 *(")- -)) -,+"(*
To.-ive Retail?W)olesale 2ector 2tocks..8omosite 2core
Ticker Name 7kt 6rice ValuationA%B Last 4$.7
I7 I01234 4I526 */"*, -*"&, *+"(&
ADO 37T6@60E I05 ,-)"(& '"/* *+",-
6AG 9E08AE 37T6 129 )&", -*"'+ %+"'/
CL- :E2;3<I=E <T> )("*( -*+"(, -*-"%,
AN 37T603TI60 I05 ,-"), -)"/( %*",-
To.-ive Retail?W)olesale 2ector 2tocks..7ost Overvalued
Ticker Name 7kt 6rice ValuationA%B Last 4$.7
CGG ::12E11 I05 +"(* %/+"/+ -+%",%
A7DN 343@60"564 I05 -),"(, +%"%% %&"/%
TA T23VE<5E0TE28 %%"-( +'"/+ )+"(&
N-LE 0ET=<IB I05 )&*"+& ,&")( +%"+)
NL2 037TI<78 I05 %*"'+ ,+"(& /,"/*
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#$ $%&I'()I$#, *+ ,(-
F.EE ).I(&/
To 2i'n U &or a
6lease 8lick
*ree +%!nl%a, -%r Rea,er"
(s a 0onus to our Free Weekly #ewsletter su0scri0ers, we are offering a F.EE
,$W#&$(, of one of our Stock .eports
Tesla %otors, &nc. 'TS()* designs, manufactures, and sells electric vehicles and
electric vehicle powertrain components. The +ompany is head,uartered in -alo )lto,
.alu/ngine continues its S/(( recommendation on T/S() %0T0RS for 1$#2$3
$2. Based on the information we have gathered and our resulting research, we feel
that T/S() %0T0RS has the probability to 456/R-/R70R% average market
performance for the ne8t year. The company e8hibits 45)TTR)+T&./ Book %arket
Ratio and -rice Sales Ratio.
(s a 0onus to our #ewsletter readers,
we are offering a F.EE ,$W#&$(, of one of our Stock .eports
.ead our 1omplete ,etailed Valuation .eport on )esla Motors C/R/.
Suttmeier Sa."
""1ommentary and (nalysis from 1hief Market Strategist
.ichard Suttmeier
If you have any co!!ents or "uestions, sen# the! to
'reasury (iel#s
#$9ear'1.22:* ) ,uarterly value level is !.$2; with daily, annual, weekly, monthly
and semiannual risky levels at 1.!;3, 1.1:!, 1.1$<, 1.$=#, #.333 and #.==3.
!$9ear Bond > '!.1$=* )nnual and ,uarterly value levels are !.1;! and !.3=# with
annual, semiannual and daily pivots at !.#$=, !.$;1 and !.#!!, and weekly, monthly
and semiannual risky levels at 1.3!2, 1.=3# and 1.2;=.
Co!!o#ities an# )ore*
+ome8 ?old >'"#1:!.!* ) ,uarterly value level is "#1!2.: with weekly and daily pivots
at #1;=.= and "#1=$.3, and monthly, semiannual and annual risky levels at "#!=1.1,
"#:#!.$, "#=!;.=, "#=2=.2 and "#;#;.;.
5yme8 +rude 0il > '"32.<2* ) weekly value level is "31.<3 with a daily pivot at "3<.$:
and monthly, semiannual, annual and ,uarterly risky levels at "#$#.1#, "#$:.2;,
"#$=.<1 and "#$=.=$.
The /uro > '#.132!* ) semiannual value level is #.11$! with daily, weekly, monthly and
annual pivots at #.133#, #.!#!$, #.!!2$ and #.!!;1 and ,uarterly risky level at #.2$=3.
+a,or In#ices
6aily 6ow '#=$=$* Weekly, monthly, semiannual and annual value levels
are #::3$, #::#<, #:!#$, #2;!< and #!2:= with the Sept. 2 alltime intraday
high at #=#:#.<< and daily, ,uarterly and semiannual risky levels at #=#=$,
#==<! and #;<<1.
S@- <$$ > '#33=.=* %onthly, weekly, semiannual and annual value levels are
#3=;.1, #3<2.;, #=;3.!, #<!3.# and #221.# with the Sept. 2 alltime intraday
high at 1$##.#=, and daily, ,uarterly and semiannual risky levels at 1$#$.;,
1$<1.! and 1$;$.!.
