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Computer Aided Drawing - Auto CAD - Spring 2013 - Page 1 of 1

NOTE: Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt four questions from the rest. All questions carry equal marks.
Mobile phones and other electronic gadgets are not allowed.

Q.1 (a) Fill in the blanks with appropriate choice. (10)
1. As you move the cursor, the coordinates changes at the _________.
i. Titile bar. ii. Status bar. iii. Menu bar.
2. To exit AutoCAD ________ command can be used.
i. Exit. ii. Close. iii. Quit.
3. AutoCAD provides ________ toolbars.
i. 15. ii. 20. iii. 28.
4. Lines drawn at 0, 90, 180, and 270 degree are called _________.
i. Orthogonal lines. ii. Diagonal lines. iii. Both of them.
5. AutoCAD provides ________ types of snap settings.
i. Grid snap. ii. Polar snap. iii. Both of them.
6. To set the drawing limits ___________ command.
i. Limits. ii. Boundary. iii. Grid.
7. 2p is the option for the ________ command.
i. Rectangle. ii. Circle. iii. Elipse.
8. ____________ is used to draw an object in a position relative to a previously drawn object.
i. SNAP. ii. GRID. iii. OBJECT SNAP.
9. When a object is selected drawn in the drawing area, _________ appears around the object.
i. Square. ii. Tooltip. iii. Grips.
10. To specify next coordinate with respect to the origin (0,0) is called _______ coordinate system.
i. Absolute. ii. Relative. iii. Dynamic.

(b) Identify that which of the following statements is TRUE/FALSE. (4)
1. Ortho mode cannot be used in conjunction with Polar mode at the same time.
2. To stop an already started command ESCAPE key should be used.
3. To extend an object cutting edge is needed to be specified.
4. Mirror command requires to specify base point.

Q.2 Differentiate between the followings. Give answer precisely not more than four lines each.(14)
1. Drawing file and Template file.
2. Copy command and Array command.
3. Line command and Spline command.
4. Polygon command and Rectangle command.
5. Bhatch command and Hatch command.

Subject : Computer Aided Drawing - Auto CAD
Time Allowed: 03 Hours
Examination: Final, Spring 2013
Total Marks: 80
Sarhad University, Peshawar
(Distance Education)

Name: _________________________________________, Roll No. __________________

Computer Aided Drawing - Auto CAD - Spring 2013 - Page 2 of 1

Q.3 (a) Describe the following commands. (14)

Q.4 (a) What is meant by a coordinate, describe the Cartesian and Polar coordinates in detail
with an example each. (10)
(b) Differentiate between 2D coordinates and 3D coordinates commands. (4)

Q.5 Answer to the following questions. Write only the precise steps. (14)
1. Describe the procedure (steps) of drawing a rectangle.
2. Describe the procedure (steps) of creating a circle by using 3P method.
3. Describe the procedure (steps)of scaling an object to half of its size.
4. Describe the procedure (steps) of rotating an object to 90 degree.
5. Describe the procedure (steps) of setting a drawing unit of measurement.

Q.6 (a) What is meant by block, discuss the procedure of creating and inserting a block into
drawing. (10)
(b) Can an already created block can be redefined. If yes discuss the procedure of
redefining an already created block. (4)

Q.7 (a) What is meant by Dimension in AutoCAD, Describe the elements, properties of a
Dimension in AutoCAD. (8)
(b) Discuss the following types of dimension with relevant procedures (steps) required to
be taken in using these dimensions. (6)
1. Radius dimension.
2. Diameter dimension.

Q.8 Write short notes on any TWO of the followings. ( 7, 7 )
1. Interface of AutoCAD.
2. Layers in AutoCAD.
3. Applications of AutoCAD in the different fields.

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