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International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-7, August 2014 ISSN 2348-6848
APPI!A"I#$ A$% A%VA$!&'&$"( I$ (#$#!)&'I("R* A$% !AVI"A"I#$-A R&VI&+ Sunil Jayant
Application and Advancements in
Sonochemistry and Cavitation-A Review
Sunil Jayant Kulkarni
!he,ical &ngineering %e-art,ent, %atta 'eghe !ollege of &ngineering, Airoli, $a.i 'u,/ai,
'aharashtra, In0ia1
2&-,ail3 sunil4a5ant6ul6arni7g,ail1co,
The research on sonochemistry and
cavitation is finding increasing importance in
the field of process intensification. The
research has been reported in order to
synthesize various products like
nanomaterials by using this technique. Also
the research has been reported in order to
study the effects of various parameters like
frequency, intensity (acoustic pressure),
solvent, bubbled gas, external parameter
(temperature, pressure) on cavitation and
bubble collapse. This revie presents the
summery of the research carried out in this
field ith respect to affecting parameters,
applications and modelling.

8u//les, colla-se, h50ro05na,ic ca.itation,

(onoche,istr5 is the a--lication of
ultrasoun0 to che,ical reactions an0
-rocesses1 "he origin of sonoche,ical
effects in li9ui0s is the -heno,enon of
acoustic ca.itation1 "his ca.it5 is calle0
ca.itation /u//le as this -rocess is calle0
ca.itation an0 the -oint :here it starts
ca.itation threshol01 "he /u//le for,e0
res-on0s to the soun0 /5 e;-an0ing
an0 contracting1 (ta/le an0 transient are
t:o t5-es of ca.itation1 <re9uenc5, intensit5
(acoustic -ressure), sol.ent, /u//le0 gas,
e;ternal -ara,eter (te,-erature, -ressure)
are fe: -ara,eters affecting the si=e, life
ti,e an0 fate of a ca.itation /u//le1 It has
/een e;-eri,entall5 sho:n that the
ca.itational colla-se creates 0rastic
con0itions insi0e the ,e0iu, for an
e;tre,el5 short ti,e3 te,-eratures of 2000-
>000 ? an0 -ressures u- to 1@00 at, insi0e
the colla-sing ca.it51 !he,istr5, ,aterials

P a g e | 590

Application and Advanceent! in Sonoc"ei!try and #avitation-A $evie%&
'ay 20(4
APPI!A"I#$ A$% A%VA$!&'&$"( I$ (#$#!)&'I("R* A$% !AVI"A"I#$-A R&VI&+ Sunil Jayant
an0 life sciences as :ell as ,e0icine are fe:
areas :here ultrasoun0 has foun0 :i0e
a--lications1 "he -resent ai,s at
-resenting the :or6 carrie0 out in this fiel01
"he research :as re-orte0 on the
a--lication of sonoche,istr5 an0 ca.itation
in s5nthesis of .arious -ro0ucts, also .arious
,o0els :ere -ro-ose0 /5 the in.estigators
for 0iscussing the reaction an0 -heno,enon
of colla-se of /u//les1
Research on Sonochemistry and

Aogate et1al1 ha.e -resente0 theoretical
stu0ies on a--lication of ca.itations for
:aste:ater treat,ent (1)1 "he focus :as to
intensif5 the 0isinfection /5 using
co,/ination of ca.itations an0
electroche,ical chlorination, o=onation1 "he
increase in :ater treat,ent a/ilit5 /ecause
of co,/ination of a/o.e -rocesses :as
consi0ere0 as a result of increase in h50ro;5l
ra0icals, increase0 o=one contact an0
0ecrease0 ,ass transfer resistance1 "he
reactor co,-letel5 re,o.e0 the nee0 of
che,ical /ioci0es an0 scale inhi/itors1 It also
-la5s .ital role in altering flo: a/ilit5 of
treate0 :ater in -ositi.e :a51 ?ratoch.Bl et1
al1 carrie0 out the research in or0er to
9uantif5 the effect of ca.itation ultrasoun0
generate0 /5 0escaling tool (2)1 !hlorofor,C
:ater ,i;ture :as use0 as 0o0i,eter1
%uring e;-osure to the ultrasoun0 the
li/erate0 chlori0e ions react :ith h50ro;5l
ions1 +ith increasing e;-osure ti,e, ,ore
h50rochloric aci0 :as for,e0 an0 -)
0ecrease01 "he a,ount of -ro0uct for,e0
:as foun0 to e;-onentiall5 -ro-ortional to
the e;-osure ti,e1 "he reaction occurre0
:as first or0er in nature1 A--lication of
sonoche,istr5 for -re-aration of ,etal
o;i0e :as stu0ie0 /5 (hri.asta.a et1al (D)1
"he ,etal o;i0es are i,-ortant ingre0ient in
surface a--lications1 "he5 0issol.e0 the
surfactant in a ,ini,u, a,ount of ethanol
in a 100-, sonication flas61 "he -recursor
:as a00e0 :ith further a00ition of :ater1
(onication :as carrie0 out for three hours1 It
:as o/ser.e0 that the sonoche,ical :a5
re0uces the ti,e consi0era/l51
)50ro05na,ic ca.itation :as use0 for
0isinfection of /acteria /5 ?ara,ah an0
(unar6o (4)1 #rifice -late an0 .enturi
in4ector t5-e of contactors :ere use0 for the
-ur-ose1 "he orifice -late ga.e /etter result
than .entur51 It :as o/ser.e0 that for the
initial concentration of 10E !<FG,, the
.alue of !G!o of orifice -late at E0 ,inutes
:as s,aller1 Also it :as foun0 that for the
initial concentration of 10> !<FG, an0 104
!<FG,, the !G!o .alue :as reache0 faster
for orifice -late than for the .enturi in4ector1
"he ultrasoun0 in0uce0 ca.itation :as use0
for s5nthesis of nano-articles /5 "heer0hala
et1al (>)1 !a.itation in0uces the colla-se of
,icro /u//les, :hich -ro.i0e e;tre,e
s5nthesis con0itions, in ter,s of
te,-erature of the or0er of >000 ?1 'etals,
allo5s, their co,-osite for,s can /e
s5nthesi=e0 /5 using this techni9ue an0

