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Paper Reference(s)

Edexcel GCE
Mechanics M1
Gold Level G1
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
Materials required or examination !tems included "ith question #a#ers
Mathematical Formulae (Pink) Nil
Candidates may use any calculator allowed by the
regulations of the Joint
Council for Qualifcations. Calculators must not have the
facility for symbolic
algebra manipulation, diferentiation and integration, or
have retrievable
mathematical formulas stored in them.
!nstructions to Candidates
In the boxes on the answer book, write the name of the examining bod (!dexcel), our
centre number, candidate number, the unit title (Mechanics M"), the paper reference (##$$),
our surname, other name and signature%
&hene'er a numerical 'alue of g is re(uired, take g ) *%+ m s
&hen a calculator is used, the answer should be gi'en to an appropriate degree of accurac%
!normation or Candidates
- booklet .Mathematical Formulae and /tatistical 0ables1 is pro'ided%
Full marks ma be obtained for answers to -22 (uestions%
0here are # (uestions in this (uestion paper% 0he total mark for this paper is $3%
$dvice to Candidates
4ou must ensure that our answers to parts of (uestions are clearl labelled%
4ou must show sufficient working to make our methods clear to the !xaminer% -nswers
without working ma gain no credit%
%u&&ested &rade 'oundaries or this #a#er:
$( $ ) C * E
66 +, -. -1 31 /-
Gold 1 0his publication ma onl be reproduced in accordance with !dexcel 2imited copright polic%
,55$6,5"7 !dexcel 2imited%
8old "9 "":"; ,
10 Particle P has mass 7 kg and particle Q has mass , kg% 0he particles are mo'ing in opposite
directions on a smooth hori<ontal plane when the collide directl% Immediatel before the
collision, P has speed 7 m s
and Q has speed , m s
% Immediatel after the collision, both
particles mo'e in the same direction and the difference in their speeds is " m s
(a) Find the speed of each particle after the collision%
(b) Find the magnitude of the impulse exerted on P b Q%
/0 - particle P of mass , kg is mo'ing under the action of a constant force 3 newtons% 0he
'elocit of P is (,i = 34) m s
at time t ) 5, and ($i > "54) m s
at time t ) 3 s%
(a) the speed of P at t ) 5,
(b) the 'ector 3 in the form ai > b4,
(c) the 'alue of t when P is mo'ing parallel to i%
30 - particle of mass 5%+ kg is held at rest on a rough plane% 0he plane is inclined at 75? to the
hori<ontal% 0he particle is released from rest and slides down a line of greatest slope of the
plane% 0he particle mo'es ,%$ m during the first 7 seconds of its motion% Find
(a) the acceleration of the particle,
(b) the coefficient of friction between the particle and the plane%
0he particle is now held on the same rough plane b a hori<ontal force of magnitude
X newtons, acting in a plane containing a line of greatest slope of the plane, as shown in
Figure 7% 0he particle is in e(uilibrium and on the point of mo'ing up the plane%
3i&ure 3
(c) Find the 'alue of X%
8old "9 "":"; 7
3i&ure /
0wo particles P and Q ha'e masses 5%7 kg and m kg respecti'el% 0he particles are attached to
the ends of a light inextensible string% 0he string passes o'er a small smooth pulle which is
fixed at the top of a fixed rough plane% 0he plane is inclined to the hori<ontal at an angle ,
where tan )
% 0he coefficient of friction between P and the plane is
0he string lies in a 'ertical plane through a line of greatest slope of the inclined plane% 0he
particle P is held at rest on the inclined plane and the particle Q hangs freel below the pulle
with the string taut, as shown in Figure ,%
0he sstem is released from rest and Q accelerates 'erticall downwards at "%; m s
(a) the magnitude of the normal reaction of the inclined plane on P,
(b) the 'alue of m%
&hen the particles ha'e been mo'ing for 5%3 s, the string breaks% -ssuming that P does not
reach the pulle,
(c) find the further time that elapses until P comes to instantaneous rest%
8old "9 "":"; ;
+0 @In this question, i and 4 are horizontal unit vectors due east and due north respectively and
position vectors are given with respect to a fixed origin%A
- ship S is mo'ing along a straight line with constant 'elocit% -t time t hours the position
'ector of S is s km% &hen t ) 5, s ) *i 6 #4% &hen t ) ;, s ) ,"i > "54% Find
(a) the speed of S,
(b) the direction in which S is mo'ing, gi'ing our answer as a bearing%
(c) /how that s ) (7t > *) i > (;t 6 #) 4%
- lighthouse is located at the point with position 'ector ("+i > #4) km% &hen t ) !, the ship
S is "5 km from %
(d) Find the possible 'alues of !%
60 @In this question i and 4 are unit vectors due east and due north respectively" Position vectors
are given relative to a fixed origin #%A
0wo ships P and Q are mo'ing with constant 'elocities% /hip P mo'es with 'elocit
(,i 5 74) km h
and ship Q mo'es with 'elocit (7i > ;4) km h
(a) Find, to the nearest degree, the bearing on which Q is mo'ing%
-t , p%m%, ship P is at the point with position 'ector (i > 4) km and ship Q is at the point with
position 'ector (6,4) km%
-t time t hours after , p%m%, the position 'ector of P is # km and the position 'ector of Q
is q km%
(b) &rite down expressions, in terms of t, for
(i) #,
(ii) q,
(iii) PQ%
(c) Find the time when
(i) Q is due north of P,
(ii) Q is northBwest of P%
T6T$L 367 8$8E7: 7+ M$79%
8old "9 "":"; 3
/cheme Marks
D2M9 7x7 B ,x, ) 7v > ,(v>") M" -"
) 5%# m s
E v
) "%# m s
(-" t2
Scheme Marks

speed = ,
+ (3)