5)S6)A > '2<:1* %onthly, weekly, semiannual and annual value levels are
22:3, 2222, !3=1, !2=# and !$:! with a ,uarterly pivot at 2<:3, the Sept.!
multiyear intraday high at 2:#$.#2 and daily and semiannual risky levels at
2:$1 and 2:21.
5)S6)A #$$ '56B* > '2$::* Weekly, monthly, ,uarterly, semiannual and
annual value levels are 2$13, !3=1, !;32, !<#<, !$=; and 1::3 with the Sept.
! multiyear intraday high at 2#$2.2! and daily and semiannual risky levels at
2$3< and 2#$<.
6ow Transports > ';<<$* Weekly, ,uarterly, semiannual and annual value
levels are ;!1:, ;1<:, =21!, :123 and <3!< with monthly, daily and
semiannual pivots at ;2#$, ;<#$ and ;22=, the Sept. 2 alltime intraday high
at ;<3$.#!.
Russell 1$$$ > '##:=.1#* %onthly, semiannual, weekly and annual value
levels are ##23.=$, ##!3.;#, #$31.<<, 3::.=1 and ;=3.!3 with a daily risky level
at ##;#.==, the Culy # alltime intraday high at #1#!.<< and semiannual and
,uarterly risky levels at #1;<.!= and #13!.##.
The S0B > ':2<.=1* Auarterly, weekly, semiannual and annual value levels
are :1:.3:, :#$.<#, :$;.$1, <#1.32, !=#.<; and !!=.=2 with a daily pivot at
:22.$3, the Culy #: multiyear intraday high :<1.1; and monthly risky level at
6ow 4tilitiesD '<:#.2=* Weekly, annual, ,uarterly, semiannual and annual
value levels are <<2.3$, <2;.=$, <!:.22, <1!.=1 and 23=.<!, with a daily pivot
at <:2.$!, Cune !$ all time intraday high at <=:.3; and monthly and
semiannual risky levels at <3;.1: and :#1.23.
-tock of the .ay
Richard Suttmeier has been a professional in the 4S +apital %arkets since
#3=1 transferring his engineering skills to the trading and investment world. Ee
earned a Bachelor of &ndustrial /ngineering degree from ?eorgia &nstitute of
Technology in #3::, and a %aster of Science, 0perations Research, Systems
)nalysis degree from Brooklyn -olytechnic 4niversity in #3=$. 0ver the years
Richard appeared many times in the financial media, on networks such as
+5B+, +55, +55fn, 5ew 9ork #, Bloomberg T. and radio, 7o8 Business, Business
5ews 5etwork in +anada, Wall Street Week with 7ortune, 9ahoo 7inance
Breakout, and the Bill %aFer Radio Show. Richard has been fre,uently ,uoted in
4S) Today, The 59 Times, Wall Street Cournal, Reuters, and The 6ow Cones
0ne of the more popular features of Richard SuttmeierGs %orning Briefing
for investors is his stock of the day. &n every issue, Suttmeier highlights one stock
and provides ./ data as well as his own proprietary technical data.
6R Eorton '6E&* > '"1#.!:* 6.R. Eorton, &nc., one of the largest homebuilders in the
4nited States, builds high ,uality, singlefamily homes designed principally for the
entrylevel and moveup markets. 7ounded in #3=;, the company builds and sells
homes with a geographic presence in the %idwest, %id)tlantic, Southeast,
Southwest, and Western regions of the 4nited States. The company also provides
mortgage financing and title services.
)nalysis > 6R Eorton has a Strong Buy rating according to .alu/ngine and is #=.:;H
undervalued with fair value at "1<.:1 and oneyear price target at "12.;=. The daily
chart shows declining stochastics with the stock above its 1#day simple moving
average at "1#.#= but below its <$day and 1$$day simple moving averages at
"11.!3 and "11.#3. ) weekly value level is "#;.;3 with semiannual and monthly risky
levels at "1!.$# and "1!.$:.

8ourtes+ 7eta2tock?Denit)
Wit) Ric)ard 2uttmeier1s
7ornin' @rie&in'F +ou 'et
dail+ anal+sis o& U2
Treasur+ >ieldsF GoldF
8rude OilF and 8urrenc+
/3c)an'e Rates..0ollarF
>enF 6oundF and /
well as ke+ tec)nical
indicators &or t)e maGor
e*uit+ avera'es.
8lick C/R/ to 2i'n
U &or 8)ie& 7arket
2trate'ist Ric)ard
7ornin' @rie&in'H

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