P a g e | 59(

Application and Advanceent! in Sonoc"ei!try and #avitation-A $evie%&
'ay 20(4
APPI!A"I#$ A$% A%VA$!&'&$"( I$ (#$#!)&'I("R* A$% !AVI"A"I#$-A R&VI&+ Sunil Jayant
since s5nthesis ti,e is .er5 short, the5 are
o/taine0 on nano-le.els1
"he stu0ies on sonoche,ical an0
h50ro05na,ic ca.itation reactors for
laccaseGh50rogen -ero;i0e cotton /leaching
:as carrie0 out /5 et1al(E)1"he5
trie0 to 0e.elo- a no.el an0 en.iron,ental-
frien0l5 technolog5 for cotton /leaching
:ith re0uce0 -rocessing costs1 "he5
o/ser.e0 that the use of ,e0iu, fre9uenc5
ultrasoun0 (@>0 6)=, 120 +) i,-ro.e0 the
cotton /leaching using a co,/ine0 laccaseC
h50rogen -rocess1 Also it :as o/ser.e0 that
ultrasoun0 -o:er :as /eneficial to the
cotton /leaching /5 the co,/ine0
laccaseGh50rogen -ero;i0e -rocess1
Asho66u,ar et1al1 stu0ie0 acoustic
ca.itation in 0etail (7)1"he5 0iscusse0 the
a--lication of h50ro05na,ic ca.itation as
ne: a--roach to ultrasonic -rocessing1 "he5
also 0e.elo-e0 ,athe,atical ,o0el for
rotar5 0isintegrator1 )igh noise le.el :as
one of the -ro/le,s in this a--lication,
:hich :as o.erco,e /5 constructing noise
-roof case aroun0 the e9ui-,ent1 +ang
et1al1 carrie0 out in.estigation on
sonoche,ical 0egra0ation in a9ueous
solution of ,eth5l .iolet (@)1 "he5 stu0ie0
influence of the initial concentrations,
reaction te,-erature an0 the -) of ,e0iu,
on the ultrasonic 0eco,-osition of ,eth5l
.iolet1 It :as o/ser.e0 that the
concentrations of ,eth5l .iolet in a9ueous
solution 0ecrease0 e;-onentiall5 :ith
sonication ti,e, in0icating first-or0er
6inetics1 Also :ith increase in initial
concentration 0egra0ation rate constant
0ecrease01 It :as also o/ser.e0 that the
ultrasonic 0egra0ation rate :as al,ost
in.aria/le at the te,-erature 20-40I!1"he
0egra0ation coefficient :as higher in aci0ic
con0itions than neutral con0itions an0 it :as
,ini,u, in /asic con0itions1 Ra,an et1al1
o/taine0 linear acoustic -ressure fiel0 /5 the ho,ogenous )el,holt= e9uation
using <&'A8 -ac6age (!#'(# 'ulti-
-h5sics D12/) (J)1 !a.it5 cluster a--roach
:as use0 to calculate colla-se -ressure of
transient ca.itation /u//le1 "he ultrasoun0
intensit5 0istri/ution :as calculate0 fro,
the -ressure fiel0 0istri/ution1 "he5 sho:e0
that incorrectl5 ,o0elling the out-of--lane
:a.e nu,/er coul0 lea0 to erroneous
results1 "heir si,ulation results suggeste0 a
sinusoi0al -ressure fiel0 insi0e the
sonoreactor instea0 of e;-onential 0eca5
/eha.iour as o/taine0 /5 other :or6ers1
(hesta6o. et1 al1 0escri/e0 the a/ilit5 of
sonoche,ical reactor for -h5sical-che,ical
treat,ent of -ure :ater (10)1 It :as
o/ser.e0 that If in reactor the -hases
oscillation of e,itters are offset, :hich
allo:s the, to sha-e the resulting :a.e
:ith the ,a;i,u, a,-litu0e, an0 si=es of
the ca.itation, areas increase too1 "he
a--lica/ilit5 of an e;ternal ,icro-hone an0
a self-sensing ultrasoun0 trans0ucer for
ca.itation 0etection :ere e;-eri,entall5
in.estigate0 /5 8orn,ann et1al (11)1 8oth
the ,etho0s :ere suita/le an0 easil5
a--lica/le1 'anoiu an0 Alo,an carrie0 out
research on s5nthesi=ing nano-articles