= ,* = 3%; or better
(b) ( ) ( ) ( )
$i "5F 6 ,i 6 3F 3 +
M1 A1
( ) 3 "3 3 7 = + = + i 4 i 4
( ) , 7 , # m = = + = + 3 a i 4 i 4
DM1 A1ft
(c) ( ) ( ) , G3 7 t t = + = + + v u a i 4 i 4

3+ 7t
( )
Parallel to i H 3 7t 5 + = M1

t = 3 7 A1
8old "9 "":"; #
7 ,
" v +
Scheme Marks
Q3. (a)
" "
,%$ *
, ,
s ut at a = + = M1 A1
( )
5%# ms a

= A1 (3)
( ) 5%+ cos75 #%$* $ g =
Ise of
% $ = B1
5%+ sin75 5%+ g $ a = M1 A1
75 ( ) 5%+ sin75 5%+ cos75 5%+ 5%# g g =

accept 5%35$ A1 (5)
(c) $


cos75 cos #5 5%+ $ $ g = + M1 A2 (1!)
( ) ",%+ $

sin75 sin #5 X $ $ = + M1 A1
/ol'ing for X, X ", accept ",%5 DM1 A1 (")
-lternati'e to (c)
+ = #5 sin + % * + % 5 75 sin X $

= + 75 cos #5 cos + % 5 X g $

75 sin 75 cos
#5 cos + % 5 #5 sin + % 5

g g

/ol'ing for X, X ", accept ",%5
M1 A2 (1!)
M1 A1
DM1 A1 (")
8old "9 "":"; $
Scheme Marks

$ = 5%7gcos

= 5%,;g = ,%73 (7sf)),%; (,sf)

mg ! = "%;m
M" -"

! 5%7g sin % = 5%7 x "%;
M" -,

% = 5%3$ M"

!liminating $ and !

m = 5%; -"
1c2 v = 1.4 x 0.5 J"

5%7gsin % = 5%7a
M" -"

a = *%+ -"
0 = 0.7 9.8t
t ) 5%5$" s or 5%5$"; s (":"; -5) -"
Scheme Marks
Q5. (a)

( ) ," "5 * #
7 ;
= = +
i 4 i 4
v i 4 M1 A1
speed is ( ) ( )
, , "
7 ; 3 km h

+ =
M1 A1 (4)
(b) ( )
tan 7#%*
= M1
bearing is 7$, 7#%*, 7#%+$, K A1 (2)
(c) ( ) * # 7 ; t = + + s i 4 i 4
4 i ) # ; ( ) * 7 ( + + t t
cso A1 (2)
(d) Position 'ector of S relati'e to is
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 7 * ; # "+ # 7 * ; ", ! ! ! ! + + + = + i 4 i 4 i 4
M1 A1
( ) ( )
, ,
7 * ; ", "55 ! ! + = M1

,3 "35 ",3 5 ! ! + = or e(ui'alent DM1 A1
( )
# 3 5 ! ! + =

", 3 ! =
A1 (#)
8old "9 "":"; +
60 1a2 tan=
; bearing is 37
1nearest de&ree2 M"E -"

# = (i + 4) + t(,i 74)
M" -"

q = (,4) + t(7i + ;4)

8: = q # = (i 74) + t(i + $4)
M" -"

"+ t = 5 M"

t = 1 or 3pm

"+ t = (7+ $t)