P a g e | 592

Application and Advanceent! in Sonoc"ei!try and #avitation-A $evie%&
'ay 20(4
APPI!A"I#$ A$% A%VA$!&'&$"( I$ (#$#!)&'I("R* A$% !AVI"A"I#$-A R&VI&+ Sunil Jayant
/5 sonoche,ical ,etho0s (12)1In this,
nitrate :as use0 an0 it :as e;-ose0 to the
ultrasoun0 flo:, lea0ing to the ,icrosco-ic
/u//le for,ation1 "he nano-articles of
unifor, sha-e an0 si=e of s-herical nature
:ere o/taine01 (tore5 an0 (=eri e;-laine0 a
0etaile0 co,-utational ,o0el for the
colla-se of a single /u//le (1D)1 "he5 too6
into account -hase change, ,ass transfer,
heat transfer an0 che,ical reactions1 "he
re0uce0 ,o0el ga.e reasona/le results :ith
less co,-le;it51 "he -reli,inar5 stu0ies
carrie0 out /5 %uller in0icate0 that a single
ca.itations -it can result fro, ,ore than
one ca.itation e.ent (14)1 "he5 in.estigate0
the erosion effect on a thin alu,iniu, foil1 It
:as 0eter,ine0 that larger single -its result
fro, se.eral i,-acts of shoc6 on the
sa,e area1
A ,o0el :as -ro-ose0 for ultrasoun0
-ro-agation in li9ui0 /5 ouisnar0 (1>)1
"her,al 0iffusion in the gas an0 .iscous
friction in the li9ui0 :ere calculate0
nu,ericall5 for a single inertial /u//le
0ri.en at 20 6)= an0 :ere foun0 to /e
se.eral or0ers of ,agnitu0e larger than the
linear -re0iction1 <or the s,all /u//les,
.iscous 0issi-ation :as ,a4or cause of
energ5 loss1 Aong an0 )art -resente0 a
,o0el that co,/ine0 the 05na,ics of
/u//le colla-se :ith the che,ical 6inetics of
a single ca.itation e.ent (1E)1 "heir ,o0el
-ro.i0e0 ,eans for stu05ing che,ical
6inetics that ta6es -lace at each stage of
/u//le colla-se1 Also the ,o0el -ro.i0e0
,eans for fun0a,ental scaling
relationshi-s1 "he ,o0el sho:e0 that,
0es-ite its .olatilit5, !" can accu,ulate in
the .a-our -hase of the /u//le, increasing in
concentration :ith each oscillation1 "hough
the ,o0el :as hel-ful to un0erstan0 the
che,istr5 of the /u//le colla-se, it 0i0 not
account for trans-ort of s-ecies into
solution, it also faile0 to -ro.i0e a tool for
in.estigating o.erall sonoche,ical reaction
rates1 A :as carrie0 out on
(onoche,ical "reat,ent of +ater for
!hlorinate0 #rganoco,-oun0s /5
Aon=Kle=-AarcBa et1al (17)1