t =
or 2.30 pm
8old "9 "":"; *
Examiner re#orts
:uestion 1
In the first part, man candidates showed the 'elocities in the correct direction on a diagram
but surprisingl man failed to realise that Q would be the faster particle% Most candidates
could use the conser'ation of momentum principle to produce an e(uation of the form
7 , (7 7) (, ,)
v v + =
, but fewer than half realised how to deal with the difference
between the final speeds% /ome had P tra'elling faster ("%; and 5%;), others used v for both
final speeds, found v ) " then decided either that both were tra'elling at " m s
or that the
speeds were " m s
and , m s
, either wa round%
Part (b) was rather better done with most of those obtaining wrong answers in part (a)
managing to score M" -"ft -5% Lnl a few of those who had done part (a) correctl lost the
final mark in part (b) for an answer of 6$%,%
:uestion /
In part (a) almost all candidates found the magnitude of the 'elocit to gi'e the speed
correctl% Most deri'ed the acceleration, in the second part, b subtracting the 'elocities and
di'iding b the time appropriatel (often b setting up a v ) u > at e(uation first)E howe'er, a
significant minorit continue to lack confidence in dealing with 'ectors and 'ector notation%
Most realised the then had to multipl b the mass to find the force, but sometimes the
answer gi'en was the same as the acceleration% 0he final part pro'ed to be a good
discriminator% /ome failed to set up an e(uation in terms of t for the 'elocit, using their
acceleration and the initial 'elocitE 'arious combinations of terms were often seen% Man
realised the 4Bcomponent had to be <ero, but some e(uated the iBcomponent to <ero whilst
others e(uated the two components% Ne'ertheless, there were a significant number of
candidates who correctl deduced the answer, often with 'er little working%
:uestion 3
Part (a) had a 'er high success rate and all three marks were regularl scored but the second
part was found to be more challenging% Most were able to resol'e perpendicular to the plane
to find the reaction and use it to find the limiting friction% Mowe'er, all too often there were
omissions from the e(uation of motion parallel to the plane, either the mass x acceleration
term and:or the weight component or else g was missing% Part (c) was a good discriminator
and candidates needed to realise that this was a new sstem and that there was no
acceleration% 0hose who failed to appreciate this and used their friction force from part (b)
scored no marks% 0he maForit of successful candidates resol'ed parallel and perpendicular to
the plane (although a si<eable minorit resol'ed 'erticall and hori<ontall) but e'en then a
correct final answer was rarel seen due to premature approximation or else it was gi'en to
too man figures%
:uestion -
0his (uestion pro'ed to be 'er discriminating, particularl part (c)% 0here were an impressi'e
number of correct solutions to the first two parts% - mark was often lost in part (a) due to o'er
accurac whilst a few got their sines and cosines mixed up and others left out g% In the second
part it was rare to see an attempt at the whole sstem solution and too often the friction or the
weight component was left out of the appropriate e(uation% 0he 'ast maForit considered the
two particles separatel and most candidates who obtained correct e(uations were able to
obtain the correct 'alue of m without further algebraic errors% 0he final part pro'ed to be
8old "9 "":"; "5
considerabl more difficult% Man found the speed of P when the string broke but then failed
to appreciate that the had to then find the new deceleration before the could mo'e on, with
man Fust assuming it was g, without Fustification% - number of candidates had the masses the
wrong wa round but could still pick up the maForit of the marks%
:uestion +
0here was some confusion in parts (a), (b) and (c) o'er which 'ectors were 'elocities and
which were displacements, with some e'en using acceleration% In the first part, man did not
appreciate the distinction between 'elocit and speed and in part (b) man were unable to
con'ert an appropriate angle into a bearing% 0he third part tended to be wellBanswered but a
few used .'erification1 at t ) 5 and t ) ; and scored nothing% Part (d) was a good discriminator
and the less able were often unable to make much progress% 0he maForit of candidates who
used Pthagoras to find the magnitude of the relati'e position 'ector and e(uated it to "5
scored at least 7:# but man often lost the accurac marks due to poor algebra% 0here were a
number of other methods seen which used the fact that the lighthouse was on the path of the
ship and that the speed of the ship was 3 km:h and these recei'ed full credit%
:uestion 6
0he maForit were able to find the correct bearing in part (a), but it was surprising that so
man candidates firstl, seemed not to realise that bearings need to be measured from North
and secondl, threw awa a mark b not rounding to the nearest degree 6 perhaps the were
rushing at the end of the paper% Lthers tried more exotic and totall unnecessar methods such
as the cosine rule%
!xcept for the few who seemed to ha'e no idea of how to work with 'ectors (and those who
thought 8: meant magnitude of 8:2 part (b) was done well% 0here were man who wrote
down the 'ector q 6 # correctl and were able to score a mark6 often for a correct
unsimplified expression but then made errors in simplifing which sometimes then led to
marks being lost in the final part%
Part (c) (i) was done successfull b most good candidates, but part (c)(ii) had a 'er low
success rate, with most candidates simpl e(uating the i and 4 components of 8:0 0his pro'ed
to be a good discriminator at the end of the paper%
8old "9 "":"; ""
%tatistics or M1 8ractice 8a#er Gold Level G1
Mean score for students achieving grade:
1106 4.92 8 62 4.92 6.31 5.29 4.67 3.90 3.20 1.81
1101 ! 7.30 11 66 7.30 8.95 7.15 5.72 4.58 3.67 2.16
1001 " 9.33 15 62 9.33 11.81 9.11 7.37 5.51 4.36 2.51
1106 # 8.27 16 52 8.27 12.18 9.10 6.64 4.61 2.97 1.21
1001 $ 7.77 14 56 7.77 10.85 7.13 5.36 4.28 3.19 1.39
1106 % 5.51 11 50 5.51 7.90 6.06 4.61 3.46 2.42 1.05
#"&' ($ $( #"&' $)&'' #"&)# "#&"( !%&"# *&) '&"
8old "9 "":"; ",

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