In their the5 carrie0 out an e;tensi.e
stu05 of the influence of the initial
concentration, ultrasonic intensit5 an0
fre9uenc5 on the 6inetics, 0egra0ation
efficienc5 an0 ,echanis,1 It :as conclu0e0
that sonoche,ical treat,ent :as not an
efficient :a5 of :aste:ater treat,ent for
re, of organic -ollutants1 *uan an0 )e
si,ulate0 s-herical oscillation of an
acousticall5 le.itate0 gas /u//le in :ater to
eluci0ate the -heno,enon of single-/u//le
son lu,inescence ((8() (1@)1"he5 use0 a
refine0 h50roche,ical ,o0el1 "he5 assu,e0
the /u//le :as s-hericall5 s5,,etric an0 is
co,-ose0 of ,i;ture of no/le gas, :ater
.a-our an0 reaction -ro0ucts1 $a5a6 et1al1
a--lie0 sonoche,ical a--roach for ra-i0
gro:th of =inc o;i0e nano:alls (1J)1"he5
trie0 sonoche,ical s5nthesis on (i, (i#2, !r,
an0 Ag1 "he5 i,,erse0 an Al coate0 (i
su/strate i,,erse0 into a /ea6er containing

P a g e | 593

Application and Advanceent! in Sonoc"ei!try and #avitation-A $evie%&
'ay 20(4
APPI!A"I#$ A$% A%VA$!&'&$"( I$ (#$#!)&'I("R* A$% !AVI"A"I#$-A R&VI&+ Sunil Jayant
=inc nitrate he;ah50rate an0 )'"A to
un0erstan0 the gro:th 6inetics1 "he5 foun0
that to gro: Ln# nano:alls, an Al la5er :as
essential1 "he gro:th on Al to the for,ation
of LnAl2#4 at high te,-eratures :as
attri/ute0 to .ertical gro:th of Ln#
nano:alls1 "heir stu05 also sho:e0 that Al
:as consu,e0 in the gro:th -rocess of
these Ln# nano:alls 1(tore5 an0 (=eri
-resente0 a si,-le ,o0el that inclu0e0 all
the -h5sics rele.ant to the 0eter,ination of
the reaction -ro0ucts(20)1"his re0uce0
,o0el foun0 to -ro.i0e reasona/l5 accurate
results1 It :as also foun0 that ,an5
o/ser.e0 /eha.iours in sonoche,istr5 :ere
reflecte0 in a single /u//le1 (tu0ies on
sonoche,ical an0 high-s-ee0 o-tical
characteri=ation of ca.itation generate0 /5
an ultrasonicall5 oscillating 0ental file in root
canal ,o0els :ere carrie0 out /5 'ace0o
et1al1 (21)1(onolu,inescence ((),
sonoche,ilu,inescence ((!) aroun0
ultrasonicall5 oscillating files :ere
,easure01 It :as o/ser.e0 that sonication
occurre0 e.en at lo: -o:er settings1 (,aller
/u//les contri/ute0 largel5 to


(onoche,istr5 fin0s :i0e a--lication in
s5nthesi=ing .arious nano,aterials, in
h5/ri0 reactors for 0isinfection, :ater
treat,ent, an0 treat,ent of fuel
co,-onents1 "he research on -re-aration of
,etal o;i0e also has /een re-orte01
&ffecti.e 0isinfection of /acteria /5 using
h50ro05na,ic ca.itation :as also re-orte01
!a.itation reactors for laccaseGh50rogen
-ero;i0e cotton /leaching :ere foun0
effecti.e1 "he research carrie0 out also
inclu0es ,a--ing of ca.itation e.ents an0
,o0els to 0escri/e the ca.itation1 It can /e
conclu0e0 that sonoche,istr5 an0
ca.itation is .er5 i,-ortant tool for
intensif5ing .arious -h5sical an0 che,ical
-rocesses in or0er to ren0er econo,5,
re0ucing ti,e an0 increasing -ro0uct

P a g e | 594

Application and Advanceent! in Sonoc"ei!try and #avitation-A $evie%&
'ay 20(4
APPI!A"I#$ A$% A%VA$!&'&$"( I$ (#$#!)&'I("R* A$% !AVI"A"I#$-A R&VI&+ Sunil Jayant

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P a g e | 595

International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-7, August 2014 ISSN 2348-6848
APPI!A"I#$ A$% A%VA$!&'&$"( I$ (#$#!)&'I("R* A$% !AVI"A"I#$-A R&VI&+ Irfan Haider

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(onoche,istr5 ,, Vol121,Issue11,D24-

About Author
'r) Sunil Jayant Kulkarni has co,-lete0 his
'asters in !he,ical &ngineering fro,
"at5asahe/ ?ore Institute of &ngineering an0
"echnolog5, +arananagar1 )e is :or6ing as
Assistant Professor in !he,ical &ngineering
%e-art,ent of %atta 'eghe !ollege of
&ngineering, Airoli, $a.i 'u,/ai, In0ia1 )e has
-u/lishe0 D> international an0 research
-a-ers an0 -resente0 1> research -a-ers in
international conferences1 )is area of research
inclu0es a0sor-tion, en.iron,ental engineering1
)e is on the /oar0 of 1E
international 4ournals an0 ,an5
international -a-ers1

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